#carla baxter
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 11 months ago
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Thanks to @elsie-writes here and here!
My words: behind, yell, couch, bird, away, eyes, stretch, moon, worm
Your words: present, just, unaware always
Tagging @whatwewrotepodcast @talesofsorrowandofruin @leahnardo-da-veggie @pluppsauthor @sunset-a-story
@eccaiia @buffythevampirelover @space-writes @alinacapellabooks @rickie-the-storyteller
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
Keep reading for:
Kelsey's first appearance
Noelle's grilled cheese opinion
Meet George
I'm using a different definition of bird
Gwen and Akash meet
This is based on a true story
Scary telepathy facts with Carla
Gwen and Akash are dating now <3
Gross Halloween Party games
Behind - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
I snuck up behind her before tackling her in a hug. Kelsey yelped, but laughed, giving me a semi-hug back; the best she could give from the awkward angle. “Hey, Maddie,” Kelsey greeted, taking her backpack off the chair she saved for me and moving it to the floor. She removed the pods from her ears and shook her head to knock her short, choppy hair out of her eyes, but her bangs just fell back in her face. I took the now-empty seat next to her. “Your glasses are smudged.” Kelsey removed them and rubbed them on what I hoped, for the safety of her lenses, was a cotton shirt.
Yell(ing) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Best grilled cheese sandwich?” Noelle stopped, thinking. “Sourdough, Cheddar and Muenster, sliced tomatoes, sauteed greens, sliced pear, ham, and cut into two diagonal pieces.” Silence. I peeked into her mind. “Could you by any chance make that sandwich sometime?” Noelle smiled slightly. “Sure.” “Told you Muenster was the best,” Liam said. “Which means, I win.” This ensued more overlapping yelling.
Couch - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
Carla and a taller, older boy were sitting on the larger couch. The boy—or maybe young man—held what appeared to be a granola bar in his hand, out of a wrapper. A world of dragons and portals and they still have regular food? On the table in front of him sat a plate with other unwrapped granola bars set on top of it. Jeez. He wore earrings and a red beanie-like hat with a green fringed jacket over an orange crewneck. His bright blue eyes against his skin tone reminded me of Maddie. Based on the state of the room, I couldn’t help but wonder if these two lived alone.
Bird - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Ash POV)
“The rules of this exercise are simple,” said Wade from the other side of the room. “The goal is to remove the other team’s necklace. If your necklace gets taken, you cannot get it back—you are out. You can attempt to incompacitate your opponent, but the ground rules is that you can’t knock them unconscious. We don’t want any serious injuries.” “Boooo!” Jazlyn and Parker said from next to me. Wade gave them the bird from across the room. They just returned it.
Away - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
I realized I was staring when Akash smiled. “You’re new around here, aren’t you?” When I didn’t answer, he added, “You want me to help you down?” I nodded, and Akash wrapped his arm around me. I flinched slightly—a cute boy was touching me!—but allowed him to do so. I let go of the vent and let him fly me to the floor. I suddenly realized I had wrapped my arms around him. I quickly pushed away from him. “Thanks,” I muttered. I glanced off to the side and panic ran through me when I noticed a bed. I could feel my cheeks turning red. I just fell into a cute boy’s room! As if I wasn’t embarrassed enough.
Eyes - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Shelby giggled as she reached for a cookie in the center of the table. “And what happened next?” I sniggered, trying to hold my laughter in so I could tell the story. “So—” I burst out laughing. Shelby rolled her eyes, but while smiling. “So, Mr. Taylor got mad at Jasmine for not playing soft enough and?” “And—” I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. “And Jasmine said, ‘Mr. Taylor, I wasn't even playing!’” Shelby burst into a fit of laughter as her dad walked into the dining area.
Stretch - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Carla fiddled with the ring hanging from the chain around her neck. “The mind can only stretch so far. If advanced telepaths did—or even do—exist, there would be no way they could function. Their minds aren’t able to communicate the information that they can comprehend. They end up lost in their own thoughts, unable to reach out to another being.” I fell silent.
Moon - from The Secret Portal Part One
“You’re right. But… tomorrow?” “Sure. It’s a—” Gwen stopped herself. “It’s a what?” “It’s a...n event. That I will mark. On my calendar. My mental calendar. In my head.” “Oh. Okay.” Akash took a deep breath. “I… just thought you were gonna say date.” Gwen felt her cheeks burn up. “Only if you want it to be.” “I would want that,” Akash said, smiling shyer than usual. “Cool.” Gwen wasn't sure if she was nervous or over the moon, but she looked around, trying to find a distraction. “Hey, look, is that Gills under that sheet?” “Yo, Gills!” Akash shouted. The person in the sheet turned. “Yes, it’s Gills.” He raised his voice again. “So lemme guess: you’re a ghost!” “No, I’m a high schooler in a sheet!” Gabriel replied. “Ah, that’s a unique costume!” “Says the person dressed as the most recognizable character in the world.” “Not this world!”
Worm - from The Secret Portal Part One
“Ooh!” Lexi gasped, pointing at a table with a bag of Skittles and cups. “Is that the Skittles game?” “Skittles game?” Robbie asked. Lexi smiled deviously. “It’s disgustingly fun.” “You use your mouth to put the Skittles in the cup,” said Parker. “Whoever has the most wins.” Robbie scrunched up his face but smiled. “Aw, that’s nasty. I love it.” “Gummy worm spit!” Maddie gasped. “Yes!” “You’re welcome,” said Tyler from the punch table. “Oh, by the way, in the center table there’s a jar of candy corn. Write down how many you think are in there. Whoever gets it closest gets the entire jar.” “Time to write down 5 million,” said Akash, floating over. “I hate candy corn.”
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roleplaylms1024 · 7 months ago
Rewatching Burn Notice for the 5000th time and I'm still JUST as horny for Carla as when I saw her for the first time. Even Michael comments on how attractive she is and that she has a "smoky voice". Gods, the things I'd let this gorgeous woman do to me.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
From The Secret Portal Part One (Carla POV)
Finding a sudden surge of energy, I ran down the hallway, slammed my hand onto the frame, and burst through the doors where I found myself lying face down in the grass as I tripped over something solid.
I changed the way doors were opened so had to edit this line last night
I'm shamelessly stealing this from twitter, but writers !! Quick, reblog with the last line or two that you wrote, no cheating.
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justforbooks · 1 year ago
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In 1962, Federico Fellini placed advertisements in Italian newspapers seeking a woman to play the lead character’s mistress in his next film, which would eventually be titled 8½ and released the following year. The successful candidate, he wrote, should be “somewhat old-fashioned … with a pink-and-white complexion and a small pea-hen’s head on a Rubens body, very soft, flowery, maternal and opulent”.
The director auditioned as many as 5,000 applicants. “An interminable procession of ladies who had deserted their worried husbands and children came forward,” reported the writer Angelo Solmi in 1967. It was rumoured that the whole endeavour was merely a publicity stunt and that all along the role had been earmarked for Sandra Milo.
Milo, who has died aged 90, was a vivacious presence marketed as “the Italian Judy Holliday”. She and Fellini had met on a summer evening in the coastal town of Fregene; she happened to be passing a cafe where he was seated with his screenwriter, Ennio Flaiano, who knew Milo and called her over to introduce them.
Fellini was determined to coax Milo out of her unofficial retirement for the role in 8½ of Carla, mistress of the film-maker Guido (Marcello Mastroianni), who installs her in a nearby hotel while he is preparing his science-fiction epic.
When Fellini offered her the part, she reminded him she had quit the business, following savage reviews for her performance as an aristocrat’s daughter in Vanina Vanini (1961).
However the next morning, she was woken at home by the arrival of the director, his cinematographer and assorted technicians and make-up assistants, who had come to shoot a screen test. “They took me and put that famous little hat on my head,” she said, alluding to Carla’s fluffy white ushanka.
She was dressed in a black redingote festooned with violets; all at once, the lights were on her. “My God, what a thrill,” she recalled. “I felt like that was my world, and those were my people. I felt like I was flying.”
She signed the contract, agreeing to gain weight for the role. Shortly afterwards, she fell pregnant, though Fellini kept her chained to the trough all the same. “Every time Federico sees me off the set he tells me to go eat something,” she complained at the time. “I feel like a Strasbourg goose.”
When she finally emerged on set in costume at Cinecittà, Fellini and Mastroianni told her: “Welcome back. You’re home.”
To the ravishing dreamscape of 8½, which won two Oscars and is widely considered Fellini’s masterpiece, she brought an earthy vitality and rambunctiousness, as well as her unassailable beauty.
Fellini cast her again in his first colour film, Juliet of the Spirits (1965), this time in a tripartite role opposite his wife, Giulietta Masina, as the dissatisfied title character. Milo played Suzy, a hedonistic neighbour who hosts orgies, wears feather boas and plunging necklines, and cavorts in a treetop house where a slide connects her bed directly to a swimming pool. Milo is also seen as Iris, a spirit, and Fanny, a circus ingenue.
He sought to cast her a third time in the autobiographical Amarcord (1973), and even shot a screen test with her. But her husband, increasingly jealous of Fellini, forbade her from accepting. Milo’s declinature, the director said, left him with “an air of melancholy”. He told her: “I have something of a feeling we won’t see each other any more.”
In 1982, she published Caro Federico, a thinly veiled account of her time as the director’s lover. Fellini’s biographer John Baxter described it as “largely imagined”, and even Milo admitted eventually that it had been mostly a work of fiction. Fellini claimed never to have read the book. “I don’t even want to smell it,” he said.
Milo was born in Tunis, and moved with her family to Tuscany during her early childhood. At the age of 15, she wed Cesare Rodighiero, but the marriage was annulled after 21 days. She found early work as a model in Milan and began acting after moving to Rome, making her film debut in the comedy The Bachelor (1955).
Roberto Rossellini helped launch her career with General della Rovere (1959), which starred Vittorio de Sica as a Genoese con-man recruited by the Nazis, but Vanina Vanini was a notorious flop.
Fellini films apart, she gave her finest performance in Claude Sautet’s Classes Tous Risques (1960), in which she played an actor who becomes caught up with a gangster on the run. The film got lost in the shuffle at the time of its release, its elegant classicism upstaged by the more radical and irreverent Breathless, which had opened shortly before, though Sautet’s picture is recognised now as an exemplary policier.
Milo gave up acting for a second time in the early 1970s. Despite returning to the screen at the end of that decade, she was known latterly more for her appearances in gossip columns and on television as a presenter, talkshow guest or reality-show participant.
Reflecting on her time as Fellini’s muse, she confessed it had not always been easy. “Sometimes he’d make me feel indispensable, marvellous, as if I were the only woman he’d ever loved. And then he’d treat me like a nothing, a nobody.” She maintained that she loved him “truly, madly, deeply, stupidly”.
She is survived by three children: Debora, from her relationship with Moris Ergas, who produced films of hers including Generale della Rovere and La Visita (1963); Ciro and Azzurra, from her marriage to Ottavio De Lollis; and by a grandson. She was also briefly married to Jorge Ordoñez in 1990. All her marriages ended in divorce.
🔔 Sandra Milo (Salvatrice Elena Greco), actor, born 11 March 1933; died 29 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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uneasylisteningradio · 6 months ago
Stars September 15, 2024
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Image: H.A. Rey listen to the show
The Undertones - When Saturday Comes Los Saicos - Lonely Star (Estrella solitaria)
DJ speaks over Los Golden Stars - Tema de los Golden Stars
Hazel Dickens - Out Among The Stars R.M.F.C. - Two Stars The Creation - Sun and Stars Giorgio Murderer - Theme from Star Trek
DJ speaks over Carla Bley & Phil Woods - Lost in the Stars
Lou Reed - Shooting Star Milton Nascimento & Lô Borges - Estrelas Lene Lovich - Special Star Palast Orchester & Max Raabe - Mein Stern Judas Priest - Evening Star Extrem - Star Fairytale - Shooting Star
DJ speaks over Mike Oldfield - Dark Star
David Bowie - The Prettiest Star Кино - Звёзды останутся здесь Kim Phuc - Wormwood Star Half Japanese - Lucky Star
DJ speaks over Les Baxter - Shooting Star
Teenage Fanclub - Guiding Star Kate Bush - In Search of Peter Pan Berliner Doom - Starship Sunrise Jobriath - Morning Star Ship LiLiPUT - Etoile Poison Ruïn - Morning Star Echo & The Bunnymen - Stars Are Stars
DJ speaks over Yuri Misumi - The Wonderful Star's Walk is Wonderful
Pretty in Pink - Star Michel Polnareff - Sous Quelle Etoile Suis Je Ne ? Hubert Kah - Sternenhimmel Ray Noble and His Orchestra & Al Bowlly - Midnight, the Stars and You Zolar X - Jet Star 19
DJ speaks over The Chocolate Dandies - Stardust
The Clean - Stars Hans-A-Plast - Starfighter
DJ speaks over Kool & the Gang - Morning Star
Brian Eno & John Cale - Spinning Away
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 11 months ago
🤑 for the explorations ask game?
Hey, thanks for the ask! (From this OC explorations ask game)
🤑 For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
Lexi: No! I would never punch a friend in the nose! Best or not!
Maddie: Hm. It's not like I want to punch Kelsey, but I feel like she'd get it.
Ash: ....not sure Lexi would understand, so I'd probably have to talk her into it.
Gwen: I don't think so. Only if I really, really needed a million dollars, and they consented.
Noelle: Yeah, do you know how much a million could help out? Not enough to retire, but enough for a while. Anyone would understand that.
Rose: Mhm. You can get a lot with a million, including an apology. Besides, punching someone sounds a little fun. Wish it didn't have to be the best friend, but... Yeah.
Kelsey: I don't think I'd punch Maddie. Anyone else, I would definitely do it. That being said, Maddie would probably be okay with it...and for my family, sure.
Robbie: I would never punch Akash, plain and simple. We're well off enough, we don't need a million.
Akash: I do not want to punch Robbie. Frankly, this is a silly question. However, Robbie would most likely be okay with me punching him.
Hye-Jin: I feel like most people would be surprised to hear me say that I would. It's a million dollars. It would hurt both of us though, so we'd have to agree.
Carla: Only if I was really desperate.
George: I think Liam would be okay with it. He'd debate both sides, too.
Jedi: I would never punch Carmen. She would simply punch me in return, anyway.
Carmen: Yes, who wouldn't?
Bonus: Parker would punch Wade in a heartbeat
Thanks for the ask! This was fun!
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites @nebula--nix
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 11 months ago
Couldn't find dreary. Best was boring:
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
“Oh, shoot, I forgot my planner.” I turned to see it still lying on the floor. I flicked my wrist slightly to teleport it in my hand. “You brought a planner to breakfast?” Tyler asked as he drank his orange juice. “It’s just how I manage my life,” I said. I opened it up on the table to show them the January schedule. “Wow, that’s really pretty,” said Carla. “I don’t need a planner, given my powers.” “Aw, yeah, I wish I could just stop time at my leisure,” I said as I closed the planner again. “I have a planner,” said Tyler. “It’s called here.” He pointed to his head. “Medina has one like yours, but it’s a little boring.” “One, you need to write things down in case you forget” said Gabriel, pointing at Tyler with his spoon. “Two, I don’t see why a planner needs color.”
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Daily Sip 5/4
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Just tag it sipofsnips so everyone can find each other. ^.-
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krispywerewolfkitty · 1 year ago
The Color Purple 
Warner Bros. Pictures invites you to experience the extraordinary sisterhood of three women who share one unbreakable bond in “The Color Purple.” This bold new take on the beloved classic is directed by Blitz Bazawule (“Black Is King,” “The Burial of Kojo”) and produced by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Scott Sanders and Quincy Jones. “The Color Purple” stars Taraji P. Henson (“What Men Want,” “Hidden Figures”), Danielle Brooks (“Peacemaker,” “Orange Is the New Black”), Colman Domingo (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” “Fear the Walking Dead”), Corey Hawkins (“In the Heights,” “BlacKkKlansman”), H.E.R. (“Judas and the Black Messiah,” “Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration”), Halle Bailey (“The Little Mermaid,” “Grown-ish”), Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (“King Richard,” “If Beale Street Could Talk”), and Fantasia Barrino (in her major motion picture debut). The screenplay is by Marcus Gardley (“Maid,” “The Chi”), based on the novel by Alice Walker and based on the musical stage play, book (of the musical stage play) by Marsha Norman, music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray. The executive producers Alice Walker, Rebecca Walker, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Carla Gardini, Mara Jacobs, Adam Fell, Courtenay Valenti, Sheila Walcott and Michael Beugg. Joining director Bazawule behind the camera are director of photography Dan Laustsen (“John Wick: Chapter 4,” “The Shape of Water”), production designer Paul Denham Austerberry (“The Flash,” “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”) and editor Jon Poll (“Bombshell,” “The Greatest Showman”). The choreographer is Fatima Robinson (“Coming 2 America,” “Dreamgirls”) and the costumes are designed by Francine Jamison-Tanchuck (“Emancipation,” “One Night in Miami…”). The music supervisors are Jordan Carroll (“The Greatest Showman,” “Godfather of Harlem”) and Morgan Rhodes (“Space Jam: A New Legacy,” “Selma”); the music is by Kris Bowers (“King Richard,” “Green Book”); and the executive music producers are Nick Baxter (“Babylon,” “CODA”), Stephen Bray (“Respect,” “Juanita”) and Blitz Bazawule. Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Harpo Films Production, an Amblin Entertainment Production, a Scott Sanders Production/a QJP Production, “The Color Purple.” It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures and is set to open in theaters in North America on December 25, 2023 and internationally beginning 18 January 2024.
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cathygeha · 2 years ago
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The Royal by Susan Stoker
Game of Chance #2
Cinderella met her fella and left the wicked steps in her dust…or…was it the prince who found his princess so they could live happily forever together? Great modern retelling of a favorite fairy tale with twists and turns aplenty.
What I liked:
* Juniper “June” Rose: Cinderella of the story, lost her father in her teens, lived with her wicked stepmother and stepsister for almost two decades, never lost her kindness, loved her father, ready to escape when the prince arrived, willing to take a leap of faith
* Callum “Cal” Redmon: prince of obscure country, retired Delta Force, survived brutal torture with his team, in the tree business with his ex-military buddies, lives in Maine, sent by his family to DC where he meets his princess, aware, listens to his gut, insightful, rather taken with Juniper
* That I could absolutely detest and despise the wicked steps Elaine & Carla AND their henchman, Tim
* The way the relationship developed between June and Cal and the way they managed to communicate and grow together
* Finding out how Riggs, JJ, and Bob were doing along with Carlise and April
* Attending the fun wedding of Riggs/Chappy and Carlise and seeing Baxter again
* The way the Hill’s House community came together when a life was on the line
* The genuine niceness of June and Cal and feeling they belonged together
* Thinking about if/when JJ and April will end up together
* The lead into the next book that will be Bob/Kendrick’s story
* The plot, pacing, setting, conclusion, and writing
What I didn’t lie: * Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how self-centric and evil some people can be and the impact they have on others
* Thinking about what Cal and his teammates endured and the horrible years June spent with her steps
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
In this modern Cinderella story, New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker weaves a tale of stepfamilies, stalkers, and a suspenseful, sweeping romance that proves true love can conquer all. Former military man and member of a royal family Callum Redmon can’t deny his sense of responsibility. So when his cousin’s latest love interest claims to have a stalker, Cal reluctantly meets with the young woman and her mother. He wants to write off the situation as a complete farce—if only his feelings for another member of the household could be as easily dismissed. Since her father’s death seventeen years ago, Juniper Rose has been at the cruel beck and call of her stepmother and stepsister. Her fantasies of escape mean leaving behind her father’s beloved home, but enough is enough: when Cal offers her a way out sooner rather than later, June takes the leap. Cal’s home in Maine with his military brothers seems like the safest place to start fresh. But as Cal and June’s fairy-tale romance blossoms into something real, they find that the dangers stalking them may have been real all along.
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thelowkeygeek · 2 years ago
Check out the latest LOWKEY GEEK #youtube video! THE COLOR PURPLE Official Trailer REACTION | Halle Bailey, Taraji P. Henson, Danielle Brooks by LOWKEY GEEK! Check out the original classic before the new one: https://amzn.to/43k9Hxf We finally get to see a first-look trailer for the upcoming The Color Purple that is set to release this Christmas. Keep watching to see my full reaction! 🔔 Consider Subscribing: https://ift.tt/3eC8NW4 🎤 LOWKEY GEEK Podcast Channel: https://ift.tt/WRopvFQ 🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://ift.tt/GRZbKhQ ► Fever events and experiences: https://ift.tt/9xK6EM2 ► 80s Tees: 30% OFF with code WINTER30: https://ift.tt/E4VYjWo ► Bulletproof Coffee - 20% Off with code LOWKEYGEEK20: https://ift.tt/jYZa2ox ► Entertainment Earth - 10% OFF In-Stock Items Plus Free Shipping On Orders $40+: https://ee.toys/LOWKEYG ► The gear we use on this channel: https://amzn.to/3L79c1Y ► Merchandise: https://ift.tt/vNTlJr5 Follow Us --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_lowkey_geek Instagram: https://ift.tt/mpW16ce Follow the Team on Letterboxd ----------------- Blake Wolf: https://ift.tt/be53j6v Rene A. Zelada: https://ift.tt/gxW4kjf Movie Info --------------------------------------------------- Warner Bros. Pictures invites you to experience the extraordinary sisterhood of three women who share one unbreakable bond in “The Color Purple.” This bold new take on the beloved classic is directed by Blitz Bazawule (“Black Is King,” “The Burial of Kojo”) and produced by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Scott Sanders and Quincy Jones. “The Color Purple” stars Taraji P. Henson (“What Men Want,” “Hidden Figures”), Danielle Brooks (“Peacemaker,” “Orange Is the New Black”), Colman Domingo (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” “Fear the Walking Dead”), Corey Hawkins (“In the Heights,” “BlacKkKlansman”), H.E.R. (“Judas and the Black Messiah,” “Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration”), Halle Bailey (“The Little Mermaid,” “Grown-ish”), Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (“King Richard,” “If Beale Street Could Talk”), and Fantasia Barrino (in her major motion picture debut). The screenplay is by Marcus Gardley (“Maid,” “The Chi”), based on the novel by Alice Walker and based on the musical stage play, book (of the musical stage play) by Marsha Norman, music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray. The executive producers Alice Walker, Rebecca Walker, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Carla Gardini, Mara Jacobs, Adam Fell, Courtenay Valenti, Sheila Walcott and Michael Beugg. Joining director Bazawule behind the camera are director of photography Dan Laustsen (“John Wick: Chapter 4,” “The Shape of Water”), production designer Paul Denham Austerberry (“The Flash,” “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”) and editor Jon Poll (“Bombshell,” “The Greatest Showman”). The choreographer is Fatima Robinson (“Coming 2 America,” “Dreamgirls”) and the costumes are designed by Francine Jamison-Tanchuck (“Emancipation,” “One Night in Miami…”). The music supervisors are Jordan Carroll (“The Greatest Showman,” “Godfather of Harlem”) and Morgan Rhodes (“Space Jam: A New Legacy,” “Selma”); the music is by Kris Bowers (“King Richard,” “Green Book”); and the executive music producers are Nick Baxter (“Babylon,” “CODA”), Stephen Bray (“Respect,” “Juanita”) and Blitz Bazawule. Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Harpo Films Production, an Amblin Entertainment Production, a Scott Sanders Production/a QJP Production, “The Color Purple.” It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures and is set to open in theaters in North America on December 25, 2023 and internationally beginning 18 January 2024. #TheColorPurple #warnerbros #hallebailey #trailerreaction #teasertrailer #officialtrailer #trailerpark via YouTube https://youtu.be/wSlnrGN19mI
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
A lot of my characters have glasses but Carla's glasses are new so I'm constantly forgetting about them.
Just in general it's harder to imagine Carla now cause I changed her design significantly
Carla's design for 10 years:
Dirty blonde
Small frame
Fairish skin
Blue eyes
Carla for a few months:
Dark brunette
Brown skin
Amber eyes
So I'm adapting slowly to these modifications but the glasses I have to mention a few times and it's still weird
I don't know if this happens to y'all but I always forgot that one of my characters wear glasses ?? This is a bit annoying tbh.
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years ago
Big Book Of Prompts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vqyrRAK
by SelaBudd13
Basically a massive list of story ideas I’ve had but don’t have the ability to write. Mainly focused around Seal!Buck and Dad!Clay because I’m a sucker for it. A lot of these prompts have several ending options because I couldn’t think of whole new ideas, just different endings. If you’re going to use any of these prompts I ask that you just give me credit somewhere :)
Words: 3222, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), SEAL Team (TV), MacGyver (TV 2016), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), S.W.A.T. (TV 2017), NCIS: Los Angeles
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Original Characters, Jason Hayes, Trent Sawyer, Brock Reynolds, Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV), Eric Blackburn, Lisa Davis, Carla Price, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Howie "Chimney" Han, Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Dan "Hondo" Harrelson, Dominique Luca, Christina "Chris" Alonso, David "Deacon" Kay, Victor Tan, Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Ray Perry, Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis, Stella Baxter, Daniel Buckley, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz, Sam Hanna, Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Owen Strand, TK Strand, Trudy Platt, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star), Judd Ryder (9-1-1 Lone Star), Nancy Gillian (9-1-1 Lone Star), Tommy Vega (9-1-1 Lone Star), Mateo Chavez (9-1-1 Lone Star), Brett Swann
Relationships: Clay Spenser/Original Female Character(s), Brian Armstrong/Clay Spenser, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Jim Street, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jay Halstead/Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Clay Spenser, Evan “Buck” Buckley/ Clay Spenser/ Jim Street, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Shannon Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Past Evan “Buck” Buckley/ Eddie diaz, Past TK Strand/Carlos Reyes, Evan "Buck" Buckley/TK Strand, Brian Armstrong/Clay Spenser/ Evan “Buck” Buckley
Additional Tags: U.S. Navy SEAL Evan "Buck" Buckley, Secret Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Compliant, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vqyrRAK
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machobusta · 4 years ago
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burnnoticegifs · 5 years ago
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The Sarcasm, Wit, and Sarcastic Wit of Michael Westen: 36/∞
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
From The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“Come on, Maddie, you can do it!” Jazlyn cheered as George pulled ahead. “Mad-die, Mad-die!” came the cheers of indistinguishable voices chorusing behind me. “Is anyone on my side?” George asked. “We’re rooting for the underdog,” Carla teased from behind George, patting him on the shoulder. “I’m the underdog; I just learned how to play this!” “Guys, you can root for him,” I said as I pulled back ahead. “I won’t be upset.” It wasn't like I knew why they were rooting for me, anyway. “Maddie is a funner name to chant,” said Robbie. “More fun!” Noelle and Gabriel protested. The reactions behind me indicated Robbie gave a rude gesture. “Pfft, Noelle said it, too,” Gabriel mumbled. “That’s not fair.” “Sorry, Noelle.” I was pretty sure Robbie repeated the gesture to Noelle. As Princess Peach crossed the finish line, the room erupted in cheers. I turned to George beside me. “I’ve been playing this for years,” I pointed out. “No, I get it,” said George, brow furrowing. “You’re not upset, are you?” “Nah,” he said, relaxing back against the couch. He turned to me, smiling. “This just means we need more sessions so I can get better.” I wanted to jump up and down. “I would love to! Tomorrow evening.” George held out his hand to shake. “For sure.” I enthusiastically shook his hand.
Relatively new chapter from last fall I think when I realized Maddie needed a good chapter from her perspective. So I kinda strung three scenes together, including this fun closure!
Realizing Lexi doesn't say anything here though and I feel like she needs to! She's talkative and this is her sister!!
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wankerwatch · 2 months ago
Commons Vote
On: Armed Forces Commissioner Bill Report Stage: Amendment 2
Ayes: 76 (81.3% LD, 5.3% Ind, 5.3% PC, 5.3% Green, 1.3% APNI, 1.3% UUP) Noes: 349 (95.7% Lab, 2.6% Ind, 1.4% DUP, 0.3% TUV) Absent: ~225
Day's business papers: 2025-01-21
Likely Referenced Bill: Armed Forces Commissioner Bill
Description: A Bill to establish, and confer functions on, the Armed Forces Commissioner; to abolish the office of Service Complaints Ombudsman; and for connected purposes.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Commons Bill Stage: 3rd reading
Individual Votes:
Liberal Democrat (61 votes)
Adam Dance Al Pinkerton Alex Brewer Alison Bennett Alistair Carmichael Angus MacDonald Anna Sabine Ben Maguire Brian Mathew Calum Miller Cameron Thomas Charlotte Cane Chris Coghlan Christine Jardine Claire Young Clive Jones Daisy Cooper Danny Chambers David Chadwick Helen Maguire Helen Morgan Ian Roome Ian Sollom James MacCleary Jamie Stone John Milne Josh Babarinde Joshua Reynolds Lee Dillon Lisa Smart Liz Jarvis Luke Taylor Manuela Perteghella Marie Goldman Martin Wrigley Max Wilkinson Mike Martin Monica Harding Munira Wilson Olly Glover Paul Kohler Rachel Gilmour Richard Foord Roz Savage Sarah Dyke Sarah Gibson Sarah Green Sarah Olney Steff Aquarone Steve Darling Susan Murray Tessa Munt Tim Farron Tom Gordon Tom Morrison Victoria Collins Vikki Slade Wendy Chamberlain Wera Hobhouse Will Forster Zöe Franklin
Independent (4 votes)
Ayoub Khan Iqbal Mohamed Jeremy Corbyn Shockat Adam
Plaid Cymru (4 votes)
Ann Davies Ben Lake Liz Saville Roberts Llinos Medi
Green Party (4 votes)
Adrian Ramsay Carla Denyer Ellie Chowns Siân Berry
Alliance (1 vote)
Sorcha Eastwood
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Labour (331 votes)
Abena Oppong-Asare Abtisam Mohamed Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Al Carns Alan Campbell Alan Strickland Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Sobel Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alison McGovern Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Martin Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy McDonald Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna McMorrin Anna Turley Anneliese Midgley Antonia Bance Ashley Dalton Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Bayo Alaba Beccy Cooper Becky Gittins Bell Ribeiro-Addy Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Cat Smith Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Bryant Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Webb Christian Wakeford Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Clive Lewis Connor Naismith Dan Aldridge Daniel Francis Daniel Zeichner Danny Beales Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Baines David Burton-Sampson David Lammy David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor David Williams Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Diane Abbott Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Elaine Stewart Ellie Reeves Elsie Blundell Emily Darlington Emma Foody Emma Hardy Emma Lewell-Buck Euan Stainbank Feryal Clark Fleur Anderson Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Fred Thomas Gareth Snell Gareth Thomas Gen Kitchen Gill Furniss Gill German Graeme Downie Graham Stringer Grahame Morris Gregor Poynton Gurinder Singh Josan Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Hilary Benn Ian Lavery Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Naish Jas Athwal Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jenny Riddell-Carpenter Jess Asato Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jon Trickett Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Josh Dean Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Josh Simons Julia Buckley Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Kanishka Narayan Karin Smyth Karl Turner Kate Osamor Kate Osborne Katie White Katrina Murray Keir Mather Kenneth Stevenson Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kevin McKenna Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Laurence Turner Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Leigh Ingham Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Lisa Nandy Liz Kendall Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lloyd Hatton Lola McEvoy Lorraine Beavers Louise Haigh Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Luke Pollard Margaret Mullane Marie Rimmer Marie Tidball Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Martin McCluskey Martin Rhodes Mary Creagh Mary Glindon Matt Bishop Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maureen Burke Maya Ellis Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Miatta Fahnbulleh Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Scrogham Michelle Welsh Mike Reader Mike Tapp Mohammad Yasin Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Naushabah Khan Navendu Mishra Naz Shah Neil Duncan-Jordan Nia Griffith Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Nick Thomas-Symonds Noah Law Olivia Bailey Pam Cox Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Davies Paul Foster Paul Waugh Paula Barker Paulette Hamilton Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Lamb Peter Prinsley Peter Swallow Phil Brickell Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill Rachael Maskell Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Rachel Taylor Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rosena Allin-Khan Rosie Wrighting Rupa Huq Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Edwards Sarah Hall Sarah Owen Sarah Russell Sarah Sackman Sarah Smith
Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Sharon Hodgson Shaun Davies Simon Opher Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephen Doughty Stephen Kinnock Stephen Morgan Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Reed Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Tahir Ali Taiwo Owatemi Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Terry Jermy Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tonia Antoniazzi Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Tulip Siddiq Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Will Stone Yuan Yang Zubir Ahmed
Independent (9 votes)
Alex Easton Apsana Begum Ian Byrne Imran Hussain John McDonnell Mike Amesbury Rebecca Long Bailey Richard Burgon Zarah Sultana
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
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