jacksdinonuggets · 1 month
Little injuries
Summary: Vaggie wants to go out flying but ends up getting injured due to a sinner shooting her down.
Notes: got the idea while in the shower and spent two hours straight writing it.
anyways, enjoy overprotective worried Charlie!
It was a beautiful day in hell. Well, at least beautiful compared to most days they had. It was a pretty boring day to say the least. Charlie was busy with paperwork and didn’t want Vaggie to get stressed out by it so she didn’t let her help. It was very frustrating for the fallen angel. She wasn’t a baby (uh-huh, definitely not), she didn’t need to avoid things that’ll give her a little stress!
However, there were no redemption activities for the day since Baxter was busy with projects and Angel was at work, leaving Vaggie extremely bored
Looking out the window of their bedroom suite, she saw that it was a pretty peaceful and nice day out. Not too many gunshots and screaming happening and there was barely any smoke in the skies. So she decided to go out for a flight. Normally, Charlie hated it when she would go flying. She didn’t want her to get hurt since many sinners were not a big fan of an angel being down in hell and flying would make her a VERY easy target. But Charlie didn’t have to know. All she had to know was that Vaggie went out to get some fresh air
She spread her wings at the top of her little pirate ship area. Luckily, she was wearing her shirt that had a little opening in the back so she could use her wings. She took off to the skies and started to fly over pentagram city. 
The view was amazing. She hadn’t flown over the city before due to Charlie’s overprotectiveness. She didn’t really know why. It was amazing!
The breeze felt nice against her face and feathers as she soared. She hadn’t felt so at peace in a while. Until a loud bang was heard and she felt a sharp pain in her right wing and a sinner yelling
“Die fucking angel!” 
There was a bullet wound in her right wing. Unfortunately, this little incident made her wings go into defense mode. She still didn’t have full control over them and it caused them to stop soaring and start wrapping protectively around her body. 
Vaggie started tumbling towards the edge of a building at a rapid speed. She tried to spread her wings to slow the fall but they weren’t cooperating. She aimed towards a roof top and crashed through a billboard. She tumbled and rolled on roof until the friction finally helped her stop.
She laid there for a bit, crumpled up in the fetal position. Once the adrenaline rush died down, her right leg hurt so much and her shin was already bruising really badly. Tears started to run down her face. She hated how weak and pathetic she was. Obviously, this wasn’t the worst pain she’d ever felt, but it had been three years since she was last badly injured. Her pain tolerance went down in those years after being safe for a while. This was good and bad.
She knew how pissed Charlie would be if she found out she went flying but unholy hell, it hurt so bad. Not to mention the bullet wound in her wing. 
She started to feel very alone and vulnerable suddenly. Vaggie needed her mama and she needed her now. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cracked phone. Luckily, it still worked and she opened it, clicking on Charlies contact and clicking call.
“Hey, Babe, you need something?” Charlie picked the phone up almost immediately. She always did when it was vaggie.
Vaggie tried to form some words to explain her situation but all that came out were sobs.
“Vaggie?! Are you alright?! Where are you?!” Charlie yelled over the phone, clearly in a panic. She did not expect to hear her girlfriend crying in pain.
“W-w-wooftop n-n-near-” another cry. “C-cannbal town”
“Okay, sweetie, I’ll be right there. Are you hurt?”
“Mhm, l-leg…’nd wing” Vaggie mumbled.
“Shit, alright. Uhh, any bleeding or bruising?” The princess asked, getting a bag together for Vaggie, knowing they might need a trip to the hospital in sloth since they had just run out of medical supplies.
“B-bwuising bad on weg nd a bit of bwood on wing,” Vaggie lisped. Luckily, her wing wasn’t injured that bad. The bullet was normal, nothing angelic in it. Her wing had a tiny but bad dent in it and there was a tiny bit of blood around the area. It didn’t hurt too much though.
“Okay, baby. I’ll be right there. Try to elevate your foot,” Charlie said over the line. She packed up Vaggie’s diaper bag, and an overnight bag/
“I’m gonna have to hang up now so I can call a helicopter from sloth to come get you.” 
Vaggie really didn’t want her to hang up. She wanted to hear her comforting voice but knew she would need to hang up eventually.
“Otay, Mama…”
“I love you, sweetie, bye” Charlie hung up.
After about ten minutes, Charlie showed up on the roof. She quickly ran over to her hurt baby. She saw her leg was very swollen and bruised all the way up to her knee. Her wing was okay and didn’t need immediate medical attention as it wasn’t insanely bloody. All they had to do was wait for the helicopter.
“Hey baby, I’m here,” She crouched down to her. Vaggie makes grabby hands as she sobs, wanting comfort. 
“Huwts, mama! It huwts!” She wailed as Charlie moved her into a position that would make it easy to get her on a stretcher.
“It’s okay, sweetie, I know it hurts but it's gonna be okay.”
She took out Vaggie’s paci and stuffy from her diaper bag and gave them to her. While she was distracted she quickly tried to change her into a diaper. She had no clue if her pelvic or bowels were damaged at all. Plus, she would no doubt be too focused on pain to know any potty urges.
As Charlie tried to roll down her shorts, she wailed and squeezed her plushy really hard.
“Shh, I know it hurts but i need to change you, sweetie,” She managed to get her shorts and undies off (but her eardrums would need looking at afterwards) and managed to get a diapy slipped underneath her. Trying to be quick, she forgot the powder and just hoped that she wouldn’t be getting a rash from it. She finally got it taped up and Vaggie seemed to have calmed down a little. Her padding always provided her a sense of comfort and helped her relax. Which was something she desperately needed.
Deciding it would cause her more pain to get her skirt back on, she decided to just keep her in her diaper. Sure, it wouldn’t be the most sanitary and would probably be a bit cold, but it was better than seeing her breakdown from pain again.
She waited with Vaggie until the helicopter arrived. The Sloth EMT’s hoisted her up into a stretcher, elevating her leg and wing. Charlie was able to sit next to her and hold her hand the entire ride to the hospital in sloth. They had given her something that made her really loopy but barely able to feel pain. This made some very confusing conversations during the ride.
The next couple of hours passed in a blur. Vaggie could barely remember any of it as she was slipping in and out of consciousness due to the pain meds making her sleepy. She knew that she was taken to the hospital and changed into some sort of gown but everything else was blurry.
Finally, she woke up a couple hours later, the painkillers she was given were very strong so she slept for a while. She was a bit confused where she was and then saw a giant cast on her leg going all the way up to her thigh and remembered what happened. She had her stuffy in her arms and there was a sized up baby bottle full of water and a paci on the table next to her bed.
“Mm…Mama? Wha ‘appened?” Vaggie asked, spotting her mama sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
“Hey, sunshine. I don’t know what fully happened, but you had broken your shin and cracked a bone near your knee. It’ll take awhile to heal though. Your wing was shot with a normal bullet so it’s fine, but will feel a bit sore. And uh, your pelvic floor was a tiny bit damaged so you may be dealing with some accidents, big or little, for the next week or so” Charlie explained, holding her hand.
Since Vaggie was little, she couldn’t really process this. All she heard was “got hurt, long recovery”. She whined and snuggled her stuffy.
“I know, it’s a lot to process, but it’ll be fine, sweetie.” Charlie rubbed her thumb over her hand, a comforting movement.
“When can I weave?”
Charlie sighed, knowing her baby wouldn’t be so happy with the answer.
“They are going to keep you here overnight and have you stay until the afternoon of tomorrow. It’s a long way to sloth from pride so they don’t exactly want you to return until you’re fully healed,” she explained. 
Vaggie pouted. She hated when she had to sleep somewhere new. She just wasn’t a big fan of change. When everyone had to stay at Lucifer's place after the big battle, she had a pretty big meltdown before they went to bed.
“It’s alright. Since i’m the princess of hell, they’re going to let me stay overnight with you.” She said. This made Vaggie feel a little bit better. 
For the rest of the day, Vaggie had to deal with nurses questioning her, a pretty frustrated charlie when she found out she went flying, and disgusting hospital food for dinner. 
All in all, the day had been very hectic and crazy. The recovery would be frustrating but Charlie would be with Vaggie the whole way.
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Caregiver!Charlie Bradbury Moodboard 🗡🛡
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magicalregression · 8 months
General Hazbin Hotel hcs
Hello fellow agere hazbin enjoyers. I come with hcs for the main 6. Pls enjoy
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🛡 ~ Charlie ~ 🛡
She's a little. Regresses to like 6-7 y/o and is so sweet and innocent.
Still wants to help everyone, and spends her time drawing posters to attract people to the hotel.
Her main cg is Vaggie for obvious reasons, though she will also gravitate towards Angel if he's around.
Eepy baby. Once all of her energy is gone, pick her up and she falls right to sleep.
⚔ ~ Vaggie ~ ⚔
She's a caregiver. Vaggie also will babysit the other littles in the hotel if needed, though she has an obvious preference for Charlie.
Is kinda hard on the littles when need be, can be very strict. This is especially true for bed/nap time, mealtimes, and baths. No stinky, overtired littles on Vaggie's watch.
This just popped into my head but cuddles where she uses her wings as like a blanket thing or just lets the little snuggle into it yes yes
Tends to clean up after playtime. She wants to be madder, but could never be truly angry with her babies.
🕷 ~ Angel Dust ~ 🕷
Angel is both a little and a babysitter. When he regresses, it's at a similar age to Charlie, maybe a bit older to around 7-8.
His energy levels highly fluctuate depending on his emotions before regressing. If he had been in a stressful situation or recently come back from work, he's very tired and kinda just wants to be alone with whatever he's entertained himself with. If he's not in a high emotion environment, he's full of energy!
Likes playing tag and hide and seek with the others. Sometimes forgets that he's much bigger than everyone, though, and may accidentally cause some booboos.
As a babysitter, he takes his job very seriously. Might not be as strict about meals or naps (definitely lets them just have as many sweets as they want), but will take tea parties and games very seriously.
📻 ~ Alastor ~ 📻
I know a lot of people like little Al but for personal reasons, he is a caregiver lol. He has too soothing a voice and mannerisms with Nifty for me to not harp on it.
Takes his little out to Overlord meetings or to visit Auntie Rosie. When they go see Rosie, she always has a new outfit for them, whether a onesie or full outfit, there's always something. At the Overlord meetings, he'll let them sit in his lap or between him and Rosie. The others don't mind bc I say so.
Alastor doesn't like touch he doesn't initiate, and you are no exception. That being said, if they find a way to pull on or play with his ears, the most he'll do is let out a long sigh before letting them continue.
Calls them a little Overlord. "Come now, little Overlord, it's time for bed." and "Little Overlord, what have I told you about sneaking up on others?" and the like.
I have the most thoughts about him but will keep this short for everyone's sakes
🧹 ~ Nifty ~ 🧹
A little. She has the biggest fluctuation though and will be either 2 or like 7, no in betweens.
Always has energy. She's bouncing off the walls. Because of this, Angel is the last person asked to take care of her because he'll give her candy and then she gets even worse. He's also a little cautious because of the one time he made her cry, but Nifty just kinda drifts over to him anyways.
Husk usually gets stuck looking after the lil bugger. It'll start as Alastor's problem, then he conveniently disappears and Vaggie gives her to "kitty" (it's not that they don't love her, they do, she's just a lot lol). I imagine little Nif and Husk have a similar dynamic to Boo and Sully in Monsters Inc.
The only way to get her to sleep is with radio static. The white noise calms her down. Bonus points if you give her a fluffy plush to hold as well.
🐱 ~ Husk ~ 🐱
Husk doesn't really like children, even of the regressing variety. It's not that he hates them, he'd just prefer to not have to interact with them as much as he can. The most he'll do is babysit, but even then he's a little clueless.
Tends to get stuck with Angel the most, but he prefers Nifty just because he's been around her the most over the years.
Has the bar stocked up with different juices and milk and other drinks for kids. Also has a wide variety of sippy cups with different themes for different littles. Charlie likes the ducky one, Angel has one with crabs on it, and Nifty's are all plain. Everyone uses the space themed ones, though, so he has the most of those.
He has a little nook under the bar that someone could use as a little hiding space as well. If the littles are playing hide and seek and someone goes down there, Husk is the last to snitch.
If you wanna see specific scenarios or hcs about certain characters, feel free to send in an ask!!
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moonshineplaydate · 8 months
Still a bit busy but I wanted to keep making some Agere content since I haven’t had much of a chance! And what better show to give Headcanons for the freshly released Hazbin Hotel?
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Hazbin Hotel Age Regression Headcanons
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Charlie Morningstar
•A flip, with a slight lean towards being a regressor!
•She prefers taking care of others then being taken care of herself, even if she knows it’s probably good for her.
•Her age range when she’s little is around 3-6, she doesn’t like feeling really small.
•She absolutely LOVES toys! Any toys, stuffies, action figures, plastic toys, she could play with them for hours and never get bored.
•While that’s some of her main little gear, she also has a pair of PJ’s, a sippy cup and a white paci for when she’s small.
•Talkative while little, but not to the point of babbling. She still has a lisp though (Vaggie thinks it’s adorable).
•Charlie hates being alone when she’s little, she’s always trying to be near someone. She also appreciated physical touch but it isn’t a must for her.
•Can be a bit of a stubborn little, mainly around toys and nap time.
•Can be really emotional when she’s little, like how she was when Angel forgave her (that scene was so agere coded)
•Loves nicknames, her favourites are Princess, Little Ducky (from Lucifer), Char-Char!
•Had play-dates with Razzle and Dazzle (they gotta look after her!)
•Her main caregiver is Vaggie, with some of the other hotel members acting as a babysitter.
•And oh my stars, when she’s a caregiver-
•Her littles are getting absolutely spoiled rotten, it doesn’t matter what they want, Charlie is getting it for them (as long as it’s kid friendly)
•A bit of a hands on caregiver, ready to give her littles anything they need!
•They want snacks? She’s got it. Need a nap? She’s already got a bedtime story. Wanna stay up late and keep playing? Well, she’s sure no one will find out…
•She has a very hard time saying no to littles, but will do if she knows it will help them in the long run.
•Tries to mix in some rehabilitation with the hotel members when they’re little, but it doesn’t work too well.
•Always makes sure to respond to the little talking, even if it’s just babbling.
‘Mhmm, oh that’s really interesting little one!’
•Treats her littles so softly, she never ever raises her voice
•To sum it, if you want to be absolutely spoiled and taken care of, Charlie’s your girl.
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•Vaggie is a flip, with a caregiver lean! Though she can regress pretty heavily.
•She normally regresses when she’s stressed, with her age range being anywhere from 1-7 depending on her mood!
•Is surprisingly shy and quiet when little, she doesn’t like talking that much because of her own lisp. Mainly communicates through pointing and various gestures.
•Wants to be around Charlie so bad when she’s regressed, Pentious tried to hold her once when Charlie when to get her something and she started crying.
•Scared of the dark when she’s little.
•She’s not big on playing when regressed, she just wants a couple hours when she can relax and be taken care of.
•Speaking of, she loves having her hair brushes when she’s little (and big honestly), she finds it super relaxing!
•An odd piece of little gear she has a lava lamp, since she’s somewhat moth related, she loves looking at lights and could stare at a lava lamp for hours.
•Other then that, she has some comfy clothes, a purple pacifier and a bottle for when she’s feeling extra tiny.
•Not as much of a fan of nicknames but still likes them. Her favourites are, ‘Baby, Precious and Little one.’
•She also has small plushie of a moth to help her go to sleep!
•Her caregiver is Charlie and she’ll occasionally let Husk babysit, but that’s very rare.
•Now, onto the Caregiver. She’s canonically bad with kids, but I imagine she learned to try and deal with littles, especially after learning Charlie regresses.
•And oh my God, she thinks Charlie is absolutely precious. She cannot get enough of being with the girl when she’s tiny.
•Had to physically hold back aww’ing and squeezing the life out of her.
•Likes holding and coddling Charlie, who also loves the attention!
•Can be a stern caregiver with things like safety and bedtime, but is usually more lenient.
•She only acts stern if it’ll help the little out more.
•Not good at talking to littles, but makes an effort, and usually fails. She’s able to understand what they want though and normally had no problem helping them out.
•Vaggie keeps a lot of her little’s gear on her at all times, she doesn’t want to leave them alone and end up having them get hurt.
•She’s mainly Charlie’s caregiver, but doesn’t mind babysitting Niffty, Angel or even Pentious at times!
•Not good with giving nicknames to littles and normally sticks to, ‘Little one, Big Girl/Boy/Kid or Baby’ depending on their age range!
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Angel Dust
•Once again, a flip with a regressor lean!
•He’s an involuntary regressor and a sleep regressor! He normally regressed due to stress from his job, general bad mood swings or just from being super tired.
•He has an age range of 2-5.
•Whenever he does regress from being in a bad mood, he gets really frustrated for not being able to ‘keep his regression in check’ which normally ends in a crying fit in his room.
•It took him a long time for him to ever regress in front of someone at the hotel, and even then it wasn’t voluntary. Charlie just followed him up to his room after he ran up there after work.
•And oh, was it mortifying for him. Charlie made sure to reassure the boy, being able to get through to him a little easier when he was small, but Angel was still a little scared of her making a big deal out of this.
•And for the most part, she didn’t! She had a quick talk with him the day after to make sure he had a caregiver if he really needed one, and he does!
•Cherri Bomb is Angel’s babysitter for once he’s regressed, and she doesn’t fully understand it, but knows to tone herself down whenever he’s small.
•Calls him ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey as a nickname, and holds his hand if he gets scared.
•Whenever he’s depressed while little, she’ll just lay with them until he feels better or falls asleep.
•Can be a brat when he doesn’t get his way, but only throws tantrums if he’s really small. It usually doesn’t get to that point though, he feels too immature with Cherri and Charlie is very understanding.
•After he’s calmed down, he normally whispers a little ‘sorry’
•Didn’t have much little gear before the hotel, but Charlie left a cat plushie and a pink paci in a gift box in his room. He never mentioned it but he loved them!
•When he’s a ‘big kid’ (still small), he can talk pretty well but gets hung up on his big words. He also finds it hard to walk due to his spider-like body, and begrudgingly holds someone’s hand to keep him stable (he secretly likes it)
•Can be touch averse sometimes after work, but other times he doesn’t mind it. Though he’s not good at making it clear (no fault to him, he’s just a baby)
•Eventually, Husker became his babysitter and that developed into being his caregiver (we stan Huskerdust in this household).
•Husk doesn’t like kids too much, but puts up with the littles and always makes them feel welcome. Angel really needs that, when he’s small, he doesn’t feel very useful for the hotel (he doesn’t when he’s big either)
•Loves to play with Husk’s wings and ears!
•When he’s regressing because he’s sleepy, he becomes the sweetest little thing! He has a baby blanket specifically for when he’s tiny and needs sleep, and can be fussy without at.
•Very quiet, normally just tugs on someone’s sleeve until they turn around and notice him, before helping him get ready for bed.
•He loves nicknames too, his favourites are Sparkles, Bambino, or Lil guy.
•He isn’t as much of a caregiver as he is a babysitter.
•He doesn’t know that many people that regress, and honestly felt a little alone before the hotel. Seeing Niffty be small for the first time was like a weight being lifted off of his shoulders.
•Calls littles things like ‘Squirt, Spiderling, or Prince/Princess/Little royal.’
•Six arms act as six scoopers to cradle littles with! He’s shockingly good at it, being held by him is dream because of how fluffy he is!
•Has no problem playing along with littles, he’s an ‘actor’ after all! He actually enjoys it a bit, especially tea parties with Niffty!
•If someone else is taking care of a little, he’ll claim that he won’t help out, but somehow the little’s bed is made already before nap time, or their bottle will be filled up, wonder who did that~!
•Can calm a little down from crying, like he did with Niffty when she was drunk, a whole lot of shushing and cradling!
•Is pretty lenient with the littles but of course, doesn’t let them do anything unsafe.
•He gave Niffty a gun once though, it was unloaded.
•Throws dance parties with littles to get them to let out some energy before bedtime.
•Speaking of, he’s pretty good at that too! As stated, being held by him is like resting on a cloud, you’d already be sleepy by the time he’s carrying you up to bed!
•Gives his littles nicknames in Italian and totally lies about what they mean if he’s asked.
•He mainly takes care of Niffty, Charlie and Sir Pentious!
Well that’s all I’ve got in me for now folks! I’ll probably do a part two to cover Alastor, Husker, Niffty and Sir Pentious, along with some other favourites of mine when I have time! Sorry if these are a little rambly, I wrote this all in one sitting and just wanted to get my thoughts on this show out! Hope you enjoyed, bye!
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dennisboobs · 1 year
do you ever think about the fact that dennis has very specifically and intentionally put himself in the position of "caregiver" with charlie as established back in season 1. do you think about the fact that he attempts to do so in a way that treats charlie like a child and coddles and shelters him engages with him and takes charlie's feelings into consideration and doesn't force him into anything, centering patience and understanding.
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do you think about the fact that he has continued this exact approach with charlie time and time again. how he doesn't pursue or push further even if he doesn't understand or even outright disagrees with charlie, he engages on charlie's level, calms him down when he's getting worked up about something, and gets him to move past it
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januscorner · 5 months
Agere Chaggie Stimboard
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🪱🧁🛏️ 🚂❤️🌟 🍪🌈⭐️
Fictional agere challenge! Day 3: A ship you hc as regressor x caregiver.
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lttl3babybug · 5 months
Got any caregiver Charlie headcanons?
YES! I love Charlie sm
Cg!Charlie Morningstar Headcanons!
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🌈Oh my goodness she is such an involved cg
🌈And I mean she is involved
🌈You want to finger paint? So does she. baking? Right beside you with flour on her face. Dress up? She’s already getting the costumes out.
🌈Charlie loves arts and crafts. She has so much art supplies it’s criminal
🌈Y’know those big crayola boxes with the sharpeners in the back? She’s got like 20 of them
🌈There for everything you do, supporting you 100% of the way
🌈You drew her a picture?! She goes round showing EVERYONE, then puts it up on the fridge
🌈You want cuddles, Vaggie can move aside for a few baby needs her mama
🌈Such a mother, she’s so good at this stuff
🌈If you’re not clingy, she is
🌈Charlie needs to be round you 24/7 just to make sure you’re not getting hurt or in danger
🌈She carries around a little medical kit with her
🌈Fun plasters! She has ones of whatever your favourite cartoon is and if you don’t have a favourite they’ve just got a fun pattern on!
🌈Loves loves LOVES shopping for gear for you, every time you see a stuffie you mention us sorta cute you find it sat on your bed 2 days later
🌈So good at slipping you, she’s naturally nurturing so every time she sees you stressing or getting worked up she calms you
🌈Weather it’s intentional or not she always manages to make you go baby mode. You’re like putty in her hands
🌈Now despite being so naturally mother like charlie is horrible when it comes to discipline
Not in the way that she’s super strict
🌈Quite the opposite actually, she’s terrified of upsetting you
🌈She knows how fragile you are right now and how important your little space is to you!
🌈The moment your lip starts to quiver or tears appear in your eyes she taps out and calls in Vaggie to do it for her
She’ll watch you sit in time out and feel so bad
“Maybe we could just-“ “no Charlie. They broke a rule, c’mon keep consistent or they’ll think you’re a pushover” Vaggie hummed, pulling her heartbroken girlfriend away from your view
🌈Once you’re out of time out though Charlie is right back by your side
🌈She’ll explain to you why you had to be punished and not to do it again and to instead talk through how you’re feeling or draw it if you don’t want to talk about it!
🌈Charlie loves loves loves dressing you up. Putting you in cute little outfits and parading you around the hotel
🌈She’s very good at story time before bed. She gets very invested in the story herself, even if she’s read it for you thousands of times.
🌈She does voices for the characters! It’s her favourite part
🌈Especially when the voices make you giggle
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moonhowler · 4 months
Can you draw cg!Charlie trying to calm down a distressed little Vaggie?
Here ya go my dude!
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lilbabjojo · 7 months
What are Charlie and Vaggie like when sick?
Oh the poor babies.
Charlie cries constantly when she's sick.
She prefers Rosie over anyone else, especially if her head hurts, since Lucifer always panics, and Alastor is unsure.
She regresses to her youngest age, and needs a thicker padding than usual.
Her sensitive tummy is especially evident when she's sick, even if it's just a cold.
Rosie always makes her tea with honey whdn she doesn't feel good.
It's clear when she doesn't feel good, as she's not her usual hyper self.
She has a weak immune system since she doesn't always take care of herself very well. She also suffers from migraines.
She tends to not talk a lot when she's sick.
Vaggie tries to hide that she's sick for as long as possible, even pushing away her headspace while she's sick. It never works out in her favor.
She clings desparately to Carmilla once she finally does slip.
Like Charlie, she cries a lot.
She always tends to run high fevers.
Vaggie rarely gets sick, perks of having an Exorcist immune system.
She refuses to eat when she's sick, but she will take her bottle.
She's very cuddly when she doesn't feel good.
Odette and Clara help out a lot when Vaggie’s sick, which Carmilla is grateful for.
Vaggie has chronic back pain, as well as phantom pain from her eye. She also suffers from migraines.
Carmilla hums to her when she's sick.
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crow-collective15 · 5 months
Hey there!
Being a gatekeeper, or a caretaker or protector is hard and like ton of work!
Remember to take some time to relax, however that may look for you!
Lots of love, Charlie
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
Give In
Summary: Charlie wants to have a little day with Vaggie but her partner is being a bit stubborn. Luckily, after a few back rubs and babying, she slips and lets Charlie take care of her.
Vaggie had woken up that day feeling fuzzy and unmotivated. She had a lot of things to do that day, so even if she was feeling little, she had to repress that feeling. Work couldn’t wait for her to babble on the ground and have tummy time. It couldn’t just stop and let her cuddle with her Mama/Mommy. She tried to get out of bed to start the day, but someone grabbed her hand.
“Baabbeee, come back to beddddd,” Charlie whined, trying to pull Vaggie back. She forgot how clingy she was in the morning.
“Sorry, sweetie, I need to get breakfast ready,” Vaggie pried her hand off of her and tried to get out of bed.
“Can’t we have a day off? We could go on a date, or just cuddle, Ooh! We could have a little day~” Charlie proposed, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Vaggie looks down, “I- uh, I’d love to but we have a lot of things to do today,”
Even though she did want to be little, she knew she couldn’t procrastinate. 
“Oh come on~ I love taking care of my wittle ity bity baby~” She baby-talked Vaggie. No matter how much the babying made her want to slip, she refused.
“Nope, no, no, no, I need to be big today,” Vaggie said, getting up from the bed and going over to the dresser. Charlie got out of bed and put her hands around her waist and pulled her close, hugging her.
“Then maybe a date?” 
Vaggie sighed, “No, sorry, sweetie,” She pushed Charlie lightly away from her and pulled her top over her head and onto her body. Charlie whined at the loss of contact.
“Come on, you need to get ready too,” Vaggie stood on her tiptoes and gave a peck on her chin. 
As Charlie got ready, she couldn’t stop feeling like Vaggie was repressing her little feelings. It wasn’t good for her, even if she had a bunch of stuff to do or errands to run. Things could be postponed, mental health couldn’t. So she had a plan to help Vaggie get into her little headspace.
As she was setting the table for breakfast, she gave Vaggie a zoopals plate instead of the normal paper plate. When Vaggie sat down and saw her plate, she first smiled, but it quickly turned to a nervous look.
When she was eating, a piece of egg fell onto her shirt, but Charlie was quick to clean it up off of her.
“Maybe we should get you a bib, sweetheart,” She said, wiping her shirt down. She licked a napkin and cleaned up Vaggie’s face, an action that always made Vaggie feel small. However, she just refused to slip! She just sat there awkwardly and didn’t even comment on the bib thing.
When they finished eating, vaggie tried to do the dishes, but Charlie swiftly took them and left no room for discussion. So Vaggie decided to help out by cleaning the lobby. It was a bit of a mess, some debris still around from the last time their wall blew up. She swept it away and vacuumed.
She found a pair of toy keys in the couch cushions. She fought the urge to immediately put it in her mouth and start chewing on it, or shake them to make a funny rattle-like noise. It would be nasty if she were to put them in her mouth. Afterall, the couch cushions were disgusting. She had already found multiple pieces of popcorn, gum, and stains on it. She just shoved them into her pocket for later.
When she was done, she tried to brainstorm some more classes they could do later that week. An idea that seemed pretty cool to try out would be music therapy. She wrote it down on her brainstorming page. So far, that was the only thing there. It had been 15 minutes. She groaned into a pillow. Why was this so hard? Her brain just didn’t feel like working.
“Hey, you doing okay, sweetheart?” Charlie walked over to the couch and kissed the back of her head.
“Yeah, my brain is just…not wanting to work right now,” Vaggie mumbles. Charlie strokes her hair and gives her a bit of a scalp massage. It really calms her down and she can feel herself falling asleep to it.
“How about you take a break? You’ve been repressing a lot and need to regress,” she says.
“Mmm, but what about the hotel?”
“Alastor can take care of it. That’s why he’s here after all!” Charlie jumped over the back of the couch and lands next to Vaggie. She pats her knee and kisses her face. Lots of non-sexual physical touch helped her become small. She remembers one time when they were cuddling in bed, Vaggie had accidentally regressed due to Charlie giving her scalp massages, lots of kisses, and rubbing her shoulder or tummy.
Charlie continued to show her affection and before long, Vaggie was leaning into the touch. She snuggled up against her, showing that she was small.
“Aww, you finally gave in?” Charlie pecked her cheek.
“Mhm, being big is hawd,” Vaggie lisped, snuggling closer to Charlie. The princess smiled and stroked her hair. 
“I bet it is, baby girl,” she responded. 
They cuddled for a few minutes in silence. It was relaxing for both of them and they were about to fall asleep, until Charlie lifted Vaggie into the air.
“I almost forgot! We need to get you changed into your diapie. Can’t have any accidents, now can we?” Charlie booped her noses, carrying her to their nursery. She places her onto the changing table and vaggie babbles and blows a raspberry. 
“Aww, aren’t you the cutest wittle baby~” she tickles Vaggies tummy, making her erupt into giggles.
Charlie slid off her underwear and skirt but noticed something in the pocket. She pulled it out and it was Vaggie’s teething keys! She quickly washed them into the sink and gave them to Vaggie. Then, she grabbed one of her diapers. It was a normal white one but it had pink text that said “Baby” on the tape landing area. After she got it all taped up, she gave it a little pat.
“All done!” she announced, picking Vaggie up and setting her down on the floor. Vaggie hobbled two feet (about half of a meter) before falling onto her knees.
“Oop, someone’s feeling pretty small, huh?” Charlie grabbed her from the ground and scooped her into her arms. She gave her a peck on her forehead before laying her down in the bed. She summoned her pacifier and clipped it onto her shirt
Vaggie babbled happily when the paci was placed inside of her mouth. It was adorable to see Vaggie be her happy baby self. It had been a while since the last time she was able to regress this young. Sometimes, she’d regress to toddler years for an hour or two but she had a feeling her baby would be this small for at least 3 or more hours. The girl always worked herself to the bone, she deserved a break.
“Does my little one wanna watch cartoons, cuddle, play or go for a walk?” she asked. They had a sized up stroller that she could push her around in so they could still go on strolls to the park when Vaggie didn’t feel like walking.
“Cubble,” Vaggie babbled quietly. With her paci, a lot of letters turned to b’s when she was talking but Charlie knew what she meant.
“Alright baby, we can cuddle,” Charlie hopped into bed and pulled her close. She handed Vaggie her stuffed bear so she could have double the comfort. She looked up at her and smiled.
“You’re such a cutie!” Charlie squeezed her tight. It was impossible not to die from adorableness when little vaggie was around.
They cuddled for a while, enjoying each other’s company. Every once in a while, Charlie would give her back rubs, nappy rubs (sfw of course), or scalp massages. They spent the rest of the day relaxing and having little time.
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quinntheautisticwolf · 4 months
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Caregiver Charlie Pastel Pink Moodboard
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zerooup · 6 months
Busts down door again, :3
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pwincess-charchar · 5 months
"Chawlie... I missed nap time..."- Zeek
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Oh dear-!
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Ummmm umumumumummmmm….how about tonight we try an early bedtime? To make up for lost sleep? :3 And until it’s bedtime we can do quiet activities! That way no one gets overstimulated (because I know from experience how cranky one can get when they’re tired and everything is to loud!)
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-15 year old char char
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dennisboobs · 1 year
to be completely honest, I don't want macdennis in this finale at all. i want den's plot to stay his own. i want the gang to understand just how much they rely on dennis, and how the pressure is finally wearing him down. dennis' inability to escape these high expectations from all of them. of the responsibility that he hates so much. this has been a part of his plotlines for years, and now he can't even take a day trip to the beach without the gang calling him for dumb shit. he's expected to be there to help the gang whenever they need him, but will they be there to help him?
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jjtheresidentbaby · 8 months
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» spn agere week: day 6, birthday party - feb 3rd
» for @spnagereweek event
» caregiver!charlie & little!jo - omg they never met! WRONG they are besties and indulge in all the girly things jo couldn’t have as a kid and charlie always felt embarrassed about liking
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