#cassandra poem version
lesbiandemondaddy · 4 months
Now I know y'all aren't forgetting to play the acoustic and poem versions of Dance Fever songs and their cover of Search and Destroy for Dance Fever's anniversary 🤨
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ennislamore · 9 months
Florence Welch - Cassandra (poem version) <3
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pinksilvace · 3 months
What I remember from the show, feat. some official photos
This is all going off of my note-less memories so there may be some minor inaccuracies to these recollections.
Welcoming Remarks/Overture
The crowd was welcomed by the voice of Junior LaBeija, who encouraged us to google him before shutting our phones down.
We were encouraged to make noise at any and all parts of the performance
Filming, even during bows, was strictly prohibited
This show is LOUD. I wore ear plugs the entire time, and I don't consider myself to be particularly sensitive to noise. It makes sense, considering that the audience is meant to yell and the music has to be heard over them.
The theater space itself was relatively small. All seats were good seats.
Mr. Mistoffelees (Robert "Silk" Mason) could be seen dancing through the window set pieces above the back of the stage.
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
The cast began all around the theater, with spotlights illuminating them as they began to sing. They did not mount the stage until the "Mystical Divinity" portion of the song.
The crowd went WILD at the part that has had its choreography revealed already.
The Naming of Cats
The "Man over there" bit was done by Antwayn Hopper (Macavity). In general, he seemed to be having an absolute blast throughout the show.
During the parts where cats sharing the names in the poem were mentioned, spotlights illuminated them.
Munkustrap led this number and was the only one onstage for the duration of it.
The White Cat Solo
Compared to how this is presented in replica productions, the dance moves were very fast.
I am uncertain as to whether this part was meant to characterize Victoria, or if it was just a great chance for BABY (Victoria) to show off her incredible dancing skills.
The Old Gumbie Cat
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Jennyanydots (Xavier Reyes) began the number by pulling out a trophy, showing she'd won at balls in the past
During the day, it was implied (I think?) that Jennyanydots has lots of sex. Whether it's sex work, a sugar daddy situation, etc. was unclear. What I can say is that she did lots of bouncing - on other actors, on the edge of the stage, and on a chair.
At night, Jennyanydots is a very harried single Latina mother trying to keep her kids out of trouble.
Instead of Jenny competing in a category herself, Cassandra (Emma Sofia)(implied to be one of Jenny's children, either literally or metaphorically) competed while Jenny directed her choreography from the sidelines.
The Rum Tum Tugger
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VERY laid back. This is definitely Jason Derulo's version of Tugger, but done so incredibly right. He was honestly a bit too effortless for how easily he won categories.
It's not shown in this photo, but he wore a gold and black striped fur coat throughout most of the show, sort of like Munkustrap's grey and black one (shown above, with Jenny)
There wasn't very much choreography in this number, save for a bit at the very end where he was facing off "Pretty Boy vs. Thug"
Grizabella the Glamour Cat
Grizabella ("Temptress" Chastity Moore) approached the side of the stage and killed the mood. Everyone kind of just avoided her. Munkustrap tried to talk her into going away, but she refused. He then tried to pay her actual cash to leave, but she stood her ground.
Sillabub (Teddy Wilson Jr.) approached her curiously and backed off at a very subtle warning from Demeter (Bebe Nicole Simpson). (I have to add on that Sillabub wore an orange t-shirt, short pink overalls, and orange converse shoes with a crown of sunflowers on their head. They were easily my favorite character.)
Grizabella showed off a trophy she had won in a previous ball and implored the interim judges to let her compete. They refused.
This Grizabella was almost frighteningly determined.
Bustopher Jones
For the performance I saw, Garnet Williams filled in for Nora Schell, with Tara Lashan Clinkscales filling in for Bombalurina.
Bustopher was referred to with they/them pronouns.
A large portion of this number was spent with Bustopher walking around the theater. When they mounted the stage, they pulled open their shirt to reveal a bustier emblazoned with the English flag.
Bustopher competed and won in the "Body" category. They continued to remain present throughout the rest of the show.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
It is specified both in the program and during the number that these two are from Victoria Grove, New Jersey
Those New Jersey accents were aggressive
"one of the goyles suddenly misses her woolworth poyles"
Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from them
During the Macavity scare preceding this number, Macavity dropped off some trash bags filled with clothes for Bombalurina and Demeter. Mungojerrie (Jonathan Burke) and Rumpleteazer (Dava Huesca) attempted to steal these.
During the second verse, both changed costumes behind some costume racks on either side of the stage.
They competed in the "Tag Team" category against Victoria and Tumblebrutus (Primo) and lost. They then stole the trophy, which Victoria and Tumblebrutus stole back.
Anyway I just desperately need other US productions to give them New Jersey accents
Old Deuteronomy
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Munkustrap (Dudney Joseph Jr.) was the only one onstage for the first part of this
Tugger (Sydney James Harcourt) approached the side of the stage and grasped Munkustrap's arm at the "numerous progeny" line
The stage was left empty for Old Deuteronomy (André De Shields) to walk out on
Before he walked out, Sillabub threw flower petals all over it
Mr. Mistoffelees (Robert "Silk" Mason) pulled out Old Deuteronomy's chair for him
There was a VERY long pause for applause when Old Deuteronomy reached his throne at the far end of the catwalk. He turned in a very slow circle. We made eye contact.
Song of the Jellicles/The Jellicle Ball
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During the Macavity scare, Macavity strides up to Old Deuteronomy. Old Deuteronomy waves him back out of the room in a way that honestly looked like magic. (It's worth noting at this point that the Macavity in this production is a goofy role.)
Because of how the stage is set up, most parts of the dance number were done with only 2-5 actors onstage at a time. When there was a larger group, the dancing remained mostly sedentary.
No mating dance
Grizabella appeared on one of the high balconies. Sillabub waved enthusiastically at her. Everybody else just stared at her.
Many categories were competed in during this part. One of them was sort of an "anything goes" (I forget the exact name) category, in which Munkustrap came out in a golden ensemble with giant wings. Old Deuteronomy didn't like it. Munkustrap gave him sass.
Memory (part 1)
Old Deuteronomy walked out of the room along with everybody else (I THINK.) Grizabella approached the side of the stage, took off the scarf covering her hair, and draped it over one of the railings.
Grizabella caressed the stage as she sang.
Sillabub approached the other side of the stage, watched her for a bit, and departed. They returned near the end of the number with a glittery dress, which they offered to her. Grizabella ran away.
At the end of the number, Sillabub climbs onstage to grab the scarf and look out at the audience. Cut to black.
Moments of Happiness/Moonlight
This part took place entirely between Old Deuteronomy and Sillabub. Sillabub was still onstage, almost got scared away when Old Deuteronomy returned, and knelt in front of him.
As Old Deuteronomy sang about happiness through many generations, he tied the scarf around Sillabub's neck.
While all of this happened, old photos and reports about old balls were being projected on a large screen at the back of the stage. There was then a listing of old house mothers. Most of these were real. The final name listed was Grizabella's.
The rest of the cast joins in for Moonlight, stationed all around the theater. Bombalurina and Demeter were right next to me on the lower balcony. Bombalurina smiled at me.
Gus the Theater Cat
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Shereen Pimentel (Jellylorum) was AMAZING.
Gus (Junior LaBeija) was only present for this number and the bows. Most of his lines were performed like spoken word poetry rather than through song.
There was no show-within-a-show piece after this number, but Gus did say the "I once played Rumpus Cat" line. At the very end was Tumblebrutus (I THINK) re-enacting a young Gus a la Grizabella in Tecklenburg 2015.
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat
AGGRESSIVELY a New Yorker in the same way Mungo and Rumple were from New Jersey. Queen of the subways.
Skimbleshanks' (Emma Sofia's) hair had tiger stripes!!!
Lyrics were both English and Spanish (?), especially during the "it was very pleasant" part
She lost her category against Rumpleteazer. They embraced and continued to dance together for the rest of the song.
Macavity the Mystery Cat/"The Fight"
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Macavity (with a comically evil cackle and some Hanna-Barbera-style running around) dropped off some more trash bags through one of the windows in the back, which Demeter unpacked. As it turned out, those bags were filled with designer products.
"Macavity wasn't there" was a line used to refer to the fact that Macavity was supposed to be competing but didn't show up on time
Oh yeah, Demeter and Bombalurina were members of the House of Macavity
After Macavity proved to Old Deuteronomy that all of the products were genuine, they all got dressed up and competed in "Labels". The House of Macavity won.
Members of the losing team found attached tags on the products, indicating that the items were shoplifted.
As police sirens blared and blue and white lights flew around the room, Old Deuteronomy ushered Macavity to leave the venue. The police officers entered, looked around the audience, and then looked on the stage, where Old Deuteronomy stood in front of the bags of stolen goods and gave himself up as the perpetrator of the crime.
Macavity returns looking downright distraught.
Magical Mr. Mistoffelees
It was much more believable to see everybody turning their backs on Tugger in this production than any other I've seen
Mr. Mistoffelees was referred to with he/him pronouns, so that's what I'm using here
Mr. Mistoffelees is introduced as a ballroom dancer who meets success, in part, by magic-ing his opponents into having wardrobe and performance malfunctions.
He also steals their stuff but I'm unsure whether that has to do with saving Old Deut or if it's just enriching for him
Old Deuteronomy was magicked into a box and stood very still when the curtain was pulled off. When Macavity approached, Old Deuteronomy jumpscared him.
After the song was done, Tugger and Mistoffelees kissed. They were not, as I have seen others say, eating each other's faces; it was very chaste and tender and lasted for just a handful of seconds. The audience went wild, of course.
Memory (part 2)
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Grizabella came out in the dress Sillabub had offered earlier
Maybe I was reading too much into it but it looked to me like Old Deuteronomy and Sillabub conspired together to make her reappearance happen
This song was sung in a lower key than usual to better suit Temptress' voice
She looked so uncertain the whole time
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
A big staircase hinged down to the stage, just like in replica productions
Grizabella left through a door at the top of the stairs. Through it, the sounds of New York City could be heard.
The Ad-dressing of Cats
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This song makes WAY MORE SENSE in this production in OG Cats, in my opinion. There, it sometimes feels like a bit of a slog. Here, it reinforced the core message of the show about accepting people as they are. To me, the context made it much more powerful.
These last few numbers were loud even through my ear plugs and I don't know why.
The ensemble (Frank Viveros and Shelby Griswold) brought the cast flutes of champagne
Munkustrap announced each member of the cast as they did individual dances down the stage. This was one of the only songs unrelated to Cats music.
Tugger did a striptease.
After all of the actors, the conductor came out vogueing down the stage.
Afterward, the cast began singing the "practical cats, dramatical cats" portion of Jellicle Songs. I sang enthusiastically along, catching Bustopher's eye. They blew me a kiss.
Other thoughts
Electra (Kendall Grayson Stroud) EASILY had my favorite costume: a holographic top and little black skirt with a huge ruffled rainbow coat over it
Victoria's costume changes made her much less noticeable than usual, especially as she mostly served as a member of the ensemble (I don't think anything in particular about this choice; I just found it interesting)
Despite all of the changes, this very much felt like a production of cats. Even though the actors were staged to be humans, they did nothing else to emphasize it. All of the lyrics were true to replica cats productions.
Where ballroom beats were implemented, they never distracted from the songs they were placed into. They actually enhanced the songs very nicely.
Almost all of the changes made to the original story make sense in the context of this production. I.e., Alonzo's absence makes sense because his role is no longer necessitated. Same with Coricopat and Tantomile.
I am in LOVE with this Sillabub. I really cannot emphasize that enough. They had so much youthful whimsy and KILLED those high notes. They should have been frolicking but instead they were at the club smh
Understated Tugger was an interesting look, and I think it worked well, considering that this Mistoffelees was definitely the most eye-catching member of the cast.
It was actually really cool to see a production where Macavity is accepted as one of the tribe. I fully believe that Mungojerrie learned a few pointers from this one. Again, I have to emphasize that it looked like Antwayn Hopper had the time of his life in this role.
Speaking of, there may have been some Deut bros (Tugger+Munkustrap+Macavity) staging, but I don't remember clearly enough to say for sure.
Most of the transfer of the story made sense... except for the stuff surrounding Grizabella. I've seen the directors talk about ageism in the ballroom community, but with how much emphasis this production put on respect for elders via Old Deuteronomy and Gus and the lack of general contempt from the cast, I honestly don't know why she would have been outcast to begin with. I also have no idea why she ran away from Sillabub.
I kind of wish there had been more extreme makeup, but most of the cast switched between their characters and ensemble roles frequently, so it makes sense. It didn't make the show any worse.
Overall, this was an incredible production that deserves the praise it is given. Yes, I think a number of Cats fans are casting too much judgement on the creative decisions. Yes, I think too many reporters have dunked on the original Cats staging more than is warranted in order to prop this production up. Regardless of those two factors, it was clear that the cast and creative team had a real love for both Cats and ballroom, and I think they married the two concepts beautifully.
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stalkerofthegods · 8 months
Athena Pallas/Minerva Deep dive
To the wisest of the wise, to the goddess that tells us the wisdom, may we all cheer for her, like how men and women and all equal in war would cheer after victory.
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Herbs • Olive tree, Tiger lilies, geranium, oak, cypress, Hellebore (Christmas and Lenten rose), and citrus tree, walnuts, pears
Animals• owl, snake, rooster, griffins, horses (she taught men how to tame horses), female lambs, doves (as a symbol of victory), rams, eagles, tigers, leopards, and other cats (could not find why but many were in agreement.)
Zodiac • She was mostly celebrated in June/July so I would say, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.
Colors • gold, orange, yellow, emerald green, and royal blue
Crystal• bronze, metal, gold, silver, Azurite, Iolite, ruby, star sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, ivory, Amazonite, Iolite, Bloodstone, Clear Quarterrtz, onyx.
Symbols• owls, olive trees, snakes, the Gorgoneion, golden shield, and helmet, serpents 
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• you can veil in their honor
Diety of • knowledge, knowledge in war, crafting, inspiration, strategy 
Patron of• Military, justice, skills, close combat, good counsel, prudent restrain and practical insight, weaving, and spinning, crocheting, the defense of towns, heroic endeavor, and protection agriculture, she is known in the arts as well with Hephaestus, protectress of the phratries and houses, authority of the law, the order in the courts and the assembly of the people, mathematics, strength, asexuality, librarians, peace, judges, protests, metalwork, birds (called the goddess of the birds), teachers
Offerings• She was sacrificed bulls, rams cows, all female except a lamb, it must be a male lamb, Locrian maidens or children are said to have been sacrificed to her every year as an atonement for the crime committed by the Locrian Ajax upon Cassandra (do not do, just here for historic offerings.), Olives, Bread, Grains, Olive oil, Cakes, Olive tree branches, Owl figurines or imagery, Silver jewelry, Honey, Milk, Books, Strategy games, Quality chess boards, Snake figurines or imagery, Fountain pens, Handmade objects, Clay items ( ex- plates, bowls, vases), Yellow and/or white candles, Yoghurt, Daggers, Swords (including small decorative versions), Devotional poems, Studying, Learning something new, Using what you learn as a way of growing and developing as a person, Standing up for yourself, Improving yourself, Owl pellets, Owl decoys for gardens,Work out clothes/gear, Fidget toys for when you’re working, Brain imagery, Spider imagery, Crafts you have made, Certificates/degrees/awards for achievements, Favorite books/books on mythos or Greece, Knitting/crocheting/crafting materials, Needles, Your glasses, Coffee/tea, Nice pens/pencils, Journals/notebooks, Voting stickers/cards, Spears/swords/daggers/helmets, Protest signs, pears, walnuts, Garlic bread, Start a small side business.
Devotional• Read a book, become a librarian as a summer job, or simply check out or return a book, join a book club, host a book club, learn Battle strategies, learn Wars and how they were won, learn What led to wars being lost, read The Art of War by Sun Tzu, learn about Politics,  Democracy in Ancient Greece, learn about Armor and weapons, Catch and release spiders in your home, do Pottery, learn about Cross stitching and knitting, Tutor someone/get tutoring for areas you need help in, Watch TED talks/listen to educational podcasts, Plan out your day/keep a planner, Thinking before taking action, controlling our anger,  Learn new vocab words, Make your notes pretty, Learn study techniques, Take appropriate study breaks, Do projects for Her, Challenge yourself, Learn grounding techniques, Do your homework, Give up things that are unhealthy for your brain (ex-  smoking cannabis, drinking.), work out, Learn basic first aid, take CPR classes, Take care of your body, Go to protests/advocate
Ephithets• will post later, postponed due to motivational issues, will come soon. 
Equivalents (alike but not the same)• neith (Egyptian), thrud (Norse), Minerva (roman), Athena (Greek) 
Alter• I would not put her alter near Heaphestus, be tried to violate her in a myth, I would not put her alter near Aphrodite because they are known to not get along in myths, but things could have changed. She does work well with heroes, so if you worship Hercules or Perseus I would put her alter near them, I would not put her near Arachne and keep her alter away from spider areas, etc. Keep her altar clean and orderly. She does not like the giant Pallas, he tried to ruin her chastity.
Signs they are reaching out• Encounters with owls, olive trees, or feelings of wisdom and inspiration, seeing owls in the day, going to the library more often, staying after school. 
Vows/omans• to stay a virgin forever, and to change her name 
Number• 6 or 7 and 5 (I couldn't find a website that could agree.)
Morals• Morally lawful
Personality• Strong, endearing, respected, smart, confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior. Brings Harvard teachers to shame. 
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal 
Fact• Some say she invented the flute, she invented the plow, and the rake, borrows tools from Zeus to do war saves people when fate counts on it, she repels Ares, some say Athena’s full name is Pallas Athena, but they say she added the name Pallas to hers after she accidentally mortally injured her friend Pallas during a practice session in her youth.  Athena was seen naked bathing, she felt bad for the man, she covered his eyes and made him blind, making him an oracle.
Curses• blindness, more spiders, spilling tea, dyslexia getting harder, losing ur glasses, no one knowing who you're dressed as during Halloween, getting into fights, unjust detentions, no one showing up to class, getting fired as a teacher or librarian (unjustly), dropping books and learning stuff all of the sudden, forgetting materials that you learned on your test, your quizzes and tests get lost.
Blessings• remembering test materials, witty replies in arguments, detentions all of the sudden going away, getting into your dream college, getting into a book club, finding ur books, getting a librarian or teacher or tutor job.
Roots• Greek, near the river Triton born after or in the Titanomachy era.
Friends• Pallas (her friend growing up)
Parentage• Some say Poseidon then she went to Zeus after a dispute and became his daughter, and some say metis and Zeus, some say Hepeastus.
Siblings• Artemis, Aphrodite, the Muses, the Graces, Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Minos, Perseus, and Porus.
Children• She does not have any romantic lovers, but she has adopted children, who are, Erikhthonios/Erichthonius.
Pet• one white and three dark horse and an owl, (she shares a chariot with Artemis) 
Appearance in astral or gen•  a stately woman armed with a shield and spear, and wearing a long robe, crested helm, and the famed aigis with the the Gorgon Medusa on a shield
Festivals • The cleansing Festival/Plynteria and Kallynteria Festival, the threshing festival/Skira Festival, the festival of Minerva/Minor Quinquatrus, The panatheanaea/Athena Festival, The Vintage festivalOschophoria Festival, the artisans Festival/Chalkeia Festival.
Day • she does not have any day of the week, the 23 of each month, and the first day. 
Sacred places• The Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens is dedicated to her, and Athens.
Status• Wisdom goddess, One of the major theoi and goddesses in Greek mythology 
What angers her • If you stop worshiping her, I would clean up and part respectfully and know she understands, she does not like the sudden removal of an alter and the trashing of one.
The music she likes• classical and lo-fi study music.
Planet• Pallas Athene (minor planet) and the Asteroids 93 Minerva and 2 Pallas
Her Tarot cards• queen of swords, queen of wands, justice card, balance card
Remind me of• the saying “hitting the books” and someone actually throwing books, twilight from My Little Pony, Dead Trees (books)
Scents/Inscene • Patchouli, dragon’s blood, musk, indigo, orange blossom, cinnamon, and cedarwood
My opinion • She's cool.
Prayer To Athena by Liz “Morning Dove” La Posta
Oh, wise Athena with your spear and shield, protect me and my family from injustice and harm. Council me with your wisdom so that I may make the best decisions. Grant me success in my endeavors, but keep me humble so that I might not become condescending to others. I thank you for the many times you have guided me on my Path. Share with me your mysteries and I will do my best to follow. Athena my Goddess, I pray this in your sacred name, and I vow to always be your faithful dedicant.
Prayer to Athena for Wisdom
Clear-eyed Athena, unrivaled in wisdom, daughter of Zeus and Metis whose craft and wit excelled among the mighty Titans: Athena, I pray to you. Wise in all things you are, goddess; your cunning and guile are well known. In time of war you have no equal in tactics or in strategy; many armies have you guided to victory. In time of peace your blessings fall on those whose work is of the mind–friend of the philosopher, the scientist, the student. Advisor of kings, patron of clever heroes and bold-hearted adventurers, defender of the thinker, mistress of reason and understanding, goddess to whom a strong arm and a sharp sword are nothing without the sense to wield them well and the insight to know when words are worth more than weapons. Athena, grant me a sound mind and steady temper, bless me with good judgment, show me the long view.
Links/websites/sources •seleniangnosis https://www.theoi.com/Cult/AthenaTitles.htmlhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Athena-Greek-mythology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenahttps://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/athena.html https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Athena.html
https://www.worldhistory.org/athena/#google_vignettehttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/athena/https://olympioi.com/greek-gods/athenahttps://ilfiorello.com/athena-the-importance-of-the-name/https://www.theoi.com/Cult/AthenaTitles.htmlhttp://www.goddess-athena.org/Encyclopedia/Rituals/Festivals/index.htm ATHENA'S BIRTH ON THE NIGHT OF THE DARK MOON - JSTOR 881 Athene - Wikipedia Athena | Olympian Goddess of Wisdom | Born from Zeus SkullGoddess Gift https://www.crystalvaults.com/goddess-athena/#:~:text=Crystals%20such%20as%20Azurite%2C%20Iolite,Athena%20can%20bring%20to%20you.Athena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanshiphttps://www.museandmoonstone.com/blogs/blog/crystals-goddess-athenaThoughtCohttps://www.thoughtco.com › what...What Are the Symbols of the Greek Goddess Athena?numeralgame.64g.ruhttp://www.numeralgame.64g.ru › ...Numerology and ancient Greek myths. Pythagorean numerological number 5. Goddess Gifthttps://goddessgift.com › goddessesAthena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanship Number Seven Facts, Symbolism & Meaning - Study.com Holy And Unholy Numbers - Street Directory Athena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanshipseleniangnosis travelingthief Titanomachy Definition, Myth & Impact - Study.com Athena Siblings - 1379 Words | Internet Public Library - IPL.org Athena Justice, Mythology Tarot Enamel Pin - LitJoy Crate Inner Goddess Tarothttps://innergoddesstarot.com › go...Goddesses in Tarot: Athenahttps://www.hellenion.org/athena/prayer-to-athena/https://www.tumblr.com/tarotbee
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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Amy Pond canon-compliant character study (I will rip your heart out just like I did mine)
You are Amy Pond and your best friend is a man who tumbled into your life when you were a child and turned you into the town’s Cassandra, doomed to never be believed, doomed to believe without salvation, and yet your faith in has never wavered, because what would you be without him? You don't remember existing in a world without your god.
You are Amy Pond and you are kind and you have faith until that faith is forcefully broken to save your life. You become Lucy Pevensie, cast out of your kingdom by the only god you have ever believed in, so you choose to build your own kingdom, to make a life out of the wreckage that he left behind.
But that is not enough. It will never be enough. You are not allowed to leave this story. You are not allowed to grow up in a way that matters, because every time you try to choose, every time that you try to build a life of your own, you are dragged back into this story.
You are Amy Pond and this is a horror story, a tragedy, because you were never allowed to make a choice unless that choice is to die. You are not allowed to choose unless it is to kill yourself. You die on Appalappachia. You die in Manhattan. Any time you get to make a decision, death is there, hand outstretched, ready to walk you off the stage.
You are Amy Pond and you are a ghost haunting other people's stories.
You are Amy Pond and you died before you were born.
You are Amy Pond and you are kind even though the world was never kind to you and maybe, just maybe, this would have been a kinder story if you hadn't believed. If you hadn't held faith. If you had let the memory of your imaginary friend slide away.
The world might have ended earlier. The universe might have been worse off. But would you have? Would you have been happier?
The answer doesn't matter in the end. It never did.
Because there's nothing you can do. No other way this story ends.
You are Amy Pond and you do not get to leave. You do not get to change your story. 
You are Amy Pond and you are Amelia Williams and you are Amelia Pond and your story ends as it began: with a girl sitting in a garden, waiting for a man to pick you up and take you to your death.
(Amy Pond and being trapped within the narrative: aka, the question of narrative framing and the consequences of faith.)
Full version of the poem(? Character study?) here:
@twelvesbian @tenmartha @variousqueerthings @spoofymcgee
(Tagging people whose analysises inspired this)
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eclipsedbody · 8 months
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"fallible faith//mystery and mirrors" — one poem centered on kristen applebees and one poem centered on cassandra
the twitter version of this and some extra writing that i couldn't fit on kristen's poem
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babyrdie · 3 months
I know this exists but I can't help but find the idea of Helen and Achilles as an afterlife couple weird (and what's the name of that ship? Hechilles? Achelen? The Godly Blondies™?)
I don't know the name of this ship (I don't even know if anyone ships them nowadays), but The Godly Blondies™ is really something, although I think they're more The Hot Blondies™! Dear nonny, I'll use your ask to talk about this version. I hope you don't mind! And I know people generally don't like this version, but I genuinely have some headcanons about it lol if anyone is interested in reading silly headcanons about Leuke, the ask box is open.
If someone who's never heard of this couple is reading this ask and going "wtf", well…the context:
Because she was very beautiful, when she reached marriageable age she caught the attention of several suitors. Achilles, however, was training at Pelion and didn't participate. Hesiod says that the only reason Helen married Menelaus is because of Achilles' absence, as he surpassed Menelaus and the other suitors, this being one of the oldest sources that insinuate anything romantic between Helen and Achilles. (Hesiod, Catalogues of Women, frag 68):
(ll. 100-106) But Chiron was tending the son of Peleus, swift-footed Achilles, pre-eminent among men, on woody Pelion; for he was still a boy. For neither warlike Menelaus nor any other of men on earth would have prevailed in suit for Helen, if fleet Achilles had found her unwed. But, as it was, warlike Menelaus won her before.
But the result is what we already know: Helen herself chooses Menelaus as her husband.
There is also a version of the myth in which Achilles wants to see Helen, and so Thetis and Aphrodite find a way for them to meet. But I don't know if the nature of this meeting is necessarily romantic, since I only read the summary of the frag in English and the description is very succinct there. Maybe the original fragment in Greek gives more certainty, but I don't know how to read Greek so I didn't even look to see if it's available online. Perhaps Aphrodite's presence at the meeting is what gives it a romantic vibe? I don't know (Stasinus of Cyprus, Cypria, frag 1).
In another version, the Trojan princess Cassandra prophesies about Helen's five husbands, who are: Theseus because he kidnapped her, Menelaus because he was her chosen husband, Paris because she was taken by him (kidnapped or not, it depends), Deiphobus because he married her after Paris' death, Achilles because they marry after death. At the same time, Cassandra herself says that Helen and Achilles is just a dream, as Achilles is destined to be Medea's husband (yes, that exists too. If anyone is curious, send an ask lol). So I really don't understand why he's mentioned as one of the five husbands in this version if they don't get married because of Medea (because if Lycophron were to put everyone who dreamed of Helen as one of her husbands, then there would be a whole poem just for that), but well….here he is (Lycophron, Alexandra, 139-179)
Additionally, Achilles had more than one wife assigned to him in the afterlife, and one of them was Helen (Pausanias, Description of Greece, 3.19.13; Conon, Narrations, 18). And then maybe you think, “But Birdie, why is Helen with Achilles and not Menelaus?” and I honestly don't know the answer. I only know that the two of them married at Leuke is a myth associated with the poet Stesichorus of Himera (630 BC–555 BC), who supposedly went blind after writing offensive things about Helen and was cured by her after he wrote a eulogy for her. Another version where they are together in the afterlife even involves a winged son, although the development of the whole situation is really unexpected...
The fourth recounts that Helen was the first to imagine drawing lots with the fingers and that she won at chance with Alexander; she was the daughter of Aphrodite. There was born of Helen and Achilles in the fortunate isles a winged child named Euphorion after the fertility of this land; Zeus caught him and with a blow knocked him to earth in the isle of Melos, where he continued the pursuit and changed the nymphs there into frogs because they had given him burial. Some say that Helen was taken away by Alexander when she hunted on the mount of the Virgin (Parthenion); struck by his beauty, she followed him like a dog.
Bibliotheca, 190.24. Translation by John Henry Freese.
And finally, the only other source I know of with this relationship (there may be more, maybe I just don't know) tells about the creation of Leuke, Achilles and Helen also appear as a couple in the afterlife and was written by Philostrathus (the Athenian or the Younger, can't be 100% sure):
Thetis beseeched Poseidon to send up from the sea an island where they could dwell. After Poseidon had pondered the length of the Pontus and that, because no island lay in it, it was sailed uninhabited, he made Leuke appear, of the size I have described, for Achilles and Helen to inhabit, but also for sailors to stay and set their anchor in the sea. As ruler over everything that is by nature wet, after he also conceived of the rivers Thermodon, Borysthenes, and Istros so that they were carried off into the Pontus by irresistible and continually flowing currents, Poseidon heaped together the sediment from the rivers, which they sweep into the sea starting at their sources in Scythia. He then neatly fashioned an island of just the size I mentioned and set its foundation on the bottom of the Pontus. There Achilles and Helen first saw and embraced one another, and Poseidon himself and Amphitrite hosted their wedding feast, along with all the Nereids and as many rivers and water-spirits as flow into the Sea of Maiotis and the Pontus. They say that white birds live on the island and that these marine birds smell of the sea. Achilles made them his servants, since they furnish the grove for him with the breeze and rain drops from their wings. They do this by fluttering on the ground and lifting themselves off a little bit above the earth. For mortals who sail the broad expanse of the sea, it is permitted by divine law to enter the island, for it is situated like a welcoming hearth for ships. But it is forbidden to all those who sail the sea and for the Hellenes and barbarians from around the Pontus to make it a place of habitation.
Heroica, 746. Translation by Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean and Ellen Bradshaw Aitken.
There may be another source I'm missing, however…I'm not a classicist, so it's not like I study these myths deeply to be sure.
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vechter · 4 months
Top 5 superhero costumes!
helloooo <3
ok so im wholly and undeservedly partial to dick's version of the nightwing suit during his blüdhaven era- i am, alas, not immune to the appeal of the fingerstripes but i prefer it when he has thick gauntlets along with them (where is the boy storing his numerous bat-gadgets otherwise u can't tell me his boots fit everything?):
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honourable mention to when he paired it with his beloved leather jacket (that jacket is also a Look i adore it and also if it has rlly managed to withstand his multiple apartments, his blown up city, etc i have a crazy amount of respect for it)
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cassandra cain's batgirl suit. i think this is one of the earliest iterations of it and a lot of it borrows from Helena's NML suit but I love the cowl stitching detail!! it informs wonderfully to her abilities and aura. she is a Creature of the Night <3 bonus is that the bat isn't as obvious as bruce's. she's a Bat but she is something different, something better.
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and we also get to see where she keeps the batarangs, which is surprisingly not in her utility belt. i know comics require a suspension of disbelief from the audience to a certain degree but it's always neat when they show the more practical aspects of vigilantism like where they store their tech/gadgets.
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i'm more of a dc girl than marvel but i did thoroughly enjoy the black panther movie and his costume is a Look. i adore it. sleek, slippery, lethal. the detailing goes crazy.
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i know people jokingly refer to his fit as batman on a budget but i do fuck with midnighter's prime earth look a lot, too. so dramatic with that flow jacket-cape situation but so fun and ofc practical with the carbon fibre armour underneath (not that super-computer M needs it).
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and finally i like roy's red arrow look despite it technically starting out as some weird manifestation of his supposed desires by some weird-ass villain. love the arms and also the added implication that roy isn't afraid of owning his history and fuck-ups (you can probably see his track marks with that sleeveless shirt)- it is a homage to ollie and roy loves ollie and i love the way men love or whatever that poem said. also, i like to imagine nobody can be normal about his arms being out like that. like just look at those muscles, you can bet people look. and roy knows that.
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i fuck with diana's golden-age look too but idk i can't divorce the now rampant sexualization of female heroes with impractical, awful costumes. i know for a lot of them it isn't anything beyond a costume and me making an issue out of it is exactly just that- me making an issue of it. but so many current comics have weird shots of female butts and boobs and just weird writers being weird, it sours the whole thing for me. honourable mention to selina's OG cat woman costume, too before everybody in dc went all dark and black costume-y and broody. the claws, the tail, the whiskers. u just know one of the main reasons she and bruce get along so well is because of their commitment to a bit and theme lmao
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A Catalogue of Longfics I Want (Plan?) To Write
Only ideas I think would be multiple chapters and 10k+ words; doesn’t even include oneshots like Sisko Negotiates Space NAGPRA or Picard Goes To An Archaeology Conference or Teen Ratthi Angsts About Going To College or The Crew Of The Hermes Gets Murdered And Their Brains Scooped Out.
Ranked from 1 🌱 = this is just daydreams and vibes, to 5 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 = I have a 10-page outline with every plot beat and thematic parallel written out.
A * means that I’ve actually posted several chapters to AO3 already
Wolf 359
The Last Days of the Lovelace Administration 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Lovelace tells Minkowski what happened on her mission. Fully canon compliantly tragic. Everyone dies. Frame narrative. Lovelace-centric.
*To Stand Together Against Fate (Lambert Week fic) 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 An AU that spun off Zach Valenti’s “Lambert Week” streams. Lovelace and Lambert fight fate and REFUSE to let anyone die. The timeline gets slippy and things start getting weird. Lovelace won’t let a little thing like temporal causality hurt her crew though.
*Change the Rules 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Minkowski, Eiffel, and Hilbert do Box 953.
The Tiamat Horror 🌱🌱🌱 Zhang’s mission.
The Murderbot Diaries
Anthropology fic 🌱🌱🌱 Murderbot and Thiago go to a Corporation Rim mine where the miners are trying to unionize and strike, to do linguistic anthropology. They get more than they bargained for. Featuring SecUnit OCs, original filk, worker solidarity, and speculative linguistics.
*Home Again 🌱🌱🌱 The PresAux crew are home after their whole survey ordeal… but changed by the experience. Not the same people they were, and they don’t fit quite the same way. Augh I want to finish this but I’m kinda stuck on some of the chapters
Volescu backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱🌱 What if he was a political refugee and went through Some Shit. Would that be fucked up or what.
Pin-Lee backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱 Her CCC-esque service year before college.
Overse backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Moved from a CR station to Preservation as a child. This causes some feelings.
Pin-Lee Exit Strategy POV 🌱🌱🌱🌱 As de facto leader here she was having a fucking Time.
The murder mystery one I started in an AUpril snip and went actually this is a banger concept 🌱 No idea where to go from here but it was a cool idea
Greek Epics And Mythology
Polites perspective on the Odyssey 🌱🌱 He gets to survive actually because honestly. Give one of Odysseus’s men a break. Something about how the men who weren’t kings and demigods and great remembered heroes still went Thru This Shit too. Epic poem in dactylic hexameter because I hate myself apparently
Odysseus adopts Cassandra 🌱🌱🌱 based on a tumblr post hell if I can find again. Clever use of Odysseus calling himself “Nobody”. Means he found a way to hear her prophecies and believe them, so she cuts a deal—she gets him home in 3 months rather than 10 years on the promise that if she does so he’ll adopt her as a legitimate daughter and princess of Ithaca. Very meta. In the format of a classic Sophoclean or Euripidean play.
Brithawon goes with Nestor to the Trojan War, has a bad time 🌱 I just think it would be fun
Star Trek
Kira is upset about Cardassian archaeologists on Bajor 🌱🌱 Sooooo much potential here
Sarina Douglas becomes an advocate for genetically engineered people’s rights 🌱 Here too!!!
‘Emergence’ (Noel/Leon in 10th century Chaco Canyon) 🌱🌱🌱 An alternate ending to the Time Trap! series. No I never read the real ending that’s irrelevant. Noel and Leon fuck in this one. Also there is political intrigue regarding a Chaco elite marriage
The Tiamat Horror… 2! Primordial Deep version! (Sirena Halcyon and the 10 years she spent trapped in an underwater ocean research station) 🌱🌱🌱🌱 God!!! What was she DOING for ten years stuck in the place where her one surviving colleague killed all the rest of them! Featuring cuddling, horrifying transformations, and cannibalism.
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mask131 · 1 year
Fantasy read-list: A-1.5
I thought I had concluded the whole “A” part of my big fantasy read-list last spring... 
... BUT FATE WOULD HAVE IT OTHERWISE! In between then and now I found a collection of articles covering the evolution and chronology of fantasy literature, and they added a lot more of titles and informations that I think I will add to my “Fantasy read-list”. 
My original “A-1″ post dealt with works of fiction and poetry that, beyond being masterpieces of the Greco-Roman literature, were the key basis of Greco-Roman mythology as we know it today, and massive inspirations for the later fantasy genre. Here, I will use an article written by Fabien Clavel asking the question “Is there an Antique fantasy?” to add some names to this list.
Not the names of works written in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome however. No, when it comes to the great classics from “before Christ”, the same names are dropped - Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil’s Aeneid, Ovid’s Metamorphoses... The only antique work Fabien Clavel mentions that I did not mention was Lucan’s Pharsalia. Also called “On the Civil War” it is, as the name says, an epic poem retelling the actual civil war that opposed Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. Why would a historical work fit into the world of fantasy you ask? Because this epic retelling is pretty-fantasy likes, with several omens and oracles of the gods (including trees that start bleeding like humans), and even scenes of necromancy where the ghosts of the dead answer the protagonists’ questions. 
Fabien Clavel’s article, however, focuses much more on the modern fantasy inspired by the Greek and Roman myths, that he classifies into four categories.
1) The retellings. Works of fantasy that retell classic legends or well-known myth of Greco-Roman antiquity. You find in this category the works of the fantasy author David Gemmel, be it his Troy trilogy (retelling of the Trojan war) or his Lion of Macedon trilogy (a more fantastical version of Alexander the Great’s life). You have Gene Wolf’s Soldier of the Mist, about the titular soldier, cursed with both retrograde and anterograde amnesia, and forced to find his way home through mythical Ancient Greece. There is C.S. Lewis’ last novel, Till we have faces, his retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth from The Golden Ass. And in French literature, you have Maurice Druon’s Les Mémoires de Zeus, an autobiography of Zeus himself. 
2) The “feminist” works - which technically are a sub-division of the “retellings”, since they are retellings of ancient legends and tales, but with the twist that the focus is placed on female characters, often side-lined or pushed away from Greco-Roman narratives. In this category you will find Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad (the Odyssey through Penelope’s eyes), Maron Zimmer Bradley’s The Firebrand (the Trojan War as told by Cassandra), Ursula LeGuin’s Lavinia (an exploration of the titular character, from the Aeneid). To get out of the  English literature, you will also have the work of the Hungarian writer Magda Szabo, The Moment, or the Creusiad, another Aeneid retelling focusing on the character of Creusa. 
3) The “appropriation” works. No, this is not used in a negative way but a neutral one. In this category, Clavel places all the works that are not a precise retelling of a given myth or legend, but rather a fantasy story reusing the elements, tropes, characters and settings of Greek or Roman mythology. You have Thomas Burnett Swann’s Trilogy of the Minotaur, Guy Gavriel Kay’s Sarantine Mosaic series - and in French literature you have Rachel Tanner’s Le Cycle de Mithra, an uchrony imagining what the world would look like if Mithraism had become the official religion of the Roman Empire instead of Christianity. 
4) The “interaction” tales - aka, fantasy works that take elements of Greek mythology and have them be confronted by elements not belonging to Greek mythology. For example, there is the Merlin Codex series by Robert Holdstock, describing how Merlin the Enchanter resurrects Jason and the Argonauts in the Arthurian world. There is also in France Johan Heliot’s Reconquérants, an uchrony fantasy about a group of lost Roman colonizers who built a second Roman Empire in Northern America, and fifteen centuries later try to return to the “old world” they left behind only to find it overrun with mythical creatures. Finally, Clavel adds the Percy Jackson series, the new best-selling series of teenage fantasy fiction/urban fantasy a la “Harry Potter”, describing the adventures of an American teenage boy discovering the Greek gods moved to America, that he is the son of Poseidon, and that monsters of Greek mythology are trying to kill him. 
Clavel concludes his article by saying how hard it is to pinpoint exactly where the influence of Greek mythology stops in the fantasy world, since elements of Greek legends are omnipresent and overused in the fantasy genre. To illustrate this he mentions the centaurs, that appeared in four of the classic works of fantasy for children that are however VERY different from each other: Harry Potter, the Narnia Chronicles, the Artemis Fowl series, and The Neverending Story. 
As a personal note I will add to this list the recent success of Madeline Miller’s Greek mythology retellings, which I have seen regularly pop up in book shops and that some of my friends fell in love with (I never read them though) - be it her Song of Achilles (the life of Achilles told through the eyes of Patroclus) or her Circe (a novel about the life of the famous Greek witch). 
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thecapturedafrique · 2 years
HLAW: Day 2 Post—“What I Love to Do”
Good evening and a very happy Hana Lee Appreciation Week! Getting this in literally a minute before midnight my time, but my first contribution for the week is a list of things Hana enjoys, both what she’s mentioned in the series as well as my own head canons.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek and the amazing hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
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As highlighted by day 1 of HLAW, the piano is Hana’s passion and she shows a general love of music, particularly lullabies
She enjoys shopping trips particularly for clothing, as illustrated during her trip with MC in New York and her fond memories of shopping in Paris with her mother
Hana loves nature and flowers especially, and in the future I imagine she’d pick up a related hobby such as oshibana (pressed flower art)
Other future hobbies that seem befitting of her are photography, penjing, and poetry; the last is inspired by the amazing poem @lizzybeth1986 wrote for her day 2 post!
The library scene in TRR2 demonstrates how much Hana loves reading, with her favorite book being Pride and Prejudice (and Jane Bennet being one of her childhood role models)
Other titles/authors/genres she’s mentioned liking include Charlotte’s Web, Emily Dickinson, Wuthering Heights, sci-fi novels, manhua, and romance (the last not expressly mentioned yet is a certainty nonetheless given her romantic nature)
Additionally I believe she’d also enjoy the kishōtenketsu narrative style; this post here describes it as “plot without conflict,” the major element that would appeal to Hana
The Warmest Winter and Cassandra Leigh are her favorite movie and actress, and I head canon that after watching the Disney Princess movies, Rapunzel would be the favorite with Mulan as a very close second
Based on how Hana loves Portavira for having the best popcorn shrimp, I think she’s a fan of shrimp in general, and thus head canon that at her favorite restaurant in Shanghai, she always orders the wontons with shrimp filling
Dumplings are one of her comfort foods (with the burritos from the series being a decent substitute) along with chocolate milk shakes
Hana’s favorite skill is her ability to make hot chocolate, and she seems to enjoy baking as well; she also liked elements of dressage, which I’d wager would be the competitive aspect given how she didn’t like adhering to all the rules
She states that she used to consider herself more of a cat person but has never met an animal she didn’t like, yet I still say cats are her absolute favorite of them all and she definitely gets multiple in the future
Continuing with pets and also not having any toys, I imagine once Hana discovered Tamagotchis existing, she would become invested in collecting all the versions of the virtual pets
Even if she has no interest in modeling, she clearly enjoys fashion; indeed, I head canon that the grandmother she sewed her black cheongsam with was a former fashion designer and the one who fueled Hana’s passion
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Children's poetry: "In and Out the Window" by Jane Yolen
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Jane Yolen is one of the most prolific picture book authors, not to mention being a pretty prolific author of longer form books! But it's been a good bit of time since she last released a poetry collection, though I definitely come across one her poems quite often in science fiction and fantasy magazines and anthologies. With this book, though, she returns to this particular stage in a grand fashion.
The book is divided into several sections, each with an "In" and an "Out" subsection. I'm afraid I didn't catch the difference between In and Out, but I'm not exactly a frequent reader of poetry. The sections are things kids would think of often: school, animals, (at) home, after school, and sports, with a final category a bit outside a kid's experience: career poems. The career poems aren't deep adult thoughts, but more often from the point of view of Yolen as a child, wanting to write. Very accessible.
My favorite section was Animals. Her poems for pets are just especially funny and cute. I'll have to memorize a few for my kid, because I'm sure she'll love the ones for cats and bunnies, her favorites. I wasn't able to read this book to my kid. I think that every time I brought it out, the size was intimidating. Is sure looks thick for a kids' book, but each page only have a dozen or so lines, so it goes fast. I think by 2nd grade, most readers will be well up to the challenge. And they'd probably feel super proud, in the end, for reading something so big!
I actually did the audiobook version of this, and the reading by Cassandra Campbell is wistful and playful. She's also really got the overwhelmed kid voice down.
Advanced reader copy provided by the publisher.
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firepitbutterfly · 2 years
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wizdomtooth · 2 years
"Whitney notes numerous treacherous men from Greek mythology, including Sinon (who persuaded the Trojans to bring the Trojan horse into the city, thus causing the downfall of Troy), Eneas (who abandons his lover Dido), Theseus (who deserted Ariadne), and Jason (who abandoned Medea, after she saves his life on countless occasions). Whitney encourages her lover to be not like these men, but like Troilus, who faithfully died loving Criseyde. After Whitney makes her list of unfaithful men, she addresses the virtues she hopes her lover's wife will have, so that he does not regret his decision. She hopes this wife will have: the beauty of Helen, the chastity of Penelope, the constancy of Lucres, and the true love of Thisbe. Whitney tells her lover that aside from Helen's beauty, she possesses all of these qualities, she only wishes she had Cassandra's gift of prophecy so she could see whether he ends up misfortunate, or she does. Although Whitney clearly feels abandoned, she takes the moral high ground by wishing her lover the best, and offering him relationship advice. She completes her poem, or letter, as a morally virtuous woman, and not a victim."
city of troy. aphrodite. ariadne. hecate. and the jason... helen. penelope. 'misunderstood love' and 'forbidden love'. "'Star-crossed' or 'star-crossed lovers' is a phrase describing a pair of lovers who, for some external reason, cannot be together." "(The original texts of the prologue, Q1 and Q2, use the spelling 'starre-crost', but the version 'star-cross'd' is normally used in modern versions.)" "[aside from Lucres' constancy]" and true love. because what is that. do i have it. need it. want it. believe in it? aphrodite, ariadne, hecate, helen, penelope. harry, will, henry, jake, patrick.
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
JUNE i haven't stopped thinking about counting sins since I read & & the fact that emma will be symbolic character for Cassandra omgggg i got goosebumps.
2 diff version but i Like the first one.
para !!!!! i love this song so much, i'll even use for inspo for one of the chapters 🥺🥺 and emma will be super important in the story, i can guarantee you!!! and im happy you liked it that much 🥺 ilu and do the playlist !!!
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babyrdie · 24 days
I know this isn't supposed to be funny, but I actually find it funny how in Lycophron's Alexandra Neoptolemus' mother is Iphigenia and at one point Cassandra (she's the one narrating the poem) is talking about Polyxena's sacrifice and she's like Neoptolemus, who sacrifices people like his mother. Like, seriously, the guy already takes after his father's destructive side! Is he going to take after his mother's destructive side too??? Obviously Cassandra says this in a much more cryptic way, but the general idea is this: Neoptolemus will cruelly sacrifice Polyxena in the same way his mother, Iphigenia, sacrifices people in Tauris.
Like, in A.W. Mair translation:
And thee to cruel bridal and marriage sacrifice the sullen lion, child of Iphis, shall lead, imitating his dark mother’s lustrations; over the deep pail the dread butcherly dragon shall cut thy throat, as it were a garlanded heifer, and slay thee with the thrice-descended sword of Candaon, shedding for the wolves the blood of the first oath-sacrifice.
And then I remember how Polyxena's sacrifice is a request from Achilles and, like, my god, what a messed up family this is (here it isn't said that Achilles asked, but it's usually a request from him, so I'm considering it). Iphigenia is a pro at sacrificing people at this point, Neoptolemus takes after his mama, and Achilles is asking his son to sacrifice a woman. This Achilles is actually different from the more traditional version of Achilles because Lycophron subverts a lot in this poem, so it's unlikely he resembles Homeric Achilles much, but it also reminds me of how Homeric Achilles himself sacrificed random people at Patroclus's funeral (I say random because they had no connection with Patroclus' death. They're just random Trojans).
They're indeed a potentially disturbing family, which must be why fate separated them in this poem (Achilles spent years searching for Iphigenia, but didn't find her. He later died and is said to have married Medea in the afterlife. As for Neoptolemus, he never met either of his parents from what I understand).
Anyway, Neoptolemus doesn't have his mother's eyes, hair, or smile. He does have her hands skilled in sacrificing. That's… certainly something.
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