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for the not-so-nice oc asks: failure, mistake, and nightmare for hawkjay, lovagecreek, shiverrose, clawbear, and applefoot?
(picked some of my underrated faves!)
Failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
In her eyes, Hawkjay's biggest failure were her murders. She let darkness consume her and turn her into something that she wasn't--or at least, into something that she didn't want to be.
She thought she was doing the right thing up until she woke up in the Dark Forest. The fact that she was condemned for her actions showed her that there was no noble reason behind those actions--she was a murderer, and nothing else could be said.
She doesn't really try to overcome it, as she views it more as something to live with than move on from. It's likely she vents to her brother.
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
In technical terms, the biggest mistake that Hawkjay made was telling Rainpaw of her murders, which resulted in her being killed. However, Hawkjay herself views this as a good thing.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Hawkjay remembers those moments of thrill that she felt when she killed, and it terrifies her. She doesn't like being a killer, and she certainly doesn't want to like what she did. But sometimes when she's dreaming, she relives those moments, only it's a little different--sometimes she draws it out. Sometimes she laughs. Sometimes she kills more.
It's not so much subconscious fantasies as it is horror at what she's done replaying over and over in her mind, following her. They were quite frequent in her life and first few moons of death, but now they are rare, and her family help keep her mind focused on happier things.
She keeps it to herself, but...sometimes her family can tell that something is going on when she wakes up shaking.
Failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Time had greatly eased the burden on his heart, but back when he had lost his daughters to sickness, he believed that he was a failure of a father. He failed to keep them healthy and safe (it didn't matter if the medicine cat said there was nothing that could be done). He failed to protect his mate from the heartache, which he thought about every time she had screamed in agony over their loss.
His family knows about it and comforts him when the memories get bad, but how can he ever really move past something like that?
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
It wasn't a mistake, not really, not when it was intentional, but...
he should have never killed Bluedove.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
First it was nightmares of his family.
Sometimes it would be his daughters dying of sickness, and no matter how hard Lovagecreek searched for herbs, they would always die and Aldersun's screams of sorrow jolted him awake.
Sometimes it would be Bluedove's ghost appearing, begging, asking why he had done it. And then he would wake up and look at her kits that he had taken in, the ones that looked so much like her, and he would think about what he took from them.
Sometimes it would be those kits finding out what he had done and turning on him. Not that he wouldn't deserve it, but...
After much time passed, the nightmares slowly stopped. But Lovagecreek would get the occasional dream of losing someone in his family--though this time it was someone in his new, Dark Forest family. His kits falling to sickness, or everyone disappearing, or Ratbirch crying because the kits are gone and no matter how hard he looks, Lovagecreek can't find them and he thinks he's lost them forever--
but then his mate never fails to wake him up, assure him everything is okay, and hold him close.
Failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Shiverrose doesn't regret her actions. Her only failure was not getting the job done, something she's not shy about admitting.
She doesn't pay too much attention to the affairs of the living world. In that way, in a sense, she has moved past it (though she will still jokingly bring up how she could have done it if Kiteburn hadn't killed her when she's in his presence).
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Shiverrose's first instinct would be to say 'not killing Kiteburn before he had killed her', but she's not all too upset with her death (and she quite likes the crystals embedded in her skull).
If she had to choose something she DOES regret, it would be not killing one by one. Time in the Dark Forest fueled her darkest desires. She regrets not taking it slow so that she could watch as cats suffered one after the other instead of a simple burst of sickness all over. It would be easier to focus on the pain and suffering of the cats she hated then, instead of having to split her attention so many ways.
The again, Kiteburn would have likely killed her before she could manage to take out too many. Oh well.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
When she was a kit and young apprentice, Shiverrose would have nightmares about not being good enough due to her bad leg.
Now she knows it would have never meant anything anyway.
(Greyheart, her best friend, would console her)
Failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Clawbear believes that his greatest failure was uhm. Well the assessment was really hard and his mentor told him that he would have to try again, but his parents were the leader and deputy and they told him that he passed! So actually no failures, he did good!
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Of if he had to choose it would be....NOT TAKING THAT BIG RABBIT FROM THE PREY-PILE. He was too tired to eat, but it looked so good...It still makes his mouth water.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Last week he had a nightmare that his rock was just gone! No one could find it anywhere. When he woke up he had to find a reflective surface just so he could see (and feel) that it was still there.
Failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Personally, he believes that his worst failure was ever stooping low enough to fall for a non-WindClan cat. He moves past it by focusing on his afterlife now. Nothing else but the present matters (and he for sure definitely doesn't just say that to avoid his own guilt).
Most, however, agree that his greatest failure was the fact that he was born.
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Well, obviously his biggest mistake was become mates with that she-cat! And the fact that he got her pregnant, on top of that! But, well, it takes two to tango, so it's not like he's entirely at fault. But again, nothing he can do about it now, so what does it matter?
It's mentioned in his profile but he liked the attention she gave him because he wasn't getting much of it back home.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Of course he doesn't tell anyone! Why would he show anyone signs of weakness?
Why would he tell anyone that he's....
That he's sorry.
It doesn't weigh in him heavily and he doesn't have full-on nightmares, but there's always the nag at the back of his mind, always the lingering sorrow. But he's still an ass
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Cinderkit and Antkit = regret what they did the most and believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by AspenKiteRook
Hootkit and Flarekit = regret what they did the second most, but don’t believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by Cricketclaw
Lavenderkit = does regret what they did, but doesn’t say it, and doesn’t believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by Hillminnow and Blackdawn.
Smallkit = doesn’t regret what they did and does not believe that their deaths were earned. Adopted by Applefoot and Gingerstamp (neither knowing the other was also raising him).
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"Hey. Claudrat?" The black and white tom looked up at Smallkit. Smallkit was...tense, flexing his claws and tightening his muscles.
"Hello, Smallkit. What are you angry about?" He replied. Smallkit had already gotten used to the strange skill Claudrat had of telling emotions, so he continued.
"Someone said something mean to me. They think I'm mean because of Parsleykit, and that I don't blame myself like everyone else." Smallkit snarled. They were wrong. Smallkit was mean because of his general personality, not because of some simple prank gone wrong.
"I thought about fighting them, but..." "You didn't want to get in trouble." Claudrat finished the sentence.
The kit nodded, avoiding Claudrat's gaze, Claudrat took that as permission to continue. "Well, you chose the right cat for advice. Ripperclaw would tell you to poison them, Snipvoice would fight them for you, Gingerstamp is...soft...and A-...that's about it." He wasn't about to spill the secret of Applefoot also taking care of Smallkit. It was hilarious.
"Get to the point." Smallkit snapped. Claudrat got up, and walked over to the kit. "Use your words." He whispered.
"What?" Smallkit asked, but Claudrat only winked. He would figure it out. -------- "And what did you call them?" Gingerstamp asked, some time later. Smallkit bristled. "I didn't call them anything."
"He said that they would die alone, unloved, and deserving of such fate, because they are incredibly rude and a curse upon this plain of existence." Fungichomp sighed. "I think I know exactly where this came from, and please tell Claudrat to not spread his influence on the kits."
Gingerstamp internally groaned. "I'll talk to him."
----- Fungichomp belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors Smallkit and Parsleykit belong to @residents-of-the-darkforest Claudrat, Ripperclaw, Snipvoice, and Gingerstamp belong to me.
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dreamrealmreality · 1 year ago
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Joined a WC rp group and I've been working on some of my OCs!
This one is a revamp of Falconpaw/leap (og look here) Originally he's a Skyclan cat but for this rp he's in Windclan with Skyclan ancestry
He's a very eager and adventurous cat who enjoys exploring the territory and socializing. He's a chimera who was born to a surprise litter to senior warrior parents after they believed they couldn't have kits. Having lost his parents early in life however, he and his brother Sandpaw were very close to each other growing up. Falconpaw's og lore has him go off on a Star Clan journey to find the other clans, but in this rp, he's actually gone off with a group of cats from the clans to save the clans from a disease that threatened to spread to them.
Third image features his family: His mother Doespeckle, father Applefoot, and brother Sandpaw (who was adopted for this rp by another server member!)
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ghost--raven · 3 years ago
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I took the time to bring back an old Warriors OC with Hunyak’s part of Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago
Cats in order of appearance are Silverlily, Applefoot and Flamefang, Drizzlecloud, Falconstar, and Maplefeather
To simplify what happen, Flamefang and Silverlily are mates in MoonClan and when he ends up dead, Silverlily is blamed despite the main culprit being a lookalike named Drizzlecloud and her sister Applefoot, both of which are from SunClan. Though it was almost impossible for Silverlily to have committed the murder (she just recently gave birth to their kits and very rarely left them), she was convicted anyway and banished from MoonClan, finding comfort in a group of rouge she-cats that took pity on the poor queen.
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rootclan · 4 years ago
What herb does Applefoot have in his mouth and why? - 🦓
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owlart18 · 5 years ago
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My currant interests as warrior cats!
Here we’ve got Firestream of Riverclan based on Knomad Koma of Yokai watch 3. Wolfcall of Shadowclan based on Kitty from the Kitty Norville book series by Carrie Vaughn. And Applefoot of Skyclan based on Snow White from Red shoes and 7 Dwarfs.
Speedpaint: https://youtu.be/6RZ0zzB7bUQ
Commisions are OPEN: https://owlart18.tumblr.com/post/615601558760062976/commissions-are-open-same-prices-just-updated
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pizzasdumbcats · 6 years ago
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Name: AppleFoot
Position: Pineclan warrior
Gender: female
Age: 23 moons
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troutfur · 3 years ago
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Must not have been that good friends if you didn’t bother to pay attention to the gathering when they were named apprentices or warriors, which considering the timeline if they survived they probably already are. And according to the wiki, two did: warrior names Toadfur and Applefoot.
(I know this is an Erin thing, the wiki also tells me they just vanished from the allegiances until they were remembered when Omen of the Stars rolled around to pad out the ranks of ShadowClan. But still!)
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dragofelid · 4 years ago
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I wanted to draw the mane six from My Little Pony as warrior cats!!
Twilight would be a kittypet that joins the clans
Rainwind - Rainbow dash
Applefoot - Applejack
Twilightmoon/Twilightstar - Twilight
Shybird - Fluttershy
Blossom pounce - Pinkie pie
Brightstone - Rarity
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doritopaw101 · 5 years ago
Dark Forest Cat Backstory #2: Sparrowfeather
I love her name and it’s nice to have another female cat in the DF other than Mapleshade. Sparrowfeather won’t be the only other one though. I have some ocs to fill those slots.
Sparrowfeather is a small, mottled brown tabby molly with a battered muzzle with amber eyes. This the wiki description. I have my own for her.
Sparrowfeather is a small, brown tabby molly with battered muzzle with blue eyes. I always saw her with blue eyes.
She was born into Windclan as Sparrowkit to two mollies named Smokewing and Breezelight alongside her sister Amberkit. Both her mothers were tunnelers and Sparrowkit was obsessed with the role from day 1.
She was proud to train and serve her clan as a tunneler. Her sister Amberpaw however was a moor-runner. She didn’t like that but dealt with it to keep close to her sister. Though there was one cat Sparrowtail despised with a passion, a molly named Brightpaw.
She was the main reason why Sparrowpaw hated moor-runners. Brightpaw came from a long line of moor-runners. Brightpaw’s mother, Applefoot was down in the tunnelers with Smokewing when the tunnel started to collapse. Applefoot made it out but Smokewing didn’t.
Sparrowpaw and her family mourned but Brightpaw only said “This is why tunneling should be banned”. Sparrowpaw has no problem attacking Brightpaw for that comment only letting go when Amberpaw pulled her away.
Sparrowpaw wanted revenge and to make Brightpaw hurt like she hurt. She managed to lure Applefoot to a badger set, and a badger was living in there along with cubs. Normally Windclan cats live in peace with the Badger and fox’s but this badger was known to attack cats for no reason and didn’t listen to other badgers warnings. Applefoot was killed with one strike that ripped out her organs. Sparrowpaw felt very satisfied.
The two became Sparrowfeather and Amberdawn. While Amberdawn settled down and had a mate and became pregnant with kits, Sparrowfeather dedicated herself to the tunnels earning the title of head tunneler.
The old leader, Spotstar was growing old. Sparrowfeather and Brightleap were the top candidates for the deputy position but in the end Spotstar chose Brightleap.
Sparrowfeather was furious but she knew she couldn’t do anything, at least right now.
She ended up pregnant from a fling with a clanmate and fellow tunneler named Weaseldusk. She gave birth to a single kit named Gorsekit.
While raising her son, Brightstar made life awful for the tunnelers. She never showed respect for the tunnelers and it only increased when she became leader.
Sparrowfeather went back to her warrior duties and let Amberdawn take care of her son. She hated how unjustly Brightstar was treating the tunnelers and decided to do something about it.
She had a plan in motion that morning, to get rid of Brightstar and maybe most of the moor-runners. She asked her sister if she would side with her. Amberdawn said she didn’t want to choose a side. All Sparrowfeather said was “take care of my son”.
That morning, Sparrowfeather challenged Brightstar’s leadership. She called for Battle of the Star
The Tunnelers on one side lead by Sparrowfeather and Moor-runners on the other side lead by Brightstar.
“This is pointless Sparrowfeather, stop this nonsense and go back down your holes”
“That sounds like the words of a coward, Brightleap”
“I’m no coward Sparrowfeather, this’ll be over quickly”
“That’s what your mother said and look what happened”
Brightstar screeched and launched herself at Sparrowfeather. The two wrestled and hissed. Everyone watching to see who would be victorious. Brightstar had Sparrowfeather pinned down, slashed her muzzle and whispered “this is over”.
Sparrowfeather snapped “It’s never over” she kicked Brightstar off. She lanched herself at her biting into her neck in an instant. She saw the lights go out of Brightstar’s eyes. But it wasn’t enough for her. She didn’t let go as Brightstar lost life after life, she didn’t let go as cats started clawing at her pelt for her to. Even as she died, Sparrowfeather never let go, lost in her hate.
Her sister Amberdawn, not only raised her son but became Windclan’s next leader. Sparrowfeather managed to get into her leader ceremony and give her a life for vengeance.
When She found out Heatherstar banned tunneling she was pissed.
As said before her and Mapleshade are mates but keep it on the down low.
She might look like a Hawkfrost design but trust me when I draw Hawkfrost you’ll know the difference.
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greekstarau · 2 years ago
Willowclan Allegiance-
Mossystar-Dark brown torbie and white she-cat with dark yellow eyes and a notched ear. Also has a scar along her back. Is a senior leader. (107 moons) -2/9 lives-
Badgerspeck-Golden tom with a white belly/paws/chest/muzzle and ears. He has darker golden speckles along his flank and a twisted back paw from a badger. Also has a 2 scars side-by-side on his muzzle. A middle-aged warrior.(38 moons)
Medicine cat(s);
Shatteredwish-A sleek, pure black, long-limbed tom with a long muzzle and tail and small paws. He has a shred ear and a scar right next to his right eye along with a white speck on his nose. He is an older medicine cat, around 80 moons.
Mothpetal-A fluffy tab tabby and light faced she-cat with blue eyes and a stubby body. She has bright white paws and tail-tip along with 1 white ear. Also has dark dapples. Daughter of Badgerspeck and Cloudysky. Very young(19 moons)
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Frightnight on anon here. What if Gingerstamp adopted Smallkit? He would 100% feel bad for everyone involved (breaking news: cannibal dad is very easily attached), and Smallkit was one of the names him and Nightfang talked about as a possible name for their kits. So Gingerstamp would easily go "my child now!"
Instead of having Gingerstamp and Applefoot co-parenting, I think it would be much funnier if they both raised Smallkit but neither knew that the other was also raising him
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frightnightindustries · 2 years ago
"Hey. Claudrat?" The black and white tom looked up at Smallkit. Smallkit was...tense, flexing his claws and tightening his muscles.
"Hello, Smallkit. What are you angry about?" He replied. Smallkit had already gotten used to the strange skill Claudrat had of telling emotions, so he continued.
"Someone said something mean to me. They think I'm mean because of Parsleykit, and that I don't blame myself like everyone else." Smallkit snarled. They were wrong. Smallkit was mean because of his general personality, not because of some simple prank gone wrong.
"I thought about fighting them, but..." "You didn't want to get in trouble." Claudrat finished the sentence.
The kit nodded, avoiding Claudrat's gaze, Claudrat took that as permission to continue. "Well, you chose the right cat for advice. Ripperclaw would tell you to poison them, Snipvoice would fight them for you, Gingerstamp is...soft...and A-...that's about it." He wasn't about to spill the secret of Applefoot also taking care of Smallkit. It was hilarious.
"Get to the point." Smallkit snapped. Claudrat got up, and walked over to the kit. "Use your words." He whispered.
"What?" Smallkit asked, but Claudrat only winked. He would figure it out. -------- "And what did you call them?" Gingerstamp asked, some time later. Smallkit bristled. "I didn't call them anything."
"He said that they would die alone, unloved, and deserving of such fate, because they are incredibly rude and a curse upon this plain of existence." Fungichomp sighed. "I think I know exactly where this came from, and please tell Claudrat to not spread his influence on the kits."
Gingerstamp internally groaned. "I'll talk to him."
----- Fungichomp belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors Smallkit and Parsleykit belong to @residents-of-the-darkforest Claudrat, Ripperclaw, Snipvoice, and Gingerstamp belong to me.
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moshpitsworld · 3 years ago
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submitted by /u/applefoot_ [link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/Shoes/comments/tueb5r/applefoot/
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felidthing · 3 years ago
name ideas dump:
applefoot. redstar names her after him and everyone is too scared to challenge him on it. that would require renaming her brother though since hes lightfoot
appledawn. already a canon cat but shes a background character in tallstars revenge. liked the idea of redstar naming her for the “new era” she was part of as his apprentice
applescar. would be appropriate
other options could be tooth/fang/talon but i kind of want her given name to be significantly different from “strike.” switching from fang to strike doesnt have the same vibe as foot or dawn to strike. scar is similar but still a different enough vibe imo
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