#castlevania trio
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genteel-rogue · 2 months ago
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Hunter, Scholar, Soldier
my favourite polycule ever🩵
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guardianjameslight · 6 days ago
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How did people watch these shows and came up that they're only about "cHrIsTiAnItY bAd"? That wasn't the focus of the story at all. They didn't even say that Christianity is bad, just some men of the Church are, which is basically reality.
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franchugb-art · 26 days ago
time to think
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(Spoilers) me when I kill my dad and fight death and kill the twin lovers I had and and and--- and finally get peace?
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ineedmoretrevorcardcontent · 4 months ago
Adrian: I know you think I'm biased because I like Trevor a little—
Sypha: You drew your wedding invitation on the ground.
Adrian: No no that's our joint tombstone 🥰
Sypha: ...
Sypha: My mistake.
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oneforblu · 1 month ago
i finished castlevania.
this was the perfect ending for these three. i could not stop crying while watching this episode. after all the struggle, fighting, pain, and death, they can finally be together again.
s4 ep9 was PERFECT. the trio reunited again, having to face their biggest battle yet. i had been waiting for them to reunite, and their reunion was done so well. i loved seeing them fighting together again. their chemistry while fighting is incredible, protecting each other like they've been fighting for years.
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trevor telling sypha he loved her right before he fought death was so moving. i could not stop crying after that scene. these two have become one of my favorite ships, and seeing their relationship grow throughout the season has been such a beautiful watch. although the episode leaves on a cliffhanger, the buildup to the season finale was incredible.
trevor finally has someone he truly loves, and because of that love, he can become the hunter his family would be proud of. while sypha is trevor's strength, trevor is also sypha's. she was able to go on the adventures she always dreamed of and discover her strength thanks to her meeting with trevor. they saved villages, helped people, and fell in love along the way. not only did they find each other, trevor and sypha also found alucard. their connection and friendship give them all a start to a new life. these characters meeting in gresit was a fateful encounter that changed their lives forever.
in the series finale, we finally have sypha tell trevor she loves him, too. at this point, i could not stop crying. the love between them is so genuine and perfectly written. their development was done so well that you fall not only for their relationship but also for them as characters. they have so much respect for one another, they see each other for who they are. the bad, the good, and the ugly. they've seen it all on their journey, yet their love is stronger than ever.
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alucard's ending made me so happy. after being consumed by grief and guilt, he's now FINALLY content with his life. even though he's dracula's son, he decided to defend humanity to honor his mom. he lost his parents, his new friends left him, and then he was alone in that big house. later on, he was betrayed by people he thought he could trust. alucard's humanity and vampirism will always be apart of his life, a constant battle that will go on for the rest of his life. however, he still loves people. he still values connection, and it has much to do with trevor and sypha. alucard learned the value of friendship from them, giving him hope despite the dark time he went through after they left.
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now, at the end of the series, he has people and a community who depend on him, and he finally sees how much he has to offer the world. alucard now has his two favorite people by his side, a village that depends on him and humans he can trust. although there will be moments where he will grieve and be in pain, at least now he has a place to belong with people he cares for. i'm so happy he's finally able to smile <3
the ending with dracula and lisa was also very beautiful. finally reunited, given a second chance at life, and happy to be together again. it's so beautiful to see the series start and end with them.
i'm so happy I finally watched Castlevania, and i can easily say that the trio will be a favorite of mine for a long time!
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phoenixlionme · 9 days ago
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the-poets-are-screaming · 2 months ago
can someone draw the castlevania trio in 0.5x camera thing??
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ultravioletqueen · 8 months ago
After so much meditation i make a decision
I will bring writing to this blog!
BUT I WILL NOT TAKE REQUEST, this writing will be FOR ME.
But at least i want you all to choose what work should i do first!
I hope this goes well!
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rohanrider3 · 4 months ago
Guess who's working on another fic, this one for Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021)! It's titled "Last Mistake" and is up on Ao3! Go check it out <3 <3
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Hello! I hope you're doing well 🥰
If the requests are open could you do some headcanons for Trevor, Sypha and Alucard with a court jester S/O? (They may be currently courtless). They're fun and snarky and they love their partners laugh however rare it may be - so they make it their mission to get them to crack up as often as possible.
I just think it'd be really cute lmao
 A/N: Oh my gosh! This is such a cute ask! @metkapop Sorry if it’s bad, I just could not focus at all today.
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🎭 Castlevania Trio w/ A Court Jester S/O HC: 🎭
If anyone could use some cheering up, it’s these three lol.
After all the three have been through, genuine laughter is hard to come by. 
That’s where our Court Jester S/O comes in. 
They’re smart, and quick-witted, and pretty fast on their feet. They probably come into the trio’s life sometime after S4 ends. Currently courtless, they were traveling in search of a new court when they came across Village Belmont- a small but thriving new settlement, complete with a huge castle right in the middle, so they assumed there must be some sort of royal court inside. 
They’re very impressed by the way things are run/ruled: it’s not exactly a democracy, but it certainly isn’t a monarchy either, which sort of takes the pressure off. It’s easier to be naturally comedic when you don’t have to tailor all of your humor towards one /almighty/ ruler. 
They’re immediately drawn to the trio. I mean, who wouldn't be? Lol. But it’s more than mere fascination, they feel a sort of responsibility to cheer them up. Hearing their stories, hearing of all the trials and trauma they went through, our Court Jester makes up their mind to do everything in their power to make each of the trio laugh. 
Trevor is the second hardest of the group to make laugh. He’s not against humor, and he has a habit of making witty comments under his breath, but he’s tired as all hell. It’s hard to laugh when you’re just so exhausted. After all, it’s not every day you get in a fight with Death and win. Needless to say, the guy needs some recovery time. 
But he does love a good sarcastic joke, especially if it’s teasing Alucard, or poking light fun at any of the superstitions the villagers have. Knowing so much about the truth of monster hunting it’s easy to sort of scoff/laugh at other people’s ignorance surrounding it. 
For example, one night, there were rumors an untethered group of vampires was heading in the castle’s general direction. Whether they were hellbent on bloodshed or negotiation was another question entirely, one that mattered not to the people. 
Going about his day, Trevor kept smelling garlic everywhere, which was odd, because there wasn’t any garland or garlic visible. After the stench became unbearable (it kept making Sypha’s morning sickness worse), he sought out Greta for answers. 
At the time Greta was conversing with our Court Jester S/O, laughing about something they said. When Trevor interrupted and asked why the hell he kept smelling garlic everywhere, Greta confided that a few of the villagers got in their heads that if they bathed in garlic water, vampires couldn’t touch them… To which our Jester replied, “Oh yeah. Because seasoned food is way less enticing.” 
Trevor let out a chuckle but otherwise held his tongue. It was only when he made it back inside to Sypha that he broke down in a fit of laughter as he relayed the information. The two’s hysterics could be heard outside. It was the perfect combination of sleep deprivation and hilarity that sent Trevor over the edge. 
From that day forward, whenever Trevor was in desperate need of a laugh, Jester would sneak a bulb of garlic into one of his pockets, before hiding and awaiting the snickers that were sure to follow. 
Sypha laughs the most, although, not as much as she used to before meeting Trevor and going on this journey with him. The last few months they spent together on the road changed the way she looked at people and life. She’s still positive and always wants the best for everyone, but she’s hesitant, and much more guarded now. 
With Trevor back, everything seemed possible again. She didn’t feel as alone and lost. But there’s still a lot she has to carry. Being pregnant, leading a village, watching over Alucard, and helping Trevor heal take up most of her energy, leaving little left for an appreciation of humor. 
That doesn’t deter her Court Jester S/O though, nope! Not at all! They just try harder to see Sypha smile. 
They help her with whatever chores Sypha’s doing at the moment, making pleasant conversation, and trying some banter. When that doesn’t work, Jster opts for a more physical approach. They offer to carry a stack of papers down to the cellar before tripping and falling three-stooges-style down the stairs. The paper goes flying everywhere, like confetti. But before Sypha can even blink, they pop back up, their little bells jingling as they do so: “I’m okay!” Cue paper continuing to fall comedically around them. 
Sypha is stunned with concern for a moment before she starts to giggle. One giggle, then twp, before she’s holding her swollen belly laughing. “That was perfect,” she says. “But for safety purposes, let’s try not to do that again.” 
Jester is careful, but they don’t stop the physical humor completely. They love making moves, even Sypha can’t see coming. For example, when Sypha uses her Speaker magic to conjure floating ice steps, Jester will try to climb up onto it from below, even going as far to get a ladder if they have to, just to slide themselves over the edge and start to do pull-ups on it. Yes, it’s slippery and hazardous, but Jester knows how to fall. They’ve done it so many times, they’re practically an expert by now lol. 
The sheer zaniness of Jester’s actions never fails to bring a knowing smile to Sypha’s face. She just asks that they promise not to act that way when her baby comes around, lest they teach her kid any ideas. 
Alucard is by far the hardest to make laugh. He’s much more introverted and stoic than the other two. That’s not to say he doesn’t laugh or doesn’t enjoy humor- he does, but it’s much quieter and more subtle than the others. 
Alucard was under a lot of pressure at the end of S4, especially before Trevor seemingly returned from the dead. His stress levels were through the roof, even if he tried hiding it. 
In all the chaos, the one thing Alucard found brought him the most joy was playing with the kids in the village. He liked hearing them laugh as he chased after them from above, or snuck up on them when playing hide and seek. It reminded him so much of how his parents would play with him when he was a little boy growing up in the castle. 
This of course doesn’t go unnoticed by his Jester S/O, who makes a secret pact with the orphaned children to play a funny prank on Alucard when he’s least expecting it. 
The timing just so happened to work out perfectly. It happens just after the first snow of the season. The ground becomes coated in heavy, packing snow- perfect for making snowmen and snowballs. Jester and the children get bundled up and build two modest, unsuspecting forts. Then Jester asks Alucard to come help them referee the children's snowball fight. With a bit of begging, Alucard relents, happy to give Trevor and Sypha some alone time with their new baby. 
Unbeknownst to Alucard however, is that he is the intended target of the snowball fight. And that the two forts are stocked full of pre-made snowballs ready to launch on hidden catapults, perfect for surprisingly even the smartest of dhampir. 
Once Alucard gets into position, and gives the signal for the fight to begin, the kids unleash their snowball fury. They get a good few solid hits in before Alucard’s brain catches up to the fact he’s been bamboozled. He makes a move to super-speed away but not before Jester and a handful of other older kids tackle Alucard to the ground. Yes, they all end up getting pulled with snowball after snowball from their makeshift catapult contraption, but the snow in their hair and all over their clothes is well worth it. 
Alucard, covered in snow and ice, and now freezing children throws his head back and laughs- a deep genuine laugh. 
How surprising human joy is to him, even after all of this time. It’s infectious, and Alucard finds himself grateful to be amongst friends. 
After everyone’s nose starts to freeze, he ushers the children back inside their respective homes, promising to play with everyone again tomorrow. 
Once he and Jester are back inside, he offers to make tea for the two of them. Jester of course accepts graciously, still warming themselves by the fire. Alucard leaves for the kitchen, but not before lobbing one perfectly formed snowball right at Jester’s back. Revenge was a dish best served cold after all. 
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I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, don’t forget to Reblog! 
Once again, the cute daisy chain divider is courtesy of @cafekitsune !
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a-gaime · 22 days ago
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whoishotteranimepolls · 9 months ago
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Fanon LGBTQ+ Poly Ships
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ineedmoretrevorcardcontent · 10 months ago
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The final battle at Castlevania.
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oneforblu · 1 month ago
the last episode of castlevania was so perfect. all the pain and suffering led to this moment of happiness. the trio who met by fate together again! trevor and sypha reunited and madly in love, alucard finally having a place to call home, and all three of them together in the same place. the thought of the trio taking it easy and enjoying life makes me so happy! they deserve it and more <3
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phoenixlionme · 1 day ago
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the-poets-are-screaming · 2 months ago
Imagine doing the white tee trend on the castlevania trio…
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