#casapound italia
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lounesdarbois · 1 year ago
Pour les Français qui aiment la France et pour nos amis Italiens.
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leparolecreanomondi · 1 year ago
Donne, il problema non è il patriarcato, siete voi che siete femmine
“Anche se voi vi credete assolti siete lo stesso coinvolti” Amiche e amici, come state? Io bene, mi è solo andato del maschilismo tossico nell’occhio. Ormai, è una settimana che cerco di cominciare un cz di post senza portarlo avanti perché la nervatura, ovvero il coinvolgimento emotivo, è assai. Prendo, faccio, ma poi ricomincio daccapo, come quando non mi viene la pasta per la pizza. Siccome…
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jloisse · 1 year ago
« Israël opprime, affame, confisque et tue sur cette terre depuis 70 ans et ce sont les Palestiniens qui seraient les terroristes.
Israël utilise du phosphore blanc et ce sont les Palestiniens qui se rendent coupables d'horreurs.
Israël rétablit ses relations avec les
Saoudiens (qui ne sont pas des terroristes), financiers et instigateurs moraux des égorgeurs de Syrie, seule nation à avoir combattu le terrorisme au Moyen-Orient et qu'Israël a lui-même bombardée.
Israël finance également les Birmans et leur nettoyage ethnique du peuple Karen, juste pour que rien ne vous échappe.
Restez dans votre ignorance et votre indifférence mais faites-le en silence s'il vous plaît. »
Message posté sur Instagram par le leader et chanteur du groupe italien Bronson, proche de Casapound Italia.
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nando161mando · 2 months ago
Des antifascistes ont combattu aujourd'hui les forces de l'ordre anti-émeute dans l'escalier du Pincio à Bologne, en Italie, lors d'une marche contre les groupes CasaPound et Rete dei patrioti qui organisaient une manifestation dans le quartier.
🇬🇧 Antifascists fought riot cops on the Pincio staircase in Bologna, Italy today during a march against the CasaPound and Rete dei patrioti groups who were holding a demo in the area.
🇮🇹 Oggi gli antifascisti si sono scontrati con la polizia antisommossa sulla scalinata del Pincio a Bologna, durante una marcia contro i gruppi CasaPound e Rete dei patrioti che stavano tenendo una manifestazione nella zona.
🇪🇦 Los antifascistas se enfrentaron a la policía antidisturbios en la escalera Pincio en Bolonia, Italia, hoy durante una marcha contra los grupos CasaPound y Rete dei patrioti que estaban realizando una manifestación en la zona.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Roma, saluti romani alla commemorazione della strage di Acca Larentia: il caso finisce in Aula
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Roma, saluti romani alla commemorazione della strage di Acca Larentia: il caso finisce in Aula. L'adunata con saluto romano avvenuta domenica nel corso dell'anniversario della strage di Acca Larenzia finirà sotto la lente d’ingrandimento dei magistrati della Procura di Roma. Il 7 gennaio del 1978 i tre militanti del Fronte della Gioventù Franco Bigonzetti, Francesco Ciavatta e Stefano Recchioni furono uccisi davanti alla sede del Movimento Sociale Italiano nello stesso luogo dove domenica pomeriggio si sono dati appuntamento centinaia di militanti di estrema destra che hanno omaggiato le tre vittime con il saluto fascista e il grido «presente». A piazzale Clodio è attesa una prima informativa da parte della Digos, che verrà inviata nei prossimi giorni: gli agenti della Questura stanno vagliando le riprese effettuate dalla Polizia Scientifica per indentificare i partecipanti davanti all’ex sede del Msi. I magistrati dovranno valutare se procedere con la formale apertura di un fascicolo di indagine. Sempre in Procura arriverà una denuncia del M5S, un’iniziativa per chiedere agli inquirenti di accertare se quanto avvenuto domenica, immortalato in video e foto diventati in poche ore virali sui social, rientri nel reato di apologia del fascismo così come previsto dalla legge Scelba. L'esposto dei cinquestelle potrebbe quindi finire, eventualmente, nel fascicolo già aperto dai magistrati capitolini che potrebbero sollecitare l'acquisizione dei video. Il Pd, sulla scia della segretaria Elly Schlein, condanna compatto, senza se e senza ma, quanto accaduto. «Il saluto romano, fatto in occasione del ricordo di Acca Larentia, è esso stesso simbolo di morte, violenza e sopraffazione. Per questo dovrebbe essere condannato in primo luogo dalle forze politiche. Tutte. Chi non lo fa è complice», così l’ex segretario Nicola Zingaretti. «Presenteremo un’interrogazione al ministro Piantedosi - ha aggiunge Schlein -. Quel che è accaduto non è accettabile. Le organizzazioni neofasciste vanno sciolte, come dice la Costituzione». Anche Angelo Bonelli annuncia un'interrogazione urgente: “Siamo indignati e non capiamo come sia stato possibile che si sia permessa questa sceneggiata fascista”, scrive in una nota il co-portavoce di Europa Verde e deputato di Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra. Indignato anche il leader di Azione, Carlo Calenda: «Questa è una vergogna inaccettabile in una democrazia europea». Condanna duramente l'episodio anche Forza Italia, che si esprime attraverso le dichiarazioni del vicepresidente della Camera, Giorgio Mulè: «Le immagini parlano da sole. E non c'è possibilità di sbagliarsi: si tratta di un episodio da condannare senza se e senza ma». Ha preso le distanze da quanto accaduto anche il vicepresidente della Camera ed esponente di FdI, Fabio Rampelli: «Fratelli d'Italia non c'entra nulla, noi non partecipiamo a quel tipo di manifestazione. Ne abbiamo fatte due alternative, perché non rinunciamo al ricordo di tre ragazzi barbaramente uccisi 46 anni fa, in buon ordine, senza esibizioni di nessun tipo. Chi non è in malafede può constatare la distanza fra questo nostro modo e quelle manifestazioni a cui non partecipiamo perché non le condividiamo, non è il nostro stile, non è la nostra filosofia, siamo lontani anni luce». Victor Fadlun, presidente della comunità ebraica di Roma, si è espresso così in merito all’episodio: «Il saluto romano è un insulto e un oltraggio inaccettabile, in particolare alla memoria di tutte le vittime del nazi-fascismo - osserva -. Per noi ebrei di Roma, quel gesto, per il suo valore simbolico, è come versare sale sulle nostre ferite, significa lutti e sofferenze che si rinnovano attraverso le generazioni. È un controsenso ritenere che possa essere un omaggio adeguato a una commemorazione». CasaPound ha dichiarato in una nota: “Non ci interessa entrare nel solito rancido dibattito. A chi ci chiede un'opinione rispondiamo semplicemente come sia possibile che dopo 46 anni Franco Francesco e Stefano siano ancora senza giustizia. Dovrebbe chiederselo anche chi in queste ore sta gettando fango e nella propria bassezza dovrebbe vergognarsi. Le interrogazioni parlamentari, le polemiche, le richieste di identificazione e questo misero teatrino non potranno fermare il ricordo ed ogni 7 gennaio saremo in quel piazzale”.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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natsync6 · 1 year ago
Why did so many communists collaborate with fascists, and still do?
Throughout history, communists have collaborated and praised individual fascists and fascist movements.
The future communist leader palmiro togliatti wrote to his comrade gramsci in moscow that "the industrial classes are rather wary of the new regime, fearing unpredictable developments in the class struggle with fascist syndicates" (harrison, simon, 1996, 'togliatti’s letters to gramsci')
Communists like bombacci and pavolini joined the national fascist party of italy, bombacci toured the factories, one after another, promoting socialization.
One of the founding members of the comintern, henri guilbeaux, commented that mussolini was an "authentic, revolutionary heir to lenin".
In 1922, lenin transmitted the following secret instructions to foreign commissar georgy chicherin: "start a highly circumspect flirtation with italy immediately."
Why would lenin, one of the greatest communists ever, do this?
A senior soviet diplomat named vatslav vorovsky met with mussolini in november 1922, at this meeting, mussolini expressed his confidence in the stability of the bolshevik system.
Why would he invite mussolini and why would il duce praise the soviet system if they were, it's said, so ideologically different?
In november 1922, yuri steklov authored an izvestia article which praised the political pragmatism of mussolini.
Why would he do this?
In 1934, stalin noted publicly that fascism does not preclude the soviet union from having “the best relationship” (наилучшие отношения) with italy, this was in his speech, celebrating the first anniversary of the 'treaty on friendship, non-aggression and neutrality' between mussolini’s italy and stalin’s soviet union.
Why would stalin say this, if he's the one who "defeated" fascism?
A movement known as the european solidarity front for syria unites numerous political groups from across europe to defend bashar al-assad against imperialism and in september 2012, led by ouday ramadan, there was a visit by stefano de simone and giovanni feola, leaders of the fascist movement casapound italia, as well as fernando rossi, an ex-senator from the italian communist party, who sought to close ranks with the fascist movement in italy because of his support for gaddafi and subsequently for assad.
Why would they unite, to defend bashar al-assad's government, if they're said to be so different ideologically?
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kritere · 1 year ago
Arrestati 21 militanti di Casapound all’aeroporto di Atene: in Grecia per un raduno di estrema destra
DIRETTA TV 1 Novembre 2023 Ventuno militanti di Casapound sono stati arrestati all’aeroporto di Atene. Erano in Grecia per partecipare a un evento organizzato per commemorare due giovani esponenti del movimento ultranazionalista ellenico “Alba Dorata” assassinati nel 2013. 59 CONDIVISIONI Ventuno militanti di Casapound Italia, tra cui il presidente del movimento, Gianluca Iannone, sono stati…
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Ventuno militanti di CasaPound arrestati all'aeroporto di Atene
AGI – Ventuno militanti di CasaPound Italia, tra cui il presidente del movimento, Gianluca Iannone, sono stati arrestati all’aeroporto internazionale di Atene ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’. Avrebbero dovuto partecipare a un evento paneuropeo organizzato per commemorare Manolis Kapellonis e Yorgos Fundulis, due giovani esponenti di “Alba Dorata” (il movimento ultranazionalista ellenico sciolto tre anni…
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vintagebiker43 · 2 years ago
A Velletri vince una coalizione formata da Fardelli di Taglia e da Casapound.
In fondo, da uno che definisce Bin Salman il rinascimento arabo che ti puoi aspettare.
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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510) CasaPound Italia, CPI, CasaPound, "House of Ezra Pound", “Dom Ezry Pounda” - włoski ruch narodowo-rewolucyjny i neofaszystowski, założony 27 grudnia 2003 roku przez Gianluca Iannone, wokalistę Zetazeroalfa, będącego oficjalnym zespołem muzycznym ruchu. W nocy z 26 na 27 grudnia 2003 roku grupa włoskich działaczy nacjonalistycznych pod wodzą Gianluca Iannone zajęła sześciopiętrową kamienicę przy Via Napoleone III w Rzymie, w której następnie założyli skłot pod nazwą CasaPound, nazwany tak na cześć amerykańskiego poety i przyjaciela Mussoliniego, Ezry Pounda. W budynku zostały zorganizowane mieszkania dla ponad 20 rodzin, ponadto powstała sala konferencyjna, studio nagrań, biblioteka oraz siłownia. Pod wpływem aktywności grupy idee organizowania niezależnych nacjonalistycznych centrów kulturalnych w opuszczonych budynkach stały się inspiracją do podobnych działań na terenie całych Włoch. Po nieudanej próbie współpracy z partią Ruch Socjalny – Trójkolorowy Płomień, w czerwcu 2008 roku dokonano oficjalnej rejestracji ruchu jako stowarzyszenie CasaPound Italia. Liczba członków wynosi około 4 tysiące. Ruch CasaPound odrzuca rasizm oraz islamofobię, powołując się przy tym m.in. na autorytet Mussoliniego. Jego członkowie są określani jako „faszyści trzeciego millenium”. Przywódca CasaPound określa wprost swoje ugrupowanie jako faszystowskie. Ruch prowadzi aktywną działalność społeczną – poza udostępnianiem mieszkań dla włoskich rodzin, działacze CasaPound organizowali m.in. misje humanitarne do Birmy z pomocą dla Karenów, czy Kenii. Swą pomoc oferują również sierotom oraz samotnym matkom, prowadzą kampanię prorodzinną pod hasłem „Tempo di essere Madri” (wł. Czas być matką), linię telefoniczną z darmowymi poradami prawnymi (Dillo to CasaPound – powiedz to CasaPound), radio internetowe „Radio Bandiera Nera” (Radio Czarna Flaga). Ponadto działacze CPI prowadzą liczne księgarnie i strony internetow. Z inicjatywy CasaPound powstało wiele klubów sportowych z różnych dziedzin. Są to m.in. drużyny piłki nożnej, rugby, hokeja czy nawet spadochroniarskie, a także klub wypraw górskich „La Muvra” i klub motocyklowy „Scudere 7punto1”. CPI łącznie posiada na terenie Włoch 4 skłoty. Działacze stowarzyszenia prowadzą również działalność polityczną, m.in. w 2016 roku zdobyli trzy mandaty do rady miejskiej Bolzano. CasaPound posługuje się symbolem stylizowanego żółwia z motywem czterech strzał zwróconych grotami do środka na skorupie. Żółw symbolizuje główny postulat ruchu, tj. prawo każdej włoskiej rodziny do posiadania własnego domu, zaś strzały - wspólną pracę na rzecz społeczeństwa. Młodzieżówka CasaPound, Blocco Studentesco używa znaku błyskawicy wpisanej w okrąg, symbolu Brytyjskiej Unii Faszystów. CPI współpracuje m.in. z Narodowym Odrodzeniem Polski oraz Niklotem.
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mariuskalander · 2 years ago
RT @CasaPoundItalia: Gigantografie in tutta Italia, CasaPound Italia onora la memoria di Dmytro Yakovets https://t.co/zHxQc1ZCok
— Mario Calandra (@MariusKalander) Feb 9, 2023
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vincentreproches · 2 years ago
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You say Yes, i say No
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voxrepulsori · 7 years ago
Acca Larentia, 2018
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curiositasmundi · 1 year ago
Oltre a mentire sulle buste paga, la signora ha cercato di vantarsi delle sue inutili leggi contro i rave party, giurando che «nell’ultimo anno non c’è stato neanche un rave party illegale in Italia». Peccato non sia vero. E risulta falso il suo dire che «ci sono ogni giorno notizie di centinaia di milioni di truffe realizzate grazie al Superbonus», premesso che la signora prometteva il suo supporto ai superbonus durante la sua campagna elettorale. E quando dice che «abbiamo anche modificato la legge sugli sgomberi e introdotto il principio che la polizia può sgomberare l’immobile illegalmente occupato immediatamente, senza attendere la convalida del giudice che si può ottenere successivamente», la signora meloni da per certo un provvedimento che non è ancora stato approvato definitivamente. E non ha ancora detto quanto intende sfrattare CasaPound.
Ci stupiamo? No.
E' una bugiarda, ma non dico nulla di nuovo.
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interregnum-intermarium · 6 years ago
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From Acca Larentia to Deputy Premier Salvini: CasaPound's Merit?
January 7, 2019 the most famous Italian right-wing movement, CasaPound Italia, once again performed an honorable role of the recognized guardian of the Acca Larentia annual rite bridging the struggle of Italian nationalists in the Years of Lead to their modern successors' activities.
In far 1978, on this day happened a terror attack on activists of Youth Front of The Italian Social Movement, which was carried out by leftist extremists around their headquarters. Two of them, Franco Bigonzetti, aged 20, and Francesco Ciavatta, only 18 years old, died on spot of gunshot wounds. Third member, 19-year-old Stefano Recchioni, was killed by a policeman (who has never been charged with murder) during the riots in the aftermath of the attack.
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A plaque at the site, which reads "Murdered by communist hatred and the servants of the state," sums up pretty well a huge blow dealt to the leftist mantra about the unspoken alliance between "cops and fascists, dogs of the regime" as a result of this event. However, Acca Larentia marches have become an all-Italian sacramental rite only thanks to the organization capacities and spirit of CasaPound Italia which annually gathers the participants not only from all over Italy but also the entire world.
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This time, supporters from France, Quebec, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Czech Republic, Greece and many other countries arrived to Rome to join the powerful Italian "Presente!" choir in response to triple "Onore ai camerati caduti!" (Honour to fallen comrades) chant. Some countries were even represented by several movements (Der III. Weg and identitarians from Germany, National Corps and Karpatska Sich from Ukraine). Again, thanks to the international fame of CasaPound Italia, the authentic headquarters of Youth Front with well-preserved nationalist-themed graffiti from the 70-s, at which the ceremony took place, has turned into a genuine shrine of the paneuropean political resistance.
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The party and the movement of CasaPound Italia has always been in the center of attention of European nationalists, identitarians, third positionists and those on the alternative Right. Since recently, Italy has hit the headlines as a Western European country where the right-populist forces in the person of Matteo Salvini decisively came to power.
One may only speculate about the real relation between Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and CasaPound Italia. Although CPI and Lega Nord did enter the tactical alliance, and in the not so distant past Salvini could be spotted at the events of CasaPound Italia, this connection is more obvious, and more interesting, in another sense.
It is widely known that Matteo Salvini came to power on the wave of the refugee and economic crisis in the EU. However, previously, he was far more obsessed with the separatist scenario for Northern Italy, quickly dropping this program and renaming the party as simply "Lega" on the eve of 2018 election. Mainstream media often mentioned another major winner in the election, The Five Star Movement co-founded by a former Italian comedian Beppe Grillo, as a coalition political force sharing and reinforcing The League's euroscepticism. At the same time, the real pioneers of the anti-EU politics in Italy, CasaPound, remained in the shadow.
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In this respect, the post-election situation in Italy largely resembles the immediate political results of the Maidan revolution in Ukraine. Nationalists heading and organizing street protests in revolutionary Ukraine should unequivocally be credited for overthrowing Yanukovych's regime, yet the power was usurped by the "patriotic" liberal opposition constantly booed by the national revolutionaries. It is true that influence and opportunities of the nationalist movement in Ukraine significantly increased, but the price for this transformation was the takeover of the populist patriotic agenda by the liberals and even pre-revolutionary oligarchs who try to marginalize real historical agents by other means.
Depending on the perspective, many either spread rumors about fake Ukrainian nationalists backed up by the government, either label Ukraine a country run by Neo-Nazis. Both extremes are false and reflect the complex process of entering the next phase of the incomplete revolution when the nationalist subject alters its strategy while striving for power on the surface.
Returning to the Italian case, all main political slogans which brought popular sympathies to Salvini were put forward by CasaPound Italia: "Italy First!", which was previously considered "fascist," firmly replaced Salvini's separatist threats; an anti-refugee stance of CPI, which once attacked a refugee center inhabitants of which caused trouble for the locals, is overshadowed by fresh news about the migrant rescue boats rejected by a new security expert Salvini; spectacular anti-EU rallies of CPI members, who were taking down the EU flags from the administrative buildings while wearing masks painted in national colors of Italy and carrying the ropes around their necks, have become an official Italian policy.
These parallels were confirmed and highlighted by Alberto "Zippo" Palladino, CasaPound's longtime member and foreign correspondent, during his speech at the Second Paneuropa conference in Kyiv on October 15, 2018.
Simultaneously, the Italian side of this comparison also sheds light on the possible changes in the political course of the current Ukrainian authorities, for the populist promises of Salvini were not lasting. Soon enough, he assured the world that he was against "Italexit," preparing to operate within Steve Bannon's alliance of right-populist forces of Europe.
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Another recent political move by Salvini is more praiseworthy: during his January trip to Poland, he suggested PiS, the ruling Polish party, to replace the dominant "Germany-France" axis in the EU with a new geopolitical axis, "Italy-Poland," thus making a long-anticipated Western European response to the Intermarium geopolitical initiative. In this respect, Salvini's inconsistency when it comes to the seeming departure from pro-Putin policies, or at least refraining from apparent pro-Kremlin lobbyism, was very timely.
Italian Premier Conte's refusal to veto the prolongation of Russia sanctions, as suggested by Salvini, and the arrest of Italian mercenaries fighting alongside Putin-backed invaders in Donbas in August 2018, when Salvini has already become Interior Minister, was a clear warning to him that this agenda was not as popular among the Italians as fiscal independence from the EU. Poland, which was ready to implement new sanctions against Russia in response to the crisis in the Sea of Azov, as well as withdrew problematic "Ukraine nationalists" provision from the recent "Law on the Institute of National Remembrance," will hardly tolerate pro-Putin sympathies of a possible Italian ally.
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