#cc!dream x male reader
2braincellslz · 2 years
dating cc!foolish and cc!sapnap headcanons? separately, not like a poly relationship
Foolish! My beloved. Even though I know like nothing about him lmao.
Cc!Foolish dating HCs
Foolish x GN!reader
He's a sweet boy though.
A single kiss on the cheek or forehead or anywhere and he stops whatever he is doing and asks for more.
He loooooves pet names. Give pet names and being called pet names. He loves pet names.
If you call him by his real name or god forbid his full name, hes instantly like "did I do something wrong? What happened?"
Manz has no clue on how to plan a date. You have to plan them all.
He makes up with his shittoy date planning skills with amazing gift giving skills.
His love language is gift giving, words of affirmation, and physical affection.
He brings in random animals all the time. He once brought in a raccoon. You had to sweep it out.
His favorite dates are gaming dates. He likes to run off and build you something and then drag to to see it.
I love him.
Cc!Sapnap dating hcs
Sapnap x gn!reader
He calls you darlin. Sorry not sorry.
He likes to cuddle. When you guys do cuddle he liked to send you tik toks even though you guys are on top of eachother.
He likes to cary you around. You are his royalty.
He also like to feed you. He will silently press a M&M to your lips and wait.
He dose not have a single romantic bone in his body. But we love him. Hes doing great.
He loves dates but like Foolish, he has no idea how to plan one. Hes tried but they are usually just watching movies.
He also loves PDA. Hes a lovely baby.
He'll come running to you like. "BABE!" And show you a video of people petting otter paws.
You two just reference things back and fourth to eachother.
He seems like the kind of guy to like Sam O'nella. He especially likes to references "is that fucking fish jenga!?"
No I will not explain that.
He likes scaring you around the house. Hes always running up behind you and yelling.
He loves pranking with you. George and Dream are never safe.
Has probably gotten sick and instead of telling you like a normal person he goes "babe.... I fuw up..."
Idk man, I'm trying.
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
halloween costumes & anxiety
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part 1 of 'glances of love'
➸ note; I bit the bullet. alright so context, glances of love is a fic series based off my chaos dr which is basically just a streamer dr hybrid. some details, like the dynamic between reader and Wil, readers behaviors and anxieties, experiences like this fic, are all pieces of my dr. so if it's unconventional, I'm sorry but it's my Dr, my blog, my writing. i choose to share this bc I want to and I want other people to enjoy my work. anyways! on with the reading (please don't throw stones at me, my bones are like brittle glass)
➸ pairing; male!reader x cc!wilbur, he/him
➸ summary; reader avoids going to wilbur's shows for one reason--the fans. he has no qualms against them, they just scare him. he decides to go for the second Halloween gig, dressing up as a humanized tardis as wilbur is the tenth doctor. everything goes smoothly until it's time to meet fans. Wilbur then comforts reader yay!
➸ warning; uses of babyboy including other nicknames, one use of daddy but in a sfw/jokingly sweet context! maybe swearing? mean depiction of some Lovejoy fans-- sorry! wilbur dresses up as the tenth doctor.. nerdy and dorky shit. reader has much panic and anxiety, some hints of an anxiety attack mixed with an autistic shut down (haha me-- /lh)
➸ age-rating; 15+
➸ wordcount; 3.2k
main masterlist
glances of love masterlist
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you love wilbur, that was something you were sure of and wholeheartedly so. you supported him, mostly from the safety of your shared home. making posts online basically being his biggest cheerleader, helping him calm down from panics or spirals, smiling and cheering whenever he shows you something knew. you love him. you support him. you adore him.
but his fanbase scares you. it's nothing against them, really. maybe it's the daunting size and intensity of the group of people. maybe it's the negativity that manages to be at the forefront of your mind. whatever it is, they scare you.
you haven't been to one of Lovejoy's shows in ages, and you really hadn't planned on it. you still sort of don't yet Wil's been talking about the next big gig; the Halloween show in Brighton. he wants you to be there, wherever comfortable of course, all dressed up in a matching costume, cheering him on and right there so he can kiss you the second he steps off stage, utilizing that adrenaline to his advantage. he wants you by his side through everything, and while he'd never push you to something you don't want to do, he can't help but be a little pushy about it. he isn't mean or harmful, he just mentions it more. he talks and he talks about it, bouncing and stimming in joy at the mentions of it and the plans he has for it and how cool it's going to be. he wants you there so bad, and it's painfully clear.
"so, what do you think, baby?" he asks as he spins around in front of the TV, showing off his costume in all its glory. you made a joke a few months prior that he reminded you of David Tennant's doctor who, and he took it and ran with it. he's clad in his old converse, some of his funky socks, a pair of brown patterned pants. he tucks in the white shirt a bit more, adjusting the tie before putting the trench coat on. he smiles widely, hands in his pockets just like Ten.
you smile and nod, clapping softly, "you look lovely, darling!" you try your best to sound as excited as possible, giggling when you see him try to stick his hair upwards, but it flops down over his forehead and he sticks his lip out in a pout. "don't think your hair is made for that, bub."
you shake your head with a smile as he shrugs, striding over to you and plopping down beside you on the couch, tossing his legs up on the coffee table in front of you. he tugs you into his lap, "c'mere," and you oblige with a giggle, settling between his thighs comfortably, your legs around his waist as you rest your hands half on his chest half on his shoulders. he holds you by your lower back and hips, hands flat out on your body.
"why don't you come, just this once?" he speaks barely above a whisper as he pushes a bit of hair out of your face, a kiss placed on your opposite cheek.
you think for a moment, you need to go sometime. being on the sidelines won't cut it for much longer, and going means more time with him, less time spent alone. but that also means being near a lot of people, or being in a crowd. or meeting fans--
"yeah, why not?" you smile softly, part of you immediately regretting your words but holding up to your word anyhow.
the following week is spent in preparation, costumes, after show plans, travel, rehearsal, set list writing-- most things Wil handles alone. alot of time spent tucked away in the office in the flat, or on the phone or in the studio. but you both manage time to spend together, and to work on your costume. you both decided on a simple costume, a flowy shirt, a leather jacket, some boots and a tardis key around your neck.
a simple omage to the doctor's forever partner, the tardis. you both thought it was sweet, a nice way to say "forever?" in a rather dorky and cute way.
the day of the show snuck up on you both much quicker than expected, Wil was scrambling to leave early and you were trying to calm your nerves the moment you woke. of course you'd be home on your own for a bit, until you went to the venue a couple hours before it started. you'd help out in whatever way you could and then help wil with makeup if he decided he wanted to add some, just for a special touch.
"if you need anything from me, don't hesitate to call okay? or text. I'm right here, baby. I'll make sure you're okay." he smiles, kissing your forehead as he goes through his mental bullet points of what to remind you on.
• I'm here
• you're safe
• text me
• call me
• I love you
• goodbye/see you soon
the way he had this little pre-venue routine was sweet, and it helped calm your nerves even for a bit. it brought you peace of mind and helped settle that fire that always lit in your stomach in moments of anxiety.
he was like a natural anxiety remedy, and you loved every second of it.
"I know, I know. I'll tell you if anything's wrong. now, go have fun at soundcheck. i love you, bee," you lean up to try and reach his lips to kiss, yet you don't quite reach that height. he leans down and closes the gap for you, your lips moving in sync with one another as you sigh into the feeling. it's nice, it's warm and it buzzes your skin. he pulls back, smiling before biting his lip. he brushes some hair out of your face as he admires you.
"I love you so so much, thank you for coming tonight.." he peppers kisses all over your face, holding your head in his hand as you giggle, holding his arms gently.
you giggle, smiling sweetly as he kisses all over your face and then he kisses your nose and stops, pulling back to smile down at you.
"I love you soo much more!" you giggle, kissing one more time as you both bid one another a sweet 'see you later'. you drop down onto the couch the moment the door clicks shut. you take in a deep, shakey breath, spending the next few hours wondering and pondering on how you expect to handle being at the show.
a few hours pass and you're on the walk to the venue, it isn't far from Wil's apartment building so you manage a swift 10-minute walk, wilbur's acoustic guitar slung on your back. you managed to avoid the crowds lining up and queuing for the show, slipping into the venue through the backdoor, sighing in relief once the door was shut and locked behind you. you hurried over to the green room, holding the guitar strap on your chest and putting the guitar down in the corner. Wil walks in a moment later, hurrying up behind you and wrapping his long arms around you. he rests his chin on your shoulder and you sigh happily. turning in his grasp, you shove yourself into his chest and keep close.
"I'm glad to see you, honeybaby.." he moves to rest his chin on your head, his hand on the back of it, scratching at your scalp with his fingertips and he presses kisses onto your hair.
"'m glad too.." you mumble against his chest, hands grasping at his back, fingers pressing into the fabric of his shirt.
"how was your walk, baby?" he picks you up by your waist, placing you gently onto his lap after he finds his spot on the couch. you rest your hands on the bottom hem of his shirt. his fingers and thumbs rub at your thighs, trying to soothe you.
"good, I got to come in through the back," you shrug, leaning yourself down to press against his chest. you nestle your body between his thighs as you gently whine in content. he presses a hand against your back, as his other grazes your cheek gently.
"mm, good, baby," he smiles, kissing your nose. you both stay like that for a while, wrapped up in each other's limbs. legs tangled, arms around one another, fingers fidgeting with each other's. your head is nestled on his shoulder and his head on top of yours. it's sweet and it's warm, and your anxiety slips away with every breath of his you hear. every tingle of your skin at his touch.
"I have to go soon, hun," he whispers against the shell of your ear, placing a kiss there as he rubs your upper arm. you whine at him, hiding your face in his chest, head tucked under his chin. he giggles at you, kisses placed on your hair before he gently pulls you back.
"I have a show to play, baby boy," he smirks, kissing your forehead. he's so.. sweet, you think, kind and gentle and you love his touch and affection.
"how much longer?" you hold a gentle pout on your lips, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"mm.." he pauses in thought, not actually thinking but pretending to, only to make you laugh, "five minutes? is that good for you, baby?"
you nod, resting back on his chest as you rest your legs on either side of his thighs, cuddling close to him and letting your eyes rest. wilbur draws shapes on your back with his finger tips. his other hand plays with your hair, twirling strands around his fingers before letting go and massaging your scalp. you let out soft, contented sighs with every touch, simply taking in every feeling and savoring it.
the five minutes pass and he's putting you back to stand, hugging you and kissing you as you help hype him up. he runs on stage and you head into the crowd. you thought it might help your anxiety, to be around everyone. you easily slip into the crowd, finding a spot off to the side and clapping and screaming with the crowd.
you blend in easily, getting drawn into the music and enjoying it just as anyone else. you eye wilbur lovingly, watching him bounce around and perform in his costume. he looks so silly to you, adorable and lovely. you smile so widely and he glances over to you every once and a while, a smile and a wink thrown in your direction.
the show moves along smoothly, he talks in between songs when he's tuning his guitar. he's careful not to point you out, but he talks about you. gushing over his boyfriend, how sweet you are and how you're the reason he has a costume this year. he smiles so wide, and his eyes sparkle. he really loves you.
once the show ends, they go out to the back, and you slip back through the backstage door. the crowd finds their way out to the back, ready to meet the guys and your heart starts to pound at the idea. you fully plan on going out with Wil, wanting to be beside him despite your fears. surely it'll be fine? no one will bother you and all in all, he'll be there so you'll be okay.
he meets you in the hall outside of the green room, picking you up by your waist and spinning you around before kissing all over your face. you giggle, humming and grabbing at his shirt.
"hi, baby-" he coos, pulling back and resting his forehead on yours.
"hi, wilbee.." you let your words fade, sighing and shutting your eyes. he rubs your cheeks with his thumbs as he looks down into your eyes.
"ready, lovey?" he smiles, pulling back and dipping his head to meet your eyes.
you nod and he puts out his hand for you. you wrap your hand around his finger, not bothering with holding his whole hand as he leads you outside through the backdoor. you keep your hold on him, hiding in his side or behind him. you're sure to hold onto him, so you don't lose him somewhere in the crowd. there isn't a barricade outside like there sometimes is, so fans crowd around and cluster up in his (and your) personal space. you stay quiet about it, keeping your fast breathing and spinning mind under wraps. wilbur tells a few people to back up just a bit, for safetys sake as he speaks with a few fans. he lets you keep that hold on him, only letting go when he takes photos.
your mind wanders until a few voices catch you. they're simple whispers, ones that surround you and come from behind you. you don't turn around to see the source of the voices but you hear what they say as clear as day.
"does he really have to bring his boyfriend everywhere?"
"we're here to see Lovejoy, not wilbur's lost puppy."
they laugh together, and wilbur doesn't even hear, and you don't bother to speak up either. you try your best to zone out, to pull those voices out of your mind and crush them, but they seem to consume you.
"everyone knows he's probably just a gold digger. someone like him can only be a gold digger."
"wilbur's too old for him anyways. we all know wil would be happier with someone older."
you lean your head on wilbur's side, whining softly as your brain spins and drowns in fear and anxiety. he doesn't stop his conversation for a bit, not until you grab onto his shirt and tug it slightly. your head is tilted back and your eyes are sad as they look up at him.
he pulls you aside gently, crouching just barely so your eyes are at the same level. he holds your face, kissing your lips once before pulling back to smile at you.
"what's wrong, baby? do you need to leave?" he asks in a gentle tone, you shake your head gently. you know you aren't convincing but if you can be just enough, maybe he'll go back out again. maybe you won't ruin the night.
"no, no, I'm okay. just tired. um.. let's go back? i don't want anyone to be upset." you hold a soft, yet fake, smile on your lips. wilbur frowns, not believing your facade for a second but taking it knowing how stubborn you are. you grab onto his belt loop this time, following him back over into the crowd of fans.
he continues going about interactions, signing things and talking amongst everyone, he takes photos and he hugs people.
you tune yourself out of what he's busy with, not wanting to be bothersome. but as always, you regret that decision.
more people start talking about you.
it's driving you crazy.
"such a pitiful guy, his boyfriend protecting him- Jesus, wilbur deserves someone better."
tears start to prick at your eyes due to the words thrown at you. you bite your lip and let go of wils jeans, walking away and wiping tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
you hear more comments, most are seemingly happy about your absence and you don't get a cool breath until you're back inside the venue. you decide packing up would be your best bet, putting away what wilbur brought. his laptop and charger, a book and guitar picks. you pack everything you can, letting sobs rip through your chest as tears pour down your cheeks. you're a mess and you feel it. you aren't even sure if wilbur had noticed your absence but you sort of hope he didn't. you didn't want to steal him from everyone anyways.
a few minutes pass of frantic packing and burning tears before footsteps are heard. wilbur opens the door to the green room gently, walking over to you and pulling you into his arms. he's silent, not a word needs to be spoken for you to know how okay it is. you let it out, crying into his chest as sobs ripple out and you grasp at his shirt. he rubs your back with one hand while the other pets your hair. he kisses the top of your head, shushing you sweetly.
"shh.. shh, baby it's okay. I'm here? okay, I'm here." he mumbles between kisses to your head. his fingers rub and press on your back to help ground you. eventually you're able to catch your breath, voice still shakey but at least you aren't crying. the tears have been shed and all that's left is a broken voice and stains of sorrow on your cheeks.
he holds your face, rubbing away the tear stains with his thumbs. you sigh, holding his wrists with your hands, rubbing the inside with your thumbs.
"what happened?" he asks again and you want to brush it off, but instead you spill. you tell him of all the horrible things you've seen and heard, how you feel like the only one that experiences it. you ask why you're so hated, and he doesn't have the answer. he can only see the beauty in you, he sees no reason for one to hate you or even dislike you one bit. he nods and sighs, kissing your forehead before pulling you into his lap and placing soft kisses to your neck and jaw.
"you're okay now, baby. I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you. i promise, none of those things are true and I promise I love you, and I love you for who you are." he smiles, watching your eyes sparkle with an admiration at his words. you feel the sobs build up in your throat and you want to cry again, to sob hysterically just by hearing such sweet words.
"i mean how can someone be a gold digger if they insist on helping pay bills on an apartment they're not even on the lease for?" he chuckles, kissing your forehead as you find giggles escaping you instead at his silly words. it's true, if anything you're farther from a gold digger than anything, "they don't know you, hun, so don't let them get to you."
he kisses your forehead one more time, before pulling back and letting you tuck into his lap for a few minutes rest. he lets you lay there, rubbing your back until he has to pick you up. he does so, and you both begin to pack the van up, ready to go home as soon as possible.
he stops you by the back door, holding your hand and looking down at you, "home, my tardis?"
"home, doctor," you smile up at him and he kisses you once, twice, three times before hurrying you both to the van. he helps you in first, buckling you in before he slides in next to you.
"what was that for?" you inquire gently, his hand reaching out to you, insisting you wrap your hand around his finger and you do so, but keep your gaze on him in order to keep his attention.
"I wanted to show extra care, that's all."
you nod softly in agreement, resting your head against his shoulder as he sighs.
"g'night, baby," he kisses your temple with a sweet smile.
"goodnight, daddy.." you smile to yourself as sleep takes over and you finally feel a blanket of peace over you.
it wasn't the best experience, but at least you had wilbur along the way.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @ughtreyparker @whos-nicooo @zebonos
© 2023 mysticalsoot
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yettobedetermined7 · 9 months
Image celebrating the new year with the Dream Team and Karl
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n04hfiction · 1 year
For the shipping with a content creator thing :). My name is Alex and I'm 27 year old female. I have blue eyes and brown wavy hair with blonde highlights. I like traveling and going on adventures to new places. I'm also really into music and trying to get better at guitar and piano. My love language is quality time and I'm a very empathetic and patient person.
just because of the music thing i thought wilbur immediately but to me it’s screaming karl idk why
karl loves paying extremely stupid amounts of money for you two to go out on trips to different countries or cities, and if for whatever reason one has to leave the other to go somewhere, there’s always some kind of souvenir for the other <3 karl brings home a stupid amount of rocks, but y’all like to paint them and put ‘em around your yard so it’s chill
he’s always encouraging you to get better at your music 24/7, if you have some kind of performance he’ll scream “THAT’S MY PARTNER (girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever y’a wanna use)
he loves trying new things with you too, whether it’s you showing him how to play piano and him failing miserably or getting you to play one of his fav games you’ve never tried before, he just loves it and spending time with you
also off topic from some of what you said but this man LOVES to cook with you, he also probably spills SOMETHING at least once
he’s very empathetic too so y’all are just each others shoulders to cry on, he’s always there for y’a :)
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
hii! Is it alright that write all DSMP x reader but the DSMP (either cc or c) turns into their opposite gender? And they all like being confuse about their new shape of body and voice?? If you are okay with this one :D
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy <3
Reader discovers Genderbend!DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Ps. Everyone is CC! Other then C!Phil and C!Techno. And I didn't include Eret, cause I feel like they're pretty genderfluid in their style already, so nothing would change
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❝ Dream ❞
He's smug about it
Like "Oh wow, I have boobs, lemme check" kind of smug
Idk why but I can see him being so proud of being a women and looking attractive
To the point where he uses it against you and makes you question your sexuality lol
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
George would be too embarrassed to show himself
He doesn't hate how he looks, he's just shy about showing you specifically
You have to reassure him many many times that it's ok and that you'll love him no matter what
And when he comes out you just can't help but shower him in compliments
❝ Sapnap ❞
I can see him wanting to try womens clothes, to feel just how they are
He chickens out a little, cause he has to see boobs to change, but after he's just showing off his new fits and acting like he's in one of those "make over scenes" in the movies
Like, yeah, he could have done it before in his man body, but it's a different experience in a womans body
Not a fan of heels and he feels bad for you if you wear them
❝ Badboyhalo + Skeppy ❞
Bad's completely flustered and all over the place, it takes him a while to get used to bring in a woman's body
Skeppy is absolutely loving it and planning the amout of youtube videos he can make out of this situation haha
I imagine you three making many make up and outfit videos, just for pure entertainment
Just leaving the fans confused to wth happened
❝ Quackity ❞
Is all he has to say
He wears the same thing, hoodies and a beanie, and just moves on with his life
But he does freak out when going to the bathroom, cause yk
Makes many jokes about you liking him more cause he has boobs now haha
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Especially stuff he couldn't wear before, for fear of backlash
Karl definetly starts trying all different types of styles and clothings
I can see him liking very flowy skirts and puffy ones too; he finds them very comfy and adorable to wear
You definetly make him wear the strawberry dress, you literally have been waiting for an opportunity to do so-
And make up, lots of make up!
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
"My eyes are up here buddy"
He tells you when you first found him in this new form
Honestly nothing much changes, other then the fact that he's more flirty and confident lol
Also imagine him in cute light academia outfits!!!
❝ C!Philza & C!Technoblade❞
You had to stifle a laugh when you first saw them
The two just contacted you with an "s.o.s" and a "come here asap", so you thought the worst
But instead you found two women in the place of the two men you knew
Phil actually looked a lot like Mumza with his long curly hair
Nothing much changed for Techno, other then the fact that he would absolutely not get out of his cloak because his "body felt too revealing"
Poor Techno :'D
❝ Nihachu ❞
She's a pretty boy
One of those boys that are born with pretty privileged, like George
[Not that she doesn't already have it-]
She honestly likes the change and is still comfortable wearing "femminine" clothes
You can't help but be mesmerized by how adorable she looks, even as a male
❝ Punz ❞
"Who wears the pants in the relationship now?!" you happily bragged as you saw Punz
Man wouldn't move from the bed, he was in shock at the discovery of his new body
A little interested, but mostly shocked
Jokes aside, you stayed by his side and reassured him that he looked absolutely beautiful no matter what
And with a bit of buttering up, he got comfortable enough to show off his new body
He looked like a babe, obviously
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Man's still beafy, muscle and all
We love big strong beafy women!!
He feels a bit weird, but mostly doesn't see must change
He also tried wearing heels for fun, bad idea
For some reason I imagine you and Tina making him give you two a bit of a fashion show
Maybe inviting female Karl too haha
Imagine the stream y'all would have!!
❝ Awesamdude ❞
Sam is confident
Like yes, I am the most beautiful women you have ever seen
Bow down to such beauty u.u
Nothing much changes with him either, he feels great in how he looks and loves every second if it
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pandas-nsfw · 1 year
Could I possibly request c!Dream smut with a winged male reader?
Preferably bottom reader with a praise kink and knife play if that's alright-
Of course sweetheart, thank you for requesting <3
Between the limbo of your feathers
C!Dream x Amab!Reader.
Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Warnings: Praise kink, Knife kink, Knife play, Bottom reader, “Songbird” used as a nickname for reader. Spanking (once)
C/N: I apologize for this coming out so late. No inspiration plus class starting for me in my country (law class) made it hard for it to end. I hope you enjoy this, my pretty sins.
He knew it was dangerous. Whenever he would like to admit it or not, be with you would only attract danger. Either to him or you, he knew the risk that it contained. He knew it too well, even for his own liking.
But he couldn't stop. His heart ache for you, and just craved more of your existence. Your attitude and personality, undeniable charming that got him locked between your fingers, as he slowly craved for more than just your attention. He lost it the moment your wings spread wide in front of his eyes.
Beautiful mahogany wings, spread open as you layed down in the middle of the forest. Grass and leafs slowly touching and decorating your wings. If it wasn't for his mask, anybody would have catched quite quickly how down he was for your mere existence, as his forest green eyes never once would stop staring at you, controlling that you were okay and afar from danger.
He stared with greed and lust, as you softly moved alongside the air. Your wings rustling against the dirt, your mind absent from whatever you where doing, just getting lost in the song the wind brought to you. And he loved every second he would see you move.
Your eyes found his presence, and the smile you gave him was enough to drive his whole mind crazy. He knew he wasn't in the right state of mind, god, he wasn't dumb. But there wasn't anything else he would do.
Slowly, soft but slowly, his hands found their way to your waist. Your wings jumped, as they were slight startled by the unexpected movement. But willingly you let yourself be drown into the blond's warmth, slowly dancing against the melody you found and he was following.
The moon shined brightly, and it was only then when you realized the time that had passed. You didn't notice when it turned dark, your mind lost away in the mesmerising dancing you both had.
His voice, shushed like who tells a secret, rasped next to your ear. Soft words making you shiver by how low they were. "Songbird..." He called you, the fresh air around you starting to tense. As your body was practically glued to each other. "Dream?" You mumbled back, your eyes fearing to leave his white mask.
"You dance beautifully, songbird", he hushed, his breath feeling even closer to your neck. "Why don't you show me how well you can move in other places?", You swore you heard the way he smirked underneath the mask. "That's a bit risky, isn't it?" You whispered, not looking away from him once. Not even when his hands started to travel slowly alongside your body; his slim fingers barely teasing your stomach all up to your chest.
"Oh, songbird, everything about you it's risky for me", he whispered in your ears, a sweet-like venom lacing from his tongue with ease. "That doesn't mean I'll lay back." You could feal his slicked tongue lick the lobule of your ear, stealing a broken gasp from your lips. "So? Whatcha say, songbird? Will you sing for me?"
You're not sure you never agreed to something that quickly.
You barely remember how the both of you ended up in a 'secret base' he had. All you knew is that the second you stepped forward you ended up layed down on what seemed a huge map engraved on a table. If you payed enough attention, you would have seen all the countries and who lived where.
But that kind of information didn't matter when you got a hot psychotic blond over you with promises of an unforgettable night.
Dream hummed as he stared down at your body laying down on the table. A sly smirk decorating his lips as one of his hands started to trail down your body. "Look at you, songbird~" he commented as he scanned you from head to toes, "looking so pretty underneath me," he reached near your ear as his left hand made its way to your wings, "left alone at my mercy."
His shushed tone made you unconsciously shiver, making him chuckle darker as he petted your wings. "If they were white you'll probably look like an angel, right now. Although they're prettier this way, don't you think?" He teased you, his lips making contact with your neck as words were whispered against your skin. You drowned a moan down your throat, making a pathetic whimper instead.
Dream seemed content with the sound, as you felt his smile grew against your neck. "Come on now, songbird, you can be louder than this can't you?" He mocked you. Grabbing you by your chin to make you look at him. You didn't know how, but you definitely thought he looked hotter.
He gave a little 'tuck' on your shirt, silently asking for permission to take it off. You nodded as he kept staring, only to be completely naked in front of him. Splayed down on the table like a meal for him to satisfy himself. Dream took you by your chin and kissed you; feeling warm coldness fuse against your lips.
You were drown on the way he moved and kissed you. The intoxicating way he touched you so calculated; nothing more than a mere winged puppet. A silent cry made you choke, feeling a silver cold against your skin. You felt him smile before breaking the kiss. "What's wrong, songbird? You were doing so good for me" he teased, innocently as if he didn't know what he was doing.
Your eyes tried their best to see the metal against your throat, his eyes following yours and chuckling at the realization. "Oh? You're searching this?" He showed you the dagger he was holding. You looked frightened, and as much as he loved to influence fear in others, making you fear him in such a heated situation wasn't ideal. "There's no need to fear, songbird, I won't hurt you..." He trailed off, giving small, soft kisses to your neck.
"You had been too good for me to even think of hurting you, that wouldn't be fair, would it?" He taunted, words growing deeper into your brain. "It's just to make it a little more fun, songbird, you just have to control your movement or otherwise..." He pressed the dagger against your neck, not making you bleed in the process. "This little dagger will stain your body with a wonderful crimson red" he smirked.
The idea was twisted. And if you weren't as lost as you were right now for that man, the idea should have been repulsive to you, not turning you on like it did. You whimpered softly, making him grin even wider. "I'll treat you good, pretty boy" he whispered in your ear, earning a swallow moan at the pet name.
You could felt his mouth moving expertly around your dick. Of all things you knew he was good at, you didn't expect that he would be this good at giving blowjobs. "D-Dream~" you groaned, one of your hands coming in touch with his golden locks. He hummed in acknowledge, sending vibrations down your dick, making you moan at the feeling. "D-Dream, fuck- I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum, please" you begged, whining at the lost of his mouth.
You stared at him with watery eyes, looking disappointed and upset for him stopping. "Come on now, songbird, don't give me that look" he hummed, taking you by your chin. "I can't let you come yet, if you're going to do it, it will be with my dick up your ass" he whispered in your ear, a soft whine escaping your lips. "Now, be a good boy and turn around for me, alright?" He mumbled, walking away from you to let you move freely.
Shakily, you turned around on the map table, exposing your ass to the psycho behind you. He loved it nonetheless. As his hands roamed your body and caressed it. "Mmm..." There was a low hum you could hear from him, "Your body is missing something..."
Next thing you knew, you yelped in pain as he started to carve something on your body. "Sh... The pain will be over soon, pretty boy" he mumbled, you didn't need to turn around to know he was smirking. "There we go".
Tears ran out of your eyes, your body trembling weakly as you felt his tongue —warm and slickly— liking your tights, carrying a warm liquid with him. You gazed back at him, seeing his tongue stained with blood. "Pretty thing" he muttered.
"W-What did you carve...?" You asked between sobs, the pain being too much for you body in that instant. The blond smirked as his hands came in touch with your body. "Why, I carved my own mark on you, pretty boy" he whispered in your ear. A soft whine escaped your lips at the possessiveness he was speaking with. "Now, everyone that tries to fuck your pretty body will know you belong to me, songbird."
You sobbed softly to the map, your body still reacting positive at his touch and sweet poisoned words. "Now, do I have your permission to ruin your pretty body in a pleasurable way?" He mumbled, his voice getting into you and going straight up to your dick, who twitched at the mere idea of being used by the blond man. "Y-Yes... Ruin me please", and that was enough for him.
You hear a small sound of a chest opening underneath the table you were exposed on, followed by the sound of a bottle cap opening. "I don't know if you ever have fingered yourself, songbird, but it this might hurt a little" he warned you, softly pushing inside of you a finger wet in some sort of liquid you didn't get to see.
A small hiss came out from your lips, he wasn't moving his finger until he felt you were getting used to the feeling.
The movement was slow at the start, speeding up bit by bit as he pushed a second finger inside of you. A soft moan came out from your lips, the feeling of Dream's fingers inside of you turning to feel better than you could ever imagine (not that you had fantasized about having sex with the biggest psychopath of the entire server for half a year, of course, who would have thought about that?), And he seemed to notice too. A third finger coming in and started to pound you as fast and deep as he could, purposely avoiding that sweet spot that could cause so much pleasure for you.
He admired how much of a wreck he was leaving you to be just with his fingers. All your sweet sounds reaching out for him in the best ways, it did fulfill his ego, probably more than it ever should, but as you kept on moaning and whimpering his name, with silent prayers for more, he felt like he actually deserved feeling this prideful about his work.
"There we go, songbird, sing for me, doing so good" he praised you, focusing on every little reaction your body made for his words and actions. "Such a good boy, taking my fingers so good, bet you'll be even louder once I fill you up like you deserve, hmm?" His words resounded in your mind, as if his words were the only truth your mind could process. "Yeah? Think you'll be able to take my cock as good as you're taking my fingers, songbird?" You helplessly nodded, moaning against the map as his fingers barely brushed your prostate.
"More, Dream, please, more". 'More' didn't meant the lack of fingers inside of you, but Dream did it anyway, scoffing at your whine for the loss of being full. "Whiny, don't worry pretty boy, you'll get filled soon."
You wanted to protest, but your throat betrayed you by whining as you felt something bigger than Dream's fingers make pressure against your hole. "D-Dream" you whimpered, your whines becoming louder as he slowly made his way into you, and fuck if he wasn't big. "Fuck, fuck, fuck-" you chanted under your breath, your breathing becoming shorter as you tried to get use to the feeling.
"So tight, songbird, first time feeling something up your ass?" He asked with a mix between mocking and genuine curiosity, his hands rubbing softly your hips as he waited for you to get used to him. You nodded then shook your head. "Fingers, it's all I had" you mumbled, your breathing becoming more steady. Dream gave you an acknowledgment hum, his eyes never leaving your body.
Your hips wiggled a bit, wanting Dream to move already. "Ready for me, songbird?" He asked in a sushed tone, still caressing your body like it was going to break. "Mhm, please Dream" you whimpered, being cut off at the end of your sentence by a soft moan.
Dream hummed, taking his time with you besides not being so patient himself. His hips rammed slowly against your skin, enjoying himself with the sweet moans you were leaving out. "Sound so pretty, song bird" he groaned, your hole tightened by the pleasure. "Relax dar', I'm not going anywhere" he hummed.
"More, please Dream, fuck me" you demanded, earning a small spank on your ass that had you gasping, you cursed yourself out for being turned out by that. "Come on now, pretty boy, don't be a brat when you're doing so good" he threatened, smiling to himself when he saw you nodding softly. "Won't happen again..."
"Oh, darling, I know that, you're so good for me, aren't you?" He taunted you, his hands caressing your tights as he kept on fucking you slowly. "I asked you a question, songbird, I would like an answer", you helplessly nodded, "I'm good, I'm a good boy for you" you whined, getting high on the feeling of being fucked.
That man surely was intoxicating.
"Good boy, I should recompense that, shouldn't I?" You could hear his smirk, and with no warning before hand, you cried out with your head on the table. Dream had started to fuck you faster than before, which meant he also went deep enough to drive you crazy.
"Fuck-!" You moaned as you helplessly tried to grab onto something. Adrenaline and the high of having sex starting to numb your brain.
"There we go, songbird, doing so good," he mumbled as he kept on searching for a specific spot. A loud moan, accompanied by your legs giving up, let him know that he had found that weak spot. A grin covering his lips as he decided to abuse such point.
Your head was completely dizzy, barely understanding what was happening around you as you felt Dream's dick fuck you endlessly. It was too much, but so good you didn't want it to end, it showed in the way your wings didn't stop moving up and down, barely hurting themselves in the process.
Your body, however, seemed to have other plans. Feeling the knot in your stomach warning you of it's soon release.
"D-Dream, gonna- ah," you got cut off with a moan as your head rested violently on the huge map.
"Close already, songbird?" He taunted, his hands standing firmly on your hips. "Mmm... Suppose I can let you come already, you've been so good for me," he hummed, dragging you closer to him by your hips. Ending deeper inside you in the process, your body was going to give up any second.
"Let go, songbird, cum for me," he whispered in your ear, like a dirty secret that sent shivers through your spine. "Let me know how good I'm making you feel."
Your body obeyed like a servant, coming untouched as Dream fucked you through your orgasm. Whining as he slowed his pace.
"Sh... Good boy, so good for me," he hummed as he caressed your back, letting you calm down from your high.
"Dre..." You slurred out his name, whining as you tried to move against his body. Dream didn't let you, keeping you on your spot with his hands. Not too harsh, but strong enough for you to not move. "Haven't cum..." You mumbled, the sentence making more sense in your head than your words.
"Don't worry about me, I won't abuse your body just yet, songbird," he stated, his hands travelling up to your hair to play with it. A soft smile crossed his lips, "Maybe next time, if you're good."
You didn't have any place to protest anymore, as his soft movements started to make you sleepy. Soon enough, you were completely defenseless next to the blond man, as you fell asleep on Morpheus's arms.
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modelbus · 2 years
HIII i love ur writing so much it makes me giggle and kick my feet so srs rn but could u maybe write ranboo x m!reader where the read has the same eye condition as dark days and they go GHOST HUNTING and its DARKER THAN EXPECTED and the reader is just clinging to ranboo and they just think that the reader is scared when he actually just CANT SEE LOL just fluffy.pls…..,..,.. thank u!!
You’ve just given me the highest compliment ever, I strive to make people giggle and kick their feet :D Check out Dark Days first to know what eye condition this is about!
Pairing: CC!Ranboo x Male!Reader
Goddammit Ghosts
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Ghost hunting was meant to be fun. It had always been on your bucket list as something you wanted to do, so of course you jumped at the chance to partake in it! Especially as it was for one of Ranboo's videos that probably wouldn't even be posted until next year.
The two of you had carefully planned every detail of your ghost-hunting session. With a little bit of bribery—Ranboo was so fucking rich—Ranboo managed to get an old "haunted" warehouse for the night. That left you in charge of the supplies: flashlights, an EMF reader, something called a spirit box, and a temperature reader. Only the best for what should've been the time of your life.
Upon arrival though, you quickly realized it might not be as fun as you thought. For starters, it was pitch fucking black. You couldn't see a thing! And secondly, maybe you didn't completely think about how scary it would be.
"Right, so you have to explain what these things do for the audience," Ranboo says, their flashlight already on.
"Why me? Why can't you?" You ask.
"You bought them!"
"Right." Grabbing the first object, you hold it up. "This is an EMF reader, apparently it detects the strength of electromagnetic fields. Fuck if I know what that means. This one is a spirit box. I'm pretty sure it flicks through different radio stations and outputs white noise that might become words. If you don't know what flashlights and temperature readers are then you're just a fucking dumbass and I can't help you."
Your remark makes Ranboo laugh, eyes crinkling.
"Are you ready?" He asks, flicking on his flashlight.
Yours is already on, but you take a small step closer to him. Beyond the ring of the two flashlights, you can't see anything. The moon wasn't helpful in the slightest.
"I'm afraid of nothing ever."
Ranboo laughs and starts walking forward, making you hurry to keep close to him.
You probably agreed to go to the worst spot possible. Although they did tours here, the floors were an absolute mess. Your feet kept stepping on things you couldn't see, meaning it was a complete mystery what you were stepping on.
"I'm reading to start some drama with a ghost!" Ranboo yells. "Here ghosty ghosty!" "Ghosty ghosty?" You mock. "Yeah! Maybe they'll find my use of nicknames charming and decide to talk to us!"
"That's either the stupidest thing I've ever heard or absolutely brilliant. I'm leaning towards stupid."
Holding up the EMF reader, you check to see what the level is. Barely anything, meaning no ghosts and no light. There go your hopes and dreams of sight.
Ranboo abruptly turns away, making you scramble to reach out and grab their arm. They laugh as you nearly trip, making you scowl in the vague direction of their body.
"Are you scared?" He teases.
"No!" You protest.
"You're totally scared!"
"I am not!"
Despite how he's teasing you, you grip tighter onto his arm. There's no way you're letting go of your only hope of not running into a wall. Ranboo keeps walking, making you walk along with him.
"Do you have a destination in mind?"
"Yeah, the guy who does the tours told me this room was the most haunted. Apparently people get, like, cold and feel like someone's watching them."
They keep walking until they suddenly stop, nearly making you fall. You're probably in the haunted room. Not being able to see while in a haunted room really isn't great for your sanity.
“It’s cold,” Ranboo announces, holding up the temperature reader. “Because it’s night or because there are ghosts, we might never know.”
“My money is on because it’s night.”
“But ghosts are way cooler. Let’s talk to them!”
Instead of stepping forward or back, Ranboo starts to sit. Your choice is to either sit with him or let go of his arm. You pick the former, sitting close enough that your shoulders and legs are touching.
“Are you- are you okay with trying to talk to some ghosts?” Ranboo asks.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, that’s why we’re here.”
“You seem… I dunno, you’re just acting a little weird.”
“I’m not!” You protest.
“It’s fine if you’re scared! Ghost hunting isn’t for everyone!”
“I’m not scared! Let’s just talk to these ghosts.”
Although you had mentioned your eye condition in passing once or twice, you never had a reason to fully explain that you couldn’t see anything when it was dark. Ranboo must be assuming the reason you’re clinging to him is because you’re scared of ghosts.
And you’re definitely not about to tell him otherwise. That shit’s embarrassing.
“Okay. Uh. Hi, ghosts.” Ranboo awkwardly starts.
“Hi ghosts!” You echo.
“Okay, wait, I know what to do. If anyone would like to talk to us, make a noise. Or move something in the room. Maybe that wood thing.”
You sweep your flashlight over the room to see what wood Ranboo’s talking about, careful to scan every inch as to not miss it. It’s in the far corner off to your left, closer to Ranboo than you.
It doesn’t move, and the only noise is from faint whispers of wind.
“Maybe we should turn off our lights?” Ranboo suggests, clicking off their light.
After a moment of hesitation, you also turn off your flashlight, relinquishing what little sight you had.
“Make a noise or move something please, ghost!” Ranboo calls out.
Again, nothing.
“Well now what?” You ask.
“We can explore. There are other haunted rooms, right? It’s a whole warehouse!”
He stands up, and you somehow manage to keep your balance.
“Let’s explore without lights for the full effect.” He suggests.
Well, fuck. No lights mean you can’t see anything but having your flashlight would make you seem like a pussy. It was a lose-lose situation.
Whatever. You could totally explore with no lights! You’ve got this.
“Okay.” You agree, standing up with him.
Nearly immediately you almost run into Ranboo because you’re turned in the wrong direction, but you manage to cling to his arm and stop yourself last second. He seems to understand you’re struggling because he lays his hand over yours briefly.
”You good?” Ranboo laughs a little.
“Yeah.” You lie. “Perfect. Let’s go explore!”
Of course, as fate would have it, you trip three minutes later. Stumbling into him and dropping your flashlight, he practically saves you from a bloody nose by catching you.
“Woah!” They exclaim. “Seriously, what’s going on?”
“I, um. I kind of can’t see?”
“What do you- ohh.” With your confession Ranboo seems to remember the singular time you told him about your eye condition, making heat rush to your cheeks.
“Yeah.” You give an awkward laugh.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ranboo asks.
He still hasn’t stopped supporting your weight, one arm around you and the other allowing him to loosely grip your arm. You’ve tilted your head in the vague direction of his face, one of your hands holding onto his arm.
“I thought it would be fine.”
“You know you can tell me anything, right? I wouldn’t make fun of you or anything. I want you to be able to have a good time too.”
His voice is soft, and you can tell he fully means it. It’s enough to wet your eyes, even though you knew he wouldn’t make fun of you.
“I know.” You assure them.
“Okay. Do you want to stay here? Or come with me? I’m going to turn on the lights.”
“But that’ll ruin the whole ghost hunting thing.”
“No it won’t. We’re alone in a huge warehouse, that’s creepy enough. Maybe the ghosts prefer lights anyway.”
“I’ll stay here so I don’t try and break my nose again.” You joke.
“Okay, I’ll be right back. Don’t move!”
He makes sure you’re stable before stepping away from you, turning on his flashlight, and running off into the darkness. After a minute the lights flick on, finally allowing you to see.
Ranboo appears soon after that when you’re picking up the flashlight and EMF reader you dropped.
“This better?” He asks.
“A lot. Thank you.”
“Of course. Now we can both have some actual fun!”
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pandas-soft · 2 years
“I wanna kiss you...”
C!Dream x male! reader.
AU: Coffee Shop.
Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Warnings: «Blossom» used as a nickname for reader.
Dream was... Something. He was mostly wearing a cynical smile each time you guys were outside. Never truly trusting anyone around him, and playing tricks that you could easily see through. And that's was what he loved the most of you: the fact that he could not lie to you.
But he was a totally different personality when it was only you two. Specially if you guys were alone at home. Dream would start to get clingy, hugging you from behind your back, humming melodies in your ear, kissing your hands or the top of your head. And the sight of him leaving s trail of kisses in your hands wasn't weird.
But Dream was acting weird since the moment you came home from work. You worked at a coffee shop near the centre. You actually met Dream there, he was searching for a "coffee that doesn't taste like dirt" and you had fun surpassing his expectations.
You saw the blonde man stare at you from afar on the couch. He didn't move a bit, just following you with his sharp eyes. "Are you okay, Dream? You haven't stopped staring" you commented, crossing your arms over counter. The tall man opened his mouth to speak, but immediately shut it.
His eyes stopped looking at you, instead staring at the window in clear shame. Whatever he wanted to say was enough to make him feel embarrassed; small thing that you found adorable.
You moved closer, sitting next to him with a sneaky smirk. You let your left hand play with his golden locks, humming softly as he turned around to see you face to face. He let the weight of his head rest on the palm of your hand, looking at you with eyes embraced with love. It was weird for him to let his eyes show any type of emotion, even with you. But he felt so safe with you that he couldn't do anything but let you know that he did, indeed, love you in his unspoken way.
"Mind telling me why got you staring so much?" You asked softly, caressing his cheeks in a loving manner. His lips touched your hand, sending an electric sensation through your body. "Dream-", "I wanna kiss you." He states looking at you, "May I?". You were speechless. Of course you knew he was bold most of the time, but it still caught you out of guard. "Blossom?" He asked quietly enough for you to heard.
You blinked repeatedly, your brain still processing what he just said. "Blossom?" He called you once again, slightly worried that he had say something out of hand. You didn't respond, however. Being your immediate reaction to his words being grabbing his face to kiss him yourself.
Dream's eyes widen but he was quick to kiss you back. You felt his hands fall on your waist, as if they were supposed to always be there in first place. Dream was quick to break the kiss, staring at you with warm green eyes, he chuckled seeing how you blushed once you processed your own actions. "Dumb blossom" he mumbled to kiss you once again in your rumble. Once you both broke up from the kiss you smiled, loving this moment. Nothing could break this moment...
"You taste like coffee-", "Dream!"
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
ok before i get into this one, just a reminder to you and to everyone reading to take care of yourself :)) don't overwork yourself, it's not worth it. take breaks every once in a while and make sure to drink water and eat three meals a day :)) with that said, may i request cc!dream working at a fast food place part time, and noticing that one of his coworkers has a really outstanding fashion sense? like they've got a shit ton of piercings and they always go crazy with makeup, and some days they'll show up dressed up real pastel, and then the next day they'll be wearing all black :> and eventually dream asks them to lunch because hes really curious about what mysteries his coworker holds :)) tysm! -froggy
You’re too sweet, also I had way too much fun with this, and don’t be afraid to just like, flood me with asks, it gives me something productive to do :] <3
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Summary: Your odd fashion sense draws Dream to you, he had to know why you dressed like that
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Dream X Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
[A/n]: Requests are open :] <3
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From pastels to all black to looking like an art teacher, the changing of your style never stopped. And neither did Dream's growing curiosity. He never failed to notice your over-the-top makeup and crazy piercings, for a Wendy's worker you sure were odd. Then again he wasn't the most normal person either, he insisted everyone call him Dream over his real name, he was taller than 90% of the other workers there, and he wasn't very close with anyone else there. Unlike you who made friends with everyone.
Another day, another outfit. Dream had tried to have as many shifts with you as possible, it was kinda creepy but he really enjoyed seeing your outfits every day. It had gotten to the point where he had started talking to his roommate about you.
"Just ask them out already, I'm sick of hearing you bitch and moan over them."
"Wow real nice of you Sap." Dream got up and left Sapnap's room, heading to his own. Though all he could think about was what Sapnap had said. Maybe he should ask you out.
Today was one of the slower days, where there simply weren't many people ordering food, and when they did it was typically small orders. Hearing the bell on the door chime, Dream waited for the customer to come to the register, that didn't happen though.
"Hey, guys! I heard today was slow so I figured I'd swing by with some cookies." There were a few cheers as all the workers came to the front of the store.
You opened up a bag and handed wrapped cookies to each of them, except for Dream who stayed in his spot. He didn't think you'd have cookies for him, why would you when you've never spoken to each other about anything other than orders.
Though wrong he was again as he watched all the workers disappear back to their spots and you walk over to him.
"Here, I made enough for everyone." You handed him the same wrapped cookies that you had everyone else, a cherry smile on your face. Dream took the cookies with a shy 'thank you,' he also took a second to look over your outfit.
Today you were wearing all black, from head to toe. How were you not sweating in that? You said your goodbyes to everyone, saying goodbye to Dream last.
"Hey uh, wait a sec."
"Oh, what's up?" You stood on the opposite side of the counter, waiting for him to speak.
"Would you uh, like to go on a date sometime?"
"I'd love to! Here," you grabbed the pen that was laying on the counter and grabbed Dream's hand. You quickly scribbled your number onto his wrist before saying goodbye and leaving.
Today was the day that the two of you would actually be going out on a date. Dream had asked you to lunch on a day that you both had off, saying that he knew this really nice café that he thought you might like.
The two of you had agreed to meet there, which is where Dream currently is. He was dressed casually, but still nice, his outfit consists of black, ripped, skinny jeans, a hoodie, and black sneakers. Though once he saw you he couldn't help but feel odd, you were dressed in an artsy, pastel-type outfit. You definitely looked more café-ready than he did.
Suddenly he was nervous, here you were looking like some kind of god while he looked like he belonged at the mall. He had never felt more stupid in his life.
"I like your shoes! Where'd you get them?" He was surprised by your sudden question, fumbling over his words for a second before sputtering out a sentence.
"I uhm, I got them from a store, in the mall. I uh, I forget what it's called, but it's upstairs by the Hot Topic, I think." You giggled at his fumbling.
"I think I know where you're talking about, anyways shall we head inside?" Dream nodded and held the door open, letting you walk in first.
After ordering and getting your stuff the two of you sat down at one of the booths. Things were quiet for a moment as the two of you settled in. Though the quiet was soon broken by Dream speaking up.
"So uh, not to come off as rude or anything, because frankly, that's the last thing I want to do. But uhm, why do you dress like that? I mean like why do you always change your style and go full out on everything when you're simply working at Wendy's?" You looked surprised before smiling at him.
"I just like all the different styles, I can't pick one! And I go all out because why not? I use my clothes to express my individuality. Riddle me this tall man, why do you insist everyone calls you Dream?"
"Well, maybe I prefer the nickname over my real name and use it to express my individuality." The two of you laughed at his response, the nervousness slowly melting from Dream.
"You got me there dude. But yeah, I mean you only live this life once so might as well make the most of it." Dream nodded.
"That is true, plus I don't know how I'd get through slow days without seeing your outfit. You really know how to brighten up the room, even if you're wearing all black." You both chuckled and you thanked him.
"So, where's our next date gonna be?"
"You wanna go on a second one?"
"Of course! Why else would I bring it up?"
"Oh ok, uh how about we go to the movies? Or maybe to the carnival that's coming to town next week?"
"Let's do the carnival! We gotta get matching outfits though!"
"Ok." Dream agreed and you started talking about different styles and what you could do for matching pieces. The two of you eventually settled on matching sweaters.
"Alright, well then since we both have tomorrow off, we can go shopping then. Sound good?"
"That sounds great."
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silly-mouse · 3 years
okay i will now be giving you a long description of dream dating a baseball player that i had in a dream once 😎 (after writing its not that long lolol) okay so, basically, we were dating but like long distance kinda (it was only like 2 hours but still) and i was telling him about this upcoming game i had blah blah blah and basically anyways he like came to my game but acted like he wouldn’t be able to come (cause like distance yk) AND IT WAS LIKE SO CUTE CAUSE ??? anyways he/him if thats okay !! 🤗 also 2 things id like to say 1. i love you writing!! it inspires me to actually work on my own requests 2. sorry the last request was just like short and basic :[ sometimes people dont wanna write things so i just ask first !! :) anywas i hope this isnt to long haha !!
I think this came out pretty cute and yes I did have to google every baseball term here including if the players have numbers, shut up /j and its not too long but I kinda struggled figuring out what you wanted me to write? Like im reading like alright dream description, cool... aw, cute... alright he/him, got it... aw, thanks, that's really sweet... and thats the end. Like I didn't know if you wanted me to just write what I thought your dream was like but that didnt seem right so I just did a little snippet of seeing Dream in the stands.
Romantic CC!Dream x he/him!reader, baseball player!reader, ~450 words, random youtubers were chosen as your teammates, PDA, mention of eating meat
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“Ayo,” one of your teammates muttered, elbowing you.
“Fuck off,” you muttered right back, eyes glued to your teammates on the field. “I got five bucks saying Charlie’s gonna make it home this pitch.”
“Who the hell made that stupid bet with you?”
“Who do you think,” you grumbled, glaring at Schlatt’s back as he collected a Gatorade and a candy bar from his last successful bet.
“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s your boyfriend on the monitor.”
“What the fuck?” You followed his gaze, seeing your beautiful, sweet, dumbass of a boyfriend showing off his poster with your number outlined in green glitter. You realized he should be right behind you and leaned out of the dugout to check. He lit up like a golden retriever, waving excitedly and blowing you a kiss. “Oh my god,” you laughed, blowing one back. “He said he had a gaming competition thing and wouldn’t be able to come.”
Ted looked between the two of you making googly eyes at each other. “... You wanna go say hi?”
“I can’t,” you scoffed, “we’re kinda in the middle of an inning.”
“We all know Mark’s going up next,” Sean interjected, clapping a hand on your shoulder as he and Ted brought you over to the stands. “We’ll be quick.” They each let you step on their hands, lifting you up the wall keeping the fans safe.
“Hey, stranger,” Dream chuckled, wagging his eyebrows at you.
“What the hell are you doing here,” you laughed, grabbing the railing for dear life since you didn’t trust your teammates in the least.
“Well, you know I love seeing you in uniform, you look so handsome-”
“You know what I mean,” you scoffed. “What happened to your championship?”
“I told Scott to sub someone in for me,” he said with a shrug. “Couldn’t let you play without your good luck kiss, could I?”
You smiled at that, leaning up with your elbows on the rail. “Oh, well, that’s very kind of you-”
“Hey, you’re on-screen!”
You looked over your shoulder at Sean’s excited yell, seeing, sure enough, you and your boyfriend were displayed for all to see. You could hear the announcers commenting on how you were ‘taking the chance to interact with a lucky fan.’
“Let me just…” Dream moved his poster behind your head, shielding you from the camera’s view as you shared a soft kiss. He gently brushed your noses together as you pulled away, smiling sweetly as he pulled his poster back. “Win this for me and I’ll make you Wagyu tonight.”
You threw your hands in the air. “LET’S GO!”
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embearsilly · 3 years
CC!Wilbur Headcannons
Warnings - None
Parining - CC!Wilbur x Reader
Pronouns - They/Them
Short little headcannons
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This man would be so excited if you ever asked him to teach you how to play guitar.
In the beginning he would give you cute little names for the cords so you could remember them easier.
The first songs he would teach you would be Your New Boyfriend.
You would both make Your New s/o/Your New Boyfriend.
You both would have a bunch of jam sessions together.
If either of you messed up the other would make fun of the other just to tease.
You would try your best to harmonize with him or he would try and harmonize with you.
You two would both practice for chat who absolutely loved it.
Chat would just fall in love and ask for more duets with you two.
Eventually you and him would just do a stream taking song requests from donations.
You had a bunch of requests for Your New Boyfriend so you both would share the Your New s/o rendition of it just for chat.
Chat loved it so much.
Tommy would ask if you guys would play Roadtrip a bunch of times.
Eventually you both would just for the small little gremlin.
You both eventually would make a small little album together.
It would be extremely popular with the fans.
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yettobedetermined7 · 3 years
Imagine playing Smash or Pass with Dream
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Or with James Marriot
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sanderchu · 2 years
❀what can I get you?❀
⇨⚠︎Please read the ‘rules’, ‘what I make’, deletion part of it all (under masterlist), + masterlist before requesting! ⚠︎⇦
⫸About me
Name: Sander (nicknames are fine since I have a habit of giving ppl nicknames)
Sexuality: Pansexual 💕💛💙
Pronouns: Any :) (prefers they/them more but doesnt matter!)
editor: @rayneywidows
Discord: ᴀɴɢᴇʟ✧.*#0414
a bit more about me :]
⫸writing rules/boundaries
Deletion part of my writings/request
- I make hcs
- Little writings
- Fluff, angst, etc etc (no smut!)
I Write for
- Dsmp (mostly Bc It’s what I started with)
- Haikyuu
- Genshin
-Bsd (bungo stray dogs)
-Sk8 the infinity
(Goes for everyone just not gonna change it because it’s already just there, maybe later if this goes well)
I dont write for pregnant reader I don’t feel comfortable! Please respect that ty
I will write time skips
- I don’t just write x reader I write about duos or groups (cricket crew, crimeboys, dteam, etc.) and also lore and little side stories about the lore and tales of the smp (Ik people won’t care but I just wanted to say it) also I don’t ship the groups or duos it’s more like little hangouts and just things they would do
- I also write really any au for any fandom listed
- All readers Are gn (gender neutral) unless the request says to put a certain one or I put a gender role otherwise but apart from ranboo he is always with a male reader
- if you want a platonic person w/ reader please state that if not it will turn out x reader and ik some ppl like platonic sometimes (and if you are requesting multiple people you can put the people that you want to be platonic, ex: Dream, tommy (platonic), Wilbur (platonic) sapnap. Or if you want them all to be platonic you can mention it in the beginning or end of your request)
-I write for c! And cc! As well so if you want c please mention that if not it’s automatically going to be cc
- ranboo is always x male reader or trans ftm reader for obvious reasons unless is a friendship thing then the reader will be gender neutral or Fem or anything else
- Tommy is always now platonic due to recent news! (He has a gf)
- I make writings based on songs so if you want that just give me the person then the song name :) I love a challenge
- I also make writing with one or two words so all you really have to do is give me one or two words and the character you want :)
-I don’t write for billzo since it’s against his boundaries!!!
⫸extra run throughs
Not a rule person but I must mention this just in case
-I don’t write rape, pedos, etc it’s just not right (sh I don’t mind but I will always keep it to a minimum)
- I do not write smut I don’t really want to. Also I respect others boundaries and try to stick to the fluff and other things apart from smut
- Tubbo and tommy is always platonic since he has a partner so tubbo and tommy is more friendship and nothing relationship wise
- I don’t not write pregnant Reader I personally just don’t like it but I will write reader raising a kid with a dsmp person (never tommy tho or just any young one)
-hate makes me laugh- just putting that out there- I don’t take hate seriously lmao no reason to take it seriously when this is the internet
Taken Anon Emojis
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bxct-it · 3 years
Hmmm… what about 31 and cc!dream ( fem reader and dom dream ) where he forces reader to say humiliated things about themselves? <3
..-> "How do you want it?"
[-] prompt list
cc!dream x fem!reader
warning[!] dream makes the reader say humiliating things about themselves and degrades them, if this is something that you don't like or are sensitive towards, please scroll away, for your safety. if not, then enjoy reading!
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"please, dream. just- i need you! please!" you whined, grinding your hips back and forth on the blonde's thigh, his eyes on his pc monitor and not looking at you like you wanted him to be. you didn't care for what he was doing and you just wanted him to break you, both physically and mentally. "you can stay like that for now, honey, i'm busy. i'm sure my thigh is more than enough to get that pretty cunt of yours off." a cry left your trembling lips as you tried to grind your hips down on his leg harder, wishing for more pressure as your hands weakly grab for your boyfriend's t-shirt, your head falling onto his shoulder as he laughs at you. "please! just something! anything! please! please! sir, i'm begging you, please! i've been a good girl!" your cries turned into sobs as your hips gained tired and slowed it's desperate rhythm just as your release started to climb it's peak.
dream let go of his mouse and moved his hand to hold your hip, your mind breaking at just the simple touch, your body shaking and leaning into his hold. "what do you want, baby? you have to tell me." you thanked any and every god out there watching over you as you grinned tiredly, your hips moving again with the help of the blonde. "i need you to fuck me. please. i need you to wreak me." your desperate whispers brushed against dream's neck, making his hair stand on end as his own hips shuffled in his desk chair as his jeans grow tight around his crotch. letting go of your hips, the blonde pulled you onto his lap properly, you eagerly grind against him, making a groan of pleasure leave his mouth, his hold tightening on your hips.
pulling you closer, his head leans on your shoulder as he presses soft kisses to the skin of your neck, his breath shaky as your bare, warm cunt rubbed against his clothed cock. "how do you want it, sweetheart?" his words were whispered against your ear as his hands gripped onto your hips, pushing you harder against him, happy moans leaving your mouth as you shook with pleasure in his hold. "i want you to break me, sir! i want you to make me cry. fuck me until i pass out." you were practically demanding him at this point but neither of you cared, you just wanted to be enveloped by each other, touching nothing but one another as you reach a place only the two of you share.
hands gripped at dream's clothes, pulling at the fabric and throwing it across the room, while moans and whimpers mixed together to make their own melody. "please, just fuck me, dream. i need you in me. i don't care how, i just need your cock." a grin pulled at dream's lips as he gripped your chin, making you look at him, holding eye contact. a laugh sounded from his pink lips as he notices your watering eyes, tears slipping down your cheeks. "my whore. so desperate for me, so desperate in fact, that she forgot her place and tried to tell me what to do." his thin eyebrow raised in mock confusion as he watches the realisation register on your face.
"i'm sorry, sir. i'm sorry. i'm such a whore, i'm your whore. so desperate for you, sir. i've been a bad girl. i'm sorry. please punish me. i don't care how because i deserve it." more tears fell from your eyes as you beg for forgiveness, knees shaking as you grind faster against the male. "It's okay, bunny, i forgive you." sobs of happiness made the blonde smile, brushing hair behind your ear as he leaves tender touches and kisses to your face and neck.
i lost motivation with this one. i’m sorry!
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chippedaxe · 3 years
Okay, so.
Your smuts are cool.
Only problem is that im a guy, and most (if not all) of your smuts are from fem reader pov.
Please make a male reader pov smut. Dont have any other specific requests, just want a male pov.
(also i've seen anons assign themselves emojis so im gonna slide this 😎 here real quick and leave okay bye)
Title: Sandwich
Warning(s): !NSFW!, getting caught, humping/grinding, threesome, slight voyeurism ig.
Pairing: cc!Sapnap, cc!Dream, X reader
Pronouns: he/him ,AMAB, sub reader
Synopsis: You and Sapnap get caught in the kitchen.
Word count: 1.5K
Note: I think I’ve written something similar to this before, but I just like writing abt kitchen counters!
*Welcome 😎 anon !!
*If someone wants, I could make a part 2 to this where they actually fuck
(Also this hasn't been proofread and it hasn't been edited so there's probably gonna be some mistakes somewhere)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
You turn to Sapnap, whispering quietly to the boy “I’m sure he’s not gonna wake up. It’d make no sense at all, why would he suddenly just decide to get up? We’ll be fine! Just trust me” you told him. Sapnap didn’t believe you and gave you a quizzical look “but what if he does? What if he needs to go to the toilet or something?” He asked.
“What? Don’t you trust me..?” You batted your eyelashes at him and spoke in a higher voice, pouting at him and frowning “wh- don’t look at me like that. No, I don’t trust you.” Sapnap rolled his eyes at you.
“Wow. How rude, how’re you gonna make it up to me?” You continuously flirted with him, making Sapnap get all giggly and blushy “stop it! Dream’s gonna wake up..” Sapnap playfully slapped your arm. “He won’t! It literally makes so much sense for him not to wake up!” You pried at his arm and tried to pull him up.
Sapnap signed and stood up, following you “so.. what?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow at you. You gestured towards the kitchen counter and Sapnap took the hint, sitting on it gently and looking down at you. “If he wakes up, I’m blaming you” Sapnap quickly spoke “shut up! He won’t”
You leaned in close to Sapnap, smiling at him instead of closing the gap “what? Are you being a coward again? Not gonna kiss me?” Sapnap chuckled “shh.. no, I’m just- waiting” you snickered at your own words “oh yeah? Waiting for what?” Sapnap looked at you through half lidded eyes.
“Waiting for you to shut up..” you joked around, playfully punching him. You then leaned in, gentle lips pressing against his rough ones. Sapnap sighed into your mouth, his hands wrapping around your neck and pulling you closer. Your teeth gently scraped his bottom lip, his lips parting for your tongue to enter his mouth.
Sapnap groaned slightly, his tongue swirling around yours. Your arms pinned his hips down to the counter, hands keeping a firm grasp on them. Sapnap’s legs wrapped around your waist as you two kissed, legs pushing you so that you’re closer to him.
You pressed yourself up against Sapnap, the both of you letting out a soft noise which broke the kiss. You two stayed parted for a few moments, just slowly grinding as you both admired each other. Sapnap grumbled impatiently and reached out, slowly unbuttoning your shirt and pulling it off to reveal your chest.
Sapnap bit his lip for a moment as he stared at your bare chest, one of his arms reaching out to pull you in closer. You stumbled forward and fell on him slightly, your hand slapping him for making you trip. You both laughed at each other.
You pulled Sapnap back in for a kiss, immediately rushing to shove your tongue back in his mouth when you suddenly heard the sound of a door closing. You pulled off of Sapnap and peaked your head out of the kitchen, seeing no signs of movement anywhere so you continued what you were doing and kissed Sapnap.
Sapnap pulled off to start kissing at your neck, his lips sucking on the soft skin. His tongue licking at your neck while his teeth bit into it, causing dark purple marks to appear.
Sapnap quickly pushed you off though when Dream was suddenly standing in the doorway with wide eyes “I- uh.. what’re you guys doing? And why in the kitchen of all places?” Dream whined. You and Sapnap stayed quiet “uh. Nothing?” You spoke up “uh-huh. Looks like you got attacked by a vacuum by the way” Dream pointed at your hickey.
Your face flushed with embarrassment, moving to hide your face in Sapnap’s chest. “Don’t tease him, that’s very rude.. My darlin’ doesn’t deserve to be treated so meanly, except by me of course” Sapnap crossed his arms. “Oh I’m so sorry Sapnap for hurting your little darling” Dream snickered.
“Now you apologise for making me walk in on- this!” Dream gestured to both you and Sapnap, “don’t act as if this wasn’t a blessing to walk in on” Sapnap grinned. “Sap- stop it!” You mumbled into his ear, feeling extremely embarrassed from the whole situation. “A blessing? And how is this anything but unholy?” Dream narrowed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.
“You’re just mad because you weren’t being included” Sapnap stuck his tongue out at Dream “so what if I was? What’re you gonna say about that?” Dream leaned against the kitchen sink, a hand resting on his hip as he glanced to both you and Sapnap. “Hm. What would you say, Darl’?”
“I- I don’t know.. are you?” You glanced towards Dream. The man tilted his head and walked over to you, pressing you up against the counter so you’re smooshed between both him and Sapnap. His head rested on your shoulder as he whispered softly “Yes. I am”
“You heard the man Darlin’ do you wanna let him get in on this?” Sapnap caressed your face gently. You grinned to yourself “Sure, let’s take pity on him for today..” you smiled at Sapnap. “So. How’re we gonna do this, Dream?” Sapnap asked “How much can your darling take?” Dream spoke as if you weren’t there. Rude.
Sapnap leaned down to you “do you think you can take both of us sweetheart?” He whispered to you in a gentle voice. You thought about it but then shook your head “that’s alright. I got another idea” Dream didn’t even speak more words as he then pushed you so you were now rubbing up against Sapnap.
You gasped softly as your two crotches pressed against each other’s, your body shivering as you then felt Dream’s body against your backside. Sapnap grabbed at your hips with his legs, his hips trying to grind against you to create a rhythm. You listened, your hips rolling against Sapnap before your ass rocked back against Dream’s hard on.
Sapnap let out a breathy moan into your ear, his hands grasping at your shoulders as your crotch rubbed against him. Your cock was hard in your pants, the fabric feeling so tight that it was honestly a little bit painful, but the friction against Sapnap and Dream felt wonderful.
Dream muttered a curse under his breath, one of his hands taking place on your waist while the other one was holding onto the edge of the counter for dear life. You felt your stomach turn a bit, your cock slightly twitching as you knew you orgasm was fast approaching.
“G-Guys calm down or I’m gonna cum..” You pleaded for mercy. Dream only leaned forward, his chest now against your back, arms wrapping around you to hold you tighter. Sapnap then used his legs to try and get the both of you closer to him. “Dream- Sap, I’m gonna cum!!” You complained “just let it out sweetheart” Sapnap kissed your cheek.
You couldn’t hold it back anymore so you finally came, cum coming out and wetting the front of your pants. You moved your hand down to touch the wetness, cum sticking to your fingers as you pulled your hand back up.
“S-Stay there, please.. so close” Dream desperately grabbed at you. Sapnap did the same thing, sitting up and rutting his hips up against yours. You were feeling crazy sensitive from just coming so the action coming from the two were making your legs all shakey.
Dream gave no warning as he spilled his hot seed out, cum leaking from his pants onto the back of yours. “S-sorry, I just came on your.. uh pants” Dream pulled his crotch away but continued to rest his hands on your hips. He guided your hips as you and Sapnap were now only grinding against each other.
Sapnap let out a guttural growl, his arms wrapping around you tighter “I- cumming!!” Sapnap was barely able to get the words out as he came hard. Spunk leaking from the slit of his cock and wetting his pants like the rest of us.
Everyone pulled apart, still standing and resting fairly close though “t-that was good..” Dream panted slightly “it was nice.. maybe we should have fun with you more often” you winked at Dream. “Not if it’s gonna result in us all having wet pants again though” Sapnap sighed “oh yeah? So wet pants is a deal breaker?” Dream laughed.
“We all just humped each other and now you’re making jokes? I hate you guys” you laughed loudly “aw I love you too my darlin’ boy” Sapnap kissed your forehead. “And I hate you more” Dream responded, his hand rubbing your shoulder gently.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hey idk if requests are open but if they are
Could you write CC. Georgenotfound x Malereader who travels all the world for vlogs and photos and in the background of George’s twitch stream and chat start spamming malereader name in the chat saying hi and asking if that him
A GEORGE REQUEST!!! Y’all are so creative with these, I love it! This is kinda third-person perspective of George, something a lil new.
Pairing: CC!Georgenotfound x Male!Reader
Friend Found
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George spins his camera around, showing off where he’s streaming from. He’s tucked himself away in a corner of Orlando, a special spot Dream showed him. A hidden little park known only to locals. George thought it’d be the perfect place to do an outdoor stream, take advantage of the weather.
“Nobody knows where I am!” He jokes, taunting his chat.
There are a few people around but not many. A lady is somehow jogging in the heat, and a guy—you—walking around with a camera around his neck.
“Sapnap told me I was too pale even though Dream’s paler than me! And I said I’d do an outdoor stream.” He explains. “So wow! Look at the flowers! Life!”
The area has an abundance of greenery. Literal flowers and nature.
George checks chat on his phone, watching the messages roll in. A few people agree with him on his Dream remark, and a few are talking about the fact that he’s doing a stream from outside.
“Look, there’s a bird fountain and everything.”
Flipping his camera, he shows off the cracked fountain. There’s no water or birds in it, but it’s the thought that counts. He manages to also catch you in the background, making him wince. Hopefully you wouldn’t sue George for that or anything.
“I’m in a proper park. There’s a playscape somewhere around here!”
Should he go there? He didn’t want to risk spotting a fan but there wasn’t much to do here either. Eyes lingering on chat, he scans the messages.
As his phone refreshes a new influx of messages pops up on a new topic. They’re talking about you. Giving your name. Spamming it even. Just from his chat George can gather you’re some type of travel vlogger who’s pretty popular among his fans.
“That’s probably not whoever you’re talking about.” George tells chat in an attempt to turn them to something else.
It doesn’t. Instead, they’re advocating for him to talk to you. Ask you. Potentially embarrass himself and force him to never come back here. But chat’s in a riot for it and he’s desperate for something to do. What's there to lose?
Not like he goes outside much anyways.
“Excuse me?” George asks, making his way toward you. “You wouldn’t happen to be a travel vlogger that my fanbase may or may not be obsessed with?”
Great, now he sounds like an egotistical idiot. He mentally berates himself for it but doesn’t say anything.
You turn towards him, eyebrows raising. “You look… familiar. Sorry, what’s your name?”
George regrets everything. He should’ve just told chat no, left it.
“George.” Then, as an afterthought, “Not found.”
“Oh!” You exclaim. “Then yeah, I’m the travel vlogger your fanbase may or may not be obsessed with.”
You extend your hand for a handshake that he takes. Your hands are warm, warmer than his.
Thank God you seemed nice.
“My stream was begging for me to ask, sorry.” George sheepishly admits. He motions to the camera, subtly informing you you’re being streamed.
“I’m honored.” You joke. “You’re British, right? What are you doing in Orlando’s secret parks?”
“What are you?” He banters back. He lives here now, you… well. He doesn’t actually know but he can guess you don’t off whatever accent you have.
“Fair enough.” You laugh and George relaxes a little. “But I assume you need someone to show you the most entertaining places to amuse your stream?”
George could refuse. Say he has Dream. But the few seconds he’s known you have him interested, far more than he’d like to admit. Besides, he’s never even met a travel vlogger!
“Yeah. That'd be, uh, nice." Great. He's stumbling over words now. You definitely thought he was weird, right?
You smile at him though, and he smiles back. "What do you think about an abandoned shack?"
"If it has a connection, I'm in."
As his stream starts to take a turn, he realizes something.
He's just made a friend.
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