#centennials story
familythings · 19 days
The Amazing Story of the Lady that Cannot Walk on Earth, but can Easily Fly in the Sky
Dorothy Hoffner, at the remarkable age of 104, has shattered records and perceptions by becoming the oldest person on Earth to go skydiving. Her incredible feat has captured the world’s attention, but Dorothy’s story is much more than just a single jump from the sky—it’s a testament to a life lived with courage, passion, and an unyielding spirit. Early Life and Career Born in 1919 in Chicago,…
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wolfgirl-valentine · 7 months
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My final piece for @moorishflower gorgeous story "Us and the moon!!!! I'm sure you all would love it as much as I did 🙏🏼✨ It was an honor and a delight to paint this scenes. This was my first big bang and it was a lot of fun(and anxiety sjsjsj) thanks to everyone involved in this amazing experience, specially to Moorishflower for their wonderful narrative that was a great inspiration 🙏🏼✨
This one's quote is going to be under a cut, because it's the final part and doesn't feel right to be read for the first time this way 😅
"Just us, Dream echoes, quietly delighted, and then takes off running into the dreaming night with Hob yipping at his heels."
"And in London, in the Waking, in a cosy flat miles and centuries away from a shadowed clearing where a seven year-old boy made a deal he did not understand with a little god that he would eventually outlive, two wolves – one dark as night, one burnished bronze and tawny-gold as dawn – lie curled nose-tip to tail-tip in a nest of blankets. Fast asleep, and dreaming of the moon."
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starbase-yorktown · 7 months
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Well, it is here—my first ever big bang! I’ve kept VERY mum on this throughout the whole process, but I am super proud (and dreadfully nervous) to present to y’all:
nothing grows in corpses (in the earth of me)
Just over 100k words in a universe where the show ends the same way as the comics do until Death decides it doesn’t. Things…fall apart in a spectacularly ghastly fashion.
Ft. angst, whump, hurt/comfort, the VERY long road that is physical & psychological recovery, and by and large Hob being a life-loving bastard and Morpheus being a grave-obsessed bitch. Please heed the full tags list. Got nearly every category of Dead Dove: Don’t Eat in there.
But it’s not all heavy! Have some spectacularly captured comedy from my amazing artist @shrugsinchinese ! You were such a joy to work with, and I am so glad you were the first person who shared in the complete story. 😊
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xenforce · 2 months
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So I made some art based on the second chapter of my fanfic, Soldier in Training 😊
I tried to make Link's uniform look big and baggy since he is meant to be too young for this rank (not to mention the kid has been malnourished for quite some time...)
Yeah, I got lazy with the background, srry.
I'm experimenting with new art styles and not quite sure what art style I want to go with for this fanfic. Lmk what you guys think!
I recently signed up for Ao3, and I'm slowly going to upload all current chapters of my fanfic there, so if you guys prefer to read it there, go ahead! Otherwise, I will still be uploading to wattpad
Read Chapter 2 now:
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 4 months
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Lighter options below the cut along with the images that inspired me!
Lighter options
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repurposedmeatlocker · 10 months
With the new Disney movie Wish out, I find it interesting how a lot of people's criticism comes down to the argument that "Disney used to be about artistry and pushing the animated medium. Now, it is only concerned with being commercially appealing and financially safe."
While this has some truth to it, it feels awfully simplistic in regards to what the studio actually, and always has, represented. Even back when the studio first came to fruition, commercialism was ALWAYS a part of the Disney formula. There are definitely films that diverge from this, but ultimately, it is the financial superiority of the company that has allowed it to stand in power for so long. It may have just been a small element in the beginning, but it is a growing factor that only now has taken unashamed center stage.
A film like Wish is not showing the company "falling to the evils of capitalism." It is showing, in bold text, the dark shadow that has been behind the corporation the whole time!
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britishchick09 · 5 months
Just Betty: A Wadlow Sibling Fic
happy betty centennial! this special fic took 4 days to write (april 22nd to the 26th) and it was fun to focus on betty for her special day! enjoy! :D
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the wadlow siblings have something special about them... except for betty. is she more than just the youngest sister?
 Betty Wadlow smiled as she played the final notes of I Will Sing of My Redeemer. The hymn sounded nice on an organ, but there was something special about hearing it on the piano.
“That was wonderful, sweetie,” Addie told her. “You’ll do amazing at the recital on Tuesday.”
Betty blushed. “Thanks, Mom. I think I finally got it memorized!”
“Indeed you do!” Addie touched her youngest daughter’s soft blonde hair while giving her a kiss on the forehead. “You’ve been working quite hard. Why don’t you go out and have some fun!”
“Alright. Just one more thing…” Betty played the first verse of the song, going faster than usual. “Yep, I’ve definitely memorized it!”
She closed the piano lid and ran to her room, where she picked up a new book she had gotten. She took it outside to the backyard. It was a pleasant March afternoon. A little breeze ruffled her bangs as she sat under a tree. She cracked open her book, which was about a girl living in the middle of a big family.
I couldn’t imagine having nine siblings, Betty thought. Four is enough for me!
The girl found it hard to stand out, so she ran away to the circus. She was so happy to be recognized for her talent!
Betty grinned. That’ll be me at the recital. My very first solo!
She had done a couple readings before, but they had been with other people. Now she would be on her own!
Not long after last month’s reading, she had wandered over to the organ. The church was empty, so she figured no one would hear her. She had played one of her piano songs..
“How nice that is!” someone had remarked.
Her Sunday School teacher was coming out of the back room!
Betty blushed. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to start playing…”
“I’m glad you did! We’re looking for someone to play at our next recital. You’d be perfect for it.”
“Really?” Betty had asked in surprise. “All on my own?”
The teacher nodded. “Indeed! Would you like to participate?”
“I’d love to!”
Ever since then, Betty had diligently practiced the hymn. She enjoyed crafting such a pretty song, but she was glad to take a break.
As she finished up the first chapter, she heard a bicycle bell outside.
That must be the evening paper! Betty thought.
She got up from her cozy spot and unlatched the gate leading to the front yard. Sure enough, the newest edition of the Alton Evening Telegraph was leaning against the bottom brick stair leading to the porch. Betty took the paper to the backyard, sitting on her book as she unrolled it.
On the first page was a photo taken a few days before Robert’s eighteenth birthday last month. It showed Robert standing next to a tree, his hand on the trunk. The siblings surrounded him.
‘Robert Wadlow, the boy giant, with his siblings. Beside him are moody Harold Jr., talkative brother Eugene, violist Helen and younger sister, Betty.’
Betty frowned and thought, Everyone else has personality traits… and I’m just the younger sister. Why isn’t there anything special about me?
She thought back to the day of the photo. Harold Jr. had been upset because he wanted to play with his trains, Eugene had been talking about something that had happened at East Junior High, Helen was practicing for an upcoming test, Robert had been answering the reporter’s questions and Betty had quietly been watching all the commotion.
The paper could’ve at least called me mild-mannered, not wanting to get in anyone’s way, Betty thought. But all I am is a younger sister. There’s nothing to differentiate me other than that.
 Betty buried herself in her book for the next hour. By the time she finally raised her head, her siblings were home.
“Hey, Betty!” Robert called. “Why don’t we all go to Block’s? They’re having a special on double scoop ice cream cones.”
Betty grinned. Ice cream was sure to make her feel better!
 Ten minutes later, the siblings were walking down College Avenue. Betty ran past the rows of buildings with Harold Jr. A string of three stores were made of reddish bricks, but the one next to them was tan and taller.
“It’s you, Big Brother!” Harold Jr. told Robert, who chuckled.
“Yeah, because he definitely looks like Mr. Danvers.” Eugene joked.
“I don’t think I’d be good at selling paint,” Robert said. “Those cans are so small in my hands. I might spill them!”
“Yeah, I’d rather work at Block’s.”
Helen smirked at Eugene while saying, “You’d be too busy eating to work.”
“It’s not goofing off, it’s trying samples for customer satisfaction.”
Helen rolled her eyes.
“Decide on what you want, everyone,” Robert told the siblings. “We can’t keep the server waiting like last time.”
“I couldn’t decide between strawberry or peach,” Betty said. “And I still can’t! They both sound good.”
“I want mint!” Harold Jr. spoke up.
“I think I’ll get my usual chocolate,” Robert said. “Giant, of course.”
Helen smiled. “That’s just regular for you. I’ll probably get vanilla.”
“Sure, get the blandest flavor,” Eugene told her. “I’d much rather go for a chunky rocky road.”
“You’re a chunky rocky road.”
“No, you are!”
And I’m just bland vanilla, Betty thought with a sigh. Maybe I should get that instead!
She cheered up upon seeing Block’s Ice Cream on the corner.
Next door was Ross Hardware. Its door was opened by a guy carrying a bucket of nails and another guy with a piece of wood under his arm.
“Hey, look, it’s the tall guy in the paper!” the wood guy exclaimed.
“You’re right!” the nails guy realized. “Wow, I can’t believe it!”
Robert gave a thin smile. He didn’t like it when people noticed him, but he grinned and bore it.
“You guys go on ahead,” he told the siblings. “I’ll catch up.”
“Say, why don’t you snap a photo of us?” the nail guy asked. “Yeah, I brought my Riga!” the wood guy agreed before taking out a little camera. “Could you hold our stuff?”
The men handed their things to Helen and Eugene.
“Oof!” Eugene exclaimed once he held the heavy nail bucket, which made Helen snicker. “Here, you try it.”
Helen took the bucket and nearly fell over! “Woah!”
Harold Jr. kept the bucket steady for her.
Betty sighed. All I can do is watch. Just as I always do…
The men stood next to Robert, smiling as Eugene snapped a photo.
“Thanks, kids!” the nail guy said.
He and his pal took their tools and left.
They didn’t even notice me! Betty realized. She set aside her hurt feelings as the siblings went into Block’s. The strawberry and peach ice cream was delicious, but the sweet treat tasted a tiny bit sour thanks to her cloudy troubles.
 At dinner, Harold asked, “What was everyone up to today?”
“I got a nine out of ten on a pop quiz in English.” Eugene declared proudly.
“The store!” Harold Jr. exclaimed, making Addie smile.
“I helped Alice carry supplies to her Home Ec Club.” Helen said before taking another bite of meatloaf.
“I had quite a time in my Biology class,” Robert said. “The microscope was so hard to adjust… and I nearly broke it! I was glad when one of the other students helped me out.”
“What a time indeed!” Harold agreed. “What did you do, Betty?”
Betty looked up from her meatloaf and potatoes, which she had absentmindedly been stirring together. “Huh?”
“What did you do today?”
“Oh, just… the usual. The same old boring usual.”
“She practiced her hymn after school,” Addie spoke up. “It sounds so beautiful. She worked hard today.”
Harold smiled. “I’d love to hear it, sweetheart.”
Betty gave a thin smile in return. “Maybe tomorrow. I’m feeling a little tired today.”
The siblings looked at each other. She’d usually be happy to share her songs! Something was up with her…
 From inside the sisters’ bedroom, Betty heard a knock on the door.
“Betty?” a deep voice asked.
Robert cracked open the door. Moonlight from the window was slanted over the bed, where Bettty sat. She was mostly in darkness, her knees drawn up.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Helen asked, rushing over to her.
“I’m wrong,” Betty replied quietly. “And it’s not okay at all.”
“You’re not wrong, Helen is.” Eugene said.
Helen gave him a glare. “I think Eugene’s the wrong one.”
The siblings squinted at each other.
“You’re not wrong at all,” Betty said. “You’re notable. All of you are,” She looked at each of the siblings while saying, “You have your viola and your stories and your cuteness and especially your height! What do I have? Nothing. No one ever mentions me for anything. I’m just the younger sister.”
“You have that solo coming up.” Helen reminded her.
“Who wants to see a nobody perform?” Betty asked with a sniffle. “I’m just Betty.”
She buried her head in her knees and cried.
Robert sat on the bed. “Oh, Betty…” He wrapped a big, comforting arm around her. “You’re not nobody, you’re somebody! There are lots of notable things about you. You’re creative, for one thing.”
“Yeah, you always come up with the best Halloween costumes,” Eugene said. “That ghost princess thing you tried last year was neat.”
“And you’re always willing to lend a helping hand,” Helen added. “Like when you helped that dog at the park get a thorn out of its paw.”
“And when you helped my boo boo!” Harold Jr. chimed in.
“And you always keep an optimistic spirit,” Robert added. “Not to mention you’re a spectacular piano player and reader.”
Betty raised her head, those moments and more flashing through her mind. “You’re right… I’m just Betty,” she realized. “Creative, helpful, cheerful Betty! I’m so much more than the younger sister,” She grinned at her siblings. “And there’s no one I’d rather be.”
 A few days later, Betty was surrounded by applause as two boys finished reading a Psalm. Eugene gave her a nudge, signaling that it was her turn. Her stomach instantly fip-flopped. She hurriedly went to the altar, where her Sunday School teacher rolled a piano and chair out. Betty gave her a thin smile of thanks and sat on the soft seat. Her fingers hovered over the piano keys as the crowd hushed. She looked at her family, who sat near the front row. They gave her supportive smiles.
Feeling reassured, Betty played I Will Sing of My Redeemer. Everyone listened in awe, letting the soft and gentle melody wash over them. Addie wiped a tear from her eye. Betty was better than ever before!
When the song ended, applause reverberated through the room. Betty rose from the seat with a grin before curtsying. She rose, delighted that people now saw her as more than just Betty!
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spriily · 11 months
In Case You Haven't Been Watching...
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i made this informative image to explain the key points of The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story to those of you viewers who have missed an episode. there's more going on than this, but it covers the basics. Now you're all ready to tune in, because we're LIVE NOW. only on, always on, Cable Two.
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cqallenwalker · 1 year
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3416 · 1 year
could you link the mitch video you mentioned please? I always love watching rookie mitch content!
sure, it's this one!!
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Old Promo
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
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Square Enix will release live-action mystery adventure game The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story for iOS via App Store and Android via Google Play on April 25 at a launch discount price of $17.99, the company announced.
The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story first launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam on May 12, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via App Store:
The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story is a new unique mystery-adventure game.
Directed by Koichiro Ito (Metal Gear Solid V), and with Yasuhito Tachibana, producer of Netflix‘s The Naked Director serving as the cinematographer and scenario director, beautiful yet thrilling live-action footage intertwines with mysteries to solve, creating highly immersive gameplay.
The player follows a chain of murders which take place over the span of a century. Four murders have been committed in three different time periods—1922, 1972, and 2022.
Each episode is comprised of three parts, the Incident phase, the Reasoning phase, and the Solution phase, inviting the player to seamlessly enter into this world of mystery.
Explore these time periods, collect multiple clues, and solve a 100-year mystery.
The Shijima family have suffered a chain of inexplicable deaths over the past century.
When Haruka Kagami, a mystery novelist, visits the Shiijmas, she finds herself taking on four different murder cases – occurring at different points in time.
The red camellia and the Fruit of Youth, which invite only death.
And the truth behind it all, waiting to be uncovered…
Haruka Kagami, the main character, is an up-and-coming mystery writer.
Play as Haruka Kagami and pit your wits against the murder cases.
Each murder case comprises of three parts:
The Incident Phase – See the entire murder as it unfolds, from start to end. The keys needed to solve the mysteries surrounding the murder can always be found in the video itself.
The Reasoning Phase – Put together the [Clues] and [Mysteries] found during the Incident phase and create a hypothesis in your cognitive space. You can create multiple hypotheses, but not all of them will be correct. Some things you uncover may lead you down the wrong path.
The Solution Phase – Pin down the killer based on the hypothesis you created in the Reasoning phase. Select the correct hypothesis to determine the killer. When facing a trickier culprit, they may attempt to refute your claims, so strike back with your reasoning!
Watch a new trailer below.
iOS And Android Release Date Trailer
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tzarounderscorech · 1 year
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Finished in 2023 - The Centennial Case : A Shijima Story
a fairly good murder mystery made way worse by the mystery solving mechanic and the really rudimentary point-and-click section. some silly explanations, but it had its moments.
honestly, I don't even know if there is a good way to handle a murder mystery game where the player is supposed to try to solve the mystery. really, Umineko's approach to players trying to solve the puzle might be the best thing we'll ever get.
even if it's mid in the end, it makes me really want to see more fmv games, even if just to see more variety. or, more generally, makes me want to watch some japanese historical dramas.
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imblocking-you · 7 months
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xenforce · 8 months
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LOZ Centennial Bellum - Chapter 4. Visions of Destiny
Decided to create some art to go with the next chapter of my fanfic ✨
Things are starting to get really interesting in the story 👀 I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! 🧡😄
Link is experiencing some strange, foreign pain, but he’ll be ok in the end. Hopefully.
Stay tuned for more 😉
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britishchick09 · 5 months
happy 100th b-day betty! :D
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today is all about my fave wadlow sib! she's the least known... but you'll know a lot about her by the end of the day! ;)
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