#cartographie subjective
edenesth · 9 months
The Mapmaker's Assistant
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Pairing: cartographer!Jongho x assistant!reader
Word Count: 1k
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Leave my establishment at once! Women are not allowed here, don't you see the sign? Oh, my apologies, you must be illiterate."
Anger surged through you as you endured the discriminatory treatment from the owner of the parchment shop. Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself, determined to complete your task without trouble, "In case you haven't heard me the first time, I'm Sir Jongho's assistant, and I'm here for the latest batch of parchment."
The elderly man seemed unfazed, responding with a smirk, "Do you truly think I'm foolish enough to believe a woman could be the great mapmaker's assistant? Show yourself out, or I won't be so kind, lass."
Frustration welled up in your eyes at his condescending words, but you stood your ground. The man scowled, seemingly ready to approach you and teach you a lesson.
Before he could take another step, a familiar and reassuring hand rested on the small of your back, "Is everything alright, my dear? What's taking so long?" Relief washed over you instantly.
The shop owner immediately bowed in respect, stammering, "Sir Jongho, y-you know this young lady?" Your boss nodded, "Indeed, didn't she inform you that she's my assistant?"
Despite Jongho's friendly smile, it was evident that beneath the surface, he was far from calm. There was no doubt he'd overheard the cruel words hurled at you just moments ago.
The elderly man's demeanour quickly shifted, clearly eager to avoid falling out of favour with the cartographer, "Oh, why didn't you say so, my lady? Let me prepare your order now." Your irritation flared at his audacity to act as if he hadn't just verbally abused you.
Unable to contain yourself, you spoke up, "Did I not make that clear? I distinctly remember stating it twice. All you did was insult me repeatedly simply because I'm a woman."
Jongho's smile disappeared, "Is that true?"
The shop owner stuttered, attempting to make up excuses for his behaviour, but your boss' expression only grew darker at the lack of accountability displayed, "No need to explain. If you cannot show respect to women, I'm afraid our business cannot continue. There are plenty of other parchment shops in town, after all."
With one final sarcastic curtsy, you exited the shop, holding your head high, content that justice had been served.
Before departing, Jongho cast one last cold glance at the pathetic shop owner, "Remember this: that woman is not only my assistant, but she is to be my future wife. Disrespect her again, and you might find your shop permanently blacklisted. Do you understand?"
The man nodded shakily, stammering, "Y-yes, sir! You have my word!"
Throughout the remainder of the day, your boss made continuous efforts to make amends for subjecting you to the unpleasant ordeal. You sighed for the hundredth time as he apologised again for sending you to the shop.
Typically, the mapmaker would handle parchment collection himself, but after the two of you had just returned from an expedition to the farthest corner of Wonderland to obtain precise measurements of newly acquired land, there were other pressing tasks at hand. He opted to delegate the errand to you for the first time, only to witness you facing humiliation instead.
Jongho knew better than anyone you were so much stronger than you seemed. After all, it was precisely your unwavering fighting spirit that had secured your role as his assistant. Your keen interest in mapmaking, coupled with your determination to pursue it as a future profession, was what caught his attention.
A few years ago, you crossed his path while picking herbs for your mother during one of his expeditions. He recalled being impressed by your knowledge of cartography. He will never forget how you boldly requested that he teach you more about the craft.
Initially waving you off, he couldn't anticipate the depth of your persistence. You followed him back to his workshop, pleading that he gave you a chance. Jongho eventually relented and allowed you to assist, assuming the demanding nature of the job would deter you. To his surprise, you not only persevered but excelled, proving him wrong with your daily commitment.
In time, he embraced you wholeheartedly, and little did you know, he may or may not have developed feelings for you. The mapmaker had never met anyone who shared the same passion for his work or understood him as profoundly as you did.
As he watched you deep in concentration, working beside him one day, he knew you were the one for him. And he had been waiting for the right moment to let his feelings be known.
Perhaps today would be the day for that.
After witnessing what you had endured, he could no longer remain passive. He felt an overwhelming urge to be the one to defend you, even though he recognised your capability to handle situations independently.
"Jongho, there's no need to apologise. I promise you, I'm fine." You reassured him as you set down the tools you had been arranging. Turning to face him, you found him frowning.
"Yeah, well, I'm not." He retorted.
You scoffed, "This isn't the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. There's no use dwelling on it. Why are you more affected by this than I am?"
"Because you're precious to me!"
His candid declaration left you momentarily still, wondering if this was a confession. Knowing there was no turning back from here, Jongho reached for your hand, "Listen to me. I won't allow anyone to treat you like that again. You... you're the woman I love, and I want to be the one to protect you, if you'll let me."
With a cheeky smile, you nonchalantly shrugged and squeezed his hand, "Alright, if you insist," You playfully conceded. He chuckled, pulling you closer, "Is that all? Won't you say you love me too?"
His warm touch melted your heart, but you maintained a composed facade. Pretending to ponder, you teased, "Hm, only if you ask nicely," He grinned, obliging, "Will you tell me you love me, please?"
Satisfied, you nodded, "I love you too, Sir Jongho. Now kiss me." He didn't need to be told twice.
From that moment onward, the entire town would remember you not only as the mapmaker's assistant but as his cherished fiancée. Jongho continues to fall deeper in love with you with each passing day, witnessing your ability to inspire girls nationwide to pursue their dreams and defy anyone attempting to dictate their paths.
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Asdfghjkl 300+ followers?! Thank you all so much, I have no words. Hoping this one's decent, y'all let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive
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avocadorablepirate · 6 months
What Do We Call This? - 02
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previous || mini masterlist || next
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, mild swearing, the occasional OP spoiler
A/N: Okay, not gonna lie, this chapter turned out better than I expected it to be, so I hope you like it too. Also, I still don't know what to call this =⁠_⁠=.
In addition, I would just like to state that while the reader does have her own story, a large portion of the chapters won't really dive into it; maybe a flashback here and there and brief mentions of it. It will obviously be brought up later on, but this series will kinda focus more on how she builds her relationship with Law.
Things hadn't changed much since the captain of the Heart Pirates and the two samurai had come on board - the chaos still the same. You would even say things had become far more chaotic. The Heart Pirate however, seemed to have grown frustrated with the group in less than a days time, confining himself to the library whenever he could. You would only see him for breakfast, lunch and dinner and even then he would leave as soon as he was done.
The rest of the crew seem to see him more often; they always know what he's doing. Then again, he doesn't really need to interact with me since his alliance is with the Straw Hats, not me, you try to reason with your own thoughts as you help Sanji in the kitchen. Since you had boarded the Sunny you spent most of your time in the kitchen with Sanji, helping him with the daily meal prep. Although, he would insist that your presence was all the help he needed, and while others may have found his constant declarations of love tiresome, you found it quite entertaining. Alternatively, you would spend your time with Nami and Robin, learning cartography and studying about past civilizations. It was under the pretext of expanding your knowledge, but you had a slight personal interest in the subjects as well, which Nami and Robin had caught on to.
"(Y/N)," the voice of the ship's doctor snaps you out of your thoughts, and you turn from the kitchen counter, to see him sticking his head out from behind the door. You smile fondly at Chopper; the little reindeer had melted your heart the minute you had laid eyes on him, and just like Robin you couldn't help but soften any time he spoke to you.
"Do you want me to change your bandages now?" Chopper asks, as he looks from you to your arm.
"Oh right! I'll come right away," you say, remembering that earlier on in the day you had asked Chopper whether he could help you change your bandages. You place the knife that you were using on the counter and follow Chopper to the infirmary, Sanji crying out for you to stay as you leave the kitchen.
"How does it feel?" Chopper asks as you seat yourself on the bed while he rummages around looking for some gauze wrap.
"A lot better! The medication definitely helped."
Chopper seats himself infront of you, and he helps you remove the bandage that you had already started to take off. He then asks you to outstretch your arm so that he can examine it.
"Thanks for doing this Chopper. If it had been my left arm instead I wouldn't have had to ask you for your help," you try to distract him from inspecting your arm for too long, and pick up the gauze, attempting to wrap it around your arm yourself.
"I'm glad I can help," Chopper says as he takes the roll from you to wrap it for you instead. Just then the door to the infirmary bursts open, and you're startled not by the noise but by the person standing on the other side. Law leans against the door frame as he assess the situation, and his eyes once again linger on your right arm.
What is he doing here?
"What happened to her arm?" Law asks Chopper, his eyes now focusing on the reindeer who's as surprised as you are.
"Oh, (Y/N) tripped while everyone was running from that gas and sprained her arm," Chopper says, returning to his task of wrapping the gauze around your arm.
Truth be told, you hadn't been completely honest when you had told the Straw Hats about your devil fruit powers. You had told them that your powers allowed you to manipulate others' muscles and internal organs, granting you the ability to both damage and heal others, and that was the truth. However, what you had chosen to leave out was the repercussions you suffered on using your power - be it healing or inflicting injury onto someone, you would suffer damages to the same organ or muscle to a more severe extent. Why had you not told the Straw Hats about this? You felt indebted to them. They had allowed you onto their ship despite the fact that on your first encounter you had been tasked with the job of killing them, but they had chosen to forgive and forget and you would always be grateful to them for it. So, you didn't want then to feel guilty any time they asked you to help them with their injuries.
"Tripped?" Law says, but it sounds more like a question, and you offer him a brief smile as he eyes you skeptically.
"Yes, I tripped," you firmly state, in hopes of putting an end to this discussion.
"Oh Law, (Y/N) is also a devil fruit user," Chopper says, going on to explain how your powers work, or at least how he was told they work. Through the whole explanation you can feel Law's eyes on you, and you feel uncomfortable under his gaze, it's almost like he's looking right into you and figuring out every small detail about you.
"But her powers don't allow her to heal herself, which isn't great considering how clumsy she is," Chopper teases, and you let out a small chuckle. So far, you had made all the damage you had taken look like accidents, covering them up with fibs about tripping over your own feet or rolling off your bed.
Law doesn't say anything in response to Chopper's monologue, instead approaching you with a sense of purpose. Before you can even protest he has his blue orb surrounding you, holding his sword in front of you.
"Oye Law what are you doing!?" Chopper yells, as he jumps out of his seat to come between you and Law. After what had happened with the kids in Punk Hazard, Chopper had become slightly wary of Law's powers. He knew he wouldn't hurt you, but his ability still perturbed the reindeer.
The blue orb faded and Law looked from you to Chopper, "tripping, shouldn't have caused such severe damage to her muscle," he says to Chopper while taking your arm in his hands to examine it himself.
You pull away from him almost immediately, the slight jerk causing you to grimace at the pain. "It was a hard fall," you say, as you hastily get up and walk to the door.
"I need to get back to the kitchen and help Sanji. Thanks for the help Chopper." You offer him a smile and quickly walk out of the infirmary before either of the two can say anything, leaving behind one doctor puzzled and the other intrigued.
Shit, I'll have to be more cautious now that he's around.
In an attempt to be more cautious you had decided avoiding Law would be the best option, which you thought would be easy considering he spent most of his time in the library. But now he seemed to be everywhere you were. If you were in the kitchen helping Sanji, he would be there. If you were cleaning the deck, he would be there. And all he did was scrutinize you, no words were exchanged, just him staring which made it all the more frustrating. The only time you were free from him was when you were on the night watch - away in the crow's nest with one of the Straw Hats to keep you company - just like tonight, except your lookout partner hadn't shown up yet. It had been an hour and no one had come, and the lack of constant conversing was making you drowsy.
It's the light tapping against the floorboard of the deck below you that perks you up, and you peep your head through the window to call out your night watch partner for being late.
"Luffy it's been an hour! What took you so lon-," you cut yourself off when from the corner of your eye you see a faint blue light appear in the room, and you turn around immediately, pulling out the knife that you had secured around your waist at all times.
You relax when you realise that it's just Law. But, then you realise it's Law.
"Sorry, I was reading something and didn't notice the time," Law's words don't sound like much of an apology with how he says it in a monotonous tone, but it doesn't phase you. You're more bothered by the fact that he's here instead of Luffy, and he senses it.
"Straw Hat-ya argued that I need to help the crew. So, he made me take his shift."
You roll your eyes as you take your previous place on the floor. You had been on the Sunny long enough to know that Luffy's incessant nagging could make people give in to any of his requests, but you hadn't expected Law to fall victim to it too.
You take the book from beside you, Forgotten Islands, and pick up from where you had left off. However, you find it hard to concentrate with the way Law's staring.
"Maybe you should keep watch from the deck."
"How do your powers work?" he asks, completely ignoring your suggestion.
"What?" you ask, surprised by the sudden question.
"Your devil fruit, how does it work?"
"Chopper told you - I can manipulate the muscles and organs of others," you say, giving him the short answer, and hoping that he would take a hint and realise that you didn't want to dive into the semantics.
Clearly he didn't.
"When it comes to healing I need to place my hand over the area where the organ or muscle is, focus on it and channel my energy towards it to get the desired result. When attacking it's easier, I need to concentrate on my opponent, visualise the muscle or organ, and use hand gestures and verbal commands to cause damage," you say, as you set your book down, waiting for the inflow of questions that you were sure were to follow.
"So with those children on Punk Hazard, you couldn't heal them?" Law now sits across from you, arms folded over his chest and head bent down, Kikoku placed against the wall beside him.
"My power doesn't allow me to physically remove damaged parts or remove infections from those parts, I can only repair them. So, curing something like a disease that affects a person's genetic predisposition is impossible."
"And there are no side effects?"
"No, I just feel drowsy," you're quick to respond, and Law looks at you with a hint of suspicion. You can see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to think of what to ask next, but you've decided you don't want to give out any more information.
"Enough about me. Why are you so keen on taking down Doflamingo? He's not a Yonko, and I don't see how this whole S.M.I.L.E thing affects you." There's a genuine curiosity behind your question, although in the back of your mind you have a vague idea of what his answer might be.
"Fixing past mistakes," Law says, his lips contorting into a small sinister smile.
"What mistakes?"
"Someone died because they were protecting me from Doflamingo."
"That's not your fault. He chose to protect you," you say with such conviction, Law's surprised by how you sound so sure of yourself. In all honesty, he doesn't even know why he's telling you all of this, he's not one to readily open up about his past.
"And now I'm repaying the favour."
"Doflamingo isn't just some pirate. You could get yourself killed in the process."
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." He says it so nonchalantly, it annoys you how little he seems to care for his own wellbeing.
"If I had put my life on the line for someone, I wouldn't want that someone to die at the hands of the same person I was trying to protect them from." You're trying to reason with him, but you can't stop yourself from glowering.
"I guess you and I have different morals then," he says as he looks up at you with a scowl of his own. Frankly, he doesn't know why you seem to care so much for someone you just met, and it irks him that you do.
"I guess so."
You let out a scoff as you get up from your seat on the floor and walk to the ladder that is used to enter and exit the observation deck. Another second in this room would only swell your frustration towards the pirate.
"I'll keep watch from the deck. Call me if you need anything," and you climb down the ladder without waiting for Law to say anything.
Your earlier decision to stay clear of Law would have to be scrapped. If he was ready to get himself killed in Dressrosa, you would have to make sure he didn't.
A/N: I don't know whether to make a taglist or not, so if you do want to be tagged just let me know.
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stari-hun · 27 days
Ley Lines : A Strong Supporting Field
Wouldn’t the study of ley lines be super important support for other fields?? Ley lines are a field that take a while to study, but Windsong took what couldn’t have been more than 2-3 days maximum to almost entirely map out Rayashki. Her speed is in part from how much she studied ley lines and her past experience, but even though she hadn’t identified the source of changes (which she noted is the hardest part in any ley line map and no one’s ever completed one with EVERY source) she still completed most of it in a short span.
Ley lines show maps and markers in arcanum, but for travelers as regular maps they’d be indispensable? Most groups likely have at least one arcanist with them for support like how Bessmert’s team used Yenisei as their guide and backup. She’d be able to read the map of arcanum and have a much easier time getting around than solely using landmarks. Even a nonarcanist would be able to follow a map like that, especially since Windsong proved she can identify and give advice on arcane animals in the area. In fact that means ley line maps might be more useful to human travelers than arcanists. Windsong proved she was able to tell a creatures region and if they were mutated quickly. If there was a map of a region that showed you the exact migration patterns of the creatures nearby, which ones were herbivores and carnivores, AND recommendations on how to deal with them? Those types of maps should be in circulation far more than regular maps.
The study of ley lines are also a good supporting field? In Farewell, Rayashki chapter 6, a reviewer recommends Windsong to join a geographic institution, but in the first place the study of ley lines should be a supporting field. It overlaps into mathematics, animal and ecosystem studies, cartography, and it’s already within the field of geography. While arcanists are shown a level of trust in the research community, especially in fields accessible to only arcanists, the study of ley lines is beneficial to many surrounding fields. Ley line research is a difficult study, but people study niche fields all the time that are then important references to larger ones. For example, a human studying migration patterns could reference a ley line map to predict where their subject might travel to next as they plan their journey.
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preseriesdean · 25 days
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for @spnficrecfest day ten 🧡
have a cigar by deadlybride 5.6k words, rated E, published 2020 What happened with Andy and Ansem unsettles Sam. Dean doesn't seem worried.
The real green thing will come by victoria_p 1k words, rated T, published 2007 He'd like to blame the whiskey, but he thinks it's more than that, this whatever-it-is between them that's been there for years.
Worthless cartography by Goshen / applecrumbledore 15.6k words, rated E, published 2022 Dean didn’t know what finally made him go for it. The djinn’s dream was a catalyst, but the call was coming from inside the house, and he’d been letting it ring for a very, very long time. (They get one night together right before Sam is taken to Cold Oak. Dean has to deal with that.)
When I Fall Asleep it Is Your Eyes That Close by britomart_is 1.9k words, rated E, published 2009 Sam is alive. Dean is happy.
North of Wednesday by Mollyamory 3.5k words, rated G, published 2008 Sam's behind the wheel before he realizes he doesn't have the keys. Dean does. There should be another cheesy eighties song coming on any second, because it's like he wakes up again, without ever falling asleep.
This Fortress Made of Us by mickeym 10.8k words, rated E, published 2009 Sam really didn't do very well without his brother.
What Went Wrong Yesterday by SinnamonSpider 16.2k words, rated E, published 2017 With Broward County in their rearview and a new case in their laps, Sam struggles to come to terms with the six months he spent alone after Dean’s death - and the fact that it never happened at all. And on top of it all, he now has to deal with the feelings for his brother that have been dragged to the surface.
How Many Floors to Realize by lazy_daze 26.2k words, rated E, published 2009 In which Zachariah decides to keep stringing them along a little while longer, because damn if they aren't somewhat entertaining, right?
Lesser Evils by Dyed_Red 9.3k words, rated E, published 2020, non-con “So you’re just gonna, what – torture us for an hour while your guys hightail it to Buffalo? That’s your master plan here?” “Oh I can do a lot in an hour or two, Sammy. Like having your surrogate daddy here carve Dean a new face. Like backsliding you off your pretty bandwagon. Like…Seeing how far big brother will go for his sweet baby Sam.”
5x04 THE END
Further than a Ship, Faster Than a Bomb by queenklu 622 words, rated M, published 2010 Set during 5x04, when there was a glorious moment of two Dean Winchesters at the same time. "You left him."
The Heart of Life by queenklu 626 words, rated T, published 2010 A Vonnegut Valentine.
the tabernacle reconstructed by redmyeyes 2.9k words, rated M, published 2022 They pulled on clothes, afterwards.
You Have One Saved Message by killabeez 3.1k words, rated T, published 2011 Sam gets a new smart phone.
These Things I Know Are True by killabeez 4.6k words, rated E, published 2011 Cas is off the rails, Sam's barely keeping it together, and Dean's trying to figure out where they go from here.
Last Temptation by merle_p 3k words, rated M, published 2021 Sam is running a fever again, the kind of fever no Ibuprofen or cold compress will bring down, the kind of fever that is eating him up alive, eviscerating him from the inside. He is too hot and too cold and too pale, delirious and shaking, resonating with whatever divine energy the trials are subjecting him to, and Dean is not sure how much longer he can stand to see him be in this state.
capitulation by deadlybride 8.5k words, rated E, published 2018 When they don't manage to turn Dean back into his adult self, Sam spends a month researching how to fix it.
Betelgeuse by hellhoundsprey 2.8k words, rated E, published 2020 The hex bag never burned.
Telescope by doctor_idiot 7k words, rated E, published 2017 Sam stares at his brother in his baggie hoodie with the rolled-up up sleeves and he wants to cry.
11x17 RED MEAT
Chosen by killabeez 2.5k words, rated E, published 2016, mcd This might be their last night on earth, so Sam figures, what the hell.
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weirdagnes · 6 months
Since i can’t pour energy into writing a whole fic/drawing stuff yet, I’m gonna dump some headcanons I have on Mishuggy.
(Long post ahead)
Shanks only bathes in the sea so its smell became his trademark scent. Buggy loves the seawater scent on him. He can never bathe in the sea anymore, so it brings him comfort when he cuddles with Shanks bc it’s the closest he can get to being in contact with the sea without feeling weak. Every time they meet, Shanks makes sure to bathe in the sea first before meeting Buggy so cuddle time will last longer.
One of Mihawk’s stims is running his hand through Buggy’s hair.
Mihawk is a night person, Shanks is an insomniac, Buggy is a morning person. Mihawk often joins Shanks when he can’t sleep, some wine and talking. Sometimes they’d be quiet and admire a sleeping Buggy.
Buggy’s voice gets low and rough often when his social battery is drained or he’s not in his stage persona (which is a very rare occurrence). Mihawk finds this incredibly attractive.
Shanks absolutely adores Buggy’s voice cracks.
Shanks is the best kisser, Mihawk is the most awkward/timid, Buggy has the most kissable lips (Shanks loves it when his lipstick leaves stains) but because of his nose, he’s the most awkward to kiss (if you’re not a professional Buggy-kisser like Shanks!)
Mihawk may not prefer lips-to-lips kissing, but he does love kissing other parts of the body like the hands, the shoulder, etc.
Buggy’s lowkey attentive to Mihawk’s infodumps on different kinds of blades, its uses and history. He’s fond of blades as well but more on short blades like daggers and machetes. He loses his mind seeing how cool Mihawk’s cross pendant knife is, and couldn’t resist showing off to him the hidden knives and explosives in his body (Mihawk wonders how he has not killed himself yet by accident).
Mihawk kinda cringes on Buggy’s habit of licking knives. He asks how has he not cut his tongue yet, Buggy is like “Hawky are u fr” then he chops off his tongue and Mihawk is horrified but quickly felt stupid remembering Buggy had devil fruit powers.
Buggy loves cherries and other sweet fruits. Hates pineapple way before he ate the Chop Chop fruit, and his distaste for it increased after eating it.
Shanks likes fish and Mihawk likes vegetable dishes (borderline vegan at this point).
Buggy loves warm colors (reds, oranges, yellows, gold). It just so happens that Mihawk and Shanks are associated with red and yellow.
Even though Mihawk and Buggy are complete opposites of a spectrum, they surprisingly get along well in terms of hobby. They both like to read, for one. Mihawk will mention a book in one of his infodumps and Buggy will be like “Oh yeah I love that one chapter where…” They both like art as well; Mihawk drew and painted in his free time when he was living in the castle, preferring still objects, dead sceneries, and chiaroscuro lightings.
Other than performance art (acting and acrobatics), Buggy is into cartography and drawing landscapes with oil pastels, but he often does maps more. When he does draw landscapes, the subject are often places where he has strong fondness/feelings of (his circus tent, Loguetown, the sea, etc). He uses small paper mediums and tucks them away. He only got to try painting when Mihawk offered. They had fun and created abstract - Buggy splashes paint spotaneously and generously, Mihawk feels the waste of paint but eventually lets loose (Buggy’s encouragement) and tried stroking the paintbrush like he wields his sword (when the canvas was slashed, they considered it a finished artwork).
Buggy and Mihawk also likes shiny things. Buggy loves treasure-finding more as an activity sure, but opening a chest full of shiny gems and trinkets is also what makes it enjoyable. He’s fond of jeweled earrings and rings but would rather keep them in a chest than wear them daily. Mihawk’s fondness for shiny things began with blades, but it also extended to shining gold colors. He’s not fond of gold for wealth purposes, he just likes shiny things.
Mihawk hates swimming whereas Shanks and Buggy love it (Buggy loves it more, but can’t do it anymore after eating his devil fruit). Mihawk hates getting wet for a long period of time + swimming is a strenuous activity, but he only learns it bc it’s a necessity for survival esp he travels by sea (and also bc there was one time where he almost drowned and its one of his most embarrassing memories. He was glad he travelled alone bc he’ll die of embarrassment forever if anyone lived to see that)
Shanks is a generous gift-giver. He isn’t materialistic himself, but the moment either Buggy or Mihawk express a passing comment about a rare wine he wanted to try someday or a map he wants to get his hands on - you got it. Shanks WILL find a way.
Whenever they go out together, Mihawk cringes at their fashion tastes. Shanks is more of a “this shirt is 10yrs old but hey its still usable” kind of guy. Buggy wears the most eyestrain clown outfits ever that will make you wonder “how did i end up with this guy”. In Shanks and Buggy’s head, they think Mihawk is an edgelord with his dark outfits on every occasion. Despite all this though, they find each other handsome.
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aftgficrec · 15 days
ack finally caught you guys open <333 thanks for all your work! I was wondering if you have any newer longer fics with realistic characterisation and writing (similar to profenity’s works maybe?) and also any non-fox Neil/andrew fics? Thank you!And sorry for the tall order;;🙏
You’ll find an abundance of non-fox andreil in our recent Staff Recs: Writers post. On our tags page under AUs, explore the shops and jobs sections or other themes from fantasy to band aus.
Fandom writer profenity is known for long, meaty explorations of canon characters and themes. Their ongoing WIP ‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ has more than 380k words and 12k+ kudos! Find it in this Raven!Neil to Fox ask under former writing name crazy_like_a. The author interacts with fans on tumblr @hopingforcoordinates. 
We’ve featured or referred to profenity’s ‘Lessons in Cartography’ and sequel ‘The Cartographer and the World’ in many asks. I’m listing some as a doorway to similar works. For something newer, try the Kevin-centric ‘A Falling Star’ series, featured here. If this answer seems cobbled together — it is. This is my subjective, limited attempt at catching lightning in a bottle. -A
check out other works in these asks that feature profenity’s ‘Lessons’ series:
must read fandom classics here
post canon continuation of The King’s Men here
Neil fights with Jack here
andreil exploring feelings, intimacy and sexuality here
in character andreil smut here
small selection of ‘not new’ recs:
‘Hold me close, in fact bury me’ and ‘Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms)’ here
‘Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner’ here
‘progress comes in small steps’ series here
‘Inked Truths’ series here
‘Baltimore Blues’ here
long recs for a return to fandom here
A Falling Star series by NikNak22 [Rated M/E, 245011 words, 3 complete works, Updated Nov 2023]
NB: the author credits inspiration to ‘To Be Certain We'll Be Tall Again’ by fullyvisible, featured here, now complete.
Part 1: Dead of Night (E, 101589 words) It’s Kevin’s senior year at PSU, and things are…okay. But that changes when a single question from a nosy reporter sends his life spiraling. The descent is slow and maddening – memories and trauma from his past weave together to form the image of the man that stands there today. As Kevin begins to look around him with a new and critical eye, though, he’s no longer sure that man is who he wants to be. So the question is - when faced with the truth, is it a case of Kevin finally getting what he deserves? Or is it about time to prove a lot of people (including himself) wrong? Aka the fic that’s all about Kevin Day.
tw: torture, tw: abuse, tw: child abuse, tw: rape/noncon, tw: alcohol abuse, tw: psychological abuse, tw: depression, tw: self esteem issues, tw: body dysmorphia, tw: body shaming, tw: bullying, tw: assault, tw: homophobia, tw: racism,  tw: self harm
Part 2: Darkest Before Dawn (M, 52365) “This is finally it, isn’t it?” Jeremy whispers. “Oui,” Jean says softly on Kevin’s other side. “I believe it is.” And for a moment, they look so lost. Just two little boys about to go out and face the big, wide world. So Kevin searches until both of his hands find one of theirs. He doesn’t look at them, though he feels their gazes on him. He just breathes deeply and closes his eyes. Then he squeezes their hands as he tells them, “I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.” AKA the highs and lows of Kevin’s life after graduation and into the Pros.
tw: self esteem issues, tw: panic attacks, tw: minor character death, tw: implied/referenced assault, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders
Part 3: In the Light of Day (E, 91057) It’s been almost five years since Kevin graduated from PSU. Five years that he's played Exy professionally. Five years since he’s learned to live on his own. Five years after discovering he’s in love with his best friends, former USC Trojans Jeremy Knox and Jean Moreau. Five years since he’s figured out, they will never love him back. So, when Jeremy and Jean invite him to their house for Christmas this year, he knows this is it. It’s the finale. The last hurrah. The swan song. The final act. It’s time he lets them go, lets this foolish, one-sided love go, once and for all. But he might find this is harder than he ever expected.
tw: depression, tw: bullying, tw: self esteem issues, tw: body dysmorphia, tw: imposter syndrome, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders, tw: gaslighting, tw: ptsd, tw: dissociation, tw: implied/referenced abuse
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ven10 · 3 months
May I request some Quigley hcs pls....... pls sir can i have some more.............. maybe some post-canon perhaps..............
YES!!!!! Quigley my beloved :D!!!!!!!!
(Btw the 1st 4 hcs are quite sad however after that they’re more lighthearted)
1: During his time alone during canon, Quigley developed a habit of talking to himself pretending as if Isadora or Duncan had spoken. [Mainly doing it when he was stressed+wanted to feel less alone, as if he had someone with him who he could rely on.] However even after he’s reunited with his siblings this habit persists, although he tries not to do it.
The first time Duncan, standing in the doorway behind Quigley (who is bent over a map on the floor;trying desperately to track down the Baudelaires) catches Quigley talking to himself he’s confused so hesitates in the doorway for a few moments, sensing that Quigley hasn’t realised he’s there and wondering why Quigley is addressing him as if he had spoken, muttering something along the lines of “no no Dunc, I don’t think that would work…but if we tried what Isa suggested then maybe-”
Duncan stands still for a moment to process before walking over to Quigley’s hunched form, bending down and just hugging him.
2: When he’s anxious he sleeps with his shoes on, prepared to flee at a moment’s notice. He also always keeps a packed rucksack under his bed for this reason. Before he+his triplets inherit their fortune they have very few belongings so it’s really obvious how Quigley keeps his packed.
3: Also on the topic of shoes, I hc that Quigley wears scuffed boots worn to oblivion, the stitches on the seams begging for release, duct tape wrapped and re-wrapped round the left boot (which got stuck in a jagged rock+ripped out). Also the laces would be triple knotted and mismatched (one is the original purple-Quigley’s favourite colour- the other is black and “borrowed” from Isadora after he somehow managed to loose one of his own laces). 🥾
4: Has inner conflict going on between fearing losing the people he loves if he lets them out of his sight for 0.01 seconds vs being the wildly independent person he became in the absence of others
I imagine Quigley to disregard his own wellbeing in favour of “but this plan will work!” eg, Quigley accidentally kicks a ball onto the roof and without second thought tries to scale the building. Leading to the inevitable breakdown of Isadora+Duncan. ⚽️
Uhhh these were all pretty angsty so here’s some more light-hearted ones~✨✨
5: loves ‘worm on a string’s , they’re so dumb, he can’t get enough of them. Isadora+Duncan will be struggling over homework meanwhile Quigley (who is legally dead and therefore doesn’t have to attend school) will use the invisible string to make the worm slither over their maths equations like the menace he is. 🐛
6: While his triplets prefer English as a subject (from being an aspiring journalist and poet) Quigley is better at maths due to the calculations he does to figure out the right coordinates on maps. If he craves socialisation(/chaos) outside of their usual circle then sometimes Quigley will offer to impersonate Isa or Duncan if they have a maths lesson/test that day. 📚
7: Quigley is an extrovert and befriends people quickly but this by no means means he does so normally. His hyperfixation on cartography extends into an interest in geography+cultural differences between places so whenever he meets a new person+has time for full discussions he interrogates them till he has a full history on them, their extended family+their ancestors regarding the places they have lived in or travelled to. 🗣️ 💬 🌍
8: Post-canon whenever the triplets have reunited and are in search of a competent guardian (deciding to find one themselves bc social services would have them sent to some grim place like Prufrock) Duncan scourges through newspaper archives for information of any relatives they have and puts together a family tree.
As he searches for more articles, Isadora+Quigley take a black sharpie to X off any unsuitable/unavailable/dead guardians. Since they’ve been in the library with the archive for a LONG time, a librarian approaches Isa+Quigley to ask if they need any help before cutting herself off mid sentence and backing away hurriedly with her lips pursed tight. It is only then that Isadora+Quigley look down at their ‘family tree’ and realise it resembles a hit list. 🌳 🖊️
9: Quigley steals other people’s clothes all the time. Usually his triplets’ clothes+some of Violet’s jumpers or jackets but occasionally he’ll borrow some of Klaus’ too. Klaus’s things aren’t really Quigley’s style but he likes watching to see how long it takes Klaus to realise. 🧥👚👕👔👖
10: Quigley+Violet are a lethal combo bc Violet will invent something worthy of a new hazard warning and Quigley will be jumping at the opportunity to test it out. 💡
11: Post-canon Quigley gets a job at a local café to afford rent and does a double take every time someone asks for a sugar bowl. 🥣
12: Quigley is a massive animal lover. Cannot get enough of them. Tries to adopt every stray he sees. Convinced Violet to install a dog flap on their door despite the fact that they technically don’t even have a pet.
13: Quigley is The Best at water fights. Sunny thinks she’s doing great having dumped a bucket of water on top of Klaus, meanwhile Quigley is sneaking up behind her with a power-hose. 💧
Thanks so much for the ask @cygninae !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE talking about Quigley!!!!!! :))))))
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crownsandbishops · 8 months
What subject did the bishops like the most?
Shamura- astronomy, religion, history, textiles Kallamar- healing, weaponry, music, poetry, interior design, geology,pirate history Narinder- history, natural science, philosophy, cartography Heket- folk legend, demonology, agriculture, mycology, warfare Leshy- marine biology, recipes, gardening, entomology
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What subjects are actually taught at the academy? I've heard of recreational mathematics, thermodynamics, and touch telepathy, but what other courses are there?
What subjects do young Gallifreyans and Time Lords learn?
For once, we can be very very detailed about this!
🔬 Fundamental and Advanced Sciences
Quantum Mechanics: Introduced early in Gallifreyan education, this subject uses multidimensional geometry to solve complex problems, exploring the interplay between abstract concepts and physical realities.
Thermodynamics: This subject explores the principles of energy conversion between heat and other forms of energy, crucial for understanding the energetic dynamics of time-travel technology.
Cybernetics: Focuses on the study and construction of systems with regulatory functions, integrating technological and biological processes for the creation and maintenance of cybernetic beings and advanced machinery.
Matrix Diagnostics: Covers the techniques and tools used for diagnosing and maintaining the Matrix, a vast repository of Time Lord knowledge and consciousness.
⏲️ Specialised Temporal Studies
Basic Temporal Theory: Introduces the concepts of time and its properties, laying the groundwork for more advanced temporal manipulation studies.
Advanced Temporal Theory: Offered to students with intellectual perseverance, diving deeper into complex temporal phenomena and manipulation techniques.
Temporal Engineering: Encompasses engineering principles to temporal mechanics, essential for practical time manipulation.
TT Capsule Construction and Design: Focuses on the design and construction techniques specific to Time Travel Capsules, integrating advanced dimensional engineering and Veteran and Vintage Timeships.
TT Capsule Operation and Maintenance: Includes Space-Time Navigation, covering the operational aspects and routine maintenance of TARDISes.
Engineering Theory: The study of spaceship construction in general from different cultures.
Stellar Engineering and Cosmic Science: Deals with the manipulation and understanding of cosmic phenomena.
Dimensional Science: Studies the properties and manipulation of various dimensions beyond the standard three-dimensional space.
Dimensional Engineering: Applies engineering principles to manipulate and control various dimensions for practical uses.
Spatial Cartography: Teaches the mapping of space and the intricate layers of multiple dimensions.
Temporal Protocol and The Laws of Time: Ensures that all actions taken by Time Lords are in accordance with Gallifreyan law and temporal ethics.
Temporal Classics: Studies classic temporal theories and their applications through history.
🧠 Psychic and Telepathic Disciplines
Touch Telepathy: Teaches advanced communication techniques using innate psychic abilities.
Telepathic Defence: Includes mind-shielding techniques to protect students from psychic intrusions.
Psychic Field Manipulation: Standard training that covers manipulating one's psychic environment, including the science of Temporal Stasis.
🎨 Arts and General Studies
Super-logic: A complex form of logic used to solve problems that are beyond traditional logical frameworks.
Recreational Mathematics: This probably includes the study of happy prime numbers and other 'fun' maths (is there such a thing?), blending leisure with learning.
Art: Covers various forms of Gallifreyan art, including the creation and study of stasis cube art.
Gallifreyan History: Covers Gallifrey's past, including studying cosmic influences like those of the Assyrians.
Future History: Involves the study of fixed points in history, such as the Cro-magnon period on Earth.
Vector Justice: Teaches the principles of fairness and justice as practised by the ancient organisation known as the Vectors.
Botany and Biology: This field covers the study of Gallifreyan and alien plant and animal life, incorporating advanced biophysical studies.
Medicine: Includes tri-bio-physics and other medical sciences.
Languages: Teaches the linguistic skills necessary to communicate across thousands of different languages.
Music: Explores musical theory and practice, including the traditional harp lessons.
Detachment and Physical Inactivity: Focuses on mental and physical disciplines required to maintain objectivity and calm in all situations.
📚 The Culture of Learning
The Academy isn't just about academic achievement but also about instilling a deep-seated ethos of service and responsibility towards time and the wider universe. It's complemented by:
The Codex of Disciplines: A guide to the ethical and practical aspects of time travel and interaction with both time and the multitude of species across the universe.
Competitive and Collaborative Learning: From zero-gravity hyperball teams to Academy Sprint Championships, Time Lords are encouraged to excel in both individual and team endeavours.
How is sexual education taught on Gallifrey?: How Time Tots might get taught about sex.
What happens with 'gifted kids' on Gallifrey?: How Gallifrey deals with particularly talented children.
Do Gallifreyan children have toys?: Describing the very limited supply of toys for kids on Gallifrey.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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hazyange1s · 5 months
MC: Diana Blackwine
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Full name: Diana Seren Blackwine
Nicknames: Di, D
Gender: female
Species: witch (and technically a starseed but that’s on the DL)
Date of birth: February 2, 1875
Nationality: Scottish and Welsh
Blood status: pureblood
Wand: vine, phoenix feather, 10 1/2 in, supple
Hair color: jet black
Hair style: worn down in loose curls or in half-up styles
Eye color: teal
Skin tone: pale/peachy
Height: 5’2”
Body type: petite
Clothing style: rich jewel tones and cool shades (blue, purple, silver), smooth and light fabrics (satin, silk, cotton)
Blackwine family ring
moonstone necklace (gifted to her by Ominis)
scarf lover…like, a whole collection
Other distinguishing features:
scar over the bridge of her nose (from an inferi in the catacombs the night of Solomon’s death)
light freckles over her nose and cheeks
star shaped birthmark on her wrist
Traits: artistic, compassionate, spiritual, wise, diplomatic, indecisive, absentminded, self-righteous, people pleaser
Likes: sweets, winter, classical composers, art, theory, random acts of kindness
Dislikes: yellow, frogs, closed-mindedness, being forced to act on a whim
Fears: loss (of loved ones, of herself), change, small spaces, FROGS
Hobbies: painting, violin, stargazing, cartography
Enneagram: 5w6 (592) so/sx
Zodiac: aquarius sun, pisces moon, libra rising
Temperament: phlegmatic
Archetype: The Sage
Similar characters: Feyre Archeron, Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Katara, Luna Lovegood, Sam Winchester
Father: Bennett Blackwine
Retired Unspeakable —> astronomer
Pureblood wizard
Killed during a home break in when Diana was 14
Ravenclaw alumnus
Mother: Guinevere Blackwine (Faughn)
Pureblood witch
Portrait painter and poet
Killed alongside Diana’s father
Slytherin alumnus
Aunt/Guardian: Celeste Blackwine
Pureblood witch
Owns a clothing shop
Ravenclaw alumnus
Pet: Saoirse
Scottish fold
Gifted on her thirteenth birthday
Loves Ominis’s cat Phoebe, lounging in the common room, and annoying Raegan’s Phoenix
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Raegan DesRosiers
Poppy Sweeting
Amit Thakkar
Samantha Dale
Boggart: two cloaked figures
Patronus: black mare
Polyjuice: turns shimmering indigo and tastes like blueberry syrup
Amortentia: Jasmine, chamomile, dark chocolate, and paint
Special abilities:
Ancient magic - especially gifted in weather spells (don’t mind the sudden thunderstorm over the castle… she’s just having a bad day.)
Seer (receives most of her prophecies through dreams, but is also skilled at tarotmancy and osteomancy as well as astrology)
Born on the Isle of Skye in Glen Sligachan, Scotland, Diana was raised as the only daughter and heiress to the Blackwine fortune; a family of the sacred 28. She often traveled with her parents, as their lines of work took them all over Great Britain and Northern Europe.
When Diana was around age seven, her governess began to report frequent distractions, being late to lessons, and speaking out of turn - which caused her parents concern. She was believed to have a behavioral disorder and was promptly given a slew of experimental drugs to remedy it… with no luck.
Her father was patient and understanding, while her mother was a different story; especially when Diana grew older and still showed no signs of possessing magic.
When Diana was fifteen, her manor was broken into in the middle of the night. By the time she awoke to the sound of screams and made it to the study, her parents were both dead - and the murderers gone. This is the trigger for her magic to be awakened, which shatters every piece of glass in the room the moment she finds them. The case remains unsolved for many years.
But she gets her Hogwarts letter (as Raegan did) just after the funeral, and finds hope in what’s to come despite the horrors that follow her.
Best subject: Divination
Favorite subject(s): Astronomy. Divination, and Charms
Favorite teacher: Onai
Worst subject: Potions
Favorite subject(s): Astronomy and Divination
Least favorite teacher: Shah “asTroNoMy is nOT dIVInaTIOn”
Quidditch: Seeker in seventh year (voluntold to play by Raegan)
As a student:
Teacher’s pet without even trying to be
Late to almost every class and has too much missed Potions homework to count
Miraculously avoids most trouble (it’s not miraculous, her friends just take the detentions for her)
Career: Astronomy Professor and Seer
Diana goes back and forth for a long time on her career choice - wanting to stay true to herself and help others at the same time. So, she winds up following in her father’s footsteps, and becomes the new Astronomy professor once Shah retires. She also takes over for Professor Hecat as the Head of Ravenclaw house (quite fitting). On the side (and when she eventually leaves Hogwarts for good), Diana is known to help local residents by offering Divination services such as tarot readings and osteomancy - and her predictions, when they come.
Spouse: Ominis Gaunt (m. 1896)
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
Apocamerica Map
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Apocamerica Masterlist
Understanding this map: Please note that I’m not a professional map maker and know absolutely nothing about cartography. This is simply a quick visual reference guide for navigating post-apocalypse America.
That being said, this map is subject to change and not wholly accurate or representative of safe/unsafe zones, as they constantly change, and there is yet to be an official database within this alternative universe. Think of this as an approximation. Also, keep in mind that this is 12 years after the initial outbreak, and things did not always look like this, nor will they continue to remain the same. Take this all with a grain of salt.
Zone breakdowns
Red, orange, & gray zones: AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Death is almost guaranteed from radiation and mutant anthrophages alike.
Blue Zone: Republic of Arcadia
Yellow zones: The yellow zones on the map are areas where human settlements still exist, and some communities are even thriving. However, these areas lack military protection and government aid, so they are considered unsafe (however subjective the word “safe” is within the context of this map). Yellow zones are also susceptible to radioactive wastelands but are often unexplored, classifying them as "unknown." Travelers in these areas risk encountering various dangers outside of anthrophages, including mutant animals, extremist groups, wasteland gangs, marauders, raiders, and other unsavory characters. Despite their predicted presence, these groups are not marked on this map as they tend to move around and are hard to keep tally of.
Green zones (power & economy): Areas designated as green zones are not entirely safe from security breaches, nemaxys outbreaks, and gang wars over territory and supply runs. These zones consist mainly of civilians striving to survive and establish a livelihood. As a result of the volatile post-outbreak landscape, the green zones are divided into constantly changing sectors. The few remaining "safe" human settlements are widely dispersed, leading the remaining Governors and congressmen to propose the formation of nation-states to exert better control over their respective areas.
However, the current de facto President, the former Speaker of the House, is determined to maintain control over sector territories and military command. They face the challenge of navigating a fragmented nation while contending with threats from the ROA and other factions attempting to seize power, testing their leadership in their efforts to restore order and unity to the ravaged remains of the US.
Despite the President’s efforts, the power vacuum in the sectors continues to expand as power-hungry politicians spare no effort to secure civilian allegiance. Some congressmen and governors have carved out their own fiefdoms within green and yellow zones, effectively becoming warlords of their respective regions.
Following the outbreak, the Hawaiian islands and Alaska are presumed to be the safest and untouched land masses. Hawaii closed its borders and halted all imports/ exports as soon as the first case of the nemaxys contagion hit the news. Meanwhile, a mass exodus of people left the continental US and headed up to Alaska, and the new capitol was relocated to a small Alaskan fishing town.
After the establishment of the Provisional Emergency Relief Agency (PERA), a federal-level build-back program was implemented in all green zones. The Bureau of Labor & Exports (BOLE) oversaw the program and regulated Chattel Services Inc. (CSI) and the remaining corporate-owned labor forces, which had a significant impact on the reconstruction efforts.
Under stringent government sanctions, an underground illicit black market has flourished, giving rise to new crime families that have ascended to power. These new syndicates replaced the previously dominant players, seizing control of the markets and territories once held by their fallen rivals.
Economic collapse rendered money worthless for a period, but eventually, the monetary system was reinstated, allowing for the revival of commerce through traditional means and ration tickets.
While crime and punishment were primarily addressed at the local level, the aftermath of the chaos led most people to abandon violence once their basic needs were met. Gainful employment provided them with a sense of purpose and belonging in society.
What about travel?
Transportation outside green zones mainly involves using trains, planes, or boats, as navigating on the ground with vehicles through a post-apocalyptic wasteland is considered too risky. However, some people still opt for ground transportation despite being viewed as dangerous and ill-advised compared to other means of travel.
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scotianostra · 8 days
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Robert Gordon of Straloch was born at Kinnundy in Aberdeenshire, on the 14th September, 1580 and is said to have been the first graduate of Marischal College.
I don't think these early cartographers get the credit they deserve, it's all too easy nowadays with sattelites and drones, but the cartographers of days gone by, in my opinion were every very talented people.
Robert was the younger son of Sir John Gordon of Pitlurg. After leaving Marischal College, he enrolled at the University of Paris. In 1608 Gordon married Catherine, daughter of Alexander Irvine of Lenturk, and they had nine sons and six daughters together.
Also in 1608 Gordon purchased the estate of Straloch, north of Aberdeen, and in 1619 he inherited the family estate of Pitlurg when his older brother John died without leaving children. The estates gave him the income he needed to pursue his academic interests, and over the following decades he became an eminent cartographer. He also published writings on a range of subjects including the ancient history of Scotland and the Gordon family history.
Such was Gordon's reputation that in 1641, Charles I wrote to him, asking him to carry forward the work undertaken by Timothy Pont in the 1580s and 1590s to map Scotland, verifying and, where necessary, revising his work. Gordon applied himself with enthusiasm, and the work was seen as so important that the Scottish Parliament exempted his son James Gordon from military service so he could assist, and the Church of Scotland wrote to all its clergy asking them to give Gordon every assistance in his task.
The work was completed in 1648 and subsequently published by the Blaeus of Amsterdam, under the title of Theatrum Scotiae. The second edition was published in 1655 and the third in 1662 and even by modern standards the cartography was impressive. Robert Gordon of Straloch died in 1661, being described in an obituary as "One of the most worthy and learned Gentlemen of our Nation". A grandson, also called Robert Gordon, founded the forerunner of Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen.
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grislyintentions · 5 months
|| Compatibility: Freminet ||
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A list of characters I see that Freminet can potentially befriend:
Charlotte -She seems like someone who can coax Freminet out of his regular comfort zone without forcing him into something that is too overwhelming. The both of them could not be more different in terms of personality but they also share the traits of problem-solvers. Led by Charlotte's curiousity and interest in her journalistic subjects, he picks up more skills alongside her too. Ultimately, she is likely someone he can trust when looking for external perspectives.
Klee -While her energy levels may overwhelm him at first, Klee's earnest and extroverted nature isn't too dissimilar to Charlotte and Lyney's antics. In fact, her child-like curiousity in everything is something that Freminet can appreciate. He would have someone to share stories with, be it the ones he had read or creating some together.
Yoimiya -Yoimiya's confident and affable nature is something Freminet would really admire. I can see him looking up to her as a mentor of sorts after witnessing the amount of thought she places into interacting with others of all ages. Her encouragement and willingness to apply a sense of wonder in everyday life is something that would mean a lot to him.
Mika - While the both of them are relatively shy and take some time to open up to others, they could definitely bond over their respective expertise in a scenario requiring teamwork. Freminet's experience with underwater systems in Fontaine would grant Mika a chance to explore different surveying methods as well as practise his cartography skills with a whole new environment. Likewise, Mika has a lot of surveying skills and wilderness survival techniques that Freminet could learn from too. In each other, they find someone who can understand their troubles with social interaction and a safe non-judgmental space to sit in companionable silence with.
Other compatibility posts:
Candace || Kafka || Clorinde
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honeyed-latte · 8 months
Fucked Up Pom Lore:
Totally up to yall if you read this, you have been warned, this WILL have emotional whump and it WILL handle very polarizing, kind of gross topics. Pom is an OC close to my heart now BECAUSE of the touchy subjects in her lore.
Its long as hell bc Im a yapper.
Due to how Tumblr works their blacklisting, I wont be censoring the words for the safety of those who have them blacklisted!
So, TW: Manipulation
TW: Religious Trauma
TW: Emotional Whump
TW: Accidental Incest (mentioned, no details)
TW: Suicidal Ideation
TW: Unreliable Narrator
TW: Emotional Cheating
Pom was aware of her family dynamic, Valka never hid that she had a very alive father and brother, but much like her mother Pom was of a mind that Berk was hostile toward dragons— unacceptable.
Thus, Stoick and Hiccup were unworthy of Poms consideration, let alone unworthy of meeting her at all. She is a dragon, they don't like dragons, it's simple math.
But thats not to say she didn't love them as fiercely as she was able, built by Valkas tales of her father and all the sweet stories of her brother. Her mother says the Gods have bigger plans for the women of their family.
Hiccup, during his year on Dragons Edge, prone to his love for cartography and adventure, finds himself on a unusually lush island to the north-east of Dragons Edge. It just barely skirts the Dragon Hunters typical stomping grounds and its a beauty.
He fully intends to map it, to scout it's dragon population and maybe make a few friends in the process. He's not fully aware he's being stalked by a human until he's a full day into his work and Toothless's prickly attitude tips him off.
The issue is he can't find them, he can't see anyone at all...
He decides to stay a few days, three maybe, just to get the full island and so far the presence isn't malicious, even Toothless's attitude mellows after the first day.
On the third and final day after waking earlier then usual, he finally manages to spot the person he theorized was stalking him. A young girl, around his age, bathing in the spring at the center of the island. The dragons milling around don't seem threatened or perturbed at all by her as she unobtrusively splashes her unruly, long hair and even with Toothless nudging him judgementally- Hiccup is a teenage boy, he is not immune to a pretty girl naked dripping in water.
He stares. Hard.
He does more then stare, fumbles out a journal and draws the seemingly feral girl. Splashing the water, grinning at the Wooly Howll that slapped her back with it's tail, and when she pulls herself out to dry on the rocks- spread out like a content dragon in the morning light.
She's braiding flowers into her red hair when he cracks a twig and she catches his eyes, a mirror of green. Hiccup runs, because he doesnt really know what else to do?
But he doesn't feel eyes on him for the rest of the day, he feels horribly guilty and creepy for looking and then drawing her, but she was strange and pretty and he's just a man???
He sleeps uneasy and wakes to a familiar flower tucked into his pauldron. Its more charming then alarming.
Poms never seen a man up close, Valka does any sort of battle needed with Hunters, and Queen Mala always meets them alone. So seeing the Howl Island suddenly have a stand alone man on it is....weird and exciting, his dragon is even more interesting- a Night Fury, probably the last one alive, what a find.
So she watches, and follows, and learns. His dragon, Toothless, welcomes her at their fire when his man sleeps, they talk. Toothless is a great conversationalist but she attributes that to his rider who also seems chatty.
It's less insulting or terrifying that he snuck up on her while she bathed, if he'd tried to hurt her SunBurn would have crisped him like a fish. But he didnt. So his fear seemed a bit of an overreaction....
So she tried to soothe any worry, putting a little Viking Pom in his armour as he slept, Toothless's wary eyes on her all the while.
Duties drag him home but he comes back swiftly, curious and perhaps a bit more.
He spends two weeks on that little island building tenuous trust with the feral girl, watching her free fall and fly with the Typhoomerang that had watched over her that morning, racing them, watching her bond with Toothless, he spends four days convinced she cant speak and doesnt understand him but he talks anyway.
She speaks, a rigid and proper way in fact with the most odd resonance, and tells him he's the only man she's ever seen. So he tells her stories, shows her maps, lets her put flower crowns around his head and stems tied to his fingers like rings.
Like they've known one another forever, he learns about her too. She learned her vocabulary from books, she lives with her mother, she isn't from this island and is only here to help the baby dragons, she was raised with dragons, the scar on her shoulder was from an injured Gronkle she saved.
It feels like a lifetime, just them. They just get one another effortlessly.
Other things take place as well, intimate things, often actually, and Hiccup only realizes they never exchanged names when he's hugging her goodbye for the final time. It feels right to not know, they'll never see eachother again after they part, if he knows he'll want to find her when the war is over- he can't do that. So they remain "Sunhair", what the dragons call her (apparently), and "Man".
Meeting her again two years later, as his mother (his mom!) drags him into a smaller rotunda of ice inside the Alpha's Sanctuary is not the meeting he had hoped for. Neither is he as elated by the acquisition of a sister as he was by his mother.
Valka doesnt ask, Pom doesn't tell, Hiccup ignores the disgust and dread in favour of battle and newfound family- then Stoick dies.
Its all a mess after that. He's Chief and his family was halved yet again, and the one person in the world who he felt was his truest equal is his sister because of course she is, that makes sense doesn't it?
The sudden fraternal feelings war with the memory of a girl he felt he could have loved under different circumstances, he figures Pom feels the same.
She's closer with Eret then him, and he tries not to be jealous about it, but he can't blame her when he can't even meet her eyes somedays.
Is it better if Eret is the brother she wishes for or the lover she can actually attain? Hiccup can't be either of those things.
Eret is Pom's bestfriend, only friend really, they're both outsiders watched warily by Berkians and especially Hiccup's friends.
He almost is like a brother, a proper one, one that doesn't stay from her like she's diseased or look pale when she hugs him.
Hiccup doesn't turn her away, he even welcomes her into his home as he did with Valka, but he doesn't seek her out unless he's truly troubled.
Astrid is another hurdle entirely, Pom doesn't like her. She's insubordinate, doesn't show the Queen of her nest respect even though she's to be his wife (thats something Pom avoids thinking about), she is meant to be a pillar of strength and confidence as Hiccup's mate where all can find comfort and instead she hurts them physically or insults them verbally.
Human rules are perturbing, Astrid is allowed all of this and even excused it because..."reasons". In a nest, a real one, Pom would have made her dislike known and they would battle until one perished or was exiled in their failure.
Humans aren't dragons.
So she has to pretend to like the girl to "keep peace" and swallow back all the manners she learned from her people for the sake of her brother.
Her brother.
The brother that won't look in her eyes and won't break fast with her most days, the one that doesn't touch her unless she closes the distance and jumps away as if they're filthy if someone so much as glances them touching hands.
Its all a big joke of Loki's most likely or the Gods are punishing them, its likely her fault. She should have asked his name two years ago.
She debates leaving often, only soothed by Valka's frustration and Erets fretting, she would see herself away from this Tribe thats not hers and a brother that isn't a brother any more then Stoick was her father, she would stay in the Sanctuary like she always did.
--Or perhaps drop into the sea, allow SunBurn to stay safe among a nest with the Alpha.
Pom dreams of death more then she does leaving, more then she dreams of Hiccups hands, more then she has nightmares of Stoicks body and Dragos army and the fury burning in Hiccups eyes.
If she were to die then Hiccup's conscience would be freed and cleared, he'd not worry of others learning the shame he has, Berk would lose nothing and neither would her Dragons. Valka would mourn, surely Eret as well, but they're safe and they're whole and thats what matters. Hiccup, as a Chief and Queen, would rule stronger if she weren't in his shadow.
Hiccup disagree's with Pom's feelings even if he doesn't know them.
In fact its an ongoing source of night terrors; Pom leaving, Pom taking the plasma blast that killed his dad (she had actually tried to, and that doesnt help the nightmares), never having found her at all.
He's conflicted before anything else, they both seem to agree not to mention it but he suspects Valka knows, somedays he thinks Eret and Astrid might as well.
Astrid doesn't know and she never will if he has any say, his and Pom's tryst predated their relationship and in a normal circumstance he still wouldn't have told her, it would just be undue pressure.
Its stressful all the time, only finding reprieve in ale and in the early hours of the morning. It was an accident, it hasn't occured since, now that they know who the other is it'll never happen again. That's good, no sacrilegious temptations, except that he feels just as discontent with the idea that they'll never have that connection back as he is with the knowledge that it happened at all.
Loving her and being in love with her both feel damning, but its there all the same.
What a horrific joke this all turned into.
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anteaterisland · 5 months
My GW2 Toons
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These are my GW2 characters. From Left to right they are, Old Man Blep the Asura Engineer. Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist. Sansa Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger. Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer. Mouse The Pleasant the Human Mesmer. Grenth Boy the Human Necromancer. And Kiotvi Wildblood the Norn Thief.
Details beneath the cut.
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These two ladies are The Commanders. They are Badasses. They are dating. They are in for a long ride. I am a new player, who has only just leveled them to 80.
Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer, was my first creation. She's still zero year's old. She has a passion for cartography, cooking, shapeshifting alchemy and Hylek. She lives in Sparkfly Fen and is a member of the priory. Trahearne asked her to be the Commander of the Pact and she was too touched by sentiment to say no, even though she is a terrible leader with social anxiety. Once indoctrinated by the nightmare court, she escaped their influence and stole a verdant puppy. But their corruption lingers in her heart.
Sansa "Stormwalker" Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger is the founder of the Pact. She's eight and a half feet tall and hyper competent. The daughter of Eir Stegalkin, she was raised by her Father. She worked as a messenger runner in her youth, and thunderstorms never delayed her, earning her title of Stormwalker. She killed Zhaitan, and works as the Commanders Right Hand. Chlora is endlessly grateful for her support.
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These two are The Twins. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist, is a young Asura with learning disabilities. ADD and Dyscalculia to name a few. She tried very hard to be a good Asura and learn advanced mathematics and Robotics in school but from a young age she showed no talent, no genius. She would throw explosive temper tantrums. She became an elementalist and joined the Vigil, and fights her battles with raw firepower, literally.
Her adoptive sister, Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian, was found as a Kitten and adopted by an Asura couple with a newborn as a questionably ethical experimental test subject into the question of Nature versus Nurture. She is everything her sister isn't: quiet, clever, polite, and proud. She can build any Golem you need and program it twice as fast. She powders and pomades her hair very tall as a symbol of her refinement. Her parents couldn't be prouder of her, as a daughter or a test subject. It's a shame all their theories about nurture prevailing are disproved by their other daughter...
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These two are Team Rocket. (to me.)
Grenth Boy's legal name is REDACTED, sloppily, by him. A young man, who disowned himself from his noble father upon reaching his majority. Big Fan of Wolfgang Lacrymohs. A necromancer who has devoted his life to Grenth. He’s optimistic and naive. He is a grief counselor and loves nothing more than to give the last rights, and reassure people that they will be welcomed by Grenth. This is not always reassuring.
Mouse The Pleasant was a human Foundling, her family history is completely lost. An orphan and whispers lightbringer, an accomplished mesmer and con-artist, has successfully infiltrated the aristocracy of Divinity’s Reach. An absolute sweetheart who no one would suspect of being a conniving witch.
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These two are new, and as such, their lore is still under construction.
Old Man Blep is an Asura Engineer. He is the Twins Father. He works in construction maintenance in Rata Sum.
Kiotvi Wildblood is a Norn Theif. He is a hunter of the wild, and wields a shortbow.
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beaconhopper · 3 days
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This is Tayte. If it wasn't obvious, she is a powerful, alien warrior that happens to look like a gold catfish. She was born in an unmarked, small planetoid filled with a city that contains ancient primordial ooze that sustains her species. Before joining Yeva's crew, she was a guardian to a circle of elders that were located in a spot of the planetoid that was difficult for citizens to reach. According to her culture, the women of the species train themselves to be justice enforcers; the strongest ones in charge of protecting the oldest of their race. Unfortunately, the training they go through leaves little time for other subjects or hobbies. This aspect being the main reason why a crew of somewhat okay space pirates filled her with personal hope. Little did everyone know that she was a big fan of Universal Cartography. After some unexpected hijinks and low-key banishment, Tayte gladly joined Yeva's crew as the cartographer (and if serious enough, the crew's last resort muscle). She was the third person to join the crew; the first two being only Yeva and her husband, Borox.
(I think I'll call the series this crew is from "The Uncharted")
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