#cause that goes against the purpose of the hotel!
aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
very specific opinion i have:
I don’t think the Lotus Hotel & Casino should automatically acclimate its inhabitants to the modern time period, because the entire point of the hotel is that it’s trying to keep people there and they will never leave, so the ideal scenario is to prevent them from experiencing the passage of time. The best way to do that would be to keep things changing as little as possible from the guests’ perspectives, and convince them they’ve spent less time there than they thought.
Even though the guests are canonically in a sort of daze, Percy specifically notes that time felt extremely distorted in the hotel, not just in the sense of “we were here for what felt like hours but outside the hotel it was a week,” but in more of a “It only feels like we’ve been here like half an hour, but i guess it might have actually been a couple hours or so- oh, a week has passed outside.”
I like to imagine the hotel is actually pretty labyrinthine when you start getting into it, and the deeper you go the older the sections of the hotel start becoming, so you get these really eerie effects when traveling through it. Especially since the hotel would theoretically shift with the other mythological locations, so if you go back far enough the hotel probably starts getting really weird, because also it’s just kind of infinite inside. People have definitely gotten lost in the depths of the hotel forever, outside of the whole never leaving the hotel thing. The di Angelo siblings might have been slightly extra resistant to the daze effect though and so were able to travel further outside their designated era wing than they normally would and start noticing that there was Something Really Weird Going On. But it still probably would have taken them awhile.
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aerinaga · 2 months
kiss me thru the phone.
paige bueckers x reader
warnings: smut (phone sex, masturbation)
synopsis: an away game without you being able to go causes heat between the two of you.
the uconn team had left for the ncaa tournament, leaving you in connecticut. paige didn’t wanna leave you, she insisted that you go with her but you had a tight schedule with work.
you thought that it would be a good idea for her to get away first and take a breather with the games she would be playing in. you miss her, but you both had priorities that needed to come first.
you saw new pictures of paige being uploaded frequently. it was no doubt that she was fine as hell. it made you even more jealous with the fact that you can’t be there to witness it. you knew that you were sharing your girl with the entire world, but damn it was difficult.
paige had just arrived at her hotel, she texted you saying that she would just take a shower and facetime you. being the neediest person alive at the moment, you fix your hair and put a little bit of gloss on your lips.
to make things even hotter, you undressed yourself, leaving your underwear on.
a few minutes later, paige calls you.
“hi babymama, how are you?”
“i’m good, just bored. i miss you so much.”
“i miss you even more. just one more week and i’ll be home.”
you had an idea. you got up from your bed, not showing your body just yet. you went to your bathroom, looking at the mirror and fixing your hair. what you really meant to do was to flip the camera on purpose and tell her that it was an accident.
paige was staring at you so intently, admiring you.
thats when you flipped your camera. you saw her eyes slightly widen, a smirk forming on her lips. you flipped it back to your face. “oops. sorry babe.” you tell her, watching the reaction on her face.
“so thats what you wanted to do huh? such a needy princess hm?” her voice deepens, eliciting a soft moan from you.
you rush to your bed, immediately flipping the camera again to your body. your legs were rubbing against each other, hinting paige that you were wet.
“open your legs for me, alright?”
you open your legs to the widest possible, earning a groan from paige. “you’re so sexy just for me.” paige immediately tells you to touch yourself.
your fingers run down your nipples, pinching them just to tease paige. your hand slowly goes down to your heat, landing your fingers on your clit. paige watches you with need, you knew she was doing the same to herself too.
you rubbed your clit in slow circles, a moan coming out your mouth. “i want you so bad p.” paige moans at your comment, throwing her head back. “i’ll fuck you hard and real nice when i get home hm? just keep fucking yourself baby.” your fingers rub faster on your clit, you couldn’t think. you just wanted her.
you inserted two fingers in yourself, pushing in and out. your moans were becoming louder by the second, and you could hear your girl’s breathing fasten thru the phone.
you plunged your fingers at a fast pace, feeling the knot tighten in you. you curled your fingers in, hitting your special spot. “p, i’m gonna cum.” your voice hitting the highest note. “let go, baby. i’m gonna cum too.”
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rubyclover · 4 months
I said I can’t write but if felt nice getting that other idea out of my head. So I wrote this and will post. Technically I started trying to write this like a month ago… Please ignore the constant switching between past and present tense. It’s something I never seem to notice until someone else points out where it is.
Prompt: Professionals hate him but he was right! [Adam] Heaven and Hell come to the realization that The First Man played a larger part in the three realms’ political/social ecosystem than they thought. His absence leaves a vacuum that Lute is unable to fill but she may not need to because Hell is solving the problem themselves… The Morningstar Family can’t run from this.
No ABetaO we expire like Adam~
Imagine that Adam dies, the hotel has never looked better, the residents have healed up and Charlie gets another TV appearance. Lucifer is even more depressed than before but hides it. Adam is gone She’s going to reveal Sir Pentious’ redemption with evidence that is NOT childishly scribbled on key cards. Instead of the interview taking place in the 666News studio it’s held outside the hotel. She will take questions, live, right after the interview. Katie Killjoy wants to give the public a chance to cause chaos for ratings, so she puts Charlie in a vulnerable position.
Things go great… for the first 20 minutes. The interview isn’t even half way done when someone from the crowd interjects after Charlie says ‘The Sinners have a better life now that the Exterminations are permanently canceled.’
That person’s voice is calm but still pissed as Hell. They fire back that no, Sinners don’t have an easier life now that the Exterminations are over. It’s worse! Charlie and the crowd perk up.
The voice moves to the front. They’re short with plain street clothes, hood up. It’s obvious they’re poor and at the bottom of Hell’s pecking order. A couple of Imps are with them equally disheveled and tired looking. The man goes on to point out some rather hard truths.
Thanks to the last Extermination, angelic steel has become a hot commodity. While uncommon right now, there’s a pipeline to obtain an angelic weapon. All you need is enough money. Carmilla Carmine doesn’t care about how her product is used after purchase.
‘Permanent Murder’ is a new trend on HellTube netting ridiculous profits. The main targets are vulnerable Sinners, usually the scared and alone new arrivals, Imps and Hellhounds. All killed by beautifully glowing angelic weapons.
Overlords are more formidable with these weapons so the chance of contractees escaping, like Angeldust, has become damn near impossible even if they destroyed their contract. Some desperate souls were happy with their messed up immortality. It gave them some hope, ‘at least I have a chance to turn things around eventually,’ but that pathetic security is gone.
The Exterminations kept said Overlords in check to a degree. They were more inclined to take care of their underlings because that guaranteed their safety. Now? Just get an angelic gun for all your troubles. Valentino is having a fucking field day.
The ‘permadeath’ toll for one year will be ten times the amount of one Extermination Day considering how much Hell’s citizens like to kill Sinners…
Not to mention, whole industries in Hell, from top to bottom, are starting to crash. Their purpose or sales revolved around the Exterminations. Some workers cannot afford to lose their job and have to sell their soul against their will.
As the man speaks Charlie is surprised to see heads nodding in agreement! Someone comments that they hadn’t seen their Sinner friend in a few days and tries not to panic while another face falls in the crowd and wrings their hands together. An Imp with curved horns standing beside a young Hellhound sweats profusely and starts to leave. Tension moves through the public. Not just the ones in front of the stage but also those watching TV.
Despite her best efforts Charlie cannot lift the crowd’s mood. She realizes prematurely revealing Sir Pentious’ redemption is the only way to salvage this growing disaster. Unfortunately the man’s timing is perfect because the second she opens her mouth he turns his anger on the Morningstars.
He calls out how much her family misrepresents themselves as rulers. They don’t do anything for Hell anymore. They spend most of their time fucking around while the Sinners suffer. The other Sins manage their rings and hellborn, not Lucifer or Lilith. All three of the Morningstars can’t truly understand human suffering yet they profess to know how to best handle it. With no idea what it means to be human yet they pass judgement on them.
The crowd becomes agitated and the Imps beside the man move closer to him. They aren’t trying to draw safety from the Sinner but are taking defensive positions. Charlie realizes this isn’t someone speaking up in the heat of the moment. This is a planned speech. He’s highjacking her broadcast!
She sees the Sinner clench his fists and feels herself start to sweat. Why was he saying any of that? Yes, life will be a bit hard at first but now everyone can come together and rebuild! There are so many possibilities available to The Pride Ring. It would improve lives. Change was always good they just had to be careful. Yet the stranger goes on.
He claims that Lucifer is a washed up angel that can’t comprehend mortality because of his maladaptive dreaming and pride, Lilith is apathetic to Sinners and wishes to aggravate Heaven no matter how much Hell will suffer and Charlie is so sheltered that she thinks PTSD can be solved by clapping and saying positive affirmations.
Little is known about the royal family but the stranger’s comments sway the crowd. The hotel’s original commercials got the time of day because of Charlie’s status, not because the facility had managed to accomplish anything. Lucifer barely appears at all even when large fights break out leveling half of Pentagram City. And Lilith? Missing for 7 years after riling up all of Hell multiple times, causing Heaven to start the Exterminations.
The stranger calls the hotel a disgusting joke. Calls out how Charlie is trying to ‘pass the buck’ over to Heaven. The Pride Ring’s actual rulers are Overlords and they make sure Sinners suffer and continue to act depraved whether they like it or not. Her family has the power to take control and lessen the city’s suffering but they don’t. Instead they play with their little pet project .
Why are they focusing on shipping problems elsewhere? There’s a better way to solve the pain and suffering at the source than waiting! Fix Pentagram City! Show Heaven that the current number of Sinners isn’t a threat!
‘For all the crying and sniveling you do Princess Charlotte, you sure don’t actually help where it counts! I’m sure you care about Sinners but only on the same level as someone cares about cute public park ducks.’
Vaggie, who had been standing to the side of the stage leaps forward, places herself in between the stranger and her girlfriend. Everyone’s raised emotions have put her on edge. She ignores the harsh gasps when her angelic spear slides free and into her hands. ‘Back up! Now!’
Charlie’s heart sank at the escalation. She understood her girlfriend was still tense from the extermination but all their hard work was starting to fray around the edges! She just hoped her dad didn’t-
The King of Hell himself appears through a portal shortly after gathering himself together. The opening looked angrier in color, matching his mood. Sickly green lines run throughout the glow, radiating blistering heat. Parts of the stage began to melt and the forgotten camera crew swivel to their ruler. Lucifer’s face is set in stone but his bright flickering eyes give him away.
‘Who the fuck are you?’ He snarls, apple topped cane slamming onto the stage causing some of it to splatter. ‘How dare you speak to my daughter that way.’ Lucifer’s face morphs into a more demonic grimace. Katie Killjoy scrambles from her chair and off the stage at the same time as Charlie vaulting up to place a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder whispering ‘dad no!’ She doesn’t want the hotel’s improved reputation to evaporate. A confrontation with someone on live TV would scare people away!
Lucifer growls in the back of his throat, looking at where he assumes the bastard’s eyes are under his hood. Smoke and embers sizzle out from the corner of his mouth and inbetween teeth. He hated acting this way but he had an image to uphold. ‘Answer your King you wretch. Don’t confuse my inaction with benevolence. You’re testing my patience!’
After a beat or two of staring each other down the stranger has the gall to ‘tsk’ off to the side as if spitting. ‘As you with your majesty. It’s all fine by me.’ A small, scared hand reaches up and whips off the dirty hood exposing his face to all of Hell.
People instantly whip out their phones. His face is shockingly similar to Lucifer’s, in fact a basic carbon copy sans a few attributes.
Cameras catch alabaster skin and soft, blond, curly hair, short, wiry build, vivid green eyes, pale coral cheek markings, pointed ears and four demon wings the same color as his skin.
Leaf green eyes stair directly into Charlie’s while electing to ignore both fallen angels. He stands ramrod straight. Cutting a regal silhouette despite the filth on his body and clothes.
‘My name is Cain Adamson, The Wandering Star.’ He bows in a fashion Charlie hadn’t seen in all her galas. ‘Lucifer Morningstar’s first born and bastard son. It’s nice to finally meet you sister mine… I’ll be taking your family’s crown for my father.’
[So in this AU Cain rescued Adam’s body and resuscitated it. They had a familial bond even when Cain got banished for murdering Able and found out his bio dad was Lucifer. Eve didn’t pay much attention to her first born out of guilt so Adam stepped up. No one shamed her. Adam never felt like Cain was separate from his other kids even though he looked nothing like him. Now Cain wants to provide for his father who’s trapped in hell and in really bad condition by booting the Morningstars out of power in the Pride Ring.] Dunno about pairing but Adamsapple or Guitarhero would be a safe bet. Either way Lucifer will suffer lol
[wtf do I call this? Family Feud AU? Chessboard AU? Secret Brother AU? Idk h e l p ]
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A/N: This morning I woke up with this thought about Jake engraved in my brain, and I had to do something about it. This is not what I should be writing, but as the saying goes, it's better to strike while the iron is hot, so here it is.
Word count: 1K
Warnings: NSFW 18+ONLY, graphic sexual content, masturbation.
Summary: A freshly-showered Jake has some fun in his hotel room.
The hotel room was completely dark but the curtains were open, letting the soft glow of the city lights free to filter inside.
A window was slightly ajar and the distant sound of traffic that echoed faintly into the room was oddly relaxing.
Jake was lying on his tummy on the bed with his head laying on the softest pillow on the planet and his hair scattered across it.
He was naked and the linen felt cool against his flushed freshly-showered skin. The sensation made him sink further into the mattress with a contented sigh of relief.
He was so tired. His eyelids were droopy and he was about to lose the battle to keep them open when, suddenly, he was startled by a strong gust of wind coming from outside that pushed his window fully open.
The light white curtains started billowing into the room and he felt the wind caress his feet subtly.
The feeling made his tiredness increase even more and he closed his eyes, fully relaxed.
Just when he was about to fall asleep, another strong gust of wind sneaked into the room by the window. This time it slithered up his body like cool fleeting fingers, slowly moving from the soles of his feet, to his calves, hips and back, up to his brow, ruffling his hair and tickling his nose.
That tickling feeling caused his body to shift on its own accord and, as his hips imperceptibly nudged against the mattress, an almost silent whimper left his lips at the sensation of his member sliding against the smooth fabric of the linen.
In his sleepy mind he told himself he needed to feel it again. So he started rubbing his hips in a slow rhythm against the bed.
He wasn't doing it with the purpose of reaching his high. He just reveled in the light bliss he was earning from the action and he wanted to prolong it as much as he could.
He felt himself harden fully as he kept moving.
Another gush of wind entered the room and this time he felt it tickle him between his legs. Automatically his legs spread even further, hoping to feel it again, as he kept nudging his hips against the bed.
But the more he kept moving, the more his heartbeat sped up and the less tired he became.
Sleep started evading his mind every second more.
His fingers gripped the sheets as the rhythm of his hips quickened against the mattress and, soon, he was whimpering and groaning as he humped it.
A thin layer of sweat made his skin glitter in the soft light coming from the city outside. The muscles of his back and ass tensed and rippled with every thrust.
The sensation that thrusting against the mattress was providing him increased to the point that he knew he needed to do something more about it.
So he turned around, propped himself against the headboard with the aid of a few soft pillows and wrapped a tight hand around himself, groaning at the feeling.
He was wide awake then and shivered when he felt how hot and hard he was.
He started a steady rhythm, but soon, he realised it wasn't what he needed, so he decided to use both hands.
He grasped himself tightly with his left hand right at the base, keeping his member propped up, while the right one wrapped around his tip and started massaging it up and down with a quick twisting motion.
"Oh, fuck" he whimpered and his own raspy voice made him shiver as pleasure coursed through his limbs to the tip of his toes.
The grip on his cock tightened and the rhythm of his strokes became harsher every second more, making his toes curl and his eyes squeeze shut with a loud growl.
Just when he knew he was about to reach his high, he stopped abruptly.
"No, fuck, wait" he whispered to himself and removed his hands altogether from his body with a long prolongued whine.
His hands found purchase against the cool sheets at his side as he tried to calm down.
He kept panting heavily as he watched his flushed cock twitch and leak all over his sweaty tummy.
Then he remembered something.
He turned towards his nightstand and opened the drawer, retrieving from inside it a small bottle of lube he had placed there earlier that day.
He quickly turned the cap with his teeth, spit it on the bed and poured a generous amount of it on his hands, shivering at the coolness of it.
Anticipation made his head spin a little as he moved his hands again towards his crotch.
He wrapped one hand tightly around himself and the other moved lower. He gave his balls a gentle squeeze before pressing two of his fingers against the spot behind his balls.
His back arched and a loud wail left his bitten lips as his fingers kept massaging that spot.
The grip on his cock grew tighter when his fingers dipped even lower and started circling his hole. He moaned out loud when he felt his entrance flutter under his wet fingertips.
The rhythm of his strokes soon grew almost frantic, making little drops of lube splash against his face and chest.
"FUCK" He groaned and arched his back as he felt his orgasm snap like an elastic band.
"Fuck, yes, baby, just like this, milk this cock just right" He whined as he talked himself through it and came all over himself with an animalistic scream.
He kept stroking himself through it and a bit more, fighting overstimulation to prolong his high until he couldn't anymore.
He felt as if he was about to pass out. His ears were ringing and his heart was beating like crazy.
An indefinite amount of time later, he finally calmed down and regained his composure.
He grabbed the damp towel he had previously used to dry himself after the shower from where he had hung it against the headboard and cleaned himself carefully.
Then, after a relieved sigh, he turned around on the bed, wrapped the sheets around his body, and fell peacefully asleep.
Taglist: @gvfpal @sammyslappers @spark-my-nature @highladyofasgard @sparrowofthedawnsworld @jessicafg03 @doodle417 @hellowgoodbye @ejoygvf @jaketlover @jakekiszkasbabymama @objectsinspvce @indigostreakmorgan @witchofendora @myleftsock @gretavanshmeat @gretasfallingsky @giraffehippy @jennasometimesreads @katiegvf @sinarainbows @laney_gvf @themorningbirds @starcatcherchords @lipstickittty @meetingthestardust @joshskittytickler @livkiszka @twistedmelodies @ignite-my-fire @gvfmarge @writingcold @brujamagik @edgingthedarkness @gold-mines-melting @mindastreamofcolours @blacksoul-27 @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @mapelsyrup07 @klarxtr @takenbythemadness @peaceloveunitygvf @lyndz2names @katusschka @jazzyfigz @its-interesting-van-kleep @fleet-of-fiction @lvnterninthenight @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @hollycoopers @i-love-gvf
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leewritestoomuch · 7 months
Gen x Personal Assistant! Reader
Warning: NSFW, Grinding, Handjob
Request: Could I request a nsfw gen x reader who was his personal assistant? Could be pre or post petrification.
GN! Reader
As soon as the two of you step off stage, he’s looking at you. The look in his eyes is hard to read. You figure maybe he was trying to ask for something, but then again, it’s not like Gen to just not speak. He’s not shy. So, the two of you make prolonged eye contact.
The car ride back to the hotel was filled with an awkward silence. It was odd for him not to speak, and you didn’t notice anything go wrong during the show. So maybe he’s just tired?
Would a tired man invite you into his hotel room? You convince yourself that he, in fact, would. And you hold this delusional belief to your chest out of fear any other assumption would be wrong, up until he stands beside you. Then he smiles, and asks softly to kiss you. And though you don’t know where it came from, you give him permission with a gentle nod of your head.
It’s not like there hasn’t been tension between the two of you. The public thinks the two of you are secretly dating anyways. And the paparazzi takes photos of you two like they caught you two red-handed. Despite your title as assistant, many people have claimed that you were actually his partner, the title was a cover up for that. An excuse for you to be on stage with him.
Despite you minoring in Psychology in school, because that didn’t matter to these people.
And they don’t matter to you, you realize as his lips meet yours. You didn’t fully realize yet that you have been waiting for this moment for months. It’s never been a clear, purposeful thought, but you’ve long stared at his lips, or him at all, when you spaced out. Really, the mentalist has had your attention, rather you realized it or not.
Another thing you realize, is that he is not taking things slow. His tongue pokes at your lips. At this point, it seemed forward, but welcomed. So you part your lips, and meet his tongue in the middle with yours.
Gen’s hand caresses your face, thumb stroking just below your chin, his arm goes around your waist. And he walks you backwards until your knees hit the bed in the middle of the hotel room. You let yourself fall back against then bed, and he looks at you for a moment, as if to ask if it’s okay before he climbs on top of you.
He pins you down to the bed as his lips trail from your lips, then your jaw, to your neck. He kiss the shell of your ear, then behind your ear, nibbling on the skin there. After he leaves a small bite mark, he licks over it a few times before moving on to a new spot. A few more repeats off this before he gets to your collarbone.
His hands make their way under your shirt, running along your bare skin. For a while, they don’t dare to touch your chest. His hands hold your waist until your shirt, rubbing smalls circles into the skin while he marks up your collarbone.
The air suddenly feels hotter, like a tropical rain forest popped up around you two. Your shared body heat beginning to make you desperate to get your clothes off. Or maybe it wasn’t the heat that made you want to strip.
His knee finds its way between your legs, putting pressure against your crotch. He grinds that knee down a little bit, causing you to squirm. And by now, your reactions spur him on to grope your chest. His lips make their way back up to yours, kissing you with a fever.
You tug his shirt over his head, and he smirks before pulling yours off too. Then he moves his knee, grinding his own hips against yours instead, causing both of your breathing to pick up. Your mind is hazy now, the only thing you can think about is him already, and how good his body feels against yours.
He whimpers over how tight his pants are, pulling his belt off desperately, then the button of his pants, then he pulls the pants off all together. And quickly you reach out, hands finding the waist band of his boxers, looking to him for permission. When he nods, you pull them down, letting him kick them off somewhere neither of you pay any mind to.
You spit on your hand before taking his length into your hand. You keep eye contact with him until he closes his eyes as you speed up your pace ever so slightly. Your hand, jerking him off, moving up and down with the perfect amount of pressure. His legs are shaking a little to hold himself up, and he’s gripping the sheets. He lets out shaky breathes, groans, and a few whimpers.
Your hand speeds up, so does his breathing and noises. And soon he cries.
“Please.. fuck… I’m gonna cum.” He moans, before seconds later releasing onto your hand, arm, and a bit of your chest.
Your lips smash back together, and it dawns on both of you, your relationship has changed forever.
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allykatsart · 7 months
As someone also caught up in the Hazbin Hotel OC Brainrot train, goddd I need to know so much about Peccantrum it ain't funnyyyy
Who is Peccantum?
Peccantum has an entire wall of his room dedicated to a conspiracy theory about Alastor. Red strings and all. He keeps adding to it as time goes on.
He's got an entire section trying to find codes in the music that plays on the radio, or even within the static of defunct radio stations. There are countless papers trying to figure out what Alastor's symbols mean. All together it leads into his biggest theory; Alastor is a Deer God and is at the hotel for unknown purposes.
Alastor! Does not know about this!
Angel dust DOES know about it. Angel Dust regularly calls it Peccantum's 'Stalker Wall', which Peccantum vehemently denies. He is not a stalker! Sure, he has photos of Alastor that no one is sure how he got, but it's not in a creepy way! It's just to try and figure out how Alastor got as powerful as he is! It's not creepy at all! In fact it's very logical and nicely sorted!
Angel still calls it his stalker wall.
Vaggie tries to get Peccantum to throw it out cause it's a little creepy. (Also because Peccantum tried to convince her that Alastor might be Lucifer in disguise and that Charlie was actually his daughter.) However, Peccantum just finds new places to hide it no matter how many times Vaggie rediscovers it.
Truth be told, Peccantum's only doing this because he's desperate.
He made his deal over 7 years ago, before Alastor disappeared. Peccantum had thought he'd be okay with this arrangement but he wasn't expecting Alastor to just vanish. He wasn't expecting to gain a sense of identity in the Radio Demon's absence. He certainly didn't expect Alastor to come crashing back into his life.
Peccantum's making the board because he feels out of control of his own life. Maybe, Peccantum reasons, if he can figure out what kind of person Alastor is, if he can figure out what he's gotten himself into... Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe Peccantum didn't make a mistake. Maybe what Peccantum gave away in that deal won't be used against him. Maybe this won't hurt as much as he thinks it will.
That desperation to prove himself wrong slowly slips out and culminates in the conspiracy board. Where he can try to piece together a good ending for himself. Where he can try to have some control over his life. But that control is frayed and untrue.
Eventually, after some sort of conflict, Peccantum admits his reasoning. He begs to be allowed to keep the board, and that no one tells Alastor. Charlie would have to be the one to talk him through why this is a bad habit. He's still uncertain, but he's got Charlie reassuring him that it'll be okay. So, Peccantum would listen and throw out his evidence.
...buuuuut not before Alastor finds out.
Alastor is a bit surprised, but not really disturbed when he finds the mess of red strings and thumbtacks. There were a few photos that he didn't realize were taken of him, but that's it. Most of the stuff on there is well known facts, or absolutely wild speculation. It is amusing to see how worked up Peccantum had gotten over his position as the bellhop. Alastor will certainly appreciate once this mess is all gone though.
It's only after the events of Episode 5 that Peccantum goes back on his promise to Charlie. He starts a new board, this one with a completely different question at its core.
Who did Alastor make a deal with?
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simplifiedemotions · 1 year
Make Me
“You want to shave my face?” 
Hermione does her best to not look away from Draco’s probing gaze. He knows her so well now, she thinks, as his mirrored frown reveals her expression of guilt.
It’s her fault he’s so heavily wounded, having protected her from a swarm of dark-hooded figures whilst on a reconnaissance mission in Budapest. 
It's her fault they’re stuck in a Muggle hotel and unable to use their wands for fear of being traced.
Draco’s silver eyes gleam as he regards her. “And why offer, Granger?”
Oh, but the bastard is amused at her expense. She’d throttle him if the guilt didn’t eclipse any other feeling. 
Well, almost any other feeling. She meets his penetrating gaze again.
“It took you over an hour just to take a simple shower. You’re clearly not suited to take care of yourself.”
Her ineffable heart quickens when he lazily leans back on the settee that’s set against the wall. In invitation. He lifts his good shoulder in question.
She fiddles with the long sleeves of Draco’s black cloak. He had draped it over her when he saw how badly she was shivering after their attack. 
She still hasn’t taken it off.
“I also thought it would be a good way to pass the time for both of us.”
“And you thought putting a sharp blade to my face was a good way for us to pass time?” 
“You’ve been scratching your jaw like mad! I honestly don’t know why you haven’t shaved it at all since we’ve gone on this mission.” 
“Perhaps I’ve been waiting for you to offer.”
He always reverts to being a suave flirt when he’s angry or worried. She doesn’t know when she’s started to be able to tell how he’s really feeling, but she sees it in the almost imperceptible ways: in the tight line of his jaw as he clenches his teeth, and the bruised knuckles of his tightly clenched fists that he gathers at his sides.
He screws up his eyes as she touches his face. It shouldn’t endear her so much to see that he cares about her well-being, but the private part of her relishes in the idea.
When did that happen? When had he become the person she trusted most to have her back?
With her free hand, she conjures a razor and dips it into the bowl of warm water she had set aside earlier.
“Okay?” she asks in a soft voice, steadying her trembling hands. Her own breath is loud in her ears. 
He opens his eyes, and the heat of his gaze makes her nerve endings shutter.
“Go on.”
She slathers the shaving foam she’d found in one of the drawers into her hands, rubbing the soft soapy substance between her palms before gently touching it to Draco’s face. 
Draco makes a tsking sound at her. “Magic?”
“Wandless magic isn’t as easily traceable,” she explains, knowing she sounds breathless as she explores the planes of Draco’s face. His skin is smooth except for where sparse hair grows on his cheeks and jaw.
“Does that mean my beard will grow back?”
“You’re unbearable, you know that?” she snaps, tipping his chin up and shaving the left side of his jaw. “You know how traced magic works. And let’s not get too ahead of ourselves and call whatever is ominously growing on your upper lip a beard.”
She pretends his smile is ugly. “I’m afraid my injuries have caused a Weasley-shaped atrophy in my brain.” 
She purposely makes a small cut at the highest tip of his left cheekbone, smiling at his dramatic hiss of pain.
“You deserved that one.”
“Hardly.” He looks at her. “You don’t need that much foam,” he says as she swipes more on his face.
“Shh. You wouldn’t want me to slip.”
He gives her an unimpressed raise of his brows, but keeps quiet as she moves forward with the razor and makes a diagonal cut up from his jaw to the bottom of his cheek.
His warm breath against her cheek makes her shiver. Her heart makes funny sounds in her chest.
Hermione clears her throat. It’s so hard “I need to get closer.”
She tries not to think about it too much, as she goes forward and lifts her legs so that she can climb onto Draco’s lap, careful to not jostle the makeshift sling holding his left arm in place.
She glides like water, supported by the weight of his hand on her waist. He draws her closer until they are chest to chest. She’s trembling all over, unable to connect the flurry of her feelings spearing through her with the other, more rational part of her brain.
Draco doesn’t flinch as she slices the hair on his upper lip away. His trust in her is the thing she treasures most.
His fingers court the curves of her body; her hands frame his face like an artist making something beautiful out of clay.
Ignoring her stuttering heart and the warmth pooling beneath her navel, she wipes the razor on a hand towel before starting on the other side of his face.
Their noses touch as she moves back, and Hermione can’t help the motion of moving against him, feeling his skin against her own, as the whiff of minty shaving cream and the body soap Draco used in the shower creates an altogether unbalancing sensation.
She startles, looking up.
“Are you finished?”
Instantly, Hermione feels embarrassed. Draco likely thinks she’s being an idiot. Here she is, practically purring on his lap, and he’s just trying to get her off him as soon as possible.
“I’m so sorry,” she says as she starts to move back and off his lap. “That was completely inappropriate and I shouldn’t have assumed you’d want—” good god, what is she saying? 
Maybe she can go live out the rest of her days in some homestead on another continent where no one can find her. Better yet, an entire planet. One where she isn’t likely to meet any other handsome blond men who unnerve her the way this one does.
Draco’s arm tightens around her waist as he grunts and brings her even closer than she was before.
He grabs hold of Hermione’s chin between two fingers so that she meets his steady scrutiny.
“I never said I didn’t enjoy you being on my lap, Granger.”
“Oh?” she stutters out. “Then, why—”
He leans back just enough so they’re at eye level.
She is so used to him towering over her that it’s disorientating—heady, to be able to lift her head and look down at him. 
“I just need to make you aware that there is only so long I can stay still when you are squirming in my lap like that. ”  
Hermione flushes. Oh. “I was not—” She goes still. “I am not,” she states firmly.
He slowly starts tracing the sensitive ridges of her spine. Up and down. Up and down. She jerks in his lap.
“I’m sure I could make you move even more,” he murmurs. 
Hermione narrows her eyes in defiance. “And I’m sure I could stay completely still.”
Heated grey eyes scorch her. “Is that a challenge, Granger?”
Here again, at a standstill. The same game they've played before.
It started with a hesitant step forward from both sides, with a tentative touch of two mouths and trembling hands. With Draco pulling her closer and closer, as Hermione’s breath hitched at his shoulder as she wrapped herself around him.  All those months ago, and now again here.
Now, it starts with her initiative, as she leans forwards until her mouth hovers over his. She thrills at the unsteady breath that leaves him, and the way his hand fists her shirt.
As if now that he’s caught her in his grasp, he’s never going to let go.
“Let me be good for you,” he whispers at the shell of her ear.
Make me, she wants to whisper, but satisfies herself by running her soap-scented fingers through Draco’s still wet hair.
He huffs a laugh against her collarbone.
Hermione is shaking as she draws back just enough to look at him. It feels foolishly hard to look away. 
“Is that a challenge?” she asks.
Draco smiles at her. 
“If you want it to be.”
She leans in and places her hand over his heart, triumphant at how it pounds underneath her palm. She is not the only one who is so easily affected.
“Why don’t you show me?”
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"You're My Purpose"
*Warning this does involve CM Punk and if you don't like don't read! Also contains blood*
*This fluffy punkintyre fic is for @afterdarkprincess and @thlayli-ra !*
“Man, this feels nice!” Punk says as he fully relaxes into the king size bed of his hotel room. He's wearing nothing but a pair of soft basketball shorts as he stretches against the blankets. They don't even bother the bruises and cuts that are on his skin that he received from the harsh leather belt earlier in the night. “You better not be on the bed before I treat your back!” A thick Scottish accent yells from the bathroom.
“Why not? Plus what are you gonna do if I don't listen?” Punks asks with a laugh. He stops laughing when he sees what his husband is wearing. Drew is dressed up in dark blue lingerie that cups his tits, bulge and ass perfectly while also accentuating his soft body hair. He also has on a lacy see-through dark blue robe that goes down mid thigh. “Holy shit” Punk says in shock as Drew walks over to the edge of the bed and stands just out of his reach.
“Didn't I tell you to not get on the bed yet?” Drew asks seriously, causing Punk to look away. “Yes, but you should've known I wouldn't listen” he says with a nervous laugh. “Figures, guess I have to go take all this off then” Drew says with a fake sigh as he's about to walk away but his wrist is gently grabbed by Punk. “No no no! Princess I'm sorry! I'll be good! I promise!” Punk pleads with a quiet whine. Drew smiles as he crawls onto the bed and cups Punk's face in his hands.
“You're gonna start listening?” Drew asks, causing Punk to rapidly nod. “Good, now turn around so I can work on your back” he says as Punk turns around. Drew gently traces the purplish bruises and welts across Punk's body, watching as the muscles in his husband's back twitch. “O mo chreach” Drew says quietly. “It doesn't hurt as much as you think it does” Punk says truthfully. He then hisses in pain when Drew gently touches an open cut on his shoulder.
“Doesn't hurt that much huh?” Drew asks as he grabs the peroxide. “I've been through worse” Punk says casually. “Care to explain?” Drew asks with a smile as he sprays the peroxide on Punk's skin. “How about my wife throwing me against a metal door and then carrying my lifeless body to the ring?” Punk asks, causing Drew to giggle. “Don't pretend you didn't like it” Drew says as he grabs a towel. He hears Punk quietly whine when the open cut starts to foam up from the peroxide.
“I didn't hurt you that bad earlier tonight did I?” Drew asks worryingly as he wipes the blood off. “Nah! Wish you did it harder like you do in the bedroom” Punk says as he looks at Drew. “Tha thu gòrach amadan” Drew says affectionately. “You know you love me” Punk says with a smile, causing Drew to blush. “That I do” he says as he gives Punk a kiss. Drew finishes wrapping up his husband's shoulder and any other injuries that need covered up. “Think that's all of them” Drew confirms as Punk turns back around.
“Told you I'd listen” Punk says proudly as he lays against the headboard. “Yeah and all it took was me threatening to take this outfit off” Drew says as he crawls over to Punk and straddles his lap. “You look absolutely beautiful in it” Punk says affectionately as he gently grabs Drew's ass. “If you're complimenting me just so we could have sex it's not gonna happen tonight” Drew says, causing Punk to gasp.
“Do you really think I would only compliment my beautiful, sexy, amazing wife just so I can sleep with her? I can't believe you think so low of me!” Punk says dramatically, causing both of them to laugh. “Guess that makes us even then” Drew says through laughter. “How so?” Punk asks curiously. “Well, considering you said you were done with me at the press conference. You're not done with me are you?” Drew says with a pout, causing Punk to quietly laugh.
“Princess, you know that I'll never be done with you cause you're my only purpose during this whole thing” Punk says affectionately, causing Drew to blush. “S-Say that again” Drew says quietly as Punk pulls him in closer. “Drew McIntyre, you are my purpose” Punk says again as he gives Drew a deep kiss. He feels the cool metal of Drew's wedding band against his face which brings back memories for Punk.
What used to be a very volatile feud somehow turned into something beautiful. Punk gets to actually be with someone beautiful and who rocks his world in ways he can't believe. He never thought his soulmate would be a hulking Scotsman with a soft side. As they part, Punk looks down in adoration as he gently traces the dark blue lace garter belt tattoo on his husband's thigh. “I truly don't deserve you but I'm glad I get to have you” Punk says truthfully as he looks into Drew's blue eyes.
“Tha gràdh cho mòr agam ort” Drew says with love in his eyes. “I love you too princess” Punk says back with a loving smile. They kiss one last time then Drew cuddles on Punk with his head on his chest. Punk feels Drew's breathing even out meaning he fell asleep so he kisses the top of Drew's head and looks out the window. He knows he doesn't deserve this life considering all the horrible things he's done but he's grateful he gets to watch the sunset and cuddle with his one true purpose.
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Swap au nonny: no plans to write this at all, so go ahead an write away =)
But yeah, Valentino thought Vox had it in the bag--now he believes that Alastor doesn't deserve death, but should be someone's bitch for eternity (he should have been Vox's, but seeing how the deer acts with Vox's stuff, he would probably like that). Velvette doesn't know what to think. She misses Vox terribly, and hates Alastor, and is very upset with Valentino for not going to Vox's distress call--she definitely would have gone, but wouldn't have made it in time as her true demon form doesn't have flight. Velvette basically did most of the work for all 3 sectors of the Vees while Alastor was punishing Valentino and Valentino's souls, and becomes friends with Niffty during those first 4 years. Once Alastor takes back the reigns and Val gets back to work, Velvette goes back to what she used to do too. Like things are mostly unchanged for her. (Mostly because she befriended Niffty and eventually Rosie. Her doing that saved her)
As for Vox's sector? His giant monitor room is clean by Niffty and is visited by Alastor once or twice a month, where Alastor ponders what Vox exactly did in the room. His office has been taken over by Alastor, his last ideas and drawings framed and safely kept in Alastor's bayou space. Vox's contracted souls continued to work for Voxtech...until a day after Alastor realized Vox was back, and that's when Vox gently pulled on their chains and called them to him. (Not like there was many left. Alastor did actually land a killing blow. Vox had to use some of his contracted souls to heal himself, destroying them in the process. But Vox lived, and that's what matters.)
Alastor does say I love you to the head he sleeps with in his bed! Also, I'm sorry, and I didn't mean too, and please come back to me. I'll be better. I'll never hurt you again, my love.
Vox does have PTSD. It's so bad that he has to take relaxation meds to go to the overlord meeting (since it's required for both allied overlords to show now) and Alastor will definitely be there, with his ally Rosie. It's fine though he has Husk.
YEAHHHHHHH YIPPEE THANK YOU NONNY I WONT DISAPPOINT I PROMISE!!!! (question for writing purposes btw. do charlie/vaggie know that vox is there on behalf of lucifer or does he just Show Up)
Urghm. wughd. imgnonna. Throw up. what the FUCK !!!!!!! what thde FUCK...................!!!!!!!!!! valvel going the FUCK through it while theyre both mourning their best friends death and harbouring so sososo much guilt from it all...if hell had therapists theyd need it more than anyone else please someone put the vees together in a cage so they can hug it out :(
oh god als such a fucking freak. i just know hed keep all of voxs old shit like pristine and clean and just looking like it was preserved in time or something, even when hes also making voxtek employees come in to do constant upgrades so that it seems more like something vox would do. trying to hold on to the pieces of him that he still has left while changing them to make it feel as if vox never left in the first place... and also, once alastor finds out vox is alive again, does he jump to the idea of having someone infiltrate the hotel to keep an eye on him or something? cause if he sends his shadow, sure thats not something they can get rid of, but he also doesnt know how well vox will respond to his shadow- even if they were close, alastor *did* kill vox nearly permanently, so is this potentially how the hotel gets niffty?
banging my head against the wall WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE SAYS SHIT LIKE 'ill be better' AND 'ill never hurt you again, just please come back to me'.... makes me think of those like, manhwas or whatever where the mc goes back in time to save someone they loved but treated like shit. they make my heart hurt what the FUCK nonny why would you do this to me.... urgh. the worst part is knowing alastor is that he does honestly probably mean it but in like His way. the toxic doomed yaoi way. like he's going to kidnap vox and keep him by his side forever if it means the other won't get hurt and almost leave again. which is usually a good thing because again. freak4freak radiostatic enthusiast here . but for swap!vox... oh my poor dear. he's probably freaking the fuck out whenever he sees al. is there even any ending where radiostatic gets a happy end :sob:
ough i can imagine husk just like standing protectively in front of vox during the meetings or something, like if rosie tries to get close to him or something he tells her firmly to leave because even though they were friends, vox cant even look her in the eye anymore because in his eyes, she *knew* what al did and still stayed by his side. she knew he killed vox and probably condoned it, and she'd probably help him do it all over again if they could- or at least that's what he thinks, but she really is just trying to get close to him again and cant understand why he's pulling back so hard. and the image of al trying to approach vox after a meeting or something only to be met with val and vels interference as husk takes vox and flies him back to the hotel- valvel get punished severely afterward for keeping them apart, obviously, but theyd do *anything* to keep vox safe especially because last time, when they didnt do enough, he almost died forever
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evita-shelby · 7 months
Gif by @crackshipandcrap
Eva comforts and gets Tommy to relax after John’s funeral (fake funeral as set in Between the Shadow and the Soul)
Cw: hand tremors, Tommy’s ptsd, Arthur's ptsd, mentions of domestic abuse
Based on this request
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He is shaken after John’s fake funeral. He tries not to show it but his hand shakes even as he downs another whiskey to quell it.
Death never came easy to him, especially when he began to truly heal from the scars war left on him.
This coupled with fears of Changretta realizing he was duped and finish what he started, had him at the knife's edge.
Eva knew what to do, at Arrow House they just walked into the woods, hitched the vardo to their horses and disappeared for a while, just them and Charlie.
They did, or they used to before Tommy had realized he could lose them and chose to pretty much kick her out of his gang and relegate her to being his wife. This had put a strain on their marriage and for a better part of the year, he’d been thrown out of their room and eventually banished to his hotel suite in London.
They were doing better, the Italians had pushed them back to each other’s lives and the baby conceived the last time --- and only time they fucked since their anniversary in June--- they were intimate had forced them to see they cannot just end things like this.
“We can’t just leave, Evie.” He reminds her as she drags him out to Charlie’s Yard and take two of the horses.
She’d lied and said being cooped up had her feeling sick, blamed it on the baby and he, fearing she might not come back came with her.
“Do you trust me?” the witch asks, holding his face in her hands like they used to. He sighs and his beautiful blue eyes give into her.
“Always.” It felt like before, when everything was perfect and neither had tasted true mortality since they’d met. “You’re the first person I see and the last I talk to at night, love.”
He rests his head against hers and if she hadn’t made other plans for them she would’ve recreated that time they’d done it in the straw like animals.
“Then what are you waiting for, Tom, let’s get lost like we used to.”
“Do you remember that place I showed you once?” He even tries to smile as he helps her onto the gentler of the two horses.
“Hm, might need you to refresh my mind, amor.”
The tremble in his hand is gone as they ride through places he knew like the back of his hand, along the Cut, through some woods and a tree he once broke his arm falling from.
He goes slow, keeps a steady and soft pace because he knows this pregnancy isn’t like the ones before it. Even Diane hadn’t caused this much trouble.
They’ve done this before, when they still lived here, when they pretended they were just friends only to marry less than a month after she gave him a chance to prove his love for her. He was a different Tommy here, relaxed, not burdened with a glorious purpose she was now a part of.
They stop at a place underneath the bridge. He used to come here when he was a young man in love with his pretty Italian girl.
It didn’t bother her to know that, he had loved Greta and she had been a part of him before they ever met just like Antonia had been for Eva.
“We came here once, didn’t we?” she asks sitting on some old crates forgotten here. He is almost back to himself, the worry in his face an echo of what it was earlier.
“Not this far, I wanted to, but I wasn’t ready to.” He admits fishing out his cigarette holder from his pocket. He did this thing she found rather cute, this rubbing the cigarette on his lower lip before taking it into his mouth.
She’d made him fluster by telling him and the way he looks away from her as he did it, told her he remembered it as well. Tommy could handle being objectified, he couldn’t handle being considered ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ as he had thought that him died with Greta.
“John and his family will be fine. They won’t ever know he’s alive.” Eva reminded him as he stated at the murky water as he smoked.
“It’s not that. I trust you, remember.” His worry stemmed from never knowing how Arthur will take something.
His brother had never been well, violence and abuse have always been as natural to him as breathing and the war and the drugs and the alcohol had ebbed away his self control.
He'd murdered a boy because he couldn’t stop, Linda covered up bruises and flinched away from his touch and Tommy blames himself because he knows he fucked him up worse by not letting him leave and heal.
It was why Arthur couldn’t kill Luca.
This last kill would destroy what remains of his goodness, they both know it. This last kill will continue to make a victim of Linda and sweet little Billy.
“You can blame me for hiring someone to kill Luca. Florence is in England, for a good price I can hire her.” Eva suggests.
Arthur knows better than to try anything with her, he’d take out his anger on Tommy, blame her for meddling in their family and could around eventually. He’s already gonna be angry at her for telling Linda about her trick to making Tommy late to meetings she wants him to miss.
“John and Esme already hired Aberama, he will be angry when they learn John isn’t dead, that the mam he cried for, who’s pyre he lit was a man John killed.” He shook his head.
This was the real thing worrying him.
His family already hated him for what Section D did, now they’d think their suspicion of him not trusting them was true.
“They will understand why we did it, they know what matters is that John is alive that it was John’s wish they didn’t know.” Eva left her crate and ran her hands up his back and hugged him from behind. Their similar heights allowed her to comfort him so well. “We will win, we always win.”
“I know, death fucking fears you.” He admits with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“No, sweetheart, death fears us.”
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clovertheloser · 4 months
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@doodlebob54 as you wish!
Season 1: We follow our main cast and get to know them. Our Hotel Staff, consisting of Charlie, Razzle, Dazzle, Valerie, Monty (name change for Husk), Niffty, Alastor, and Mr. C. Along with our residents, Crymini, Travis, Blue Diamond (name change for Angel), and eventually Sir Pentious and Baxter.
We get to know our cast and their struggles, all of them having ties to the Vees in some way. Speaking of which, we get to know the Vees as well, introducing them as this season and the next’s antagonists. The Vees have Sir Pentious and Baxter spy on the hotel for various reasons. Valentino, to spy on Blue. Vox, to spy on Alastor. Velvette, the only one who isn't obsessed with a specific person, wants Sir Pentious to spy because Monty, Niffty, and Alastor haven't been active in hell as a group for over 7 years.
The Casino Three (not the actual name) were rivals to the Vees, and Velvette wants to make sure they aren't going to be a threat to the Vees once more.
We have a heavy focus on Valentino in particular, considering his ties to two of the residents. Charlie actually has a couple of brain cells here and actually tries to help Blue in any way she can. But there's one issue: she’s in trouble. Her parents don't approve of the Heavenly Hotel. She’s supposed to bring destruction, not redemption!
So, as punishment, her power has been greatly reduced, the bare minimum to defend herself and conjure items and clones of herself. She can't simply tear up Blue’s contract or snap Valentino out of existence.
So she bribes the Vees to let Blue stay at the Hotel and away from Valentino, and for a while, it works! But Valentino eventually grows tired, and bold. He wants Blue back, and he’s heard how the princess is a depowered pushover.
He’s coming to the Hotel.
This sends Charlie into a panic. What is she supposed to do?! She can't kill Valentino, he’d just respawn and come back again! And even if she got her hands on an angelic weapon, she can't Extinguish a Sinner, that goes against the whole purpose of the Hotel.
But she has a duty as the owner to protect her guests. What is she supposed to do?
She takes the matter to her guests. To Blue. The whole season, she’s been learning how to actually accommodate her patients and how to help them. She tried going in without thinking the first time, so she’s asking them how to approach this.
As you can expect, they all unanimously vote towards killing Valentino, so Charlie and Mr. C head out to get their hands on one of Carmilla’s angelic weapons to permanently kill him.
But since they don't know Sir Pentious is spying for the Vees, he tells Val that the most powerful members of the Hotel have just left the Pride Ring, so he’s going to attack. But Baxter has grown attached to these people, and warns them that Valentino’s coming.
(He bullshits that he saw on a drone instead of confessing that he and Pen are spies)
So, we get that scene of the Sinners preparing the Hotel and themselves for a fight, trying to hold out for Charlie and Mr. C to get back with the weapon.
We then get two episodes; one of Charlie and Mr. C getting a weapon from Carmine. This takes up a whole episode due to Charlie being on a blacklist caused by her father but Mr. C manages to threaten Carmine into handing it over, hinting that they have a connection. Their episode ends with them returning to the Hotel in ruins and under attack.
The other episode is Valentino and a shitload of contractors attacking the Hotel. We get individual sequences with the Sinners showing their growth over the season as they defend the Hotel and each other.
During Valerie’s sequence, we see her spear shine as she stabs the attackers. Remember that.
However, this battle is not easy. The Hotel is destroyed. But they manage to hold out for Charlie and Mr. C to come back! Charlie, holding the weapon, finds Valentino cornering Blue. She manages to attack him before Val lunges at her, hissing at her that she’s pathetic and an excuse of a leader.
How can she lead Hell if she can't even get Val to respect her? But Charlie tells him that he’s wrong. That there's more to being a leader than blind fear and control. It’s about earning respect and trust as you help your people while keeping them in check.
And she drops that line as she tosses the weapon over to Blue. And Blue attacks Valentino right in the heart, yelling at him about all the shit he’s done to him.
Charlie is the one to pull Blue back when he starts sobbing. Val manages to climb out a window. Charlie says they should go after him, but Blue decides against it. Val is minutes away from bleeding out to permadeath, and they don't want Niffty to have to clean up his blood.
We get a final shot of Valentino about to die, having made his way barely a couple of inches away from the Hotel, before he’s joined by Valerie, holding her spear. Valentino is about to snark that they can't leave well alone before he notices Valerie and exclaims that he knows her, before she stabs him in the heart, her spear shimmering with the same glow of Charlie’s angelic weapon.
And that is the end of season 1.
Now obviously a lot of stuff has been left out and it isn't perfect, but it's the rough draft. More is coming with the other season’s villains, but I hope that satisfies you for now, Mx. Doodle!
If you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions, please, feel free to drop them in my inbox or in the tags! I love hearing from y’all!
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hoetani · 2 years
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Warnings: fluff, profanity, not rlly proofread, ooc Rin (17+ Blog)
Relationship: Rindou Haitani x fem!Reader
A/n: Something to get me back into writing (hopefully lol)
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Rindou sighs as he navigates through the crowd slightly intoxicated. He didn’t plan on getting hammered, especially when tomorrows negotiations for a potential alliance with a dangerous mafia group hung in the balance, but when fate tempts him he is but a weak man. Now all he wants to do is find his colleague and get out of here. His eyes jerkily scan the club and to his luck he spots a tuft of pink across the throngs of people.
Sauntering over, he overhears the loud, one-sided conversation with the stranger next to him. Rindou groans, he could barely handle Sanzu’s company on the best of days and now feels compelled to apologise for his friends annoying antics.
“C’mon Sanzu,” he mutters, helping the man off the barstool with a supporting arm around his back.
Suddenly you turn to look at him, the intensity of your gaze throws him for a second. As he slowly recollects himself, staring at you all the while like an idiot, he gives you a small smile and calls the bartender over.
“Put her drinks on my tab,” he tells her before addressing you, “As consolation for having to listen to this idiot all night.”
Your answering smile is bright and it stuns him again, your smooth voice drips into his ears like honey, “You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s nothing,” he assures, before rushing away back to the hotel. If he stayed a second longer, it wouldn’t take long to notice the faint blush settling in his cheeks.
Rindou’s leg bounces slightly as the silence blankets the space. Sanzu appears to be unfazed, but the way his pupils are bouncing around the room is enough to tell Rindou all he needs to know. With purpose, he folds his hands together and rests them on the cool table, the pressure of the impending meeting looms higher over him with every passing second.
Slow footsteps echo down the hall and into the room. Rindou finds himself smoothing his tie once more as his back goes rigid against the chair. The pink haired male by his side also straightens, his hand going straight to his katana before resting awkwardly on the table after remembering how it had been left outside the room.
The doors open and the crowd of security disperse to reveal a beautiful woman. His blood pressure skyrockets when recognition flashes behind his eyelids, it’s you – from yesterday. If he thought you looked amazing then, it’s nothing in comparison to the professional look you’ve gone for now. Shit. He can feel his focus slipping already.
You sit at the head of the table and turn to address them, your pursed lips and pointed gaze makes him feel small, and from the corner of his eye he can see Sanzu wilt. Mentally berating him for his behaviour yesterday, Rindou clears his throat drawing your notice. Your undivided attention and the softening of your hard expression causes him to break eye-contact.
Rindou gulps, and fears everyone in the boardroom can hear. He is so fucked.
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camillecrellin · 9 months
Could you possibly do one with Natasha lyonne where they’re at the club and the reader is a cast member in orange is the new black. And maybe the readers had a few too many and one of her friends gets pushed by a someone on purpose so she starts on the person and they end up nearly getting into a fight untill Natasha pulls her away. And then after Natasha is really angry at the reader for being stupid and they have an argument so the reader goes to stay in a diffrent hotel room .but the next day in a interview the tension between them is really high and they are doing the game never have I ever with the cast and one of the questions is never have I ever got in a fight and the rest of the cast like Laura and Taylor look at the reader and start laughing so the reader admits to it.and then after the interview Natasha forgives the reader and laughs about it with her. Sorry this is so long thank you though !!😂
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Never Have I Ever — Natasha Lyonne
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A/N: I love this idea soo much! Thanks for requesting, I hope this does justice to your idea anon <333
Word Count: 980
Warnings: drinking, drunkenness, established relationship, swearing, kissing
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When it came to press tours, you weren't the greatest at them. You hated the asking of the same questions over and over again. It became frustrating. Your girlfriend, Natasha, was far better at it being condition from her teen years to take it better than you.
She'd try to help you with the stresses, however last night that didn't work. And so you drowned your worries is as much alcohol as possible.
You drank yourself to the point you didn't know you were drunk, but everyone else did. A lipstick stain on your jacket and a slight fall in your dancing.
You were having the time of your life until you went up to the bar again.
Ordering another drink, you were shocked to find yourself being pushed up against by some drunken girl.
Turning around, the person apologised to you and stood up normally, facing her friend who was laughing.
You accepted the woman's apology, but when her friend pushed her again, making her fall into you, you snapped.
"The fuck?" You exclaimed loudly, attracting the attention of the pair. "Why the fuck are you pushing her?"
"Do I know you?" The friend asked, condescendingly crossing her arms.
"I think you think you do." You bitterly spat, sizing up to her. "Don't you fucking touch me you bitch?"
Stepping up to you, the friend mockingly touch your shoulder, causing you to lunge forwards.
However two arms wrapped around you, preventing you from moving. Protesting, you instantly recognised the mellifluous rasp voice as the person whisked you away from the crowd. "Let's go, Y/n."
Moving into the woman's bathroom you were met face to face with your girlfriend, who sighed disappointedly and asked, "Okay, what the hell was that?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." You drunkenly shrugged.
"You don't remember, okay how about I put it into words." Natasha proceed to mock your voice, however her rasp couldn't be hidden. "Don't you fucking touch me, you bitch."
"Shut up, Tasha." You slurred. If you were sober you'd of hated the words you were saying to your girlfriend. "You have no fucking idea what you're talking about."
Natasha rolled her eyes, "Oh fuck you."
"Fuck me?" You scoffed.
"Yeah, you're being fucking stupid." Natasha scolded, her voice clearly showing off her hurt. "You we're gonna get yourself hurt, okay. Sorry that I didn't wanna see that."
"I'm perfectly fine with taking care of myself, okay?" You defensively told Natasha.
"Okay." Natasha nodded, biting back anymore words that she could've said to you.
Pushing out of the restroom, you ignored Natasha calling out your name as you made your way over to Taylor, asking, "Can I stay in your hotel room for the night?"
"Yeah, sure." Taylor responded, looking between you and Natasha who stood talking to Uzo, clearly venting. "Is everything good?"
"Yeah, fine." You nodded your head, trying not to tear up as you explained. "Tasha's pissed at me, but everything's fine."
"Do you wanna leave?" Taylor asked.
"Yes please." You nodded, wiping a tear from your face before Taylor could catch it.
And that's how you ended up in Taylor Schilling's hotel room for the night, using a spare mattress that the hotel provided.
It wasn't long until you were sitting in a small room with you, Natasha, Laura, and Taylor, staring at the interviewer while you tried to ignoring your throbbing hangover.
You hadn't yet spoken to Natasha since the last night, and still you sat next to her like you were supposed to.
Getting their queue cards in order, the interviewer spoke, "Okay, so would you like to introduce yourselves."
As you go around the room introducing yourself, you couldn't help but feel Natasha staring at you.
"So to mix things up we're gonna do a game of Never Have I Ever." The interviewer explained. "If you have done the thing you raise your hand, if you haven't you keep it down."
"Let's start easy: Never Have I Ever given a fake name to someone."
All four of you raised your hands as you exchanged quipping remarks.
The next few rounds went like clockwork and you were felt lucky that you weren't having to think hard about answers to question through your hangover.
You were soo convinced that the interview was going smoothly, that you completely caught off guard by the next one.
"Never Have I Ever got into a fight."
Immediately you feel your cheeks go read as Taylor and Laura turn to look at you in sync and burst out laughing.
Sheepishly you raise up your right hand, using your left to cover your face as you mutter, "Yesterday, actually."
You can hear Natasha lowly chuckle from next to you as you remove your hand from your face. "It wasn't that funny, okay, I was drunk."
"Someone doesn't know how to manage her alcohol." Laura said through a laugh as she addressed the camera.
Rolling your eyes, you stuck your middle finger up to Laura with a fake bitter smile.
Turning back to the camera you raise your hands in defense now laughing as you claim two times over: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
The rest of the interview flew by. And with the end in sight you bid your goodbyes and turned to Natasha, asking, "Could I talk to you outside?"
Natasha nodded and walked outside with you. As soon as you turned past the corner, you looked down to the floor disappointed in yourself.
"I'm sorry." You admitted. "I'm sorry for being fucking stupid."
"You we're fucking stupid." Natasha said with a laugh, nudging your shoulder. "But I love you, and I don't want you mad at me forever."
Natasha gave you a peck on this lip, before engulfing you in a hug. You hugged back, holding on tightly and hoping that her love and forgiveness would last for a lifetime.
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commenter2 · 25 days
I'll be okay with Hazbin Hotel season 2 only having 8 episodes IF that season mainly focuses on the smaller stuff, like Charlie again trying to focus on redeeming sinners and the Vee's plans against the main characters.
As much as I want to see more big moments about things such as Lilith and what she has been doing all this time, getting hints about Eve and Roo, seeing Charlie interacting with angels like Jesus Christ and her angelic aunts/uncles, and seeing other HH characters like the von Eldritch family and Crymini (who again I think should be a Hellhound) I would like to see those stories be expanded and explored properly and not be rushed in a small season like Vivize and the writers had to do for Hazbin Hotel season 1.
I got a few ideas for what the 8 episodes can be about related to these things:
The season premiere has the hotel crew meeting their new resident Baxter. I can see the episode going over several other things such as the aftermath of the season 1 finale, like how stopping the Extermination has made the Pride ring a little crowded and sadly the characters learn there is going to be another Extermination happening in about 9 months. We could learn that Charlie has a bit of PTSD from the battle and is still guilty about Pentious' death. Maybe as a way to coup wiht this she has doubled her efforts to find a way to get sinners into Heaven.
I also could see such an episode having a plot point where people are checking into the hotel BUT most don't want to actually be better people, something Baxter does at first before slowly changing, so Charlie and co. now need to weed out those that want to be redeemed from those just using the hotel for various purposes. I could see the last idea being the premise of its own episode, as it would be a great way to add several characters to the hotel staff/group at once.
Exploring Vox and Alastor's past. This could explore a bit of Alastor's human life, but also what happened to Alastor 7 years ago. Great way to start dabbling into the Roo (or Lilith if you believe in that) connection theory.
Charlie trying to terminate Angel's contract with Valentino once and for all. I have brought up the question why Charlie hasn't made Angel leave his job as a requirement of him staying at the hotel and after seeing how badly Val treats Angel and with the Vees being the main antagonist of S2, this should happen. This would basically be like Helluva Boss's mid season 2 episode but I can see it being more dramatic and pleasing to see Val lose. this can also lead to Val getting more motivated to take down the hotel crew in the end.
Charlie goes to Lucifer for information on how Heaven and Hell decided who goes where after they die, in hopes of finding a clue or angle for her redemption program. This episode could also count as the eventual flashback episode showing how Lucifer and Lilith met, the whole apple thing, and the war between God and Lucifer's forces. Charlie could learn the shocking truth about how something really went down compared to the version she was told/led to believe.
A episode in Heaven where we see Sir Pentious getting use to Heaven while he and Emily deal with Lute. Like I brought up in my first season 2 episode idea post, they could decide to disobey Sera's orders and try to contact Charlie to show that redeeming sinners is possible.
Alastor cashes in the favor Charlie owes him by asking her to show her a legendary item or place, which leads to Charlie taking him to a special area. In no time shenanigans happen like something gets stolen or gets out of the room, causing the two to clean up the mess before something bad happens. Along with seeing Charlie and Alastor bond, especially if we get more of Al's life in such an episode, there would be a twist at the end where we find out this was part of Alastor's plan/mission as someone else was able to get in the special area get either another item, read something from a powerful book, or something else mysterious. Maybe Mimzy steals something in it and we get some development from her and she joins the hotel.
An episode about Niffty and her backstory. She didn't get any serious development in season 1, and such a premise was one of the scrapped ideas for the original HH season 1. I could see this being a good episode that is more entertaining then doing anything to advance the main story.
Speaking of which, another scrapped HH episode had Angel getting kidnapped and Husk and co. go searching for him, especially Husk. That would be a GREAT episode to have airing before the season finale.
A crazed Lute performs the Extermination attack of Hell earlier than scheduled. The events here could lead to the season finale, as I could see the Vee's attacking the weakened Charlie and the other characters after they have just dealt with the angelic forces.
The finale would be a battle between the hotel crew and the Vees, where maybe near the end Emily and other heavenly forces come to aid Charlie' side. I can see it ending with the Vees being punished by Charlie like maybe Val and Vox temporarily lose their Overlord titles (though Velvette getting out of it somehow) but Heaven as an apology for Lute's actions says that while the angels are currently debating on the topic, they will hear out Charlie's redemption plan again if she can redeem another sinner or two without aid from her father or and demons/angels before the end of a set deadline (AKA the season 3/4 finale). The season ends with everyone being happy until they are surprised by the appearance of Lilith at the hotel.
Another good thing about having season 2 focus o these things is that it will mean other, bigger stories will have to be told in later seasons and while currently mixed about Helluva Boss' planned 4 season run, I LOVE the idea of Hazbin Hotel having a lot of seasons.
Do you think these things should be the focus of Hazbin Hotel season 2? What could you see happening in it?
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
We may have a new base of operations!
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Back to normal or better than normal? He's rich. Maybe he installed luxury seats and-and an autopilot since Yakou doesn't know how to fucking drive. I'm so excited!
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Halara's right. We light it on fire and then move into the hotel. Nothing good can come of this place, right y'all? ...Y'all?
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Oh, it's drab and miserable like it used to be. Makoto upgraded nothing. Okay. This is fine.
I'm moving into the hotel. I can sleep in Vivia's room. He sleeps under the piano in the lobby so he won't mind.
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Does it say if he at least installed a deluxe coffee maker? No? Okay.
I shouldn't be complaining about getting a whole-ass submarine but I--
Hold the fuck up. Did he reinstall the secret WDO hot-line phone? How? How did he do that?
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I know I've said a lot of mean things about Kurumi, especially when I was accusing them of murder, but they're talking a lot of sense right now. We should use this place sparingly. Keep it and use it so Makoto doesn't feel offended and turn on us, but avoid discussing anything of serious import in this likely-bugged office.
If we need to talk confidential Amaterasu mission information, we're better off on the streets where random people might listen in than in the office where dangerous people are definitely listening in.
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Honestly, boss man, it was your job to kick her out of the group. That's on you. Kurumi has earned my respect with her contributions to this investigation, and that's more than I can say for you.
Besides, a detective agency that nobody can find is good for nothing. What good are detectives that can't be hired to solve cases?
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Can Vivia see Shinigami?
I have been wondering if we were going to have a character show up that can interact with Shinigami 'cause they're super spiritual or some shit. But maybe that's been Vivia all along.
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Hmm... Interesting. So that's about seven years before the Forever Rain began. I wonder if the secret lab is one of the flooded Dohya District labs? It's possible they flooded the district on purpose in order to conceal it.
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Kurumi got here five minutes ago and she already outranks Yuma on the Nocturnal Agency hierarchy.
I would be spiteful about this but I say shit like this about Yakou all the time too. We have a give-and-take of mutual disrespect.
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Okay. Last round went to me, when I abandoned him in the sub to starve for a full day. This round goes to Yakou. He wasted no time at all selling me to Kurumi, a girl he barely knows.
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HE CAN. Holy shit. He totally can see Shinigami! He's been watching us interact with Shinigami this entire time. What the fuck.
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That's what I've been saying! Shinigami is a bad thing, and her involvement (and the things she knows but won't cop to) makes the WDO as a whole incredibly suspicious!
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@.@ He stood up. He stood up and took out a box cutter.
Shit's about to get real. Next chapter is going to be intense.
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Not impressed by the final reveal of the killer but overall there was a lot to like in this one. Fubuki's fun and I love hanging out with her, even though the writing goes so hard on the "LOL Bimbo" jokes.
I was worried partway through that they were going to go the "Chaotic Evil bomb-throwing anarchists" route once the bomb stuff came into play, but they avoided that pitfall. Though I'm not sure how much better "This was all an elaborate bank robbery" is. That was a distressingly disappointing reveal.
So many interesting things Icardi could have been and they go for two-bit bank robber. Well, this is far from the worst instance of Danganronpa's Chapter 3 curse, that's for damn sure. Nice to see one tradition remaining intact, even if the "two victims" tradition was left behind.
Don't know how to feel about Makoto. He rubs me the wrong way, but that could easily be my own internal biases against the upper class acting up. Still, between Yuma, Shachi, and now Makoto, it feels like nobody in Kanai Ward understands that you can't negotiate with a bullet. When the opponent has all of the guns, evidence and logic mean nothing.
Remember in the first Pokemon game when a ten-year-old boy dismantled a crime syndicate by winning a Pokemon battle with the mob boss? He beat the boss and the boss was like, "You have defeated me fair and square. Very well. I will quit crime forever." And then the boss dismantled his own organization and retired forever.
It feels like that's what everyone thinks will happen if they can just secure a photo of Yomi breaking the rules. Like they can march into his office and slap a picture of one of his guards roughing up a suspect down. And Yomi will look at it and go, "Gasp! Corruption is what I have become. You have humbled me, good sir. I will dismantle the Peacekeepers and leave Kanai Ward forever."
And I want to say that's an unrealistic thing for them to believe. But. Like. That's basically what every throwdown with Monokuma's Masterminds winds up being like. They always drop dead because you logicked them so hard that they ran out of clapbacks.
So. Maybe it could work?
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gay4ddlovato · 6 months
Taylor Swift Imagine - she wakes you up after a bad dream (requested)
{This is my original work from my wattpad gayforddlovato. Please don’t steal or take credit for my work.}
"Are you alright?" You spoke softly as you brushed your fingers across Taylor's cheeks.
The adoring gaze that you looked at her with along with the sweet smile on your face made her heart swell as she tried to ignore the thoughts in the back of her mind.
"Yeah, great." She said before kissing your cheek. "Come on, let's finish this and then head back to the hotel."
You nodded and took her hand into yours again before you continued the hike.
You and Taylor needed to take a little vacation to get away from the stresses and anxieties that were getting quite intense for both of you lately.
So she planned what she thought would be the perfect trip to a place that had many activities for you to do together, including going for a hike in this breathtaking forest.
The leaves were just turning colors on the branches, making it even more gorgeous.
You were enjoying every second of it and Taylor felt so good seeing you so happy as you swung your intertwined hands back and forth with every step and talked about the different animals and critters that you saw along the way.
But... something didn't feel right.
This was a popular place but there weren't many people on the path you and Taylor decided to go down.
You both agreed to this one for some privacy.
But you weren't alone.
There was someone following you both.
Taylor tried to brush it off as nothing; maybe this man was just wanting to enjoy a nice hike in this beautiful forest like the two of you.
But if that was the case... why was he following every step you both took?
Why did he stop when you and Taylor stopped?
Why was he staring at you both to the point that it was making her feel uncomfortable?
Why was she hearing clicks like the sound of pictures being taken on someone's iPhone?
She didn't have a good feeling and it was just getting worse and worse.
"Hey, we should head back." She said as she squeezed your hand. "We have that thing with that couple we met last night? They wanted to meet up at seven and it's a few minutes after six. We should head back now before it gets too dark or we end up being late."
You furrowed your eyebrows because, at first, you had no idea what she was talking about.
But when you watched her look from the corner of her eyes multiple times at the man approaching you both, you caught on to what she was doing.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot about that. Is it that late already?" You asked.
"Yeah, and they know we're here so they can always meet us at the bottom of the path if we want to." She said loudly on purpose, hoping it would make the man apprehensive if he had anything up his sleeve. "But why wait? Let's just head back, okay?"
"Okay." You said with a nervous smile as you began to feel just as creeped out and uncomfortable upon realizing that the man had been following you both for some time now.
You both turned around and a yelp left your lips upon seeing that the man was now standing right there in front of you.
"Hi, ladies." He said with an uncomfortable smile. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know how long this path goes on for, would ya? I have a map but I think I'm lost.
"No, sorry. We have to head back." Taylor said.
But instead of pulling out a map, your heart dropped as the man pulled out a gun.
"Okay, there's no need for that," Taylor said with a shaky breath. "Put the gun away."
He pointed it at you, almost pressing it against your forehead, causing a gasp to leave your lips.
"Don't hurt her," Taylor said as she stepped in front of you. "Please, don't hurt her."
"Walk." He ordered.
In terror, you and Taylor turned back around and walked forward.
You kept walking for a few minutes as he spoke demandingly.
Taylor tried to comfort you but you were both so terrified to speak, so scared that one tiny thing would set him off.
"Right here." He said. "Stop."
You both quit walking and what was ahead had your blood running cold and made a shiver run down your spine.
It was a cliff.
A very high cliff several thousand feet above the ground.
Before you could say anything, a hand pushed at your back and you were stumbling forward until you fell off the edge.
"No!" Taylor yelled as she tried to reach for you.
But she couldn't catch you in time; you had fallen too fast.
She turned around to face the man who had pushed you off, the look in her eyes full of rage and anger.
"Say bye-bye," He said before she, too, went over the edge.
But it was strange... it almost felt as though she was falling in slow motion.
It didn't happen quickly, not at all.
She figured she'd hit the ground hard and with a terrible and loud crunching sound before her eyes would slip shut and darkness would take over.
But it was as if she was falling so slowly.
She closed her eyes as a scream left her lips and when she opened her eyes again, she looked down and saw that she was getting close to the ground.
However, when she hit it, rather than everything being over, she woke up.
She sat up in bed with a gasp as sweat poured down her skin and she gasped for air.
Reaching over, she turned the light on and then looked around to find that she was safe and sound in bed... next to you.
She could hear your soft breaths and she could see your back rising and falling.
There wasn't a single scratch on your body or hers either as she looked at herself, checking to make sure she was okay.
She was fine.
It must've just been a bad dream.
It was different than anything she'd ever dreamt before but it was so scary that it left her shaking and caused tears to fill her eyes.
Because though it hadn't been real, it sure felt as though it was.
As a tear fell down her cheek, the fear continued to rush through her veins and she realized just how much she needed to hold you.
So she reached over and gently shook you awake.
"Y/N? Y/N, wake up, please," She pleaded through her tears.
You rolled over with a groan before rubbing your eyes.
Upon hearing her sniffle, you sat up as it sank into your very groggy brain that something was very wrong.
"Tay? Baby, are you okay?" You asked.
But she didn't say a word.
Instead, a sob left her lips as she pulled you into her arms and held you tight.
"Oh," You chuckled upon feeling her squeeze you tight. "Baby, I can barely breathe." You teased.
"I'm sorry." She said as she pulled away slightly.
Her blue eyes locked with yours and she put her forehead against your own with a shaky breath.
"I had a terrible nightmare." She spoke. "We were on vacation and we were going for a hike and this weird guy was following us. We tried to leave when he pulled out a gun and led us to this cliff and he pushed you off before I could stop him. I couldn't catch you when you fell. I tried to reach for you but I couldn't, it was too late-"
"Shh, baby, breathe." You interrupted as she rambled in a panic. "It's okay. It was just a bad dream, my love. It wasn't real."
She closed her eyes and nodded as another shaky breath left her lips.
"I know. I was just so terrified. I had to wake you up and hold you. I needed to know you're safe."
"I'm safe, baby. I'm okay and so are you." You spoke softly as you brushed your fingertips across her arms. "It's alright. Take a breath."
She took a few deep breaths as a huge weight lifted from her shoulders.
"I was so scared."
"It sounds like a very scary dream so that's understandable." You said. "But that's all it was, baby; a very scary dream. It's not real, not at all."
"Okay." She said as she kissed your forehead. "Just promise me something."
"Anything, baby."
"Next trip we take together, we don't go hiking."
You laughed before nodding in agreement and kissing her lips softly.
"I promise. We'll just go to some place with clear blue waters and sandy beaches."
"Perfect." She said before kissing you again, a small smile pulling at her lips. "I need some cuddles but I don't think I'm going to get back to sleep for a while... or at all tonight."
You looked at the clock and saw that it was after four am.
"That's alright. Neither of us has anywhere to be tomorrow. Let's just cuddle and watch some TV." You smiled and kissed her temple softly.
She smiled as she laid back down and pulled you into her arms.
You turned the TV on, trying to find a very happy and comforting show that would keep her mind off of the terrible nightmare she'd had.
But she had you; she's holding you, keeping you safe and warm, and she knows that you're both okay.
At the end of the day, she doesn't need anything else to help her forget about that nightmare.
You're here and that's all she could ever need.
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