#care of kevin
Hi for post strex kevin. What’s your life advice. Just like in general
In general? Uh... Hrm. I guess keep your friends close. Having a good safety net of people whom you trust and trust you back, who you enjoy spending time with and wish to share every major life event with, and who you can spend both the good and the bad times with... Well, that can get you through most anything. Life is too short to spend it alone, and just long enough to spend it with others.
Also pick up a hobby where you make something. It can be anything. Wood working, art, baking, cooking, gardening, anything. Don't have to be good at it, but I've found just making something can help my bad days, and make my good days better.
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kevjeanyves · 24 days
jean moreau going viral every 4-6 months among non-exy fans for being drop dead gorgeous…videos of him spitting out his mouth guard or adjusting his neck guard…videos of him yelling in angry french during the olympics…his interviews in front of the cameras where he’s quiet and awkward in the most endearing ways…6’4 with dark curly hair and a ridiculous amount of muscle…yeahhhh
and every time he goes viral for being beautiful, his fans are ready on twitter with threads like “jean moreau’s homoerotic friendship with exy legend kevin day” or “jean moreau and his boyfriend jeremy knox” or “jean moreau being best friends with neil josten”. then THOSE threads become hit tweets
jean moreau princess of everything you’ll always be famous
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atticusfinchismydog · 1 month
Neil is canonically pretty and absolutely a liar, so I definitely think that Andrew thought he was hot and interesting from the beginning, but I don’t think he really saw Neil, bone-deep like-knows-like until the Kathy Ferdinand show. This paranoid, lying, run-away sees Kevin shutdown and just goes apeshit. Neil didn’t want to be on air; he could’ve used this to go completely unnoticed. How could Andrew “Make a Deal With Me” Minyard not see, recognize, that he and Neil may be different flavors but they are the same fucked-up cake. Two boys that have seen and gone through too much, but Andrew’s burning rage is under the skin and Neil’s is like a pot of water boiling over.
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4phr0d17e · 3 months
my contribution to the aftg twitter aus is i think andrew would post that tweet thats like "if the goalie saves more than 30 shots and their team still loses they should be allowed to chase their teammates around with hammers" and laila retweets it and the two of them strike up a friendship that consists solely of sending each other goalie related memes. very occasionally andrew sends laila a message after a trojan match that just says something like "nice save at 32mins 4secs" and laila doesnt know andrew well enough to know how absolutely groundbreaking it is that he would say that
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Every day. Every damn day I wake up and wonder how Wymack must have felt hearing Jean say, “Kevin never once doubted you’d take him in … I laughed at him. I’d never taken him for a dreamer.”
I wonder how he let that sink in, thought over and over again of his first interactions with the kid and rewriting his perceptions with the context that not only did Kevin know that was his dad, but that Kevin trusted him. Unquestionably, before Wymack even did anything, Kevin ran to him because he believed that Wymack was someone safe he could run to. I wonder if Wymack thought about “my father comes to all my games, that is enough” knowing that Kevin truly meant it, maybe always has.
I wonder how Wymack felt then, when later, much much later, that broken boy who laughed at his son for believing in a father he never met calls him out of the blue. When, before Wymack could even get a single word in, begs him, voice wet and desperate why did you take him in?
I wonder how Wymack felt after the phone call ends. Hearing Josten, arguably his most distrustful kid, telling him “I’ve got him coach” and then hanging up the phone, and wondering if Rhemmen has enough strength to watch Jean eventually get to a place similar to where Neil’s at now. To finally learn, slowly but surely, how to trust. I wonder if that made him appreciate Kevin’s trust all the more.
just… I wonder
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 6 months
My hc is that not only do Neil and Kevin host their own Exy Podcast as a side hobby but at one point Kevin is explaining a very funny Exy anecdote and the two of them Crack up so hard that the fans realise that Kevin's real non-public persona laugh is filled with cute hiccups and snorts. And that Neil Jostens laugh is adorably wheezy
The public would be OBSESSED (like me)
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adamsrcnan · 4 months
i got this little headcanon that andrew likes to sit with kevin when he watches his history documentaries. it starts when kevin's miraculously got access to the tv one evening so he slaps on a documentary after night practice to unwind and andrew is fiddling about in the kitchen looking for a sweet snack and he overhears something about a roman legion (or what have you) and it piques his interest so he stands there watching for a second and kevin doesn't realise bc andrew is soo quiet. after a couple minutes he's invested so he walks over and plops down on a beanbag and kevin almost jumps because he wasn't expecting it and he keeps darting his eyes towards andrew thinking he'll tell him to turn it off or change it but he sits quietly and watches. and then he does it again. and again. sometimes he sits at the window and smokes. sometimes he slumps in the beanbag. but he's suddenly always there and then kevin starts offering up little facts and anecdotes he knows and andrew doesn't ever respond but then one day he offers up a quiet question and kevin answers all excited and andrew can hear the passion in his voice when he talks and andrew will insist it's lame and he doesn't care but it's a change from exy exy exy 24/7 so he'll take it. especially if it makes kevin sound like that. plus it's an added bonus bc it helps andrew unwind too and gives him something else to focus his thoughts around but nobody has to know that.
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dayurno · 11 months
(voice of a man slowly losing his mind) does it ever strike you that the plot of aftg is moved by little acts of kindness kevin offered to people who never had any semblance of it before. loving riko when no one would, befriending jean in the nest and keeping him alive through debilitating amounts of trauma, telling andrew he was worth it in a dingy high school locker room, teaching neil every night even if he knew he was about to die
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If Wyll Ravengard has a million fans I am one of them. If Wyll has fifty fans I am one of them. If Wyll has one fan, I am dead and it's Theo Solomon left holding down the fort.
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morally-gray101 · 1 year
My religion is kevin offering to watch neil so he can drink on thanksgiving. In french. And then nicky going "omg neil is making the face kevin can be nice?????!?!??!" Which is hilarious because it implies that Neil really isn't as stone cold as he thinks, and he basically canonically reacts like a deer in headlights whenever someone does ANYTHING remotely nice for him.
matt: oh neil i bought this soda i know you like when i went to the store earlier
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rabidfoxes · 4 months
im so normal about kevin day i swear to god. imagine your mom invents a sport, imagine you grow up with this sport being your entire life, you get abused and punished and shoved into the spotlight from a young age, all for this sport. you don't know anything else. it's all you've ever done and all you've ever been. you have to be the best at it. and one day you get punished for that too, and this sport you've poured everything into gets ripped right out of your hands by the boy you've grown up forced to consider your brother. you have to learn it from zero with your non dominant hand. you have, in an incredibly short span of time, to get as good at it as you were before the injury. of course you're fucking obsessed with it to the point of being unsympathetic sometimes, of course there's no other choice. the pressure is unimaginable. you cannot afford to be anything but the best. you cannot afford to relax and let go of it even for a second. you left the cave but the shadows are all you've ever known
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
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[pg. 37] -> [pg. 340]
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dvrcos · 8 months
Aaron may not have an eidetic memory like Andrew does but he has a damn good one and he can remember anything he puts even the smallest amount of effort into remembering.
After everything that happened in Baltimore Aaron starts to note every small possibly important (and unimportant) medical fact about the foxes. And he’s not even totally conscious he’s doing it.
He consciously remembers Andrew and Nicky’s blood types. He knows Nicky’s allergic to penicillin and he knows Andrew doesn’t react well to doctors so it’s best for everyone if he can be administered some kind of sedative right away.
And then he thinks he should probably know this stuff for Kevin, and begrudgingly Neil, because they’re part of his strange little family that Andrew’s created. So he quickly and easily finds this information on them (because he’s a Minyard and he just knows how to find the things he needs to know). So he knows their blood types and he knows Kevin still feels residual pain in his left hand but doesn’t show it and try’s to ignore it. He knows Neil heals annoyingly quick from his all too common injuries but he also knows he aggravates those injuries easily by pushing himself too soon.
But it doesn’t stop there, there’s a small itch in the back of his head driving him to find out the important medical facts about the rest of the foxes. So he allows himself to remember their blood types and allergens and tells himself he needs to know incase of an emergency.
But he also notices that Matt has a high tolerance to pain medication whenever he’s being treated by Abby for an injury during practice or a game. And he notes the one type that works for him and keeps multiple bottles on him and in their room. (It’s also the only type that works for Kevin and works best for Neil so he stocks their room with it too)
And he notices that Allison is a slight germaphobe and applies hand sanitizer anytime she has to touch a public door handle or they go out to eat. So he opens as many doors for her as he can despite the confused look he gives her every time and he just glares right back at her. He keeps an extra mini bottle of hand sanitizer in his backpack for her as well and silently passes it to her when she’s forgotten hers.
He notices Dans chronic knee and lower back pain that Abby is constantly treating and how there’s always a rotating rainbow of colorful KT Tape on her. So he keeps an eye on Abby’s stock of tape and when a color is running low he casually mentions it to her to order more and then walks away.
He notices how Renee always picks at the scabs on her knuckles that result from her sparring with Andrew. He figures the wraps she has are getting old and silently leaves a new pair on the counter the next time he’s in the girls dorm, along with a box of bandaids and a tube of antiseptic ointment. He leaves a matching set of supplies in Andrew’s dorm as well just to be safe.
He doesn’t consciously realize that what he’s doing is protecting and taking care of the Foxes. But the others catch on and smile fondly at him because he’s letting himself care for them and become part of their family.
And the one time Dan mentions what he’s doing for them he looks at her like she’s crazy. He tells himself, and her, that that’s not what he’s doing, he’s just a future doctor and someone needs to take care of these injury prone idiot athletes and no one else besides him and Abby are going to do it right.
Aaron would definitely be so observant and acutely aware of the Foxes physical well beings despite him insisting he doesn’t care and hates them all. But he basically becomes Abby’s right hand man and teams second nurse because it’s good practice for his future and he knows them.
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novelconcepts · 8 days
A thing I find really important about the way Kevin Can Fuck Himself goes about its job: Allison is kind of a mess. She’s self-centered, she doesn’t put other people’s needs first, she makes reckless choices that endanger herself and others. And the show says: yes. Right. She’s flawed as fuck. And she still does not deserve any of what’s happening to her. It could be argued that she is, in fact, this flawed as a direct product of her trauma. Her self-absorption, unlike Kevin’s, is actually self-preservation. It puts Patty in danger. It tunes out Diane’s pain. It capitalizes on Sam’s relationship problems. And still, the show says: yes. Right. She’s going about this in fumbling, worrying ways. And she still does not deserve any of what’s happening to her.
Know how we know this? How we really know this, outside of our own objectivity, our own awareness of the abuse she’s enduring even to the soundtrack of laughter?
Because Tammy is the one to find her. Because Tammy is the one holding the cards at the end of the game. Tammy, who does not like Allison. Who sees so clearly the complicated, messy, dangerous person Allison can be. The mistakes she is prone to making in the name of desperation. How imperfect she is at every level. And Tammy, who is the character most explicitly set to call Allison on all of her shit, to drag her before a court of law, to lean on that hot-button of whether or not she’s a “good person” until it breaks—lets her go. Folds the cards up, puts them in her pocket, and leaves.
Because Tammy, like the show, like the thesis statement of abuse is never earned, never deserved, never warranted, understands. This is a world that so often sanitizes women after it’s too late to save them. A world that insists she should have done more to get out. A world that insists you should be kind and moral and perfect, or maybe you got what was coming to you. This is a world that sees fighting back as an equally heinous crime. As punishable, if not more so, than the actions of the instigator.
But this show doesn’t want to play that game. This show doesn’t want to fuck with it at all. Allison doesn’t have to be perfect and moral and above reproach. Allison has blood on her hands, and a DUI neatly ignored, and knowingly has an affair with her married boss. Allison hurts her friends sometimes, and she makes awful decisions out of desperation, and she doesn’t always pay attention to other people’s plotlines. And the show says: yes. Right. She’s making choices you probably should not agree with.
And she still does not deserve any of what is happening to her.
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zleepysnails · 24 days
a little opposite au doodle dump for you
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