#Catalytic Curfuffle
anteaterisland · 5 months
My GW2 Toons
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These are my GW2 characters. From Left to right they are, Old Man Blep the Asura Engineer. Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist. Sansa Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger. Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer. Mouse The Pleasant the Human Mesmer. Grenth Boy the Human Necromancer. And Kiotvi Wildblood the Norn Thief.
Details beneath the cut.
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These two ladies are The Commanders. They are Badasses. They are dating. They are in for a long ride. I am a new player, who has only just leveled them to 80.
Chlora Phylia the Sylvari Mesmer, was my first creation. She's still zero year's old. She has a passion for cartography, cooking, shapeshifting alchemy and Hylek. She lives in Sparkfly Fen and is a member of the priory. Trahearne asked her to be the Commander of the Pact and she was too touched by sentiment to say no, even though she is a terrible leader with social anxiety. Once indoctrinated by the nightmare court, she escaped their influence and stole a verdant puppy. But their corruption lingers in her heart.
Sansa "Stormwalker" Eirsdottir the Norn Ranger is the founder of the Pact. She's eight and a half feet tall and hyper competent. The daughter of Eir Stegalkin, she was raised by her Father. She worked as a messenger runner in her youth, and thunderstorms never delayed her, earning her title of Stormwalker. She killed Zhaitan, and works as the Commanders Right Hand. Chlora is endlessly grateful for her support.
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These two are The Twins. Catalytic Curfuffle the Asura Elementalist, is a young Asura with learning disabilities. ADD and Dyscalculia to name a few. She tried very hard to be a good Asura and learn advanced mathematics and Robotics in school but from a young age she showed no talent, no genius. She would throw explosive temper tantrums. She became an elementalist and joined the Vigil, and fights her battles with raw firepower, literally.
Her adoptive sister, Marrow Antoinette the Charr Guardian, was found as a Kitten and adopted by an Asura couple with a newborn as a questionably ethical experimental test subject into the question of Nature versus Nurture. She is everything her sister isn't: quiet, clever, polite, and proud. She can build any Golem you need and program it twice as fast. She powders and pomades her hair very tall as a symbol of her refinement. Her parents couldn't be prouder of her, as a daughter or a test subject. It's a shame all their theories about nurture prevailing are disproved by their other daughter...
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These two are Team Rocket. (to me.)
Grenth Boy's legal name is REDACTED, sloppily, by him. A young man, who disowned himself from his noble father upon reaching his majority. Big Fan of Wolfgang Lacrymohs. A necromancer who has devoted his life to Grenth. He’s optimistic and naive. He is a grief counselor and loves nothing more than to give the last rights, and reassure people that they will be welcomed by Grenth. This is not always reassuring.
Mouse The Pleasant was a human Foundling, her family history is completely lost. An orphan and whispers lightbringer, an accomplished mesmer and con-artist, has successfully infiltrated the aristocracy of Divinity’s Reach. An absolute sweetheart who no one would suspect of being a conniving witch.
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These two are new, and as such, their lore is still under construction.
Old Man Blep is an Asura Engineer. He is the Twins Father. He works in construction maintenance in Rata Sum.
Kiotvi Wildblood is a Norn Theif. He is a hunter of the wild, and wields a shortbow.
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