adreamingsongbird · 6 years
AU where viktor and/or yuuri have wings?👀
cary im laughing youre so predictable ilu
viktor is a boy from a city above the clouds - he’s a morning star, he dances with the rising sun and floats on the currents, soaring and laughing and tumbling and playing.
yuuri is the astronomer’s pupil who lives on a cliff by the sea, lonesome and ever-looking up to the sky.
a storm blows in, and viktor strayed too far from home to make it back safely.
he falls, he falls, he falls -
in the night, as the waves pound against the shore, yuuri hears a voice crying in the distance...
...and so he dons his cloak and hurries out into the sheets of rain as the lighthouse to the south sends beams out into the darkness, and he runs. someone is out there, someone needs help.
viktor’s wing has been twisted sharply by the wind and he can’t fly, not when it pains him like this, and he’s never been down to the surface before and oh, holy shit there’s a boy in front of him with a cloak and a basket and an enchanted lantern, coming this way, and he cries out again, a desperate help me! into the wind. the rain masks his tears.
yuuri never expected to find a boy from the sky on the cliffs by the sea, but he says nothing of the wings even though his eyes remain wide as he helps viktor back to the observatory.
yuuri dithers, unsure and fretting. “um...”“what?” viktor finally looks up.“for... your, um. your wing. do i call a doctor, or, uh, a veterinarian?”
viktor stays in the observatory as his wing heals, and the astronomer, an austere but loving woman named minako, is kind to him, in her own ways. he doesn’t know how he will ever repay either of them.
he’s never let anyone outside his family touch his wings before, but...
but yuuri is so gentle, and his touch so tender...
and viktor finds himself falling again, in a completely new way.
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nikiforoov · 6 years
@belovedstill replied to your post “hey a small question, can people find my blog through search? because...”
for me your blog doesn't show up when I search for it :c it only shows when I start typing it but when I hit enter, nope. wow.
@cary-onmywaywardson replied to your post “@atesan replied to your post “hey a small question, can people find...”
in that case, no. only shows up while i'm typing, not when i press enter.
@atesan replied to your post
ah, if i have to press enter to see the results, then i don't see your blog. DX i also don't see my popular posts under my profile when i hover it, although it occasionally re-appears randomly. tunglr is weird.
i decided to search my url and i'm not there as well. are we shadowbanned together?
okay so it seems to be the same for everyone then :/ and zue i can’t see you in the results either, only in the suggestions adjkfhjkdhfa welcome to the Shadowbanned (lite) Club, we have the best parties :’D
oh and lmao now the two text posts i just made about this are showing up as my most popular posts ahahaha, probably because they’re text posts?
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postingpebbles · 6 years
🌹 :)
caryyyy hello hi i lowkey reblogged this from you so i could give you a compliment wow funny how things work like that huh ;) but ahhh anyway i actually adore you, you’re sweet, kind, funny, and just so many good and soft things wrapped into one person. i’m thankful everyday for you and for you bringing me fully into the yoi fandom bc meeting you and everyone has definitely brought so much love and light into my life and did i mention i love you? bc i do. i lov u c’:
also your writing makes me feel so many things??? who gave u the right to be so good and talented omg i’m actually in love with everything you do and your drive and passion is incredible, and i’m so excited to binge all your fics in the future ahhhhhhh
—mutuals send me a “🌹” and i’ll give you a compliment!
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bardtits · 6 years
cary-onmywaywardson replied to your post “hermann gottlieb……sure do love that funky little mathematician”
Me: it's 3am and j have a final tomorrow but I feel the need to open tumblr Me: oh I sensed love for my son
me: it’s 3am and i need to finish writing two more pages for this final 
me: i must post love about my son
more confirmation we’re the same person, cary
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stammiviktor · 6 years
You already know I adore your writing and want links immediately if/when you write more kidfic, I just wanted to pop in for fic writer appreciation day and tell you that I love you/your fics and keep up the hard work!!! You rock 💖💖
ahhh Cary this is so sweet, thank you so much!! I feel very appreciated
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jumpforjo · 6 years
I'VE ONLY READ 2 OF YOUR SHORT FICS BUT I PROMISE IT COUNTS BC I KNOW ALL OF YOUR FICS ARE GOOD - hi jo happy fic writer appreciate day 💖 to someone super cute and super talented who somehow is my favorite trope soulmate. your fics ive read are adorable snd I can't wait to read the rest and I love hearing all of your ideas
your fics have brought me so SO much joy and i feels so blessed to know you every day
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linneakou · 6 years
Before the beginning 👀👀👀 LOVE YOU AND YOUR GORGEOUS WRITING 😘
BEFORE THE BEGINNING — three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
Find the meme here!
Hmmm, let’s see…
Viktor Nikiforov’s biggest mission in life before the eclipse was to get his composing mojo back, because his younger cousins have been bugging him for skating music. Problem is, he was not inspired at all. And as we all know, lack of inspiration equals artistic death…
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thehobbem · 6 years
Ahh, happy birthday!! Have a great day! 💖💖🎉🎉
CARY!!! Thank you so, so much, you beautiful soul!!! (°◡°♡)
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lyefish · 7 years
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Entry for the 2017 @yoi-shit-bang for the wonderful fic Call of the Wild by thishasbeencary (aka @yoyoplisetsky on tumblr)
It has truly been a magnificent journey!
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keithkogangel · 7 years
Voltron according to someone who has never watched Voltron
So I asked my friend @cary-onmywaywardson who does not watch Voltron a few questions to see what she knows about the show based on tumblr. This is what I got.
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What is the show called?
What do the characters pilot?
Ok, but what is the spaceship made up of?
No, they’re an animal. What animal?
Name: Keith
Current lion color: red
Weapon: a sword
Age: 16
“He has small eyes”
Name: Keith
Current lion color: blue (“They traded clothes”)
(About Keith and Lance) “I think Kari ships them”
Weapon: laser gun
Parentage: “I don’t know. Them?” (points to Allura and Coran) “Well I guess they’re not the right colors. Wait, what color are his eyes? (sees that they’re purple) Well I guess that doesn’t work.
Human or Alien: “Human….even though his eyes are purple.”
Age: 16
Name: “Kei...Lance”
Human or Alien: Human
“He’s got a good nose”
Lion color: Yellow
Weapon: machete
Age: 17
Name: “Well it’s not Keith”
Gender: girl
“She looks like a squirrel”
Lion color: green
Weapon: laser gun
“You’ve gotta have a balanced team of swords, machetes, and laser guns.”
So Pidge has her own mission. What is it?
“To save space from that guy” (points to Coran) “His mustache is suspicious.”
Age: 16
Name: “See I wanna say sheith but I think that’s a ship name.” (10 minutes later) “Oh maybe he’s Lance” (points to Lance) (15 minutes later) “I’m gonna say Shane.”
Lion Color: “Well he’s wearing black so I’m gonna go with red.”
Weapon: The spaceship
Before the show started, he knew one of them. Which one?
“Probably Keith. I feel like everything is about Keith.”
Age: 18
Name: Allura (does a victory dance)
“Does she always wear her hair like that? I don’t like her bangs.”
Human or Alien: “I’m gonna go with alien cuz her ears are pointy.”
Does she pilot a lion? “Yeah she has one of those blue bracelets.”
Color: Pink
Lion Color: Pink
Status: Queen
Weapon: Sword
Age: 200
Species: Paladin
Name: “No idea but he looks like a good Larry” “Larry can also be a Kevin”
Human or alien: “Alien cuz he has pointy ears”
Does he have a lion?: No
“Does he have a monocle?”
“What is he king?”
Age: 300
Species: Paladin.
Name: “He’s kinda like a rock. Dwayne?”
Alien species: Rock….Paladin (“Wait doesn’t that have something to do with Keith?”)
He used to pilot one of the lions. Which one? The red lion.
Status: King….Emperor
Name: “She looks like a witch. I’m gonna call her Erictho.” (#classicsmajor)
Alien species: witch/paladin
Did she pilot anything? No
Status: witch
Name: James
“He looks like the witch”
“Do people ship him with Keith?”
Status: Alien...Prince
“He’s probably that girl’s brother. Not pigeon.” (She was referring to Allura)
“Is the witch their mom? Is the Rock their dad??”
Species: Alien/paladin
“He’s Keith’s friend. Or maybe he’s just the Rock. Whose eyes glow? The Rock’s.”
All the aliens are paladins?
“Yes, and I think Keith is too.”
“Keith is an alien or a paladin?”
“Both. And so is him. (points to Lotor) And the Rock and witch. And mustache dude for that matter.”
One of these characters went missing for a little bit. Who was it?
“Lance. Well I don’t think it’s Keith. I don’t remember anyone else’s names.”
One of them has left the team. Who is it?
“Keith cuz he’s dead” Not quite
“Everyone is shipped with Keith”
Keith and Lance: Klance
Keith and Shiro: “I dunno his name but I know it’s Sheith.
Shiro and Allura: “Shallura” “Wow, that’s right.” “I’m a pro at this show.”
Me: (vaguely references the end of season 4)
“Keith tried to kill someone? Was it Lance? (Points to Lance) Was it Lance? (Points to Hunk) Was it Pigeon? Shane? I don’t trust mustache dude.
What’s Pidge’s real name?
“Pigeon? Squirrel girl? Jane?”
Pidge is trying to find her brother and father.
“Is that Keith? Is mustache guy her dad? They have the same hair color. Is her dad the Rock?”
Who is this?
“Keith’s son? Keith’s dad? Is he related to Keith. Oh maybe he’s Pigeon’s dad? Brother? Is he Shiro’s son. Maybe Shiro is Pigeon’s dad?
Matt = the love child of Shiro and Keith
“His name is Matt and her name is Pidge!?!?”
“Shiro and Matt were both taken by the galra.”
“The what?”
“The Rock.”
So in summary: Everyone is Keith. Zarkon is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Coran is the true villain of this show. And the paladins of Voltron are Allura, Coran, Haggar, Lotor, Zarkon...and Keith.
Thanks Cary for being my test subject. Now go watch Voltron.
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adreamingsongbird · 6 years
HI RIMI!! It's fic writer appreciation day so I wanted to slide in and say that your fics are super amazing and so are you 💖💖 I'm super glad to be getting to know you and cant wait to explore everything you've done. Please keep up the amazing writing!!
cary oh my gosh!!! i would Die for u thank u so much!!!!!
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katsukifatale · 7 years
cary-onmywaywardson replied to your post “what's up it's just a friend popping in to send you a message hoping...”
"is this cary" someone just goes around giving anon love and you just ASSUME it's cary well i'm not saying if it's cary or not but i am saying whether it's cary or not i also love you
listen the only people who love me are you and @n3rdlif343va sooooo
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postingpebbles · 7 years
Um Ollie is a solid 10/10 I shiver even imagining interacting. Absolutely terrifying. Meanest person I know. Absolutely no sarcasm in this message. Ollie is definitely not a -10 bc she's so incredibly sweet. No way.
hahaaa cary i’m crying i love you so much 
i’m the scariest. so scary. 
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yoiflowergrams · 7 years
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💐flower delivery for @cary-onmywaywardson💐
Thanks for dealing with my trash can self! 😍😍😍😍
- @kaylapierce10
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tostxyalive · 7 years
cary-onmywaywardson replied to your post: Just gotta say I have written a billion starters...
um exceuse me if you’re garbage you’re the cutest garbage i’ve ever seen.
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ferluccia · 7 years
Writing Tag Meme!
The adorable @joey-wingster tagged me on this (and while I should be writing like crazy for uni here I am lmao this counts as writing, right?) so let’s get started!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
Fics, uhh... Six. Of which three are my main concern, the other three are just silly projects that I want to finish eventually. One of them is Yuuri’s birthday fic that I didn’t get around finishing last year and who knows if I’ll be able to finish this year lmao (I hope so???)
And I have other three WIPs for uni. rip
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
Yeah, buddy. Writing fanfiction is a really good exercise. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about writing fanfic. 
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paper books all the way. 
4) When did you start writing?
Around 10? But I would only start taking it seriously when I was about 12. I only started writing “well” around 16, but then I took a break from writing and I had to start it all over again. I’m a constant work in progress lmao.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? 
@softboyyuuri and @nakanowardcat are the friends I share my writing the most, I guess, and I also bounce a lot of ideas with @red-heather on discord whenever we can! It helps... so much
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
At home, definitely. I can write in other places and sometimes I write a lot more in other environments but I feel the most comfortable at home. I alternate between Word and Google Docs because... I don’t know why. I just do. 
7) Favourite childhood book?
 The Hobbit!! I have many sweet memories from it <3
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
For fun, for now. 
9) Pen and paper or computer?
Both. I like having my outline in paper so I can see my progress (when I try to outline on the PC I often feel stuck because it’s hard to track my train of thought and consequentially have an idea of how much progress I’ve made) and make a mess out of it, but for the writing part I’ll get on the computer and do the hard work. 
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes? 
I’m currently taking Creative Writing with my friends and it’s been so fun to bounce ideas around and encourage each other with constructive criticism. I’m learning a lot, but there’s still a lot to be learned as well.
11) What inspires you to write?
You know... I don’t... like that question. I don’t know what that means. Where do I get my inspiration from? Anywhere. I just question something and there’s inspiration, what drives me to write the story is something completely mysterious tbh. But if we’re speaking of an end goal of sorts, I just want to make people have a good time. If they had fun while reading one of my works, then my job is done. 
I’m tagging: @yuurispasteldildo @nakanowardcat @belovedstill @postingpebbles @maydei @cary-onmywaywardson @omgkatsudonplease @thehobbem <3
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