#carmanda au
gemini-sensei · 11 months
Carmanda and LawRusso AU Part Two
Chubby!Reader ○ Reader is Carmanda's daughter ○ part one ○ LawRusso is more in the background on this one
I should honestly just write this as a whole ass fic, but idk if I can take on that responsibility because I can see it in my head so clearly, just the whole show different because of this au. But I shouldn't take on that responsibility right now.
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○ Carmen and Amanda move their family to the Valley when Amanda gets a great job offer at LaRusso Auto Group. She simply can't pass it up. It's a great pay raise from what she was making before and will ensure both their kids get to go to whatever college they want to should things go as planned. Carmen is excited about the opportunity and the kids are too, so they pack up and move to a modest house in Encino.
○ It's not hard for Carmen to find work and she's more than happy at the hospital in town. It's not far from the high school the kids will be attending.
○ They spend the last few weeks of summer vacation settling in. The house is plenty big for everyone; Rosa's room is on the first floor and everyone else is upstairs. The kids have a lot more space in the rooms than they did in the one-story house they lived in before. Their rooms are side by side while Carmen and Amanda's room is on the other side of the house (😏).
○ Amanda's first day at LAG (lol I'm too lazy to spell it out every time, but it's so funny to me that the business's name acronym is LAG). Anyway, her first day is coincidentally the kids' first day of school. So everyone gets up nice and early, Rosa makes them breakfast and makes sure they have everything in their bags while Amanda is fussing over her hair and outfit. Carmen is telling her she looks beautiful and kisses her cheeks to calm her nerves, reminding her that she's a boss-ass bitch while not exactly saying it in those words.
○ Amanda gives her kids kisses and hugs goodbye, sad she can't take them to their first day at a new high school, in her daughter's case, though, her first day of high school ever!
"Miggy, look after your sister, okay?" "Of course, mama."
○ Carmen walks her to the door and gives her one more kiss goodbye and good luck, knowing she's got this. She just has to get there and she'll be fine.
○ Amanda had briefly met Daniel when he was out of town on business and having a meeting with her previous boss. She impressed him with her tact and wit, later contacting her with a job offer much better than what she was making before. So when she walks into the showroom to see his friendly face and welcoming smile, her nerves are gone. They shake hands and he shows her around, introducing her to the rest of the employees. Carmen was right, she's got this.
○ Meanwhile, Carmen is dropping the kids off at school. She waves them goodbye and watches them walk inside, asking herself where all the time has gone. It feels like it was just yesterday Miggy was holding his sister's hand as they walked into school. Now they're teenagers paving their own independent paths.
She tears up in the car but she's smiling, driving herself to work as she carefully wipes the tears away.
○ Miguel is still that helpful (protective) older brother and makes sure his sister knows where her locker is, helps her get it open, and walks her to her first class. After that, he gets lost in the big school and has to rush to make it to his first period.
○ In the first few hours, Miguel learns that this high school isn't unlike others. There are strict teachers and fun people to talk to, but there are also bullies. He gets pushed around by a group of guys when lunch hour comes around and gets made fun of for his braces. He's not very confrontational, at least when it comes to defending himself, so he just kind of waits it out hoping they'll get bored.
○ Then, all of a sudden, a guy walks over and gets in the bully's face.
"You should back off, Kyler, before I make you." And he listens because Kyler knows how close the LaRusso-Lawrence twins are and Robby will ruin his chances with Sam in a heartbeat. (Not that Kyler has good intentions.) When they're gone, Robby helps Miguel get onto his feet and steady. "You okay, man?" "Yeah," Miguel says lamely. He's still very appreciative, though. "Thanks." "No, problem."
○ Then, just like that, Robby's on his way to find his friends and hang out with them for the hour they're given for lunch, and Miguel is on his own again.
○ He wanders into the cafeteria and gets his lunch tray, then starts looking for a place to sit. He sees a couple of guys on their own and walks over in hopes of having a place to sit. One of them messes with him a little bit, but it's all in sarcastic fun and he soon comes to know them as Demetri and Eli.
○ Before much conversation can be had, Miguel spots his sister across the room and waves her over. She smiles and comes to sit at the table, being introduced to the two boys. However, Demetri and Eli are stunned silent as the pretty girl, in all her chubby glory, sits at their once lonesome table. They're so stunned, they can't speak for a moment.
○ Reader thinks they're cute and happily engages them in conversation once they find their voices again.
○ Conversation doesn't last long before Miguel is caught off guard by Sam LaRusso walking by. He's mesmerized by her and things play out as we've seen them. He's told she's apart of the popular, pretty, rich group of students and doesn't have a chance with her. He gets up to go talk to her and is shot down by smug, stupid Kyler. Reader ends up comforting him and he's a little annoyed by Demetri's sarcasm.
"So, how'd it go?" he asks, having obviously seen the whole order.
It makes Reader giggle at least.
○ When the Diaz kids get home, they're happy to tell their abulea about their day. They tell Rosa about their new friends and classes. It's still so exciting. Then they help her start prepping for dinner. When their moms get home, they go yell them about it over dinner.
○ Amanda shares that she had a great first day, too. It wasn't as exciting as the kids', but it was a great start to working at the company.
○ Things couldn't look better for the Diaz family.
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Should I do another part of this? Would anyone wanna see that? Let me know 💖💖
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months
Work In Progress Overview
(is this a thing people do?? idk. it's what I'm doing! here are my semi-active WIPs and my word count progress! I will update regularly)
Ruin My Life (Anti-Hero Sequel) - Lawrusso & Samtory & Kiaz (60k/??)
Untitled - Spirk (23k/~25k)
Worse By the Hour (Typhoid Fever Fic) - Frey/McGray (12k/~16k)
(a LOT of other projects that are on ice at the moment. "are you still working on..." YES. In theory. might be a while until I get back to it. i haven't technically abandoned any of my WIPs I'm just a deadbeat mom to many of them.)
latest projects:
and i wouldn't marry me either (McFrey, 9k)
Passionfruit (Carmanda, 4k)
there's daggers in men's smiles (Lawrusso Fencing AU, 17k)
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🎄That Damn Misletoe 🎄
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Christmas au
Side Pairings: Carmanda,Roug,Elimetri,Samiguel , ToryxSam(if you squint),LouiexAnoush .
If Johnny would ever admit to anyone that he felt really happy that he could cry like a little girl it would be today, Christmas just around the corner. But he's not going to because he's a man, a tough alpha man - One of the many reasons Daniel secretly loves about him .
He hopes .
Everyone agreed it was better for the LaRusso's to host because he had the space and the man like to go out with the whole holiday . For once LaRusso didn't whine just smiled proudly for being chosen .
LaRusso wanted his students to be there-Not only Miguel but the two classes- What a mother hen he is , can't even go a second without his kids.
The tiny man can't even deny it at this point
Amanda tried to convince her ex-husband how the kids had famillies of their own, making his excited bubble deflate , until Daniel came up with an idea at 6:am to invite the students anyway-He knows because the damn punk rang him up like an over-excited child .
And he was also roped into helping in decorating the whole house , Larusso,Sam and Robby were bonding over decorating the tree , while he and Anthony grumbled over the tangled lights for being a grinch.
But he admits that the place look nice with all the colorful lights and ornaments over the walls and the big ol' tree looking tall and mighty with the shiny star at the top.
Tables were out filled with drinks and snacks and sweet pastries and others had the adult stuff in which he didn't hesistate to get his hands on .
He simply stood with a beer in his hand looking at the kids just messing around. No one was fighting or scheming an evil plan just laughter . Or at least that’s what he thought.
Robby is laughing at something Nichols said , guessing by the face of mini LaRusso she might've said something she didnt like but then Sam lets out a laugh that she couldn't held in .
Then suddenly the kids started a commotion and started chanting 'Kiss, Kiss, Kiss'.
Wanting to see what was happening ,he went closer and saw Amanda and Carmen standing closely . He didn't understand why the kids were being pervs until his eye caught the sight of the mistletoe that wasn't there a few hours ago when they decorated the place.
" Its the rules , you gotta kiss ." Hawk yelled out , the rest of the kids agreed including Miguel who was way to happy . Maybe Johnny should check what they were drinking.
" Rules are Rules Mandy." LaRusso simply raised his glass of wine at Amanda's raised eyebrow .
" Oh what the hell ." Amanda smiles before swooping in to kiss Carmen who looked happily surprised. 
" Wouldn't mind meeting you here again , babe." Amanda pulled her charming smile on and Carmen winked back .
Johnny didn't know why but he clapped along with everyone .
It was hot but he wouldn't want to watch the two ladies kiss again or anyone . But he should've known that was the opposites of the kids idea.
Johnny eyes followed Daniel walking around greeting everyone and talking to them with his expressive hands . He found himself smiling over dumb LaRusso until he catched movement of red dye hair quickly, sprinting over the other side.
Robby making a display of exaggeration of needing help with something and Louie being to dumb to see through it , while Hawk and Miguel pushed Anoush through the small crowd over the destination-The Mistletoe.
"Payback is a bitch." Robby smugly smiled at Louie looking baffled of being fooled. Miguel and Hawk highfived Robby and laughed at the two men looking like they wish the ground could swallow them up.
" They don't pay me enough. Im not kissing you , not in this life or the other ." Anoush huffed.
" What's wrong with kissing me, People would die to able to kiss me . I don't want to kiss you ."
" In your dreams maybe because i don't see anyone lining up ."
" Cuz back me up here . Tell him im a real catch ." Louie glared at kids cackling at him .
The dude with stupid vest tried to make a run for it but Hawk and Chris blocked him and Robby and Rickenberger along with Nichols didn't budge an inch away from Louie.
Johnny laughed at their horrified expressions. Looking to his right , LaRusso hid his smile behind Johnny's shoulder and Johnny's heart beat a bit faster just by the slight of him , LaRusso looked handsome with his pristine suit and fluffy hair made him feel all gooey inside jut making him want to wrap his arms around Daniel.
"Funny as this is , i really hope they don't kiss . I will probably vomit in my mouth."
"Usually i would disagree with you but i not this time.Im guessing it wasn't your idea by the face you make everytime someone gets near it."
"The stupid leaves ,No. No it wasn't me . The kids for sure are guilty, they been making plans to choose their next victims ."
"Hope they go easy on us "  Daniel smiles at him .
Hope they choose us.
"Alright!, Alright !"Louie yells at the teenagers bustin' his balls to kiss the another guy.
Wincing at the two men peck eachother and running away in gay panic like Miguel had told him what those words meant.
"I need another drink ."
Daniel just laugh but followed closely and Johnny use that opportunity to slip his arm around his waist and slightly pull him in closer.
He hopes this overpriced black button up is doing him favors. Who is he kidding he totally is .
One second nobody stood or went near the damn leaves ,then Robby and Rickenberger were under the Mistletoe loony way too happy.
Robby blush at the attention of everyone, kept biting his lip but he couldn't prevent the giggles escaping . Rickenberger made his kid look like a small kid with him overtowering him but as big he looks , he was smiling at Robby like a big teddy bear .
" Okay im taking that damn leaf off." He took a step forward but Daniel held him back with a hand on his wrist .
" Johnny , that's his boyfriend remember. Let them have their moment ." Daniel softly said tryiny to convince him.
" Uhmmm ….no." He kept his eyes firmly above the kids head not wanting to see his own child get shove his tongue down a boys throat.
"Johnny !" Daniel warned him like a kid.
Johnny shoulder slump and stayed still . He really hated that damned mistletoe.  But by the giant-watt smile on Robby's face the kid didn't have a problem with it ,he tried to not put attention where the boys hand were that seemed way too low for the back.
He is going to need something stronger.
" Woah didn't see that coming ." Hawk said in faux innocence, Miguel beside him unbothered having his girlfriend pressured to kiss Tory
" Haha , real funny Hawk . Was this your idea ? " Tory ask in vain at her stupid mohawk friend .
" Dont question it and just kiss already." Hawk yelled at Tory who's face flushed with anger .
Sam looked bothered and confused but just simply shrugged ." Let's get this over with ." And planted a kiss on Tory who just froze for a second.
" Okay now im gonna faint, now i know how you feel " Daniel squirmed,moved an inch closer to Johnny .
" I witness my own son purposely drag his boyfriend multiple times just to kiss him as an excuse." Johnny complain not letting Daniel win him.He really wish he just destroy that stupid thing without upsetting anyone.
"Ok you win ." Daniel chuckles , his hand lingered at Johnnys elbow and only relunctantly moved when Amanda called him over.
Missing Johnnys frown
After numerous kisses that have been done mainly by Robby and Rickenberger , Sam with Miguel and Tory which suprised everyone .
Johnny was ready to shred the damn thing after seeing Hawk shamelessly kiss Demetri.
Which almost made him vomit .
But Robby and Sam came to him to ask him to do it.
" We are tired of watching Hawk and Demetri makeout " Robby irritably huffed , hands at his hips-Daniel movements must be rubbing off him . And Johnny ignored the hickey that was sporting on Robby's neck making him almost faint  .
" Its was fun at first but it got tirring and Anthony is being fuzzy ." Sam complained . Her blue eyes shined and not one trace of mischief just like Robby green eyes .
" Thought you'd never ask,Let's go kids"
He should've sense that they had a trick up their sleeves, doesn't parents acheive a sense to know their kids are scheming something. Johnny was just glad he could take the stupid thing off already .Watching people swap spit was not a pleasant sight .
"Move out of the way ,Loser." Johnny pushed 'Demetri' as Daniel calls him , He lifted his right hand but midway Robby shouted.
"Dad !." The pups eye widen realising it came out way too loud than necessary getting almost everyones attention .
Raising his eyebrow in question at Robby for his outburst . Robby suddenly flung himself to Johnny and hugged him .
" I just wanted to say , i love you Dad ."
" I love you too pup." Johnny said gently and hugged him tighter.
Pulling away to smile down at Robby who smiled back . Turning around he crashes into LaRusso , his arms automatically grabs Daniel's arms , the guy was such a delacate diva he didn't want to hear about him knocking him over in New Years.
Daniel just stands there , his big doe eyes blinking.And having him up close , looking beautiful and perfect , Johnny simply just wanted him so badly .
"Watch were your going , LaRusso."
"Me? You were the one who almost knocked me over ." Daniel scoffed .
" Well if i was the same miniature size as you ,you could have knocked me over ."
" Im not small, Johnny ." Daniel just rolled his eyes , but not one second did he move from his grasp.
" You aint tall , Bambi." Johnny being Johnny didn't budge.
"Just kiss already !"Anthonly shouts making them suprise giving him questioning stare to why would he say that into which all the kids just pointed up .
Blue eyes just stared at the damn mistletoe, the whole room got quiet even Daniel annoying ass cousin shut his big mouth . Johnny was scared to look at Daniel but he was man so he looked at him .
"John... You dont have to. " Those big doe eyes just sadly stare into his soul and he will be damned to let Daniel think he didn't want to kiss the shit out of him .
"You better record this " He tells Hawk whose phone was held up ready to capture the damn kiss that should've been done in the damn 80's.
He held Daniel's face between his hands and close the gap and kiss him. And he felt like he acheived the best the thing in the world when Daniel kissed him back with the same passion as him.
"Finally !" Robby shouted happy , tucking himself in his boyfriend side . Sam clapped along with the others and Amanda swiftly kiss Carmen because why the hell not.
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wantedtourist · 3 years
ok but Damanda + Carmen ot3 fics when. Justice for Carmen.
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elsonambulo · 3 years
I'm going to post all the concepts I had for the ckhalloween event but I want to write and post at least one more thing on ao3 so pls. Help me choose:
Incubus Bobby sucks off all the Cobras. Possible sequel where instead of destroying Daniel's knee, he tries to take him out of commission by feeding off him in the locker room by giving him head. He confesses this to Daniel afterwards and Daniel comes up with a sexy punishment for him (Demons prompt)
The Killing Eve inspired samtory au (Serial Killers prompt)
Daniel becomes intensely and fanatically religious after the events of kk3, looking to do penance for his sins. He runs into Bobby, who is studying to become a pastor. Basically: the un-doctrinating of Daniel Larusso by Bobby Brown. Possibly-almost-definitely Bobby/Daniel and Johnny/Dutch. Maybe also all 4 together idk (Religious Fervor prompt)
Terry and Kreese are forced to fight instead of Kreese and the captain guy. Kreese, rather than kill his friend, jumps into the snake pit. Terry, being a madman, jumps in straight after him and somehow neither of them get bitten. Kreese attributes this to a snake-charming power of Terry's - and who knows, maybe he really is that powerful - and after the war, he secretly starts a religion centered around Terry as a holy figure (Religious Fervor prompt)
The one where Amanda gets turned into a werewolf by Kreese and Carmen helps her out. Carmanda (Werewolves prompt)
There's something strange about the new kid. One of those things is that Johnny and the Cobras can't remember his name no matter how much they pay attention. They follow him home the night of the Halloween dance and things get creepier (This Place Is Evil prompt)
Outsider pov from someone who's just moved to the Valley and is absolutely convinced the warring dojos are warring cults (Cults prompt)
Kreese dies after the '85 AVT, seemingly by his own hand. Terry is the one who finds him, and finds consolation from an unlikely source - Daniel and Mr. Miyagi. (Cults prompt)
Fic inspired by a song where a woman waits on a dock for her lover to come home - he never does, and eventually she physically grows roots and stays on the dock forever, always looking out to sea. Past silverusso where Daniel has no intention of returning to his lover, lawrusso, carmanda (Ghosts prompt)
Johnny begins having dreams of a man with a ponytail. The dreams get more and more disturbing as the showdown with Kreese draws near (Don't Fall Asleep prompt)
Jon Hurwitz said, "Who do you think really owns Larusso Auto" and then he said, "Sometimes a cobra hides in plain sight," and I said, "Step aside amateur, I can take it from here." Or: The one where Amanda and her mom move in with her insanely rich bio dad and his creepy staff when she's twelve and she spends the rest of her life trying to get away from him. Three guesses who her father is :3 (Family prompt)
Billy has always been a devout follower of Christ. But even he has to take a step back when Ralph Macchio - who it turns out is an angel - tells him God wants him to be the male version of the Virgin Mary. Ralph also tells him he could avoid this by just not being a virgin anymore. Guess who helps Billy out with that ;) (Cosmic And Eldritch Terrors prompt)
Zabka Clown from HIMYM aka Zlown fucks Douchebag Ralph from HIMYM aka Dalph. Also Zlown is a wereclown, goes into heat during the full moon, and goes into rut on the new moon. He has a second dick that is actually a balloon. (Clowns prompt)
The Underworld inspired au. Johnny is obviously in a role like Selene's, while Daniel is the vampire/lycan hybrid. Maybe other monsters in there idk (Classic Monsters prompt)
The one where I make Carmen and Amanda the only survivors of a killer like the one in Criminal Minds Season 2 Episode 24 (killer type: House Cleaner); and then I make Sam, Miguel, and Tory the victims of a killer like the one in Psych Season 4 Episode 16 (riddles and horror movie motifs are involved, as is a choice: who do they save?) (Final Girls prompt)
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
torymoon (crackship i know ahsjsj)
personality opposites attract is somehow my jam and i’m like 👀cobra kai au where the events vaguely stay the same but every girl has fallen for Moon at some point
(send me a CK ship and I’ll answer honestly! Answered: Lawrusso, Johnny/Carmen, Binary Boyfriends, Migueli, Moonhawk, Yasmoon, and Yasmetri, Kreese/Betsy, Silver/Kreese, Sam/Aisha Inbox: Carmanda, Miguel/Tory, Amanda/Ali)
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Carmanda and Lawrusso AU Headcanons
Fluff Headcanons ○ this is also so very domestic too, I couldn't help myself
Please cut me some slack. I don't write ships often and if I do, it's usually in the background. I focus a lot of character x reader and character x oc, so solely focusin on character x character intimidates me. I hope you enjoy.
A/N: in this au there is a fem!reader and she is Carmanda's daughter. That's just how my brain works. Deal with it.
Also, this is unedited.
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They had a sweet little meet cute at the grocery store. They accidentally bumped into each other and dropped their baskets. There were cans rolling across the floor and some fruit spilling out of bag. They helped each other pick everything up while they apologized to one another, making them laugh. They introduce themselves and Carmen ended up asking where she can find the spices because she just moved into town and has never been to this store before. Amanda was more than happy to help. They became fast friends with just a little stroll through the grocery store.
By that point, Carmen was already pregnant with Miguel. She wasn't showing yet but she had a healthy little baby that she couldn't help gush about. Amanda was happy for her, but when she heard that the father wasn't around, she wanted to help her new friend out as much as possible. Carmen didn't want to worry her with such things, but Amanda insisted. She had a pretty good accounting job and had more than enough money that was just feeding her wine habit.
They end up spending a lot of time together between their jobs. Carmen's just gotten a job at the nearby hospital which just so happens to be down the road from the business Amanda works for. They get lunch together as often as possible, most times meaning Amanda is bringing Carmen lunch.
This is a strangers to friends to lovers, baby. By the time Miguel is born, Carmen and Amanda are happy girlfriends. It's whirlwind but it's true love.
Amanda already started two funds, one for a little house for all of them (herself, Carmen, Rosa and baby Miguel) to move into and a college fund for Miguel. She keeps it a secret until she grows tired of the back and forth running from her apartment to the Diaz apartment. She might as well live there, but it's just not big enough. She finally sits Carmen down and asks her if she'd like to find a place of their own and Carmen is so excited. Baby Miggy is too.
BTW, Rosa adores Amanda. She sees how Amanda treats her daughter like a mf queen and loves it.
They got a medium sized house with a little yard and an extra room to make into a playroom for Miguel. They're so happy.
After a few months of living there, Rosa gave Amanda her blessing but marriage was the last thing on the ladies' minds.
Not long after Miguel started talking, he expressed he wanted a little sister. After some discussion and planning, his moms grant his wish. When he's toddling around at 18 months old, his little sister is born.
Amanda carried their little girl and Miguel loved hugging his mama's belly.
The moms love watching Miguel with his little sister. He's such a good brother. As they grew up, they did everything together. They read together, played games together, they even took naps together. Miguel would fall asleep with his sister in his arms while they were watching TV. Someone would come around and cover them with a blanket.
They walked their kids into school on every first day of school, but on the second day, Miguel took it upon himself to walk his little sister to her classroom before he walked to his own. He'd walk to her classroom to pick her up after school, too. This happened everyday until seventh grade.
Carmen and Amanda are so proud of their kids. Miguel is always the best read kid in his class and their daughter is the best helper. If they ever win awards, they take the kids out for pizza. By middle school, they're pretty much known as the nicest kids in school. They have friends, good grades, and they're well behaved. What more could Carmen and Amanda want?
They have regular date nights every week, though the actual day-of might change depending on Carmen's work schedule. They leave the kids with Rosa, who's more than happy to watch the kids for a night so their moms can have some time to themselves. They love to go out dancing.
When they're home together, they love cooking together. They dance around the kitchen until the kids run in and they don't mind adding two little chefs to their tango. As the kids get older, they end up having the kitchen to themselves. Otherwise, Rosa is cooking and making sure everyone has full bellies.
They're happy together and finally decided to get married when the kids were little. Miguel was the ring bearer and their daughter was their flower girl. (And this is my au and I say they could have gotten married whenever they wanted to.) Amanda took the Diaz name happily.
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Daniel and Johnny reconnected in college and honest to God, Daniel is the only reason Johnny didn't drop out, but that was only because in the middle of their feuding, Daniel offered to help him with his work so he wouldn't flunk out.
They got to talking about their plans for the future and neither had a completely clear path, but Daniel at least had an idea. He was getting his business degree while Johnny was in general studies trying to figure it all out.
They bond over cars and their lack of fathers/good father figures in their lives. Their banter becomes less about karate championships and more about which old classic car is better. They spend their early college years healing their rivalry with the occasional spat every now and again.
It isn't until their final year in college that they start something. It's unofficial and a little rocky in the beginning, but by graduation they're an out and proud couple. When Johnny's step dad had shit to say about it, Daniel almost decked him and told him to keep his filthy mouth shut. Johnny's mom was supportive but quiet about it, which her acceptance was all Johnny wanted.
They moved into a place together and worked some odd jobs until Daniel could get LaRusso Auto Group on its feet. It took a little time, but once he got it going, things were great. There was some stress put on their relationship in those years, but it was smooth sailing after that.
Johnny loves helping at the dealership. He can really sell a car when he puts his brain into focus mode. He knows his cars, so when he goes down a list of great features of a car and sounds so enthusiastic and impressed, it sells.
However, he's not a permanent figure at the dealership. He likes working with his hands and ended up going to trade school so he could do some handiwork (but we all know how well that goes for him.) You might be asking what the point of staying in college was, and the answer is Daniel LaRusso.
Daniel has to do something with Johnny, though, because while he can sell a car, he's kind of terrible with the customers in other regards. He also has no idea how to do the paperwork. Managing Johnny at work is his worst nightmare to say the least. However, he knows he chose a himbo as his partner and he's not surprised it came to this.
He notices that Johnny is great with the kids that come through. He lets them pretend to drive the cars in the showroom and even got into a heated debate about which Rocky movie is the best. It gives him an idea.
Now Daniel knew he wanted kids long before he and Johnny were in a relationship, but he never knew if that was something Johnny wanted. However, watching him interact with kids at the dealership gave him the incentive to finally ask him about it. And when he does, Johnny's a little apprehensive but would be lying if he didn't like the idea of a few brats running around their big empty house.
A hop, skip, and a jump later, they have a surrogate in Shannon Keene. They opt to not know which of their sperm fertilized the egg, they'll be happy regardless. But surprise! They're having twins!
They have a boy and a girl which they happily name Robert and Samantha, Robby and Sam for short. Sam is the oldest by two minutes and she never lets Robby forget it. (I love the twins Sam and Robby/LawRusso au, but I did not come up with it. That was someone else whom I cannot remember now, but I can't take credit for it.)
Johnny spends those first nights with the twins in the nursery just watching over them. (as twins they sleep in the same crib right beside each other because when they tried to put them in separate cribs, they cried so much.) He's so worried he's gonna screw them up somehow and Daniel has to assure him that he's gonna be a great dad.
(Side note, Johnny built the whole nursery with his bare hands and he's proud of it. (side-side note: Daniel watched over the entire process to make sure everything turned out okay.))
As babies, Johnny had his hands full. Once they started crawling and later walking, he was running down kids left and right. Sam and Robby kept him on his toes. He'd be in the kitchen making lunch with the kids in view, he turned his back for .04 seconds, and then they're gone.
Johnny slept in a lot once they were around three years, so Daniel cooks breakfast with the kids. They make pancakes and bacon and fruit salads. Then the kids run to daddies' room an jump on Johnny to wake him up.
" 'm sleepin'. Go away."
"But daddy, we made bacon!"
Works every time.
Daniel will come home to the house being in complete disarray. Johnny was already a bit of a slob before the kids, but the twins just pile on toys and whatever else on top of Johnny's slobbish ways. Daniel considered hiring a maid at one point or another.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Girls Masterlist
Updated: 4/15/23
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Samantha LaRusso
Samantha LaRusso x Chubby!Reader Headcanons
Samantha LaRusso x Chubby!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Samantha LaRusso x Fem!Reader Get Pregnant
Poly!SamTory x Chubby!Reader NSFW Headcanons ||
Poly!SamTory with a Mommy Kink
Sam LaRusso x Deaf!Reader Headcanons
Poly!Sam x Chubby!Reader x Demetri NSFW Headcanons || SFW Headcanon ||
Teen-Moms!Sam x Chubby!Reader Headcanons || Going into Labor ||
Booty Call | Girlcock!Sam x Pregnant!Reader ||
Poly!Sam LaRusso x Chubby!Reader x Robby Keene ||
Poly!Moon x Pregnant!Reader x Sam Blurb ||
Poly!Girlcock!Tory x Chubby!Bimbo!Reader x Girlcock!Sam ||
Girlcock!Sam x Pregnant!Reader ||
Samantha LaRusso x Lawrence!Reader Blurb ||
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Tory Nichols
Tory Nichols x Chubby! Reader NSFW Headcanons
Poly!Robby Keene x Chubby!Reader x Tory Nichols Dating Headcanons
Poly!Robby Keene x Chubby!Reader x Tory Nichols NSFW Headcanons
Tory Nichols with a Mommy Kink
Tory Nichols x Chubby Reader NSFW Headcanons with a Twist ft. Tory's girlcock
Poly!SamTory x Chubby!Reader NSFW Headcanons ||
Poly!SamTory with a Mommy Kink
Girlcock!Bully!Tory x Fem!LaRusso!Reader || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Poly!Girlcock!Tory x Chubby!Bimbo!Reader x Girlcock!Sam ||
More Than One | Mom!Girlcock!Tory x Chubby!Pregnant!Reader ||
Grocery | Tory Nichols x Chubby!Reader
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Mama Moon Headcanon [a part of sensei-venus' poly!Hawk x reader x Moon, but I already tagged them in the linked post]
Moon x AFAB Reader Getting Pregnant
Moon x Deaf!Reader Headcanons
Moon x Reader NSFW Headcanons | click me 😉
Moon's Kinks (headcanons)
Poly!Robby x Fem!Reader x Moon
Poly!Moon x Pregnant!Reader x Sam Blurb ||
Poly!Dom!Moon x Chubby!Reader x Hawk ||
Catching Baby Fever | Poly!Moon x Chubby!Reader x Girlcock!Yasmine ||
Poly!Moon x Chubby!Model!Reader x Yasmine ||
Poly!Alpha!Robby x Chubby!Omega! x Omega!Moon Headcanons ||
Omega!Moon x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Yasmine NSFW Blurb ||
Baby name headcanons ||
Moon x Baker!Reader ||
Moon x Single!Pregnant!Reader ||
Looking for poly!Moon x Hawk? Check out the Eli Moskowitz Masterlist.
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Yasmine x Chubby!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Girlcock!Yasmine x Chubby!Reader ||
Demetri x Chubby!Reader x Girlcock!Yasmine ||
Yasmine and Reader fight over Dem *wink wink* (poly) .
Yasmine x Girlcock!Reader x Demetri w/ @sensei-venus
Girlcock!Yasmine x Pregnant!Reader || from this ASK || Supportive Friends ||
Yasmine x Chubby!Reader *NSFW*
Poly!Yasmine x Chubby!Reader x Demetri NSFW Headcanons
Eli Moskowitz x Chubby!Reader x Yasmine x Demetri Alexopouos ||
Poly!Yasmine x Chubby!Reader x Moon || Related Headcanon ||
Girlcock!Yasmine x Goth!Reader x Moon || Part Two w/ Sensei Venus || Part Three w/ breeding kink ||
girlcock!Reader, Demetri and pregnant Yasmine || Part Two ||
Poly!Yasmine x Chubby!Reader x Demetri NSFW Headcanons (OFAU) ||
Poly!Sam x Yasmine x Reader x Moon
Mean Doms Headcanons || General Headcanons ||
Carmanda and Lawrusso AU Headcanons ft. Carmanda-Daugther!Reader | Part Two Coming Soon
NNN Headcanons |
Poly!Carmanda x Reader
What if... Reader is Robby's cousin? ||
Dating Moon <3 ||
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81 notes · View notes
aestheticsuwu · 3 years
♥️♠️He gets everything He wants , (When He gets me alone) ♠️♥️
Robby Keene x Doug Rickenberger
Mafia Au x Bodyguard Au
Additional ships ; Lawrusso , Samiguel, Binary Boyfriends, Carmanda . Comment if you guys want a Lawrusso moodboard of Mafia Au .
..... ..... ♥️♠️♥️ .... ..... ...
Doug Rickenberger was a bodyguard to the worlds dangerous  mafia's to protect their son , Robby Lawrence .
Johnny Lawrence was one of the top 5 worlds dangerous mafias , they were called The Cobras , Robbys other father was Daniel Larusso now Lawrence , now that they've gotten married .
Daniel was in those top 5 also , with his father italian legacy was robbed from him , Myagi took him in and raised him as one of his own  , Daniel decided to move up their buisness to  California after his father figure , Mr. Myagi had passed over the title to him .
 Skipping forward , years later both Lawrence and LaRusso fell in love and  they had two kids , Sam Lawrence and Robby Lawrence.
Now grown up , the twins needed security , and well Doug needed the job that Hawk had offered . He knew Hawk and Miguel before they were working for the Larusso-Lawrence  and they both knew his situation . 
He was scared of the job but he also needed money to survive .
Almost a year in to the job , he was getting used to the antics of Robby and all the danger that came with the job .
His friends had more time in the buisnness , Miguel worked alongside with Mr.Lawrence himself having his mother worked for Mr.Lawrence as a nurse to the team , and Hawk worked in being the bodyguard of Demetri and in the computer system  .
Hawk was a adrenaline junkie he couldnt stay still in a desk job .
Demetri was a small kid that Daniel took in years ago , now Demetri helped with coding and hacking alongside his boyfriend , Hawk .
You see  he was doing good if he say so himself, they payed him well but the only downside was not knowing when something could go south , oh and not including Robby himself .
He wouldn't say the twins were spoiled and brats , well not to their faces . Sam was less of a trouble , quite the opposite to Robby. 
 The blonde always seem to like getting himself in danger , doings things his father told him not to do , like sleeping with their employees .
 That didnt stop the short blonde , one night the blond himself tried to seduced him because he was simply bored .
" cmon dont you want to have some fun or what , dont tell me your straight "
He was bi but the blonde didnt have to know that . " I am "
Robby only chuckled at his response ,the blonde sits down on his bed and watches how he pulls him closer from pulling at his belt . with a raised eyebrow he questions him .
" I dont think a straight guy would stare at another guy like he wants to devoure hi--
" I get payed to keep my eye on you-- "
" Okay ! Alright you dont have to get mad , i can dress up for you if you want you wont know the difference . "
Robby said wrapping his arm around his shoulders , and when did he get up from the bed that he didnt notice .
God how could he be sexy and cute at the same time , the shorter male had to get on his tippytoes .  He almost kissed him but was reminded he kinda wanted to live .
It was a challenge because there was no denying the Lawrence - LaRussos beauty , but he rather live than die by the hands of Mr. Lawrence himself just for fucking his son .
But Robby took it as a new game to seduce him to get in bed with him , he thought of the pros and cons but the cons outweighed the pros .
 It wasnt like the first time an employee dated who they were working for but then again Miguel was only allowed to be with Sam because Mr. Lawrence thought he was worthy for his little princess  , he didnt think he would think the same for Doug just because his son wanted to fool around .
It gets harrder for him when he starts to see the difference side of the blonde , that deeped down he just wants a little bit of love that he for once doesnt have to share . And who was he to deny his angels heart when hes fallen completly in love with him , he was already willing to give up his life for his safety might as well hand over his heart .
Growing up with a family that loved him was the best thing . He had his parents , his twin sister and his grandpa Myagi . But thing was he had to share and Robby wasnt fond of sharing .
He had to share his papa love with not only his sister but with his dad , and you could ask anyone about his tantrums he would do for getting jealous . He loved his grandpa Myagi,  he helped him not feel bad but helped him understand that he was loved , it was hard for him when his grandpa passed away and for his papa , he never seen his papa cry that much .
He was 7 when papa brought Demetri , Demetri was taller than him and Sam , he was pale and he liked to talk alot . His parents explain that he would be staying with them , small part of him got upset thinking they wouldnt give him love but he soon learns Demetri staying was the best , he had a friend and a brother .
Sam loved Demetri as well , it was like having another brother , sure he didnt stop talking about something his mind couldnt  grasp on but then Demetri and Sam  would explain it to him .
Once he was a teenager all his doubts and isecurities came bigger .
He was short . Even when he was a kid he was short for his age , His dad told him he had gotten that from his papa , it would've have been fine if everyone wasnt taller than him .
His papa had actually told him it was advantage that he learned from grandpa Myagi.
" Nobody expects the power and the strength "
It made him feel better , that is until he was hanging out with some friends and they called him a twink . To say the least he didnt see them anymore and he started to workout .
He loved his family with all his heart but it didnt mean he knew how much they loved him when his doubts start to surface . He wasnt smart like Sam and Demetri who could make plans and arrangment and do computer stuff . He always tried but the words seemed to confuse him .
His papa always told him he didnt have to worry he was still a kid , he would find his calling . It would've have been fine but then Miguel came in and decided to not only take his sister attention but from his dad .
His dad always spoke highly of Miguel , but life decided that it wasnt enough torture . Amanda , Sams godmother started dating Miguels mother , Carmen . Then Sam thought it was the right time to fall in love with Miguel .
Not only he had to hear about miguel but now to have his precense near . He was supposed to be with his dad , teaching him and getting him prepared for the legacy , not Miguel .
So he did what he did best cause trouble to atleast have the attention of his dad even if it was for getting him in trouble . But lately nothing was working , he guessed nothing would suprise him . Until he got an idea , one of the rules of his dad was to never get involve with the employees .
There was alot of candidates but none that stood out from the hundred of people that they had working for them . Might as well give up , fixing his glasses to continue his sunbathing and completely ignoring Sam and Demetri telling him to join them in the pool .
A light caught his attention , trying to find the reflection he finds his bodyguard . It was the nametag that the light was reflecting from the sun , His dad wasnt good at remembering names . 
Rickenberger started a year ago and hasn't decided to quit even if Robby made a living hell .  He gave him a smirk when he catches the eye of the  taller guy . He guess he found his victim .
But the thing was Rickenberger rejected all his advances , he threw innuendos , tried to lure him with his beautiful face , but nothing . He was ready to give up until Papa tells them how their dad was jealous of every guy that came near him .
Ding, Ding ,Ding !!
It was his last approach and if this didnt work he would give up his plan . All day he had to suffer being with a douche that was his so called date . And everytime he would feel Rickenberger eyes on him , he would lean towards the guy more .
It was going bad because the reaction he was hoping for wasn't the one he got . Until the douche crowded him and started touching his ass . He was saying something about fucking him when Rickenberger took him off of Robby .
When taking him home he could see the latter jaw tense and his hands balled up , one more step left .
Sneaking in someones room wasn't that hard, unless you didnt have two parents as criminals . At the end he didnt get fucked but hey he could tell Rickenberger wall was crumbling .
But all his plan is thrown out the window when everynight Robby craves to be in the arms of his bodyguard , Once he gets a taste . He falls in love with the way he touches his body , how he kisses him , the way he holds him close and the way he tells Robby that he loves him .
But what happens when Doug gets in danger to protect Robby , and his parents find out about his relationship with his bodyguard .
" Dad you have to liste- "
" Quiet ! . Im doing this for your own good , just let it go . "
" Your doing this for you , not for me because i need him , for once i dont feel small or angry thinking nobody loves me enough , Because in this house your always talking about Miguel this Miguel that do you ever think how that would make me feel .
And Doug , He makes me feel things that only papa told me what i would feel when i truly love someone just like how he felt about you . I love him dad . "
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🌟Heaven is a place not to far away 🌟
............... •🌟• ..............
It was hard for a 25 year old writer working his way on the most popular issued article company and having a face of 14 year old that not everyone seems to take him serious , unfortunately that life belonged to Daniel LaRusso . It was manageable , he just needed one big hit story for him to manage the stop hes been wanting alongside with his best friend Amanda .
He's been busy that he barely had time to phone his Ma and Mr. Myagi that he deeply missed , good thing his Ma is constantly busy and Mr. Myagi spends his time fishing.
But it didnt stop him from feeling guilty .
Soon it all changes when Mr. Myagi calls him with a suprise that would help him with his article . Taking Amanda and new recruit slash- Amandas crush - Carmen to meet an Angel named Johnny .
Johnny was an Angel .
If Daniel wouldnt be seeing with his own two eyes he wouldnt believe it . He had a pair of white whings , golden locks that shine in the sun and blue eyes , and lets not leave out the part of a rockin bod .
He likes to ignore how the angel towers over him or how he smells like the ocean that always lured him in . He learned Johnny doesnt know personal space and had the ability to make him feel safe .
And If Johnny was just a human being he would've dropped down to his knees in a instant but he wasnt ( yes , he's ashamed so dont come for him. He has eyes what is he suppose to do , not use them .  )
He was a angel who acted like a child with no manners , that didnt seemed to comprehend to wear a shirt , that made Daniel a bigger mess than what he already is .
Oh he forgot the daily drinking of the blonde.
.... ..... .......
" Everyone knows angels are beautiful but he's hot . Hey , do you think he has a big dic-
" Amanda ! "
" Dont be a prude Daniel . Carmen , isn't he a hunk with those washboard abbs ? "
Carmen giggles while Amanda throws her a smile while Daniel tries to recall why he decided to befriend Amanda in the first place .
" BAMBI ! "
He wanted to smash his head against the wall . The angel started calling him that refusing to use his name . Walking alongside the two women to check why Johnny was yelling .
Going out the front door , he sees Johnny grinning holding a mini cherry blossom for  him .
" For my pretty Bambi . "
He didnt had the heart to correct him like he usually does , seeing the big smile Johnny had . Later on Mr. Myagi tells him the angel had wanted to buy him a gift but didnt know until he found about in Johnnys word "his obssesion with little trees " .
Sidenote: Insp from the movie Michael ( the one with John travolta ) it reminded me if Johnny would be that type of Angel .
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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I see forever in your eyes
Sam LaRusso x Miguel Diaz
( Binary Boyfriends + RobbyxDoug + lawrusso + Carmanda ) part 2
.... ...
Sam thought it wasn't that bad being forced to go on a triple date . She gets to see Miguel ,  that reminds her to text him to bring her favorite hoodie of his . They would be leaving at 7 and by the time they would come back she would be cold .
Letting her dad know she was going out , she goes to her room to get ready . Deciding on a black blouse and jeans with some black sandals that her mom. bought her last week . They started their shopping an annual thing including Carmen .
She was glad that both parents were happy as well . Carmen was awesome and beautiful as her mom . Her little brother was upset at first but he's getting used to it , he decided to stay with mom after the divorce .
She was more closer to her dad , so she thought it was best for her to stay with him . Soon after Mr. Lawrence moved in , and then Robby came along as well . Sometimes Robby stays with Shannon when he's allowed .
They have Sunday dinners  that consisted of her dad , mom , Mr.Lawrence,  Carmen , Miguel , her brother and Robby . Sometimes Demetri comes along if he isn't hanging out with Hawk
Demetri has sleepover visitation and he can stay as long as he wants . His foster mom isn't the best , so dad makes sure Demetri is alright .
Demetri was her best friend aside from Aisha , Aisha is usually now with Tory now they had became an item .
But Demetri was more like another brother that sometimes annoys her but she loves dearly . She would always have his back as well Robby would . And if Demetri needed them to feel comfortable on this important date , well let it be it .
....... ........ Miguel Pov ...... ....... .....
Grabbing his hoodie for Sam , he  bid his goodbye to YaYa once she gives him la bendicion . Quickly texting Sam that they were heading out already , pocketing his phone and keys inside his pocket of his jeans .
He walks out until he reaches the dojo , scanning to see if Hawk was there . He hears him first before he sees him . Guess they both got there at the same time .
" El Serpiente ! "
" Hey man , you nervous for your first date with your first crush ever ! ."
" pftt me ! Nervous ! no way ! I'm chill ."
He gave him his signature ' really bitch ' . Guess he had to refresh his memory of yesterday that he ruined for him to hang out with Sam .
" Yeah chill like yesterday , you were shiting bricks to ask out your life time best friend because you had enough of watching yasmine flirt with Demetri . "
" Receipts or it didn't happen " Oh he really wants to go there , pretending to reach for his phone to show evidence of said events . Watching the smug look disappear and replaced embarrassment.
" Guess I will then "
" Okay ! stop ! I'm really nervous I just don't want to ruin this date . Although I imagined our date to be the two of us , but I guess you can keep me in check if I fuck up . And also hopefully Doug won't cause a scene . "
" Don't worry , whats a wingman for ? " Smiling as they do their cool handshake . Hearing a  car coming close they realise it's Doug . Quickly jogging to hop in , putting  music on to get their confidence and mood on .
.... .... ...
So far so good , Hawk and Doug didn't make a scene once he realised his date was Robby.  Sam was perfect as always, they both tried to ease the air with some casual conversations .
 Throwing out compliments for everyone . And if Sam and him weren't OTP then he didn't know what will . Although number 1 OTP would be Sensei and Mr. LaRusso , nobody  could ever be better than those two .
Hes going off topic , Now here they are sacrificing their day to helping out their friends that are in need to become a couple for they could all finally rest at night and not wonder when those two idiots will realise their feelings ....
At least for him .
Anywho , Robby and Doug seemed not to get the memo of getting rid of the awkwardness.  Looking at Sam , communicating through his mind and eyes for the others wouldn't hear . He could try whispering but he can't risk it .
He totally didn't blush when the waitress caught him making weird faces as she came over to take their orders.
.... ..... ...
" That was embarrasing ! "
" What ! Easy for you to say she only saw me , you had your back towards her . "
He pouted to prove a point and looking at the other way . Giggling as she hold his hand , trying to make him look at her . She tells him she's sorry and promise to buy him ice cream .
Miguel could only ignoring Sam's cute voice and big blue eyes and obviously ice cream for so long . As reward she gives him a quick kiss .
" I love you  . "
" I love you too Sammy."
..... .... ..
His excuse that he would give to sensei would be that he wasn't involve with the disappearance of Robby.  He was there and then in a second he wasn't.  Or .......
He could just put the blame on Hawk , he will be missed .
They all decided to get ice cream as they all came to conclusion that both Robby and Doug would come back . Doug didn't take his car , keys and wallet was there . He has to come back for it , guess now they are all having ice cream as he was promised .
" I don't know about you but this ice cream was the best I've had . Maybe because I shared with you . "
His heart still beats so fast when Sam says cute cheesy things , but he couldn't help but tease a little about it . It was payback for the incident at the dinner .
" Yeah same but mainly because it was free , Ow ! " 
He almost tripped from the sudden push she gave him . Laughing at the cute glare she was giving him . He runs after her once she decides to walk faster to Hawk and Demetri .
" I'm kidding ! I love everything more when your part of it . Especially when you give me kisses . "
" Even Eskimo kisses "
" Especially those but you can't tell anyone it would ruin my status . "
Their joking banter stops when Demetri questions out loud if that was Doug carrying Robby . It was hard when the shorter of the two had his head tucked in and both had their hoodies up . Sam calls out to them , it's confirmed when they look at their direction , showing their faces .
...... ...... Sam ........
 " Robby are you okay ? Where were you two , we were worried . ! " 
" I'm alright Sam , Me and Doug went for a walk and I hurt my ankle , hence why Doug is giving me a piggyback ride . "
" Oh I thought you decided to climb him like a tree cause - "
" Demetri ! " Robby tightens his arms around Doug while  shouting to make Demetri quiet  . By the looks they hit it off , Letting the taller boy take Robby to her car , she says goodbye to Hawk and Miguel .
" Today was a success , and all thanks to you for giving the push hawk needed to finally ask out Demitri . "
She swings their hands around wanting to make their time last . Miguel hugs her as he talks .
" Thank you ! But I couldn't do it without you making Yasmine flirt with Demetri . We make a great team ! . "
" Sam , look ! " By hearing Demetri voice she turns around to the direction of her car where she sees Robby kiss Doug . Turning around giving Miguel one last time before saying goodbye .
Entering the car , she ask if Robbys ok . Once giving the signal to Demetri to voice out their thoughts , she laughs the whole ride at home listening to Robby and Demetri argue .
Sidenote : This Part 2 of triple date . Side mention of Lawrusso and Carmanda. Thank you to @oceluna for the boost of confidence!! . Kinda wrote Miguel a lil bit like xolo funny personality in here . Also Aisha x Tory mentioned . Hope you guys like it !
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🌁Escape from the city and follow the sun ☀️
( part 2 of Okinawa trip AU)
She knew her Dad planned the vacation to give her a break but she knew deep down he just wanted a new scenery just for a little bit . When he offered she instantly accepted , maybe they would make some good memories for her to look back in the future .
She was excited to tell the rest of her friends about the trip , and she wasn't expecting Robby having an interest of Okinawa . Guessing her father and Robby had that connection of the Myagi Do History . It was cute how he was rambling telling her and Demetri fun facts .
And When Robby had stayed for dinner he wanted tell Sam more of what he had learned . She was more than happy when Dad had asked Robby if he wanted come .
..... .....
" Robby would you like to come with us ? "
He knew his mouth was hanging open , the question surprised him . He wanted to say yes but he also knew that the trip was only for Mr. LaRusso and Sam .
" That would be awesome but I don't want to intrude and Mr. LaRusso you planned it for you and Sam . "
" Well I want you to go with us and I know Sam wouldn't mind . Your part of the family Robby,  you know that . And Don't worry about Johnny,  I will talk to him . So what do you say ? "
His heart always felt warmed when Mr.Larusso would remind him , He was like another Dad . He knew there was times he had to catch himself to not call him Dad . It Didn't help now that Mr . LaRusso and his actual dad were dating . Looking at Sam smiling at him encouraging him to accept , he gives them both a smile .
" I would love to , Thank you . "
And if he hugged Mr.Larusso longer than he intended and thought he could live with two dads for all his life nobody needed to know .
...... ..... ...... ...... ..
They were all at the dojo taking a break from class . He was in the middle of Sam and Miguel while Demetri was sitting in front of him . All were talking about the lesson but they noticed Demetri wasn't talking . And they all knew he constantly talked . Robby noticed that hawk was with the other students , usually he was with Demetri .
Turning to look if Sam and Miguel noticed but guessing by looks that Sam was glaring at hawk and Miguel concerned look . He guessed he wasn't the only one .
" Demetri did you and Hawk fight ? "
He asked him , Sam and Miguel begin to questioned also .
" Did he hurt you !? "
" I don't think Hawk  would hurt Demetri , Sam."
" Wouldn't be the first time , Miguel ! "
" But Hawk changed and I know he wouldn't do it again . "
He interrupts them before anyone would notice their little argument .
" Guys , let Demetri tell us . Let's not jump into conclusions , I'm not big fan of Hawk but let's give him the benefit of the doubt . "
All three watched their friend to answer patiently . They sometimes forget that Demetri didn't react well to being rushed. They had to be patient with him .
" He didn't do anything , I just i-i-i.  I'm having problems at home but it's fine .
The three watch him stand up as his Dad calls them to fall in and break was over . And he knew he wasn't the only one of the three worried and by the looks of Hawk he was also worried.
...... ...... ..
Running up to catch Demetri she ask him if he can come over to her house to help her pack . Smiling as he agrees she discreetly turns around to give Miguel and Robby a thumbs up. Giggling went Demetri waves a goodbye , and Miguel and Robby try to act discreetly as if they unaware of Sam's idea 
.It was cute , she was glad that both Robby and Miguel got along now . Realising they have stuff in common decideding to have a truce , Now they were friends . Both were big softies , funny and loyal the plus side they were Hot .
The three agreed Sam would be the one to talk to Demetri . Knowing her and Demetri was more closer , He was the one who helped her deal with her panic attacks . She helped him with his feelings for a certain Mohawk boy , although she didn't understand why him . But she guessed know one would be good enough for her Demetri . She loved him like a brother.
Don't get her wrong she loved her little brother but her and  Demetri understood each other.  Thats why she had to get the bottom of the problem .
" Is it cold in Okinawa ? ,  just in case take a couple sweaters and coats . Better safe than sorry right . "
As Demetri pulled out her clothes , she decided  it was the right time to ask .
" Dem , you know you can tell me anything right , even if it's bad . Im ... We are worried about you and its not just today that we noticed . I just want you to know that i got your back "
" I know , I just ... I been having problems with my mother . She doesn't understand why I forgived Hawk , so I tried to not bring up anything around her . She's usually not around , so I invited Hawk over , we were playing video games and catching up . Guess who decided to show up at the moment Eli tries to kiss me "
Her heart broke watching her friend struggle , he paces around the room and she knows Demetri is trying not to break down . She goes up to him and hold his hand .
" It was so embarrising , she threw a fit saying I was ruining my life . kicked out Eli , wouldn't be surprised he didn't want talk to me again . Said pretty much I'm a disgrace to keep it short . I'm sorry  "
She hugs him as tight as she could , she got teary eyed hearing Demetri cry . She was so thankful for having her parents , it wasn't fair people had to go through .
" You don't have to be sorry ok , She's wrong she doesn't know you the way we do . You can stay with us today , and if hawk doesn't speak to you I know Robby and Miguel will knock some sense into him . "
Later that night her Dad tells her about including Demetri to the vacation . She tells him he's the best dad ever . She goes to bed listening to Demetri talk about Hawk message and the plans to the trip .
..... ...... ....
At first it was confusing and hard to adjust to her parents being divorce but once realise she realised they  were both  happier with other people . She came to terms with it , she got to talk to Miguel and Robby about their parent dating each other .
Miguel was glad her mom was happy with someone that knew how to cherish her the way she deserved . Robby wasn't mad or bothered that his dad and her dad were now dated . He just didn't like how he would constantly see his dad flirt with her dad .
When Johnny had accidently called his father Bambi in front of the class , he saw the way the blonde tried to get her father to forgive him all day  . She thought Mr . Lawrence wasn't bad after all.
Carmen and Johnny was a nice addition to the family , she gets to spend time more with Robby and Miguel .
...... .......
Miguel was excited to wake up as 4 : 00 in the morning and wait for sensei to pick him up . He never thought he would ever go to the trip with Mr. LaRusso . His mom was also going with them , the best part he was going with his friends too .
Saying Goodbye one last time to YaYa , he climbs inside the car saying hi to everyone . Falling asleep while sensei drives hoping they wouldn't crash .
" Were here , Everybody out ! Let's go ! . "
Walking up to the airport , as everyone follows their Sensei guiding them and telling them to keep an eye out for Mr LaRusso  . Turning to Hawk , he was surprised that his friend had managed to have energy to do his hair .
" This is going be fucking awesome dude , only sucks that we have to wake this early . "
" Yeah , we should thank Mr.LaRusso for inviting us and try not to start any fights with anyone meaning Sam or Robby . I know you dude . "
" Right , and I'm not the only that starts them , Who you crushing on now , pretty boy or the princess , or both "
Pushing hawk , as he says his comment with a smirk , He can't remember why he was friends with him now .
" Shut up , I don't know what your talking about . "
" Yeah and that why your blushing "
It only seemed right to flip him off and maybe push him to the floor if he didn't had found Mr. LaRusso and him mom .
" Sensei their over there , Oh My mom arrived to "  He told Sensei ,  pointing at the opposite direction , they all decided to  run towards them .
....... ....... .......
He think no one would ever get used to seeing both Senseis making out . They all showed their disagreement of the PDA even Amanda and Carmen were laughing for their childish behavior . Seeing as his dad signaling to the store the class showed their excitement as they cheered remembering Mr. LaRusso promise .
Robby didn't know what to decide on , the rest of the class had money their parents had given them . And he didn't want to ask Mr . LaRusso for money he had already bought him the ticket and clothes and not to include his suitcase .
" we can share something if you want , my Yaya gave  me extra money .  "
Turning to look at Miguel and Sam , He wanted to reject the idea but he guessed it wouldn't hurt .
" Hey pup get anything  LaRusso is paying , goes for you to Miguel . Keep an eye out on them little LaRusso . "
God his dad always had to embarrass him , he didn't mind him calling him that but in public was big No . And by the giggling of both Miguel and Sam they could tell he was blushing . He totally deserved some Oreos for this .
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Everyone was vibrating with excitement as they got off the plane . Phone filled with selfies on the plane , Laughing along the random ideas to do in Okinawa . They couldn't wait for their adventure to start .
But then they lost Mr . LaRusso who was the only one that knew the place after they all got distracted because it seemed Hawks stupid products weren't here .
" Dude calm down , I think you could get some gel or whatever you use here too . "
" Miguel , I love you bro but right now I'm trying to find my shit . Hey ! What are you all laughing about  ! "
Once sensei had enough of the bickering , he told them to fall in line to find their missing Sensei  that was once spotted outside with two other people .
Waiting for a big cab for everyone to fit wasn't the best but as they were driven to their location . They were all memorized by the beauty , it seem like no picture can capture the beauty of it . Well not to Sensei apparently he rather look at the beauty of Mr . LaRusso.
He had to admit that was the best line he had heard from his Sensei .  He liked how everyone was smiling and Laughing . He also totally noticed the blush on Hawk and Demetri as they both were sitting to close . He was totally going to tease hawk as payback .
Sidenote : Part 2 of the Okinawa trip AU. Sam , Robby , and Miguel Pov . Sam and Demetri sibling dynamic . Next is binary boyfriends moodboard . Excuse for my shitty writhing
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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⛰☀️While you were slipping through my fingertips ☀️⛰
( Okinawa Trip AU part 3 Binary Boyfriends)
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Demetri had never been anywhere other than California.  Now he was going to Okinawa , but not only him but with all the people he trusted . Thank God for Mr. L kind heart and took pity on him of his house situation .
Although they had reassured him that It wasn't pity but the love they had for him . He never once thought in his life he would ever had other friends besides Eli . He was the closets with Sam , Robby and Chris were his best friends .
Eli was also his best friend but he was hoping that soon would change . He wondered if it was hard on everyone who fell in love with their friend . He was so scared that once again him and Eli wouldn't be on talking terms but that night  ,
Eli messaged him saying
" Your mom totally cockblocked us , hopefully next time will turn about better . Night Dem . "
He spend that night  talking to Sam about it 
Now here he was listening Hawk complain about his missing luggage of products . One started laughing and soon everyone join except Hawk . He tried to comfort him as they all tried to find Mr . L .
" Maybe we can find a store with some hair products , promise the first thing we'll do once we settle in . "
" Guess your right,  I was just overreacting . Hopefully we find Sensei LaRusso soon . "
Demetri was totally internally screaming when their hands brush against each other , he was going to try to talk to Sam later .
..... ....... ........
He couldn't wait for them to do something fun , it looked awesome . They were tons of things to do but he was guessing Sensei LaRusso would turn the trip into a hidden training . Right now they were  settling in the house of  Mr. LaRusso friend they all took turns and made a sheldue for the restroom .
He was in a desperate need of a shower , wiping down the fog in the mirror . Looking at the reflection he was once reminded he wasn't able to style his hair as he would .
" Fuck  . "
Changing as quick as he could , he ran outside to meet up with the rest to go out eat . He was the last one , he stood next to Robby who raised a eyebrow at him .
" You finally got rid of that terrible haircut "
" Watch it Keene , once I find the things I need the hair is going back . suck it up "
" I think I liked your hair like this is kinda .. hot "
Demetri came up to him , shit he was totally blushing at least he wasn't the only one . Waving him a goodbye as Sam called him to help choose a place to eat .
" Simp.  "
" Shut up Keene "
" Hey ! Don't make me snitch on you to Demetri.  "
He was lucky he ran to his dad , but then again he wasn't allowed to fight with anyone .  Looking at the reflection from his phone once again  . Miguel offers him to look for a hair product store but he denies .
" Nah bro , I think I'm going to stick with this . I still look badass either way . "
They all decide that the kids wanted pizza and the adults wanting to try something new . Sensei tried to follow as well but Mr.Larusso grabbed his jacket.  Robby and Miguel promised to save him some .
He wanted to sit next to Demetri but Sam and Robby took his spot . He knew he didn't have nothing to be jealous , Sam was like a Sister and Robby was just his friend . It would've have helped if it they weren't nice and good looking .
He wouldn't be surprised if any one turned out to have a crush on his Dem  , he was nerdy but in a cute way . Sure , sometimes he was annoying but he rather have Dem annoy him than Robby .
He and Demetri did hit a rocky bump on their friendship with the him being an asshole . Now he's trying to make it up even if it meant to be nice to his other friends .
If Sensei Lawrence can pretend he liked sushi for a night then he could put up with it . And it wasn't like Sam and Robby were the worst .If he wanted to date Dem soon he had to get the approval from Mr. LaRusso , Sam , Robby, and including  Chris , guess he better start playing nice .
He better hope nobody else try to put their moves on what's  his while their here , he would have to show who's boss .
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Walking back he convinced Miguel to distract Robby and Sam for he could have some alone time with Demetri .
" I want to apologize for ignoring you after your mom kicked me out . I was trying to give you some space but now looking back I seemed I was being a dick . "
" Its alright , I'm the one that should apologize after all my mom said some horrible stuff to you . "
It was chilly outside , but the wind felt nice . Calm and peace , the quiet wasn't uncomftable it was actually nice . Feeling there hands touch he knew this was a moment he wouldn't let to waste .
They were close to arriving , you could hear other voices and quiet laughter . He could see Both Sensei's walking like penguins as they hold each other as the taller sensei was holding him from behind  .
Kumiko and Chozen,  were ahead from the rest . Amanda and Carmen walking closely to each other and probably chuckling at the action of the couple of their exes . Sam and Robby and Miguel talking about her obsession of Smores.
And he knew he had to end the night with something to show his Dem how he felt . A simple gesture , so he grabbed his hand and looked forward. 
glancing real quick he saw Demetri smiling guess he did the right thing .
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Sidenote:Part 3 Binary Boyfriends Okinawa Trip AU. Both Hawk and Demetri Pov , slight Lawrusso and Carmanda if you squint .
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