#cause the show needs to start getting a little more interesting for it viewers man
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pluvioloulou · 3 months ago
In relation to my post yesterday
I'm curious... also no free pass button on this one 😈
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movie-nite · 8 months ago
Building Blocks of Arcane Women: Mel Madarda
The League of Legends series "Arcane" depicts some of the most well written and built characters I have ever seen. It seems like almost everyone can agree that this series is absolutely beautiful with the storyline, but with this post I'm going to deep dive into just the writing and creation of the female characters alone.
Mel is the "femme fatale" noble of Piltover's council who is seen using her noble status, beauty, and overall reputation in order to manipulate and convince others to side with her on various conflicts. She truly values Piltover and wants to see it prosper and thrive, and she is going to do everything in her power, and beyond it, to make it happen. The main factor that makes her such an empowering and overall inspiring character is agency, or the ability to change the course of events by making crucial choices and the exercise of that ability alone. Mel is a character who uses her ability to change her environment so she doesn't truly have to adapt. With most female characters who sit in a position of power in popular series, they don't frequently exercise their ability to change... well anything. A lot of the time, they get tossed around by the plot of the story or let men influence and impact every little decision or just let them make the decisions instead. Or, in the worst cases, they get killed off before they make a change. In Arcane however, Mel and pretty much every woman in the show has some sense of agency. All of their decisions make a pretty big impact on their communities, their families, and basically the societies of both Zaun and Piltover. In Mel's story, she has the final say in Hextech and where it expands and chooses to promote Hextech weapons and to use them for war, then for peace, and on top of all of that, she managed to push the council however she wants and wherever she needs to. The other council members are simply her pawns in some cases, allowing her to get what she needs done and get it done when she needs it. This can be seen the countless times she glares at other council members, causing them to also vote and raise their hands. This is due to her tremendous political power she has had since the beginning as well as the overwhelming control she has over other council members and a lot of that stems from the wealth that she has, despite being the least wealthy of the Madara family. Even with that, she is continuously looking to expand about her wealth and income. The thing is, she starts out in the same position of power that many other women do. Those other women however, end up losing their agency. They manage to fall into some ridiculous circumstance that magically makes them unable to make big decisions. Somehow, there are very common scenarios where this happens, like in Star Wars where Princess Leia somehow creates or gets involved in conflict that causes her to lose her power. Another scenario is when the power one woman has is taken by another woman, sort of like in Heathers where the dispute is between one naturally powerful woman like Heather Chandler and one woman having to work her way to the top like Veronica Sawyer or even Heather Duke. It's almost like there is a "limited supply" of agency when it comes to women in fiction. And lastly, the scenario where power and agency also get lost or taken, is whenever a man or a romantic interest get involved. Whether this weakens the woman or makes her more vulnerable, she still manages to lose her power (as seen in DC with Harley Quinn, who was one a respectable psychiatrist and human prior to her falling in love with the joker, who ended up making her submit to him and corrupted her and her values). Many viewers and fans were scared of this happening when there was signs of Jayce and Mel's relationship. People thought that Mel was magically going to let Jayce take the reigns, but no, it only empowered her more. She used that relationship as an opportunity to succeed and bring home the bread. Her connection to Jayce allowed her to convince other council members to side with her and work towards and with her goals and morals.
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tssdresses · 4 months ago
Sanders Sides Animatic Ideas | Inside | Welcome To The Internet
Main: Janus, Roman, Remus Background Characters: Logan
Janus lyrics are in orange, Roman in red, Remus in green, and Logan in blue.
Welcome to the internet Have a look around Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found We've got mountains of content Some better, some worse If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first Welcome to the internet Come and take a seat
Janus is sitting in a wing chair, composed with legs crossed and his crook over his lap and hands folded. He says the lyrics. 
Would you like to see the news
Roman rises up on the viewers left from behind the chair to say his line. 
Or any famous women's feet
Remus launches himself up from being the chair to the viewer’s right to say his line. 
There's no need to panic This isn't a test [*laughs*] Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest Welcome to the internet What would you prefer:
Janus, completely unfazed by any of this, says his line. 
Would you like to fight for civil rights
Or tweet a racial slur
Be happy
Be horny Be bursting with rage
Remus pulls Logan in from the side as an example of “Be bursting with rage.” Logan is somewhere between confused and disgruntled.  
We got a million different ways to engage
Janus does not acknowledge Logan. Janus is not acknowledging any of this (yet).
Welcome to the internet Put your cares aside
Here's a tip for straining pasta
Here's a nine-year-old who died
We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports
And a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters in Harry Potter fucking each other! Welcome to the internet! Hold on to your socks' Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock They are grainy and off-putting He just sent you more Don't act surprised You know you like it, you whore See a man beheaded Get offended, see a shrink Show us pictures of your children Tell us every thought you think
All of this is Remus, while Janus looks mildly off-put that Remus is steamrolling his song. 
Start a rumor, buy a broom Or send a death threat to a boomer Or DM a girl and groom her Do a Zoom or find a tumor in your... Here's a healthy breakfast option You should kill your mom Here's why women never fuck you Here's how you can build a bomb Which Power Ranger are you? Take this quirky quiz Obama sent the immigrants To vaccinate your kids
Remus and Roman talk over each other to the extent that it’s hard to tell who’s saying what. Janus shuts them up after the last line. 
Could I interest you in everything All of the time? A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time Could I interest you in everything All of the time? A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time
Janus stands up and starts doing a one-man kick line. 
You know, it wasn't always like this
Logan gently pushes Janus by his shoulder down into his seat. Janus makes the most dramatic “betrayal” face.
Not very long ago Just before your time Right before the towers fell Circa '99
Logan begins to lecture. The twins glance at each other, dealers choice if it's a reference to the 'King Creativity' or just a 'Here comes a Logan infodump' look.
This was catalogues Travel blogs A chat room or two We set our sights and spent our nights Waiting For you
Logan pauses and Janus takes back over. 
You Insatiable you Mommy let you use her iPad You were barely two And it did all the things We designed it to do Now look at youOh
Janus’s lines. 
Look at you You, you Unstoppable, watchable Your time is now Your inside's out Honey, how you grew And if we stick together Who knows what we'll do It was always the plan To put the world in your hand
Logan, referring to Thomas. 
[*laughing hysterically*]
Remus laughs, Roman looks concerned. Logan is chuckling. Janus has had enough and gently banishes them all. 
Could I interest you in everything All of the time A bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time Could I interest you in everything All of the time A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything And anything and everything And anything and everything And all of the time
Janus regains control for the remainder of the song. He sings from his chair, where he sits with one legs crossed over the other, looking down the camera.
TOC All Time Low | Bezos II
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kabutoraiger · 2 months ago
on the recommendation of a nameless anon i have now finished watching the kdrama "the auditors"
found it surprisingly engaging. they really should've given it a more exciting title to draw viewers in... sadly "infernal affairs" has already been used a few times. that would've been a good one.
my concern about being lulled to sleep by finance talk was mostly unfounded bc if this show is to be believed, performing internal corporate financial investigations is actually one of the most action packed jobs a person can have, replete with dangerous car chases, breaking and entering to acquire secret files, hand to hand combat, murder attempts, and more besides.
i assume anon rec'd this to me primarily for the mentor/mentee relationship between the leads which i did enjoy. tbh shin chail is a little too... Like That for me to imagine him ever engaging in a romantic relationship with anyone, but the tiny moments where he starts to act concerned about hansoo's wellbeing were very sweet despite. and there's just something so fun about watching a character repeatedly shoot their shot with someone who just stares back at them like 😐
on that note i love fictional guys who seem like normies at a glance but then reveal Freak Behavior so i was a big fan of hansoo. cute happy guy who is ready to do literally anything his boss asks of him no matter how insane as long as he thinks it's for a good cause... fascinating. should be studied in a lab. (affectionate)
i honestly ended up more entranced by daewoong though, he is just so sexy and beautiful and complicated. like the kang yohan of the megacorp construction business. although for him to achieve true hotness we desperately need to get my man out of being a CEO and into a career that provides something positive for society. like maybe being an organized crime boss that steals from the rich and gives to the poor or something. his skillset would transfer over well i feel.
if i had any complaints about this show... one would be that the female lead is. not great imo. she's just so flat and wooden in almost every scene and it really tanks the emotionality of an otherwise interesting plotline. and also the subs i was watching were pretty glaringly bad. i know it's on viki so i assume they might've been taken from there? they certainly track with viki's usual quality. mr netflix please acquire this it deserves better 😭
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ecargmura · 1 year ago
A Sign of Affection Episode 1 Review - Love Under The Silent Snow
This is actually a really good premise for a romance show! I really like it! It’s unique in that it’s a shoujo set in a college environment when the genre usually prefers high school love stories. The fact that it’s a love story between a hearing-impaired girl and her upperclassman who is a globetrotting backpacker is also interesting! I really liked what I saw in this first episode!
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I know that there’s going to be a lot of comparisons to A Silent Voice, but A Sign Of Affection actually differs a lot despite sharing similar premises. Unlike A Silent Voice, being deaf isn’t all of Yuki Itose’s shtick as she has so much personality despite being reserved. While she cannot hear, she still loves cute things like clothes and objects; heck, the story starts with Yuki happy that she got a very cute dress for a good price. She’s not bullied for being deaf, nor is she treated as lesser for her disability. She’s an ordinary college student who just happens to be deaf. She communicates well with her friends and her schoolmates. She has a good relationship with her mom. She’s never seen as pitiful, which is a good thing as stories about disabilities shouldn’t be seen as pity-parties all the time; those with disadvantages can still live happy lives. While it defines her, it’s not who she is all the time. She’s not a poor girl who needs to be constantly saved by an able-bodied knight in shining armor; in fact, he only helped her once and she becomes infatuated that she’s the one going out of her way to get his deets. Yeah, get your man, Yuki! I do like that while her life is peaceful, she still has some ups and downs that aren’t dramatic like how her friend Rin had to explain to Kyouya, the cafe owner about Yuki’s disability, which Yuki catches on about, but doesn’t say anything. She knows that her disadvantages will always have these little minor aspects, and listening to her thoughts really makes me want to give her a hug.
I know that some people might question why Yuki has hearing aids, but cannot hear very well. Hearing aids don’t give deaf people complete hearing, just partial. Maybe Yuki is wearing them just so she can show people that she’s deaf and that it wouldn’t cause misunderstandings. Who knows? Like how people like carrying around devices that give them convenience and comfort, Yuki most likely does the same. Maybe she wears them because she’s comfortable doing so and it’s more of a habit than than anything. I hope this does get explained a bit in future chapters so that viewers won’t have to ask questions constantly.
Itsuomi Nagi is quite interesting as the male lead. He’s a globetrotting backpacker, meaning that he doesn’t like to stay at one place all the time. While he’s a college student, he likes going to foreign countries. Because of that, he’s familiar with different languages. His voice actor, Yu Miyazaki is actually proficient in English and it shows! The way he asked the guy on the train if he needed any help was actually good English, albeit a tad accent on the “need” part. Still, an English speaker like me approves of it! I do wonder if his wanderlust will be a source of conflict or if it’ll be a source of bonding between our leads. Personality-wise, Itsuomi doesn’t seem like a scumbag. However, he is a bit too touchy when it comes to Yuki and that does bother me a bit. Maybe because I don’t really like skinship and I value my personal space. I feel like this guy’s only flaw is that he’s too touchy and doesn’t respect Yuki’s personal boundaries. Other than that, I just hope he’s a nice guy. Please don’t make him turn out to be a red flag. Please…
Rin is actually a really good friend. She doesn’t pity Yuki and treats her like an equal. However, there is still a slight border between her and Yuki at times. She has a huge crush on Kyouya Nagi, the cafe owner and Itsuomi’s cousin. I want to see more of her; maybe her and Kyouya are the side couple that helps Yuki and Itsuomi get together?
However, that Oushi guy though… He gives off weird vibes. He saw Yuki running along all happily and he was like “What’s wrong with her?” I just hope he’s not that one jerk who treats Yuki as lesser due to her disability. He’s gonna be on my shit list if that happens. I can’t wait to see other characters too.
I really love the implementation of snow used in this episode. Yes, the ‘snow means love’ trope is a cliche, but damn it, it works. Heck, the kanji in Yuki’s name literally means snow. She’s her own ‘snow means love’ trope. I do love the symbolism of snow in a way. Snow falls down and it is a silent weather condition, much like how Yuki’s world is a silent one. Snow is also white and blank, meaning that Yuki’s white world can finally be full of color now that she met Itsuomi. Maybe I’m looking into this a bit too much.
The voice actors are so good. Sumire Morohoshi is finally a lead in a shoujo anime. She has a soft voice that works well for the reserved shoujo leads; she suits Yuki so well. Yu Miyazaki is actually a voice actor I’m not too familiar with, but I do like his voice. It sounds perfect for someone like him. Like, he doesn’t sound too young or too old. I also love that he can speak English too. I hope he can speak more later on! Other voice actors in this show are Kaede Hondo, who plays Rin—good choice for a rising star; Ryota Ohsaka voices Kyouya—he always has a nice voice that suits ikemen characters; Takeo Otsuka voices Oushi—I need to see more to evaluate more; Tasuku Hatanaka voices the hair salon guy—wait, what? I never knew Hatanaka could produce a voice like that. I usually associate him with his rather gravelly, gruff voice. That’s so cool. Anyways, I do wonder who else will be in the voice cast of this anime. I’m satisfied with the results.
Overall, I think this has the potential to be a great romance. I can’t wait to see what it has in store. If I really enjoy it once it finishes airing, I’ll definitely buy the manga! What are your thoughts on the first episode?
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andoqin · 2 years ago
The Ingenious One
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What a ride this drama was! From the stunning shots, to the smart writing, to the plethora of well acted side characters it just had so much to give me. 
Let’s start with the characters:
Snipping this for length.
Yun Xiang:  Driven by a need to avenge the death of his 300 people family village, eradicated for seemingly no reason, he goes on a quest to find out who did it and why. For a Wuxia drama it’s very interesting to have our hero be a person wholly lacking in fighting skills, in fact the only thing he can do is run, and even that doesn’t last for very long. He is not someone who has a heart of gold in fact his plans will sometimes even endanger his friends, though the more he gets to know them the less that part becomes and he uses his brain to help them where he can.
Shu Yanan: Orphan, adopted by someone of Yun Xiang’s sect, she vows to avenge her adoptive father’s killer and thus her paths cross with Yun Xiang. In contrast to him, she is one of the strongest fighters of the show and physically is much stronger than him, which often makes hilarious things happen. The two of them are immediately drawn to each other and their bond is a big part of what carries the show for me. Shu Yanan is a cypher for the first half of the show, not letting the viewer know most of her thoughts and putting on a mask, even in front of Yun Xiang (but then again, he too changes masks so often it’ sometimes hard to keep up) and only in the latter half of the story does her true motivation/storyline come out but I didn’t mind that. The first half was used to build up their connection and the second half was used to delve deeper into her origin (story) which provided a very nice balance.
Su Mingyu: Initially a spoiled princeling of a rich merchant family with no business aspirations but Big Dreams about being a HERO of the Jianghu but no actual knowledge of what that means. Well he learns, pretty quickly, that despite appearing awesome and brave, actual fighting involves blood and death and the show makes it a point to drive that home. He is a skilled fighter and later on learns to become a man that can support his loved one and family but it does take him some time to get there. He is an AMAZING boyfriend tho, 10/10 in that regard, as far as spoiled rich princelings go you can def do worse.
Ke Menglan: Daughter of a disgraced official, cast down into the lowest societal tier in the very stratisfied Ming Dynasty (or at least it’s based on that) where upward social mobility was all but impossible, she tries her best to get back to the “normal” citizen-tier because she does genuinely love Su Mingyu and their marriage is literally not allowed. She is the very capable manager of what later becomes Yun Xiangs gambling house and their little club-hub and I love that she got her own story about dealing with who and what she was and loved the resolution for that arc since it was her choice and she has faith in SMY.
Jin Biao: Last but certainly not least in the main character gallery is my sneaky bigass sword dealing 10 gold jin per head demanding softie. His plot such as it is, is the simplest, but how can you not love a dude who uses his murder-gotten gains to support jianghu orphans??? Also I loved his little romance plotline, happiness for them always.
And this is just the main characters, there are SO many side characters that play an important role, some that come in later in the story, some that are dispatched earlier (usually bc they’re villains, or bc they get to go on a long deserved trip with their butler/assassin bf) and to put them all in here would cause my fingers to fall off, so i’ll just put a few favourites here:
Mo Bufan (and Kang Qiao): MBF is technically a senior of Yun Xiang, but he’s kinda let go of their sects teachings for the most part and embraced that capitalist lifestyle with his ... protegé? (I always read them as a couple tbh). Like YX MBF is not really a fighter, and they have a very interesting connection because of that, because it takes them a long time to be more than reluctant allies but they do become such great bros it is a delight to see.
Liu Gongquan and Princess Mingzhu: They come in towards the latter half of the story, one as the daughter of a Prince and the other as a former protege who is now an imperial investigator. He is at least as smart as Yun Xiang and it’s great to see them sort of work at cross purposes, feeling each other out and then coming to a tentative alliance. The princess is the usual sheltered naive girl type, but she shows these occasional flashes of smartness that are delightful to me (and LGQ hehe) and it’s great to see that clearly it is mostly a case of her lacking experience and not brain.
This is not nearly all of them, once again but man I gotta swivel to the villains now, because nothing in a show like this works without villains and oh do we have some interesting ones here:
Tang Xiao is our first initial big hurdle, and by god is he a slimeball par excellence. As the owner and proprietor of most of the cities gambling establishments he wields a lot of money and influence and uses it to menace women, be a creep and probably smell really bad. We get to see how he comes to hold on to his position though, because he is clearly adept at wheeling and dealing with people by any means necessary, though in the end that bites him in the butt. What makes him more interesting to me though is the fact that he has two very devoted underlings, one of whom is a female fighter who doesn’t talk much, wears an iconic hat and generally has a terrifying aura but who is very gentle to one of the female sidecharacters who gets caught by Tang Xiao, drugged (and probably abused). I had IMMEDIATE Black Sails Anne flashbacks in my head and though i am loathe to even put Tang Xiao and Jack into similar categories I do wish we could have explored the relationship between TX and his female underling (sorry I forgot her name) and just *why* she did the things she did for him.  At least Tang Xiao did have a very deserving end and I cheered hahaha.
Kou Yuanjie: He was the second Big Hurdle, but he was more of a “stock standard” bad guy: Spoiled Bratty princeling who was power hungry and Big Mad that his older sister is better than him in pretty much every regard: fighting, brain wise, not a psychopath, etc. He can’t stand any minor inconvenience and will use people as he sees fit, even going so far as to let his one devoted underling, who adores him for reasons unbeknownst to me, get killed. She even suspects he’s being shady, but then he kisses her and makes her forget her doubts, basically walking to her death, it’s not great. 
The Big Bad: I have to say as far as villains go, he left me a bit cold because he was using circular rhetoric to justify his end goals/plans, but the impact he had on the story and our characters is significant so I was fine with it.
So yeah, the fact that even my goldfish brain can retain so much for these characters should tell you that they left a lasting impression on me, which is truly not easy.
Let’s talk about the plot now, because on its face it is a fairly standard story, but the characterwriting especially lifts it above and the way the show manages to not spin its wheels but keep the tension going by introducing new revelations slowly but also giving other storylines the ability to breathe while not losing focus was very good for me. I think the ending is not the blockbuster type that I personally would  have preferred, but after everything it felt earned for our characters and I am happy with where they ended up. 
NOW LET’S TALK VISUALS, because this show knows how to set up a scene, how to block a shot to tell a story. So often visual storytelling in cdramas is an afterthought at best it is especially noticeable to me when a visual language is established in a drama and made clear to the viewer. This is not to say this is some Every Frame A Painting sort of show, but whenever the drama wanted to put emphasis on something, it did. 
One of the main ones was the focus on characters’ eyes and faces, there were a lot of closeups of the actors’ eyes and or faces and that’s where having expressive actors helps because I didn’t need dialogue to tell me what a character was feeling. Sometimes it was more obvious, sometimes less so, but it displayed an interiority to these characters’ lives that I feel is missing from many many many other shows. 
The gorgeous cinematography can just speak for itself tbh.
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FINAL VERDICT: 9.5/10 maybe a 9 depending on my daily mood but mmmm so good.
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astral-from-afar · 2 years ago
Ooh nice to see a fellow Kamen Rider type of person
Personally, out of the three main tokusatsu, I think I watched Kamen Rider more than anything. I did watch all 3 equally at first but my interest went from Ultraman and Super Sentai (from when I was little) to more of Kamen Rider as I grew older.
I haven't watched much from Reiwa since I stopped watching Tokusatsu maybe 3 years ago. But growing up, my parents were into tokusatsu, so I was naturally shown a lot of it, lmaoo. I kinda stopped being open about it after some kid in third grade made fun of me for it 💀
After that, I became self-conscious about it as I grew up, so I told myself I had to stop watching it. My parents still watch it though, and they tell me it's good, but I don't have the courage to start watching again 😭 Lately I wish I didn't do that cause now I feel like I'm missing out on the fun lmao- it was really fun to watch because they tend to have a deeper/darker meaning to them, even if it seems to be for younger audiences at first glance, which I find neat.
I don't really remember much from W, since I watched it way back when I was younger, but I remember the acting was great (I think the actor for Philip was only 15 at that time? I've seen that guy in other J-dramas and his acting is amazing). I remember liking W but I just don't really remember what it was about. Maybe I should revisit it sometime.
I think my favorite was Den-O. I'm pretty sure I've watched all of the heisei ones but I can't recall all of the good ones that I liked. I do remember liking the 3 last Heisei ones which I believe were Ghost, Exaid, and Build, but out of those 3, I think Ghost was the best.
ALSO YOU ARE SO RIGHT the kamen rider soundtracks tend to be bangers
Oops I kinda talked too much about myself LMAOA (I tried to shorten this the best I could. i really did. I DELETED 3 PARAGRAPHS LMAO)
No way you used to be a fan AS WELL. Now I feel a bit embarrassed for recommending stuff. Also Den-o is top tier. Deneb is probably one of my favourite kamen rider characters just for how funny he is.
To be fair I was more of a Power Rangers kid growing up. I started off watching mega force when it was still airing and religiously watched the reruns of older stuff like Dino Thunder, which was my favourite.
I stopped watching after a bit because man are kids RUTHLESS. Some of them made fun of me so I stopped watching for a bit. Luckily I have younger siblings who were watching the show up on it so I became a casual viewer, mostly watching for my siblings and then lying at school the next day.
The reason I got into Toku was actually because of a YouTuber that I was subscribed to. I had 0 clue what kamen rider was and they were praising fourze so I thought ‘I’ve seen jojo part 4, this is practically that with superheroes’ and then proceeded to watch the series. I then moved onto the other series like ooo, build,gaim,W,Den-o,ex-aid and blade.
Funny story about my watch through of blade is that I had no context for where most of the memes in the fanbase came from so I watched Blade to mainly understand everything. I had gotten up to the final arc but had to take a break since mock season was going on. When I finished I remember that I rushed home and decided to watch the last arc, despite being very tired. Yeah big mistake. Who knew a bench could make Astral cry but it did
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I’m wondering right now what series to watch now. The smartest decision is to probably catch up to the latest season but I’m probably going to wait until it finishes to binge it. I’m torn on watching a late heisei era show or trying to see more early heisei works. I’ll do what I do best which is spin a wheel and decide what to watch lol.
Nooo man you don’t need to shorten down your thoughts. It’s fun reading this stuff and believe me I’ve been holding back from spamming the dashboard with my random Toku thoughts so you shouldn’t worry about if you’re saying too much. If you want to get back into it the newest season of kamen rider is around the corner so you could start getting back into it from there.
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sounds-of-some-day · 2 years ago
Yup. Fans need to pay for a subscription if they want to support these shows. I got an AMC+ subscription because I watch IWTV and Gangs of London.
I wanted to make a post in general about the overall advocacy of piracy, but I am a tiny blog and no one cares about what I think.
But, with respect to this specific show, I will share some thoughts.
I see a lot of people angsting about "What if AMC makes the series run too long, like they did with Walking Dead, and the quality declines?"
and like, y'all, seriously, this should not be your concern right now. TVC are not The Walking Dead, and they were never going to be. I know there's this rumor going around that AMC bought this property as a replacement for The Walking Dead, and I don't know where that comes from, if it's just wishful thinking, or if someone connected to the show or AMC somehow hinted at that, but I seriously hope that it's not the second option, and that AMC is not expecting Walking Dead numbers from IWTV, because that would be really naïve to say the least and I would hope the people in charge of these things have better sense.
During it's peak, The Walking Dead was pulling in 17 million viewers per episode. It was the number one show on cable television. Not just the number one show on AMC - the number one show out of all of the cable networks. Even at it's worst, it was getting 3 million viewers per episode.
The best I can tell for IWTV is that it is averaging less than 0.5 million viewers per episode.
To put this into perspective, Fear the Walking Dead averaged 0.8 million viewers in its last season and it's on cancellation watch.
Here's from cancellation watch after the premiere of IWTV:
"On Sunday, AMC’s heavily promoted Interview With The Vampire–based on the Anne Rice novels–had its premiere but only managed a 0.15 rating based on same-day viewing for the 18-49 demographic with 622K total viewers.  Those are not terrible numbers, but that is also not a great start for a shiny new franchise that received a notable marketing push prior to its debut.  It was also available on AMC+ the same day (along with the second episode), though, so the digital viewing should give it an additional push."
And the thing is, there was a 40% decline in viewership after the first episode. Why? Well....honestly, most likely because of the gay sex. IWTV was never going to be TWD because it is openly, unabashedly, LGBT. And that is going to turn off a lot of the general viewing public. I'm sorry, but it's true. I wish we lived in a world where that was not the case, but we don't.
So if you want more LGBT media like IWTV, you have to support it. And that means supporting it financially if you can. Look, AMC+ is what? $8.99/month? Ideally you'd continue your subscription, but even if you cancel it after the show airs, you still showed AMC that there is interest in this specific show that generates revenue, and it only cost you less than $20. Are you not willing to put $20 into getting more IWTV??
I know not everyone can, because they live where AMC+ isn't available, or maybe you are truly flat broke, but if you can support the show, man, you gotta do it. Because anything past season two is NOT guaranteed, and we all want to see Sam Reid as Lestat in his rock star era.
So, please, I'm begging you.
And also, the other show in this franchise? The Mayfair Witches? Man, that show is facing an uphill battle because there is zero hype about that show right now and it airs in a little over a month.
Anyway, this got long, so I'll leave it here. But please support this show. And as for how you can do that between now and season two? Keep the hype up. Create fan content. Talk to people about the show. Hype the ever loving shit out if. Cause the one thing IWTV has going for it right now is that the critical reviews have been incredible. That doesn't mean anything without ratings, but it definitely helps.
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sombredancer · 2 years ago
Some 27-36 episodes critique
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Although I ADORE this drama and absolutely IN LOVE with it, I have some critique to say (because this beautiful thing could be more beautiful).
First 26 episodes of drama are perfect, I can`t say anything against. But then the tempo of storytelling rushes forward and the timing of scenes goes wibbly-wobbly. And it causes some problems:
💔 After a huge catharsis in ep. 26, instead of solving the main problem that disturbs heroes from being together, the plot revolves around Girl being future Moon Queen. But the conflict is still running and Girl didn't take Devil's side in it! There should be more political things in order to solve the main problem. Girl could try to convince Changheng in nessesarity to stop the war (since he became friends with Devil and knows that demons didn't kill 3000 immortal soldiers. The friendship with Devil is a Chekhov gun that unfortunately didn't fire). Maybe there could be somehow solved the problem of Changheng mother's crime or even of the betrayal of the First Moon Supreme. Instead of it there was a bunch of unnessesary masochistic acts and sufferings (and screenwriters even forgot about bone-piercing spikes immediately after showing us their effect). Not to mention the fact that receiving of these spikes and spitting out the antidote against Heart Curse is the biggest act of stupidity of a man who knows that everyone in Demon Realm wants to kill him if he is weak and that the war against his people can start at any moment. So, 12 hours per day he was being unable to lead his troops and at the time of Fuju Cave he is 24 out of 24 hours was unable to do something and even to defend himself.
💔 The Battle in ep. 31 is not epic enough and ends up in a strange way. They all were dead and then they are resurrected. They respect Goddes of Xishan but will it stop them from proceeding? Devil is in coma, Heavenly Emperor is still prejudiced and would take an opportunity to wipe demons away for good. So why did this truce start? I need more screen time for explanation.
💔 If there is a truce, show us widows who get their husbands back from the battlefield! It`s quite more interesting than half-of-episode-Jieli's-family-problems. 💔 Speaking of Jieli, the plot line about her being daughter of a fairy and a demon leads to nowhere. It didn't help to get peace between tribes, her father didn't persuade Heavenly Emperor not to kill demon people out of love for his daughter and lover, demon sister didn't force Danyin to do something to prevent war. This plotline is useless and takes too much time out of the main story in the final series. Jieli's story is fine, but everything in the scenario should work for the main story and this plotline doesn't. I would explain about Jieli`s fate much shorter.
💔 Demons are nice. Even little jerk Xunfeng is very loyal. Their Lord is not almighty anymore and tries to commit suicide because his heart is broken and they all respect him anyway and are not trying to kill him and take his place now, when the situation is not fatal anymore. Why then it was stated at the beginning of the story that demons adore only power and will kill everyone for it? I saw many viewers were nice surprised that Xunfeng was not hypocrite but this sudden loyalty of all demons feels unrealistic according to the rules of this certain universe. 💔 I don't think that «Oh, Chidi was right, it's Melkor!» and «Oh, Dongfang Qingcang is demon but can drive compassionate fire, not all demons are scum» was enough for Heavenly Emperor to change his mind. I understand that it`s uncommon for Chinese dramas to punish Emperor for his mistakes, but I definitely needed more intrigues at the Heavenly Court. Maybe Changheng should have stood up for his friend Devil (because in this drama is was stated that they are friends but no one did anything friend-like for another). Maybe Changheng should have found out the truth about his mother's crime or betrayal of the first Moon Supreme that could solve some misunderstanding between tribes. (It was hinted that there was something interesting behind GoW's mother's and Demon Tribe founder's stories but it never played out.) Or even more, Changheng could show to everyone that his brother is hypocrite who wants to achieve his goals even if it means to kill those who are not guilty and Jieli`s father and Danyin could support GoW to overthrown his brother. 💔 I think it should be known by viewers pretty earlier that Melkor wants to posess an immortal body and there are only two of them – Chidi's and Qingcang's. It would make suspense thicker and a tragedy of Rong Hao deeper. And I would give them more screen time to show that Chidi is strongly against her reviving at such cost. 💔 The moment when demons come to save Three realms by Devil`s order (to kill him) is nice but looks not so epic as it could. I would like to see that before demon reinforcement came fairies were exhausted and half dead, they were near to failure. So it would cause more feelings in viewers. 💔 Returning of Qingcang's powers was not epic enough. Only by rewatching it for the fourth time I understood that Girl wakes his consciousness up and he drives his new Fire to take Melkor aback for some moments. I would give this fight more time. (Here is a pretty complicated situation – this fire should be activated because of great love and to be seen by Heavenly Emperor in order to stop him being such a jerk, but in the moment when it appears, the main hero is Girl, so Devil can't rise and shine. So maybe it should be just an extended scene of Devil resisting Melkor.) 💔 In this drama there were a lot of hints (Chekhov guns) that didn't play out. The most memorable for me – the pill against every type of poision that Devil gives to Girl as betrothal gift. I waited for Jieli to steal it to cure herself. Why didn't she? And another thing: that was stated that only one who can defeat Melkor (when there is no Goddess) is Devil and, besides, his Fire can cleanse everything evil. But when his Fire came back even more powerful than before, he couldn`t fight Melkor, he only won a few moments of consciousness for himself. Why?
💔 It stated that Goddess' powers should be activated after her marriage (OK, let's leave the mechanics of it aside). It was activated in the final battle while she was kissing possessed Devil, but we couldn`t see it in a full glory. The same green light was in mortal realm when she protected Devil from evil spirits, nothing special. Why?
💔 Devil's Blood of Heart coming to Girls hand is a nice visual parallel with Xishan grass seed coming right into Devil's (not Changheng's!) hand, but I didn't understand why. It would be more logical (and more soul-tearing), if Girl would fight for it in that Galactic Mind Palace or would go to mourn her beloved into Demon Realm and would find there in some of Devil's caskets Bone Orchid bracelet. At last it would be better than this straightforward cheating with «Look! Everyone's primordial spirit vanishes without trace and only Devil left a huge piece of his! How mysterious!». 💔 I would like to watch Girl raising his soul, talking to it, making magic/healing manipulations just as we saw him doing it for her (and it was nice). 💔 I would like to see a normal epilogue. These 42 seconds of reunion feel like a fever dream of a poor Girl. (The same feeling I have got when I watched «Blue Whisper». I absolutely sure that merman made his girlfriend up inside his mind at the very end while waiting for her to come back out of volcano and no one can make me change my mind). This type of endings is very typical for Chinese xianxia dramas (It is some kind of curse indeed, only «Love and Redemption» ended in satisfying way). Maybe it`s the attempt to sit on two chairs: HE-lovers could see here HE and BE-lovers could see here BE, but I would like to see 20 minutes more of what happened after their reunion.
💔 Because of what I said above the ending of the story doesn`t bring the cathartic feelings. I think that the end of the mortal story arch was more satisfying and the battle in ep. 31 was more epic (still not enough, but though) than the very end of the story. These beautiful characters and the whole awesome story deserved better! I had higher expectations from the ending of this drama because first 26 episodes were P.E.R.F.E.C.T. so I was a little bit upset. But even if I have some critique to voice, the scenario was adorable, so many things were tied up together and mirrored each other! I don`t know if I ever can write something so well played out! These are not screenwriter problems. These are scene timing problems.
I LOVE to chat, so feel free to write your opinion to me.
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youryanderedaddy · 4 years ago
I had a dream just now that might make a good story. So, I had a virus on my laptop which allowed a hacker to see everything I did on my computer and use my webcam. The hacker ends up falling in love with me after stalking me for a few months and pays for someone on the dark web to kidnap me. It works, and then I wake up tied up in the hacker's arm as he caresses and kisses me. That's pretty much it, good night! 🌙
Yo this is my kink 😳
Also I couldn't not write this for Saeran, ok.
Title: Stranger danger
Tw: nsfw - ish, female reader, masturbation, cyber stalking, hacking, mentions of dark web, very irresponsible online behavior, obsessive behavior, implied kidnapping
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You knew that this was a stupid idea. Lurking on the dark web with almost no protection other than the Tor browser and some free anti-virus program wasn't your best decision, but fuck it if it wasn't entertaining. You had always been drawn to the darker, scarier part of the human mind and this side of the internet proved quite interesting. Your friends always warned you about the dangers that came with looking up shady online searches and sites but everything had been quite peaceful so far. There weren't hackers or murderers on the dark web, the worst you had seen were people selling drugs and weapons for unreasonable prices, along with some questionable fetish porn and the typical popping ads.
Your favorite thing to do while online was chatting. Two weeks ago you had stumbled upon an unusual forum called "Scream buddies" where upon entering you were automatically connected to another random profile. The whole theme of the forum was discussing horror and mondo movies, shockumentaries and overall creepy stuff, your forte. The person you met on there shared a similar fascination with all things dark and gory which soon made talking to them the only thing you were looking forward upon opening the site.
You didn't know much about the guy behind the profile yet, except that he was a young man. His icon showed an eye so green it emited with the neon pigment and his username was just as mysterious - BlueRose7. You enjoyed chatting with him about your hobby but the thing you liked the most was undressing him little by little, metaphorically so, by getting pieces of information about his life. It started small - his favorite food, favorite book, favorite game, but the moment you tried digging deeper and asked whether he had siblings or not, the man simply disappeared for the next few days. You quickly realized just what type of topics you needed to avoid to keep your new friend from leaving. Family, childhood memories and work matters were out of the picture.
The stranger wasn't fair, not really. He didn't show you vulnerability and kept his secrecy while demanding to know everything there was to know about you. For the longest time you didn't want to answer just to stay on a equal footing, just to show him how frustrating it was, but there was something about the man that drew you in. He was magnetic, clever and witty, if a bit pessimistic and dark at times. You couldn't help telling him everything he wanted to hear - what your job was, whether you were single or not, all that jazz. In your defense, BlueRose7 actually listened to your stories, took your problems seriously and provided solutions, which despite being too extreme and overprotective at times (upon hearing that your bestfriend talked behind your back he offered to "take care" of her), were comforting. It was nice to have someone caring around even if you met him on a sketchy website.
Meanwhile your personal life wasn't going too great. You had to balance between attending college, working long shifts as a waitress and meeting your friends from time to time which was draining. On top of all there was a weird virus on your computer which resulted in the camera turning on and off and the most random times of the day - while you were studying, watching TV, or in some cases, fully naked and ready to take a bath. You didn't think much of it though, with all the illegal movies and games you downloaded along with the dark web lurking it was more than expected for your laptop to behave weirdly. You didn't even mention it to your friend from the IT major because you knew that he'd force you to delete Tor and put an end to your internet adventures.
One time you were particularly bored after several long lectures and you were laying in bed, the camera turned on once again. It was a hot afternoon and you were wearing boyshorts and a loose T- shirt with nothing underneath it, you were home alone so there was no need. The bright red spot was twinking like a recorder, the light reflecting in your eyes, when a silly little idea came to your mind. You slid your hand under your blouse and lifted the fabric up, exposing your breasts to the laptop, your nipples hardening due to the sudden coldness, becoming pink and stiff in seconds. You played with for a few minutes, pinching and pulling the buds gently, moaning softly into the pleasant sensation. Soon you could feel yourself getting wet, and slowly, teasingly, removed your shorts and panties. You smiled at the camera, biting your lip provocatively, imagining you were a camgirl performing for her desperate little fanboys and fangirls. The thought alone was enough to make you spread your legs wide and slip two fingers into your throbbing cunt, using the wetness to push deeper. You used your other hand to stroke your clit and whimpered wantonly, your face red, your neck sweaty and your heart pumping fast from the adrenaline. You were quickly reaching your orgasm and your mind wondered to the boy you were talking to in the forum. You wondered how he looked like, how his body was built, whether he was a sweet sensual lover or a rough mean one. Fucked up as it was, you pictured the man as one of your most loyal viewers, watching all of your streams with a fist around his thick vock and an excited grin on his face. He would comment things like "you look so beautiful like this" or perhaps even "pretty little slut" after tipping you enough to last you a week. Soon all the mental stimulation sent you over the edge and you came with a loud cry full of pleasure. Well, this felt good.
After your "performance" was over the camera was magically turned off, which may have caused some concerns if you weren't too busy feeling embarrassed and dirty about the unhinged fantasy you had just had, and with a person you knew nothing about. You managed to calm down though - it wasn't nothing more than a fun pastime, a naughty thought that would never become the reality. You would never actually meet BlueRose7, right? There was nothing to worry about, so you just went on with your day.
You had some dinner afterwards and decided to have an early night as you already felt full and tired. You put on your favoruite pajamas and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling until you fell into deep dreamless sleep.
You woke up due to a weird noise. You could hear someone's heavy breathing right next to your ear, someone's grabby hands were wrapped tightly against your body, trapping you between the wall and their hard chest. You had only a few seconds to scream before the intruder's palm covered your mouth.
"Shhh." The man whispered softly and stroked your hair like you were a doll he was playing with. "Don't scream or I'll be forced to hurt you, flower. I have a gun." His voice sounded deep and rough but this didn't stop you from thrashing and turning on your side until you came face to face with the man. It was dark in the room and you couldn't exactly see all his features but his enchanting green eyes would forever be burned into your memory - they seemed dashing, hypnotizing. You couldn't utter a word.
"It's me, the person you've been talking to all these months. I came to take you home" He spoke out suddenly, the line of his mouth twisting into a smile or a smirk, you couldn't quite tell. You shook your head no, tears threatening to spill all over your cheeks from the fear. It couldn't be him, the man would never do that to you. Or would he? With what little information you knew, you couldn't really tell. His hold finally loosen, seeing you quiet like that.
"Let me go, please." You begged, pushing at his shoulders weakly since you were still sleepy, groggy and tired. "I don't know you." You said, hoping this would remind the stranger you weren't friends, lovers or anything that gave him the right to be so close to you, to touch you so intimately. Unfortunately, this only seemed to amuse him and he chucked darkly as he pulled your hair away to place a small chaste kiss on your neck.
"But I know you, flower." Your supposed online friend replied shortly after, his eyes full of malice. "And your little show today makes me think you want to know me too." He added in a low tone, licking his lips before smashing them on yours, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth just to hear your whines and protests. Then it hit you. The camera, the virus, the questions. He had watched you, he knew where you worked, where you lived and studied, everything. You had told him after all.
The hacker thought you looked so adorable right now, figuring things out, helpless, confused, regretful and most of all, weak. You were so weak and careless, and he loved you for it. It reminded him of himself before life screwed him over.
You wouldn't be in this position, underneath him, if you had just told someone about your laptop virus and the bad guy you had encountered online. But Saeran couldn't say he wasn't glad your self-preservation instincts were so very broken and dysfunctional. He wouldn't meet you otherwise. "I need you, princess. That's why I'll take you to Paradise." These were the final words you heard before you felt lightheaded and sleepy again, your last memory a pair of green mint eyes.
You really shouldn't have trusted strangers on the internet.
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years ago
Body Electric - Kaminari Denki - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder Pairing: Kaminari Denki/F!Reader Rating: 18+ (contains smut) Words: 5,491 Warnings: Sex work (Cam boy/girl), Quirkless AU, Aged-up Adult characters (someone is in grad school! wow!), mentions of masturbation (both male and female), mentions of casual ShinKami, established KiriBaku, Idk they are all just really sexually liberated and don’t care about watching each other cum. Is that voyeurism? I’m bad at tagging things. Title taken from a Lana Del Rey song. AN: Another BNHarem collab piece! The theme was sex work, and I have wanted to do a camboy Denki for a long time so here we go. This was really smutty in my head but Denki makes me soft and it turned out really cute in the end, I’m sorry? He’s such a dork I feel like any sexual encounter with him would just turn out like this in some way, idk.  Thanks to @unbreakablekiribaku​ and @sailorsero​ as usual for being supportive of me. Happy birthday to @lady-bakuhoe and @burnedbyshoto​ 🎂🎂 There is no one else I would rather be birthday triplets with!
Please check out the Collab Masterlist: HERE Look 👀 at My Masterlist: HERE Buy me a Kofi if you’re scared of clowns too: HERE
Sighing, you sat up on your elbows, squinting at the chat on the screen, willing your heart to stop pounding and your breath to even out. The donations were pouring in, the chat moving so fast you couldn’t even read it. “Alright, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed that. Be right back and we’ll chat a little bit, okay?”
Donations popped up, the chat slowing a little as the clients who only came to jerk off to you left, leaving those who considered themselves true fans. You stood and made your way to the bathroom to pee, rinsing your toy off in the sink and washing your hands. You went back to your room, pulling on a hoodie and settling in front of the screen again.
“Alright, I’m back! I have some time for a few questions and then I have to go for the night. Let me see what we got!” You scanned the chat, ignoring the normal inappropriate questions. Mindfucker:  Do you know who Chargebolt is? Cause I heard he watches your stream.
Your heart, which had finally slowed to a normal rhythm, picked up again. You most definitely knew who Chargebolt was. You gave him a good amount of money from your donations when you watched his cam shows yourself. “I do actually, he’s pretty popular on here, isn’t he?” You sat back a little, furrowing your brows. “How do you know he watches me?”
RedDaddy: He did a Q&A and mentioned your channel! Told everyone to check you out.
You recognized the names of the viewers and knew they were also regulars on Chargebolt’s streams as well, so you believed them. Chargebolt was gorgeous and funny, just your type. The knowledge that he was interested in you enough to watch you get off on camera was flattering. You hoped your blush wasn’t showing on your face. 
“I’m surprised he knows who I am!” You had missed the last Q&A he’d done, since it hadn’t been on his normal streaming day, and you’d been stuck at work late. Leaning forward again, you bit your lip, looking into the camera from under your lashes. “Can I tell you guys a secret? I watch him, too. Why do you think I never do shows on Thursdays? That’s Chargebolt day.” With a wink you sat back, trying to will the blush from your cheeks. Mindfucker: I knew it! I bet he’s watching right now. You smiled, shrugging. “I hope he enjoyed the show, then!” You tried to hold it together, suppressing the urge to burst into a fit of giggles at the thought, answering a few more silly questions from your regulars, before signing off for the night, promising to be back again the following week.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, leaning your head back and groaning. It was wild that the guy whose cam shows you watched on the regular, the one who had inspired you to start your own, who you thought of half the time when you were filming yourself getting off on camera for strangers, knew who you were and was one of your viewers. 
It brought you down a whole rabbit hole for a second, wondering if he got off on you getting off. Why else would he watch? Did he ever donate? You assumed he had a secondary account so you wouldn’t know it was him even if you tried to look at your past viewers, just like you had a secret account so you could watch him as well. 
Cracking your eyes open, you clicked to view the donation tallies for the evening. You’d made enough to pay the rent on your apartment for the month in just one night. Sometimes you wondered how you ever managed to survive before you started doing this. It was meant to be a temporary side job, but you’d been running this cam channel under the screen name Neko for over six months, and you had clawed your way out of debt in such a short time, it didn’t make sense for you to stop.
You viewed a few more visitor stats with interest, before logging off the computer and shutting the laptop. You had to get to sleep for your real job in the morning, so you figured it was time for bed, pushing thoughts of Chargebolt to the back of your mind for now.
It wasn’t until later when you were lying down to sleep, that you thought of him again. Your eyes closed as you ran through a scenario in your head, wondering if he would mention you on Thursday, and what would come of all this? You had noticed your viewer numbers had spiked that day, so it was definitely beneficial that you’d caught his eye. You just weren’t sure what would happen next.
Denki was grinning into the camera, wiping the cum off of his abs with the towel he kept beside him, his chest and cheeks flushed pink. He adjusted in his chair, tugging the toy out of his hole and chucking it to the side, pulling his boxers back up over his softening cock. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me, babes.” 
He chuckled at the comments flooding the chat as he reached for his water and took a sip. 
Tapeman: As always, you never disappoint me, Chargebolt.
“Hey thanks, Tapeman! I appreciate you always coming to hang out...get it? Coming?”
Mindfucker: Ridiculous.
“Aw, you love me, Mindfucker.” He winked at the camera. “So, did you guys enjoy my Q&A the other day?”
The chat filled with praise, making him grin. He loved to talk to his fans, and sometimes they had some great questions for him. He knew a lot of people just watched him as a way to get off, but he liked to give a little piece of himself to them because he knew that most of the people who watched were probably lonely, and he wanted to help with that in some way. He kept things laid back, joking and laughing with his viewers before and after the show, taking requests and doing his best to remember some of the regulars. Some of the few who had been with him from the beginning he’d made into moderators to help with keeping things somewhat orderly in the chat. Some of them he actually knew in real life, like his roommate Hitoshi, who used the alias Mindfucker.
Mindfucker: So are we going to talk about Neko? Denki’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, you mean the stream the other day? It was…” He made the appropriate motion as he said it. “Chef’s kiss, immaculate. She’s so beautiful…” Trailing off, he let himself think back to the way your chest heaved and the face you made when you came. “I would do anything for her, man.”
RedDaddy: Dude, I agree! She’s also super sweet, like, the total package.
Sighing, he leaned his elbow on the desk, his cheek resting on his palm. “I am a simp, my guy.” He sat up, squinting at the chat. “She said she watches, right? Is she here right now?” He scanned the names of the viewers, frowning. “She probably has a second account. Well, if you’re here, Neko, you should hit me up. I read all of my DM’s okay?” He grinned, winking again. “Alright, I have to go feed the cats so I’m outie 5000, thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you guys next week!”
He said his goodbyes, ending the stream and sighing. He wiped off his toy with the towel and clicked through his stats for the day, smiling at some of the comments that came with the donations. Hitoshi came into his room a few minutes later, holding one of the cats, an orange tabby named Miso, in his arms. “I fed them, you don’t have to.”
Was it weird that his roommate watched him fuck himself on toys and jerk off on the internet on a weekly basis? Nope. Denki had forgone all sense of modesty when it came to sex a long time ago, and Hitoshi was the same. It helped that they fucked around on occasion, best friends who got lonely and lived together sometimes did that, he guessed. Or maybe they were weird. It was whatever, he didn’t like to think about it too much. 
“What would I do without you, Toshi?”
“Kill the cats, probably.” He deadpanned, leaning in the doorway. “Burn all the toast you try to make, buy the wrong peanut butter, eat Cheese-Itz for breakfast every day, forget to pay the cable bill.” He raised his eyebrows. “I can keep going.”
“Fuck off, I got the all-natural peanut butter once, it was an accident!” Denki threw his soiled towel into the laundry basket by the closet and picked up the toy he’d used, waving it around a bit. “Did you enjoy the stream?”
Hitoshi snorted, eyeing the dildo warily. “I didn’t really watch, I had my eye on the chat. I was looking for Neko.”
“Man, I can’t believe she’s a fan!” He waved the dildo some more, watching as it jiggled. “I would let her do unspeakable things to me.”
“Look out, your sub is showing, Denki.” Hitoshi teased. “But I agree, she’s pretty great. I wonder if she’ll ever do private shows.” Pausing to scritch Miso behind the ears, he continued. “I’m sure they’d be in high demand.”
Denki stood, pointing at Hitoshi with the dildo. He really needed to put it down somewhere and stop brandishing it around like a sword. “Don’t even, I’d spend all my money on that girl.” 
“I know you would.” He chuckled. “I did try to go through the usernames and see if I could find out who she could be, but I didn’t have any luck.”
“It’s okay! I’m leaving it up to fate now, man. If the universe wants us to know each other, we will.” He stuck his thumb towards the ensuite. “I’m going to wash my ass and then we can play Among Us if you want.”
Hitoshi, completely unphased as usual, nodded. “I’ll get a team together. Check the discord when you get out.”
Humming, Denki made his way to the bathroom, picking up his phone on the way. It buzzed as he closed the door, and he glanced down to see he had a message from his other moderator and friend, Eijirou, aka RedDaddy. Tossing the dildo in the sink, he looked down at the screen and opened the message.
Eiji: No luck on finding Neko on the stream, but she said she never misses a Thursday, so I bet she was there.
Denki: Thanks for keeping an eye out, man. I appreciate you. Among us in 30?
Eiji: Bet. I’ll ask Kats to play too.
Your next stream day had you feeling nervous. Chargebolt had talked directly at you on his last stream, asking you to slide into his DMs, and you had yet to take him up on it. You didn’t know what you were so scared of, Chargebolt was a nice guy. You chalked it up to the fear of the unknown. If you sent him a message, what would you even say? ‘Hey dude, nice cock?’ It was bound to be a disaster.
Pushing your nerves back down, you made sure you were ready for your stream, excited for the news you were about to drop on your viewers. You were needing a little extra cash due to some unfortunate car trouble, and you’d figured out a way to make up what you needed in record time.
“Hey everyone, welcome!” You smiled at the camera, waving your fingers. “Thanks for coming! I see a lot of familiar names here tonight. Hi Mindfucker, Dynamight, RedDaddy, Tapeman, LightningMcQueen!”
LightningMcQueen: Hey, beautiful! I’ve been looking forward to this all week.
Dynamight: Chill out, McQueen, you look desperate.
RedDaddy: Be nice, Dynamight. Hi, Neko!
Dynamight: Fuck off, Shittyhair.
Mindfucker: How’s your cat, Neko?
“Be good, Dynamight. You’re lucky I know you don’t mean that!” You giggled at the antics of your regulars, smiling at the question about your cat. “Ichigo is doing good, Mindfucker, thanks for asking! I’ll bring her on camera after the show if you want to say hi!”
Minfucker just sent a cat emoji and you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m beginning to think that you’re just here for Ichigo and not me.”
The chat went crazy with people denying it, telling you how much they loved watching you every week. You lit up, feeling more excited about your news.
“So I have something I want to discuss before we get started today. I’ve decided I want to try out doing some private shows, so I’m going to be offering up a few spots. I’m going to give some of my longest and most frequent supporters a shot first, and if all goes well, then I’ll open them up to the rest of you! I’ll be adding a signup link at the bottom of my page after tonight’s stream, so if you’re interested you can apply and I’ll pick a few of you and we’ll work out a schedule! How does that sound?”
Dynamight: McQueen already has his credit card ready I bet.
“Aw, you don’t want to play with me, Dynamight?” You teased, giving the camera your best pout.
Dynamight: You couldn’t handle me, Princess.
LightningMcQueen: Hush. You’re a bottom, Dyna.
Dynamight: Die you fucking extra.
LightningMcQueen: Love you too, blasty.
“I was going to let you pick the toy today, Dynamight, but if you can’t behave then I’m just going to have to let someone else have a turn.” You gave the camera a disapproving look, frowning. You’d picked up that these guys were friends, so you knew they were just messing with each other.
A donation popped up from Dynamight with a comment attached. 
Let McQueen choose this time, babe.
“It looks like Dynamight is going to let you choose, McQueen. Which one?” You pulled over the box you kept your toys in and showed it to the camera. “Pick a color.”
LightningMcQueen: Yellow
You pulled the yellow silicone out of the box and showed it to the chat, smirking. “I call this one Chargebolt because it’s the same color as his hair. Are you sure this is the one you want me to use?”
When your stream ended, Denki leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath. The fact that he’d watched you fuck yourself with a dildo that you’d named after him was the hottest thing he could have imagined. He was jealous of that piece of bright yellow silicone more than he should be. He’d still enjoyed it, if the mess across his abs and chest were any indication. 
He cleaned himself up and pulled on a shirt, clicking on the link for the private show signup. It was pretty straightforward, listing the price and how long the show would be, and asking for his username and what he would be interested in doing or seeing and what day would work best.
Staring at the form for a moment, he contemplated his options. He could sign up with his LightningMcQueen account, and he might have a chance. He was the first one out of his friends to find your channel one night when he was bored and horny. Then he’d shown it to Hitoshi and then shared your info with Eijirou, Katsuki, and Hanta. He would be considered one of the longest and loyal viewers like you had said.
However, if you got a request from Chargebolt? What would you do? Would you ignore it? 
“Toshi!” He called out, knowing his roommate would hear him without him having to get up. “I’m having a crisis!”
The door opened, and the purple-haired man stood in the doorway. “I am not prepared to handle your bi panic right now, Denki.”
“Are you going to put in for a private show from Neko?” Denki pushed on, ignoring his friend’s exasperation. 
“I spoke that into existence last week, you know. You’re welcome.”
Flopping back in his chair, Denki closed his eyes. “Should I send in the request with this account or with the Chargebolt one?”
Hitoshi shrugged, watching their cat Sashimi wander into the room. “You’ve wanted to talk to her for ages, man. You could have messaged her forever ago and you wouldn’t be playing this game with her. Sign up with your actual account.”
“I mean, she must think I’m cute, right? Otherwise, she wouldn’t watch.” He sat up, logging out of his secondary account and into his main one. He had a few unread DM’s, so he clicked, his breath catching in his throat. “Dude, look.”
There was a message from you, short but sweet.
Hi, Chargebolt. I don’t know if you saw the stream today, but you should check it out if you haven’t. I left it up for you.”
“She wants you to see her use that dildo she named after you.” Hitoshi patted his shoulder, and then bent down to pick up Sashimi. “I signed up but I told her I just wanted to have a date with her cat. She probably won’t pick me.”
“She will, she loves cats.” Denki clicked on your page and scrolled down to the bottom where the signup was again, letting it populate his main account in the information, and writing ‘any day except Thursday’ in the section for the time that worked for him. “I’m going to get this girl to date me, just you watch.”
Snorting, his roommate closed the door behind him as he left. “I believe in you, Pikachu.”
Once his request was submitted, he went back to his DM’s and sent you a message back.
“I was there, Neko. I never miss a stream. I submitted for a private show, so I hope you’ll pick me. I’ve been one of your viewers since the beginning, you know.”
In your head, you tried to plan what you would say once you were face to face (via camera) with the one and only Chargebolt. Everything your brain seemed to come up with fell short. What did you say to this guy, who you’d been simping over for over 9 months, who lit up your screen every Thursday with terrible puns and panty-dropping smiles? You knew exactly what he looked like and sounded like when he came. It was a strange thing to think that you knew that but you’d never actually spoken to him before.
It made you feel a little better when you realized he knew just as much about you. That he watched you fuck yourself on a dildo you’d named after him, and then spent the rest of the stream showing off your fluffy white cat Ichigo. 
It was time to put on your big girl panties. You could do this. 
Chargebolt had been one of the few that you’d chosen to do these shows with. He was also the last one. You’d met with 4 others, the ones who were the most active in your chat, the ones you assumed were actually friends. 
Your first one was with Tapeman, who asked you to call him Sero. He was cute, with the widest, prettiest smile you’d ever seen. He made you laugh, and called you beautiful, and spoke to you in Spanish. You didn’t feel uncomfortable once with him, and the experience gave you hope that the rest would be just as nice.
Mindfucker was next, whose name was Shinsou and lowkey your favorite one. He didn’t want anything sexual at all, which surprised you. You sat with him and drank tea and you got to meet his two fur children, Miso and Sashimi, while he told you about his roommate. You let him admire Ichigo, and talked about music. He was sarcastic, but not in a mean way, and you were pretty sure he was going to be your new best friend.
RedDaddy and Dynamight had asked to do theirs together since they were dating. You wanted to question why they both watched your stream but RedDaddy, who was actually named Kirishima, answered it for you.
“We’re both bi, and we think you’re cute!”
“Yeah, plus McQueen has a thing for you so we like to be in the chat to help him out.” Dynamite, aka Bakugou, added in his gruff voice, folding his arms across his chest.
“Aw, that’s sweet!” You smiled at them. “He didn’t request a private show though, so I guess he doesn’t like me that much.”
Bakugou coughed and Kirishima grinned. “Maybe he was nervous! I’m sure you’ll meet him in one of these someday!”
“Enough about that dumbass.” Bakugou leaned forward, his hand on Kirishima’s knee. “Give us a show and we’ll give you one in return. Use that orange and green one for me, Princess.”
And give you a show they did. You got lost in how they looked at each other while they jerked each other off, and you were pretty sure they forgot you were even there at some point. When it was over, you suggested that they start their own channel.
Bakugou scoffed, but you could tell he was blushing a bit.
“I don’t know, Neko. I don’t think I could share him with anyone else. Except you, you’re the exception.” Kirishima grinned, winking at you.
But now it was Chargebolt’s turn. You made sure you had everything you needed, making sure Ichigo was out of the room, and then signed into your account. 
Chargebolt was online, so you made the private room and sent him the request. You felt like you were shaking, and you checked yourself in the camera to make sure you didn’t look like a wreck.
You barely had time to breathe before he entered the chat, his camera screen coming to life and showing you his smiling face. You melted a bit, biting your lip, gazing at how attractive he was. 
“Hey, Neko!” Chargebolt was as vibrant as ever, tucking his hair behind his ears, the black lightning bolt in his hair dark against the bright yellow of the rest of it.
“It’s nice to see you, Chargebolt.” You tried to relax, rolling your shoulders back. “It’s kind of weird knowing you can see me too.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. You tried not to stare at his arms in the tank top he was wearing. Chargebolt had a small frame, but his muscles were defined. You’d seen him plow through an entire bag of chips on stream once, without pausing to breathe, so you assumed he must be one of those people with amazing metabolism that you envied. “You can call me Denki if you want, kitten.”
You choked on air at the nickname, trying to compose yourself. “Kitten?”
“Well, Neko means cat, doesn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow. “I won’t call you that if you don’t like it.”
“No!” You practically shouted. “No, I mean, it’s fine. I like it.”
“Sweet.” He grinned. “Man, I’ve wanted to get you alone like this for so long, and now I’m just feeling really nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” You were surprised. The always cool but super dorky Chargebolt was nervous because of you? “So am I.”
Chargebolt- sorry, Denki, rested his elbow on the desk, propping his head in his hand. “Well, glad to know I’m not the only disaster here. I’ve been trying to get the courage to talk to you for months, and then finally Hitoshi got me to talk about you on stream a few weeks ago, and now here we are.”
“Who’s Hitoshi? One of your regulars?” Knowing that you weren’t the only one who was sweating bullets had you relaxing a bit. 
“Oh yeah, Mindfucker! You know him right? He did a thing with you the other day, didn’t he?”
Eyes wide, you stared at him. “Shinsou?”
“Yeah, that’s my best friend and my roommate. He said he showed you the cats.” He shrugged. “You picked all my friends for your private shows. Sero, Kiri, Bakugou, Shinsou.” He paused, smirking. “I forgot that you don’t know that I’m LightningMcQueen.”
“That’s you? I was wondering why they didn’t send me a request, but it all makes sense now.”
Denki shot you finger guns and winked. “Kachow!”
“Oh god, stop it.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, grinning at you. “So, did Shinsou talk about me?”
You giggled, remembering back. “He told me a story about how his roommate mistook a fuzzball for a spider and spent the afternoon sitting on a table waiting for him to come home and kill it.”
“It looked like one of those freaky poisonous ones from where I was sitting. I was afraid to let it out of my sight in case it got away and then multiplied and killed me in my sleep or something.” He took a deep breath. “Spiders are terrifying.”
This man was amazing. “You are everything I always thought you’d be, you know that?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He sighed. “You have to have some kind of embarrassing story to tell me so I don’t feel like a fool. You’ve got to make it even.”
“One year my dad hired a clown to come to my birthday party. He walked in the front door and I jetted out the back door and hid in the garden until he left. Clowns are just as terrifying as spiders.”
Chargebolt laughed, and the sound made your stomach do a somersault. It was just as bright and happy as he was. “That is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard!”
“I’m glad my childhood trauma is amusing you.” You deadpanned, trying to keep the smile off your face.
“Aw, don’t be like that kitten! I’m glad we can bond over our irrational fears like this, you know?” He 
You shivered happily. “Okay, okay.” You cleared your throat. “So, you didn’t write anything down here for what you wanted out of our chat today.”
“Oh, okay, down to business then.” He sat up straight. “Well, I wanted to tell you myself instead of submitting it on the form.”
Intrigued, you raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t want to give me a chance to back out?”
Snorting, and shook his head. “Nah, I think you’ll like it, kitten.” He folded his hands behind his head. “I want you to tell me what to do. I’m at your mercy.”
Swallowing thickly, you blinked at him. That was...really hot. “You like being told what to do?”
“I would love nothing more for you to pull my hair and peg me within an inch of my life while calling me your little cock slut.” He stared at you with an eyebrow raised, looking pleased with himself when he saw your expression.
Your thighs clenched together involuntarily. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, right? I mean, I’m a switch, I’d do the same to you if you asked.  But we can save that for next time.” He smirked. “So, you down?”
Next time? This man was going to kill you. “Take off your shirt, Denki.”
“Fuck yes.” He groaned, reaching behind him and tugging the garment over his head. 
His chest and abs came into view, and you let your eyes linger on the barbells through his nipples. “Pants too.”
He pushed his chair away from his desk and shimmied out of his shorts, kicking them to the side. You gazed at him in his blue boxer briefs, eyes lingering on his thin waist, strong thighs, and the outline of his cock. He was a sight to behold, honestly.
You held the fangirling back, leaning forward to get a better look at him. “Do you have any toys, Denki?”
“Of course, Kitten.” He moved out of view for a moment, coming back with a box. 
“Let me see.” He tilted the box towards the camera, your eyes flitting over the different colors and shapes inside. “The pink one.” 
“Okay, hang on, let me-” He cut off, standing up and throwing the pink toy on the bed. He picked up the laptop and moved it, laying down beside it and angling the camera so you could see what he was doing.
“Did you stretch yourself, baby?” 
He made a noise that sounded like a whine in the back of his throat at the pet name, obviously pleased by it. “Yeah, of course I did.” He glanced at the screen. “You should, uh, take your shirt off too.”
“I thought you wanted me to tell you what to do, not the other way around.” Teasing him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
He pouted slightly. “I’ve been good so far though, right?”
“All you’ve done is take off two items of clothing and move to the bed. You’re gonna have to work harder than that!”
Huffing, he lifted his ass off the bed and tugged his underwear down his legs, kicking them off, his hand already moving to wrap around his already hard cock.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, Denki?” It was getting hard to keep up the stern act you were putting on, but you knew it was what he wanted. You wanted to watch him touch himself, watch the way his eyes fluttered closed when his thumb brushed over the leaking head of his cock, and the way he would bite his lip when he moved his wrist a certain way.
You could be patient though, so you continued.
“If I was there right now, what would you want me to do first?”
He stilled, blinking at you a few times. “I would want your mouth first, I think.”
Humming, you sat back, pulling your shirt over your head, letting him admire the lacey purple bra covering your chest. “You’d want my mouth on your cock? Trace my tongue along that vein along the underside and suck on the head a little?”
Denki groaned, closing his eyes, his grip visibly tightening around his shaft. He looked like he was trying not to get worked up too fast. You were amazed at how your words were affecting him, so you pressed on.
“I’d take you all the way down until I was choking on it, and I’d let you hold onto my hair and fuck my face. God, you don’t know how many times I've dreamed about doing that for you. What would you say to that?”
The blush spreading down his neck and chest made him look so pretty. “Ugh, fuck kitten, you’re killing me.” He swallowed hard, opening his eyes to look at you again. “I’d tell you how good you made me feel, but I wouldn’t let you finish me off that way.”
“Oh no? Tell me what else you’d do.” You took the opportunity to move to the bed yourself, pulling off your leggings and panties all at once. 
Eyes glued to you while you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room, he continued. “Fuck, um, I would...god, you’re beautiful.”
Flushing at the compliment, you looked down shyly, breaking character. “I’ve heard you say that before and I still don’t believe it.”
Denki scoffed. “If you need a daily reminder, I’d be happy to be the one to tell you, kitten.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made your heart do a little flip. “I might seem like a dumbass but I’m using this camboy money to pay off my student loans for my masters in English lit so I can quote you entire sonnets from Shakespeare without hesitation if that will help you believe me.”
Your eyebrows shot up, impressed. Realizing you’d ruined the moment, you sighed, covering your eyes with your hand. “I’m sorry, I’m crap at this. I really just want to watch you cum.”
Chuckling, you heard him shifting on the bed. “Okay, how about this? Forget the toys. Just close your eyes and listen to me.”
“If you were here with me right now, just like that, I’d spend so much time exploring every inch of you with my tongue. I’d start with your lips, your jaw, your neck. Collarbones, shoulders, your chest, those cute nipples-”
“How are nipples cute?” You interrupted with a snort.
You could hear him trying not to laugh, his voice pitched a bit higher. “Shh, don’t ruin it.”
“I think you just did when you said ‘cute nipples’.” You’d never had this much fun with someone in a situation like this. “If I had a dick, my boner would have just died.”
Denki wheezed, and you opened your eyes to look over at him. He was gazing back at you, his eyes bright as he laughed into his palm. “God, I like you so much, kitten.”
Your grin softened, your heart pounding at his words. “Me too, Denki.” 
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years ago
Man, That's Deep (Corpse Husband x reader)
Description: Y/n meets Corpse for the first time during a stream of Among Us. Things get a little chaotic from there.
Character(s): Corpse, Jacksepticeye (Sean), PewDiePie (Felix), Valkyrae (Rae), Ken, Disguised Toast (Toast)
Pov: 3rd person
Warning(s): cussing but besides that nah just a bunch of sweet stuff :)
A/n: hello! So I've recently hopped into the whole infatuation with Corpse thing, (it's kinda hard not to.) Thus I decided to write this. Hope you like it!
*none of the Gifs used are mine. Full credit goes to the maker.
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A loud blast of thunder pounded the ground near y/n's house causing her to frown. Storms often rattled her, especially because she lived alone and dedicated a majority of her time to streaming and playing pretty frightening games. She tapped on her headphones and leaned back into her chair. Her eyes flashed to her server.
Is it storming here you're at?
"Yeah it's pouring down outside. Maybe it's a good time to play something else... something less terrifying." She ended the game and began to search for something else to stream.
"Any suggestions?" She asked the chat, scrolling through possibilities. Before she could pick, however, her phone buzzed. Reaching over, she picked up the device and checked it's screen. "Hold on, I got a message from Sean. Do you guys wanna watch me play some among us?"
She checked the chat. The responses were ones of excitement, as y/n rarely played among us let alone with the group that Sean played with but everytime y/n and Sean played something together things got interesting, considering how competitive the two were. Her eyes paused at a comment.
Will Corpse be there!?
She sat back in her chair, turning towards her computer. "Uhmm...I don't know actually. All I know is that they need a tenth person and I need a game to play that takes my attention away from this storm..." She began typing in the code.
"Although I've never played with him before nor have I talked to him. However-" she paused before pressing enter. "I do think it'd be cool to talk to him because he seems so kind...okay, I'm in."
She turned on the discord and unmuted, and almost instantly she was thrown into chaos. "She killed right in front of you, Felix!" Y/n's eyes widened and she looked into her camera. "Hey guys." She laughed, turning back to the game.
"Y/n!" Sean said cheerfully, ending whatever was left over from the previous game. A chorus of "y/n's" followed, until a deep baritone voice broke through. "Hello, y/n." She smiled softly at the sound, it being almost prettier than she had imagined. "It's nice to meet you guys."
"Oh yeah, y/n, I forgot you and Corpse haven't met before." Sean spoke as he changed the color of his among us character. "I've been wanting to meet you actually before this but Sean refused to give me your number." Corpse said, and y/n snorted as Sean made a gasping sound.
"That's not even-" "you know that's funny Corpse because I've been wanting to meet you too but Sean told me you didn't have phone." Y/n joined in and the group laughed. "Fuck off." Was all Sean could mumble before the game started and the screen flashed black.
Immediately muting, y/n smiled to herself. "His voice way deeper than I thought it would be. He was talking and I was like...man, that's deep." She giggled when Suddenly imposter flashed on her screen.
She bit her lip when she saw who it was with. Corpse. Their characters then fell into Mira hq, and y/n followed a group up into admin. Waiting for the bar to move until she was able to leave, and when she did she left with Felix and toast, following them into medbay.
The three entered, each going to a separate station. "So, I'm gonna kill toast first, but I gotta get these lights off first." She winked at the camera, before waiting until Rae and sykkuno also entered. Then she shut off the lights and killed. The group seemed to miss it as they hurried to turn the lights back on.
After getting the lights on, she made her way to decontamination, where she saw corpse. He had apparently been waiting for her, and they unmuted mics to speak.
"How's it going?" She laughed. "It's going. Did you need some protection?" It was Corpse's turn to laugh. "From who, we're both imposters?" They shared a laugh. "Oh my God, I killed toast like twenty minutes ago and they still haven't found him."
Corpse laughed again and y/n became dedicated to pulling that sound from his lips as much as she could. "I'll admit, they're a little slow."
Then, both Sean and Felix entered. Without uttering a word and almost in complete synchronization they double killed. Y/n giggled as they escaped, putting herself back on mute.
"This is so much fun! I love killing my friends!" Finally as she spoke that someone has found toasts body. "Medbay." Rae's cartoonish voice relayed. "Oh my, there's like five people dead." It was true, there were like five people dead. Corpse had found the time to kill two others before the double kill.
"I think- I think that it may be y/n." Sykkuno said, and y/n immediately sat up. "Why? I was in medbay with you and left before you did. Actually I think that was the last time I saw toast, was with you in medbay."
"Yeah and I've seen y/n a lot in the game. I haven't seen you sykkuno." Corpse said, coming to y/n's aid. Her cheeks reddened when he said her name. "Yeah, and you seem almost too trusting." Rae said.
Y/n smiled. "I'm voting Sykkuno. I'm not sure who the other one is, though." The four argued slightly and y/n muted. "Corpse...is so good."
She turned to the server, seeing everyone thoughts.
Wow y/n and corpse r so cute
Her cheeks reddened.
I think someone may be crushin 👀
"Guys, come on! I have just met him!" However her words were just a feeble attempt and she turned back to the game. Sykkuno was the last to vote, voting for himself.
With that, they won. Who knew how satisfying the word victory in big red letters could be. They arrived back into the lobby, where Sean immediately let them have it. "My own best friend! My own. Best. Friend. Killing me. In cold blood."
"if you don't want me to kill you play better!" Y/n jokingly shouted back. "Besides y/n and I are best friends now." Corpse spoke as he put on a flower which matched the one y/n's among us character wore.
"All I'm gonna say is that I knew her before all of you." Rae said, adding to the chaos. Y/n laughed and turned to her server.
Ooohhh are they fighting over you?
She rolled her eyes and returned to the chat. "Everytime we play with someone new you do this." Felix was complaining, also changing into the flower y/n wore.
Finally the new game was started and y/n got crew mate. It wasn't as exciting and she couldn't talk to corpse now, but it was still fun.
She got a few tasks done, and from the corner of her eye she saw toast and corpse and enter the are she was in, in reactor. "Corpse!" She said a little too excitedly. Recovering quickly she added, "And Toast!"
However part of her doubted her watchers were amused.
The lights turned off. "Damn, that was-" almost immediately she was killed by toast, probably giving her a taste of her own medicine. Immediately a hand covered her mouth and she groaned. "God fucking! What the hell toast!"
She sat in stunned silence for a second. "I guess I'll-" Corpse found her and immediately reported. "Y/N!" He laughed over his mic. "Not y/n!" "I guess that means we're the only ones left with matching flowers." Felix cut in.
"Alright who killed my best friend?" Sean said into the mic. "Wait, wait, wait. First of all- she's mine, sean-" in that moment y/n all but blacked out, but forced herself to show no reaction, lest her viewers smite her.
"and secondly. It's toast." "Toast you about to become burnt." Sean said lamely and y/n was lifted out her haze enough to snort at his bad joke. "What why is it me!?" "Because you were the last person I saw her with. It's definitely you."
Ken softly added. "I think he's right because I can't imagine corpse killing y/n." The others laughed, and y/n leaned back into her chair, slumping down.
Toast was voted out, and the game continued. Y/n was left to follow corpse around until, Felix came from behind and killed him.
"oh my God." Y/n said, laughing. Then corpse turned on his mic. "Y/n, we're both dead." She laughed again, "I know! The games definitely more boring now that we're gone."
For a few moments they spoke about the game, until y/n began telling him about the storm. "Where do you live?" "Uh, I live in Los Angeles. Usually it never storms here, though. Where do you live?"
"San Diego." She sat up. "Oh my God that's only like two hours away. We should hang sometime." He laughed. "I'd really enjoy that, y/n." "You could come up here and we could go bother some rich people. I know where James lives."
"I would love to bother rich people with you, especially James." She smiled. "Covid permitting of course." "Of course."
Finally that game ended, with them finally figuring out that it was Felix.
Y/n stretched out, and agreed to play one more game. This time she got imposter with Sean.
She laughed manically, and clapped her hands together excitedly. "This is gonna be good!" Together the two worked as a team, delightedly playing off each other. One would sabotage and the other would kill. However the two did have one weakness and it was definitely their competitive nature's.
It had become a who can kill the most players in a game contest. And y/n was now trailing behind until, finally, she found Rae and sykkuno all in the same room. Sean had followed her in and it looked like a perfect opportunity to commit a double kill. Y/n got Rae with a clean kill and Sean got sykkuno. Then in came corpse.
"fuck!" Y/n shouted, leaping from her chair "he saw us! Corpse totally saw us! Shit!" Both Sean and y/n said nothing waiting for corpse to speak. "Oh my God. Sean how could you!" For several seconds Sean didn't reply. Then he forced out a weak "what?" Corpse sighed. "He killed sykkuno right in front of me. I didn't see anyone else around."
Y/n's mouth dropped. He wasn't going to say anything. He was going to let her slide. Of course, Sean would be getting voted out but that was a small price to pay. She looked into her camera in shock.
Her server was blowing up.
He ain't gonna snitch on daddy
She covered her mouth for fear they'd hear her laugh.
Corpse suddenly became blind after watching Sean kill sykkuno
She voted poor Sean out and the game continued.
Corpse followed her around and watched as she killed more. Seemingly the last comment about him being blind was true.
Another victory was won, and y/n braced herself for the upcoming shitstorm that was the discord call. "I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU CORPSE!" Rae blasted. Y/n laughed until a loud blast of lightning shook the house and caused the lights to blink on and off. She yelped, her cat running into the room.
"wow, what was that?" Ken asked. "You okay, y/n?" Sean's voice called. She sighed. "Yeah, but I think i better log off. It was a lot of fun you guys! Thanks for letting me join."
A chorus of "yeah!" "No problem!" And "join us again!" Welcomed her. "Yeah, if y/n leaves I'm probably gonna leave too. I'll see you guys soon."
Ignoring the ohhh and aww comments of her chat she signed off.
Her phone rang and she smiled, answering it and pulling it to her ear. "Sean finally give you my number?"
Corpse laughed from the other end. "yeah, yeah. You were serious about meeting up right?" She chuckled softly. "Very." She heard him sigh happily. "Good, good. Hey if you're staying up maybe we could...chat some more?"
She smiled brightlyand her cheeks hurt. "I'd want nothing more." Suddenly her ohone buzzed and she pulled it from her ear to check. It was a message from Sean.
"you're on the phone with him right now, aren't you?"
A/n: please feel free to give critism and requests. Thanks for reading!
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korasonata · 4 years ago
Alright, here we are. Back by popular demand, I have favourite moments from Joe and Cleo’s paper model stream Part 3! Y’all asked for this so here we go. (Definitely not a short post anymore)
Cleo (singing): Excellent choices!
Joe (singing): Made by me! Made by you!
Cleo (talking): I mean, I wouldn’t say this is an excellent choice made by us. Just as a-
Joe (still singing): As long as we stream together! Nothing can ever stumble us both at once!
Cleo: I mean, I think you’d be surprised.
Joe: There’s nothing we can’t achieve! You and me!
Cleo: …Yeah.
Joe: Why’d you leave the cat up on the table?
Cleo: Because she won’t go away! She knows she’s not allowed on the table, but I’m here and therefore it must be awesome.
Joe: Mhm. Yeah usually when I climb on a table it’s because you’re there. This is why my viewers are always like “Joe, Cleo brings out such negative behaviour in you.”
Cleo: *cackle laughing* It’s true. It’s true.
Joe: It is.
Cleo: I am a bad influence on you.
Joe: I mean, you could have just ended that sentence after influence, but you know it’s fine.
Cleo (affectionately): Joe you are rude today! I think that’s the second time you’ve insulted me in like 5 minutes.
Joe (not even 2 minutes into the stream): What, already?
Joe: You know, you’ve had so many jobs in your career. Obviously night surgeon is going to be the next one.
Cleo (holding a scalpel menacingly): *maniacal snickering*
Cleo: *leaves for literally less than 2 minutes*
Joe: *singing The Wellerman at full volume*
Joe (reading chat): Is Cleo next to me? You know, I like to think that Cleo’s always a little bit ahead of me, but it encourages me to catch up.
Cleo: I mean, to be fair, most things could be me. For I am- for I am…(with drama) I am legion! For we are many!
Joe: Hell is empty! And all the Cleo’s are here!
Cleo (reading chat): “Does Joe know what you look like?”
Joe: No…
Cleo: I could send you a photo if you wanted Joe. If you really felt the need.
Joe: See, I- I- I felt like, you know, asking like, uh, women on the Internet to send me pictures of themselves might be a bad look, so I have chosen not to ask? But…I mean if you’re volunteering I am curious- especially because if I am in London and I do bump into you somewhere, it would be nice to be able to say hello.
Cleo: Fair enough. Hang on a second.
Joe: But I am hoping to get over there like next summer.
Cleo: Let’s see if I can find a pho-I don’t tend to take photos of myself because I don’t like showing myself-…ever. So…let’s browse some photos, see if I can show you.
Joe (panicking): …Oh! Are you gonna send it like right now so you can get a reaction, cause my fa-my face is on camera?!
Cleo: There you go. That’s me.
Joe (in response to seeing Cleo’s face for the first time): so you’re so- you’re so private about your appearance, I don’t wanna say anything that, like, that could be used to interpolate anything.
Cleo: You can just say I’m minging it Joe, it’s fine.
Joe: What does minging it mean?
Cleo: Ugly as all hell. That’s basically what that is.
Joe: What?! No!
Cleo: It’s fine! I know…
Cleo: *laughing* I’ve made Joe feel awkward now, that takes a LOT to do! *laughing harder*
Joe: No no! No! No! So the thing is I’m running through the, like, security mode threat model thing where I’m like “ok, so Cleo definitely benefits from people thinking shes ugly, so I don’t wanna like mention how attractive she is because then that gets that weird in multiple ways while also revealing that she’s very attractive which th- somebody could use to track her down” and I’m just like, eh I’m just gonna let this one slide.
Joe: I have tried a few adjustments Cleo, but in the end I never made it as a wise man.
Cleo: I mean-
Joe (singing): I couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing.
Cleo: To be fair, you do strike me more as a- as a… (trails off)
Cleo: I was trying to think of a non-insulting…
Joe: Just go ahead and insult me, it’s fine.
Cleo: I- I- ah-
Joe: You’ve already insulted yourself enough this stream.
Cleo: I see you as a sheep is what I said.
Joe: What?
Cleo: As in not a wise man, not a shepherd, you’re a sheep in that nativity.
Joe (delighted): Awe!!
Cleo (reading chat): “Do you often lie to spare Joe’s feelings?” Umm…
Joe: N…no.
Cleo: Not often no. *giggling*
Joe: I mean, she doesn’t have to. I’m great.
Cleo: No, it’s alright, Joe doesn’t have feelings it’s fine. I mean, not that I’ve noticed.
Joe: if Joe had feelings we’d have to start acting ethically around him, so it’s in our best interest to ensure that research does not detect any.
Cleo (reading her chat): “I just wanted to say your voice is very pretty”. I don’t know how to take that.
Joe: Oh, thank you!
Cleo: I think Joes voice is very pretty. I appreciate that.
Joe: I was gonna say, they know that you’re not me, right? I know it’s confusing cause we’re both talking on both peoples streams.
Cleo: I mean, I think- I think they might know that you are the pretty one.
Joe (reading chat): “not gonna lie, I’m kinda jealous of those glasses.”
Cleo: Umm…in the fact that they’re on Joe’s face? Or just-
Joe: Oh yeah, you know everybody’s jealous of anything on my face, I get it.
Cleo: *wheezing intensely* Yes Joe… *cry laughing* No, I’m done… *laughing continues* Ok… *trying desperately to compose herself*
Cleo (about Scar jump scaring Joe): Again, if you haven’t seen Joe scream like an itty bitty baby-
Joe: I’m sorry, babies don’t have lungs this powerful. I screamed like a man. Screaming like, very loudly.
Joe: I’ve gotta do this 3 more times and what’s deeply deeply upsetting is I know I’m gonna do an equally bad job every time.
Cleo: No!! No! I believe in you Joe!
Joe (with heavy dead-voiced sarcasm): I’m sure the 4th one will be perfect Cleo, you’re right. I should’ve believed in myself all along. Thank you. For those words. Of affirmation. They mean so much. Coming from such a close friend.
Cleo: I dunno about you chat, but I definitely felt sarcasm.
Cleo: I’m crushing it right now! I wish I wasn’t. *dejected* Why do I always hurt the things I love?
Cleo (entertaining Joe’s chat while he’s away): Do you think Joe grants wishes? Because if he does grant wishes, I don’t think it’s the wishes we think he’s gonna grant. I mean, it would explain Joe, because he could grant wishes in the way that, umm…Hmm…I’m thinking…
Joe: I’m back Cleo if you need me to grant you any wishes.
Cleo: I mean, could you?
Cleo: Awe! Practical Magic was one of my favourites when I was growing up!
Joe (heavy sarcasm): I can’t imagine why!
Cleo: *snickering* I built my whole life around it. *laughing* shut up Joe.
Joe: *snickering* Surprising no one!
Cleo: SHUT UP JOE *laughing*
Cleo: To be fair, if Joe really didn’t like me threatening him I would stop.
Joe: Yeah no it’s fine.
Cleo: See?
Joe: It makes me feel important.
Cleo: You are Joe. You are very important.
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technowoah · 4 years ago
Hi! If you do tommyinnit x reader (romantic), I would like one where reader is tubbo's sister perhaps? She would have the feature reader has still not tubbos. Maybe they meet when tubbo and tommy meet up and he just kinda starts to like her? If not that's ok! -paw <3
Prepare For Trouble Make it Double
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I hope this suffices 😋
Tommyinnit x Tubbo's sister!reader (blurb?)
⚠︎ its tommy so it'll be slight swearing-
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It wasn't a secret that Tubbo had siblings, he had Lani of course, but what people didn't know that he had another sister closer to his age.
You tended to stay out of the spotlight, for reasons. Streaming was interesting but not your fortè. You usually tended to stay behind the camera when Tubbo was streaming or off to the side quietly talking to him as he did his own lore or sitting on Lani's bed doing your own thing listening to her talking to her viewers.
Your siblings never tried to convince you to go out of your comfort zone and appear on streams, only once in a blue moon you would talk to Lani out of frame. Lani of course would respond, the chat would freak out asking if you were a friend, finally the moment was gone as fast as it came.
Thats how days go in their household. Tending to hover around eachother and whatever they were doing at the moment. But it was this one particular moment when Tubbo was streaming and he suddenly decided to bring you on to show his 700k viewers that he had another sister.
He had pulled up a brown folding chair next to him and patted it beckoning you to sit down in frame.
Tubbo was currently streaming on the Dream SMP, you didnt think he was doing lore today so you hesitated a little bit. Other days you wouldn't have budged out of your spot out of sight, but he looked so excited in his yellow jumper you had bought for him whe going to out to the shops.
In a unrelated note You remember saying that "yellow is your color" and he ended up buying it, and his stans loved the jumper. So a win win.
"C'mon Y/N!" He yelled as continued to pat the folding chair next to him.
You ended up shuffling over to the seat next to him and smiling at the camera. Over in the corner of your eye you saw the chat which was going 1 million miles an hour. You saw some comments that were basically copypastas of other comments in the chat. It was basically nonsense, now the only thought in your mind is that you're going to make an uproar on twitter.
"This is my sister chat!" Tubbo said while shaking you around by the shoulders making the both of you laugh.
"Yes chat! I have more siblings" he continued while rocking back and forth in his gamer chair.
He continued to answer more questions and ask you some too, wanting to include you in the stream.
"Lani isn't the only one! My big sister is just shy."
"I just chose not to be on their streams! I was in the background of Lani's streams though."
"Out of frame. Dosent count." Tubbo said bluntly while still walking around SnowChester in the Dream Smp not looking your way.
You could still see the chat in the corner and you couldnt tear your eyes off of it. It was slight glare from the lights and the sun shining in his gaming room. He always had the lights bright in his room. The chat was spamming purple hearts and either still freaking out that Tubbo had a sister. It was getting old to you, so you decided to lean into Tubbo's space focusing on his screen as he quickly hopped around the map.
He continued talking to chat about anything else, but your presence. He continued to talk about gathering supplies and what he needed to bring back to SnowChester. You knew a lot about the Dream Smp lore because you weren't in it. Spending time on Twitter interacting with people and their theories and also making theories and showing them to Tubbo and him debunking them, or accepting them in some way.
"So we need some more lapis." Tubbo said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
"I can help you!" You said wanting to be apart of the stream.
You might as well, you're already here.
"I dont think you can help, 'cause you're not on your account. Plus it'll be awkward with your laptop." Tubbo said while speeding through his water transportation system.
"Well I can just point it out to you." You said while leaning back into your seat.
"Talk to the chat while I go mine for lapis."
"Fine then." You smirked as you turned your attention to the speeding words in the chat.
"Is there a slow mode on this?!" You laughed.
Tubbo laughed as well. "This is on slow mode!"
You both screamed in fake agony and then turned your attention back to the chat where the you caught a few questions. You were about to answer until the chat stopped for a quick second and you saw one comment out of all for a quick second.
After that comment the whole chatt was just spamming the word 'TOMMY' or 'TOMMY IS IN CHAT'. That confused you even more than that comment.
When you did know about the Dream Smp you also knew a little bit about who Tubbo hangs out with. You knew about the time Tubbo had met up with Wilbur Soot, Philza, and Tommy. And that prompted you to look up their individual accounts and get into their content.
You knew about Tommy and his character and channel, you enjoyed his content a lot as well, but you wanted to play around a little bit. Hopefully Tubbo will play along.
"Why is the chat spamming Tommy?"
"Tommy? You know Tommy don't you?" Tubbo asked with a small bit of shock in his voice.
"No I dont, who's Tommy?" You asked again, acting oblivious.
"Oh. Oh well then, Tommy is like my best friend, we're actually meeting up soon!" Tubbo said with excitement.
He continued. "You hear that chat! You get Tommy and Tubbo content!
You had lost interest in Tubbo talking with his chat about hanging out in Brighton with Tommy again. Your eyes drifted towards the chat again and saw Tommy comment in the chat again.
"Well Tommy I dont have an account so, sorry I cant get you views whoever you are." You said responding to Tommy with a smirk.
"Woke up and chose violence huh?" Tubbo laughed and you joined in as well.
"Tommy chose violence today too."
"You both are violent you will be nice together." Tubbo said with his focus still in his screen.
"Together?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah together!" Tubbo said matching your energy.
You rolled you eyes and continued answering other comments instead of thinking about Tubbo's answer.
After that whole, incredibly longer than you thought, stream Tubbo decides to invite you along to their little meeting. Which you didnt know how you found yourself walking along Brighton's rocky shore in old Crocs. You were walking along the shoreline letting the cold water come up and hit your feet every so often.
He was waiting for Tommy at the moment, but you wanted to walk for a bit, he let you ho on by yourself while he waited for Tommy by himself.
You were quite a long way from where Tubbo seated himself on the rocks, you were doing your own thing looking at people who stared back at you for temporarily blocking their line of view of the shore, and little kids who decide to run away from their parents who weren't paying attention. Your peaceful walk got interrupted by your thoughts because you were quite a long way from Tubbo's resting place.
You started to head back, following back the way you came, but this time picking up the pace a bit to reach your destination. As you came upon Tubbo you saw a taller figure approach Tubbo and they seemed to greet eachother, it was hard to see where you were standing. Of course it was Tommy so the two of them started talking about who knows what, until Tubbo pointed your way.
As you kept walking, Tubbo continued to wave you over enthusiastically. You waved back with the same energy, finally making your way over to the both of them.
"What's up?" You asked the two of them with a smirk.
"Nothing much! Apparently you two haven't met before! So Tommy this is Y/N! Y/N thjs is Tommy!" Tubbo user hand gestures to introduce eachother.
You held your hand for Tommy to shake it, "Hey Tommy! Im a big fan."
"Big fan?! I thought you said you didn't know me?" Tommy exclaimed.
He was a lot less shouty in real life, than online. He was still loud, but to a lesser extent.
"Yeah I lied back then." You sent him a huge grin.
Tommy scoffed and groaned a little, "I cant belive you fuckers lied to me."
"Im actually a big fan. Well not big, but a fan at least." You laughed.
Apparently you and Tommy were the only ones standing while Tubbo typed on his phone while sitting back on the rocks not paying attention and letting you both talk amongst yourselves.
"Oh! That's an honor that Tubbo's big sister like my videos." Tommy's eyes widened slightly as he talked to you.
"Big sister only by 1 year! It's close!" Tubbo complanied, looking up from his phone.
"It still count big man." Tommy said to his friend.
"Thanks Tommy!" You thanked the tall man standing next to you.
"It's only a year! It dosent count! We're the same age!" Your brother continued to complain.
After the laughter and joking around calmed down you and Tommy stood there awkwardly until he spoke up again.
"Well good thing I know what I have to deal with. I cant deal with one of you, now I have to deal with two." Tommy joked around taking a seat next to Tubbo.
The exact moment when Tommy took a seat next to Tubbo, Tubbo shot up from his spot on the ground.
"Do you think we can do Uber Eats here?" Tubbo asked as he stood up.
You say down next to Tommy. "Yeah maybe if you go to a certain place and not say "the beach".
"I'll go to the pizza place and order there. What do you both want?" Tubbo asked, ready to put in any order.
"Just get McDonald's really." You sighed leaning back on the rocks.
"Im not hungry." Tommy said bluntly.
Tubbo nodded and walked away from you both leaving you two to sit in silence for a while with the small waves crashing, and kids having their own fun. It was a comfortable silence to you, but Tommy kept figeting over where he sat criss-crossed.
Tommy finally spoke up. "Im actually fucking starving ya know?
"No I don't! You should've asked for food!" You laughed in disbelief.
Tommy sighed. "Do you want to get some food and ditch Tubbo for now?"
Your eyes widened, not opposed to the idea, but was this his plan the whole time?
He continued on, "We could go sit at that pizza place and order some food there. Just the two of us until Tubbo freaks out."
You opened your mouth to protest leaving your brother in the dark, but he beat you to it.
"Dont worry about Tubbo! Stuff rolls off his back easy."
"No it dosent-"
"Yeah it does! You wanna just go out with me now?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Are you getting annoyed?" You asked amused at his words.
"No I am not I just-"
"Yeah I want to go to the pizza place now. I would love to Tommyinnit." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
Both of you got up and made your way over to that small pizza diner close to the beach. You only could hope this goes as well as you wanted it to
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owaowabetch · 4 years ago
Minecraft pt. 1 (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? idk we’ll see): Even though you’ve never played minecraft, you still manage to build a great house with your basement buddy. Friendship with a hint of romance. This is season 1 of the OTV ftb server (Pre-relationship; part of Uh-oh & Impasta)
“Ok guys, so today’s stream is going to be a lil different” You chat to your stream “We are going to be playing Minecraft with the OTV gang and other people we’ve played among us with!” Waiting for Minecraft to load on your pc, you continued on chatting “We will be playing GTA later on in the stream, we have a few jobs lined up with some people, so hopefully we get a lot of money from that” 
You minimized your face cam into a corner as your character appeared in a random spawn area near quite a few people. You saw multiple boxy players run around and hitting each other. So, you walked around picking up flowers  and with the help of some members of your chat, you managed to collect wood.
“OH! HEY Y/N!!” A loud crunchy voice yelled terribly into your ear causing you to cringe visible and immediately start hitting them with the wood in your hand.
“Your mic is dank man” You continue hitting them, which turned out to be Leslie and she starts to hit you back with a laugh. You guess her flowered hand overpowered your wood and hungry state, because you died and respawned to where you first showed up.
“Ah fuck” You complained before another boxy figure showed up infront of you and you recognized the blue shirt and green striped scarf, so you cheered. “Sykkuno!”
“Hey, Y/N!” His character moved his head up and down “What happened? How did you die?”
“Leslie’s mike was..crunchy?? And then she killed me!” You jump around
Sykkuno laughs “What? I’m surprised mobs havent got you. I’ve been killed many times by them” and in comedic fashion poki ran by screaming for help as she was being chased by a giant spider. You both watched as she would turn and hit it before continuing on her run.
It killed her. She puffed into smoke and in her place was a grave.
You both laugh as Sykkuno gasps out her name and you both run to her grave.
“Is this part of the mod? Or is it part of minecraft” You ask crouching on her grave and read her name.
He jumped around you with an answer “ Uh no it’s a mod that abe put in. If you break it the stuff you died with will spawn out”
“Oh” Continuing the crouch and uncrouch “What now?”
“Well i was going to find some of my graves, but I’m gunna find wood to make tools and find food” He answered and with that you decided to follow him
You collect the fruit from the near by trees and kill some of the animals with an axe that Sykkuno made you. Along the way you collected flowers and wood.
“We should find a house before it gets dark and more mobs come and kill us” Sykkuno walks to you then throws a stack of wood on the floor “Or maybe you build us a house. I’m not good at that type of thing”
You stare into your cam and do the debbie ryan “Oh my god, living together?” You pick up the stack of wood and start building a small house “Is that good?”
“Ya, that’s great! I’ll put the door down and I got us some beds, so we now have a spawn point. So when we die we just end up here” He explains doing so
Nodding along to what he said, you start putting the flowers you collected around the house before entering the house. He put the beds down next to each other. Making sure to mute yourself, you do the finger point and with a ‘tch’ sound you smile “ Oh my God Chat! Our beds are next to each other !?! How crazy. Heehee”  
The house was lit up with torches. “Click on the bed” He tells you and you do so. Your characters laid there side by side and your chat was hearing you make embarrassing noises. “Chat better not be telling him how embarrassing I’m being please. This is a desparate plea for you guys not to tell him!! Like Im joking guys please” With a laugh, your character gets off the bed and you walk out.
“Oh!” In Sykkuno’s hand was a flower “I noticed you picking up flowers and I know that [Flower/Name] is your favorite, so i picked some up for you”
You can’t stop the smile that appears on your face nor the flush on your cheeks “You are so fucking cute”
“Wha-?” You interrupt him “This is so sweet, honestly Sy.”
He throws them on the ground “It’s no problem. Just saw them and remembered how much you liked them “ and you pick them up, putting them at the entrance of the door “I love it!!! Thank You Sykkuno!!”
He hums and jumps around. You check chat, when a donation comes in telling you to check it, and read that he was purposefully was looking for the flowers because he knows how much you would’ve loved them. You don’t believe them at first, telling them that while he is nice, going around looking for a flower doesn’t seem like a productive thing to do. So, someone from your chat sent a clip of him telling his viewers that he was looking for your favorite flower to give to you. His excuse was that this as your first time playing minecraft, so he wanted you to enjoy it and thought it would be a great present until he can find diamonds.
“Guys! No!! That is so sweet!” You cry out blushing even further
“Hey guys!” A voice called out. A voice you immediately recognized to be Liliy’s “Come look at my house!” Looking up you see her stood further up from the both of you. She started making her way down and gasped “Are those [F/N]!?! Where did you find these! The look so pretty!”
“Yea” You jumping once more “Aren’t they cool?”
“YES! Can I have one?” She asked standing next to them “Is this your house? I love the flowers around them”
“I guess this is where we live now” You respond
“Both?” Lily questioned “You and Sykkuno are living together!?!”
“Yea! He actually gave me the [F/N]s, so you can’t..have them..” You respond to her awkwardly
Lily turns to Sykkuno and hits his character “You fucking simp”
He gasps “Lily” but she ignores him “I’ll take a different flower as a housewarming gift. Now follow me!”
“Y/N, why don’t you go see it while I gather up more materials” Sykkuno told you
You follow her up the small mountain? And there laid her pink house and you gasped “There is pink wood!?!”
“Yea, you just need pink dye. I have a bunch left if you want some” She offered you
“I don’t know if Sykkuno would want to live in a pink house” You enter her house and notice chests and peak into them
“He’d want what you want so just go for it.” She places the flower she took from your house next to hers. “Those chests belong to other people, but here’s mine.” She hits the chest in her house “I think i have like 20 of the pink wood left, so you can just take the rest”
You took the stack from her chest “Awesome! Your house is nice! It’s big too! I’d have to remake our house into something bigger”
“Yea, it’s kinda ugly since it isn’t pink” She tells you causing you to laugh
“It was a last minute thing to hid in during the night” Holding the pink wood in your hand “I’ll probably look up some building tips and stuff later to make a cool place, but thanks Lily!”
You hung out in her house talking with people as they came and went as Lily went to find more flowers to surround her house in. Though someone interesting came in, wearing the generic steve skin with a slightly creepy face.
“Hey Miyoung!” Lily called from out her house
“Hi Lily” She responded “I’m just letting you know I’m putting a death trap in your home. Please don’t tell the victims”
You snorted in amusement “Can I help with that?”
She moves towards you in her crouched state, so you respond in kind. You both just stared at each other in your crouched position circling each other “Okay, so I have a bucket of oil, so I want to dig a hole in the ground and push people into it”
Nodding your head “Clean, my chat was telling me that there is a trapped door, so why not put one on the ground above it and just have people walk in it?”
“We should also put a sign down there, so as they’re slowly sinking to their death, there’ll be a sign that mocks them” Nodding her characters head “I have some signs already, I’ll make the trapped door”
Taking a shovel from your hotbar, you dig a hole 6 blocks down, digging the other side as you make your way down. You then walk to the other side and start to make your way up.
“You should leave an open space for the sign, maybe 2 blocks open?” Miyoung tells you as she eyes you from above. You jump out of the hole you created and shovel 2 dirt blocks. She places a sign down and covers it up with a wood plank that matches the floor of Lily’s house “Wait I need to put the oil down”
So, she breaks the floor once more and jumps in to put the oil in before making her way back up. “I just put RIP on the sign, I think it’ll help them realize that they will die, so..”
“Alright clean clean” You jump around and watch as she places a trap door on the floor above it and placing a sign in front of it.
“We should probably look for victims” Miyoung tells you
You make your character swing their arm around towards the chests in Lily’s home “Well people have stuff in here, so maybe we should wait for someone to come in to grab something and lure them”
“Sounds good” She says and as she says this Sykkuno comes barging in.
“Hey y/n!” He cheers “Oh hey Miyoung! Lily told me that she has a bucket in her chest that she’ll let me borrow. So, I’m just trying to find her chest. Don’t mind me” He rifles through them “Can’t seem to find them “
You open the trap door and look at him before he turns to you two “Oh is it in here?” and down he goes. “Oh!? IS THIS A TRAP”
You start giggling as he starts to panic laugh “y/n? miyoung? Help!”
You both just crouch above him and stare as he slowly sinks “Guys, any help? please? y/n?”
Miyoung just closes the trap door and walks away and in the little chat says that Sykkuno died in due to [Sticky Dipping], so you type in an apology as you make your way back towards the house. You meet him and apologize to him once again.
“It’s no problem. It was actually kind of funny, but check in the chest I have in the house. I got some more stuff for you for the house” He tells you  “I’m gunna go back to get my stuff and the bucket, so i’ll catch you later!”
“Alright, see ya Sy!” You cheer back to him and make your way into the house.”Alright chat, let’s see what he gave us! I’m not reading what you guys, say so no spoilers~”
You open the wooden box and inside were more pink wood planks, glass, stairs, torches, other house materials to make building easier, and some more of your favorite flowers.
You feel your chest tighten as the butterflies appear in your stomach. You smile largely and giddy, opening and closing your mouth trying to gather the words to express how you felt, you were pleasantly surprised by the things he left you.
You wanted to squeal at how nice he is. It is hard to come across a genuinely nice guy that wanted nothing but friendship with you. So, it was easy to fall for Sykkuno; but it was hard to admit to yourself your growing feelings for him, because love is scary and being in love with your friend is even scarier. Once those feelings come out, you can’t take them back and things just become different. So, it is safe to say that you’ll be keeping them to yourself.
“By the way” Sykkuno starts causing you to jump in real life, as you were sat pondering to yourself “The server is making a town square a few blocks away, so why don’t we move the house there?”
You start collecting the items in your inventory “Yea! Are you going to need help carrying the rest of the stuff there?”
He starts breaking the items in your old home “If you have the room for some that’ll be great! yea!”
Once you both gathered the things you wanted to take, you guys bound towards where the Town Square was being made.
“Oh! By the way, can I request you build a basement for me in our house?” Sykkuno asks
The thought of him referring to the house as ‘ours’ made you smile “Yea, but can I ask why you want one?”
“Don’t worry. I won’t build anything that’ll blow up our house” Sykkuno dodges the question
‘Our’ house. Maybe one day that can be a real life possibility. You couldn’t contain the smile growing on your face even further. Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell him how you feel.
As you start building near Leslie’s house, a thought suddenly pops into your head ‘Sykkuno there is a girl into you’
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dinuhsoar · 4 years ago
ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀᴏᴡɴs
Summary: You were invited to play a game of Among Us with Sean and the rest of the Crew. You've never played before, but went against that fact and joined. While people join, you meet and talk to Corpse: and the viewers ship you from what they see and hear. You also have a little brother who wins the boys hearts.
Pairing: Corpse x fem!reader
Warnings: prolly spelling errors, shit writing
Author's note: First imagine on anyone! Please be kind and nice. I also am sorry if I got Corpse wrong, I have never heard of him until a month ago, and I'm not really all that obessed with him (no hate). I enjoy reading the cute imagines between him and the reader, and so that's why I'm writing one about him. I'll write for Corpse, John B. and JJ (outerbanks), Peter Parker, Thor, (Daddy <3) Tony Stark, (and pretty much the main avengers), oh, and I'll also write for Roman Reigns (because he's my Daddy too). I also don't mention everyone he plays with, but mention Sean a l o t. I'm not familiar with his, "crew." Anywho, enjoy!
Gif credit: @leahberman @velvetmotel
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You looked down at your nails, biting your lip gently. Sean invited you, and with pleading moans and groans, you decided to join. You didn't know what to do or what did what, so you just stood in the lobby: you weren't moving.
"Y/n, go change your character's colour!" Said Sean, talking into his microphone.
"How? I don't know how to play." Your voice was soft as it held embarrassment. You knew Sean's stream was blowing up at this point.
"I can tell you," came a deep voice. Holy- who in the world was that?
"Aye, Corpse! Guy's welcome Corpse."
You heard the group of men laugh and shower him with greetings: you were still trying to figure out who Corpse was.
"Ayo, Y/n? You gonna greet God himself or what?"
At this you laughed softly to, whispering a sorry on your end. "Sorry," you said a bit louder, "Welcome to the game, Corpse."
You sucked in a breath, crossing your legs in your chair, nervous of the game and how it was suppised to go down.
"Hello, Y/n. Still need help on changing the colour, I see. You need to go to the computer. Then you can select whatever colour and you can also pick a hat."
"Ah, thank you, Corpse." You walked over, hearing mumbling through the other end of the mic. "Sorry if I'm making this weird, Sean." You laughed lightly, opening the computer to select your colour.
"No, no. It's not you, Y/n. Just reading what the stream says: gotta kick these haters, ya know?" Said Sean. You looked down at your lap, frowning.
"Right," you breathed out, looking back at the screen. "Um, why can't I chose black?"
"Because Corpse-" Felix started, only to get cut off by Corpse.
"Here, I can be purple. Just get it as fast as possible or else someone will take it." Ethan started laughing at Corpse as you did as told.
"Wanna give her your last name too, Corpse?" Boomed Ethan. At this you were confused and lost. You were quiet on your end.
"Guys!" Boomed Sean, "Stop messing with Y/n: she's new to this game. Don't stress her out and make things awkward."
"Thanks, Sean. But I don't mind it, really."
"So you don't mind if you have Corpses' last name?"
"What?! No! I wasn't implying-"
"Felix, leave her alone." This time, Corpse spoke.
"Just messin' man."
"We ready to start?" You asked, voice a bit shaky.
After the game started, the boys relaxed a tad bit, laughing and tossing heads back. You were quiet, but when you spoke your voice was soft and dull, all in which caused Corpse to scream into the mic to tell everyone to quiet down for. The people on the stream were going crazy, you could tell. You just ignored everyone on the stream: you never could read, watch, and play at the same time. But the tables started turning. When you were imposter for the first time that night, you were confused. You followed Corpse, Felix, and Ethan. But they were boring. So you found Sean and he was secluded. You killed him and jumped out of your chair, squealing. "Ha! I killed you Sean!" You screamed, not noticing how your mic was still on. The boys laughed, but when it came to voting, you were voted out, despite denying and denying, and denying. You pouted and didn't move when you were a ghost. Grumbling as the game went on, talking negative about the game: even denying you weren't the imposter even when the ejection said so. You were mad. Sean grumbled back, fighting against you in only whispers. The game ended, then you were back in the lobby.
"Good first game," Felix and Ethan said.
"You're dumb and mean," teased Sean.
"I'm sorry, Sean. E-everyone else was in a group a-and I just went for it." You said into the mic, stumbling over your words.
"That was perfect, Y/n. At least you knew not to attack a group. Stick with me next round, and I'll show you more tips." Corpse said, grinning as a notification went off on his phone. "Ethan!" He boomed.
"Just sayin' bro."
Not questioning it, you laughed into the mic for no reason. No one questioned it, however.
"So, Y/n? Howcome you've never played this game before?" You looked on your screen, heading to the computer, looking at the array of colours.
"I didn't have an interest in it. Corpse, you can have black back, it's kind of boring." You changed to blue, then purple when it was open and Corpse has secured black.
The game started and you confirmed being partners with Corpse. "Where are we going first?" You asked.
"Follow me."
You both walked into reactor, you walking up to that number order task. "Um, what do I do?"
"Click the numbers in order."
Thanking him you did so, telling him to follow you this time. You went into lower engine, only to be killed by Corpse. You screamed into your hand.
"Um, guys, I'm gonna be afk for a moment, gonna get water-" You started, only to get cut off by your baby brother crying. "And I'll need to put him to sleep."
"Is that your baby, Y/n?" Asked Felix.
"She's married, sorry Corpse?" Said Ethan, questioning his statement.
"Guys, that's her little brother, calm down. And she's not dating nor married to anyone." Sean rushed to stay. But you were gone at this point.
"Guys, Y/n was killed!" Corpse said. And thus let the voting begin.
You looked at your baby brother, grinning as you changed his diaper and gave him his bottle. You left to get water, only to hear more crying. Placing the glass by the computer, you told them another minute.
"One more second, guys. Sorry, he's still crying." The game ended then, and you were back in the lobby.
"Send us a picture of him, Y/n!"
You rolled your eyes at Sean, laughing. "Alright, chill. Someone send Corpse my number, so I can send him it as well."
"Corpse, my man, look at the stream messages for gods sake!"
Corpse grinned at Felix, telling him to shut up before he looked at the stream and laughed, "guys, calm down. Y/n is a friend, nothing more."
You came back with your baby brother in your arms, him suckling on the bottle. "Imma have to play with him. If I leave, he cries." You sent everyone a picture, and they all showed the photo to their screens. Except for Corpse that is.
"You know what your character is missing, Y/n?" Asked Corpse after a minute.
"What's that?"
"A flower."
"And why's that?"
"Because you need to stand out amongst these idiots."
Laughing, you included a flower, also changing your colour to white. "You know what your character is missing, Corpse?"
"What's that?"
"A crown."
"And why's that?"
"Because you're my king."
You simply laughed, enjoying the slight teasing on the man. The stream blew up and to this you took notice. Corpse laughed louder than ever as well.
Oh my gosh
Ship. It.
Ew, Y/n
You laughed a bit more, looking down at your brother as he nearly started to cry.
"Oh, come here," you said with a giggle, "sorry to scare you, little bubba. Shh, now. How about you play for me, yeah?"
The boys were confused for a moment, before they awed. However, Corpses' deep voice scared him. "Shut up, Corpse, he just flinched."
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