gremlinmodetweeker · 2 months
König's Serious Phobias
I'm pretty stressed out because I'm moving, so I decided to write about König stressing out too! Yay! Anyways, let's go.
König has a complicated past. His childhood was filled with bullying, his adult life has been filled with bullets and bombs. He's been through too much for one man, honestly. The fact that he hasn't either become a hikikomori or a homicidal maniac is a miracle. I think the only reason we're safe is because he has a good family and he found good friends when he joined the military. However, he has scars. Not all of them are painted on his skin.
I've collected phobias that I think he might have into a list, however some of these fears are fears that though they impact him seriously, he can live with them and won't have a panic attack upon facing them. Fears that genuinely terrify him identified. His fears are ranked 1 through 5, with 1 being a fear that just makes him a bit wary/on edge, but he's not going to have a meltdown unless pushed or 5, a fear that can cripple him with just a brush.
Phobias are listed under the cut (also I got the fears from a list online, hence why they're mostly alphabetical)
1 Scopophobia: Fear of being watched
König grew up in a small, rural village surrounded by monsters in all shapes and sizes. Adults were cruel, children were monsters. He grew up being afraid of going out because he knew that everyone in the village saw him as the socially outcast freak. Every time he looked at people, he saw them looking at him with disdain. I think a lot of this is due to developing social anxiety, and so thus he became paranoid, but he did develop a fear of people watching him, judging him, following him with their eyes. He hates going out into the civilian world because of this.
1 Agorophobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
König is scared of going out into crowds. Why? See phobia above. He can't stand being outside of a place he considers safe. Not in a 'I can't go on missions' way, but in a 'I don't want to go to a shopping mall' sort of way. On a mission, he's either alone or in combat. When he's in civilian life, he doesn't know how to turn the military brain off. He can't get it through his reptilian brain that he's safe, and he's okay, and no that person carrying a duffle bag is not actually carrying a hidden rifle, and no that person with a thick coat does not have a bomb under their clothes, and no that person who's walking towards him does not have a knife in their belt. He is safe. He knows this logically, but he can't stop his heart from racing. It's too loud, too hectic, too many things can go wrong too quickly.
5 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Do you know what failure means when you're on a mission infiltrating a cartel base? Failure means watching your teammates get blown apart by a bomb. Failure is watching your best friend fall down into a puddle of their own blood. Failure is getting a bullet between the ears. Failure is not an option in his world. When people make mistakes, don't check their surroundings properly, when someone dares to light up a cigarette at night in an open area, that's when people die. Remember this phrase when you go to smoke on a battlefield. The first light catches the sniper's attention, the second light he lines his sights, the third light he pulls the trigger. Mistakes cost lives when on the field.
1 Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
This one is pretty self explanatory. He's been bullied his whole life. He's pretty sick of it.
3 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
König, due to working in missions that target gangs and domestic terrorist groups, has had the misfortune of seeing dogs being used against his own people. He's been attacked by a dog before himself. In combat, dogs are tools of terror. He's seen his own team use dogs, and he knows what they're capable of. You might see a fluffy German shepherd. He sees a dog that's torn peoples hands off. However! He does also like dogs when he meets them in public. He is not going to assume your dog is a killer, but if your dog growls, he won't dare touch that dog. He won't even get close. He's seen what dogs can do.
As mentioned before in this post, König's first reaction to fears he can see is to lash out. He will punch or kick without thinking. He doesn't even yell or gasp when he does it. It's just what he does. If you go to sneak up on him, you'd best be ready to dodge. He feels really bad about it, and he's been banned from 10 different haunted houses around the world.
For fears he can't physically lash out at, he will just keep an eye on things. OODA loop, you know? Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. That's going on in his head over and over again. If he's out in public, that's going on in the back of his head. If he sees a dog, he's going through multiple different scenarios and evaluating the likelihood of each possibility. Normally he's a quiet man, but he goes deathly quiet when he's afraid. If you notice him freaking out like this, it might be nice to ground him by getting his attention and then taking his hand, or distracting him from what he's thinking about. He might not say it until later, but he'll be thankful.
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sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This system has catagelophobia]
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gctdb · 5 months
Major triggers for Invincible presents: Atom Eve include aerophobia, agliophobia, automatonophobia, catagelophobia, decidophobia, nucleomituphobia, hemophobia, necrophobia, traumatophobia, and zelophobia.
Also of note:
Emotional abuse & gaslighting, both from parental figures and intimate partners
Heavy use of blood, gore, viscera, etc.
A villain being depicted as mentally ill / "disturbed" / likely psychotic
Human experimentation, child abuse, and child endangerment
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foxalade · 3 months
Phobias I think the Marauders would have
(this is part 2 of this)
James: Thanatophobia (fear of losing someone)
Sirius: Autophobia (fear of abandonment)
Remus: Hypochondria (fear of illness)/ Selenophobia (fear of the Moon)
Peter: claustrophobia (fear or tight places)
Regulus: Agoraphobia (scared of being in places where you cannot escape)
Barty: Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at)
Evan: Gerascophobia (fear of growing old)
Pandora: Pyrophobia (fear of fire)
Lily: Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Mary: Catagelophobia (fear of humiliation) / Athazagoraphobia (fear of forgetting / being forgotten)
Marlene: Algophobia (fear of pain)
Dorcas: Trypanophobia (fear of injections)
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sillylittledudestuff · 6 months
travis phelps headcanons
travis is actually agnostic, but hides it
he has heterochromia, but he wears colorized contacts to hide it
travis has dyscalculia
he has MANY fears including, hemophobia, phonophobia, claustrophobia, nyctophobia, and catagelophobia
he has a secret phone to text sal with
he bleached his hair to look less like his dad
bruises SUPER easily
he’s a compulsive liar, like sometimes can’t help it; he’ll lie over small stuff
sadder headcanons
his dad “punishes him” for small stuff like not doing his chores correctly, not getting home fast enough, etc
dad not only physically abuses him but verbally abuses him, denies him food, locks him in the basement/attic, makes him sleep outside entirely, and sometimes SA him
his mother isn’t present anymore, but when she was travis would take SO many hits for her
travis is like SUPER skinny.. like insanely skinny. you can legit see his ribs ( mainly hides it by wearing baggy clothes )
he tried self harm as a form of relief and when people didn’t notice ( mainly because of his other cuts and bruises and stuff ) it worsened it for him
was weirded out when sal was being nice to him because he’s genuinely never had someone other than his mother care for him
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AvAvM Characters and My Headcanons For Their Greatest Phobias
Second: Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Red: Nyctophobia (fear of the dark)
Yellow: Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Green: Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Blue: Pyrophobia (fear of fire)
Purple: Catagelophobia (fear of being ridiculed)
King: Autophobia (fear of being alone)
Chosen: Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces)
Dark: Megalophobia (fear of large things)
Victim: Necrophobia (fear of death)
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yummycrummy · 4 months
p1 hcs becuz I am normal abt characters 
-his real name is Rick but he prefers to go by Dude (I like to think that p2's name is Rick too but we aren't talking abt him rn) 
-in his 20s (like...26 or 28???) he looks older to some people though, if he even goes out
-has severe generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, hypochondria, schizophrenia, social anxiety, and OCD 
- has Anthropophobia, Ataxophobia, Catagelophobia, Claustrophobia, Daemonophobia, and probably way more
-started to take medication at some point but eventually stopped because he thought they wouldn't work and make him more paranoid 
-he owns guns (A LOT of them) probably like, 25. he keeps them perfectly clean and safe, stocked up on his wall or in his panic room. (we'll get to that part soon) he'd probably have a collection of other weapons too, like a bunch of knives and axes (he also keeps them very clean, obsessively) 
-owns a little radio so he can listen to MTV, music that he's into, like Nickelback, KMFDM, Judas Priest, Oingo Boingo and Black Sabbath. helps him relax when he feels like he's really losing it. (he also tries to listen in on the feds, like if they're spying on him. he's that paranoid.)
-cuddles with champ often. especially when hes in bed. he loves that puppy as much as life itself (he'd kill for him) 
-gets sunspots when hes out in the sun for awhile 🌤
-smokes pot frequently. his house probably reeks of it, and so does he lets be real
-smoking too much of the pot can fuck him up, yet he doesn't stop. he doesn't know what else to do, and he doesn't trust doctors.
-fidgets alot. holds onto his cross when hes scared or in need of comfort. bites his nails too.
-has acne scars
-sensitive to bright lights (why he wears sunglasses all the time)
-gets sick really often. all the time. almost died during a few probably
-has shit posture 🦐
-breaks things when hes overwhelmed or angry
-has a bunker/panic room in his basement. keeps way more weapons down there, including MRE's and dog food as well. he thinks about the world coming to an end and so that's basically why he built it. 
-hardly ever leaves his house. feels like the government is going to come for him, so whenever he sees a black vehicle outside, like a van, he freaks the hell out. If he was going to go out and get the mail that day you can forget it. 
-cant hold down a job for long. Idk how this man even has a house (government probably gives him money) that is until he eventually gets evicted (hope this makes sense enough im sleepy)
-can't drive even though he took his learners as a teen. he just can't. makes him more nervous and unable to focus on a lot of things at once, so he either walks or takes the bus. 
-kids would often call him a demon or pull his hair. they thought he was a freak since he never liked to be around any of the other kids, he was always off in some corner or inside at recess, so he was sadly the target of their taunts. 
-his parents weren't redheads like him (recessive genes) so when he was born his mother thought he was the spawn of the devil. she never wanted anything to do with him, as did his dad, so P1 desperately tried everything to get their attention/approval, but nothing ever worked. he eventually left home when he turned 17. 
k thats mostly it ty for reading if u did eee
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messiahzzz · 6 months
oc meme
tagged by: @galedekarios. thank uu hun 💕
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- Full name: Caoimhee ("beloved, gentle, kind, graceful") Laira (“soul, spirit, light”) Thirfaen (“wandering, drifting”). Previously Ahren (“mountain of strength”)-Sgéin (“achiever of greatness”) - Gender: Female - Sexuality: Demi/Pansexual - Pronouns: She/her
- Family: Ahren-Sgéin, farmers and merchants -> Father: Eduard Sgéin -> Mother: Julianna Ahren -> Adoptive Mother/Caretaker: Rauha Thirfaen - Birthplace: Greenest - Job: Archivist - Records management + Preservation - Phobias: Athazagoraphobia, Catagelophobia, Cleithrophobia, Phonophobia - particularly the sound of marbles - Guilty pleasures: Coming up with new culinary atrocities, poofy dresses, word scrambles, murder mysteries & trashy novels (less guilty on the last one) - Hobbies: Reading/writing, history, poetry, collecting, arts & crafts (quilling, embroidery, jewelry making, sculpturing)
- Alignment: Neutral Good - Sins: Sloth, Envy - Virtues: Prudence, Humility, Reliability, Compassion
T H I S  O R  T H A T
- Introvert / Extrovert - Organized / Disorganized (on both ends of the spectrum simultaneously) - Close-minded / Open-minded - Calm / Anxious / Restless - Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between - Cautious / Reckless / In between - Patient / Impatient / In between - Outspoken / Reserved / In between - Leader / Follower / Flexible - Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between - Optimist / Pessimist / Realist - Traditional / Modern / In between - Hard-working / Lazy (she contains multitudes)
- OTP: Gale/Caoimhee — Best friends. Birds of a Feather. Soulmates. - Acceptable Ships: None - OT3: None - Brotp: Yes -> Karlach/Caoimhee — Caoimhee is the yin to Karlach’s yang, they balance each other out perfectly. Caoimhee relishes in Karlach’s impulsivity, go-getter attitude, and particular brand of chaos, while her rational and reflective input helps Karlach with navigating her restlessness and staying grounded. Both are very protective of each other. -> Shadowheart/Caoimhee — They relate to each other on a deep level, even with differing circumstances. Caoimhee greatly appreciates Shadowheart’s snark and dry humor, as well as the kind heart underneath. While Shadowheart is pleasantly surprised by Caoimhee’s patience and understanding, deeming her a calming and trustworthy presence. They continue to seek each other out for advice. - Notp: Any combination that isn’t Gale/Caoimhee
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tagging: @promakodriver, @say-lene, @ra-scheln, @senualothbrok, @dreamingofthewild, @villainanders, @laserlope, @eilistraaee, @tinleafart, @leofrith and anyone else who wants to do this!
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levenxa · 4 months
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Cross (Sevver)
Gender: Trans-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Height: 6’1
Age: 24 (estimated)
Likes: Compliments, Potted plants, Chess, Blue & Error :)
Dislikes: Has sensory issues, Doesn’t like altercations,
Phobias: Catagelophobia (Fear of Being Ridiculed)
Weapons/Powers: Huge Sword
Backstory: Cross wasn't the one responsible for the death of his family members, Gast (xGaster) was. Gast pretty much bans/throws out Cross permanently from his own timeline and into another. That other timeline was Pre-Incident, or where Dream and Nightmare were before the Apple Incident. He befriends Nightmare secretly as he acts as one of the villagers, but the main difference is that he was kind. They hung out very often and Cross did notice this strange aura/vibe from Dream but chose to calmly appreciate him anyways. That was until the Apple Incident, where Cross watched his one true love take this dark power offered to him by his childhood friend. Hoping he wouldn’t take it, he watches the other villagers run in fear. Nightmare takes it, and Cross steals one last glance before leaving that place (timeline) entirely. Cross later regrets leaving him there because of what a hellscape they promote in the near future, but can’t do anything about it. He moves timelines AGAIN to where Error and Blue are. He befriends Error first, they live together and are kind of dysfunctional until Cross forcefully moves out, telling her that she needs to get help. She does and they end up reconciling again only for Error to introduce Blue. Blue is relatively chill but veryyyyy pessimistic. Blue offers to have them stay in his place and they agree because free rent? Absolutely. Cross is pretty much the reason why the other two even know about the two immortals fucking up the world. The news about Dream and Nightmare wreaking havoc in multiple worlds spreads across the multiverse and then the quest to stop them begins.
Relationships: He is fond of Blue, they work together after all. Then there’s Error, he doesn’t like it when she makes fun of him, but in the end she always apologizes. He thinks she’s very sweet, despite her chaotic nature. He actually does like Ink, even when she works for the evil guardians. He has a soft spot for Nightmare but still goes against him, and Cross doesn’t like Dream at all.
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ruitethewingedfox · 7 months
Theory; The Magnus Protocol has fear entities, just not the ones we're used to.
Think about it; humanity's fears are so vast (no pun intended), there HAS to be more than just the 15 entities, right? There's
agoraphobia (fear or large spaces or crowds),
anthropophobia (fear of people or society),
anthophobia (fear of flowers)
Aphenphosmphobia (fear of being touched)(wow wasn't expecting to get called out making this theory-)
Ataxophobia (fear of disorganization)
Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Belonephobia (fear of pins and NEEDLES)
Botanophobia (fear of plants)
Bibliophobia (fear of books)
Chionophobia (fear of snow)
Catagelophobia (fear of ridicule)
Catoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)
Chronomentrophobia (fear of clocks) (HUHM HUNM Lore Ruite for a while after February 14th 2023)
Cyberphobia (fear of COMPUTERS)
Dendrophobia (fear of trees)
Haphephobia (fear of touch in general) (wow called out again)
Koumpounophobia (fear of buttons)
Pteridophobia (fear of ferns)
Sociophobia (fear of social evaluation)
Somniphobia (fear of sleep)
Selenophobia (fear of the moon)
Technophobia (fear of TECHNOLOGY)
(Note; I only listed fears that I feel like could be grouped together into entities or have already appeared in the magnus protocol in some way)
Now of this list there are 2 I believe have already 100% showed themselves
-Cyberphobia/technophobia: in the form of Freddie, can you imagine the existential horrors of being pulled from your home universe and put inside a computer? I believe Alice and/or Colin may end up avatars of this entity; Alice because she's shown the most affection towards The Computer Gaggle and Freddie itself, and Colin because he's the head I.T.
-Belonephobia/Koumpounophobia: the most recent episode, the needles part is quite obvious on the surface, but the more I think about it, the more connections I make; Needles specifically mentioned stabbing their victim in the eyes, and buttons in place of eyes are a common design trope; needles and buttons are both used in sewing.
Maybe there'll be more connections that I make trying to fall asleep tonight, but for now, that's all!
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demonangelgirl134 · 9 months
I found a list of all the phobias in the world organized A-Z
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I had way too much time on my hands 🥲🥲
But let me know if you have any of these phobias.
(For me, personally, the worst phobia I suffer is catagelophobia)
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I THINK THIS QUESTION IS NOT IN THE OCS ASKGAME but anyways; What was the first design of Act-Ler? And, 💀 that was the phobia one? Lmao i'm SO eepy.
for act, i only had a sketch page of concepts, and his first actual design stuck and is basically his design now, although he changed a small bit
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maybe click so its easier to read
i think we can all tell which concept i went with.. hahaha... haha..
and for the ask game question!
💀 : Does your OC have any phobias?
Act, in fact, does have some phobias!
His phobias include;
Atelophobia - fear of imperfection
Athazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten
Catagelophobia - fear of being ridiculed
His phobias were developed mainly in early childhood, both from actions of his parents and how heavy his career was on him.
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sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This system has glossophobia, scopophobia, aichmophobia, and catagelophobia]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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archive-of-artprompts · 10 months
Face your fears! Or rather, make a character out of it! Send in an emoji and I'll draw the embodiment of that phobia! (phobia list source)
🛁 Ablutophobia: Fear of bathing 
🗻 Acrophobia: Fear of heights
✈ Aerophobia: Fear of flying
🤕 Algophobia: Fear of pain
🌆 Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
🔪 Aichmophobia: Fear of sharp objects
😨 Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking
😡 Angrophobia: Fear of anger
💐 Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
🚻 Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
👉 Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
🕷 Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
🔢 Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
⚡ Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
🌌 Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
🏚 Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
❌ Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
💦 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
🧍‍♂️ Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
😶 Autophobia: Fear of being alone
🍎 Barophobia: Fear of gravity
📚 Bibliophobia: Fear of books
🍀 Botanophobia: Fear of plants
👁‍🗨 Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness
😂 Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed
🌗 Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
⛄ Chionophobia: Fear of snow
🎨 Chromophobia: Fear of colors
⏰ Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
⏳ Chronophobia: Fear of time
🍴 Cibophobia: Fear of food
🔲 Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
🧗‍♀️ Climacophobia: Fear of climbing
🤡 Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
💻 Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
🐶 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
👿 Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
🤷‍♂️ Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
🌳 Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
🦷 Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
🏠 Domatophobia: Fear of houses
🐱 Elurophobia: Fear of cats
🤮 Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
💞 Erotophobia: Fear of sex
🐴 Equinophobia: Fear of horses
💍 Gamophobia: Fear of marriage
🎤 Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
🌞 Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
🩸 Hemophobia: Fear of blood
🦎 Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
💧 Hydrophobia: Fear of water
🤒 Hypochondria: Fear of illness
👩‍⚕️ Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors
🐜 Insectophobia: Fear of insects
🌀 Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
🦠 Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
💀 Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things
🏥 Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
⬛ Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
🎱 Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8
🌧 Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
🐍 Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
🐦 Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
📜 Papyrophobia: Fear of paper
💗 Philophobia: Fear of love
🔥 Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
🎃 Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
🏫 Scolionophobia: Fear of school
👀 Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
🌙 Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
💤 Somniphobia: Fear of sleep
🤖 Technophobia: Fear of technology
🌊 Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
💇‍♀️ Trichophobia: Fear of hair
💉 Trypanophobia: Fear of medical needles/injections
⚫ Trypophobia: Fear of holes
🧙‍♀️ Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
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musical-kid2 · 10 months
Davey: Hemophobia- Fear of blood🩸
Racetrack: Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed (ridiculed- being yelled at/being Judged)✔️❌️
Albert: Autophobia- abandoned🚶‍♀️🚶
Spot: Mnemophobia- Fear of memories🪟
Finch: Pyrophobia- Fear of fire🔥
Specs: none💅✨️
Henry: Mnemophobia- Fear of memories🪟
Tommy boy: Atychiphoia- Fear of failure📝
Jack: Somniphobia- Fear of sleep🛌
Crutchie: none💅✨️
Elmer: none💅✨️
Buttons: Glossophobia- Fear of public speaking📢
Mush:Achouphohia- Fear of darkness🌑
Kath: Atychiphoia- Fear of failure📝
Sarah: none💅✨️
Oscar: Autophobia- abandoned🚶‍♀️🚶
Morris:Mnemophobia- Fear of memories🪟
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
do you think your au's Leo would have Atychiphobia [Fear of failure] or Catagelophobia [Fear of being ridiculed] or something along those lines?
(spelling for these may not be correct)
didnt know there were words for that but yea she's probably got both of those considering her response to Raph beating her in a fight is to keep fighting him until she wins, and her response to having her gender/masculinity questioned is either running away or INSTANT VIOLENCE.
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