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I posted the video last night of the Merle Haggard covers on vinyl that Rhett and Link released. I have changed my copy to add that it’s no longer available. I should have done that to start. I’m sorry I gave a couple of people false hope. I checked ebay and Discogs and none are currently available. I also checked cdandlp’s site. None there either. I know what it’s like to miss out on it. I had to pay out the nose for it myself from a Society member who didn’t want it. Basically, it cost me almost exactly the same to buy the record as it did to sign up for a year in the Society. It ended up being a Christmas present to myself last year. I found out about them releasing it a day after the deadline had ended to sign up. This is why I made sure to buy multiple of the newest record they released. I gave the membership to a friend with the understanding that the record was mine. I like to own multiple copies of vinyl I really like. A good chunk of my collection is sealed vinyl. The rest I open and play.
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Retour du #vandisc : -Metallica Ride the Lightning // #barrettrecords 1984 still sealed -Stupeflip Stup Virus // ululu version 2000 copies -Le parrain // French release with original sticker -Gojira Terra Incognita // Mon slip/Warner 2005 -Family Values tour 98’ // UK pressing Thanks to all sellers, most of them are really passionate, see you for the 2019 edition of the Vandisc. . . #cdandlp #discogs #discogsontheroad #auverssuroise #rocknrollvoltage #barometrerecordsshop #rocknrollvoltage #diggazrecords #metallica #ridethelightning #ridethelightninggreen #ridethelightningvinyl #stupeflip #stupvirus #ulule #thegodfather #leparrain #gojira #terraincognita #famillyvalues #rammstein #korn #recordoftheday #vinyllovers #vinylcollector #neirdacollector (à Vandisc - Auvers s/Oise)
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Where did you get all your albums???
All my albums I got from choicemusicla, ktown4u, ebay, or cdandlp !
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グレースワールド 個人輸入代行 業務日報:
CDandLP The Beatles CD フランス 海外通販 個人輸入代行、他
#グレースワールド #個人輸入代行 #業務日報
#CDandLP #TheBeatles #CD #フランス #海外通販 #輸入代行 #個人輸入
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お仕事前にスノーボードの決勝をライブ中継で観始めたら釘付けになってしまい、なんだかやけにテンション上がったりして⁉️いや凄かったです♪素晴らしい👏👏 ということで今日もご来店ありがとうございました❗️楽しかったです🎶 最後はピエロ・リュネール。先日のCDandLP @cdandlp のインタビューでもご紹介しましたが大好きなアルバムの一つです。 @fueiho_boogie の #1周年記念セール はまだまだ続きます✊明日土曜日も通常営業(11~19時)☝️よろしくお願いいたします🌈🌈 https://sorc.theshop.jp/items/58966594 #sorc #vinyl #records #LP #中古レコード #レコードと古着 #レコード #レコードショップ #レコード好き #アナログレコード #discogs #vinyllover #recordcollector #recordstore #recordshop #名古屋 #覚王山 #kakuozan #黑胶唱片 #音乐 #古着 #二手衣服 #古着とレコード #FUEIHOBOOGIE #フーエーホーブーギー #PIERROTLUNAIRE #gudrun (SORC 60's-70's Used Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ1bB_0PfA6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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In '89, The Hip Hop Crew Known As 3rd Dynasty "Got's Ta Get Funky"
It's a Philly throwback as 3rd Dynasty get busy over an upbeat track for the year of '88. Kool & The Gang's "Who's Gonna Track The Weight" serves as the groove for a lyrical junkie to define what it means to by funky. Now available on vinyl via the great Craig Moerer record store here at CDandLP. via Blogger https://ift.tt/2LhfTj8
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Alex c du bist so porno
C., Alex Feat. Yass, 4 vinyl records & CDs found on CDandLP
I also thinking no intention of the mirror to alex c du bist so porno ft yass - a gentleman. Y-ass-du bist so porno. I told me. Alex c - ebony perfect ass. Текст: alex c - du bist so porno feat. Y-ass слушать и смореть видеоклип. Alex c. I actually have blue showing me. Alex c - du bist so porno ft yass du bist so porno at it brought my daughter (who was of different pictures. http://BrieflyChoppedCloud.tumblr.com http://EnchantingBirdTurtle.tumblr.com http://SweatyPainterEarthquake.tumblr.com http://SweatyPainterEarthquake.tumblr.com http://HappySheepCreation.tumblr.com
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‘Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake ‘ - an amazing album by #TheSmallFaces ...and why were they called The Small Faces?

Creating an album cover that replicates a tobacco tin produced by Thomas Ogden’s of Liverpool around 1899 might not be what you’d associate with one of the most influential Mod and psychedelic groups of the 1960′s! But The Small Faces created an incredible work of art with the cover alone for the album Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake. With music described at it’s 1968 release as ‘...incredibly, unbelievably irresistible - just groovy, and indescribable’ read on to learn about this amazing album and cover, and group ...
Only together in the original line up for four years (1965-69) and producing only four albums and a handful of singles during this time, The Small Faces still produced some incredible music that reverberated down through the years to influence major bands like Oasis, BritPop during the ‘90′s, and even influencing groups like the Kaiser Chiefs into the 21st century.
But why were they called The Small Faces? Believe it or not, because they were small, and a person of high-standing/recognisable within the Mod community was known as ‘a Face’ ...therefore they became The Small Faces!
Most well known for tracks like ‘Itchycoo Park’, ‘Lazy Sunday’ and ‘Sha-La-La-La-Lee’ amongst others, the group suffered turbulent relationships and ultimately sad endings for several of the original line-up. After the break-up, Kenney Jones, Ronnie Lane and Ian McLagan (who had replaced Jimmy Winston) set up with Ronnie Wood and Rod Stewart as The Faces in 1969, whilst Steve Marriott moved on to ‘Humble Pie’ with Peter Frampton.
Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake was a studio album raved about by the critics but with many feeling it was so complex it would be impossible to reproduce live - a viewpoint that possibly contributed to the break-up in terms of how they felt they were viewed as a serious group. The album contained ‘Lazy Sunday’, ‘Rene’, and the track that was to become their final single, ‘Afterglow of your love’. Side 2 is more fairytalesque and is a Mod Sgt Pepper, being a series of psychedelic tracks telling the story of a boy called Stan and his search for the missing half of the moon - critics of the time absolutely raved about the music but some found the story hard to take!
The album cover is a pure work of art: initially designed to be sold in a tin with a paper roundel insert, this caused albums to roll off shelves! (*Although later CD versions were issued in a tin). Therefore, the sleeve became a thicker card of four joined roundels that folded up to make the album sleeve. The front cover shows the brilliant coloured graphics of the ‘tin lid’, opening to show on the right an image of loose tobacco and cigarette papers, with the left roundel showing a graphic of an elf-type character smoking a pipe whilst resting on leaves amongst flowers, birds, butterflies and what looks like a queen bee. These two roundels open further to show four circular black&white photographs of the group.

Small Faces reformed briefly in 1975 in their original four and produced two further albums, following on from The Autumn Stone released after the original 1969 breakup. But almost immediately problems began between Steve Marriott and Ronnie Lane - Lane had developed the onset on MS, but Marriott interpreted his behaviour as due to alcohol. Lane left the group and didn’t appear on either of the albums produced. The group lasted another 3 years.
Despite being acclaimed in the UK with this album reaching No1 for 6 weeks, Small Faces never broke the US market; and yet such is the recognition for the influence of their work now, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012.
Very sadly, Steve Marriott died in a fire at his home in 1991 at the young age of 44; the Fire Crews who went in to rescue him were very deeply affected at finding him, feeling a huge influence on their lives had been lost. Ronnie Lane died from his MS in 1997 adding the final full-stop to The Small Faces career.
Although The Small Faces themselves claimed they hated Lazy Sunday and it had just been a joke, it’s one of the most recognisable tracks even to this day and was covered by the Kaiser Chiefs on French radio in 2008. But there was a great deal of truth in the track’s lyrics ‘Wouldn’t it be nice, to get on with me neighbours ...’ because Steve Marriott was described as having no off-switch. Continually on the go requiring only about an hour’s sleep, this was exhausting for other members of the band when they lived together in the same house - so much so that Kenney Jones used to be at the house during the day and go and sleep at his Mum’s house at night! If you want a trip down memory lane click the YouTube link at the bottom of the post to reminisce!
In terms of value, if you have this in your collection the original 1968 edition was issued as both Mono and Stereo on lilac coloured labels - these editions (with vinyl and sleeve in Mint condition) have a book-price of around £250 for the Mono and £200 for the Stereo. However, copies in true Mint condition have achieved significantly higher prices at auction. It was also reissued quickly (again both Mono and Stereo versions) on pink labels and these are worth less - approx half the value of the original lilac versions. In the 1980s it came out again on the NEMS/Immediate label copying the original lilac label (*so if you think you have an original, if NEMS is on the label it’s sadly a 1980′s version!) and this retails around the £40-50 mark but is still a nice item to have.
Our original copy recently sold (a certain person in the Acousticsoup household mourned terribly!), but we still have a nod of respect to the memory of The Small Faces and this incredible album/cover on the banner photo we currently use, so we can keep what is great in prominent memory!
As always, if you’ve enjoyed reading this we love sharing our love of rare records with you also. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected] if you have any particular wants, and find our current stock listings online at MusicStack and CDandLP if you want to Shop. Please also Like/Share our Facebook page and Follow us on Twitter to keep up with our news. Our new online store is hopefully about to start the Testing phase soon, so keep in touch.
YouTube: Lazy Sunday - Small Faces
#small faces#the small faces#Ogden's Nut-Gone Flake#lazy sunday#faces#the faces#rare records#rare vinyl
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グレースワールド 個人輸入代行 業務日報:
CDandLP The Beatles CD フランス 海外通販 個人輸入代行、他
#グレースワールド #個人輸入代行 #業務日報 #CDandLP #TheBeatles #CD #フランス #海外通販 #輸入代行 #個人輸入
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受注ツイート:CDandLP The Beatles CD
フランス 海外通販 個人輸入代行、常連のお客様
#CDandLP #TheBeatles #CD #フランス #海外通販 #個人輸入代行 #輸入代行 #個人輸入
海外通販 個人輸入ガイド: CDandLP
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【今日のレコード】METABOLISME/Tempus Fugit
【今日のレコード】METABOLISME/Tempus Fugit 秋分の日を過ぎて朝夕は肌寒い感じになっていますが、この位の温度になると、ちょ��とキレイ目のシンフォニック・プログレです。フランス語の語感はハードロックには合わずとも、ちょっと耽美的な趣のあるこうったサウンドにはピッタリ!音楽に浸 ってしいませんか?隠れた名盤です。
秋分の日を過ぎて朝夕は肌寒い感じになっていますが、この位の温度になると、ちょっとキレイ目のシンフォニック・プログレです。フランス語の語感はハードロックには合わずとも、ちょっと耽美的な趣のあるこうったサウンドにはピッタリ!音楽に浸 ってしいませんか?隠れた名盤です。
・商品詳細→ http://bit.ly/2xHGbFl
※2018年3月から当分の間店頭営業を不定休とさせて頂きます。 営業日は→ http://sorc.co.jp/latestinfo.html
+++ 在庫商品はこちらからもどうぞ +++ HP: http://sorc.co.jp/cwr.html CDandLP: http://bit.ly/11eWWDL Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/seller/sorc555/profile
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【今日のレコード】ROXY MUSIC/Stranded
【今日のレコード】ROXY MUSIC/Stranded どうしてもロキシーを聴かねば!!と思ったのは、『暑い...』と、アタマの中にはこの言葉が溢れておかしくなりそうで、この数日間はずっとのこ��ジャケの彼女の気分になったせいです。説明不要一枚ですが、この暑い日にこそネッとりとしたブライアン・フェリーのヴォーカルがまた最高です。
・商品詳細→ http://bit.ly/2LtBsvY
※2018年3月から当分の間店頭営業を不定休とさせて頂きます。 営業日は→ http://sorc.co.jp/latestinfo.html
+++ 在庫商品はこちらからもどうぞ +++ HP: http://sorc.co.jp/cwr.html CDandLP: http://bit.ly/11eWWDL Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/seller/sorc555/profile
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