#carlos deserved better
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inkameswetrust · 2 months ago
ok hot take but i think carlos liked coco more than he liked alexa. sure his romances with them both lasted for only one episode each but i felt like there was more build up with him and coco. the way they looked at each other, the way they spoke to each other, it was set up from frame one. AND THE WAY HE KISSED HER. HANDS ON HER HIPS AND EVERYTHING. IF THAT EPISODE WASNT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IDK WHAT IS. and its not like their romance was shoehorned in at the last second with a celebrity cameo to tie up the loose ends of the series before it ended. carlos had plenty of chances to get a girlfriend before the series finale. there was that whole thing in big time girlfriends with sasha. even after finding out gustavo paid her to be with carlos and break up with him so he'd sing a song better, he STILL wanted to be with her but broke things off after finding out she doesn't actually like corndogs. i get that was for comedic effect and carlos' character is often utilized for comedic relief but can y'all actually try with him pls????
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landoslutmeout · 7 months ago
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honestly im at a loss of words , after months of waiting for him to make a decent choice he decided to go to williams , i mean i understand that Williams has a good history but i really dont think it has a promising present nor future , carlos deserved much much better because what can you honestly expect from a team principal who’s not on speaking terms with one of his two main drivers ( logan ) so yeah.
I profoundly wish him the best of luck out there
( im still hoping carlos sainz jr for AUDI one day )
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hannahmcne · 5 months ago
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One of the best moments of Ben’s life happens outside the Auradon West Central library, off 1200 South, beside the black SUV he and his new wife have driven there to meet Evie, Jay, and Carlos. There’s an animal rescue event happening on the main road, with vendors and street stalls set up.
Carlos is volunteering with a local rescue shelter, partly because it will look good on his resume for Vet school. Dizzy is selling items from Evie’s Four Hearts. And Jay is wearing his tourney outfit, signing autographs in exchange for donations to the shelter. Ben and Mal are… mostly wandering… but occasionally also signing autographs. Mal gets a henna tattoo from someone from Agrabah, supporting both their work and the shelter organising the event. Ben tours the art, finds a few things for birthdays and Christmases, and enjoys being in the crisp late-September weather.
After the event, the eight – Dizzy, Doug, and Jane end up joining them – wander into the library to pick up some requests from Belle. Some of the books are on hold. Others they wander for.
Exiting the library with about three pounds of books each, Mal pauses only a second, then says, “Race you to drive.” She’s gone before he can blink, but his feet begin moving before he can command them to.
They sprint to the SUV and Ben, though he gains considerably, is one second too late. Mal cheers, puts the books on the hood of the car, and jumps with her arms outstretched. Victory is a fleeting taste for her in their footraces. His fairy is not gifted in the length of legs department.
Ben mocks disappointment as he digs in his pocket for the key fob. She is smirking as he drops it into her outstretched hand. She’s laughing and smiling.
And Ben gets an idea.
He follows her to the driver’s seat, making as if he’s going to open the door for her, but in reality, he’s scheming.
See, his mouth is level with the top of the car. He’s able to see clear over the black plastic mounts on the top of the car and to the other side. Mal is eye level with the middle of the window. More than a head shorter.
Mal unlocks the car. He takes the handle with his right hand.
His left hand he plants on the top of the door. When he pulls the handle, the door stays closed.
Mal’s victorious smile vanishes. “I thought I unlocked it,” she says uncertainly, clicking the open button on the fob again. The car lights flash.
Ben pulls the handle again. “It’s not opening,” he says, doing his best to sound confused.
Mal moves to take the handle and he moves his hand. She tugs. The door pushes against Ben’s left hand, but does not open. Mal tries the fob again.
Jay, Carlos, and Jane walk by to their car and pause to see what’s going on. “You okay?” Jay calls.
“We can’t get the door open!” Mal calls. She still has not looked up yet. Instinct doesn’t direct her to do that. She forgets she is short.
The three – Carlos, Jay, and Jane – hurry over to help. Ben keeps his expression neutral. Evie, Doug, and Dizzy come around from the front, so he and Mal have three friends on either side.
He doesn’t expect his Auradon friends to figure out what he’s doing right away. But his Isle friends…
Evie is tall. Jay is tall. Carlos is… getting there. And all three of them examine the situation and he sees the moment when their eyes all flit upwards to the door. Carlos tilts his head like a confused puppy. Jay covers his mouth with his hand. Surprisingly, Doug gets it before Evie and he can hear him whisper to her behind his back.
Carlos pulls his phone out of his pocket and begins filming, looking as if he’s just googling for help.
Mal looks down at the fob in her hands, locks the car, and then unlocks it again. While she is distracted, Ben gestures to the people in the direction of the camera firmly, brings his finger to his lips, and then makes a motion like a knife across his throat. “Don’t you tell her!” he mouths.
This clues Jane into the fact that something is going on and she moves to stifle a gasp behind her hand. It comes out a squeak. Ben sends her a severe look, then wipes his expression back to neutral before Mal looks up.
Mal is more confused still. “Do the other doors work?” she asks.
“Let’s check,” Ben says. She moves to the passenger side and he slides his hand over to block that one as well. She tries the handle. The door does not open. They go to the other side. Jane has to walk away because she’s gasping for air trying not to laugh. Ben is positive she’s going to give him away. Mal still has not looked up.
“We can’t break a window!” she says. “How are we supposed to get home?”
“It was working just fine on the way here,” Ben says, as if he is not the problem. “Here, let me see the fob.”
He hands it to her, takes his hand off the door, and locks it discreetly. Just once, so it doesn’t beep. She pulls at the handle. Jay very nearly loses his composure and walks back towards his own car quickly. Ben tries the handle. Same response.
Ben clicks a button on the fob and a physical key snaps out of the handle. He puts his hand back on the top of the door as he twists it in the slot in the door. The door unlocks, but doesn’t open when he pulls the handle. Mal is examining the little light in the window. “It looks like it’s unlocking,” she says, sounding somewhat desperate. The heat beats down on Ben’s neck.
He cannot believe he’s getting away with this. It’s been over seven minutes now.
Mal finally sighs and pulls out her phone. “What are you doing?” he asks.
“I’m calling Lumiere,” she admits. “We need to get back somehow, right? And we’ll need a tow for the car or a locksmith or something.”
Ben pulls his phone out of his pocket and hits the speed dial button for Lumiere on his phone. Evie creeps up behind him and snoops over his shoulder as he quickly texts, “Ignore Mal.”
Then, in the precious few seconds while Mal is finding his contact, he writes, “I’m teasing her.”
Lumiere reads the message – probably in the instant Mal begins dialling him. Ben slips his phone back into his pocket nonchalantly. This is great. Like pretending he was under a love spell back in High School.
“Hi, Lumiere,” Mal says. “We kinda have a situation… we can’t get the car door open. Yeah. Ben’s here – he tried too. Can you send someone? Thanks.”
She sighs as she turns the phone off. “Well, okay then.”
“It’ll be okay,” Ben says, noticing Carlos is very close to breaking behind Mal. “At least we have people we can call.”
“Yeah,” she agrees.
Carlos looks to the sky in exasperation. Ben pinches his lips, but he’s cracking now too. “Mal, darling?” he asks, fighting to keep the laugh out of his tone.
“Look up.”
Her eyebrows knit together and she does – straight at the sky. He takes her chin and directs her to view where his hand is still clamped over the car door’s frame. It takes her about 27 milliseconds, and her mouth falls open. Doug and Dizzy can’t hold back anymore. They begin to laugh, and so does Ben. The look on Mal’s face is more than shocked. She looks scandalised. Betrayed.
“Have you had your hand there the whole time?” she demands, face going bright pink.
Jane and Jay and Carlos begin laughing and Mal turns, hopefully giving Carlos the best expression to go on film since the camera was invented. He is falling over, trying to keep the camera straight when he’s laughing hard enough to double-over. Ben bends straight over at the waist for a second. He has tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Mal demands of her friends. “You’re my friend, not his!”
“Ben threatened to ‘off-with-our-heads’,” Jay says, cheekily.
“Plus it was funny,” Carlos said.
“Really funny.”
Ben laughs and opens the door for his sulking wife. She glares and stomps her foot and then gets into the car.
“There’s the video, Ben,” Carlos says, before Ben can request it is sent to him. “Drive safe!”
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lancastrianwasian · 3 months ago
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they're pushing the ben/chad agenda yes they told me themselves
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highlifeboat · 1 year ago
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Sobbing in the trunk of a car at the bottom of a lake right now.
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formulanni · 11 months ago
Everyday I live in fear of waking up to a Carlos Sainz to Mercedes confirmation post
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kolbalissh · 4 months ago
im sobbing carlos you are so loved you deserve so much more this win is yours my smooth operator, ferrari doesnt know what they're about to lose, that was the most perfect race win ever
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descendintorantness · 3 months ago
i apologize.
so. despite my best efforts my Descendants brainrot has returned. i sincerely apologize for the person i will become. if you don’t want me interacting with your stuff just block me, i promise i won’t be offended. i know i can be incredibly annoying about this stuff.
anyways! here are my main Descendants takes:
Mal is a horrible person and one of the most terribly written protagonists i’ve ever seen.
Ben deserved better. Evie deserved better. Audrey deserved better. Uma deserved better. Carlos and Jay deserved better. Pretty much every character except Mal deserved better.
Even if I did like Mal, I’d still want to see other characters given more screen time.
The premise of Descendants is very fucked up and one of my favorite parts about interacting with the fandom is exploring the ways in which the world of Descendants is inherently traumatizing.
I am a multishipper. Honestly the only ships I hate are the ones with Mal in them because I don’t want her toxic ass near any of my babies.
I didn’t watch Descendants 4 and I don’t intend to any time soon, so I don’t feel that I’m in a position to speak on it. However, in terms of fandom discourse around it, here are my thoughts: Respect queer headcanons just as you would any other, even if you don’t agree with them. Glasshearts is cute. Leave the actresses alone. Brandy and Paolo ATE. I would die for them. From what little we’ve seen of Red, she’s already a better protagonist than Mal ever was.
Please learn to separate actors from their characters.
anything with the tag #0 writes is my original post.
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freneticfloetry · 3 months ago
This has been eating at me, so I’m just gonna say it. I know everything, in some way, shape, or form, has fallen victim to Short Season Syndrome, but I think the execution of TK’s particular arc — not the root or motivation, but the way it’s been presented — has not done him any favors whatsoever.
I love that we finally met Enzo. I don’t love that the show specifically made it the first time he’d met Carlos, especially without giving any sort of explanation for that at all — you’re telling me these two people, who are both so important to TK, have never so much as seen each other on FaceTime? It would’ve been just as easy to go with “it’s good to finally see you outside of a screen” or something along those lines — something emphasizing the fact that this family has actually been in touch, especially given everything that unfolds where Jonah is concerned.
I love that TK wants to raise his brother. As Tay can attest, it’s something I’ve suspected since the lead-up press to last season’s finale. And why wouldn’t he? Jonah is the last living piece of his mother (and probably the most precious kid since TK himself — you go, Gwyn Morgan, giving birth to the two most adorable boys to ever walk the planet). But the way that desire has manifested in words really rubs me the wrong way. TK choosing to take Jonah is absolutely valid, as is giving Carlos the space to make that choice for himself. But saying “if i have to choose between my husband and my brother, I’m going with my brother” — not even to Carlos, but to a third party — feels so disingenuous to me. Disproportionate in scale, relative to the situation. That’s a line for “I won’t let my brother go into the foster care system,” not “I won’t let my brother go to a fancy boarding school in Sweden” — the latter of which, given that they apparently haven’t seen Jonah in person since he was an infant, would not be all that fundamentally different. And let’s be real, if the former actually were the case, Carlos Reyes wouldn’t even need to have that conversation. It just makes me (perhaps somewhat irrationally) sad for Carlos, in that context, when the choice we have for him in reverse is “no matter what.”
But my biggest issue stems from that argument. Because even though they had the whole kid conversation woefully late, they did have it. Carlos was very clear on where he stood, that he didn’t know if he would ever stand anywhere else, and TK told him that was okay. And no, this whole arc isn’t about TK suddenly wanting to adopt a theoretical baby. But “I’m done living my life on hold”… that’s bigger than Jonah. That’s moving the goalpost. And it isn’t fair.
To be clear, I’m really enjoying this arc as a concept. I just wish the writers considered the character implications of their words over whatever the mic drop impact might be.
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unchangingeverchanging · 2 months ago
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this game has altered my brain's chemistry and idk how im supposed to go forward now
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isawthesainz · 6 months ago
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charles_leclerc Wishing you the best of luck for your new adventure next year Chili 🌶️
Still got half a season together to have some more special moments as teammates 🏎️💨💨
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lancastrianwasian · 1 month ago
The way people hate Ben, as if he’s just there being useless and not the reason the story happened in the first place, is baffling. He defended Mal when he had every right to make her public enemy number one for the love spell, gave her and her friends grace, and could’ve been furious at Uma for another love spell but wasn’t because he understood that she was hurting and only wanted the best for the kids. He also refused to believe that Audrey was terrorizing Auradon of her own volition because he knows that’s not who she is.
He literally gave grace to everyone, despite the fact that they constantly disrespected him and undermined his authority and position as King. He had every right to tell them to “KYS.” Honestly, he’s better than me, because I would’ve abused my power as King and done far worse. Adam and Belle would’ve been locked up, Fairy Godmother would’ve been stripped of her magic, and I would’ve given the wand to Jane.
The way certain stans (I'm not gonna name them because I'm not in the mood of getting attacked by a group who stans fictional white characters) vilify him but Mal and the others get a free pass because of their circumstances as if Ben didn't know peace the moment he became king at 16. I'd hate everyone and had them locked in a dungeon just for that.
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pchan-2000 · 4 months ago
This is such a joke. LS was off the air for almost 1.5 years, they announce that it's the final season before it airs, and there has barely any promotion this season for LS. Hmmmm......I wonder why it's not number 1??
I feel terrible for the cast of LS they deserve so much better. I truly hope they know how much hey mean to fans.
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pimento-playing-hopscotch · 3 months ago
I love this show and it means a lot to me,
and I feel disappointed and a little bit misled tbh by the choices they have made-
These are two thoughts that can coexist btw
#911 lone star#911 lone star season 5#like im not an idiot#okay i am but that’s not what this is#i was not expecting 20 minutes of emotional conversation#but bare minimum Tarlos is NOT a peck on the cheek with no actual dialogue#in the entire episode#bare minimum Tarlos used to be they would talk about things and it wouldn’t take that long#like this episode in context- this is like in season 3 is TK woke from the coma and the next scene was the 126 is going to be knocked down-#and we learn TK and Carlos moved in together form talking- we didn’t get the welcome home TK scene#this is like if in season two after TK stormed out after the farmers market- we never got the scene where he comes back#we see him storm out and the next episode they’re fine with nothing in between#this like is if the police station scene never happened - cause why do we need to see them talk about things?#TK storms out of Carlos’s place and the next we see they’re at darts-#cause we didn’t need any of that emotional bonding stuff right??#this is most like in season two when we see things get physical becuase Gabriel arrested Owen and no one knows why#and the next we see TK is coming home and we never saw them talk about it#although I would still argue this one is worse#look I’m not talking for anyone but myself here-#but the reason I know this should have been more is because those are the standards this show has set#these characters needed to have that talk-#in particular Carlos has gone through so much seemingly alone the last twenty four hours -#there’s no reason we shouldn’t have seen them have that talk#like forget the fandom for a minute- these make believe characters deserved a better conclusion to this arc than this#tarlos#carlos reyes#tk strand#okay im done#court dismissed - bring in the dancing lobsters
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sunny-sainz · 1 year ago
I wanna say that holding your drivers accountable doesn’t make you less of a fan. Acknowledge what theyre saying and how bad it is. Acknowledge the issues at hand. You don’t have to stop supporting as long as you acknowledge. Ignoring it is just being shitty.
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diaz911 · 9 months ago
I'm actually kind of annoyed that Tim only gives his Latino characters these absolutely ridiculous soap opera/telenovela storylines out of nowhere. Poor Carlos's secret wife storyline on Lonestar was so absurd I dropped the show, dead wife doppelganger is utterly ridiculous, and the fact that both were played as serious storylines instead of comedy like the Marisol nun thing just makes these characters seem so unreal. Like I'm sorry I can't take Eddie's problems seriously or be emotionally invested in them when they involve a Doctor Who storyline about doppelgangers who appear in your life out of nowhere with bangs. Can you please give these characters real relatable problems that I can care about???
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