furiarossa · 4 months
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Although it is rare, some male mersalmon (estimated one in four hundred) also exhibit a color change on the skin, which is pigmented green, with the ends of the upper limbs (arms and wrists) particularly dark (and called "gloves") . The contrast between the green of the skin of the torso, and the intense color of the scales of the tail, makes them particularly striking, but also particularly visible to predators, and this is why "green" males are so few: for them it is difficult to survive and pass on their genetics.
It's mermay again! This means we continue the work we started last year, with worldbuilding on our merfolk species, and in particular our favorite: mersalmon/ceasg!
And let's add, in addition to David Xanatos, also Vlad Plasmius to the ranks of these colorful creatures with delicious meat... here you can admire him in his rut livery and chibi version :)
(And if you understand Italian language, yeah, here you can read all the info about mersalmons (maregens salmo) )
[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag!]
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
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haltraveler · 1 year
Here are my two entries for the 2023 RPG Superstar contest. I'd be real grateful if people could give 'em some love!
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jackdelgado · 2 years
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Next is the Ceasg: the Scottish mermaid. Half woman half salmon. Sometimes she grants wishes, other times she eats you. Who knows #hellawieners
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scloudsg · 1 year
For any enquiries, please email [email protected].
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mishiluck-art · 1 year
Day 30 Ceasg
*Ha sido un tiempo, señorita guardiana. Se te ve bien~
—Se te ve tranquila, también me alegra verte.
*Él parece tu discípulo, ¿Por qué no se acerca?
—Sigues siendo una sirena y esa cola no ayuda, le daría hambre, ¿Sabes?
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oleander-neruim · 9 months
Ceasg Scott, does Sausage ever find out? What about the myths that state a captured ceasg must grant 3 wishes?
First of sorry for taking a billion years to answer, I got busy-
And for your ask:
Does Sausage ever find out?
I can see *eventually* Sausage finding out, but it's no where in the near future.
Sausage may or may not have seen Scott in his ceasg form, but he doesn't have the connection of "Oh that seamonster was Scott." He's seen Scott. He's seen a ceasg. He does not know that it was Scott. More on that later :>
As it stands, of the pirate cast, Acho knows (duh), Martyn knows (whoops), & Cleo (and Kyle somewhat) has a Suspicion somethings off witn Scott but nothing concrete. Scott's an odd fella as it is so who knows.
What about the 3 wishes myth?
There are differences between what would be Our-World Myths vs In-Universe Mechanics.
Such as, I see ceasg Scott as having *some* abilities but not endless wish-granting ones.
I do see more of sort of "Partial soul bound until the wishes are fulfilled" sort of thing. Contractual if you will. Where Scott more-or-less has to do 3 Things of whatever Thr Person says or wants (favors, so to speak).
So Yes on wishes, but Scott doesn't have any endless power to do whatever.
Tl;Dr: Sausage does not know & Scott is obligated to basically do three favors for anyone that finds out.
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worms-for-brains · 4 months
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I am not immune to Mer!Soap. I am not immune to Mer aus in general 😔
I know the general consensus is that Soap is a shark or seal but I did a little research and found out that Scottish mermaids (or Ceasg) were half salmon and how could I say no to that
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s0ljpeg · 4 months
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I forgor how to draw women but this came out better than what I expected, ALSO SHES SO PRETTY I LOVE HER
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queersrus · 4 months
Mermaid Theme
[mermaid theme]
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includes sirens, selkies and other fishfolk as well as general water dieties.
if you see duplicates let me know
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loralei/lorelei/loralei/loelai/lorelay/loralay/loreley/loraley/lorelie/loralie, lake, loch, limniad, lara, leucothea, lamia, leucosia, ligia, ligeia, laume, llyr, lir, limnade, leiminide sire, siren/syren, shiren/shyren, sel, selk, selki/selkie/selky, sea, seara, searsia, sirena/syrena, sjokona/siokona, sireno, styx, stheno, scylla, segeta, sequana, souconna, sirona, sinnan, saga, sjora, shoopiltee mer, merma, marmay/mermei/mermai/mermey, mermaid/mermaide/mermade, mermi/mermie/mermy, mermist, mermista, merman, mermen, mermaiden, mermix, melusine, melyzin, melusna, mel, merwif, meremenn, meer, merrow, marina, meermin/meerminne, min, meri. minne, merimin, meremin. maree, medusa, melusina, morgan/morgen, marimorgen, moryana, moryanki, moriany ocea, ocean/oceane, oceana, oceania, oceanix, oceanic, oceanice/oceanis, oceanus, oceanid, oceanide, ondine ran, rain/raine/rayn/rayne, river, revine/ravine, rainy/rainie/raini, rusalka, rhine, rura, rusalki pearl/perle, pearla/perla, pearly, poseidon, pisces, proteus, palaemon, phorcys, pontus, potamoi, psamathe, parthenope, pisinoe, peisinoe, pegaeae nymph, nymphie, nympha, naiad, neried, neriede, nereid, nereida, nereide, nix, nixie, neptune, nessie, nereus, nerites, nantosuelta, nodens, nehalennia, nerthus, njoror, nuggle, njogel kelpie, kymopoleia water, wodnik undine/undyne, uiara haffru, hiara, hippocampi, hippocampus, hi, hip/hipp, hippo, hippoca, hafgufa, hydra thala, thalasso, thalassa, thalia, tethys, thaumas, thetis, triton, triteia, tritone, thelxinoe, thames, telchine, tangie ceasg, calypso, ceto, coralia, carcinus, cancer, cymopoleia, coventina, condatis, charibdis, crinaeae, camenae atargatis, amphitrite, achelous, aegaeon, alpheus, anapos, asopus, asterion, aino, asrai, aglaope, aglaopheme, aglaophonos, acionna, aegir, aspidochelone, ahti, Aughisky, adara, adaro derketo, doris, dynamene, damona, danu, dana, duberdicus, durius, davy yara galene, glaucus, gorgon, graeae, glashtin brizo, belisama, brigid, boann, bandua, berehynia eidothea, electra, enipeus, eurybia, euryale jones ichthyocentaur vedenemo, vallemo, vodyanoy, vodník, vodnik, vodenjak, vodyanitsa
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine
mi/me/mers/mermine si/sire/sirens/sirine si/se/selkies/selkine sci/sce/scy/scaline fi/fe/fish/fine(fishine) ti/taile/tailes/tailine ny/nymphe/nymphs/nymphine nai/naie/nais/naiadine(naine) wai/wate/waters/watine
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/mer/mers/merself so/sir/sirens(sirs)/sirself(sirenself) so/selker/selkirs/selkirself sco/scaler/scalers/scaleself(scalerself) fo/fisher/fishers/fisherself to/tailer/tailers/tailerself(tailself) no/nympher/nymphrs/nymphself no/nair/naiars/naiadself wo/water/waters/waterself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
mer/maid, mer/folk, mer/man, mer/mers, mer/mermaid, mer/merfolk, mer/merman, mermaid/mermaids, merfolk/merfolks, merman/mermans si/ren, siren/sirens, si/siren, sel/kie, sel/selkie, selkie/selkies, sca/ale, scale/scales, sca/le, sca/scale fi/sh, fi/fish, fish/fishy, fish/fishes ny/nymph, ny/mph, nymph/nymphs, nai/ad, nai/naiad, naiad/naiads wa/ter, wat/er, wat/water, water/waters, water/nymph
the mermaid, the merman, the oceanic, the sea/ocean dweller, the swimmer, the devine river, the fish folk, the one of fish-like descent, the descendant of oceanus, the descendant of poseidon/neptune, the nymph, the naiad, the water nymph, the god/goddess of merfolk, the deity of the sea/ocean, the dweller of the deep
*one who dwells in the dark waters, one who has scales, one who lives in a tail and gills, one who breaths with gills, one who rules the deep, one who lives among the creatures of the deep, one who is half fish, one who controls the waves, one who's voice enchants, one who sings of the hearts desires
(*) you can replace "one" with any pronouns
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furiarossa · 4 months
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In addition to gregarious and dominant, there is a third type of mersalmon: jacks. Jacks mature much earlier than "regular" mersalmons and as such maintain a very small size, furthermore even during the reproductive period they do not change livery, remaining inconspicuous. Jacks do not have any dominance/submission relationship towards other mersalmons, they do not practice courtship and do not clash with each other or with other mersalmons. An adult male jack weighs around forty-five/fifty kilograms, compared to the weight of over one hundred kilograms of a regular-sized male, and would have no chance of winning in an open fight.
So, yeah, salmons have these small males called "Jacks", we could not possibly skip the opportunity of having an AU where Jack is a small guy (who, in the end, still wins the girl. Vlad is just unlucky in love, poor one! Oh, those sneaky little jacks...)
(And if you understand Italian language, yeah, here you can read all the info about mersalmons (maregens salmo) )
This was just a ballpoint pen sketch from our sketcbook, but we decided to slap some color on it, just to show the general difference in hue between a male in full rut and a non-color-changing jack.
[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag]
★ FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
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Hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall's Masterlist
Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you here again ;)
I am working on putting together all of my AO3 works from different accounts into here, so beat with me ❤️
I do have some rules:
No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it or parts of it. Please don’t add your additions or spin-offs to my existing story.
If the description states 18+ than please do not interact if you are under 18 years old.
I love constructive criticism - what I mean by that? Please be polite (not only here but everywhere). We are all just humans making mistakes.
English isn't my first language so please bear with me :)
You can ask me anything, If I do not wish to answer/write about something, I will let you know.
🔥- smut 🌈- fluff ⚠️ - angst
So let's get started and enjoy!
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Chains of Destiny- Wolverine/Logan Howlett x Mutant F!OC ⚠️ for now later 🔥⚠️🌈 (series)
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The guard till the end - Oberyn Martell x F!OC ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
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Escape - Bucky Barnes x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
I want to be with you, it is as simple, and as complicated as that - Bucky Barnes x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
Love is an open door - Bucky Barnes x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
Nothings ever what it seems - Bucky Barnes ⚠️ (one-shot)
I ain’t afraid of no skeleton - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
Home / Home 2 - Steve Rogers x Reader 🔥⚠️🌈 (two-parter) 18+
The only B - Professor!Steve x Student!Reader 🔥🌈 (one-shot) 18+
Enough is Enough - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️ (one-shot)
But it’s snowing - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The first snow of the year - Steve Rogers x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
Ceasg - Pirate!Steve Rogers x Mermaid!Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The PA - Tony Stark x Reader ⚠️🌈 (mini-series - finished)
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I didn’t want it to be this way - Curtis Everett x Reader 🔥⚠️⚠️⚠️ (one-shot) 18+
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Jealous - Geralt x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
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Time of War - Captain Syverson x Fem!OC (series ongoing)
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Teenage Fantasy - Henry Cavill x Reader 🔥🌈 (one-shot)
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The one with the Force - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!OC Medic (series ongoing)
Love isn't something you just learn, Commander part 1 / Part 2- Commander Cody x F!Reader ⚠️🔥🌈 18+ (two-parter finished)
Hope - Hunter x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one shot)
A new life / Part 2 / Part 3 - Commander Fox x F!OC ⚠️🔥🌈 18+ (three-parter finished)
Jealous - Echo x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The Fight isn't over yet - Rex x F!OC (series ongoing)
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feather-dancer · 7 months
Writing patterns (tag game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @creativenicocorner
Given I have two accounts and I'm curious, gonna put my alt under a cut.
Anybody who said long distance relationships are as rough on the head as the heart is speaking the truth though for the right person?
While the Arcane Order might be considered the guardians of all the majicks contained within this world, not once have they sought to lord over either.
Toby Domzalski has a plan.
It has been a handful of months since they had developed a routine of meeting up outside the bakery to hang out together in a two, three or four.
Barely gone 10am and already it feels as though an entire day had swept past while barely having the decency of allowing a breather anywhere in between.
Every day for as long as Marinette can remember if the weather planned on being good before the bakery opened, her papa would put out two tables with an accompaniment of two chairs each for anyone who wanted them.
Greetings true believer!
For all the best intentions in the world the wizard, it seems, will be running rather late for the upcoming engagement due to being half distracted by one thing after another instead of focusing on the far more pressing matter of simply getting ready.
Across the very fabric that is woven of time and space there are certainties in the life it creates, events that are consistent in how they occur over and over again if with light variations. - This is c/ped from the currently being edited version
Yeeeah you can def tell much of this is before I started really clamping down on sentence run on. I like my set up for the start damnit and it really shows. Also times for some reason?
Right lets see the alt account:
One of the biggest surprises Félix had in spending so much time with seafarers is just how cat like they can be.
Life for Félix had changed when he was little more than six years old.
To all that dwell below the soft barrier that exists between them, it must seem that the humans have the strangest habit of conjuring tales whenever in the need of explanations involving the sea.
From the little bit of internet research she’d done way back when, nothing should be able to get the drop on a cat. 
As luck would have it the Liberty is currently moored within reasonable distance of Caladh Soillse, the ancient ceasg community known better to surface dwellers as Finfolkaheem.
Even before they met, Luka knew probably more than most nathair clans did when it came to humans. 
There was something truly magical about being around a suen’s ship, any of them really, that never seemed to get old no matter often Luka did. 
From hard won experience of spending an entire childhood constantly on the move thanks to the whims of faceless bureaucrats, Lila knew it was wise to carve out a little niche as soon as possible. 
In comparsion the run on sentence issue has VASTLY improved geez. My set up habit won't stop for anybody though nor will my AU bullshit.
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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sharktea4-0 · 4 months
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Ceasg of Scotland. Also known as maighdean na tuinne, the water maiden. She will grant three wishes if captured. Many famous sailors claimed to be descendents of ceasg.
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rubiesintherough · 1 year
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since we're entering spooky season, here's a massive meme call specifically for all my supernatural / paranormal muses:
                   — Zia  ( siren )                    — Lusca ( siren )                    — Bren ( dragon )                    — Peggy ( ghost )                    — Dustin  ( ghost )                    — Cesia  ( ceasg )                    — Cora ( mermaid )                    — Grethe  ( huldra )                    — Page  ( medium )                    — Quentin  ( ghost )                    — Cason  ( vampire )                    — Gracie ( medium )                    — Aedus  ( phoenix )                    — Selena ( vampire )                    — Zale  ( sea serpent )                    — Ksyle  ( gjenganger ) — Joey ( deals demon )                    — Nemŭs ( forest deity )                    — Amara ( necromancer )                    — Sylas ( royal with fae blood )                    — Nicholas ( immortal warlock )                    — Fanny  ( shapeshifting witch )                    — Reaper  ( Head Grim Reaper )                    — Travis ( doctor to the supernatural )                    — Nikki ( goddess of death and funerals.wip )                   — Vizael / Victor ( angel of death / heaven’s interrogator )
if you want memes from any / all of these muses, just hmu and lemme know... reply to this post with the name(s) of the muse(s) you want in your askbox. or like this post to get a random selection of them.
if also a multi, please lemme know which of your muses you want the memes for, otherwise they'll be left open for your end
open to any and all mutuals, whether we've interacted before or not
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imsosocold · 1 year
A very (un)comprehensive review of the TOH Season 2 Finale: 
Me: This episode is our finale to this little series. We’re taking a long break after this, I can’t handle making these, it took like fourish days to do so. I do hope to release an OPM MA arc review eventually. I chose this episode in particular because it at least resembles a finale, unlike the season 1 finale. 
Lomes: The fact you complimented this episode means we’re going to insult it purposefully more.
Me: You foolish fools-
Lomes: Check out this castle, it’s so boring. Where’s my Luang Prabang?
Sunniva: I want it more to be like the Sagrada Familia.
Jorah: I don’t care if it’s not canon accurate or not, Belos should wear outfits in the same style those saint statues do.
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Me: I haven’t been this scared since you’ve last taken control of my tumblr account.
Sunniva: What happened to the wild witches and demons like Hooty?  What did the witches think would happen on the Day Of Unity? Taking over the human realm?  
Lomes: If the latter is true, Belos’s hatred makes more sense.
Me: It’s white boy stuff and white boy stuff doesn’t make sense.
Lomes: Dana is a white girl so it’s white girl stuff.
Sunniva: Stop blaming Dana alone, there was a whole team-
Lomes: She’s the big guy, and besides, she did the same to Belos, our favorite mysticist-
Sunniva: Dana is a real person-
Divorce arc no fun </3
Jorah: Okay, what is Belos planning do once he goes to the human realm? Is he planning to stay in it or just checking it out before he dies or something? Did he not even know, like the Collector implied?
Sunniva: I like the idea of him going to live in an eco village.  
Lomes: He was going to take down the rich and him being defeated leads to a Trolley sort of problem- 
Me: Belos is letting Jesus take the wheel on that one. But yeah, they should’ve at least elaborated on his plans more.
Jorah: Belos does not take well to family abandonment.
Lomes: The series writers killed Kiki long before this. The fact they conveniently made her know all this supposedly secret information just made canon events so much more confusing.
Me: Kikimora is a real figure in Slavic mythology, like how the TOH Titans bears similarities to the Titans in Greek mythology. In universe, did the Boiling Isles influence these myths or, somehow, was it the other way around?
Sunniva: The fact we know these questions won’t ever be answered and yet we ask…
Jorah: It’s All Futile.
Me: It’s All Pointless.
Lomes: William Gold is cooler than Wilbur Soot.
Me: Stop doing thumb wars, you’re missing the episode. 
Lomes: We need stimulation. 
Me: So do I, and I only get it from people liking my content even though it also makes me disgusted and uncomfortable! At least talk while doing it, silence makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I myself struggle to fill it myself. I am constantly searching for what I need from others.
Lomes: Bro who asked.
Me: I will force you to watch more series with me, like the anime version of Turnabout Big Top.
Jorah: That’s the good one!
Lomes: You’d suffer, since you would have to write our reactions and organize them and deal with your hyperempathy.
Me: I wish I had a whip, I like hitting and breaking things.
Lomes: You would probably hit yourself.
Me: Yeah, I would, but that makes it more fun.
Sunniva: Guys, we are missing the plot! And I just lost…
Sunniva:  Belos is still an asshole even when trying to convince people. 
Lomes: You are what you eat.
Me: “ I’m gonna give all these witches lobotomies!”
Sunniva “Stop it… get some help…”
Jorah: The fact even Steve left meant his plan was doomed from the start, Belos should’ve focused on getting him back.
Lomes, while throwing a Swedish Fish at me: I found Steve the Ceasg!!
What happened next stays in Oakland baby.
Me: I don't think Belos being cocky is a good enough explanation for his actions, specifically for all the times he loses, in my opinion. His desperation makes sense but it’s not fleshed out enough to feel justified. I like the idea of him knowing Luz is lying and just saying anything she can to avoid turning into stone but taking her hand anyway. Because Luz wasn't much older than he was when he first came to Isles and even he had moments of temptation. She was stranded alone with nowhere to go and was taken in by a wild witch who taught her black magic. Sure, she's "crazy" in his eyes but her "sense of reality" has been warped but if she can go home maybe she still has a chance to be saved. Plus Belos heard her apologize to her mother before in the season 1 finale and he wouldn’t want to break apart a family. Anything to potentially save a human life. Sure, Belos still gets tricked because he didn't expect her to have a sigil, but it then becomes a mistake he made due to being merciful for once in his life.
Jorah: You are so right. *Places something in my hand.*  Have a Sanrio copper penny.
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Lomes: The Collector returned from the shadow realm!  [ Noelle’s] home.
Sunniva: It’d be cool if they were from the celestial realm.   
Me: Our northern circumpolar star! Play honeysuckle lavender butterscotch!
Jorah: Mad favorite gendervoid. 
Lomes: Mae is the ultimate gendervoid.
Jorah: Imagine if the Collector was so bright he overtook the screen until all the characters’ eyes adjusted to them.
Me: Imagine if there was a moment where Cole and Belos just paused to look at each other, being in the same plane and being able to see each other’s full forms.   
Lomes:“ I need you back Cole, how else am I supposed to get the waiter to realize I asked for no pickles.”
Jorah: Awww, look at him and his jelly bean toesies!~
Me, watching Belos get splattered: It’s a better death than he got in the finale, especially if we are viewing the Collector through the lens of them being a representation of wild magic.
Jorah: I thought the Collector wasn’t trying to kill Belos, splattering was a non lethal yet tortuous punishment. They still cared for him, with all the memories of centuries spent with him, in the sense they wanted to understand why he did that. And for Belos to have somebody know how he is and face betrayal similar to what Caleb did to him yet still want to stay, it’d be something irreplaceable. 
Sunniva: I like the idea that Belos will never go away entirely, like the toxic ideologies he’s supposed to represent, methinks.
Lomes: Pog. I don’t think there’s anything to this story. 
Lomes: I'd take this for the permanent finale, however dark it is. 
Jorah: You are a fan of the likes of Replica.                         
Sunniva: Even if it’s not well written, TOH needed a happy end.
Lomes: I don’t care if it’s better for society or people or whatever to have a happy end, I care about good writing, morals attached or not. 
Jorah: Yeah, art should exist for its own sake and trying to censor and cut it up to make it palpable to others insults its existence.
Sunniva: Nothing exists in a vacuum-
Me: Guys, guys.
I just  realized… TOH is bad. Not DSMP bad, not Daganronpa 3 bad, not even OPM bad, but… bad.
Sunniva: Acceptance is the first step.
Me: This is the last of the TOH stuff for now, thanks for coming along for the car ride but it’s over now.
Jorah: Back to the void we go. Schrodinger’s existences. 
Sunniva: Check out the Coffin of Andy and Leyley!
Lomes:Unfollow Noelle.
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