#car sickness
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1heartfanfics · 1 month ago
Okay this is super self-indulgent and loosely based on a video I saw of a girl with her sick boyfriend. Not NSFW but more kink than I usually write for fandom stuff.
This is the longest thing I've written in a while so there's that.
TW: depictions of vomit
"Hey Dad, can I have a sec before we head back?" T.K. asked as the crew all headed toward the truck now that the scene had been wrapped up.
Owen followed his sons gaze and saw Carlos standing off by himself, one hand braced on his patrol car.
"Yeah, just try to make it quick okay?" Owen agreed, understanding that TK needed to go check on his boyfriend.
TK nodded and jogged away from the truck toward Carlos. He had known something was up with Carlos since the moment they arrived on scene. Carlos had been on crowd control, making sure the gathering of people stayed back. But he was moving sluggishly, slightly hunched over himself unlike his usual tall and confident posture.
"Baby?" he called as he got close to Carlos, "You feeling okay?" he asked.
"No." Carlos answered shortly, taking TK by surprise. He had fully expected to have a pointless back and forth where Carlos insisted he was fine even though there was obviously something wrong. His voice sounded weird, choked up almost.
"Hey, what's going on?" TK asked, moving closer to rest a hand on Carlos's hip.
Instead of answering Carlos leaned forward with a wet belch that morphed into a heave, bringing up a wave of vomit onto the pavement.
"Woah, okay," TK muttered, taken by surprise again. That was definitely not what he was expecting. "Alright, easy babe, I've got you," TK said, moving to stand slightly behind Carlos, rubbing a hand gently up and down his back over the uniform.
Carlos coughed and spit into the pile of sick on the ground, then slowly straightened up. His face was pale and there were dark circles under his eyes, forehead damp with sweat now. Carlos's eyes were wide, glancing around nervously. TK knew he was worried about all of the prying eyes of both their teams and the bystanders.
"Hey, come here, it's okay," TK said quickly, turning Carlos to face him by the hand on his hip and wrapping an arm around his back. Carlos leaned into him, pressing his face into TK's shoulder.
"Baby what happened?" TK asked quietly.
Carlos shrugged, "Woke up with an upset stomach but got super nauseous when we got to this call," he mumbled, voice muffled against TK's uniform.
Carlos's partner, Grace, walked around the other side of their patrol car to face TK. "Go home Reyes, I'll take care of the reports," she said, reaching out to give him a pat on the shoulder.
"Thank you," Carlos responded weakly.
"I don't think he's felt well all day," Grace added, to TK this time. Then she nodded her head towards the firetruck, giving TK a questioning look. TK nodded, confirming. She gave them a sympathetic smile then headed around to the drivers side of the patrol car and got in.
"Come on babe, let's get you home," TK said, keeping his arm around Carlos's waist as he pulled slightly away from the hug.
"Where-? What are-?" Carlos asked, confused as TK began to lead him away from his patrol car and toward the firetruck.
"You're gonna come back to the station with me and lay down in the bunks until I can take you home," TK answered.
Owen, who'd been watching them from the passenger seat of the truck, had understood TK's plan and let the crew know. They silently rearranged themselves to leave two open seats right next to each other as TK helped Carlos climb into the truck.
"Right here man," Paul said, patting the open seat across from him. Carlos gave him a strained smile as TK climbed in behind him and shut the door, taking the seat next to Carlos. He was thankful that the crew had given them the foreward facing seats. Riding backwards can be a little nauseating when you aren't used to it and probably wouldn't have done any favors for Carlos's stomach.
"Everybody set?" Judd asked over the headset from the front seat.
"All set," Paul answered.
As the engine lurched forward, turning sharply to head back to the station, TK felt Carlos stiffen next to him. Carlos brought a hand up to rest on his stomach and his face went a shade paler.
"Hey, you gonna be okay?" TK asked, leaning close to Carlos so he could hear him over the engine. Carlos nodded slightly, but fumbled for TK's hand. "I'm right here," TK said, taking Carlos's hand and resting their joined hands on Carlos's thigh.
"Is he gonna make it?" Paul asked over the headset.
"He looks like he's about to hurl again," Mateo added.
"Both of you shut up, you're not helping," Marjan scolded them.
TK gave Marjan a grateful look, thankful for her stopping the commentary. Although Carlos probably couldn't hear them, since it was loud and he didn't have a headset on, TK could, and he needed to focus on taking care of Carlos.
"TK, we'll be there in a few," Judd said.
"Hey, just breath through it babe. In through your nose, out through your mouth," TK instructed, squeezing Carlos's hand. "Judd says we're almost there," he added.
"TK I don't-" Carlos pressed a hand to his lips, cutting himself off.
"Dude he's totally about to puke," Mateo laughed.
"Shut up!" Marjan hissed, elbowing Mateo in the ribs.
"Try to hold on just a little bit longer baby. But if you need to be sick it's alright, I'm right here," TK said, cringing as he remembered he was on headset and his whole crew could hear him.
"Ay TK he wouldn't be the first person to throw up in here," Paul said, giving them a sympathetic look.
This was true. The rig wasn't exactly a smooth ride, which had a tendency to cause motion sickness until you got used to it. Especially if you were hungover or something to begin with. And especially if you were riding backward. While TK had never been sick in this rig, he had thrown up in the rig back in New York once when he was riding backward with an impending migraine.
"TK? I'm assuming Carlos is off duty for the day?" Owen asked over the headset.
"Yeah, his partner told him to go home and that she'd take care of everything," TK answered, draping his arm around Carlos's shoulders and rubbing up and down his arm.
"Just get out of here and get him home then okay? You're dismissed for the day," Owen said over the headset, turning to give TK a nod.
"Thanks Dad," TK said, giving Owen a grateful smile.
Thankfully Carlos managed to make it back to the station. The rig parked in the bay with a lurch, making Carlos draw in a breath. Carlos pressed his face into TK's shoulder.
"We're at the station baby, you're alright," TK soothed, pressing a kiss into Carlos's hair. At this point he didn't care that his team was watching and listening to him, he just needed to make sure Carlos was taken care of.
"All clear," Judd said over the headset, indicating that the rig was in park and they were safe to get out.
Paul jumped up and opened the door, "Y'all go ahead," he said, nodding to TK.
TK nodded, hanging his headset up above his seat and undoing his lap belt, before reaching over Carlos to undo his as well. He stood up and held his hands out. Carlos took his hands, letting TK pull him toward the door. TK stepped down backward then helped Carlos down out of the rig.
"How's your stomach? Better on solid ground or do we need to head to the bathroom?" TK asked, pulling Carlos a few steps away from the rig to allow his team to get out and start getting cleaned up.
"Better, I think," Carlos said. He no longer looked quite as green. Plus, Carlos did have a tendency to get carsick when he wasn't driving. But he was also in no shape to drive himself.
"Alright, let's get you laying down in my bunk while I get changed okay?" TK said, wrapping an arm around Carlos's waist. He led Carlos through the bay and up the stairs to the bunkroom.
"You're still on shift?" Carlos said, although it came out as a question.
"Dad said I could go home for the day," TK said, leading Carlos over to his bunk.
"Here, sit for a second, I'll be right back" TK said. Carlos sat at the edge of the bed while TK walked to the far end of the room to grab the trash can and bring it over, setting it next to Carlos. "Just in case," he said, giving Carlos a sad smile.
Carlos nodded, he no longer felt like he was in immediate danger of throwing up, but his stomach still felt pretty sour and queasy.
"Let's get you a little more comfy so you can lay down for a sec," TK said, crouching down in front of him. He unbuckled Carlos's utility belt, setting it on the end table next to the bunk. Then he undid Carlos's regular belt and pulled it out before setting it down on the table as well. TK unbuttoned his uniform top, pulling it down off Carlos's arms to leave him in just an undershirt and his uniform pants. Lastly, he pulled Carlos's shoes off his feet, leaving them on the floor at the edge of the bed.
"Better?" TK asked.
Carlos nodded, it did feel better not to have his gear and full uniform on. He realized though that TK was still in his full turnouts, which couldn't be comfortable. He must be burning up.
"M'okay, you can go change," Carlos said.
"I will. Why don't you lay down," TK nodded, patting the bed.
Carlos laid down on his side as TK moved the trash can to set it on the floor next to the bunk, just in case. TK pulled the blanket he kept on his bunk up over Carlos then leaned down to kiss his cheek.
"Alright, I'm gonna go change and get cleaned up real quick and then we'll go home. The crew might be in and out of here but no one will bother you, I promise," TK said. Carlos nodded in acknowledgement, so TK squeezed his shoulder then stood, heading out toward the locker room.
"Hey, how's he doing?" Paul asked as TK walked over to his locker, stepping out of his turnouts.
"He's doing alright, laying down in my bunk while I get ready to go," TK answered.
"Well tell him we hope he feels better," Marjan called from across the room.
"Thanks guys," TK said, stripping down to his undershirt and boxers before heading into the showers. He quickly hosed off and got dressed in the t-shirt and joggers he'd brought in his duffle today. Then he headed back to the bunkroom.
Carlos was laying exactly as TK had left him, scrolling on his phone. The trash can, thankfully, was unused.
"Hey," TK said, crouching down in front of Carlos. "You ready to go?" he asked.
Carlos nodded, pushing himself up slowly. TK put Carlos's shoes back on, then grabbed his uniform and gear from off of the end table and shoved them into his bag with his own stuff.
TK stood up, tossing the duffle bag over his shoulder before holding a hand out to Carlos, pulling him to his feet. With a hand on the small of his back, TK led Carlos back down the stairs and through the station. They left through the bay doors, a shortcut to the parking lot, and walked to TK's car. TK helped Carlos into the passenger seat and headed toward home.
"Doing okay?" TK asked as he drove, glancing over at Carlos, who was slumped against the door, head leaned against the window.
Carlos hummed noncommittally in response, which told TK that maybe he was feeling nauseous again. Although the ride was a lot smoother than the back of the rig, the motion might be bothering his already sick stomach.
"We'll be home in a few minutes baby, just keep breathing," TK said, reaching over to gently squeeze Carlos's knee.
TK parked in front of their townhouse and got out, moving around to the passenger side to open Carlos's door and help him out of the car. He quickly grabbed his duffle bag from the backseat and then took Carlos's hand, leading him toward their home.
They were only a few feet away from the door when Carlos suddenly stopped.
"TK-" Carlos said, his voice breaking. When TK turned, Carlos was frozen mid-step, one hand pressed to his stomach and the other hovering over his mouth.
"It's okay," TK said, moving to stand slightly behind Carlos to rub his back. That was all the permission Carlos's body needed, pitching forward with a retch to vomit into the grass in front of their house.
"Easy love, you're alright," TK soothed, rubbing up and down Carlos's back over his white tee, which was now damp with sweat.
Once Carlos was finished, he straightened up slowly, leaning against TK's side. He was exhausted.
"Come on, let's get you inside. Just a few more steps," TK said softly, ushering Carlos the last few feet and letting them inside. He helped Carlos lay down on the couch, covering him with a blanket before sitting down on the coffee table across from him.
"Think you could drink a little bit of water?" TK asked, brushing Carlos's hair off of his forehead. Carlos shook his head quickly, face paling visibly at the thought of putting anything into his stomach.
"Okay, we'll try later then. You want to watch something?" TK said, reaching over to grab the remote.
"Moana?" Carlos asked quietly. TK smiled, chuckling softly as he went to disney plus and started playing Moana. Disney movies were Carlos's guilty pleasure, and were always his go-to when he was sick or after a rough day.
"Alright, there we go. You need anything else?" TK asked.
"Just stay?" Carlos said, looking up at TK with sad eyes.
"Of course baby, I'm not going anywhere," TK said. He crawled over Carlos to lay behind him, draping an arm over Carlos's waist. "I'll always stay."
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Hello, could i request a spencer reid x daughter who gets really car sick and on a long drive with reid and morgan feels gross🤍
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Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan x Daughter Reader
Request: Hello, could i request a spencer reid x daughter who gets really car sick and on a long drive with reid and morgan feels gross🤍
Tw vomiting, talk of being sick, if you you don't like these then don't read.
Third person pov...
As the sun rose in the distance, Spencer Reid and his daughter Y/N, packed their bags for their long-awaited trip to visit her grandmother in Las Vaga.
The teenager was excited to see her grandmother, she doesn't get to visit her often with her Dads work, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.
She knew the long drive ahead would be difficult for her. You see Y/N  inherited his sensitive stomach and tendency to get car sick of course Spencers wasn't as bad but Y/Ns was.
As they loaded their bags into the car, Spencer's colleague and friend, Derek Morgan, joined them for the ride.
Y/Ns face lit up seeing Uncle Derek, and she quickly ran to give him a hug. "Uncle derek! Your comkng as well!" She exclaimed, Derek grins at his niece.
"Of course i am peanut, its been a while since i last saw Mrs Reid" he tells the girl, using kne hand to put the rest of the luggage in the trunk while holding his niece.
The three of them settled into the car, with Morgan taking the wheel while Spencer sat in the passenger sear leaving Y/N in the back.
At first, Y/N was thrilled to be on the road, chatting and playing games with her dad and Uncle Derek. But as the hours passed by, her excitement turned into discomfort.
She tried her best to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach and the constant swaying of the car, but it was getting harder by the minute.
Spencer noticed the change in his daughter's mood and asked her if she was okay. The H/C girl put on a brave face and nodded, not wanting to ruin the trip for everyone.
She didn't want to be known as the 'car sick kid,' especially in front of Uncle Derek, who she looked up to.
But as the car continued to zigzag through the winding roads, the young girls condition worsened. She started feeling hot and dizzy, and her stomach churned with every turn.
She tried to keep her focus on the road ahead, but all she could think about was how she wanted the car ride to end.
As they stopped for a bathroom break and some snacks, Y/N silently prayed for the rest of the journey to be over quickly.
She tried sipping on some water and munching on a granola bar, but her stomach refused to settle. She felt a lump form in her throat, and she knew she couldn't hold on much longer.
As they drove on, the young girl tried to distract herself by looking out the window and pointing out interesting sights along the way.
However, her stomach had other ideas and she had to close her eyes and take deep breaths to prevent herself from getting sick.
She could hear her father and uncle Derek talking in the front seat, but their voices were distant as she focused on trying to keep her stomach settled.
"Hey princess, are you feeling okay back there?" Reid's concerned voice broke through her thoughts. His daughers eyes flicked open and she saw her father looking back at her through the rearview mirror.
"I'm fine, just a little queasy" she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt.
"Maybe we should pull over and take a break" Morgan suggested. "I know a great roadside diner up ahead" he says as he drives a little more slowly and carefully.
Uncle Derek also noticed Y/Ns discomfort and turned on the air conditioning, hoping to provide her some relief.
"Dad" she called out weakly.
Reid turned around in his seat, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, sweetie?"
"I feel like I'm going to throw up" the young girl replied, her voice trembling.
Reid immediately asked Derek to pull over at the next rest stop. Running to the bathroom she threw herself over the toilet and began emptying her stomach into it
Concerned for his daughter Spencer ran after her. "N/N!" He yelled sitting behind her after ahed finished throwing up he took her in his arms and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.
Derek handed her a bottle of water and some tissues while apologizing profusely for not being more cautious about her sickness, was fine with her throwing up, he gave Y/N a bottle of water and some crackers to settle her stomach.
He also fished out her motion sickness medication from her suitcase and rubbed her back soothingly as she started to feel better.
After a few minutes she leant away from the toilet and against her dads chest feeling his warmth.
Suddenly tears start streaming down her face as she apologized to her dad and Uncle Derek, the men instantly concerned begin comforting the distressed girl.
They weren't angry or annoyed, jsut concerned about her They both comforted her and assured her that it was okay and nothing to be ashamed of.
Uncle Derek even shared his own stories of getting car sick when he was younger.
As they finally reached their destination, Y/N couldn't be happier to get out of the car and feel the solid ground beneath her feet. Despite the rough journey, she had made it, thanks to the love and support of her dad and Uncle Derek.
"Are you feeling better now, princess?" Reid asked, placing a hand on her forehead.
"Much better, thank you" The H/C girl replied with a smile. "I'm sorry for being such a hassle on the drive."
"You're not a hassle at all, N/N We don't mind taking care of you" Morgan chimed in, giving her a pat on the back.
Y/N felt a warm feeling in her heart as she looked at the two men who had become like family to her.
She knew that she had a tendency to get car sick, but that didn't stop her from going on long drives with her father and his team. And she was glad that they didn't mind and always took care of her whenever she needed it.
As the evening went on, Y/N felt her energy returning and she was able to enjoy the conference with her father and Morgan by her side.
Sure, she still avoided the car on the way back, opting for a train trip instead, but she knew that she had the love and support of two amazing men who always had her back.
The end!
Woo third one today!
Hoped you liked this oneshot, I'm planning to get through most of the requests this week as I have it off from college.
Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes
Requests are open!
Word count: 1177
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irondadfics · 9 months ago
Do you know any good fics of where Peter either gets carsick and tries to hide it,
Peter and Tony go on a road trip and Peter ends up with appendicitis and Tony has to try to rush home
Or where Peter tries to hide that he’s sick but the avengers find out?
And last and sorry😅
Where Peter gets sick and instead of going to Tony he goes to Clint??
Thanks in advance!
could any of these fit what your looking for?
Grand Entrance by whumphoarder
Prompt: "Would you ever write something in which Peter gets carsick with Tony taking care of him?" Or, in which Tony and Peter attend a science expo just north of the border and Peter pukes his way into Canada.
relax, just breathe by Hailfire_73
“Tony,” said Peter, lifting his head from the glass, his stubbornness spent. “I don’t feel so- “ “Do not,” said Tony, through gritted teeth, and meeting Peter’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He had just one hand on the steering wheel as he drove them into the night. “Finish that sentence.”  Morgan leaned over, hung out of her booster seat, and whispered, “It gives dad attacks.” OR The Starks go on a road trip that goes wrong when Peter gets food poisoning from questionable carnival food.
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With an Anti-Vaxxer in the Street by caraminha
Prompt from my Tumblr: Have you heard of tetanus? I’m studying it for school and it’s got lots of angst potential - it causes severe, seizure like muscle spasms which can break the patient’s bones, but they’re conscious and fully aware of what’s happening. It also causes fever and lockjaw, and difficulty breathing. I’d love to see an angst fic where Peter has bad tetanus and Tony and co are looking after him whilst his symptoms get worse and worse.
Thunder Road by xxx_cat_xxx
“Don´t tell me you are motion sick?” Tony asks half incredulously, half worried. Peter shoots him a look and regrets it immediately when it makes him dizzy. “Okay, okay, well, that’s something new… Just hold tight. And don’t puke on me.”  --- Peter gets carsick around the Avengers and receives help from an unexpected caretaker.
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bellysoupset · 1 year ago
Hey, Soup! So I have an idea.
If there's one thing I know, it's that carsickness can be made 100 times worse by 3 things: uncomfortable warmth, abnormally stiff seats, and fragrant car freshener scents. Leo and I are literally in the exact same boat when it comes to car sickness, and I know that when you get dizzy enough you can barely keep your eyes open, and it will not go away for hours!!!
I had this idea where maybe the whole gang goes on a trip somewhere and they rent one of those vans that has two seats in the front, two in the middle, and three in the back. And while they're driving somewhere and having a good time and everything, maybe Leo is just super uncomfortable in the van because it has little inconveniences that are just making his carsickness so much worse, but he doesn't wanna spoil the mood so he says nothing.
And maybe when they make a stop for gas and snacks or something, Leo stands outside the car and suddenly just starts throwing up violently.
Suddenly, everyone is panicked because Leo is almost delirious with nausea and dizziness. And Jonah is on the fine line between nervous boyfriend and trained doctor.
After that, maybe they manage to finish the drive to their hotel or wherever they're staying and there's just a lot of cute fluff and cuddles with Jon babying dizzy Leo.
I just think this would be so cute!!!
Plus, I'm stressed out with classes so I NEED my Jon and Leo fluff!! It's my serotonin (I think I spelled that right)!!
Hi darling! Thank you so much for this prompt and I hope you have your dose of Jon/Leo serotonin and classes are no longer stressing you out 💛
"Leo can't go in the back," Jonah said sleepily, his voice a notch deeper than usual and twice as grouchy. He wanted to strangle Bella for suggesting they do a mini road trip for the nearest music festival and his boyfriend for agreeing with it.
Bella was virtually untouchable after such a scare during Halloween, so whatever Bells wanted, Bells got and that was the whole reason they were now in a van driving to fucking Manchester. Jonah wanted to kill her.
"I'm fiiiine," Leo whined at his overbearing words, but everyone else agreed that there was no way Leo could sit in the back, so he was quickly banished to the front of the van, alongside Luke, who'd be driving for the nearly four hours long trip.
Really, Manchester?
"Glare any harder and Bell will need at least two more stitches," Vince teased him with a whisper, while Jonah glared at Wendy and Bella curled up together on the seat ahead of him.
Jonah let out a huff, "I don't even like rock."
"It's a music festival," Vince rolled his eyes, "cheer up, man. There's gonna be a bunch of other shit to do, cool food, other bands too."
"Don't tell me to cheer up, shut up," Jonah scoffed, jamming up his elbow on Vin's side when the man tried to grab his shoulders and rattle him.
"Just go the fuck to sleep," Wendy yawned, eyes closed and squirming on her seat so she could better use Bell's shoulder as a pillow, "you're always cranky when you're sleepy, just get a nap."
"I'm not a fucking toddler," Jonah kicked their seat, causing Bella to open her eyes, all blue, confused and a little in pain. Guilt burned his stomach, "sorry..."
She opened a small smile, nodding and pressing her cheek back to the top of of Wendy's head.
Lucas had volunteered to drive, half because he was a control freak, half because he needed to be given something to do. Either way, Jonah was happy he had, because he knew that if Luke and Vin had been sat together, no one would be able to catch even a little bit of sleep. He curled up on his side, resting his forehead on the window and turning away from Vince, quickly dozing off.
Jonah woke up with giggling.
He frowned in his sleep, trying to figure what were the whispers about or the giggles... Something trickled his nose and he wrinkled it, closing his eyes back again... Something trickled his nose again and Jonah sneezed, a hand coming up to shield his face from view and smearing shaving cream all over his nose and mouth.
Vince, Wendy and Bella let out a howl, wheezing with laughter and Jonah opened his eyes in shock, before glaring at them, spitting the shaving cream, "What are you, fucking four years old?!" he exclaimed, kicking Vince's thigh with all his force, "what the fuck!?"
Wendy was clutching her ribs, "you look soooo cute with the cream mustache!"
"Shut up Wendy!" Jonah exclaimed, furiously trying to wipe the shaving cream off his face, but only causing a bigger mess since they hadn't been economic when putting it on his hand. Bella was wheezing, her head thrown back with a laughter and he could see Luke's shoulders shaking too. The whole car smelt like Vince's overpowering lavender scented shaving cream.
"Stop the car!" Jonah groaned, wiping his still dirty hand on Vince's shirt and causing him to squeal, since he was too busy laughing to avoid getting smeared with it, "Atwood, stop the fucking van!"
"Okay!" Luke yelled, clearly laughing, "fine! Calm down!" and then in a lower voice, "we needed gas anyway."
Jonah glared at his friends, groaning that now he'd be smelling like Vince the rest of the day, "you guys are such assholes," he pouted, once again trying to wipe his face, just as Luke turned on the lights to show he'd be turning in the nearest exit.
"I'm s-ssorry," Wendy said, but it was hard to believe she was apologetic when there were tears clinging to her lashes, mascara smeared with how hard she had laughed, "here, here-" she reached inside her bag and grabbed a little washcloth, so he could wipe most of the cream, although the sticky sensation and powerful smell was still there.
A gas station came into view and the van swerved to the right, shaking with the change of terrain, before coming to a stop before one of the gas bombs.
He immediately jumped out and so did Luke to fill up the tank and so did Leo... Who took three steps forward and bent in half, throwing up all over the floor and his own sneakers.
Jonah let out a yelp, jumping back. He was far away enough that he watched the next events unfold in slow motion, Leo swaying forward as if he was gonna pass out and Lucas realizing what had happened, barely managing to catch him as Leo's knees buckled, arms wrapped around his chest.
"FUCK!" Luke's shout overpowered Jonah's equally nervous "Leo!"
He skipped forward, shaving cream forgotten, not a mind paid to the disgusting puddle on the ground, crouching down to where Luke was holding Leo by the chest, the blonde still hung forward, vomit dripping from his lips.
"Baby, baby, baby, hey-" Jonah chanted, cupping his face, "Leo, open your eyes... Baby, what's wrong-"
"Carsick..." Leo groaned, his voice rough, before he heaved again and Jonah was forced to jump to the side, narrowly avoiding getting his jeans covered in puke. Leo let out a sob, one hand darting out and curling on Luke's shirt, squeezing it until his knuckles turned white, "msorry-" he slurred, a line of sick saliva hanging from his bottom lip.
"Don't worry about it," Lucas said, his voice calm, while he met Jonah's eyes over the blonde's head, all worried, "I'm gonna get us up, okay?"
Leo jerked slightly, barely nodding and Luke moved his arms, wrapping Leo's chest with his right arm and grabbing on the van with the left one so he could pull them both up, Jonah moving forward to grab his boyfriend's bicep.
He could tell that Lucas was holding all of Leo's weight just by the way Leo's feet were almost dangling on the ground. Jonah frowned, rubbing his boyfriend's back, just as Leo heaved again, letting out a loud moan as even more vomit joined the mess.
"Shhh-" Luke cooed, while Jonah moved his hand so he was holding Leo's forehead, stopping him from getting his shirt and Luke's arm covered in sick.
"Goddammit Leo, why didn't you say anything?" Jonah said, using the little washcloth Wendy had given him to wipe his boyfriend's mouth, "we're gonna get you to the bathroom to get cleaned up."
"Nooo..." Leo punctuated the groan with a sick burp, gagging again, "can't walk... Wirl- Twirling..."
"Did you hit your head or something?" Luke asked, frowning, but Jonah rolled his eyes. This was not a concussion, Leo was not a football player anymore.
"Where exactly he would've hit his head, he spent all of yesterday at the office," he snapped, stroking Leo's cheek, "baby did you take the meds?"
"Uhmmmm..." Leo groaned, although he nodded, before he gagged again and slurred, "move-" and threw up once more. Jonah wasn't sure how he had so much in him, after the meager breakfast he had forced on the blonde this morning, exactly because Leo didn't want to get carsick and was refusing to eat, Jon reasoning he'd feel even sicker if he had nothing in his stomach at all.
He waited until the spell passed, before cupping Leo's cheeks and forehead, expecting to meet a fever, but instead under his hands there was just cold, clammy skin.
"I don't... I don't feel well..." Leo whined, wrapping an arm around his stomach, "Jon..."
"I got you," Jonah squeezed his nape, "are you done?" he couldn't possibly have more in him, right?"
Leo let out a groan that could mean anything, so Jon forced him to remove the arm from around his belly and threw it around his own shoulders, while Lucas did something similar so they could drag the blonde to the bathroom.
Yet, Leo was completely boneless and not five steps in, his knees gave up again, nearly pulling all three of them down.
"I got him," Vince jumped out of the van, from where they had been watching the scene unfold, Bella and Wendy's head poking out of the doorway.
"I got you, kiddo," he circled Luke, getting Leo's arm wrapped around his shoulders instead of Lucas' and then wrapping an arm around the blonde's knees, lifting him up with a grunt, "where to?" Vince asked in a strained voice.
"Here," Luke led the way, while Jonah was too busy fussing over Leo. He could tell the blonde wasn't feeling well at all, because he didn't complain once at being carried like a damsel.
All four of them spilled into the public bathroom of the gas station. They were lucky it was a big franchise, a normal stop for buses, so the bathroom was huge, with many stalls. Leo let out another groan, pushing at Vin's chest and the other man put him down just in time for Leo to stumble toward the sink and bring up another mouthful of sick.
He let out a pitiful moan, knuckles white on the granite of the sink and Jonah grabbed his bicep to keep him up, rubbing his back, "you're okay baby, just get it up. You'll feel better soon..." he said helplessly. Leo shook his head, his whole face scrunched up.
"My stomach-" he made a little drowning noise in the back of his throat, before gagging fruitlessly.
Jonah let out his own unhelpful little groan, squeezing his nape, "hey, take a deep breath, love..."
Lucas turned on the tap, running his hands under the cold water and using them to wipe at Leo's face, drool and puke be damned. Leo leaned onto his touch, sniffling as if he was about to start crying.
"I'm right here," Jonah squeezed his arm, mimicking what Luke was doing and planting his cold, humid hand on his boyfriend's overheated nape, "I got you..."
"Vince?" Wendy called from the door, poking her head in for a sec. Vince moved out of the bathroom and once he returned he was holding a plastic water bottle and slippers.
"The girls got you this, kid. Let's get you out of these shoes..."
With much effort Jonah ushered Leo to take a sip of the water, while Vince help him up, so Luke could go and undo his vomit covered laces and remove his shoes, putting his feet into fluffy slippers.
"I don't feel well..." Leo whined, struggling to keep his head up, "I wanna lie down..."
"We're gonna stop at the nearest motel," Jonah promised, wrapping an arm around his waist, "let's go back to the car, okay? You can lie down on the backseat."
"N-no..." Leo frowned, eyes closed. Even when he did manage to open his eyes, they were struggling to focus on anyone, "I'll get sick in the back..."
"We're so past that, baby," Jon rolled his eyes, then nodded at Vince and together they managed to pull Leo back to the car.
"Here," Bella moved forward to help Jonah push him inside, sliding her hands under his arms and hugging the blonde's chest, pulling him in, "I got him, get in."
Jonah obeyed, jumping over his boyfriend — whom he had forgotten was six feet tall — and sliding on one of the seats, so Bella and Wendy could carefully get Leo with his head resting on his lap, before moving to fold his legs.
Leo let out a groan, muffling a burp on Jonah's thigh, "I'm gonna be sick again..."
"Right now?" Jonah frowned and got no answer. Wendy jumped out of the van, while Luke fussed with the gas bomb and Vince slid into the driver's seat, since he was a better driver than Lucas and drove faster.
Wendy returned not even five minutes later, holding a plastic kids' bucket and a bunch of plastic bags, as well as paper napkins. She handed the items to Bella, before switching places with Luke and getting on the passenger seat, so he got in the back and finally the slammed the door closed.
"We're gonna stop in a second, Leo," Lucas promised him and the blonde only let out a groan, eyes squeezed shut and a painful frown one.
"The car.... Smells...." Leo whined after a minute of painful silence and Jonah vaguely heard Vin cursing up in the front, before the windows were rolled down, while Bella passed the bucket to Luke and wet some of the napkins, passing them to Jonah.
"Clean up."
She let out a frustrated groan, before moving from her seat and crouching in front of him, wiping his cheek and hands with the wet napkins. It took Jonah a second to realize she was getting rid of the shaving cream, his mind too busy worrying about Leo to even remember that.
He blushed, "oh- Thanks..."
"Oh god," Leo groaned, before pitching forward and almost covering Bella's lap with sick, wasn't it for Luke nearly falling as he shoved the bucket under his mouth.
Jonah cringed, forcing his eyes on Vince's head poking out of the driver's seat headrest and keeping a hand on Leo's trembling back, keeping him steady.
He gagged and coughed for another minute, before slumping back down and Luke took the bucket back, while Jonah glanced down to his boyfriend' sickly face. He was so white that Jon could see just the pattern of veins under his cheek.
Leo let out a little whine, sniffling again and rolled on the seat, so he could press his forehead to Jonah's stomach.
"Try to sleep, baby," Jonah whispered, leaning in to kiss the top of his head. He heard a little moan and nothing else.
In front of him, Bella had already curled back up and was resting her head on Lucas' arm, as he whispered "are you alright?" in her ear and she nodded, sleepily.
Jonah was aware there had been consequences of the brain injury but he had been yet to witness what Lucas had told him, Bella falling asleep after barely being up for two hours.
Jon caught Luke's worried eyes and the other man shrugged, glancing down to Leo with an equally concerned expression. Wordlessly, Jon shook his head, taking some odd comfort in the camaraderie.
It didn't take them long to find a side of the road motel, but still Jonah didn't move, not daring to wake up Leo until everything was sorted.
He watched as Luke quietly pushed Bell off his shoulder, so she was asleep against the window and then he jumped out alongside Wendy and Vin.
In front of Jonah, Bella let out a little sigh, opening her eyes and rubbing, "what...Where...?"
"The motel," Jon cleared up, glancing down and keeping his fingers running through Leo's blonde hair. He wondered if his boyfriend was even asleep, or just trying to stay so still he could ward off the nausea, "Leo?"
A little grunt answered him and Jonah raised his eyebrows, surprised it was the second option, "we're getting a motel room, okay? Just a little longer, baby."
"Okay..." Leo answered, his voice muffled by Jonah's jeans.
Bella was watching him, with a frown between her eyebrows, "this was a stupid idea..." she whispered once Jonah looked up, "I'm sorry."
"It was," Jonah agreed, not feeling one little bit forgiving when Leo was clearly in so much pain. He caught a flash of hurt on Bell's eyes, but she didn't say anything, except for sliding out of her seat and stepping out of the van.
"It's not her fault," Leo groaned, curling up even more, wrapping an arm around his stomach. Jonah opened his mouth to complain, but was interrupted by Leo squeezing his leg, saying "help me sit up."
Sitting up was a challenge on its own, the change of positions causing Leo to sway on the spot and gulp convulsively, cold sweat once again covering his brow.
"Alright," Wendy poked her head inside the car, "we got you a room. Room 203," she dangled the keys before her face, "do you need help? Leo?"
"I can manage," he grumbled, although his voice was thick with queasiness and Jonah wasn't feeling very positive about that.
He jumped out of the car, before grabbing Leo's arm and throwing it around his neck, helping him out too. Wendy guided the way, skipping ahead and they stumbled forward, like a couple of zombies.
Just as they were about to reach the door, Leo let out another groan, squeezing Jon's arm, "wait... Shit, wait..." he leaned forward and Jonah squeezed his arms around him, as Leo gagged and brought up a thin splash of bile all over the gravel.
He dry heaved for another minute, while Wendy unlocked the door and turned up the A/C, disappearing inside.
"You're empty, love," Jonah sighed, ignoring the queasy churn of his own stomach, straightening up his boyfriend, "you're done."
"My belly hurts," Leo's voice sounded like he had chain smoked for 20 years. Jonah's heart squeezed in sympathy, he'd switch places with him if could.
"I know, I know. You'll be laying down soon and I can rub your tummy for you," he promised, causing the corner of Leo's lip to go up.
"My tummy, uh?"
"Shut up," Jonah scoffed, but he couldn't keep the relief out of his voice, hearing his boyfriend sound like himself, "c'mon."
They finally stumbled inside the room and Jonah could've cried at Wendy's forethought of pulling the blankets off the bed, placing the ice bucket near the bedside table and a bunch of water bottles too.
He almost fell in the bed with Leo and the blonde curled up, hiding his face on the pillow. Wendy stepped out of the bathroom, circling the bed quietly and planting a kiss on top of Jonah's curls, since he was sitting on the bed.
"I left some dramamine on the bathroom sink. He can take it if he manages to keep water down at least for twenty minutes," she whispered, "my room with Vin is right next door, 202, just knock on the wall if you need anything."
"Thank you, Dee," Jonah whispered back and she shrugged, stepping out of the room and shutting the door.
Leo let out a sigh, grabbing his wrist, "get in with me."
Jonah obeyed immediately, although he stayed over the covers, big spooning his boyfriend and letting out a worried sigh when Leo muffled a whine against the pillow as he was hugged from behind.
"Are you alright?" He whispered, lips meeting the top of Leo's head. The blonde groaned again.
"I'll answer in three hours," he squirmed, opening his jeans and grabbing Jonah's hand, planting it over his stomach. His abs were flat, more ripped than ever and Jonah carefully stroked over his queasy tummy.
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caffienatedicecreambear · 3 months ago
Another doodle, based off of a traditional drawing I did in class a few days ago lol
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Me after cars:
(I drew this during a car ride, this was seriously almost me)
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delphinidin4 · 4 months ago
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year ago
Hiii. I love ur stories so much. Thank you.
Have u seen the last live of JK, where he talks about Bam throwing up on him?🫡 Around min 15 btw:)
"Honestly, I didn't care about that"
Makes me think how unphased he'd be as a caretaker. Worried, yes, but disgusted? Nope.
Thanks for this anon!!!! A true gem 🫶🫶
And thank you for reading my stories 🥹 much love x
Timestamp 15:05
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undiagnosed-autistic · 9 months ago
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sickficideas · 2 years ago
akutagawa definitely gets awful motion sickness. he's not used to transportation in general but he has a really sensitive stomach to begin with so the motion sickness just amplifies that. he almost exclusively travels with higuchi and she's well aware of this and has learned the signs that tell her when he's about to throw up because he'll never tell her when he's nauseated. he presses a hand against his tummy and the other gently over his mouth and if she can pull over in time, he just opens the door, leans out and throws up. this kind of nausea always takes a lot out of him. it happens regardless of whether or not he's eaten, so often it's when he has very little in his stomach, and he ends up sore and achy and it hurts his throat and he's still very nauseous afterward. higuchi will stay parked and encourage him to lie down in the seat until he's okay for her to keep driving 💔
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ilhoonftw · 7 months ago
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years ago
Oh! For anyone following my Ozempic journey, I mentioned already but my dosage went up to .5 on Sunday, and I felt woozy for an hour or two after my shot, but then I thought I was fine
But yesterday my friend was driving us to and from the vet and stuff and holy shit I was SO nauseated. Like I almost asked her to stop the car and let me walk home, I didn't think I was gonna make it
But somehow, I did, and I didn't lose my lunch
I sometimes get a little ill in cars but never that bad, and it wasn't even a long ride. So I think I am starting to get a bit of that fabled Ozempic nausea.
But I only JUST increased my dose, so hopefully I'll adjust and feel better soon
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peeblast · 2 years ago
went to the aquarium and it was fun but got absolutely got motion sick/car sick and felt like i was going to throw up the entire ride to and back. i love to travel to cool places because we rarely do but i absolutely HATE the car rides to and back. i had to sleep when we got back because i felt so horrible
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but besides that i seen some cool fish and animals and i got to feed the sting rays with my sister and got some cool stuff from the gift shop. i have more pictures but im tired again
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paisholotus · 2 years ago
Chile I swear I be getting motion sickness from being in the car too long.
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bellysoupset · 1 year ago
I love the carsickness story! Dizzy Leo and concerned Jonah is EVERYTHING!!!!!
If you do decide to do a part 2, I have an idea. You don't have to use it, but hear me out:
So, most of the time carsickness can last for a few hours, but sometimes it can take MUCH longer. Same night in the motel, Jon wakes up to the sound of Leo vomiting in the bathroom. They're both confused because they thought Leo would be better by then, and Leo is just so upset about being sick that he's an adorably pathetic combination of sick, emotional, and grumpy, and as concerned as Jon is he can't help but find it a little adorable.
Also, maybe Bella has a horrible headache that makes her nauseous in the middle of the night and Luke is super worried about her.
Suddenly, Wendy and Vince are woken up and are transitioning between helping Leo and Jon to helping Luke and Bell, and they're both just so tired but neither of them are gonna stop helping until Leo's and Bell's auditions for the freaking Exorcist are over.
P.S. I started cackling as I wrote that last sentence. I'm so effing sleep deprived!!😭😭😭
Double whammy of Leo&Bell in pain! Just changing the timing because since they left Maine at 8 AM and the trip lasted only 2 hours, there's no way part two would take place in the middle of the night.
Jonah wasn't trying to be an asshole. Not really, he didn't slip out of the room, once Leo was finally asleep for good and no longer dry heaving every thirty minutes in the ice bucket, just to be a dick to his friends.
However, he couldn't pretend to be happy about the situation. Anyone with more than three working neurons would've been able to tell that putting Leo in a van, a vehicle famous for setting off motion sickness, for four hours, had a very high chance of ending up with him hurling. Jon couldn't understand how he was supposed to act like this wasn't Bella's fault, when she could've easily prevented this by not puppy eyeing her way into going to a fucking music festival when she could barely stay awake more than a couple of hours and wouldn't even enjoy the bloody thing!
So yeah, he wasn't trying to be a dick but it was really hard not to be one right now.
There was a small diner, adjacent to the motel, and Jonah slipped in, stomach growling painfully since it was well past midday and he was so used to having an early lunch thanks to work. He didn't expect to find Bella, Luke, Wendy and Vince inside, but that was on him, he should've guessed they were hungry too.
If Jonah could turn around and pretend he didn't know them, he would have, because right now he was far too angry to be able to keep a pleasant conversation. Instead, Vince spotted him from across the diner and waved, smiling brightly.
"Come sit down, we're just about to order!"
Bless his soul, Jonah thought bitterly, stepping closer and avoiding looking at Bella, lest the nastiest part of him snapped at her.
"What are you ordering?" he asked, sitting next to Wendy and glaring at the plastic menu in front of him.
"How's Leo?" Bella asked, causing Jonah to grit his teeth.
"Asleep," he said, roughly, before turning to Vince, "so? What are you ordering?
"I got a greek salad," Wendy replied, raising an eyebrow, "did he take the dramamine?"
"Yes," Jonah squeezed the menu in his hands, trying to focus on the goodies that were probably filled with saturated fat, "I'm gonna get the chicken salad."
"I'm really sorry, Jon," Bella said, reaching over the table to grab his hand, "really, I didn't think-"
"Clearly," he interrupted her, then before he could take the words back, Lucas let out a scoff.
"Don't be such a prick, it's no one's fault," he said strongly. If Jonah had ever considered letting go of the matter with Bell's apology, he immediately changed his mind, zeroing Luke's face with a cold glare.
"It absolutely is her fault Leo just got so sick he can't get up from the bed! Anyone with a brain could realize he'd get carsick in a trip like this and we're only here because none of you can tell her no!"
"Jonah, calm do-" Wendy started, but he jerked away from her hand when it came to rest on his bicep, face burning, still glaring at Lucas, who seemed to inflate with just as much anger.
"Leo is a fucking adult who could've said no himself," Luke spat, "you treat him like a child, he's a grown man and if he's sick that sucks, but it's not Bell's fault-"
"So it's fine to push him around to make her happy, but Bella can't take any fucking responsibility!?" Jonah slammed his hand on the table and he was aware he was causing a scene, aware he wasn't that furious at Bella and this was all just exacerbated by the fact that Luke got on his nerves like no one else could. Still, that did not stop him.
"Push him around!?" Lucas stood up too, raising his voice, "who pushed him around!? We asked a simple question and he could've said no! You're acting like a dick because things didn't go your way, just grow the fuck up-"
"Luke, stop," Bella grabbed at his sleeve, trying to pull him down, "Jon's right, it's my-"
"Nice to know just how much you care about him or literally anyone who's not Bella," Jonah cut her off, "you selfish prick."
"You're such a fucking asshole, Jonah! He's carsick! He's not dying!"
"And Bella has four stitches, so we have to go on a fucking road trip to keep her happy! Hypocrite much?"
"Could you two stop?" Vince interrupted them, yanking at Lucas' arm and forcing him to sit back down, "I don't care if you want to squabble like two teenagers, but this is a family dinner, so show some fucking respect. Shut up, Jonah," he snapped as Jon opened his mouth, "either solve this outside or you both shut the fuck up."
"Fine," Jonah scoffed, getting up and power walking outside, "as soon as Leo is better we're getting the fuck out of here."
He was still seething as he entered their room back again, almost trembling with rage to quell the desire to slam the door shut, but not wanting to wake Leo up...
"Leo?" Jonah frowned, his voice coming out at least an octave deeper with how angry he was. The bed was empty, "Leo?"
"Here..." Leo croaked from the bathroom and Jonah took a deep breath to calm himself down, before walking to his boyfriend.
He was expecting to find Leo looking like death, but still he wasn't prepared. His hair was matted down and he was shirtless, lying against the bathtub while his chest heaved with a tired panting.
"Why are you shirtless?" Jonah frowned, crouching down and Leo let out a tired scoff, his head lolling a little as if his neck couldn't support it.
"Puked on my shirt."
"Fuck," Jonah cupped his cheeks, "the meds did nothing?"
"Made my puke pink," Leo said playfully, before pushing Jon's hand off his cheek so he could pitch forward with a gag, hastily pushing the toilet lid up. He coughed and gagged, bringing up frothy bile and then letting out a whimper, resting his forehead to the cold ceramic.
"My stomach hurts," he whined, shoulders shaking as he gulped down the tears, "Jon, I feel like shit..."
"I know, I know," Jonah bit down his lip, rubbing his naked back. He wanted Leo in a hospital, with a nice IV hooked to his arm, zofran knocking him out. Instead they were in the middle of nowhere and he could clearly tell Leo was starting to get dehydrated.
"Please do something," Leo whimpered, hugging his stomach with both arms, "I don't understand how I'm-" he gulped down, "still sick..."
Jonah felt helpless as he said, "you gotta drink water, Leo."
"It's just gonna come back up," the blonde groaned, curling up as much as he could, "everything else did..."
"I know, but at least it won't hurt your throat as much and you won't be super dehydrated..."
Leo groaned and moaned as Jonah stepped outside the bathroom, returning with a bottle of water, "do I really have to?"
"Yes," he turned the cap, holding it to his lips, "c'mon baby, little gulps."
If Jonah ever entertained the idea the water was staying down, Leo got rid of that notion by burping against his hand, then mumbling "shit-" and turning to the toilet as the water came back up, just as transparent, practically ready to be bottled up again.
He panted heavily over the toilet, squeezing his eyes shut, "my head hurts..."
"It's because you're dehydrated," Jonah said, his heart squeezing, "let's try the water again, just a little sip."
Two hours later and a whole water bottle completely wasted and Jonah was at his wits end. Leo had long given up leaning over the toilet, since he had nothing to bring up, and was lying on the bathroom floor, his cheek pressed to Jonah's thigh, crying.
Or at least Jon thought he was crying, he wasn't exactly sure since the tears were few and scarce.
"Shhh, close your eyes," Jon combed his fingers through his hair, "your brain should make sense we're not moving soon..."
"Is this..." Leo sniffled, muffling a sick belch against his jeans, "is this how your vertigo feels?"
Jonah raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't know," he said, instead of answering worse, since he didn't want Leo to think he was being a baby. He wasn't being a baby, he was in pain.
"I'm so hungry," Leo groaned, rubbing his own stomach, "but just thinking about food..." he gagged and Jonah tensed up, wondering if he was about to get another splash of acid on his jeans. He was incredibly glad he hadn't eaten anything either, otherwise he'd have puked by now.
There was a knock on the door and Jonah let out a scoff, thumping his head back softly against the tiles. If it was Lucas acting like a kicked puppy, he didn't want to hear.
"Jon, the door..."
"I don't care," Jonah rubbed Leo's arm up and down, noticing he was covered in goosebumps from lying on the cold ground, "baby, let's go back to the bed?"
"I don't feel... Jon, I'm gonna puke again..."
"Right now?" Jonah grabbed his bicep, ready to hoist him up, but Leo shook his head, gulping down as acid reflux hit his throat.
"Yeah, no," Jon decided, grabbing Leo and pulling him sitting up, "you're gonna catch fucking pneumonia lying on this cold ground, you can puke in the bucket by the bed, c'mon."
It was a hassle to bring Leo back to the bed when he was so unsteady on his feet and once they fell on the mattress, Jonah considered just lying there, with his boyfriend starfished on top of him, before there was yet another knock on the door.
"Bloody hell!" he exclaimed, causing Leo to whine against his neck.
"Don't yell, my head is killing me..."
"Sorry," Jonah rolled them on the bed, fixing Leo's head on the pillow, "give me a second..." he walked to the door, deciding that he would punch Luke if he said yet another stupidity.
It was much to his surprise when he opened the door and his visitor was nearly an entire foot shorter than he was expecting.
Wendy was holding a little to-go box of food and she was pouting, "peace offering?"
Jonah raised his eyebrows, unsure if he accepted the peace offering when he knew damn well Wendy never let anything go, "what do you want?"
"I brought you food, since you're probably starving," she answered instead, holding the box before his face. He let out a sigh, stepping to the side in a wordless acceptance of her white flag and she entered the room, immediately gasping.
"Yeah, he's still throwing up, I don't know what to do..." Jonah said, while Wendy abandoned the box in the tiny table next to the frigobar and rushed to the bed, touching Leo's clammy cheeks.
"Hey, blondie, open your eyes for me..."
"He's awake, he's just weak," Jonah vouched, opening the box and immediately stuffing his mouth with the fried chicken she had brought. His stomach was hurting from hunger.
"Leo?" Wendy patted his cheeks, "honey, hey... Can you hear me?"
"Why are you in my room?" Leo answered and Jonah snorted at the bitchy type of comment that was normally reserved for his ears only. Wendy let out a relieved sigh.
"You look like death."
"Thanks, I feel like death too," Leo croaked, turning his face away from her touch, "stop pinching me."
"He's dehydrated," Wendy said, squeezing the skin between her index and thumb.
Jonah rolled his eyes, "I know, but he stopped puking for twenty minutes now. I'm gonna try water again."
"Water won't do," Wendy scoffed, getting up, "I still have the sublingual zofran I got for the Sicily trip..."
"You do?" Jon raised his eyebrows and Wendy glared at him.
"You'd know if you weren't sulking in your room."
"Stop being mean to him," Leo groaned, shoving Wendy's knee and she slapped his hand away, unbothered by the fact he was sick or not.
"I'm gonna be mean to him all I want. Ask your boyfriend why he made Bella cry," she said, before getting up and barging out to grab the medicine. Leo groaned, taking a second to be able to look at Jonah with glassy, unfocused eyes.
"You didn't."
"I didn't," Jonah agreed, but he wasn't sure of it. He had been so furious at Luke, he hadn't actually spared Bell a glance. Guilt made his stomach churn, "I don't think I did."
"Jon..." Leo groaned, then grimaced, planting a hand on his chest, his throat bobbing up and down. Jonah sighed, crossing the room in two steps and grabbing the ice bucket, holding it under Leo's chin to catch a thin dribble of water and bile.
The blonde groaned loudly, forcing up a sick belch and then collapsing against the pillows, struggling to catch his breath. He closed his eyes again, a pained frown on, then rasped, "go apologize..."
"You're out of your mind, poor thing," Jonah rolled his eyes, rubbing his back, "take a breath, baby, Wendy's got the good drugs. They'll knock you right out."
"Uhm..." Leo winced as a cramp hit his stomach, "apologize, Jon."
"Nope," Jonah leaned in, kissing his temple, "shhhh, stop talking."
Wendy walked back in the room, holding a paper box with tiny pink meds and now with a bottle of gatorade in her other hand. Jonah felt incredibly grateful, his cheeks burning with a guilty blush.
Surely Wendy was just exaggerating it, right?
"Open up," she bossed and Jonah gently forced Leo to open his mouth, the blonde frowning with indignance, but far too weak to fight him. Once the little pill was put on his tongue, Wendy glanced at her phone, checking the time.
"We need to wait fifteen minutes," she said, as if Jon didn't know that already. He stared at Leo, who was not asleep, but seemed to be, face all slack, slumped over the pillow.
"I didn't make her cry, did I?" he asked in a low voice, brushing Leo's sweaty bangs away from his forehead.
Wendy scoffed, "yes, you did."
"Bella doesn't cry," he argued weakly and Wendy glared at him, moving so he couldn't avoid her eyes.
"She does when she's got brain surgery literally fifteen days ago and some jackass decides to yell at her for wanting to get out of the house."
"I didn't yell at her," Jonah pouted and Wendy leveled him with a cold glare.
"Lucas is going to punch your teeth in," she warned him, "and I'm not lifting a finger to help."
"You are terrible to me," Jonah groaned, moving his hand down to Leo's cheeks, "baby? Are you still awake?"
"Unfortunately," Leo whined, but he sounded much more at ease, "I think the meds are kicking in..."
Wendy glanced at her phone, lifting it up so Jonah could see only seven minutes had passed. It wasn't time enough for the medication to be really acting, but regardless Jonah stroked Leo's cheek, whispering, "good, let's wait just a little bit more, love."
"Uhm, kay..." Leo yawned, slumping even more against the pillows.
Wendy gestured to the door with her head, mouthing the words "go apologize" and Jonah frowned, glaring at Leo, as if to say he couldn't just leave him alone. She rolled her eyes in response and gestured at herself, "I'm here."
Realizing he'd have no choice but to apologize, Jonah got up from the bed with a groan of his own, "if Luke punches me, I'm punching right back."
"He's not gonna punch you..." Leo mumbled, sleepily and Jon rolled his eyes at his little reassurance.
"I'll be right back."
As far as Luke was concerned, they should all just go and leave Jonah and Leo stranded behind. That'd teach him to not be a fucking asshole all the time.
Bella had started to openly cry in the diner and while Luke knew that the emotional fluctuations were a direct result of the head wound, that didn't stop him from seeing in red as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.
"Shhh, Bell, calm down, calm down," he chanted, almost rocking her on the seat. Bella crying was out of character enough, but her crying in public and not minding it? He felt like he was the one with the head injury.
Vince let out a pitiful noise, moving closer, "beautiful, Jonah is just being a prick because he's worried about Leo, he doesn't mean that..." he reassured her, but Bella shook her head, her whole face all red.
"He-he-hessright," she sobbed, causing Luke to squeeze her just a little tighter.
"Jon hasn't been right about a thing in his entire life," he scoffed, kissing the top of her head, "don't listen to him, baby."
She wasn't listening, Jonah had successfully reduced Bella to a mess of nothing but tears and eventually they decided that having lunch there, where all the other patrons were still watching, wasn't gonna happen and they got their to-go boxes, Luke almost carrying Bell out of the seat as she still shook with sobs.
He was going to kill Jonah, he thought darkly, helping her into their room and trying, once again, to wipe the tears away, "babe, shhh, it's not that big of a deal, I promise you..."
"It - its though!" She curled up on the bed, hugging her knees, "he's right, it's my fault, I pro-proposed the trip, I-" her shoulders shook as she forced the words out, "I got Le-Leo sick and now Jon hates me and- I wish we had never gone in this st-stupid trip."
Lucas let out a scoff, rubbing her back, "no, Leo got sick, shit happens, it's got nothing to do with you..."
"You-you don't understand," Bella huffed, squirming away from him, "stop touching me."
"S-stop!" She pushed him away, rolling on her side and curling up on fetal position on the bed, "just-just leave me alone."
Lucas moved away from her on the bed, but he didn't get up, watching her like a hawk. Eventually, the sobs stopped as Bella got knocked back, exhaustion taking her under.
There was a knock on the door and Lucas got up stiffly, cracking his neck. If it was Jon, he was going to wring his neck.
Except it wasn't, it was just Vin, holding a little cupcake, "I brought Bella her favorite."
"She's asleep," Lucas scoffed, moving away from the door to let his best friend in, "can you believe he called me selfish? That idiot?"
Vince shrugged, unbothered as he circled the bed to plant the cupcake near the bedside table on Bella's side and pushed a curl away from her face, "you're gonna wake her up, calm down."
"I'm going to kill him, that's what I'm gonna do," Luke decided, barging for the door, only for Vince to run after him and grab him by the back of his shirt.
"No, you're not. Leo's still sick, you're gonna stop being a prick yourself and sit the fuck down," Vin scoffed, dragging him back inside.
"He made her cry!"
"You helped!" Vince whisper yelled, shutting the door, pinching his nose bridge, "look, I know you're angry. I'd be too if I were in your shoes, but you can't just go deck Jon down. You're an adult, stop that, dude."
Lucas grumbled, crossing his arms and refusing to listen to reason, throwing Bella another anxious and guilty glare, "it's not fair she thinks it's her fault, Vince."
"I know, Luke, but punching Jon isn't gonna change that, it'll just make her feel worse," Vince sighed, sitting on the bed and tucking the blankets tighter around Bella. It caused Lucas' shoulder to drop, the gentle act of affection that Vince clearly wasn't thinking about.
They were his family, he didn't want to punch Jonah, even if he was furious at him. He certainly wasn't happy about Leo feeling sick either.
He settled back down on the chair, picking at to-go box of food, while Vince relaxed, now confident Luke wasn't about barge in the room two doors down.
Lucas was just about to calm down, when Bella stirred on the bed, fifteen minutes later. Vince moved as she lightly kicked him, letting out a groan and rolling on the bed, with a frown on.
"Bell?" Vin called, touching her arm, "you awake?"
She opened her eyes, confused, her brows meeting in a harsh frown, before sitting up suddenly and making a horrible choking noise... And throwing up all over her band t-shirt and the blankets on her lap.
"Fuck!" Vince lurched back, narrowly avoiding getting his arm covered in vomit since he was reaching to thump on her back. Lucas jumped up, circling the bed to grab the waste basket, but it was too late, the mess was made and chaos installed in the room.
"Shit," Luke cursed, holding the paper waste basket under her chin, while Vince moved on the bed to hold her hair back, tears starting to run down her cheek as Bella continued to heave.
"m'sorry-" she slurred, spitting a mouthful of acidic vomit inside the bin, wincing, "my head- my head'hurts..."
"Shhh, it's okay," Lucas whispered, rubbing her back, "it's alright, baby, don't worry about this."
"I made- made a mess," Bella coughed and Vince let out a little noise, bunching up her curls in one hand of his, twisting it in a knot.
"Don't worry about that, I'll take the blankets to the motel's laundry," he whispered, meeting Lucas concerned glare over her head.
"Yeah, I'm gonna help you out of this shirt, baby-" He glanced at Vince who nodded, getting up from the bed and moving to where Luke had unceremoniously dumped their bag hours before.
"Can it be one of yours?" he whispered, crouching down before the clothes and heard Luke's little "sure" as response.
Vince cringed as he fished out the shirt and could hear Bella whimpering and getting sick again, crying about how her head was exploding.
"Is this normal?" he asked, passing Luke the shirt and starting to peel off the ruined blankets from her lap, trying to avoid making a bigger mess.
"Yes... I don't know, I think so. The doctor wasn't very specific," Lucas said, still rubbing her back, "Bell, are you done?"
"I don't know," she groaned, voice echoing inside the bucket, "my stomach hurts."
"You don't think its a bug, is it?" he asked and she shook her head.
"No, everything... Everything just hurts, Luke..."
Vince successfully managed to get the blanket folded up and lifted it up, away from his body, "I'll be right back."
"C'mon, baby, let's get you cleaned up," Luke said, nodding to Vince and wrapping his wife's arms around his neck, lifting her up easily. He planted her sitting on the closed toilet, leaving the new shirt on top of the sink and carefully maneuvering the destroyed one off of her.
"This is so humiliating," Bella whimpered, curling up as Luke wiped her chin and mouth with a wad of toilet paper, "I'm tired, Luke..."
"You can slee-"
"No, I'm tired of this," Bella shook her head, "I'm tired of being sick and in pain, I'm- I'm tired. Please, make it stop..."
His heart squeezed and his eyes stung, causing Lucas to gulp against the knot in his throat, "babe, you're getting better, I promise you... "
"No, I can't, I can't do this anymore," Bella teared up all over again, "I'm so fucking exhausted and everything hurts and I- I made Leo sick and I hate this stupid trip and my stupid brain and-"
"Shhh, you're gonna make yourself sicker," Lucas interrupted, kissing her brow and carefully putting the new shirt over her head, "I know you're in pain, baby, but you have to know Leo wasn't your fault. None of this..."
"Except it fucking was," Bella scoffed, curling up on top of the toilet, hugging her knees to her chest, "I feel awful, Luke..."
There was a knock on the door, so Lucas rolled his eyes, jerking his head so he could yell "It's open!" to Vince, before looking back at her.
"No, it wasn't, Bell-"
"It was though," Bella insisted, a fresh new batch of tears running down her face, "Leo is sick and everything fucking hurts and I- I don't know what to do, I wish we were home..." she whimpered, clutching her head and Lucas flinched as he saw a thin line of blood start to run down her nose.
"We'll be home soon, baby," he said, while frantically rolling up more toilet paper, wiping the blood from under her nose, only for even more to continue to gush down.
"I don't... I don't feel well..." Bella mumbled, paling considerably and Lucas lurched, grabbing her by the shoulders before she could hit her head back against the metal flush.
"I got you, I got you-" except that he didn't. He was in way over his head, worried beyond logic and unsure of what to even do first. Bell's face white and clammy, her throat bobbing nervously as it looked she was about to throw up again, blood still gushing down her nose, covering her lip and her neck-
"Here," Jonah said, sidestepping him and holding a bunch of toilet paper under her nose, grabbing Bella's nose and squeezing the tip, while leaning her forward.
"Get the fuck out of here," Lucas scoffed, but there was no heat, he was too worried and too relieved it was Jon to give a shit.
"Shut up," Jonah kicked his thigh, then gestured for the trashcan, "get the bin, she's gonna be sick."
Lucas scrambled for it, holding it open just in time for Bella to let out yet another stream of vomit, barely gagging, sounding and looking out of it.
Jonah gagged, ducking his face in his shoulder and Luke ignored him, holding Bella's forehead.
"Shhh, get it up, baby..."
"I'mreally-" she burped again, choking in the sick, "m'reallyry-sorry..."
"I know, I know," he whispered, while Jonah let out a guilty whine above her head, rubbing her back.
"It's fine, don't think about it," he said, his voice a notch softer and Bella let out a groan, clutching the bin's edges until her knuckles turned white.
"Everything is spinning..."
"Bella, hey-" Lucas patted her cheek, "don't pass out, baby, open your eyes-"
"Luke," Jonah shook his head, his voice a whisper, "it's okay, she's okay," he said calmly, "I got her."
And he really did, because a second later Bella's spine gave up on her and her whole weight collapsed against Jon's leg. He cupped her head, crouching down to steady her on the seat and shoving Lucas out of the way.
"Let's get her lying down, feet up, it's probably just a blood pressure drop because of the nose bleed..."
If Lucas noticed just how his voice trembled, he didn't say anything. Together they managed to get Bella back in the bedroom, piling some pillows her under her legs to make the blood flow back up and then...
Then there was nothing to do.
Jonah moved uneasily, eyes darting from Bell to Luke and then back again, "I... I shouldn't have said that."
"I care about Leo," Lucas scoffed, at the same time as Jon spoke up.
Jonah let out a groan, rubbing his face, "yeah, I know, I'm just pissed off-"
"And I'm just pissed because you're not being fair with her," Lucas pouted, "if it's on anyone, it's on me. You know I was the one who asked Leo to tag along, not Bell."
"Because of Bella."
"I'm still the one who said it, so at least be pissed at me, not her."
Jonah let out a scoff, rolling his eyes, "I'm always pissed at you, Lucas, there's no difference there."
Luke snorted, carefully combing his fingers through Bella's hair, avoiding the stitches, "how's Leo?"
"Knocked out, still sick, dehydrated. Wendy got him some good drugs though, so I'm hopeful he'll feel better soon..."
An awkward silence followed and they both avoided each other's eyes, before Lucas huffed, "I'm sorry, this trip was a stupid idea."
"It wasn't," Jonah shook his head, "but bad fucking timing..." he sat on the edge of the bed, "I didn't mean to make her cry, I swear I didn't."
Luke raised his eyebrows, unimpressed, "well, you did."
"I'll apologize to her," Jonah promised, his pride be damned. Luke sighed, nodding.
"Fine, if you apologize to her."
"If you apologize to Leo for making him come."
"I didn't make him come."
"Lucas," Jonah glared at him and the other man pouted, nodding again.
"Fine, I'll apologize."
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ziltimotionsickness · 3 months ago
If you are searching for the best Car sickness tablet we suggest checking this. Car Sickness, a form of motion sickness, can make traveling uncomfortable. The best solution is a reliable car sickness tablet that provides quick relief from nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. These tablets work by calming the inner ear and reducing motion-induced symptoms, allowing you to enjoy a smooth journey.
Popular options for motion sickness tablets are non-drowsy, fast-acting, and suitable for adults and children. Whether you're on a long road trip or daily commute, these tablets are your trusted travel companion. Say goodbye to travel discomfort with the best motion sickness solution!
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regulus-the-raggedy-doctor · 5 months ago
Tips to help with nausea
A while ago was testing out medications to help with depression and one of the made me really really itchy at night, and a different one- or maybe the same one can't remember. Anyway, one of them made me nauseous a lot and even now that I'm off of it I've developed car sickness for some reason. So I've learnt a few things to help with it and thought l'd share cause it sucked and still sucks and maybe it can help someone else not have as sucky of a time with it
First, these things work for me, that doesn't guarantee it'll work for you, but I hope it does.
- mint. This can be gum, cough drops, or sometimes even mint chocolate
- cold. Ice water, a bag of ice held to the throat, or just going outside on a cold day
- Sunglasses
- Headphones (less stimulation I think)
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