#casey jones tmnt 2012
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iheartfurrympreg · 2 years ago
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two arts in one night shocking i know,, i saw this spider punk poster and just HAD to draw casey in it
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said spider punk poster
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ra1nibl3r · 5 months ago
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Hatred in his heart and autism in his eyes
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imthebest-ever · 2 years ago
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denerturee · 7 months ago
They are canon
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kilobaxis-blog · 2 years ago
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Casey jones era
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anxious-fandom-bean · 11 months ago
got bored made casey jones, raph and rasey playlists bone appletitty
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cow-tag · 2 years ago
aka i gave in to the voices
aka casey battlenexus fic beginning
Casey was screaming, desperately struggling against the strange beings grabbing hold of him. Angel was running towards him, smashing her bat against the forms blocking him from view. Casey was yelling at her, pleading for her to get back. She didn’t listen, eventually splintering the bat against the head of a.. thing. Whatever the hell was taking her brother. 
Stabbing, kicking, slashing with her now splintered bat, she manages to make it to Casey. She takes out one of the creatures holding him, giving him enough room to escape from the other. Quickly, they hug, and Casey grabs her hand and runs to the edge of the roof. 
Angel stumbles for a moment, almost tripping to the pavement below. Casey releases her and leaps, landing with a thud on the building parallel to the one she was standing on. “Angel! Jump!” He shouts, holding his arms out. She hesistates, eyeing the gap. Yells came from behind her, in a language she could barely understand. She turns, seeing more creatures fall to the roof from the sky. She steps toward it for a moment, before turning and sprinting to the edge. 
Angel was never one for sports, she didn’t have the endurance her brother had. But she was always good at the long jumps. And the moment of weightlessness was familiar, similar to when she would jump five steps to the floor in their apartment. like how she would jump down from the wall surrounding her school, how she felt just before falling into the foam pit at a trampoline park. She always loved that feeling, it felt like she was flying. But, as he father always said, what goes up must come down. And Angel had a severe lack of roof below her feet. 
That blissful feeling morphed into terror as she realized her jump was too short. 
The brick wall was coming forward too fast, and she could barely register the yell her brother made out. 
Suddenly, there was a grip on her wrist, and she swears she heard her shoulder pop. She looks up to see her brother, feet on the side of the building. One hand gripped her wrist tight, swinging her to the roof. The other held to the slight edge of the building roof. He swung her up with a grunt, ensuring she had a proper grip on the same ledge he was hanging off of before shoving her up. She rolled onto the gravel, before scrambling over to help tug her brother up. Once they were both safely on the roof, the pair panted desperately. Casey let out an exasperated laugh, running his hand through his hair and removing his bandana. He held it out to Angel, and she took it wordlessly and tied her hair behind her head. “Christ, I thought you were good at long jumpin’, kid!” Angel laughs breathlessly, starting a reply. The words died in her throat as something was tossed next to them. 
The blood drained from her brother’s face, and he threw her to the side before kicking it as hard as he could. A light flashed from the puck-shaped object, before exploding mid-air. “A FUCKUNG GRENADE?” Angel gasped, gaping at her brother. How was he not as surprised? Who the fuck were these guys? “Fuck. Angel, do you know how to duck and roll?” Casey turned to his sister quickly, leading her to the fire escape. “I- I learned the basics in gymnastics, but that was years ago and-“
“Whatever! Can you do it now?” Casey yelled, tugging her down the steps. 
“Yes! Yes I can?” Angel replied, half gasping. 
That was all the warning she got before Casey tossed her the remaining fifteen feet to the ground. She rolled best she could, but something cracked in her shoulder. “Jesus! A little warning next time?!” She turned to face her brother, but there wasn’t anybody next to her. She looked around, spotting him kicking off the ladder. “CASEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” She yelled, running to the wall. “GO HOME! TELL DAD I’LL BE BACK WHEN I CAN!” Casey yelled back, cracking the rusted ladder against the wall until a pole popped off. He gripped it tightly, and ran back up to the roof. 
Angel ran through the doors of the building, rushing up the stairs to the roof. She held her shoulder tightly, something was definitely broken. 
By the time she reached the roof, Casey had beaten most of the things surrounding him. When had he gotten so good at fighting? “CASEY!” Angel yelled, Casey whipping his head towards her. “ANGEL! I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME!” He shouted, smashing the rusted pole against a couple heads. “I COULDN’T JUST LEAVE YOU HERE!” Angel yelled back desperately. Casey moved to reply, but froze before he could reply. “CASEY? CASEY!” Angel screamed as she watched her older brother go limp. 
She ran to him, only to be blocked by a large.. thing. It was the first time she got a good look at one of them, they were tall and blue. It was like looking Into the bottom of the ocean, only to have it stare back at you. “GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER, YOU FUCKWAD!” She attempted to push past the alien, punching and slapping whatever she could. The being just placed a hand on her head, and gently pushed her away. 
“Go home, little one. We wish not to hurt you, we have all we need.” The alien’s voice was deep, deep enough for Angel to feel it vibrate within her chest, Tears spilled from her eyes as she unsuccessfully attempted to swing at them. “NO! GIVE ME MY BROTHER BACK! YOU DON’T NEED HIM! I DO! GIVE HIM BACK!” Angel screamed as loud as she could, watching her brother’s limp body tossed over the shoulder of an alien not too different from the one in front of her. 
The alien gave her a sympathetic look, before scooping her up and walking to the fire escape. She screamed and writhed, scratching and punching at them. “I understand this is hard, but your brother is needed for far larger things. Mother specifically asked for him.” Angel didn’t listen, she just screamed her throat raw and struggled to release herself from the aliens grip. They jumped down from the fire escape, setting her down on the ground where she sobbed. She continued to attempt to fight the alien, her screams dying down to a pathetic mumble. The alien gave her one last sad look, before leaping up to the roof. That was the last Angel saw of anything supernatural, and the last time she saw her brother. 
It’s been exactly 729 Days since that night, and Angel still hasn’t stopped looking into those.. things that took her brother. She still remembered the look that the alien gave her before they leapt away, even after almost two years. 
She pushed the cart through the baking aisle, leaning on the handle and scanning the shelves for cake mix. Her eyes land on the box, and she reaches to grab it. Another person grabs it before her, before realizing it and looking over to hand back the box. Angel gaped at the girl in front of her. She had fiery red hair, of which fell to just below her chin. She had bangs, of which sat just above sapphire eyes. Pale freckles dotted her skin, and she apologized with a warm smile. Angel felt her face heat up, realizing that not only was she pretty, she seemed to be strong too. Her arm was well toned, and one could only assume the rest of her was the same beneath the long skirt and flowy blouse she wore. Angel attempted to stammer out a response, eliciting a giggle out of the girl. She was so obviously much older than Angel, in fact. She looked to be around C- around four years older than herself. 
“Hello? I said you can have the box if you want!” Angel shook herself out of the trance, taking the box and whispering a quiet ‘thank you.’ 
“Hold on.. Is your name Angel by any chance?” 
Angel looked up in shock at that, before hesitantly nodding her head. The girl gasped and grinned, looking proud of herself. “I knew it! You’re Casey’s little sister, right? Casey Jones?” Angel nodded mutely at that. Who was this lady? 
“Oh my goodness, I just realized how random that sounded. I’m April! April O’Neil! I went to highschool with your brother, tutored him a little bit!” The thoughts clicked together in Angel’s head, and she made a sound of understanding. Damn, Casey was not wrong when he said his tutor was gorgeous. “I.. think I remember him saying something about you? I definitely remember him gushing about his tutor and how pretty she was, so he must have been talking about you.” April laughed, grabbing a box of cake mix from the shelf. “Yeah, that sounds like him. How is he doing? Haven’t heard from him since we graduated and we went our separate ways.” 
Angel froze for a second, then suddenly took Interest in the ingredients in a vegan chocolate cake mix. She inhaled sharply, before breathing out heavily. Just like her therapist said. “He’s.. He’s missing. Has been for almost two years. Tomorrow’s the anniversary. Actually, that's why i‘m here. Was gonna make some dulce de lèche. It was uhm-“ she cleared her throat. “It’s his favorite thing our Mamá used to make.” 
April didn’t say anything for a second. “He’s.. missing?” 
“Yeah. The police hadn’t been able to track his location, he was announced dead last year. But I know he’s not. That asshole is too stubborn to die.” Angel sighed, tossing the box of white cake mix into the cart. “Sorry for making this depressing. Should probably get going. It was nice to meet you.” Angel started to push the cart away, when a hand on her shoulder made her jump. 
“Do you.. know what happened? How he went missing?” April said, voice shaky. Angel turned, expecting to see wavering blue eyes to match the tremble in her voice. Instead. She was met with determination and passion. “I.. yeah. I was there. But you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” 
“Try me.”
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camilieroart · 9 months ago
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Here is the piece I did for @turtlestogetherzine !
I absolutely adore both Rise and 2012, and this was a blast to make ! Thanks for having me :) !
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up-the-anti · 12 days ago
the o'neil farmhouse when the cameras arent rolling
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sweeneydino · 7 months ago
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The final Mystic Malfunction Fanart for @vanillavengeance !
This took awhile but it's done! I think-
If you haven't read it yet, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! jk it's right here vvvv
Now it's time to make the other one-
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shantechni · 1 year ago
"Leo's such a mother hen, I can't 💕😭"
I'm sorry, have you met Raph:
Look at how he stood up from the chair when Leo just cringed in disgust, my gUY HE'S FINE CHILL OUT💀
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genesisc-7u7 · 11 months ago
You're the next, Leo MM!
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imthebest-ever · 2 years ago
server shenanigans
sum thingz that I’ve drawn specifically for or because of the jonatello brain server
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you get not a single ounce of context for these. some of these are like months old lol
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awzominator · 6 months ago
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Day Nine: Farmhouse
This took a hot minute but it was worth it 🙌🙌 2012 will always hold a special place in my heart and I enjoyed the farmhouse arc so much it’s one of my favs!! The mutant of the week vibe is top tier and the mutant designs were killer (creep and speed demon my beloved)
it would’ve been sick if they did Abigail Finn instead of The Finger Bc I am weak for buff woman who are insane
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supine-ly · 11 months ago
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the duo
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year ago
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Download complete! New data!
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First post of the New Year! Apologies for December kinda being a barren month, but when you work retail, you have zero life in December lol. So now that things are slowing down, I should have more time!
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