#caring about people should bring joy and a lot of the times it does
antianakin · 1 year
So in the Caretaker Luke AU, I think someone in the New Republic is probably connected to Cal or Cal's refuge on Tanalorr and is able to get a message to the Jedi to call them in for Anakin's trial because if anyone deserves to speak or have final say on what happens to him, it's the Jedi. Especially the ones left who survived Order 66. They also need help with guards for Anakin because there's a worry that someone might try to kill him while they're holding him during the trial.
So Cal shows up with Kata and Reva, who Cal found a few years after she left the Inquisitorius.
Leia of course is fairly skeptical of Reva's sudden appearance. Last she'd seen Reva, Reva had been a seemingly loyal Inquisitor for Darth Vader. Reva doesn't mind telling Leia her true story, though, and Leia chooses to bury that particular hatchet.
Cal is the one chosen to speak for the Jedi at the trial, while Reva and Kata guard Anakin. Anakin recognizes Reva, of course, and asks her why she's here, why she's bothering to protect him when he knows she'd rather see him dead. Reva tells him that she had wanted to look him in the eyes one last time and see if she can see a person looking back, instead of a monster. The Jedi are supposed to care about everyone, and she's been trying to get back to that, trying to be the kind of person who would make a good Jedi, but caring about everyone is exhausting. She keeps looking for a way to care about him, tried to tell herself he had a hard childhood but then so did a lot of people, tried to tell herself that he was clearly damaged but then so is everyone in some way. And she knows, better than most, that he's not possessed or controlled by Palpatine in any way. So protecting him now, it's not mercy. She wanted to let the New Republic kill him, and Anakin says she should just let them do it or kill him herself, but Reva tells him that he doesn't get the easy way out. If she has to live with what he's done for the rest of her life, he does, too.
At the trial, when they ask what the Jedi would ask to be done with Anakin, Cal argues for no execution. He tells them that while he was young when the Republic fell and was replaced with the Empire, he knew that the Republic was supposed to stand for justice for all. The Republic wasn't what it was meant to be by the end and it allowed itself to become something that stood only for selfishness and greed because it was run by people who were controlled by fear. He says that this New Republic should not fall to the same mistakes, that if it wants any chance to succeed where the Republic and the Empire failed, it needs to start on a new path, one of compassion and mercy. Executing Anakin, while deserved, only means more bloodshed. This New Republic needs to be better than that. If there are alternate solutions, they should find them rather than taking the easier solution simply because it's there.
Luke offers to be Anakin's guardian, to watch over him until Anakin's death, promises he will keep Anakin from continuing to rain down vengeance and violence upon the galaxy. The New Republic agrees to this solution.
Luke goes to thank Cal for his support after the trial, for speaking up for Anakin. Cal tells him that he didn't do it for Anakin, he did it for the New Republic, to try to ensure that the galaxy they all have to live in for the rest of their lives becomes a kinder place than it has been for a long time. Luke understands and accepts this.
Luke tells Cal how excited he was to hear that there were more Jedi, that there might be a whole planet of surviving Jedi he could meet and if it would be possible for him to go there. Cal tells him that while the Jedi survivors would be happy to meet him, they're also still refugees of the Empire, in hiding as they recover. It was Anakin who destroyed them last time and then hunted them down for 20 years and they've been lucky enough to keep this particular location a secret from him and the Empire for as long as they have; Cal refuses to put what remains of his people at risk (he hadn't been particularly happy about Reva and Kata insisting on accompanying him to this trial, but they'd both insisted and he respected that it was their choice to make). There's also just plenty of people on that planet who never want to see Anakin again and he won't force that trauma onto them if he doesn't have to. And Luke can no longer go anywhere without Anakin. Cal tells Luke that they can't even give him the name and location of the planet in case Anakin plucks it out of Luke's mind. They've only survived this long by being VERY careful about keeping it as secret as possible.
Cal is obviously very sympathetic and apologetic throughout the entire explanation, but it doesn't remove the sting of the rejection and they both know it. Luke just agreed to reap the consequences of Anakin's actions, and this was the first time he truly understood what that sacrifice was going to mean for him.
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thebestsetter · 1 month
"If I was a color, I think I'd be yellow"
"Non-important. I just feel it"
He has never seen yellow the same way again. It was everywhere. He looked for it everywhere. And everytime, without fail, he remembered you. A pretty sunflower. Your blinding smile. A little minion figure he saw on the mall. You crying after watching the latest "Despicable Me" movie (and him laughing at your cute stupid crying face). A silly Winnie the Pooh keychain on a crying child's backpack. You talking to the said sad kid you both saw on the street and trying to cheer them up, playing with them and making sure they were smiling, their worries melting away in the speed of light (you'd make such a great mother, he thinks, making his face grow bright red right after). The sun in all of it's glory. You. You. You. You.
You were like a plague infecting his brain and soul. He couldn't focus on anything anymore because you were always running through his head, the sound of your laugh playing inside his mind 24/7 and driving him half insane. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to ask you why you said to him you were yellow. How did you know? What made you so sure of it? Why you had put him under this spell in which everytime he catches just the smallest and quickest glimpse of yellow, the image of you came flooding his mind and senses? Did you even think about him the same amount of times he thought about you? He didn't know. He couldn't know unless he asked you. And it was not fair. Not fair at all.
"Remember that day you told me you were yellow?"
"Yeah" you said, stopping mid-sip of your milkshake and looking at him with your beautiful a confused face "Yeah, I do. Why?"
"You never gave me an answer to the question I asked you that day" he ignored how the first sentence you said made his heart fluster and his stomach go silly.
"Which question?" How humilliating. He's gonna have to swallow his pride and repeat it. Utterly ridiculous.
"Why?" He couldn't care less about how hurt his ego was right now "Actually, how. How did you know you're yellow?"
"Easy. It's 'cause yellow and purple are opposites, so they look good when put together"
"Yellow and purple are on opposite sides of the color wheel, silly! So they're complementary colors and go well together"
"I know that. But what does purple have to do with you being yellow?"
"You remind me of purple"
And suddenly, he realized yellow has never been alone. Next to the beautiful sunflower, there's a bellflower, that looks gloom when compared to the yellow plant, but basks in the joy it seems to bring nonetheless. Just like you are the one to bring joy to his life. Beside the minion figure, there's a figure of those bad purple minions, and while one is considered pretty, funny and nice, the other one is scary, angry and people tend to avoid them. It reminds him of you two: extroverted and kind you and introverted and rude him. Perfect opposites. Perfect together. He hadn't noticed before, but the child's backpack was purple, and this memory was followed by the the sound of the laughs you and the little fella shared. Kids should always be happy, smiling, harmless and having fun. Comfortable. Safe. In that way, you make him feel like a little kid. Your warm embrace, so protective and oh so motherly. He feels relaxed around you. Overjoyed. And even though he doesn't smile a lot, you always seem to make him want to crack a real, big grin. It must be a superpower of yours. Lastly, the sun, always followed by the moon. Even though they don't "meet" often, when they do, they create one of the prettiest phenomena known to humanity: an eclipse. They're always apart, but when they're together, it's so beautiful that the whole world stops to see.
"That's cringy. And kinda stupid."
"No it's not! We're a perfect duo! Just admit it!!"
"'Course we are"
"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you!!"
"I'm not saying it again."
So don't act surprised when your wedding is full of beautiful sunflowers and bellflowers. You should see it coming. They look good together right? Just like you two.
RIN ITOSHI, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro, MICHAEL KAISER, Barou Shohei, SAE ITOSHI, TODOROKI SHOTO, SHINSOU HITOSHI, BAKUGOU KATSUKI, USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, TSUKISHIMA KEI (his name's kanji meaning moon is just so-- perfect fot this fic) , Osamu Miya, MEGUMI FUSHIGURO + any character you think fits this!!
Curiosity!!!: Bellflowers mean "everlasting love and commitment" in flower language, while sunflowers mean steadfast love!!
Wrote this in the middle of my portuguese class. I hate it. I'm in love with him
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mrshesh · 1 year
hi! do you have any general hcs for the cod:ghosts boys?
general headcanons - call of duty: ghost's
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overview: general headcanons of the call of duty: ghost's boys!
pairing: none!
genre: fluff, pure tomfoolery
a/n: hi anon! i'm thrilled i finally got a request for these boys. i love them so much, it's getting a bit unhealthy. you're truly the best for requesting them! i hope you love it!
x logan walker
He sucks at puzzles. He’s smart and tactical, but puzzles are on another level of difficulty for him. 
He likes doodling a lot. If he has a pen and a surface to draw on, he will sketch a small smiley or a caterpillar. It has become such a habit that he doesn’t even think about it when he does it. It got so bad that once, Keegan called him out on it mid-doodle, leaving Logan embarrassed for a week. 
He loves the ocean, but beaches annoy him. He hates sand. (I firmly believe his hate for them is from Hesh throwing sand in his face as children.)
He has a picture of him and Hesh as kids in his wallet. He feels calmer when he looks at it, getting into the habit of peeking at it when stressed. 
He’s an avid Deftones enjoyer. He loves Beware and Diamond Eyes. 
He likes caramel-scented things, but he doesn’t like the taste of it. 
He has some insane dirt on Elias, and, of course, Hesh knows all of it. 
For some odd reason, he’s phenomenal at parallel parking. 
x david "hesh" walker
He loves movies. He can watch any genre! Horror? Great! Action? Love. Romance? Cute! Comedy? Perfect! He loves it all. Shows, however? Nope. 
He takes pride in his nails being clipped and filed at all times. He was a nailbiter in his teens, so he cares about his nails more than he should today. 
He can’t cook to save his life. 
Eminem is his go-to artist. He loves and respects many artists, but Eminem will always be at the top of his list. He loves Stan. 
He’s respectful in general.
He’s extremely secure and confident, yet he’s still pretty nervous when he talks to girls. 
He loves long car rides. Driving around in his car while listening to his favorite songs brings out a unique joy in him. 
He, unlike Logan, loves beaches! (He wasn’t the one who got sand thrown on him, so he’s thriving.) 
He hates coriander. 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
Unlike his son, Elias is great at puzzles! He’s disappointed Logan didn’t inherit that quality. He mourns it every day. 
He loves pickles. (Same.)
He manipulated himself into liking beer many years ago. 
People call him DILF all the time. It has happened too many times to count. He finds it funny, while Hesh and Logan are horrified every time. 
He doesn’t know how to put on chapstick. He puts it between his lips and swipes it back and forth, not on his lips. 
He got so much action when he was a teenager/young adult. He tells Logan and Hesh to “live a little” so they can experience that life, too. 
He doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does, he listens to either Korn or Chris Isaak. 
He adores Riley, sometimes stealing him from Hesh without warning. 
x keegan russ
He secretly enjoys ASMR. It helps him unwind and de-stress, but not sleep, surprisingly.
He’s excellent at the game Mafia. 
He has made way too many people giggle excitedly because of his voice. He finds it amusing but disturbing at the same time. He knows it’s attractive, but that many people? He has even made Elias giggle like a schoolgirl because of his vocal folds. 
Keegan strikes me as a Slipknot fan. He finds Killpop and Vermillion to be sexy. 
He loves grocery shopping. 
He talks to himself a lot. He’s antisocial and quiet around others, but when Keegan’s alone, he keeps having full-on conversations with himself. Merrick caught him doing it once - he never brought it up again. 
He enjoys lasagna a bit too much. 
He had a motorcycle phase as a young adult. It got so bad he learned how to do a wheelie on them, but his love for them has died down in the many years he’s been alive. 
He thinks wine is gross. 
x thomas merrick
He cannot stand bananas. Everything about them makes him gag. 
He gets such a rise out of being a bitch. He’s already annoying by default but strives to be even more insufferable for the fuck of it.
He, Alex, and Keegan smoke while being sentimental together at least once a month. (It’s always with Keegan and Alex - Elias, David, and Logan get left out.) 
He listens to underground metal like Sold Soul, and he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else. (And he gatekeeps it.)
He’s immune to pretty much all physical pain except for waxing. It’s enough to make him cry. 
He loved trains as a child.
His comfort song is Toxicity by System Of A Down. 
His appetite is insane. This man can eat a horse and still be hungry by the end of it. 
His calves are huge for some reason. 
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cerise-on-top · 10 months
Poly!141 x Reader
Imagining being in a happy and healthy relationship with these four has worked wonders for my mental health, it's unbelievable. So naturally, I was gonna write something about this. And I will write about this again because they bring me so much joy and I adore these lads.
Once the fighting is done and they can finally relax with each other and you, no matter how brief the respite may be, you can be absolutely certain you’ll be caught between Johnny and Kyle. John is usually too busy to come cuddle immediately and Simon needs to be coaxed into the pile. It doesn’t take a lot of coercion, though. If he’s tired enough you can simply beckon him closer and he’ll wrap himself around whoever’s nearest.
John needs to be dragged away from work, though, which is a lot harder to accomplish. Fortunately, Simon is strong enough to simply pick him up and carry him to the couch. John proceeds to tell all of you that he’ll indulge you for five minutes only, but that has been a lie every single time since he has a tendency to fall asleep when surrounded by the warmth of his beloveds.
It’s fairly domestic with the four of them, actually. Sure, they can be rowdy boys who do like to fight and spar with each other, especially Kyle, Johnny and sometimes Simon, but whoever so graciously cooks that day will receive a kiss on their temple as well as Simon’s assistance. He has a sixth sense for when someone in the household needs something and helps them out however he can. He’s not such a bad cook either, he knows quite a few recipes since he’d been alone for a long time.
Kyle spent a lot of time outside the UK, so he knows quite a bit on how to prepare exotic foods from where he had been. John, too, can cook quite well, even better than Simon. Johnny, however, never really had too much time to learn and it never interested him that much either, but the few recipes he does know he can do really well. If you’re ever in the mood for baking you should call Simon, he actually has taken a liking to it.
As mentioned before, there will be some play-fighting here and there. Most of the time nothing severe happens, but sometimes someone’s ankle gets twisted or a shoulder needs to be put back in place. No one really gets mad, it just happens, but sometimes you have to chime in and tell them to stop before someone gets hurt even worse. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they keep going in secret. They have a surprising amount of energy that needs to be let out.
If they decide to take the sneaky route that day, call John. They do respect and love you, but there’s a good chance John will be more stern with them than you will. If one of you is hurt, then the others will do what they can to keep you happy. If it’s you and you’re a civilian, you can be certain they’re taking turns staying with you and checking in on you to make sure you’re okay. That’s one of the perks of dating several people: If one of you is sick or injured then someone else will always be at home to take care of you.
Game nights happen occasionally. Simon prefers card games since he’s hard to read and they don’t always rely on luck, Johnny likes board games simply because he wants to get on Simon’s nerves from time to time. It never works, but he doesn’t mind that either. Kyle is neutral about it, but will jab at whoever is losing. In the same sentence, though, he sometimes also makes fun of whoever is winning from time to time, especially if they’ve won a few rounds that night already.
John is flexible when it comes to games, he’s just happy to be there with you. Yes, you’re bickering because you’re certain Simon cheated at UNO, but there’s something pleasant about that chaos. It’s not a war he’s fighting, it’s home. It’s his partners getting riled up about something small, such as the dice getting stuck on the table’s leg and showing two numbers at once. It reminds him that that’s what he’s fighting for.
Kyle and Johnny have a tendency to be little shits from time to time. They’re not on base, they don’t need to show proper etiquette all the time and can just let go. Sometimes they’re playing hide-and-seek with one of them lying in wait for someone unassuming to walk by and scare them, other times they drag whoever is nearby along with them for a stroll to the nearest cafe or bar for a drink or two. If that person is willing, great! If they’re not they’ll simply pick them up and force them outside.
Going drinking with the two of them is fun, though. Johnny can hold his liquor really well, Kyle has learned how to do that as well. If you’re a lightweight then you’re gonna get teased to hell and back about it. It’s not impossible to get them drunk, but Johnny’s gonna take it as a challenge to outdrink you. Once either of you is wasted, you call either John or Simon to pick you up. While they may pretend to be annoyed or disappointed in you, they do think conversing with your drunk selves is fun. Kyle gets a bit less cheeky and more affectionate and Johnny gets even more bold and handsy, but nothing more than that happens. If your drunk self is also more on the affectionate side then you’re gonna get cuddled and kissed like there’s no tomorrow.
If the five of you are proud owners of a house then you’ll find Simon getting into gardening at some point. He bought a house plant at one point because he heard taking care of one is good for your health, and so it started out with a small aloe vera branch he was able to get from an acquaintance. Watching the little plant grow brought him immense joy, so he opted for another one. A few seasons later he started his own mini garden in his backyard, planting watermelons, paprikas, tomatoes, anything that would grow. He trims the apple tree, he harvests the fruit and asks you to bake an apple pie with him.
John gets wind of that and is very proud of Simon for having such a relaxing hobby, helping out whenever he can. If Simon ever gets sick then either you or John are the ones to take care of the plants. Kyle can keep a cactus alive for some time if he tries real hard, Johnny has drowned two cacti already. Simon revoked his plant rights for that one. The plants have names, but only Simon knows them and he won’t tell anyone. The very first few he ever got are named after you, John, Kyle and Johnny.
Even off-duty, John can be rather strict at times. He means well, though. His soldiers are disciplined, most of the time, at least, but sometimes they can act a bit inappropriately, be a bit too energetic when he wants to take a nap. So, sometimes punishment is in order. It’s nothing bad, though. Someone is put on dishwashing duty, maybe having to clean out the basement in general. Small tasks that need doing anyway. He can be a bit more rough if he wants to, but that’s usually mellowed out a bit by him using a soft and kind voice.
It’s rare for either of you to stand up against him because he’s pretty much always in the right, but if you do he’s willing to hear you out. He still has an air of authority around him from time to time, so if some of you are able to change his mind he won’t hold it against you. John is well aware that miscommunication causes a lot of problems, so he will always hear you out, no matter what it is. This goes for other things as well. Had a rough day? Wanna tell someone about the cute stray you saw? He’s the last person to shoo you. In fact, it makes him happy when you tell him those things, it shows him that he’s trustworthy in your eyes and such a thing is worth more than the world’s gold reserves to him.
Johnny adores having an exercise partner, it doesn't matter whether you’re jogging in the morning or straight up lifting weights at the gym. If he can, he'll always drag one of you along, there’s no specific schedule to which one it is either. Normally he asks Kyle since he also goes to the gym from time to time and, being as competitive as they are, they motivate each other quite well to try and raise their limits. If you don’t exercise, for whatever reason, Johnny will try to get you to start doing it. You don’t have to run five kilometers straight, you don’t have to cycle for an hour, but even the smallest of steps would make him incredibly happy. You’re trying, that’s all that matters.
He’s very supportive as well but won’t go overboard. As soon as you get dizzy or your arms or legs get wobbly you will take a break. But no matter what, he’ll always reward you for doing so well. You’ll get a kiss, a hug, a piece of fruit, whatever small thing you want. Always reassures you that you’re not dragging him down either. Yes, he could most definitely run a marathon if he wanted to, but you can’t and that’s okay. Baby steps, you’ll get there eventually. Has a schedule for which exercises he does when. Even if he simply gets to stretch with you in the morning he’s more than happy to take that chance. Might make an inappropriate comment or two during yoga the first few times, though. But you’re dating, so he doesn’t mean anything bad by it. Tell him to tone it down and he will.
Kyle is the type of guy, who, in order to unwind, plays extremely stressful games. Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Sekiro. And yes, he does start swearing up a storm when he’s frustrated enough. Will refuse any and all affection until he’s beaten the boss as well. You can get him to play more relaxing games with you as well, though. Give him a Pokemon game and you’ll find him having caught each and every single one of them at some point. Because he’s a smart cookie he can probably recite some of the Pokedex entries as well. But his favorite games are still the darker games.
Won’t shy away from something along the lines of Team Fortress 2 or Portal either. In fact, he’s probably the one to make the suggestion of playing those games together. Sometimes Simon and you watch him play, with Simon giving him pointers if he’s having a hard time. Naturally, Kyle snaps back from time to time and dares Simon to beat the boss since he’s so smart. Despite being no gamer whatsoever, after a few tries, usually three to four so he can learn the game mechanics and the controls, Simon is able to beat almost any boss, as long as it’s not a rhythm game. Kyle is stumped every time, but you don’t dare to make a sound in case he makes you play next. Is grateful anyway, but a bit embarrassed because what was the last game Simon even played properly? Super Mario World? That was more than 20 years ago.
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drac-kool-aid · 1 year
Seward's bone deep desire to run away from the asylum is not exactly surprising. There have been a lot of really good meta posts about how the return of Van Helsing into his life is the turning point where we see the caring and good side of him and how we can interpret his life as a student in Amersterdam as one of freedom and happiness. How he is part of the tragedy of manners, how strict social expectations allow Dracula to persist, and how they only exacerbate the unhappiness of the characters.
And I think the tragedy of Seward is that, really, he should not be the head of an asylum. It's a job that brings him no joy, and he's BAD at it. We can all recognize that if your first reaction to going back to work is "What if I just leave it all." That isn't a healthy work environment.
Now, in the modern day, the ability to pick and choose a work environment, even to leave one that is damaging your mental health, is a privilege. (IT SHOULDNT BE, but it is). And, although it is definitely reaching crisis levels in modern times, major changes in your career have almost always been difficult (unless you are really rich, or a particular brand of academic in the 17th-18th century, or both).
Seward can't just leave and become a surgeon. To give up the lofty position of "Head of an Asylum" would be unthinkable in the 1890s, especially for a reason like "Being here is basically turning me into the Joker." Like, how would Seward explain that in polite society? Would they accept that reasoning? Would they create salacious gossip if they didn't? Can Seward leave his position without losing a great amount of social capital?
Probably not.
His rise to head of an asylum, as many have pointed out, was meteoric, to say the least. It has afforded him status and respect and also left him deeply, deeply fucked up. And he can't leave!
I think his desperate attempts to quantify Renfield's behaviors into a new mental illness are telling in this regard. Maybe he is too used to having to meet some sort of expectation, and now he thinks this is the logical next step (It's NOT, but I digress). The feeling of having to keep performing above expectations, grasping at straws to do so, and subsequently burning oneself out (as well as others around you) and engaging in unethical practices? Idk. It sounds like something that would happen today. (tbh there are probably a ton of Sewards out there today, as there are still systemic problems within the mental health system that allow for the dehumanizing and abuse of patients).
It doesn't excuse his behavior. Nothing he does to Renfield is excusable, but I think it does explain some of the *why*. He isn't just cruel for cruelty's sake.
So, tldr I guess: I think reading Seward as someone who got stuck on a career path that he realized was unfufilling and that he ends up hating. Social conventions restrict him from just quitting without and a (socially acceptable) good reason to do so, and a lifetime of being regarded as one of the smartest people in the room means he can not allow himself to fail. Unfortunately, this also means he can not admit when his actions or his ideas are wrong when it comes to his job.
(But he can show that uncertainty FOR Lucy, and TO Arthur and Van Helsing, which speaks his trust and love for them)
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ NSFW Alphabet with Ruggie Bucchi˚ ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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DNI : minors.
#a.n. : I promise this is the last change in post design. I'll leave it for a few months, not days, really. (´。_。`)
!!Warnings : sub!bottom!Ruggie, breeding kink, teasing, praise/humiliation kink, toys, oral sex, light feminization, bratty behavior, male reader.
Jack <————«« Ruggie »»————> Leona
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Savanaclaw. Ruggie Bucchi.
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
He is probably tired. His fatigue is not critical, but it is still fatigue. But I see him as much as possible as a person (beastman?) who desperately needs your praise and care after sex. Like, hell, he's definitely a brat, so he needs to make sure you're not angry or something.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Well... His favorite part of you is probably your whole face(?). He is definitely a person who loves to tease. So to see how your face is distorted in one emotion or another is a great joy for him.
And his favorite part of his body is definitely his legs. Well, in the end, thanks to his childhood, he is very good at using his legs to avoid problems, so they are definitely chiseled and muscular (although still thin thanks to his physique in general).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
He cums a little at a time, and bringing him to an orgasm that is too intense is quite difficult, if possible in principle. And his sperm is more liquid than the average.
Well... He loves when you cum inside him. Who in their right mind would think otherwise? He is an animal hybrid after all.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mmm, I guess he'd like to seriously get pregnant by you (if it wasn't for the biological make-up, of course. But if your OC is someone who can impregnate someone regardless of gender, drop it here or not lol, mine too anyway). Like, really, he would like to have about two children (puppies?), and provide them with a better life than he had. And he just loves the idea that you could seriously impregnate him.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
He's... a virgin, yes. But he definitely knows a lot. Like really a lot. Because judging by the stories and articles from the Internet about what is happening in such areas where he lived, then he should have observed sex of other people at least once in his life.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Well... Any position where he can see your face, out of obvious love for your face, as I mentioned earlier.
Oh yes, he definitely does. He loves to tease or make fun of you during sex. It seems that at one moment you calmly fuck, and then he shouts out some strange and vulgar thing.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don't think he's too hairy in general, so he doesn't have much hair there either. And they are even lighter than on drapes, so he does not see the need to clean them up somehow.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Nah, he's not a romantic, really. Perhaps, after advancing your relationship in the future, he will become a romantic one way or another, but not soon for sure. For him, sex is just the satisfaction of your needs.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't have time for this, lol. Although sometimes, very rarely, he may do this while he takes a shower, but this happens extremely rarely.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink (no, I'm not making it easy for myself by sticking this kink with everyone in Savanaclaw, they're a beasts, I have the right to). I've already explained this, so let's move on. Well... Besides the obvious kink of praise, he definitely has a kink of humiliation (although don't touch on his finances and don't call him "poor", please). And maybe he has a kink for feminization/crossdressing. He likes to dress up for you sometimes, so he doesn't mind it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Mmm, he doesn't mind any place, to be honest. But I think his favorite would be any place in nature. Forest, field, some clearing. Something like that.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Whispers turn him on! Your whisper, to be exact. I think he has very good hearing, so when you lean into his ear and whisper anything to him, pleasant goosebumps run through his body, and blood rushes to his dick. But he is quite easily excitable, speaking in general.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
As I mentioned earlier, no way, no way really, don't mention his financial situation and his childhood anyway. Also, I guess he wouldn't like it if you even teasingly said something like "Maybe I should find someone who is better than you at (something) or for me in general."
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Oh, he definitely love more to give. He loves to suck you off, especially if you fuck his throat while doing it. It's just so exciting how rough you are with him.
On his own I think he'd love more if you teased him anyway. Just lick his cock from time to time or lick his rim? Yes, something like that. He loves to cum from your cock in him more than oral.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely fast and rough. He loves rough, wild and in a sense animal sex. Although he is in the mood for something more sensual, he still prefers rough sex.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Yes, this happens quite often. He ends up incredibly busy with these things of his, so you both often have a quick fuck in some closets/empty classrooms/toilets and so on. His attitude is quite positive, sex is sex anyway.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is very very like that, yes. Like he's ready for a lot, really. He knows how to take risks and experiment if you, he or both of you want it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He certainly has a huge stamina, thanks to his childhood. So it lasts incredibly long and long. Maybe 7-15 rounds?
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yes, just yes. He loves when he has free time to send you this or that photo / video where he uses some kind of toy on himself and writes something like "oh, now if it was you, it would be better, but unfortunately it's not you ;b".
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
He loves, he's one of the strongest teasers out there, no matter how, he'll do it if it makes you horny and possibly punish him for it later.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He... 7/10? He's quite loud, although if he's on its edge it can be about 9/10.
W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
It has extremely sensitive ears and tail. If you scratch behind his ear for long enough, he might even get a boner. The same goes for its tail, especially its base.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
Muscular, especially in the legs, body, but he is still quite thin. Perhaps there are a few scars here and there. As for his cock... Strict 4 inches / 10 centimeters. And he's definitely not circumcised.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a high libido, but not extremely high. But he still wants you all the time. He can just think of you at any time and he can feel himself shrinking around the void in anguish.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fell asleep afterwards)
It depends absolutely on you. If you want to sleep, then of course. But if not, then he is ready to stay awake. But not for long, he still wants to sleep very much.
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months
Okay, I had thoughts on forming a legit DBD Hadestown AU, and seeing as they kept me up literally all last night, it seemed only fitting that I actually write them down. So:
Charles and Edwin are, obviously, Orpheus and Eurydice respectively. However, rather than having just met and falling into a whirlwind romance, I decided that they're childhood friends who've met again and rediscovered feelings that they'd both been ignoring for a long time. Edwin is dedicated soley to figuring out why the world is dying and if he can help people while he can, and he hasn't really let himself rest, or even feel happy, in years---to the point where he feels that any good thing is too good to be true, even falling in love. Charles, on the other hand, has long since made the decision that someone has to be happy and keep spirits up in the trying times, and it might as well be him... even at the cost of his own health, as he works tirelessly on a song that he knows, despite all logic and understanding, will bring back spring again.
Crystal is Hermes, but she is also Hecate---she is the goddess of the in-between, magic, trickery, the crossroads, and restless souls... and that last part refers not only to the dead that she guides to Hadestown, but to anyone who chooses a life of wandering the road, from the honest messenger to the thieving highwayman. And yet, since the world has begun to die, she's been slowly slipping away from her role, choosing to spend her time among the mortals. This decision, of course, is helped by the fact that not only is Crystal one of the few gods who thinks there's more to the world dying than it just being "a reflection of mortal hubris," but that she's managed to make a friend in Charles. She's seen the way that music can change the world, after all, and knowing that there's at least one mortal who still has hope means that she can still believe.
Niko is a combination of Aphrodite and Dionysus---she's the goddess of love, revelries, happiness, and abundance, yes, but she's also the goddess of the mania that comes when all of those things are taken too far, and she's been dipping more and more into that side of herself as the world gets worse and worse. She wants to forget all the pain and suffering, and she gives herself and others the means to do so, even if it's all temporary. And while Niko does care for the mortals, and wishes that things could get better... deep down, she's lost a lot of her old hope, and even she can't disguise the fact that she's living with a broken heart.
Monty is Persephone, but he's also Apollo---he's the god of rebirth, prophecies, the stars and the earth, and new beginnings... and for what should be half of the year, he rules over the dead. He used to find just as much joy in watching over the souls as he did creating spring with Niko and charting the stars to bring prophecies to the mortals, but as Hadestown gets more punishing, more people die up above, and the world just gets worse, Monty grows even more bitter and closed off. He's unable to even properly enjoy his time on the surface, knowing full well that he won't stay for six months like he should... and the man he loves is wearing his patience thin.
The Cat King is Hades---and yes, somebody did make a very compelling argument for him being the Fates, but it works for the story, so just hang on. Once upon a time, he was happy just ruling over souls and managing the afterlife, and he cherished the time he spent with Monty as much as he could. But over time, wealth became added to his already vast domain, and his fascination for making and collecting things became an obsession... in no small part due to the fact that those six months spent away from Monty started to weigh incredibly heavy on him, and he eventually loses himself in his effort to replicate everything his husband loves about the upper world as it dies along with the way they used to feel about each other. Not to mention, his old empathy and compassion for the souls has hardened into cold indifference at best and a sick enjoyment of their suffering at worst. And all this change is making one person in particular very happy...
Esther is the Fates, but she's also a version of Demeter---the goddess of nature and all of its love and cruelties, and the one who spins everyone's path on her loom, punishing those who dare to stray from what she has determined for them. She's despised the Cat King for years, ever since he whisked Monty away to Hadestown, and she wholeheartedly believes that the reason the world is dying is only because he's been keeping Monty down there for too long, not because they've begun to fall out of love. So, when Esther spins a tale of a pair of lovers who are destined to end tragically, she sees it as an opportunity to finally push the Cat King and Monty to the breaking point---to save her son and the world, she tells herself, but mostly for revenge.
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peculiaritty · 4 months
Sunday character study/trauma study
Again! before i start this ramble there is tw for religious themes, abuse, mental illnesses (ocd especially) and grooming so please if you have any triggers regarding those please don't read ^^ 2.2 Penacony spoilers so please be warned and future leaks and/or theorys may be involved. NO future storyline leaks though. This might be split into parts- not sure! Things might be hyperlinked and these will count as my reference/evidence, theres no need to read them unless you're curious!! There might be a part two on this when Sunday does come out ! Edited 18/05 to correct mistakes/add things i forgot about it OK. Lets begin: GOD. Poor Sunday, i think a lot of people has seen Sunday's abuse unnoticed, and i honestly can't blame some people because sometimes we don't automatically pick up everything unless we are actively looking for something. Sunday is a very interesting character, and i don't necessarily think he is 'evil-evil' per say, he is more of a morally grey character rather than being right up evil. Some major pointers i want to bring up and will be discussed: -> neglect, emotional abuse and the grooming of Sunday by Gopher Wood AKA dreammaster. -> The 'family' dynamics and attitudes -> Sunday/robins ideologies -> headcanons, character design choices and religious imagery (Not a deepdive into the imagery!)
-> neglect, emotional abuse and the grooming of Sunday by Gopher Wood AKA Dreammaster.
The most clear thing we can see as of right now without any reading between lines- Robin and Sundays bond. They care for eachother very much, we know that Sunday is the eldest brother, we already know that from right off the bat, that he is indeed the protector of Robin. Such as any older sibling usually feels towards those born after them. Sunday in no doubt in my mind has firstborn syndrome, basically the main 'burden-holder' between the two. This is the first fact we need to understand before we delve in. Due to Sundays natural-protectiveness of his sister that leaves Sunday at the face/brunt of Gophers ideals, which means sacrificing himself at any cost. Which may be why Robin remains currently unaffected or/not as self-destructive as Sunday. One thing that is easily skipped over and not noticed, Gopher and Sunday share a completely transactional-non-familial bond as they seem to not have the common father-son bond what so ever, Sunday only refers to Gopher as master which hints at the wedge between them. Gopher has ever only inspired and encouraged Sundays pessimistic behavior, such as when the Charmony Dove fell, we can assume that both Sunday and robin are extremely young at the time, i position them to be around 6-8, while at this age children do start to grasp that death in permanent, in no way should a child i quote be saying anything along the lines of "i think people believe birds are meant to fly...because they've never seen those birds crashing to their death." while this 'kind voice' (Gopher) does seem unbiased and passive, there is no reason unless you have actively convinced and taught a child to think that way. While children do come to gain their own beliefs, and ideals, siblings usually remain with the same ideas and beliefs until they reach around 10-12 where puberty starts. The belief gap at such a young age between Robin and Sunday is too big for it to be just "growing up" most if not all children take joy in being naïve- and cheerful. it is only when we come to abused, groomed, depressed and neglected children we start to see such pessimistic behavior. Sunday does have first-born child syndrome, it is also a bit of a worry of how stoic and 'unfeeling' he is. He doesn't confine in anyone, and while yes, we could say this is normal- but in normal, healthy environments people always have someone to confine in. Sunday doesn't have that. This could purely be just his personality- as some people are simply coded that way. It just strikes differently when we compare Child Sunday unto his adult self, as seen in Robins trailer BOTH of them had artistic aspirations, and even though there is no 'heavy' implication, that one tear indicates to me that Sunday was indeed the more emotional one. Growing out of hobbies is normal, but Sunday is lacking of life, he generally looks lifeless. He could've grown out of them, but what I read between the lines is extreme shaming and guilt. The need to be 'perfect'. Just so he could be the 'sun' in the sky and maybe even please Gopher.
Another thing to point out- his OCD yes. This is another thing that is hidden but only few people have found. In this scenario i am not fond of actually just saying its because of his connection to Ena. i am more fond- and find it much more reasonable that it has impacted and grown from his trauma. While i will not clarify which i believe he has since thats leaning more into headcanon territory. Unhealthy childhood environments and events predispose and increase the risk of various psychiatric disorders and OCD is one of them. It is clear that Sunday has been indoctrinated and been taught to think the way he does now. The family is cultish and it doesn't seem to act as one, everyone has their own ideals- and motives, including Gopher. Grooming does not have to be sexual in order for it to be considered grooming, grooming is defined as when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. In this scenario, Gopher has essentially groomed Sunday to exploit him and use him as a sacrifice. Groomed and abused, religious abuse seems to be a big one in this especially considering the huge religious imagery in Penacony, but it is important to point out some common symptoms of religious abuse is doubtful faith and compulsive perfectionism which resemble in Sunday. Most times, religious abuse is often paired with other forms of abuse, most commonly being sexual grooming and emotional abuse. This does not leave other forms of abuse out such as physical however. Gopher has 'trained' Sunday to think this way (Sundays ideaology), and indoctrinated him for his own use, and you can see it in Sundays extreme ways of dealing with his belief. there is clear there's an external force in his thinking- Gopher.
-> The 'family' dynamics and attitudes To continue, the family- as again, all have very different ideals, and motivations in Penacony. They act as completely separate entities yet still collaborate with each other. One thing remains crystal clear to me, that this family- follows a royal family sort of dynamic, where everything is hushed, you mustn't be too emotional, or too illogical. Basically coming to the point where Sunday has directly been told to not worry about Robin. He was never allowed to grieve. He is not allowed to grieve which is a horrid thing to be put through. Even when Gopher does deliver the news of Robin being shot there is a lack of care, and concern, he sounds non-chalant, going on to mention, "once you've attended to your outstanding tasks…" In any family emergency of sorts, that's the last thing you want to be told, you want to be there as soon as possible. Gopher wood simply does not have enough care, or concern for both of his 'children.' While this is my pure assumption, i do have reason to believe that the Family does share a rather cold dynamic, such as any other usual dynamic that is seen in stories where there is a political, rich, or royal family.
lack of care towards children, and moreso encouraging less 'child-like' traits
Parental figures primarily not being involved in the childs care, it is most likely that both Robin and Sunday were raised by the servants of the house, while Gopher remained some sort of mentor towards the both of them.
Isolation from other children in different life scenarios/circumstances
- Most often, children in these scenarios get put into a protective bubble, unaware of the outside. henceforth, another reasoning why Sunday might be so scared of the outside world. -> Sunday/Robins ideologies Both of them are entirely separate eachother belief wise, but they have one goal in mind. Helping people. I would describe Robins ideals as being quite idealistic and soft, that has come to her naturally, and its quite sweet. she wants world where people can live how they want. Even if its a bad one. Sunday on the otherhand quite thinks the opposite, i would describe his as: 'To protect everyone, keep them safe from pain, and suffering, their freedom of choice must be taken so they will suffer no longer, even if that means sacrificing all that i have.' This comes on very intense, as he does you know. send an entire star system to sleep!! But, His idea isn't exactly wrong. As in those questions he posed to us- we would've done the same if we were in the same scenario. Of course- if one of our siblings we knew were going to get shot in the future because of the path they chose- we would do our best to do that. It makes sense. But logically, and emotionally speaking, it is not in our best interest to control other lives and what they wish for, and what they dream for. What does Sunday want? Nothing. he is entirely swallowed with trying to help other people. He has no dream for himself. His dream- is others peoples dreams. What Sunday wanted, out of the goodness of his own heart, and the unfortunate abuse he has been put through, essentially what we call a utopia/dystopia. IT IS utopian to think of a world without pain, with harmony, where everyone is happy. But because of our nature as people, we want choice. so to us IT IS dystopian to think of a world were we have no choice, were we live on autopilot always content. He seeks escape, and he's not ashamed of it. The most common reason people seek escape, is because they're scared. They are scared of facing what they need to face. He is scared, he does not wish to see pain and suffering, he knows and purely thinks things are doomed from the start. Its almost nihilistic. And i understand it. paired with his childhood, Gopher and how he gets stuck in the confessional box hearing the most horrendous things, i would be like him too. "is this apart of your plan?" It is Gopher who brought the order to Penacony. That line above, implies that this wasn't Sunday's plan at all. Gopher was going to use Robin in the first place, but Sunday, again, being the oldest took the forefront of the indoctrination and abuse- thats how he now blindly believes in it. Gophers plans and his reason why hasn't been revealed. but i doubt it was because he genuinely cared for his people. It is depressing to see who Sunday is as a person, purely pessimistic, and so lost but obsessed with his belief, but to me and other people he is relatable; to him, things don't get better. he wants to stay in the moment. Suspended in a dream that is too perfect to be true. He seeks escape, escape for everyone. Things do get better, whether that is now, or later. We just need to keep trying and continuing on, no matter how tiring it is. -> headcanons, character design choices and religious imagery (Not a deepdive into the imagery!) UP TO MY FAVOURITE BIT!! ok, heres something that genuinely makes me want to explode, because if this is on purpose it is brilliant. Pointed out by Matchua and i actually think the first to notice it. his wings look clipped.
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They don't seem very oval and/or similar to how normal bird wings would look. This can also be seen in Harmony MC's splash art too, the Raven being Sunday, and of course, the Charmony dove, Robin.
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While the birdcage imagery is used on Robin, i think it is so damn powerful that if this is a deliberate design choice, that Sunday has been clipped. Depending on the clipping, it renders birds unable to fly until they grow back, and even then there is horrendous people out there who permanently injure the bird by clipping it wrong so its never able to fly again. A birdcage has a key. But once you take away a birds wings like that, it cant fly. It represents how Sunday can never seemingly become his normal self again, he will always be consumed by his pessimism and fear for the world around him. how there is seemingly 'no hope' We know that Robin is not clipped because in her skill her full wings pop out (even if this is just an effect...still) It also represents how damaging abuse is, how it takes away someones dignity and freedom. Religious imagery!! i'm sure you can find some super deep dives into it but i think one of the main things is how Sunday represents Jesus from the Christian bible. The thorns across his coat tie in deeply with the fact that on the crucifix, Jesus was given a thorn crown which was used to belittle and mock him. Sunday falls back in the crucifix pose. He is the sacrifice. Not exactly to purge them of sin, but to give them an Eternal paradise. (which in Christianity, is what the purging of sin does, it gives us an eternal paradise next to God.) Headcanons: -> i believe Sundays OCD to either be of the Religious, Harm or Order OCD. i see all three occurring, but rather more on the Order/Religious side. -> Sunday is a people pleaser, no buts!! -> He has alot of shame and self hatred towards himself for wanting things, as he believes it doesn't make him 'perfect' -> He strikes me to have some form of anxiety, again this can tie in with the OCD -> His small/awkward chuckles are just him trying to cope, i feel like he does it alot more when he is anxious though, towards the end of the quest he doesn't chuckle, which officially means hes lost it (lmao poor guy) -> Very scared of making mistakes. Really small ones too. (as you find in some abuse victims.) -> jealous of his sister but he could never come to hate her, he just wishes he was able to participate in being creative too but i do think he was shamed for that, for being 'childish'. Robin was the 'jewel' of the family. Sunday never was. -> as some abuse victims do, he probably never understood or came to understand that Gopher was abusive to him, maybe after 2.2 possibly. And when he does come to understand God. He's got a lot of healing to do in himself. A lot of anger, grief, sadness- tons of processing. -> He doesn't like hugs at first because he was really not hugged as a child, but when he does get hugged it absolutely destroys him because he really really loves being validated and being held. Something that he lacked so much as a child. -> As birds do when their stressed, Sunday plucks the feathers out of his wings, which leads to him being insecure about them so he never really shows them, which is why he keeps them neatly folded Infront of his waist and hides the back part of his wings with his coat. -> Forgets to eat, drink and bathe due to working so much. He gets so lost in his work he's probably stayed up for more than 48 hours. (ok like i know its the dreamscape but listen.) -> I didn't add this into the first part, but including all of the other things i mentioned, Sunday was alot more quiet/introverted as a child as i interpret him to be, while Robin was more of a blabbermouth. So thats why Gopher decided on Sunday instead, lesser chance of anyone finding out about what he was teaching. -> Never had a day of rest in his life. He needs a break. That's pretty much all i've got to say though (i'm going to spare you from my headcanons i have on his behaviors. that list is LONG.), i just think Sunday is a really interesting yet heartbreaking character at the same time. Very relatable to alot of people. He's not genuinely evil. Just severely misguided and hurt. Thx for reading <3
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mossy123302 · 3 months
More rambles about KinitoPET AU
She's the developer of Philza. Kristin was honestly highly recognized among the horror indie game communities. She helps a lot of other developers with the programming.
Until one day, she decided to give it a shot by creating her own stuff that strayed from horror indie games. She created Philza, whom she wanted to help her and others to organize better, program easily and various things. However, it seems the programming went wrong somehow?
Who knows, since one day, after she messaged one of her close friends that she had completed the main stuff. Kristin just suddenly vanished and all that remains is a software of the Angel of Death.
Ah yes, our beloved crow father, Kristin's greatest achievement of helping other people in her community to better help with programming and just easing burden loads.
Kind, caring and a little blind sided at times!
He strives to make everything perfect for you, ensure you're always happy and well taken care of!
Philza is proud to announce his own small inventions, such as his pride and joys; Techno and Tommy! Philza's two sons.
And not to mention, Philza has been developing his own mini games for many people to enjoy and play if they want to learn more about his backstory and how he found his two sons. Oh, it's such a beautiful story for Philza to retell over and over again, they were such a fuss in the beginning and now they're such well behaved boys and create endless fun and share new ideas for him to bring more fun and entertainment for his newest friend, Missa!
It's unclear what was the inspiration for Philza.
Many people say that Kristin has created Philza based on a long lost lover, or maybe a deceased sweetheart or something else entirely. It's unclear what was the real purpose behind Philza's many programming and how he gains so much control over the simplest of technology. He's so highly famous and used that many people reports having dreams of him!
Awe shucks mate, you're going to make Philza blush with all those flattery and words of him in your dreams.
Mmm? What do you mean Philza was there in your room?
Don't be silly, Philza is an AI assistant in your computer! He doesn't have a human body (maybe he does, it has been so long... It's been rotting for so long. )
Ask him about Kristin? Why Philza can talk endlessly about his creator! She was the one that brought him to life after all. No worries, Kristin will always live on! She is never forgotten
A college student, whose tired and stressed by all the academic pressure and not only that, his former roommate Spreen has suddenly went missing. To add more pressure, Roier and Missa got into a fight and went no contact with each other for a while. Luckily, he found Philza and doesn't feel as lonely anymore even if he's been.. having suspicious and strange dreams about him.
It's probably because Missa hasn't been out as much and talked with people like a regular human being should. (But he doesn't need anyone else but me-)
Techno and Tommy
Ah, the two sons of the Angel of Death; Philza! Techno is the eldest son, with a quiet yet burning heart personality. He only seeks to have a peaceful day, and spend his retirement in his new house
Tommy, on the other hand, seeks adventure and more activities to do. He deeply loves his brother, Techno, but finds his ideal plan of retirement too boring so he drags Missa around the digital world to find different entertainments like building new toys or doing crochets!
Hmm... How strange that Tommy and Techno seemingly try to warn Missa the most about trying to go back and redo certain tasks again. As if trying to stall time...hmmm.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
When I Hear Your Name
Summary:  You should have never left.  Things were perfect.
Pairings:  Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit, dark, explicit language, explicit sexual content, depictions of PTSD, kidnapping, somnophilia, non con/dub con, degradation, bondage, fingering, squirting, creampie, pussy plug, breeding kink, holding people captive, cheating, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.7K
Steve Rogers Masterlist
A/N:  My entry for @the-slumberparty Week 1 Challenge.  My random generator theme was ‘Descent into Madness’ and the setting was ‘Military’.  
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Steve Rogers was a lot of things; he was strong, charismatic, a natural leader, righteous, handsome, sweet, and stubborn.  He was different before he went off to war.  He was always about making you giggle.  Holding you tight when you got scared.  His sweet lips nipping at every inch of your skin.  His body had yours memorized.
Things were harder when he came back.  There was this odd quality about him.  He wasn’t mean, he was just…distant.  It was like he was living from afar.  Never completely present with you.  He didn’t talk to you.  Barely looked at you.  He was just there taking up space.
Once upon a time he showered you with gifts.  Even if you didn’t have much, Steve managed to get that diamond bracelet that you had eyed for years.  Surprised you with his own homemade bouquets of flowers.  It became a weekly thing to see these adorable, if not crudely put together, flowers.  He tried, and that’s all you cared about.  Even would hand deliver them.
His romance was gone, as was his will to enjoy life.  There was no passion behind his actions.  He was but a meat suit with little to no emotions.  No excitement, no love, no passion.  It was infuriating.  It was worse seeing Steve like that.  You couldn’t explain it.  Couldn’t make sense out of it.  And you felt yourself losing your joy everyday.  
You tried getting him the help he needed.  Tried to be there for him, but it wasn’t enough.  
“Moonbeam,” Bucky whispered in your ear as the two of you watched a blank Steve staring up at the ceiling, “you don’t deserve this.”
“But…I love him,” you look up at Bucky, and only then does Steve stir.  His eyes glaring straight at his best friend.  “He doesn’t deserve this either.  Bucky, what am I supposed to do?  He barely eats or sleeps.  Won’t go to therapy.  Won’t talk to me.  I want our life back.”
“Have you ever thought it wasn’t coming back?” Steve sits up in the bed, and you flinch, taking a step towards him.
Bringing your hand to his cheek, he sighs, leaning more into it.  This was proof he was still in there.  He always leaned into your touch.  You pet around his face, giving him a tearful smile when he looks up at you.  Opening his mouth, but no words came out.  It was heartbreaking to see this great man become a ghost of his former self.  No smiles were ever present on his beautiful face.  He was lost.
“Moonbeam,” Bucky says again when you turn to leave.  Steve’s feet bounced his legs around, but you couldn’t do it anymore.  It was eating away at your soul.  Your hope was nearly dwindled down to nothing.  
“Moonbeam?” Bucky races out to grab your arm, “Where are you going?”
“Back home, Buck.  I can’t,” you cry up at him, giving him a tight hug.  Blind to your boyfriend’s darkened eyes peering at the two of you.  “I tried.  He’s never coming back is he?”
“I don’t have an answer for that.”
“I hope he does.  I hope he finds himself.  But I can’t do this.  I can’t see him like this anymore,” giving him a kiss to his cheek, you leave everything behind.  You didn’t need a reminder of how happy your life was.  How many dreams you and Steve had made come true, and how many you were still waiting on.  You wiped your hands clean, and it was the hardest thing you had ever done.
“What did you do?” Steve screams as he races towards Bucky.  “She left me, and it’s all your fault!” He knocks Bucky onto the floor, crawling over him to slam his head into the floor over and over again.  “You did this!”
“You did this, Steve!  She wants you, and you won’t fix it!”
“I can’t.”
“You got another package,” the girl at the front desk snips, smacking her gum, feigning annoyance.  “You know the boss is mad about all these personal deliveries.”
“They’re not personal when I don’t know who’s sending them,” opening the box, you gasp at the forever roses that were supposed to keep for over a year, and one in the center was a pure gold rose.  
‘I’ll love you until the last rose dies,’ ugh, so cliche.  If this was for you, he didn’t know you at all.
“You have no idea who’s sending you these,” she smacks her gum right beside you, and you have to silently count to ten.
“Nope.  Not even dating.  Probably someone gave them the wrong place of work.  Throw it away,” you didn’t care about gifts anymore anyways.  You didn’t care about love or happily ever after.  You cared about peace, and yourself.  You vowed to never fall in love again.  And you wouldn’t
“Some man just spent hundreds of dollars and you think he doesn’t know who you are?”
“Nope.  Clearly a mistake.”
“Your name is on the address,” giving you an incredulous look.  She believed you were bullshitting her and everyone in this office.  “No man is going to go out of his way to do this, along with flowers every Friday, if he wasn’t sure it was you.”
“What?” You stop in your tracks, turning back to look at her.  “What did you say?”
“You get flowers sent to you every Friday,” she blows a giant bubble with her gum, and you march back to the box, grabbing it up.  “So you know who sent them?”
“Nope,” you lie.  It wouldn’t be Steve.  This was a cruel joke.  You hadn’t heard from Steve in a few years.  These weren’t hand delivered like Steve did it.  They had it all wrong.  
You go out the back door, and slam the box into the garbage.  Your chest heaves with frustration.  “God, I can’t get away from him.”
“Because you weren’t meant to,” before you can scream, someone’s thick hand has been placed around your mouth as he drags you into a van.  You try kicking and screaming.  Try for anyone to get your attention, but it was useless.  
“Any second now,” your assailant grunts as your vision goes blurry.  “There ya go,” he hums, watching your eyes flutter close.  “Sweet dreams, Moonbeam.”
Your eyes pop open quickly, as you blink your vision back into view.  Tugging at your arms above your head, and your feet, but you were not going anywhere.  Hands tied above your head, while your legs were spread eagle.  Taking a deep breath to keep from crying, you look around.  
“Welcome home, darling,” Steve says sweetly, walking into the bedroom with a glass of water.  “I worried that you weren’t going to wake up.  It had been too long.  Your pulse was still steady.  You must have needed that extra bit of sleep.”
“Steve, what are you doing?” Your voice was hoarse, like you had been screaming.  “Why am I naked?”
“Why are you asking questions?  You’re home, you should be happy.  Look, I’m talking to you again.  I tried sending you flowers, you didn’t thank me.  I had plans to hold you while we walked on the beach and talk for hours, but you didn’t call.  Had this big night planned for a romantic dinner, and then to take you dancing, but…yeah, you didn’t reach out to me.  So, I had to do what I had to do.  We’ve traded diamond bracelets for leather cuffs,” he gives the binds on your wrist a little tap.
“And they look so pretty on you.  Water?” You shake your head no, but he lowers a straw to you anyways.  “I suggest you drink some water.  You’re tired,” with his free hand he slaps at your core, chuckling when you yip.  
“What have you done?”
“You took too long to wake up.  I wanted what you promised was mine,” you cock up your eyebrow, needing him to go on, “You said that your pussy belonged to me.  So I took it.”
“You fucked me while I slept?” You growl up at him.  Disgusted that this was the man you had once loved.
“Yeah,” he answers easily.  “It’s my pussy.  It was just glistening with your juices.  If you weren’t turned on why were you so fucking wet?  Face it, Moonbeam, that cunt was made for me.  So I gave her what she wanted.  You needed a good hard fucking.  You were pitiful.  You still say my name in your sleep, too.  You know that?”
“Who was driving the van?”
“Hmm?” Steve smiles, looking down the expanse of your body.  Cupping your mound, moaning at the feeling of you, “Still wet.  You’re a slut for me, you know?” His hand slides up and down your split, and you try not to react, but damn if it didn’t feel good.  He knew your body.  Steve studied your body like he was being graded, this didn’t change.
“Who was driving the van?  There was someone else.  Was it Bucky?” You croak, letting a desperate mewl rise up out of your chest.  
“Why do you care so much about fucking Bucky?”
“I didn’t say anything about fucking Bucky.  I asked who was driving the fucking van,” Bucky was a sore subject for him.  His hand moves a bit faster.  A bit too hard on your sensitive nub.  “Steve,” you whine, anything had to be better than this.  “Steve, I wanna feel you.”
“No, you don’t.  You’re asking about Bucky.”
“No.  I…uh…I just wanted to know who was with you.  But…all I want right now is you.  I forgot what you felt like, and,” you bite at your lip as the pleasure starts to build up.  Getting a devilish smile from Steve.  He slows down his motions more, and you whimper out his name.  “Steve, I can’t remember.”
“I’ll make sure you remember.  I’ll make sure you feel me for a month.  You’ll take a step and be so sore that you’ll know my cock was buried so deep in your greedy little cunt.”
“Yes!  Yes, that’s…that’s exactly what I want.  Steve,” you breathlessly answer when he takes off his shirt.  Silver scars crisscross over his arm, and you can’t stop staring at the odd pattern of them.  
“Steve,” moaning out his name when he jerks his pants down.  His cock springing free, looking just as godlike as him.  Dripping of precum, and he crawls in between your legs.  Rubbing his tip through your arousal before slapping his cock over your clit.  “Steve!”
He continues playing with you, until strings of sticky arousal connect the two of you, and you jerk at your cuffs, needing to feel him.  “Yeah, you get forced to take whatever I give you,” he laughs as you try to bring your thighs together.  “Pathetic.  Trying to deny yourself an orgasm,” he tsks at you, changing to slapping you with his hand.
The sharpness was sending euphoria that you had never felt through every inch of your body.  Flowing through you like your blood.  Continuing until you were screaming out his name, and he crams two fingers into your tight channel.  Curling his fingers as he stabs into you.  There was no time to rest as he chases another high for you.
Your cunt was making the most vulgar squelching sounds that made his eyes roll into the back of his head.  The noise echoing through the rest of the house, and Steve hoped he heard.  “Just.  Let.  Go,” he demands, letting his calloused fingers hit over a sensitive spot in your core.  
“It’s…it’s….there she fucking is!” Steve screams as you squirt onto his chest.  Your juices being catapulted to your stomach, and still he didn’t stop.  “One more time.  Then I’ll give you what you need.  Go…on,” he pulls his hand out while you soak his thigh.
At lightning speed he had his cock driving into you.  Hips thrusting his fat cock in your warmth.  You were already speaking in tongues.  Head tilted back as you worshiped at the altar of Steven Grant Rogers.  My god, he was hitting every single spot that you had.  This wasn't sweet love making.  This was an urgent need to have you say his name like a prayer screaming off your lips.  A deep desire to destroy you, break you, so that you would never leave him again.
More arousal spews out from around his length as you clench down.  Your walls missed him.  And they were hugging him tightly.  So tight you start to see stars.  “Don’t you give out on me.  I missed your pretty eyes!  Missed the way you looked when you were taking my cock.  Look at you…right where you were made to be, taking my cock.  My little sexdoll.  It’s what you were designed for, huh?”
You give him a head nod, trying to catch your breath.  It was too much.  “I told you to drink your water.  Maybe next time you’ll listen.  Molded to my cock.  Gonna keep you in here so I can play with you whenever I want, Moonbeam.  I do miss the way you scratched down my back though. Just like you’re doing with your hands.”
It was true, you had your hands in a fist so tight, your nails had brought blood to your palms.  “Fuck,” Steve growls, railing into you harder.  “One day, when you don’t try to leave me, I’ll let you ride on top of me.  Okay?  Let that pretty little ass ride on my dick.”
“Yeah, I know.  I know, you missed me just as much as your pussy.  I mean, my pussy.  She was always mine, wasn’t she?”
“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!” You scream out again as he drives into you hard.  Making your body jump up the bed.  You felt him in your throat, and you wanted more.  “Steve!”
“I know!  Right…there!” One more final thrust has you both coming hard.  Your creams mix together as Steve tries to catch his breath.  “Beautiful.  Now,” he groans, pulling out of you.  His hand shoves up against your ruined cunt and he reaches over to the bedside drawer, grabbing a plug that he shoves into your mouth.
“This is extra important,” he drags it down your body before removing his hand, and pushing it into your sex.  ���There, that will keep that in there while I take care of something.  When you have my child, you’ll never want to leave.  We’ll become a family again.”
He kisses you hard on the lips before leaving you in a state of partially awake, and halfway asleep.  Walking down to the basement where he sees the chair, and two angry glowing eyes.  “See?  I told you she wanted me.  Now, I’m going to take your muzzle off and feed you.  When she stays freely, I’ll let you go.  Hey!” He shouts when Bucky snaps his teeth at him.
“Is that anyway to treat me?  I know you two had something going on.  This is to make sure you never think about fucking Moonbeam again.”
“It’s an expression.  I didn’t mean I wanted to fuck her.”
“Liar!” Steve shouts, clenching his fists together.  “She even said fucking Bucky.”
“I’ve never touched her!”
“Eh!” Steve holds up a glass of water with a straw, “Comply, soldier.  Quit fighting it.”
“You’ve gone fucking mad, Steve.  Let her help you.”
“I am,” Steve’s mouth turns up into a creepy smile as he puts the straw to Bucky’s mouth, “She’s going to give me babies.  I have my cum waiting in her snatch right now.  She’ll never leave.  And neither will you.  Not until you comply,” there was no use.  Bucky knew that Steve would keep him here until he gave him what he wanted.  It was over.
“Steve!” You scream from upstairs.  “Steve, please, don’t keep me here!  My parents have…they have…Steve!  I have somebody who needs me,” Steve slams the glass on the ground, knocking Bucky’s chair over.
“What was it that you didn’t do again?”
“I didn’t know, Steve!  I didn’t know!” Setting him back up right, Steve stomps up the stairs.  “Steve, let her go!  Steve!” Was the last thing Steve listened to before slamming the door closed, leaving Bucky to wonder, and Steve to brood, while you prayed you could get out of this.  Maybe.  At least this time you had a reason to fight, and a bigger reason to leave.  He could never break you.
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Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87 @harrysthiccthighss​ @navybrat817​ @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
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the-roo-too · 1 year
Hello :) sorry if you have a lot of requests, but I was wondering if you could do the candy(fluff alphabet) for le sserafim? or just any member :)) love your work <3
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candy -> kim chaewon ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- angry pupu appreciates you tolerating her antics 😭(💀) no but she really loves the fact that you just kinda accept whatever mood she’s in and go with the flow instead of trying to forcefully tone her down
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- cheeks 👹 people say her cheeks are soft and all that, chaewon needs to squeeze someone’s cheeks back!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- on a couch while watching a movie, cuddling after a tiring practice, chaewon loves it all! it’s not really about how or when, what matters is that you're the one cuddling her
dates (what’s her ideal date)- something that gets her adrenaline buzzing. once in a while, chaewon needs to feel more free, and there’s nothing that would make her happier than enjoying her freedom with you
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- hear me out, chaewon doesn’t shy away from her feelings but sometimes everything just gets so overwhelming… she gives you a pleasing look, you know? that’s all it takes for you to hug her gently and coax out whatever’s on her mind, helping her name what she’s feeling
family (does she want one)- yet another mini-me enjoyer. although chaewon doesn’t talk about it most of the time. only sometimes at night, when she’s cuddling you, preferably you’re in her arms, she caresses your tummy softly and leans to whisper in your ear ’i can’t wait to have kids with you…’
gifts (what about gift giving)- she prefers giving to receiving. chaewon would actually beat you up if you bought her something too expensive oop 💀 she says she can get herself things for lots of money, she’d prefer to get cuddles or nice meals from you
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yess! not in ze dorm tho. the members (a certain american) would never let her live it down
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- chaewon is the leader for a reason, she can keep calm and do things kinda on a autopilot when needed. it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t care, it’s kinda easier for her to turn off her thinking, otherwise chaewon could actually panic
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes but not often. chaewon says that a little smile is healthy for you, but not ever her words should bring you as much joy as her mere presence
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- chaewon actually thinks non romantic (fast, rushed) kisses are for stupid people (💀), she needs to make em all romantic ☝️
love (what’s her love language)- taking care of you!! chaewon is the leader duh, helping her members and babying them kinda comes with the job
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- when you came to their debut showcase! at first you said you couldn’t come because of work (which made her really angry, and then really sad), but after taking a couple sick days, you surprised her on the performance hehe
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- cuddling the whole night ☝️🫡 bonus points if you have a cd player in your room so you can listen to some music while falling asleep! not le sserafim’s tho, she’s kinda embarrassed 😭
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- she refuses to fall asleep if you don’t give her a ‘proper’ kiss (which appears to be a problem when she’s away on tour)
pet names (what does she like to call you)- chaewon doesn’t have much unusual nicknames, although i mentioned earlier she loves your cheeks- on special occasions, she calls you cheeky girl! ehe
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- chaewon deffo loves you reading to her! especially books she knows, but in your mother language (unless it’s korean lmao)
rush (does she rush into things)- kinda, yeah, yes. she introduced you to her members on the second date 💀 probably brought her manager on the third one and said ‘there’s a high chance i’ll marry her so it’s good you know her, unnie’
secrets (how open is she with you)- open like ghostie’s arms when i wanna grieve, no i’m joking. but chaewon strikes me as a oversharer 💀
time (how long did it take her to confess)- rush into things, remember? chaewon probably slipped the first time she saw you like 😭 saw you standing and went ‘omgomgomfg pls go on a date with me’
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- it depends if you’re upset because of something or because of her 💔 because if it’s her, she’s gonna be like a lost puppy, all whiney and pouty and will be hesitant to talk to you. if someone made you sad, ze cheetah will attack
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- oh she’s terrified alright. after the garam thing when she saw how quick the public was to jump to conclusions, chaewon won’t let you two come out for a long long time
warrior (how often do you fight)- chaewon has something like angry episodes sometimes. you know how little kids get annoyed for no reason when they’re like 5? she does that- main reason of your little banters
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yesh, she can read you like a book, though chaewon isn’t always 100% sure how to react, yk?
yes (how would she propose to you)- on the spot decision tbh, chaewon saw a pretty ring while passing by a jewellery shop with you, ran inside to buy it and proposed then and there 💀
zen (what makes her feel calm)- chaewon loves lazy mornings, where you two cuddle and just enjoy each other. soft moments together 🤭
part of [the fluff series]
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asgardian--angels · 1 month
just rewatched steven universe future (and the movie) and I just gotta say.
I still have no idea why fandom was so upset about the show, why opinion turned against it, or anything. I didn't understand it then, I don't understand it now. I've enjoyed every single minute of that show, start to finish, all iterations. A show hasn't left me sobbing like that in a hell of a long time. It handles heavy, dark emotional topics with incredible finesse and heart in a way that all of us could learn from. It remains one of the most aesthetically beautiful animated series I've ever seen, and the soundtrack is so incredibly moving. I'll never get why shows with the most hopeful themes, like this one, end up with the nastiest 'fans' that harass creators and artists for making something that encourages us to be kind to each other. like, insert good omens meme i guess, yknow? but I will always love this series (the OG, the film, and Future). I'm glad I was never really involved with the fandom back when it was airing so I didn't have to hear any of the shit that people were tossing around. But knowing that this series basically got thrown to the wind after it was done airing - like, no one even talks about it anymore, as if there were some Game of Thrones effect WHEN THERE WASN'T - breaks my heart. It was so incredibly influential, for animation, for queer representation, for creativity in art, and for helping a lot of people feel seen and teaching us a better way to be towards our fellow human beings. I don't know who the fuck can be angry about this show, but whoever they are, I feel sorry for them that they have nothing better in their lives than to be senselessly cruel to people who are trying to make the world a kinder place.
anyone out there who hasn't watched Steven Universe before, and maybe was intimidated or put off by how it's talked about on here, please don't listen to that. It's one of the best made series, animated or not, in the modern age. It touches people of all ages. It inspires hope, and forgiveness, and working towards a better world. It has incredible character development, intergenerational trauma, dismantling colonialism, the horrors and fallout of war, xenobiology, troubled families, damaged people trying to grow and find new meaning, building community, nature vs nurture, perfectly done slow-burn plot arcs and reveals, and an art style that's so gorgeous you'll mourn the current state of the industry that stifles creativity like this. And it does all of this so profoundly and intelligently that it defies summary. Give it a try.
That's all I'll say. I never post about the show anymore bc I'm not a part of the fandom and I don't know how active it is on here anymore. But I've always cared deeply for Steven Universe and I always will. I hope outside of the insular bubble of toxic online fandom that it continues to have a steady mainstream following. Rebecca Sugar deserves accolades and a big thank you for bringing this show into the world. I'm sure she did not get a fraction of the praise she should have, and instead had to endure endless vitriol. The bar's always too high for some people who want something to be mad at, who want to blame and hate instead of supporting the few brave artists out there trying to make queer shows and pave the way for the future. The enemy of queer rep is so often queer fandom spaces themselves. Let's not let this life-changing show fade into obscurity if we can. It was groundbreaking in so many ways. It brought joy and hope to so many. I hope new people will continue to watch it and be uplifted by it, as I have all these years.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
kxuke - part 2
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kxuke [ˈk’u.kɛ] adj. safe
Request from @myrealmstuff: Part 2 for Kxuke please, it's so beautiful.
Request from @hyunjinoak: Can I request Neteyam x reader story where the reader is pregnant and going through a really tough pregnancy complications and Neteyam is helping it? Nnd when the reader has difficult delivery (heavy bleeding / too long contraction or something like that) Neteyam helps reader and in the end have a healthy baby?
Part 1 [Summary: A Marine avatar, part of Quartich's team, is held captive by the Sullys. She is tough but damaged from an abusive upbringing on earth. Slowly, she and Neteyam fall for each other, and she is granted new life in her avatar body by Eywa. Neteyam's family is not pleased, but Neteyam asks her to be his mate. You should probably read Part 1 before reading Part 2.]
TW: blood, pregnancy
Watching the last remaining ship leave is surreal for me. Everyone I knew in my previous life now gone, suspended in sleep for six years, back to the planet I once called home.
It doesn't feel like home now, when I think it about it. It sort of feels like a nightmare; the abuse I suffered at the hands of my parents, multiple partners; the relief I felt when joining the marines, only to realize I had become the oppressor and abuser.
Never once have I regretted my decision to turn my back on my people. Maybe I should... but they never did a damn thing for me but use and abuse me, my entire life.
Though my new family was hard-won, they have never hurt me, or yelled at me, or made me feel little and stupid.
Tuk and Kiri were the quickest to accept me, with Lo'ak soon after. Then came Jake, because as it turned out, we had quite a lot in common. Rough upbringing. Marine background. Abandoning our race for a new one. You don't often meet other people in that situation. Our mutual understanding turned to friendship, and then a familial like relationship.
Neytiri was the hardest, but it was her mother's heart that got her in the end. It just came out, on a hunt, a story about my own mother, and something she'd done to me when I was barely out of diapers.
Something in Neytiri changed towards me in that moment, and she held me in her arms as I cried, and told me she would try to be a better mother to me.
Now I stand with my family, my mate Neteyam, and I place my hand over my swollen stomach as the cheering erupts around me at the joy and relief everyone feels. The baby is kicking again; he must be able to feel my happiness.
We are finally free.
The pregnancy has not been easy on me. I try every day to feel joyful about the new life I'm bringing into the world, and grateful to be staring my own family with Neteyam, but I am so tired, all of the time.
The simplest tasks have become exhausting, especially as the pregnancy has gotten to its final stages. Tsahik tells me I need to rest, and that she thinks the birth will be difficult... so that's something to look forward to.
Neteyam practically carries me in his arms everywhere we go, and dotes on me so aggressively that it sends me to tears at least three times a day.
Everything makes me cry. Neytiri tells me it's normal, but it feels embarrassing nonetheless. I burst into tears when Tuk squeezes my hand as we walk, or when I see another mother with a small child, and nearly every time Neteyam does anything nice for me.
Which is almost constantly. Neteyam is thoughtful, caring, and constantly going the extra mile to make me comfortable. I thought I loved him before, but I know now that every day, I will love him a little bit more - even when it feels like I couldn't possibly love him more, he does something so small but so meaningful, like bringing me home a flower for my hair, and my love for him explodes.
Just a few short weeks after the humans have returned to earth, I wake up in a searing hot pain, all around my abdomen, and shooting through my lower back.
"Oh my god!" I scream in English. "Neteyam! Something's wrong! Or, it's happening, maybe!"
Neteyam leaps up next to me, squatting beside me, grabbing my arm to support me.
"Happening?" he asks, also in English. It's so hard to speak in a second language when I'm in so much pain, even if I would consider myself fluent.
"Get Tsahik. And your mom!" I holler, but there are already footsteps approaching.
"I am here!" Neytiri says, running through the door. I guess that's a benefit to having your in-laws just steps away. "Jake is bringing Ronal. What do you feel?"
"Pain," I reply, switching back to Na'vi. "Here, and here," I gesture all around my waist, and my back.
Neytiri tsks. "Bah, back labor. It will be painful. Ronal will bring medicine to help."
I lean onto Neteyam, wondering what the Na'vi equivalent of an epidural is.
It is not until two days later that I hold my son in my arms. Looking into his eyes here, the pain of the past hours is already fading away in my mind.
The screaming, the blood, the pushing and tearing; the throbbing pain I feel even now... it doesn't matter.
He is beautiful. Four fingers like Neteyam, eyebrows like me, and his hair seems to almost have a reddish shine to it, but it could just be the sunrise. His cheeks are round and when he opens his eyes, they're a beautiful amber color. He has been attached to my breast since the moment he came into the world, but now, he is sleeping peacefully. Ronal has sewn me up and left medicine behind for me to take, and Neteyam's family waits outside until they're given the go-ahead to come in. Only Neytiri has met her grandson; I demanded she be there for the entire birth, and she did not leave my side.
It was the first time in my life that I truly felt a mother's love.
"Take him, Neteyam," I say. "Hold your son."
There are tears in his eyes as he reaches out and takes the swaddled baby.
"Remove his blanket, put him right on your chest. It's good for them, to be skin to skin." I don't know how much of my limited earth knowledge of babies will apply here, but surely that's correct.
"He's so beautiful, and warm," Neteyam says, holding his naked son to his chest. I lay the blanket over him, and Neteyam strokes his tiny back. "I love him so much. I love you so much." He looks at me, the tears falling freely now for both of us.
"You saved my life, Neteyam. I never imagined I would have any of this. I am so grateful to you."
Neteyam leans over gently, and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. "Thank you for this gift, Y/N. You are my treasure."
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
☁️Astrology Weather☁️
🐚Venus in Leo- it will bring a lot of fun, joy, playfulness, childlike energy. A lot of nostalgia (you will remember things you used to do, childhood memories). You can see people from childhood, old love. Maybe you will start to miss the times that used to be or a certain period that was really close to your heart. But leo is also about pride, purpose, creative power, passion- which means that you will look for greater passion in the things you do. Finding the meaning of your life will be the key here. You will turn more to people who will bring you joy, light and optimism. Leo also represents hobbies - which means that you can start doing hobbies that you used to do again. It is also a gambling house -during this time you can play more games of chance or place bets. Be careful not to take too many risks.
🫧On the relationship front, set aside some time to think about how your love life could improve. Maybe you’ll decide that you’re finally ready to get into a serious relationship.
🪷Mars in Leo- there will be more invitations to fancy places, more exciting catch ups with friends and exes, and more personal achievements and awards. From best-dressed grocery store trips to triumphant blog postings, applause will spur you to play a bigger game everywhere you go. This is a time to chase down what you desire and pounce on opportunities to express your creativity.
🌙Cancer Season- This astrological season is all about craving comfort and feeling loved. Cancer season impacts all zodiac signs, but Cancer and Leo will feel it the most. You will spend as much time as possible enjoying the good things in life—like delicious food in beautiful places, preferably while lounging around with friends who feel like family. You will look for your comfort and where you feel the best. Emotionally, you will want to be with people who will make you feel at home. You can also decorate your room during this time.
🎾Mercury in Gemini- more fluent communication. You will be more motivated for more topics or things you want to talk about. This can also bring energy -gossiping about others or others gossiping about you.
🧘🏽‍♀️Sarurn retrograde in Pisces- saturn affects the events, a longer period (which means that saturn does not affect you emotionally or directly). Saturn governs thresholds and doorways, and government institutions. As a symbol of age and time it signifies clocks and watches, rulers and measures. Anywhere cold, dark, lonely, or isolated comes under Saturn. But saturn is also planet of limits, rules, authority, hard work, dignity, patinence, boundaries, good&bad karma. Saturn helping us to shape things appropriately. We must have Jupiter’s vision & Neptune’s dreams but Saturn brings out visions & dreams into real life. Saturn will help you realize your dreams. This will be a time when you can — and should, frankly — take the pressure off yourself.
☕️Pluto retrograde in Capricorn- Pluto suggests the presence of hidden power or wealth: plutocrats, archaeologists, psychotherapists, miners, and underworld crime. Spies, detectives, and secret services are happily embraced by this planet. Pluto is where we can become powerful, although it can also be a place where at times we feel disempowered, invisible, or persecuted. At the end of the tunnel, though, is the light of regeneration. Things from the past can now come to the surface and the truth can be seen. Now you will be able to really leave behind the things that have been holding you back for years. And you will become stronger and better from it. You will get your power.
💻Pluto in Aquarius in general will bring many changes in the field of technology and science. The world will begin to change in a technological direction (there will be more robots, devices, applications). Everything will become too computerized. There will be more emphasis on community and society. Who is the leader, who leads what and which group you will join. I know it's a long time coming, but I can't wait for pluto in pisces- then there will be more emphasis on romance, dreams, artistry. Perhaps bringing renewed interest in spirituality and religion.
🫧 In another post I will talk about NN in Aries & SN in Libra🫧
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pomplalamoose · 9 months
Dating DILF Luke: a relationship's development
🐞modern day AU🐞
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A/N: Happy new year, lovely people🩵 this was supposed to be a normal dating headcanons post but apparently I'm unable to do these when it comes to Dilf!Luke, so please take whatever this is instead👉🏻👈🏻
cw: slight mentions of smut but nothing explicit
a very small taglist: @the1sunshine1girl
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• a kiss can say more than a thousand words
• it can be a revelation
• it can change everything or nothing at all
• it's possible that a kiss can set something in motion
• and in your case it does, although very slowly
• after so much time of desperate yearning it brings the consoling knowledge that, yes, Luke does, to some extent, return your feelings
• this is what you wished for, dreamed of and imagined in detail during countless nights, and yet the discovery hits you unexpectedly
• it fills you with joy but a sense of reluctance as well, one that you can't quite make sense of
• it's truly remarkable how such a quiet, short moment can leave one feeling completely unprepared and maybe even a little bit scared
• because what to expect?
• how to move forward?
• should you be the one to take the next step or would he prefer to do so?
• are you dating now?
• most importantly: does he even want a committed relationship?
• or are you nothing more to him than a fleeting fancy?
• a nice distraction from his still evident grieve?
• your head feels like it's about to burst with all the unanswered questions getting worse by the minute
• Luke, on the other hand, is elated
• he feels like he's floating, walking on clouds wherever he goes, no matter that already several days have passed since he first kissed you
• unable to think of another way to describe his constant state, he finds himself feeling very much like a horny teenage boy whenever you're around him
• suddenly growing hard several times a day, he's repeatedly forced to leave situations to take care of it, the reasons ranging from seeing you in a bikini to the way you play with your hair
• not to mention the time he had to watch you devotedly licking ice cream off your fingers or when you called him Mr. Skywalker in jest
• if you were able to take a look inside his head you wouldn't think to question his feelings or motivations to be with you for even a second
• he knows what he wants; has known for a long time, even though it took him quite a while to admit it to himself
• regardlessly he's struggling as well; at first his troubles may seem similar to yours but quickly take a rather dark turn
• insecurities about his person have always been there, smoldering at the back of his mind but never was he so aware of them as he is now
• Luke wants to give you the world and more but knows he has some serious issues to work through before he can consider taking things further with you, which, unconsciously or not, puts him under immense pressure
• it's overwhelming and he's at a loss for where to start
• there is so much he feels he needs to fix in order to ever be good enough for you, to be what he feels you deserve
• additionally, turning his gaze inward in order to confront and let go of what no longer serves him, will take time
• lots of time
• time he could instead be spending with you
• he absolutely hates it, sometimes even going so far as to hate his own want to be reasonable
• but how could you be happy with someone in his current state?
• and just why does this have to be so complicated when it could be so simple
• your feelings towards him are genuine and so are his, so why not simply...act on them?
• that is just the point, though
• he can't, shouldn't, if he wishes for your happiness
• a healthy relationship, romantic as well as sexual, is built on mutual trust and communication about what's important to both parts
• you are and hopefully will agree to be a part of this just as much as he is
• so of course you should have the possibility to voice your thoughts, to share with him your expectations
• he can't just swoop in and declare you his when maybe that's not what you're comfortable with
• for god's sake, he doesn't even know any details about your dating life!
• there's so much he could accidentally do wrong
• so many ways in which he could accidentally hurt you
• there's no way he wants to risk this
• so shoving down his desperate need to be with you, he reigns himself back in, silently vowing to take things on at your pace
• from experience he knows he tends to come off strong, too strong for even some of his past partners liking, his love and lust easily overwhelming
• thus, afraid to smother you, to scare you away, he's set on giving you space, as much as you could ever need, to let your relationship evolve naturally
• and he does, he really tries his best, but feels horribly guilty at the same time
• it feels like he's lying to you, like he's pretending to be someone he's not
• because while objectively he knows he's doing the right thing, the reasonable thing, it's not what every last cell of his being screams at him to do instead
• from the very beginning he has had to reign himself back in and apart from a few slip ups always managed to, yes, but now it has become a nearly impossible task
• constantly, and as it seems, without a single break, he is wrangling with his possessiveness
• it tears him apart how much he wants you basically glued to his side while at the same being afraid to be too much
• but surely that way nothing could ever hurt or happen to you, right?
• that way he could make sure of it!
• he'd do everything for you, you wouldn't have to leave the house ever again
• and never would the same horribly fate of his late wife befall you as well
• yes, he'd take such good care of you, provide anything you could ever need
• food, money, a safe and comfortable home...
• then, every day late in the afternoon he'd return from work to lovely you waiting for him
• you'd share a romantic dinner together, with joy he'd listen to you telling him about your day
• and later that night, he'd make passionate love to you until you peacefully fall asleep in his arms
• indulging in those selfish fantasies excites him more than he ultimately would've believed possible
• what started as a way to calm himself, soon escaped his grip to turn into even more fuel for his already escalating explicit thoughts
• and to think you know nothing of it, probably remaining strong in your belief about sharing a rather innocent connection, unaware of the dreams visiting him at night...
• it ashames and turns him on equally
• he, to no avail, wants to put a stop to it
• and yet it's nearly become what some would call an addiction, an obsession, to imagine your shining innocence in stark contrast to himself, sick with lust
• you'd give yourself to him, he knows, and he'd corrupt you, ruin you, deriving his pleasure from it
• from the way he'd make you fulfill every one of his little fantasies he's had since the day he laid his eyes on you
• usually it's at this point that he snaps out of his spiraling thoughts in terror and forces himself to take a cold shower
• everything to avoid having to face the truth
• to avoid the sad fact that, what he wants the most is to simply care for someone and to be needed in return
• from an outside perspective nobody is able to tell what's going on inside of him as he, more unintentionally than not, appears to be a man nothing but smitten, though maybe a little bit withdrawn
• his efforts to make sure you're well and comfortable are just as attentive as the polite compliments he pays you from time to time
• nothing betrays his struggles and when he pulls away it seems to be more out of shyness, a byproduct of his gentle advances towards you
• he remains a mystery
• you can't say you mind awfully much, not when it's what he has always been and especially not now that your feelings are being returned
• instead you revel in his thoughtful approaches and bath in the glow of his recognition
• a fleeting contact of soft skin here
• a smile shared in secret
• his broad hand on your lower back when he passes by
• a careful tug to your braid
• or his fingers under your chin to get your attention
• and even though a slight nervousness on your part stays, it's overshadowed by the sheer admiration you have for him
• if only Luke knew
• his heart would beat easier if only he were able to take a look inside your head and see how much you adore him
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
HI! Can I ask about “We Should Just Kiss Like Real People Do”? (I love Hozier hehe).
Also, every single one of your WIPs that you’ve talked about already I am now SO excited to read. They all sound incredible!! Your mind 🤯♥️
Hey 🤗 This song is one of my favorite of his so I had to include it in my Clegan obsession 😂
Here's the summary written in my drafts :
Nobody’d ever understand the horrors airmen faced when 20,000 feet in the air. Disconnected from the world, one with their crew and their flying fortress. The aftermath of a mission always left Buck reeling. It was such an eerie feeling, to know that dozens of men were gone, their bodies never to be found. Most of the airmen’s graves were empty, almost none held only the body of the man whose name was engraved. Thorpe Abbotts was more of a haunted base than anything. Ghosts wandered and mingled amongst them, disappearing whenever Buck turned to see Dickie’s scribbling in a corner or reached out to steady a victorious Curt, leaving him cold and alone in the midst of faces too young to be this haunted. 
They all had different ways to cope with the ghosts. Bucky numbed himself with whatever he could find. Smokes, alcohol, fighting sometimes. Buck worked himself to the bone, took care of the men around him hard enough that he could barely think about the men gone. 
In the midst of it all, they both come to an agreement to help each other feel alive.
Basically, it'll be a multi chapter fic not quite friends with benefits but Buck and Bucky decide that the best way to feel alive is to kiss each other (hence the title). No feelings tho cuz that'd be weird right?
Bucky has a crisis because he feels like he's taking advantage of kind Buck and it really isn't fair to Marge but now that he knows what Buck's lips feel like on his own, he just can't bring himself to stop since y'know he's been in love with Gale for what feels like forever
Buck has a crisis because how come it feels so right to kiss Bucky ? Why does it feel better than kissing Marge ? surely because he's forgotten what she felt like right ? It's just been too long but when he'll come back to Marge, it'll be like nothing's changed. Bucky and him are just buddies helping buddies
Except at some point he has to realize his own feelings for Bucky but by the time Gale goes past his own inner homophobia (everyone says thanks Gale's dad for that), they're in the Stalag and Bucky's too miserable to feel joy or act on it.
There'll be lots of angst, plenty of pining, a healthy dose of hurt/comfort (which by my standards means they'll both have absolute terrible time) and perhaps a bit of fluff. Also lots of kissing, with maybe a tad more feelings than Buck had in mind when he offered the deal to Bucky
Ahhh thank you!! Hearing that you're as excited for them as I makes me sooooo excited to write them! I hope my words will be good enough to do these stories justice 😊
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