#carmilla hcs
heavenlyraindrops · 4 months
Heyyy 🍭 so I saw your post about Carmillo Carmine. Could you do romantic headcanons for him with a fem!reader who is also an overlord?
Have a great day 🍭🍭🍭
ᴄᴀʀᴍɪʟʟᴏ ᴄᴀʀᴍɪɴᴇ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴠᴇʀʟᴏʀᴅ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ——> ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ——> ꜱꜰᴡ & ɴꜱꜰᴡ| A/N: thanks anon FINALLY someone sent a req hejskskkss
——>Sfw: before dating
You both met at Overlord meetings
he first took notice of you when he realized you were a surprisingly decent person for an overlord
both of you eventually bonding over your distaste for the Vees
He wasn’t one big on affection or flirting
so when he asked you out you didn’t even realize it was for a date
when you found out he killed the angel and simply held his hand and promised to keep his secret, he became even more smitten with you
although he wouldn’t show it apart from a faint blush whenever you did something he found cute
his daughters loved you which was the final push to convince him to ask you to be his girlfriend… officially.
——> Sfw: dating
Once you started dating, he began showing a lot more affection
He’d sometimes bring you flowers
definitely talks to you in Spanish as a way to tease you since you don’t know what he’s saying (If you do understand Spanish, you act like you don’t because you know the stuff he says he’d never say as much as he did if he knew you could understand it)
Not very touchy but sometimes resting his hand on your waist while you’re alone, ex. Watching a movie together
loves to get you to dance with him
especially twirling you
if you can dance he loves it
if you can’t, he still loves it anyways, watching you stumble around or trip over your feet as you twirl before steadying you and laughing
when it comes to dates, he prefers going to places that are more secluded with less people
loves it when you play with his hair
doesn’t mind whether he’s the big spoon or little spoon, does whatever you want from him.
wouldn’t ever work up the courage to ask for physical affection (hugs, kisses) but loves it when you give it to him
hates PDA and prefers to not boast your relationship, although you both don’t make an effort to specifically hide it
gentle but firm when handling you, whether it’s dancing together, hugging, kissing or cuddling.
——> Nsfw
you didn’t get physically intimate for a while even after you started dating
it’s not often you two do
but when you do, he’s amazing at it
definitely a service top
again, firm but gentle
loves leaving bites and hickeys, marking you as his all over
gives wry smirk and bites his lip when trying to restrain himself
he doesn’t usually initiate sex unless you’ve somehow managed to work him up without realizing
but he’d gladly fulfill any need, desire or fantasy you have
“just tell me what you want, corazón, and I’ll give it to you”
whenever you’re having a makeout session he purposefully rubs his legs against you to see you getting worked up
bonus points if you start shamelessly humping him and beg him to move too, he loves seeing just how much you need him
when it comes to positions, he doesn’t care as long as you’re facing him- he wants to see your face
Not incredibly vocal, maybe a few grunts and soft or low moans
*lots* of aftercare, he’d to anything to make sure you feel okay afterwards
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Hazbin Hotel Characters React to You Asking for a Hug (PART 2)
Buckle in bitches, its time for some COMFORT
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Guys he’s SO nervous
“Oh really? You, uh, you want a hug from me? Are you sure?”
Nervous laughter 100
Takes a hot minute for him to adjust, but DOES give good hugs
Y’all gotta remember he’s a dad
So good, firm dad hug
His hands are clammy af, but don’t mention that pls
Gives you the opportunity to talk out whatever’s going through your head
Actually has really insightful advice
Like his daughter, honestly so honoured you chose to come to him
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“Must I?”
Begrudging as FUCK
But she’ll do it
If she has to
Stiff, awkward hugs that last for 5 seconds tops
No wing hugs :(
“Human souls are weird”
Tries to teach you how to fight so you can use sparring as a “normal” coping mechanism
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As much as I hate him, would give BANGIN hugs
“Fuck, you wan’ a hug? Fuck yeah bitch, get over here!”
Super enthusiastic about it????
Like, gives you shit, but its still one of the tightest and most excited hugs you’ve ever received
Very very warm
You will probably overheat if you stay there too long
WING HUGS!!!!!!!
Will be extra touchy with you from here on out
Arm around the shoulder, etc
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Is she mom, or mommy? Jury’s still out on that one.
Will never ever refuse you if you need a hug
Will, however, try to pull you aside and make it a private moment
Not a big fan on PDA, but your wellbeing takes priority
Makes you rest your head against her chest, no matter how tall you are
If you tell her what’s going on, will fix it
You don’t even need to ask.
She’s gonna check up on you after at LEAST twice
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Is she mom or mommy part 2: electric boogaloo
Ushers you into a sunroom and brews you a pot of tea to share
And grabs snacks, of course
Definitely forgets if cannibalism makes you queasy
Holds you hand from across the table and encourages you to talk it out with her
A lil bit pushy about it, but its from a place of love
But if you need it, will definitely hug you
Another one with bone shattering hugs
Her hands are cold af tho, so beware
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Tbh doesn’t hear you the first time, he’s super focused on whatever else he’s doing
Once he hears you/it registers to him, he’s pretty confused
“Why do you need a hug?”
Only hugs you if y’all are really close
Generally not a touchy person
He won’t stop whatever he’s doing though
Most likely will just sit you in his lap, so he can cuddle And work
Multitasking, bitch
Don’t do it while he’s actively broadcasting though
Super against PDA (bc he’s embarrassed) and will probably snap at you if you break this boundary
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“Wot. Why?”
Also confused
Like Vox, usually to busy to properly hug you
But will let you stick around and lay all over her while she works
Anyone who questions it dies Very quickly, and Very grotesquely
Very protective
“Babes, do I need to hurt someone? Coz you Know I’ll do it”
Probs takes selfies of you hanging off of her bc she thinks its cute
Will dress you up to try and make you feel better
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Seek psychological help 💕
I know he’s got a sexy voice, but you know I’m right
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hollisiguess · 8 months
im bored so y’all are getting some hazbin hcs
Alastor is aroace and agender but he does not know it he has no clue what ANY of those words mean
Rosie actually knows that Alastor is all of those but to fuck with him she doesn’t tell him however she will from time to time call him one of those (for example when she says she knows Alastor is an ace in the hole)
Alastor and Rosie are in a qpr!
Velvette and Vox are besties they will gossip about everyone and everything
Velvette is a non-binary lesbian who uses she/her
EVERYONE in hell assume that the vees are a polycule and for the chaos they never correct anyone
Velvette barely tolerates Valentino and would like to beat the shit out of him at any given time
Ok I have to restrain myself with Velvette so last one even though Vox has beef with Alastor to everyone’s shock she hangs out with him every once and a while over some tea
Lute is aroace but she and Adam are « dating » bc people kept asking Lute out would never take no for an answer and it was making her uncomfortable
Despite everything Adam does care for Lute and is a good friend towards her hence why he agreed to the fake dating plan
Vaggie before getting her wings back would get HORRIBLE phantom pain from them and whenever Charlie would ask what was up she would always dodge the questions and Charlie wanting to respect her gfs boundaries wouldn’t push to much
Vaggies love language is acts of service and Charlie’s is physical touch
Charlie ADORES Vaggies wings she thinks they make her gf even more gorgeous then she already is
Vaggie is actually insecure of her wings as they remind her of a past she’s rather forget but Charlie fawning over them does make her like her wings a bit more
If Charlie is cold Vaggie will use her wings to make her warmer
After the battle against the exorcist Vaggie went back to thank Carmilla for her help and the two got to talking and ended bonding now they meet weekly at Carmillas to practice battle together (the both enjoy it greatly) and sometimes it leads to Vaggie staying for dinner
Carmilla Carmine is essentially Vaggies mom/mentor
Vaggie bonded with Carmillas daughters and they see eachother as sisters
Charlie will sometimes head over to cannibal town to give Rosie a visit and she now calls Rosie Auntie all the time
Vaggie brought Charlie to meet Carmilla and Charlie brought Vaggie to meet Rosie (both were super nervous to meet each others respective mom/aunt figure worried they wouldn’t approve)
Husk and Cherri used to hate eachother but after Angel forced them to hang out they grew to like eachother in a I hate u and hope u die/affectionate type of way
Angel does Cherris hair and I will not elaborate
Angel can’t cook for shit and almost set the hotel on fire many times (he’s now banned from the kitchen)
Vaggie however is a great chef!
Husk taught all the members of the hotel who didn’t already know how to play poker, poker
The hotel guests now have game night which is usually the entire cast struggling while Alastor, Husk and Vaggie sweep and have a rivalry between themselves the others are trying tho!
Alastor also taught the residents chess
Nifty eats the pieces
Im not elaborating on that last one
Vaggie and Angel actually like one another (PLATONICALLY) even considering one another one of their closest friends but neither would ever admit it out loud
Alright now that that's said Angel and Vaggie have mini cooking lessons in secret (WITHOUT ANY FIRE for safety reasons ofc) so Angel can make food for his friends
Lucifer and Vaggie actually bonded a lot especially given both are fallen angels
When Lucifer found out why Vaggie was cast out and how Vaggie had to physically restrain him from (somehow don’t question how he'd even be able to get to heaven to do it) beating the shit out of Lute
Shickingly Lucifer, nifty and Husk are friends and hang out
in fact Lucifer knew Husk before the hotel and had already grown fond of him
Sir Pentious and Charlie are besties
Charlie was the first person who Sir Pentious actually told he liked Cherri (the others still knew but like he actually told Charlie)
Sir Pentious makes Alastor babysit the egg bois after the outing he had with them a while back
Sir Pentious does like Emily but she kinda makes him sad as she reminds him so much of Charlie and he cant see her anymore given she's currently in hell
Razzle was always super attached to Charlie but Dazzle wierdly enough got super attached to Vaggie making her even angrier with Lute when she killed him
Imma end the hcs here cause this is already a shit tone lol
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missorland · 2 months
Since it's going to take longer than expected to publish my Zestmilla one-shot, I'm going to share some of my headcanons ;)
Carmilla has a king-size bed and sometimes her daughters sleep with her like when they were children
Zestial is THE KING of self-control. There are soooo many times a day when he wishes he could grab Carmilla's face and kiss her like it’s the end of the world, and yet he remains stoic and formal most of the time (while internally he's simping)
When Clara and Odette were little, Carmilla used to sing to them at bedtime. Zestial stayed to "help her put the girls to bed" (he just wanted to hear her sing). He was always the first to fall asleep
Carmilla needs glasses. She hates wearing them, because she thinks they make her look old, but Zestial DROOLS every time she wears them at home
Carmilla knows how to dance all kinds of dances (it's easy to guess from her outfit) and although Zestial is not that good, he has learned different styles so he would be prepared if one day she offered him to dance with her
Based on Zestial being a very old man, his opinion on women before meeting Carmilla was somewhat retrograde. He didn’t give much importance to women ideas, aspirations or personality, but when he met Carmilla and her daughters he felt so ignorant and stupid for not having given women credit until then.
Carmilla is an absolute workaholic, but starting at 11 pm Zestial FORCES her to go to bed, and if she resists, he offers to massage her scalp or feet. She can't stay awake for more than 5 minutes after that
Now some NSFW headcanons hehe
Zestial likes to go slow, kissing every inch of skin, and although Carmilla appreciates it very much, most of the time she has to take control to finally get to the fun
The sexual combination between an English Lord who died in the Middle Ages and a latina dancer woman who possibly died in the 70s or 80s is quite curious. Before Zestial learned how many things could be done with a woman, he was literally like a puppy at the mercy of a beast
Carmilla loves Zestial's voice, she finds it terribly sexy. He knows it and uses it to his advantage, whispering obscenities in her ear while he fucks her deep and slow
Just like Carmilla loves Zestial's voice, he gets even hornier when Carmilla moans or curses in Spanish. Often Carmilla's screams of pleasure in her language are what makes him finally cum
One time, Carmilla's daughters caught them having sex. Odette was completely traumatized, while Clara seemed to be having fun. Neither Carmilla nor Zestial looked them in the face for a week
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Carmilla kept up a board in a common room with Good/Nice Mechanism Of The Week and Bad/Naughty Mechanism Of The Week as something of a joke. The board remains up after her departure, but there is much dispute (particularly between Jonny, Ashes, and Brian) over who exactly has the authority to update it
the toy soldier is the only one with authority
- mod fen
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alieliscious · 7 months
Fallen angel Carmilla AU(??) anyone???
Idk if I should call this an AU but I wouldn't know what else to call it, I do think Carmilla is a fallen angel but since I suck at stringing coherent sentences together an explanation is another lifetime away
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Carmilla, like other dominions, had one single job- To construct and decorate the black abyss with stars and planets and other celestial bodies. She was good at it too(the constellation Cygnus is her handwork lol).
Being God's second-in-command won't save you from being shredded, dominions were known for being some of the best gossipers around. But after accidentally running into eachother in one of Heaven's observatories and having a quick chat, Carmilla decides that there's one seraph she can stand.
So they opt to hanging around eachother more, and bing bada boom Sera finds this dominion very endearing
Cute starlit dates ensue, Carmilla blows up a star for Sera and the latter has a group of Carmilla-lead dominions following her like sheep to a sheperd for a week straight.
Now with Carmilla's daughters idk if she were to have them with another heavenborn or a hellborn, but I do think she jumped in after them(if they did get cast first)
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yellowelectroslime · 4 months
I would love to see some headcanons for a Ler Velvette & Carmilla Carmine, these gals deserve more love!
[notes: YES I AGREE THEY DO DESERVE SM MORE, I honestly love their designs they’re soooo coool!!! ALSO IM SORRY THIS TOOK A WHILE  (。•́︿•̀。) I hope you enjoy my headcanons]
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EVILLLL shes honestly so mean D:
Her main victims include Vox and Valentino (mostly Vox)
Tickles them as “punishment” when they don’t listen to exactly what she says
she has videos of her wrecking them on her phone to use as black mail (she would never actually post them cuz it would ruin their reputation but Vox and Valentino think that she would)
Told Vox that if she ever found that he deleted the videos on her phone she would wreck him for an hour straight (she’s bluffing she doesn’t have the time)
The type of ler who would absolutely be merciless
Aims straight for the death spot of her victims and is mean while doing so
Exploits her greatest advantage against her co-workers, her sharp acrylic nails. An absolute killer for both of the guys.
Can be really teasing if she wants to be, if she’s in the mood she would very VERY slowly work her way to her lee’s death spot while building anticipation
She uses teases on her lees, they’re not really flustering but it does the job :C
Realistically, 6/10 ler shes just rlly mean D: (she’s only soft on Vox and valentino tho)
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She’s a mom, she’s WELL EXPERIENCED in the art of tickling others
Long flexible fingers, absolute killer
Can be mean, but is usually very soft D:
Teases you in Spanish, very effective
awww, ¿te estás riendo tanto solo por esto?
¿Es este un mal lugar para ti?~
Soft tickler but mean teaser
Some how, no matter who she’s tickling, she always manages to tickle and fluster them beyond belief
Her lees are always giggling even 5 minutes after she stopped her onslaught of tickles (she managed to get Alastor in this state once, he tried to get her back but it didn’t work, he got tickled again)
Prefers to tickle her victims in private to keep her reputation professional
Her main victims are her 2 daughters, both when they were alive and in hell :C
Sometimes she would tickle her fellow overlords (mainly alastor when he was being a shiithead before he disappeared for 7 years)
Is one of the biggest lers out of all the overlords, second to the one and only Rosie
Overall: 10/10 ler super nice but she somehow manages to get you flustered beyond belief
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Do you have any personal HCs (whether they’re official for your fic or not) about the Hazbin crew’s human versions?
I’ve seen some fun ones referencing their forms in the show. Like Angel/Molly having poor eyesight because spiders do, Husk being inexplicably good at climbing, Sir Pentious having a prosthetic leg that he built himself, or Carmilla Carmine being a ballet dancer at some point in her life.
(So sorry if this turns out to be a wall of text,  I’m on mobile + I just found this fic yesterday and I’m a little obsessed lol.)
Oooh man this is kind of hard to answer, but also fun to think about!
I don't know that I've really got anything that references their demons forms except for Carmilla having been a ballet dancer at some point as that's a personal headcanon for the show and canon in the fic and I headcanon that Alastor occasionally has a 'freeze'/'deer in the headlights' reaction when faced with unforseen danger. I also headcanon/it's canon for the fic that Husk does not really like cats (or animals in general) but cats looooove him. When he was living in Vegas, he got a lot of dead birds dropped on his porch as 'gifts'.
And a few random ones I have for their human selves: Alastor has awful eyesight, but Vox has great vision/has never needed glasses. Lucifer has an occasional lisp from a botched tongue piercing and hates milk. Rosie used to be awful with plants but gained a sudden green thumb after her first husband passed. Lilith cannot cook to save her life, but is a great baker, and Lucifer is the opposite. Angel loves piercings, but has bad reactions to most metals. Adam has a massive phobia for snakes and centipedes/millipedes.
That's about all I can think of off the top of my head!
(No worries at all!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic and ty for the ask!!)
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mieczyhale · 2 years
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sunnyscript · 6 months
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[ID: three images of a lineless Alastor fanart and sscreensho redraw of his movie director costume from episode 1. His skin is gray and there is a lavender-ish light casting a glow on his right side. He is standing smiling, his right hand is holding his radio-can behind his back while his left is snapping its fingers. The palette of colors used floats on his upper right. The upper left has a transparent background a deep purple shadow, the upper left has a lagoon green background and a greyish blue shadow and the last one has a deep but bright pink background and a pale and greyish green shadow]
Click on image for better quality.
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zestialtheancient · 7 months
what’s your opinion on the lgbtqia+ community?
*he cocks his head to one side with a smile*
Well, when I was alive, such a community, and by extension, the controversies surrounding it, did not exist. I hath seen how such a community hath progressed, from the hate and the violence, to a better state, though it art not fixed, as it seems. I suppose I doth not see the fuss over it, truly. Such an illogical reason to hate. I art not fully sure how it works, but I doth appreciate it's existence.
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You know, something i really apprecoate is that i still get birthday cards from Toy soldier- i think its because i always treated it like my own child, despite not mechanizing it. Sometimes, Brian signs them aswell. Its a rather kind little gesture.
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respctlss · 2 months
meechi. speaking of Carmilla, i was wondering about the design choice for her hands and realized they were supposed to be bird - like -- very similar to a swan's in particular, as well as the black mask surrounding her eyes. seeing how apparent she is tied to ballet, i think that's a really cool detail and design choice without directly designing her like the animal.
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carmillatism · 1 year
mechs headcanon otd: carmilla just straight up forgot to tell the mechs that they're disabled, and it took them just. so long to figure it out
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madefate · 6 months
i was going crazy trying to figure out a quote that inspired a line i wrote for charlie & i FINALLY FOUND IT - the good place spoilers in this here link & good place spoilery discussion about charlie's life philosophy under the cut!
this post, these lines, these quotes
from the get go i thought the twist of hazbin was going to be that people DON'T get into heaven, ala the good place, & while i don't think that's quite the direction they're going to go, the themes are still so relevant. because post extermination battle, charlie is starting to see that it's not just about redemption - it's about making hell a place where her people - the ones who choose to stay, the ones who must stay - can still find love.
honestly, i think a lot of that is going to come from her relationship with angel - understanding how the circumstances, abuse, and neglect people experience creates a cycle of hurt that you can choose to break - but only with love and support. the point is, people improve when they get external love and support. how can we hold it against them, when they don't?
a really important part of charlie's characterization is that she loves hell, and i think it's in good, foil contrast with both of her parents. with lucifer, we see an undercurrent of resenting hell - in his depression, in his seeing the worst in humanity. in lilith, as briefly as she appears, seems to see hell more as a tool or seat of power.
for charlie? it's just home. she's just charlie. and she's realizing that her life is best spent being the love and support for others that they need to make their own choices - to find their own version of redemption.
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Nastya (and sometimes Carmilla) would paint Jonny's nails for him because he SUCKS at it and would get it everywhere! they were the only two from the crew allowed to do that. When both of them eventually...left Jonny had to do it himself. (it looked BAD he'd get more on his fingers than his nails) until eventually Raphaella came along and noticed. It took a while, but then Jonny was fine with her helping him with it (despite Jonny constantly trying to bite her and his inability to stay still) but it became their little thing :3
And also, like that, they all have those little things with eachother !! and they're all awesome
(sorry if someone said something like this before!! if it's a similar headcannon it's by accident)
waugh y'all are gonna make me cry tonight. Is that on purpose? Is this a devious plan?
-mod wil
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