#carnivores series
virovac · 9 months
Honestly feel the Carnivores series could make an okay movie adaptation
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Game premise for those unfamiliar: you have paid for privilege hunt alien equivalents of prehistoric Earth Fauna on a plant run by a hunting safari company, who bought the planet after failed colonization attempts. They tried building some facilities on the surface but at this point… from what if can tell it’s mostly just a spaceship comes down to drop off and pick up customers and what they kill or tranquillize. So most facilities are probably orbital or in areas lacking megafauna.
Imagine a scene where skinning a dead “wooly mammoth” and realizing underneath that hair it really does not look much like an elephant
There are also mysterious arcaheology with ghostly voices, and strange yeti that could be reinterpreted as the classic dumb speculative idea of “dinosauroid” but covered in insulator feathers.
Th T-Rex analogues are also possibly smarter than they seem , since unlike other predators they don’t seem food motivated since they don’t eat the player but beat them to death ,and never get bored or tired to stop chasing you. And they send out calls so more T-Rex’s will join the chase. One broke through a wall of a fort which is part of why attempts at building facilities on the planet stopped.
There was a dropped game idea of poachers: those who didn’t fill out the paperwork and land without permission and without regard for the rules.This gives a perfect human antagonist.
You could easily combine all the that into a plot of the tyrannosaurs as guardians of the planet tied to the strange extinct civilization and a poacher antagonist meeting his end when the plots intersect.
Can maybe incorporate the ice age inspired animals by having the poacher sabotage the ship and cause a crash landing detour, or just give them cameos in trophy rooms or in-universe advertisements
I’m imagining some futuristic satire possible like saying “it’s a good thing companies are more long term in interest since the stock market was abolished, or else the dinosaurs would be extinct again”
Might want to not do references to Stonehenge like in the second game, at this point connecting it to aliens would be silly… but if you make it only superficially like stone henge an make the like solid blocks rather than stacked could fit the weird atmosphere of it being a not-right mirror world, or imply Dinohunt Corp company faked it perhaps trying to further cash in in similarities between Earth and this planets archaeology and provide a landmark for hunters. The fact they don’t have the mysterious voices and are in the area of an abandoned settlement by Dinohunt Corp could add credence.
A fake archaeological site is also in spirit of the community which still has lots of hoaxes to this day with similar energy to “finding Mew under a truck”.
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asterwild · 5 months
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Carnivorous plants! Not quite as ferocious as you may have seen them depicted in fiction, but still very cool. There are numerous different species of carnivorous plants, and several different mechanisms for trapping and consuming prey. Many are at risk (such as the green pitcher plant depicted on the left and the Venus flytrap on the right, considered critically endangered and vulnerable by the IUCN respectively) due to threats including habitat loss, poaching, invasive species, and pollution.
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I stand by the fact that Olivia Caliban (from the Netflix version) ranks in the top most tragic, horrifying deaths in the entire Series of Unfortunate Events. Multiple people died for the Baudelaires and they all hurt my heart, but absolutely no one sacrificed for them like she did. I’m a firm believer Olivia knew her fate the moment she stepped out onto that plank. She knew there was no going back when she pushed the kids to safety and told them to run. When she told them she would be right behind them, while knowing she wouldn’t be. When she gave them that last bit of comfort, the knowledge that she had always been right behind them, supporting them but never able to catch up. She knew she was going to die, but more than that, she knew it would be a horrific, agonizing death. It’s such an intense opposite to the people who refused to help the Baudelaires even through small sacrifices that would cost them nothing. She deserves so much more credit than she usually gets. 🥹
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Today I learned the answer to a question I never asked: what does a Tribble in the mirror universe look like? And well...
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Quite scary! If these things populate as fast as they do in the prime universe I can only imagine how chaotic that would be!
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toastedstims · 1 year
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A self-indulgent life and death inspired stimboard requested by @spacedustmantis !!!
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 4 months
one of my favourite lemony snicket Bits has to be when he goes on a long rant about how job interviews are terrible and humiliating and the stakes are unfair and he hates doing them. that being said, you should NEVER lie on a job interview because lying is bad.
“In most cases, the best strategy for a job interview is to be fairly honest, because the worst thing that can happen is that you won't get the job and will spend the rest of your life foraging for food in the wilderness and seeking shelter underneath a tree or the awning of a bowling alley that has gone out of business.” yeah lemony. i think i’m picking up what you’re putting down.
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agnesandhilda · 4 days
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Scene Debunk - Lemony and Jacques whistling in the taxi, TAA (NCT, rather obviously)
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What does it mean?
We see a present-day Lemony whistling 'with' his brother who's going to die (in TVV).
THEORY: By now, 'That's Not How The Story Goes' is a well-established 'radio hit', if you will, so Jacques plays it on the taxi's radio and whistles along with - what he BELIEVES to be - his dead brother.
However, present-day Lemony is also in this taxi, as he is also wishing he could spend quality time with his dead brother.
This is a technique that Snicket/Handler's use of, throughout the series, is impeccable: dramatic irony and, to some extent, zeugma/syllepsis.
Dramatic irony is something Lemony rightly and necessarily explains in TRR, but here, the irony is of J believing L was dead and L KNOWING that J's dead now.
Once you understand what zeugma is, you'll know what I mean, though it does appear more in the books...
Zeugma and syllepsis are both figures of speech that involve the use of a single word in different senses or contexts. However, there are some differences between them.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, zeugma is a figure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses or to two others of which it semantically suits only one.
For example, consider the sentence “John and his license expired last week.”
Here, the word “expired” applies to both “John” and “his license,” but in different senses.
On the other hand, syllepsis is a figure of speech in which a word is applied to two others in different senses or to two others of which it grammatically suits only one.
For instance, consider the sentence “She caught the train and a bad cold.”
Here, the word “caught” is applied to both “the train” and “a bad cold,” but in different senses.
In TEE (I think) Lemony uses it talking about being "in the dark in the dark [in the park]".
And in TCC - "Miracles are like meatballs; no-one can agree on where they come from, what they're made of, or how often they should appear."
Just my thinking,
¬ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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artements · 4 months
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peterkothe · 2 years
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INKtober Day 27- POISON IVY
Every rose has its thorns, and Dr. Pamela Isley’s many thorns are laced in poison! The once zealous botanical scientist- turned mutant plant queen, has established her place as one of Gotham City’s most notorious supervillains. From creating deadly plant creatures to pheromones to control people and bend them to her will, Poison Ivy will do what it takes to retake earth of Mother Nature! However, wherever her poisonous garden grows, a Bat-shaped reaper man always arrives, to cull back the growth!
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daesungindistress · 2 years
Recently a Seungri stan messaged me privately to tell me she loves my old DaeRi fanfiction, pointed out one in particular that she reads "every once in a while," and even called me an author she loves. Four or more years ago this sort of feedback on my writing would have been encouraging, and I'd have thanked her for it. Nowadays, though, given the circumstances of that man and his fans, it was... let's just say unsettling.
Ever since the events of 2019 I've had conflicting feelings about my old writing and have many times considered pulling certain pieces down. I left the stories alone, untouched, partly for myself, as a repository of sorts, a public written record of a time past, because I can be stupidly sentimental like that, and partly for Dae stans, who I thought might still like them as long as they could look past the unpleasantness of the pairing's other half.
I expected people would react sensibly to BIGBANG's big change and hoped readers would enjoy my fanfics with the understanding that the past is the past and should be left as such. Accepting and embracing the group in its new form, as it has been since 2019 -- as four. The decision to let it be was certainly not made with fans of Seungri in mind, who by all rights shouldn't exist anymore.
Sad to say, they do. Not only can I not accept their gratitude, a compliment from one on my years-old stories featuring Seungri really upset me. It was an uneasy reminder that my old indulgences can still influence new fans and (mis)lead them into liking, sympathizing with, and supporting Seungri now, in the present, even after all that's happened. Disregarding his departure from the group and defending all the unsavory things about him that have come to light in the years since those stories were written.
Some time ago, on AO3, I turned off notifications for comments and kudos on everything with the mindset that if people were still reading and taking pleasure in my writing from so long ago, I didn't want to know. I thought that what I didn't know couldn't hurt me. But that isn't enough, I now realize. I didn't consider the potential side effects on others outside my target audience. I can't in good conscience look away any longer and allow those positive portrayals made by my hand to stand, even if it is only fiction, because Seungri is a real person who's done real harm, and quite a lot of it. By committing real crimes, and quite a lot of them. He has real power over people, power he's abused, with real-world consequences. And in a way, as a content creator... I have that power too.
So I've finally done what I should have done ages ago and have taken those stories down. It doesn't undo the damage, but at least I can breathe a little easier knowing my past work, which had been wildly overdue for removal, will no longer contribute to the problem still plaguing this band and its fandom today. If there's one lesson I've taken to heart in the years since Burning Sun, it's that I have a duty and a responsibility to do better. We all do.
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memehex · 10 months
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melodysbookhaven · 1 year
“Miracles are like meatballs, because nobody can exactly agree on what they are made of, where they come from, or how often they should appear.”
Lemony Snicket, The Carnivorous Carnival
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Olivia Caliban’s (Netflix version) perspective. Still so sad she never got her happy ending with Jacque. 🥺
All my life I waited,
For some great chance to take,
For a way to matter,
An important difference to make.
So I gave my whole life,
When he showed me the path,
How could I know,
There was no stopping their wrath.
We lost one another,
When we could finally see,
A love born out of time,
Simply not meant to be.
I lost them too,
After so long in fighting,
To put out the fires,
We could see lighting.
I’ll be right behind you,
That’s what I said,
But it was a lie,
My blood was already shed.
It was far, far too late,
We knew someone would die,
For those lions and villains,
So I said my goodbye.
I was always just behind,
Running and never reaching,
Never able to provide them a life,
Beyond hiding and seeking.
Perhaps I have saved them,
The best way I could,
Perhaps they’re still out there,
Surviving as V.F.D. would.
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
Very in the mood to write today
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Our story begins :>
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