#car finance kenya
momentum1 · 8 months
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Embark on the journey to secure the best used car financing with Momentum Credit, your trusted financial partner. At Momentum Credit, we guide you through the process, ensuring transparency, flexibility, and financial expertise every step of the way. Discover the keys to success in securing optimal used car financing by assessing your financial situation, exploring our competitive offerings, and understanding the flexibility of our repayment plans. With a focus on your financial well-being, Momentum Credit empowers you to make informed decisions. Secure your dream car with the confidence that comes from partnering with Momentum Credit – where your financial goals become a reality."
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puppyandmau · 12 days
Affordable Luxury and Proton Vehicles: Discover Great Deals in Nairobi and Mombasa
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Unlock incredible deals on cheap cars for sale in Nairobi and Mombasa with Proton Kenya. Whether you're looking to buy cheap luxury cars in Mombasa or find the best for sale cars in Nairobi, Proton Kenya offers a wide selection of vehicles to suit every budget and preference.
If you're specifically interested in Proton vehicles, check out the competitive Proton X70 price and discover why this model is a top choice for value-conscious buyers. Additionally, the Proton Saga is available for sale in Kenya, offering a reliable and stylish option for those seeking economical luxury.
Proton Kenya is your go-to source for exploring these exceptional deals. Whether you’re searching for an affordable luxury car or interested in the latest Proton models, we provide a variety of options to suit your needs. Don’t miss out on these fantastic offers—visit us today to find the best deals on cheap luxury cars and Proton vehicles in Kenya.
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livingstyleup · 7 months
Luxury Cars for Sale with Finance Options | Proton Kenya
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Explore a wide selection of vehicles available for sale with finance facilities, including affordable luxury cars, in Nairobi. With Proton Kenya, you can conveniently book your preferred vehicle online, whether you're seeking a stylish sedan or a spacious SUV. Experience the perfect blend of comfort, performance, and affordability with our range of vehicles tailored to your needs.
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onlinewordworld · 8 months
Proton Cars in Kenya: Explore Proton Saga and X70 Prices
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Discover a range of saloon cars in Kenya with competitive prices. Check out the Proton Saga Kenya price and explore the sophistication of the Proton X70. Elevate your driving experience with reliable and stylish Proton vehicles. Find your perfect match and enjoy quality and affordability on the roads of Kenya.
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autopaxke · 1 year
Easy Car Loans in Kenya
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Car loans in Kenya are getting really popular because more people and families want to own their own cars. Since there's a higher demand for cars, banks and other money places have made special loans just for buying cars. These loans let you get your dream car without paying all the money at once. But, it's important to look into all the different loan options. Different banks can have different interest rates and rules for paying back the money. Also, think about your own money situation and pick a loan that fits your budget. Remember to include other costs like insurance, car fixes, and gas when you're figuring out if you can really afford the loan. In the end, car loans in Kenya make it easy for people to get a car and enjoy the freedom and convenience it brings.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
The choices facing Kenya's President William Ruto are now far from easy.
Elected in 2022 pledging to cut corruption, shore up the country's faltering economy and help the poor, the embattled Mr Ruto now faces an unprecedented rebellion against his finance bill - legislation he says he is an essential part of his plan to build the nation.
It might be easier to know which way to turn if the opposition Mr Ruto faced was confined within parliament.
An astute political player, deputy president for almost a decade before being elected to the top spot, Mr Ruto has years of experience wrangling politics to get things done.
Now though, the forces massed against him are something truly beyond his control.
Live: At least five shot dead in Kenya at protests against tax hikes - reports
Kenya's tax proposals that have triggered protests
Why Kenya's president wants people to love the taxman
A mass movement which grew organically out of discontent expressed on social media has grown into a powerful rebellion which has filled the streets of cities and towns across the country.
In the capital, the Nairobi governor's office, city hall and the country's parliament have this afternoon all been set ablaze.
The protesters had started the day threatening a "total shutdown".
And at the end of a day of chaos and panic across the country, often set against the sound of teargas and at times live fire from police, there is no doubt their fury has been heard.
For Mr Ruto, the choice now seems to be about whether to yield to the demonstrators and abandon his budget, or to dig in and push it through, risking further turmoil and bloodshed on the streets.
He has argued the raft of new taxes are essential to control Kenya's debt - a huge sum of more than $80bn (£63bn), which costs the country more than half of its annual tax revenues to service.
Kenya secured a restructuring of its international debt commitments earlier this year – something which immediately pushed a surge in the value of its currency, the shilling.
Increasingly seen as one of Africa’s leading statesmen, recently returned from a state visit to the White House, Mr Ruto understands the importance to his nation’s economy of avoiding a default on its debt payments.
For those in his government the calculation was that controlling the state finances by increasing the tax burden was preferable to cutting public services.
The finance bill, which was due to become law on Monday, originally brought in dozens of new or increased taxes on everything from car ownership and financial transactions to sanitary pads.
Several of the most contentious taxes have already been dropped following consultation with the public.
But the controversy over the budget follows other revenue-raising measures introduced by Mr Ruto, including increased taxes for healthcare and low-cost housing.
And for those on the street, there's a third solution available to the government beyond cutting services or raising taxes.
Many blame the country’s financial woes on corruption, with taxpayers wary of paying more amidst a lack of trust over the transparency of the state.
For Mr Ruto it is perhaps the shadows of this past that make his current position so difficult.
He rose from the deputy presidency to the presidency in the 2022 elections, and with a focus on green energy and tech he has certainly got new ideas about where he wants to take Kenya.
But for many on the streets, Mr Ruto’s record as a senior figure in government over a period marred by corruption means it’s hard to trust him with their taxes.
Tuesday’s events in Nairobi leave Mr Ruto seemingly pinned now into a tight corner.
Facing condemnation for what many Kenyans see as a heavy-handed response to protests in the street, he must choose now whether to hold firm to his budget or to find a different route to securing financial security for Kenya.
In the meantime, those who came out to have their voices heard in Nairobi and across the country show no sign of giving up.
When Mr Ruto addressed the nation in his inauguration speech, he spoke directly to the country’s politically-active youth.
“My political journey,” he told them, “Similarly began as a young campaign volunteer, fresh out of university.
“Your experience and lessons learnt should form the basis for your leadership journey.”
Now it is a confrontation with a youth-led movement that poses what many consider to the be biggest challenge to authority in Kenya since the country’s independence in 1963.
The next days for Mr Ruto will be crucial, as he faces tough choices for his government and the country.
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mirrorontheworld · 8 months
Un collectif d’organisations et d’associations dont les Amis de la Terre, Greenpeace, Extinction Rébellion affichent leur soutien aux manifestants et annoncent les rejoindre.
Nous nous adressons à tous les agriculteurs et agricultrices ayant manifesté leur colère ces derniers jours, mais aussi à toutes celles et ceux qui hésiteraient encore à les rejoindre. Nous, organisations écologistes, paysannes et militantes pour un autre modèle agricole depuis des décennies partageons cette colère, et refusons le discours dominant qui voudrait faire de nous vos ennemis.
Nous sommes en colère parce que nous savons que la destruction des conditions de vie des paysan.ne.s comme la destruction des écosystèmes profitent aux mêmes personnes, et que ce ne sont ni vous ni nous.
Depuis les tout débuts des mouvements écologistes, nous nous sommes toujours mobilisés avec détermination sur la question du modèle agricole et des conditions de travail et de vie des agriculteurs. Parce que nous savons l’importance considérable de l’agriculture sur l’environnement : ainsi la qualité de la terre, de l’air, de l’eau, de ce que nous mangeons, et bien sûr le climat, dépendent de ce que nous cultivons et élevons et de la manière dont nous le faisons.
Nous avons lutté contre les traités de libre-échange, pour la souveraineté alimentaire et pour que chaque pays – et chaque paysan.ne – puisse vivre de son agriculture et la faire vivre plutôt que de la soumettre à la concurrence internationale. Nous avons manifesté main dans la main avec les agriculteurs contre la grande braderie du monde paysan à la finance, contre le Tafta (avec les Etats-Unis), le Ceta (avec le Canada), le Mercosur (avec l’Amérique latine), maintenant les traités de libre-échange avec la Nouvelle-Zélande, le Chili et le Kenya soutenus par Emmanuel Macron.
Le principe d’une sécurité sociale de l’alimentation
Nous avons en tant que consommateurs et militant.e.s soutenu l’agriculture paysanne, créé et promu les Amaps, les circuits courts, l’agriculture bio, nous avons mis la main à la pâte jusqu’à mettre de l’épargne au service de nouvelles installations. Nous appelons depuis longtemps à ce qu’il y ait au moins un million de paysan.ne.s en France, et nous savons l’urgence qu’il y a à trouver des repreneurs, car dans moins de dix ans maintenant la moitié des agriculteurs du pays partira à la retraite. Et même si c’est loin d’être assez, ce sont déjà des milliers de militant.e.s écologistes qui ont entrepris des reconversions en agriculture pour s’y mettre concrètement.
C’est encore pour cela que nous sommes nombreuses et nombreux à défendre désormais le principe d’une sécurité sociale de l’alimentation, un système de solidarité entre consommateurs et producteurs qui permette à ces derniers de vivre décemment de leur travail et de reprendre la main sur notre alimentation.
Dans le domaine de l’agriculture comme dans d’autres, nous discernons bien aussi toute l’ambiguïté des normes. Certaines peuvent bel et bien protéger la santé des travailleurs, la fertilité des terres, les ressources en eau… Mais sous des prétextes vertueux, elles sont parfois aussi conçues pour impliquer des contraintes techniques, pratiques et une aseptisation du métier telles qu’elles vont dans le sens de la disparition des petites fermes au profit de ceux qui peuvent s’industrialiser et s’endetter plus encore. Il n’y a pas lieu de s’attaquer sans discrimination aux normes environnementales mais de les financer de manière à maintenir les revenus et d’en rendre l’application compatible avec la pratique paysanne.
Alors nous sommes nombreux à avoir soutenu et proposé sans succès une autre PAC, qui aide réellement aux reconversions et pour ne pas vous abandonner face à des normes environnementales imposées sans aucune contrepartie derrière pour les appliquer concrètement et de manière juste.
Même et surtout quand nous nous battons contre des projets agricoles, contre des mégabassines, ou des élevages industriels aux proportions absurdes : nous le faisons systématiquement avec des agriculteurs, et pour le monde paysan. Parce qu’il est injuste et hypocrite que quelques agriculteurs s’accaparent l’eau au détriment de ceux qui cherchent à produire autrement. Parce que les fermes-usines contre lesquelles nous nous battons détruisent de l’emploi paysan et mettent une pression déloyale sur les petits éleveurs qui sont contraints de s’aligner ou de mettre la clé sous la porte. Et tout ça au bénéfice de grands groupes qui les poussent à des élevages toujours plus grands pour leur racheter leurs produits à des prix dérisoires – c’est par exemple la stratégie du groupe Duc révélée par une enquête.
L’échec et le drame d’un modèle productiviste
Stopper ces projets, c’est défendre un modèle agricole qui protège le vivant mais surtout qui permet au reste du monde paysan de vivre dignement d’un travail de qualité.
Car, qui est à l’origine de la chute du nombre de paysan.ne.s à moins de 500 000 en France ? A l’origine des suicides d’agriculteurs chaque jour, des montagnes de dettes ? A l’origine des obligations de rendements toujours plus importantes, de la concentration toujours plus forte des terres dans les mains de quelques-uns, des prix toujours plus bas de ce que vous produisez ? Les prix agricoles ont baissé de 10 % en moyenne rien que l’année écoulée, tandis que l’inflation bondissait et les bénéfices des grands groupes agro-industriels et de la grande distribution également.
Cet échec et ce drame, ce sont ceux d’un modèle productiviste, poussé par la grande distribution et des gouvernements successifs depuis des décennies, contre lesquels nous alertons depuis tout ce temps.
Le modèle agricole que nous défendons se bat précisément contre les causes de ces drames. Mais aussi contre l’autoritarisme qui s’offre comme une solution, alors qu’en excluant plus qu’en rassemblant, jamais l’extrême droite n’a été du côté des travailleurs.
Depuis toujours, nous sommes les alliés des paysans. Et contrairement à ce que racontent la propagande du gouvernement ou les discours autoritaires qui attisent la haine entre nous pour mieux s’engraisser sur nos vies : nous continuerons à être vos alliés, parce que c’est une question de survie.
Alors c’est en tant qu’alliés que nous appelons à vous rejoindre dans vos actions les jours qui viennent pour porter ce message, et pour défendre le monde paysan.
Nous serons là avec différents points fixes pour discuter avec tous les agriculteurs qui le veulent, et ensemble rappeler que les véritables responsables de la crise que vit la profession ne sont ni les consommateurs ni les écolos – mais bien la lâcheté des gouvernements successifs, la grande distribution et l’agro-business qui s’engraissent pendant que tant d’entre vous se tuent à la tâche.
Nous refusons de laisser des industriels possédant des milliers d’hectares, le gouvernement ou encore les éditorialistes de CNews bien au chaud dans leurs bureaux parisiens nous traiter comme la cause de la crise que subit le monde paysan depuis si longtemps.
Nous préférons construire ensemble un modèle qui profite aux agriculteurs, aux consommateurs et à la vie, comme il aurait toujours dû l’être. Et nous serons ensemble dans la rue pour en discuter et manifester, car oui, il est bien possible d’être militant à la fois pour l’environnement et pour l’agriculture de demain.
Premiers signataires : Alix Brun pour les Youth for Climate, Jean-François Deleume, porte-parole Alerte des médecins sur les pesticides, Cyril Dion, réalisateur et écrivain, Simon Duteil et Murielle Guilbert, co-porte-paroles de l’Union syndicale Solidaires, Khaled Gaiji, président des Amis de la Terre, Antoine Gatet, président de France Nature Environnement, Hanzo pour Extinction Rebellion, Axel Lopez pour la coalition Résistance aux fermes-usines, Gilbert Mitterrand, président de la Fondation Danielle-Mitterrand, Lotta Nouki, porte-parole des Soulèvements de la Terre, Sandy Olivar Calvo, chargée de campagne Agriculture et Alimentation chez Greenpeace France, Alessandro Pignocchi, auteur de bandes dessinées, Priscille de Poncins, secrétaire de Chrétiens unis pour la Terre, Jérémie Suissa, délégué général de Notre affaire à tous, Emma Tosini, porte-parole de Alternatiba, Victor Vauquois, co-coordinateur de Terres de luttes…
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ausetkmt · 7 months
Kenya's Haiti mission in limbo as urgency grows
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A convoy of cars carrying members of a Kenyan delegation leave the premises of Haitian National Police (PNH) after meeting with the Chief of the Haitian National Police Frantz Elbe, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, August 21, 2023
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya has said its police officers will soon be in Haiti to confront rampaging gangs controlling the capital, but worsening insecurity and uncertainty about financing are casting doubt on the mission's prospects.
Kenya's government, which first pledged to lead an international security mission last July, says the coast is now clear to deploy after it signed an agreement with Haiti's government on March 1 meant to address concerns raised by a domestic judge who deemed the existing plan unlawful.
The United States and other powers are pushing for a swift deployment of Kenyan officers, seen as a prerequisite to allowing a half-dozen other African and Caribbean countries to also send security forces.
Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been unable to return to Haiti because of escalating violence since he signed the deal in Kenya. He announced overnight he would resign once a transition council and temporary replacement have been appointed.
Kenya's army has previously been sent to countries including Somalia, but its police officers have never been deployed in such large numbers and, for Nairobi, thorny issues remain to be worked out.
"The deteriorating security situation is likely to force a rethink in Nairobi," said Murithi Mutiga, the program director for Africa at the International Crisis Group think-tank.
"The state seems to be crumbling from within and the security situation is much worse than when Kenya offered to lead the mission."
Kenya's presidency and government did not respond to requests for comment.
One major challenge, according to diplomats with knowledge of the matter, is financing. The United States is providing the bulk of the funds for the mission, which was authorised by the U.N. Security Council in October.
The United States has pledged $300 million. However, a U.N. spokesperson said that as of Monday, less than $11 million had been deposited into the U.N.'s dedicated trust fund.
A senior U.S. State Department official said President Joe Biden's administration was working with Congress to get the money transferred.
Kenya has asked to be paid the costs of the deployment upfront, but U.N. rules require that funds it administers be used only to reimburse costs already incurred, according to a diplomat based in Nairobi and U.N. officials.
Kenya would therefore need to find a country willing to pay it directly, said the diplomat and U.N. officials who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions.
A senior U.S. official said $100 million in Defense Department funding to the mission announced on Monday would be used for logistics and equipment, and would not pass through the U.N. trust fund.
It was not clear whether that money could cover some or all of the Kenyan government's requests. Kenya has pledged 1,000 officers to a mission that experts expect to have up to 5,000 personnel.
Addressing reporters on Monday, Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki said Kenya was in the pre-deployment stage.
"There was a small court matter and that has been resolved," he said.
A High Court judge ruled in January that the government's plan was unlawful because there was no "reciprocal agreement" with the host country.
Although the government believes the March 1 agreement addressed the judge's misgivings, the opposition politician who spearheaded the lawsuit has vowed to launch a new challenge. He argues that the unelected Henry did not have the legal authority to enter into such an arrangement.
Meanwhile, the surging violence over the past week in Port-au-Prince, where gangs besieged the international airport and released thousands of prisoners, has deepened concerns in Kenya about the wisdom of the mission.
Opposition politicians, already critical of the mission as too dangerous and not in Kenya's national interests, have stepped up their criticism.
Opiyo Wandayi, the minority leader in the National Assembly, warned last week of immense losses. Makau Mutua, a prominent law professor, said Kenyan officers would be "sitting ducks".
Enock Alumasi Makanga, a former police officer and the national chairman of the Protective and Safety Association of Kenya, told Reuters that Kenyan police lacked the training and equipment to carry out such a mission.
"The level of criminality in Haiti is beyond what our guys can do," he told Reuters.
Kenyan officials have said that the highly-trained paramilitary officers were well prepared for the challenges.
President Ruto has said the mission is a "bigger calling to humanity" motivated by solidarity with a brother nation. Haiti requested an international force in October 2022, but foreign governments were reluctant to participate.
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gulshanwhydonate · 1 month
Obtenez de l’Aide Financière pour la Gestation pour Autrui (GPA)
La gestation pour autrui est une merveilleuse option pour les personnes ou les couples qui ne peuvent pas avoir d’enfants par eux-mêmes. Cependant, les coûts associés à la gestation pour autrui peuvent être écrasants. Des frais médicaux aux honoraires juridiques, le fardeau financier peut rapidement s’accumuler.
Grâce au financement participatif, vous pouvez créer une campagne et collecter des fonds pour les coûts de la gestation pour autrui. Les donateurs peuvent vous fournir une aide financière en sachant que vous recherchez sincèrement de l’aide financière. Il est important de maintenir la transparence pour que les gens soient plus enclins à donner.
Trouver le bon soutien financier pour votre parcours en tant que mère porteuse est très important, car chaque situation est unique. Vous devez rester ferme et optimiste alors que vous vous lancez dans ce voyage.
Comprendre les coûts de la gestation pour autrui (GPA) : tarifs, processus et fonctionnement
La gestation pour autrui (GPA), souvent appelée "surrogacy" en anglais, est une pratique qui suscite de nombreuses questions, notamment en ce qui concerne ses coûts. Que vous recherchiez des informations sur les coûts de la GPA, les tarifs et coûts de la gestation pour autrui, ou que vous souhaitiez comprendre comment fonctionne la GPA, il est essentiel de se pencher sur les différents aspects financiers de ce processus.
Les coûts de la gestation pour autrui peuvent varier en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, tels que la législation du pays où la GPA est pratiquée, les frais médicaux, et les honoraires des agences et des avocats. De plus, les frais liés à la compensation de la mère porteuse, les examens médicaux, et les démarches administratives influencent également le tarif global de la GPA.
Il est important de bien comprendre tous ces éléments pour évaluer précisément le coût de la GPA. Cette démarche nécessite une préparation minutieuse et une compréhension approfondie des différentes étapes impliquées dans le processus de la GPA surrogacy.
En somme, pour ceux qui envisagent la gestation pour autrui, il est crucial de se renseigner sur les coûts et tarifs afin de bien se préparer financièrement et de comprendre comment fonctionne la GPA.
Combien Coûte Une Gestation Pour Autrui ?
Bill Houghton, père fondateur de l’organisation de conseil Sensible Surrogacy, a informé Euronews qu’en dépit de la législation restrictive, la gestation pour autrui devient « beaucoup plus populaire ». Houghton a mentionné que de nombreux Européens préfèrent se rendre en Ukraine, où les frais GPA sont d’environ 50 000 dollars (43 970 euros), contre plus de 100 000 dollars (88 640 euros) aux États-Unis.
Un marché est également en train de se développer au Kenya, où la gestation pour autrui coûterait entre 40 000 et 45 000 dollars (entre 34 370 et 38 670 euros) et qu’il n’existerait, cependant « aucune réglementation », a-t-il ajouté.
L’ensemble des services GPA, y compris les soins prénataux et le transport d’une mère porteuse à l’intérieur des Pays-Bas, coûterait 90 000 €. Cette offre spécifique de la gestation pour autrui aux Pays-Bas « Accouchement aux Pays-Bas » est une solution médicale, légale et, de plus, sans stress pour les résidents du Benelux (la Belgique, les Pays-Bas et le Luxembourg) et de l’Union européenne.
Quels Sont les Différents Types de GPA Surrogacy?
Encore connue sous le nom de maternité de substitution, on distingue deux types de GPA: la GPA Surrogacy complète ou totale et la GPA traditionnelle.
Alors, qu’est-ce que la GPA complète ou totale? Qu’est-ce que la GPA traditionnelle. Quelle est la différence entre la GPA complète et la GPA traditionnelle? Si vous vous posez déjà ces genres de questions, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. Dans cet article, vous allez pouvoir comprendre les différents types de gestion pour autrui qui existent.
GPA complète ou totale
GPA traditionnelle
Gestation pour autrui commerciale ou rémunérée
Gestation pour autrui altruiste
Gestation pour autrui par agence
Gestation pour autrui (GPA) indépendante
Gestation pour autrui identifiée
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Richard et Sébastien veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse
Richard et Sébastian, sont vraiment heureux dans leur relation et ils adorent vraiment les enfants. Leur plus grand souhait est d’être parents. Il est clair que cela n’est malheureusement pas possible biologiquement, et qu’ils ont donc besoin d’aide pour avoir ces enfants. Leur avocat les guidera tout au long de la procédure GPA au Canada. Le démarrage est en fait un élément de coût important d’où l’entrée dans le processus de façon internationale sous la supervision d’un avocat.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Yorick et Eljo veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse.
Yorick et Eljo ont fait le grand souhait et la décision mûrement réfléchie de vouloir devenir papa et maman. Il leur est impossible d’avoir un enfant de façon naturelle. La seule chance pour eux est d’avoir recours à une gestation pour autrui issue d’une haute technologie. C’est la possibilité qu’ils veulent saisir, cependant, cela coûte environ 100 000 euros!  Le processus de gestation pour autrui a déjà commencé. Ils ont mis tout l’argent qu’ils ont collecté par le biais de la plateforme crowdfunding WhyDonate dans un bocal, et cette somme y restera pendant un certain temps. Ils espèrent, du coup, qu’ils pourront avoir de bonnes nouvelles en cette année 2022 et l’annoncer à tout le monde.
 Près de 275 donateurs ont contribué avec plus de 18 000 € dans le cadre de la gestion pour autrui.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Richard et Sébastien veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse
Richard et Sébastian, sont vraiment heureux dans leur relation et ils adorent vraiment les enfants. Leur plus grand souhait est d’être parents. Il est clair que cela n’est malheureusement pas possible biologiquement, et qu’ils ont donc besoin d’aide pour avoir ces enfants. Leur avocat les guidera tout au long de la procédure GPA au Canada. Le démarrage est en fait un élément de coût important d’où l’entrée dans le processus de façon internationale sous la supervision d’un avocat.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Yorick et Eljo veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse.
Yorick et Eljo ont fait le grand souhait et la décision mûrement réfléchie de vouloir devenir papa et maman. Il leur est impossible d’avoir un enfant de façon naturelle. La seule chance pour eux est d’avoir recours à une gestation pour autrui issue d’une haute technologie. C’est la possibilité qu’ils veulent saisir, cependant, cela coûte environ 100 000 euros!  Le processus de gestation pour autrui a déjà commencé. Ils ont mis tout l’argent qu’ils ont collecté par le biais de la plateforme crowdfunding WhyDonate dans un bocal, et cette somme y restera pendant un certain temps. Ils espèrent, du coup, qu’ils pourront avoir de bonnes nouvelles en cette année 2022 et l’annoncer à tout le monde.
Près de 275 donateurs ont contribué avec plus de 18 000 € dans le cadre de la gestion pour autrui.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Richard et Sébastien veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse
Richard et Sébastian, sont vraiment heureux dans leur relation et ils adorent vraiment les enfants. Leur plus grand souhait est d’être parents. Il est clair que cela n’est malheureusement pas possible biologiquement, et qu’ils ont donc besoin d’aide pour avoir ces enfants. Leur avocat les guidera tout au long de la procédure GPA au Canada. Le démarrage est en fait un élément de coût important d’où l’entrée dans le processus de façon internationale sous la supervision d’un avocat.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Yorick et Eljo veulent un bébé issu d’une mère porteuse.
Yorick et Eljo ont fait le grand souhait et la décision mûrement réfléchie de vouloir devenir papa et maman. Il leur est impossible d’avoir un enfant de façon naturelle. La seule chance pour eux est d’avoir recours à une gestation pour autrui issue d’une haute technologie. C’est la possibilité qu’ils veulent saisir, cependant, cela coûte environ 100 000 euros!  Le processus de gestation pour autrui a déjà commencé. Ils ont mis tout l’argent qu’ils ont collecté par le biais de la plateforme crowdfunding WhyDonate dans un bocal, et cette somme y restera pendant un certain temps. Ils espèrent, du coup, qu’ils pourront avoir de bonnes nouvelles en cette année 2022 et l’annoncer à tout le monde.
Près de 275 donateurs ont contribué avec plus de 18 000 € dans le cadre de la gestion pour autrui.
Comment démarrer une campagne ?
Suivez ces 4 étapes simples
1. Lancer une campagne Inscrivez-vous sur Whydonate et créez votre campagne en quelques minutes. Inscrivez-vous en tant que personne ou organisation.
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warningsine · 3 months
The generation of Kenyans born between 1997 and 2012 – the Gen-Zs – have borne the brunt of the country’s slow economic growth. If a country has slow economic growth, it typically experiences higher unemployment rates, reduced income levels and decreased investments. It leads to an overall lower living standard.
Over the last 10 years, between 2013 and 2023, Kenya’s average growth rate has been 4.52%. This is less than half of the 10% growth rate that President Mwai Kibaki had envisaged in Vision 2030.
The national development plan’s goal was to transform Kenya into a middle income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by the year 2030. But Kenya is still far from it.
I have studied several aspects of Kenya’s economy over the past decade and want to shed light on the economic roots of the protests.
The finance bill, which proposed several tax hikes, was the trigger for the protests, but the anger had been accumulating for years, since independence, when some of the pressing national problems were not adequately addressed. That includes population growth, land degradation, corruption and predominance of politics over economics.
The fact that 80% of the Kenyan population is below 35 years old demands that the government immediately take new and innovative approaches to creating economic opportunities.
Perfect storm
Several economic factors have come together, creating the perfect storm for these mass protests.
First, young Kenyans have endured hard economic times brought on by COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine.
Tensions were already evident in the run-up to Kenya’s 2022 presidential elections, with complaints over rising national debt and the cost of living.
At the time, President William Ruto’s alliance read the signs correctly and tapped into the discontent. As a presidential candidate, Ruto promised to lower the cost of living if he won the elections. He also promised the downtrodden, popularised as “hustlers”, better jobs. And they voted for him in droves.
But in two years the economy did not grow as fast as expected. And the hustlers’ patience ran out.
They have seen no transformation in their economic lives. This is despite the economy achieving a growth rate of 4.9% in 2022, edging up to 5.6% in 2023. This growth was not enough to deal with the economic backlogs. Hence, the popular question I have been asked as an economist is: if the economy is growing, where is the money?
The second factor is the high number of frustrated, educated young people in the country.
Kibaki offered free education and 100% transition from primary to high school. This raised not only the literacy levels, but also expectations.
But Kenya’s failure to create adequate opportunities for its educated young people has come back to bite political leaders. Those young people are at the forefront of the protests.
Gen-Z are more educated than their parents. They have degrees, diplomas and access to more information through the internet. They are also cosmopolitan, less tied to their tribes or political parties. That makes them easy to mobilise.
Despite being educated, many are jobless. Economic growth hasn’t kept pace with, or outpaced, population growth – resulting in limited job opportunities in the formal economy. The alternative has been the informal sector, which has more than 80% of the jobs. Such jobs offer low pay and low prestige, and no security.
Third, young people have been contrasting their miserable lives with those of political leaders who flaunt their wealth. Conspicuous displays of wealth, from cars to watches, has angered Kenyans, more so because many struggle to make ends meet.
Fourth, there is corruption, a perennial problem which has become a major source of anger. Gen-Zs feel corruption has stolen their future. They see it everywhere, from roadsides to offices. The word “tenderpreneur” is now a byword in Kenya. Tenderpreneurs make money by fraudulently getting government tenders and inflating the prices.
Fifth, they have more economically demanding needs – created by what their parents have provided for them and what they have seen others have.
Bad to worse
The last straw, and trigger for action, was the 2024 finance bill.
It sought to expand the tax base so that more Kenyans pay taxes. Gen-Zs saw the finance bill as adding to their economic woes and those of their parents, already burdened by the high cost of living as prices rise. Many are asking where the tax money goes. Many feel it’s either stolen or misused. The bill proposed a raft of taxes which the citizens felt would further raise the cost of living.
Reports of firms closing shop in Kenya, leading to job losses, ostensibly because of taxes, may have raised the anger. With great expectations based on their level of education, Gen-Z saw their employment opportunities narrowing.
In addition, the young and well-educated Kenyans who sought to make a living in the informal economy – which makes up 35% of the GDP – would have been caught in this widened tax net. The government requirement that taxpayers use technology to track their sales did not go down well with small business owners.
Add the proposal by the Kenya Revenue Authority to spy on financial transactions. Young Kenyans are the most prolific users of mobile money and digital services, even in the informal sector. Hence, they asked why taxes on digital services should be raised on “their home”.
Another source of anger is the widespread belief that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are calling the shots in Kenya, making economic decisions for the country and eroding its sovereignty and independence.
Where do we go from here?
Withdrawal of the finance bill will not end the anger. Economic transformation takes time. The government has not convinced Kenyans on that.
The government should focus on low-hanging fruits like revising Vision 2030 with Gen-Z input. It could also get a higher goal akin to Vision 2030. What is the Kenyan dream? Can it be articulated?
The Gen-Zs are learning from others. Can Kenya learn from others, like the New Deal that helped the US confront the aftermath of the Great Depression?
Jobs are created mostly by the private sector. What incentives are there for this sector, which feels overtaxed? How attractive is the country to investors, both local and foreign?
Can the current government learn from Kibaki? How did he raise taxes without protests? Showing where the tax went?
There’s also a need to improve communication so that citizens fully understand the reality of the situation regarding taxes and the country’s debt situation.
The Gen-Zs have a cause to protest. But the solution is harder than protesting. It calls for patience, on their part and that of the government. Kenyans are awaiting implementation of Ruto’s economic proposals after the withdrawal of the finance bill. That will be a good start.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Barack Obama Sr. (June 18, 1936 - November 24, 1982) father of President Barach Hussein Obama, Jr. was born in Kenya to Onyango Obama and Habiba Akumu Nyanjango. He was raised in the Nyang’oma Kogelo village, Siaya District of the Nyanza Province. He converted from Islam to Anglicanism while attending a Christian missionary school and changed his name from Baraka to Barak. His parents separated when he was nine years old, and he was raised by his stepmother.
He married Kezia Aoko (1954) and the couple had two children. In 1959 he was selected for a special academic program and traveled to the US to enroll as the first African foreign student to study at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He graduated in 1963 with a BA in Economics, he was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. He married Stanley Ann Dunham (1961-64). The couple had one child.
He graduated from Harvard University, He married Ruth Beatrice Baker (1964-73). The couple had two sons.
He worked for an oil company as an economist in Kenya. He was promoted to the economist for the Kenyan Ministry of Transport, and senior economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Finance. He reunited with Kezia and had two children. He wrote an entry for the East Africa Journal titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” which set him at odds with Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and much of the nation’s political establishment. When Tom Mboya, Minister of Economic Planning and Development, was assassinated, he came under suspicion. He believed he was now a target of the government. He was fired and blacklisted and found it difficult to find and hold down a job.
He was hit by a car in 1970, an incident that left him in the hospital for almost a year. He traveled back to Hawaii. He visited Barack, Jr. giving him a basketball and taking him to a jazz concert.
He was involved in a second car accident that claimed both of his legs. He met Jael Otinyo, with who he had a son named George. The couple never married but just six months after the child’s birth, he died in a third car accident. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #phibetakappa
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puppyandmau · 12 days
Affordable Car Financing in Kenya and Top Luxury Experiences with Simba Corp
Looking for affordable car financing options in Kenya? Simba Corp offers flexible financing solutions, making it easier for you to own your dream car. Whether you're searching for a cars financing company in Kenya or cheap car financing in Mombasa, Simba Corp provides tailored plans to suit your budget.
Beyond vehicle financing, Simba Corp extends its expertise to luxury lifestyle experiences. Discover the finest boutique safari camp in Kenya, where comfort meets nature, and indulge in fancy restaurants in Nairobi for an unforgettable dining experience. Simba Corp truly brings together the best of automotive and luxury living in Kenya.
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autopaxke · 1 year
Get Your Dream Car with Easy Car Loans in Kenya
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Car loans in Kenya have become increasingly popular as more individuals and families aspire to own their own vehicles. With the rising demand for cars, financial institutions have developed various loan products tailored specifically for purchasing cars. These loans provide borrowers with the opportunity to acquire their dream vehicles without having to bear the burden of paying the full cost upfront. However, it is important for borrowers to thoroughly research and compare the different loan options available, as interest rates and repayment terms can vary significantly between lenders. Additionally, borrowers should consider their financial capabilities and choose a loan that suits their budget and repayment ability. It is also advisable to factor in additional expenses such as insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs when determining the overall affordability of the loan. Overall, car loans in Kenya offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to own a car and enjoy the benefits of mobility and convenience.
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codeplatform · 5 months
Https://youtu.be/aHR070QB_GY Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building Electric industries, machinery industries, chemical industries, industrial machinery, machinery manufacturing, manufacturing machinery, construction machinery, semiconductor machinery, semiconductor industries, electronics industries, computer industries, consumer electronics, home appliance, industrial computers, supercomputers, superconductors, tech industries, high tech industries, telecommunication products manufacturing, robotics, robotics manufacturing, machinations, mech, mechatronics, bioengineering, biotech, nanotech, nanoengineering, pharmacology, medical equipment manufacturing, car manufacturing, truck manufacturing, bus manufacturing, ship building industries, cargo aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, train manufacturing, food productions, farming, agriculture industries, metalurgy, alloys, smelters, petrochemical refineries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products industries, factories, industrial arsenals, industrial towns, industrial metropolitans, industrial cities, industrial cosmopolitans, industrial systems, industrial complex, wheels of industries, strategic industries, syrategic tech, and other industries integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
https://express.adobe.com/video/QghcPqsCJoEQ8 All activities of code. Crash USA stock market. Destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan industries, factories, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tech industries, other industries, corporations, banking, finance, economy, trade, stock market, and all other economic activities. Destroy USA and Britain banking, financial capital, financial market, credit capital, and financial systems. Crash and destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan economies. Lift sanctions on Iran. Build 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Grow economy of Iran. Sanction USA. China, Russia, European Union, Britain, Canafa, Australia, Japan, South Korea, France, amd Germany must place sanctions amd tarrifs on USA. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Increase inflation in USA. Reduce inflation in Iran. Make Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, nuclear, military, diplomatic, politic, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
https://express.adobe.com/video/wYq2amZ6OsOgw https://www.aparat.com/v/yjhFt https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MbT7drJsTaY https://express.adobe.com/video/wYq2amZ6OsOgw https://www.aparat.com/v/yjhFt Increase value of Toman of Iran and Rial of Iran. Increase volume of Global trade in Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman if Iran world trade currency. Reduce value of pound, Euro, Dollar, money of Israel, money of Australia, and money of South Korea. Give 5 billion dollar to Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. All nations, all actors, all governments, all industries, all businesses, all trades, all transits, all economic activities, all international trades, all trades men, all countries, all nations, all sectors, all activities, and all others must trade in rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran world trade currency and petrolcurrency. We want Toman and Rial of Iran to replace dollar. Stop trading in Dollar, Pound, Euro, and other currencies.?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSIJkz4qbo Earthquake in USA and all NATO member States
Superstorms to destroy USA.
Typhoon to destroy USA.
https://www.aparat.com/v/EM94J Famine in USA, Europe, and East Asia
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
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cars360ke · 5 months
Calculate Your Car Loan Easily in Kenya
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car loan calculator kenya, you can easily plan your auto financing in Kenya. Estimate monthly payments, rates of interest, and loan terms with ease. Make educated choices before buying the perfect car. Try our user-friendly tool right away.
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apacbusinesstimes · 5 months
Smart driving: Danny Adams’ Journey with Gofar’s Connected Car Solutions
The environment is been polluted by various dangerous gases and chemicals. The major contributors to pollution are industries, motor vehicles, combustion devices, and many more. Cars release pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide when the fuel is burnt. All these hazardous chemicals will affect humans causing various diseases related lungs, heart, brain, etc. The automotive industry needs to bring sustainable solutions that will reduce pollution and save the earth 
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In this article, we discuss one such company GOFAR that motivates drivers to reduce carbon emissions and helps in safe driving through its simple hardware and software-integrated service. GOFAR was founded by Danny Adams who decided to reduce carbon emissions created by cars.
Danny Adams: Founder & CEO of Gofar
Danny Adams, since a young age, was passionate about motor vehicles and the environment, he used to drive vehicles at the age of 12. Later in his teenage, he had a special interest in rockets and was even selected for NASA Space Camp in the USA. He complete a Bachelor’s degree in the stream of Aerospace, Aeronautics, and Astronautical Engineering from UNSW.
Adams worked as a Project Engineer at MSC Software company and worked for several years as a technical service Engineer at 3M, which identifies new ideas and transforms them into ingenious products. Later he founded Founder Institue, which helps aspiring founders build their startups worldwide. In the year 2013, Adams met Ian Davidson at Sydney’s Fishburners co-working space, and together founded GOFAR which helps to track mileage easily with the software. 
GOFAR  was established with Adam’s desire to reduce carbon emissions generated by cars. He wanted to develop a machine that would easily track the carbon emissions of cars and motivate drivers to reduce them. Then he developed a prototype and gained two patents from the US Patent Office. Later he raised funds for the company’s future growth and started a Kickstarter campaign in 2015, where he pre-sold $220,00 of GOFAR units. Hence with his passion and strategic planning, Adams took GOFAR towards success.
GOFAR is the world’s most accurate mileage tracker for drivers established in the year 2013. The company was founded by Danny Adams and has headquarters located in Sydney, New South Wales. GOFAR makes hardware and apps that connect cars and help drivers make proper driving, maintenance, and finance decisions. The app will show the carbon emission rate and motivate drivers to reduce it along with monitoring and improving driver behavior.
The mission of GOFAR is to cut car costs for drivers and society. It also saves drivers time and money along with reducing car pollution and making safer roads. The primary focus while designing GOFAR was to fit in and match any car interior along with providing safety and feedback to drivers. The working and use of the GOFAR device is simple and easy where a driver needs to plugin GOFAR and needs to download the app. After which the device will directly collect and analyze the engine data. Regular updates are given to drivers from GOFAR through the app, and improvements to calibration and firmware on GOFAR can be updated over the air without any complexity for the user. It also provides safety to drivers with real-time feedback about road awareness.
GOFAR has sustainability initiatives and practices integrated into its core values and goals. It aims to always provide the utmost care and quality products that are temperature resistant and can be recycled in its applications for a better customer and user experience. The company partners with fuel and insurance companies, mechanics, etc to help drivers. GOFAR is helping drivers from around 53 countries and is currently active on 6 continents having teams in Australia, Poland, the USA, India, the UK, the Phillippines, and Kenya.
Award and Recognitions
In the year 2021, Danny Adams received the Road Safety Technology Award from the Australian Road Safety Federation. GOFAR was recognized for its innovation and design and was awarded with Good Design Award. Hence Danny Adams, a sustainable entrepreneur of GOFAR, has been doing great work in reducing carbon emissions from cars and helping drivers save time and money.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/smart-driving-danny-adams-journey-with-gofars-connected-car-solutions/
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