rocaillefox · 2 years ago
how do some people write something with really chilling implications on a heavily serious topic and try to play it for kaughs. no i dont find this experience funny. i think its a departure into stunningly bad writing that relies on a suspension of disbelief about how people, morality, and families work. i think it also requires a stunningly bad reading of the original work its based on and intentional disregard of familial ties that were formed as a result of the events of the story. in fact, i think if you had read the original story with anything but a lens for who you can ship with who, you would have recognized the deep issues with this particular reading of the story because of the all but explicit implied familial bonds between these characters in which one of them is a signed document away from adopting the other.
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driftwooddestiel · 1 year ago
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im still riding the high of that episode tbh . have some gifs
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year2000electronics · 3 months ago
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startagainaprologue · 8 months ago
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bonkity..... bonkity!!!!
very cute but... sad consequences..
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evenmorecrows · 27 days ago
man i love when varric shoots people that are about to betray hawke. just completely on his own he's like Nope nope I'm not letting hawke bad-decisions their way into getting killed by some flaky loser. the second this motherfucker trips my spidey senses its a bolt through the head. sayonara
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ehlihr · 2 months ago
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PCs + and NPC from a ttrpg mini campaign i ran for my friends!! It was super fun :-)
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mrusheronhiswaytotown · 9 months ago
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(visibly sopping wet) Hhello sharvey nation ,
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mothcpu · 4 months ago
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art fight attacks for @antibio and @sugarflow
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mintjeru · 3 months ago
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pov you're at the airport to see your bias and he smiles directly at you?? and his bodyguard is kinda cute too?? thank you @/dendrosummer for your donation to @hkvthm-action!! (this gotcha is accepting donations until august 9! your support is appreciated 🍉)
open for better quality | do not repost
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beatcroc · 2 years ago
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pest control.
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*UPDATE: i made a sequel
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andfangs · 1 month ago
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they say in heaven there's no husbands and wives
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robingivesmemagic · 2 months ago
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i like the robins sooort of sharing 1 hair quirk i think it would be cute if steph had smth like that too but it definitely would not get to damian it was too weird it doesnt feel right
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altschmerzes · 8 months ago
hey aro gang? can we collectively make more of an effort to like. advocate for ourselves and our communities and specific identities in ways that aren’t just. actively and openly hostile to other aros or implying or outright stating that they’re harming us or that they have societal and community support they don’t have? like i get it - im non-sam aro, and i relate heavily to a lot of aroallo experiences and it’s really frustrating and hurtful to feel overlooked or erased or anything else, but like. aroaces are not doing anything wrong by talking about their experiences or relating to posts or posting in the aro tag or anything else and it’s getting to a point where im personally getting really uncomfortable seeing people verging on or outright stating that this is the case or that aroaces are some kind of oppressive community force or responsible for the bad experiences of non-ace aros. can we all just cool it a bit please. it’s frustrating and hurtful to feel like you’re being mistreated specifically for not being someone else but that is not that other person’s fault or their identity group’s fault, nor is it always necessarily true. none of us are doing great out here and society at large does not want aroaces to exist or be talked about any more than any of the rest of us i promise.
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coolhorse · 8 months ago
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guy who gets soso sunburned so easy
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kociamieta · 1 month ago
looks like some people found passenger9027 again, i'm happy to see it!!! i am [very, very slowly] working on another story like that, set in the same world, and seeing this made me want to sit down and add some stuff to it today : )
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updatingranboo · 4 months ago
i know this makes no difference to most of you, but i did have a realization today that i dont need to be tagging both "ranboo" and "ranboo update", as well as both "generation loss" and "generation loss update" at the same time on my updates and have been essentially double tagging for a whole year, so i think im going to be dropping the "update" tags because theyre honestly useless 😭😭😭
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