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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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once again i couldn't help myself and did all the suggestions (these are just too fun 😭)
suggestions from @/wizardgirl25
i decided on tornrun for the last one because i ADORE him and i think this is probably a good representation of his experience in the clan as he got older and realized how sucky his mom was as a leader asdkljfkl
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havenpelt · 1 year ago
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and once again i completely forgot to post my clangen art, so here's the VERY late art from my splashclan years 4-6 video i posted like two months ago
Gannetstar - long-furred brown-and-white ticked cat with eyes of sunlit eyes.
Brackenshade - light brown tom with a striped back and cyan eyes
Medicine Cats:
Lightgale - golden-brown tabby tom with sage eyes Basilbramble - elderly gray she-cat with white markings and emerald eyes Thornheart - light brown tom with green eyes
Lightspots - light brown-and-cream tom with amber eyes (father to Pumpkinkit, Hootkit, and Poolkit) Thunderisle - white she-cat with brown-and-gray calico splotches with green eyes Jellyfishspeckle - ginger speckled she-cat with heather-blue eyes and a spiked collar Clovefreckle - golden brown begal-spotted tom with sage eyes Downface - ginger-and-black tortoiseshell she-cat with emerald eyes Curlrise - white cat with brown markings and green eyes Stonescreech - gray tabby tom with long fur and bronze eyes Whitestrike - white spotted tom with long fur and bronze eyes Jumbledapple - gray-and-brown tortoiseshell she-cat with greenish-yellow eyes Shadetide - dark gray dorsal-striped she-cat with greenish-yellow eyes Old Deuteronomyplume - spotted gray-and-white she-cat with green eyes Algaefreckle - cream spotted she-cat with green eyes Sparkstep - dark cream speckled she-cat with sage eyes Rippleheart - very dark gray tabby she-cat with sage eyes
Tidalpaw - cream spotted she-cat with sage eyes (mentor: Downface) Scorchpaw - cream tabby tom with pale yellow eyes (mentor: Snapfern) Minkpaw - cream tabby tom with yellow eyes (mentor: Lightspots)
Snapfern - gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes (mother to Gannetstar's kit, Patchoulikit) Weedspeckle - white she-cat with a light brown spot on her chest and bronze eyes (mother to Brackenshade's kits, Nutkit, Brokenkit, and Icekit)
Patchoulikit - white tom with brown markings and amber eyes Pumpkinkit - white-and-dark brown she-cat with amber eyes Hootkit - white she-cat with a dark brown spot on her side and cobalt eyes Poolkit - brown-and-white she-cat with amber eyes Nutkit - golden she-kit with a darker-furred face, back, and tail Brokenkit - golden-brown tom with a darker-furred face, back, and tail Icekit - light brown dorsal-striped she-kit
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aussiewarriorcats · 2 years ago
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The second clowder in my Australian warrior cats story! (designs and names subject to change)
Mountain Clowder cats are strong: dense fur, long, strong legs, and clear minds. They have a reputation for being self-absorbed and bossy, but good-hearted. Their members are usually greys or browns and have low amounts of white, if any.
They have large paws and long legs, which allows them to easily scale the steep sides of their mountain homesite. They live at the top of the mountain the Clowders call home and consider themselves closer to the Cloud Steppers. They sleep outside, in warm piles of cats. Friends and family often sleep in the same pile.
They despise Stone Clowder, they used to be a part of Mountain Clowder, before splitting off, renaming themselves Cloud Clowder, and then fleeing and renaming themselves (again) Stone Clowder.
Their fighting style involves speed. They dart in, land a few blows, and then dart out. They are trained in where to hit an opponent in order to hurt them the most. They maintain a few hunting trails they walk along and try to avoid overhunting one area.
They use hunting trails to trap game. They are the only Clowder to hunt kangaroos and succeed, giving them a grudging respect by other Clowders.
Commander: Bluebird (Bird) – Blue-grey molly (She/He) with green eyes.
Lieutenant: Willowsong (Willow) – Ticked grey tabby molly (They/She) with a bob tail and blue eyes.
Healer: Badgernose (Badger) – Black and white molly (She/Her) with amber eyes.
          Trainee: Maple – Brown tabby molly (She/They) with black patches and amber eyes.
Brackenshade (Bracken) – Brown tom (He/Him) with a deep brown tail and green eyes.
Roseshine (Rose) – Pale molly (She/Her) with dark stripes.
           Trainee: Shade – White tom (He/Him) with brown slash across his face.
Sandfeather (Feather) – Pale molly (She/Her) with sandy markings and amber eyes.
Beartooth (Bear) – Brown tabby tom (He/Him) with lighter stripes.
Fernfrond (Frond) – White molly (She/Flutter/Leaf) with small black spots.
        Trainee: Blaze – Ginger tom (He/Him) with a white slash across his face.
Hawk – Cream tom (He/Him) with brown tail.
Eagle – Black tom (He/Claw) with white head.
Fieldleap (Field) – Cream molly (She/Her) with golden tail, front legs, and muzzle.
Fungustail (Fungus) – Black and white molly (She/Her) with grey tail.
Whirlwind – Ginger tabby molly (She/Her) with green eyes. Caring for two kits: Cockatoo, Galah.
Daisypetal (Petal) – Dark grey with black stripes molly (She/They), and yellow eyes.
Amberheart (Amber) – Pale ginger molly (She/Her) with white patches. Nursing two kits: Gecko, Perentie.
Morningsun (Sun) – Pale brown tabby molly (She/Her) with big white patches.
Jay – Black tom (He/Him) with blue eyes.
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rootclan · 4 years ago
What herb does Applefoot have in his mouth and why? - 🦓
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 4 years ago
so i do believe snowspeckle realizes mostly on tail motions to alert prey when hunting. but also a few signs i came up with that he makes with brackenshade (his former mentor and interpreter)
- patrol: tracing a claw in the ground, like making a border
- motioning paw to belly: hungry
- motioning paw to throat: thirsty
- shuffling paw downward: rain or snow
- shuffling paw forward in the air (like wind): windclan
- shuffling paw forward on the ground: shadowclan
- flipping tail (like a fish lol): riverclan
- zig zagging tail: thunderclan
- paw to other chest: a sign of affection/gratitude
- pointing with a claw at own body part: this area hurts
for other things to get attention, he’ll usually motion with his tail
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sotcwcrp · 4 years ago
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Just before we get to this month's update, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself! I'm Akila, or akitsune lune on most websites, and I'm the lead moderator of ShadowClan on Secrets of the Clans. From this point on, I'll be the advertising rep for our wonderful server! It's nice to meet all of you.
What's New in the Roleplay:
Gosh, lots has happened, hasn't it? Let's catch up!
★ — The pitter-patter of kit pawsteps can be heard from the nurseries of RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan! StarClan has blessed them with Wrenkit, Smewkit, Gracklekit, Coldkit, Henkit, Cowkit, and Lambkit.
★ — WindClan and ThunderClan boast new warriors! Valeriansprout, Slatefire, Asterbloom, and Larkpeach have all received their full names and stood vigil for their Clans.
★ — Brightfang, the oldest cat in the forest, has passed away at 201 moons. He will be deeply missed by his Clanmates, but no cat could argue that he didn't live a full life!
★ — The Daylight Gathering was a huge success! An extra-special congratulations to Ravenheart, our brawling champion, Brackenshade, our climbing champion, Mistface, our gathering champion, Fernstride, our hunting champion, Nightbird, our sneaking champion, Scorchfin, our swimming champion, and Echoheart, our tracking champion! Perhaps next time we'll see you there, competing, or making friends with other Clans from the sidelines!
★ — Fernstride of ThunderClan has changed paths to train as a medicine cat.
★ — We've shifted into Leaf-fall! The weather's getting chilly and prey scarcer... Let's hope the Clans can adjust!
What's New on the Server:
We're always growing and changing.
★ — Welcome to our wonderful new moderators-in-training! Callum of ThunderClan, Ice of WindClan, and Wallace of ShadowClan will be hard at work in the future!
★ — We've introduced new positions; Chino is our new deputy rep and will be working with all other deputies! Muse is our new medicine cat rep and will be coordinating with all other medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices! Zozo is our new buddy rep and will be helping all other buddy-members to make sure we're helping new people settle in! Rayna, the Nexus system, Luna, and Tangle are our Clan historians! They'll be reading up on our threads and recording all the fun developments of our RP. And I'm your advertising manager! I'll be posting regular updates here and on our Tumblr, as well as handling partnerships and reblogging all of the beautiful art our talented members create!
★ — Sparrow and Twisted, two of our ShadowClan staff, have stepped down. Elaedria and myself will be stepping up to lead ShadowClan and will shortly be introducing our new leader and deputy!
★ — May's activity check has been processed! Many new members have unlocked new character slots. Our Of-The-Month awards (server-wide Member, Artist, Character, and Duo, as well as Clan-specifics) were won by: Roushi, Crit, Wallace, Elaedria, Sparrow, Callum, Rayna, Rylee, Akila, the Ursa system, Eri, Varmie, Rain, Coati, Clownie, Ice, Con, Luna, Pittoo, and Akira! Congratulations to each of you.
What's Coming:
Ooh, something to look forward to?
★ — Our Gathering begins June 14th! You don't want to miss this... Something's amiss in ThunderClan, but outside of our ThunderClan members, no one yet knows what's happened...
★ — Our illness rolls are coming! What, you don't want your character to come down with some nasty bug? Well, it's optional, anyway. Maybe just stand on the sidelines and watch our medicine cats go to work.
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I’ve been heavily editing some ancient and terrible fan clans from middle school. The result is 4 clans based on US west coast biomes, representing 4 elements because I’m a basic bitch: Fireclan: chaparral- a coastal, dry scrubland that goes through fires every decade or so. Led by Foxstar (♀️ ) and Weaselfang (♂��) Earthclan: sequoias- all the giant trees, mountains, caves, etc. Led by Aspenstar (♀️ ) and Brackenshade (♀️) ((Part 1/2))
Rainclan: Oregon coast- cliffs, tide pools, beaches, and small forests, lots of storms/rain Led by Heronstar (♂️) and Kelpfur (♀️)  Breezeclan: grassland- similar to the Carrizo Plain, lots of flat areas of stone, sand, and grass, dried-up creeks, etc. Led by Beetlestar (♂️) and Nettlestrike (♂️)  Fireclan is southwest, Rainclan northwest, Breezeclan northeast, and Earthclan southeast, sharing borders accordingly            
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ratty-ratt · 4 years ago
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Heyo. I finished this piece on Sunday. But I had a lot of fun with it. Brackenshade(on the right) is twilightwhispers character on Instagram. Sagetail is mine.(on the left). It’s a little scene I drew from one of our rps. And so far I’m loving this development between the two.
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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almost forgot to post these today, but here's the artwork for the SplashClan years 7-8 video, moving onto years 9-10 next!
Lightstar - light brown-and-cream tom with amber eyes
Jellyfishspeckle - ginger speckled she-cat with heather-blue eyes and a spiked collar
Medicine Cat:
Thornheart - light brown tom with green eyes (apprentice, Sparrowpaw)
Thunderisle - white she-cat with brown-and-gray calico splotches with green eyes (apprentice, Littlepaw) Whitestrike - white spotted tom with long fur and bronze eyes Old Deuteronomyplume - spotted gray-and-whtie she-cat with green eyes Sparkstep - dark cream speckled tom with sage eyes Flitfoot - dark ginger tabby she-cat with cobalt eyes Sardinefuzz - gray rosetted tom with white markings and blue eyes (apprentice, Ravenpaw) Emberfreckle - dark ginger rosetted she-cat with silver eyes Scalefleck - gray-and-white rosetted tom with cobalt eyes Palmtree - white tom with gray eyes
Ravenpaw - ginger tom with a striped back and dark blue eyes (mentor, Sardinefuzz) Littlepaw - dark brown tabby tom with pale yellow eyes (mentor, Thunderisle) Sparrowpaw - dark gray, almost black, she-cat with cyan eyes (mentor, Thornheart)
Minkscratch - cream tabby tom with yellow eyes; missing a leg and his tail (father to Hushkit, Hailkit, Splashkit, and Chirpkit) Dropsun - black-and-white she-cat with emerald eyes (mother to Ripplekit and Thymekit)
Hushkit - golden rosetted tom with blue eyes Chirpkit - very dark gray bengal tom with gray eyes Hailkit - golden-and-white bengal tom with blue eyes Splashkit - golden tabby tom with pale blue eyes Ripplekit - black-and-white she-cat with pale blue eyes Thymekit - white she-cat with black-and-ginger tortoiseshell splotches and hazel eyes
Brackenshade - light brown tom with a striped back and cyan eyes
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Gannet was a rogue who was taken in and raised by an older cat named Mint after the death of her mother. They both decided to join the clans and Gannettalon was later chosen to become the leader of SplashClan, thanks to Mintshade’s guidance and teachings of self-preservation above all else. Leadership proved to be a challenging task for Gannetstar which led them into feeling lost.
To prove themselves, she became involved with a long-lasting conflict with HazeClan. The loss of her children, strained relationships with their clanmates, and pursuit of power took a toll on not just Gannetstar’s leadership, but their mind. Gannetstar’s time as leader was marked by war, the deaths of her family, the mistreatment of their own apprentices, and their own transformation into a ruthless and manipulative leader. Gannetstar ultimately died and joined the dark forest to scheme against the clans.
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Names: Gannetstar (leader name), Gannettalon (warrior name), Gannet (birth name)
Current Affiliation: The Dark Forest, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Demigirl (she/they)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 172 months at death (14 years; born 79 months before SplashClan's founding)
Nine Lives: Whorlnip (protection), Jaggedpath (clear judgement), Shrewkit (adventure), Snaptangle (sympathy), Leafpaw (mentoring), Unnamed elder (persitence), Speckletoe (unity), Vixenswoop (devotion), Mintshade (leadership through the darkest times)
Deputies: Brackenshade (months 0-91; retired), Lightspots (months 91-93; succeeded as leader)
Cause of Death(s):
Life One - died from a broken bone + various injuries recieved from a dog attack (month 84)
Life Two - bitten by a venomous snake (month 92)
Remaining Lives - succumbed to old age (month 93)
brown ticked tabby-and-white cat with long fur and eyes of sunlit ice; has a scarred tail from when Lightspots challenged her and a bite wound from a fight with a gray fox
Traits: Bloodthirsty and a good speaker (leader)
Role: Leader (formerly a warrior)
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Adoptive Mother and Mentor: Mintshade
Former Mates: Striker and Snapfern (broken up with both; became mates with Snapfern in month 47)
Kits: Tornrun, Icywhisker, and Jellyfishspeckle (with Striker; born in month 13) + Patchouliprickle (with Snapfern; born in month 67)
Apprentices: Sagepeak (months 0-6), Quietpaw (months 65-68), and Patchouliprickle (months 73-78)
Romantic Feelings: Snapfern and Lightstar
Platonic Love: Snapfern, Lightgale, Thunderisle, Brackenshade, Lightstar, Tornrun, Jellyfishspeckle
Admiration: Lightgale
Security: Snapfern, Brackenshade
Reliance: Brackenshade
Detailed Biography
Gannet was born as a rogue but doesn’t remember much from her early life, though they’re unsure if that’s because of how young she was of if she had unknowingly blocked the traumatic memories out. When Gannet was only a few months old, her mother died, leaving her all alone. She nearly died of starvation before she was found and rescued by an older rogue named Mint. Mint took her in and from then on raised them as if she was her own kit. Throughout Gannet’s life, Mint trained them to survive just as she had under the philosophy that “no other cats matter, protect yourself and only yourself.” 
Years later, after Gannet had already grown up, the two continued to live together for protection. Though they were better off together, things still weren’t perfect and winters were always harsh. During one winter they discovered the clan cats and decided to stick around for protection and easier food. As time passed they relalized that there was a clear leader for each of the four clans except for one, SplashClan. Mint and Gannet decided to step up, deciding to permanently join the clans as Mintshade and Gannettalon in hopes that they could take leadership of SplashClan themselves. Eventually, Mintshade’s age got the better of her and she stepped down to become an elder, advising Gannettalon from the side in order to have the best chance to become leader.
Eventually, the BloodClan-affiliated rogues were chased out and with Rootmask’s dying words he chose the new leaders of the four clans; Tawnystar of DeadClan, Curlstar of HeatherClan, Amberstar of HazeClan, and Gannetstar of SplashClan. Gannetstar went on to receive her nine lives, one of which being from Mintshade herself for “leadership through the darkest times.” They later elected Brackenshade as their deputy as he was a young but fierce and abrasive cat who would grant her the approval of her clanmates. He was also picked with a darker motive in mind, at the time he was the youngest warrior in the clan and clearly respected Gannetstar's judgement and authority as leader, meaning he wouldn't oppose her. Desperate for more approval from their clanmates, Gannetstar gave themselves an apprentice so she could appear as a responsible, rule-following leader. Sagepaw was the apprentice she chose but they didn’t do much work in training him aside from what was required of her due to her lack of care and how overwhelmed they were as leader initially. 
Gannetstar had only gotten where she was because of Mintshade’s guidance and without her, they felt as though they had no idea what they were doing. Many times they tried to reach out to StarClan to talk to Mintshade but she was cut off from StarClan due to them disaproving of her as leader. Gannetstar questioned her ability to lead the clan and needed something to prove her worth not only to her clanmates, but to herself. This eventually came in the long-running conflict between SplashClan and HazeClan. It started out small, as nothing more than a prey and border dispute but Amberstar’s anger towards the situation frustrated Gannetstar. She couldn’t understand the HazeClan leader’s anger and she felt the urge to take the situation into their own paws, killing Amberstar herself. Of course, this never ended up happening as she was too desperate to prove herself and gain the approval of her clan.
Thunderisle and her own apprentice, Sagepeak were made warriors however later this same month he died while out on patrol and ultimately Gannetstar never realized how much he wanted her to notice him. It was during this time when they met Striker, a rogue who had belonged to one of the BloodClan-affiliated rogue groups that had been occupying the clan territories before. She fell in love with Striker and the two began to secretly meet at SplashClan’s border. As time passed between them however, Gannetstar grew continuously bored of Striker as she found something more entertaining. In their dreams, Gannetstar began to visit the dark forest and would continue to train there throughout her life. 
In the end, Gannetstar found out they were expecting kits and cut off her relationship with Striker, abandoning him and telling him to never come back. Though she was excited to have kits, they didn’t like the idea of having to care for them for very long, hoping she could apprentice them at four months instead of six. Thankfully though, Brackenshade told her not to do that. Eventually, Gannetstar’s three kits were born, Tornkit, Icykit, and Jellyfishkit. She loved her kits but it was clear from the beginning that they were going to pick favorites. She spent more time with Jellyfishkit than the others and this did not go unnoticed by Tornkit and Icykit. 
Eventually, Gannetstar’s kits are apprenticed and she was able to leave the nursery but they were back to feeling terrible about leadership. She had been trained her entire life to only care about herself, to only put effort into making sure that she survives, and now she was alone in leading an entire clan of cats. She made her kits warriors way earlier than she should have and only two months later she learned terrible news. One day, her daughter, Jellyfishspeckle went on patrol but didn’t return. Jellyfishspeckle had been taken away by twolegs. Gannetstar, after having already been under a lot of stress, broke down as a result of their daughter being taken away. They encouraged fights on border patrols and even began picking fights with cats from her own clan. Lightspots at one point stepped up to confront her about this and she took to physically punishing him with the help of Snapfern, a cat who’s allegiance to not only SplashClan, but herself, she was questioning. The three cats were left injured by the fight but in the end Gannetstar felt as though they could trust Snapfern more. 
Gannetstar began to feel as if they were going crazy and she began to feel numb with pain, both from the loss of Jellyfishspeckle and her tail injury. Over the next few months she failed to recover, struggling to fight off the infection in their wound and this only worstened when her other daughter, Icywhisker, died as well. Though she recovered from her injury shortly afterward, she could harldy react to her daughter’s death due to her numbness. Months later, Gannetstar even repeated what she had done to Lightspots to Clovefreckle after he similarly spoke out against them, though thankfully it wasn’t as harsh. Gannetstar’s trust in their clanmates began to dwindle and she soon sought out Snapfern to spy on the cats of SplashClan for her. Eventually, her trust in Snapfern became so great that she confessed to Snapfern about their own romantic feelings towards her. Snapfern agreed, sharing Gannetstar’s feelings and the two became mates. 
Over the next few months, things between SplashClan and HazeClan became worse and worse and Gannetstar even began to ask the other clans to form an alliance but in the end, neither HeatherClan or DeadClan were willing to help. As tensions rose things only became worse for Gannetstar with the death of her son, Tornrun. Though she didn’t play favorites with Tornrun, preferring Jellyfishspeckle, Tornrun had been the only one of her kits that still remained in SplashClan. It was only a few months after this when finally, Jellyfishspeckle returned to SplashClan. Though Gannetstar should’ve been happy, they weren’t the same cat they were when Jellyfishspeckle had been taken away and apart of them began to blame their daughter for abandoning their clan in a time of need and felt as though she was cursed, somehow causing the deaths of Icywhisker and Tornrun just as she left the clan and returned. The pain of Tornrun’s death and Jellyfishspeckle’s return finally caused Gannetstar to break and officially declare war on HazeClan. The war lasted seven months and four cats died however SplashClan was the clear loser of the war. Ever since Gannetstar had been leader, they had been searching for the perfect opportunity to prove her worth as leader and in the end they failed, they failed terribly. 
During the war, Gannetstar decided to distract themselves by taking on their second apprentice, choosing the kit, Quietpaw for that position. Gannetstar was a bit more involved with Quietpaw’s training than she was with Sagepeak's since this time she had willingly taken him as an apprentice, but things ended up just as badly. Under Gannetstar’s training, Quietpaw was trained to exhaustion every single day and was hardly recognizable as his former self not long after becoming an apprentice. Similarly to Sagepeak, Quietpaw wanted to make Gannetstar proud of him and he would do anything to make that happen. At one point after the war had ended, a bunch of HazeClan apprentices began to bully Quietpaw from across the border. She encouraged Quietpaw to fight back, even if he was clearly outnumbered. Quietpaw made it out of this encounter, but was mildly hurt and Gannetstar praised him for this. Quietpaw’s apprenticeship came to a sudden end in leafbare. He was so painfully hungry from there being a lack of prey that he attemted to calm his hunger by eating some red berries he found, these ended up being death berries. Though Quietpaw died, Gannetstar didn’t seem to care much. 
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Before Quietpaw had died, her and Snapfern’s son, Patchoulitkit was born. When Gannetstar wasn’t too busy training Quietpaw, they would spend time with Snapfern as she was the only one who they felt could bring them comfort. As a result, Patchoulikit didn’t get to spend a lot of time with his parents and began to look up to and chase after Gannetstar for their attention. Gannetstar decided to mentor their son herself. Though the clan spoke out against this, Gannetstar didn’t care. They spent the most time and care training Patchoulipaw compared to Sagepeak and Quietpaw, influencing him to use violence over words and to make impulsive decisions. Just like she did with her previous kits, she made him a warrior early, granting him the name Patchouliprickle. He took after Gannetstar’s bloodthirsty nature but died too quick to acomplish anything. 
Patchouliprickle, Snapfern, and many other SplashClan cats disappeared into the night and wound up in StarClan, their cause of death unknown. Gannetstar was left devistated and broken by their loss. Only three months after this, Gannetstar lost her very first life to an injury they had recieved months prior from a dog attack. Shortly after, she decided to move on from Snapfern but in the end they never took another mate. Throughout the rest of their life, Gannetstar seemed to become more and more lost in their own mind and their previously shown agitation and aggression towards others, even in their own clan, grew and grew. She later lost her second life to a venomous snake bite before slowly beginning to lose her remaining seven lives to old age throughout the 93rd month of SplashClan’s existence. As they lay dying, Gannetstar laughed in her deputy, Lightspot’s face and told him-
“Hah! I’m glad you of all cats are becoming the next leader. There isn’t another fool alive who i’d be more willing to see cursed with the role of leader.”
Gannetstar, having already entered the Dark Forest in their life, was brought there in death and realized that she would’ve been able to influence the cats below. She began to scheme and soon figured out her plan. If they turned the young cats against the clans, she could turn them to her side, destroying SplashClan in the process and proving that all along the idea of ‘clans’ were cursed to fail. Ever since their death, they’ve reached out to many of SplashClan’s younger cats and brought them to train in the Dark Forest, some even becoming loyal to her already.
Fun Facts
Gannetflight was named after Gannetstar by her mother, Emberfreckle who's one of the most involved and loyal dark forest trainees.
Gannetstar's original in-game warrior name was Gannethorse but this was changed to Gannettalon later on since it made more sense and wasn't as goofy
Their favorite food is frog but they also liked rabbit and shrews
Their character song is Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
Gannetstar’s voice claim is Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil: Village (voiced by Maggie Robertson)
Dark Forest Events
The first cat Gannetstar influenced to begin training in the dark forest as Sparkstep. They contacted him in his dream only a month after she had died.
Gannetstar feels regret for some of their actions, though it's unclear which ones
Gannetstar considered walking in Old Deuteronomyplume's dreams but decided against it, realizing they wouldn't have accepted her proposal to train
From the dark forest, Gannetstar never contacted Lightstar but always kept an eye on him, smiling slyly how much he likely hated being leader at such an old age and how it was herself who put him there
They considered bringing Brackenshade's son, Brightsnap into the dark forest but decided against it, knowing Brackenshade had likely taught him too many negative things about Gannetstar to want to accept
Gannetstar indirectly killed Brightsnap, Rippletuft, Littlebat, and Sardinefuzz. She had instructed some of the HeatherClan dark forest trainnes to attack them on patrol in order to specifically kill Sardinefuzz, the current deputy of SplashClan so Emberfreckle, a prominent dark forest trainee could potentially be chosen as his replacement.
Gannetstar feels distain and malice towards Hailtorrent, a high ranking dark forest trainee from SplashClan becuase they believes that he has the capability to turn against her and completely destroy her plans
Throughout Snailshell's apprenticeship, Gannetstar continued to whisper in his ear as they couldn't fully walk in his dreams due to his connection to StarClan. In the end thankfully, he was able to block Gannetstar out.
Mudember, Emberfreckle's son was one of the cats Gannetstar had an eye on birth but in the end it's likely she was never able to contact him due to his stronger than average connection to StarClan.
Gannetstar had their eyes on Brackenshade's son, Laurelstep from kithood but it's unclear if he was ever reached out to
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havenpelt · 2 years ago
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aand here's the (late) set of drawings from year three of splashclan and here's the speedpaint if you'd like to watch it!
Gannetstar - long-furred brown-and-white ticked she-cat with eyes of sunlit eyes.
Brackenshade - light brown tom with a striped back and cyan eyes
Medicine Cats:
Lightgale - golden-brown tabby tom with sage eyes
Snapfern - gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes Lightspots - light brown-and-cream tom with amber eyes (father to Pumpkinkit, Hootkit, and Poolkit and mentor to Minkpaw) Weedspeckle - white she-cat with a light brown spot on her chest and bronze eyes Thunderisle - white she-cat with brown-and-gray calico splotches with green eyes Longpool - gray tabby tom with eyes of sunlit ice Tornrun - light brown-and-white tom with amber eyes
Clovepaw - golden brown begal-spotted tom with sage eyes (mentor: Thunderisle) Downpaw - ginger-and-black tortoiseshell she-cat with emerald eyes (mentor: Brackenshade) Gorgepaw - light brown tabby she-cat with sage eyes (mentor: Longpool) Curlpaw - white cat with brown markings and green eyes (mentor: Lightspots) Boughpaw - black-and-ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes (mentor: Snapfern) Dappledpaw - gray spotted tom with cobalt eyes (mentor: Tornrun)
Jadezinnia - light brown tom with emerald eyes
Outside the Clans
Jellyfishspeckle - ginger speckled she-cat with heather-blue eyes; taken away by twolegs
StarClan Cats
Icywhisker - brown-and-white she-cat with eyes of sunlit ice; died from a dog-inflicted tail injury
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Snap was born as a kittypet but found her way to the clans after being saved by Jadezinnia and Lightgale. She accepted the warrior name Snapfern and cared for a kitten named Longkit. She became Longpaw's mentor and went through a period of feeling lost but regained purpose when she helped punish her friend, Lightspots, alongside Gannetstar. She later became Gannetstar's mate and the two had a son named Patchoulikit
Snapfern felt disconnected from her son due to Gannetstar and they later took their son as an apprentice, causing extreme fear in Snapfern. She later retired to the elders den and realized the error in her ways, feeling the cost of seeking approval from Gannetstar. She later disappeared alongside many other SplashClan cats, joining StarClan.
General Information
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Names: Snapfern (clan name), Snap (birth name)
Current Affiliation: StarClan, formery belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former kittypet
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 144 months at death (12 years; born 63 months before SplashClan's founding)
Cause of Death: Unknown, mysteriously disappeared (month 81)
pale gray sokoke tabby she-cat with medium-length fur and amber eyes; has facial scars from when Gannetstar ordered her to punish Lightspots for speaking out
Traits: Calm and a good teacher (warrior and elder)
Role: Elder (formerly a queen and a warrior)
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Former Mate: Gannetstar (became mates in month 47)
Son: Patchouliprickle (with Gannetstar; born in month 67)
Apprentices: Longpool (months 5-13), Icywhisker (months 19-25), Boughdawn (months 32-40), and Scorchpaw (months 65-74)
Romantic Feelings: Gannetstar and Lightstar
Platonic Love: Longpool, Gannestar, Weedspeckle, Lightgale, Jadezinnia, Brackenshade, Lightstar
Admiration: Lightgale
Security: Weedspeckle
Reliance: Gannetstar, Weedspeckle
Detailed Biography
Snap was born as a kittypet and for a good while spent her life as just that and never thought to be anything else. She spent her days lounging around outside and chatting with the other neighborhood kittypets until one day she was chased by a dog away from her home. In the end she escaped by running up a tree but she was badly hurt by the dog and was too scared to return home. After wandering for a while, she was found unconscious by Jadezinnia who brought her to the other future clan cats. The cats most skilled in healing were failing to save her until Gale arrived. Gale, later renamed Lightgale, had extensive knowledge of herbs and was able to find what Snap needed in order for her to recover. It was because of this that she felt like she had to stay and help out in order to thank him and everyone else for saving her life.
She spent the next few months recovering from her injuries, certain that she would return to her twolegs until a little kit was found by the clan cats. The kit was named Longkit and since he was being taken care of in the temporary clan medicine den he was raised right alongside her. As Longkit got older, Lightgale decided to task Snap with caring for the kits since she was well enough to walk around now. Though she liked caring for the two older kits, Thunderkit and Sagekit, she felt a bigger connection between her and Longkit.
After the BloodClan-affiliated rogues were driven out of the territories, Snap was conflicted. A part of her longed to return home to her twolegs but another part of her wanted her to stay and take care of Longkit. In the end, Longkit was able to win her over and she decided to stick around and become a SplashClan warrior. She accepted the warrior name Snapfern and adjusted to warrior life relatively well. Though not the most skilled cat in the clan, she was competent and was able to contribute just as much as everyone else did. Eventually when Longkit was nearly old enough to become an apprentice, Snapfern approached Gannetstar and Brackenshade about getting to mentor him herself and thankfully the two agreed to let her mentor him. 
It was in the fifth month of SplashClan’s existence when Longpaw was apprenticed to her. Overall her time as his mentor went by without too many issues and throughout it all they remained pretty close. The only problem was early on in his apprenticeship, Snapfern dislocated her leg by slipping on a wet rock but she was thankfully able to recover quickly and Longpaw’s training wasn’t halted by her injury. Soon enough, Longpool became a warrior and Snapfern felt as though the one thing keeping her in the clan didn’t need her anymore. Longpool had grown up and could survive without her being there, so what was the point?
She felt alone. Though she had friends she only trusted Jadezinnia enough to talk to and confide in. Lightspots was incredibly friendly and a great companion who she loved dearly but he wasn’t exactly the type of cat she’d want to approach about her problems, and Longpool of course was her apprentice and she never saw it as appropriate to go to him. Lastly, Brackenshade and Lightgale were just as friendly and trustworthy as Jadezinnia but the thing stopping her from going to them was their closeness to Gannetstar. At one point, Gannetstar had overheard one of her conversations with Jadezinnia and hadn’t been overly receptive towards the idea of Snapfern being uncertain about clanlife. 
To keep her in the clan, Gannetstar gave her another apprentice. Icypaw, Gannetstar’s own daughter was chosen and overall their relationship as mentor and apprentice wasn’t as easy as it had been with Longpool. Icypaw’s childish nature as an apprentice led to her being hard to give orders to and she was incredibly unreceptive towards Snapfern’s teaching. In the end, they didn’t end up hating each other thankfully. Icywhisker became a warrior and began to feel fond towards her former mentor, even picking up some small manerisms and quirks from her.
Though things have ended positively with Icywhisker, she was right back to where she was before, feeling as though she had no purpose. She tried her best to continue living as a warrior but as the months went by it became harder and harder for her to do so. She tried to help her clanmates in overcoming their own struggles but nothing was making her want to stick around. One day, Lightspots stood up to Gannetstar during a clan meeting and told them that their leadership was causing conflict in not only SplashClan but with their neighboring clans, HeatherClan and HazeClan. Gannetstar took this as a challenge and decided to punish him herself, but not alone. She ordered Snapfern to help her punish him and she complied, desperate for anything at all to give her a purpose. Gannetstar and Snapfern physically punished Lightspots in front of the clan but all three in the end were injured with Snapfern reciving facial scars from the fight.
Snapfern felt terrible for hurting her dear friend but she felt conflicted. Gannetstar noticed her and gave her a purpose. How was she supposed to leave now? In the following few months, she felt more at home in SplashClan than she ever had, even if for a good chunk of this time she was stuck in the medicine den recovering from her injuries. Gannetstar’s daughter, Icywhisker had just died and her other daughter, Jellyfishspeckle had recently been taken away by twolegs and Snapfern felt the need to be there for her and comfort her, bringing the two clanmates closer than they had ever been before. The month after she recovered she recieved her third apprentice, Boughpaw. Overall, she and Boughpaw didn’t have an overly close relationship but at the same time the two respected each other and she watched proudly when Boughdawn became a warrior, happy to have been the one to train her. It was during this time when Gannetstar gave Snapfern a job, a job that no other cat in the clan had. Snapfern was to eavesdrop on the cats of SplashClan and report back to Gannetstar her findings. Tornrun, Thunderisle, Jadezinnia, and Longpool were the first cats she was instructed to spy on and throughout the whole job she felt incredibly guilty, but at the same time she felt as thought she couldn’t give up this opportunity, not after she was so desperate for a proper place and role in SplashClan’s society. 
It was after this when Gannetstar approached Snapfern and asked her if they could be mates. Snapfern was shocked by their question but accepted the offer without question, she had feelings for Gannetstar but she would’ve never thought Gannetstar would reciprocate. She spent the next few months incredibly happy, just wanting to experience clan life and help her friends until something terrible happened. Longpool died as a result of a broken jaw. Snapfern was heartbroken. Longpool was her apprentice and one of her closest companions and as a result she fell into a deep period of mourning. Though she was able to eventually get back on her feet and get back to work it wasn’t long after when she realized she was expecting kits. It was around this time that she also recieved her fourth apprentice, Scorchpaw, though she was unable to spend much time mentoring him herself.
Her and Gannetstar’s only son, Patchoulikit was born. She felt so happy. As Patchoulikit grew and grew she couldn’t help but see the similarities between him and Longpool however she was unable to care for him as much as she should have been. Gannetstar had broken down as a result of SplashClan’s failures in their war with HazeClan and Snapfern, as their mate, felt like it needed to be her to comfort them. As a result, Snapfern ended up spending more time with Gannetstar than her own son. Eventually, Patchoulipaw was apprenticed and Snapfern felt comforted knowing that there were so many responsible warriors in the clan who were willing to mentor him; however not a single one of them received him as their apprentice. Gannetstar took it upon herself to be Patchoulipaw’s mentor. The clan was furious at her decision but Snapfern felt differently. She wasn’t angry or frustrated with Gannetstar, she was terrified for Patchoulipaw. Gannetstar had two apprentices before, Sagepeak and Quietpaw and they both died incredibly young. Snapfern feared that her own son would meet the same fate. As a result of her stress and growing age, she decided to retire to the elders den.
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Patchoulipaw grew and grew, inheriting Gannetstar’s bloodthirsty nature and Snapfern could no longer see Longpool’s sweet, loving personality in him. Patchouliprickle was made a warrior earlier than he should and this act made Snapfern realize what a terrible mistake she had made. She felt more drawn to Gannetstar’s approval and attention than Lightspots, who loved her just as much and would’ve certainly cared for her even more. She had ignored him and now it was too late. She had found her place in the clan, but at what cost?
Only three months after Patchouliprickle was made a warrior, Snapfern disappeared into the night alongside many other cats of SplashClan, her son included. Though her cause of death is unknown, she went to StarClan.
Game Events
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There may be some minor adjustments/changes made from the game events/in-game timeline in order to make the story more interesting or make more sense
Month 0: Snapfern is a SplashClan warrior. She's calm and a good teacher. She spends time basking in the sun.
Month 2: She gets a runny nose but gets over it quickly and later gets assigned to a hunting patrol.
Month 3: She takes the time to line her nest with lavender.
Month 4: She's feeling quite lazy. She is later there to see Weedspeckle be taken away while on a patrol with Thunderpaw and Brackenshade.
Month 5: Snapfern gets her first apprentice, Longpaw. She later spends time decorating her nest.
Month 6: She slipped on a rock and discloated her leg. Regardless of her injury she goes to reinforce the camp with brambles.
Month 7: She recovers from her dislocated leg and plans to go and visit the medicine den.
Month 12: Snapfern got a splinter in her paw while climbing a tree but Lightgale was able to pull it out later.
Month 13: Longpool, Snapfern's apprentice, is now a warrior.
Month 14: She gets a stomach ache but it goes away quickly. SHe later rethinks her life choices.
Month 15: Snapfern slips on some rocks but luckily doesn't get hurt. She later wonders what Gannetstar is doing.
Month 19: Snapfern gets her second apprentice, Icypaw. Snapfern later catches a huge rabbit.
Month 24: She fell out of a tree while climbing but was only bruised. She remembers simpler days with fondness.
Month 25: Icywhisker, Snapfern's apprentice, is now a warrior. Her bruises have healed and she spends time sparring with some clanmates
Month 29: Lightspots challenges Gannetstar who orders Snapfern to help her punish him. All the cats involved end up injured but Gannetstar feels like she can trust Snapfern more. She wonders how Dappledkit is doing
Month 32: Snapfern recives her third apprentice, Boughpaw.
Month 33: Snapfern recovered from her injury but her face will forever be marked by a scar. She tries to set a good example for the younget cats.
Month 40: Snapfern watches with pride as her apprentice, Boughdawn is named a warrior. She's happy to have trained such a wonderful young cat.
Month 47: Snapfern and Gannetstar see each other in a different light and decide to become mates.
Month 57: Her first apprentice, Longpool, dies from a broken jaw and she begins greiving his death.
Month 60: She recovered from her greif. She later gets scraped up while on patrol with Gannetstar and Curlrise when they stumbled across a fox.
Month 61: Her scrapes are gone. She wishes she was still in her nest sleeping.
Month 65: Snapfern announces that she's expecting kits. She gets roped into playing mossball with the apperntices.
Month 66: She moves into the nursery to prepare for her and Gannetstar's kits. She eavesdrops on Lightgale
Month 67: Snapfern gives birth to a single kit who she names Patchoulikit. She wonders if Longpool is doing well in StarClan.
Month 70: She recovers from giving birth. She's a bit cross with Poolkit. Snapfern later mourns the death of her friend, Jadezinnia.
Month 73: Snapfern will always feel greif towards Jadezinnia, but it's softened for now. She thinks she's going crazy. Her son, Patchoulipaw, is apprenticed to Gannetstar.
Month 74: She slipped on some rocks and twisted her paw. Snapfern basks in the sun
Month 75: She's been very resistant to retiring, but the aches and pains of aging have made her realize she can't delay the inevitable. Snapfern officially becomes an elder. She doesn't like how times have changed since she was young
Month 76: Her sprain has healed. She's being pestered by flies.
Month 81: Snapfern goes missing in the SplashClan mass disappearance.
Fun Facts
Brightsnap, Brackenshade and Lightstar's son, was named after Snapfern
Her favorite foods are mice and voles
She loved decorating her nest with lavender, partially so her nest would look pretty and partially so she herself would smell nice
Snapfern's character song is "WASTE" by Kxllswxtch
Her voice claim is The Woman from Centaurworld (voiced by Lea Salonga)
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Lightgale was born as Gale, a wandering rogue skilled in herbs who used his knowledge to trade for protection and food. He met Jade, a new clan cat, and their friendship grew into love. Lightgale became SplashClan’s first medicine cat and went on to have kits with Jadezinnia. Despite challenges they were a happy family. Lightgale later had a vision warning against future conflict with HazeClan but Gannetstar didn’t heed his warning which resulted in a terrible war. 
Lightgale and Jadezinnia had a second litter and their son, Thornheart trained to become a medicine cat like him. Tragedy struck with the deaths of Jadezinnia of old age and the deaths of all but two of their remaining kits as a result of poisoned prey. Lightgale mourned deeply but continued his duties as a healer. He considered moving on and finding new love after Jadezinnia’s death but never did as he mysteriously disappeared alongside many other SplashClan cats not long after his death.
General Information
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Names: Lightgale (clan name), Gale (rogue name)
Current Affiliation: StarClan, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 139 months at death (11 years; born 58 months before SplashClan's founding)
Cause of Death: Unknown, mysteriously disappeared (month 81)
golden mackerel tabby tom with medium-length fur and sage eyes
Traits: Compassionate and an eloquent speaker (elder-aged), loving and an excellent speaker (younger)
Role: Medicine Cat
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Mate: Jadezinnia (became mates in month 3)
Kits: Clovefreckle, Downface, and Gorgeflight (first litter with Jadezinnia; born in month 25) + Tidalwave, Thornheart, and Algaefreckle (second litter with Jadezinnia; born in month 59)
Grandkits: Scorchpaw, Quietpaw, Sparkstep, Rippleheart, Minkscratch, and Bushpaw (through Clovefreckle) + Streakpaw, Octopussplash, Crestedpaw, Fumblestreak, Lightheart, and Meadowwater (through Thornheart)
Great-Grandkits: Littlebat (adopted; through Sparkstep) + Hushkit, Chirpspeck, Hailtorrent, Splashpaw, Snailpaw, Frostyfur, and Leopardkit (through Minkscratch)
Great-Great Grandkits: Scalekit and Lotuspaw (through Littlebat)
Apprentice: Thornheart (months 65-76)
Romantic Feelings: Jadezinnia and Brackenshade
Platonic Love: Snapfern, Weedspeckle, Jadezinnia, Brackenshade, Downface, and Thornheart
Admiration: Jadezinnia, Brackenshade, and Lightstar
Security: Jadezinnia
Reliance: Lightstar
Detailed Biography
Gale was once a wandering rogue who traded his way through life thanks to his knowledge of herbs. He was never skilled in hunting or fighting and so he was able to use his knowledge to trade for protection, shelter, and food from other rogues or loners he stumbled across. One day, he met the cats who lived at the horseplace and began to stay there in exchange for healing and it was there when he met Jade. Beside the horseplace was the temporary camp for the new clan cats and Jade often came by the horseplace to hunt mice, meaning it wasn’t long till they bumped into each other. The two became close friends right away thanks to Jade’s inviting and friendly demeanor. Though initially, Gale had no intentions of joining the clans things changed when Jade arrived at the horseplace in a frantic manner.
Jade had found and rescued an injured cat named Snap and none of the cats currently in the clans could figure out how to help her. Though there were already three medicine cats in the clans, none of the herbs they were using worked. Gale rushed to help Snap and was able to figure out the specific herb she needed, saving her life. After this, he stuck around to keep an eye on Snap and make sure she was recovering well enough. He eventually realized that even after Snap had recovered he was still needed and he decided to stick around, accepting the name Lightgale, becoming a medicine cat, and joining SplashClan once the rogues were officially driven out.
Lightgale was incredibly happy once his life in the clans began and it became clear to him very quickly that he was able to connect to and interact with StarClan, making him the perfect medicine cat SplashClan needed. It wasn’t long after the clans officially began when things changed between him and Jadezinnia. The two no longer saw each other as friends and they realized how much they really loved each other, deciding to become mates. The two spent a lot of time with each other but that did result in Jadezinnia spending more of his time with Lightgale than doing his warrior duties. Though he had already proven his worth as a healer and had a connection to StarClan, StarClan was very silent towards SplashClan, causing some inner conflict for Lightgale. Aside from that though, Lightgale was still very happy and content with the life he had with Jadezinnia, even if his mate was a tad lazy and tended to slack off on warriors duties.
Eventually, Lightgale and Jadezinnia had their first litter of kits together, who they named Clovekit, Downkit, and Gorgekit. He loved getting to be a father with Jadezinnia but the birth of his kits caused a lot of stress on him. He now had to juggle his tasks as the clan’s sole healer with caring for his kits with Jadezinnia and on top of all of that, Jadezinnia had recently received a nasty leg injury that was struggling to fully heal. For months Jadezinnia fought through infection and Lightgale questioned his own healing abilities, even traveling to the other clans, desperate for any advice to help his mate. Thankfully, in the end Jadezinnia was alright but his injured back leg would never work properly again, though this didn’t bother him, especially not when he had recently retired to the elders' den.
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Lightgale and Jadezinnia’s kits were later apprenticed and with Jadezinnia being an elder, a good chunk of Lightgale’s stress was gone. He no longer had to worry about his mate skipping his tasks to spend time with him and his kits were grown up enough that he didn’t need to be constantly watching over them but he still made sure they were close. Clovefreckle, Downface, and Gorgeflight were eventually made warriors but tragedy struck when Gorgeflight drowned in a flood while on patrol. Their family was devastated by the loss but Lightgale refused to let his grief consume him. He stuck to his herb organizing, refusing to let himself even for a moment fall into depression but he broke when his daughter, Downface, was taken away by twolegs only a few months later. He was unable to keep his emotions back any longer and fell into a lengthy state of grief but thankfully, Downface was able to return to SplashClan unharmed a few months later. 
His recent stress over his kits, his mate, and the loss of Gorgeflight made him realize how overworked he really felt and he began to keep a close watch on the kits of the clan, hoping that maybe one of them could be a potential medicine cat apprentice. It was after this when he suddenly recieved an omen, the first omen StarClan had ever sent to him. In his dream he watched as a group of faceless cats attacked and tore down a beaver dam, only to be washed away by the flood once the dam broke. The message was clear, if SplashClan continued to antagonize and aggrivate HazeClan it could lead to their demise. No matter how many times he tried to tell Gannetstar about his vision, her faith in StarClan was already horribly low and they refused to acknowledge his vision as true. In the end, SplashClan went to war against HazeClan and lost pitifully. Though SplashClan wasn’t destroyed, the war resulted in the deaths of many cats, even long after the war's end. 
Eventually, Lightgale and Jadezinnia were able to have a second litter of kits who they named Tidalkit, Thornkit, and Algaekit. Though a tad older, his new litter of kits were born the same month as his son, Clovefreckle’s litter, allowing for the nine kits to grow up together which also gave him an opportunity to watch for a potential medicine cat apprentice. His eyes were initially on Minkkit who was less interested in fighting and typical clan life and was often curiously investigating the medicine den. It was clear Minkkit wanted to be a medicine cat but during the HazeClan war, Minkkit was left behind in camp during a battle and had to be rescued by Orangefreckle. As a result of this, Orangefreckle died which led to Minkkit becoming traumatized by the event and extremely squeamish when it came to physical injuries, meaning he dropped all hopes of becoming a medicine cat. Strangely, there was another kit who had hopes of being a medicine cat that Lightgale had unknowingly glossed over, his own son, Thornkit. Before Thornkit was apprenticed he asked his father if he could train under him as a medicine cat to which he of course accepted. 
He was initially skeptical of Thornpaw, thinking that he only took the position out of pity for him since Minkpaw passed up the position, but it was clear he was devoted to the job and his skepecism quickly passed. Similarly to Lightgale, Thornpaw developed an incredible knowledge for herbs but aside from that was lacking in everything else. His connection to StarClan was faint and his daring and charismatic personality led to him not being the most patient and gentle of medicine cats, even growing cold as a result of his annoyance towards his patients. Regardless of that, Thornheart recieved his full name and was still honored for his skill in healing and his integrety.  
Before Thornheart received his full name however, multiple tragedies struck not just their family, but SplashClan as a whole. Firstly, Jadezinnia died as a result of old age, causing Lightgale to deeply mourn for his lost mate. Only a few months after that many cats in SplashClan died as a result of eating poisoned fish from the river and his kits, Clovefreckle, Downface, and Algaefreckle were among the deceased. He was unable to pull himself together and Downface’s death caused him the most pain. She had such a bright future ahead of her and he had always imagined her someday becoming deputy and now she would be unable to achieve anything she had dreamed of. After their vigils, Lightgale returned to his nest and sobbed to the point his throat went raw. In the end, he was thankfully able to keep working even just a little bit and helped Thunderisle pick herself up from the grief she was experiencing over her son, Curlrise’s death. 
In the following months, he decided that it might be best for him to move on from Jadezinnia. He didn’t want to linger on the past and his grief and decided that if he ever found it, he would accept love from someone else. In the end however, the opportunity for him to find a second love never came as only a few months later Lightgale was a casualty in the mass disappearance of many of SplashClan’s cats.
Fun Facts
Lightheart, Lightgale's grandson through Thornheart is named after him
If Quietpaw, his grandson through Clovefreckle, lived to become a warrior, his name would've been Quietgale in honor of him
Lightgale was the 33rd cat to die and join SplashClan
His favorite food is rabbit
He's currently the SplashClan cat (along with Jadezinnia) to have the most decendants
His voice claim is Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (voiced by Michael J. Fox)
StarClan Events
He once sent an omen of things to come to Brackenshade
After his death, Lightgale followed the growth of Thunderisle
Though he died young, Lightgale was proud of Jaykit for trying to fight through his greencough
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Weedspeckle is one of SplashClan's founding members. She was born as Winnie, a former rogue, who joined SplashClan seeking companionship. She later became a warrior after being trained by Lightspots but was taken away by twolegs not long after. Thankfully, she was able to escape a month later thanks to the help of the StarClan Guide, Mintshade who guided her back to SplashClan and upon her return her faith and connection with StarClan grew.
Though she developed a close bond and some small romantic feelings towards Thunderisle she became mates with Brackenshade. She felt overlooked by Gannetstar as she had yet to have an apprentice but Brackenshade helped her get one, that being Whitepaw. Brackenshade left briefly after they got together which caused Weedspeckle to question their relationship but she later forgave him. She later recieved her second apprentice, Sparkpaw and had a litter of kits with Brackenshade; Nutkit, Brokenkit, and Icekit. Later, Weedspeckle disappeared alongside many SplashClan cats but she ended up in StarClan.
General Information
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Names: Weedspeckle (granted upon becoming a warrior), Weedpaw (apprentice name), Winnie (birth name)
Current Affiliation: StarClan, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 89 months at death (7 years; born 8 months before SplashClan's founding)
Cause of Death: Unknown, mysteriously disappeared (month 81)
white she-cat with a patch of light brown rosetted fur on her chest, long fur, and bronze eyes
Traits: Patient, heart of gold, strong connection to StarClan, compassionate (warrior) + altruistic (apprentice)
Role: Warrior (formerly a queen and a warrior apprentice)
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Mate: Brackenshade (became mates in month 39)
Kits: Nutpaw, Brokenpaw, and Icestripe (with Brackenshade; born in month 72)
Mentor: Lightspots (months 0-3)
Apprentices: Whitestar (months 40-47) and Sparkstep (month 65-71)
Romantic Feelings: Longpool (crush), Thunderisle (crush), and Brackenshade
Platonic Love: Snapfern, Lightgale, Brackenshade, Lightspots, Nutpaw, Brokenpaw, and Icestripe
Admiration: Lightgale
Security: Snapfern and Brackenshade
Detailed Biography
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Winnie was born as a rogue but when she became six months old she was sent off on her own alongside her littermates however none of them stuck together. Thankfully for Winnie, shortly after she stumbled across the clans and decided to stick around as she hoped she would make friends. She was granted the name Weedpaw and was apprenticed to the warrior Lightspots. Initially, Weedpaw felt very underappreciated and insecure and felt as though she had no real companions even though she decided to become a clan cat in the first place for a sense of companionship. Three months into her training she was made a warrior by Gannetstar who named her Weedspeckle and honored her for her heart of gold.
As a warrior, she was compitent at her jobs, going out on patrol, guarding the camp, and helping reinforce the nursery with brambles. One day she went out on patrol with Brackenshade, Snapfern, and Thunderpaw and was caught in a twoleg trap that lay hidden in the sand of the beach. Frantically, she tried to escape but was taken away by twolegs before she was able to. Her time being in possession of the twolegs was terrifying but thankfully she was able to escape, running as far away as she could. Though she was able to get away from the twolegs she was left with a new problem, she was all alone and had no idea how to get home. It was then in her dreams when Mintshade came to her and gave her a message, "To find home you must follow the setting sun.'' Upon following the message, Weedspeckle stumbled across the ocean meaning that if she walked north she would eventually find SplashClan's camp! Weedspeckle returned to SplashClan a month after her capture, safe and sound.
Upon returning home, she reflected on her time away from SplashClan and realized what she really joined SplashClan for. She didn't care if she had friends, she joined SplashClan because she didn't want to be alone and here in the clans she would never be. Additionally, Weedspeckle's faith in StarClan grew a lot after she recieved a message from Mintshade and she became one of the more faithful cats in the clan. She grew closer to her former denmate, Thunderisle during this time and the two became very close friends and even developed some romantic feelings towards each other, though neither would act on this. At one point during winter, the two even started a snowball fight while guarding the camp entrance and by the end of it the entirety of SplashClan had joined in. It was times like these where she felt extra thankful to StarClan for helping her return home.
Weedspeckle was one of the many SplashClan cats who disliked Gannetstar. She hated her leadership but there was one decision she made that she agreed with, Brackenshade being elected deputy. Weedspeckle greatly appreciated Brackenshade and she found him to be a very kind and responsible guy. Not only that, but like many cats in the clan Weedspeckle had romantic feelings for him. While most cats who were crushing on Brackenshade did so becuase he was the attractive, strong deputy of the clan, Weedspeckle did so because she appreciated him for who he truly was. Brackenshade on the surface was a serious, tough tom-cat but on the inside he was soft and kind. He enjoyed telling terrible jokes and Weedspeckle seemed to always be the only one laughing at them and it got to the point that he would specifically tell jokes aimed at her. The two grew closer and he opened up about his own insecurities as deputy and she wished she could take all his burdens away. Eventually, Weedspeckle and Brackenshade told each other how they felt and became mates.
It was during this time when Weedspeckle had realized she hadn't recieved a single apprentice in her entire time as a warrior. Many cats in the clan had even gotten multiple at this point and yet Gannetstar continued to pass over her. She confronted Gannetstar about this and Brackenshade stepped in to deescilate the situation and promised her that she would get an apprentice the next possible chance they could. Brackenshade of course kept his promise and Weedspeckle became the mentor to Whitepaw, Thunderisle's adopted son, shortly after. She felt incredibly thankful to Brackenshade for what he had done for her Weedspeckle and Brackenshade spent the next few months getting to know each other until suddenly... he dissappeared. Thankfully he wasn't gone forever but he returned with another cat alongside him, a former kittypet he had found named Jumble who became a SplashClan warrior named Jumbledapple. Brackenshade explained to Weedspeckle that he was under so much pressure as deputy that he needed some time away and happened to come across Jumbledapple. Weedspeckle believed him but she was hurt, why hadn't he even told her he was leaving before he left?
She began to rethink her life. Were her and Brackenshade really meant to be? Her concerns grew and grew until one day she was swept out to sea by a tide. She was thankfully rescued by the patrol she was on but was stuck in the medicine den recovering for multiple months. Brackenshade came to visit her every single day and this made her realize how much he really cared for her. He apologized profusely for leaving and promised he'd do anything to make things better. Weedspeckle loved Brackenshade too much to refuse his apology and the two continued their relationship, just as happy as they had been before. Weedspeckle throughout it all was still jealous of Jumbledapple but she knew that she hadn't done anything wrong and kept her feelings to herself. Even though Weedspeckle had spent a good chunk of Whitepaw's training in the medicine den, he appreciated her as a mentor and had somehow picked up on her strong connection to StarClan. Whitestrike recieved his warrior name the same month that Weedspeckle had fully recovered from the water in her lungs. Though the two weren't very close, the two liked and respected aech other.
A while after this, Weedspeckle caught whitecough during an outbreak and as the months progressed her sickness only got worse. First becoming greencough, then becoming yellowcough. Thankfully though, she was able to fully recover. It wasn't long after her recovery when she recieved her second apprentice, Sparkpaw. Unlike her relationship with Whitestrike, she and Sparkpaw grew very fond of each other through his apprenticeship. Towards the end of Sparkpaw's apprenticeship she learned news that she couldn't have been more excited to hear. She and Brackenshade were expecing kits. She had decided fairly recently that she had wanted to have kittens and she could hardly believe that this was going to be a reality.
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Sparkstep recieved his warrior name which allowed for Weedspeckle to head to the nursery to prepare for her litter. She felt so incredibly happy and Brackenshade of course shared this feeling. It was when Weedspeckle was 71 months old that her three kits were born and together with Brackenshade they named them Nutkit, Brokenkit, and Icekit. Raising her kits with Brackenshade allowed for Weedspeckle to feel a way she had never felt before, she felt so delighted by every little thing in life. Eventually Nutpaw, Brokenpaw, and Icepaw were apprenticed however it was only three months after that when something bizarre happened. Weedspeckle alongside a large portion of the cats of SplashClan disappeared one night without a trace. Weedspeckle ended up in StarClan afterward but to this day it's a mystery as to what happened.
Game Events
There may be some minor adjustments/changes made from the game events/in-game timeline in order to make the story more interesting or make more sense
Month 0: Weedpaw is an eight month old SplashClan apprentice, currently being trained by Lightspots.
Fun Facts
Weedspeckle's favorite food are frogs
Timberspeckle, one of Brackenshade's daughters with Lightstar, is named after her
She was the 25th SplashClan cat to die and join StarClan
Weedspeckle's character song is "Pure As The Driven Snow" from The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Her voice claim is Cotton Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (voiced by Cherami Leigh)
Originally Weedspeckle was planned to have been the one to take down Gannetstar or succeed her as leader due to her thinking she was part of a prophecy. In the end however, I interpreted this as her being given a prophecy by Mintshade that allowed her to return back to SplashClan after she had been taken away by twolegs
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Longpool is one of the founding members of SplashClan, having been discovered as a kitten beside his deceased mother. Longkit was quiet but curious but he was able to break out of his shell thanks to Snapfern, a warrior he grew close with who later became his mentor. When he became a warrior, Longpool gained a sense of confidence, grew into an even better teacher than Snapfern, and had a longing for companionship.
Despite his friendly and playful nature, Longpool desperately wanted a mate and kits as he craved being able to have the family he didn't have in his youth. He went onto mentor his first apprentice, Tornpaw and started a relationship with a she-cat from HazeClan but ultimately this led to heartbreak. He dropped his attempts to start a relationship, instead focusing on his warrior duties and enjoying time with the clan's kits.
Longpool wasn't an exceptional warrior in terms of strength or speed but he was widely known for his friendliness. Sadly, he broke his jaw in an accident while on patrol and later died from the injury, joining StarClan.
General Information
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Names: Longpool (warrior name), Longpaw (apprentice name), Longkit (birth name; named by clan cats after being found)
Current Affiliation: StarClan, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 58 months at death (4 years; born 1 month before SplashClan's founding)
Cause of Death: Broken jaw (recieved injury in month 53, later died in month 57)
gray tabby tom with long fur and eyes of sunlit ice
Traits: Determined and a great teacher (warrior) + playful (apprentice and warrior) + quiet (kitten)
Role: Warrior (formerly a warrior apprentice and kit)
non familal relationships will only be listed if the in-game relationship bar is more than half-way full (when it turns green or red), the only exception is with romantic feelings which will always be written down regardless of how big they are
Mother: Unknown rogue, died in childbirth
Mentor: Snapfern (months 5-13)
Apprentices: Tornrun (months 19-25) and Gorgeflight (months 31-37)
Nursery Denmates: Thunderisle and Sagepeak (months -6-0)
Apprentice Denmates: Sagepeak and Thunderisle (months 5-6)
Former Mate: Tempesthollow (months 19-26; seperated)
Romantic Feelings: Thunderisle, Brackenshade, Weedspeckle, and Clovefreckle
Detailed Biography
Longkit was found by the new clan cats beside his mother. Based on what they had found, it seemed like his mother had died in childbirth and Longkit was her sole surviving kitten. He was taken in and named Longkit after his lanky body type and features. A month after he was discovered was when the clan cats began to settle into their groups officially and Longkit was the second cat to decide to join SplashClan, following after the much older Sagekit.
As a kit growing up in SplashClan, he was highly inquisitive but due to a lack of confidence he was quiet and even suffered painful stomach aches as a result of his high anxiety. Snapfern, a former kittypet had accepted the job of caring and spending time with him, grew a close relationship with him through his kithood. When he was able to be brave enough to speak, his true playful nature would show. By the time he was six months old, he was able to grow into the playful cat SplashClan knew him to be.
He was apprenticed to Snapfern, who requested that she be his mentor herself, and this decision made Longpaw so excited he nearly tripped over his own paws running over to her at his ceremony. Though he was excited to finally be an apprentice his training was hard. In terms of his skill, Longpaw knew how to do a lot of things but he was never the best at any of them which led to him struggling, but not falling behind, during his training. Regardless of all of this, he really felt like his bond with Snapfern was growing and growing.
Three months into his apprenticeship, Longpaw caught whitecough but thankfully was able to recover within the same month. Normally this would excite someone but instead Longpaw was disapointed as he wanted more time to avoid his work and sleep in his nest. It was after this when he began to feel tired of being an apprentice but he didn't complain too much and by the end of his apprenticeship he felt rather satistfied with how his life had gone up until now.
When Longpaw was thirteen months old, he finally became a warrior. Gannetstar named him Longpool and honored him for his determination, being able to complete his training on time despite his struggles. Now a warrior, he displayed a newfound sense of confidence that nobody had seen from him before. He became more energetic, fierce, and even talked about wanting to someday fight in a real battle. Regardless of all of this, he began to realize how truly lonely he felt. Seeing Gannetstar have kits as well as Lightgale and Jadezinnia's own litter made him understand that what he wanted was a family.
He later recieved his first apprentice, Gannetstar's son, Tornpaw. Though he was able to teach Tornpaw to be a great warrior he was unintentionally distant. The reason for this was that he had met a she-cat from HazeClan named Tempesthollow and had begun a relationship with her. The two would meet frequently and he'd always bring Tornpaw to patrol the border with him, hoping to see her.
While he was mentoring Tornpaw he was pulled out to sea by a strong tide and was thankfully rescued by the patrol he was on. He was in the medicine den for two months and by the time he recovered Tornpaw was nearly done with his training, having been trained by another warrior in this time and Tornpaw had begun to intentionally avoid Longpool. Longpool felt incredibly thankful to Lightgale for his treatment and spent that month helping gather herbs as he was annoyed and frustrated with Tornpaw avoiding him.
Tornrun was made a warrior when Longpool was 25 months old and regardless of the negative thoughts he had towards him he was proud of his apprentice. He was also happy to finally be able to get back to seeing Tempesthollow. However the next time he saw her she was meeting with Thunderisle. Tempesthollow confessed to having been also seeing Thunderisle and being the mother of Thunderisle's unborn kits (thank you to Cody_Wolf1 on youtube for this idea!). Longpool was incredibly hurt by this and stormed off alongside Thunderisle.
Longpool tried to shift his attention back to performing his warrior duties but he wasn't able to keep up or be as 'useful' as he wanted to be. The anxiety he suffered when he was a kit began to act up again and it only calmed down once Thunderisle's kits were born. Instead of Longpool and Thunderisle hating each other for the circumstances they had been in , they became good friends. He began to spend a large amount of time in the nursery, playing with Thunderisle's kits and watching them whenever Thunderisle wasn't around. It's because of this that he seemed to always have a horde of kittens trailing after him since not only did he gain the affection of Thunderisle's litter but of Jadezinnia and Lightgale's as well. Throughout all of his Longpool began to develop feelings for Thunderisle but he knew that she wasn't going to reciprocate them, so he never told her how he felt.
Around this time he was nearly bitten by a snake while leaving the nursery but Jadezinnia leaped from his nest and tossed the snake out of camp, saving him. He continued to spend time in the nursery all throughout Clovekit, Downkit, Gorgekit, Clovekit, Boughkit, and Dappledkit's time in the nursery to the point that he was chosen to be one of their mentors. Though he would've prefered to mentor one of Thunderisle's kit's he was happy to receive Gorgepaw, Lightgale and Jadezinnia's daughter as his second apprentice.
He was incredibly thankful to be able to mentor Gorgepaw as he knew he had failed terribly while training Tornrun and he also considered this an extended thanks for his past medical treatment he recieved from Lightgale. Longpool knew he was a good teacher and he wanted to prove to the clan that this was true. His training of Gorgepaw went smoothly with nothing overly interesting happening. Outside of his job as a mentor, Longpool began to think more about his romantic feelings for the SplashClan deputy, Brackenshade. Knowing that nothing was going to happen between him and Thunderisle allowed him to get closer to Brackenshade and in this case the deputy even reciprocated his feelings, but neither confessed to the other.
Eventually, Gorgeflight recieved her warrior name and Longpool was very proud of her. On Gorgeflight's first patrol as a warrior however, she drowned in a flash flood that Longpool unfortunately was there to witness. Her death caused his anxiety induced stomach aches to return but thanks to Lightgale's treatment he was able to recover from both the shock of witnessing his apprentice's death but also the anxiety. To thank Lightgale for all the healing he's done for Longpool over the years he began to frequently help him collect herbs.
Moving forward, Longpool continued being the best warrior he could be but overall not much happened with him. While on patrol with Brackenshade and Tornrun one day, he fell into a collapsing sand dune and broke his jaw. Initially it seemed like he was going to recover as his energy and upbeat attitude were still high. However as time went on things got worse for him, resulting in him succumbing to his injury four months later and going to StarClan.
Game Events
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There may be some minor adjustments/changes made from the game events/in-game timeline in order to make the story more interesting or make more sense
Month 0: Longkit is a 1 month old quiet kitten. He's learing all he can about Mintshade
Month 1: He gets a stomachache and wonders how Snapfern is doing
Month 2: He gets over his stomachache and goes to look around camp
Month 5: Longpaw is apprenticed to Snapfern. He nearly trips over his own paws running over to her due to how excited he is before the two of them touch noses. He's now playful but later has a hard day.
Month 6: He thinks he's really bonding with his mentor, Snapfern
Month 8: He catches whitecough but gets over it quickly. He wishes he was still in his nest sleeping
Month 13: Longpool is made a warrior and he's honored for his determination. He later spends time sharpening his claws
Month 15: He wants to have kits
Month 19: Longpool gets his first apprentice, Tornpaw and is curious about the other clans.
Month 20 and 21: He caught scent of an enemy warrior earlier
Month 22: Longpool was pulled out to sea by a tide and was rescued but has been hacking up water ever since. He starts making up song and is encouraging others to join in
Month 24: He recovered from the water in his lungs. He helps to gather herbs
Month 29: Longpool was nearly bitten by a snake but was saved by Jadezinnia who threw it out of camp before it could bite him. He somehow always has a gaggle of kits following him around
Month 31: He recieves his second apprentice, Gorgepaw. He wonders how Brackenshade is doing
Month 33 and 34: He has the apprentices engaged in a very, very tall tale
Month 37: Longpool has a stomach ache. He has the apprentices engaged in a very, very tall tale. His former apprentice, Gorgeflight dies on patrol
Month 38: He no longer has a stomach ache. He wonders how Thunderisle is doing
Month 41: Longpool has heat exhaustion. He later spars with some clanmates
Month 43: he recovered from heat exhaustion. he helps to escort Lightgale to gather herbs
Month 53: He runs after a colorful beetle. While on patrol with Brackenshade and Tornrun he breaks his jaw in an accident
Month 57: He died due to his broken jaw
Fun Facts
His favorite foods are vole and mice
He was the sixth SplashClan cat to die and join StarClan
His theme song is “Somebody to Love” by Queen
His voice claim is Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact (voiced by Max Mittelman)
Poolpaw may have been partially named after him by her father, Lightstar
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splashclan-clangen · 1 year ago
This is a blog dedicated to documenting the stories and characters from my ClanGen game, SplashClan!
The four clans once lived in peace until BloodClan came, forcing them to flee their home. While they found a home, new territories beside a lake, fighting soon began amongst the clans and starvation caused the clans to die out. Years passed and a decendant of the old clan cats, Rootmask, discovers that the lake is being occupied by groups of BloodClan-affiliated rogues. Angered that his ancestor's home is being taken over once again by BloodClan, he decides to fight back by reforming the clans. In the end, DeadClan, HeatherClan, HazeClan and SplashClan were formed and the BloodClan-affiliated rogues were driven out.
Here's a link to all the character bios and a list of the order the bios will be posted in! (may contain spoilers for future characters and name changes)
Old Deuteronomyplume
Hocus Pocus
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