#castaway serena
silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
4/27 - 5/3
Things are going missing across the dorms I presume. (Better not fall to your death people)
Someone placed a cat spawner in every NRC dorm and probably at campus…
There was knock off version of the Great Seven in anime…
NRC Book Club, Trystia, has became one with nature.
NRC Book Club seems to be setting up Trystia for something ~
The rebellion against Crowley failed, and Lucius got ban from NRC. MAY HE SNEAK BACK IN!
A beef between @royalswordacademyconfession 🐰 got beef with @nrc-therapist .
RSA confession mod 📖 got a boyfriend! (Meanwhile us single pringles are just looking at the lovebirds)
Nvm mod 📖’s boyfriend died…
It’s confirm, Crowley cannot use technology correctly.
Crowley disown one of his children.
Lucius (@lucius-official) made bbq fish fillets, I wonder how it would taste like.
Lucius is dressed up fancy~
Professor Crewel is allergic to cats, and a cat pushed him off.
Hedgehogs are gone from Heartslabyul. Well, everyone there is gonna have their heads off.
Trey didn’t realize there was an uprising against Crowley, so he kinda in disbelief.
Trey loosing his shit thanks to someone placing a Cat Spawner.
Trey’s sanity is on a thread that can easily break at any given moment-
Deuce got addicted to coffee now…
Deuce made someone to a size of a doll since he dropped a cauldron on them.
Deuce became an egg-
Cater and Vil getting somewhat along??? What did I missed there?
Cater cheesed Professor Crewel, he dead…
Ruggie being a taste tester for the 1st years of Diasomnia.
Ruggie lied about his age several times during to being looking young, which he took advantage to it.
Azul being embarrassed by the leak baby photos that been going on.
There is two Azul now. Oh dear…
Kalim at it buying random stuff but, this time is… bird seed?
Another Jamil came, and he isn’t too happy knowing he got a child despite being busy…
Vil being disappointed in people, classic.
Vil being shocked there is a Cat Spawner and hoping it was in a Minecraft server, it wasn’t..
Vil on the look out of Epel eating something that he shouldn’t have.
Idia got Arlecchino, but the cost is the fact he is now broke-
Idia loosing his mind with cat photos.
Someone called Idia a walking campfire.
Malleus got another child.?
Malleus got turned into a cat box-
Silver still being a decent person in NRC
Silver had been buried from several cats.
Cheka is gonna break Ruggie’s back soon.
Cheka got grounded for playing a long “hide and seek” game…
Che’nya(@your-local-grinning-cat) wants to adopt Gidel
Mr. Rosehearts is disappointed in Ms. Rosehearts’ actions. + his son in his current family is top 3 in RSA.
Yuu got a bear. Nice 👍
Grim trying to show off that he can read and write(more over type) but failing a bit…
A pomefiore student (@pomefiorestudent-a)made their debut! Enjoy this recognition for being here.
Castor(@castaway-achlys) and Atamai (@atamai-twst) are having beef with each other..?
@blind0raven is going to murder someone…
Castor cannot do laundry.
@quartztwst in jail.
quartztwst being accused of several crimes
It’s confirm, @the-possum-of-rsa is in Sebek’s walls majority of the time-
Althea and Aclestris came back after a very long nap or break???
@jaytoonarchives is hosting a party at Ramshackle! And the children are invited…
@comediano-o got catnip, better keep it away from Lucius and Grim…
R. C. and Yuu is planning to prank Crowley within his office.
Atami got Trystia as his date for prom!
B0njourbeach showed that Leona is bald without his wig.
B0njourbeach is making cursed photos of NRC students…
Serena(@imafrealinrainbow478484), don’t use the decay incantation…
“Armaros here, I would like to remind you all that this series just has one person involved. So if you think that 🍮 missed something, tell her and she will probably put it in a reblog post. Ok, I’m gonna go now. You will see me later on.” -💫💤
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sepulcher-of-the-light · 10 months
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© Lucas Garcete, Náufrago huérfano (Orphan castaway)
Noche, sombras serenas, cuna del aire, a mí acude el viento si en ti me extravío, y, con él, la mar perfumada de tierra, en cuya orilla canta mi gente a las velas, a los cestos de pesca, a niños despertados antes del alba.
Night, serene shadows, cradle of the air, the wind comes to me if I go astray in you, and, with it, the earth-scented sea, on whose shore my people sing to the candles, to the fishing baskets, to awakened children before dawn.
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thecheshirehouse · 19 days
Four incredible new stories!
From the worlds of The Interstellar Sleuth, The Castaways of Ishiok, and Disparate Minds, The Cheshire House is delighted to show you four incredible new stories!
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A drawing of Abraytha, Xiantio, and Yahed (a character original to this batch), by the excellent Plum Pudding!
The Tall Dark Spire at the Edge of the Not-Sky is the next instalment in The Castaways of Ishiok, penned by Ostara Gale (@a-wartime-paradox) with help from Ryan Fogarty, and edited by Aristide Twain (@aristidetwain). The story follows Xiantio and Abraytha as they attempt to uncover the truth about the Deus Initiative.
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Above is an illustration for Island on the Edge of Eternity - Part Two, with the background by Kevin (@fire_fly_flare) and the foreground by Matilda Duncan!
Island on the Edge of Eternity - Part Two is the eagerly-awaited second part of Island on the Edge of Eternity, after the release of Part One in our previous regular batch. This story is in the series The Interstellar Sleuth, and was written by Thien Valdram, before being edited by Ostara Gale and Aristide Twain. As the bodies begin piling up, Rhyz’ir deals with Nzhi’ax’s betrayal, and must decide whether being believed is worth losing someone they once called a friend.
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This is the wonderful cover of the third Disparate Minds story, ‘Deadspace’, and was created by series originator Plum Pudding!
Deadspace is the third instalment in the Disparate Minds series, written by Plum Pudding and edited by Ostara Gale and Aristide Twain. This story follows Serena as she and Avenue face the uncomfortable arrival of strange people who aren’t quite human. Serena finds everything she’s ever known turned upside-down as the not-people’s artificial presence begins to spread…
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Another lovely cover from Plum Pudding, this time for the fourth Disparate Minds story, ‘Pitcher’!
Pitcher is the fourth instalment in the Disparate Minds series, written by Plum Pudding and edited by Ostara Gale and Aristide Twain. We see June, lying on the road. She really thought she could do it this time — escape Avenue. Is that even possible? Has she done it? And, if she has, where can she go?
You can find us at CheshireHouseStories on Instagram, as well as Cheshire_House on X/Twitter.
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FINALLY 100%ed this game on playstation so here’s this!
i wanted to draw all the familiars i stuck with the entire game sooo i did!
all the familiars and names are: Michael (starting mermite), Lemmy (aye-aye sir from ding dong dell), Simon (sugarplum sprite from golden grove), Gogo (starting electrongo), Peewee (greater naiad from solomon), Bella (turban myth from shimmering sands), Gunther (starting hurlcules), Link (puss-in-boats from outside castaway cove), and Serena (nightshade from tombstone trail)
I would’ve kept the jabberguppy you get from that one quest in yule if i didnt already have a full team lol
anyway time to play the 2nd game!!
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liminalheadspaces · 1 year
The self-extricate castaway is a lonely fellow.
He mourns his own rejection
And grieves a faraway sanctuary
But in the deep of the night
He crawls out of the rocky cave
And gazes up at the shared vast sky
He dreams up a rescue boat with strong jets
He knows that it will have sailed by morning
But just for the night, just for a few moments
He rides it back to a rosy paradise
Home is material in his dreams
His memories are his future in his visions
He lives in his head at night
A present tale where he is amongst fellows.
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casalcova · 10 months
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Primo appuntamento:
Castaway on The Moon, Lee Hae-jun (Corea)
domenica 12 novembre ore 20.00
Asia Cinematografica è un progetto volto a far conoscere al pubblico piacentino il cinema mainstream dell’Estremo Oriente. Cina, Corea del Sud, Giappone, Taiwan e Hong Kong: la grande produzione cinematografica di questi Paesi verrà indagata in una serie di rassegne separate di quattro incontri serali.
Domenica 12 novembre si parte con il primo appuntamento, dedicato al cinema sudcoreano, industria che in questi anni sta avendo grande successo internazionale. Il cinema sudcoreano è soprattutto cinema di genere, per questo ad ogni incontro verra introdotto e commentato un genere diverso - commedia, thriller, dramma storico, horror - seguito dalla proiezione di un film rappresentativo. A fine proiezione sarà lasciato spazio ad una discussione con il pubblico.
A condurre la discussione sarà Serena Varrucciu, curatrice della rassegna, dottoressa in Storie e Critica delle Arti e dello Spettacolo.
12-11, Castaway On The Moon, Lee Hae-jun
19-11, The Chaser, Na Hong-jin
03-12, JSA - Joint Security Area, Park Chan-wook
17-12, Two Sisters, Kim Ji-woon
Tutti i film sono doppiati in italiano ad eccezione di JSA - Joint Security Area, che verrà proiettato in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano.
Per info e prenotazioni:
Telefono e whatsapp 366 719 0091
Kabukista: Vicolo dei Cavalli 9, Piacenza
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Serena!
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doctwo · 3 years
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The woman loves her Classical.
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ja-lin · 3 years
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Part of my Asian American Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ series.
Serena Zhang (Lesbian) from Castaway! Love’s Adventure. She’s originally from Seattle hired to be the doctor onboard the cruise. From the surname, we know she’s Chinese American. I haven’t read her route, but I poked through some screenshots on social media and I can already tell her dialogue is funny, sarcastic, and blunt. (Yes, I gave her a sassy hair flip pose just like Vivienne lol)
Hmm, fun facts time?! You’ll often hear the stereotype that Chinese American parents want their kids to be either a doctor, lawyer, or engineer and much of that is true. But, a lot of us want to do art, writing, you know - something creative but often times those dreams are pushed aside in respect for the parents’ wishes.
In the story, Serena is very, VERY good at painting and traditional arts. It makes me wonder if she wanted to be an artist when she was younger, but ended up as a doctor. Her route is fully finished and has 4 seasons, plus some PoV stories, go check it out!
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Maybe a fic with serena zhang where mc is going blind (not of old age tho, just because sickness you know...) and the reaction of serena and maybe the mc is reassuring her and fluffs things like that ?
Warning: Writer’s first time writing a visually impaired character. Condition referenced is Retinitis Pigmentosa.
There’s the flutter of sheets beside you, a small sigh. The sound catches on the edges of your dreams, satin soft. The bed dips just slightly. You can feel a warm presence hover right over you, and it doesn’t take much to figure out who it is.
You keep your eyes closed, waiting. The presence hesitates. Itches closer, like a wary cat, then stops. There’s a small pause before Serena starts pulling away, and you almost want to roll your eyes.
Really? She’s never this bashful. She’s usually on top of you as soon as she wakes up.
“Well, if you won’t do it, I will.”
She lets out a small squeak as you reach for her, managing to grab her arm. The kiss you pull her into is sweet and short, vibrant with loving energy. She leans back slightly, just enough to mutter:
“I didn’t want to wake you…”
So you pull her back in, smiling into the kiss. One of her hands settle on your hips easily, effortlessly, and you hum in delight at her touch.
“You’re being silly.”
“Sorry about that. How do you feel?”
“I’m fine.”
And you are. There’s no pain, just a slight discomfort… you hadn’t become aware of it immediately, anyway. Serena had been the first to tell you that you had been squinting your eyes a lot recently, but that wasn’t surprising. Out of everyone in the island, she’s the one that paid attention to you the most.
It had been a small ‘huh’ from your part. It wasn’t a bit concern, maybe you were just tired… but then you had begun stumbling more often when you walked in darker places. It began taking longer and longer for your eyes to adjust to darkness, and that had caught your attention a bit more, and you had frowned and thought that maybe it was because of winter—somehow, someway—and everything was just… darker. Looking at it back now, it was a very silly theory.
And then the edges of your vision just began to… chip away. There was an initial blurriness and then nothing, like covering your left eye and trying to see through it anyway. There was just nothing there. You had to turn your head to see things at your sides. Serena’s detail-driven mind had noticed right away, maybe even before you had realized it was happening, and you could feel the confusion and worry in her expression from miles away.
She had confronted you about it the night before. Her words had been like a heavy waterfall, snapping out of the daze you had been in, because somehow you had convinced yourself nothing was wrong along the way.
Well. There was no use ignoring it, was there? You needed to push through. It would be fine—it would change things, but not for the worse. It would just be… different.
“No headaches?” Your wife continues. She looks beautiful, dark hair spilling over her shoulders like a cool night, and you grin softly at her. You don’t know how of your vision you would lose, so you’d rather commit her image to memory just to be safe. Not that it was hard—she lived in your mind rent-free.
“No, the one I had yesterday disappeared pretty quickly.”
“Try not to strain your eyes too much. You’ll just get another one that way.”
“I… I would prefer if we went back with Clyde next time he comes. It should be in a few days—”
“Huh? To California?”
“Anywhere is fine, really. Anywhere that has a competent ophthalmologist, at any rate.”
“Please,” she says, quietly, chocolate eyes sad and dull like aged wood, and the word curls around your heart and stays there like a cold chill. “Please. I just want to confirm you’re safe.”
“…alright.” You reach for her once again and pull her close, holding her there as if she were the only source of warmth in your life. In a sense, she is. “You don’t need to worry about a thing, babe—I’ll always listen to your concerns.”
“Thank you for that, Aura.”
“It’s also a great chance to introduce you to my parents formally. I know they aren’t satisfied with just letters.”
“Mm, you should meet my mom, too. She’s a bit eccentric, but nothing that will embarrass me too hard.”
“If she is as sarcastic as you are, I feel like it’ll become a roast session soon enough.”
“You might be disappointed.”
You shrug. “Eh, I’ll live. Anyway, we’ll be gone for a month, right? I’ll need to search for a substitute… classes just started, too…”
“It… might be a bit longer.”
That’s surprising. “Really? I thought you wouldn’t like to stay longer… but it’s alright! I’ll work something out for the school.”
“I’ll tell you how long later. We need to tell Angelo.”
“Yeah, we probably should… and Serena? Thank you. For looking out for me.”
“I’ll always look out for you, Aura. You are my whole world.”
Red tints your cheeks, a pleasant buzz rolling lazily down your spine at her words. “You are perfect, Serena. I just—I love you so much…”
She grins, her worry from earlier properly squashed. “I know. I love you too.”
Talking things out with Angelo and Olivia could be going better, you think.
“So Aura is going blind, then?” Olivia asks, surprise in her voice. “We could try to put something together—”
“No.” Serena’s voice is flat and cold, analytical. “Nothing of the sort. Not for this.”
You can imagine the way Olivia’s expression schools at the words, like it had all those years ago, when Serena had challenged her methods.
“We’ve been through this, Serena, and we agreed—”
“I know what we agreed, but this is not our specialty, Olivia. We won’t know what to look for, and messing around could prove disastrous. We’re practically setting everything up for a misdiagnosis if—”
“Well, maybe the spirits—”
“Don’t bring them into this. I don’t want to think about any magical related treatment right now, I only want to know what is happening.”
“C’mon, from her symptoms it can’t be something like Ocular Melanoma.”
Serena’s shoulders loosen just slightly, but she doesn’t hesitate when she turns towards Angelo. Your vision isn’t too damaged to keep you from telling key changes in her expression yet, and the face she wears now is stone-cold determination.
“We’re going back with Clyde. We’ll return in eight months or so.”
“Hold on, eight months?” You pipe up, stunned beyond measure.
“The diagnosis won’t take long, but there are some things we should do and I figured we could use it as a vacation, too.”
A vacation, she says, as if you weren’t already living in a dream island. It’s a pretty cozy place, the sole thought of reintegrating society and the chaotic tempo it operated in—with honking cars and yelling citizens and loud parties at every turn—make your head spin.
“Oh, you want to get O&M for Aura?” Olivia says, and there’s a special sort of softness in her voice now, as if it was something she hadn’t considered before.
“O&M?” Angelo asks, interested. “Sounds fun.”
“Mm, I don’t know about the fun part, but it is necessary. Only if the condition gets worse, of course, but I don’t like taking any chances.” Your wife explains, more relaxed now that she sees no one is jumping to fight her.
“Wait, but what is that?” You ask, frowning slightly at the unknown term.
There’s the thump of boots by your right—turning your head reveals a grinning Olivia.
“Things like learning braille and moving around with a cane. It’s rad stuff.”
“Braille? Uh, no offense Serena, but there aren’t many books in the island to begin with…”
“We’ll go shopping once we’re there. I wanted to buy some medical texts too. Clyde always manages to bring me old versions of the books I request…”
“I feel like you should have told me this sooner.”
“It’s quick—shouldn’t take more than six months.” Olivia intervenes, humming to herself. “And you’d need a cane too… we don’t have the resources to produce aluminum ones…”
“I’d be okay with a plain wood one, you know...”
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silverteresa · 5 years
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lioras · 5 years
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Moments that made me fall in love with Serena Zhang 1/?
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 1-10
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-87
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goodbye-lovestruck · 2 years
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michaestzu · 3 years
Serena: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds. Mc: FORTY FIVE SECONDS?!? Serena: No! Four to five seconds! Mc: Too late!!!
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lovestruckprofiles · 3 years
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