#casual vs formal shirt
aolabd · 2 months
Formal Shirt
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The Evolution and Significance of the Formal Shirt
The formal shirt, an indispensable component of professional and social attire, has evolved significantly over the centuries. From its origins as a simple undergarment to its current status as a symbol of elegance and sophistication, the formal shirt has played a pivotal role in shaping men's and women's fashion. This article delves into the history, key features, and contemporary relevance of the formal shirt.
Historical Background
The history of the formal shirt dates back to ancient times when it was worn as a basic garment by both men and women. In the Middle Ages, shirts were typically made of linen and served as an undergarment to protect outer clothing from sweat and body oils. It wasn't until the 19th century that shirts began to be recognized as standalone fashion items. The industrial revolution and advancements in textile manufacturing made shirts more accessible to the general public, and they started to be worn as outer garments.
Key Features of the Formal Shirt
A formal shirt is characterized by its clean lines, tailored fit, and high-quality materials. The most common fabric used is cotton, known for its breathability, comfort, and durability. Other materials such as silk and linen are also used, particularly for high-end or seasonal variations.
Key features of a formal shirt include:
Collar: The collar is the most distinctive feature, with various styles such as the spread, point, and button-down collars. The choice of collar can significantly impact the shirt's formality and suitability for different occasions.
Cuffs: Cuffs are another essential component, with options like barrel cuffs and French cuffs. French cuffs are typically more formal and require cufflinks, adding an extra touch of sophistication.
Fit: The fit of a formal shirt is crucial for its overall appearance. Common fits include slim, regular, and relaxed, each catering to different body types and personal preferences.
Buttons: High-quality buttons, often made of mother-of-pearl or durable plastic, are a hallmark of a well-made formal shirt. The placement and type of buttons can vary, with some shirts featuring hidden plackets for a cleaner look.
Pleats and Darts: Pleats (folds) and darts (stitching) are used to shape the shirt, enhancing its fit and appearance. Back pleats provide additional room and ease of movement, while darts offer a more tailored look.
Contemporary Relevance
In today's fashion landscape, the formal shirt remains a staple in both men's and women's wardrobes. It is a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. In professional settings, a well-fitted formal shirt paired with a suit or blazer is essential for projecting confidence and competence. For social events, a stylish formal shirt can be worn with tailored trousers or a skirt, accessorized to reflect personal style.
Moreover, the formal shirt has adapted to contemporary trends, with designers experimenting with colors, patterns, and fabrics to cater to modern tastes. While the classic white or blue formal shirt remains timeless, options in bold colors, intricate patterns, and innovative fabrics have gained popularity.
The formal shirt's evolution from a simple undergarment to a cornerstone of modern fashion underscores its enduring appeal and adaptability. Its blend of tradition and modernity makes it a versatile and essential garment for various occasions. As fashion continues to evolve, the formal shirt will undoubtedly retain its significance, continually adapting to the changing tastes and preferences of society.
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curatedattire · 9 months
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Cuffing the Style Exploring the Various Types of Men's Dress Shirt Cuffs
As a man who takes pride in his appearance, I can attest to the importance of paying attention to the finer details, such as the cuffs on a dress shirt. The cuffs of your dress shirt should fit snugly around your wrist without feeling too tight or too loose. You should be able to fit one finger between your wrist and the cuff, but not more than that. A well-fitted cuff not only looks better but also feels more comfortable throughout the day.
Now, let's dive into the different types of cuffs you'll find on dress shirts and how to style them.
French Cuff  This is the ultimate in sophisticated style. The French cuff is a double cuff that is folded back and fastened with cuff links. This style is typically reserved for formal occasions, such as black-tie events or weddings. It adds a touch of elegance and class to any suit, and can be paired with a classic tie or bow tie.
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Barrel Cuff The barrel cuff is the most common type of cuff and features a simple, straight edge. It is fastened with one or two buttons, and is appropriate for both formal and casual occasions. This style can be paired with a tie or worn without, and looks great with a blazer or sport coat.
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Round Cuff The round cuff features a curved edge instead of a straight one. It adds a touch of uniqueness to a dress shirt and can be worn with or without cuff links. This style is great for adding a bit of personality to your outfit, and pairs well with a bold patterned tie or a textured blazer.
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Angle Cuff The angle cuff, also known as a mitered cuff, has a diagonal edge that creates a unique look. This style is more modern and is often seen on dress shirts with a slimmer fit. It can be paired with a skinny tie or worn without, and looks great with a suit that has a slim cut.
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Convertible Cuff This style is versatile and allows the wearer to choose how they want to fasten the cuff. It features a buttonhole on one side and a cuff link hole on the other. It is appropriate for both formal and casual occasions and can be paired with a classic or skinny tie.
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Paying attention to the cuffs on a dress shirt can elevate your style to the next level. Whether you opt for a classic French cuff or a more modern angle cuff, there is a style to suit every occasion and personality. So go ahead and experiment with different cuff styles to find your perfect look.
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Kitchener Essences: David Duchovny
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Already tackled Gillian Anderson's essence here, so, it's David's turn!
John Kitchener, like Kibbe, created his system on top of the yin-yang methodology other stylists were constructing in the early 20th century. Yet instead of focusing on the body's structure as a whole (Kibbe's method), Kitchener zeroed in on the face: particularly, its holistic expression.
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(Credit to: Ellie-Jean Royden)
I'd previously written a post about the Feminine vs. Masculine balance in David Duchovny's face (post here); but found, as I was working on this project, that that method and the Kitchener method overlap each other. Both assess the yin (soft, rounded, curved lines) and yang (sharp, narrow or blunt, chiseled lines) of a person's face; and draw up a general impression others would have of them at a neutral first glance.
These tools may not appeal to everyone; but boy do they work hand and glove in the entertainment industry. Actors can disguise their natural essence in a role by embodying another person; can tone down their masculine vs. feminine balance with hair, makeup, and styling; and can lean into their natural aura for promotion and marketing. Of course, there is some degree of typecasting-- it would be harder (or impossible) for a person with Gamine Essence (smaller facial features with dynamic odds and ends) to pull off an Ethereal Essence (long, sleek, elongated, elegant lines) than it would for an Ethereal to pull off a Dramatic Essence (as Cate Blanchett did for Thor: Ragnarök.) This system also effectually proves Kibbe's warning: one cannot evaluate a person's Kibbe body type by the face alone-- Ingenue Leonardo DiCaprio and Classic (if I recall) Colin Firth are both Romantics, after all. Similarly, 5'2" Kibbe Theatrical Romantic Gillian Anderson and 5'10" Kibbe Dramatic Tilda Swinton share a striking Ethereal Essence.
**Note**: If you don't care to ingest the full post, skip straight to the DAVID DUCHOVNY header for his analysis.
As per my first Essence post, I will be including transcripts and screenshots from Ellie-Jean Royden's video on the topic (here). Also, highly recommend Gabriella Arruda, who has a more practical, everyday wear approach to the Essences (as well as excellent videos combining them with the Kibbe Body Types-- my posts on GA's and DD's Kibbe here and here, respectively-- and seasonal color analysis.)
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The Most Yang Dominant (strong features)-- sharp, narrow, long, hard. Defined by: danger, wildness, boldness, theatrical, dark, extravagant, intense, dignified. Dramatic faces tend to have three or more elongated and “hard” traits: high and dominant cheekbones, long faces, sharp jawlines, sharp noses, slightly narrow eyes, narrow lips.  
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Dramatics look best in sharp, tailored clothes; in bold, extravagant, theatrical styles; …in unconventional or unusual patterns; in asymmetry or straight lines; …in unusual textures or dangerous styles (leather, for example.)  
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Yang Dominant (strong features)-- blunt, wide, broad, and elongated…instead of elongated, sharp, harsh (you might see men with Dramatic Essence as the villain in a movie… Natural Essence tends to be… the hero of the film.) Defined by: relaxed, earthy, sporty, active, wild, easygoing, approachable, rugged (...chopping a tree down or hacking a block of wood ready for a fire.) 
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They look best in simple, comfortable, relaxed clothes. They tend to look formal in the most casual and simple styles; whereas… in a suit, they tend to look quite constrained…. Jeans and a t-shirt… don’t look casual or sloppy… looks like it belongs…. Look good in loose fitting; sturdy, oversized sort of styles. Anything with unstructured shapes, layering, or denim. 
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Yang Dominant (strong features)--  sharp or angular features, with some youthful elements (large and soft eyes, or slightly wide and soft noses, or slightly rounded cheekbones with a sharp jaw and narrow eyes.) Defined by: quirky, rebellious, whimsical, youthful (but not as youthful as Ingenue Essence), boyish, playful, fun. Like a Dramatic in some ways… with a youthful undercurrent to them.  
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They look really good when poking fun at fashion. They look good in mix-n-match or retro styles. They look good in bold colors or unusual patterns. High contrast; quite cool in rolled up jeans or “teenager” hoodies. They look good in lots of detail and compact styles and maybe some whimsical elements. 
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Neither Yang nor Yin Dominant (symmetrically balanced features)-- in the middle, not particularly sharp or soft; timeless, neutral features (no defining characteristic features.) Defined by: clean, timeless, elegant, sophisticated, formal, conservative.  
They look best in minimal details, allowing their own beauty to shine through. They look good in smooth and controlled lines. They become more memorable as everything else is "stripped" away. They look good in timeless looks-- it doesn't look boring or outdated; tends to look very elegant and chic. You could even describe them as looking regal... in these styles. They look good in symmetry, balance, neutral colors, and quality fabrics.
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Yin Dominant (soft features)-- soft, round facial features; smouldering eyes; lush lips; slightly narrow jaws; round cheeks or slightly wide noses; often have dark hair and high contrast (like Dramatics, except with shorter, softer lines.) Defined by: sensual, alluring, lush, romantic.  
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They look good in soft, lush fabrics (like velvet.) Look best in bowties over long ties. They might look good in something a little undone, looser fabrics, softer fabrics. In red or lush colors. In large, rounded patterns. Jewels or jewel tones. 
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Yin Dominant (soft features)-- baby-like faces (lots of Hollywood male heartthrobs are Ingenues, ex. Leo DiCaprio); small, slightly wide noses; rounder eyes; round cheekbones; plump but smallish lips; rounded and shorter faces. Defined by: sweet looking, innocent, gentle, delicate, adorable, youthful (less “boudoir” than Romantics in the same styles.)
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They look best in delicate and small details. Whimsical styles; in anything vintage; in pastel or pale colors; in decorative styles like small floral prints or things that hark back to another era. They look really good in ornate, intricate sort of things. And of course, with soft, delicate fabrics. These men look much better in a bow tie than in a long tie because this mimics their short, rounded facial features. 
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The Most Yin Dominant (soft features)-- a meeting between yin and yang features. They have elongated faces; some sharp facial features like cheekbones or high foreheads, but with rounded or slightly wide set eyes or soft lips. (Not blending their yin and yang together like Classic, or contrasting it like Gamines.) Defined by: pure, wise, timeless, otherworldly, ageless, old souls, uncanny, celestial (tend to be cast in fantasy roles.) 
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They look really good in metallics; soft, lightweight, fluttery fabrics; vintage or period pieces with… fantastical, ornate, intricate elements. Too many overdone details tips into caricature; instead, they could opt for gray instead of black, or create a long visual line down with their hair.
Let's start from the top: discovering what are David's worst essences.
What David Isn't
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Dramatic is the worst Essence for DD, turning his flare for the "out there" into costume and caricature, wearing him instead of the other way 'round. As such, he often hams up his poses or expressions to better match the energy of the shot, transforming it from avant-garde fashion to tongue-in-cheek performance art.
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David is drawn to pizzazz, to bold colors, to unique styles. There's a part of his nature that responds to it-- which is easy to see why, when we explore his primary Essence. However: he walks right by the most flattering option to snatch up the second worst.
He's a handsome man, no doubt... but even his looks can't save him from the consequences of his dilapidated fashion sense. Youthful vibes very well with David; but he jumps upon an "aha!" too vigorously, overdoing it with more and more funky, punky, spiky, mismatchy elements. Not even his Kibbe can save him: if he'd been Romantic or Gamine instead of Soft Natural, his shorter bones might have been able to more effectively cover up the disjointed effect.
The bottom rows can be salvageable, as his hairstyle would be dependent on what outfit he wore with it. But even at face value, there's something off about too much tousle either way. The bland-for-him Classic Essence shirt in the last picture doesn't help matters.
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Classic is not the worst on David; but it's not the best, either.
Minimal detail on David tends to wash out his unique charm, burying it under too much finish or polish. The suit in the first picture appears to have been purposefully bought a size up in an attempt to "soften" the silhouette on DD (without success); and the second is too pinched and narrow in the shoulders and too widening and tailored at the hips (a typical Classic silhouette composed of equal parts yin and yang.) The two gray shirts, however, are better: they fit the lines of his body (Kibbe), are Medium Value gray (an aspect of his seasonal color analysis), and are better accessorized with tiny details (buttons and pockets.) Steps in the right direction, but not a complete victory.
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David's styling and poses are overtly sexual here; but the result is more akin to off-the-clock lounging than reach-into-your-heart-through-your-eyes-and-consume-your-soul sensuality. Put more concisely, his sexy isn't boudoir or bodice ripper.
The top pose is the most off-kilter; but the second row's pictures are all salvageable. David's neutral expression in the first pic changes the effect into steamy relaxation; his pose and delicate elements in the second turns the shot into something fresh and almost soulful; and his luxuriously soft hair and pajamas in the third reads as one clean, complete look. The last two particularly are mixed with his primary and secondary Essences.
What David Is
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Maybe. Not discounting the possibility.
It wouldn't be a surprise: David is a Kibbe Soft Natural; and there is definite overlap between its lines and Kitchener's Essence. However: David can only handle teeny tiny amounts of it. Too much and he looks like a clean-shaven homeless man wearing the wealthy neighborhood's overpriced hand-me-downs instead of his old, gunky, raggedy hoodie. That, or a struggling artist.
The top left look is salvageable: his glasses are a complimentarily small detail, his sleeves are rolled up above the wrists, his hair isn't too wild or unkempt, and his pants aren't visible in the shot. Not the best, but definitely not the worst.
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The gray shirt's back! That's because, despite the intent of the shot, the end result is an Ethereal Essence come to life: long, luxurious, draping silhouette; lower contrast grey instead of a harsher, richer color like black; and shadowy, "otherworldly" set dressing.
David's first two looks are from the same photoshoot. The metallic sheen in his suit and Ethereal graphic on his shirt turn this look from a classic silhouette into a statement piece, one that perfectly accords with David's blink-and-you'll-miss-it expression and understated-overstated drama.
However: it's not his best Essence: lines that are too flowy or too long or too "flyaway" jar slightly with his persona-- not quite messy, but not quite right.
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David's best Essence is Ingenue-- and no wonder. Even early on his career, fans were calling him a puppy and wanting to take care of him.
His sensuality is expressed by irrepressible innocence, that element of childishness he misinterprets as Gamine's boyishly spunky, eternally youthful spark. With that in mind, he should focus on softer details instead-- not replacing his funky inclinations so much as tempering them. Funk on a smaller, scale: delicate ornateness instead of jagged edges and opposing prints; repeatable patterns instead of differing styles mashed together. David should also lean into buttons, comfy textured fabrics, and bowties to match the tiny, repeated curves in his face.
Let's test out his Ingenue Essence.
How shall we do that? By comparing him to other men that share his same Kibbe Soft Natural body type.
Dramatic Essence: None
I don't have a Dramatic SN to compare; but i think we can all conclude that this Essence doesn't scream 'David Duchovny.'
Natural Essence: Brad Pitt and Robert Redford
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Brad and Robert are put together and at ease in differing levels of "dishevelment." David, though more "himself", does not (even with the same level of tailoring and styling care in the first photo as Brad.)
Gamine Essence: Gene Kelly
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Gene comes alive in bold, expressive, potentially clashing elements. David, however, looks mismatched and uncomfortable.
Classic Essence: John Wayne
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While John shines with minimal detail, David becomes flat.
Romantic Essence: George Clooney
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Here we can see George's effortless romanticism and David's endearing Ingenue charm radiating from their pores.
Ingenue Essence: Bing Crosby
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With both of their hair slicked up and back, it's too easy to spot the shared tiny, delicate aspects dominating Bing's and David's face. Bing's bowtie and David's small-scale tie further accentuate these features, as do their softer profiles and lower contrast.
Ethereal Essence: None
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Again, I was unable to find a Kibbe approved Soft Natural that fit the Ethereal requirements. However, I did find DD in an Ethereal shirt and studio set; so, let us gaze upon it, note it works but not fully, and move along.
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To further prove the Ingenue theory, we can compare him against Kibbe Romantic Elijah Wood's Ingenue Essence. Both have smaller scale facial features, softer lines, and softer silhouettes. They are also complimented very naturally by smaller scale accessories, smaller scale repeating patterns, smaller scale soft tailoring, and smaller scale bowties (compared to their regular ones.) These touches tap into and bring out their "cute" undercurrent easily and effectively.
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Ingenue-Ethereal, perhaps Ingenue-Ethereal-Natural. Not bad!
It makes sense why he and Gillian sold The X-Files: the softened bluntness of his Kibbe created a striking visual contrast against her narrow, sharp Kibbe while their close percentages of Ethereal Essence knit those differences back together in an otherworldly, mythical pursuit of the truth (be it men, monsters, or insane work hours.)
Meanwhile, David is drawn to characteristic detail, unfortunately expressing that dynamic essence through Gamine rather than its perfect twin Ingenue. Furthermore, his love of long, less-restrictive lines is also misplaced in the Natural Essence, whereas it would be right at home in the equally less restrictive but also softer and sleeker Ethereal Essence.
Thanks for reading~
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lilly-onthevalley · 15 days
Guide to Basics: My Current
I mentioned that I got rid of atleast 60% of my clothes a year and a half ago and it's been the best thing I've ever done for my wardrobe. My choices are easier and I can't remember the last time I've ever sat and cracked my head about an outfit. That's the way I like it. My life has a million other stresses and I mainly care about 2 things. Consistency and Presentabiltity.
Over consumption has been normalised, and honestly, no one needs to be doing allat (😂). If you try and follow every trend and phase, you'll find yourself disappointed and having a fair amount of confusion and dread whenever you open your closet.
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Let me start off by saying that my environment has influenced me A LOT when it comes to how I dress and put myself forward. I navigate certain countries that have a very stereotypical style for certain groups. It's made things easy for me. I love my squads, and I love how I can maintain who I am by the way I dress and have been shown to dress by the girlies around me.
It works, it's trusted and that's what I care about.
Jeans. I only wear white or cream jeans made of mostly denim. It's just what works for me and my location. I physically cannot get a taste for blue jeans, I'm trying so hard, but they just don't suit me or brighten me the way a pair of flared whites would. The same goes for shorts. I wear white shorts of every cut because you'll need a different type of short for the beach vs. the court. My golf skirts follow the same law. Linen pants are also some of my favourites for casual days, I implore everyone to give them a try! I love how they flow when the wind blows and they are the pants I've gotten the most compliments on.
I'm still going through my crop top phase and will continue to do so till I cannot. I love a solid coloured cropped top, deep blues are my favourite because they enhance my skin in such a beautiful way. I'm someone who is lollypop shaped, so slightly cropped tops break the illusion from my pants and accentuate the top. I love to keep the colours plain and cool toned as that is what suits me best.
I also wear full shirts a lot in white, black, blue and green. When it comes to these, I make sure they fit like a dream and are preferably purely cotton without any unnecessarily thick stitches at the neckline. A neckline can make or break a silhouette. Find which one works for you, I can not work a deep V cut and like softer and rounder necklines. I like a bit of room for my silver/white gold jewellery to sparkle against the dark of my skin before being consumed by the shirt.
I go crazy when it comes to dresses and skirts. That's what I love and what those around me love too. Stripes, florals, swirls, beading, crotchet, anything. I love a Zimmerman look, it's very feminine and fun for lunches and events where moods are high and hands are going even higher.
For shoes I'm basic. Birkinstocks, gold sandals, nude, black and white pumps, and any platform white sneaker. I'm fairly short, I need the height on a normal day. For adventures, I go for the Birkinstocks. For a lunch, I go for my gold sandals, sometimes heeled sometimes not. For formals, I fold and take the pumps for a spin. And for everyday I keep my assortment of white platforms. It's a simple, trustable rotation. Of course, there will be rainy or cold days where you need to get the Wellingtons out or some old Timberlands/Uggs, but that's not most of the time.
When it comes to jewellery, I adore pearls and everything they stand for. For my 15th, I got my first pair of real pearls, and I haven't gone back since. Whenever I go to a port city, I always snake my way through the local pop-ups to find a jeweller who uses fresh water pearls on silver chain. I wear either pearl earrings or a hanging gem stone. I have multiple piercings on each ear. First hole is for a basic tiny gold stud. Middle for a dangle gemstone or pearl. Last for a diamond or zirconia of sorts. It looks almost religious how beautiful they are. I always thought pearls were for old ladies. My mother wore black pearls with shiny stone bottoms, and it always peaked my interest. I think of Venus coming out of the clam every single time I pop them in, and it makes me feel divine.
Shades are optional for most people, but where I am, you NEED to have them. I am a RayBan girl. My first pair was thick with a blackish purple polarisation. Second, where polarised green for my society ( incredibly iconic time when I think of it 🤣.) Now I have a pair of black ones that make sense for my face and everyday wear. I'm moving onto chunky Pradas. They're yet to come in since I wanted a specific type of lense on the frame. As I get older, I get more chunky, but right now I'm loving my thin black. I love the privacy, I love how others love them too. We exchange sometimes for different occasions.
I am a big fan of community, and having one is very important to me. Likewise, I wear logos from schools, societies, bands, productions, and companies I've been a part of. Don't do this if you're a crash out, you'd be putting the brand in disrepute, but if you're new in a place maybe some community gear for a certain cause you're interested in would be a good conversation starter. I have been privileged to be a part of many big communities that connect as far as from the dips of South Africa to the Ivy Leagues and big banks. I wear them with pride as I have earned them, fought tooth and nail to be rewarded them, and done my time. I worked for a lot of my branded gear, and it's recognised. Most of my jackets, hoodies, gym shirts, suit accessories, and stationery come from little things like that. It's my number one favourite thing to wear.
I love fashion, I love looks and can't wait to see what future me will have a taste for.
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Bracket F Round 1
Poll 14
Nat Finch (@albatris) vs. Rain February-Pulster (@aincretop)
347. Nat Finch (@albatris)
he is a sweet darling boy. an earnest and excitable lad. a pathetic anxious wet cat of a vampire. he works in a petrol station and encourages shoplifting. he loves animals and cooking and his friends and he has a terrifying monster mode. he is getting beaten up by the plot but he stays silly :3
Short and fat with a round face and lots of freckles. Pale white and sickly-looking, not because he's a vampire but because he's just... like that... Red eyes and long black hair, often uneven and choppy in length because he cuts tangles out instead of untangling them <3
348. Rain February-Pulster (@aincretop)
xe/xem/xer/xers/xemself or it/its (primarily)
Rain is a barely-paid journalist who writes for xer local newspaper, and since it's gotten in some scalding hot water with a criminal organization xe wrote an article about (by this, I mean they blackmailed xem), it's really looking to get a better-paying job to stop mooching off of xer roommate. Rain is also at the ripe old age of 17, and its various legal documents are completely forged! Xe often takes up shady side hustles, such as probably-illegal studies in which randomly selected participants are... "placed in a room" to be interviewed about nothing in particular. As for why exactly Rain should win... it's literally neurodivergent and a minor.
Rain is a light blue furry, kind of based off of Espeon, who has a dual-tone split tail, very fluffy whiskers, and a mint green gem on its forehead. Xer casual wear includes a blue crop top, darker flared shorts, and a navy bag. It has striped shoes that are the same dark-ish color of xer shorts. Its formal wear is a dark blue scarf, a sliverish blue button up shirt, black arm warmers the same color as xer shorts, pastel blue and white socks, and black boots.
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jazzmckay · 5 months
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @elvhenprince :D tagging @streganicha and @broodwolf221 :3
haven't done katari adaar for any of these memes yet so i think it's her turn. also she's so wack that the game's dialogue options dull her down. this gives me the opportunity to talk about the full breadth of her unhingedness <3
katari adaar, she/her, dagger rogue and tempest
i don't put much thought into exact ages so im just gonna toss out 28 and if ive said a different age somewhere else and forgotten, whatever. katari is feral. aggressive, impatient, irreverent, does whatever strikes her fancy at any given moment. she's making josephine's life absolute hell. katari hates it here. she just wants to fight and fuck, doesn't want to be a leader or a hero. doesn't want the chantry's title. she especially doesn't want magic embedded in her hand. when in a more charitable mood or with someone she actually likes (such as sera) she can at least tip over onto the harmless side of feral to have a wild, wacky time.
Associated colours/symbols/animals:
gold / red, dragons
What are their hobbies/skills?
WELL. sex. does that count? it's her recreational activity of choice. she'll do sparring and brawling. just fucking around. tending to her daggers.
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
closest katari gets to art is blood play
What do they do to relax?
if the mood strikes, she can enjoy a scalding hot bath
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
anything sweet and syrupy, which she cannot make on her own. she can do your standard "travelling mercenary" foods, but anything fancy or just too impractical for the road is out of her reach
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s):
sex. rooftop time with sera. sex on the rooftop time with sera. shenanigans. the calmest katari gets is when sera tells her stories about past red jenny exploits. she can actually relax and just listen for once.
drinks and sparring with bull!
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
probably by accident. katari has trouble focusing on card games. the strategy just isn't her forte and she gets bored. her bored face makes for a decent poker face though.
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
dragon. or a quillback!
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
she doesn't like her hair getting all splayed out and tangled while she's asleep so she might just tie it back at her nape where it won't bother her much, or braid it. she keeps her daggers close, one under the pillow, and one out in the open but in a good spot to reach for it. that's basically it! she's the type to not go to bed until she's already drooping and then she's out as soon as her head hits the pillow.
What is in their inventory?
daggers and knives. some basic medical things for when she needs to patch up because she hates being healed by magic. a letter from her dads, all folded up into a tiny square and fit into a pouch of her armour. she almost never takes it out anymore, but its always there.
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
katari likes to be at least somewhat armoured always, so wears something protective even day to day when not out on missions. she likes to be prepared and doesn't feel safe when dressed down. if she had her way, she would NEVER dress formally. she hates formal wear so so much and probably destroyed her winter palace outfit afterwards lol for bedding down, just plain shirt and breeches, maybe partially nude when it's hot enough and she's in a place she feels safe enough to be physically vulnerable
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
the inquisition doesnt mean a lot to katari tbh so she's eager to return to mercenary life. the thing is though, the inquisition does have good jobs for mercenaries and they don't pay too badly, either, so the valo-kas stay on, and thus katari also stays. she would return to her home village to visit her dads though. while she's not very sentimental, they are important to her and the things they taught her have stuck with her
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
not sure actually! haven't even finished the base game with katari so i haven't started thinking about how she'll react to Stuff(tm) in trespasser. she might actually be just happy to not have the mark anymore though because she fucking hates it. and sera's there to help her with it! we'll see. as for trauma, i wouldnt say she "deals" with that lmfao her fear manifests as aggression and she fights until she feels better for the time being. katari is not interested in self-reflection. she will continue to charge forth and hope the trauma can't keep up with her
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heysibigotaquestion · 4 months
How to formally dress masculine
When I was younger the only formal event aside from prom was cotillion, so when I got a black tie invitation to a distant cousin's wedding, I was conflicted. I was recently out as trans, and while my cousin had said it was fine, I didn't know how to dress up in a masculine way. I hounded the internet for so long, trying to figure out what to wear. I struggled to buy stuff as well, since I'd never had to measure myself for a tux before, and all the ones at the closest mall looked cheap, and I wanted my first look to be one to remember.
Apparently, there's a lot that goes into deciding what to wear. The event changes the type of outfit, the venue changes the vibe of the fit, suits vs tuxedos, color scheme, color combos, pocket squares vs boutonnieres... let's just say it was more stressful than it had any right to be. So let's begin just at the type of event.
White tie, black tie, black tie optional, semiformal, cocktail... and many more event types exist out there. I'll quickly sum each up. White tie masculine means you're dressed to the nines, but as if you were in the 1800s. Tailcoats, waistcoats, gloves, the works. Black tie masc means its an event the paparazzi will stake out so you gotta look Nice. Tuxedo, patent leather shoes, preferably bow tie with studs but long ties work. (Also, black tie doesn't mean your tie has gotta be black, just a dark color.) Black tie optional events are where you can wear a suit if you'd like, long ties are preferred, and as far as I can tell this is where belts start getting worn, and they gotta match the shoes. Semiformal is the same as business wear. Suits are preferred. Cocktail is like tuxedo casual, ties aren't required, sports coats can be worn, pocket squares preferred. If you're looking for a specific type of event, I'd check google.
Venues can surprisingly change your vibe pretty easily. Think about it, you won't wear the same thing to a museum wedding as a barn wedding. Same hat, essentially. Thankfully, it can be explained pretty easily: if it's inside, typically it's gonna be nicer than an outdoor event. There are outliers of course, I mean, have you ever seen the kentucky derby? But usually that is a pretty good indicator of outfit vibes.
Keep in mind you can always google "cocktail wedding masculine outfit inspo" and check if your fit, well, fits.
Color Scheme
Pay attention to the venue of course, but also look at your calling cards/invitations. What colors are prominent? If it's a wedding, does it specify colors for you? If not and you've never done this before (like me) an all black fit with a white shirt is pretty standard and fits a good amount of events. If the invitation has earthy colors, maybe look for a green tie and brown suit. If it's navy blue and gold, maybe a navy jacket with black pants and gold studs and cufflinks. You judge.
Color Combos
On that note, all colors look good but not all colors look good together, you know? I'll just go ahead and list common color combos here in a sec, but a good piece of advice is try and do the same color hue. Dark blue and dark grey, or tan and pale green or pink are good combos, but dark blue with hot pink? It would only work in a specific and unique circumstance, yeah? Just keep that in mind.
Good combos:
Blue, grey, and black are standard colors and look good with a lot. Steel blue and middle grey. Light grey and a sage green. Terracotta and tan. Of course, black and white.
What is what
Suits, tuxes, sports coats, and blazers are all different things, apparently. I guarantee not a ton of people know this anymore, but if you wanna get technical, there are a few telltales on which is which.
Suits have buttons that are plastic or wood, and you see the holes where they are stitched to the jacket. The lapel (the folded part of the front, where you see your shirt underneath) is the same as the rest of the jacket. The fit is more rectangular than triangle. Suit jackets match the fabric of the pants.
Tuxedos have buttons that are covered in cloth. The lapel is usually a satin in a similar color as the rest of it. Tuxedo pants have pleats and don't have belt loops to my knowledge.
Sports coats are patterned, and you don't have matching pants, but instead have pants that compliment the pattern.
Blazers are a solid color and have metal or wood buttons. You don't match the pants, but instead compliment the jacket.
Pocket Squares vs Boutonnieres
It used to be that pocket squares were worn at every event, folded nicely and tucked into the breast pocket. They have since fallen out of style, and replaced with boutonnieres (thank spell check for that btw). Boutonnieres should complement the rest of the outfit OR stand out from the rest of the outfit. An ivory ribbon with an ivory shirt, Never wear white with ivory unless that's the specific look you are going for (it looks dingy). Blue flowers with blue suit. Pocket squares tend to match the tie. They can be worn at the same time, but one must be understated to allow for both without looking "overweighted" in your pocket.
How to Measure for online orders
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This is a sizing guide I just mocked up that follows the majority of formal wear websites that I looked at (it's not perfect, I did it on my phone). Some sites may differ, so double check it, but I'll walk you through measuring.
The first measurement you should make is red, going around the base of the neck where it connects at the shoulders. Don't measure too tightly, but also don't measure too loose. You should comfortably be able to stick two fingers next to your neck without choking you out.
The second is in blue, beginning in the middle of the neck where the spine begins protruding (if you're wearing a t-shirt, look where the label sits and go just above it), extending to the left outer shoulder on the back, then to the part of the elbow that's boney, then to the meat of the thumb, stop it just before the first knuckle of the thumb
The third and fourth are both green. The third will stretch across the widest part of the chest over your arms. If you're trans, wear the binder you will be wearing when you dress up, or else it will be too big. If you're cis, the measurement will cross over where most folks have their nipples, but I gotta say prioritise the widest part of your chest over your nipples when measuring. The fourth will be almost the same measurement but under your arms, oftentimes in the armpit. Take a deep breath.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh are all a hot pink color. The fifth measures around your natural waist. This is your typical "dip" in your sides, and should cross over your belly button. The sixth will be where you tend to wear your waistline of your pants. The seventh will crosses over most folks' crotch area, and will go over your butt, across the widest part of your seat.
The eighth and ninth are a purple color and the only ones got top to bottom instead of left to right. The eighth begins at the same place the sixth line ends, at the right of the waistline of where you wear your pants, and will extend along the outer leg, and will end where the knob of your ankle is. The ninth begins where the crotch is, and extends down the right side of the inner leg, and ends where the knob of the ankle is of the same leg that you measured for eight.
The first and second measurement will be for your shirt, for example a 15 inch neck and a 34 inch arm seam will be 15x34. The third and fourth will be your chest measurements and will make sure you don't hulk out of your jacket. They tend to have an 8-10 inch difference, such as 48 overarm and 40 underarm. The fifth, sixth, and seventh will ensure when you drop it down low you don't split your pants wide open, and tend to be similar to the underarm measurement with a 5 inch difference. So a 40 chest will be a 40 hip/widest part, with a 35 waistline and say maybe a 37 natural waist. I noticed some companies prefer one over the other for the eighth and the ninth, so check for OUTseam vs INseam when looking at their site.
How to check if an outfit fits correctly
Well, first put it on. If you can't get it on, shockingly I don't think it fits (haha).
The top shirt button, even if it will be covered by a tie, needs to close and not choke you out. It may be uncomfortable if you aren't used to them, but there is a difference between uncomfortable and choking you out. The neck typically is the determinator of the rest of the shirt aside from the sleeves, and doesn't usually get smaller/bigger without getting a smaller/bigger size neck. Some companies do offer a fitted version of their shirts, so check when looking online if you think you need one. The sleeve of the shirt, once buttoned, should rest on the meat of your thumb and around your wrist.
The pants should feel comfortable, if not a little thick, and you should be able to sit without them riding up past your sock or threatening to split. While standing, you shouldn't see above your ankle knob and the pants should have a little crease while resting on top of your shoe, unless you're showing off your shoes.
While wearing the jacket, you shouldn't be able to pinch more than an inch of fabric at the shoulder seam. The sleeves should let a little shirt peak out but still rest on the wrist while your arms are at your sides. The lapel shouldn't bulge or stretch once buttoned. The bottom of the jacket should rest at about your palms when you stand tall and relaxed.
Wow. That was a lot more information than I thought I knew. Maybe I should look into being someone's tailor /j. Anyway, I ended up renting from https://generationtux.com/ since they are totally online, and really like how I looked, but maybe check for in person rentals, since if something had gone wrong I wouldn't have been able to fix it.
If you're trans and wearing a formal look for the first time, wear the stuff you'll be wearing under your suit while measuring, and you should look fairly masculine, especially since suits don't tend to have a feminine cut.
Anyway, happy formalwear hunting. :)
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tiredassmage · 11 months
Sorry if this sounds weird, but I hope it makes sense: Day, Formal, Wardrobe for Imp Leo vs Pub Leo
I GOT CHU, I GOT CHU! I think, at least, so let me take a swing at this. I am. so sorry it's taking me 800 years to get through everything. This semester be kickin' my butt, but I have been sitting on so many Leo questions for so long. Come back into the light, my favorite little smuggling goblin child...
[character design oc asks]
DAY - What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
I think even in just casual wear, Leo felt a lot of pressure from particularly their parents growing up about what kind of image they were putting out as a family to the rest of Imperial society. That probably meant still a fair bit of neutral colors - gotta love those Imperial grays. And probably a lot more long sleeved shirts, partially because of the cold periods on Ziost, but also because it means Leo could fidget with the ends of his sleeves. Things were likely a bit more properly fitted in contrast to now that he's defected and running his own life (not... always well, but... running!), he definitely prefers things that are maybe a size too big. He wants to be comfortable. I could totally see him as a band tee kind of kid. Assorted graphical t-shirts for the win.
Also, not exactly a part of any of this set, but... I do imagine he was also a lot neater with how he wore his hair when still Imperial, at least around family. If only because Vivienne and their mother probably fussed over him almost obsessively before letting him out anywhere and he grew tired of hearing about it all the time. He's picked up the habit since defecting (unintentionally) of keeping a stock of hair ties around his wrist. Not actively because he needs to use three at a time, but because he habitually abandons them on any flat surface when he lets his hair down and then forgets about them, so he ends up collecting them as he finds them in an effort to try not to forget them again.
FORMAL - What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Leo would... actually cringe if you ever suggested him wear a suit ever again. As much as I'd love to see him in maybe a dark blue vest or something at least because it'd probably look very nice with his eyes, I think some kind of suit look tended to be the default to please the family. Or at least a sort of... business, fitted top and... honestly probably a bow tie. Can't see this man in the long neck tie to save my life. He probably knows how to do one, but blood of the Emperor would it kill his soul to wear one kdanflsadfnlsfd.
He has very little in formal wear these days. He's... glaringly lacked the need to since his defection and he's quite happy to keep it that way. You'd literally make him pout like a petulant teenager if you asked him to dress up. He hates it. (Because it is so buried in ties to the expectations his father had of him to live up to the family name and their standards and impressions of what he should do; a lot of it is from his father's expectations, but his mother and older sister contributed a fair bit, too.)
I'm so sorry to Dash that Leo still preens over Dash like... Leo could have bangs falling in his eyes while he's trying to perfectly part Dash's hair and just shrug off this glaring hypocrisy. Which is... something in there about Leo's perception of himself being not all that great (and thus having a bit of a hard time necessarily seeing whatever Dash might see in him as far as positive and admirable qualities) because the Family Disappointment syndrome, but that's.... a whole other thing to unpack dfkladsnfls.
WARDROBE - How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Listen. Leo probably has a selection of like five shirts that he loves to bits and, no, mending garments is not one of his little skills. He will wear things down and he'd also probably be the type to wear the same thing for several days straight because he got behind on laundry or just... because he was comfortable and not particularly seeing people. He still might honestly try even if neither of those things are exactly true. I don't think he... likes the idea of fashion shopping in general, given the connotations for him. And, again, for as much as he can preen about others, he's... not particularly always on top of his own appearances. He's... shit at taking his own advice, frankly. Including the bit that the way you dress yourself can affect how you think and feel about yourself. It's not necessarily about affording things, he just... has mixed feelings about the shopping bit. Sometimes it is liberating to add more one-size-too-large graphic prints to his collection by the handfuls and others the simple idea of having to replenish and update the wardrobe seems like the most insurmountable, horrible, terrible task you could ever ask him to do. How could you do this to him.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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ST Costuming Posts
Will’s Unbuttoned Flannel (x)
Initial Post About The BTS Picture Of Young Henry’s Sensory Tank Suit Costume (x)
Will Wearing The Same Shirt In The Science Fair Photo From S1 vs At The Arcade in S2 (x)
Jonathan Being Dressed Like Lonnie When Ranting About The Cycle Of Abuse (x)
Owens’ S4 NINA Outfit Is The Inverse of Will’s S2 Outfit (x)
He Likes It Cold vs The Snowflakes On The Hawkins Lab Gowns (x)
Mike’s Hair and Costume Being Inspired By Pete Townshend From The Who (x)
El’s NINA Flannel Being Similar To Will’s S2 Flannel (x)
Chrissy and Karen and Virginia Parallels and Chrissy’s Hair Originally Being Styled Just Like Karen’s (x)
Jason and 001 Costuming and Shot Parallels (x)
Karen and Virginia Costuming Parallels: Theyre The Same Person, Different Timelines (x)
Karen’s Blue S1 Coat Dress vs Virginia’s Blue Moving-In Dress (x)
Yet Another Karen-Virginia Parallel: Wheeler Kitchen Curtains vs Virginia’s Shirt and Virginia and Karen’s Hair (x)
Connie’s Hair vs 001’s Hair (x)
What The Hell Is On Connie’s Brooch? (x)
Victor Creel and “Why Women Kill” Costuming Parallels (x)
Henry’s Slicked Down Hair and Control (x)
Why Did Young Henry Need A Stunt Double In His Dinner Clothes? (x)
Henry’s Invisible Belt (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse and Formal Shoes vs Casual Shoes (x)
Virginia’s Dinner Shirt vs Henry’s Rabbit Scene Shirt (x)
Pearl Buttons:An Analysis Of Barb Possibly Having Powers (x)
Will and Henry’s Shirts Being Inverted Versions Of Eachother (x)
Mike’s Quarry Shirt Is The Same As His Hospital Scene Shirt (x)
Mike’s Shoes During The Crazy Together Scene Are The Same As His Shoes During The Quarry Scene (x)
Mike With His Backpack Half On (x)
Ted and Mike Sweater Parallels (x)
Mike’s S4 Underwear Scene vs Ripley’s Underwear Scene In Alien (x)
Mike Costuming Parallels When El Gets Taken By The Police Van vs At The Quarry (x)
Mike Is The Only One Without A Covering On His Hellfire Shirt In The Cafeteria Scene (x)
Ted Wheeler and Philip Cunningham Costuming Parallels (x)
S2 Mike and S4 Ted Costuming Parallels (x)
Ted’s Glasses, Fred’s Glasses, and Barb’s Glasses (x)
Scott’s Plaid Funeral Scarf Has the Same Colours as Henry’s Plaid Moving-In Shirt (x)
Even If You Don’t See A Detail, It’s There: When Will We Finally Beat The Production Error Allegations? Not Everything Is A Production Error, The Details Matter. (x)
The Yellow And Black Plaid Shirt And Yet Another “Blonde Haired Kid And Black Haired Kid” Pairing (x)
Scott Clarke Is Everywhere (Featuring The Beige Coat) (x)
Why Are NINA Suit and Sensory Tank Suits Different? (x)
Kevin L Johnson’s Sideburns (x)
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My version of Mammon. I quite like him. This design for him was first featured in my height chart of my sins.
Due to my deviation from the show's canon to my own AU, I wanted to do something else with Mammon more fitting to my characterization of him. A big thing is it's my headcanon that none of the sins are inherently evil. Some of them may come off that way due to how they behave based on their sin. But the behavior isn't really something they can help. Not that it makes them good, just not evil.
This is the idea I was running with when I made my own characterization of him. Design wise, I tried to deviate pretty heavily from my original thoughts on him based on what's been implied by the show. The most I kept was the four arms. Otherwise, I strayed away from the whole circus act and tried to avoid the jester look. If anything, I based his current design more on how I interpreted him very early on. The same yellow skin, green eyes, bat wings, and serrated tail.
To explain the two different outfits, I like to imagine he keeps his public image vs his private image pretty separate. When he wants to be recognized in public, he goes a lot more formal with a suit and tophat with a crown on it. When he wants to be more casual and not recognized right away, he goes without the suit, and just wears a regular shirt and pants, and just ties back his long hair. I have a lot on this character, and really all my characters, but so this post isn't too much longer than it already is, I'll keep it simple.
He's actually very good with hair styling due to him having to constantly style his hair in a way it can fit into the hat and not be visible whatsoever. He has very long hair (Down to lower back) normally.
He wears a head cover to hide his ears and whatever part of his hair can't be tied up. He covers pretty much everything but his face, wings, and tail
He's a heavy coffee drinker and also collects mugs with silly quotes. If he hoards anything besides money, it's mugs.
I run with the idea that due to the sins' bodily make ups, they can't actually get drunk or high by conventional means. Coffee is one of the few things he feels anything from (caffeine) so he drinks it constantly because he doesn't like soda (the carbonation mostly)
He smokes a lot of cigars
I gave him crow feet because crows and magpies are animals associated with Mammon and I like birds
The spines on his tail are serrated. Running one's hand on them is a really bad idea
He's really hard to offend as he will laugh at damn near anything. Especially if you actively try to insult him, he will either laugh or agree while laughing. Attacking the few things he cares about is the way to get under his skin
I have more, but I'll leave it at this for now. I'm sure I'll probably make more art of him and my other sins
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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i'm thinking about chiyo on the days when she actually dresses up, be it in a kimono for a festival or a dress or a button up and skirt -- she's so! cute when she dresses up, and part of it is just the comparison of seeing her dressed quite casually all the time vs seeing her dressed nicely. bc her casual style isn't necessarily super feminine?? she probably wears a lot of graphic t-shirts and sweatshirts tbh. but her formal sense of style is very feminine and tosses away the " functionality " preference chiyo typically has for clothing.
really, she's a sucker for aesthetics, and when she dresses up, she's usually willing to put up with a little discomfort or style restrictions, so to speak. she can't wear a backpack with a nice dress, so she'll deal with carrying around a smaller purse or clutch.
her preference for both soft and deep colors still stands. you'll catch her in a pastel pink dress just as quickly as you'll catch her in a dark green button up and black skirt.
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brainyxbat · 1 year
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10 casual outfits for Team Rocket’s Jessie! 😊 Like with the rest looks, they’ll be used in various fanarts and fanfictions, chosen randomly.
"Angel Baby” crop t-shirt, blue shorts, yellow skimmer shoes, white and light blue wings necklace
Rainbow hoodie, pink tube top, white and light turquoise Converse skimmers, light denim jeggings
Blue and white crop tank, pleated denim mini skirt, white Keds sneakers
Turquoise blue plaid tank, light denim shorts, pink sequin sneakers
“Tappa Keg” crop hoodie, pink plaid mini skirt, white boat shoes, lemon water pendant necklace
Orange short sleeve hoodie, orange floral shorts, white wedge flip-flops, gold-tone “love letter” necklace
Pink and red heart cropped t-shirt, lace-up chambray ruffled skirt, pink and white Nike sneakers
Pink rainbow graphic t-shirt, dark denim belted mini skirt, black capri leggings, yellow gingham rainbow heels Pink chiffon off shoulder mini dress w/ purple bows, ballet illusion tights, white flats, light pink wings necklace
Pink chiffon off-shoulder dress w/ purple bows, white ballet illusion tights, white flats, light pink wings necklace
Rainbow mesh cropped hoodie, turquoise blue tank top, yellow shorts, white rainbow sneakers, rainbow necklace w/ black clouds (those black X’s on the hoodie are not part of it; I just didn’t feel like removing them)
Consistent Pieces:
Green spherical earrings
“Relentlessly Red” lipstick
Blue matte nail polish
Tagging @yamujiburo and @kianamaiart​! Hope these are all accurate! 😬
Keep reading for sections with swim, sleep, and formal, and any other ideas! They will be updated!
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Pink bikini w/ red hearts
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Pink short sleeve lolita nightgown
Fuchsia Hello Kitty™ babydoll nightgown
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Light purple tulle ruffle dress, matching chain necklace, nude colored pumps
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Belly Dancer (pink)
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Silver metallic snowsuit
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Black “Naughty Not Nice” nightshirt, white festive fairisle sleep shorts, black and white fairisle knee socks (all VS)
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How I Purged My Entire Closet in 48 Hours (PT.1: Preparing for a Purge)
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    Step 1: Do ALL your laundry.     Step 2: Sort your clothes into broad categories and write them down.     Step 3: Decide which categories you're purging today.     Step 3.5: Put everything you're not purging out of sight.     Step 4: Purge.
But if you want to know all the details of how I made it go so quickly for my neurodivergent self, here are the real steps to purging an entire closet.
The Real Steps to Purging an Entire Closet
Real Step 1:Understand how your brain categorizes your clothes.
Take a look at where you currently keep your clean clothes or how you aspire to store them. Are your socks and underwear crammed together in the same space, making it difficult to find the pizza patterned socks you really want to wear today? Apply the same concept to other clothing items as well. For example, if you have multiple styles of shirts mixed in the same drawer, it can lead to mental overload and analysis paralysis. Real life example:
Before my clothes purge, all my shirts from crop tops to casual long sleeves were crammed into the same drawer. This chaotic system didn't work for me because I rely on visual organization. If things aren't visible at first glance, they might as well not exist. Real Step 2: Categorize your clothes!
Here's my primary categories and subcategories: Tops Crops (sleeves of any length) Tanks Tees Nice Short Sleeves and No Sleeves Formal Short Sleeves and No Sleeves Casual Long Sleeves Nice Long Sleeves Formal Long Sleeves Exercise Bottoms Short Shorts Shorts Long Shorts Capris (purge category) Jeans Casual Pants Formal Pants Exercise Intimates Bras Sports Bras Underwear Boxers Socks Thigh High Mid Calf Above Ankle Ankle Tights Bathing Suits Masc Suits Fem Suits Secondary Warm Layer Sweaters with buttons Sweaters without buttons Hoodies Dresses (Sorted by formality) Skirts (also sorted by formality) Officewear, Etc. Coats Exercise Raincoats Vintage Winter Casual Accessories such as shoes, belts, hats, jewelry, as complementary items, are their own beasts and will be addressed separately after purging the bulk of clothing. The key aspect of Step 2 is that the bolded categories are planned and intentional, while some subcategories emerge organically as I take stock of my belongings and determine their appropriate spot.
Example of planned vs organic subcategories:
For intimates, I utilize a plastic chest of drawers. The top drawer is reserved for bras, the middle one for underwear, and the bottom one for socks. Purging according to these categories, one at a time, was part of my plan.
On the other hand, regarding tops as referred to in Step 1, I initially stored all of them in the same drawer. However when I had them all on the floor in front of me during the purging process…
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The twelve piles pictured organically developed.
The bottom left pile consisted of items to be hung up, including long sleeves that didn't belong in that drawer to begin with, and nicer short and sleeveless tops. The three center piles were t-shirts sorted by level of "formality," while the six piles on the right were tank tops and crop tops. Why Categorize and Subcategorize Before Purging? Addressing similar clothing groups individually is far less overwhelming than tackling the entire "shirts" category at once. This approach allows me to evaluate each shirt as part of my wardrobe, going beyond a simple decision of whether to keep or discard it.
For instance, I categorized together these four functionally identical shirts (tops/short sleeve/nice but not formal/neutral):  
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If I had sorted "Tops" as a whole instead of categorizing first, I might have kept all four without realizing that two of them were similar enough to purge.  By considering the specific subcategory, I was able to identify the factors that led me to purge the two on the left in favor of keeping the more flattering V-neck style in a much better condition.
Breaking down the process into manageable clothing categories before tackling allowed me to evaluate each item based on its function and relevance to my wardrobe, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of clothing or missing near-duplicates. In Part 2 of "How I Purged My Entire Closet in 48 Hours," I'll elaborate on how I purged based on the most flattering colors and cuts that complement my personal style, referencing seasonal color analysis and the Kibbe system.
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canadianlucifer · 1 year
Hi, I don't know what your shipps are, but could you answer the 5, 6, 35, 37 and 43 asks according to your preference?
Before getting into this, I’ll list all my ships in case anyone’s interested!
I actively ship hidekane, nishikimi, and seiakimon, while some “yeah they’re cool, I’ll take it” ships are houtata, yoritouka, and furutui. I’m not entirely opposed to any ships that involve the characters already listed (ie, touken or houjizawa), people can ship what they want, they just aren’t for me.
With that out of the way, let’s get into it! I’ll be doing seiakimon because I feel like they’d get the most interesting results for these questions and they don’t get enough attention.
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Not super often, but a bit more often than your average couple. It’s always either extremely trivial or a genuinely big deal, no in between. Maybe it’s about using cool white vs warm white lightbulbs in the house (Akira bought hot pink lightbulbs to spite them both), maybe it’s about Seidou continuing to kill and eat violent ghouls instead of letting the TSC take care of them since he could be labeled a violent ghoul too while Amon has already gone fully vegan thanks to Kimi’s synthetic foods
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Seidou sulks for a while and it take a lot for him to admit it when he’s in the wrong. When he does and goes to apologize, it’s either a quiet mumble or a shout while shoving a gift towards them. He likes to give them either a cool rock he found or a keychain or something.
Akira gives the complete silent treatment but is quick to apologize if she’s in the wrong. She’ll give a formal apology first and then a… better apology later that night.
Amon hates the tension an argument brings and will apologize immediately no matter if he’s in the right or wrong. He wants to be close to his partners while they want space so he’ll pretty much do all the chores in the house and stand by patiently until they’re ready to talk.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
Not really a secret, but they’re not open about it either. If someone asks them if they’re in a relationship they’ll say yeah and not elaborate. They all like to keep their private life private but will be honest if anyone asks
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Well, that would be Seidou but I have a mean little headcanon that his tear ducts are scarred to shit bc of 2 years of RC suppressant injections so he physically can’t cry. He will sob into a pillow though.
Next would be Amon, he pretends he’s unaffected when his feelings are hurt but then locks himself in a dark room for an hour and cries quietly.
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
Akira would pick some actually good outfits, like she’d pick colours that look good on them and styles they’d enjoy. She’d pick some casual but nice clothes for Amon, like a v neck and jeans with a nice hat. For Seidou, she’d pick a grey sweater and some black yoga pants, something simple and comfortable. Anything to get the both of them out of those dirty old cloaks.
Amon only really knows office clothing like suits. He’d probably choose a violet suit for Akira and black vest with a red dress shirt for Seidou. Something neither of them really expect, but neither dislike either.
Seidou would pick some slightly out-there outfits. For Amon, you know those Victorian white ruffly blouses? Yeah, that and high-waisted skinny pants. Akira on the other hand would get a leather jacket, a tank top with a skull on it, black jeans, and sunglasses. She had never considered that style before, but instantly fell in love with the leather jacket and wears it everywhere now.
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Title: Fashion Face-Offs: Decoding More Essential Style Statements
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Fashion is more than just following trends—it's about showcasing your individual style and making a statement. Let's jump back into the thrilling world of style debates with five more fashion face-offs that will help you define your sartorial expression.
Black Slim Fit Jeans vs Navy Cargo Shorts
In the realm of casual style, it's often a battle between the black slim fit jeans and navy cargo shorts. Both offer a relaxed yet chic look, but which one reigns supreme? Find out in this DebatePeer article which pits these two casual staples against each other.
Khaki Chinos Pants vs Charcoal Two-Piece Suit
Bridging the gap between casual and formal, we have the versatile khaki chinos going head to head with the ever-dignified charcoal two-piece suit. Can casual coolness outshine formal elegance? Join the debate here to find out!
Brown Leather Jacket vs Black Zip-Up Hoodie
Here, we're witnessing a clash of styles: the rugged charm of a brown leather jacket and the urban appeal of a black zip-up hoodie. Which one wins the style contest for you? Read the full debate and decide your style champ.
White Crew Neck T-Shirt vs Black Zip-Up Hoodie
Sometimes, the simplest pieces can make the biggest statements. The white crew neck t-shirt and the black zip-up hoodie are staples in any wardrobe, but which one is your go-to pick? Explore this face-off on DebatePeer to help refine your style choices.
Camel Wool Coat vs Grey V-Neck Sweater
Two classic winter pieces go head to head: the elegant camel wool coat and the cosy grey V-neck sweater. Each has its unique appeal, but which one do you prefer in your winter wardrobe? Read more and join the sartorial conversation.
Remember, fashion is a means of self-expression. Which one of these style debates resonates with you the most? Feel free to share your thoughts and stay tuned for more fashion debates on DebatePeer. Keep exploring your style!
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scarletmediaa · 2 years
How to Choose The Right Tuxedo For Different Events
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How to Choose The Right Tuxedo For Different Events
Tuxedos are a classic and sophisticated choice for formal events, but choosing the right one can be a challenge. The right tuxedo will not only make you look great, but it will also ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the occasion. Here are some tips for choosing the right tuxedo for different events.
Black Tie: For a traditional black tie event, choose a black wool tuxedo with a shawl collar and a single-button closure. The jacket should have satin-faced lapels and a matching black satin stripe down the outside of each pant leg. Black patent leather shoes and a black bow tie are also essential for this classic look.
White Tie: For a white tie event, choose a full-dress tailcoat with a black wool tailcoat, black silk trousers, and a white wing-collared shirt. A white bow tie, black patent leather shoes, and white gloves complete this formal look.
Creative Black Tie: For a more modern take on the classic black tie, choose a tuxedo with a unique jacket design or a colorful bow tie. Experiment with different textures and materials, such as velvet or silk, to add a touch of personality to your outfit.
Semi-Formal: For a semi-formal event, choose a dark colored tuxedo, such as navy or charcoal, and pair it with a classic white dress shirt and a black bow tie. A vest or cummerbund can also be added for a pop of color.
Destination Wedding: For a destination wedding, opt for a lighter weight tuxedo in a lighter color, such as cream or light gray, to accommodate for the warm weather. A linen or cotton tuxedo can be a great choice for this type of event.
In conclusion, choosing the right tuxedo for a formal event is all about understanding the dress code and finding the perfect balance between style and appropriateness. With these tips, you'll be sure to look your best at any formal event.
Tuxedo Accessories: Ties Vs. Bows
When it comes to accessorizing a tuxedo, the choices often come down to ties versus bows. While both are popular options, each has its own unique style and benefits that make it the right choice for certain occasions. Here’s a guide to help you choose between the two.
Ties: Ties are a versatile option for formal events. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns, making it easy to find one that matches your personal style and the event’s dress code. Ties can also be made from different materials, including silk, satin, and polyester, which can affect the look and feel of the tie. For a more traditional look, opt for a black silk tie. For a more modern look, choose a tie in a bold color or pattern.
Bows: Bow ties are a classic choice for black tie events. They add a touch of sophistication and elegance to a formal outfit and are an excellent way to showcase your personality. Unlike ties, bow ties come in a limited range of colors and patterns, but they are all timeless and classic. They are also more difficult to tie than regular ties, so consider hiring a professional to help you get the perfect knot.
When choosing between ties and bows, consider the dress code of the event and your personal style. If the dress code is strict and requires a traditional look, a bow tie may be the way to go. If you want to add some personality to your outfit, a tie may be the better choice.
the choice between ties and bows is a personal one. Whether you prefer the versatility of a tie or the timeless elegance of a bow, both options can add the perfect touch of sophistication to a tuxedo. Whichever you choose, be sure to wear it with confidence and enjoy the occasion.
Your Tie Adds Class To Your Tuxedo
Ties are one of the most important accessories for men, and there are many different tie models to choose from. Whether you’re looking for something to wear to a formal event or just a casual day out, there’s a tie for you. Here are some of the most popular tie models to help you make the right choice.
The classic four-in-hand tie is the most common type of tie. It’s a slim, narrow tie that’s usually made of silk or other fine fabrics. The four-in-hand tie is usually worn with a suit and is the most versatile type of tie. It’s also the most affordable option.
The Windsor knot is a larger and more formal tie than the four-in-hand. It’s typically made of a thicker fabric, such as wool or silk, and is usually worn with a suit. The knot is also larger and is often used for special occasions.
The bow tie is a type of necktie that is tied in a bow shape. It’s usually made of silk or other fine fabrics and is usually worn with a suit. Bow ties are often seen as a more formal option and are usually worn with a tuxedo.
The ascot tie is a type of necktie that is tied in a loop around the neck. It’s usually made of a thicker fabric, such as wool or silk, and is usually worn with a suit. The ascot tie is a more formal option and is often seen at formal events.
The necktie is a type of necktie that is tied in a knot at the neck. It’s usually made of a thicker fabric, such as wool or silk, and is usually worn with a suit. The necktie is a more formal option and is often seen at formal events.
The cravat is a type of necktie that is tied in a knot at the neck. It’s usually made of a thicker fabric, such as wool or silk, and is usually worn with a suit. The cravat is a more formal option and is often seen at formal events.
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