#carne vegetal
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soumariana · 2 years ago
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The biggest vegan sandwich we ever made, so yummy.
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agroemdia · 8 months ago
Gil Reis | Agro & Cia
Caem vendas de ‘carne vegetal’ nos EUA; avanço da gripe aviária no Canadá preocupa
Caem vendas de ‘carne vegetal’ nos EUA O outrora efervescente setor da ‘carne vegetal’ diminuiu nos últimos dois anos, de acordo com o relatório State of the Industry do Good Food Institute. Apesar de uma década de crescimento e cinco anos de intensa inovação, as vendas retornaram, em 2023, aos níveis anteriores à pandemia. As vendas em dólares de ‘carnes vegetais’ e frutos do mar caíram 12% e as…
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belles-place · 3 months ago
Beef Dishes Famous Worldwide
Beef is a beloved protein that finds its place in diverse culinary traditions across the globe. From hearty stews to succulent steaks, each country brings its unique flavors and techniques to create iconic beef dishes that have become world-famous. Let's take a journey around the world to explore some of the most popular and beloved beef dishes.
1. Beef Wellington – England
Beef Wellington is a show-stopping dish from England, where tender beef fillet is coated with a layer of mushroom duxelles, wrapped in puff pastry, and baked to perfection. This elegant dish, often served during special occasions, is known for its crispy exterior and juicy, flavorful beef inside.
2. Kobe Beef – Japan
Kobe Beef is a type of Wagyu beef from the Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, famous for its marbling and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Cattle are raised with extraordinary care, producing beef with a rich flavor and delicate texture. Whether served as a steak, in a hotpot, or as sushi, Kobe Beef is a luxurious experience for meat lovers.
3. Beef Bourguignon – France
From the heart of France, Beef Bourguignon is a classic beef stew slow-cooked in red wine, often Burgundy, with garlic, onions, carrots, and mushrooms. The beef becomes incredibly tender, absorbing the rich flavors of the wine and herbs. It's traditionally served with potatoes or crusty bread.
4. Bistecca alla Fiorentina – Italy
Italy is home to the famous Bistecca alla Fiorentina, a thick, bone-in T-bone steak from the Tuscan region. Grilled over high heat and served rare, this dish is known for its simplicity and focus on the quality of the beef. It's often accompanied by olive oil, salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon.
5. Rendang – Indonesia
Rendang is a deeply flavorful, slow-cooked beef dish from Indonesia, particularly Sumatra. The beef is simmered in coconut milk and a blend of spices including lemongrass, ginger, and turmeric until it becomes tender and rich. This dish is often served during special occasions and is a favorite at festivals like Eid.
6. Picanha – Brazil
In Brazil, the star of many churrasco barbecues is Picanha, a cut of beef from the top of the rump. It's grilled over an open flame, with a focus on preserving its juicy flavor and tenderness. Often seasoned simply with salt, Picanha is served in thin slices, allowing diners to savor its rich taste.
7. Corned Beef and Cabbage – Ireland
Corned Beef and Cabbage is an Irish-American favorite, especially around St. Patrick’s Day. Corned beef is cured in salt and spices, then slow-cooked with cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. This dish has deep cultural ties to Irish immigrants in America and remains a beloved comfort food.
8. Phở Bò – Vietnam
In Vietnam, the flavorful beef noodle soup known as Phở Bò has earned worldwide fame. Thin slices of beef are served in a fragrant broth flavored with star anise, cinnamon, and cloves, along with rice noodles, fresh herbs, and lime. It’s a staple of Vietnamese cuisine and a go-to comfort food.
9. Argentinian Asado – Argentina
In Argentina, Asado is more than a meal; it's a social event centered around grilling beef over an open flame. Different cuts of beef, such as ribs and flank steak, are seasoned with salt and cooked slowly. Served with chimichurri sauce, Asado is a celebration of Argentina’s beef culture.
10. Chili Con Carne – USA
A beloved dish in the USA, Chili Con Carne is a hearty beef stew made with ground beef, beans, tomatoes, and a variety of spices. It's a popular comfort food that can be found at cookouts, football tailgates, and family gatherings across the country. Toppings like cheese, sour cream, and jalapeños add extra flavor and customization.
Beef dishes hold a special place in culinary traditions across the globe. Whether it's the rich and tender Beef Wellington from England or the fiery Rendang from Indonesia, these beef dishes showcase the diversity of flavors and cooking techniques that bring out the best in this versatile protein. Each dish tells a story of its cultural heritage, making it a delicious way to explore the world through food.
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pane-bistecca · 1 year ago
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eurekadiario · 1 year ago
Beyond Meat, la empresa de “carne vegetal” de Bill Gates, pierde el 30% de sus ingresos: “han logrado sembrar dudas y miedo en torno a los ingredientes”
Beyond Meat, la empresa de “carne vegetal” que tiene entre sus accionistas a Bill Gates, comunicó que sus ingresos se han desplomado en casi un tercio debido a que la demanda de sus hamburguesas, salchichas y otros productos de origen vegetal cayó, a pesar de los recortes de precios.
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La empresa de alimentos veganos dijo que sus ingresos cayeron casi un 31% en los tres meses hasta finales de junio en comparación con el año anterior, mientras que las acciones de la empresa cayeron un 10% el lunes.
Entre las explicaciones por la caída en los ingresos se encuentran el alza en el costo de vida, que hace que los consumidores opten por proteínas animales de menor precio en lugar de alternativas como los productos de origen vegetal, y las dudas en torno a los beneficios de las alternativas basadas en plantas también está afectando el crecimiento, según expresó el director ejecutivo, Ethan Brown, en una comunicación dirigida a sus inversores.
“Este cambio de percepción no está exento de la presión de los grupos que han logrado sembrar dudas y miedo en torno a los ingredientes y el proceso utilizados para crear nuestra y otras carnes de origen vegetal”, se quejó, en referencia a las críticas que han venido recibiendo los proyectos dietarios promovidos por Gates y organismos globales como Davos.
La compañía está luchando por atraer nuevos clientes debido a la percepción de que sus productos no son saludables y están excesivamente procesados, afirmó.
Incluso está evaluando unirse con algunos competidores para discutir la posibilidad de trabajar juntos en anuncios que ayuden a cambiar las percepciones sobre los alimentos de origen vegetal.
De acuerdo a Sky News, la compañía pronostica que sus ingresos para 2023 estarán entre $ 360 millones y $ 380 millones de dólares, en comparación con expectativas anteriores de hasta $ 415 millones.
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exclaimblog · 2 years ago
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Carne con Chile Rojo Beef slices are simmered together with a chile-tomato sauce in this spicy and delicious main dish.
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naoesosalada · 2 years ago
[SEGUNDA SEM CARNE] Receita de Falafel Toda Segunda-feira, tem conteúdo novo por aqui. E porque às segundas? Existe um movimento chamado #segundasemcarne, criado por um norte-americano, publicitário e grande defensor da saúde pública. Seu nome era Sid Lerner. Sid criou este movimento em 2003, depois de lembrar-se que durante a 1ª e 2ª Guerras Mundiais, o Governo norte americano, diante da dificuldade de enviar comida às tropas, convocou a população a não consumirem produtos de origem animal, para que esses itens pudessem ser enviados aos soldados. Sid então trouxe o slogan "meatless monday" (segunda sem carne) e criou esta campanha, agora com outro foco: a saúde pública e a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente. Sid convidou alguns embaixadores, entre eles um vegetariano mais ou menos famoso, um tal de Paul Mccartney, sabe? Vegetariano há décadas! A campanha tem como objetivo alertar as pessoas sobre o consumo consciente de alimentos de origem vegetal, seus benefícios à nossa saúde e à saúde do meio ambiente. Esta campanha tem adeptos em mais de 40 países! Muita gente me diz que gostaria de se tornar vegetariano/vegano mas não sabe por onde começar. Sabe o que eu sempre digo? Não tire nada. Acrescente! Saiba quais são as fontes de proteínas vegetais e conheça seus sabores! Comece aos poucos, por exemplo, fazendo da segunda sem carne, um novo hábito! Pra te ajudar, hoje eu trago uma receita de falafel de forno, deliciosa, nutritiva e 100% vegana! E antes que você me pergunte? E as proteínas? Já deixa eu te contar que a base do falafel é o Grão de bico, um vegetal da família das leguminosas, e que tem alto teor de proteínas, vitaminas do complexo B, sais minerais como ferro e fósforo e ácido fólico. É rico em triptofano que ajuda na produção da serotonina, hormônio ligado à sensação de bem estar e também há diversos estudos que indicam que essa maravilha da natureza também ajuda a prevenir as doenças cardiovasculares! Tá pronta pra aprender a preparar essa versão de falafel de forno? Então presta atenção na receita. O primeiro passo dessa receita é o demolho. Para que a gente possa aproveitar a melhor biodisponibilidade das leguminosas, colocar esses grãos em água por pelo menos 24 horas é muito importante! quando colocamos esses grãos de molho estamos tirando os gases e antinutrientes e assim, estamos ganhando a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes! Feito isso, mãos à obra! A gente seca bem os grãos, e leva pro multiprocessador para transformar em uma pastinha. Depois, juntamos a cebola, alho as ervas frescas, e os temperos secos como o cominho e pimenta síria. depois de tudo bem misturado, é hora de juntar o gergelim na massa. Aqui, vc pode fazer da forma mais tradicional e fazer bolinhas, mas pensando em ser prática e te incentivar a prepara essa receita, vamos fazer em uma assadeira antiaderente e levar ao forno. O molho que acompanha esse prato é feito com tahine, água, limão e sal. Tahine, é uma pasta de gergelim moído. Outra fonte rica em proteínas e gordura boa! Gostou dessa receita? Faça e me manda, vou adorar ver o seu sandubão de falafel!! Compartilhe este vídeo:    • [#segundasemcarne...  
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grubloved · 2 years ago
at the pride parade two weeks back i was sitting happy in the grass drawing people and there was specifically one person in particular who i thought was just so so pretty who got quite a few sketches and then some folks invited me to sit on their blanket and i got to know them (one used to work at the aquarium!) and it turned out they knew the beautiful person and got them to come over to see my scribbles about it and they were so delighted and touched and genuinely open about being delighted and touched that i about cried. they invited me to that gay bookstore dnd two hours away by train and i went last week and weve been talking and are friends now and theyre coming over today and we will make carne asada and roast vegetables and homemade tortillas and salsa roja and blackberry lemonade
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bearydreamss · 2 months ago
Sobre mim:
História com o T.a: Tudo começou na infância, minha mãe me privava de comidas “normais” e fast food, salsicha? Só a vegetal, carne tbm, suco de caixinha, salgadinho, biscoito, bolacha, nunca tive e nem era por questão financeira, era por que a minha mãe não permitia por não serem alimentos saudáveis. Para vocês terem noção arroz branco, pão francês, frios, salgados de rua, tinham o msm peso de comer pizza e hambúrguer p mim pq ela só comprava alimentos integrais e com fibras, e eu passava MT vontade na infância vendo as outras criancinhas comendo salgados na escola, chocolate ( msm as barrinhas pequenas). Antes de sair para festinhas de aniversário minha mãe me entupia de comida, sempre saudável, para não comer “porcaria” nas festas, churros só fui comer pela 1 vez aos 11 anos e achei q iria morrer de tão mal que a minha mãe falava.
O que isso causou?
Óbvio, compulsão alimentar aos 12 anos; Como eu passei a infância toda sendo privada de comer comidas “normais” sempre que tinha alguma oportunidade eu comia ATÉ passar mal pq não sabia qual seria a próxima vez que eu comeria daquilo. Nunca vou esquecer do café da manhã que eu fazia na casa da minha vó quando ia passar as férias lá: 1 Pão francês, 2 fatias de pão de forma, fatia do pão de grau, fatia do pão caseiro dela, ( tudo com presunto, mortadela, mussarela, queijo branco e geleia), fatia de bolo puma, bolo caseiro dela e um copo de leite com café; tudo isso com 10 anos!
Já na escola quando consegui ter mais liberdade para me alimentar no ensino fundamental 2, comia sempre 2-3 salgados no período da manhã na escola, um chocolatinho e bebida. Chegando em casa sempre que tinha algo bom ( raro) me empanturrava daquilo e a noite quando meus pais saíam, sempre criava receitas hipercaloricas com queijo, macarrão, bacon, coxinha e que msm com gosto ruim eu comia, só pq estava deslumbrada com esse tanto de comida q me foi privada na infância. E quando saía eu PRECISAVA comer de tudo que tinha na mesa, isso dos meus 12 anos até os 15! Nisso, cheguei aos 98kg com 1,56 de altura ( obviamente era MEGA sedentária eu real odiava exercício, reclamava quando tinha que andar, falava ofegante e era o estereótipo de gorda engraçada preguiçosa cool)
Minha história com a Ana
A virada de chave para a mudança de transtorno veio aos 16 anos com 3 gatilhos:
1 - Pela primeira vez em um aniversário de uma amiga, eu notei que não estava bonita e não era por conta de roupa, fiquei 3h tentando achar alguma roupa q encaixasse e td ficava feio por conta do meu peso e corpo… foi a primeira vez q me enxerguei como gorda, aos 92kg; lembro de passar o aniversário td pensando nisso e prometendo a mim msm q pularia o almoço daquela semana e emagreceria!
2 - Um webnamoro em que o cara me mandava as fotos dele íntimas com a ex e me fizeram pensar o quanto o corpo dela era melhor ( ela era chubby, porém com uma distribuição de gordura boa) e o medo dele pedir fotos minhas e ver que eu era uma gorda.
3 - Querer ter o 3 ano do colegial perfeito! Com amigos beleza e um corpo perfeito!
Inicio da ana:
Eu queria perder só barriga no começo, manter a bunda, a coxa e o peito o típico padrão BR, só q como sou ansiosa, comecei cortando o café da manhã e o almoço, ou ent fazendo omad de farofa e kafta como eu não sabia nada de macros, só queria perder a barriga, aliás comecei a ouvir subliminais. Msm com as macros horríveis na época, emagreci e continuei.
Dps comecei a pensar que além de perder a barriga, não seria tão ruim assim perder perna e peito, eu pensava q era só emagrecer e dps recuperar na academia a perna e bunda - Daí comecei a comer saladas, cortar o carboidrato e aprender mais sobre macros, nf, cetose e tals, caminhava 6h por dia, ou ent fazia musculação e 30-60min de esteira, e queimava +600kcals… Só que ao longo dessa fase, perder perna e seios começou a se tornar algo atrativo para mim!
E agora, eu simplesmente quero ser bonespo e não mais thinspo! eu ODEIO meus peitos e quero pernas mais magras!
Como lido com meu t.a atualmente:
Foco em nf de +18h no mínimo, 24+ normalmente e as vezes 2 dias ou mais de nf, omad mais “volumosas” ou ent pequenas porções de comidas ao longo do dia para não me inchar, sempre até as 18h e como trabalho com atendimento ao cliente ( jovem aprendiz)
- Fico 6h em pé andando pela loja ( sou proibida de sentar e mtt menos tem algum lugar para isso
- Limpo prateleiras, tiro pó de produto por produto, subo em escada, puxo carrinho, levo a cesta dos clientes, NUNCA fico parada ( e nem dá rsrs)
- Carrego caixas de cream cheese
- Atendo clientes, arrumo as marmitas, ajudo na reposição e anoto validade
- Tudo isso em nf na maioria das vezes! Como tô no trabalho, além do café da manhã, consigo pula tb o almoço!
Meu corpo atualmente:
Peso inicial: 92kg - 2021
Peso atual: casa dos 43kg ( as vezes 43,2 - 43,5 e afins) - 2024
Imc: 16,5
Mf : 40kg
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crispybeomgyu · 3 months ago
Dieta do ovo de 5 dias - 4 quilos.
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Olá Queridas !
Mais uma dieta que estou fazendo e quero compartilhar com vocês :) A original é da querida @bonesanna (uma dyva viu) e quis adaptar à minha realidade com restrição de carnes.
A dieta do ovo é um regime alimentar de curto prazo que se concentra no consumo de ovos como principal fonte de proteína, com o objetivo de promover a perda de peso. Ela é baseada no conceito de reduzir significativamente o consumo de calorias enquanto se mantém uma alta ingestão de proteínas, o que ajuda a preservar a massa muscular e a aumentar a sensação de saciedade.
Ok L, mas por quê funciona?
Termogênese e metabolismo: Proteínas como as dos ovos exigem mais energia para serem digeridas e metabolizadas, o que pode aumentar o gasto calórico do corpo. Saciedade: O alto teor de proteínas ajuda a controlar o apetite, o que pode levar à ingestão de menos calorias ao longo do dia. Déficit calórico: O principal mecanismo de perda de peso é o déficit calórico (consumir menos calorias do que o corpo gasta). A dieta do ovo facilita isso devido às porções controladas e ao baixo consumo de calorias.
Por quê incluir o leite de Soja e não o de vaca?
Menor quantidade de calorias O leite de soja normalmente contém menos calorias do que o leite de vaca integral, sendo uma opção interessante para quem está tentando reduzir a ingestão calórica. Isso ajuda a manter o déficit calórico necessário para a perda de peso.
Fonte de proteína vegetal Assim como os ovos são uma fonte excelente de proteína animal, o leite de soja fornece proteínas vegetais, o que é ótimo para equilibrar sua dieta e incluir fontes mais diversificadas de proteínas. Ele contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, tornando-o uma proteína completa.
Baixo teor de gordura saturada O leite de soja tem baixo teor de gordura saturada em comparação com o leite de vaca, que pode conter gorduras saturadas em quantidades mais elevadas (especialmente na versão integral). Reduzir o consumo de gorduras saturadas é benéfico para a saúde cardiovascular e pode ajudar no controle do colesterol.
Bom para quem busca uma alimentação mais vegana ou vegetariana Querendo ou não, adicionar leite de soja à sua dieta é um passo em direção a uma alimentação mais vegetariana ou vegana, o que pode ser benéfico para reduzir o consumo de produtos de origem animal e contribuir para a sustentabilidade ambiental.
Videos do Youtube com inspirações:
@mikumiya , @kitoolv , @mymalluu , @lizzystan (dyvas)
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mydearlybeloathed · 1 year ago
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you, now a successful singer, and sanji, now a pirate, reunite unexpectedly when you return to baratie for a one night only performance.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: opla!sanji x fem!singer!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: use Y/N, zeff is a meddler, mild angst
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When Sanji woke up that morning, he hadn’t expected a song would be the one to bruise his ego.
It was a relatively normal morning, filled with shuffling around the Going Merry with a pen and pad asking for special grocery requests. It was the usual, for the most part; Zoro wanted alcohol, Luffy asked for lamb, Nami needed brown sugar for something she wanted to make, and Usopp requested chocolate chips. 
All a routine order to convince Zeff to hand over, Sanji mused, flipping shut his notepad as the Merry docked at Baratie. Another supply run was nothing out of the ordinary. They’d be out by the next morning if he had any say in it. 
Then he saw the mischievous glint in Zeff’s eyes, and suddenly, Sanji was nervous.
“What?” He tried to laugh it off. When all Zeff did was clap a hand on Sanji’s shoulder, the Strawhat cook’s curiosity turned to panic. “Zeff, you’ve got that look. What is it?”
Zeff shrugged and led the way further into the kitchen. It was early in the morning, breakfast being prepared as the two spoke. “Ah, nothin’.” He smirked to himself. “I’m just debating whether I should tell you, or let you find out.”
Sanji blinked, now very, very concerned for his own wellbeing. “You should definitely tell me.”
The old man let out a laugh and completely ruined Sanji’s day with just two simple words: “She’s back.”
There was no need for elaboration; Sanji knew exactly who she was. His heart dropped and all color drained from his face, jaw effectively slack. The sight had Zeff’s chest hurting with how hard he laughed.
“I—Why in the seven hells would she be comin’ here, Zeff?” Sanji clawed at his hair, sitting back against a counter and stumbling for his senses. “Last I checked she wanted nothing to do with this place.”
Zeff tutted. “Last I checked she wanted nothing to do with you, little eggplant. She left Baratie with nothing but fond memories of me.”
“That’s—!” Sanji faltered, lips pursed. “That’s fair, actually.”
“Just thought I’d warn you,” sadi Zeff as he moved to shoo a younger cook away from some vegetables and started to chop them himself. Sanji took his place beside him and found himself a knife, mincing some carrots to speed the process along.
Zeff smiled warmly. “She offered to come sing for the guests. I wasn’t about to turn her away. I raised you both. It’s natural I miss her. Then you said your crew needed more supplies the same week she’s here, and well… Would it be wrong to admit this is turning out really well for me?”
“No,” Sanji snapped back. His neck ached and his shoulders were tense, but he just kept on chopping away with practiced ease. “How in hell is any of this good?”
“You two used to be fine as friends,” Zeff reasoned. “It’s only when ya’ tried bein’ more that things went south.”
Sanji didn’t need Zeff to remind him that he’d completely, utterly, definitely screwed up any chance of being at least friends with you again. He knew that. He’d accepted it long ago. It didn’t mean Sanji was any less heartbroken about it.
“Relax,” said Zeff after he had enough of the suffocating silence. “She’s over you. You’re over her.” He finished up the vegetables and called back over the nervous little cook. “I’m sure you know her career took off. She came back to sing for Baratie before her tour ‘round the seas.”
He clapped Sanji on his shoulder and shook him a bit. “One night only. It’s sure to be great.”
Sure, except everything that Zeff had just said was entirely wrong. Sanji was in no way over you.
And Lord knew you weren’t over him either.
Across the sea-top restaurant was you, face pale, eyes wide and glaring daggers into Patty and Carne. The pair stood exchanging worried glances as you sputtered out words they could hardly understand.
“Bastards!” That they could gather. “Why didn’t Zeff tell me Sanji would be here? The only reason I accepted the invitation was because I knew Sanji was off playing pirates.” You tugged at your hair. “Or he’s supposed to be.”
“Don’t look at us!” Patty said, hands raised in surrender. The burly man offered a consoling smile. “Zeff didn’t know.”
You pointed a finger at him, a wild look in your eyes. “So you think! So you think! I bet he arranged this whole thing behind our backs!”
You knew you sounded crazy. Hell, you felt erratic at this point. Seeing Sanji was not something you were mentally prepared for just yet. You rubbed at your temples. “God, I haven’t seen him since I left.”
“It’ll be fine,” Carne siad, his hands settling on your shoulders and giving you a little shake. “Just fine.”
Patty nodded and caught sight of your agent peering around the corner she was eavesdropping from, tapping her watch with a pointed look on her face. Patty mimed rushed assurances and turned back to you. “I doubt he’ll even have the nerve to show up. Not after everything.”
You wiped a stressed tear from your eyes. “You think?”
Patty started to guide you down the hall toward the room your panicky agent was now awaiting in. “Yep. He’s a wimp like that.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, slowly nodding your head. “He won’t even show up. I’ll go out there, do my set, talk to Zeff again, and book it outta here.”
Your steps were more confident as you headed for your room. Carne rolled his eyes at you, in a fond kind of way of course. “Atta girl.”
You pumped a fist as you disappeared around the corner, and the two men could breathe easy now that they were free of your scathing eyes.
Ever since you and Sanji first met, it’d been complicated.
Zeff didn’t believe in letting women work in his restaurant. He knew what type of guest his establishment attracted; from the sleazy rich to the sketchy pirates, Zeff didn’t believe it was necessarily safe for women to work there. 
But then there was you, some scrappy ten year-old from the docks of some port he couldn't recall the name of.
You’d been playing a guitar far too big for you, an upturned hat before you. Zeff was bartering for a fair price on some radishes not too far away. He caught the tailend of a song as you finished, the only word to describe the sound being angelic. But Zeff didn’t have time to listen to street urchins play guitar. 
Hours passed and he was back in Baratie's kitchen, sitting at the table eating some soup he’d prepared the day before. All was well and all was quiet. The ship was back at sea. The storage was fully stocked. The little eggplant was out of the way for once. He had a moment to breathe.
A moment short lived, and he was back to adolescent induced suffocation. The old man’s brows pinched, a migraine on the horizon. Maybe if he ignored it…
The kitchen doors swung open to reveal none other than the eggplant—Sanji’s face was all red, his hair a mess, and he was dragging a girl behind him with a fist in her hair.
Zeff jumped to his feet, this being the last thing he expected when he heard Sanji’s whistle note scream. “Sanji—!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” The girl—you—offered a swift kick to Sanji’s groin. You massaged at your scalp while the boy keeled and flopped over in agony. “Bitch, you ripped out some of my hair!”
Sanji groaned, practically writhing. Zeff nearly felt bad, until he recognized you. “You’re the kid from the docks!”
Before you could offer your quippy reply, Sanji had sent a kick to your shin that had you joining him on the ground. Idiots, the both of you.
Zeff had meant to kick you off when they docked at a port the next month… but, well, you had nowhere to go, and he’d grown used to how you and Sanji bickered back and forth so seamlessly. 
(He’d known before anyone else that you and Sanji had something special, even if the pair of you were too stubborn to admit it.)
Zeff didn’t think he’d ever make an exception to his rules, but then there was you, and there wasn’t much use in saying no to you. 
It started as being a hostess, guiding guests to their tables, and then it was bussing tables. You even tried your hand in the kitchen and were swiftly kicked out after the first fire scare. Then, you’d asked to sing, and Zeff had no objections. 
But even as he grew to think of you as part of his odd excuse for a family, itt was obvious to him that you had no wish to dedicate your life to the restaurant. 
You’d had to abandon your guitar when you stowed away on Baratie, but your voice had no hindering. He heard you when you thought no one else cared to listen—Sanji did too, and Zeff always thought the eggplant realized he loved you the first time he heard you sing.
Sanji wouldn’t try to disagree. He knew there was a point in the timeline of him knowing you where his annoyance at your existence turned into a kind of reverence he had no power to stop. He swore you were a siren, sent from the depths to torment his every waking moment. 
As he grew older his affections only grew worse and worse, until he couldn’t help but kiss you—his very first mistake.
Sanji knew he was far from perfect, and he was far from ever deserving such a sweet love as the one you offered, but God, how he tried.
He failed, always, and that was a torture he tried not to dwell on.
Every time he fell for you, you seemed to fall harder, and he was never good at keeping up. You had dreams and so did he, and as the years drew on, it just… didn’t work, and the on-again-off-again romance was draining you both of any chance for fixing what was left of your friendship.
He tried to blame it on wrong place and wrong time, because he hoped it wasn’t simply wrong person. Sanji promised himself he would keep trying to be good for you until the day he died—but he kept failing. He kept disappointing you, breaking things off only to start them up again, he kept charming other women right in front of you.
Nobody’s perfect, but he could’ve at least tried a little harder.
Then came the day you’d left, finally having enough of his indecision and going out to fulfill all your dreams… With barely a goodbye to him. You’d left a note, of course, but it was short and cold and heartbreaking: “Dear Sanji, don’t miss me. Sincerely, Y/N.”
Sincerely. How was he ever supposed to recover from that?
As far as Sanji knew, you were doing well. There were posters and radio announcements about you, this up and coming star with the voice of an angel. 
And now to the present, where he stood taking a smoke outside the Baratie’s entrance. The moon was high and the stars peaked out from the clouds. The long trail of guests filing into the restaurant for dinner was thinning. 
Sanji took a drag and imagined you, in your room having last minute jitters before heading out to sing. 
“Sanji?” It was Nami, stepping out into the chill night air, concern written all over her face. “You coming?”
His pause was a bit too long, and Nami tried again, “You don’t have to…”
“I…” He wanted to. God, how he wanted to hear you sing again. “I think I’ll stay out here.”
She stood there a moment longer like she wanted to argue, to snap some sense into him and get him to at least try to speak to you. There was so much history, after all, even if Nami didn’t know the half of it. But she went back inside with a hefty sigh, leaving Sanji alone with his tendrils of smoke and wallowing self-pity.
Your agent, Flora, was messing with your curls, pulling them over your shoulders as you tapped your thumb on the wood of the guitar hung around your shoulders. 
“Now,” she fussed. “There’s a platform set up at the center of the room. I tested the acoustics at dawn before anybody else could get inside and it's perfect. Just right.”
Her little smile faded when she caught your eye. “Hun, what’s wrong?” She raised a brow. “Is this about that boy?”
You tried to evade the conversation with a roll of your eyes. “Flora…”
“Because I wasn’t going to tell you this,” said Flora. “But he’s been wandering around all day trying to catch a glimpse of you. Ran away every time I caught him. Had to get that Zoro guy to get him to knock it off.”
You aren’t sure why you felt surprised. You yourself had been wandering Baratie hoping you’d catch sight of that familiar mop of blond, but alas. “Do you… think he’ll show up?”
Flora took your hand. “Do you want him to?”
“No.” Yes. You wanted to see him. You wanted to know if he was doing better, if he was better, if all the bad of the past had shaped him into the Sanji you knew he could be.
“Then go out there and sing.” She had an aura of comfort and calm you often envied. “You know what song’s first, right?”
You thought of the setlist your drummer had brought to you that morning and felt your stomach drop. “Flora, I can’t sing that song to him—”
“You’re not singing it to him,” she cut in, starting to lead you out of the little room and down the hall to the grand staircase leading into the dining room. “You’re singing for all those people waiting to hear the songbird incarnate, Y/N L/N.”
You grinned tightly. “No pressure.”
Descending the stairs was the easy part. People clapped as you glided down as light as a feather, guitar around you and a light shining down from somewhere. True to Flora’s word a round platform awaited at the center of the dining room. It was small, but you had a bit of moving room. You accepted the hand of your drummer and stood up on the platform, shooting him a smile as he went back up the stairs to where the rest of your small band was ready to play. 
You turned and suddenly there was a microphone to your right. Had that always been there? 
“Hello, Baratie!” The applause met you at full force, easing some of your tension. Sanji was nowhere to be seen, and you weren’t sure if you liked that. “Look at your beautiful faces tonight. Oh, and there’s Chef Zeff too!”
That got you a couple of laughs before it died down again. “I’m so happy to be back here. Baratie was a home of mine once, and it’ll always have a place in my heart.” Your hand brushed your guitar strings and sent an unpleasant sound into the mic. “All right, enough sappiness. You all want some music, right?”
You cast a glance up at your band, felt a rush of familiarity, and nodded. A steady beat began and you began to strum a practiced tune on your guitar, the callousess on your fingers straining under the pressure. 
“I remember when we broke up—the first time. Saying ‘This is it, I’ve had enough, ‘cause like…��”
“This isn’t working out,” he said, not a pinch of the light you'd come to love in his eyes. He looked cold and unkind, but the frown he was giving you betrayed his own heartbreak.
“What do you mean?”
“We’re… better as friends. I just need some space to think.”
“What? Then you come around again and say, ‘Baby, I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change, trust me…’”
He chased you relentlessly until his hand caught your wrist and spun you around. All his words fell short at the sight of your tears. “Y/N…”
“You said it would be different,” you reminded him. Bitterness flooded your senses. “What was her name? Did you even catch it before you unzipped her dress?”
Anger boiled in his eyes. “I didn’t—I just kissed her!”
“Just,” you laughed mirthlessly, shaking your head as you ripped yourself from his presence and stormed away.
“Don’t, Sanji!”
“I’ll do better! I promise.”
“Remember how that lasted for a day? I say I hate you, we break, you call me, I love you.”
You tried not to search for familiar faces in the crowd, instead shutting your eyes and letting the music take over, and not the lyrics.
But you were a weak woman, and your eyes pried themselves free to scan the room.
It was dark around the dining room, and the lights Flora had managed to set up were blinding, but there he was. Sanji was by the door to the lower decks, his icy eyes bearing into you with such an intensity you stumbled over your guitar strings. You picked the melody back up before it was too noticeable, but he was smirking, that son of a bitch. 
Sanji noticed. He always noticed everything about you, annoyingly.
“I’m really gonna miss you picking fights, and me falling for it, screaming that I’m right, and you would hide away in your peace of mind…”
“I never said I didn’t want you to go!” Sanji screamed back at you. “I think it's the chance of a lifetime and if you want to, you should go.”
That’s not what you wanted him to say. You took your ground, staring him right in the eyes. “Do you want me to go, Sanji?”
“That’s not—”
“No, I mean…” You took a breath. “Say the word and I’ll stay. I won’t go. I’ll stay here and sing my silly songs on a crate covered in a tablecloth. Just tell me you want me.”
“I…” Sanji wanted to, you knew, but he was too kind. He wasn’t going to trap you here. You could see him choosing to be mean right before your very eyes. “I don’t care if you stay or go, Y/N. Go if you want to. I don’t care.”
You didn’t go in the morning, and the rich patron sailed away with the offer of a lifetime. 
“I used to think, that we were forever—ever. And I used to think, never say never…”
Sanji hadn’t realized Nami and Zoro were beside him till the jeering began.
“Damn,” Nami laughed into his ear. “When you said you broke her heart I didn’t think you meant it.”
Zoro cast him a teasing look. “You were a douche.”
Sanji’s cheeks burned. “We were kids! I…”
“Relax, we’re joking.” Nami nudged his shoulder before she turned back to you. “She’s watching you, by the way.”
“She is?” Sanji snapped his head back up a little too quickly, but he didn't care. Nami dragged Zoro back to their table, leaving Sanji to stare absolutely starstruck at you. You really were watching, an odd kind of look in your eyes. 
It wasn’t angry or sad or happy… but Sanji was sure he had a similar look in his eyes.
“So he calls me up and he’s like, ‘I still love you’...”
Your eyes locked with his and a burning sensation filled your chest. He hadn't changed much. More handsome you supposed, if you let yourself think it. 
“And I’m like… I’m just… I mean, this is exhausting, you know? Like we are never getting back together…”
He tried a grin and a little wave, and memories flooded back in an instant, both the good and bad. You somehow found it in yourself to offer a smile back, and you knew then, the song was probably a lie.
“Like ever.”
“Hi…” He found you on the back terrace of the Baratie, where the fish mouth of the restaurant opened up the starry night sky. 
You weren’t pretending to not be waiting, a glass of your mutually favorite wine across from you waiting for him. 
He sat down, mostly because the smile you offered him was enough to buckle his knees. 
“Hey,” you replied, averting your eyes to your glass. 
Sanji wasn’t exactly sure where to begin, but he started with, “I think Zeff set us up.”
You snorted. “Oh, definitely.”
“Uhm…” He looked out at the sea, then at his wine, then at you, and settled on keeping his eyes there. “You were wonderful. Radiant, really.” The stars faded from his eyes as mischief replaced it. “I liked your opener.”
You rolled your eyes and flushed from your neck to your nose. “Thank you. I had good inspiration.”
“I’d say my bad, but it was a good song.” Sanji felt as breathless as he used to, when he was sixteen and just learning how much he cared about you. “You were perfect. Are perfect. Can I still say that?”
You chuckled. “I—I guess so.”
Silence filled the space between you, clicking glasses and chatter from the bar feeling very far away.
“The drummer was good—”
“I think I still love you—”
You slapped a hand over your mouth, watching Sanji’s mouth open and close like a confused fish. His ears burnt pink and a spark of opportunity filled his beautiful blue eyes. You locked eyes, and Sanji started to laugh.
The sound was better than any music and flowed from his lips like honey. Chuckles bubbled up and out of your chest till you were gripping the sides of the chair you were in as you joined in on his uncontained and unending cackles.
He wiped at a tear and tried to get a hold of himself as your laughter died down as well, and he found himself admiring how you looked under the golden lighting of the terrace. “Would it be bad if I said same here?”
There was a brief pause before you threw your head back again and laughed over and over, drawing closer to Sanji till you were side by side, knee to knee, laughing loud enough to warrant a noise complaint.
“We’re hopeless,” you mused.
Sanji shrugged. “Yeah, but what’s new?”
A lot of things, actually. Things felt different, but the same, and it was odd for you both. The same love was there along with the bad memories tagged along with it, but you and Sanji had more experience behind you now. You were older and wiser and good God, you were no longer teenagers.
Some years ago it had been wrong place, wrong time, wrong… wrong everything.
But now you looked at him and instead of seeing the boy who used to break your heart, you saw Sanji. Your childhood best friend. The man who you once thought could be the love of your life.
Maybe… perhaps… it wouldn’t hurt to give it just one more go. All right, maybe you were getting back together. You could see the pair of you meeting back at Baratie a year later, your tour long over and his crew docked for the week. You’re lovers despite distance, awaiting a someday where your dreams finally align.
Sanji pressed a tentative kiss to your forehead, testing the waters in the wake of your laughter, and asked if you wanted to meet his crew. You nodded, meaning to stand when a boy in a straw hat vaulted over the back of the seat across from you and sat down. Then a girl with orange hair and boy with green, closely followed by a dark skinned boy with tinted glasses over his eyes. 
You took Sanji’s hand in your own and blushed at how he admired your profile like you’d hung the very stars in the sky. Yeah, you could see it.
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years ago
I’m going in-depth on the names we have thus far. Calorum is the setting that has some of the cleverest wordplay ever, period, and I want to know EVERYTHING about our new guys!!!!!
let’s get this one out of the way
Colin Provlone (Zac Oyama) - Provolone is a kind of cheese. Colin is a name of Irish/Scottish origin. It’s nice to have one simple one.
Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (Brennan Lee Mulligan) - hmmmm are we going to get an actually Bulbian cleric/warlock this season????
Anyway, the scientific name for wild radish is Raphanus raphanistrum, so that’s probably where Raphaniel came from.
wild radish has two other names - “jointed charlock” and “white charlock”. So there we go.
Your typical red radish (as Brennan described his character to look like) is a subspecies of Raphanus raphanistrum called sativus.
but!!! even MORE interesting!!!! you know what order and family radishes are in? the order BRASSICALES in the family BRASSICACEAE!!!!! Like a certain pontifex we know of??
This could be 100% unintentional, there’s a Lot of vegetables in the family Brassicaceae, but I remain optimistic.
Lady Amangeaux Epiceé du Peche (Anjali Bhimani) - so, Fructera has always been French, natch.
She is a mango! French for mango = la mangue
Amangeaux = almonds (according to google translate, I couldn’t find this word anywhere else online, it’s extremely possible that it’s just the most French-sounding way of saying “a mango”)
Epiceé  = spicy (can be used as slang for y’know. spICY)
du Peche = of peach. maybe she is of house Peach?
Karna Solara (Aabria Iyengar) - this one has me kind of stumped.
there’s the obvious karn->carn->meat connection, but she’s a chili pepper. lmk if there’s some secret vegetable lore I’m missing with ‘karna’
there’s also solar -> sun, which makes sense since the crest of Brightgarden is a big sun, and we see the DM screen this season has a big sun on it.
pLUS when I looked up scientific name for chili pepper, they come from the order Solanales in the family Solanaceae.
Thane Delissandro Katzon (Lou Wilson) -
immediately made me think of katsudon- an egg rice bowl w pork cutlet on top.
thank you @blueaerin for your post about how this is most likely a reference to Katz’s Delicatessan, a famous deli in NYC! I never would’ve know that.
Also “katson” = Finnish for “I look” - from the verb “katsoa” meaning “to look at” or “to watch over” - probably nothing.
Delissandro - deli - deli meat
Delicatessen - the double s inspired by this?
while I was looking at Finnish stuff i found out “delissa” means “at the deli” in Finnish
Thane - y’all who read Macbeth know this one.
In Anglo-Saxon culture, It’s a title of a landowner, specifically someone who was gifted land by a king.
In Scotland, it’s a feudal lord.
There’s a connotation of military use in all of the descriptions I’ve found, so judging by the armor he’s wearing, it might be being used as a term for “commander”
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insiderzx · 5 months ago
Pan of meat with vegetables
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sefaradweb · 7 months ago
Adafina: The Classic Sephardic Sabbath Stew
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🇺🇸 Adafina is a classic Sephardic Sabbath stew similar to cholent among Ashkenazi Jews. It was prepared before sundown to comply with Sabbath laws, ensuring a ready meal the next day. This slow-cooked stew combines meats, vegetables, chickpeas, and eggs, transforming these ingredients into a delicately textured and flavorful dish. The recipe emphasizes using organic ingredients to enhance the taste, with the key ingredient being time, as the long cooking period perfects the flavors.
🇪🇸 La adafina es un guiso clásico sefardí para el sábado, similar al cholent entre los judíos asquenazíes. Se preparaba antes del atardecer para cumplir con las leyes del sábado, asegurando una comida lista para el día siguiente. Este guiso cocido a fuego lento combina carnes, vegetales, garbanzos y huevos, transformando estos ingredientes en un plato de textura delicada y sabor exquisito. La receta destaca el uso de ingredientes orgánicos para mejorar el sabor, siendo el tiempo el ingrediente clave, ya que el largo período de cocción perfecciona los sabores.
🇮🇱 La adafina es un guiso klasiko sefardí para el Shabat, parecido al cholent entre los djidyos ashkenazis. Se preparava antes del eskurezimiento para kumplir kon las layes del Shabat, assegurando una komida lista para el día sigyente. Este guiso kochido a fuego lento kombina karnes, verduras, garvanzos i wevos, transformando estos ingredyentes en un plato de textura delicada i sabor eskisito. La rezetika sujere uzar ingredyentes organyikos para mejorar el sabor, siendo el tiempo el ingredyente klave, pues el largo peryodo de kochura perfecciona los sabores.
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thechadmaryy · 4 months ago
Senshi voice: First cut up 3 medium potatoes. You want very thin slices, so cut them a couple times in multiple directions. Rinse the cut potatoes, and cover them in 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Mix together while dusting with your seasonings of choice. I used onion powder, carne asada, and elote seasoning. Cut half of a stick of butter in half, and toss both cubes onto the potatoes as they begin to cook on medium-high heat, starting the stove once the potatoes are already in the pan. Stir frequently, and add in a tablespoon of olive oil when the melted butter is as brown as the skin of a russet potato. Once you can sink your teeth into the thickest piece of potato without feeling any grit, throw in half a cup of cashews and continue to stir frequently. You're going to notice some burning on the side of your pan, so as you cook, periodically add a tablespoon of vinegar to the sides of the pan, up to three times to deglaze. Once your potatoes start to become soft, throw in a can of rinsed black beans. Pout in half of a cup of milk. Cook until the beans are easily mushed, adding more of your seasoning, salt, and another dash of vinegar if the dish isn't tangy. You can balance most meals by getting a proper ratio of salt, fat, and acid, so think about how the vinegar, seasoning, and butter or oil can be added if your dish's flavor skews too much in one direction. This is a good dish to feed the young'ns, but isn't particularly high in many vitamins and minerals. It's also high in fat and carbohydrates relative to protein, so consider serving it with something to make up for that, like chicken or available vegetables, or even a yogurt and fruit bowl after dinner. As for dungeoneering, it doesn't keep very well due to the milk and butter. For a less perishable alteration, try to bake the meal instead of frying it, and use only a tablespoon of oil or butter. Also make sure to add more salt and vinegar, so that it keeps longer, but it will be too strong if eaten alone.
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asliceofzosan · 1 year ago
pspsps Zeff meeting Ayari 👀👀👀
zeff knows how much sanji loves kids.
he first noticed it when he was roughly turning into a teenager. around the age of 13-14. it isn't often that families come to the baratie. but when they do, sanji actually volunteers to wait tables when on normal understaffed days, zeff would have to drag him out of the kitchen kicking and screaming. he didn't understand it until he decided to watch sanji and everything made sense.
if one is the child of a pirate or a marine, you're bound to be a little fussy (case and point: sanji). and his boy was a natural at calming down fussy babies. those chubby little rascals would immediately stop crying when sanji would pick them up and carry them on his hip, taking everybody's order like usual. the parents would look at him gratefully, even allowing him so far as to let him wait other tables with their baby in his arms.
during sanji's break, he would play with them. if they won't stop crying, he'd ask patty or carne to heat up some milk or mushy vegetables to feed the kid. and more often than not, sanji would sometimes be seen with a sound asleep baby as he barks out the orders to a bewildered kitchen.
zeff asked him once if he wanted a baby sibling. sanji just laughed until his sides hurt.
"you can barely raise me, you old coot." he said in response with a bright grin that reminded zeff how much he loved this kid. "i'm better off as an only child. trust me."
(he does. trust sanji, that is. but he will never forget how his laugh sounded pained. like an echo of a terrible memory. he'll come to realize why after a long while.)
as sanji grew up, his natural gravitation towards children never wavered. in fact, kids often flocked towards him at the baratie, following behind him like little ducklings in a row. sanji's smile was softer on those days, the sparkle in his eyes as prominent as when sanji talks about his beloved all blue. the kids would hang onto his every word.
he doesn't know how qualified he is at knowing good parenting from bad parenting. but he did raise sanji for most of his life. his little eggplant turned out pretty decent by his standards.
so of course, it's a no brainer for zeff that if sanji would one day have his own kid, he'd be the best dad in the world.
"head chef?" patty says as he enters zeff's office. "someone downstairs really wants to meet ya."
"if they want a discount they better fuckin' run." he gruffly replies without looking up from the newspaper. "customer is always right my ass—"
"–and you know what's real upsetting? the fact that they think they're all hot shit! i don't care who you are. you pay to eat here–"
"–would be nice if i didn't get some dumbass like that for once—"
"chef, it's sanji!"
zeff has fought sea beasts, marine fleets, and pirates with a worse death wish than him. he has faced starvation, dehydration, massive bloodloss without batting an eye.
but nothing. absolutely nothing makes his heart jump more than hearing that his son has come home to visit.
"well what the fuck are you doing standing there, patty?" he bellows, standing up and stalking towards the open door. "you better be preparing a feast for my boy."
"actually, he's already in the kitchen cooking one himself."
zeff laughs. that sounds exactly like his boy, alright.
it took zeff all of two seconds to notice that sanji isn't alone.
the swordsman is there, hanging off his shoulder like it's nobody's business (and he's pretty sure sanji mentioned at one point that he had gotten his head out of his ass and finally got together with him. lord was that an ordeal). and it looked normal for a few seconds until sanji turned around to face zeff.
there was a child there.
strapped to sanji's chest with some sort of blanket-like contraption was a baby. it couldn't be more than two years old. its shrieks of delight echoed in the kitchen as it drooled all over sanji's suit. its hair was green – the same shade as that of the swordsman glued to sanji's side. and it was tied up into little pigtails that bounced as it moved.
"zeff!" sanji greeted, that same bright sunny smile plastered on his face. "come meet your granddaughter!"
his... what?
then he looked closer at her and it all made sense.
the curly eyebrows.
but it also made no sense at all. because the longer zeff stared at his granddaughter, the more confused he felt because how in the love of the all blue did sanji get a child that looked exactly like him and his idiot swordsman?
he was so much in his head that he didn't notice sanji take the kid out of her baby sling and hold her out in front of him. he was brought back to reality when one small hand wrapped around the end of his mustache with a continuous giggle. zeff stared at her, his whole world stopped on its axis. he never saw sanji as a baby. he wonders if this is the closest he'll get to experiencing that for the first time...
then the baby pulled on his mustache with a high pitched shriek that could reach the heavens.
"jiji!" the little girl squealed, now holding onto zeff's mustache with two chubby baby hands. zeff stayed rooted to his spot, transfixed by the girl's mere existence. but also there's a stirring in his heart that occurs when she smiles at him. she looks exactly like sanji. though with a lot less teeth.
"would you look at that, old man." zoro laughed as he gently pried his daughter's (????) fingers off of zeff's mustache. "you get her fifth word. congratulations."
on a normal day, (but god what even classifies as normal anymore?) zeff would have probably kicked that swordsman's chest in and sent him flying into the next room. but there's something about the way sanji's smile softens as he watches zoro play with the baby. his eyes mist over and the only reason he probably isn't openly crying right now is because zeff is right there.
there are precious few instances where zeff's seen sanji genuinely happy.
now is one of them.
he coughs roughly to get their attention. all three of them look up, sanji's gaze particularly nervous. but zeff just shook his head, figuring he'll ask all the dumb questions later, and holds his hands out expectantly.
"you gonna let your father hold his grandbaby or or ya just gonna hog her the whole time you're here?"
the laugh that escapes sanji's mouth has both zeff and zoro staring fondly at him. then when sanji transfers his baby girl into zeff's arms, sanji's smile is freer and more open than zeff's seen it in years.
"zeff," sanji says, smoothing down ayari's hair down with one hand, his other hand resting on zeff's bicep. a strong grip. a grounding force. "meet ayari. our little blessing."
ayari coos up at zeff and grabs his mustache again. sanji bends down slightly to rain her little face with a million kisses. zeff just stares at this all with the barest hint of a smile on his face.
yeah. he always knew sanji was gonna be a good dad.
genuinely i am in agony i love this family 😭 do you have any idea how much i was crying while writing this??? is it possible to get baby fever from your own oc zosan baby???
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