#centrifugal pressure
techoenterprise · 10 months
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squ1dteeth · 1 year
The Centrifuge Brain Project references in Liminal Land both tickle me that one of my favorite short films is being referenced while also annoying me how they're being relied on somewhat for the ARG's concepts/aesthetics
And also my brain squeals like a pig that no youtuber covering Liminal Land seems to notice the references
I think I'm gonna put together a bit of a critique because while some parts are intriguing, Liminal Land in my opinion leans WAY too much on its references and doesn't bring in enough unique concepts on its own.
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Live Reaction of Sophie Being Utterly WRECKED by Chapter 13 of S.O.S.
@nobody33333333. I have no apologies or disclaimers. You Know What You Did.
OOOOHHHHHHHH. You have NO IDEA how ecstatic I am at reading this!! Going to have a hard time containing myself :D 
Already, Garrison is locked on to the psychic aspect of the situation. Makes you wonder what that tunnel vision is blocking from her?
Oh no. Ah, she thinks it’s Kate!! This is horrible.
Interesting that she still doesn’t want to brainsweep her, even though she’s scared.
Man, just jumping straight into the deep end with all of the Garrison angst. I love you, Bods, but goodness gracious
I love that Jackson is just screaming at the top of his lungs like a maniac and then immediately drops to (attempting to be) professional when Curtain answers. Love me some Muppet Twins.
Also, side note, I adore how you’ve set it up so they all are guessing, and the suspicion mostly lands on Kate and Reynie. It’s so clever!!! Because everyone is working with different pieces of information, and so they’re making the wrong assumptions. It’s like that one fable with the blind men and the elephant.
NICHOLAS. Even if Milligan had been hurt by the Sender, That Doesn’t Mean You Are At Fault.
(You should know you’re a good author when I spend a good 64% of my time yelling at the characters, because you are just so skilled at writing their thoughts/personalities)
And Miss Perumal’s back!!! Oh, the way you write her is such a wonderful balance of protector and mother, she’d be my favourite to read if it didn’t change every five seconds.
Poor SQ. He’s so hurt and angry but he’s trying to handle it “maturely” and he’s so alone. I want to hug him :( 
And the depth you added!!! All the little details and nuances you include, like the stuff about SQ wanting to go to college and Curtain’s anxiety over the whole situation, culminate in such a glorious emotional payoff that gives insight to the character being complex people who pretty much all have a sympathetic side. You are a genius for keeping track of all of it, and the pacing is just masterful.
He lied!! I know it isn’t helping in this direct situation, but I’m so proud of him!! (As opposed to the fairly simple and unadulterated relief I felt when watching the show)
Oh, and then you flip it. I want to root for the kids, obviously, but when you follow up every victory with Curtain’s desperate panic as his carefully crafted world is crumbling down around him, how can I?
And he immediately channels it to “productive” anger. Oh, I am scared for the kids.
I love how you can put words to Milligan’s protectiveness without making it seem like he doesn’t care about the other children.
The fact that she immediately fixates on her bucket, instead of even thanking Milligan as I’d guess she normally would, has always stuck with me. Because it is the epitome of Kate’s relationship with her bucket: She needs to have it, it is where she derives comfort and safety, and it just drives me up a wall because it’s what she’s supposed to be getting from him, and what she probably would be feeling if she let herself stop and think about it. But she’s been on her own for so long that she can’t stop and let herself accept the help and reassurance from him. She needs to keep going.
And Milligan just supports her!! He doesn’t really understand the bucket specifically, but he loves her and so he’s willing to help her in whatever way she needs. And, the thing is, he kind of does understand, at least, better than she knows. The symbolism here is amazing, not least because it’s foreshadowing about their relationship. It’s like that one thing, “When you live through something incredibly hard and you survive, you become the person who would have saved you then” or something. Milligan is helping her in the way that he could have been helped, in being caught, in being saved from having to face the cliff and escape alone, and in helping her understand who she is.
It’s just… SO GOOD!!! You communicate it so well, and I keep rereading that bit over and over again because I love it. The emotion that is woven throughout is so intense, and so pure and lovely!! Agh, you have a very good gift with words, my friend.
And he offers to get her a new bucket!! And he tells her how much he loves her!! And how she’s always welcome. You’re going to make me cry :( 
The horrible, horrible, beautiful contrast of how much he wants Kate to be loved and valued, and how he keeps thinking about how crazy it is that someone “abandoned” her.
Wait. Wait, Milligan is being reminded of Curtain!!! Oh, Constance and her situation and Kate and it all makes him think of his friend. The element of abandonment again. I— I do not have the words for how I feel about this. But It Is A Lot.
Ah, man, it’s heartbreaking that she is weirded out by having someone, specifically an adult, care if she fell off a cliff. That’s, like, The Lowest Bar
 I am once again feeling the Milk Urge to consume drywall!!!!!!
She’s so surprised!! She’s totally thrown off that they (and, again, Milligan specifically) would go to such lengths to keep them safe!!! What!!!
You Write The Wetheralls In Such A Way That Makes Me Want To Screech But Please Know That I Am Hugging You As Hard As I Possibly Can In My Mind
Ah, yes, The Blue Beret EventTM
Nicholas is so lost, and he’s just as hurt as Curtain, but he won’t allow himself to see it because he feels so guilty.
And he doesn’t trust himself!!! He is letting other people direct him, but that’s why everything is falling apart. They don’t know the full situation, that’s one of the lonely things about being a genius; you can’t always rely on just anyone, because they don’t see things the way you do. And then Miss Perumal says a new thing and throws him off again!!
Goodness, the way you write that little paragraph of his confusion and confliction is exquisite.
I like the bit about how Miss Perumal needs to go home to her mother! The wording, and Nicholas’ reflection on it really hits home that part of her personality!! (I think you added that, but, regardless, reading through it in your style gives a better perspective on both characters, and their relationship to one another!)
Ajasdhgjkasdghkjdsajk And he’s so worried about Miss Perumal’s family (EXHILARATED with how you had him automatically include Reynie), once again missing the point of how it affects him!!!
The Stenographer!!! I like him. Does he have a name? I feel like it should be… Martin. Or Tyler. Or maybe Raphael. I don’t know, but he’s neat. Sorry for my goofy little tangent, you just have this fantastic skill for making me emotional over side characters and background people, so I’m preparing myself, in case :) 
And the way you add in the “Squeak”s!! Ooh, I could feel the agitation and anxiety building in myself just from reading it, and of course, Curtain is going to be super sensitive to that, because he needs everything to be under his control and Just So.
Which leads him to make ridiculous demands of his poor stenographer.
Reynie!! He’s trying so hard to work around all of his worry and tell the truth, even if in little bits.
As much as I’d like to give Curtain credit for being a human polygraph machine as he seems to think he is, Reynie is just garbage at lying. So am I, kid, don’t worry about it. But it is funny how the scene can be interpreted either as Curtain being super good at his job and making Reynie nervous, or Reynie doing his best but just being stuck in a situation he isn’t suited for. THIS is what I keep saying about your writing: I sympathise equally with all the characters and am deeply invested in each and every one of them, regardless of if I even remembered they existed from the show.
(Okay, I know that was from the show, but you keep building up to/creating this star motif and it is driving me bonkers I Love It)
Noooooo, he thinks it’s Nicholas trying to hurt him!!!!! Why must you tear me apart in this way
“Reynie Muldoon was intelligent. He was. Curtain could admit that. But he didn’t have Sticky’s gift” You are so good at balancing all of the characters, it’s insane. Mentioning the other kids when writing from a single one’s perspective or even from an adult’s is so cool, because it reinforces the concept of them being connected, and relying on each other. Oh, man, it’s just awesome to see!!!
Poor Jeffers, he’s just getting put in awkward positions even without his bumbling buffoonery.
NO. Ah, I forgot the Implications of Jackson, Jillson, and Martina being friends, no this is awful
I am going to. Just. Combust on the spot HOW DARE YOU
Okay. Okay I am going to RantTM now and you’re just going to have to DEAL for yanking my heart out by the strings and then stomping it into the ground
Y O U   C A N   S E E   T H E M   L O S I N G   I T.  
You can see, even in such a short bit, how Curtain’s brainwashing is creating a conflict with what they personally have come to believe. They feel betrayed and confused and scared, and the line “Dr. Curtain had always been there for them, and someone as smart and as generous as him would never lie”, but he would!!! AND HE DID!!!!!
And they love Martina, of course, but now that the floor has dropped out from under them they turn to each other, because that’s all they have left. Curtain isn’t going to comfort them, he’s not going to be a source of kindness and support, he’s too Busy And Important. But, they are still, without really thinking about it, going to rely on him even more, because now that Martina “betrayed” them, he’s the only person who has “been there for them” (And, again, we see the sort of mindset they have of being more of a single unit, because of how close they are. They don’t consider each other an outside human, but rather a vital component of themself)
And the fact that they don’t even realise the need to distance themselves from Martina and throw her under the bus is because Curtain is manipulating them and mistreating them!!! They feel like it’s a rational reaction, because of course the man they’ve spent their whole lives working to repay for the fantastic service of occasionally being polite to them is the good guy. When faced with their own facts and decisions, and years of Curtain’s lies, they don’t know where to turn!!!
“Jackson and Jillson lifted their heads and looked sadly at each other. Martina had tricked them into being her friends? Well, they supposed in light of this evidence, there couldn’t be any other explanation” HE’S DOING THE SAME THING HE DOES TO SQ!!!! WHAT!!! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS TO NOT EVEN GRANT THEM THE KINDNESS OF PRETENDING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR PAIN LIKE YOU DO WITH YOUR OWN SON. NO, YOU JUST DO THE BAD STUFF THAT’LL HURT THEM, BUT BOY WILL IT MAKE THEM COMPLIANT. PRESENTING YOURSELF AS THE ONLY SAFE OPTION DOESN’T MAKE IT LOYALTY
Okay. Going to try and calm down now. But Marie Curie’s Notebook, Bods, did you have to do that to me?
Madge Perspective!!
Constance and Madge rivalry is one of my favourite things to come out of this, and it is slightly making up for the gaping hole in my heart from the last passage
I appreciate that you gave her a reason for not giving the note to Reynie!! This actually makes a lot of sense and works so awesomely with the continuity :D 
Oh, and now it’s sad again. You’re giving me whiplash with all this, I swear…
Ah, no. I knew this had to happen but it doesn’t make it any less painful, especially to read through in your writing.
Somehow, the fact that “You’re not nice at all” was such a cutting remark for both of the boys speaks volumes about them.
The way you keep leveraging their age differences as something SQ is ashamed of!!! I’ve moved on from the drywall and am unscrewing and consuming my light bulbs. Just— AGH. I can’t think of the words to get this feeling across properly… SQ was being vulnerable, and opening himself up to someone who could really understand him, and now he’s being made to feel ashamed over it for things that are not his fault!! WHAT???
And Reynie is trying so incredibly hard!!!! Oh, this was one of my absolute least favourite parts of the show, it just hurts so much and it reminds me of that bit in the books when SQ tells Sticky that the best thing to do was “not to have cheated in the past”. The best thing would be if they could have somehow avoided this situation, because of how it hurt both of them :( 
Nice detail about SQ’s tutors!!
Jeepers Has Jeeped It Up Again
And now Curtain is spiralling!! Part of me is like “The nerve of him, after he just destroyed several children”, but, alas, your writing has gotten to me again and I actually feel kind of bad for him
Nicholas isn’t laughing at you, you GRASSHOPPER, he’s CRYING because he LOVES YOU
And Garrison is having to bear so much of his anger. It’s that other thing, the one about how you treat people close to you worse because you trust them to love you anyway? Except BAD because they’ve both been through so much it’s just getting wildly more unhealthy by the day
“Now all she could do was hope that whatever psychics and spies were crawling about the Institute were able to get their job done before Curtain found them” It’s so weird how she doesn’t have the information necessary in the slightest, but somehow she’s kind of closer to the truth than Curtain is
(This isn’t important in the slightest, and not to undercut the drama and tension of this scene, but I hate that stupid hallway painting outside Curtain’s office with a PASSION)
Ooooh, the way you sprinkle little hints of doubt into SQ’s thoughts is absolutely fantastic. And painful. Very Painful.
Reynie’s so scared but you know he wouldn’t really blame SQ even if he did get brainswept
The way you added SQ’s backstory with the Helpers!! That’s so cool!! Oh my heavens, I am in love with how you added that!!!!
Now, just because I don’t think Reynie, as a small, incredibly stressed child, should be overly worried about SQ doesn’t mean I am not worried, oh my word. This Child!!! Needs A Hug!!!! Now!!!!
But, the thing is, Curtain is so upset!! And he’s not upset because his Evil Villain Mastermind plan is going awry, he’s upset because the (Astoundingly Unhealthy) coping mechanisms are failing him! It makes me want to Pat Him On The Back, because I don’t think a hug would end well
But, really, Curtain would probably hate Martina as an influence on SQ because she’d challenge him
“Would you care to reconsider that answer, son?” And you wonder why the kid’s got trust issues
And this is it!!! Oh, Bods, I am Vibrating. Curtain’s emotional dam is cracking and it’s going to go so terribly but I wish he’d just work it out Lands Sakes Alive
It’s so infuriating that he’s being such a funky little oxymoronic moron and forcing himself not to feel emotions by thinking about people he cares about
I’m going to have a heart attack one of these days, Heavens to Betsy
Oh, Milligan is so proud of Kate!! As he should be!! You write him going into these cute detail spirals whenever he thinks about Kate, and it’s so sweet!! I love it :) 
Just the small scenes you add to fill in what we see in the show are gorgeous!!! They make me fantastically happy to read
Oh, Jackson and Jillson. They really need to discover their own personalities. Someone please save them from themselves (And Curtain)
(Quick Note: The word “falcon” has a tiny little typo in it. Nothing to worry about, I just thought you might want to know)
The thing about SQ hiding in the woods!! The bird ice cream!!!
Okay. Okayokayokayokayokayokayokay. Listen. If this is a pattern (Which it’s seeming pretty likely), then there’s a whole other side that’s probably unintentional!!! Whenever Curtain brainsweeps SQ, which I’m assuming happens every couple of years, then Curtain gets all concerned and is much more careful with SQ because A) He feels bad, and B) SQ is super disoriented and out of it. WHICH MEANS THAT IT REINFORCES IN SQ’S MIND THAT HIS DAD IS THE ONE TO RELY ON WHEN IN STATES OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME
Oh, Oh Garrison. You are worth more than just throwing up and downing pain meds to try and get through life. 
I wish Milligan, or even Curtain when he was slightly more stable, was there to care about her
(This might be me off on a mad as a March hare tangent, but is there a possibility for Garrison’s headache being because she is also a bit psychic?? I’m probably super wrong, but I am also absolutely bouncing off the walls with all of the Brain Bees you’ve given me)
And Curtain still makes her vegan food. Even though she doesn’t fully get it, and Curtain is being all crazy, he still cares about her it makes me so sad
ASHJHHHJKDSG I’m willing to bet that this is also the first time in a while she’s gotten any compliments at all, aside from the children
She’s trying to be a good person!!! But she’s also awfully conflicted like everyone else in this miserable disaster of a decaying friend group, and so it’s going badly!!! I also feel like someone might need to talk to her about her social struggles, because if she’d just stop trying to force herself to be some kind of muddied idealised hypothetical version of herself, then she might get somewhere
(And also if Curtain got off her back a little. I don’t know, I just feel like it says something about her that she has the easier time talking to children out of everyone else)
Oh, she’s probably also falling apart because either she’s a fugitive and Jackson and Jillson betray her or she’s absolved and Kate’s in the wrong
The dual reactions!!!! The confusion!!! THE FACT THAT NOBODY ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT’S GOING ON
ASFKKJDS He’s leaving them in the Waiting Room overnight??? I can’t remember if that happened in the show, but, overkill much??
Oh, and Milligan is having a crisis over being a horrible person, and then has no time to breathe as he’s absolutely panicked over what’s going to happen to Kate
DOCTOR GARRISON????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bods. Buddy, Bud, Nobody, Bods.
I Am Going To Start Weeping Openly As Soon As I Finish Stealing All Of Your Left Socks
I hope you know that I am wrecked, and I will never, ever be able to move past this. Seriously. I am going to remember this fic for the rest of my life, and I am just. Beyond words.
[Despite being at a loss for words, Sophie proceeded to yell and climb the walls for the next forty-five minutes]
I am going to. Just. This is insane!!! You have broken my brain!!! The Bees have been flash-frozen and are dropping like rocks!!! I can’t even process All That.
One of these days I’m going to have to write a full-blown essay, or, like, make a PowerPoint about how I have been emotionally devastated because your writing has fully cemented itself as a fundamental part of my personality.
One of these days I am going to learn the words to get across to you how much this means with me and how Full Of Emotion I Am
Oh, goodness, I need to go to sleep.
I couldn’t wait and I really wanted to read it, but my “reviews” have become less coherent commentaries and more “live” reactions, and there was so much going on that I needed to get all of my thoughts out immediately.
Thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, thank you, Thank You, from the bottom of my heart, for this. This chapter, this fic, this entirety of you existing. Thank you so much
Alright, I’m going to try and sleep now, as if I am ever going to recover from this :)
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canadablower · 1 year
Ventilation by Exhaust Fans
An exhaust fan is a mechanical ventilation device that helps to draw out stale and impure air from your home and bring in fresh air, thereby improving the quality of indoor air. Exhaust fans are typically ducted to the exteriors of your house, through which bad indoor air can effectively be removed from your living space.
Exhaust fans are classified into various types, mainly depending on the type of mount and the location where you need to install the fans. The different types are:
Ceiling Mounted Exhaust Fans: As the name suggests, ceiling exhaust fans are those which are installed in the ceiling. Such fans expel stale air from your home upwards through the roof. The fan is connected to ducting, which is exhausted outside the home via an external vent, like a roof cap or soffit exhaust vent.
Inline Exhaust Fans: Unlike ceiling exhaust fans that are installed directly into the ceiling, inline exhaust fans are typically mounted in-between ducting, hence the name inline fan. For instance, if you wanted to ventilate an area that did not have clearance or space for a ceiling mount fan, you would make use of inline exhaust fans to ventilate such areas. The exhaust fan would be placed in between the ductwork and the stale air would travel through the ducts and ultimately be expelled from your home. Since inline fans are not mounted directly to the ceiling, they are very quiet. When installing an inline fan, to reduce noise, we recommend using an insulated flex duct that is at least eight feet long from the intake port on the ceiling to the inline fan. Inline exhaust fans are ideal for exhausting areas or rooms where you cannot, or do not wish to install the exhaust fan directly. Since these types of exhaust fans are mounted in remote areas, they are also referred to as remote mounted exhaust fans. Inline exhaust fans can either be single-port (exhausting from a single area) or multi-port (exhausting from multiple areas).
Wall Mounted Exhaust Fans: These exhaust fans are installed on walls. Since they are installed on exterior walls of the home and not on interior walls, the stale air has a direct route to the outside of your home and thus no duct work is required in installing these exhaust fans.
Combination Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans are also available as combination units. You have the choice of a fan-light combination where the exhaust fan provides illumination as well, or heat-fan-light combination wherein you get a heater, light and ventilating fan all in a single device.
Exterior Remote Mounted Exhaust Fans: While most other exhaust fans are installed inside your home and push stale air out, exterior remote mounted fans are installed outside your home and pull out stale indoor air instead of pushing it out. The main benefit of these exhaust fans is that regardless of however noisy they are, most of the noise remains outside your home.
Kitchen Range Exhaust Fans: These fans are mounted inside the range hood over your kitchen stove. Such fans not only help to rid your kitchen of stale air but also help to expel bad odors and reduce moisture levels in your cooking area.
These several types of exhaust fans can be used for complete ventilation of your bilding including intermittent local ventilation for baths, kitchens, dryer rooms; continuous whole building ventilation, and for exhausting hard-to-air spaces such as crawl spaces, attics, and basements.
Canada Blower exhaust fans are very effective at ventilating your home and other living spaces. Without proper ventilation, the air inside your home can get filled with harmful contaminants and disease causing pathogens.
Pollutants such as pesticides, harmful gases, smoke, pet dander, lead, asbestos, dust mites, paint fumes, grease etc get released into indoor air due to daily activities such as cooking, smoking, burning fuel, bathing, renovating etc. In addition to these pollutants, activities such as bathing, cooking, and washing also release excess moisture in the air and make indoor air extremely humid. If not ventilated adequately, these added pollutants and increased moisture levels can decrease the quality of indoor air greatly, thereby leading to various problems such as:
Health problems including asthma, allergies, nose bleeds, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, and other breathing disorders. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, a large percentage of the over 20 million annual asthma cases in the US alone can be attributed to bad indoor air quality.
Split, warped and rotted furniture due to excess humidity.
Cracked and peeling paint on the walls.
Formation of fungus, mold spores, and mildew, which in turn lead to severe health problems.
Thus, by using exhaust fans to ventilate your building efficiently and completely, thereby improving indoor air quality, you can avoid of all these problems ventilating.com fanblower.com highpressureblower.net industrialblowerfan.com industrialfanblower.net industrialfanblower.com pressureblower.net northernindustrialsupplycompany.com industrialpressureblower.com tenderall.com chicagoblowercanada.com cbblower.com buffaloblower.com buffalofan.com nis-co.com canadianblower.com olegsystems.com canadablower.com abbblower.com acmefan.net industrialblower.net fansandblowers.net americanblower.net barryfan.com cincinnatifan.net canadafans.com barryfan.net.
When sizing a Canada Blower exhaust fan that does not open directly to the outside but is ducted, it is important to ensure that the exhaust fan has the capability to move stale air throughout the duct and ultimately to the outside. Here, we first need to understand what static pressure and equivalent duct length is.
Inside every duct, there is a constant pressure being exerted at any point from all directions. When an exhaust fan moves air through the duct, the air counters resistance from this pressure which is known as static pressure. Thus, an exhaust fan has to have the ability to overcome the static pressure in a duct so as to effectively duct stale air to the outside of your home. This can be done by calculating the equivalent duct length of any duct.
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I followed you for cabin pressure but stayed for your wild opera content!!
Who wouldn’t sort uni faculty into opera roles (I cast my department for mental theatre production on a regular basis)!
man i can’t believe i’ve become an opera mutual 😂 but admittedly herc shipwright takes a good portion of the blame for it. cheers to us and our mental productions starring the people in our lives!
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fristam · 4 months
The Importance of Pump Maintenance in Food & Beverage Manufacturing
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The food and beverage manufacturing industry requires high-pressure food processing pumps to maintain product quality, operational efficiency, as well as safety standards. Periodic pump maintenance has the additional benefit of not only extending the life of the equipment but also preventing costly downtimes of production.
But first just like any machine pump also needs maintenance for efficient performance. Failure to maintain pumps in good condition leads to a series of effects ranging from reduced productivity to increased food contamination and ultimately losses in the business.
Why Pump Maintenance Matters?
High-pressure food processing pumps can be used in pasteurization, homogenization, and transferring viscous fluids during food processing. These pumps are developed for operating in this industry but being machines they need maintenance for efficient performance.
The Importance of Pump Maintenance
Ensures Consistent Product Quality: Maintained pumps ensure that there is uniformity in how products are processed and that the products conform to high standards of quality. When there is a failure in the performance of the pump then this will result in the production of inconsistent products which will contribute to consumer dissatisfaction and damage the brand image.
Prevents Contamination: In the food and beverage industry, hygiene is of great importance. Routine maintenance can also help reduce the risk of leaks that may cause contamination. This applies especially to high-pressure pumps in industries such as pasteurization where the conditions must be sterile.
Reduces Downtime: Unscheduled downtime can be extremely costly for manufacturers. Preventive maintenance also enables identifying possible failures before they occur and thus prevents unexpected stoppages and contributes to uninterrupted operation.
Extends Equipment Life: Routine maintenance helps to extend the life of high-pressure food processing pumps from wear and tear. This can lead to significant cost-savings on replacements or major repairs.
Compliance with Regulations: The food and beverage industry is subject to strict regulatory standards. Regular maintenance ensures that pumps operate within the required parameters, helping manufacturers comply with industry regulations and avoid penalties.
Maintenance Best Practices for Food & Beverage Pumps
Schedule regular inspections: Develop a preventive maintenance schedule based on the pump's usage and the manufacturer's recommendations.
Clean and Sanitize: Food-grade cleaning and sanitation procedures are crucial to maintain hygiene standards.
Inspect Seals and Bearings: Regularly check seals and bearings for wear and tear to prevent leaks and ensure smooth operation.
Lubricate as Needed: Proper lubrication reduces friction and wear on critical components, extending pump life.
Invest in Training: Ensure your staff is trained on proper pump operation and maintenance procedures.
Real-World Example: Dairy Processing in India
Let's take an example of a dairy processing plant in rural Maharashtra. Here, high-pressure food processing pumps are operated in large numbers for pasteurization and homogenization. The plant also has a maintenance strategy for its pumps to maintain the consistent quality of the dairy products.
Major maintenance consists of weekly checks, monthly oiling and a quarterly clean of the pumps. Moreover, it uses a performance monitoring system to detect the condition of the pumps and rectify them before any failure. This preventative culture has also led to a decrease in downtime, increases in product quality, and adherence to food safety regulations. Thus increasing the overall business productivity.
Regular maintenance of high-pressure food processing pumps is essential for the success of food and beverage manufacturing operations. By ensuring consistent product quality, preventing contamination, reducing downtime, extending equipment life, and complying with regulations, proper pump maintenance can provide significant benefits to manufacturers.
For expert assistance in maintaining your high-pressure food processing pumps, contact Fristam Pumps (India) Pvt Ltd. Our comprehensive maintenance services and industry expertise can help ensure your pumps operate at peak performance, driving efficiency and quality in your manufacturing processes.
1) What is the importance of having maintenance on pumps?
Pump maintenance ensures food safety (prevents leaks, and contamination), optimizes performance (reduces energy costs, avoids breakdowns) and extends pump lifespan (saves money on replacements).
2) Why are pumps important in the food industry?
Food industry pumps are crucial for moving ingredients, maintaining hygiene (sanitation processes), and ensuring efficient production flow.
3) What are the common types of pumps used in food and beverage manufacturing?
Common food and beverage manufacturing pumps include:
Positive displacement pumps (e.g., rotary lobe pumps) for handling thick liquids and pastes.
Centrifugal pumps for efficient transfer of liquids like juices and beverages.
Sanitary pumps are designed for easy cleaning and sterilization to meet hygiene standards.
4) What are the best practices for pump maintenance in the food and beverage industry?
Best practices for food & beverage pump maintenance include:
Regular inspections and cleaning/sanitation.
Checking seals and bearings for wear.
Proper lubrication.
Staff training on pump operation and maintenance.
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safetyvalve1 · 7 months
Revolutionizing Industrial Fluid Handling: 021pv's High-Pressure Magnetic Drive Pump Solutions
In the dynamic landscape of industrial fluid handling, innovation is key to driving efficiency and reliability. At the forefront of this evolution stands 021pv, a leading Magnetic Drive Pump manufacturer in China, renowned for its cutting-edge solutions and unwavering commitment to quality. In this blog, we delve into 021pv's pioneering High-Pressure Magnetic Drive Pump technology, revolutionizing fluid transfer across diverse industries.
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High-pressure applications demand robust and dependable pumping solutions capable of withstanding extreme conditions. Enter 021pv's Magnetic Drive Centrifugal Pump, a testament to precision engineering and technological advancement. Designed to handle high-pressure environments with ease, these pumps offer unparalleled reliability and efficiency, making them indispensable assets across various industrial sectors.
What sets 021pv apart is its dedication to innovation and continuous improvement. Leveraging state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a team of skilled engineers, they push the boundaries of pump technology to deliver exceptional performance. From meticulous design to rigorous testing, every aspect of the High-Pressure Magnetic Drive Pump is optimized to meet the stringent demands of modern industrial applications.
Moreover, as a Magnetic Drive Pump manufacturer in China, 021pv benefits from a strategic location that facilitates efficient production and global distribution. With a focus on quality control and compliance with international standards, customers can trust in the reliability and durability of 021pv's products, regardless of their geographical location.
Beyond product excellence, 021pv prioritizes customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships. Their dedicated team provides comprehensive support services, from initial consultation to after-sales support, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance of High-Pressure Magnetic Drive Pumps in diverse operational environments.
021pv's High-Pressure Magnetic Drive Pump solutions represent a paradigm shift in industrial fluid handling. By combining cutting-edge technology with a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, they empower industries to achieve new levels of efficiency and reliability. As the go-to Magnetic Drive Pump manufacturer in China, 021pv continues to redefine the standards of excellence in fluid transfer, driving progress and innovation across the global industrial landscape.
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Everything You Need to Know About Davey Swimming Pool Pumps
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Introduction to Davey Swimming Pool Pumps:
Davey Swimming Pool Pumps are a renowned and trusted name in the swimming pool industry, offering a comprehensive range of high-quality and efficient pool pumps. With decades of experience, Davey has established itself as a leader in pool pump technology, catering to both residential and commercial pool owners. These pumps are designed to deliver optimal performance, ensuring crystal-clear water circulation, efficient filtration, and reliable operation for a refreshing swimming experience.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Features:
At the heart of Davey Swimming Pool Pumps lies cutting-edge technology and innovative features that set them apart from the competition. These pumps are equipped with powerful motors that provide exceptional flow rates and robust suction, effectively circulating water and removing debris and impurities from the pool. Davey's engineering expertise ensures energy efficiency, allowing pool owners to save on operational costs while minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the pumps are designed for low noise levels, creating a serene and peaceful poolside environment.
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leeb57555 · 1 year
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nasa · 24 days
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This photo contains both flight (flat in the foreground) and qualification assembly (upright in the background) versions of the Solar Array Sun Shield for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. These panels will both shade the mission’s instruments and power the observatory.
Double Vision: Why Do Spacecraft Have Twin Parts?
Seeing double? You’re looking at our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s Solar Array Sun Shield laying flat in pieces in the foreground, and its test version connected and standing upright in the back. The Sun shield will do exactly what it sounds like –– shade the observatory –– and also collect sunlight for energy to power Roman.
These solar panels are twins, just like several of Roman’s other major components. Only one set will actually fly in space as part of the Roman spacecraft…so why do we need two?
Sometimes engineers do major tests to simulate launch and space conditions on a spare. That way, they don’t risk damaging the one that will go on the observatory. It also saves time because the team can do all the testing on the spare while building up the flight version. In the Sun shield’s case, that means fitting the flight version with solar cells and eventually getting the panels integrated onto the spacecraft.
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Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's primary structure (also called the spacecraft bus) moves into the big clean room at our Goddard Space Flight Center (top). While engineers integrate other components onto the spacecraft bus in the clean room, the engineering test unit (also called the structural verification unit) undergoes testing in the centrifuge at Goddard. The centrifuge spins space hardware to ensure it will hold up against the forces of launch.
Engineers at our Goddard Space Flight Center recently tested the Solar Array Sun Shield qualification assembly in a thermal vacuum chamber, which simulates the hot and cold temperatures and low-pressure environment that the panels will experience in space. And since the panels will be stowed for launch, the team practiced deploying them in space-like conditions. They passed all the tests with flying colors!
The qualification panels will soon pass the testing baton to the flight version. After the flight Solar Array Sun Shield is installed on the Roman spacecraft, the whole spacecraft will go through lots of testing to ensure it will hold up during launch and perform as expected in space.
For more information about the Roman Space Telescope, visit: www.nasa.gov/roman. You can also virtually tour an interactive version of the telescope here.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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shivameng · 2 years
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Centrifugal Blowers,High Pressure Blowers,Portable Dust Collector, Cyclone Type Dust Collector Manufacturers,Suppliers,Exporters In Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India. Shivam Engineering & Fabrication is the Suggesting Company for Centrifugal Blowers,High Pressure Blowers,Portable Dust Collector, Cyclone Type Dust Collector In Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India.
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ramziargya · 2 years
WA +62 878-8811-1796 Kontraktor Pompa Industri Quick Discharge Connector Surabaya
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Kontraktor Pompa Industri Quick Discharge Connector Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Submersible Sewage Pump Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Pressure Booster Unit Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Variable Speed Pressure Booster Unit Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Dual Impeller Centrifugal Pump Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Single Impeller Centrifugal Pump Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Submersible Electric Pumps Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Submersible Pump Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Vertical Multistage Pump Surabaya, Kontraktor Pompa Industri Foot Valve Surabaya
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azisn45 · 2 years
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 4)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Smut in later parts, Age-Gap, Infidelity
Words: 2,567
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
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Previous Parts: 1; 2; 3
Two weeks later…
Just over two weeks had passed since you took up your scholarship at Berkley and it has been seven days since you began researching for your thesis about dark matter under the supervision of J Robert Oppenheimer who, unfortunately for you, appeared to be somewhat preoccupied with more important matters these days.
For the weeks and days, he had been visited by a man of statue who appeared to be a general of some sort and, whilst you were curious about this man’s visits to Berkley, you already some idea about what this may be about.
For months there had been some talks in the scientific community about the fission reaction of atoms which ultimately gave rise to the possible creation of a new innovative bomb. It was only a matter of time until the army caught on to this idea and you knew from your time at Harvard that several professors had already been lobbying for an atomic bomb project in this regard.
You thus assumed that, finally, the program was going to implemented, especially since now Germany had just invaded Poland. You knew that, an atomic bomb like this could end the war and your presumption was that the army was recruiting scientists, including J Robert Oppenheimer, to build this powerful nuclear weapon before the Germans did.
As such, you did not bother him much these days with minuscule issues about dark matter and Dr Oppenheimer certainly kept to himself whenever he could until Tuesday evening came around and he finally decided to check on you in the lab.
Your POV
Unlike your very own professor, in the lab, you were an ace and experimenting to prove a theory someone else or yourself has come up with excited you a lot even though the theoretical part of physics was what you desired to be involved in the most.
Unlike many other students in your department at Berkley, you had a high attention to detail when it came to experimental physics and since working with hazardous chemicals at high or low pressures required some planning and special precautions, you enjoyed to use the laboratory after everyone had left.
You often spent hours in the lab following your lectures for the day and today was not any different when, at 7 o’clock at night, you were still occupied by your attempts to create a chemical reaction similar to that of a star exploding.
Thus, when Dr Oppenheimer approached you from behind, just as you put the centrifuge you were using under negative pressure and connected it the exhaust system, you startled.
You were concentrating too hard and did not expect to see anyone at this hour in the laboratory, especially not him, your very own supervisor who had been too busy for your research in the past two weeks.
“Holy shit, you startled me” you thus spat as you dropped one of the glass vials on to the concrete floor which, luckily for you, did not contain anything but some pH solution.
“I don’t believe that I ever heard you swear like this, Miss Y/LN” Dr Oppenheimer said with some amusement in his voice before gathering a small broom and helping you to clean up the mess you made because of him, which was a gesture you appreciated.
“My apologies Dr Oppenheimer. It’s just, you don’t seem to be here often these days and I am behind with my research already, so…” you stammered as, together, you cleaned up the broken glass and, before you realised it, his hand was on top of yours, caressing it gently.
Immediately, you felt that same tingling again on your skin which, just a few weeks ago, you felt on your neck when Dr Oppenheimer adjusted the clip on the back of your necklace. It was an intense and rather pleasurable sensation which, ultimately, made you blush.
“There is no need to apologise. If anyone had to apologise, it should be me, for neglecting my engagement as your thesis supervisor. Unfortunatly, there have been some more pressing matters that required my attention” Dr Oppenheimer then said as he was letting go of your hand and raising back to his feet before helping you up as well by using his right hand.
“I figured” you barely stammered while allowing Dr Oppenheimer to pull you to your feet before, with a slight blush, walking towards the utilities room to dispose of the broken glass vail and to obtain a new one.
“You figured?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked somewhat confused by your statement as he followed you into the utilities room.
“I have seen an army general visiting your office twice last week and my presumption is that you have been recruited to build this goddamn bomb, which every physicist in this country has been talking about for months” you asserted with little to no reluctance before also voicing your concerns about it. “Do you really think that this is a good idea?” you wanted to know, seeing that such bomb could easily be a device of mass destruction and, just as you spoke the words, Robert pushed you further into the corner of the utilities room while closing the door shut behind you.
You then suddenly felt his warm but strong arm pull you against him before covering your mouth with the palm of his other hand.
“Shh” he whispered before shaking his head, indicating for you to stop talking and, by that point, your heart was pounding hard with adrenaline.
He must have thought that someone was listening in on you and presumed that the laboratory was bugged by government officials, but none of this mattered to you now as you felt heat everywhere now while his body was touching yours.
The feeling of his body against yours was so intense that you couldn’t even murmur a response into his palm and thus you simply nodded, which is when he spoke again.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, but you sure have a creative imagination” Dr Oppenheimer said, brushing off what you had alleged while still holding his arms around you and embracing the sparks of electricity emanating from each other's bodies.
“Now, about your research on dark matter, how does Sunday sound for a catch up?” he then asked as you looked up into his bright blue eyes while he looked down at you with a look of concern and a hint of desire.
“Sunday?” you murmured in response as you could not even manage to speak proper words just yet as you stood there like this for what felt like hours, but it could not even have been more than a minute or two.
“Yes. Sunday. I am away until then” Dr Oppenheimer then said as his arms finally fell from around you and he cleared his throat.
“And, I am leaving for a period of two weeks after that for which Dr O’Connell will be taking over as your supervisor. He will be a good mentor for you but I want to see where you are at with your research before he gets involved” Dr Oppenheimer then announced which broke your trance and you quickly stepped back, almost tripping over your own feet.
“Dr O’Connell?” you asked with surprise while you looked down at your feet, trying to avoid those magnetic eyes of J Robert Oppenheimer.
“Yes. I am afraid so” he confirmed, which is when you finally managed to look at his face again. His eyes were clouded with indescribable emotions and, clearly, so were yours.
“I understand” you eventually confirmed nervously. “Sunday it is but, since the university facilities will be closed, we will need to meet somewhere else” you managed to point out while your eyes began to water slightly from the overwhelmingness of everything that just happened, making you look like a fool.
Dr Oppenheimer, of course, noticed and his face changed from indiscernible to concern once more.
“You will do just fine Miss Y/LN. I have no doubt about it” he reassured you before suggesting the library as a meeting place which meant that, unbeknownst to him, you would have had to copy your calculations from your big chalkboard in your room to several pieces of paper.
“How about the Chevalier residence instead?” you thus suggested, causing Robert to furrow his eyebrows.
“I do not consider this to be a good idea Miss Y/LN. It would be highly inappropriate” Dr Oppenheimer pointed out, but you interrupted him.
“Haakon and Barbara are in San Jose for the weekend. You are friend of them both, so I have no doubt that they wouldn’t mind you visiting me in their absence. That is, of course, if your wife allows it” you explained with a little smirk on your face and your sudden sense of confidence surprised Dr Oppenheimer.
“My wife too, is away, staying with her mother for the time being” he explained before agreeing to your suggestion, but you would not just leave it that.
“Did you and your wife have a fight?” you asked out of curiosity, which is when Dr Oppenheimer shook his head and chuckled.
“We always fight, but that is not the reason. She is staying with her mother because I am busy and am travelling a lot these days and she needs help with our son, Peter” he then explained before stepping away from you again, increasing the gap between you.
“Now, I am afraid, I must go. I have another pressing engagement this evening” he told you and you had a sneaky suspicion that your professor was making the most of the time his wife was away.
“No doubt you do, professor. I shall see you on Sunday” you said with a slight chuckle, seeing that you already knew about his numerous affairs, including his on and off relations with Jean Tatlock.
Robert’s POV
It was later that same day, at around 8 o’clock that Robert went to a place that he had not visited in about three weeks, namely the apartment of Jean Tatlock’s in downtown San Francisco.
Ever since meeting you, he avoided her and whilst he did so subconsciously, he gave it some thought after Jean had addressed the fact that he had been ignoring her calls.
After almost three weeks, she now expressed a great desire to see him again and, considering her poor mental state, Robert reluctantly agreed.
As always, Robert brought her flowers which she disposed of rather quickly and just as she asked him inside, Robert began to explain to her that he was not there to see her for the usual reasons.
This was meant to be his final visit and he knew that, by ending their affair, he would likely break her heart. She would be devastated and that was something that concerned him a lot.
“I am not here for that Jean” Robert thus said just as Jean attempted to kiss him in a haste while pulling against his tie and suit jacket.
“And yet, you finally answered my call. Why?” she asked almost angrily, rolling her eyes before pushing Robert aside and pouring herself a drink. Clearly, she was confused and Robert had to provide an explanation to her.
“Because we need to talk Jean. This has been going on for far too long” he told her while adjusting his tie and jacket again. His facial expression was more serious than usual and that, in itself, concerned Jean.
“Oh my god Robert, after all those years you want to end it?” she asked as tears shot into the corners of her eyes. She shook her head in disbelieve and then smashed the glass she was holding onto the hard wooden floor, spilling her drink along with it.
“Jean, please…” Robert said calmly, trying to console her by reaching for her hands, but Jean pulled away.
“There is someone else, isn’t there?” she asked angrily, causing Robert to sigh deeply.
“I am a married man Jean, so yes, there is someone else, my wife” Robert tried to explain but Jean shook her head angrily and pointed her finger at him.
“No Robert! I am not talking about your wife and neither are you” she said sternly as slowly, but surely, her emotions got the better of her. She began to yell at Robert and, seeing that Jean was so upset, he did not know what else to say to her. He was lost for words.
“Who is she?” she then wanted to know and this is when she received yet another response from her lover that both, confused her and made her fume with rage.
“She is a woman who will help me change the world” Robert acknowledged somewhat reluctantly, causing the tears in her eyes to increase rapidly.
“You know that I love you, Robert. In fact, I never stopped loving you even after you married Katherine" she pleaded while trying to comprehend the situation. For years, Robert had maintained his affair to Jean even after he married Kitty and now this was going to be over because of someone else?
"And I have loved you too, but you have destroyed that love for me Jean. You pushed me away repeatedly and now I am finally it. I moved on” Robert said a little too honestly and with a lack of emotion in his voice, causing Jean’s reaction to worsen.
"I have said I was sorry, Robert!” Jean screamed almost hysterically while stepping one step towards Robert and pushing her hands against his chest, forcing him against the wall.
“So am I Jean. I truly am” he told her while cupping her face. Her tears were clouding her eyes and he sealed her faith with one final kiss before leaving her apartment for the last time, until she would call him again several months later.
Note: Unlike in real life, Jean will not kill herself in this fic. In fact, she will reappear in a few later parts, causing some havoc for the reader.
To be continued…
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fristam · 11 months
Fristam Centrifugal Pumps | Cast Iron Pump Manufacturer in India
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