#Old Man Blep
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anteaterisland · 11 months ago
My GW2 Toons
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These are my GW2 characters. From Left to right they are, Old Man Blep the Asura Engineer. Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist. Sansa Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger. Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer. Mouse The Pleasant the Human Mesmer. Grenth Boy the Human Necromancer. And Kiotvi Wildblood the Norn Thief.
Details beneath the cut.
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These two ladies are The Commanders. They are Badasses. They are dating. They are in for a long ride. I am a new player, who has only just leveled them to 80.
Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer, was my first creation. She's still zero year's old. She has a passion for cartography, cooking, shapeshifting alchemy and Hylek. She lives in Sparkfly Fen and is a member of the priory. Trahearne asked her to be the Commander of the Pact and she was too touched by sentiment to say no, even though she is a terrible leader with social anxiety. Once indoctrinated by the nightmare court, she escaped their influence and stole a verdant puppy. But their corruption lingers in her heart.
Sansa "Stormwalker" Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger is the founder of the Pact. She's eight and a half feet tall and hyper competent. The daughter of Eir Stegalkin, she was raised by her Father. She worked as a messenger runner in her youth, and thunderstorms never delayed her, earning her title of Stormwalker. She killed Zhaitan, and works as the Commanders Right Hand. Chlora is endlessly grateful for her support.
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These two are The Twins. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist, is a young Asura with learning disabilities. ADD and Dyscalculia to name a few. She tried very hard to be a good Asura and learn advanced mathematics and Robotics in school but from a young age she showed no talent, no genius. She would throw explosive temper tantrums. She became an elementalist and joined the Vigil, and fights her battles with raw firepower, literally.
Her adoptive sister, Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian, was found as a Kitten and adopted by an Asura couple with a newborn as a questionably ethical experimental test subject into the question of Nature versus Nurture. She is everything her sister isn't: quiet, clever, polite, and proud. She can build any Golem you need and program it twice as fast. She powders and pomades her hair very tall as a symbol of her refinement. Her parents couldn't be prouder of her, as a daughter or a test subject. It's a shame all their theories about nurture prevailing are disproved by their other daughter...
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These two are Team Rocket. (to me.)
Grenth Boy's legal name is REDACTED, sloppily, by him. A young man, who disowned himself from his noble father upon reaching his majority. Big Fan of Wolfgang Lacrymohs. A necromancer who has devoted his life to Grenth. He’s optimistic and naive. He is a grief counselor and loves nothing more than to give the last rights, and reassure people that they will be welcomed by Grenth. This is not always reassuring.
Mouse The Pleasant was a human Foundling, her family history is completely lost. An orphan and whispers lightbringer, an accomplished mesmer and con-artist, has successfully infiltrated the aristocracy of Divinity’s Reach. An absolute sweetheart who no one would suspect of being a conniving witch.
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These two are new, and as such, their lore is still under construction.
Old Man Blep is an Asura Engineer. He is the Twins Father. He works in construction maintenance in Rata Sum.
Kiotvi Wildblood is a Norn Theif. He is a hunter of the wild, and wields a shortbow.
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illiana-mystery · 2 months ago
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He was so adorably precious in this interview.
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blep-23 · 7 months ago
Gansley knowing an old ass man that’s so fuckin old? More likely than you’d think.
Jesus Christ this old man has issues about his mother. Trauma dump much?
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lainybug0504 · 5 months ago
Boop the snoot!
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jeannie-nelson65 · 2 years ago
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Don’t you love when he bleps? 🫦😍
Cuz I do 🥺❤️
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corcnaiism · 5 months ago
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;-- teehee
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zionanelequaso · 8 months ago
who would be the batman to my joker chat
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ofmdrecaps · 4 months ago
11/29-30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Con O'Neill; Nathan Foad; Ruibo Qian; David Fane; Megan Vertelle BTS; Fan Spotlight: One More Song Drag; Articles; Love Notes;
= David Jenkins =
Chaos Dad is out helping to fuel the clowning! The big point of that interview that @adoptourcrew was kind enough to point out was that Rhys is absolutely ready to hop back into ofmd.
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Source: David Jenkins Bsky
= Rhys Darby =
- Daily Darby Doodles -
More Daily Doodles from the Darbs!
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Source: Rhys Free Substack
And Rhys doing a little advertising, and getting heckled by the kids.
Source: TheCryptidFactor Instagram
Rhys also did a short video while at the StarFury Event in the UK for his paid Substack.
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Source: Rhys' Paid Substack
= Taika Waititi =
A little blep from Taika's Interior Chinatown interview!
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Source: YulYY4 Bsky
Rita crumbs of Taika and his goofy self.
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And some rugby going on with friends! You can see David Fane and Robbie Magasiva there too!
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Source: Marsgee13
= Con O'Neill =
Some more pictures of Con from the Republic of Pirates that were posted after the con!
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Source: Starfury Events
= Nathan Foad =
Nathan keeping us entertained with bratwurst, I love this man.
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
= Ruibo Qian =
A quick sketch of our lovely Pirate Queen out on the town with a friend.
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram Stories
= David Fane =
Looks like David Fane's old work Bro'town (with Oscar Knightly and so many others) has some new swag up! If you're interested, check it out on their Redbubble!
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Source: David Fane's Instagram
= Megan Vertelle =
Our sweet Set Decorator Megan Vertelle was kind enough to give us some more BTS of Mary and Anne's antique shop! You can view them all here: OFMD Renewal Repo or on Megan Vertelle's Instagram
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Source: Megan Vertelle's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= One More Song =
This is actually happening as we speak in Columbus OH because this recap is very very very late. For those of you who end up attending, please let us know how it was! It sounds absolutely phenomenal, so many great crew member (and even VICO!) joining this fabulous Drag & Variety Show! Wanna learn more about these awesome performers? Check out their Instagram posts (linked below) for their socials and introductions!
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Vico Suave! / V.C. De Arte
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Polly Amour / Zalestorm
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Krill Collins / Polly Cocktail
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Snake / Honeybee
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BBQ Guo / Elixir Kant
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G Wiz / Gagatha Christea
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Keela Mann / Irritable Brat Syndrome
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Source: One More Song OFMD Instagram
== Articles ==
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for continuing to keep us apprised of ofmd related articles!
Source: AdoptOurCrew
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. These are so late and I'm very sorry for that-- but I'll be honest I've been dealing with a lot at home and it's been hard to get to them. I still think of you all every day, and I hope you're hanging in there. Remember to take some time for yourself if you need it. Sending love <3
Source: The Latest Kate's Instagram
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anteaterisland · 4 months ago
Update! of All My GW2 Blorbos
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These are my beloved GW2 Toons! Details and Close-up's below.
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(Left) Grima The Blind.
Norn Revenant. When she was a child, she was possessed by a ghost, and has basically been an old woman her whole life, but recently she became traumatically dispossessed and is finding herself existing as a young woman without ever having been a child. She keeps trying to find herself (literally) by searching for her ghost, the one that got away, and keeps being only shallow host to various wisps who dont stick around. Lost.
(Right)Mouse The Pleasant. 
Mouse the Pleasant is an orphan, a human foundling. Her parents were killed in an accident, and when some good-doers searched the wagon crash site for the source of the crying, it took them quite a while to find her because she, precocious mesmer than she was, had gone invisible. It’s what kept her safe. 
She was raised in a bar, and learned very young that being sweet and nice and cute and letting people pinch her cheeks got her good tips. As a result, she grew up into the most pleasant, perfect, soft, squishable woman you’ve ever seen. 
At a certain point she decided that coming from nothing, with no knowledge of her past, meant she had nothing to lose, and started to up her game with a long con. She would sneak into fancy parties with illusory wealth and charm the nobles of divinity's reach, developing a persona of incredible class, eventually completely infiltrating the elusive club of the elite. She is the belle of every ball. She’s a whispers lightbringer and works with Countess Anise. 
Everyone who knows her loves her. And no one would ever suspect such an absolute sweatheart of being a vicious, manipulative witch. 
And if by sheer chance, she ever happened to run across Ratthew the Vile, why she wouldn’t think to give vermin like him a second glance. And without a second glance why, she’d probably never see that they have identical purple eyes. She lost her family far too young to remember she once had a twin.
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(Left) Grenth Boy
Grenth Boy, (legal name redacted) is a human necromancer, and is only 17 years old. He was adopted by a noble family after he was orphaned as a newborn. His father named him after himself, and was very controlling, just the worst kind of rich asshole who treats his kid like an extension of himself, a doll on a shelf that only needs to say a few lines if you pull the string. 
When he finds his birth parents' graves it’s a transformative experience for him. The epitaphs on cold stone are the warmest parental experience of his life. Love for him sent across time, carved on a grave. Warmth and good wishes. They died before they could name him, but because he was born under the sign of Grenth, they called him their Grenth Boy. 
And he thinks to himself these death markers are the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. That this is who he was before his adoptive father tried to turn him into a clone of himself, when he was loved and free. He wishes he could have been raised by the gravestones, they would have been kinder to him.
On that day our boy decided, clearly and firmly, actually fuck being (redacted) jr. I’d rather be anyone else, I’d rather be no one than keep your name. I’d rather have never been named at all then named after you. 
And he runs away from home. There is only one peice of identity left to him, one place to go. The Temple of Grenth. But unfortunately, despite his new devotion, his father’s influence is a powerful obstacle, and the Priests there are too afraid to take him in as an acolyte. His noble father is convinced he will tire eventually of living on the streets and come home. 
But Grenth Boy doesn’t. He lives in an alleyway behind the temple, teaching himself to summon ghosts. His hair turns white and lank and his eyes begin to glow, as he develops his natural talent for necromancy and his deep spiritual love for Grenth. Never well-adjusted socially, his love of death and living happily in the gutter only further unnerve people. They say : “Stay out of that alley, it’s where that awful Grenth Boy lives.”
Wolfgang Lachrymohs, a noble whom Grenth Boy knows mostly by reputation, though they shared the same larger social circle before Grenth Boy left home, comes upon him one day. And upon being re-introduced to him as “Grenth Boy” says: “I cannot call you that. There must be something we can do.” And pulls some strings to at least have the boy be *acknowledged* by the temple. The priests knock up a little ceremony with some candles and vows as a half-measure, and Grenth Boy officially becomes a Votary of Grenth. Wolfgang will be the only person to ever actually call him that. Wolfgang is Grenth Boy’s hero. 
Grenth Boy is optimistic, naive, and an exceptional if slightly disturbing grief counselor. He is a devout man, who loves no ritual more than the last rights, but loves also caring and healing those on the brink of death. His ability to wield Grenth’s power in combat means he becomes the hero of shamoor, then eventually joining the priory and later the pact. His favorite place in the world is the Godslost Swamp, where he was recruited into the Priory. But he never forgets his dream of becoming a true Priest of Grenth. 
“Death is a blessing I mercifully bestow upon my enemies, and selfishly deny my friends.” - Grenth Boy
He’s also 5’2” and thin as a rake. 
(Right) Kiotvi Wildblood
A Norn Theif. Sansa’s half-brother by way of her father. He is a poacher and a woodsman who finds himself so awkward as to be unable to function properly in society, and so lives alone. He has a homestead in the Janthir Wilds and is an exquisite craftsman, he carved his sister’s bow for her. He lives a quiet life, utterly uninterested in heroics, unlike his sister.
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(Left) Sansa “Stormwalker” Eirsdottir
The Commander’s Right Hand
A norn ranger, daughter of Eir Stegalkin. Sansa was raised by her father with little contact with her legendary hero mother. Her Father is a very noble, delicate man, and Sansa has very refined manners. Her norn peers thought she would become a skald like her Father, not a hunter like Eir. They should've known better, when she tamed a wolf. In her youth she ran messages between army camps and no blizzard nor thunder would stop her, earning her the epithet of Stormwalker. 
When she came of age she pursued legendary status with a fury. When she learned her mother was going to the Great Hunt, she decided to go as well, to prove to her mother that she had what it took to follow in her footsteps. With a wolf and bow at her side and her long red hair she was a vision, Eir Stegalkin come again. 
The strength of the Wolf is the Pack, and it is this wisdom that brings Sansa to create the Pact, collecting agents from every order to band them together to defeat the Elder Dragons. But as a member of the V(igil, she cannot be Pact Marshall, and Traheane is chosen instead. And again she is passed over, as Trahearne chooses Chlora Phylia the Sylvari to be Pact Commander. She takes the slights well though, and vows to help in any way she can. She is valiant and diligent in her support of the Pact Commander, Chlora Phylia. So enterprising and effective, many people get confused and think she actually is the Commander. 
This time is the closest relationship she’s ever had with her mother, and she is making Eir proud, which fills her with joy. She defends Eir to Zojja, forming a bitter rivalry. But When Sansa meets Braham Eirsson, a man she never knew existed, her own brother, she realizes her mother never told her of her brother, and beyond that, Eir never speaks to Sansa like a daughter, only as a soldier.
(Right) Chlora Phylia
The Commander.
A young sylvari, birthed from the pale tree less than a year before being made Commander of the pact, due to her close relationship with Marshal Trahearne. Early in her life she was recruited to the nightmare court, and stayed for some time, but when she was tasked with whipping the Verdant Hounds to turn them into nightmares she found she could not bear it. She escaped with a pup and returned to the pale tree, but the Nightmare is not so easily thwarted. 
Chlora Phylia wields a Strange Greatsword to focus her mesmeric power, a remnant from her days in the Nightmare Court. But she is spurred into violence by it's corruption. It unsettles those around her, she's the creepiest sort of mesmer. She blindfolds her eyes in combat, so how does she see... it must be her mesmeric clones, surely it could not be with that great twitching eye...
She is bitterly jealous of Trahearne, not for the post of Marshall, but for the Pale Tree’s favor. It was he whom she granted Caladbolg after Chlora quested to recover it for her people. Her own nightmarish sword stokes the fires of her coveting. She leans heavily on her dear friend, Sansa Eirsdottir, Founder of the Pact, to keep her sanity, and protect her image. The pressures of command and the nightmare are tearing her apart, but she wants to remain Trahearne's second at all costs, to become worthy of Caladbolg someday and The Pale Tree's favor. Or else take it from his corpse, but that's only in her nightmares. Right?
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(Left) Lady Brassica
Lady Brassica is Chlora Phylia’s younger sister. Younger by about a month. 
Chlora Phylia was born to kill Zhaitan, to be the tip of the spear, her wild hunt is to fight for the sylvari and kill the pale tree’s enemies. She is Trahearne’s dear friend and the Commander of the Pact. 
Lady Brassica was born to kill Zhaitan, to be the tip of the spear, her wild hunt is to fight for the sylvari and kill the pale tree’s enemies. She is absolutely no one. 
Just after Chlora Phylia was born she was inducted into the nightmare court and the pale tree believed her lost. She birthed a back-up plan. The perfect soldier, strong, moral, beloved. Lady Brassica is the epitome of a knight, the platonic ideal of chivalry. Her first few missions were stunning triumphs, including against the hated nightmare court. 
Then Chlora Phylia broke free from the nightmare court. She returned to the pale tree’s favor as a double agent. She recovered Caladbolg and fought at Claw Island. 
And Lady Brassica had no more purpose.
(Right) Catalytic Curfuffle
An Asura Elementalist, is a young Asura with learning disabilities. ADD and Dyscalculia to name a few. She tried very hard to be a good Asura and learn advanced mathematics and Robotics in school but from a young age she showed no talent, no genius. She would throw explosive temper tantrums. She ran away from home and ended up being adopted by Rytlock and forming her own Warband. She fights her battles with raw firepower, literally.
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(Left) Old Man Blep
An Asura Engineer. He works in construction maintenance in Rata Sum. He has two grown daughters, one biological, an asura elementalist firecracker named Catalytic Curfuffle. And one adopted, a Charr engineer named Marrow Antoinette. He and his ex-wife raised them together as an experiment in Nature vs Nurture, they wanted to determine if Charr were naturally aggressive or it was learned behavior. 
Marrow Antoinette grew up to be the sweetest, gentlest, smartest Charr anyone had ever met. She is a model asura, building tiny golem circuits with the greatest of delicacy and the tips of her claws. Her white fur is kept fastidiously clean, and she wouldn’t hurt a fly. 
However, the entire question of whether this was indeed nurture prevailing is made inconclusive, because their biological daughter flunked out of school and ran away from home in frothing rage. Just before she left she accused both her parents of treating their children as unethical science experiments instead of family. 
Over the years, Old Man Blep took this deeper and deeper to heart. He would have long arguments with his then wife about it, who did not agree that they had done anything wrong, culminating in their divorce. 
His ex-wife was a star architect in Rata Sum and helped build it’s most spectacular buildings. She’s made a permanent mark on the world and the history of the asura, her name literally carved into the floating foundations. Old Man Blep spends his days in the bowels of the city, fitting himself into acute angles of the pyramid, cleaning up broken tiles and fixing magnetic pipes with a big rusty wrench and a chisel. No one will remember him or his work, but he takes what small measure of pride from it as he can. He keeps the city from falling out of the sky. 
Old Man Blep is an old, very sad man, who believes his true life’s work, his family, was ruined by his own hand. His only goal is to do whatever it takes to make his daughters feel loved, even if it means respecting their wishes and keeping his distance from Catalytic Curfuffle for the rest of his life.
(Right) Marrow Antoinette
A Charr Guardian, was found as a Kitten and adopted by an Asura couple with a newborn as a questionably ethical experimental test subject into the question of Nature versus Nurture. She is everything her sister isn't: quiet, clever, polite, and proud. She can build any Golem you need and program it twice as fast. She powders and pomades her hair very tall as a symbol of her refinement. Her parents couldn't be prouder of her, as a daughter or a test subject. It's a shame all their theories about nurture prevailing are disproved by their other daughter…
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thedreadvampy · 25 days ago
Sorry about your loss :( when youre feeling up to it, I'd love to hear some memories about Otis.
well as often happens in these situations one thing I'm finding is I didn't take enough pictures of him while I had the chance.
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Otis, as my friend said in some distress when I told them last week that he was sick, was The People's Boy. Everybody loved him and he loved people, he was enthusiastically ready to meet strangers and greet friends. He was an exceptionally sweet and chill man and he actively enjoyed handling, so he converted several people who weren't sure of snakes at all into huge Otis fans.
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He was an incredibly beautiful boy - he was very big and muscular before he got sick, and he had creamy white and dark brown patterning that made him look like tempered chocolate. His belly was this lovely graphic checkerboard and he had a face that always made me think of a rabbit's face - big brown eyes and a pinkish nose and a little moustache pattern that gave him :3 face.
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He liked to climb all over you, and he particularly liked to climb long hair. he would reach himself out so far his whole body was trembling. but he wasn't ever really trying to get away, he was just enjoying exploring - the corn snake we had until 2020 was always gearing up for a dash, but Otis was a pootler, he liked to wander around and smell things.
we got Otis in 2021 from the SSPCA and he was about 3 then. We think they'd misjudged his food requirements cause they told us he had one mouse a week, but that he'd scarf up any leftovers the other snakes didn't eat. and when he moved in with us he fell on food immediately (which was nice cause we'd just lost a baby corn snake who never learned how to eat at all) but then he'd stay activated and looking for more food instead of settling in to digest. also he did this.
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literally tried to eat both me and Sam multiple times which was no fun for anyone involved. lots of blood and prising off of jaws with a credit card. anyway then we upped him to two large mice a week and he never showed the slightest signs of aggression or biting ever again. he was literally just starving.
he also grew literally another foot once he was getting enough food, which came as a bit of a surprise cause at 3 we figured he was mostly done growing, but he grew so much we had to get him a bigger viv because he was doing frustrated circles around the old one.
we took him to the vet like a few months or so into having him, because he stopped eating over the winter, which we didn't yet know was normal for him, and because he had a scar on his head when we got him which seemed to be spreading (in retrospect, probably just because he was growing so much that damaged skin was splitting).
First off, the vet loved him. Whenever Otis had to go to the vets, all the nurses would see him through the window and come in to fuss over him.
On that early visit, the vet used the phrase "startlingly healthy" - he was on the biggest end of male kingsnakes and he was basically pure muscle. We called him our long himbo because he was both exceptionally fit, super sweet-natured, and kinda dumb.
I remember one time we gave him a mouse, he leapt on it instantly then dropped it, and he looked back at us in confusion with his tongue flickering like "mOuSe? sMeLl MoUsE? wHeRe MoUsE?????" and we were like buddy. It's on your butt. I can see it. It's draped over you.
he loved to burrow and he loved to swim. Not so much recently, because he was prescribed daily baths to help with his gut issues and he came to find it quite stressful, but in the past if we put him in a bath he'd settle in happily and swim laps around the box. he spent a good chunk of his life buried in between the paper layers in his viv (occasionally terrifying, he was good at hiding) but he refused to stay in pockets, because when he was out and about he wanted to keep an eye on everything.
he was so chill. He didn't mind being handled or kissed on his back, and he'd just do little bleps right on your face. He seemed almost impossible to scare, he'd just wander straight up to things. He did like an explore but he was also totally happy to sit in your lap or around your neck while you got on with things, and he'd often refuse to get back in his viv after. He really really liked people, and he liked us.
I'm really struggling at the moment because for years now when I'm sad and exhausted and out of energy I'd take him out and hold him in my lap and he'd help me feel more safe and present. And I would really like to be doing that again and I can't. I miss his weight and warmth and smoothness and the way he smelled and I miss talking to him. He was the goodest boy.
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creekfiend · 8 months ago
sending animal pictures you say? here's my girl meeka (german) and her uncle blue (old man husky) (plus one of the cats skulking about in the bg)
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they are both crazystupidsmart in opposite ways. I love them with all my heart.
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blep-23 · 7 months ago
Mallory no one asked your old ass to go into a cave with them. You’d honestly probably die in there.
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seeyouonsaturn · 1 month ago
nooo I forgor to send some of these last time. hands you asks !!! for whoever is on the brain !!!
Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
ask game
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Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
Skyline: Especially in the early stages of their relationship, D-16 is so incredibly awkward and shy around Skyline, and she thinks it's the cutest thing. She genuinely can't get enough of it, he's too adorable, she's constantly overwhelmed by cuteness aggression towards her tiny boyfriend.
Then, once he eventually grows more confident in their relationship, he's pulling a uno reverse on her, because at that point Skyline is so hopelessly down bad for him that even the slightest flirty comment or perhaps even suggestive line has her dying. And D-16 can't get enough of it either; he still can't believe he has that kind of power over her. They're just both blushing messes by the end of it. Once again I am reminded of just how young these two are, they're so precious, I hope nothing bad ever happens to them.
Bluescreen: Once LugnutClobber finally (finally) gets her shit together and starts going out with Bluescreen, and finally realizes the power she has over that poor girl, it's all over. Bluescreen's barely even blushing, she's just straight up passing out every time. But it's fine, it's normal, she's had it checked out by a medic and had it cleared, it's just... a thing that happens. And oh Primus it's adorable. Clobber feels bad about making Bluescreen's processor crash so often but it's also so darn cute, she can't help it. You really like me that much?? Clobber's going all heart eyes (eye) over it every time. She keeps telling everyone she knows about it because it makes her feel so darn happy and loved she just has to share it. Meanwhile everyone else is so done with her idiocy because yes Clobber, you've been having that effect on Bluescreen for centuries, how have you JUST noticed???
Crux Stratos: I haven't even released this guy to the public yet but they FIT so shhhh.. BOTH they take turns. You'd think Stratos would be the one constantly making Swerve's faceplates overheat, showing up at the bar just to openly flirt with him, or even just by showing him genuine affection. And you wouldn't be wrong, they do do that, but oh, the other way around it's so much worse. Stratos is weak for that little man. Flirt back at them once and they're a blushing mess. Please stop doing it in front of everyone they've got a reputation to uphold. They're trying so hard to keep it together. In private though? They're on their hands and knees begging for mercy.
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Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
TfP!Ultra Magnus and Nightpurr oh my god.
Livewire: Livewire physically cannot say more than two sentences without cussing. It's so bad. And once she picks up human expressions it gets even worse. Ratchet wouldn't care if it was just once in a while (I think Ratchet also deserves to say fuck) but girl you need to calm tf down. Please. He's too old for this shit. How is she using words he's never even heard of. Livewire I am going to weld your intake shut. At least she's trying to swear less in front of Sari but the improvement is minimal.
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Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
Trixie: Sleepy Trixie is surprisingly agreeable and almost docile at times. Unless you piss it off, in which case she is BITING. But overall she's just grumpy and complaining about everything, but looks so cute while she's doing it, probably with ruffled fur and a blep. She's just a sleepy little creature. Just pick it up and let her sleep in your arms, Senny.
Sentinel meanwhile gets SO annoyed by everyone and everything if he's not getting enough sleep. Of course he can fake being nice and all that if the situation calls for it, but god forbid you have to deal with him in private, you will not be having a good time. Sometimes even Trixie has to tell him to take a fucking chill pill and get his ass to bed if he's gonna act like a pissy toddler who stayed up too late.
Havoc: Havoc is trying so hard to keep it together, she Has To Be Nice, she can't let her angry side show, but people won't give her a break and she's been awake for days, please save her. She's constantly running on fumes because she refuses to sleep a normal amount, so she's used to it, but even Havoc has her limits. Sleep-deprived Whirl probably has his own emergency code level.
Bluescreen: Sleepy Bluescreen is just adorable. Please pick her up and put her to bed. Tuck her in. Give her a lil kissy.
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Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
Ash: Outside. Please take them outside at night oh my god. They'll drive far out into the forest where they can actually see the stars, and watch nocturnal animals go about their business. Ash could never do this before because it just isn't safe to do alone for a small human, but with Prowl there for protection they're finally living their best life.
Wildside: Where don't they go? Wildside prefers the daytime where people are awake and available to be bothered, but the night life of the city has got its own charm too. And the dark's not scary when you've got headlights. The time of day doesn't matter - it's always time for adventure. If those two dumbasses aren't keeping the citizens of Detroit awake with their antics, they're probably back home in their garbage dump harassing the local raccoons (they're playing dress up with old baby clothes they found!)
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Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
Havoc: This feels like such a Whirl thing I need to make it Whoc. Except I don't think Whirl would actually wear the shirt because (unfortunately) Havoc just isn't stupid. But hear me out. Havoc wears the shirt. She got it as a joke gift from someone and thought it was hilarious so she's wearing it. Whirl also thinks it's hilarious, you know he wouldn't be offended if it's funny af. He's standing next to the arrow and posing.
Trixie: They're both wearing the shirt. TfA!Sentrix especially oh my god.
Bonus: TripTrick. They INVENTED those shirts.
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weepingfoxfury · 7 months ago
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The man on the radio is still absent from his perch ... so the stand in man on the radio is the gentleman who has trouble with which buttons to press ... makes for entertaining Monday morning mayhem. Weatherwise there's a whole load of canines and felines coming down out there and 'the umbrella' is very much in demand. The traffic lady says there's animals loose on the road again ... no specification as to what kind, but obviously the sort that can find their way out of a field.
Today's groaner: Why don't owls date in the rain? ... Because it's too wet to woo ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
Mr Snippy and the rest of the Hairy Horde have taken a real liking to their new doggy beds. Although, Mr Snippy can't quite let go of part of his old bed ... he apparently needs to be able to clutch his cushion in order to have the sweetest of dreams while blepping.
Much as it was fun, gone are the days of spare sofa cushions and old duvets being dragged around the floor. Mr Snippy is the best at rearranging soft furnishings in such a way that there's optimum blockage of things in the kitchen ... especially the fridge ... and even better when assisted by his all too willing accomplice, Betty. After all, who needs to get into the fridge? The motto is 'none shall pass' ... unless of course the hooman who wants to get into the fridge is doing so because they need to get sausages out to bestow upon the fridge blocker.
The new beds do not allow for such shenanigans ... so perhaps Mr Snippy is dreaming up ways that he can use his new bed in order to gain sausage supplies. :-)
A reasonable night for Biggest Dog and myself, about 5 hours of sleep before she began pacing ... so, with the right amount of coffee and keep telling myself 'I can do this', then we should just about make it through the day.
Monday, Monday, Monday and there's rain aplenty ...
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roboticchibitan · 1 year ago
While looking into the other stuff the sneapot artist had available, I got recommendations for some other teapots and ended up down a small rabbithole of teapots, so for your enjoyment and rating purposes, in no particular order, I give you:
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Vaguely cursed cats:
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A cute orange I'd actually use:
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Second vaguely cursed cat (his face!):
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Assassin's teapot:
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Cute little house:
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Little hill:
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(Image ID under cut due to length)
Man, these are fun! The train is so shiny. It looks like a steam engine, complete with steam! The... artichoke... forgot the word for artichoke for a second and had to scroll back up to where you linked it, is fun and along with the orange one (or is that a peach?) would make fun collector's items for someone with a food themed teapot collection. I think it's funny that the vase on the dresser with cats one is knocked over cuz like. Yeah, cats will do that. The black cat looks like they were going to blep and ended up with cursed. Also... I kinda want an assassin's teapot. Just for the hell of it. Might look up how much those cost. The house and the hill are cute and look very scenic but what the heck is that creature on the hill one? Is it a mouse? Or? The fox has such tiny eyes. And the owl such large ones. I like that the owl one the spout is the branch it's sitting on. That's clever.
Image 1: a black and gold steam engine shaped teapot with grey ceramic smoke coming out it's smokestack
Image 2: a teapot shaped like an artichoke head on its side
Image 3: a teapot shaped like a clothes dresser with several drawers open, and a small porcelain cat on top. There is a knocked over vase of flowers sitting on the lid.
Image 4: a teapot shaped like an orange, with a leaf on the lid
Image 5: a black cat teapot. The face is the lid of the teapot, and the spout is an arm. The cat's mouth is open.
Image 6: a teapot shaped like an old man. There are measurements listed on the image. It is 7.1 inches wide and 5.12 inches tall. This teapot is the assassin's teapot.
Image 7: a teapot shaped like a cottage with flowers out front and a thatched roof
Image 8: A round teapot shaped like a hill with a well at the top. There are ceramic shapes of as mall girl and an animal I can't identify, as well as a picnic basket painted onto the side of the teapot.
Image 9: A teapot shaped like a fox in a waistcoat. The fox is white and has small eyes. Its head is the lid of the teapot.
Image 10: A teapot shaped like an owl sitting on a branch. The owl is brown and has large eyes and very defined eyebrows.
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poupeesdecirque · 1 month ago
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And we have reached the time in which my dolls got taken over by D.Gray-man characters aka ... this is more DGM than anything else now. Some Pumpkins inbetween and some leftovers from the time before but mainly DGM Sketches now and I am ... kinda thankful for that.
Don't get me wrong I like my OCs but some of them are super hard to draw and I do prefer drawing fanart at the moment.
So we have... Mana, Allen (in various variants), Nea, Leviathan, Eeske.... and a bunch more.
For those who aren't familiar with the whole challenge here I am drawing all my dolls/their characters and under the cut are a few words to each doll.
Mana Walker (Clown) - Was actually never planned as Mana, originally I got the doll as fullset and he was a character from the same universe as the Storyteller, but as my OC Burnout happened and I got back into DGM I was like "well... lets try" and I am more than happy that I went that direction. He's one of my most beloved doll customs.
Leviathan - Another little Pumpkin friend, I have the prototype of this doll as well. I do like the design but the print is rather rough. I know there is a casted variant now but it's too expensive for a "doubled" doll imho.
Allen Walker - One of a lot of Allen dolls that would move in. He's one of my absolute favorites, I worked on him as I was really sick but somehow the time was so intense. I love taking him out for photos. But since his face up got damaged a year ago I have been... more careful with him.
Mana D. Campbell & Nea D. Campbell - Nea was planned as soon as I ordered Allen, Mana kinda followed. I just had to get them both. I customized them at the same time and always put their things on different sites to not mix them up. And yes I can even tell their hands apart, as Mana as some beauty marks and Nea doesn't.
Eddie - As I saw the skeleton like pumpkin head I immediately had the idea to make a .... non creepy doll. A Pumpkin Grandpa, as the pumpkin looked wrinkled to me. For his cloth i went old school and used a sock to make the sweater.
Red - The more Allen the better. As I fell in love with cosplaying Red I knew I needed a doll. he's kinda a mini me because of that (I dyed my hair red for Red and kept it like that). He's another 'i was sick' project... as I worked on his cloth as I got covid for the first time.
Mana Walker - Red without fitting Mana? No way. My first idea was to make a mask for him to switch him from Mana to the Earl and back but I scrapped that idea for another one.
child!Allen - As my Clown Mana is not in scale with the other DGM Dolls I wanted one to be in scale. Originally I wanted Red in 1/4 size but decided to make him Allen after Mana took him in.
Eeske - The last doll I got before my burnout and kinda regretted getting, I customized her and put her in a cabinet. i never got truly warm with her, she's a cool doll overall but never meant much to me aside being an interesting project to work on.
The Millennium Earl - My Magnus Opus. I made the head completely myself and it took forever to complete. The idea to make a mask for Mana would have been easier but the body shape of Mana and the Earl is different too. I adore this doll, it's the best thing I ever created.
Fizz - Another fandom again for a change. I love Clowns and since I have Alastor you know I love the Hellaverse. Fizzarolli was a matter of time. His outfit was a puzzle with more than 100 parts because of the stripes.
Tyki Mikk - Tyki was an adventure on his own. As the doll arrived it was super hot and .. his leg snapped. Because the resin had warped. I got replacement parts but he is sadly also a little brick, and not perfectly in scale with the rest. I do adore his looks but somehow he's pretty much neglected (worse off is only Wisely).
Geert - While I rarely got a spark for OC dolls I saw this doll and was "okay I need him", the little blep just was too good to pass on. I have to say Geert is one of my favorite non-series dolls I got after my burnout.
Abigail - I saw the design and the purple resin option and knew this needs to be an Akuma. The design is so close to Road's candles it almost screamed at me. She got a backstory in my AU and actually I have a Blythe named Abigail as well, she's the human shell.
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