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When a Stranger Calls & When a Stranger Calls Back Retro Review
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Rezension: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x03 - "Morgen und morgen und morgen" Auf der atmosphärischen Ebene überzeugt “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” mit starker Figurendynamik und Charme. Die Geschichte wird in unpassenden Tempo erzählt. Das Drehbuch hangelt sich an Genre-Klischees entlang. Etliche Inkonsistenzen. Der mitschwingende Determinismus stört. Die Kurzromanze wirkt kitschig. Dennoch: Nett und durchaus unterhaltsam. ... weiterlesen
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It's Star Trek Day! In continuation of my collection of cast pieces, here's Strange New Worlds!
You can also check out the time lapse video of its creation on my YouTube channel, "Dave Doodles," here:
#startrek #startrekstrangenewworlds #strangenewworlds #snw #enterprise #pike #captainpike #christopherpike #ansonmount #unachinriley #una #rebeccaromijn #nursechapel #christinechapel #jessbush #spock #misterspock #ethanpeck #mbenga #doctormbenga #babsolusanmokun #laannooniensingh #laan #la'an #la'annooniensingh #christinachong #uhura #nyotauhura #celiarosegooding #ortegas #ericaortegas #melissanavia #pelia #carolkane #kirk #jameskirk #paulwesley #hemmer #brucehorak And you can see my other cast pieces below:
Now, on to Discovery!
#star trek#star trek strange new worlds#strange new worlds#snw#enterprise#pike#captain pike#christopher pike#anson mount#una chin riley#una#rebecca romijn#nurse chapel#christine chapel#jess bush#spock#mister spock#ethan peck#mbenga#m'benga#doctor mbenga#doctor m'benga#babs olusanmokun#laan noonien singh#la'an#la'an noonien singh#christina chong#uhura#nyota uhura#celia rose gooding
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#HappyBirthday #carolkane #actress #comedian #pelia #startrek #StrangeNewWorlds #taxi #theprincessbride #scrooged #whenastrangercalls #UnbreakableKimmySchmidt #hesterstreet #licencetodrive #thepacifier #AddamsFamilyValues #Migration #TheDeadDontDie #confessionofateenagedramaqueen
#happybirthday#carol kane#actress#comedian#pelia#startrek#strange new worlds#taxi#the princess bride#scrooged#when a stranger calls#unbreakable kimmy schmidt#hesterstreet#licencetodrive#thepacifier#addams family values#migration#thedeaddonthurt#confessionofateenagedramaquee
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television 📺 Showcase...Tales From The Crypt: Judy, You're Not Yourself Today (1990) #tv #television #horror #talesfromthecrypt #judyyourenotyourselftoday #thecryptkeeper #johnkassir #francesbay #CarolKane #briankerwin #90s #dvd #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
#tv#television#horror#tales from the crypt#judy you're not yourself today#the crypt keeper#john kassir#frances bay#carol kane#brian kerwin#90s#dvd#duran duran tulsa's television showcase#duran duran tulsa#Spotify
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#weddinginwhite#weddinginwhite1972#carolkane#1970s#70s#moviegif#wedding in white#wedding in white 1972#the 70s#the 1970s
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#ThePrincessBride, first released in cinemas #OnThisday in 1987⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TitleScreen #OTD #RobReiner #CaryElwes #MandyPatinkin #ChrisSarandon #ChristopherGuest #WallaceShawn #AndréTheGiant #RobinWright #PeterFalk #FredSavage #BillyCrystal #CarolKane https://www.instagram.com/p/CUQQDA-PFRw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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268/365 #DRAWAPORTRAIT Miracle Max and Valerie From Princess Bride . . . #2021 #challenge2021 #drawaturtle #billycrystal #carolkane #princessbride #etcheverywhere #etchasketch #etchasketchart #etchartist #art #tiktok @EtchArtist @spinmaster @welovecarolkane @thebillycrystal https://www.instagram.com/p/CUWk5uPlybi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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What a goddess🙌 #CarolKane #whenastangercalls #comdey https://www.instagram.com/p/CPPl6wcDU1i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Carol Kane is one of my life-long heroes whom I have adored since I was a little girl watching Taxi. I've finally made a tribute to her and her gorgeous spaghetti hair with this Lillian Kaushtupper doodle. Drawing her hair on the forks was far more challenging than I thought It was going to be when I originally came up with the concept. I'm super happy with how it turned out. She's a goddess! I know Carol Kane does not have an Instagram but I'm posting it anyway to share with my fellow Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt fans. (Available on my Redbubble.) #lilliankaushtupper #carolkane #heroes #beautifulpeople #goddess #spaghettihair #spagehttihairedgoddess #uks #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #tinafey #doodle #frannotated #fanart #myart #art #artistsofinstagram #digitalart #graphicdesign #Adobe #illustration #illustrator #surfacepro6 #createdonsurface #redbubble https://www.instagram.com/p/CDe2aQops_C/?igshid=1dyfei09rcvx6
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A “Choose Your Own Adventure” interative special, just like the book she finds hidden in her backpack, Jan. Realizing the date it was checked out, and that none of her bunkermates brought it down with them, leads Kimmy to believe there may be another bunker/more girls “tooken” by the Reverend, meaning she must face him once again, days before her wedding to Prince Frederick. I watched this maybe 3x, but according to IMDb’s trivia page and ‘multiple entertainment websites’ there are like 18 possible different endings (and there are people credited on IMDb in this I don’t remember seeing, so I may need another rewatch, or three?). The When Harry Met Sally couch spots (even repeated a few times with different couples) were humorous, there were some funny lines (spoiler alert: ‘l’ecole Porcverres’ = Hogwarts in French, Frederick’s history of the pickle, ‘Plane-O the Sky-car’ - her jet) and a bunch of old and new faces (#JohnnyKnoxville, #JoshGroban (omg that voice😆) #DanielRadcliffe, #JackMcBrayer), the interludes and ‘path endings’ were for the most part entertaining (the Cyndee one for one of the Free Bird choices, the options for calling Donna Maria, the wait for Mamadou (4,000 min is only like THREE days!😆 so those were funny/exaggerated)) Overall it cut some of the stuff that seemed to drag during the show, but then could get repetitive at times circling back to the “right” option to move it forward, but it wasn’t the worst. #ssmovieof2020 #lategram #comedy #interactivespecial #EllieKemper #TitusBurgess (omg all his scenes prepping for the movie before he goes with Kimmy😆) #CarolKane #JaneKrakowski #JonHamm #LaurenAdams (Omg the Gretchen end of the phone call) #SaraChase #SolMiranda #DylanGelula #HeidiGardner #FredArmisen #TannerFlood writers: #TinaFey, #RobertCarlock (creator/s, written by), #SamMeans, #MeredithScardino (written by) director: #ClaireScanlon movie of 2020 number 7) #UnbreakableKimmySchmidtKimmyVsTheReverend #KimmyVsTheReverend https://www.instagram.com/p/CNB4PEWHSiX/?igshid=yqrltzbabzny
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EXCUSE ME BUT WHAT THE WHAT??? Miles Davis, Carol Kane and Nicholas Cage on Dick Cavett??? This happened in my lifetime? How did I not find out about this until now? #milesdavis #nicholascage #carolkane #dickcavett #wtf https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCr90XAYdO/?igshid=1po1uvf6bxxm2
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Rezension: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x01 - "The Broken Circle" / "Der durchbrochene Kreis" Mit einer Coming-of-Age-Geschichte für Spock startet "Strange New Worlds" in die zweite Staffel. "The Broken Circle" betritt inhaltlich keine neuen Welten, bleibt sich aber in Sachen Charakterarbeit und Tonalität enorm treu. Achtung: SPOILER! ... ... weiterlesen
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Carol Kane (Carolyn Laurie Kane) - (18/06/1952 - )
Local de Nascimento: Cleveland, Ohio (EUA)
The Mafu Cage (1978),
Mensageiro da Morte (When a Stranger Calls/1979)
Pandemonium (1982)
Transilvânia - Hotel do Outro Lado do Mundo (Transylvania 6-5000/1985)
Os Fantasmas Contra Atacam (Scrooged/1988)
Um Estranho à Minha Porta (When a Stranger Calls Back/1993)
A Família Addams 2 (Addams Family Values/1993)
Mente Paranóica (Office Killer/1997)
Marcas da Possessão (Ava's Possessions/2015)
Ghost Light (2018)
Os Mortos Não Morrem (The Dead Don't Die/2019) TV:
Galeria do Terror (Tales from the Darkside/1985)
- Snip, Snip
Contos da Cripta (Tales from the Crypt/1990)
- Judy, You're Not Yourself Today
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UNBREAKABLE! finally I finished the wonderful adventures of Kimmy. Although it is a very light comedy show, I found something very motivating in Kimmy's message, her strength and optimism. It seems absurd but now I try to be more like her. I will miss that crazy girl!❤️❤️❤️ . . . . . . . . #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #kimmyschmidt #kimmy #tinafey #netflix #elliekemper #titusandromedon #TitussBurgess #CarolKane #LillianKaushtuppe #JaneKrakowski #JacquelineVoorhees @elliekemper @netflixlat #faustogiurescu (en Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BubPtXtFHEs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bfvde8auv9ho
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...My Blue Heaven (1991) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #comedy #myblueheaven #stevemartin #rickmoranis #joancusack #melaniemayron #CarolKane #williamhickey #ripwilliamhickey #jessebradford #danielstern #ColleenCamp #LaWandaPage #ellendow #ripellendow #troyevans #coreycarrier #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
#movie#movies#comedy#my blue heaven#steve martin#rick moranis#joan cusack#melanie mayron#daniel stern#Colleen Camp#William Hickey#rip william hickey#carol kane#troy evans#jesse bradford#corey carrier#lawanda page#ellen dow#rip ellen dow#vintage#vhs#90s#90s fest#duran duran tulsa's 4th annual 90s fest
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