Your name is EQUIUS ZAHHAK and you are THREE SWEEPS OLD. You love being STRONG. Recently, your strength has become a problem as you've begun to INJURE YOUR LUSUS while hugging and petting him. You're 100% certain this problem can be resolved if he just trains a bit and becomes STRONGER. You love collecting pictures of TINY FAUNA, particularly those that possess hooved feet. Looking at these images helps to quell the perpetual undercurrent of rage that courses through your very being. You've also started to construct robots that you BEAT THE WIRING OUT OF in caged brawls. While fighting one of them, your horn snapped off, but you consider the scarred nub a BADGE OF HONOR earned in fierce and savage mechanical combat.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Bonkers Bananaville
Quick PSA edit:
Actively and intentionally harming another person because they inadvertently hurt you is the behavior of a narcissist. If you find yourself doing this, I recommend getting in touch with a therapist. Online bullies who target people for “problematic behavior” are often narcissists who are trying to get away with satisfying their need to punish and harm others who have unintentionally caused them distress while simultaneously satisfying their need for applause. There are other ways to resolve problems. The fact that they choose to wage sustained bullying campaigns is because of their personality disorder, not because it’s an effective or just tool for solving social problems.
So recently, a good friend of mine, mx, has been getting bullied and harassed by some folks in the DC fandom. The circumstances are complicated and stupid and basically amount to a bunch of emotionally fragile morons deciding that because my friend argued that a character is asexual because they grew up under messed up circumstances and didn’t develop into a fully realized social being, my friend mx must be acephobic. Now I will fully admit that the phrasing mx used, when taken out of context, sounds really horrible! They used the expression “barely a person” to describe the character. This is an expression that we use among our friends group in a joking way to describe a character (never a real person) who has not been fully realized as a social individual within whatever fictional world they exist. It’s not so much an attempt to deny the character’s humanity as it is describing what has happened to the person as a result of their life circumstances. Personally, I disagree with the idea that social circumstances would affect a person’s sexuality. Maybe it would affect their ability to relate to people so that if the person was demi or greysexual to begin with, it would push them away from the possibility of sexual relationships altogether? I can certainly see it contributing to a person being aromantic. And if I had been a part of that conversation that’s what I would have argued to mx. I myself am asexual. It took me a long time to come out as ace and I had to deal with a lot of shit from random people, family and friends. But you know who never gave me any trouble? You know who always listened to me and supported me? It was mx. They were 100% wonderful about it. They never ever made me feel uncomfortable. They never made any weird advances or comments to me, even before I came out, which other close friends have done. They never pressured me to be anything different than what I am. Never made even the slightest suggestion that there was anything odd about my identity. And they tried to tell me why I am the way I am or dissect it. They let me speak for myself. And the reason they did this is because I am a real living breathing human being and not a fictional character. You see, mx and I are the type of people who make a distinction between how we talk about imaginary constructs and real people. We differentiate in how we treat fictional representations and actual humans (and I guess furries too. I know a lot of furries. I don’t want to exclude them.)
So these assholes have been sending mx nasty messages, harassing them on multiple platforms, gotten them kicked out of a ton of Discord servers and are approaching anyone they come in contact with telling them that mx is a dangerous person because.... I don’t know, I don’t really understand their argument? Because mx phrased something in a way that reminded them of something fucked up other people have said to them? Nevermind that mx did not remotely mean it in the way that originally hurt them did. They can’t target the original person and mx presents an easy target so here we go into the land of scapegoats. I guess some people just want to find reasons to be upset about something so they can have an excuse to bully and harass others. Because if this was really about them getting hurt, as they claim, then why go to all the trouble of destroying the life of someone who doesn’t believe the things they claim? And it’s pretty clear they don’t based on how they treat the other people in their life who are ace. Now these folks have known mx for maybe half a year and in that time have had very shallow conversations with them about comic book characters. It’s hard to make any sort of real assessment of a person based on that. However, they’re now going around telling people that mx has now for 10, 15, 20 years, some of whom have known mx IRL for that whole time, some of whom know mx’s family, some of whom have lived with mx, in other words, people who are very close to mx and know them extremely well.... these asshats online are telling them, “Oh, mx isn’t who they say they are.”
Right. Because after having some disagreements about comic books in an online chat group, you have the full measure of a person. Because you can definitely tell everything about a person based on how they’ve analyzed a character and not based on how they actually treat real people that they know for twenty years. I think, given that I have heard every intimate detail of mx’s thoughts, feelings and life for the past twenty years because I am the kind of person they confide things in, even the fucked up things, I have a much better sense of who this person is than a bunch of whiny little bullies who take pleasure in harming as many people as they possibly can while looking justified in their abhorrent and despicable behavior by throwing up some fake front of social justice.
Oh, and one of these people deserves special mention. They’re a white person who claims to be a POC. They do so in order to call other white people racist and so that they can get lots of accolades and sympathy from others. As someone who has had to deal with the effects of systemic racism, this makes me furious. You don’t have to deal with the fear of family members being killed or imprisoned, you don’t have to deal with harsher treatment from the police or judicial authorities, you don’t have to deal with being treated as the brown friend, you don’t have to deal with the fact that there is not a single country in the world where you won’t be under increased surveillance or probable persecution or the threat of rape. So you do not get to claim some kind of moral authority that you think gives you permission to go around acting like a twisted, manipulative, toxic, abusive, sadistic fuck, while everyone lauds you for your imaginary struggle. Acknowledge your privilege and be an ally. Support people. Lift them up. Don’t claim an identity so that you can injure others. That’s seriously deranged.
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there seems to be some confusion about this. Andrew Hussie is my intellectual property, and mine alone. all of my headcanons about the Huss are 100% legitimate, where as yours are all laughably fake. there is no room for interpretation whatsoever about Andrew Hussie.
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Rose will revive everyone???
I would direct your attention to this discussion
JASPERSPRITE: Rose im just a cat and i dont know much but i know that youre important and also you are what some people around here call the Seer of Light. JASPERSPRITE: And you dont know what that means but you will see its all tied together! JASPERSPRITE: All the life in the ocean and all the shiny rain and the songs in your head and the letters they make. JASPERSPRITE: A beam of light i think is like a drop of rain or a long piece of yarn that dances around when you play with it and make it look enticing! JASPERSPRITE: And the way that it shakes is the same as what makes notes in a song! JASPERSPRITE: And a song i think can be written down as letters. JASPERSPRITE: So if you play the right song and it makes all the right letters then those letters could be all the letters that make life possible. JASPERSPRITE: So all you have to do is wake up and learn to play the rain!
Which I take to mean that if Rose learns how to "play the rain," she'll be able to bring the dead back to life.
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D --> Yes
D --> An angry god with majestic and noble messengers

fucked up
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D --> Tiny claws in the pocket
D --> So portable
D --> And yet so pleased
D --> It must feel e%tra snuggly ensconced in the t-shirt material

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What do you think of blueberries? Blue on the outside, but green when peeled, with purple juices.
D —> B100 and green naturally complement one another
D —> They are like moirails, one balancing the other
D —> And purple
D —> Oh gosh
D —> What an e%quisite color
D —> So regal
D —> So authoritative
D —> Yes
D —> A most e%cellent combination of colors
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D --> I desire this confection
D --> The flowers and te%t are b100

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D --> An e%cellent depiction of her
Can’t stop, won’t stop, drawing nep.
I was intending for this to be a gif, where she just flails her arms around with ridiculously long, floppy sleeves, so we’ll see how that turns out.
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D --> This fascinates me
D --> I wonder where the dancing nut foraging fauna learned to cavort so splendidly
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D --> The human finger makes the tiny talons do a bippity boppity dance
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Alt-server Roleplay Chat
Just a general RP chat for people to while away their time while we wait.
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D --> So fierce
D --> The tiny paws inspires all of us who are diminutive in stature but STRONG in spirit
ok but what if like. werewolves transform under the full moon but theres just this one and by day hes a big tough guy and then when he transforms hes a tiny dog. just fucking. just fucking turns into the tiniest, fluffiest dog

imagine that howling at the moon
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D --> No tiny claws
D --> Do not lick it
D --> It's filthy
D --> You might consume germs and catch a kitty cold
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D --> 100k at these e%traordinary and c001 robotic arms
D --> They 100k so c001 balled into fists
D --> So sturdy
D --> I'm certain they would be good for hugs as well as punches

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Yes, it was indeed a joke, though I did write it based on my experience and those of other roleplayers. You see, I read this web comic called Homestuck and Homestuck makes lots of jokes that are parodies of internet behavior. I was trying to write something in that vein. It was also a prompt. I was hoping someone would respond to it in character and indeed, someone did. I had a rather humorous roleplay with a Nepeta off of it that went something like this: :33 < equius you shouldnt guilt people about roleplaying D --> You're right Nepeta D --> It was f001ish of me, but their writing had such flair
D --> It just made me so
D --> Sweaty
:33 < das gross equius D --> No it's not
:33 < yes it is
D --> No
D --> It's not
:33 < yes
:33 < it is
D --> No
:33 < yes
D --> No
:33 < yes And so on and so forth
Don’t do this. Do not do this. If you want to do this and you think it’s a good idea, it’s not. Don’t go through with it.
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D --> I can't verify the accuracy of the te%t on this image
D --> But something about it stri% me as fishy

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