#captured 30 times per second
nasa · 11 months
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Astronomers used three of NASA's Great Observatories to capture this multiwavelength image showing galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508. It includes X-rays recorded by the Chandra X-ray Observatory in blue, visible light observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in green, and infrared light from the Spitzer Space Telescope in red. This rare galaxy cluster has important implications for understanding how these megastructures formed and evolved early in the universe.
How Astronomers Time Travel
Let’s add another item to your travel bucket list: the early universe! You don’t need the type of time machine you see in sci-fi movies, and you don’t have to worry about getting trapped in the past. You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your home! All you need is a powerful space-based telescope.
But let’s start small and work our way up to the farthest reaches of space. We’ll explain how it all works along the way.
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This animation illustrates how fast light travels between Earth and the Moon. The farther light has to travel, the more noticeable its speed limit becomes.
The speed of light is superfast, but it isn’t infinite. It travels at about 186,000 miles (300 million meters) per second. That means that it takes time for the light from any object to reach our eyes. The farther it is, the more time it takes.
You can see nearby things basically in real time because the light travel time isn’t long enough to make a difference. Even if an object is 100 miles (161 kilometers) away, it takes just 0.0005 seconds for light to travel that far. But on astronomical scales, the effects become noticeable.
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This infographic shows how long it takes light to travel to different planets in our solar system.
Within our solar system, light’s speed limit means it can take a while to communicate back and forth between spacecraft and ground stations on Earth. We see the Moon, Sun, and planets as they were slightly in the past, but it's not usually far enough back to be scientifically interesting.
As we peer farther out into our galaxy, we use light-years to talk about distances. Smaller units like miles or kilometers would be too overwhelming and we’d lose a sense of their meaning. One light-year – the distance light travels in a year – is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.5 trillion kilometers). And that’s just a tiny baby step into the cosmos.
The Sun’s closest neighboring star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light-years away. That means we see it as it was about four years ago. Betelgeuse, a more distant (and more volatile) stellar neighbor, is around 700 light-years away. Because of light’s lag time, astronomers don’t know for sure whether this supergiant star is still there! It may have already blasted itself apart in a supernova explosion – but it probably has another 10,000 years or more to go.
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What looks much like craggy mountains on a moonlit evening is actually the edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula. Captured in infrared light by the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals previously obscured areas of star birth.
The Carina Nebula clocks in at 7,500 light-years away, which means the light we receive from it today began its journey about 3,000 years before the pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built! Many new stars there have undoubtedly been born by now, but their light may not reach Earth for thousands of years.
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An artist’s concept of our Milky Way galaxy, with rough locations for the Sun and Carina nebula marked.
If we zoom way out, you can see that 7,500 light-years away is still pretty much within our neighborhood. Let’s look further back in time…
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This stunning image by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features the spiral galaxy NGC 5643. Looking this good isn’t easy; 30 different exposures, for a total of nine hours of observation time, together with Hubble’s high resolution and clarity, were needed to produce an image of such exquisite detail and beauty.
Peering outside our Milky Way galaxy transports us much further into the past. The Andromeda galaxy, our nearest large galactic neighbor, is about 2.5 million light-years away. And that’s still pretty close, as far as the universe goes. The image above shows the spiral galaxy NGC 5643, which is about 60 million light-years away! That means we see it as it was about 60 million years ago.
As telescopes look deeper into the universe, they capture snapshots in time from different cosmic eras. Astronomers can stitch those snapshots together to unravel things like galaxy evolution. The closest ones are more mature; we see them nearly as they truly are in the present day because their light doesn’t have to travel as far to reach us. We can’t rewind those galaxies (or our own), but we can get clues about how they likely developed. Looking at galaxies that are farther and farther away means seeing these star cities in ever earlier stages of development.
The farthest galaxies we can see are both old and young. They’re billions of years old now, and the light we receive from them is ancient since it took so long to traverse the cosmos. But since their light was emitted when the galaxies were young, it gives us a view of their infancy.
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This animation is an artist’s concept of the big bang, with representations of the early universe and its expansion.
Comparing how fast objects at different distances are moving away opened up the biggest mystery in modern astronomy: cosmic acceleration. The universe was already expanding as a result of the big bang, but astronomers expected it to slow down over time. Instead, it’s speeding up!
The universe’s expansion makes it tricky to talk about the distances of the farthest objects. We often use lookback time, which is the amount of time it took for an object’s light to reach us. That’s simpler than using a literal distance, because an object that was 10 billion light-years away when it emitted the light we received from it would actually be more than 16 billion light-years away right now, due to the expansion of space. We can even see objects that are presently over 30 billion light-years from Earth, even though the universe is only about 14 billion years old.
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This James Webb Space Telescope image shines with the light from galaxies that are more than 13.4 billion years old, dating back to less than 400 million years after the big bang.
Our James Webb Space Telescope has helped us time travel back more than 13.4 billion years, to when the universe was less than 400 million years old. When our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope launches in a few years, astronomers will pair its vast view of space with Webb’s zooming capabilities to study the early universe in better ways than ever before. And don’t worry – these telescopes will make plenty of pit stops along the way at other exciting cosmic destinations across space and time.
Learn more about the exciting science Roman will investigate on X and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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morbidology · 2 months
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A striking photograph by Doug Mills, a seasoned New York Times photographer, captured the dramatic moment a bullet flew towards former President Donald Trump’s head.
Using a Sony digital camera, capable of shooting at up to 30 frames per second, Mills documented the chaos at a campaign event in Pennsylvania on 13 July, 2024.
As shots were fired, Trump quickly ducked, shielded by Secret Service agents. Moments later, he reappeared with a bloody face, having been grazed in the ear. On social media, Trump later described the experience as a “bullet ripping through skin.”
Although the bullet narrowly missed Trump's head, the incident had tragic consequences. One spectator was killed, and two others were critically injured.
The FBI identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who had positioned himself on a nearby rooftop. Crooks was subsequently shot and killed by the Secret Service.
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smallmariofindings · 4 months
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In Super Mario Odyssey, if Mario captures a Gushen and B is pressed on each alternate frame while in mid-air, the Gushen will remain suspended in mid-air without using up any of its water supply.
Since this requires pressing the button 30 times per second, this is impossible for a human player to do in practice for any length of time that could be useful.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: twitter.com user "2pants"
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becauseimanicequeen · 1 month
Clocks, Watches, and Time in 4 Minutes
We're halfway into 4 Minutes and I thought I would write a bit about the different ways they use clocks, watches, and time in the show (so far).
I've already written about time a lot in my timelines post, but I just can't seem to stop thinking about this, so here I am... Again.
We all know time matters in this show. What I love about it, though, is the attention to detail. Because the details matter. They're being super intentional with them.
Don't believe me? Then let me show you.
When Great picks up Korn's phone at the bar and tries to open it (in ep 4), it says 09:10 pm:
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But, the small clock at the top left on Korn's phone says 11:02 when Great snoops through it:
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That's just Great continuing to see this anomaly when he's alone (it also tells us he's still at his 11:02 stage in this episode).
But then, when he sends the text about Nan's location to his own phone, Korn's phone still says 11:02 at the top:
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But the text Great just sent to his own phone was sent at 09:12 pm because the phone knows what time it is even if Great can't see it:
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It's about the details of this show!
All the clocks and watches matter in 4 Minutes, not just the obvious or big ass ones they focus on to capture our attention. All the clocks/watches matter because they're intentionally set by the crew (I'm a thousand percent sure about this).
Now, let's look at some different ways they use time in the show.
So far (in chronological order), we've seen time used for showing:
Cold openings
Great's time anomaly (11:00-11:02 so far)
Great's 4-minute phenomenon (which Den calls it in his research)
Different timelines/realities in scenes that follow each other chronologically
Digital vs analog clocks/watches
Differences in 24-hour and 12-hour settings on digital clocks
The 4-minute time limit
Different timelines/realities in the same scene
Let's go through these one by one and hope that I can work within the image limit (seriously tumblr, I need more than 30 images per post, lol).
Cold Openings
The first two episodes open with events that happen outside the events of the rest of their episodes.
The first episode starts with Tyme getting shot and a patient in the ICU having a cardiac arrest (whom I, and many others, believe to be Great).
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The second episode opens with Tonkla beating the shit out of someone with a rock.
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Both these openings are isolated events that aren't connected to any of the bigger timelines or other events, yet.
Great's Time Anomaly
This is every time he sees 11:00-11:02 (which is as far as the clock has come at this point).
It started at 11:00 in the 1st episode:
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Then it turned to 11:01 in the 2nd episode:
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And 11:02 as Great was watching the clock in the 3rd episode:
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So far, he's still at his 11:02 stage (which we saw on Korn's phone in the 4th episode). But I think the ominous ticking will continue in the next episode (or the 6th episode at the very latest).
Great's 4-Minute Phenomenon
Great has had 6 4-minute phenomenons (4MP) so far:
Hitting Manee (ep 1)
Bumping into Tyme at the hospital (ep 1)
Seeing Title beat the shit out of Dome (ep 2)
When he had a conversation with Tyme at Uni (ep 3)
His and Tyme's argument at the hospital (ep 4)
Seeing Samarn shoot Nan (ep 4)
The first 4 in the list above include clocks to show that Great is jumping back 4 minutes (I will only show 2 of them because I need to save images, lol).
When he arrives at the hospital in the 1st episode:
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After he's bumped into Tyme:
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After he's sent back:
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When he walks away from Tyme after their conversation at Uni:
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After he's been sent back:
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The last two in the list above don't include clocks at all, probably because Great (and we as viewers) know what's going on when he has his 4MPs in the 4th episode. We don't need it explained again.
Different Timelines/Realities in Scenes that Follow Each Other Chronologically
I've written about this already in my timelines post, but I will summarize it here.
Chronologically, the scene where Korn is with Tonkla in the 1st episode is followed by the family dinner, which is followed by Korn dropping Great off at home.
Interestingly enough, Korn arrives at Tonkla's place at 07:15-ish pm:
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Tonkla wants a second round at 08:55 pm, just as Korn's dad calls and wants Korn home for dinner:
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Then, when Korn drops Great off at his condo after dinner, Korn's watch says 07:15-ish:
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While the clock on Great's phone says 07:13:
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This is all meant to be the same day Great hit Manee. Everyone (Great, Korn, their dad, and Great's mom) is wearing the same clothes throughout these scenes that happen on the same day. Yet, the times are different.
(Technically, Korn drops Great off at the same time as he arrives at Tonkla's place, which is super interesting.)
Digital vs Analog Clocks/Watches
I've already gathered the digital and analog clocks/watches from the first 2 episodes in a separate post (including the ones we've seen in the teaser and trailer).
I won't add images of them here (since I need to save images for the rest of the post, lol), but you can see them throughout this post.
Both digital and analog clocks/watches have a prominent place in the show, even though the digital clocks are more obvious and attention-grabbing.
I haven't yet figured out if there's a pattern behind the use of either in certain scenes or situations. Analog watches can obviously be a luxury item, so Great and Korn's watches are more than likely used for that reason as well. But other than that...
Great use and is surrounded by both digital and analog clocks and watches. Korn always wears analog clocks, but his times are shown on his phone as well. I'm pretty sure Tyme's watch is a digital one. The clocks at the hospital are digital (I can't remember if I've seen an analog clock there). Yet, the staff at the hospital have a mix of digital and analog watches.
So... I don't know. But at least they show a variety of clocks so it doesn't get boring, lol.
Differences in 24-hour and 12-Hour Settings on Digital Clocks
I've written about this already in my timelines post, but I will summarize it here.
The hospital seems to have a 24-hour setting in some cases, as we saw from the image of the clock on the front desk saying 13:10 when Great arrived (image above), but not in other cases even though this is in the evening:
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Since it's the same hospital, I would find it strange if the clocks had different settings (or perhaps that's just me, lol). Perhaps, then, this is a way to show different timelines/realities (since Manee is, more than likely, dead in the real timeline/reality).
Interestingly, Great seems to have both settings on his phone as well (or, the phone is showing the time as 12 hours wrong).
The clock on his phone, when Korn drops him off after their family dinner (image above), says 07:13 while his phone at the hospital shows 13:14 (image above) and 16:33 and 16:29 when having his conversation with Tyme at Uni (images above).
His phone is clearly set on a 24-hour setting, yet, it says 07:13 at night? Obviously, he could've changed the setting after that night. But it could also indicate that different timelines/realities are present.
The 4-Minute Time Limit
This showed up in the 3rd episode in a vision Great had of himself and a mystery woman (who we now know is Lukwa) in a gallery:
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It also shows up in the 4th episode as Lukwa talks to Den about this gallery and the mystery man (who we know is Great):
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And we learned (even though most of us knew it already) that this is the limit of time a brain can survive without oxygen.
Different Timelines/Realities in the Same Scene
The clocks/watches were screaming at me in the 4th episode, to a point where I couldn't ignore them even if I wanted to (which I didn't). I've written about this in my timelines post already, but I'll summarize my thoughts about it here.
Korn and Great were in different times in the scene are the bar. Korn started the scene at 06:50 pm:
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While Great's watch showed 03:20-ish when he arrived at the bar (after my ramble in my timelines post about this, I thought it was most logical if this was am for Great considering the scenes that follow):
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Great's time is consistent to him as it turns to 03:50-ish while they're still in the middle of drinking:
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While Korn's time stays consistent with him, which could be seen when Great grabbed Korns phone and it showed 09:10 pm when he tried to open it (image above).
It's also interesting to note that, if we follow Great's time from the bar, then he's kissing Tyme in the tent at 02:00 pm:
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This would mean that Korn's time, at this point, is 05:40 am, which (according to my calculations in my timelines post) is the same time Great ditches Korn at the bar to go save Nan.
(This could mean that everything that happened in Great's timeline/reality after he left the bar didn't happen in Korn's.)
Korn and Great exist in completely different times/realities even though they're in the same scene together. And I absolutely loved that detail with those clocks/watches. That whole bar scene was heaven for my brain.
Things are definitely changing when it comes to timelines/realities in the show, and I'm on the edge of my seat with every new episode.
I can't wait to see what time-fuckery we'll get in the next one.
Is it Friday, yet?
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ladyaldhelm · 1 month
Making Gifs Part 1 - Capturing Video
I am making this for @errruvande but I thought maybe others could use this guide to. This is my own personal workflow on how I make my gifs. Everyone has their own way of doing it, and there is no right or wrong way, but I have found this works best for me, with my limited tools and since I do not have photoshop.
Please note I am not an expert lol! There are people out there making far better gifs than me, and many other gifmaking resouces on Tumblr that are probably better than mine.
Keep reading below >>>
So there are two ways that I have found that work for capturing video. If you have the discs like I do, using a program like Videobyte BD-DVD Ripper works really well to grab video clips from Blu-Rays and DVD's. I recommend only using Blu-Rays if you have them. since DVD's are much lower quality.
However I have noticed the videos I captured with this program tend to be dark and have some compression artifacts, even when rip to an MKV with high quality settings. So I use a different method which I feel produces higher quality video captures.
I use Windows Screen Recorder (I have Win11 but this will work for all versions of Windows) with the quality settings set to High. In order to do this, go to Settings > Gaming > Captures and set the following:
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Make sure the Video Quality is set to High, set your Screenshots folder, turn off Audio (you don't need it), and keep the frame rate to 30 fps.
For Windows 11 press WIN + ALT + R to activate the screen recorder. There is usually a bit of a delay so make sure you start a few seconds before the scene you want to capture. And try to keep the length of the capture below about 90 seconds; the shorter the better.
Capturing Sequential Caps
So, for those of you with Photoshop, you can import your video directly into the program and make your gif from there. But I found that Photopea really does not like videos, and will stall and crash if I load a video directly. So I have to capture sequential screencaps to make my gifs.
I use VLC Media Player. There are a few others out there that take sequential caps, but I have not been able to get them to work myself.
Download and install the latest version. Then go to your settings to set up the Sequential Caps function. They have a great guide on their website here but I will reiterate it in this post.
Go To Tools > Preferences and then at the bottom of the screen select the All radio button to show all settings.
Select Video from the left menu. Scroll down about halfway until you see the Snapshot section. Choose the folder where you want the caps to go.
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3. Then, under Video on the left, expand the Filters list.
4. Check the "Scene Video Filter" from the list.
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5. Then scroll down on the left menu under Filters and click on Scene Filter. This will open up the settings for that particular filter.
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6. Set the Image Format to PNG.
7. Then for the Recording Ratio, change to "1". The Recording Ratio is the frame interval. So for example, if it was set to "300" (with a 30fps video), then it would take one cap every 10 seconds. Setting it to "1" will make it take a cap once per frame.
8. None of the other settings need to be changed.
9. One more important setting, otherwise this will not work! Close the menu, and go back to Tools > Settings and leave it on Simple. Go to the Video section and MAKE SURE the output is set to "Automatic". This is important because if it is not on Automatic the Scene Filter won't work!
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Then just open your video with VLC. VLC will automatically take the screencaps while the video is playing. If you pause the video, it will stop taking caps.
NOTE: For smoother gifs, change your playback speed to be slower. Go to the top menu > Playback > Speed > Slower (fine). The more you click this the slower the video will playback, and that means more caps will be taken over that time frame. I usually set it to 0.75x, but if you want even smoother gifs for really short clips, you can set it even slower than that.
Your screenshot folder will look like this:
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Then we are done with this part and onto Photopea! Which I will go into detail in another post: PART 2
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historicrad39a · 1 year
3. Frontier Rescue Rangers
Unnamed system - 135ly from Earth
Frontier Rescue Rangers Carrier Zuikaku after action report: July 13th 2538
It had been a month since the Human-Tathrax alliance had been attacked by an unknown alien civilization (henceforth known as the “Theta Aliens”). Whilst there was an initial panic about possible follow up attacks, it wasn’t until yesterday that we had any further contact. A small exploration vessel surveying systems just outside of Alliance space had been ambushed and captured by the Theta Aliens. Due to the proximity to frontier space, and the fact that this was a rescue mission, the Frontier Rescue Rangers were dispatched.
Two months ago, had you told me I would make history by being the first half-human half-Tathrax to command of one of the admiralty’s newest and largest carriers, with two brand new Kongō-class Fast Battleships (specifically modified for Frontier Defense fleet use) in tow as the head of a squadron with more firepower than the entire Frontier Defense Fleet up until that point - especially for a rescue mission of all things - I would have called you crazy. In fact, once the FDS Frontier’s captain, Zack, told me he was planning to request the admiralty’s newest toys, I called him an idiot. He had asked me if, assuming he succeeded, I would want to command one of the new ships - and if so, which type. I told him, somewhat jokingly, that I wanted to be in command of a massive voidcraft carrier. Come two weeks later and the Shōkaku-class carrier Zuikaku has been delivered to us direct from Akatsuki Shipyards, with myself named as her captain.
Unlike most people in the Frontier Defense fleet, I was here willingly. My parents were explorers, and when I was a young girl I frequently accompanied them on their journeys. On one such journey, we were in the AR Scorpii system preparing to return home when one of the relativistic beams from the system’s White Dwarf just barely skimmed by our ship. The hyperdrive went haywire and within a matter of seconds we ended up at the outer edge of the MilkyWay - having just travelled some 26,300ly in under 20 seconds. Hyperspace has a maximum speed limit of ~1 light year per second, most ships can only manage a light year per ten seconds at most. Yet somehow we managed to move at some 1,000 light years per second.
We were stranded for around a week in a near functionless ship slowly starving to death before we heard the distinct roar of a large vessel approaching in hyperspace. The Rescue Rangers had successfully requisitioned the Casablanca-class carrier ship Gambier Bay and made the week-long trip out here non-stop. Needless to say I was greatly inspired by their bravery and decided I would become a Rescue Ranger when I grew up.
By the time I was of eligible age to join the Rescue Rangers, things had rapidly deteriorated. When I was a child, the hyperdrive was just barely 50 years old. But by the time I had joined it was nearing 70 years old. Consequently, random failures, mis-jumps, and fuel exhaustion due to unpredictable fuel usage were all but things of the past. The Rescue Rangers weren’t nearly as crucial anymore, and as a result in my 2nd year the Rescue Rangers were disbanded as an independent branch and the remnants were folded into the Frontier Defense Fleet. Along with our independence, almost all of our ships were taken - including the carrier Gambier Bay I so desperately wanted to serve on.
Eight years later and the Frontier Rescue Rangers did little more than refuel stranded ships that had misjudged their remaining fuel. That is, until a month ago, when the Frontier Rescue Rangers were suddenly given 30 modified Fletcher class destroyers along with the promises of several capital ships and a massive budget increase. In addition to our normal duties, we were to combat the alien threat and rescue any individuals captured by them.
My first mission in command of the FDCV Zuikaku was to lead a task force of 18 vessels to rescue some captured explorers. As it would turn out, this was overkill. In addition to the Zuikaku we had the FDBB Hiei and Haruna - two modified Kongō-class battle cruisers which had been re-designated as Fast Battleships - and fifteen Ted Fujita-class Destroyers (modified Fletcher-class). While the main armament on the Kongōs and the torpedo launchers on the Ted Fujitas were of Alliance design, the 23cm double-barreled turrets were created using borrowed technology from the Theta Aliens.
The aliens, on the other hand, had a mere five cruisers guarding the transport vessel holding the captured explorers. The 40cm guns on the Hiei and Haruna and the Samuel B. Robert’s four 720mm torpedos practically atomized the cruisers. The Hiei’s 76cm “crew incapacitation” rounds also proved to be complete overkill. Of the three rounds fired at the transport, one hit the engines, one atomized the fuel tanker behind the transport, and the third round penetrated into the reactor room before detonating. We had included extra oxidizer in the bursting charge in case the ship’s atmosphere limited the spread of fires.
This turned out not to be the case, as the third shell set almost the entire ship’s insides on fire - killing 60% of the crew instantly. Frankly, we got lucky. Via neural implants on one of the explorers we knew they were locked inside a holding cell of sorts, but it’s very likely that had the “crew incapacitation” round been any more powerful there may have been no explorers left to rescue. Needless to say I’m prohibiting the use of these rounds until they can be fixed.
The boarding action was also very successful - there was not a single Alliance casualty during the firefight. One of the commandos transferred from the Anti-piracy force was quite amused at the 600 year old M2 Browning machine guns the Frontier Defense Force had been issued, and apparently thought it would be hilarious to bring it as his primary weapon. As it turns out, despite being 600 years old at this point, the M2 Browning was extremely effective - so much so that we have received no fewer than twenty requests to make the M2 Browning part of the standard loadout.
In terms of our primary objective, we were a bit too successful. Our orders were “to rescue as many of the five captured individuals as possible from the Theta Aliens.” When all was said and done, we had achieved a 1700% success rate - having rescued 85 of the 5 individuals captured. In addition to this, we had made first contact with three additional alien species aside from those comprising the Alliance. As it had turned out, the explorers we were sent to rescue had made friends - and upon being rescued, they demanded that we take on all 80 of the other individuals onboard the vessel. Leave it to the humans to make friends wherever they go…
Naturally, I was opposed to this request - we had nowhere near the resources necessary to care for 80 additional people, let alone 80 individuals from a variety of species we knew nothing about. It wasn’t until the explorers’ captain, Hanako, threatened to refuse rescue that I finally relented. Such is the stubbornness of humans. This is the same species that, upon seeing my Mother’s (recent) ancestors in person for the first time - a species known for being an apex predator - said “Awww, they look like kitties!” Before attempting to pet their heads, followed by sulking when my mother’s ancestors refused to allow it. I suppose it’s the human blood that flows through my veins that makes it hard to be too mad at them.
In any case, one individual was of particular interest to us due to Hanako’s claims that she had communicated with them. Naturally, we were skeptical. We had barely made any progress on decoding the Theta Aliens’ language after a month, it seemed impossible that a human could communicate with a completely different alien species after less than a day. Imagine our surprise when the alien spoke (admittedly limited, and broken) English.
I quickly discovered the secret behind their supernatural ability to learn languages, it was quite literally “supernatural” in nature. They are capable of communicating telepathically, and on rare occasions they can communicate with individuals from different species. This ability is extremely limited however, as there are many complications associated with communicating with an individual who does not share a language, and most individuals are not compatible. We had the individual attempt to communicate with everyone on the Zuikaku, and of the Human and Tathrax crew, only Hanako could hear them.
Despite this limitation, this individual would likely be very useful. According to Hanako, the individual served as a diplomat for some time, and knew many languages as a result. In addition to this, they knew a lot about the Theta Aliens (who they referred to as something like K’Lagreth). This would no doubt be extremely useful, both for information gathering, and for deciphering the Theta Aliens’ language. Given how none of the 1,500 some crew on the Zuikaku were compatible with the individual’s ability, it’s nothing short of a miracle that any of the five captured explorers were compatible.
Before returning to the Frontier to refuel and rearm, we decided to ask the individual for their name, as referring to them as “the/that alien,” or “the/that individual” was quite tiresome. Unfortunately, neither human nor tathrax vocal chords could actually pronounce their name, and I’m not certain that letters exist in any alliance language that could accurately transcribe it. In addition, their name was long, very long. Assuming that any of us could even pronounce it, most would struggle to remember. However, humans will do as humans will do, and upon hearing a part of their name that sounded vaguely like “Gregg,” the humans immediately took to calling them by that name. I suppose referring to them as “Gregg” is easier than referring to them in the 3rd person all the time…
After (slowly) providing basic accommodations for the numerous species onboard, we prepared to depart on the return journey to the Frontier. Due to the limited bandwidth for FTL communications, our transmission to the Frontier was extremely limited (speeds capped out at around 12 bits per second). This meant that most of the details regarding our new guests could not be included. I’m sure that Zack will be happy to hear that he’ll need to fill his precious space station with a wide variety of flammable gases, toxic gases, and strong oxidizers in order to provide for our unexpected rescuees.
Moving forward, the admiralty will need to make a decision on how to proceed from here. Clearly, the Alliance aren’t the only ones threatened by the Theta aliens. If Gregg’s reports are to be believed, the Theta Aliens have subjected no fewer than ten different civilizations, possibly more. They also noted that the exact location of the Theta Aliens’ homeworld is unknown to most, if not all outsiders. Originally our goal was to protect Alliance interests from the Alien threat, and negotiate a ceasefire as soon as possible. However, I now feel this is unlikely to work. The Mylr’s (Gregg’s species) were supposedly able to fend off the Theta Aliens for some time, but eventually, they too fell.
I feel a military campaign is necessary. There is much we could learn from these captured civilizations, and depriving the Theta Aliens of their resources, both living and non-living, would make it very unlikely that they could continue to attack us. In addition, it would ultimately be beneficial for us to free those countless individuals who are suffering at the hands of the Theta Aliens… Y’know, from a objective standpoint of course. Definitely nothing as ambiguous or illogical as feeling moral obligation to help them just because they’re in need. Nothing like that at all.
In any case, the sooner we can get the individuals we rescued back to their homeworlds, the better. While it’s true they were no longer in what could only be described as slavery, they hadn’t exactly returned to a normal life either. It would be best for them to return to their homeworlds. But as those homeworlds were supposedly under occupation, it would be hard to just bring them back and expect things to turn out fine.
I’ll chat with Zack about this once we return. I’m unwilling to just abandon the individuals we rescued today, and I’m sure Zack will feel the same (once he’s done complaining about having to fill the Frontier with a variety of dangerous gases). I don’t care how long or what it takes, but I swear on my ancestors that we will wage total war against the Theta Aliens - and we will free those unduly oppressed by them. Even if the admiralty refuses my plan, I will not allow the Theta Aliens to exploit any civilization any longer. The Theta Aliens’ empire’s collapse begins today.
Log end
Hey y’all. So as it turns out I’m physically incapable of sticking to schedules, so here’s this entry a day or so early. The next entry will probably be from Gregg’s perspective and may end up being a bit shorter (although I’ve thought this about literally every chapter so far) as it won’t be as focused on the larger plot. It will be a little more in the spirit of “humans are fucking weird” as it deals with Gregg adapting to the *ahem* oddities of living with humans.
Depending on how long it is, the next chapter/intermission may come out as early as next week. Like I said, apparently I’m incapable of sticking to a schedule. In the meantime, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. See y’all in anywhere from a few days to two weeks!
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bookoflibrary · 1 month
Thinking of memories.
I thought I would make a really long trivia post of funny moments we had in JP as well as some of Aoki Tact's post EoS stream tidbits
When SINo first launched the game was nearly unplayable for over a week. Checking the status of the maint gave you a funny indefinite message.
There were originally two colo matches per day but this was discarded almost immediately for obvious issues.
Yoko Taro oversaw and wrote for main story to the very end with the help of two cowriters at Pokelabo
Pokelabo did the writing for everything else [Weapon stories, event stories and job stories] Despite her files not being in the game to datamine Rapunzel's design was leaked mysteriously thus she was released slightly sooner into second anniversary than intended.
Akazukin's sin jobs always gave away which character would be that sins giant raid [with the exception of Proud Lion where she talks about Alice but it was Pino who had that giant raid]
Yoko Taro wrote the very end of the game before anything else.
The desire mass in the finale and Gishanki are Taro's favorite characters. Yoko Taro also really likes Dorothy, and she is Aoki Tact's favorite character as well.
There was a very negative balance gem debt when the first run of the CG collab first came to JP. Akazukin originally had a different VA until shortly after first anniversary. All her lines were removed and replaced to the current one. To commemorate we were given Akazukin Mage for free in an upcoming event medal grind shop.
There was once a bug early in the game where the characters were dissembled on your home screen and their body parts would move really fast all over the place.
Hameln launch was a bit of a mess and also had a funny bug where he would have random characters' lines and voices on home instead of his.
It was purged off official accounts for no reason given but there was a live action short film of Reality Alice finding the Library. Fan re-uploads exist though.
The pose Alice makes in the Act of SINo ending PV is the front view of when you win your first colo match
Himiko (manga artist) and KitaEri (Cindy VA) made U32 a few times.
To add KitaEri and MAO were the most reappearing VAs on streams. KitaEri really enjoyed SINo as well as playing it. Of all the VAs, Tomoaki Maeno was the only one to not be on a stream in person though he did leave a video message for Hameln's debut stream.
Reality characters are designed when they make a new Library character [though they make changes sometimes, off the top of my head they mentioned Rapunzel drastically changed]
Some reality characters have official names and ages [mentioned here in other posts]
Some fun trivia from Aoki Tact's post eos streams:
Sin mages were considered at some point but the idea was discarded.
Mage designs were meant to resemble medieval Europe outfits but they tried a bridal look on Snow and fell in love so it was kept.
Momotaro was planned to be an actual SINo since they wanted more males and more Japan folklore characters period but they had issues catching later additions up as is so they stuck him as an NPC. Peter Pan had too much issues legally to be added.
To add Pokelabo had an entire legal team and list of fairytales they could potentially add.
Jino was only given one sentence of what to come up with for character designs so he spent a lot of time in libraries with headphones to capture little details in their design.
To add he once said he originally thought reality Gretel was in his 30s but this was misunderstood by fans. He was always meant to be age he is now. Jino also struggled a bit designing reality Akazukin, her original draft had her in a red raincoat. He also had issues making Hameln's reality design since his suits already had modern feels to them silhouette wise and wanted to make his silhouette stand out.
Aoki started his 'fan movie' since nearly the start of the game as a secret little project. Some of the models he made low-key were used in promo pvs (Act of Fusion PV and Cinderella having a cameo in the Death Metal video)
The shape and location for characters life force is important details for both Library and Reality.
A lot of discussions happened after the final Act of SINo chapters on JP sns, all he can say is Aladdin and Hameln are important to each other but their relationship is open to interpretation of the players. [Hameln's concept can mean Boys Love in Chinese as well though I think it's an accidental innuendo than anything linguistically speaking] Getting the movie officially released overseas is likely not possible. 'On the subject on another complete art book' there is no budget anymore and certain rights has expired that gives artists the right to share the work they've done for the game. In short making another art book is not possible.
The finale to the game took a majority of the games budget to make. Gishanki had voice actors in the film but it was a computer program thay made their voices for the game, so they don't have voice actors in the game. Aoki Tact says the characters we know in the game, and in the manga, and in the light novel are all 'different characters' as in he considers them completely different from the characters they are based off of and are separated canons.
This is already long so here's some trivia for now. I'll make a part 2 eventually. This is all based on memory seeing it in real-time, reading Famitsu interviews and watching Aoki Tact's streams which are very chill and interesting and talks a lot about game development so I recommend checking out his channel here.
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
My part of the DCMK Fanworks Server Halfiversary Exchange 2023! For @blenderfullasarcasm!
I decided to follow the Yu-Gi-Oh! and DCMK crossover prompt, which specifically highlighted "Season 0," the colloquial name for the first anime adaptation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. So, I paired Detective Conan (and the eensy-littlest bit of Magic Kaito) footage with that anime's theme song, "A Yell of Thirst" by Field of View.
For as long as I've known about it, I've had my own soft spot for the Season 0 series. The portrayal of Yami Yugi as this frightening, malicious personality who emerges only in times of danger gripped me—and still does. Revisiting the series for this project, I could still so strongly recall scenes of Yugi and his friends grappling with his mysterious "other self."
And I also realized that maybe Detective Conan and Yu-Gi-Oh! are more similar than I previously thought. After all, couldn't "Sleeping Kogoro" also be described as a frightening, malicious personality who emerges only in times of danger?
(Or, more in line with the actual video I edited, Conan is "another Shinichi" who both terrifies and helps him, a dynamic perhaps not so unlike that of Yugi and Yami Yugi in Season 0.)
I hope you enjoy what I came up with! My goal was to utilize clips featuring every character and relationship noted in the prompts, and though an AMV can't exactly be a casefic or delve into worldbuilding per se, I also tried to capture the spirit of those prompts, too, including more actual detective-ing and backgrounds than I ever have in my Conan AMVs before. Huge shout out goes to @dcmk-scenery, an absolutely fantastic resource who were a tremendous help, as well as the Detective Conan World wiki, which definitely led me to clips from episodes I haven't even seen yet! The English translation of the lyrics are also courtesy of the Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki.
As a final note, though I know the requirement for the exchange was a 15-second AMV, I really wanted to make my gift special; Blender is so kind and does so much for the DCMK community, including setting up this event in the first place! I'm so glad I was able to to be a part of this, and I hope my final result brings joy.
This AMV can also be watched on YouTube in full 1080p and with subtitles that can be toggled on and off. Sources used are:
Episodes: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 33, 49, 52, 54, 58, 68, 76, 84-85, 87, 90, 91, 118, 129, 130, 136, 142, 147, 162, 166, 189, 191-193, 203, 217, 254, 304, 351, 361, 479, 490, 878, 909, 927, 994
Films: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (film and trailer), 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Specials: TV Special 6 (Episode One: The Great Detective Turned Small)
OVAs: 2, 9
OPs: 10, 11, 24, 25, 30, 32, 37, 55, 56
EDs: 5, 6, 9, 58
Other: Magic Kaito Episode 2, The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
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thelediz · 4 months
Sonic Underground episode 30: Wedding Bell Blues
AKA: the ‘first’ episode
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): To legitimise his claim to the throne, Robotnik plans to wed Queen Aleena! It sounds like a trap, but the Sonic Underground need to be sure. Can they save their mother from Robotnik’s clutches, and avoid capture themselves?
Before I get started on the episode notes, I should explain what I mean by the ‘first’ episode. Like a lot of kids’ shows still are (lookin’ at you, Miraculous Ladybug), Sonic Underground was intended to have self-contained episodes so that you didn’t need to watch them in order. There are a few reasons to do this:
Kids are not expected to be able to follow a long-form story. At most, an arc should be five episodes or less, except for an overarching story that they can be caught up on in thirty seconds. (This has actually gotten WORSE over time, which you can see from the evolution of Pokemon. Back in the 90s, Ash would have six-on-six battles that lasted five episodes. By his retirement, the majority of his battles were at most three-on-three and they were won and done in two episodes or less.)
Animation is hard, and if you don’t have a good producer/show runner (ie, project manager), you probably aren’t going to keep to time and therefore release schedules. To ensure you meet deadlines, you need to be able to release episodes as you have them ready, NOT in their production order.
Reruns! Reruns are big, big money, and when networks need to randomly fill a half hour slot, they want to be able to pick a random episode and throw it on the air without drama.
In the original run, Wedding Bell Blues was the first episode up and ready to go. It got aired first. Even in my country, which is certainly not the original French, I remember this being the first episode, because the first run followed that original airing order (yes, I did watch the first run as a morning cartoon before school, I am that old).
Reruns almost never did, and narratively speaking it makes no sense for it to be first. I THINK the order my episodes are in match the video release, but who the heck knows. They are old and I couldn’t find them again if I lost them.
Moving on.
“Queen Aleena here”. Still a weird start to an episode. We last heard it on episode 4, if you recall.
So we have some additional examples of this being the first episode finished, and how some… some choices were made. For example, Jaleel White’s voices (especially Sonic and Sonia) are often sped up in this episode – I don’t know what happened, because the cadence is fine, but my guess is dubbing issues.
The animation is wonkier than usual, too. It varies between being shockingly dynamic and atrociously cheap.
On an actual character and plot front, if this is your first introduction to them, you don’t know who Sonia and Manic are, but you immediately have their characters: Sonia is describing a hair appointment they’re trying to get her to as ‘an important mission’ (and calling the boys ‘low class’), Sonic’s stuffing his face with chilli dogs and proclaiming himself cool, and Manic is… swiping sauce packets. Because. But he puts them back when Sonic tells him.
In an unusual twist, when Robotnik announces (via video bot) he’s going to be marrying Aleena, Manic is the one to call it out as a trap (he's going to be unusually self-sufficient this episode). But they decide they’re going to spring it anyway because (as per episode 21) sometimes Aleena has Plans that they’re not privy to, so… maybe?
Poor Bartleby. Not only does he have Sonia using him to get in, Sleet suggests Robotnik use Bartleby to fund the wedding. Has anyone noticed this poor mink is everyone’s bank book?
And Manic’s stealing everything that’s not nailed down from Bartleby’s mansion. Sonic makes him put most of it back, but still.
But Bartleby is being a particular jerk this episode, in a wonderfully hopeless aristocratic way, talking about it’s about time Aleena ‘came to her senses’ and married Robotnik. Which is delicious world building and absolutely WOULD have been a real-world solution to a twelve-plus-year conflict if not for the people involved!
But Bartleby is not actually a horrible person, and will do anything for his girl, so he gets the Sonic Underground into the wedding as musicians. The fine line, folks.
The Song: When Tomorrow Comes. Another… choice. It’s literally two lines of lyrics “When tomorrow comes, we’ll be walking in the sun” and some ‘na-na’s. Mostly instrumental. Good classical start though, very high-brow.
While the song was going, Sonic was running recon through the palace. Robotnik caught his blur on the cameras. The trap is proceeding nicely, but the triplets don’t know this yet. They do some pretty slick moves to avoid getting caught, I have to say, covering cameras with clothing and conversation with sounds, and Manic opens a secret passageway (not sure how he knew it was there, but okay… let’s call it the Thieves Highway and move on), while Sonia pulls a quick change worthy of Katniss Everdeen in the Capitol to ‘infiltrate the bridal party’. They are not usually this sneaky.
And in return, Sleet pulls his own trick on Sonic, by turning Dingo into a chilli dog cart to tempt the bottomless pit. It works until Sonic decides to fight back, at which point it goes as you would expect.
So Sleet and Dingo switch gears and head for the bridal chamber, where they put Dingo in a dress, and all three triplets are quietly convinced (in their defence, either from behind or via silhouette) that they’ve found their mother. Seriously, sometimes I think Sleet and Dingo could have won the whole war by transforming Dingo into Aleena and calling it a day. Not sure anyone would have questioned the colouring.
I do have to enjoy Sonia’s reaction to Dingo revealing himself though “Oh, thank goodness it’s only a trap!”
Though… you guys knew it was a trap. You should not be surprised to be proven right.
And oh no, they have captured Sonia. Whatever shall we do.
Again, though, as Bartleby points out to her, she IS a legitimate solution to the war, with Robotnik trying to adopt her. BUT, if we ignore the fact he’s trying to force her through threat of robotocisation, and the fact it’s Robotnik, who wouldn’t actually give her freedom ANYWAY… In a real world scenario, remembering the world building here. For all his many flaws, Robotnik IS the aristrocrats’—the governing peoples’—preferred leadership. But Sonia, if she declared herself heir to the throne, would be the traditionalist choice, and supported by the masses. This is what real world kingdoms have done since time immemorial.
WORLD BUILDING. IN A TERRIBLE EPISODE. Oh, finally, we’re back to proper form, friends!
And for the purposes of my fic, I make way too much of Bartleby pointing out there’s an ancient law pointing out that Aleena has basically abandoned her throne by not making public appearances for so long.
So the boys have to save Sonia. Manic defies all past experience and says he’s got it, and runs off to steal a dress so he can pretend to be Aleena. Only he gets immediately caught, because this is Manic and He Does That.
Luckily, Aleena herself steps up for once and forbids the ceremony, thereby fulfilling her duties with a public appearance (however brief), before running off.
The triplets belatedly realise they actually did see their mother for real, Sleet and Dingo are thrown in the dungeons for a few days as punishment for screwing up, and everyone carries on, life unchanged.
It sure was an episode.
The counters:
Sonic implying less than 100% American heterosexuality: 5
Sonia in love with Bartleby: 5/37
Sonia in love with someone who is not Bartleby: 3/37
Sonia’s got super strength: 4
Manic’s thieving Is A Problem: 5
Come back tomorrow if you’re interested for more!
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Monster Spotlight: Vegepygmy
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CR 1/2
Neutral Small Plant
Bestiary 1, pg. 273
These tiny, tribal creatures are the end result of generations of fiendish experiments done by the drow, turning a whole race of unfortunate fey beings into parasitic moldmen (which is a second, much more accurate name for their kind) that have spread throughout the world like... well, a fungus. Though each individual Vegepyg--actually I’m just going to use Moldmen from here on out. Though each individual Moldman is quite weak, there tends to always be dozens of them about, individual hunting parties comprised of 3 to 10 little green men at a time... to say nothing of their large tribes, which can reach numbers of 30 or 40.
Moldmen live a simple existence as hunter-gatherers, building little villages around sources of water wherever the sun cannot reach; though they aren’t harmed by it, their progenitor--the CR 6 Hazard known as Russet Mold--goes dormant and becomes vulnerable to grazing mold-eaters and reckless alchemists while in the sunlight. They need little food to survive and can feed on just about anything capable of decay, and in times of desperation may jam their limbs into the soil to absorb nutrients. In all other times, they set out with crude or scavenged weapons to claim whatever creatures they can overwhelm. 
Rather than being mindless ‘superior numbers’ attackers, Moldmen use their preposterously enormous +18 to Stealth checks while among vegetation to launch coordinated sneak attacks. Their language of taps, clicks, and drumming upon their surrounds can mask their communications as background noise in the jungles, caves, and forests they frequent. Able to relay hidden messages across a decent distance, the Moldmen will typically surround their target as best they’re able, then attack all at once. Most of them wield longspears that deal 1d6 damage each, but some have ranged weapons such as slings, darts, and shortbows, Others rush in with their tiny claws, allowing them two attacks each for 1d4 damage, and all of them will sometimes coat their weapons with whatever filth or poison they have access to; they’re not picky about how their prey dies.
Creatures that manage to weather the ambush and fight back will often be able to turn the tide against the Moldmen. Their DR 5 seems formidable at first, but it’s bypassed by slashing and bludgeoning damage, the most common damage type for a player--or even a Commoner--to be carrying on them. This often means the only thing standing between their 5 HP and an enemy’s weapon is a modest (for its CR) 16 AC. Like many Plant monsters, Moldmen are immune to Electricity damage, as well as a wide variety of mind-affecting effects, though even a level 1 caster will probably eschew mental magics in favor of using Magic Missile, a singular missile sometimes able to kill a Moldman in a one go.
The biggest danger when fighting Moldmen--besides their numbers--comes from their chieftains, warriors, and their progenitor. Chieftains and warriors tend to have class levels and skill ranks that make them far more formidable than the basic ones we’ve covered so far, and the Russet Mold I briefly spoke of is a terrific danger all its own. A single patch of Russet Mold that’s disturbed by movement sprays the area around it with voracious spores that deal 2 Con damage a round to any creature that fails the initial DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid them, with only another successful save or exposure to sunlight (or a Remove Disease spell if the players are high-level enough) halting the growth. Once a creature perishes from the mold infection, several Moldmen burst from their corpse a day later (the number starting at 1 and growing per size category over Small) to be integrated into the nearest tribe.
This is why they typically aim to capture, rather than kill; prisoners are brought before the cluster of mold that makes up the center of their villages and are, essentially, sacrificed to the fungus (which the Moldmen fittingly view as gods). They’re used as incubators, and then the remains are sat aside to be consumed or repurposed into weapons, armor, or building material. Despite these gruesome habits, Moldmen are, as you may have noticed, Neutral-aligned. They don’t go out of their way to attack human villages, but they won’t say no to the idea, either! Humans rot just like any deer or wolf, they make fine incubators for more of their kind, and they have sturdy bones to boot. and, of course, we all know humans drop the best loot.
You can read more about them here.
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nasa · 1 year
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Roman's primary structure hangs from cables as it moves into the big clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
What Makes the Clean Room So Clean?
When you picture NASA’s most important creations, you probably think of a satellite, telescope, or maybe a rover. But what about the room they’re made in? Believe it or not, the room itself where these instruments are put together—a clean room—is pretty special. 
A clean room is a space that protects technology from contamination. This is especially important when sending very sensitive items into space that even small particles could interfere with.
There are two main categories of contamination that we have to keep away from our instruments. The first is particulate contamination, like dust. The second is molecular contamination, which is more like oil or grease. Both types affect a telescope’s image quality, as well as the time it takes to capture imagery. Having too many particles on our instruments is like looking through a dirty window. A clean room makes for clean science!
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Two technicians clean the floor of Goddard’s big clean room.
Our Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland has the largest clean room of its kind in the world. It’s as tall as an eight-story building and as wide as two basketball courts.
Goddard’s clean room has fewer than 3,000 micron-size particles per cubic meter of air. If you lined up all those tiny particles, they’d be no longer than a sesame seed. If those particles were the size of 16-inch (0.4-meter) inflatable beach balls, we’d find only 3,000 spread throughout the whole body of Mount Everest!
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A clean room technician observes a sample under a microscope.
The clean room keeps out particles larger than five microns across, just seven percent of the width of an average human hair. It does this via special filters that remove around 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger from incoming air. Six fans the size of school buses spin to keep air flowing and pressurize the room. Since the pressure inside is higher, the clean air keeps unclean air out when doors open.
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A technician analyzes a sample under ultraviolet light.
In addition, anyone who enters must wear a “bunny suit” to keep their body particles away from the machinery. A bunny suit covers most of the person inside. Sometimes scientists have trouble recognizing each other while in the suits, but they do get to know each other’s mannerisms very well.
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This illustration depicts the anatomy of a bunny suit, which covers clean room technicians from head to toe to protect sensitive technology.
The bunny suit is only the beginning: before putting it on, team members undergo a preparation routine involving a hairnet and an air shower. Fun fact – you’re not allowed to wear products like perfume, lotion, or deodorant. Even odors can transfer easily!
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Six of Goddard’s clean room technicians (left to right: Daniel DaCosta, Jill Bender, Anne Martino, Leon Bailey, Frank D’Annunzio, and Josh Thomas).
It takes a lot of specialists to run Goddard’s clean room. There are 10 people on the Contamination Control Technician Team, 30 people on the Clean Room Engineering Team to cover all Goddard missions, and another 10 people on the Facilities Team to monitor the clean room itself. They check on its temperature, humidity, and particle counts.
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A technician rinses critical hardware with isopropyl alcohol and separates the particulate and isopropyl alcohol to leave the particles on a membrane for microscopic analysis.
Besides the standard mopping and vacuuming, the team uses tools such as isopropyl alcohol, acetone, wipes, swabs, white light, and ultraviolet light. Plus, they have a particle monitor that uses a laser to measure air particle count and size.
The team keeping the clean room spotless plays an integral role in the success of NASA’s missions. So, the next time you have to clean your bedroom, consider yourself lucky that the stakes aren’t so high!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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tygerbug · 2 months
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What is Interlacing? Standard-definition NTSC SD video does not run at 30fps. Technically the frames, as captured digitally, are 29.97 fps but the effective frame rate on older TVs was 59.94, because playback would only show every other line of the picture (as we would see it now digitally), and cycle back and forth at about 60fps (59.94), or 50fps in PAL territories (25fps). This is what interlacing is: you can see how this digital capture actually alternates between two frames on every other line. You can deinterlace this in various ways, such as outputting as 59.94 frames per second in VirtualDub using Yadif.
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Here's interlacing in a Muppet Show episode. The 25fps picture is actually 50fps, with two distinct frames being shown on alternating lines, so you get a 50fps (or 60fps in US) video presentation on an SD CRTV. A correctly deinterlaced version would show both frames, rather than delete one of them ….
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NTSC video never actually ran at 30 fps, except in rare cases, and that frame rate looks strange to us. We were always seeing 59.94 fps (as fields per second) or 24 frames per second film presented in a 59.94 playback with a 3:2 pulldown. (That is, a pattern of three "clean" frames then two "interlaced" ones where an extra half-frame is added to the playback for timing reasons.)
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There is new motion and frames happening, in NTSC SD video, at 59.94 frames per second, although these fields do not get the full vertical resolution of the picture when in motion.
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Your deinterlaced version of an old VHS should be running at 59.94 fps (or IVTCed to 23.98 fps if it's a film). It should not have these lines in it, except in your raw capture, which should have these lines in it. In most cases it should not run at 30fps in the final web export.
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You can deinterlace this during playback in VLC in several ways, and in editing. A "bob" deinterlace is playback at 59.94 fps at a halved vertical resolution.
Others try to retain more quality by judging whether the image is currently in motion or not, and incorporating the full picture if it's not in motion.
And IVTC (Inverse Telecine) removes the additional fields which turned a 24fps film into a 29.97/59.94 interlaced presentation.
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kiranapassionategamer · 2 months
Step-by-Step: How to Live Stream Your Ludo Matches
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Gaming streams have developed to show the players’ activity, communicate with the audience, and sometimes even earn money. Ludo, a board game quite famous earlier and has even grown popular in this digital world, is no different. Live streaming is a great approach for a Ludo lover if you want to present your matches to the world. 
This live stream guide will help you effectively go about live streaming your Ludo matches.
Why Live Stream Your Ludo Game?
Ludo is one of several gamers that are following the trend of live broadcasting. You can: by streaming your Ludo game in real time.
Build relationships with other Ludo players to create a community.
Real-time tips and strategies exchanged.
Acquire followers and earn money from your articles.
Engage viewers in conversation to improve your game experience.
Time to Get Started with Ludo Live Streaming
To live stream your Ludo real money earning games, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps carefully:
Step 1: Choose Your Platform
Before you start streaming, decide which platform you want to use. The most popular streaming platforms are:
YouTube: Known for its vast audience and easy-to-use interface.
Twitch: The go-to platform for gamers, offering extensive live-streaming features.
Facebook Gaming: Great for reaching your existing friends and followers on Facebook.
Instagram Live: Ideal for quick, casual streams with a more personal touch.
Each platform has its features and audience, so choose the one that best fits your needs and where you believe your audience is most active.
Step 2: Set Up Your Streaming Software
To stream your Ludo matches, you’ll need streaming software. The most popular ones include:
OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster Software): Free and open-source, OBS Studio is highly customizable and works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Streamlabs OBS: Built on OBS Studio, it offers a more user-friendly interface and additional features tailored for streamers.
XSplit: A paid option with a straightforward interface and powerful features for Windows users.
How to Set Up OBS Studio:
Download and Install: Visit the OBS Studio website, download the software, and install it on your computer.
Create a New Scene: Open OBS Studio and click the “+” button in the “Scenes” box to create a new scene.
Add Sources: Click the “+” button in the “Sources” box to add your sources. For streaming Ludo, you’ll primarily need a “Game Capture” or “Window Capture” source to capture the game window.
Configure Settings: Go to “Settings” > “Stream” and select your streaming platform. Enter the stream key provided by your chosen platform.
Step 3: Optimize Your Stream Settings
To ensure a smooth and high-quality stream, optimize your settings in OBS Studio or your chosen streaming software:
Resolution: Set your output resolution to 720p or 1080p, depending on your internet speed and computer capabilities.
Bitrate: Adjust your bitrate according to your internet upload speed. A 2500-3500 kbps bitrate is suitable for 720p, while 4000-6000 kbps is ideal for 1080p.
FPS (Frames Per Second): Set your FPS to 30 for a standard stream or 60 if you want a smoother experience and have sufficient bandwidth.
Step 4: Prepare Your Equipment
To create a professional and engaging stream, invest in some essential equipment:
Computer or Smartphone: Ensure your device can handle the game and streaming software without lag.
Webcam: A good quality webcam adds a personal touch and helps viewers connect with you.
Microphone: Clear audio is crucial for engaging with your audience. A dedicated microphone is recommended over a built-in one.
Stable Internet Connection: A wired connection is preferable for stability. Ensure you have sufficient upload speed for streaming.
Step 5: Create Engaging Overlays and Alerts
Overlays and alerts can make your stream more engaging and visually appealing. Use tools like Streamlabs or StreamElements to create custom overlays, alerts, and widgets. These can include:
Chat Box: Display viewer comments on your screen.
Alerts: Notify viewers of new followers, subscribers, or donations.
Overlays: Add a professional touch with borders, backgrounds, and other visual elements.
Step 6: Promote Your Stream
Promotion is key to building an audience. Here are some tips to get the word out:
Social Media: Share your stream link on your social media profiles before and during your stream.
Join Communities: Participate in gaming forums, Ludo groups, and other online communities to share your stream.
Collaborate: Team up with other streamers for joint streams, which can help cross-promote your channels.
Schedule Regular Streams: Consistency helps build a loyal audience. Let your viewers know when to expect your streams.
Step 7: Engage with Your Audience
Engagement is crucial for a successful stream. Here’s how to keep your viewers interested:
Interact: Respond to comments and questions in real time.
Be Entertaining: Keep your commentary lively and entertaining.
Encourage Participation: Invite viewers to play with you or suggest strategies.
Step 8: Analyze and Improve
After each stream, take time to analyze your performance:
View Metrics: Check viewer counts, engagement rates, and other analytics your streaming platform provides.
Gather Feedback: Ask your audience for feedback on what they liked and what could be improved.
Adjust Accordingly: Make necessary adjustments to your setup, content, and streaming schedule based on the feedback and metrics.
Step 9: Monetize Your Stream
Once you have built a steady viewership, you can start monetizing your streams:
Platform Monetization: Use built-in monetization features like YouTube’s Super Chat, Twitch’s subscriptions and bits, or Facebook Stars.
Sponsorships: Collaborate with brands for sponsored content.
Donations: Encourage your audience to support you through donations on platforms like Patreon or directly through your streaming service.
Live streaming your Ludo matches can be a fun and rewarding experience. Following this step-by-step guide, you can set up a professional stream, engage with your audience, and potentially earn money. Remember, consistency and engagement are key to building a loyal viewer base. 
So, prepare your equipment, choose your platform, and start streaming your Ludo matches to the world.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
AI Books Review – Create Super Profitable Ebooks in Any Niche!
Welcome to my AI Books Review, This is a genuine user-based AI Books review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses how AI Books can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This is a brand new AI-powered application that helps you create and sell super profitable eBooks, info products, eBook Covers and lead magnets in just 60 seconds.
Everyone is aware that eBooks often fetch higher prices compared to physical books, and their market growth could be significant due to the increasing adoption of eBooks among consumers. This innovative software program leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the book creation process from start to finish. Whether you’re a seasoned author facing writer’s block, an entrepreneur seeking to establish brand authority, or an educator crafting captivating learning materials, AI Books promises to be your one-stop shop for efficient and high-quality book creation. We’ll also address potential drawbacks like limited creative control and originality concerns. Ultimately, this review aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to decide if AI Books is the right tool to fuel your book creation journey.
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AI Books Review: What Is AI Books?
AI Books promises to be a game-changer for aspiring authors. It’s a software program that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the book creation process. Imagine this: you input keywords or a basic outline, and the AI engine generates text for various sections of your book. This can be a massive time-saver, especially for those struggling to overcome writer’s block or facing tight deadlines.
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However, AI Books is more than just a content generator. It offers a drag-and-drop editor for refining the text, a stock library for visual enhancements, and mobile optimization to ensure your book reads flawlessly on any device. This review goes into more detail about its pros and cons, as well as how it stacks up against other AI writing tools.
AI Books Review: Overview
Creator: Ned King
Product: AI Books
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jul-01
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “AIBOOKS5” To Get $5 Off Full Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>> Click Here To Get AI Books Now & Limited Time Access <<
AI Books Review: Features
Create Unlimited st eBooks to in-depth long eBooks as per your marketing needs.
Loaded With 10K+ DFY Ebooks & PLR Articles.
Fully customizable Drag & Drop Ebook cover builder lets you create amazing ebook covers.
Built-in AI Content & Graphics Generator.
Fully Customizable eBook Builder lets you customize ebook templates and create your eBooks in a flash.
Add Your Branding to eBooks.
Specialized Training to Sell Your eBooks on Amazon Kindle, eBooks.com, Smashwords, Google Play Books etc.
Ready-To-Profit Automatic Account Set Up.
Add and manage unlimited chapters to your eBook.
Flipbook Creator plugin to Convert your eBooks into flip books.
Unlimited Stock Media to use in your eBooks promotion and selling.
Add Conversion Boosting Elements, Lead Magnet Inside eBook.
100% Cloud Based Software
Inbuilt Lead Capture Form for Your Website in Addition to Optin Popup.
Training & Tutorial, plus 24 Hours Support
AI Books Review: How Does It Work?
Just 3 Easy Click is All You Need to Create Engaging eBooks
Step #1:
Choose from DFY eBooks & Articles or Create one from Scratch.
Step #2:
Customize your eBook & Design eBook Cover Using Drag & Drop Editor
Step #3:
That’s it! Download your Stunning eBook and use it anywhere you want or sell it.
>> Click Here To Get AI Books Now & Limited Time Access <<
AI Books Review: Can Do For You
World’s Best AI-Based eBook Creator App
Easy Drag & Drop Fully Customizable Templates to Create eBooks in a Flash
Create and Sell eBooks in Every Possible Niche
Built-In AI-Powered Content and Graphic
No need to write content and design anything.
100% Cloud-Based Tool Hosted On Reliable Server For Seamless Usage on Any Device
No Tech Skills Required, 100% User Friendly.
Turn Any Article into an eBook with ease.
Fully Customizable eBooks Cover Builder to let you create attractive eBook Covers
Add & Manage Unlimited Chapters to your eBooks
Add Conversion Boosting Elements Inside eBooks — like CTA Button, Images, heads & footer, etc.
Free Commercial License Included
Create a Mini eBook or an in-depth long eBook as per your
Full 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
AI Books Review: Who Should Use It?
Digital Marketer
Affiliate Marketer
SEO Expert
Email Marketer
Social Media Marketer
ECom Store
Website Owner
Any Other Possible Niche
AI Books Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “BOOKADMINMAX″ — For $30% Off Any Funnel
Front End Price: AI Books ($17)
OTO 1: AI Books Pro ($27)
OTO 2: AI Books DFY ($47)
OTO 3: AI Books Flipbooker ($47)
OTO 4: AI Books Agency ($47)
OTO 5: AI Books Reseller 100 ($47)
OTO 6: AI Books Reseller Unlimited ($67)
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AI Books Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest AI Books Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
AI Books Review: Free Bonuses
BONUS #1: Video Training on How to Publish & Sell Your eBook on Amazon Kindle
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Marketers that aren’t looking into Kindle are sorely missing out on one of the very best means to generate income currently available online. This is the business model that many rely on because it lets us make nearly 100% profit from all our sales.
BONUS #5: Miscellaneous Stock Photos
Inside this bonus is a bundle of high-definition photos that you can use for your own projects freely.
AI Books Review: Money Back Guarantee
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AI Books Review: Pros and Cons
Increased Efficiency: AI can significantly reduce writing time by generating content, outlines, and character profiles.
Overcoming Writer’s Block: Spark ideas, break creative roadblocks, and keep the content flowing even when inspiration dips.
Content Exploration: Experiment with different writing styles and explore new avenues in your writing.
Accessibility for Beginners: The user-friendly interface makes book creation approachable, even for those with limited writing experience.
You need to be connected to the internet to use this tool.
In fact, I haven’t found any additional AI Books issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What is AI Books?
AI Books is an advanced AI-powered tool designed to assist in the creation, editing, and publishing of books across various genres, providing efficiency and quality.
Q. How does AI Books improve efficiency in book creation?
AI Books automates many aspects of the writing process, significantly reducing the time and effort required to produce high-quality content.
Q. Can AI Books be used for self-publishing?
Yes, AI Books is highly effective for self-publishing, offering tools and features that cater specifically to independent authors.
Q. What are the main limitations of AI Books?
Some limitations include issues with creative originality and difficulties in genre-specific writing, which users should consider before integrating it into their workflow.
Q. How frequently is AI Books updated?
AI Books is regularly updated with new features and advanced AI algorithms to enhance its capabilities and user experience.
AI Books Review: My Recommendation
AI Books offers a compelling solution for those seeking to expedite book creation. Its AI-powered features can significantly boost efficiency and overcome writer’s block. However, the crucial question remains: is AI-generated content a springboard to success or a shortcut to mediocrity? This review has equipped you with the knowledge to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, the decision of whether AI Books becomes your writing companion hinges on your individual needs, expectations, and commitment to crafting a truly unique and impactful book.
>> Click Here To Get AI Books Now & Limited Time Access <<
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Scalar App Review, AI Gigz Hub Review, WP Funnels Review, Gizmo Review, Auto Health Sites Review, Vocal Clone AI Review, TubeBuildr AI Review, & ClickSchedule Ai Review.
Thank for reading my AI Books Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
It’s important to note that pricing and specific features of AI Books can change. While this review strives to provide accurate information, referring to the official AI Books website for the latest updates is recommended. Additionally, this review is not a substitute for your own judgment. We encourage you to explore AI Books and similar software options to determine the best fit for your book creation journey.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time cost is $17 for lifetime access.
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govindhtech · 3 months
MediaTek Dimensity 7300X Delivers Smooth And Fast Gaming
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The greatest 5G smartphone processor options for high-end designs are the MediaTek Dimensity 7300 and Dimensity 7300X, which provide next-generation performance for seamless multitasking, remarkable battery life, and amazing displays. The contents of these 5G processors are as follows:
Outstanding Battery Life: Even for the most discerning smartphone users, this ultra-efficient 4nm processor provides best-in-class power efficiency to extend battery life.
Superb Image Quality: With a 200MP primary camera supported by the Imagiq 950 12-bit HDR-ISP, clear photographs are possible under any lighting circumstances thanks to precise face detection, noise reduction, and video HDR. Compared to earlier generations, it offers up to 1.3X faster live focus and 1.5X faster photo remastering. Additionally, 4K HDR video captures a 50% greater dynamic range than rival models.
Amazing Displays: The MediaTek MiraVision 955 enhances media streaming and HDR video playback while supporting WFHD+ displays with 10-bit true colour, providing smartphones with billion colour displays.
Specifically Designed for Flip Phone Designs: With dedicated support for dual displays, the MediaTek 7300X is especially made for flip phone designs.
Accelerated gaming: Up to 20% more frames per second and 20% more energy efficiency are possible with the combination of MediaTek HyperEngine, a potent octa-core CPU (which includes Arm Cortex-A78 processors), and the Arm Mali-G615 GPU compared to competing alternative platforms. Major studio support and the expanding gaming ecosystem contribute to the power and performance enhancements of VRS.
Advanced Connectivity: The processor has Bluetooth 5.4 compatibility, tri-band Wi-Fi 6E, and MediaTek Lightning Connect, which quickens Bluetooth connection times. Based on face proximity, holding posture, and device orientation, MediaTek UAC 2.0 maximises antenna performance.
Enhanced AI Computing: Supporting new mixed precision data types for better performance, power economy, and graphics, the MediaTek NPU 655 offers two times the AI work efficiency of the previous generation.
5G R16 Modem: New 3CC carrier aggregation offers better average speeds and longer reach, while cellular downlink rates have improved to 3.27Gb/s. In typical 5G usage settings, MediaTek 5G UltraSave 3.0+ offers 13–30% more power efficiency than competing options.
Smartphones with Dual VoNR: Premium audio and video call quality is provided by dual 5G SIM phones with dual VoNR.
MediaTek Dimensity 7300X
Superior Power Efficiency
With its next-generation capabilities and best-in-class power efficiency, this ultra-efficient 4nm-class CPU promises seamless multitasking, transcendent captures, superior performance, and improved AI-enhanced computing.
Superior Visual Clarity
For outstanding photography, the MediaTek Imagiq 950 offers a top-tier 12-bit HDR-ISP that supports a 200MP primary camera. When coupled with new hardware engines that offer video HDR, face detection (HWFD), and accurate noise reduction (MCNR), the image quality of captures is guaranteed to surpass experiences with clarity and crispness in any lighting scenario. Compared to previous generation Dimensity, live focus photo performance is up to 1.3X faster and photo remastering is up to 1.5X faster. Capture 4K HDR video with a dynamic range that is more than 50% broader than competing platforms’ offerings, adding more clarity to videos to produce amazing effects while using less power.
Specialised Assistance for Flip Phones with Dual Displays
Flip phones with two displays can now be supported by MediaTek MiraVision 955, with the primary display offering remarkably detailed WFHD+ resolution and 10-bit true colour. A multitude of international HDR standards enhance media streaming and playback, guaranteeing top-notch cinematic experiences while on the road.
Quick Gaming
Together, the 4X high frequency big-core processors in the octa-core CPU, the most recent Arm Mali-G615 GPU, and MediaTek HyperEngine optimisations enable the Dimensity 7300X to accelerate gaming with up to 20% more frames per second and improve energy efficiency by up to 20% when compared to competitor options.
Major studio support and the expanding gaming ecosystem contribute to the power and performance enhancements of VRS. Optimised 5G and Wi-Fi game connections, intelligent resource optimisation, Bluetooth LE Audio technology with Dual-Link True Wireless Stereo Audio, and more are some of the other improvements to the entire smartphone experience.
Bluetooth 5.4, Wi-Fi 6E, and Special Connectivity Features
The most recent version of the Bluetooth standard and tri-band Wi-Fi 6E, which offers incredibly dependable and quick multi-gigabit wireless connectivity, are examples of wireless connectivity.
While MediaTek Wi-Fi/Bluetooth hybrid coexistence technologies ensure that Wi-Fi and earphones, or peripherals like gamepads, work together flawlessly without compromising latency and networking speeds, MediaTek Lightning Connect twice the speed at which Bluetooth connections can be made, enabling quicker than ever device connections.
Depending on the direction of the device, the proximity of the hand or face to the device, and even the fold status of flip phones, MediaTek UAC 2.0 optimises antenna performance for wireless connectivity.
Improved Artificial Intelligence
The MediaTek NPU 655, which offers two times the performance of the previous generation, improves AI task efficiency and supports new mixed precision data types. This opens up new possibilities for device manufacturers to offer users improved performance, better visuals, better power efficiency, and new experiences.
3CC-CA Compatible 5G R16 Modem
Faster 5G with Greater Range
By using 3CC carrier aggregation to address a maximum of 140MHz cellular spectrum, 5G downlink speeds of up to 3.27Gb/s can be achieved, offering better downlink speeds in urban and suburban areas. With the application of mixed duplex FDD+TDD, which combines the benefits of low and mid-band, smartphones in CA can enjoy higher speeds and a wider range. Additionally, carrier aggregation allows for a smooth changeover between two 5G connection areas at the coverage layer, giving consumers more than 30% more throughput layer coverage than they would have without CA.
5G UltraSave 3.0+ MediaTek
In typical 5G sub-6GHz connectivity circumstances, MediaTek 5G UltraSave 3.0+ offers a full range of R16 power saving advancements in addition to MediaTek’s own optimisations that yield 13–30% higher power efficiency than competing options.
Two 5G SIMs
Customers have more options and superior voice and video call quality with dual 5G SIM and dual VoNR.
Mediatek Dimensity 7300X Specs
4x Arm Cortex-A78 up to 2.5GHz
4x Arm Cortex-A55
Octa (8)
Memory and Storage
Memory Type
Max Memory Frequency
Up to 6400Mbps
Storage Type
UFS 3.1
Cellular Technologies
2G-5G Multi-Mode, 5G/4G CA, 5G/4G FDD / TDD, CDMA2000 1x/EVDO Rev. A (SRLTE), EDGE, GSM, TD-SCDMA, WDCDMA
Specific Functions
SA & NSA modes; SA Option2, NSA Option3 / 3a / 3x, NR TDD and FDD bands, DSS, NR DL 3CC 140MHz bandwidth, 4×4 MIMO, 256QAM NR UL 2CC, R16 UL Enhancement, 2×2 MIMO, 256QAM VoNR / EPS fallback
Peak Downlink Speed
Wi-Fi 6E (a/b/g/n/ac/ax)
Wi-Fi Antenna
Max Camera Sensor
Max Video Capture Resolution
4K30 (3840 x 2160)
Camera Features
Hardware Face Detection
Hardware MCNR
4K Video HDR
AI-3A with AE, AWB, AF
Video EIS
Dual simultaneous video capture
All-pixel AF
GPU Type
Arm Mali-G615 MC2
Video Encoding
Video Playback
Max Refresh Rate
WFHD+ @ 120Hz
Full HD+ @ 144Hz
MediaTek 6th generation NPU
NPU 655
Read more on govindhtech.com
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stranger-rants · 2 years
nothing captures the "girl there is something deeply wrong with you" aura of billy more than the stupid camaro scene. its so funny. he's speeding on a 30 km road, his animal brain gone totally survival mode, and he literally rolls down the window so max can smell the manure 😭 and get the smell in his car ??? then he sees the kids (riding ACROSS the road instead of along it for some reason but i digress) and jokes about hitting them all at once like a video game or.. bowling. at this point babygirl is totally off her rocker and when he swerves hes being so dramatic and stupid and bitchy. i love him. he needs therapy. he acts on literally every single impulsive thought that enters his brain as soon as it comes. no goddamn filter in there. i was giggling the entire time he was being such a silly little freak. i love him so bad.
lord im obsessed with the totally unhinged chaotic side of billy. reminds me of when im done having an episode and i have to pretend to be normal again as if my brain isn't running a million miles per minute 😭😔
See… this is just normal teenage boy behavior to me. 🥴
Okay, maybe not the intensity of it. However, teenage boys regularly speed down country roads. I’ve sped down country roads, and there’s an ongoing joke in America about hitting people taking up road space for “points.” So, to me, I’ve always taken that scene to be Billy being a jerk and not like a “psychopath” as some might say… but I agree. There is something deeply wrong with that babygirl!
Chaos Billy would have been such a great asset to the team. He lives like a DPS character in a video game. He would fuck up Vecna’s spider looking ass in seconds for just calling him weak.
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