#charlie Morningstar cg
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littl3babybug · 11 months ago
Got any caregiver Charlie headcanons?
YES! I love Charlie sm
Cg!Charlie Morningstar Headcanons!
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🌈Oh my goodness she is such an involved cg
🌈And I mean she is involved
🌈You want to finger paint? So does she. baking? Right beside you with flour on her face. Dress up? She’s already getting the costumes out.
🌈Charlie loves arts and crafts. She has so much art supplies it’s criminal
🌈Y’know those big crayola boxes with the sharpeners in the back? She’s got like 20 of them
🌈There for everything you do, supporting you 100% of the way
🌈You drew her a picture?! She goes round showing EVERYONE, then puts it up on the fridge
🌈You want cuddles, Vaggie can move aside for a few baby needs her mama
🌈Such a mother, she’s so good at this stuff
🌈If you’re not clingy, she is
🌈Charlie needs to be round you 24/7 just to make sure you’re not getting hurt or in danger
🌈She carries around a little medical kit with her
🌈Fun plasters! She has ones of whatever your favourite cartoon is and if you don’t have a favourite they’ve just got a fun pattern on!
🌈Loves loves LOVES shopping for gear for you, every time you see a stuffie you mention us sorta cute you find it sat on your bed 2 days later
🌈So good at slipping you, she’s naturally nurturing so every time she sees you stressing or getting worked up she calms you
🌈Weather it’s intentional or not she always manages to make you go baby mode. You’re like putty in her hands
🌈Now despite being so naturally mother like charlie is horrible when it comes to discipline
Not in the way that she’s super strict
🌈Quite the opposite actually, she’s terrified of upsetting you
🌈She knows how fragile you are right now and how important your little space is to you!
🌈The moment your lip starts to quiver or tears appear in your eyes she taps out and calls in Vaggie to do it for her
She’ll watch you sit in time out and feel so bad
“Maybe we could just-��� “no Charlie. They broke a rule, c’mon keep consistent or they’ll think you’re a pushover” Vaggie hummed, pulling her heartbroken girlfriend away from your view
🌈Once you’re out of time out though Charlie is right back by your side
🌈She’ll explain to you why you had to be punished and not to do it again and to instead talk through how you’re feeling or draw it if you don’t want to talk about it!
🌈Charlie loves loves loves dressing you up. Putting you in cute little outfits and parading you around the hotel
🌈She’s very good at story time before bed. She gets very invested in the story herself, even if she’s read it for you thousands of times.
🌈She does voices for the characters! It’s her favourite part
🌈Especially when the voices make you giggle
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inactivehazbinagereblog · 1 year ago
Lucifer, upon finding out that Charlie is an age regressor: ...wait...does this mean I can get a do-over?! Because honestly sweetie, I've been working on myself these past few years and think I could really nail it this time!! Do you- do you like ducks?! Does baby-you like ducks?! Yeah?! Okay great, I'm already off to a great start, woo! Point one for dad!!! Sweetie I'm gonna make you SO many ducks, you won't even know what to do with them all!! Ducks for the bath, ducks for your toys, maybe I can sew little ducks on some of your clothes?! ...My baby girl likes DUCKS...!
*gets emotional*
...I got my baby girl back.... 😢
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princess-of-hells-littles · 8 months ago
We haven't gone into much detail about our personal life but as things are escalating it's pertinent that we let you guys know what's going on.
So we are moving back to the United States from the UK due to us getting a divorce. It's not a bitter divorce by any stretch and our ex wife and us will remain friends.
We are pushing for these commissions because we currently have $300 to our name and we are set to fly on the 21st of this month so we have some sort of footing once we are safely back in the states as we have no employment right now.
If you can't contribute or can't afford anything that's fine please share it around as much as possible. Everything is appreciated
~Castor and Pollux
Kofi Link
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shhtickerbook · 1 year ago
Hiiii!! Sorry the ask from that other anon was kinda (really) scary :[ I hope you’re doing good!! I was wondering if I could request art of Age Regressor Charlie and Vaggie as her caregiver? (I headcanon that Vaggie calls her “little angel” so maybe Charlie has a bear plush with a halo or somethin?) ^ also I haven’t seen episodes 7 and six yet if that helps i hope you have a good day!! 💖💖💖💖
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Vaggies got the baby!
When charlie isn’t running around the hotel causing havoc (usually led by angel or nifty) she’s demanding to be carried! Good thing Vaggie can carry her around with ease
I forgor to add the bear sorry!
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ramona-quinn · 10 months ago
It’s Okay to Cry
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel has been crying nonstop, and Husk doesn’t know why.
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Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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Heavily inspired and based on “The Crying Dame” from The Loud House
“It’s Okay to Cry” belongs to Barney and Friends
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Husk looked at his phone to check the time as he held Angel in his arms. The spider regressed to a headspace equivalent of a newborn and had been crying for about two hours. Husk didn’t know why or what had gotten Angel so upset. The caregiver tried everything to stop his tears. Angel didn’t need a change, he wasn’t sick, and he wasn’t hungry. Husk tried putting Angel down for a nap, but that was also unsuccessful since he wasn’t tired either. Fat Nuggets tried cheering the little spider with his comfort items (Angel’s Rainbow Puppy and Twinkle stuffies and favorite Blue’s Clues paci), but to no avail.
“I know, today’s just not a good day, is it?” Husk comforted in a soft, hushed tone as he rocked Angel from side to side.
Husk put Angel down on his bed to text Charlie for advice. Angel instantly bawled louder because of this.
“It’s okay, Legs. I just gotta text Charlie,” Husk said as Fat Nuggets climbed on the bed and walked over to Angel, nuzzling his cheek to calm him down. “She’ll help us understand why you’re feeling sad.”
Husk then texted Charlie on his phone.
Husk: “Hey, Charlie, I need help.”
Charlie: “Sure thing, I’m on my way.”
The winged cat sighed with relief as he put his phone away. He picked Angel back up and gave him a gentle bounce. A few minutes later, Charlie arrived.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked.
“Do you know how to get littles to stop crying?” Husk questioned. “Fat Nuggets and I’ve tried everything for Angel and nothing’s working.”
Charlie scratched her chin as she thought long and hard about Husk’s question.
“How long has Angel been crying for?”
“Two hours,” Husk replied. “I just… I don’t know. I feel like I’m doing something wrong here.”
“No, no, it’s not that at all,” Charlie reassured Husk as she put her hand on his shoulder. “You and Fat Nuggets are doing a good job taking care of Angel while he’s little. I think it’s because littles who regress to an infantile headspace are similar to actual babies. Sometimes, babies cry for no reason, no matter what we do to soothe them.”
“So, what should we do?”
“Just let Angel cry it out and continue comforting him for as long as he needs it. No matter what age, we all need a good cry every now and then. I promise you, it’s nothing that you’ve done.”
Husk smiled a bit as Charlie rubbed the still-wailing spider’s back and walked out of the cat’s room. The caregiver then carried Angel to his rocking chair and sat down.
“You hear that, kiddo? We all need a good cry sometimes, and you know what? It’s perfectly okay to cry,” Husk said as he began slowly rocking Angel in his arms. “Just let it out. I’m right here, and so is Fat Nuggets. We’re gonna be here for you, no matter what.”
Fat Nuggets walked over to the rocking chair and climbed onto Angel’s lap to join in comforting him. Husk cleared his throat and began to sing.
When you feel a tear in your eye,
it usually means you want to cry,
So if you've hurt and it hurts real bad
Or if you have feelings that are making you sad,
Then it's okay, it's okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Crying is nature's way
Of helping bad feelings go away.
So if you've been hurt or are feeling bad,
Whether you're a kid or a mom or a dad,
It's okay, it’s okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Yes, that works for me.
Angel sniffled after the song, his cries subsiding to whines and whimpers.
“Shh, it’s okay, kiddo. You’re gonna be okay,” Husk smiled softly and continued rocking the spider until he felt better.
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nostalgiclittlespace · 1 month ago
Can i request a fic where Vaggie regresses after not regressing for a long time and goes into Baby space and charlie takes care of her? And if its alright, can she be padded while small? You don't have to do it if you don't want to!
Thanks for the request! I honestly loved writing this one; it’s one of my favorite agere fics I’ve written so far. I had to stop myself from making it too long, and if didn’t have a backlog of other requests to fulfill it would have been 2000+ words lol. Who knows, maybe I’ll make an extended addition later. Anyway, I hope you like it, anon!
Title: Disappear
Pairing: CG!Charlie & Little!Vaggie
Wordcount: 1179
Description: The stress of the upcoming Extermination finally catches up to Vaggie. Luckily, she has an amazing Caregiver to take care of her (Fluffy, hurt/comfort)
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It had been several weeks since the brain fog had gotten this bad, so unignorable.
Vaggie sighed, rubbing her temples in a futile attempt to will the cloudy thoughts away.  The lounge chair she had collapsed onto felt far away and not quite real, and the lobby’s chatter echoing and dreamy.  Even her vision shifted to fuzzy and unfocused as her thoughts and inner world felt more real than reality itself.
Her wariness weighed down on her shoulders, justifiably so.  The Extermination was mere days away.  The Hazbin Hotel was bustling with nervous energy as all the residents and recruitments prepared for a battle of a lifetime.  Afterlifetime.  Whatever.  
Either way, it was all hands on deck.  Vaggie knew her presence was of the utmost necessity in these moments.  She understood the Exorcists and their fight tactics, how to train the cannibal recruits, how to fortify the Hotel–all duties she alone could fulfill.  Nevermind the nagging fuzziness and dissociation pulling her senses under.  Her friends needed her.  They needed her more than she needed a break, or that’s what she had been telling herself.
She had wasted enough precious time already.  She had spent the past hour finding solace by imagining herself hidden in the penthouse, surrounded by stuffies and blankies and all the other warm and fuzzy things that weren’t a sense of impending doom as she prepared to battle the angels she had once called her friends. 
Vaggie inhaled sharply, breath shuddering as she tried to ground herself.  Her hands shook minutely as she squeezed her forearms, focusing on the feeling of her own skin in a vain attempt to stay present.  They need me.  I can’t let them down, I can’t disappear for hours on end while they prepare for war.  This is my mess, I need to make up to Charlie.  I can’t disappear.
Startled, the moth demon’s eyes shot up.  She felt like a deer in the headlights as she stared up at her girlfriend, who stood before her with concerned eyes and a half-smile.  Of course.  Charlie could always tell when something was wrong, but Vaggie didn’t need her to fix it, she herself needed to shove it far, far down–
“You’re scratching your arms,” Charlie informed her softly, kneeling in front of her to gently untangle Vaggie’s sharp nails away from her fragile skin.  
Vaggie glanced down to see; she had indeed squeezed her arms a little too hard and now there were crescent shaped divots embedded on the surface.  She hadn’t noticed until Charlie said anything.  But now, as she stared down at the scratches, even knowing subconsciously they would fade in under an hour, she could only think about the pain radiating from them. 
Despite her best efforts, despite repeating the mantra of “don’t disappear, stay grounded” a million times, next thing she knew her eyes and throat were burning.  Charlie caught on immediately, not even questioning what had happened.  Not asking what she needed, because she already knew.  Not for a second wondering whether Vaggie or the Hotel was the higher priority as she reached forward and enveloped her in a tight hug.
“I know, baby.  You’ve been working so hard, you must be exhausted,” Charlie cooed.
I’m fine.  I can handle it, Vaggie wanted to reply, but all that came out was a sniffle and gasp for air.  Even now all she could think about was how much she wished she had her pacifier and that the cuddle session could be brought to the rocking chair in the penthouse.  Just for once to let the Princess save her knight and not the other way around.
And Charlie, as if she could read her girlfriend’s mind, or perhaps she could just tell by how tightly Vaggie hugged her, carefully hoisted her up.  She was no longer collapsed on the living room chair, but instead was being carried with a careful and strong stride.  She realized with a glance upward that they were leaving the lobby behind, heading for the elevator.
Briefly, Vaggie considered whether she should try to get down; it would be more productive for her to insist to Charlie that she was fine and go back to work…but she found she really didn’t want to.  The warmth and care that enveloped her as they waited for the elevator to arrive, her muscles limp, coordination lost, and all the comforting prospects waiting for them upstairs finally became too tempting to refuse.  Even if she had refused to acknowledge it before, even if she still had guilt lingering in the back of her mind, she couldn’t bring herself to do anything about it.
A few minutes later, they reached the Hazbin Hotel’s top floor.   Vaggie hadn’t lifted her head from where she had buried it in Charlie’s shoulder, but she could hear from the jingling of the key and the soft creak the door made that they had arrived at her sanctuary.  Humming softly, Charlie carried her to the corner of the room where they had set up a miniature nursery.  A cushioned playmat, crib, enormous stuffed animals, shelves lined with boardbooks, bins overflowing with rattles and teethers–it was a small piece of Heaven that had grown inside Hell.
Charlie lowered Vaggie onto her playmat, and immediately the moth whined for the comfort to return.
“I’ll be right back, baby,” Charlie smiled as she handed her a butterfly lovey and a light blue pacifier.  “Gonna get you some cozy clothes, okay?”
Vaggie grumbled lightly, but was mostly appeased behind her paci.  It helped that Charlie stayed in her sight, only a few feet away at the dresser as she unfolded fleece footie pajamas and snatched a diap from the caddy.  Within seconds, the princess returned to her side and knelt down on the playmat with her.  Charlie’s wide, adoring smile, coupled with the veil of security their room provided made the rest of Vaggie’s worries melt away.  It truly had to be magic, the way Charlie could make everything better just by being there, just with a flash of her perfect, cheerful grin.  How was it that fate had given her such a wonderful partner and caregiver anyway?  
Lost in her fuzzy thoughts, next thing Vaggie knew she was fully padded and swaddled in her onesie.  And a cozy blanket was tucked around her.  Her arms were left free, so she could still hold her lovey.
Charlie’s hand carded through her long hair, carefully resolving any tangles that had found their way amidst the chaos that had submerged the Hotel in the past few days.  For the first time all week, there was blessed silence around her; the only interruption being Charlie’s occasional hum or coo, telling her how perfect and wonderful she was.  Vaggie herself remained wordless; even being so small she had no desire to break the quiet rhythm they had created.
For now, everything was perfect.  For now, they could forget the coming war and exist in a perfect space until they were ready to emerge again.  For a few blessed hours, she could disappear.
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sweetlittleangelbunny · 10 months ago
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I watched Hazbin Hotel tonight with a friend, and I had this idea in my head so I wanted to try drawing it 😊
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inactivehazbinagereblog · 1 year ago
Charlie: Angel, what do you see in this picture? *holds up a photo from the last time Vaggie went into babyspace*
Angel: Oh that? That's shnookums! Aww, isn't she darling? Got her lil binki in her mouth and she's sittin' in that baby bouncer Luci made for her. I see she's still clingin' onto that old tattered blankie for dear life haha. She just loves that grimy old thing. Ain't she adorable? Just a total doll.
Charlie: *points to Vaggie across the room* And this is...?
Angel: A stone cold bitch.
Vaggie: *flips him off*
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princess-of-hells-littles · 2 months ago
Happy Christmas! Gentle reminder we are still broke so here's our Kofi again
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multi-fandom-agereg · 1 year ago
If Lucifer Morningstar was a cg ★☆
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★ let's be honest, he'd be a very sweet caregiver when he's taking care of his little one. He has a daughter of his own, he learned a thing or two with Charlie.
★ his patience is ^^^^ really up there. If you wanted a CG who has patience, this is your guy. He'll sit there for hours just for you to make a decision on something. No rush here!
★ As a cg, he'd be of course, patient. As well as somewhat soft spoken, nervous and nonstrict. He has no heart in even trying to be stern with you- he's just a soft man no matter what he tries to deny it
★ he's a nervous caretaker because: his flaws. What if he messed up? What if he did something that upsetted you? So I'd imagine he'd always be somewhat on edge and careful what he says to you, not wanting to upset you in any way (he's a bit of a slow talker as well. If he lets his nervousness get to him, his speech would be slurred)
★ not an active baby spoiler, but will get you anything you'd ask for. that doesnt make him a spoiler.... right? Want something? hes on it! Need someone to fill your cups? Yep! That's him! But he won't constsntly buy you things— well, sometimes!
★ piggy back rides kinda papa! He loves carrying you around if you let him. He's also the kinda cg to let you sleep on his stomach while you both are laying down. He slso loves trapping you in your favorite blanket before scooping you up into his arms
★ general hc: when he laughs, he snorts! You can easily make him laugh. And when you do he'll snort. He gets embarrassed for it but usually if he's in the midst of a giggle fit he'll forget about it
★ his preferred petnames are: papa, bubba, dad, etc! He usually doesnt mind any you wish to give him! He also loves to call you his "button nose", "kiddo/kid", "bunny" and "bubs" If you like to be called petnames
★ bought you a stuffie named "Ms Vee" who is a stuffie ragdoll cat with a voice box inside! Bonus, the voice box is Lucifer's prerecordings. If he's away, busy or just not current; Ms Vee gotcha covered. Just press her stomach and his voice will be heard ^^
★ his pre recordings includes: him saying good morning/afternoon/night, him asking how you're doing and saying something positive towards you,, there's also a few others like him humming a lullaby, reading a small story book, and telling you that you should sleep. There is over 200 recordings as of currently, so there's too much to say!
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redwoodapothecary · 1 year ago
lucifer morningstar cg hcs? <3
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CG!Lucifer Headcanons
A/n: THANK YOU for this anons. 💖💖💖
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Lucifer is a very clingy caregiver. Sometimes you think he needs you more than you need him.
He’s also extremely protective and anxious. Will not let you go near anything remotely dangerous. He also doesn’t really trust other people to be around you much when you’re little, except maybe Charlie.
You’re his little baby and he just wants to make sure you’re always safe. :)
He does not do well with littles who misbehave or cause trouble often, mainly because he just doesn’t know what to do and it makes him super anxious and overwhelmed. Like he doesn’t want to punish you but also PLEASE stop coloring on important documents, it IS getting on his nerves. 😭
Not very stern or strict. He feels bad. He doesn’t have a specific bedtime, but makes you go to bed whenever he goes to bed. So you two can cuddle. You’re usually really sleepy by then, anyways, if you’re still awake.
He LOVES to spoil you, oh my gods. He gives you so many toys and so many little gifts. He just loves you so much.
He will cry if you get him anything. Like he feels so loved and appreciated and he’s not used to it.
One time, you made matching Kandi bracelets that said “Daddy” for him and “Apple” for you (because he calls you Apple a lot) and he literally started crying. He hugged you so tightly you swore one of your ribs broke.
He likes picking you up, especially if you’re a baby or toddler regressor. Does not matter if you’re taller than him, YOU ARE BABY. 😡😡😡
If you like pacis, he gives you little paci kisses. He just loves you so much and wants to kiss you. :(
Like I said, he is very clingy. You will be in his lap or holding his hand at all times. Doesn’t matter what he’s doing. You are baby. You will stay. 😡
If anybody dared say anything about your age regression…they would get what was coming. I mean…c’mon…how stupid do you have to be to be disrespectful to the king of hell?! (AHEM…Alastor…)
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inactivehazbinagereblog · 1 year ago
Daddy's Whiplash
Lucifer: Oh good morning my beautiful ducklings~ I see we both woke up feeling little today. That's okay, I'll help you out this morning. Vaggie, c'mere precious, lemme feed you some pancakes for breakfast-
Vaggie: *immediately bawling*
Lucifer: EXCEPT that's right, you really don't eat a lot of foods when you're little. Okay. I'll make you a bottle in a minute, Charlie wanna come on over and get some pancakes?
Charlie: Eeeh...! 🥰
Lucifer: Alright, now can you come with me to the bathroom so we can change your pull-up?
Charlie: ....*starts tearing up before breaking out in full blown sobs*
Lucifer: EXCEPT you really hate changing time, right.... I guess I'll start on Vaggie then because she actually looks forward to getting clean.....
Vaggie: *happy clap* 🥰
Lucifer: Alright, beautiful. We need to get dressed for the day. Let me pull out- oh! What a cute little dress! Vaggie, this'll look so pretty-
Vaggie: *angry sobs and throws the dress across the room*
Lucifer: EXCEPT you are REALLY picky about how clothes feel when you're little.... Okay, Charlie, would you like to wear the pretty red dress today?
Charlie: *excited flappy hands* 🥰
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princess-of-hells-littles · 11 months ago
"The block button exists for a reason,"
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"Do you think they need to be shown where it is?"
please stop posting agere stuff in the hazbin hotel lucifer tag
its creepy and weird
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princess-of-hells-littles · 10 months ago
Not to interupt the literal pile of crying littles I have in my inbox I'll get to yall in a moment. Block this little snot nose
Its the same little prick who keeps going after us. He's starting to pose as Agere blogs. Be cautious of any blogs that associate themselves with any of the previous usernames.
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inactivehazbinagereblog · 1 year ago
The biggest difference between Baby Charlie and Baby Vaggie.
Lucifer: A coochie-coochie-coo!!! Coochie-coochie-coo!!! My wittle ducky is so pwecious, my wittle bitty slice of apple pie~
Charlie: *boisterous laughter*
Lucifer: Well there's my wittle bitty angel!!! Wook at those pwetty wittle wings you have, oh you're just so--
Vaggie: *smacks him upside the head*
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princess-of-hells-littles · 11 months ago
"I promise you guys are all safe with us, we won't let anything happen to you guys,"
It's so sad to me that one anon can cause such a chaos.. Especially to those who aren't harming themselves or anyone else.. Little dears, I want you to know you're safe here
You're safe with me, you're safe with Alastor, you're safe with Charlie, safe with Luci, safe with everyone else.. It might be hard, but try not to listen to the mean people, alright?
You know who you are better than anyone else, and nobody else has any right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.. I'm so very sorry for all of this fear, little ones
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