#carrie spm
Uhh idk it's my birthday month now and I'm just gonna tell you guys how I think the pixls react to Tippi and Count Bleck being a thing because they most likely just saw Tippi as a newer pixl. If you don't see a pixl here it's most likely because I didn't know how they'd react 😔😔
Count Bleck: ... Okay, well, she wasn't always a pi-
Thoreau: EEEWWWWWW *Vomits.. Like... Pixl vomit or something I do not know 😢*
Count Bleck: ...
Barry: ... Wow. That pixl is already dating. I've been here for 1500 years and still haven't been given a tulip.
Carrie: Oh I didn't know that... Why aren't you guys surprised
Bowser or whatever in the 4: I dunno
Piccolo: *Playing some sad ass music on the world's smallest violin while Bleck vents about losing Tippi*
Bleck: ... I don't need the music.
Boomer: *spamming 1 to put bombs on Bleck*
I think that's all I'm doing uhh umm stay hydrated guys
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darkclouud9 · 1 year
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having difficulty with human bodies so ✨️eyes!!✨️
plus very few handwriting headcanons (see Fleep, Barry and Carrie)
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hellspawnmotel · 3 months
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girls who are spiders
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cherryfennec · 2 months
your bad end loogi is very gender
they're a bit of a menace
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noelledeltarune · 1 year
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nintendo when they make the realest character ever to exist
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camprell-art · 1 year
So Mimi was originally behaved like an animal before she was found by the count? If yes then poor baby
Yeah :o In the story I made for her she was created to replace the daughter of the witch, who was murdered by the villagers by mistake (well, it wasn't really a mistake because in the end I think they hurt her more by murdering her only daughter than they would ever do by burning her alive).
But anyways, Mimi was non verbal, her body was strangely cold, and she couldn't control her powers really well, so every time she tried mimicking the girl's appearance she would fail, the results of this failure is how she look in that drawing, with the long dark green hair, green skin with the black spots in her neck, hands and feet, and black eyes and teeth with glowing white pupils.
In the start, the witch was very patient when trying to make Mimi learn how to use her powers, but with time she got frustrated, depressed and became too tired to wait for Mimi to become the daughter that she was sure that would be irreplaceable.
In anger and sadness she now thought of revenge, and if Mimi couldn't be her daughter she would be the weapon with which she would destroy the people who took her most precious treasure and that's how True Mimi became a thing, but the woman didn't have too much time, her house was once again attacked, the villagers finally finding her, and now she didn't have a way to escape her destiny, as in that night, she would be stabbed and burned like her daughter did, leaving Mimi in the cold basement with her creator's blood dripping from the room above.
She stayed there for a very long time, thinking that someday the woman would return, even if she was treated as a failure and a weapon, she hoped she wouldn't be alone forever, but time passed, and nothing but animals entered that house for what seemed like an eternity, and Mimi quickly started to hunt them, that being her only food source, she didn't really need to eat, however her experience with the witch had taught her that it was necessary in some way, and it did feel good too, so it was something that became part of her life.
Much time later she finally had another experience with humans, which sadly was not positive, adventurous people heard about the legend of the witch and they were really curious to see if it was true, so in an cold afternoon they entered the house, plants had overgrown, there were bones from dead animals everywhere and all the furniture was damaged in some way, from scratching and mold or completely broken.
What really caught their attention was the old blood in the wooden floor, even more curious now they wondered what had spilled that blood, they assumed that if the animal bones had something to do with it the thing that killed them probably lived there.
And as if they were in a horror movie, some noises started being made, it was fast enough to be a rat, but was too loud to be one, if the thing had paws it totally had big claws, and soon the sound had started to get close, too close, they were hoping to find a big animal, but what they were seeing was a girl, a really strange one.
Her confusion was clear, and she seemed so scared but at the same time a different glow brightened her dark eyes, she tried to get close to the men, who, frightened by her unusual appearance, branded their swords, threatening to kill her.
She quickly understood what they were trying to do and in seconds her frail neck snapped, her face got disturbingly distorted and spider legs burst from the thin torso, leaving the body dangling from them, the men rushed to the exit, knowing that they had messed with the wrong animal or whatever was that thing, but she was faster than them, and one by one they were followed, thrown to the ground and stabbed by her sharp legs.
With their disappearance new legends were created, and from time to time other people decided to go to the house, hoping to slay the creature and "save humanity from the monster", some escaped, some died, but Mimi stayed there, her only company being the bones of her prey and her collection of forgotten objects.
But not forever because the Count and Nassy find her :)
I hope you like this text, it wasn't planned at all, I just kept writing and writing, the intention was just to explain why she behaved like an animal but it's basically because that's the only thing she sees for like, a millennium.
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the-fool-s · 1 year
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So I watched a Mario Movie and I f0ck3d up completely, because besides this fandom, I'm still sitting in another one. That's how crossover with Super Mario Brothers and "Worm" (a pretty dark and not typical web series about superheroes and supervillains) was born.
In this AU Luigi is a parahuman classified as a Tinker 4 (7 after he debuts the mech), specializes in two groups: Power gloves and mechs (the last ones take more time and resources). Now Luigi as "Mr. L" is a member of the supervillain team "Pure Hearts", headed by Count Bleck (In this AU, Luigi and Mr. L are same person and Nastasia never brainwashed him, because he's in team by his own will).
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Yeahhhh this seems accurate too. I do love Tippi, but come on, I use Carrie like 95% of the time. They make you faster, and you can glide over spikes with them 🤷🏼‍♀️ just sayinggg
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smallmariofindings · 10 months
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In Super Paper Mario, a unique enemy called a Mega Koopa is encountered in Chapter 3-1, which is created when a regular Koopa Troopa obtains a Mega Star item.
While no text in the game suggests this is possible, and the size of the enemy would discourage some players from attempting it, Mario can in fact pick it up with Thoreau and carry it around, as seen in the footage.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: SPM (NA, Wii)
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jaybleu25 · 3 months
Scars Fade Over Time (Part 1) - SPM Aftermath
(TW: Blood, injury)
This story is basically my interpretation of what happened after everything in Super Paper Mario, as well as how it kinda happened in my AU! I hope you all enjoy :D
"You can't...stop this now..."
"You can't escape..."
"I've been saving one last surprise..."
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...ciao!"
Somewhat out of breath, Mario, Peach, Bowser and Tippi all watched as 'Super Dimentio' exploded right in front of them. They covered their eyes, with Peach shielding them with her parasol. Once all the bright lights stopped, they opened their eyes.
"Is everyone okay??" Mario asked.
However, Peach would interrupt.
With Mario's attention now on Peach, she would point in front of them towards an umoving Luigi, who was laying on the ground. He looked visibly injured.
Seeing his brother in such a state made Mario's heart sink.
"(No NO NO!!)"
Immediately, Mario would rush over to Luigi's side, with Peach following behind. Bowser, unsure of what to do, stayed behind with Tippi.
"LUIGI!!" Mario cried.
Now at Luigi's side, Mario held him in his arms to try and get him to wake up. Getting a closer look at him, Mario and Peach could both see that something was clearly wrong. He had white, glowing marks in his hair, and he also had black markings all over his face. Mario thought they might have been burn marks from the explosion at first, but upon seeing that they were all specific patterns, a sort of zig-zag pattern, he realized that wasn't the case.
Additionally, at the top of his head, Luigi still had his Floro Sprout fully attached. Fortunately, it seemed a bit dull, meaning it likely wasn't being used by anyone anymore. Unfortunately, there seemed to be blood near the spot where it was attached.
"LUIGI, WAKE UP!!" Mario begged. "PLEASE!!"
Mario would shake his brother a little more. He was terrified. He didn't want to lose him. Not yet, and not ever.
Slowly, thankfully for Mario, there was movement. Luigi began to wake up.
"Mario..?" Luigi muttered weakly.
Mario was filled with relief. His brother was okay. Well, somewhat. Upon waking up, Luigi immediately winced in pain. His body hurt, but it was mainly his head.
"You're going to be okay Luigi," Mario reassured. "We're gonna get you out of here..!"
However, behind them, Peach soon took her attention towards Bowser, where Count Bleck, Mimi, and O'Chunks appeared.
"So it seems the end of all worlds is really upon us..." said Count Bleck.
After everyone seemed to panic, unsure of what to do, Count Bleck began to explain the drastic situation. After conversing a little with Tippi, he finally thought of a plan, creating a door with his magic so that everyone could escape.
Seeing the situation unfold, Mario looked back at his brother, who still looked physically unwell. Luigi had a hard time moving around, and he could barely even sit up on his own. Knowing that they all had to get out of the castle quickly, Mario decided to pick Luigi up, carrying him in his arms. Mario then followed the group out through the door.
-To Be Continued...-
Part 1: You're already here!
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: Here!
Part 4 (Epilogue): Here!
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celestialpaperhaze · 3 months
Now that more people have played TTYD, I wanted to compare and contrast a few things between that game and Super Paper Mario. In particular, this post will focus on...
The Thousand-Year Door really shines with its partners and side characters, in part because every chapter allows one of these side characters to be a protagonist. This also ties into the "each chapter has its own subplot" idea that SPM lacks, at least in the beginning.
(and minor spoilers for Super Paper Mario)
Chapter 1 allows Koops to have a mini-arc where he’s avenging his father. Even though his father turns out to be alive, this adventure to defeat Hooktail marks an important development in his character that leads him to continue traveling with Mario. In SPM, while the first chapter does drop a few key pieces of information on the Ancients, there's not really a clear subplot or side character to follow.
Chapter 2 starts out with Punio and his desire to rescue his sister, and branches out (heheh) into the Punies trying to defend their home. Meanwhile in SPM, there's a bit of a sub-plot with Mimi and Merlee that places them both in the spotlight, but that's mostly it. If the chapter had given a little more attention to the other prisoners of Mimi's debt scheme, then maybe it could've come close to establishing the environment in the same manner as TTYD.
Chapter 3 kind of puts the entire cast of the Glitz Pit in the limelight, since you don’t really know who’s who until nearing the end. I can’t really argue that it makes Jolene the protagonist because that reveal comes only once the chapter ends--but after you realize Jolene's role in the mystery of the Glitz Pit, it becomes clear that she is a key protagonist in chapter 3, and the revival of Prince Mush serves as the completion of her arc. Again, chapter 3 of SPM could've pulled this off by giving characters like Carrie some more involvement in defeating Francis; after all, she was a victim of his weirdness too, right?
After playing the first three chapters of TTYD, you begin to feel more invested in the plot of the game. However, the first three chapters of SPM are weaker in terms of establishing interest, which is largely why many people who first played the game didn't stick with it past this point. However, around chapter four, the tides begin to turn!
Chapter 4 of TTYD follows the people of Twilight Town, as you are immediately introduced to the plight of their pig curse. However, after the first battle with Doopliss, the chapter places Vivian in the spotlight. Vivian becomes the protagonist in this chapter as she finally learns to overcome her fear of her sisters and fight for what she believes in. Chapter 4 of SPM actually has Squirps as a side-protagonist, so it comes pretty close to matching TTYD's pattern here.
Chapter 5 puts Flavio in the spotlight. He is...quite the personality! He's a flamboyant, arrogant coward who's given a Brave Moment during the climax of the chapter. In SPM, we have the conflict of the Cragnons and Floro Sapiens in the forefront of the chapter, which helps better establish the world of chapter 5.
Chapter 6, being all about solving mysteries, puts your partnership with Pennington in the spotlight, thus making The Penguin With the Improbably Large Brain a protagonist of the chapter. In SPM, chapter 6 focuses on the Sammer Guys as their world is on the verge of erasure.
Chapter 7 puts the main plot of the Thousand-Year Door back in focus, so there's not much of a sub-plot. However, you could still argue that TEC is made into a protagonist for this chapter, given his act of sacrifice at the end. And of course, Super Paper Mario has Luvbi as a protagonist, and her arc with Jaydes and Grambi as a sub-plot of sorts.
In chapter 8 for both games, all the strings tie together and the focus is placed primarily on the climax and conclusion of the main plot! For SPM, this includes focuses on each villain in turn (O'Chunks, then Mimi, then Dimentio, then Count Bleck and, to a lesser extent, Nastasia).
Because TTYD's writing allows you to be close with all of the partners and side characters you meet, parting with them at the end feels like a real goodbye. Even though you know you can just reload your save file, you still have the sense that you'll miss these people and this world you've gotten to know so well.
Despite all my love for the game, I do have mixed feelings on how effectively SPM pulls this off. I think they definitely give enough attention to the game's main cast to make the players curious about them after completing the main story, but I don't feel that this sense carries over to all of the side characters and worlds from throughout the game. I'm still fond of the characters in Super Paper Mario, of course, but it's not in the same "I feel I experienced something with them" kind of way that the Thousand-Year Door does so well.
TL;DR - Each chapter in The Thousand-Year Door gives some side character a chance to serve as that chapter’s protagonist, which helps better establish the characters and worlds in that game. However, Super Paper Mario does not do this to the same extent, especially in the earlier chapters, which I believe is part of the reason many people found SPM less engaging than TTYD when it first released.
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pianokantzart · 10 months
Hi Piano! I've been recently seeing stuff about your Mr.M AU and I was wondering if you already had a timeline for it in mind? More specifically what I meant was: does Mario in your story dissapear alongside Luigi at the beginning or around some time after finding Peach, maybe even Bowser? I hope that makes sense. And if you've already answered this, sorry for the bother! Keep up the great work man!
First of all AAAAA thank you! I am an enormous fan of your stuff! Okay okay... so... Mr. M alone is not my AU (I have no idea whose AU it was originally, but the primary inspiration for my interpretation of the character comes from @neetclown's work: X )
For a timeline where there's just Mr. M, I picture Mario and Luigi's roles are swapped: Luigi jumped the gun in attacking Count Bleck and got knocked out while Mario, Peach, Bowser, and co. got sucked away to Bowser and Peach's sham wedding. Luigi gets woken up by Tippi, gets teleported to Flipside, and from there the plot of SPM carries on but... y'know... with Luigi and Mario's roles in the story swapped.
For my Super Brainwashed Bros AU, it's a little different:
Mario is partnered with Luigi for most of the timeline: they were teleported to Bower and Peach's wedding together, they both got transported to Count Bleck's domain after the chaos heart was unleashed, and they both tried to sneak behind enemy lines to release Bowser's minions and save Princess Peach.
Working as a team, they were halfway successful. With their efforts Peach managed to escape alongside whatever remaining members of Bowser's men weren't brainwashed, but in the end Mario and Luigi succumbed to Count Bleck's forces and ended up becoming Mr. M and Mr. L.
What follows... I am not sure... but that is my context for the AUs. Don't even get me started on how the whole "prophecy" element applies to them lol, I'm still kind of piecing things together.
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illdothehotvoice · 5 months
Anyways I'm in a mood here's some Luigi quotes that influence the way I draw Mr.L
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Anyways in Fortune Street Luigi is shown to carry a comb and scissors on him plus stuff in other games (like spm) where he's self conscious about his appearance so I thought giving him longer hair and stubble was a good choice to differentiate them a bit more. Luigi really cares about his appearance. Mr.L is canonically described as a greasy man by Tippi and quite frankly has better things to do than care about his appearance (MUCH to the dismay of Mimi).
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legobiwan · 2 years
Cut Scenes #1
Sometimes you have really good ideas, but they just. don't. fit. into your story (no matter how hard you try to push the triangle into the rectangle hole). So, as I get back on the writing horse (heigh-yo silver and all that jazz), have a continuing series of cut scenes that will likely never find a home. (Also known as, why am I giving these guys such an angsty backstory? I'm sorry, Mario and Luigi, one day I'll write you something that isn't my usual brand of melodrama. Maybe a baseball story because do I have ideas about who'd they be rooting for in 1980-whatever. Also, let's hope that some of these future cut scenes will also involve my Star Wars stuff, as well).
Anyway, Cut Scene #1, from an ongoing SPM fic I'm working on that's going to be a Mario POV during the events of Mr. L because apparently I cannot shake this storyline from my head.
Yes, they had fought, had hurt each other, even. But never with the intent to truly do harm, to damage the other in a way that couldn’t be taken back, couldn’t be assuaged with a mumbled apology or mended with a desperate hug. 
Only once had Luigi attacked him with intent, with raw violence, but even then…
Luigi was stalking through the apartment, overturning papers and books, opening drawers and cabinets and closet doors with wild and noisy abandon. He emerged from the bathroom with a long, metal pipe, which he gave a few experimental swings, nearly taking out a stubby beige lamp perched on the edge of a ring-stained coffee table.  
"I'm going down to Red Hook and dealing with them," he muttered at Mario, "them" being the men who had plucked their father’s plumbing business right from under their noses, the deal finalized not even an hour after Dad's body had been laid in the earth. 
Like hell he is, Mario thought, picking his way across the cluttered floor as Luigi was busying himself wrapping the last roll of electrical tape around the base of his improvised weapon. 
Brick wall, Mario told himself, recalling his nickname from high school as he took position in front of the apartment door, crossing his arms against his burly chest. It didn't matter how much abuse Luigi hurled at him, he'd be a brick wall. It didn't matter if Luigi hated him forever, he'd be a brick wall. It didn't matter if Luigi started throwing punches, or tried to send his head over the right field wall of Shea Stadium with that damn pipe. Mario was going to stand there for the next twenty years if that was what it took. Because his baby brother was being an idiot and was going to get himself pounded into next year - or worse - by the Marinellis and their goon squad if Mario let him leave this apartment.
It went as badly as he expected, Luigi making the leap from insults and curses to spitting and threats, rushing at him, pipe brandished over his head.
Mario let it happen. He let his little brother slam metal into cheap plaster. Let him pound his fists against hard muscle and fragile bone. Let him carry out his rage again and again until they both collapsed into a sweaty, panting heap on the tacky linoleum floor, Luigi half in Mario’s lap, sobbing into his brother’s bloodied, torn shirt.
...but even then, Luigi had been acting out of hurt, out of anger and pain. Not staring Mario in the face, cackling wildly about the end of the world while calling a gigantic laser-shooting robot to his side.
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snuffydoo · 1 year
About how many times have you played through SPM? 👀
Have you ever completed a playthrough with an additional set of rules to make it harder? (Idk if challenge runs are popular in the Paper Mario community, so I'm curious!!)
Have a nice day!! :0
Challenge runs aren't really popular for spm
You see them more in Ttyd and 64
Uhhhhh I lost count how many times I played spm
but I'll be honest and say I haven't completed pit of 100 trials yet oops
I also haven't done any challenge runs myself I like reading and playing the game for the story more than like making it harder on myself except for the fact I refuse to play Carrie and Bowser duo because I find it way too cheap in my eyes
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dentpx · 4 months
Been playing TTYD, it’s crazy to finally play it because obviously she’s the It Girl of the franchise. It totally does refine everything fun and cool about the first game while striking a very unique (and kind of mean!) tone/sense of humor which carries on into SPM imo. Really enjoying it so far.
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