#celebratory post with the otp!!!
pixiecactus · 4 months
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before you came around, i was lost and out of place, you're the only love i found and i'm hoping that you'll stay...
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velvet-vox · 5 months
My Top 10 Favourite Male Villains of all time.
"How arrogant of you to think that any of us are anything but irrelevant". -John Greer, Person of Interest (2011-2016).
There comes a moment in a blog's life where some things are just long overdue, and while the argument could be made that this happened way too early, I'd say that as long as this helps me to find my groove, I am free to experiment as much as I want.
So..... Villains.
Gotta love them. As long as I do not meet them in real life. This post is in particular about male villains since I have one dedicated to their female counterparts in the pipeline so expect that to come soon enough and for this part to be rewritten. By the way, "villain" is a generalisation, I can totally put antivillains, antagonists or more general antiheroes in this list; your definition of "Bad Guy" can vary greatly and so can mine, someone like Walter White from Breaking Bad could have made it in here. My taste is very unusual, so prepare yourself for some unexpected picks.
Also, since these are meant to be some big celebratory posts, for the occasion I'll reveal my Italian heritage and translate every line of dialogue in Italian and publish it separately with a link, so that English readers who are learning Italian can exercise.
But first, some honourable mentions:
Oropo (Wakfu): Once you see the number 2 spot for both this list and the female villains list you might notice that I tend to gravitate towards characters with wasted potential more often than not, but while we're just talking about this guy, I cannot stress enough the amount of unceremonious mishandling that lies within his concepts and execution. Really needed two seasons of 25 episodes each to explore it to their maximum.
Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda): I love him, but not as much as others, it's a matter of personal preference. He's an amazing antagonist, so even if he is just an honourable mention, I wouldn't call him a lesser villain by any stretch of the imagination; I once felt like he was too sympathetic for his movie's sake, but looking back at it again, he's actually moderately evil for a lot of reasons, even if Shifu is the main one.
Bill Chyper (Gravity Falls): It's been way too long since I watched Gravity Falls, I really can't give you an accurate opinion on this guy anymore.
Flintheart Glomgold (DuckTales 2017): That season 2 episode. If you know what I'm talking about, you KNOW. Also the music for that whole sequence was a banger, really driving home the deranged nature of that twist reveal.
Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots The Last Wish): I feel like when people praise Jack for being a breath of fresh air in a stale environment, they often forget just how good of a villain he was in his own right without the larger industry wide void of truly devious antagonists that act out of pure malice.
The Wolf (Puss in Boots The Last Wish): Two villain entries from one movie? Of course it was gonna be The Last Wish, what else could it be? Honestly I don't even wanna talk about this guy, you need to experience the movie for yourself.
Rob (The Amazing World of Gumball): Everything I have to say about this guy gets talked about much better by the number 6 Spot on this list, but as it stands Rob was my first villain OTP and the guy who opened the box of Pandora for me on what an antagonist could and should be, since then my perception of villainy only widened and now I enjoy their role in a story in much different way.
And now, with that out of the way, let's finally start with the ranking of my personal favourite male villains of all time.
Major spoilers down below:
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Number 10: Silco (Arcane)
This guy is the reason that brought me to specify who or what counted for this list as trying to simplify Silco into one specific group of characters is a challenge that can only end in a misunderstanding of what makes Silco such a complex and fascinating character with an amazing character arc, that ends with him not being redeemed, mind you, but allows the audience to grieve in such a way that would make a side character death jealous.
When writing an antagonistic character, Silco is my goal and high standard, and just for that he deserves all of my respect and endless praise.
Now, admittedly, Silco's arc takes a while to kick in, but it works out to his advantage by the end of it since you don't realise just how much you've grown to care for him until he's dead and you're left with the surprise.
10 out 10, the nation of Zaun would have been much better (worse) with him than with Vander.
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Number 9: The Riddler (DC)
The Riddler is literally my ride or die villain, when I'm in the mood for him, he's literally my favourite antagonist ever; when I am not in the mood for him, I completely forget about his existence.
When compared to many other entries on this list, Riddler is definitely more on the pop culture side of antagonism, and when you've been around for almost a century, you tend to have many different versions of the same character written by different writers, so I wanted to highlight here my favourite versions of him:
Arkham Games: He's hilarious. He's not my ideal Riddler, but whenever he comes on screen, his whiny rat's ass voice stimulates my pheromones.
Batman The Animated Series: I've heard somewhere that this version of him is disappointing, and to that I'll say... yeah, but only when he wasn't on screen, because otherwise, he kind of slayed.
Matt Reeves The Batman: This is the version that rekindled my love for him after so long. Out of every interpretation of The Riddler throughout the years, this is the one version that treated Edward more as a character rather than an obstacle for Batman to overcome, and for that I'll be eternally grateful.
LEGO Batman The Videogame: My very first introduction to The Riddler and the Batman universe as a whole, this version has a permanent place in my heart , I love how much information and emotion you can get out of him by just looking at his mannerisms and quirks alone; unironically, being silent helps him reach that quote on quote idealised version of Riddler that I was talking about earlier.
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Number 8: The Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
There are many things that can carry on a villain in a story, their evolution, stage presence, complexity, thematic contrast to their counterpart, and so on and so forth. While an antagonist can check off many of these boxes simultaneously (like the one pictured), there's one box that is almost impossible to truly nail perfectly: comedy.
You see, comedy is subjective, and when your main antagonist is also the funniest part of a given story, it becomes hard to also match a sense of gravity and menace that allows them to also be an imposing threat, even harder is to give said antagonist depth and a tragic backstory.
But somehow, out of nowhere, The Snatcher from A Hat In Time manages to simultaneously be the funniest character in his section of the game, carrie said energy throughout the whole experience even down to the DLC, simultaneously strikes the balance between being scary, wholesome, sympathetic and tragic, exude an insane amount of charisma, all while having a deeply disturbing backstory that touches on some heavy themes and re contextualises his actions into something more complicated and out of a broken man, everything I just said + he's the biggest bastard in his videogame and never repents nor does he have his actions called out.
Snatcher really has all the right cards that make a stationary character work and uses them to his maximum potential, and it works because his character arc throughout the game is more about becoming affectionate to Hat Kid than it is about redeeming himself.
Lastly, his voice actor, Luke Sizemore, aka Yungtown, really sells the performance of this devious soul eating worm and burns his catchphrases into your brain for the rest of eternity, much like his boss theme,
Your Contract Has Expired
A song that switches around being scary, epic, energetic and desperate in a short, yet perfectly paced amount of time. You need to listen to it regardless of if you've played the game or not.
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Number 7: Judge Claude Frollo (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
You can never say no to a classic.
There's nothing that I could say that hasn't already been said by thousands of videos on YouTube, but I'll try anyway: you see, Frollo is the reason why we need a new term to identify certain villains that aren't "sympathetic" but still make you feel some sort of human emotion and a form of "I wish someone could give you the care you need to fix your life", I guess the term empathetic exists, but when do you really see it used?
Now, don't get me wrong, Frollo is absolutely not sympathetic in the slightest, he wants to r##e a Romani woman that's way younger than him, but you can still feel that he's very troubled about it in the Hellfire scene and has definitely a lot of unidentified issues and internalised bigotry that could be worked through, even if it's too late to work through them right now.
In general, I feel like people forget that the main reason why past Disney villains worked had to do more with their human traits juxtaposed to their malice rather than just their plain wickedness, otherwise the Horned King from the Black Cauldron would be top of the Disney villains league and that couldn't be further from the truth.
We should really strive towards writing more villains like Frollo, less omnipotent beings that end up falling flat because they don't have much thematic relevance aside from being a threat (Bill Chyper works because he represents Ego and he's used sparingly) and more average vicious individuals who use their power and influence to get what they want.
All in all, if you've seen The Hunchback of Notre Dame, then you know why this guy is here, but just to cite a couple of repeated points, the Hellfire scene is perfect. It's immaculate. It's unreproducible; there will never be another scene like this coming out of the House of Mouse or animation ever again, the excessive amount of stars and elements that came together to create this gothic classic is so vast that it's literally a miracle.
Frollo is truly the personification of the dark, twisted side of humanity peaking through the door and into your mind, from which he shall never escape as his performance still remains perfect to this very day.
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Number 6: The Spot (Spider-man across the Spiderverse)
"You've hit me with a bagel!" It's still the greatest villain origin story of all time. There's truly something maniacal about this reveal, like the entire universe was shattered and reality was shocked at the mere realization that while Miles was having his coming of age moment back in the first film, this guy was having his normal life completely and utterly shattered by a combination of both our heroes stepping up to do the right thing and our doofus lack of foresight and self reflection; all of this stuff is hilarious and completely made up for the film but good god they did such an amazing job tying all the elements together in an unexpected way that makes sense and parallels the journey that our protagonist faced in the first movie.
Like with Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball, and a little bit like number 2 on this list, I just really enjoy the concept of turning background characters who had no relevance whatsoever into the big bad of the story who's been there all along and the heroes (and the audience) just couldn't notice.
With The Spot in particular, there's that sense of satisfaction of turning the wasted potential of a villain who has been underestimated for literal decades and treated as a "villain of the week" (God do I love the meta narrative of this movie) into an actual competent, well written antagonist that is aware of his reputation and strives towards bettering himself and his powers.
He's also the funniest character of his movie too and the voice acting of Jason Schwartzman only accentuates his mannerisms and pettyness.
He also has the coolest usage of portals I have ever seen and his whole "There's a hole inside all of us" metaphor is simultaneously hilarious and very deep personal information that can only be understood if you put yourself into his shoes.
I can't wait for Beyond the Spiderverse to come out and see how his arc resolves, more importantly, I wonder if he's going to rank higher in the future.
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Number 5: Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
"Happiness must be taken. And I'll take mine"
What a character.
What a movie.
You cause so much pain and suffering, because you don't understand the people around you, and then those people banish you, and you can't understand why, so you start to believe that they hated you.
They never loved you, so you keep causing pain and suffering but it's not that easy anymore; the guilt starts to resurface, all those bodies keep piling up, but you can't stop because then it would have all been for nothing; so you keep chasing those dreams of grandeur because that's all you have left; the emptiness in your heart can no longer be filled by love, so you try to fill it with something else.
You try to fill it with power. You try to fill it with glory. You try to take everything else for yourself so that you can fill that cup, but it doesn't work, because that cup has no bottom.
And so you're left... with yourself.
And the damage you've done. But now it's different; you've failed. You are left with nothing. Nothing.
And so you outrage, for the last time... And then it all ends. Forever. And you've finally come to accept this, after all....... Who could ever love you?
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Number 4: Spamton G Spamton (Deltarune)
You know, in retrospect, it's kind of insane what Toby Fox managed to achieve when creating Spamton.
Not only because Spamton feels like the most insane combination of ideas ever conceived, but also because Toby Fox created such a complex character with such a complicated language and personality and then not only shafted it all aside for the players to go out of their way to interact, but also made all of this in what are officially 2 or 3 cutscenes at most (4 if you consider his shop encounter as one) and only one of them being truly mandatory.
You spend so little time with Spamton, and most of that time is spent fighting him, and yet by the end of it you've become enlightened by the knowledge of him, that after a while... you forget how scary it all was.
All the memes comparing Spamton with Turbo are 100% correct and justified, Spamton truly is Turbo but better; you go through an insane rollercoaster of emotions with this character that you are left absolutely dumbfounded when it all comes to a stop and you go back to play the rest of chapter 2 normally.
His insane mannerisms and mood swings are pretty funny at first, but once you peel back the layers a bit they reveal a pretty realistic and sad portrayal of mental illness, mania and hysteria coupled with an unhealthy amount of social distancing, loneliness, and abandonment issues, that reinforce into your brain the idea of someone lacking proper healthcare and needing to be locked away from society for their (society) own good, simulating the vicious cycle that Spamton lives by: nobody wants to help him but he's still expected to act like a regular individual despite the amount of hardships he's facing and the lack of a support system keeping him from falling back into his bad habits.
I'll admit, I've considered putting Spamton in place of the Number 3 spot on this list; but then I've realised that on an objective level, the next entry totally deserves to be ranked above Spamton; plus, with at least 5 more chapters of Deltarune on our way, whose to say that one of the next gremlins won't be able to dethrone even the number 1 spot?
Drumroll for our top 3:
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Nox, the Watchmaker (Wakfu)
There will never be another experience in my life as cathartic as watching the first season of Wakfu for the first time ever again.
On a later rewatch, the initial problems that you've noticed throughout the first half of the season and a little bit in the second half become too apparent to ignore, but the first time everything that goes from the ball tournament to the finale is one of the best paced arcs of television, and everything that happens when the team reaches the Sadida kingdom is just peak Wakfu.
And the king, the culprit, the crown jewel of properly paced stories and arcs is no other than the sad clockwork dilf himself: Noximilliem Coxen the Watchmaker.
Arguably, the greatest sympathetic villain of all time. There has never been another case of a character who has committed such vile, unspeakable crimes, and yet still managed to make me root for them while simultaneously not putting down the heroes.
And let's not be mistaken here, Nox is pretty evil:
Aside from the generic murder, Nox also defiled and stitched together the corpses of multiple victims and turned them into his obedient puppets in order to commit even more murder and genocide in order to achieve his goals.
Also, this is one of the funniest crimes Nox has committed: he abused his dog. It's really not that hilarious nor is it that important in the context of the show, but if you look back at it from an outside perspective then it's really like: Oh yeah. That happened too. Lol.
One of the best parts of his entire arc is his defeat. The "20 minutes" scene deserves a "One Villainous Scene" coverage video to forever immortalise it amongst the greatest. Everything from the music, the subversiveness, the cinematography, the voice acting and just the general art direction of it is worthy of an Eminem award at the Oscars, there's genuinely nothing wrong with this scene, it's truly immaculate.
Words alone cannot do justice to the treacherous, gut wrenching emotional rollercoaster that is experiencing his story for the first time. An hour long video essay would only serve to cover the basics and fundamentals, while for the real deal you need to watch the first season of Wakfu for yourself.
Number 2:
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Bradford Buzzard (DuckTales 2017)
And now it's the perfect time to pull out my final wild card, the hole of the sink of my autism, the masterpiece of wasted potential that is Bradford Buzzard from the DuckTales remake of 2017.
When you'll also see the number 2 spot on my villainesses list, you'll come to realise that this spot is more of the "I really wish I could put this at number one but I can't because objectively he doesn't deserve it and the majority of things I love about him in canon were probably an afterthought and in fanon were never plausible to begin with."
And that's how I feel about Bradford Buzzard, an antagonist I spent more time thinking about than probably anybody else on the Earth.
The show runners were so genius for this: we are going to create an original character that will probably struggle to maintain a foot print on the franchise due to the way the Duck verse works, we'll give him an insanely cool backstory and motivation, all coupled with interesting character traits and ideology, we'll make him the ultimate foil to Scrooge McDuck that has been working with him for literal decades, we'll make him the one who has got the closest to isolating Scrooge and destroying his family, and THEN we'll turn him into a generic anime villain that shoots lasers and fumbles his own plan and loses because of insane plot armour and contrivance. Good job writers.
Anyway, I should probably make the case for why this guy ranks so highly in my mind to the point of almost taking the podium for my most liked villain of all time, especially when compared to the stiff competition that we just went through.
Now, part of it is just because this is a personal top 10 and so I can put whoever I want in whatever order I want. But also, with Bradford in particular, there's a personal aspect of relatability, various interests, and passions all coming together to make him stand out in my brain.
The thing is, I've had a pretty strong connection to Disney's Duck's comic books my entire life, even if my love for them came dwindling over time, so when I finally started watching the Reboot and it was amazing, all of that buried passion and love finally re emerged back to the surface, turning me into an annoying super fan. But while season 1 and 2 were great, season 3 actually gave me something to latch on for the rest of time even after the show had ended: the character of Bradford Buzzard.
You see, DuckTales, both in the shows and comics, always had a plethora of villains; from the crazy, megalomaniacal millionaires, to witches, demons, and other mythological creatures, to power hungry aliens, to straight up super-villains. But while all of that is true, there has never been another villain, aside from Magica, Glomgold and Rockerduck at traits, that was built specifically as the anti Scrooge McDuck, and even further, there has never been another antagonist who challenged the very core ideas and concepts of the entire franchise.
Bradford is like the Frank Grimes of DuckTales: just a regular, average, real world guy who's fed up with the nonsensical constant state at which their fictional universe operates and seeks to correct it in the most logical way possible. And while Frank was ultimately a victim of a world in which he couldn't conform, Bradford's outrageous and extreme plans and methods put him on everybody's hit list until he was left all alone, but not before indirectly causing every major disaster throughout the reboot's runtime.
A cold, calculating, machiavellian mastermind whose impact and presence secretly permeates the show, right till the very end.
Shame he wasn't written better.
And now, for the one and only,
Number 1:
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Qilby (Wakfu)
Qilby is the biggest example of an anomaly that you could ever observe in a work of fiction. The first time experiencing a story is the most important and impactful moment of that story, as every future rewatch won't be as good as the first. In particular, this is an important aspect of twist villains, as they can only surprise you the first time, since at future rewatches the twist becomes predictable.
Furthermore, if the twist ends up ruining the character that was established up to this point, or it doesn't make any sense, then the story is kind of ruined and it only gets worse on future rewatches, since now you know that everything that you are seeing right now is ultimately worthless and doesn't provide any value.
So why do we love twist villains and keep churning them out? Well, you see, it's a matter of execution. A bad guy introduced in an unconventional manner is much more memorable than one introduced in a straightforward way; the twist can also serve to showcase different aspects of the character before becoming an obvious obstacle, be it quirks, interests, personality in casual settings, or cunning.
Let's not beat around the bush.
If Nox is the single greatest sympathetic villain of all time, then Qilby is by far the greatest twist villain of all time, and the crazy thing is, that he surprises you two times in a row, at first by revealing himself as more evil than you could ever imagine, and then, by outing himself as more complex than you could have ever anticipated.
Let me paint you the picture: you just finished the first season of Wakfu, and you are still pretty fresh of the hype surrounding Nox, so you think to yourself "Oh, now every future antagonist is ruined because nothing could ever top the emotional gut punch that I just went through. Whatever, I'm going to stick around just to see if the story gets worse" and you start the second season.
So far, everything is normal, even better of the first season in terms of engagement value, but you can't help but feel the lack of a Nox like figure inside of the story, but at this point, you just accept it.
Then the final six episodes roll around and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING, HAS THE WHOLE SHOW JUST GONE INSANE?
Somehow, in some mystical, french, magical way, the season 2 finale is arguably even better than the ending of season 1 despite the fight having less buildup and introducing a lot of brand new characters and an entirely irrelevant faction into his conflict.
The entirety of the scene in Emrumb is some of the best writing I have ever experienced in any work of fiction, and the music accompanying it only accentuates the repressed dopamine being released after various episodes of filler, all of them important for this moment to be as impactful as it is.
Qilby is also just a great, tragic character, that is simultaneously an unforgivable bastard that tried to kill his family and doomed his entire race for a family trip, and a sad, nihilistic man still trying to reconcile his love for his family and his need for knowledge and discovery; his curse never truly allows him to move on or relate to others but his ego and need for his forgetful brothers attention just pushes him even further into resentment, ending up damaging himself and those around him, until he's finally isolated again by the vary people he harmed and showed his love towards.
He's as good as the evil secret sibling trope can get and I never get tired of watching him on screen. His reveal scene to Adamai still gives me the chills to this very day and demonstrated me just how good the surprise villain concept can get when it's executed correctly.
Just an all around great show.
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"send me a character" shockingly: jiang cheng, jiang wanyin, sandu shengshou, jiang-zongzhu, jin ling's jiujiu
Wow wonder what about me and my blog made you think of him 🤔
Favourite thing about them: I expected him to have a massive meltdown wayyyy earlier than he did, so yay! (Not sure how much of that is down to the fact that I was actively reading posts about the show that contained loads of spoilers and very heavy biases against him before I finished the show for the first time so I was just waiting for him to turn the way people were saying he did. Spoiler! He never did). This man raised a Sect from the brink of near extinction in about 3 months and at the age of what, seventeen?? And then rebuilt it all on his own?? This man is incredible, someone get him a celebratory twister ice-lolly
Least favourite thing about them: He got rid of his slut strand
Favourite line:
From the book (paraphrasing) - "you would certainly be a mark of shame on his entire teaching career"
From cql, it's either - "Who is this famous and talented Cultivator? Could you please introduce him to me?"
Or - "If I remember it right, that talking kid is your son, right? He's so good at talking"
brOTP: Him and Qin Su as friends intrigues me (I also kinda ship it, but that's irrelevant right now) cause she was most likely the only maternal figure in Jin Ling's life and Jiang Cheng is not an idiot, he knows that Jin Ling needs that kind of influence. He's basically the mother of the child whose father got remarried after the divorce and who then strikes up a friendship with the new wife in order to raise the child more efficiently. Co parenting 🫶
OTP: Jiang Cheng x Peace and Happiness (jk it's chengxian, but I also fw chengxuan, chengsu, and chengqing)
nOTP: fucking Xich*ng, got mad beef with Xich*ng
Random headcanon: is incredibly good with numbers, like the opposite of discalculus. Good for tax and trade negotiations. We love a highly efficient, overly capable King 🫶🫶
Unpopular opinion: He has every right to be fucking pissed at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji
Song I associate with them: The entire album "Laurel Hell" by Mitski. Like the whole thing. Also, "Are You There Sweeheart?" by Kate Nash, and "911" by Lady Gaga
Favourite picture of them: This one makes me have a wee giggle whenever I see it
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 year
Bunnyguard master post
July 1, 2023: in the spirit of shameless self-promotion here's a collective post for the Usagi Yojimbo/Rottmnt fusion Leosagi fic series I've been working on this year. somewhat celebratory because 1. I'm very excited to have hit the halfway mark on this project 2. my birthday is later this month and I can do a little treat for myself if I want 3. it's my first day off in ages and I can spend my time luxuriantly and frivolously. Prompts taken from Year of the OTP; titles from Richard Siken "Litany in which certain things are crossed out."
Post last updated December 22, 2023
Bunnyguard verse premise in three bullet points:
The cast of Usagi Yojimbo are embedded in the Hidden City
Draxum helped raised the turtles
Usagi gets hired as a bodyguard for Leo a month after the Krang invasion
January - "missionfic" - something other than the desperation Usagi does his best to not embarrass himself while Leo tries to do the same and fails. (the hero shifts from one foot to the other)
February - "mermaid au" - no one will ever want to sleep with you A first meeting sparks a series of increasingly dumb and desperate decisions. (the repeated image of the lover destroyed)
March - "mutual pining" - your heart, and it is painted shut We skip ahead in the timeline to the point where Usagi has decided he's going to just quietly pine forever and Leo stops for five seconds of self-examination and immediately starts planning his wedding. (the same big and little words, all spelling out desire)
April - "No, I'm not dating your brother" - There is something underneath the floorboards After a series of shenanigans, (some of) Usagi's misconceptions are corrected and Leo eventually gets a full night's sleep. (bruised and ruined, you poor sad thing)
May - "accidental pet/child acquisition" - Quit milling around the yard and come inside Usagi uses his day off to be with his family, including his son, and Leo takes a turn being the babysitter instead of the babysat. (Inside your head you hear a phone ringing.)
June - "you're not what I expected" - These terms from the lower depths After being chased by a demon, Leo and Usagi end up in the bones of both of their pasts, one after the other. (I have told you where I'm coming from, so put it together.)
July - "enemies to lovers" - recently we have had our difficulties Leo screws up, Usagi gets hurt, and they have to work together to fix it. (the moment of epiphany, in gold light)
August - "au of your choice" (free space) - close enough to see the blue rings Usagi fights a dragon and Leo has a bunch of minor problems happen all at once. (But it doesn't work, these erasures, this constant refolding of the pleats)
September - "hurt/comfort" - Are you there, sweetheart? Do you know me? An unexpected attack forces everyone involved to reexamine their circumstances. (Love always wakes the dragon and suddenly flames everywhere)
October - "identity shenanigans" - I guess I can tell you that now. Our heroes go on a date to a mob warehouse and find out things that were not exactly secrets but definitely unknown. (I walk through your dreams and invent the future)
November - "be careful what you wish for" - You want a better story. Who wouldn't? A confrontation, a choice, a number of things undone. (It should mean laughter, not poison.)
December - "forgiveness" - so maybe I wanted to give you something Our heroes reckon with their actions, and choose to try again. (I want more seats reserved for heroes. Dear Forgiveness, I saved a plate for you.)
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clutchpowers · 1 year
Sooooo... i wanted to stick this little rambly thing at the bottom of the redraw but it would have made it look UGLY so im doing this separately... just wanna talk about the whole thing and What Not.
TLDR: its been a slash positive ride thats been worth it to try "something new" every year and my favorite piece out of all of them is the 9th. also for the curious heres the comparison of the 5th anni piece to the recent one (2018 -> 2023)
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anyway. personal post time.
oh where to begin *rocks on my rocking chair* i guess it would be with the 5th anniversary piece...at the time it had been a long while since i did lineless art and i thought it would be cool to try it again for that one so i did by redrawing an old piece from 2014... that was the first "finished piece" i made of Them. i think i even made it into a wallpaper for myself lmao. anyway after i posted it i was like "aw man i should draw something every year until the 10th" but i thought yeah right. im going to forget next year like the idiot i am. but i Some How managed to do one every year... th worms got me... i honestly didnt think id make it all the way to the 10th but i did!! AND WITHOUT MISSING A DAY EXCEPT FOR THE 7TH WHERE I WAS A WEEK LATE???? UNREAL especially when fun fact! every year i had no idea what i wanted to do! all i knew for sure is that i wanted each piece to be out of my comfot zone to push me to do something a little different. unfortunately the subjects tm where always the same so it feels a little. samey. but these are my celebratory posts I GET TO ONLY POST ABOUT THE OTP SUPER BLORBOS OF ALL TIME
the 6th anniversary was a redraw of that one scene. you know the one. the helicopter one. fucking hate that scene btw it actually causes me psychic damage i cant watch with the audio or ill scream. but it is my favorite scene of mine despite all the horrors it causes <3 and i wanted to redraw it as if it was a cartoon... like i had taken screencaps from the lcu cartoon in my head. i still remember the backgrounds being such a pain in the ass. honestly id like to go back and redo this one one day too or do something similar to the concept because its a fun one that i always saw done growing up and i wanted to try it myself.
for the 7th anniversary you can see the turn.. no more humans... return to lego... i was getting a little more confident in drawing them in the lego form so i did another redraw this time with the ending!! honestly i still like this one and how it looks even with how late it was but i wanted to test my confidence and do a real True and Finished piece with COLORED LINES and EVERYTHING!!!!! im glad i ended up taking the turn because for the LONGEST TIME i wanted to try and draw them as lego so bad because all i did was draw them as humans and its funny because now its the exact opposite. glad this piece was kinda the solidification in my head that yeah okay im a bit better at drawing the stylized lego toy now i can keep drawing them like this without feeling like im going to want to delete this in 2 weeks.
the 8th anniversary one is so weird. somewhere toward the beginning of the year it got into my head that i wanted to do a comic of them but time/school would have gotten in the way so i ended up opting for a page. another redraw of the ending scene which honestly out of all of them this is my least favorite one and its solely because its all so off. i def could have formated it better so the background shot doesnt take up the entire fucking page but then again im not a comic guy and this was my first time so the layout was bound to look HORRID but this is something id like to come back to ive had the idea of making like a genuine short comic about them since FOREVER and now that im a bit more experienced (lying) i would like to make one day!!!! just gotta stop getting caught up in my scripts!! and going in circles!! Because im obviously not a writer and i keep getting first-hand embarrassment from these!! but ill get over it one day lol.
OH THE 9TH ANNIVERSARY PIECE MY BELOVED. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PIECES ACTUALLY i love this stupid thing so much you have no idea.i know its re-using lineless but i just loved the idea of what it would look like lineless AND IT CAME OUT SO PERFECT I LOVE IT SO MUCH obv it needs a few touch-ups so the main issues dont stand out to me but god. i love this piece so much. idk what came out of me to make this but its so good ill never get over it. and the little lego them as a cake topper ITS JUST SO CUTE I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY OTHER THAN I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SORRY
finally. the 10th anniversary piece. oh my god. okay. i need everyone to understand this. i had woken up with this fucking Unbearable pounding headache that was trying to kill me. my body the entire day wanted me to stop and lie down, but last night i was already done with a good chunk of it and all i had to do that day was finish some lines and the coloring?? i literally don't remember all i remember is my body actively trying to shut down and force me to stop and sleep which i took a nap? didnt help. so i said fuck it im finishing this. i was. an entire goddamn corpse arched over my laptop. i was so delirious the entire time its a fucking miracle it even came out as good as it did but honestly. i still hate how it fucking looks. like you can TELL when i gave up (the shading) and it sticks out like a sore fucking thumb to me and it pisses me off because i knew i could have done so much better if i wasnt being stricken down by gods hand and his every attempt to get me to rest. idk like im generally proud ot it, with this one i wanted to go out with a bang tm so i tried to draw every important and relevant character instead of ALL of them like I was originally planning LMAO but ah well. maybe one day when im faster at drawing. this one i defiantly wanna go back and touch up but i everytime i open the file i can see 40 more things wrong with it and it drives me nuts. so ill just have to wait for when im ready. i guess.
can i just say though. the improvement is crazy. it always catches me off guard because tbh i uh. dont like my own art. im getting better at not fucking hating it because i can pinpoint everything wrong with it but whenever i see the side by sides it always surprises me. i always dont think im improving but then i see it and its like wow i really am getting better! i still suck at 3000 things but im getting better! and its overall just a nice thing to see after having drawn them for as long as i have... the power of the worms is strong and has ruined my brain...... speaking of i know ive said a few times that i fucking hate certain pieces, not just LCU related ones but almost anything i post, but if you love them and are able to look at them with a twinkle in your eye then thank you. genuinely. i honestly love looking over the tags of people exploding and saying nice things. it warms my cold little heart and im glad there are people out there that genuinely love some of the things what i do! even if its just fanart and its just their blorbo. thank you for sticking around even tho all i do is draw my otp super blorbos :'^) this game means the world to me and im glad like more than 2 people wanna spread it around.
to wrap back around to the anniversary stuff and speaking of big love to the people out there THE FREAKING EPIC ZINE i was just a small thing but it came out amazing even for how small it was thank you to the contributors and thank you to everyone whos downloaded it!! its still getting the occasional and i love getting the notif in my email about it. i love that there are still people out there who wanna see it and all the hard work everyone put into it to celebrate the games 10th just thank you again i really does mean alot to me ALSO IF YOU HAVENT CHECKED IT OUT PLEASE DO IT IS 100% WORK YOUR TIME AND ITS DIGITAL WITH PRINT AT HOME STICKERS AND YOU CAN KEEP IT AND LOOK AT IT FOREVER
uh to end this off....would I like to do this again..... I mean I kinda am? by that i mean ill do the big numbers (15, 20, 25, 30, 40, etc) till the day i freaking die!!!! but yeah no countdown stuff ever again!!!!! sorry :^( it was super fun to do though!!!! and im glad i did it that piece is the conclusion to the whole thing but that doesnt mean ill stop drawing them. duh. theyre my characters now! but heres to many more anniversaries and to hopefully another game! or to just see them again in any other lego media! or even better... a mischaracterized cameo in ninjago!
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WHO IN YOUR OTP: looks over the menu for fifteen minutes before ordering the same thing they order EVERYWHERE they go? does the other half of your ship get annoyed by this, or do they find it endearing?
I was originally gonna say Levi. But actually I see Levi as the one who makes sure to try a new thing on the menu. I'm picturing this happening when he and Mikasa are traveling. He does research on specialties from different places and asks locals. Levi actively tries new things. Considering this in the AOT world, Levi's time in the underground followed by his time in the military, it would be hard to come by and then it was only in rations. And when they did have big celebratory nights like "Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall," he'd really be thankful for what he got. Remembering his childhood and the time he spent with an empty stomach. In conclusion, post war he'd definitely appreciate be able to enjoy food.
Mikasa seems like the type to just view food as necessary nourishment. I think Levi would laugh in endearment when she chooses the same thing. But he always offers his food to her for her to experience different things, and they end up just sharing. enjoying both. sharing food becomes a part of their love language. I also think Levi wanting to offer the more adventurous foods to Mikasa would parallel the way he has helped Mikasa change from her very static way from childhood.
My friend also brought up this point: "he could be trying things as a way of living on for his deceased comrades? Because they didn't get to try these things, and if he were to live a gloomy life, he'd be doing them a dishonour."
To which I respond: I dont know why but I'm picturing Sasha in my mind. Levi talking about 'living for his deceased comrades' and then Mikasa thinking of Sasha and how happy she gets eating.
Anyone else wanna join in. agree or disagree? the fun thing is any answer is valid. cause we can go in any direction. (maybe Levi would be the type to eat the same thing because he values order. and it's a stable routine. maybe it's both 🤷🏻‍♀ cause realistically people cant be one or the other.)
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feywildwrites · 6 years
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HAPPY ( BELATED ) STEPHSTINE DAY !!!!! @lindseymcrgcn
Bet you’re not surprised I’m late to the game but it’s finally here!! Stephstine™ is officially 1 years old in this year of 2018!!! 🎉 Way back when I was even late to joining you and miss Samantha out in...Georgia, I think?? Somewhere out in the south and it’s only now that I’m wondering if I was meant to be reading their awkward coffee shop discourse in an accent (I didn’t but whatevs!). A year ago from now I was sitting in my library snickering under my breath as you showered me with reaction memes, sugar daddy pics and stories about your dad loving Despacito. But also even from the beginning, you were always so warm and sweet and made me feel like we’d been friends for so much longer and always kept me in the loop so we could continue our endless IM’s (and me trying to stop you from torturing your charas but semantics)! 
I feel like I always make lists when there’s SO MUCH to say, so this might get jumbled as I try to talk about how much I love you and our friendship but here it is anyway! This past year we’ve made so many weird/goofy/happy memories: 1000000 ships and counting, Eric Dane memes, skype calling at school while we wait to get picked up, the rebirth of Alex Meller, the loss of our girls A & A and us going OFF on twitter (but our Jolex marriage too!!), getting Wrong results on Pottermore together, our ships rising on TBT, the Chicken Nuggets, Selena + Tom, consulting Annie about our ships,,,,Girl, I love you so, so much and can’t wait to meet you at Madame Toussauds’ one day. Or, like...anywhere else too! I knew you were going to be a Meme Kween from the first time that we spoke, but you’re also an extremely loyal, thoughtful, creative friend who is always bubbling with ideas and makes her voice heard and I admire that so much 💕 And God knows you have so much grace for me and my slow, ditsy self, too, which always leaves me a little bit surprised in the best way, even though it shouldn’t because you have such a big, beautiful heart for both your friends AND animals (yeah we been knew you’re probably out here trying to adopt 5 more kittens!!) 
Honestly, I should be more surprised we’re at 1 year already because it flew by but at the same time it feels like it’s been like 7! I love that I know I can always come to you to say whatever weird thing is on my mind and that you’re just as down for any plot as I am which anyone can see with how many otps we already have that have yet to be written!! And I hope you know that you can always do the same because I’m always here to listen and scream my support back for you baby grill <3 I can’t wait for another year of building memories that are as weird and full of love (+ some pain for our charas) just like us! It’s about time for pilot season so you best be prepared for our liveblogging the HELL out of Jolex + TBP + Choices like the true stans we are. I love you soooooooooo so so so so much my Arizona, you deserve the world and are just saddled with me, sorry to tell you! Here’s to another year of creating trouble together :”) CAN I GET A YEEHAW????
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andordean · 2 years
OTP Asks for Cahir/Ciri (and maybe Ciri/Tankred you want to do them as well): 3, 9, 12, 13,14, 20, 51, 58
I saved this as a draft and then Life Happened, sorry it took me so long!! 💜
I'm likely gonna do three versions of it for canon/modern AU Cahir/Ciri and the. CIRI/TANKRED AS REQUESTED (Blood Times got to 300 kudos, celebratory post coming! 🥳🥳🥳)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Ciri steals their clothes aplenty; shirts in canon verse, a particularly soft hoodie in modern!AU that's hers now, thanks for asking, and a particular robe in black and red that used to be Tankred's but it brings out her eyes, and also, it's incredibly warm, perfect for the wretched Koviri weather.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Canon!Ciri is not comfortable with the idea At All. Too much has happened, too much has been done to her, too many times she's been treated like a breeding mare for this to be something she actively wants.
In the Queen of Cintra verse, she grows to accept it as part of the package, but delays it for as long as possible.
In Pieces verse, she gets pregnant by accident, and is considering aborting the child. Ultimately decides against it.
Modern!AU Ciri isn't mad about the idea, but can be convinced. Maybe.
Cahir wants kids in any and all verses; Tankred accepts it as an integral part of being a royal. He doesn't have any strong feelings about it one way or another--until he does.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Ciri/Cahir in Witcher-verse: not too many. Most often over Ciri being reckless and putting herself in danger. (Ciri never acknowledges she's at fault here, but she does promise to do better. Then she goes and breaks this promise.)
Ciri/Cahir in Splinters verse: nothing worse than their breakup fight
Ciri/Tankred: not really. Tankred is a good negotiator, and he doesn't let her wind him up too often. They have heated discussions, but they rarely escalate; too much is at stake. (To smooth things over, they fuck.)
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Cahir/Ciri in Pieces: Ciri
In modern!AU: both are equally bad
Ciri/Tankred: smug boi is a hedonist through and through.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Cahir/Ciri: he's calm to her storm, he's the one emotionally open, he's the one who knows what he wants. Clashing: she can be reckless and impatient; he can be unwilling to take risks.
Ciri/Tankred: her intuition with his strategic talent; her courage with his cunningness; her fierceness with his (cold) calculation; her imagination and idealism with his pragmatism. Clashing: her hot-headed attitude; his pride and arrogance
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Ciri/Cahir Pieces verse:
Ciri/Cahir modern!AU:
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
For Cahir/Ciri, answered here.
Ciri/Tankred: little gestures in public, invisible or innocent enoguh to the onlookers. Touch. Massage after a particularly draining day. Tankred likes to give her jewelry with rubies to represent his house colours; Ciri isn't entirely against the idea.
58. Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
Ciri, in any verse, in any relationship. 😆
Thank you so much for the ask dear 💜💜💜
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xgrxmreaperx · 2 years
Extra info about me! [Pinned]
There's a limit on how many tags you can have on your blog, and I don't wanna make my bio too long, so here's some things about me that aren't mentioned in my bio!
General info:
My ao3 is vampirecats, I take fanfic requests always (either ask me here, or in my oneshots work on ao3!), I like drinking lemon juice and eating lemons is a celebratory self win thing (so yeah, good day if I mention this), I like watching LDShadowlady, Smallishbeans, Seapeekay, Smajor1995/Dangthatsalongname, AugustTheDuck, VoiceyHere, and many more, I enjoy bullying small children on the internet /j, I do gacha since my art straight up sucks (might post some though? maybe?), Minor (8-16 range for a hint ig), and I'm very approachable, totally /j (I don't bite, dw LOL)
Ships/OTPs (S1 = Empires season 1, S2 = Empires season 2):
Flower husbands, Jizzie, Diss Track Duo (Joel x fWhip) (S1), fJizzie (Jizzie + fWhip) (S1), Scosage (S1). J(immy)osage (S1), Flower husbands + Sausage (S1), Seapeesound, Nature Wives, J(oel)osage (S2). Grumbo, Mumskall, Team ZIT (sort of?), Polyhermits, GoodTimesWithGrumbo (Scar + Grumbo), and more to be added in the future! (People who are paired a ton are either polyam, multi-shipped, or shipped in different context (like different seasons), most likely polyam)
Warrior Cats, 3rd Life, Last Life, Double Life, Empires 1 and 2, Hermitcraft, Crazycraft, Cutecraft, Trollcraft, Funcraft, Kingdomcraft, Afterlife SMP, Sims Craft (Yammy, Joey, Scott), Omori, DHMIS, Amphibia, TOH, Genshin Impact (I do not support Hoyoverse), The Music Freaks, Cookie Run: Kingdom, etc! Last three not as strong.
Writing, Making Tiktoks (edits (gacha and vids), random gacha vids, etc), being weird and strange on Tumblr, Drawing, Being a menace to society, Being lactose intolerant (/hj cause I am lactose intolerant, but it's certainly not a hobby), etc!
Minecraft (I'm apart of an SMP, might post abt my lore oc, maybe!), Roblox, Warriors: Untold Tales, WCUE on Roblox, Roleplay (mostly Warrior Cats), etc!
Writing specialties:
Fluff, Angst, and improving fast and well on Smut!
Favorite Characters/Kins (In order of highest to lowest):
Smallishbeans (In most series' of his), Smajor1995 (in most series' of his), Katherine Elizabeth (Empires S1), Joey Graceffa (Empires SMP S2), Mumbo Jumbo, ImpulseSV, BDoubleO100, Rendog, GoodTimesWithScar, Shubble, Seapeekay, TheOrionSound, SUNNY (Omori), HEADSPACE KEL (Omori), Yellow Guy (DHMIS), Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia), Sprig Planter (Amphibia), Polly Planter (Amphibia), etc!
Might add more, but that's it for now! Thanks for stopping by!
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mitchtheficus · 3 years
Hi Kell! I found you through Rachel's Golden Lovers article. I'm a new wrestling fan and I'm so overwhelmed with sport. I have no idea where to begin. Do you have any advice for a where a new wrestling fan should start their journey?
Hi and welcome! It can be super overwhelming to be a new wrestling fan since there's so much content and history and because wrestling is so unique
First - several people have mentioned to me feeling a bit of idk how to put it imposter syndrome i guess because they found wrestling later in life instead of being fans since they were kids like some people are, so remember that it's totally fine to be a new fan! I found wrestling in 2016 and I'd literally never seen a match before in my life.
Second - to help deal with being overwhelmed, what I did when I became a fan was follow particular wrestlers or storylines that interested me first instead of trying to consume everything at once. Sasha was one of the first wrestlers I learned about so i went back and watched a lot of her older matches and storylines while also watching her new matches as they came out, and through that i learned a lot about how wrestling works and what i like about it, and i also got introduced to other wrestlers that i came to like.
With the golden lovers delving completely into their past might be a little difficult since their story spans so many companies but if you're most interested in their reunion I'd recommend checking out NJPW and Being The Elite (kenny's friends the young bucks' YouTube channel) from that time period because that's where most of the story took place. Let me know if you want any specific content recs (matches, interviews etc) for them!
Third - tumblr! As i learned about and became interested in more wrestlers i would search them up on tumblr and learn about their characters and history that way! I would especially search Mith-Gifs-Wrestling's blog and just literally go through every post about that wrestler, because she's really great at catching little character moments and putting things in context. She also has written some essays about wrestling that I highly recommend!
You can also go through my blog! I have a tag for each wrestler that i gif (eg "mystuff" for all my gifsets "myomegagifs" for all my kenny omega gifsets "mykotagifs" "myGLgifs" "mymeta") and i also tag everything i reblog (so for that you'd search "kenny omega") and i also have tags for pairings (for the golden lovers it's a bit complicated bc I decided to tag them by Era (otp: love at first sight / otp: the golden lovers (original tag team era) / otp: and waiting for him (after their break up, pining era) / otp: we made a promise to each other (when they're both in njpw but not reunited) / otp: born to make history (when they're finally reunited and a tag team) / otp: the sea between us (current era)) and i also tag random stuff like "celebratory affection" "wrestler goodbye hugs"
I hope that's helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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found--family · 4 years
We were waiting so many years for something to happen between Dean and Cas, for something to prove we are not imagining this and all those people who abandoned the show years ago now are shitting on that scene because Dean didn’t immideately said it back?! 12 years of incredibly complex relationship and they really think it could be resolved with usual hetero “I love you” - “I love you too”? If that has happened they would be the first to tell how unrealistic it was. I’m so done with antis 😤
(sorry this got so long, also sorry for my lack of links! if anyone's after something in particular i can probably help you find The Thing.)
Your anger is valid nonny 💙
A lot of the hate going around and the jokes being made at the expense of these characters and their journey is coming from people who have never watched the show or who don't ship Dean/Cas, but that doesn't bother me much. It's frustrating but haters gonna hate so best to just ignore the outsiders.
What does bother me, just as you mention, are the shippers who either stopped watching years ago OR who are up-to-date with season 15 but they view That Scene in a negative light and are bitching into the digital void, dampening the celebratory mood of shippers who view That Scene in a positive light.
I feel sorry for the shippers who feel disappointed or angered by the dialogue in That Scene, Dean's reaction, and Castiel's "death", because honestly what show have they been watching? TBH i think if they were more involved in the fandom they would've come across informative content (in its multitude of forms) that would help them see there's So Much to be positive about.
Let's work backwards:
We will see Cas again. afaik Misha has one more episode on his season allotment contract (possibly 2? which would probably mean a brief cameo in 15x19) if you want some hard facts - i don't have links but Google is your friend here. Also, the entire cast + crew have been pretty damn quiet in the wake of 15x18 (bar a few Twitter interactions and the DarkLight Convention livestream), which is a Big Damn Clue that they're holding back because Something More is yet to come; even Misha has refrained from posting about it on his social media accounts - i think there was 1 post? - which is very unlike him (plus we hear he's written an essay about Cas' coming out which he's yet to share, possibly waiting until after his Real final episode airs, ie. 15x20). Then there's Castiel's story: it's not over. We know The Empty is compromised due to Jack's cosmic implosion, we know there are ways into and out of The Empty, and with cosmic Entities meeting their end this season maybe The Shadow will too? Plus, Cas being left in The Empty isn't a peaceful ending for him (as Ruby mentioned, those trapped there relive their greatest regrets on a loop) and also: Been There Done That In That Place so it's not a good ending writing-wise. Not to mention what we've seen of grieving!Dean means he won't find peace either as long as Cas is in The Empty/dead. 15x18 was exclusively Castiel's love confession, so Dean's is surely on it's way, which means More Cas!
Dean’s reaction was very much in-character for him. Dean's a volatile smelting pot of Anger and Too Much Heart, especially this season, and while we've seen him blow up about some matters (Chuck's machinations, failing, losing people, etc.) and be honest and vulnerable about how he's feeling (with Sam, with Jack, with Cas - usually in regards to Chuck's BS, although I'm not just talking about season 15) Cas' love confession was something else altogether, something personal just for him, for them, something Brand New: Dean's best friend reveals he's in love with him, which is unprecedented for Dean on both counts. Losing people and losing battles and suffering because of trauma and his upbringing and The Ongoing Hunter Life - that's not new. But he has zero experience with receiving genuine love confessions, which also happen to come from his best friend (who he is also in love with if the past 12 seasons are anything to go by). So his shock/tongue-tied reaction is justified, it's expected really, because like you say an "I love you, too, Cas" just wouldn't feel organic for Dean or his years-long relationship with Cas (plus it's too soon, story-wise). While Misha gave us a stellar emotional outpouring for Cas (appropriate, since he was spilling his heart) Jensen did what he does best: micro-expressions, the nuance acting he's imbued into Dean's character since season 1 and one of the top reasons He Deserves All The Awards. Anyone who complains about Dean's "lack of reaction" isn't taking into account his shock and are apparently not fans of the show because again, that's Dean/Jensen, the subtle emotional shifts in his expression that have (skilfully) conveyed Dean's state of heart and mind through the years (when his contrasting emotional outbursts weren't on display). I understand wanting more from Dean in that moment, that folks feel cheated because they didn't get More, but.. we did: Tears steadily filled Dean's eyes as the scene progressed; Fear added to his Shock as Billie and The Empty showed up and as Cas was stolen away; and OFC the curled-up-and-freakin-sobbing moment at the end as everything sunk in, as he realised he couldn't even answer Sam's call (even if something else had gone wrong) because he would've broken down - which he did.
@ the folks who wanted more from Dean in That Scene: It's There. It's in the micro-expressions, meta, parallels, subtext, symbolism, callbacks - because this show has always needed more than a passing glance; it's about the layers, the story which every cast and crew member has always had a hand in enriching by giving the audience Something More to think about, More to feel. It's in the 15 years of Dean's character journey. It's in that closing scene. It's in the 2 whole episodes we're yet to see. It's there, you just gotta look for it. You're watching Supernatural, after all.
Once again, I encourage folks to read the brilliant meta that's been coming out in the wake of 15x18 (and all of season 15) as well as the insightful thought-posts of shippers who understand the layers and the journey of Dean and Cas' relationship and manage to sum-up canon happenings so beautifully in a hundred words or less.
And you're 100% right nonny 💚
We deserve this love story because we know Dean and Cas deserve this love story, because those involved in making the show have been building towards this for 12 years, that The Slowest Burn To Ever Slow deserves acknowledgement, closure, and a happy ending.
I know it can be hard to stay positive when your dash is littered with negativity, but remember you control the flow: use that block function for tags and post content. Unfollow and block the blogs you need to. If others get their rocks off criticising and hating The Things You Love, just ignore them. They're gonna live mad about Stuff but you don't have to. Pity the haters, but don't let them get you down. Also, post/like/reblog as much positive content as you can find; drown the haters in love.
You deserve happiness just like our beloved OTP.
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aceholmes · 6 years
for the otp prompts! 24: 'That looks hard. Let's switch' :))
“That looks hard. Let’s switch,” suggested Klavier, as he watched Apollo struggle. His face was just as red as his waistcoat, and the two tufts of hair that had normally sat at the top of his head were drooping from the heat. The sun wasn’t helping matters either, for it glinted off the lake where it hit the water. Luckily for Klavier, who had come prepared, the pair of sunglasses he had brought along for their date on the lake were now sitting on the bridge of his nose, dulling the glare. On the other side of their tiny pedal boat, Apollo was squinting so hard in discomfort, Klavier was sure that there were going to be creases in that high, wide forehead of his even after they got out of the sun.
“No, I-I’m fine!” Apollo hollered, his signature Chords of Steel ringing across the vast lake, as his short legs attempted to keep a steady rhythm on the boat’s pedals. He grunted, shifting himself forward on the slippery plastic seat. “This is fun, really.”
Klavier shook his head. “Ah, but you’ve been at it for the last twenty minutes. No wonder you’re tired.” He tilted the rudder of the boat, causing it to make a smooth turn to the right. “Switch? Or at least have a water break, Herr Forehead. You’re as red as a tomato, and I’m so, so worried that you’ll pass out from dehydration. Then I’ll have to pedal us both back to shore, eh?”
Apollo reached up to wipe the sweat collecting on his brow. “Yeah, a break sounds nice. I wish I’d actually be able to do something, though. Not helping to power the boat makes me feel so useless.”
Klavier raised an eyebrow. “And what about me, who’s been sitting here with nothing except the rudder to control? It’s been an easy ride for me, all thanks to you. But you still need to be able to sit back and enjoy yourself, ja?”
“Yeah, okay.” The man in red took his feet off the pedals and stood up, his legs wobbling as the boat lost its initial stability when Klavier slid into the seat he previously occupied. And then, with his boyfriend steadying him at the hips, he stepped over the plastic divider in the middle and–
The boat rocked. Violently. It took both of them by surprise so suddenly that Apollo felt himself being thrown off the boat, if not for Klavier, who had yanked him back before he had gone completely overboard. The boat then tipped in the other direction, less intensely this time, and back and forth, bobbing like a pendulum, until it came to rest.
“God, I’m all wet,” groaned Apollo, as he looked down at himself. All wet would be a bit unfair–half wet would probably be the more appropriate descriptor of his situation, since only his left side had taken a dip in Gourd Lake. The right sleeve of his dress shirt and most of his right pant leg had been left unscathed, but the left side of him felt like a cat drenched by a rainstorm. It was now that he had immensely regretted wearing his usual work attire to this post-trial celebratory date.
Klavier had found his footing on the pedals and was now working up a steady rhythm to bring them back to store. His long legs made easy work of the pedalling, and it seemed almost leisurely for him. “Not all wet, though,” Klavier chuckled, reaching over for Apollo’s still-dry right arm and slinging it across his own shoulders. Leaning in, he cheekily planted a kiss on Apollo’s dripping-wet hairline, amused at the way his boyfriend’s eyes flew wide open in shock.
Apollo rolled his eyes. “Ugh, I can’t believe you just did that. I probably smell like lake or something.” He squirmed in his seat, but Klavier only brushed it off with an easy smile.
“What? You’re still you, meine Liebe, regardless if you ‘smell like lake’ or not, putting it in your own words.” Klavier took in a deep breath, surveying his surroundings. “Either way, I’m glad we took our date out here. The view is great, ja?”
Apollo’s eyes wandered, but they weren’t focused on the forest at the edges of the lake or the great blue sky above. Instead, they swept past every marvellous feature on his boyfriend’s sun-kissed face, taking in the whole sight.
I’m so lucky to have you.
“Yeah,” returned Apollo, somehow turning even redder than he was before.
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potentiality-26 · 7 years
11 questions meme
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
I was tagged by @flarewarrior.  I would’ve gotten to it before had tumblr not failed to give me a notification lol. 
1. Quick! All the ships are sinking! You save three while I call for help - which three OTPs do you save?
Hartwin, Rumbelle because screw what the OUAT canon did with them, and... uh... Jeeves/Wooster, old favorite. 
2. Which NOTPs do you watch sink with a glass of champagne (or your celebratory drink of choice)?
I’m still a little hung up on Gwen/Jack from Torchwood and Chakotay/Seven from Star Trek Voyager.  If the canon parts of those could just go away I would be really happy (and not care about people shipping them otherwise). 
3. If you have an idea you’re holding onto until you feel like you’ve reached a point where you can do it justice, what makes it special?
It’s this very plot-driven/action-oriented Roxelle fic that I have really well planned out in my mind, but I’m not... all that good at plot-driven and action-oriented?  It’s not really in my wheelhouse, so I’m waiting until I get better at that kind of thing.  
4. Most recent song you put on repeat?
The Disturbed cover of “The Sound of Silence.”
5. Most recent book or fic you re-read?
I recently re-read All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot, which I hadn’t read since I was quite young. 
6. Most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
Probably Kauai.  There’s this restaurant there that overlooks these beautiful green mountains with just dozens of waterfalls, and I ate ribs there with my friend across the table from me angled toward the tv.   
7. If a fic were to capture your attention with just a few lines, what kind of thing would be in those lines?
A good humorous turn of phrase and a general funny tone- or just something unexpected that makes me want to learn more. 
8. What’s one thing you did for someone else that you’re proud of?
One time when I was pretty young- like 11 or 12- I confronted my teacher because she kept assigning homework that needed to be typed, and my friend wasn’t able to do it because she didn’t have a computer or enough to time to go to the computer lab and do it, and my friends parents didn’t care about her grades at all so they weren’t going to say anything and neither was she.  The teacher started giving us the option to do final drafts in pen after that. 
9. What’s your favorite thing you’ve written or made?
Probably No Charm Equal.  I’m really very happy with how it came out. 
10. What character do you sympathize with?
I definitely sympathize with Harry Hart quite a bit. 
11. Is there a bad guy you love to hate?
Gul Dukat on Star Trek DS9 is way up there.  He’s just so charming and incredibly evil, and the show never loses sight of either of those things. 
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lostinthemargins · 7 years
Some real talk about Sciles/Stydia/Sterek and the shitshow that is Teen Wolf
Thoughts on Teen Wolf (Scott/Stiles brotp/Stydia/Sterek) after reading a lot of vitriolic and just plain sad TW posts, from ALL ship bases and fans:
For one, I never hated Scott nor wished he’d die or anything, even though I don’t particularly “like” him. That’s because of how’s he’s been written. My issue with him is NOT that he’s imperfect (because he is), in fact, that’s one of the things I LOVE about Scott. He can (and always has been able to) be an utter asshole, and that makes him normal. No one is all good or all bad. Unfortunately, showrunners typically think that way. And partially because of that (I believe), Scott is written as this happy go lucky, gullible, perky puppy dog who loves everyone and has a messiah complex. But that’s not true. He is not the best friend in the whole wide world, although that doesn’t necessarily make him a “bad” friend. He can be both a bad and good friend because he can be both a bad person and a good person. He is not infallible or perfect, as we would be led to believe. Watching all of the seasons over again really cleared my head on this and reminded me why I had begun to build up some animosity toward the character, which surprised me. I began to get really fed up with him and liked it when Stiles and he butted heads because I thought Scott was acting like a total idiot and, yes, a shitty friend. The answer was simply that he’d always had the capacity to be that way, even back in season 1. He was the stereotypical dorky teenage boy who got lucky with a pretty girl and began to think he was hot shit, certainly better than his friend because he was succeeding at having what he called a “normal life.” He didn’t really “need” Stiles at that point, and he just used Derek over and over. It happens to the best of us. To be fair, Stiles was written to type as well as the dorky best friend who’s pining over the girl he can’t have. The difference for me is that Stiles has had Scott’s back more often then visa versa.
So for me, my agitation with Scott stems partially from the writers inability to allow Scott to own up and make some real changes. Think about this, in the final 6a scene, it’s Stiles who’s directing the “I need you” “I miss you” conversation. Scott doesn’t have a lot of self-reflection or heartfelt epiphanies as much as you think he would. His mostly deal with his status as an alpha and the responsibilities that that entails.
Another part of it, again not really the character’s fault, is how his status as a POC is used. I think it’s great that he’s a POC, but I also feel that the showrunners use that as a cop out. It almost lets them feel entitled to shit on other POC characters because they can still point to Scott and say “Look, our main character’s a POC, we’re so modern.” Honestly, Scott could totally be white and it wouldn’t affect his story, that’s how little a role his heritage plays, so the fact that he’s a POC to me just seems like Jeff Davis and company patting themselves on the back for being inclusive. I mean, let’s be honest, his acting ability in season 1 was embarrassing, so I’m a little cynical as to why they chose him. The shitty way they’ve written his character just rubs salt into the wound.
On Stydia:
First, to be fair, I’ll throw it out there that I’m not a Stydia shipper, but that’s not because I don’t like them together or because I ship Stalia or because I thought something crazy like he was secretly with Derek in canon (although I do ship Sterek). I’ll touch on Malia, but I honestly ship Scalia, so there.
I love them in a close friendship (kind of like the one he was establishing with Derek before it all went to hell). I thought it would be SO MUCH more meaningful and have much more of an impact if they remained friends. Why? Because it would have been playing AGAINST TYPE, something TW showrunners can’t seem to grasp. So Stiles was the stereotypical dorky best friend who pined and borderline stalked the hot girl and eventually “won” her affections. Is it a cute love story? Sure. Does it make me want to stab my eyeballs out with how cliché it is? Absofuckinglutely. Do I think it reduces both of their characters to the single purpose of satisfying an artificial and set in stone “ship”? YES. I say artificial because they’re fulfilling the roles that have been laid out for them since EPISODE 1. What is exciting, cute, sweet, or even remotely celebratory about that? And so all close male/female friendships have to end in them dating? Come on people, we’ve been fed trope after trope after trope, starting with the teenagers falling in love at first sight aka Scallison. Not hating on Scallison by any means, just how they got pushed together like wham bam thank you ma'am; although, yes, teenagers do fall in love easily so I can at least understand it even if I don’t like it. Allison falling in love with Isaac and him learning to trust her, someone who had tried to kill him, after everything he went through? Now that was something special. It was sad that it never had the chance to go anywhere.
I’ll never get over how they really just slammed Stydia in everyone’s faces with 6a. What was it really about other than to force Lydia into accepting her feelings? …Nothing. Literally nothing happened that changed anything from premiere to finale. Except for Mama McCall and Papa Argent getting their smooch on. Which I’m down for. I didn’t buy into her and the Sheriff, partially because it would have been so obvious and I think a little too campy and saccharine. So 6a just accomplished the “full circle” plotline of Stydia, in all its romantically forced and melodramatic glory. Again, I like them together, and I think her devestation felt real and it was sweet. But they really just slammed the romance aspect together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. With STALE peanut butter and jelly. As in Lydia didn’t really give an inkling of romantic feelings beyond a few shared glances throughout the seasons and both she and Stiles were busy with other people. A Stiles and Erica relationship was baited right before the actress left, and then we were baited with Cora, who Stiles seemed interested in, and then of course we had the underage Stalia sex in the basement of a mental institution AKA one of the few black marks on an otherwise good season. And then he drops her and what, we’re supposed to pretend like they weren’t a thing for 2 whole seasons? O.K. Once again, we have another character introduced to serve very few purposes with no real plot herself, and that’s mostly to be a girlfriend to Stiles and Peter’s reason for self-improvement. What other purpose has she served? But yeah, we’re supposed to forget her because Stydia is a thing that must happen and it’s the last season. Jeff Davis pretty much said about a lot of season 6 plot lines and decisions, “It’s the last season, so we thought ‘Why not? Let’s do it.’” That is so unbelievably shitty and unfair to characters and their actors. Like, have some self-respect. THAT is why a lot of fans think Stydia is fanservice. Because of the showrunners attitude that they’ll just throw it all against the wall, give “everyone” the happy ending they always wanted because Teen Wolf is ending. Davis said he always wrote every season as if it was the last before they knew it would end with 6. HELLO. Stiles and Lydia don’t get together until 6a. That means if the show had been cancelled like Davis suspected it might, Stydia wouldn’t have been endgame after all.
As for Sterek, it’s my otp but not because I think they were romantic on the show. They weren’t that we know of. I just like them as a pairing, always have, and always will. Some of you spout that’s it’s gross because of the age difference, so obviously that means you’re not OK with all of the baiting they did with Lydia and Parrish? And you have a problem watching underage characters having sex on screen and constantly seeing minors being sexualized? Right? You have to if you think Sterek fans are disgusting. So I don’t put too much thought into the like 6 or 7 year age difference because when Stiles is 18 Derek would only be maybe 25. Hell, I’m 23 and I can tell you a few years means shit, especially this particular period of your life. Derek is still pretty much a kid. Not that I’m going to get into the age difference debate and the sexualization of Sterek. I don’t write, nor do I read fanfiction featuring a sexual canon Sterek relationship; if I do at all, it’s in AUs.
I do think there was more Sterek content in 3b and 4, despite them being apart, but what troubles me is how they pretty much did it on purpose to upset Sterek fans. Dylan and Tyler loved working together, they said as much, and they commented on not having as many scenes together. Meanwhile you have certain people making derogatory public comments and putting the ship and it’s fans down. Of course the fan base is going to be hurt by that, why wouldn’t they if they feel like they’ve been disrespected by the very people their viewership supports? And then they watch their two beloved characters have less and less screen time together and it feels very deliberate. Obviously Jeff Davis and company felt the need to send a message that Sterek was not going to happen, which is fine, but they did so at the expense of a very funny and interesting relationship–something that has hurt the show, no matter how much you dislike or disagree with Sterek as a “ship.” Stiles and Derek could have been real friends, something they were working toward; anyone remember Stiles being the one to show up in Derek’s semi-lucid dream state when Kate shot him? Some point out that could mean Stiles is an anchor-like figure for Derek, or that at the least he is someone Derek feels comfortable around to imagine him there at a time when he is hurt and needing reassurance and advice. And that emphasis on Stiles when Derek left in 4 and the touchy subject of his absence in 5a? Yeah, Stiles had begun to like Derek, and the show did a fair amount of queer baiting–not just for Sterek but a lot of other pairings. But that relationship was severed mostly because A. the showrunners were determined to make any ship other than Sterek exist B. they separated them a lot from seasons 1 and 2 to reduce the Sterek support and C. Tyler eventually decided to leave for his own personal reasons (the show wasn’t kind to his character for sure). After that we saw the slow decline of Stalia and the continued crawl of Stydia scenes, meanwhile having the brand new ship of Larrish being dropped on us out of the freaking blue.
The showrunners didn’t really want to commit to going all in with Stydia before the absolute last season. That’s gotta mean something to Stydia shippers. I don’t understand how you guys can gloss over that and ignore how it affects the integrity of the characters. Would I rather see Stydia than Stalia? Yes and no, but only because I acknowledge that Stalia was a crack pairing to begin with and it made no sense storyline wise. Stydia still feels rushed in 6a after a slow burn that could have just meant a strong friendship. And now we have these revelations such as Lydia admitting that everything changed when she first kissed Stiles. O.K. then, now why don’t we get an explanation as to why that’s just now a thing for her when the kiss took place back in freaking 3a, in a scene that was unrealistic to begin with? I understand the excitement of seeing your otp come true, but the lack of romance until the crazy plot of 6a harms the integrity of everything.
They should have made Stydia a thing before 6a instead of saying “What the hell, why not?” Believe it or not, Sterek shippers might actually be pissed if they’d done that to Stiles and Derek. Can you imagine? Having Derek come swooping in at the last season and have Stiles suddenly realize his romantic feelings for him? The fan base would be in an UPROAR for the lack of development and rightly so. Is Stydia more believable? Of course. Has Derek been absent since 5? Obviously. So they had no chance to develop any relationship at all, friendship or otherwise. Stydia makes more sense because they’ve had more time to become friends and have been pushed together, in part as a response to Sterek as an insistence that Stiles and Lydia would always be important to each other and would definitely get together. Meanwhile, characters like Malia are getting used like a rag doll, taking up space as Stiles girlfriend when it’s convenient, and tossed back aside to make way for Lydia once Davis and company feel good and damned ready to make Stydia a thing.
At the end of the day, the biggest reason I don’t want Stydia to be a thing is because their relationship matters more when they’re not doing the thing you expect. It’s much more mature for Stiles to say, “You know what? I always had this childish notion that we’d be together because it was fate, but I realize now that we’re too good of friends for this to be the right decision. I value your friendship more than the desire to fulfill my immature ambition of winning you.” The romantic subplot that never came to fruition between Rachel Green and Joey from Friends come to mind. They realized it didn’t feel right because they were too close, their friendship too strong. They made an adult decision not to pursue it further.
But no. We don’t get that kind of growth. We get the same old regurgitated same old, and that’s why I won’t really miss TW when it’s gone because let’s face it, the real show’s been gone for a while now.
Jeff Davis and company kind of gave up a long time ago for various reasons, but unfortunately by then the oldest fans, making up the loyal fan base, were hooked and still came back for more torture. The fact that we’re less than a month out, have only just been told that, and still don’t have a trailer, makes me livid in ways I can’t describe. MTV/TW showrunners have really shown their disdain for their own characters and their fans for the sake of going out with a bang, and it’s utterly disgusting.
Rant over.
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spierfeld · 8 years
mutuals are bolded, personal favorites are italicized and blogs i’ve just followed are indicated with (+f)
@merlinssbeard: i love your new url lovely!! also i love both your icon and sidebar image!! all of your hp posts are amazing and congrats on 200 followers!! you deserve that and more!!
@toujourspurr: i love all of the hp femslash content on your page because i love basically all of the femslash ships in the hp universe (um also ur posts about cho x ginny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice they’re like my lowkey otp)
@peterpettiness: okay first of all your url made me giggle a bit tbh i love it!! all of your posts are really nice and i’m pretty sure it’s your birthday (or it was sometime recently??) so happy birthday deary!! 
@newtshvfflepuff (+f): your url is so cute tbh and i love all of your hp content!! i don’t know why i wasn’t following you earlier because i’ve definitely seen your blog before!! 
@hannahabbott: well first of all nice canon url honestly like how?? all of your hp content is really nice and aesthetic-y and i love it!! i also like your sidebar image and the simplicity of your theme!
want one?
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whiteclericmaris · 7 years
Alright so one ship that I love a lot, predatorahipping. :)
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPsHow long will they last? - In Canon it looks like they are stuck forever with Yuma and Yuzu (I take it as trapped forever in them since Yuto was never able to split once he ‘died’)How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Not that quick. Probably months to years. To me this ship is more based on mutual respect for the other and Yuri either constantly taunting Serena who just ignores him or tells him to shut up snapping at him. How was their first kiss? - Ehehehehe, the first time I saw this pair kissing was in the Demon Yuri AU but it wasn’t pleasant because of Yuri being a predator it almost looks like sexual assault (Yuri leads me to very dark places in general). In Post-Canon if Yuya and Yuzu ever kiss then that could count for something.Wedding: ??? Doubt it unless Post-Cannon Yuya and Yuzu marry. In my non-canon AUs it is more of a fling on Yuri’s side as he becomes the predator canon portrays him in the anime (barring his childhood).
Who proposed? - Post-Canon I can see Yuya proposing. Non cannon AU’s they tend to be flings on Yuri’s part. Who is the best man/men? - If I had to make a noncanon AU for this scene it would have to be Dennis.Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - YuzuWho did the most planning? - They both seem to look like planners in general but Yuri since Serena seemed more blunt in canon and Yuri has the special uniform. He must know how to dress somehow.Who stressed the most? - They both look like the type to stress but I would say Serena as she gets fed up with Yuri’s constant sassy remarks.How fancy was the ceremony? - Knowing Yuri’s attire and mannerisms probably fancy enough.Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. ????? I have no idea what this means. Because of Yuri Kate and William wish they were this big. Probably a 7Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - I think we can all agree Leo for a certain reason.Sex: Oh yes, Yuri would definitely be persuasive.
Who is on top? - Serena at first just because Yuri likes to throw in a reversal for fun.Who is the one to instigate things? - YuriHow healthy is their sex life? - Unhealthy at first but I think Yuri would make sure to at least be as healthy for his first try.Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now. I think they touch each other a lot as Serena either tries to beat him up for his sass and Yuri tends to want to touch Serena in my AU’s. They might just hum each other on the couch unexpectedly. 7How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
9 Yuri is a very kinky individual.How long do they normally last? - Probably an hour or so. They both look fit in the anime.Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Nope, Yuri is a starve greedy individual.How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. 7How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. 5Children: ??? I don’t like the idea of Yusaku as their child. From what has been shown in the anime at least Yuri does not mind taking a kid down and Serena seems a little softer but not really the motherly type.
How many children will they have naturally? - Probably many with the way Yuri behaves.How many children will they adopt? - NoneWho gets stuck with the most diapers? - Serena though she gets Yuri to helpWho is the stricter parent? - They both are strict to certain degrees. I’d say Serena as Yuri seems more relaxed.Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - I don’t think either would. I could see Yuri seeing his son/daughter climbing up a tree and not minding at all until Serena tells warns him about the safety. The same for Serena.Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Both seem like the type, I’d say Yuri more though.Who is the more loved parent? - They both are equally loved but YuriWho is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both but SerenaWho cried the most at graduation? - SerenaWho is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - I think we know this is Yuri’s department.Cooking:
Who does the most cooking? - YuriWho is the most picky in their food choice? - SerenaWho does the grocery shopping? - I wrote it before so Yuri.How often do they bake desserts? - I think if Serena ever tried a sweet she might bake more often.Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Salad eaterWho is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Serena though it might be burned.Who is more likely to suggest going out? - SerenaWho is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - SerenaChores:
Who cleans the room? - Both share the responsibilitiesWho is really against chores? - Serena if she feels she did more than they agreed.Who cleans up after the pets? - YuriWho is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - YuriWho stresses the most when guests are coming over? - SerenaWho found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - SerenaMisc:
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - They both seem to share an equal amount of time. Mainly Yuri since Serena looks more like the type to do it because of hygiene. Yuri pampers himself.Who takes the dog out for a walk? - YuriHow often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Not often. They don’t look like the celebratory type.What are their goals for the relationship? - I don’t think they have any as it tends to be more Yuri’s lust in my interpretation and Serena either refuting or adapting to him. Post-Canon they are stuck.Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - SerenaWho plays the most pranks? - Yuri and his sassy mouth
Thanks for the ask!
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