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cascadeclangen · 10 months ago
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Rustfeather and Foxpaw find a loner queen by the border with the Wilds, and takes her back to Cascadeclan’s camp. Her name is Storm Warning.
She dies shortly after kitting that night, leaving her four newborn kits behind. Cascadeclan hasn’t had healthy kits in many moons, and desperately need the new warriors the kits will one day become.
They are given the names Shockkit, Lightningkit, Thunderkit, and Flashkit in honour of their mother.
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The kits are given to the only nursing queen in the clan, Frostleaf. Her own kits didn’t survive.
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Rainypaws worries over something Storm Warning told him…
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paradiseshards · 9 months ago
So, i’ve got my clangen blog @cascadeclangen, right? And it’s set in the clans I cooked up with my beloved @/ghxstlyraccoon for our warriors ocs when we were like. 13. All the important plot stuff took place in Blazeclan and Whisperclan, and a little bit in Iceclan. Cascadeclan was just there for the obligatory wet cat group. Guess their finally getting the attention they deserve now.
Uh, if any enjoyers from said clangen blog are seeing this, have some random background lore! The first of the four local clans was Cascadeclan, which was established by none other than Smokepaw(?)! That shadowclan apprentice who fell while the clans were traveling through the mountains. He fell into a river and got washed all the way down to whats now cascadeclan territory, where he was saved by a young loner, Cascade.
A few generations later, the clan was led by Goldenstar, who had a niece named Whisperbreeze. She was deaf, and ended up fleeing the clan and the tyrannical leader with a few friends to live in the forest upstream. Even in modern times, whisperclan is unique in how they have a completely different system for communication, most cats choosing to stay silent and use pawspeak when talking to each other.
Iceclan live in a mountainous region that is partially a glacier, and was established by some lost tribe cats, loners, and one or two cats from Cascadeclan and Whisperclan.
Blazeclan is much the same in terms of being a group of foreign cats that kind of just showed up and adopted the rules and culture of the clan cats already present. They live on moorland, with their main defining trait being how they can survive the scorching temperatures their territory can reach, even without all the streams that run through Iceclan, Whisperclan, and Cascadeclan’s land.
The other leaders are Pinestar of Blazeclan, Silentstar of Whisperclan, and Crystalstar of Iceclan.
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simplyventi · 1 year ago
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Here are the leaders of the clans. I won’t go much into Silkstar since I already did but I will say she’s the second oldest out of the leaders with Otterstar being the oldest. Drystar is third and Blizzardstar is the youngest.
Otterstar is the leader of Cascadeclan and he’s pretty chill and relaxed. He hates fighting and is the peacemaker. He was actually the one to create the role of the mediators having been one for a short while before becoming leader. He’s the oldest and he and Silkstar are close friends. Alittle note, in their younger days before Silkstar became mates with Whitetail her and Otterstar had a short fling but ended it when they realized their clans come first, plus he has decided to devote himself to the river. He also comes from The Kin having left long ago to follow the river to find his calling. He felt he could do good out in the world and ended up joining Cascadeclan where he earned the respect of the clan and was named deputy then leader.
Drystar is the leader of Snakeclan and he’s an unusually strong fighter. He takes pride in his scars and due to Snakeclan traditions new leaders must get bit by a snake before going to retrieve their nine lives to prove their strength and he wears his snake bite with honor. He’s proud and he loves to show his strength and is always ready to cause some bloodshed. He doesn’t tolerate the younger cats who don’t know what they’re doing.
Blizzardstar is the leader of Flickerclan and she’s righteous and cold. She values loyalty and if you betray her or Flickerclan then you’re labeled a traitor forever. Thats how she views Emberfoot and Goldenstream. She’s stubborn and does not like asking for help so when Flickerclan is having problems with rogues she refuses to ask for help and would rather handle it on her own. Due to being the youngest leader she is looked down by the other older more experienced leaders and hates that they don’t take her seriously. She became leader when the previous leader, Milkweedstar, died from the fire.
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cascadeclangen · 8 months ago
Sure hope nothing bad happens to her when I get to the next few moons
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didn't get any requests so i chose some of my favorite clangen cats to draw! they're listed below left to right
Dogwoodmoth from @loudclan-clangen (obligated w the name of my clan lmao)
Iceclaw from @cascadeclangen (also obligated bc my warriorsona is named iceclaw which is awesome)
Halfdapple from @lambclans-salvation (grouchy old lady my absolute weakness)
Lionpaw from @lionpawsdiary (she's such a cute lil gal and funny af)
Moorsnow from @splinterclan (tough mom she fascinates me)
Lynxkit from @salt-clangen (i just think she's neat)
i'll def do more of these in the future they were a very fun study in style and how other people draw cats and there's so many more i would love to draw!
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quiverpaw · 3 months ago
How about a long lore backstory and rambling about rookpaw lore?
😁 ok 😁
uhh idk about tws. i guess arranged marriage? child abuse, internalized homophobia
basic info before u know
okay so basic tldr before everything. rookpaw's from a 1x1 with a friend called twoprinces. essentially there are two clans, cascadeclan and haarclan, Cc lives on the tundra by the sea and Hc lives in the taiga near the mountains. Both clans are monarchies instead of normal clan structures.
So like, the firstborn of the leader succeeds them except in cases where the firstborn dies, or whatever. It's normal for royal cats to have only one baby per litter typically although exceptions happen and usually they have more then one litter as "backup heirs". I also imagine nieces/nephews can also take over. Deputies are basically just a second-in-command, since the leader's mate is more like a third in most circumstances (both Rookpaw and Copperpaw's fathers are referred to as "kings", for nursery cats they're either "monarchs" or "queens"). maybe king is gender neutral? that'd be fun.
also these clans are a bit more complex and a bit more advanced- there's a secondary warrior role called a wright, who shears carcasses of pelts to make den beddings and more. they trade with kittypets and outsiders often for materials, and haarclan even can mine in the caverns they live in using bones and stones. they're also (slowly) starting to understand how to use fire.
basic characters
jackdawstar is ravenpaw, crowkit, and rookpaw's momma. she's kind of scary and very serious. a violent peacekeeper of sorts; her clan, haarclan, and cascadeclan had been at war for a lonnnng time ever since her grandfather jaystar started trying to eradicate Cc to keep his clan "safe". her idea of this was a union between her clan and Cc, and that her oldest daughter and heir, ravenpaw, could one day marry the Cc leader's (Clementinestar) only living son, Copperpaw.
Copperpaw is my friend's character, he's a pretty somali and he lost his older brother Reedstrike as well as his father Rowanstorm in a joint accident. He's also Rookpaw's romantic interest.
Prickletongue is jackdawstar's mate and the father of Crow, Rook, and Raven. He's kind of awful, mainly because he wasn't mainly interested in marrying Jackdawstar. The only reason the two were together because of a favor Jackdawstar's mother Stellerstar carried out for Prickletongue's father Bramblesnare. It's like, "hey, u earned this, welcome to the royal family lol." He's more interested in a clanmate named Bumblesnag, but that's an issue not yet canon. Prickletongue however DOES like the power involved with being king; however he has to balance two apprentices (Goldpaw and Rookpaw) because he hadn't expected to have two kits at once. In HC the royals mentor their own children except in special cases.
Rookpaw and Ravenpaw are in the same litter, although Ravenpaw was born first. Crowkit's from a later litter.
canon story inrp
the story starts off with both clans learning about the arrangement between ravenpaw and rookpaw at a gathering, which ravenpaw's unhappy about but allows to happen to not upset her mother. she is a closeted lesbian. this is an issue later
rookpaw however is furious, as is copperpaw, and rookpaw insults cascadeclan as a whole (he is a little xenophobic at the start, in a usual clan cat way) and copperpaw attacks him and shreds one of his ears, causing the moon to be covered.
later on after ravenpaw and copperpaw chat, and somewhat get along although cascadeclan deputy kindleblaze brings copperpaw home. day after jackdawstar takes her kits to publicly apologize at Cc camp, and copperpaw invites ravenpaw to something called "rendezvous", which he is a host of. ravenpaw is allowed to take rookpaw as a plus one.
essentially rendezvous are just coordinated highschool parties. big fan of catmint. copperpaw's brother reedstrike (then reedpaw) was the founder of them, but after he died copperpaw recruited a tomcat in his clan named honeysucklepaw, and Hc's healer apprentice ternpaw to help host.
they get to this party and it all goes alright, rookpaw eats a little bit too much catmint but copperpaw gives him some honeycomb to subside it and they get along for the first time.
we're also introduced to ploverpaw after the rendezvous, who is a shecat in rookpaw's clan who is very fond of him. ternpaw and ravenpaw start to become very close.
rookpaw's infatuated with the idea of "getting back" at copperpaw for shredding his ear through all of this. when the next rendezvous comes around (they happen every new moon), he attacks copperpaw during a party game, which earns him some nasty scoldings from ternpaw and copperpaw both.
a cat named kestrelpaw approaches rookpaw after all of this, asking him about his violent tendencies and they end up offering rookpaw a chance (more like, telling him) to meet his great-grandfather jaystar just out of curiosity. a few days later they meet, and rookpaw's a bit intrigued only because jaystar is far less scary then stories made him out to be. around this, jaystar and kestrelpaw are both keen on rookpaw improving his fighting to get back at copperpaw, but drop this once rook grows more fond of copperpaw. after some time he becomes a official df trainee.
copperpaw, ravenpaw, and ternpaw all spend some time together, establishing themselves as friends, and copperpaw gets to know a little more about rookpaw as a result. when they're all heading home, copper and rook accidentally meet on the border, and have a genuine conversation. rook learns about copperpaw's deceased brother, and how he at one point had this faded pink collar from a kittypet he'd been fond of. during this, rookpaw's like, wtf, he looks pretty, holy shit i have to get out of here, and bolts.
rookpaw decides he can try and make friends with copperpaw as amends, and he spends some time to retrieve this collar to deliver it to copperpaw at the next gathering. around this time rookpaw befriends a clanmate named crescentpaw, who advises him a lot and tells him he's probably not straight, which rookpaw's like "whatever" but is fully in denial about having any opinion on copperpaw besides "tense friends".
following this, for some funsies at the third rendezvous we get to have the cats reenact hamilton. they're all theatre nerds. it's fun.
"not really in-rp but canon or will be canon anyways"
i've got a lot of plans for rookpaw mainly involving his father, great-grandfather and his dark forest stuff. he hates prickletongue, the feeling's mutual, although eventually prickletongue is learned to be the father of bumblesnag's kits and he's "revoked" from his spot as king.
rookpaw ends up killing kestrelpaw during dark forest training and swears off of doing it afterwards. he becomes terrified of the idea of his grandfather not really being all kind like he thought, and that he might be like that eventually anyways. often he wonders if he "looks like" jaystar, as they're both colorpoints, but not really. they don't.
kestrelpaw's twin kitepaw (these two are relatives of ploverpaw, fun fact) ends up joining HC to investigate kestrelpaw's entire vanishing from CC, and ploverpaw helps, as well as ropes rookpaw into helping without the knowledge that he's the one who did it. I'm not sure where to go from there.
ravenpaw stuff
ravenpaw's arguably more important then rookyboy, i love her lots. her story is mainly focused on becoming herself and not just an heir- her mother's more conservative ideals have her ruin her closest relationship; when ternpaw confesses to her and ravenpaw freaks out at the idea of realizing she's gay.
i dabble with the idea of crowkit (crowpaw, in this scenario) patrolling with her kin and being attacked by a owl, or hawk, something bird of prey, and jackdawstar defends her but loses her last life in a terrible time, since ravenpaw will still be PAW and have to take over early. it'd mirror ternpaw, who's mentor maggotbreath dies of old and and has her require to become full healer and name herself 'ternflight'.
ravenpaw either will become 'ravenstar', and allow herself to just follow the cycle and have herself be unhappy, change the rules with her newfound power and shape her clan for the better, or leave entirely. in the latter situation rookpaw would either join her or have to take over as leader. we'll see!
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warriors-fallen · 1 year ago
Fallen is a Warriors fic about six Clans living in a nature park vaguely based on Clifty Falls, Indiana. It follows the POVs of one cat from each Clan, showing their struggles dealing with a manipulative StarClan and their respective Clans' unique cultures. Summary and links under the cut. This fic will include dark themes such as death, abuse, suicide, and the usual themes in the Warriors world. The main characters and some of the other characters were chosen by my friend and QPP respectively.
Nightkit, a BurrowClan kit struggling under the weight of a shocking revelation.
Whisperpaw, a CascadeClan apprentice angered with her star-chosen destiny.
Cherrymoon, a BranchClan queen forced to grapple with the fact her kits are in danger.
Sunberry, DeerClan’s medicine cat anguished over his healing paws not being of his own control.
Vixenrook, a ShadeClan warrior desperately trying to find peace for her and her mate.
Sheendawn, a PathClan warrior struggling with being condemned by her own Clanmates.
Follow these cats as they must dig up the roots of the misery their own Clans and ancestors are bringing upon them; before it’s too late for not just them, but for every cat.
Suicidal Ideation Suicide Toxic Relationships Stalking Emotional Manipulation Abuse Child Abuse and Abandonment Somewhat graphic descriptions of injuries and bodies Violence (typical for warriors)
Other places to read:
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maplemouse-warriors · 1 year ago
hi im mouse
im thinking about the cats a lot. i make a lot of AUs about it!
accepting hypokit requests! (i dont do much art but ill include a personality and description of a litter containing 1d4 kits) hypoparents as well
Ongoing AUs/Rewrites
Twin Flames Rewrite: an ongoing rewrite where Rusty and Princess join WindClan shortly before they are exiled. it has its own blog - find it here! Clans of the Wild: a very self-indulgent AU post-OotS
Single-Post AUs
Old Growth AU: in which i played a game to see how i could shuffle the arcs around and make TNP as late as possible. check it out here!
Stormleaf AU: hypoparent AU of Stormfur and Leafpool being the parents of the Three, and Squirrelflight and Crowfeather being the parents of Ivypool and Dovewing. Check it out here!
Personal Projects:
Path of the Clans: a 'Powered by the Apocalypse' Warriors TTRPG
CascadeClan: my ClanGen blog! Follows the life of Pebblepaw as he grows up in a newly-formed Clan. Check it out here!
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maplemouse-warriors · 8 months ago
Things are happening on my ClanGen blog if anyone is interested :3
Moon 1
Snowstar’s nose is cold when it touches Pebblepaw’s. The Clan shouts his name, Skystripe yowling loudest of all. Pebblepaw knows he should be excited, but all he can think of is his mother. Was Ridgepelt excited to be an apprentice? Did she know she would die on a cold leafbare night? Snowstar’s nose is as cold as she was when he woke up that morning. A warm breeze drifts past him, curling around him and ruffling his fur. He takes a breath.
“Ready to go on a tour of the territory, Pebblepaw?” Snowstar asks, pride clear in his every word.
Pebblepaw nods. Before he can move, Otterpaw approaches. “Pebblepaw! When you get back, I can help you get your nest set up in the apprentice den!”
“Thanks, Otterpaw,” Pebblepaw replies, giving him a small smile.
“Let’s get going,” Snowstar says, and Pebblepaw follows his mentor out of camp. He follows his leader to the stepping stones that lead off the camp’s island, but Snowstar blocks the path with his body. “Pebblepaw, your first task as an apprentice is to swim to shore. I’ll swim with you, but its important that you can cross this distance in case of an emergency.”
Pebblepaw eyes the lake water, cold and still. “Do I have to?” he asks, looking up at Snowstar. “Otterpaw says there’s fish in there big enough to eat me in one bite.”
Snowstar gives him an affectionate lick. “Otterpaw may be right, but those fish swim very, very deep. The water here is fairly shallow, and you don’t have to worry about being eaten.” The leader turns and enters the dark water, leading the way to shore. Pebblepaw slips into the water after him, unable to stop himself from gasping at the cold. “You’ll get warmer as you keep moving,” Snowstar calls to him.
Pebblepaw doesn’t believe him, but feels a bit warmer when they arrive on shore nonetheless.
Snowstar shows him the Shallows as though he did not sit there with Ridgepelt as she told him about the fish and the rocks and the ripples, and laughed as he splashed around even in the cold of leaf-fall. His mentor takes him to where the stream meets the lake, and describes how it flows down from the Lodge and the Twolegplace as though it wasn’t Pebblepaw himself who said he wanted to follow the stream moons ago. Pebblepaw stays quiet, busy wrapped up in memories of exploring the territory with his mother when the group first arrived.
When they arrive at the Training Field, Snowstar sits. He explains that here is where they’ll do most of their battle training, as well as learn the basics of hunting. Pebblepaw sits next to him, thinking of blood and claws and leafbares with not enough food to go around, and when a warm wind rustles his fur, he cries.
Snowstar’s demeanor changes immediately, curling around him and pressing in close. Pebblepaw leans into his mentor, and tells him that he can’t do it. He’s not strong enough and he doesn’t want to be a warrior.
Snowstar hums thoughtfully, and stays silent while Pebblepaw calms down. Sunbeams pour down onto them while Pebblepaw sniffles.
“Kit, you’ve been acting strangely all day. Please, tell me what you’ve been worrying about.”
Pebblepaw takes a breath, and it all tumbles out of him. “I don’t want to be an apprentice. I want to be a kit again! I don’t remember what my dad looked like anymore, and one day I won’t remember what Ridgepelt looked like or sounded like or smelled like either, and she died because she wouldn’t eat so that I could eat but now I’m not a kit so next time there’s not enough prey, I’ll have to give up mine to Skystripe’s kits, and then I’ll die too. I don’t want to die,” Pebblepaw sobbed. “I’m scared, Snowstar.”
Snowstar curled tighter around the apprentice, gently grooming him. “Pebblepaw, your mother will always be with you. The wind is her breath and the rustling leaves are her voice; she is smoke and stone and light; she loves you more than anything. And I love you, too. And so does Skystripe. And we will walk with you until the trees fall and the mountain crumbles and the brightest star comes tumbling down to your paws. And this will all be true if you decide that the path of a warrior is not for you. I will not lie to you, Pebblepaw, it is not an easy life. It is full of hardships. But for many of us, it is also a life of joy and love, with a community care for and to care for us in return. You do not have to live a life you don’t wish to, Pebblepaw.”
The warm wind rustles Pebblepaw’s fur and the leaves in the trees. Pebblepaw thinks of Hyssopbloom and the games she comes up with for them to play, and Otterpaw who always takes time to show him bugs and plants and funny-shaped clouds. Of Skystripe and the nest they made in the nursery for her and her kits. Of Doveshade and Mistyfur, who had left their easy life at the Lodge behind to join the Clan. “Do you promise?” Pebblepaw asks, looking up at Snowstar.
“With all nine of my lives,” the leader replies.
“Then I want to be a warrior here, in CascadeClan.”
Skystripe announces that she is expecting kits. Pebblepaw gives her advice on the best place to make her nest in the Nursery, since he’s lived there the longest, and helps her build it.
Doveshade returns from hunting with the biggest squirrel Pebblepaw has ever seen!
Hyssopbloom invites Pebblepaw over to eat a meal with her. The two talk about his training, and enjoy their time together.
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dorkofspace · 1 year ago
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The Medicince Cats (+ Apprentices) of the canceled Warrior Cats DND campaign.
Fennelseed & Pumpkinpaw/patch from Glenclan
Violetblaze & Sunpaw of Cascadeclan
Applebelly & Sporepelt of Meadowclan
Bogwaters (Replacement for Snowberry) of Hollowclan
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spinnysocks · 1 year ago
i've been meaning to redesign some of my main & oldest warriors ocs for a while now, so decided to use @/cryptidclaw's awesome bases to give it a try! 👇
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Blacktail (he/him)
I've had this guy for as long as I can remember, likely my first ever warriors oc. He's one of the most important characters in my developing warriors story; he resides in SpringClan (would be WindClan) and eventually becomes leader. Despite his happy lil expression in the ref I would say he's the most morally ambiguous character. His white spots are from twoleg kits putting paint on his fur - no cat can remember which markings he was born with and which are paint lol. Bad guy but also haha paint cat. If he had a theme song it would be "Blue Hair" by TV Girl, which might be surprising, maybe I could explain why in a more detailed post :)
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Doveheart (she/her)
I have a lot to say about this lady! She is one of the founders of her Clan - CascadeClan (would be RiverClan) - and would have made a fine deputy and leader if it weren't for... *clears throat and looks at the cat above her*. Her father, the leader, led CascadeClan to the three other Clan's territories and she met Blacktail in the 'moving process'. She was sure he was the sort of cat to drop everything for her & join her Clan but she was terribly wrong. It broke her heart but don't worry, she's a great mother to Foxpaw. Her design has changed so much from its original and I'm really proud of her, she's like a daughter to me lmao. I love her so much that her design will likely continue to change for the foreseeable future until I'm 100% happy. I have a big playlist for her but a good song that represents both her anguish and resentment is "Loving You" by Wet Leg.
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Foxpaw (he/him)
And here is their son. He resides in CascadeClan with his mother. Despite his expression in the ref, he's known for frowning (...and also being part of a prophecy 👀). He is my favourite of all time and kind of my personal projection onto a warrior cat lmao. In all the long years I've had him I've never had a proper ref of him so this is very exciting for me. If I decide to make proper posts about each of my warriors story characters his design may change as I don't feel it's completed, but rather I'm grateful I have a ref at all. His theme song would be "The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace" by The Amazing Devil.
i had these guys all the way back when i was in warriors amino lmao. i have a whole folder of commissions for blacktail, a few of doveheart too, but i was obsessed with that guy. still am. foxpaw deserves some love too tho with his first ref <3
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rootclan · 5 years ago
Hey there! What are the leaders of the other Clans like? Do they get along with RootClan?
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cascadeclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 1
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Thunderkit is curious about the herbs on the highest shelf in Rainypaws’ den. Rainypaws decided to teach her about the poisonous plants, and why they were so far out of reach.
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Iceclaw catches Foxpaw sneaking a bite of fresh-kill before catching something for Frostleaf.
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Shockkit and Flashkit listen in on Lightningkit talking with their adoptive father, Smokestar. She thinks Rainypaws’ full medicine cat name is weird, and makes him sound like an apprentice.
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paradiseshards · 10 months ago
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He’s helping me with Cascadeclan <3
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thistlefur · 6 years ago
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Frostrush* - CascadeClan Scavenger
Male / 82 moons
Frostrush is the brother of Hailnose, the leader, as well as fellow scavengers Snownose and Bluebellface.
He grew up with his siblings in CascadeClan. He was mentored by Morningsky who passed on her grumpy personality to her young, impressionable apprentice. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as it saved Frostrush from getting into trouble like Snownose often did.
Frostrush now waits for his sister to assign him his own apprentice, continuing his job as a scavenger to bring back building materials, herbs, or tradeable items. He often bickers with his sensitive brother Bluebellface, but always makes sure to make up for anything he's said to hurt his brother.
*Frostrush shares a name with a character I use in Shadow of Origins. They have similar personalities, but their lives and appearances are vastly different.
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noircatrp · 3 years ago
Deep in the jungle roams CanopyClan, the Clan most full of trees; CascadeClan lives in open fields, amongst the birds and bees; The desert homes OasisClan, with skies above so blue; TundraClan lives in the snow, which falls each winter new​
In Twolegplace walk kittypets, their needs often fulfilled; Creeping through alleys are Syndicates Day and Night - beware, or you may be killed; The unclaimed lands house loners, living independent, but true; What will each cat's story tell? Well, that part's up to you!
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NOIR is a brand-new (03/22) Warriors-based feral cat roleplay server! After getting bored with the typical Warriors roleplay setting, we at NOIR decided to spice things up in a roleplay universe of our own; more custom Clan systems, two bloodthirsty factions called Syndicates, magical plants of many sorts, and much, much more make our server something to be excited about. Our server also has no set plot, but instead has a system in which members can create and run plots of their own - this way, individuals can interact with the world around them at their own pace, rather than being rushed by a constantly-moving plot. The owners of NOIR plan to build a chill and welcoming community of roleplayers and spectators alike. If you've been in looking for a friendly Warriors roleplay, look no further - your home is in NOIR.
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𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰! We would love to meet you, even if only for a short while.
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cascadeclan-gen · 8 months ago
Unusually spotted black tom with green eyes. While soft-spoken, he is very curious, and often asks many questions in a row. He watches the Clan happenings with wide eyes.
Status: Alive
Position: Kit
Age: Young
Parents: Skystripe
Siblings: Lightkit (adopted); Pebbleridge (adopted)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Origins: Born to Skystripe, CascadeClan’s healer. He’s been babied a bit as the first kit born in the Clan. He was named for his dark spots resembling currant berries.
Hobbies: collecting flowers, gardening
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