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Wanted the most rat-looking base I could find.
He was mentioned to have cow-like spots, so here they are!
Base by callmechainsaw on DeviantArt
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frightnightindustries · 2 years ago
"Hey. Claudrat?" The black and white tom looked up at Smallkit. Smallkit was...tense, flexing his claws and tightening his muscles.
"Hello, Smallkit. What are you angry about?" He replied. Smallkit had already gotten used to the strange skill Claudrat had of telling emotions, so he continued.
"Someone said something mean to me. They think I'm mean because of Parsleykit, and that I don't blame myself like everyone else." Smallkit snarled. They were wrong. Smallkit was mean because of his general personality, not because of some simple prank gone wrong.
"I thought about fighting them, but..." "You didn't want to get in trouble." Claudrat finished the sentence.
The kit nodded, avoiding Claudrat's gaze, Claudrat took that as permission to continue. "Well, you chose the right cat for advice. Ripperclaw would tell you to poison them, Snipvoice would fight them for you, Gingerstamp is...soft...and A-...that's about it." He wasn't about to spill the secret of Applefoot also taking care of Smallkit. It was hilarious.
"Get to the point." Smallkit snapped. Claudrat got up, and walked over to the kit. "Use your words." He whispered.
"What?" Smallkit asked, but Claudrat only winked. He would figure it out. -------- "And what did you call them?" Gingerstamp asked, some time later. Smallkit bristled. "I didn't call them anything."
"He said that they would die alone, unloved, and deserving of such fate, because they are incredibly rude and a curse upon this plain of existence." Fungichomp sighed. "I think I know exactly where this came from, and please tell Claudrat to not spread his influence on the kits."
Gingerstamp internally groaned. "I'll talk to him."
----- Fungichomp belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors Smallkit and Parsleykit belong to @residents-of-the-darkforest Claudrat, Ripperclaw, Snipvoice, and Gingerstamp belong to me.
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Come Here Whenever (short story)
“Cursekit! Cursekit! Cursekit!” 
Limpetkit sobbed into his nest. The other kits had been particularly bad lately. Calling him names, mocking him for not having parents, they were the worst. 
He whimpering into his nest for a long time, until a paw gently rest on his shoulder. 
“Hello,” a quiet voice said right next to him. “Are you hurt?” 
Limpetkit shook his head, still crying. 
“That’s good. But why are you crying?” He looked up, meeting the eyes of a cat he had never seen before. He was a grey tom, with a soft smile on their face. 
“F….Flig….” He whimpered, while the grey tom waited patiently. “Flightkit was really mean! He said that my parents aren’t here because I was a curse! And then Swampkit agreed with him, and Heatherkit called me a mouse-brain!” Limpetkit kept going on, and on, and the grey tom waited. 
“Well that isn’t good.” The grey tom said. “They were very rude to you, from how it sounds. Were you not able to tell a fully grown cat?” 
Limpetkit shook his head. “M…Mousestar always said I can’t be trusted….he’s the leader….why should anyone else think different…” 
The grey tom stiffened. “The leader said that? That’s very wrong, Mousestar should absolutely not have said that.” 
Limpetkit looked up with a hopeful gaze. “…Really?” 
“Yes, really. Limpetkit, was it? You can come here whenever. You can even meet some of my friends.”
Claudrat: 0_0
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bonefall · 1 year ago
I tried my luck at Clanmew oc translations, I'm trying to find something better for Claud and I'm not exactly happy with Siltstar's prefix, but I thought you might want to see it.
CLAUDRAT For now I'm using Paoke'eb for the prefix, a portmanteau of the words for wandered, and squall. Eek is the translation for rat. Peoke'eb. Wander-strong-wind rat.
SNIPVOICE Faine means a sudden clearing of the skies. Ababa is the present tense form of spoke/talked, which was similar enough to voice. Faineababa. Sudden clear talk.
GINGERSTAMP Kemree also means ginger. Yaupab is a portmanteau of the words for loud and pawstep. Kemreeyaupab. Ginger loud-step.
REDTREE Rey is red, and also the color of yew berries, and the translation for trunk is chok. Reychok.
RIPPERCLAW Arrya is the word for ripped in the future tense. kach is the translation for claw. Ripperclaw was a child when he chose his prefix. Arryakach.
ORANGEFLUFF Kemree means orange, hefu means fluffy. Kemreehefu.
FIREFEATHER Swarfyf translates to "set on fire". bufr is the translation for a large wing or tail feather from a bird. Swarfyfbufr.
SILTSTAR Shefsski are the words for sand and ice combined, as DayClan (where Siltstar is from) is a beach clan, I think that this would be the closest approximation. shai is the translation for star. Shefsskishai.
FINCHSTAR Afigu is the word for a finch. shai is the translation for star. Afigushai.
LIMPETSONG Kewikki is the portmanteu of the words for snail and cone. Yanaya is the word for singing. Kewikkiyanaya.
PALEPAW Olurr is the translation for Pale, pwyr is the translation for paw. Olurrpwyr.
Fantastic translations! Shoutout to Snipvoice-- I love the sound of "Sudden Clearing of the Skies Talk," it brings to mind the image of her very voice making the rain clear away suddenly.
New words!
Stomping = Bumbuma/Bumbum/Bum
Silt/River Grit = Gssar The fine particles that build up on a thing that stays in water too long. Clan cats don't use the geological definition for this; so it can be translated as 'river grit' too.
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Claudrat Snipvoice Gingerstamp Limpetsong Ripperclaw Orangefluff Redtree Firefeather Siltstar
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frightnightindustries · 1 year ago
I imagine this is Snipvoice talking to Claudrat.
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Since we know some cats have gone across the StarClan border to go to the dark forest, I have an idea for one of them. Troutstorm! Ripperclaw's favorite brother, a medicine cat who accidentally ushered his meeting with Claudrat by giving him poppy seeds, and had to stay strong for the clan even after his mother was forced to kill his father. Sparrowstar, his sister, would be another good option. She never fully accepted that she was the leader of NightClan, because of the role Ripperclaw had in her deputyship, but she still cares about him.
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Right this way sir and madam
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frightnightindustries · 1 year ago
These are from the clangen discord! The first one is from a very nice person by the name of Grim, the second is from a very nice person by the name of Evan. I did not do these, they're way too pretty.
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Dark Forest Resident: Claudrat
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Aliases / Nicknames: The Adder, One Who Was Rejected, Claud, Claudstar
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Dory (mother), unknown father, Tune (brother), Siltflower (mate)
Other Relations: Sandflight (mentor), Dustpaw (apprentice)
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: leader (formerly, stripped of lives just before death)
Characteristics: manipulative, charming, vengeful, urge to break into song that he has always resisted, curious
Number of Victims: 34
Number of Murders: 27
Murder Method: inflicting wounds that cause fatal blood loss
Known Victims: Applewhisp, Grasswing, Marshstar, Elmfur, Dustpaw, several unknown ShadowClan cats
Victim Profile: cats that got in his way, cats that he considered 'unworthy'.
Cause of Death: run over by a monster (car), killed by Siltflower and a resistance
Cautionary Tale: place your trust in cats and ideas well, or else you'll fall into darkness.
Claud was born in a cold dark place, and all of his nightmares started there. 
He had a brother, Tune, and a mother, Dory, who told the two tales of the outside. But the cold dark place had bad creatures. Those were called 'humans'. 
They took Claud, and he returned to the world a little darker. He smelt different, and he couldn't open his one eye. A little later, and the brothers decided to explore. Sneaking out when the door was opened, they laughed as they dashed through running feet. 
Soon, they went through a hole. It wasn't smooth, like the others. Claud went in first, laughing as he ran and ran. Ran and ran until he saw a beautiful light. He smiled, but it quickly fell as he saw who wasn't there. His brother died that day. 
Then he started walking and walking. Until he met a strange group of cats, who lived in the marsh. He was accepted as Claudpaw, and immediately took a liking to Sandflight. As he aged, a hatred took hold. A hatred of the ones who had stolen away his family. Sharing this sentiment with Siltpaw and Snippaw, the three developed a bond. 
Bringing it up to Grasswing, the deputy, resulted in it immediately getting shot down. Claudrat, Snipvoice, and Siltflower got their warrior names with little trouble. When Grasswing vanished, no one suspected a thing. 
Not perfect little Claudrat, so loyal and kind. 
Not Snipvoice, so devoted to this Clan. 
Not Siltflower, Grasswing being her own mentor. 
Claudrat had looked around camp....Applewhisp had called him 'Spottedfreak' when he was younger. Surely she didn't deserve to be in his ShadowClan...better to get rid of her now. 
This had Siltflower object, as Applewhisp has been quite kind to her. But Claudrat did it anyway, hiding the body somewhere it would never be found. 
Next was Elmfur, many moons later, the deputy after Grasswing. They never suspected a thing after Siltflower led them to the tree....they never did again. And then, Claudrat was promoted to deputy. The rumors of RiverClan taking in a bright orange cat and his mate were of no matter, he had a Clan to lead. 
Slowly but surely, he wore down Marshstar's lives. Oh, rotten prey. Lost at the Carrionplace. And then, one night, Claudrat returned with blood on his claws. They had been terribly ambushed by a WindClan patrol! He tried to help...... But it was too late. 
Claudstar then, throughout the moons, killed other cats as well. Including his own apprentice, Dustpaw. He saw too much! 
But one day, Claypaw crossed the borders to meet with a cat called Fizz. And just as Claudstar whittled down the lives of his former leader, they slowly built up a resistance. One day, Siltflower put poppy seeds in her mate’s prey, having been disgusted by all the deaths she had been an accomplice to, and then the cats rallied. Dragging Claudstar out to a Thunderpath, even as he struggled, screaming, he heard voices. 
"Your......lives........revoked.......almost....destroyed....Clans..." At that point he just went limp and accepted his fate. The last thing he saw was the approaching monster.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries​ welcome!
--Inspired by Felidae. 
--StarClan took his lives out of fear. They had no prophecy. No plan. Nothing. People do crazy things when they are afraid. 
--He has spots like a cow, and there is one over his right eye, the blind one. His fur is white otherwise. 
--Theme song is 100% How Bad Can I Be?
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Dark Forest Resident: Limpetsong 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Limpetkit, Limpetpaw, Cursekit
Gender: male 
Sexuality: pansexual, aromantic
Family: Cloudydusk (mother), Blizzardeye (father)
Other Relations: Mousestar (mentor), Snipvoice (Dark Forest mentor)
Clan: ShadowClan 
Rank: warrior 
Characteristics: vengeful, sweet 
Murder Motive + Motive to Harm: mother was exiled   
Number of Victims: 3 
Number of Murders: 1 
Murder Method: trampling 
Method of Harm: ruining reputations and lives
Known Victims: Mousestar, Stemsky, Burningtree, Darkwings 
Victim Profile: cats who he thought hurt his mother
Cause of Death: bitten throat
Cautionary Tale: provide Half-Clan kits with love and strong support when they are young, otherwise they may turn on you when they grow older. 
Limpetkit never had a father. Eventually, he lost his mother as well. But he still had dreams. They were pretty dreams! He dreamt of a nice and safe forest, and even of friends! A grey cat who also didn't have a dad! A black and white cat who was really funny! When the other kits began calling him Cursekit, the grey cat comforted him while he cried. 
Mousestar, the leader, said that kits like him needed to be watched closely, and so took Limpetpaw as his own apprentice. And he wasn't half bad! But there was barely any fighting. Mousestar always made excuses. So, Limpetpaw asked the grey cat to teach him. 
The funny one would sometimes watch, and sometimes join! Teaching Limpetpaw how to negotiate, and what to say to different cats. How to ask someone out if he wanted to (he didn't, he was cool with that), how to break off a friendship, and most importantly, how to tell and keep secrets. The grey cat taught him the best fighting moves, how to fix his face, and how to see emotions! 
Mousestar made him a warrior late, a few moons after the other kits around his age became warriors. 
One night, at a gathering, the deputy of WindClan had some important news. WindClan and ShadowClan had a strong alliance back then, so Limpetsong agreed. Blizzardeye wanted to meet that night on the WindClan border. Through tears, Blizzardeye told him the story of how he fell in love with a beautiful ShadowClan cat, only for them to break apart when he became deputy. After that, he never saw her again. In his dreams, a bright orange cat revealed that he had a son. 
Limpetsong was Half-Clan. 
He went rigid. 
Keeping anger out of his face, he smiled. When he returned, he knew what to do. The next night, when he came to the place that was more of a home then ShadowClan had ever been, the grey cat told him the other half of the story. He told him how Burningtree saw his mother with Blizzardeye, how Mousestar exiled her, and how Stemsky drove her away....How Cloudydusk was dead. 
Limpetsong started his vengeance. 
Hey. Splashface. I saw Burningtree meet with this weird brown she-cat...
Yes, I'm sure it wasn't a ShadowClan cat. 
No, I'm not saying this just because Stemsky's apprentice died, how sad. 
They were on a patrol together? She just collapsed? Well, that sounds...no, he wouldn't. 
It's nothing, but...do you think that Stemsky would've... It all makes too much sense. 
No, you're right. We have to get rid of him. 
Mousestar's been sort of lazy, lately. He hasn't been on many patrols. He is getting old... 
The night before his death, the two cats he had spent so much time with finally revealed themselves. The Follower, and The Adder. He...he trusted them. He trusted them. And yet....
Snipvoice had been kinder to him than any ShadowClan cat had been. Finally confronting Mousestar the next day, he shouted for an explanation. But he wouldn't listen. 
The second Mousestar began slandering Cloudydusk, saying that she had shirked her duties for her WindClan mate, Limpetsong leapt. 
But Mousestar was quicker. 
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries​ (SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG)
--The bright orange cat was Fizz! The RiverClan former rogue who organized the defeat of Claudrat. 
--Blizzardeye would've taken good care of Limpetsong, and was horrified when he heard what he had done. He didn't really want kits, but he would've wanted to be responsible for his actions. 
--Cloudydusk was sort of self centered, and didn't have a good reputation. That was the last straw for ShadowClan, who chased her out after she gave birth and revealed it was a Half-WindClan kit. She died alone, outside of the territory. 
--Claudrat and Snipvoice were given those names because of the reputation outside the Clans, which came about because of RiverClan's involvement.
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“Wake up, sleepy.”
Claudsta-no, Claudrat now, yawned as he opened his eyes. Above him was the sympathetically smiling face of Snipvoice.
“You too, huh?” Claudrat muttered.
“Yep.” Snipvoice replied.
The black and white spotted tom stretched, before getting to his feet. “How’d you die?" 
"Claypaw.” Snipvoice said. “He fed me deathberries. You?”
“The clan dragged me onto the thunderpath. Siltflower…” A look of horror flashed onto the face of Snipvoice. “Was she killed too?” He looked around frantically. “Then why isn’t she here?”
The despair on Claudrat’s face must have told Snipvoice everything. “No….” The grey tom buried his face into Claudrat’s pelt for a moment, before regaining some semblance of composure. 
“I…uh….need some time to think.” Snipvoice said with a trembling tone, before walking off into the woods.
“Well leave me behind, why don'tcha!” Claudrat shouted after him in a joking voice, before settling by the pool he had appeared from.
It wasn’t incredibly long before another cat approached him, this one a ginger tom.
“Hello!” The tom startled Claudrat, though he didn’t show it, and he gave the ginger tom a wary glance. “Are you new here?”
“Yeah.” Claudrat replied. “Just arrived. I’m Claudrat. Used to be Claudstar.” The ginger tom perked up. “I’m Gingerstamp.”
And then Claudrat began laughing hysterically. He shouted in the direction that Snipvoice went. “Oh, you’re not gonna belive this!”
Gingerstamp was watching him, confused. “Is….someone over there?” He asked. Claudrat nodded. “Hey, uh….by chance….would you happen to have kits?”
Gingerstamp looked even more confused. “Yep…didn’t get to see them grow up though.”
Claudrat smirked. “Would they by any chance be the children of you and a cat called….Nightfang?”
Hope sparked in the eyes of Gingerstamp. “You know them?” He said, whipping his head around, trying to find them. Claudrat held back another laughing fit.
“You could-” Before he could finish, Snipvoice finally came back.
“Claudrat, what is-” “Snipvoice, this is Gingerstamp.” Claudrat said, before bursting into hysterical laughter
Gonna have a tough time finding out that Snipvoice killed cats, and Gingerstamp ate cats. Claudrat’s gonna sit back with some cat popcorn-what is the cat version of popcorn? Like some sort of herb?
what IS the cat version of popcorn?
also, 00
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Imagine if Applepaw went to the df for training in it. StarClan would so do that. Also Claudrat would HATE Haremaw, and think he's so incredibly stupid. It goes along the lines of "that's not how you earn loyalty of an apprentice thats so stupid you are stupid and you have a terrible personality so"
yeah Apple went to the Dark Forest because that's where he trained. So far it's not known what he was training for or why he was so motivated to go to the DF for it, and I'm open to ideas.
To the Death Ring with yee!
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This is Frightnight on anon because of school, Claudrat 100% talks like he's perpetually in a work meeting when he isn't with Snipvoice or Siltflower. Like "Oh, I believe that isn't the greatest idea. No offence to either of you, giving you the respect you deserve is important...but following your plan could result in a high chance of possibly dying." While Snipvoice just hears "Horrible idea. We're all going to die."
this is so hilarious because this makes me picture a normal setting-- an office or something and it seems so mundane until someone says that an idea could result in death
"Thank you for the input, Brenda! Unfortunately, if we follow that course of action we could all die and burn in Hell. We'll keep it on the backburner, though!"
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Dark Forest Resident: Ripperclaw 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Yellowpaw, Edgepaw (By Claudrat) 
Gender: male 
Sexuality: asexual, panromantic 
Family: Hollybloom (mother), Bramblepatch (father), Sparrowstar, Crabcatcher (sisters), Troutstorm, Archfang, Spottedfinch (brothers)
Other Relations: Hazelstar (mentor)
Clan: NightClan 
Rank: mediator 
Characteristics: wants to avenge his father, angry, cunning, resentful
Number of Victims: 6 
Number of Murders: 6 
Murder Method: poisoning 
Known Victims: Hollybloom, Hazelstar, Quailfeather, Sprucepatch, Flyingpetal, Spottedfinch
Victim Profile: cats who he believed had an influence on his father's death, cats who vitnessed his crimes
Cause of Death: poisoned, suicide. 
Cautionary Tale: unjust revenge is an unsteady path
Yellowpaw trotted back into camp with a vole, alongside Whirlsky and Finchlily, and suddenly dropped it as he heard a commotion. 
Whirlsky, deaf, gasped as Finchlily ran into the camp. Using her rarely used vocal cords, she rasped, "seen....that...expression...before...", pausing for her fire damaged voice. 
A louder yowl sounded, and Yellowpaw ran to the center of camp. A crowd was gathering, leaving the middle empty. Larchcloud ushered her two kits inside the nursery, but Yellowpaw took no notice as he darted into the crowd. He heard the noise of claws, then a sharp yowl, then everyone went silent. Yellowpaw burst through the crowd, and froze in shock. 
There were three cats there. His mentor, Hazelstar, grinning at his mother, Hollybloom, and his father....Bramblepatch gave him a single weak shake of the head, and went limp. Hazelstar gave a triumphant yowl. "The traitor no longer lives! Take this as an example." 
Hollybloom walked away with a blank look, and Yellowpaw was ushered away by Troutstorm to the apprentices’ den. His request for poppy seeds was answered quickly, and in his deep sleep he met a black and white figure, with a scar over his left eye. 
The cat empathized with Yellowpaw, and together the two of them came up with a plan. Yellowpaw would become the next mediator of NightClan, and make the lives of those who harmed him hell. 
The black and white tom gave him an idea. Yellowpaw was the name of an innocent cat. He wasn't innocent anymore. When he decided on the name, the black and white cat smirked a little. Yellowpaw asked what was so funny, and the cat complimented him on his interesting name choice. 
Yellowpaw then asked for the mystery cat’s name. ‘Claudius’ was the answer.
The next morning, Yellowpaw stood before Hazelstar and asked to become a mediator, saying that he wanted to make sure no more cats had traitorous thoughts. Hazelstar, in accordance with NightClan traditions, only half followed, giving him the name Ripperpaw, at his request. 
Claudius jokingly called him Edgepaw after that. 
Ripperpaw set his sights on his first victim. 
Sprucepatch, the mentor of Hollybloom. 
She was always crabby, and always complaining. She didn't deserve to grow old in age, or at all. Ripperclaw bet she had something to do with it. Ripperpaw planted the seeds of influence. He made up stories for the kits about mean old Sprucepatch, isolating her from the rest of the Clan, and sweet-talking Troutstorm into letting him gain access to the medicine den. 
Lilies in the prey, even just a small amount, could cause kidney failure. Just as perfect, they were small enough to go undetected. 
Next was Flyingpetal, the current deputy. 
Talking with Sparrowslip, his sister who had just gotten her warrior name, he got it in her head that she could do better. She would be much better as deputy! All he needed was a few words to Hazelstar about a traitorous deputy before he was sure that nobody would care, and Hazelstar would have a replacement ready. That is, nobody who could stop him would care.
Once again, lilies in the prey. And then he went out for a walk in the forest, and began cultivating his own lily patch. He couldn't keep going into the medicine den, after all. But Quailfeather saw him, and afraid that she'd put two and two together and make him a dead apprentice, he had to poison her next. 
After that, he set his sights on Hazelstar. When he asked Troutstorm, he said she had only one life left. Perfect. 
The Clan rejoiced, and so did the newly named Ripperclaw. Throughout all this, Claudius praised him for his work. He went to the lily patch again, unaware that Spottedfinch was watching him. Stuffing the lilies inside a mouse, he walked over and gave them to Hollybloom. In a panic, Spottedfinch leapt out and demanded to know what Ripperclaw was doing. 
It was too late, though. Hollybloom lay on the ground, dead. Before Spottedfinch could react, he stuffed a leftover lily into her throat, but the commotion had attracted the rest of the Clan. 
In a panic, Ripperclaw ate the lilies he had used to take the lives of six of his Clanmates. 
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries​
--Hollybloom would've died if she hadn't killed Bramblepatch, and both knew that. 
--Ripperclaw was a grieving child, and Claudrat knew it.
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Dark Forest Resident: Gingerstamp 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Dad, Ginger 
Gender: male 
Sexuality: pansexual Family: Onion (mother), Stormy (father), Nightfang (mate), Siltflower (daughter), Snipvoice (son)
Other Relations: Owlclaws (mentor)
Clan: ShadowClan 
Rank: warrior 
Characteristics: cannibalistic when food is scarce, happy, cheerful, loving 
Number of Victims: 15 
Number of Murders: 10 
Murder Method: Slitting throats
Known Victims: several unknown Clan cats, several unknown Windclan warriors, several unknown kittypets
Victim Profile: whoever he desired
Cause of Death: severe traumatic head injuries
Cautionary Tale: keep honour with you
Gingerkit only knew a little bit about where he came from. His mother, Onion, had ran away from what she called the lab-coats, and went to ShadowClan, bringing him along. 
She had gone mad a little later, attacking the deputy, who killed her in defense. Owlclaws was very apologetic about this. The influence of him caused Gingerpaw to become much more kind, as he became Gingerstamp. 
He fell in love with Nightfang, who was cold and abrasive, but somehow they could always make each other laugh. 
But then came leafbare. He had to do what he had to do. First it was the dead bodies he found. He was starving, and the prey they had wasn't enough. Nobody would mind if he just.... 
It wasn't enough. 
More cats starved, and when Nightfang revealed that she was going to have kits, he had to act. A WindClan patrol came over the border, and during the fight, he killed several cats, coming back later to eat the bodies. When his kits were born, he revealed to the other cats in ShadowClan what he had done, dragging a body back with him. 
He thought they would be happy. But oh, they weren't. They bashed his head in with their claws before he even saw his kits open their eyes. 
Additional Information: 
 --Submission by @frightnightindustries​
--Onion had rabies, and they were lucky no one was infected. Some asshole elder traumatized Siltkit with the information. 
Onion was from the same lab as Claudrat. 
--He would be very saddened about what Snipvoice did. 
--Nightfang disowned Siltflower, so she's basically alone in StarClan.
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Dark Forest Resident: Snipvoice 
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Aliases / Nicknames: The Follower, Squeakkit 
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Nightfang (mother), Gingerstamp (father), Siltflower (sister)
Other Relations: Marshstar (mentor), Claydust (apprentice)
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: deputy
Characteristics: kills those Claudrat disliked, covers for his friend’s crimes, is definitely not in love with Claudrat
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Method of Murder: slitting throats
Known Victims: Marshstar's fourth life, Grasswing
Victim Profile: whoever Claudrat disliked
Cause of Death: poisoned, killed by Claydust
Cautionary Tale: choose who you follow carefully
A dark cloud fell over Snipkit and Siltkit in their early days with the disappearance of their father, Gingerstamp. 
Nevermind how cats kept getting angry when he was mentioned, or mutter 'good riddance'. Or even how Siltkit suddenly wanted to drop it altogether. When they became apprentices, a cat arrived in the night. An exhausted, half-blind, and very hungry cat around the same age as the two.  
Listening to Claudpaw's story, he hissed in anger at the cats who had hurt the one he lo--cared about. And when they became warriors, he helped Claudrat kill Grasswing, poor Grasswing, lost in the forest. Siltflower and Claudrat became mates, and Snipvoice became bitter. 
But, Claudrat was happy, and that was really what he wanted. He backed his sister when Claudrat decided to kill Applewhisp and she didn’t, but wasn't really upset when Applewhisp turned up dead. They hadn't been that close. 
Now, he hated Elmfur, who was always saying to him and his sister that he would turn out just like Gingerstamp. He covered for his two friends once they went to kill him. 
And then, Claudrat was deputy. 
Taking initiative for once, Snipvoice ended up pushing Marshstar into a river, where he drowned. Thankfully, Marshstar never saw or smelt him. Claudrat was annoyed at the risk he had taken, but it gave him an idea. And then there was Claudstar, and Snipvoice became the deputy. 
He was overjoyed! Finally, Claudrat--star saw something in him. He even gained an apprentice, Claypaw! 
The same night Claudstar had his lives taken from him, and the very apprentice he was so proud of fed him deathberries. 
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries​
--Gingerstamp was a cannibal during a bad Leaf-bare. 
--Claudrat didn't really notice Snipvoice's love, because he acted like that for everyone he cared about. 
--After they died, Siltflower went into voluntary exile, and went to StarClan after atoning. 
--He was caring in his apprenticeship, which is why he was so angry after Claudpaw told him the story of his eye.
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