#catherine johnson
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doyouknowthismusical · 1 year ago
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cinema-winding · 2 years ago
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Mamma Mia
İnsan doğa ile iç içedir. Anılarınıza saklı Abba şarkılarını çıkartın içinizden yeşili ,mavisi ve güneşi selamlıyoruz. Gün batımı ve doğumu ile Yunan adalarındayız.
Aşk hiç bu kadar içten samimi anlatılmamıştı .
Sophie Sheridan evlenme aşamasında rol modeli annesine ait olan bir kızdır. Evlenme hazırlıkları sürerken kendi içinde dolu dizgin aşkın üzüm hasadından geçerken bir günlükle 20 yıl öncesine gitmesi cabası olur .Annesinin gözünden bakıp aynı adaya demir atmış bu üç erkek .Annesinin hayatını nasıl değiştirdiğini okuyarak kendi hayatına babasını bulabilmek için yol bulacak.Bunu izleyicilerin yüzünde tatlı bir tebessüm ettirerek başarıyor . Hazır olun dansın adasında bir evlenme törenine davetlisiniz . Şarap hazır pasta hazır gelin ve damat hazır . Şimdi bu muhteşem kadro ile aşkı , aileyi ve mutluluğu bir arada izleme vakti . Popüler bir müzikal yeniden beyazperde de boy gösteriyorken .Kadının kendi gücünü bulabilmesi için bir erkeğe gereksinim olmadığı gözler önüne seriyor . Bir gelin yıllarca babasının kim olduğunu öğrenebilmek için bu üç adamdan yardım alacak . Şimdi sırada bu muhteşem kadro ile sizi başbaşa bırakma vakti. İyi seyirler
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movie-titlecards · 1 year ago
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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
My rating: 6/10
I mean, even scraping the bottom of the ABBA barrel you're bound to find some bops, but man is that plot (or both of them, rather) all over the place.
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jerichopalms · 2 years ago
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*Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018, dir. by Ol Parker)
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inthedarktrees · 2 months ago
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David Lynch, Catherine Coulson & Mädchen Amick | Twin Peaks  
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apoloadonisandnarcissus · 2 months ago
Inspirations and Themes in “Nosferatu” (2024), according to Robert Eggers
At the surface this film appears to be “just another remake”, but it’s actually the opposite; it’s a subversion of every theme in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and on the original 1922 “Nosferatu”; because Eggers threw the “sexual purity”, “Christian salvation” and “Victorian romantic love” out of the window in this one.
What is Robert Eggers’ “Nosferatu” about? What are the themes? What makes his adaptation different from the others? Let’s explore the list of inspirations for this story, according to their own creator:
1. Emily Brontë “Wuthering Heights” (1847)
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“You loved me then, what right had you to leave me? What right, answer me, for the poor fancy you felt for Linton? Because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart, you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine.”
Themes of the all-consuming, obsessive and self-destructive passion, wrecking the lives of everyone around them and only stops when they are both dead; the destructive power of love; revenge; love triangle between a “beastly” man/mental unstable woman/gentleman; blend of hatred and love; couldn’t be together in life, united in death and reunited in the spiritual world; I already expanded on this topic in another post.
2. “Svengali” (1931)
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“Oh, God, grant me in death what you denied me in life; the woman I love.”
Theme of the villain who induces others in a hypnotic and mesmerized states; infectious nature which causes contradictory feelings of repulse vs. attraction. Orlok using his sorcery to access Ellen (once again); Love triangle between a obsessive hypnotist/young woman/gentleman; Ellen’s life consumed by her connection with Orlok; couldn’t be together in life, united in death and reunited in the spiritual world.
3. “La Belle et la Bête” (Beauty and the Beast) (1946)
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“Love can turn a man into a beast. But love can also make an ugly man handsome.”
Themes of reality vs. appearance: nothing is as it seems, and there’s more to the story than meets the eye. The storytelling is intricate, complex and requires intention and receptivity to truly understand it. Transformation and metamorphosis. Love and self-acceptance; embrace oneself and breaking free from social expectations. Cursed creature whose curse can only be broken by love: “And so the maiden fair did offer up her love unto the beast, and with him lay in close embrace until first cockcrow, her willing sacrifice thus broke the curse and freed them from the plague of Nosferatu.”
4. “Great Expectations” (1946)
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“A young gentleman of great expectations.”
Themes of wealth and ambition vs. affection and compassion. Inspiration for Thomas Hutter character, who seeks social advancement, wealth and climb the social ladder, motivated by a desire of self-improvement. Friedrich Harding is Thomas’s Pip Estella; as he wishes to emulate him, and become a sophisticated gentleman. The arrogance and snobbishness of the upper class. Taking damaging risks in order to achieve ambition (traveling to a remote and mysterious castle), and falling into debt to sustain a certain lifestyle (with Friedrich). Learning that love is more important than wealth, the hard way (both Friedrich and Thomas).
5. “The Queen of Spades” (1949)
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“If you've any human feeling in your breast, you can't refuse me. I beg. I beseech you. I know why you won't speak. The secret is connected with some terrible sin. That's it, isn't it? I'll make a bargain with you; tell me your secret and I'll take your sin upon my soul. Do you hear me? I mean it. A bargain. I'll take your sin upon my own soul.”
Theme of the horror element relying on Gothic ambience and atmosphere, than overt terror. Heavily rely on visual symbols to give meaning to the story: in “Nosferatu” are the lilacs and windows showcasing the connection between Ellen and Orlok. The idea that malevolent forces are at work is introduced early in the narrative. Theme of Faustian deals with the Devil. Themes of fate and the supernatural commanding the life of the characters, and leading to their demise. Themes of greed, power and pride leading to ruin; thirst for power as a pathway to madness, loss of dignity and loss of compassion for others, embodied in Herr Knock’s character, as he won’t stop at nothing to learn Orlok’s secret of immortality.
6. “The Innocents” (1961)
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Miss Giddens: Were Quint and Miss Jessel in love? They were in love, weren't they? Mrs. Grose: Love? [Laugh] Oh, I suppose that's what she called it. But it was more like a sickness. A fever that leaves the body burned out and dry.
Themes of sexual repression and Victorian views of female sexuality (wickedness; sickness, shame; contagion; corruption) vs. love (pure; virginal; sacred; innocent; over-protective). The female protagonist overbearing protection of the children/Thomas masks her underlying conflict with her own sexuality (which she sees as sinful, shameful and diseased). Probably the inspiration for connecting flora (lilacs vs. willow tree) with the Ellen and Orlok, too.
7. “Andriesh” (1954)
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Theme of the folk horror fairy tale, which also characterizes “Nosferatu”. The inspiration for Thomas dwelling in Transylvania and traveling to Castle Orlok, in the Carpathian Mountains; as he’s also given a magical token for protection, meets the people targeted by the supernatural, and faces a perilous journey to reach the castle, and then escape the castle; making allies along the way (Romanian old lady and the Nuns).
8. “Vechir na Ivana Kupala” (“The Eve of Ivan Kupalo”) (1968)
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Theme of a darkly evocative, poetic and imagistic story deeply rooted in folklore. Use of several and overlapping cinematic techniques (fast motion, camera angles, etc.), to break the sense of reality within the film; in “Nosferatu” this probably translates in the dream/nightmarish atmosphere and hallucinations. Quick changes in tone (from horror to comedy to melodrama). Non-linear story and “show, not tell” approach; where the symbolism, mythology and cinematic complexity are more important than dialogue. Probably also the inspiration for Orlok giving Thomas’s a mount of gold as payment for his signature on the covenant, which will lead to the ruin of his marriage to Ellen.
9. “Leptirica” (“The She-Butterfly”) (1973)
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Theme of a story and a vampire heavily influenced by folklore; in “Nosferatu”, by Romanian (strigoi). Use of humor to disarm the viewer. Withholding the reveal of the vampire to the audience; starting with close-ups on the hands, eyes, etc. Using a horse to find the grave of a vampire (in Balkan folklore it’s a black stallion, but Eggers probably choose white to be more visible in the night). A new and completely original ending to a cult classic. The female lead character appears to be naïve and harmless, but is revealed to be the true monster of the film.
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ariadnethedragon · 8 months ago
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Dir. Tim Johnson and Patrick Gilmore
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twixnmix · 2 months ago
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Catherine Deneuve and Andy Warhol's boyfriend Jed Johnson with his dachshunds Archie and Amos at Warhol’s Montauk estate Eothen, 1976.
Photos by Andy Warhol
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call-me-strega · 9 months ago
How to Become a Step-Dad in 5 Easy Steps: ch.3/5 of p.2
First, prev, next, lore, ao3
OK SO- I’ve been working on this for months and I was actually supposed to have it done like a month ago but my parents took me on the last minute vacation to another country to visit family and I didn’t have access to my laptop most of the time. But it’s okay bc the timing worked out! I wrote most of this on my phone actually and I’m posting it from there too so I hope the formatting isn’t weird. Our flight back is tonight and we’re in a different time zone so I really hope this is going up at the correct time. Anyways I tried to make this chapter longer so I hope it’s worth it. Thanks for sticking around to read this and I’ll let you start now.
-Strega p.s Happy 4th of July!
Chapter description:
Danny and Jason comfort each other after a rough night, Jason teams up with Duke to stop a villain, and Jason spends the 4th of July with the Nightingales.
Everything was hot. Someone was laughing. Someone was crying. It's all too loud but he can't hear a thing. It was so hot. He could taste the bitterness in the air. His face ached. It's too much. All the textures overwhelm him but he can’t feel a thing. It was too hot. All he can see is rows of black upon gray, but he can't really see anything at all. He couldn’t- he couldn’t breathe. His forehead was wet and sticky. Why was it wet and sticky? Why was it so goddamn hot?!
With a desperate gasp for air, Jason launched up into a sitting position on his bed. He supported his body with one hand and the other pushing back his white, sweat-soaked fringes out of his eyes. He sat there for a few moments, just panting, trying to regain some semblance of control over his breathing. He felt a warm sweat drip down his face and back. It made his skin crawl.
He looked around his dark room and then down at his messy sheets for a moment, before pulling off the blanket and flinging himself off the bed. He couldn't stand the idea of staying there a minute longer. Not right now.
He stalked out of his bedroom and into his living area. He didn't want to stay inside. The thought of being in an enclosed space right now gave him the hives, no matter how spacious the apartment might be. Even if it's bigger than a coffin. Even if it's smaller than a warehouse. He can't see the sky. He's closed in.
Instead, he pushes open his window and pulls himself out onto the fire escape. It's not particularly open, facing into an alley, but it offers privacy and is heaps better than being inside. He slumps down against the brick wall of the building, feet planted and knees bent. He looks up and takes a breath trying to calm himself. Even with all the smog and Gotham's perpetual cloud cover, Jason is grateful to see the sky. He half-wished it was a clear night so he could see the stars. The other half didn't. It didn't think he could handle seeing the stars peeking out through the smog. It would look too much like a night sky tainted with smoke and bad memories.
His mouth felt dry as he clenched and stretched his hands. He almost wished for a cigarette or a joint, (no he didn't, he didn't want to see the smoke, to feel the heat of the slow burn) but the thought made his lungs constrict and he felt bile rise in his throat. Instead, he alternated between closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths, and gazing at the lights and laundry lines. Even in the sticky city heat of a Gotham summer Jason shuddered from the cool night air.
Suddenly, he heard metal creaking and his eyes snapped open. His head jerked to the side where the sound had come from. A few feet away, on the adjacent fire escape, stood a figure slumped over the rail. They must have also sensed his presence because they turned to meet Jason's gaze.
Before him stood a haggard Danny Nightingale with dark circles under his eyes and a head of bed hair. He wore an old worn-out shirt for a band called Dumpty Humpty, and a pair of basketball shorts that came down to his knees. Faintly, Jason could make out a faded scar on his calf. (Not that Jason had been staring at his legs or anything!) Jason soon became aware of Danny's own eyes assessing him as well. He felt his face heat up and was grateful that he slept in sweats and a white tank tonight.
And the two of them stayed there for a while, on their fire escapes. Two souls in the haunted hours before morning, looking worse for wear, just staring at each other as the world continued on around them.
Then, Danny weakly gave Jason a wry grin and in a rough voice he said,
" Hey, neighbor."
" Hey," Jason replied hoarsely, with a small grin forming on his face. "Funny running into you here, huh?"
There was a brief pause where the two continued to stare at each other, suppressing the quickly growing urge to laugh.
Danny broke first.
" Pffffffft, you dork!"
The two of them burst out laughing and the atmosphere grew lighter. The ever-present smog and darkness seemed to lift and the shadows haunting them seemed to fade.
Danny bubbled up with giggles that rang in Jason’s ear like a familiar song coming on on the radio. Jason looked at him softly in quiet wonderment. Well, I guess that’s where Ellie got her laugh from.
Jason heaved himself off the ground and walked over to the railing closest to Danny, who was just coming down from his high. He leaned over, one arm on the railing and the other coming up to support his jaw. He gave Danny a tired smile.
“Hey,” he said once more.
“Hey yourself,” came Danny’s soft reply.
Then the two, now standing closer, took a moment to examine each other once more. Danny took note of Jason’s sweat and unsteadiness. Jason could now see that Danny’s hands shook lightly and were covered in faded, barely-there scars. They met each other’s eyes and both just felt like the other understood.
Tonight hadn’t been a good night for either of them. But they didn’t need to talk about it right now. No, for now the two could just bask in each others presence The air filling with a certain solidarity and what felt like a near-tangible sense of mutual comfort.
Jason turned away first, observing the way light and shadow danced across alley walls and how the clothes on clotheslines fluttered in the night breeze. Danny followed his gaze in suit, trying to identify what Jason saw out in the city.
“ Ya know for being such a hell-hole Gotham really does have a subtle beauty to it.”
Jason turned to look a Danny with mock offense.
“Hey! Gotham may be a hell-hole but it’s our hell-hole! Just ask any true Gothamite, the city has a way sinking itself into ya.”
Danny looked almost amused by this statement, but nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, I think I kinda get it. It really sucked back home, but it was still home, ya know? And I agree, Gotham does have her ways of making you feel like she’s a part of you. We’ve only been here bout a month or so but I already feel like Ell and I are well on our way to become city slickers through and through.”
Jason chuckled, shaking his head and bringing his arm down to stand up straight. He decide to pursue the opening Danny had left.
“Speaking of Ell, she the reason your up so late?”
“Naw,” Danny’s smile grew a bit strained. “My little spitfire may have a lotta energy but the girl sleeps like the dead.” He grew a more subdued, looking down at his hands.
“Nah, this was something else.”
“Nightmare?” He probed gently.
Danny nodded.
Taking a breath, Jason said “Me too,” in a show of vulnerability that he found came surprisingly easy. Danny glanced at him sympathetically.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Kinda, but at the same time not really?”
Danny nodded as if he understood perfectly. Once more a comfortable silence overtook they began to shift closer. Even with the space between their fire escapes they felt impossibly close.
Danny interrupted the quiet with a light chuckle and Jason returned him a questioning glance. Danny shook his head,
“ Nothing I just think it’s kinda ironic we both came out to our fire escapes to escape our bad dreams.” He paused as his face clouded with confusion. “ Or at least I think it’s irony? Would you call it irony?”
“I think it might actually be symbolism but fuck if I know. I don’t have the mental capacity to figure which literary devices apply to our situation right now but remind me to come back to it later.”
Danny hummed in amusement before taking a deep breath.
“ I think I wanna talk about it.”
“Hmm?” Jason raised an eyebrow
“ I think I wanna talk about my dream.”
In a split second Jason makes a impulsive decision.
“Hold on,” he says, before climbing over the railing and extending his foot over to reach Danny’s fire escape.
“ What are you doing, ya maniac?!” Danny asked incredulously at Jason’s actions.
Jason stepped over onto the fire escape and shrugged as he walked over to Danny, “This felt like something I should be close for.”
The startled man seemed to loosen up and sunk to sit on the platform with his back to the railing. Jason joined him on the floor. They sat shoulder to shoulder, Danny staring at his trembling hand, and Jason, staring at him. Jason hand crept towards Danny’s, gentle taking it and interlacing the fingers.
Danny’s head swiveled to look at him and Jason returned him a gentle look and a squeezed his hand reassuringly. Faintly, the young man smiled and squeezed back. He took a deep breath and began.
" So you remember how you found my groceries in an alley the other day?”
Jason nodded.
“ Yeah well, the reason I left them there was because some mugger tried to kidnap Ellie. I ditched the groceries to grab her and get home.”
“ You did a smart thing,” Jason continued to nod as if he didn’t already know exactly what happened that day.
“ Mm I don’t doubt that, Ellie’s safety will always be my first priority. But the whole thing kinda brought up old fear. Some old … memories.”
A distant look grew on his face and Jason’s heart burned with sadness and anger for his friend.
“ The dream started out back in that alley. I had just pulled Ellie back into my arms but when I turned around it wasn’t the mugger standing there. It was Vlad.” Danny’s breath staggered before he continued.
“He started saying stuff about taking Ellie back since he’s the one who made her. The one who had wanted her originally, never mind that he’d lost interest after realizing she was a girl and not his perfect son. But he kept saying things about how he had more life experience and was better equipped to raise her. How he’d be able to do better than me and provide more for her. And for me, if I let him. I hated it. I hated him for leveraging his age and wealth to try to get into our lives again. I didn’t have many reservations about punching him in the face about it either.”
Danny tightened his grip around Jason’s hand. He squeezed back in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.
“I turned to leave but at the mouth the alley was a van. And not one of those stereotypical white vans they warn you kidnappers use. No. No, it was my parents’ van. They slid open the door and and I felt like I couldn’t move. I looked down and Ellie was gone. They-” the words started getting choked up in his throat. His eyes becoming glassy as he fought with his next words.
“ They wanted to take her too. They said they still loved me even though I was different and that they could fix me.” His voice grew frantic and shaky. “They thought they could ‘fix me’ but that Ellie’s existence was unnatural. That it’d be better if they took her and tried to raise in a ‘normal’ environment, especially if she showed signs of being unnatural too!”
Danny turned his face into Jason’s shoulder, trying to fight back tears.
“ And I know they don’t actually think like that- that I need to be fixed, at least not anymore. But, the idea that they’d try to take her from me? Raise her better than I could? It tore me up inside. How could they want to raise her when the barely raised me and my sister? When my sister raised me more than they did? How could I trust them not to get her involved in experiments when they still store chemical samples the same fridge as our food? How could I trust them when I told them I didn’t want to be around Vlad and they still let him into our house? Because ‘We’ve know good ol’ Vladdie since college! Nothing to worry about with him!’ even though I told them I-!”
He paused trying to catch his breath. Jason lifted his other arm to wrap around the crying young man, tucking him under his chin. Danny shifted, now shuddering into his chest. Jason could feel the Pits ignite a fire in soul. His blood boiled and a voice cried out for blood in recompense for his friend’s pain.
‘What type of shitty parents-! No. Later’ he tried to reign in the voice. ‘Being here for him now is more important.’ He held the other even closer.
Finally, Danny calmed himself enough to continue, “ I know they don’t think that now. I know that they love me and, and Ellie too- and I still love them too and I know that they want to be better. But they just don’t get it. That there’s a lot of reasons I don’t want to be around them anymore. Reasons I don’t bring Ellie around if I can help it. Even though it was just a dream I couldn’t handle the idea that they- that anyone might try to take Ellie from me.”
Jason tilted his head slightly to press a soft, comforting, kiss on the top of Danny’s head. He rubbed small circles on his back and murmured gently in his ear,
“It’s okay Danny. It’s okay to be mad and upset and scared. From the sounds of it you have ever right to be. It’s okay for you to worry. I have a friend ya know. He’s a recovered addict, started getting extra serious about staying sober when his ex dropped a daughter off on his doorstep because he was worried at every turn that if he slipped up or relapsed someone would take her away. I know that it’s not the same but I think every parent is entitled to worrying over losing their kid. And it sounds like your own parents haven’t done you too many favors in minimizing the worry. But you don’t have to hold yourself back from being afraid. You’re allowed to be afraid, or upset or whatever else you might be feeling.”
He finally let go of Danny’s hand in order to hold him properly, once again shifting their positions. Now, they sat perpendicularly, with Danny partway into his lap, pressed against his chest. After a while Danny wiped his tears, whispering out a thanks to Jason and allowed himself to be comforted.
They sat in delicate silence until Jason finally worked up the nerve to speak.
“So you probably know who I am right?”
Danny lifted his head from Jason’s chest to give him a confused eyebrow raise. “Yeah I think I’d know whose lap I’m on right now?”
“Not like that,” Jason blushed. “ I mean since you asked about volunteering you must know who I am in a larger context right?”
“ You mean do I know you’re beloved Gotham celebrity and non-profit worker: Jason Todd-Wayne? Because I do. I did research this city before moving here, believe it or not. Actually I remember seeing a bunch of articles about how one of Gotham’s beloved sons had returned home with your picture around that time?”
Jason touched the back of his neck, glancing away in embarrassment.
“Uh yeah that, so you’ve probably hear about my- uuh, ‘resurrection’, huh?”
Danny’s expression sobered up. His eyes darkened and his voice got all quiet, likely due to the serious nature of the discussion.
“Yeah, I did. The media claimed you had been in a kidnapping turned terrorist attack slash hostage situation? And that you had managed to survive and were taken in by family who help you recover and reconnect with your dad once you were ready?” Danny recounted the cover story they’d given to the public. There was something in his tone that made Jason think there was more he wasn’t mentioning but it was likely all speculation or more sensitive details.
“Was-… was that what your dream was about?”
Jason bowed his head into Danny’s shoulder, not having it in him to say it to his face.
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “It was.”
Now it was Danny’s turn to hold Jason tight, one arm one his back and the other coming up to pet his hair, gently pressing the larger man further into his shoulder. It felt like something cracked open inside him. Suddenly, words came tumbling out before he could even think about them.
“ I was back in that warehouse. Laying on the ground, injured. I could hear someone crying. And- *gulp* -and his laughter before the explosion. It was … so hot. And when I woke up I couldn’t stand the thought of being trapped inside. The same way I was trapped … during some of the worst moments of my life. And I know I’m not there anymore but I’m still terrified by the memory! Sometimes I still get scared the man who took me the first time will find me again and I just-!”
He choked on a sob as Danny held him even tighter, as if trying to melt him into his skin.
“I just hated feeling that way so much!” He whimpered.
“It’s okay Jay, I’m here big guy. You can let it out.”
And for the first time in a long while Jason allowed himself to cry freely, sobbing into his neighbor’s shoulder. Danny continued to stroke his hair, rocking gentle as one would when comforting a child. But maybe that sort of gentleness was what Jason needed.
Once he heard Jason’s sobs subside Danny took a deep breath and spoke.
“You know what?”
“What?” Jason asked lifting his head to gaze into Danny’s icy blue eyes.
“I’m kinda glad I ended up out here tonight. I mean the nightmare sucked but at least I got to be here for you.” He smiled softly, “I’m in your corner if you ever need me.”
Jason couldn’t help the soft smile that worked it’s way onto his face.
“Yeah, me too. I’ll be there if you ever need help, with anything: Ellie, Vlad, your parents, your groceries.”
Danny giggled at that last part, knowing Jason was sincere. With a sigh he rested his cheek on Jason’s chest. Jason reach down to hold his hand again and the two enjoyed the feeling of holding someone who held them back.
With a sigh, Danny lifted his gaze from their hands to Jason’s face. Jason gave him a closed-mouth smile, his eyes asking if something was wrong.
“It’s the 4th of July in a few days.” He stated.
“Yes, it is.” Jason said back.
“If it’s not too short notice, Ellie and I would love to have you over again. We were gonna have barbecue and ice cream and then come out here and see if we could catch the fireworks. She’d love it if you could join us, and … and, well I would too.”
Jason swore Danny was looking at him with the biggest, roundest, most earnest eyes he’d ever seen, save for his daughter’s.
“ I’ll be there.”
Danny flushed at his quick response.
“Don’t wanna check your schedule first?”
“Doesn’t matter. I didn’t have anything else planned so I’ll do my best to be there.” He made sure the shorter man’s eyes met his as he said his next words. “Besides, I like spending time with the two of you too.”
‘His ears are pink, he’s just adorable.’ He thought to himself as Danny seemed brighten in a shy glow. He shifted in Jason’s lap, probably getting ready to get up when he did something that cause Jason to blue screen.
Danny tilted his head up planting a quick peck on his cheek before squeaking out a “see you then” and fleeing back into his apartment, leaving a wide-eyed Jason on the floor of his fire escape.
Jason sat there stunned, before a furious blush over took his face and decided to hurry back into his own apartment. The voice in his head came back to give its routine comments: ‘His lips are so soft, the stuff of dreams’
He somehow managed to blush even more violently. ‘Damn it’ he thought, shoving his head under his pillow, unable to tell whether he actually wanted to dream about Danny’s lips or not. ‘It’s actually embarrassing how worked I’m getting over a fleeting kiss on the cheek from a friend.’
~Bzzt~ “Calling for back up! Firefly decided to start his annual firework show early this year!” ~Bzzt~ Signal called through the emergency comms.
Jason cursed his luck, of course Firefly would attack just as he got off work! Now he might be late to dinner! He sighed and tried to look on the bright-side: If they dealt with this now that meant it was less likely for any of the other rouges to try anything later. Then, the comm crackled back to life.
~Bzzt~ “I could have got him by now but he keeps lightin’ more shit on fire! By the time I get the first fires under control and punch him in the face, he’s started 20 more! Normally I’d be able to handle it, but there’s a lot of civilians around right now and fires take priority. I just need someone to help me keep the guy down long enough to make the arrest.” ~Bzzt~
Jason started ducking through alleys trying to get to his near safe house in order to grab his gear. Hey called back to Duke over the comms.
“Signal, heard! I just got off work. See if you can herd him towards the Alley. It’ll give the Red Hood an excuse to show up and beat the shit outa him while you make sure nothing actually gets damaged. I’m heading to the safe house near the Catherine Johnson Rec Center. Try to get him at least two blocks away!”
~Bzzt~ “Heard!” ~Bzzt~
Jason tossed the comm to the side and started strapping into his body armor. He started fastening his helmet when felt something in the air change. Then the comms buzzed to life once more.
~Bzzt~ “Hood, I’ve got Firefly coming your way! He’s heading up Delancy Ave.!” ~Bzzt~
Hood readied his grapple on shot.
“Good, keep him there! I’ll see you in 5, Narrows!”
~Bzzt~ “On it! I’ll be waiting Alley!” ~Bzzt~
Jason swung through the rooftops, heading in the direction of the fires that kept spontaneously appearing and subsequently being extinguished.
When he arrived Hood found Signal split between stopping fires and engaging Firefly in combat. The madman was so absorbed in antagonizing Signal that he hadn’t noticed Hood’s approach. Signal was handling him pretty well but being unable to focus solely on the villain lowered his efficiency. Jason’s mind wandered back to his friend, who had wanted to see him tonight, and decided he’d end this quickly.
You see for all his bulk and bullheadedness Jason was still a highly trained and intelligent individual. Maintaining the element of surprise he approached in the shadows silently looking down from his perch on an adjacent building. He made subtle gestures for Signal to move the guy into place, which he returned with the slightest of nods. Signal moved Firefly over to the side of the building closest to Jason’s position. Jason got ready took make use of his high ground, tapping into what he learned from Dick.
With a deep breath Jason runs up and launches himself into a triple forward somersault, building up power and momentum. In midair he took account of his bearings, aiming his feet at Firefly’s back.
Firefly goes down like he’s been hit by a semi.
“AND THATS WHY YOU STAY OUTA THE ALLEY FUCKER!” Jason shouts, crouching over the rouge who was quickly losing consciousness. Even though it’d been his plan to lure him here Jason was still protective of what was his. And Crime Alley? Crime Alley was his territory.
He stands up and gives Signal a celebratory high five.
“Nice going, ya tank! I thought he’d never go down!”
“No problem, Dayshift! Nice work handling him, you’d have gotten him eventually. I just sped up the process.”
“Thanks Hood, I ‘preciate it.”
“Soooo, you good here oorrr…?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it. Get outa here before the cops show up and arrest you,” Signal dismissed him.
Jason gave him a quick, two-finger salute before running off to change before he was late to dinner.
Jason arrives at the Nightingales’ red faced and out of breath. His hair is a windswept mess and his clothes slightly messy from his quick change. He knocks on the door desperately trying to tame his hair and adjust his t-shirt and jeans.
Jason feels a burst of cool air as the door opens and he’s greeted by a smiling Danny and a surprised Ellie. He smiles at the two but Danny speaks before he’s got the chance.
“ Surprise! It’s Jason!” He says with some mild jazz hands.
To which seem to Ellie explode in glee. Jason swears she’s vibrating with how fast she’s bouncing.
“The secret surprise guest was Mr. Jason! Awesome!”
And just like that there is small child attached to his leg. He looks down at her, then up at Danny, who’s holding in laughter, then back at Ellie. Then he bursts out laughing. He bends down down to scoop the young girl up into his arms and she lets out a small “whoa!” Jason follows Danny into the apartment, Ellie resting on his hip.
“It’s nice to see you to princess!”
“Mr. Jason! You’re not wearing any red!”
He looks down to see the young girl scrutinizing his plain white shirt and blue jeans and looks questioningly at Danny. The young man takes pity on him and explains.
“Ellie really wanted to wear red, white and blue for the 4th of July,” gesturing to his own outfit: a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt with a logo for a band called Fifth World Raga, and a lightweight red flannel wit the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“That’s right! I have a white skirt and socks, and a blue top and tiara, and my cardigan, my sneakers and beanie are all red!” She showed off. Then she pointed at Jason.
“You’ve gotta white shirt and blue jeans but no red!” Then she gasped, “Oooooh! I have an idea! Wait here!” She said, scrambling off to her room.
Jason looked at Danny who smiled and shrugged helplessly in a “eh, whadda ya gonna do” sort a fashion. To which Jason just huffed in amusement.
That’s when Ellie rushed back in, holding something behind her back. She patted Jason’s thigh indicating for him to bend down, to which he obliged by crouching down to her level.
“Close your eyes!”
Jason shut his eyes. He felt something being placed around his neck and on his head.
“Open them!”
Jason found himself looking into a small purple hand held mirror. Ellie had placed a cheap red-beaded party necklace around his neck and a silver tiara with red gems on his head, one to match her own silver and blue one.
“I have lotsa tiaras so you can borrow this one so that you can have red! And you can even keep the necklace!”
Jason’s internal monologue nearly burst into tears. ‘She’s an angel! She’s bestowed such a wonderful gift Must. Protect. At All Costs!’
He heard Danny burst into laughter but focused his attention on the grinning girl in front of him.
“Thank you so much Princess! I love it! Just what I needed! I’m honored to receive such a thoughtful gift!
“Yeah Ellie, it looks great on him!” Danny chimed in between chuckles.
“That’s great daddy b’cause I found a white one for you! Now we can all match!”
Danny stopped laughing and Jason returned him a wicked grin.
“Yeah, your highness! We can all match! Besides, what’s a king without his crown!”
Danny sighed, placing the tiara on his head.
“Thanks Ell, I love it.”
“Your welcome daddy!”
“Alright, now go wash your hands for dinner!”
And the girl scurried off to wash her hands. Jason grinned at the interaction. He waited till the girl was gone before turning to Danny.
“Looking good your highness,” he teased.
“Oh, hush you!” Danny flushed. “Come help me set the table. It’s not a traditional barbecue but I made some chili, hotdogs, veggie skewers, and some coleslaw. We’ve also got fruit salad and some soda pop in the fridge. Ellie wanted to do a homemade version of chili dogs and I had to insist on some fruits and veggies in there. Ancients knows she needs her nutrients! If you could be a dear and grab some plates off the drying rack that’d be great!”
“Of course, your highness! You had me at chili,” Jason said following Danny into the kitchen.
Later that evening after finishing up with dinner. Danny herded them all onto the fire escape with some frozen treats. Ellie had drumstick ice cream cone, Jason an ice cream bar, and Danny an orange popsicle.
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the fireworks from here but fingers crossed we do. Just don’t be too disappointed if you can’t see them alright Ell?” Danny told his daughter.
“It’s okay daddy! Even if I don’t see the fireworks I still have you and Mr. Jason and my ice cream!”
Jason and Danny looked at each other sharing the same thoughts: ‘She’s so precious!!!!’
Then the tell tale boom of fireworks started and the trio turned their attention to the sky. A streak of red danced across the sky before it burst into a shower of ruby colored sparks. Then came gold, and green and blue and white. One after another in a barrage of sound and color. And they were just able to see it above the end of the alley.
Ellie let out an awed “Whooooaaaa” as she watched the colors dance across the sky. She turned back to her dad tugging on his sleeve and point up at the sky. He chuckled, picking her up to give her a better view pointing at the sky with her saying, “Look at that one!”
It was near enough to make Jason’s own heart burst.
“I know right!” Danny said, glancing back at him, talking about the fireworks. Silently, Jason thought about the way both of the Nightingales’ glossy black hair reflected the fireworks colors in their sheen.
Then Danny turned to hand his phone to Jason.
“Would you mind taking a picture of us?” He asked. “I never had many growing up and I want this to be something she’ll remember.” Looking back down at the child on his hip.
“Of course I can,” he said, taking the phone in his hand. “Smile!”
Jason looked down at the photo he snapped when he saw something that made his heart stall. It was a good photo, both Danny and Ellie smiling at the camera while the remains of a fireworks fell behind them in a shower of fading light. What stopped him in his tracks was the soft look on his own reflection in the window of the apartment staring at Danny and Ellie.
And he realized, ‘Oh. I like Danny’
And he doesn’t know when he zoned out and missed Danny taking his phone back, but he zones right back in when two arms are thrown over his shoulders and suddenly he’s in a selfie sandwich. Both Nightingales press close, Ellie throwing up a peace sign while Danny snaps the photo.
The two laugh at his startled face and he can’t help the laugh that bursts out of him.
“Hey! I wanna redo!”
That night Jason tosses and turns in bed while his brain replays images of Danny: his smile, his lips, his laugh, the way he licks an ice pop. If he hadn’t realized earlier then he definitely knows now.
Jason Todd has an undeniable, unequivocal crush on Daniel Nightingale.
~~~ I tried with that fight scene but I don’t have a lotta experience there. I know this is a fluff fic so sorry to angst you but it’s necessary for hurt/comfort. Have some “Jason accepts his feelings” to make up for it. Sorry if it’s too clunky or dialogue heavy. I’m open to constructive criticism so let me know what you think.
Fifth World Raga is a real band in the DCU their a rock band and their music is described as quote “spiritual in nature” so I feel like it fit Danny’s vibe.
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seanleelevin · 2 months ago
About to finish my rewatch of the original Twin Peaks. Such an incredible series, ahead of its time while influencing so much art that came after. Next up in the Great Rewatch in honor of David is Fire Walk with Me, then The Missing Pieces, and culminating with The Return.
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luckydiorxoxo · 3 months ago
Presenters for this year’s Golden Globes :
Andrew Garfield
Anthony Mackie
Anthony Ramos
Anya Taylor-Joy
Ariana DeBose
Aubrey Plaza
Auliʻi Cravalho
Brandi Carlile
Catherine O’Hara
Colin Farrell
Colman Domingo
Demi Moore
Dwayne Johnson
Édgar Ramírez
Elton John
Gal Gadot
Glenn Close
Jeff Goldblum
Jennifer Coolidge
Kaley Cuoco
Kate Hudson
Kathy Bates
Ke Huy Quan
Kerry Washington
Margaret Qualley
Melissa McCarthy
Michael Keaton
Michelle Yeoh
Miles Teller
Mindy Kaling
Morris Chestnut
Nate Bargatze
Nicolas Cage
Rachel Brosnahan
Rob McElhenney
Salma Hayek Pinault
Sarah Paulson
Seth Rogen
Sharon Stone
Vin Diesel
Viola Davis
Zoë Kravitz
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justinspoliticalcorner · 4 months ago
Andrew Mangan at Daily Kos:
In this year’s Senate elections, Democrats won over 2 million more votes than Republicans but still lost their majority. So much for democracy.  The Senate is famously biased toward the GOP, and with less ticket-splitting these days, that leaves Democrats with quite the hole to climb out of. But there is a ladder back to the majority, even if it’s a tall one. Democrats have performed well in the past two midterm elections, riding a blue wave to a net gain of 40 House seats in 2018 and flipping one Senate seat in 2022, a midterm they were expected to lose decisively. In 2018, Democrats lost four Senate seats while gaining two, but all the losses were in red states, like North Dakota (!) and Indiana (!!). In 2024, though, they saw their 51-seat majority slashed to 47 as the GOP claimed the chamber. But the 2026 midterms alone almost certainly won’t put them back in the Senate majority. There are only two good shots at pickups that year: Maine and North Carolina. 
[...] Nevertheless, holding all their seats and flipping four across these two elections would put Democrats back into the majority. But flip the White House in 2028 and they need only three.
The Democrats lost 4 seats this election (and frankly lucky to not lose any more) to put them down to 47 seats (including 2 Dem-caucusing I’s), and the effort to win back the Senate will likely be a two-cycle effort.
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webshood · 11 months ago
Something I really really like to hear from others is how they characterise Willis Todd. I'm curious about your opinions on him!
(and perhaps Catherine too?)
Ooh this is a though one.
My thing with Willis and Catherine is that they're too similar to people I've dealt with irl.
So I usually give them some grace in my writing, with Willis and Catherine being highschool sweethearts who had some rough patches – Jason's conception being one of them –, Willis is a cook who's job place fell victim to a rogue attack and had to rely on less than ideal work to support his family and Catherine had to drop college so she could raise the kid, she could've jumped ship and let Willis to fend for himself, but she just loved him too much.
My Catherine is someone who loves too much, intensely, unconditionally – her son is just like her–, and her love for Jason is what dooms her, even when Willis was at his worst, treating her like gum that was stuck on the bottom of his shoe, flaunting that number book on her face, she still stayed, for Jason, for her kid.
Her family tried to give her help when she got sick, but they asked for her to leave Willis and Jasonn behind, so she stays, and she dies for it.
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editfandom · 1 year ago
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Twin Peaks, S02E16
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 1 month ago
I want everyone in twin peaks so bad
Both genders, but also in a gay way
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taylorkellyreporting · 2 months ago
i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: twin peaks 2x01-2x09
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andy is yelling coopers name on the phone and for a split second, i forgot he was a cop and said “call the police” 😭
“room service!” my brother in christ, he is actively dying
what the fuck is this guys deal
the thumbs up and the wink are sending me so bad
is he just gonna keep coming back and doing the same thing or…?
oh a new giant, that’s fun
this show is so fucking bizarre. i love it.
“you will require medical attention.” no shit
audrey is so fucked
“i like you.” ew. i know he had no idea it’s audrey but still. ew.
did no one hear the gunshot???
finally. i was half convinced cooper was gonna die on that damn floor.
what the hell, how are catherine and josie missing when shelly was the one with catherine?
i’m so glad pete is okay
“give me a couple hours to get dressed” pls
someone needs to give poor lucy a hug
leland is handling his first murder well
no one in the palmer family is stable
hopefully that floorboard knocked some sense into andy
albert’s my favorite asshole <3
though i’d prefer leo dead, i’m glad he gets to pay for what he’s done to all those girls
“where do they keep his water dish?” the smile dropped off andy’s face so fast 😭😭
aw shit, leo isn’t the serial killer.
“good work, andy.” “ yeah. woof.” pls
“laura and james were in love.” no, i don’t think that’s true.
donna is trying way too hard
i’m sorry but i’m rooting for bobby and shelly
that forehead kiss was so cute
i take it back, nadine deserves so much better than ed
is albert fake crying? 😭
great, bobbys dad is back
that was an…interesting exchange
i’m so glad i was right about leo not acting alone. i wonder if ben was the 3rd guy.
poor pete ☹️
i can’t believe josie tried to allude to catherine killing her son knowing damn well she did it
i don’t believe catherine is dead
i don’t think any of what’s been happening is good for leland’s heart
is audrey…praying to cooper? 😭
what the fuck. what the actual fuck.
senior drool cup skfjgjfks
that was creepy
fuck, what if mr. smith is the gray haired dude???
i feel so bad for ronette
log lady is the best character in this show
andy saying he can’t have kids was not on my bingo card
won’t be surprise if we find out laura was blackmailing ben about one eyed jack’s
i’m with bobby, fuck leo and collect his checks
what the fuuuuuck
omg, is maddy into james?
i wanna know why lelands grandfathers neighbor is torturing the people in twin peaks. specifically the palmer family
yup, audrey’s screwed
another letter…fuck.
albert’s not gonna take the giant thing seriously and i don’t blame him
“you were visited by a giant?” “any relation to the dwarf?” called it 😭😭
leland isn’t on the board of people who’ve interacted with that guy (alien?) so i’m gonna guess he never actually talked to harry
“so what did this giant sound like, huh? i mean, did he have a big booming voice or what?” “no, no. he spoke softly. distinctly.” “and you gave him the beans you were supposed to use to buy a cow?” giggling
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when are albert and harry gonna enter the lovers part of their enemies to lovers arc?
“i love you, agent truman.” i guess i got my answer 😭
“wanna play with fire, little boy?” yeah, he’s def the guy
i don’t trust this dick dude
aw fuck, cooper figured out the insurance fraud
oh shit, nadine
nooo leland
those fuckass owls
“you’re dead, laura but your problems keep hanging around! it’s almost like they didn’t bury you deep enough!” that’s an insane line
donna’s just learned that how you get ‘em is how you lose ‘em. what, did she think she was the exception?
damn it, i was rooting for leland to get away with it!!!
this ep would be perfect if not for all the teenage bullshit. i don’t really care about james and donna. maddy needs to flee that town immediately, she’s too good for it.
someone please hug leland
this type of shit would only happen to andy 😭
josie should be ashamed of herself. pete doesn’t deserve her manipulation.
poor audrey :(
was not expecting that man to be an fbi agent
what the hell, why is that dude watching harry and josie 😭
dick certainly is living up to his name
“DICK!” i’ll say.
naming this episode laura’s secret diary and only showing it once was a hilariously poor choice
damn i kinda…don’t care if hank lives or dies
this episode was whatever.
i hope albert and bobby are in this ep
can someone please hug lucy?
this guy is an idiot
i knew twin peaks was small, i just didn’t think it was ‘courtroom in the middle of a bar’ small 😭
donna was fucked up for that one
can’t believe all this shit has happened in 12 days
nadine is fucking superhuman now? 😭
ben’s gonna hate it when cooper comes back alive
“i’m a whole damn town!” PLEASE
FUCK, i knew lucy was lying about her trip. i really hope she’s having the abortion cause she wants it and not cause she thinks she’s alone
cooper dodging that knife without even looking was very sexy of him
hawk, my man!!! saving the day was also very sexy of him
this is the ep that should’ve been titled laura’s secret diary
last ten mins saved this ep
fuck james!! donna should be apologizing to maddy for getting her into that mess.
“daddy?” he sure is
i’m sorry, i really don’t care about james and donna. they’re so boring.
cooper doesn’t know that ben owns one eyed, jacks, right?
well. there goes all of shelly and bobbys dreams
mr. lynch!!!
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“i was worried sick.” liar.
i’m gonna miss maddy but i’m glad she’s getting out of that town
josie kinda went off in that scene with ben
“good thing we didn’t light the candles.” 😭😭
i have a feeling there’s more to leo than meets the eye
“cooper, you remind me today of a small, mexican chihuahua.” hawks slow look over is sending me so bad
josie sucks and harry deserves so much better than her
i love leland 😭
THAT ENDING OMG. this ep was so good and i can’t wait for the next one.
this episode better live up to the hype
why do i have a feeling we’re gonna find out harold is either gone, dead or that he destroyed the diary…
oh my gosh
leland and sarah took the news of maddy leaving a lot better than i thought they would
“it’s like you’re blaming me for something.” i think it’s the other way around
“he’s alive!” he was never dead 😭
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the face of a man realizing he’s in deep shit
“did you kill her?” “i loved her.” SHE WAS A TEENAGER YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT
no wonder laura was so fucked up
this norma, ed, and nadine scene is so awkward 😭
omg what if leo recorded what went down that night with ronette and laura?
laura refers to bob as a friend of her fathers and the one armed man said bob uses a host. hear me out, what if ben is that host? and that’s what laura meant by “someday i’m gonna tell the world about ben horne. i’m gonna tell them who ben horne really is.” she could also just be talking about him being a disgusting pedophile.
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this is me trying to figure the ben and bob stuff out. if you even care.
i’m so glad audrey told cooper about her father. i just wish he would’ve hugged the poor girl.
ben could also just be a red herring. at least when it comes to bob.
about 30 minutes in and this ep is certainly living up to the hype
what the hell is going on in the palmer residence
i am so uncomfortable
no seriously, what the hell is going on at the palmer residence
this episode has me on the very edge of my seat
alright, it’s the next day and i’m still fucked up from the last episode and not at all ready for this one 😵‍💫
what the fuck did he do with maddy
oh my God, he is aware of what he’s done
this is so fucked up
“God, how you must hate us white people after all we’ve done to you.” “some of my best friends are white people.” i’m screaming
i really need leland to be exposed
evil asshole
i’m so conflicted about ben. on one hand, i’m glad he’s being interrogated about laura but i really want them to figure out he’s not the killer. but that means he walks free 😵‍💫
i don’t like norma’s mom at all
at least the deputy isn’t dead?
norma needs to leave hank already
i’m sorry, was pete in love with josie? is that what he’s saying?
please tell me andy isn’t dumb enough to believe lucy already gave birth 😭
i love that ben is on the brink of losing everything
please for the love of God, search the car
gwen is so dumb 😭
“clearly this mans stairs do not reach the attic.” i’m crying
no fucking way hank knows ernie
i hope they found maddy
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hate the circumstances but i’m SO happy albert is back!!! my favorite asshole 🫶🏼
omg that’s why he took the fur from bens office!!!i really didn’t think twice about anything leland did leading up to the reveal and thought he was just being his regular crazy self but no he was literally planning maddy’s murder 😭
i wonder if leland starting planning maddys murder right when she got into town or if something in particular triggered him
i think this is the most serious albert has ever been and that’s saying something
oh brother
ugh, normas mom is a real bitch
my heart is breaking for laura
damn, leland is setting ben up real good
where the fuck is bens wife?
damn, it donna!! it’s not her fault but still. damn.
i don’t really care for donna but i don’t want her to die
i can’t watch but i can’t look away, either
thank God for harry
“doesn’t matter, don’t you see? nothing we do matters, nothing’s gonna change.” i hate that he’s right.
FUCK james, all my homies HATE james.
i have so many questions
wait, leland doesn’t know what he’s done???
fucking hell.
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my honest to God reaction to last half of this episode. how am i ever supposed to move on from this storyline? i almost don’t want to press play on the next episode because i’m failing to see how they can ever top this arc.
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