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Pepita Dill Havarti (Vegan)
#vegan#vegan cheese#danish cuisine#nordic cuisine#diy#veganized#havarti#pumpkin cheese#carageenan#dill#caraway seeds#nutritional yeast#apple cider vinegar#olive oil#sea salt
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Marbled Monday
This week's Marbled Monday is Knee Deep in the Atlantic, a collection of poems with contributions by Linda Parker, Robie Liscomb, Theodore Enslin, and Michael Tarachow. It was printed and sewn in 1981 at Pentagram Press in Markesan, Wisconsin, in a limited edition of 164 copies signed by the contributors.
The Irish Moss (Carrageenan) used for the marbling was gathered by Theodore Enslin near his home in Milbridge, Maine, and by Linda Parker, Robie Liscomb, and Michael Tarachow at Eastern Point, Massachusetts. The marbling itself was done by Liscomb and Tarachow and doesn't seem to be a particular pattern. The text is printed in handset Deepdene type, with Duchess titling, on mould-made Nideggen paper. The signed colophon illustration is by Bonnie Stillman of Markesan.
Michael Tarachow, the proprietor of Pentagram Press, was born and raised in Milwaukee, and for a time even worked in our library in the early 1970s!
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
#Marbled Monday#Knee Deep in the Atlantic#Linda Parker#Robie Liscomb#Theodore Enslin#Michael Tarachow#irish moss#carageenan#marbling#marbled paper#Pentagram Press#Deepedene#Duchess#handmade paper#Bonnie Stillman
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I am no longer lactose intolerant!!!!!
#yippee the curse is defeated#i must have got bit by that tick and it only just wore off after like 11 years#alas i still cant eat carrots or other orange vegetables or carageenan or sucralose or etc etc but at least i can have dairy again!#ursa speaks
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Hi, saw one of your reblogs about masking and wanted to ask something. Sorry if you're not the right person to ask, feel free to ignore, I just haven't got anyone irl that even cares anymore. I've been masking daily this entire time ever since the pandemic first started, but I'm beginning to wonder, when are we going to be able to stop masking? Is there anywhere you can recommend where I can inform myself about this, about what our outlook is like re: COVID and other safety precautions and that type of stuff? The government's position in my country is pretty much just "masks are no longer mandatory" (I wasn't even allowed to get a booster this year, they're apparently not recommended for under 60s here unless you're high risk), and there isn't a culture of masking when sick here, so almost no one does, not even doctors. And it's starting to affect me socially as well, you kind of end up socially excluded/ostracized quite a lot when most places you go you're the only one masking (which I realize is not as bad as death or long COVID but I do have to admit it's getting to me). I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything else to look forward to other than masking indefinitely?
I'm really sorry but unless and until there are widespread, systemic safety measures in place, as far as I know masking is gonna continue to be your best option in terms of protecting yourself and others from covid and its complications :(
There are less effective but still useful options, like the covixyl nasal spray and nasal sanitizers, and iota-carageenan nasal spray and/or cpc mouthwash as post exposure prophylaxis—but those are most effective when paired with masking.
If you do at any point decide to stop masking, altogether or in certain situations, I hope you'll consider using some of those preventative tools. They're dramatically better than no protection at all.
Air cleaners like the corsi-rosenthal box can help if you're in a space where you'd be allowed to set that up. Socializing outside helps a little esp if you're spaced out.
But unless systems get put in place to overhaul ventilation systems and quarantine sick people etc the most effective option I'm aware of as an individual is a well-fitting N95/kf94/kn95 mask with no gapping at the cheeks or anywhere else.
It might be worth finding out who in your area is organizing to try to demand or implement better covid safety measures, and see if you can join them. Try disability advocacy groups—even if they don't have a project like that in place they may either know who does or be willing to help you set one up.
Lastly, I'm just repeating info I've taken in (hopefully accurately) from medical journal articles. I'm just an ordinary person, I'm not an epidemiologist or virologist or medical expert of any kind, so please do your own research as well. Make sure any info you accept as for-sure accurate is from peer reviewed medical studies published by credible scientific journals.
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Mqybe not the BEST lateral move to go from swlf starvation to becoming almost orthorexic-by-proxy for your pet.
I want to make sure Magellan gets his calories by good food and have been in a week long rabbithole searching for decent enough wet cat food that is
NO carageenan or multiple phosphates (tricalcium phosphate is on thin fucking ice)
High protein content (10% or above)
Only good ingredients in the first 5-9 listed (no grains, veg, preserves. Only named meats/organs)
Decently afforable (I love Orijen but it is nigh prohibitively expensive for me currently)
Is something Magellan will EAT
I prefer smaller portion sizes (3-2.8oz seems perfect for meal size for him) with a squeezie treat for midday snack. He still has access to high protein dry kibble with freezedry meat/vitamin toppers but his main food/calorie source is from wet food.
Having him hit his caloric needs is easy enough (he is indoor/low activity, healthy weight, adult/senior but is decently sized for a male DSH) and he has plenty of additional access to water for hydration.
He LOVES the Tikicat velvet mousse but its not mmmmmmexactly what I want in my list. Its fine but not great. (Think its a texture thing also since he prefers the softer puree/mousse texture. His teeth are fine by the way he just tends to fling chunky food)
If anyone has suggestions please let me know
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Due to my fast metabolism, I was always skinny since nobody taught me how to diet properly, so despite eating whatever I wanted (and always eating A LOT), I never got to an average weight throughout my adolescence and early adulthood. I had a few people say that they wish they had my body but keep the boobs they had (thanks, assholes), but most of it was people accusing me of having an eating disorder.
Fast-forward for 2021 and after an ER trip due to a severe anal fissure, it let to me getting laparoscopic surgery later that year. I was VERY underweight because my endometriosis cyst was pinching my intestine some, creating a bottlenecking effect that made digesting food and bowel movements EXTREMELY PAINFUL to the point where I ended up eating very little each day, wondering if I'll ever be able to eat full meals again.
After a successful recovery, but still weary of how some foods might still affect me (red meat and straight plain dairy milk is a VERY BIG NO-NO as well as heavily processed foods and fast foods), I still had no idea how to diet yet. But I wanted to see a counselor for abandonment issues.
She specialized in eating disorders and refused to believe me, even claiming to get me on a shake plan before getting me on solids DESPITE THE FACT THAT IVE ALWAYS EATEN SOLIDS THIS WHOLE TIME. The bitch diagnosed me with anorexia despite never asking for my history or views of food. She kept gaslighting me and tried to get me into in-patient care. I ended up HAVING to manipulate the conversation to get her to suggest to bring my husband in so she thinks he takes her side.
When he took MY side, she ignored him like he didn't exist. And when she kept taking the convo in circles, I told her I was done with her. And she was pissed.
She wanted to make a quick buck off me cuz of my insurance, but she somehow fucking got ME absolutely OBSESSED with a weight scale because I was so afraid of those accusations.
I did manage to see a dietician but when I told her the situation, she immediately assumed that I was also anorexic and just... begged me to eat more. I kept repeating that I need to know what all foods I can eat because I don't wanna make anything worse for my endo and I need to know what else fucks with my guts, how much of a thing is too much before it pisses off my endo, etc. Until FINALLY she acknowledges my concerns and sounded ANNOYED when she told me, "I don't understand what endometriosis has to do with the digestive system." (I'm glad my insurance covered that visit because I'd be outta $300+ just for some no-effort "specialist" to tell me to just eat more and then recommend that Ensure shake which after about a month of using (and STRUGGLING to gain weight), I get painful bloating because of the fucking carageenan in it).
I'm proud to say I did manage to get to an average weight FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE after searching more about the Mediterranean diet and discovering the Yuka app to ease my ingredient anxieties (regarding additives and shit like that). I'm also exercising to build muscle too, but no shakes. Fuck that. I don't need anymore pain.
The focus on skinny being a goal has made people think that no matter what if you lose weight, it's good, or if you've lost too much weight then you did it on purpose because you don't feel skinny enough. Which obviously stems from fatphobia. And this shit is gonna get people hurt or worse.
People need to stop assuming that weight-loss is always a good thing or that it's somebody's goal.
Anyway, I don't trust most counselors or therapists now and after looking up and finding therapists that would actually help me, they don't take Medicaid, so.... I'll just stick with using my tarot cards. It's more affordable and hasn't told me shit about my stupid fucking BMI.

#i never understood fatphobia anyways#maybe its becuz i knew a lot of fat ppl growing up and they were normal to me?#idk
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What Will I Do If I Text FirstName LastName to Tell Him I Love Him and He Tells Me He Doesn't Feel the Same?
I'll know. I'll tell him I can't be his friend because I like him too much, and I'll leave the door open in case he ever wants to reach out again and changes his mind.
I'll work on loving myself. I'll write down a list of things I love about myself before I even text him: right after I finish this write-up. I'll make it a pros and cons list, but for me this time. And even if there are more cons than pros, I'll forgive myself for it because I'm going through a time when I'm mostly feeling bad about myself. I'll assure myself that there are probably more pros than I'm putting down, and probably more cons as well.
Then, I'll make an action plan. All of my cons I'll put in order of priority, and I'll come up with ways to fix them. I'll work with Therapist a lot on that.
The whole time, I'll stay in touch with the people who do love me and care about me. I'll talk to BestFriend every day like I always do, and I'll see if I can call and FaceTime her more. I'll call my parents pretty often. I'll talk to CollegeFriend at least twice a month. I'll try to get more in touch with BestFriend'sSister. Maybe I'll reach out to BestFriend'sFriend; she seems really cool. I'll see if I can become actually friends with WorkFriend from work. BestFriend'sSister is having a confrontation with her friend/ex BestFriend'sSister'sEx right now, and I can be there for her during that. I'll hang out with Cousin more often.
I'll get really into my job. I'll be there for my clients, and it will make me feel good about myself. I'll try to project a little less onto ClientWhoHasTheSameDiagnosesAsMe, but I'll see if I can develop a good relationship with her and with my other clients. I'll try not to project too much onto my client ClientWhoHasTheSameFirstNameAsFirstNameLastName as well. I'll make work friends and see if they can become actual friends. I'll read stuff on social work; I'll renew my City Public Library card and go there all the time, probably to the NeighborhoodCloseToWhereILive branch. I might try to start reading again in general.
On the bad days, I'll put on a nice outfit. I won't stay in my house; I'll go to work, go to the library, go grocery shopping, go to a bar, go to a drag show, go clubbing, go to a friend's house, go somewhere random on the train, go to a cafe, go to a thrift store, go to a random event from EventBrite, go to some kind of class (maybe a music class if I can find one), go on a walk in the woods in NeighborhoodILiveIn or NeighborhoodIDon'tLiveIn, and/or go get a banh mi in NeighborhoodNotCloseToWhereILive. I'll put on a smile no matter what; no more songs about him, no more sitting around feeling sorry for myself.
I'll be a great roommate no matter what. I'll have parties with Roommate1 and Roommate2 and their friends, and I'll expand my social circle in City. I'll do my chores and celebrate their birthdays and buy the house things and put them on Splitwise. I'll get a friendly cat (even if it's not CatIFoundOnPetfinder) and clean their litter box every single day. I'll feed them raw cat food (or at least wet food with no carageenan) off of a plate to avoid whisker stress. I'll lavish them with cuddles and they might sleep on my bed and night, but if that's not how they decide to show me love, I'll be OK with that. I'll hang up my poisonous plants so my cat can't eat them.
Maybe someday I'll find someone else. I won't rush myself to feel better or get over him. I'll work with Therapist to figure out what that really feels like, and I might not know it until a little bit after I feel it, and that's OK because I've always struggled with that.
I'll do random other things to make myself feel better. When I move into my new apartment, I'll start using mouthwash every night. I'll but grapes quite often, and I'll get a designated grape container to bring them in my lunch at least four days a week. I'll pay off my credit card bill. I'll get a gym membership when I move (and cancel my subscription at the CityIUsedToLiveIn YMCA), and I'll do yoga whenever they have a beginner class and cardio on Mondays at 7pm, and I'll get better at it. I'll get more into spirituality. I'll meditate on weekends for at least 15 minutes. I'll check out the St. Anthony Shrine downtown on September 14th, and if I like it, maybe I'll go light a candle or something whenever I feel like it. I'll buy new bras that actually look good and wear cute underwear most of the time. I'll develop a more intense skincare routine. I'll keep my hair pink, at least until I get sick of it. I'll bake cookies sometimes and give them out to my coworkers and my neighbors.
I'll forgive, and maybe someday, I'll forget. I won't make my happiness contingent on forgetting, though, because I have all these other things to do that will make me happy. I'll know, and I'll figure it out, and I'll move past it. I'll love myself more than any man, even FirstName LastName.
#dbt might be working this time#poems on tumblr#coping ahead#grapes#container for grapes#designated grape container
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day 8 of isolating, in a THIRD location, because I am a covid close contact and continue to be one on a rolling basis because the other contact I was staying with came up positive and I had to move!
Apart from luck, the main difference between me and the friend who came up positive is that I wear a mask tightener strap and use a carageenan nasal spray. A victory for the seaweed nose approach? Perhaps.
#this new variant spreads like crazy he either caught it outside at >2m away or through both people wearing n95s#can't go home to immunocompromised partner for another week at least#current events#my real life#partner's parents have stashed me in the shack at the back of the farm and are feeding me very well
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i got white people soymilk at the grocery store bc i forgot to get it when i was chinese shopping. why the fuck are you guys always putting agar and gellan gum and carageenan and shit in here. why am i drinking white fucking ooze
white people arent allowed to make soymilk anymore
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Is carrageenan in wet cat food actually a bad ingredient? I've frequently seen people say to not feed your cats food with it in it because it can cause inflammation or even serious health problems like cancer, but I can't find any actual sources. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to ask!
Hi, @release-the-hound here.
There is a lot of debate about carageenan (red seaweed/irish moss). When processed with acids it degrades into a substance known as poligeenan. Poligeenan has been proven to cause gastrointestinal lesions in animals. It was previously known as degraded-carageenan (d-CGN) further muddling the waters.
There has been some amount of fear and discussion that food-grade carageenan could become poligeenan when exposed to stomach acid during digestion. This has never been proven. The negative effects of poligeenan have been proven, but poligeenan is not FDA approved for use in food, so you won't find it in your cat food.
Poligeenan is not carageenan. It is produced in laboratory settings by subjecting carageenan to acid hydrolysis at a low pH (0.9 to 1.3) at temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius for several hours. While cats do have a lower pH than human stomachs I've never seen one heat up to 80 degrees Celsius. If it did, you'd have more to worry about than stomach ulcers.
People have been fearmongering about carageenan for decades but have yet to provide any substantial evidence against this FDA approved substance. In my opinion I think it's unlikely that carageenan produces the symptoms you've listed, although poligeenan might. I also think it's unlikely that your cat's stomach is similar enough to the laboratory settings necessary to transform carigeenan into poligeenan. But that's just my opinion. Current research supports me, but I'm not omniscient so I can't guarantee that it is impossible for this substance to hurt your cat. Carageenan is not necessary for cat health, it's just a common emulsifier. If you are truly worried and want to switch to a carageenan-free diet, your cat won't suffer for it as long as the food is still formulated properly.
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I'm drinking a bottle of nesquik for the first time in several years, will keep you updated on who wins when my organs start the race of who can shut down the fastest
#sludgetalkz#context just in case im very allergic to one of nesquiks ingredients specifically carageenan#nesquik is literally HOW WE FOUND OUT i have this allergy#it will not actually shut my organs down though dont worry I'll probably just throw up in the bathtub or something
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#marbling #goo #cleaning #swish #slime #snotwater #paint #carageenan #glitter #color
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kiezelmarmers (pebble or stone marbles)
getrokken marmers (drawn marbles)
kammarmers (combed marbles)
schaduwmarmers (shadow marbles)
fantasiemarmer (fantasy marbles)
combinatie-marbers (combination marbles)
overmarmer (over marbles)
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Hey Im a working class british vegetarian but after watching okja and cowspiracy now want to go vegan. I've cut out milk as my first step, and whilst I like soy and almond milk, it makes my stomach go crazy. I looked it up and most of these contain carageenan, which often causes digestion issues. Some american brands got rid of it, but so far I can't find any uk brands without it. Any suggestions? Or will this pass the more my body gets used to it? Thanks!
First of all, that’s awesome news that you’ve decided to go vegan! Congrats and well done!
This is the first time I’ve heard of ‘carageenan’, so I don’t have any personal experience or suggestions, but I’ve had a bit of a research! From what I’ve found, carageenan is extracted from red edible seaweeds and is widely used in the food industry, for it’s gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. It’s found not only in a lot of dairy replacement products, but also increasingly a lot of dairy products.
There’s a lot of worry about whether or not it’s actually harmful, and there is evidence proving it could potentially cause a "leaky gut" (leading to bloating, gas, cramps). But it’s important to remember we don’t know for certain how much causes detrimental harm to actual humans. Basically, we don’t know enough to be worried about it, but we also don’t know enough to not be worried about it.
If you are concerned about whether you’re being affected by carageenan, you should definitely try cutting it out to see whether you feel any improvement. Have a look at this site here and scroll down to “Organic Dairy Alternative” to find some carageenan-free brands. I’m sorry I don’t know any specifically british brands at the moment!
Sources: [X] [X] [X] [X]
However, I gotta say, when you first transition to veganism you might experience some digestion... quirks. And it’s perfectly normal and will eventually pass! It’s because your body is getting used to the changes (and you’ll potentially be eating more fibre on a vegan diet), so give it a while before you start to worry too much! xx
tl;dr: if your tummy feels jiffy after transitioning to veganism (or you find urself going to the toilet more often), don’t worry - it’s perfectly normal and will probably pass after 2-3 weeks. as for carageenan, we don’t know for certain that it’s definitely dangerous, but it’s best to err on the side of caution: have a look here
as always, if anyone more informed knows anything, please add!
#anonymous#this ended up being longer than expected lol#hopefully something there will help out!#vegan#veganism#carageenan#health#Anonymous
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Gluten free people! Don't buy these! First of they taste really bad.. artificially sweet PLUS they contain the nasty #carageenan #palmoil & SUGAR... YUCK! Will be trying out my own recipe for a really rustic, true gf 🍕 dough soon! https://www.instagram.com/p/BsNSY8qFwdTSib9wo9R78vyyS63QczgYRsYf4A0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bkq8u83wlgq6
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rhubarb marshmallows
#rhubarb marshmallows#marshmallows#rhubarb#sugar#rhubarb puree#aquafaba#xanthan gum#corn syrup#glucose syrup#kappa carageenan#carob bean gum#food#candy#snack#dessert#vegan#vegetarian#this
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