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Rezension: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x08 - "Under the Cloak of War" / "Der Schlächter von J'Gal" In Folge 8 muss sich Dr. M'Benga seinem Kriegstrauma stellen. Lest hier unsere dritte SPOILER-Rezension. "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds", © Paramount Pictures, 2023 Raktajino für einen Kriegsverbrecher Die Enterprise soll Föderationsbot... ... weiterlesen
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It's Star Trek Day! In continuation of my collection of cast pieces, here's Strange New Worlds!
You can also check out the time lapse video of its creation on my YouTube channel, "Dave Doodles," here:
#startrek #startrekstrangenewworlds #strangenewworlds #snw #enterprise #pike #captainpike #christopherpike #ansonmount #unachinriley #una #rebeccaromijn #nursechapel #christinechapel #jessbush #spock #misterspock #ethanpeck #mbenga #doctormbenga #babsolusanmokun #laannooniensingh #laan #la'an #la'annooniensingh #christinachong #uhura #nyotauhura #celiarosegooding #ortegas #ericaortegas #melissanavia #pelia #carolkane #kirk #jameskirk #paulwesley #hemmer #brucehorak And you can see my other cast pieces below:
Now, on to Discovery!
#star trek#star trek strange new worlds#strange new worlds#snw#enterprise#pike#captain pike#christopher pike#anson mount#una chin riley#una#rebecca romijn#nurse chapel#christine chapel#jess bush#spock#mister spock#ethan peck#mbenga#m'benga#doctor mbenga#doctor m'benga#babs olusanmokun#laan noonien singh#la'an#la'an noonien singh#christina chong#uhura#nyota uhura#celia rose gooding
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#HappyBirthday #babsolusanmokun #Actor #mbenga #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #dune #restlesscity #motherofgeorge #shelter #whereiskyra #wrathofman #TheBookofClarence #TheMinistryofUngentlemanlyWarfare #lawanorder #CriminalIntent #roots #thedefenders #blackmirror #thewidow #toooldtodieyoung #thedrowning #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
#happybirthday#babs olusanmokun#actor#mbenga#star trek strange new worlds#dune#restlesscity#motherofgeorge#shelter#whereiskyra#wrathofman#thebookofclarence#the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare#lawanorder#criminal intent#roots#the defenders#black mirror#thewidow#toooldtodieyoung#thedrowning
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"Babs Olusanmokun schittert in een indrukwekkende reeks films en series. Van zijn cruciale rol in het epische Dune tot zijn dreigende aanwezigheid in Marvel's The Defenders, ontdek waarom deze acteur een must-watch is." #BabsOlusanmokun #FilmEnTelevisie #ActeerTalent...
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Review : Dune [Part One] (2021)

Let’s go ahead and put it all out on the table... I’m not a big Dune guy. Be it the divisive David Lynch release (which itself came out after four or so failed attempts by some film history heavy hitters), the extended TV re-cut that Lynch disavows or the 2000 TV mini-series version, I never could find a connection with the property that many hold as the pinnacle of science-fiction storytelling. Once the word got out that Denis Villeneuve was taking a crack at it, however, my disposition changed completely... despite my disconnection with Dune, I do understand why Hollywood and the like refuse to let the property go, and with Villeneuve’s breathtaking Blade Runner 2049 changing my entire outlook on Blade Runner as a whole, I found myself wrapped up in the multi-year march towards the film’s release. After a back and forth over whether or not HBOMax would get the rights to a same-day release, everything was set to go for October 22, but with pirates doing pirate things, Dune found itself in the world earlier than expected, so lucky for me, the release date was pushed up roughly 10 hours, allowing me a Thursday viewing prior to my trek to see the film on the big screen.
More so than any other adaptation of Dune, the use of Spice as a table setter for a war of ideals permeates, as this film holds its symbiology and narrative structure in equal measure to its visuals. Maybe I’m just dense (or much younger and less seasoned of a movie buff), but the parallels to real life counterparts like sage didn’t connect back in the day, in the sense that Spice and sage are both very culturally important to the respective indigenous cultures, while to outsiders, it is seen simply as a resource and a means to a beneficial economic end. With Spice as the cornerstone element, Villeneuve branches off into two very powerful support structures : the opposition of the regal versus the indigenous (which has been touched upon in all visual adaptations) and the insertion of a third party into historical conflict for auxiliary benefit, specifically when set up under the guise of a diplomatic or goodwill mission. It doesn’t take a sociologist or political scientist to see the way that 21st Century events have primed us as viewers to resonate much deeper with the narrative subtext that has been present in Dune since (I assume) it’s release as a novel in 1965, and with a director as skilled and passionate as Villeneuve at the helm, I found myself much more invested in his presentation of Dune similar to the way that his stellar Blade Runner 2049 gave me a deeper appreciation of Ridley Scott’s original entry.
Outside of these foundational themes, this version of Dune is the first time that I bought in to the mystic side of the film, which is propped up nicely as a tie-in to Paul’s parallel internal struggles : legacy versus destiny, and fate versus free will. Again, maybe I was too young to pick up on the expositional elements previously (on top of never having read the books), but the presence of the Bene Gesserit never stood out to me as strongly as it does in this film, and positioning Paul as a young man with personal ideals fighting against two daunting sets of expectations is a wonderful tension builder to help push the more mystical, spiritual and psychological elements to the forefront. As I never did buy into the other adaptations, I somehow completely missed out on the concept of the Voice, but its presence (and more importantly, its implications in the face of fate versus free will being proposed) create a narrative wild card that is handled quite well and with great restraint. Perhaps it is something of an unspoken thing in the science-fiction fandom social circles, but I can’t help but think of how much the Bene Gesserit and the Voice feel like DEEP inspiration for the Jedi and the Force, respectively.
Villeneuve has a wonderful knack for beautifully and seamlessly integrating future technologies with traditional moirés and evolution-based constructs, so it makes sense that the multitude of spacecraft, communication systems and armor used in Dune would look as stunning as it does innate... the flutter-wing ships in particular blew my mind. The use of the “used future” look (a favorite production design choice of mine for science-fiction films) is impressive as well, with most every world appearing very much lived in, including the high society House Atreides. The cinematography of Greg Fraser is inspired, vivid and dynamic, so much so that I will be surprised if it doesn’t at least garner nominations in most every awards show... I’d be willing to go so far to say that this film will likely win some cinematography awards, including the big ones. Hans Zimmer also finds a way to step outside of himself, as his score balances his trademark symphonic sound with a very strange onset of synthetic sounds, creating an almost “humanoid music” that is strangely but deeply expressive in a way that I cannot remember experiencing previously. The costuming is extremely dark, with black being the dominant color on all three sides, but it still manages to have a distinction and visually eloquence form character to character that not only makes each outfit unique, but it gives you a very quick read in terms of where they stand in each particular societal hierarchy. Be they intentional or otherwise (though I doubt Villeneuve is the type to arbitrarily do anything as a director), I caught what felt like references to Apocalypse Now and Ingmar Bergman’s Trilogy of Faith consistently and throughout multiple aspects of the story.
I’m hard-pressed to think of a cast this strong in any film of the past 20 years, and surprisingly (to me), Timothée Chalamet more than handles the weight of being the centerpiece, as he displays equal parts angst, ambition, frustration and desire with the ease of an actor twice his age and experience. He plays extremely well opposite Rebecca Ferguson, who channels her inner Liv Ullmann at times by having a reserved nature that is clearly a barrier to a tidal wave of secrets, knowledge and emotion. The House Atreides triad is completed by Oscar Isaac, who finds a way to balance the dominance and power of a a Duke with the compassion and understanding of a father figure. Josh Brolin and Dave Bautista stand as counterparts to one another with their deep and intense rage, though Brolin is able to check it and focus it (to an extent), while Bautista plays as someone tethered to it and trying to reel it in. The film does a great job of paralleling characters, as Stellan Skarsgård and Charlotte Rampling are often contrasted as different versions of shadow rulers that restrain their true powers as a controlling measure while still managing to each be wholly menacing in their own right. Stephen McKinley Henderson brings tension as a fated figure who seemingly dances with tragedy at every turn, as if his heels on the ground position entails holding up a crumbling tower with his bare hands, and all the while, he performs with a smile that is clearly holding back a breakdown. Other standout performances include David Dastmalchian (who has been in SEVERAL big budget properties lately), Chang Chen, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, crowd favorite Jason Momoa, Javier Bardem, Babs Olusanmoun, Benjamin Clementine and many more... a special shoutout goes to Zendaya, who didn’t get much to work with in this film, and is clearly setting herself up for a big role in the follow-up, but feels grossly underused in this iteration.
With Legendary Pictures having yet to green-light a follow-up to Dune, we will all have to wait and see if Denis Villeneuve, Zendaya and company get to tell the rest of their story. I will say this... as mentioned, I never bought into the Dune hype, even though I could tell it clearly held a formidable place in the world of science-fiction, but now I think I am ready to read the book, as this film feels narratively dense in the way that a novel would also tell a story. On top of the great storytelling elements, the film looks amazing, and I cannot wait for some free time to see it on the big screen. Definitely check this one out, as it will likely turn out to be one of the biggest films of the year (if not the biggest, depending on what kind of numbers Eternals can put up).
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New ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4 Trailer Reveals the Trek-Inspired “U.S.S. Callister”!! Check It Out!!!
New ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4 Trailer Reveals the Trek-Inspired “U.S.S. Callister”!! Check It Out!!! #AndreaRiseborough, #AndrewGower, #BabsOlusanmokun, #BlackMirror, #BrennaHarding, #ClintDyer, #CristinMilioti, #DouglasHodge, #GeorgeBlagden, #GeorginaCampbell, #JakeDavies, #JessePlemons, #JimmiSimpson, #JodieFoster, #JoeCole, #KiranSoniaSawar, #LetitiaWright, #MaxinePeake, #MichaelaCoel, #Netflix, #OwenTeague, #RosemarieDeWitt
In the slow march to Black Mirror Season 4 (which Netflix still hasn’t given a premiere date), one of the more anticipated episodes has finally gotten its own trailer. Star Trek‘s influence on the theme of “U.S.S. Callister” is clear, but while the trailer gives us a glimpse of it, we don’t yet have a hint of what severely messed up twist it’s going to have. It looks almost like a Galaxy Quest-i…
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My MCM aka Movie Crush Monday Dune, this brilliantly science fiction film is base on adaptation of the 1965 novel by Frank Herbert.
Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence, only those who can conquer their own fear will survive.
#MCM #MovieCrushMonday #AJBMCM #Dune #DuneMovie #DunePart1 #scifiadventure #ScifiMovie #Zendaya #TimothéeChalamet #RebeccaFerguson #OscarIsaac #JasonMomoa #JoshBrolin #JavierBardem #DaveBautista #StellanSkarsgård #CharlotteRampling #ChangChen #GoldaRosheuvel #StephenMcKinleyHenderson #SharonDuncanBrewster #FrankHerbert #BabsOlusanmokun #DenisVilleneuve
#Movie Crush Monday#AJBMCM#MCM#dune movie#dune film#denis villanueve#timothée chalamet#rebecca ferguson#oscar issac#josh brolin#stellan skarsgard#jason momoa#Zendaya#Charlotte Rampling#Dave Bautista#Javier Bardem#Sharon Duncan Brewster#Chen Chang#jon spaihts#Stephen Henderson#Frank Herbert#science fiction#sci fi movies#sci fi adventure
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Nossa editora preferida @editoraaleph postando essa lindeza na página deles. Só falta um para completar a coleção. Herdeiras de Duna chega no próximo ano. #dunaarrakisbrasil #duna #dune #dune2020 #dunemovie #graphicnovel #film #movie #denisvilleneuve #frankherbert #timotheechalamet #jasonmomoa #rebeccaferguson #zendaya #joshbrolin #oscarisaac #javierbardem #davebautista #stellanskarsgard #daviddastmalchian #charlotterampling #changchen #stephenhenderson #babsolusanmokun #gloriaobianyo #sharonduncanbrewster #hanszimmer #arrakis #scifi https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9y37xBdWt/?igshid=lx2aud3ipfcw
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I'm watching The Widow 1x08 "Nigel" @KateBeckinsale @AlexTheKingston #BabsOlusanmokun #CharlesDance #LuianaBonfim #ÓlafurDarriÓlafsson @JackyIdoOff #BartFouche #MatthewLeNevez #ShalomNyandiko
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Rezension: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x01 - "The Broken Circle" / "Der durchbrochene Kreis" Mit einer Coming-of-Age-Geschichte für Spock startet "Strange New Worlds" in die zweite Staffel. "The Broken Circle" betritt inhaltlich keine neuen Welten, bleibt sich aber in Sachen Charakterarbeit und Tonalität enorm treu. Achtung: SPOILER! ... ... weiterlesen
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#HappyBirthday #babsolusanmokun #Actor #mbenga #startrek #StrangeNewWorlds #restlesscity #shelter #whereiskyra #wrathofman #dune #LawandOrder #CriminalIntent #VeronicaMars #roots #thedefenders #blackmirror #sneakypete #thewidow #toooldtodieyoung #thedrowning #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla
#happybirthday#babs olusanmokun#actor#mbenga#startrek#strange new worlds#restlesscity#shelter#whereiskyra#wrath of man#dune#law and order svu#criminal intent#veronica mars#roots#the defenders#black mirror#sneaky pete#thewidow#too old to die young#thedrowning#startrek57
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New ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4 Trailer Reveals David Slade’s Dystopian “Metalhead”!!! Check It Out!!!
New ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4 Trailer Reveals David Slade’s Dystopian “Metalhead”!!! Check It Out!!! #AndreaRiseborough, #AndrewGower, #BabsOlusanmokun, #BlackMirror, #BrennaHarding, #ClintDyer, #CristinMilioti, #DouglasHodge, #GeorgeBlagden, #GeorginaCampbell, #JakeDavies, #JessePlemons, #JimmiSimpson, #JodieFoster, #JoeCole, #KiranSoniaSawar, #LetitiaWright, #MaxinePeake, #MichaelaCoel, #Netflix, #OwenTeague, #RosemarieDeWitt, #Metalhead
The run-up to Black Mirror‘s fourth season continues on. After teasing singular episodes ranging from Jodie Foster‘s “Arkangel” to “Crocodile” and “Black Museum”, Netflix has now released our first look at “Metalhead,” the episode helmed by longtime Hannibal director David Slade, also known for horror movies like Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night.
Shot entirely in black-and-white from the look of…
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I'm watching The Widow 1x07 "Will" @KateBeckinsale @AlexTheKingston #BabsOlusanmokun #CharlesDance #LuianaBonfim #ÓlafurDarriÓlafsson @JackyIdoOff #BartFouche #MatthewLeNevez #ShalomNyandiko
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Rezension: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x01 - "Der durchbrochene Kreis" Mit "Der durchbrochene Kreis" startet "Strange New Worlds" in die zweite Staffel – und liefert einen durchaus guten Staffelauftakt. Wir sehen uns an, was sonst noch so los ist. Aber Achtung: SPOILER! "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds", © Paramou... ... weiterlesen
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