#captain marvels patrons
yourfavouritefighter · 3 months
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yes i made all of this just to make a divine twitch chat au joke, no i do not regret it
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
(this is for the divine twitch chat au my beloved)
captain marvel, at 3am: *preparing a goat for an ancient sacrificial ritual in the watchtower kitchen*
jl member of choice who just wanted a quick break from watchtower duty: hey uhh.. cap? buddy? whatcha.. what are you uh doing there?
cap, basically hissing: the voices, they’re winning
queue misunderstandings and rumours spread among the heroes
This ask had me cackling like a mad man ever since I got it, omg 😂😂😂
There's some hilarity in Billy holding a goat 🐐 like the Billy goat, hahahahaha
This is both hilarious and horrifying, bc if a JL member saw that, it'd be an immediate report to HR or batman. Does the JL even have a HR? Oh man
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The divine twitch chat AU certainly is expanding and I am here for it!
Also, I hope that goat ends up being safe in the end and getting taken care of By Damian.
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rocker-socks · 11 months
I see your Bruce adopts Billy au and raise you Diana adopts Billy while Bruce hovers on the sidelines playing godfather who has the adoption papers ready if something bad happens. Jon also gets this treatment.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Is there a tag on ao3 people use for divine twitch chat adjacent things? Or specific tags for Billy's gods/patrons? I tried looking but couldn't really find it
I wrote a little something that I want to post with the right tags but also in general I would like to find fics that include them
I don’t think there’s an official ao3 tag! Most of the tumblr posts I’ve seen have used “twitch chat AU” or some variation thereof, so that would probably be the right tag to use.
As I was typing this, I checked ao3 and couldn’t find any fics with “twitch chat AU” or “twitch streamer AU”, so if anyone knows of any fics featuring/incorporating that concept, link them in the notes so we can find them!
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Sorry for the sudden ask but I had something I really wanted to talk to you about, mainly about Mary Bromfield (twin version or college age version, either) and her patrons, because, wowie, it sparked a lot in my brain microwave
So, in her first appearance, Mary had a completely different set of gods and patrons who gave her powers, but they still spelled out SHAZAM in the end due to the connection with the wizard.
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This was really interesting to see, even more so that most of them were women and that her strength came from Hippolyta herself! Of course a major Goddess like her would have to have been there instead of Zeus, kinda funny, and the connection to Wonder Woman and the Amazonians would have made for an incredible story arc!
However, some of the others didn't set well with her/I didn't think were all that great in my opinion. Grace and Beauty? The times back then kinda influenced her powers to reflect a more feminine version of Captain Marvel, but I think we could do better.
It took me some time, but I ended up compiling a little thing of possible patrons for Mary
S olomon (Wisdom)
H ippolyta (Power)
A ether (Stamina)
Z epherus (Speed)
A talanta (Courage)
M elinoe (Strength)
I figured that Mary should stick to having a connection with Solomon as her source of wisdom, since I feel that it's her strongest power out of all the ones she's forged a bond with. It also gave me the idea that if any of the other marvel family members made new contracts, they would stick with one of their former patrons that they resonated with the most. Also, you would not BELIEVE the amount of stress I went through to find someone, ANYONE, with a name that started with the letter Z and was not Zeus! Holy cow.
Let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas of what other patrons Mary could have instead! I'm absolutely buzzing with energy over this girl!
I love Mary so much!
And yeah she could do a lot better than having Grace and Beauty as powers (though that was a product of the time and largely didn't contribute anything to her character since she was just as powerful in a fight as Cap)
So not only has Mary had those patrons listed above (and the regular set that Billy has) but she has also had a set of entirely Egyptian ditties (courtesy of Black Adam).
Also fun fact: originally the S was supposed to stand for Sappho but in development the creators were worried people would think she was a lesbian. (It's one of the fun meta reasons I headcanon my girl as Sapphic)
But who would I use for her acronym? That's so hard and I went down several Wikipedia holes while contemplating this. One of the hard parts was the fact that so many cool women in mythology had names that start with A and I could only choose two.
S: Sappho (Wit/Eloquence)
H: Hippolyta (Strength)
A: Artemis (Skill)
Z: Zephyrus (speed/flight)
A: Atalanta (Courage)
M: Minerva (Wisdom)
I didn't change much because I liked most of the dieties used. I was going to have the Wisdom of Athena but then I'd have to get rid of one of the other two so I kept her Roman equivalent (basically the same reasoning as to why Billy has Mercury instead of Hermes). Atalanta could also provide speed because she was well known for never being beaten in a fair foot race. In that case Zephyrus would supply flight and minor elemental control.
I really love the idea of having Sappho as one of her patrons but f Billy gets to have Solomon randomly in his acronym then its fine. But I'm not 100% sure what power she would give Mary.
I would love to hear other people's thoughts on Mary’s acronym and what deities you'd use for other members of the family!
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Okay do I make a) my Percy Jackson reincarnates into dc, or b) my loz link goes to camp half blood au.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
I’ve been forced into reading Danny phantom fanfics because I’m desperate for Billy Batson content and for some reason half the stuff on ao3 is crossover stuff so I guess I like Danny phantom now?? Kind of?? I haven’t watched it and I don’t plan on it but I really like the idea of it.
Billy has maintained a very delicate balance of half truths and lies of ommision over the years to protect his identity as a literal child. He uses facts he learned from his patrons and his interest and knowledge in history, specifically Ancient Greece, to convince people he’s ancient.
Then one day this ghost guy joins the league claiming to be incredibly old as well except he just goes around straight up lying about stuff, saying whatever the hell he feels like about the past if it’s convenient to him or just funny. Most of it contradicts with the story Billy has been delicately weaving over the years and he’s kind of panicking.
One day he confronts the ghost guy and is like “I know your not actually ancient but I’m not a snitch, how old are you?”
And Danny kind of feels bad about pretending to be ancient in front of someone who has literally been around since at least Ancient Greece and confesses that he’s 14. Captain Marvel stares at him for a few minutes before breaking out in a big grin and transforming into a 12 year old Billy. They instantly become inseparable.
You’d think that Billy would ask Danny to stop lying all the time because it’s gonna get them caught, but no, he thinks it’s hilarious. Now whenever Danny says something absurd or directly contradictory of the actual history that Billy told them, they’re just like “oh yeah both of those happened at the same time but all the scribes were at the same spot so no one wrote about the other one and it was lost to time” or “there was a time loop for a good few years back in good old Greece so a lot of weird things happened that just didn’t stick.” Or “that did happen but only ghosts could perceive it.” Or sometimes, if they absolutely cannot get away with any other explanation, “dang must have dreamt it!”
The league is hopelessly confused and 90% sure they’re being messed with but they have no proof and if they look at the history at least MOST of the stuff they say is true so there’s really no reason to doubt it when Danny claims he once fist fought the god of time while the entirety of Rome cheered for him and placed bets, especially when Billy nods sagely and says he remembers having to clean up the space time continuum after the fight and that he lost the modern equivalent of ten bucks in the bet (he still doesn’t lie, just doesn’t disagree with the blatant dishonesty. He honestly did have to clean up the space time continuum multiple times after Danny messes with time a bit too much thanks to Clockwork + shenanigans. They make bets all the time too lol)
I think the contrast between ‘never lies’ and ‘lies all the time for funsies’ with the same motivation of ‘do the funniest thing possible at all times’ can be extremely entertaining and interesting.
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noxcheshire · 1 month
I love the idea of Danny dating Black Adam and being married to him
Like Danny has been the ghost King for about let's just say 100 years is human body stopped aging at 21 and everyone is world is now either past on or a ghost serves in his Royal Court when he met Black Adam and they hit it off
Now Danny has gone back in time and save the previous clone children and now has about 13 children including Dan and Ellie being his oldest
Out with the story Captain marvel has claimed that Phantom is one of his patron gods to the Justice League and Black Adam is just like I do not believe my wife has adopted a new child
For some whatever reason the Justice League was assuming the ghost King either Batman thinks he's a threat or something came up and they need his help
Danny being the god of balance is just happy to be there and help out the Justice League whatever need and mentions that he's married to someone that lives in his dimension with one of his kids staying here AKA Klarion and Black Adam
He's also like oh my God I have a new kid I'm so proud of you you must be working so hard to be a hero oh my God I have to introduce you to your stepfather and your sibling that lives here
Billy's just going along with it till like fit into the role of Captain marvel his shocking surprised when he realizes that those two people are Klarion and Black Adam
Black Marvel's responses to a new stepchild while Klarion is like a new sibling I'm no longer the youngest these two know that he's lying about Danny being his patron God Danny does not there is lots of misunderstandings
I’m so sorry that I know nothing about Black Adam or Black Marvel, but this was still a fun read because by all hero purposes Captain Marvel is an adult and he will be child! 😤
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puppetwoman17 · 4 days
Angst idea for billy batfam: for whatever reason billy is given a punishment from Bruce: no magic until told otherwise. No spells. No heroing. No magic
The problem is that Bruce doesn't understand magic and doesn't understand that billy isn't like zatanna or constantine, he can't just not do magic. 6 gods, the living Lightning and the magic of eternity all bottle up inside a malnourished little kid? It'll burn him alive
but... he's learned better than say no to a pissed off adult
The gods make the executive decision: billy can't stay here. Not anymore.
Ooooh this is good. Thank you for the ask!
Oh, the “no heroing” punishment alone is bad. Because that infringes on his responsibilities within the Magic community. He has work to do damnit!
But no magic? That is basically a death sentence. No joke, asking someone who is so intrinsically tied to magic to NOT use it, is not going to end well.
And the worst thing is, Bruce thinks this is for the best. He still doesn’t get magic after so many years because he doesn’t want to. All magic brings is chaos and a headache. He toned his hate down for Billy, but it’s still there. He’s worried that magic will ruin his new son’s life, so he decides to separate them, like you would your kid from a toxic friend.
But it’s eating Billy up inside. Now, he has voices in his head yelling at him to use his powers. He has magic practically boiling within his very core, hitting along every inch of his inner muscles. He feels like he’s burning up. Like he’s eaten so much that he can’t eat anymore.
Still, he doesn’t say anything. He knows better. After so many foster and group homes that promise they’ll be better than the last, this one feels different somehow. He has hope. It’s not a lot, but it’s there. If he says or does anything to ruin that, it’ll only be his fault.
But his patrons think otherwise.
They acknowledge that these vigilantes have good intentions, for humans. But ultimately, Billy’s wellbeing matters the most. And if he continues to not use his magic, he won’t survive to the next year. It’s like asking him to not take medicine. To not sleep. To not eat or drink.
At some point, the Batman’s intentions don’t matter. Billy needs to go to the Rock immediately. Zeus apologizes profusely before piloting his body and teleporting all the way to the Subway to Eternity.
He can’t stay, they tell him. And, despite wanting a family more than anything, Billy knows they’re right.
*cue Captain Marvel avoiding being in a room alone with Batman and any of his batgirls or robins.*
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nelkcats · 1 year
The 7th
When the Wizard explained to Billy about his powers he forgot to mention that the Champion of Magic had a seventh patron who would manifest in his greatest moments of need. Although this one did not count as "official" since he was not exactly sharing his powers like the others.
So it's understandable that Billy would freak out at the new voice in his head telling him to steal a sandwich from one of the rude people on the subway.
Billy tried to argue with the voice about it since his parents had taught him all about good and evil but it had been a few days since his conversation with the Wizard Shazam and it had been weeks since his last decent meal other than leftovers. The Sandwich was packed and its owner wasn't paying attention, one little slip and he would have something in his stomach.
Solomon was very upset with the new voice, he was fully aware of who was talking and thought that he had left after the disaster with Adam but apparently the Ghost King had taken an interest in "The New Champion", Solomon had suspicions that it was because Billy was a kid.
The new voice introduced himself as "Phantom", he argued a lot with Solomon, didn't seem to have any moral and Zeus always muttered about his older brother's annoying best friend whenever he manifested. The boy did not know who the new God was but at least he gave good life advice. Or he liked to think so.
Phantom had many arguments with the other immortals, Hercules complained about his friendship with Kronos (which the boy found worrying but decided not to comment), Salomon about his recklessness, Atlas and Achilles bothered him constantly and Mercury kept challenging him to races. But it seemed that thanks to him everyone had become interested not only in helping Captain Marvel but also Billy!
Phantom even had a lot of good advices on being a young hero or keeping his secret from the League and for the first time since he got his powers Billy didn't feel so lost.
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
thin ice — two
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part one | part two | part three
summary — peter invites her to his hockey game, and shocker, she shows up.
pairing — uni hockey player!peter parker x fem!journalist!reader
disclaimer — i do not own peter parker/marvel. marvel pls don’t sue me for making peter sexier 🙏
warnings — reader is referred to as ‘kitty’ (there’s a reason, i promise), slight one sided enemies to lovers, possible maybe slightly ooc, and very unedited
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Stark Memorial Rink was a lot more crowded than she remembered. To be fair, when she was there two days ago, it was during a closed practice. Now it was loud, crowded, and filled with the blaring noise of the patrons and loudspeakers.
“What are our seats again?” MJ asked, hanging off her arm with a big, goofy smile. She was dressed in an Empire State University sweatshirt—‘I have to show my school pride’, she said. Sure, that was the reason.
“Section one hundred ten, Row C, seats four and five,” she replied, her voice near robotic.
“Y’know, you can at least pretend to be excited,” MJ teased. “I’ll buy you a soft pretzel if you act like you’re having fun.”
“Woo-hoo. Yippee. Hooray,” she said monotonously, a small grin curling on her lips.
“Come on,” a whine leaves MJ’s lips, “This is cool! It’s not just any game, this is the tournament—like, national. If they win this, they’ll make it down to eight teams. Eight teams!”
“And your sudden love of hockey spawned on its own, right?” She raised a brow at her friend’s words, “Not because of some sweaty guy who likes to ice skate?”
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that,” MJ mumbled in reply, though her eyes softened a bit, a smile adorning her painted lips. They shuffled through the crowds of people with some struggle, but eventually made it to section one hundred ten.
When she was there days ago, she hadn’t quite paid attention to the format of the seats. The assumption, though, was that they flowed in alphabetical order, making Row Z the one closest to the plexiglass. They slipped towards the steps, ready to descend just a few stairs when they looked down. A big, yellow ‘Z’ was right under their feet. That meant–
“Oh, my God.” Her voice was more like a whisper than anything.
“You said Row C, right?” MJ asked, her eyes glued to the letter.
“Row C,” she confirmed, sucking her teeth. Was it even possible? Okay, sure, this was just a university game, but this game was a big deal. The place was insanely crowded. How could he just give away seats that close to the glass?
“Well, let’s go,” MJ interrupted her train of thought, tugging her arm to follow her. One, two, three, four…they descended lower and lower until the sound of ice scraping along the skates of those practicing was louder than the buzz of the crowd. Their seats gave them a perfect view right behind the net. Purple and black jerseys whizzed by in a flurry of sticks and pucks and ice shaving off the ground. They say for a minute, soaking up the reality of where they were before MJ let out a cough.
“So, Kitty, soft pretzel?” She glanced over with a smile.
“Yeah,” she agreed, already popping up from her seat. Shuffling back to the stairs, her gaze was pulled back to the rink where she caught a flash of a neon purple ‘13’ zipping by the glass. Hazel eyes settled upon her through the brackets of the helmet—but only for one second. One small ounce of time in which their eyes connected like laser beams. And then he was gone again, and so was she.
“I’ll get you a slushie, too, if you do a little cheering,” MJ’s voice pulled her back.
“Extra large?” She raised a brow in return.
“Whatever size you want,” MJ beamed.
By the time they were back to their seats, the game was almost starting. The National Anthem was sung by a local high school talent. The team introductions flew by (MJ, of course, screaming for Harry). When number thirteen, Peter Parker, Empire State Lightning Bolts Team Captain was introduced, the thunder of feet pounding on the floor rang through the stadium. He slid across the ice in an oddly graceful fashion. He was sort of gangly, and the bulk of the uniform provided a strange juxtaposition, but his movements were clean and precise, more like a figure skater than a hockey player.
“Look at that, number thirteen,” MJ giggled into her ear, receiving a smack on the arm for her laughter.
“I have eyes, I can see.” Was her grumbled response.
The game was intense. They were single-round eliminations, meaning that if ESU lost this, they were out of the tournament. Pennbrook, in their glossy green jerseys, were just as vicious. The net in front of them was the home side first, so they were able to see every goal that was blocked, and inevitably the ones that slipped through. What seemed to (begrudgingly) stand out the most, though, was Peter.
He was aggressive. At first, she thought it was just excitement, or anger, or some irrational emotion that sent him flying across the ice and ramming into people. But the face under the helmet was always calm. Cold, even. Every outburst was a precise calculation. Yes, he was combative, but it was never out of his control. Nothing was out of his control, not even when the puck went skidding across the ice on the other side. It took him seconds to cross the rink and swoop in for quick saves. Time seemed to flash by. The buzzer signaled the end of the first period, and the teams skated back to their respective sides.
“It’s not that bad, right?” MJ nudged her, sucking down the last of her blue raspberry slushie.
“I’m definitely viewing something,” she responded in a sarcastic tone. MJ groaned, nudging her as she collected their empty cups and discarded napkins.
“Keep up the good attitude,” she shot back, sticking out her tongue as she went to throw away the trash.
The second period was similar to the first: high tensions, high testosterone. By the third period, the score was 4-5 with Pennbrook taking the lead. It was, of course, only a momentary lead. A play by Harry and Miles tied them up again, and then a swift shot by Zack got them the lead. Pennbrook’s number ‘36’ had been on Peter’s ass nearly the entire game. He was always so close that half of the ice shavings on Peter’s ankles were probably from him. But it hadn’t been anything more than a chase until Peter brought the score up to 7-5.
The movement was quick, but not nearly as unnoticeable as he likely intended. While sliding behind the net, 36’s elbow came up to check Peter. He was probably aiming for his shoulder, but everything just came out wrong: Peter turned his head toward 36, 36’s elbow jabbed at an awkward angle, and the hit ended up slamming into Peter’s face.
Her breath caught in her throat. When he turned back to the plexiglass, blood was dripping down his chin. He’d been clipped just right so that his lip busted against the hard plastic of the mouthguard. Resounding ‘boos’ sounded through the stadium, but the sounds fell deaf on her ears as she watched Peter throw off his glove and swipe the blood from his skin. It was like she could see the gears turning in his head. Hit, blood, fight. He looked to 36, ready to raise his bloodstained fist. Then, for just a second, his eyes flitted to her.
He knew she was there. He knew she was watching. None of the hardness left his eyes, but there was something new there, too. Pride, maybe? Excitement? It lingered in his vision the entire time his eyes were on hers. When his bloodied lips curled into a smirk, she forced herself out of the breathless haze she was caught in. She was only concerned because that was the normal human reaction; you see someone get hurt, you worry. Or you laugh. It wasn’t like she was—
Peter’s fist connected with 36’s cheek. She could hear the hard smack through the glass to Row C. 36 stumbled back on his skates but regained his balance. Before he could deal a blow, refs blowing hopelessly on their whistles swarmed the two, pulling them like two growling dogs. Once again, Peter looked up at her, making sure that she was still watching. When he smiled at her, she could see that his teeth were now coated in blood from the wound on his lip.
“Holy shit!” MJ was squealing, but her voice was lost on the girl next to her.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Yeah, holy shit.”
Neither Peter nor 36 were let back on the ice for the rest of the game. A penalty was dealt to ESU, but any other punishment was still unknown. She watched the rest of the game on high alert, trying to stop her eyes from traveling to the penalty box where Peter was seated. It was hard to view him from her position, but she could see a shock of brown hair every once and a while.
When the game was over, ESU had won 8-7. The crowd roared as the buzzer sounded, and when MJ shot up, she joined her. Adrenaline shot through her as she watched the guys on the rink scream and nearly slam into each other. Her view, though, quickly adjusted to Peter as he fled the penalty box. He slid onto the ice with the same practiced ease he’d used during the game. She could see him say something to Zack as he grabbed him by the shoulders. When his eyes finally landed on her, her pulse thrummed in her ears. He knew she was watching him, and that’s just what he wanted her to do.
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“Where y’headed?”
The sound of someone’s voice nearly made her throw her water bottle. She’d only just left Xavier Hall when she was accosted (or rather spoken to) by someone who seemed to appear out of nowhere. Her head whirled around to meet hazel eyes and a busted lip.
“Are you stalking me?” She spat out, her eyes wide.
“Stalking you? Oh, my God, no,” Peter laughed, wincing when his split lip tugged into a smile, “I used to do a little photography for the paper, I know where the meetings are.”
“Right,” she nodded, “But, like, how did you know I would be leaving right now?”
“Lucky guess?” He suggests, cocking his head in a boyish way. She narrowed her eyes, but before she could say anything, he was already speaking again; “Saw you at my game yesterday.”
“It technically wasn’t your game. It was the team’s game. Both teams’ game.” Her voice was pointed as she spoke. When she began walking down the stone pathway that led to a dining hall, Peter followed without question.
“But I was there,” he responded, “And so were you.”
“MJ didn’t want to miss it,” she dismissed his words.
“Oh, yeah, she and Harry are getting pretty serious,” he hummed.
“Mhm,” she replied. She didn’t want to look at him, really. Every time she did, her gaze was drawn to the nasty gash on his lips. Her eyes, however, decided to betray her. She studied it, the way it moved with him, the way it would inevitably split further each time he grinned.
“It doesn’t hurt,” Peter said, almost as if he was reading her mind. Her eyes shot up to meet his.
“Did you get kicked off the team or something?” She asked as if she didn’t already know the answer.
“Hell no,” he laughed, “Just a slap on the wrist. Couldn’t finish out the game, but you already knew that.”
“Uh-huh,” she nodded, “I would’ve thought there would’ve been a little more.”
“I’ve never really gotten in a fight–and that wasn’t even a real fight,” he grinned
“So was that just you showing off or something?” Her brows creased.
“Something like that.”
They reached the entrance of the dining hall. Peter, in all his gangliness, was able to swipe his card before her and open the door. His smile just seemed to widen as she eyed him with a generous amount of suspicion.
“Thanks,” she said slowly as she stepped through the door.
“No problem,” he replied, “See you around, Kitty.”
“You can’t call me—”
He was gone before she could finish her sentence. The door fell shut in his absence, and she watched him walk away through the glass. He carried on down the pathway with his hands shoved into his pockets. A groan slipped from her lips when she realized that she was just staring at him. Her body moved into the dining hall, but her mind wandered (unwillingly) to Peter. He was annoying, and cocky, and smiled way too much for someone with a busted lip. Yet, the main thing stuck in her head was his hazel eyes and the way he watched her with them.
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a/n — hey babes!! thanks for the love on this series so far. i’m not sure how long it’s gonna be, but i def have some plans, it’s def gonna get smutty at some point. anyways, hope you enjoyed!!
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lavena · 7 months
Captain Marvel head cannon again.
Thinking of all the, JL travel through Caps psyche for one reason or another, but instead of Billy's memories they get Marvels, so all of the past incarnations (which billy has had to witness too) at their lowest point.
Let's just say a champion is not given these powers and set free, they must learn where such power comes from.
So in this case they see Wisdom be found through betrayal
Strength found through destruction
Stamina through suffering
Power through sacrifice
Courage through loss (very very specifically a situation like Patrolucous and Achilles. Love, family, soul mate dies and courage is found through the loss of all you hold dear)
Speed through negligence
These are all just ideas of what they could be, really riding on the idea of the JL seeing captain, or someone so opposite of the captain find the one they love dead in a war, and just screaming in agony, getting up and doing what Achilles did. ( destroying damn near all of an army single handedly, then, without care for themselves, no food, no breaks, brutally enforcing a barrier and dragging a dead body behind them one person stacked behind the other, line in the sand but the line is blood and the sand is a battle field) just something so horrific and heart breaking that the JL may never be able to look at the cap as soft ever again
And for the new folks these are the powers specific to patron Solomon (wisdom), Hercules (strength), Atlas (stamina), Zeus (power), Achilles (courage) and Mercury (speed)
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Billy and Damian and the whole soulmate thing, from billys perspective makes me think of "I want to hold your hand" by the Beatles because he just thinks Damian is so cool and wants to hold his sword and wants him to like his tiger friend!!
“I honestly don't know if this means Captain Marvel is going to be a good influence on the murder-Robin or if we should be afraid of the murder-Robin counter-influencing the living avatar of six separate gods,” Green Lantern mutters. 
“Oh both, probably, I'm at a very impressionable age right now,” Billy replies easily.
“Ohhhhh boy,” Flash says, and everyone else looks very nervous. Billy is not even remotely sorry. He had to sell out his secret identity for this; he might as well get some entertainment out of the Justice League’s reactions before they, like, fire him or whatever stupid thing they’re gonna do. 
He is not going back to foster care. They can try, and it’ll be adorably patronizing of them, but it’s not gonna happen.
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Half-Ghost Billy Batson
(Inspired by a post that I can’t find😡😤. If you recognize it please let me know! I have searched. Everywhere. I remember it starts off with Billy contemplating how he’s different and his dad didn’t want him, and then Danny shows up.)
Danny Fenton grows up, gets crowned King of the Infinite Realms, and then discovers that time it weird in the Zone if the portal you came through doesn’t stay open. He’s been ruling for over a century, but it’s only been a few years on Earth. Early on he made sure to keep popping in and out to visit family and friends and keep up a human identity, and so was able to age normally too.
By the time he’s 25 (2015), he’s in a serious relationship with a woman named Mary Batson, and has decided to tell her about his other life. Before he can however, he is ‘killed’ in an explosion at his civilian job as an engineer.
He’s fine, but was weakened enough that he reverted to his core, and Clockwork retrieved him and took him to the Realms to heal. He does, goes discreetly looking for Mary, and discovers it been a year and she died in a car accident. Heartbroken, and with no civilian identity anymore, he starts spending all his time in the Zone, only making weekend trips to see family/friends.
Unknown to Danny, Mary was pregnant, gave birth, and little William ‘Billy’ Daniel Batson was saved via emergency C-Section after the accident and placed in foster care, because she had no family and no one looked into the father’s well enough. Mary only survived long enough to name her son and give them Danny’s name.
10 years later, Billy gains the title of Champion of Magic. The influx of so much magic also triggers his… other genes.
As Billy, he is faster and stronger and heals quicker and if he concentrates really hard he can turn invisible and walk through things— at least for a few moments. He also discovers that he’s essentially a cat, since he can hiss and purr and randomly sprout claws.
Billy only uses a mirror if he needs to give himself a haircut, but the next time he looks he notices the tiny little baby fangies. And that his eyes are more teal than blue, his hair has a few white spots in it, and his ears point a little more. No wonder no one’s been bothering him lately.
(He’s basically 75% human and 25% ghost, so unless he gets hosed down with pure ectoplasm and also eats a bunch of the stuff, he’s not going to be able to ‘go ghost’. He’s just hasn’t got enough Phantom in him to manage it.)
As Captain Marvel, the magic of his patrons and the Rock of Eternity kinda work as a counter-measure against the partially-dead thing, as the magic sees it as a threat to the Champion’s health and fights the genes’ effects like it’s a virus. So the magic is basically shutting down all of the actual powers he gets as Billy. But he does get little things that the magic doesn’t care about, like sharp little fangs and pointy ears.
Billy just thinks it’s all side effects of the magic, and uses his new ‘adaptations’ as Billy to survive on the streets.
The Justice League comes knocking about 6 months in, meet this huge chipper dude who can evenly match Superman and uses magic in a way that causes other magic users headaches and rage, and invite him to join.
That’s when they notice that he’s a bit… strange.
Not like, in a bad way! Just, the other day Batman did the ‘appear behind you from nowhere’ thing and when Marvel noticed he full on hissed at him, like a feral cat, before looking sheepish and apologizing.
A few weeks later, they’re rescuing some kidnapped meta kids and they find Marvel sitting cross-legged on the ground, several toddlers draped over him and a very distinct purring noice emanating from his chest.
A week after that, and Superman confides worriedly that sometimes Marvel’s heart will just… stop beating, and/or he’ll stop breathing, and that when his heartbeat is gone there seems to be a strange hum coming from the center of his chest.
Then another 2 weeks later, after a meeting, he and Flash were talking and they both laughed, but when Marvel did he just flashed these very sharp incisors that Flash swears are fangs.
And then one day they call him in to help fight some demons and one growls at him and he freakin growls back, bares his definitely fangs I told you so! And just freakin launches at the thing. They basically roll around like a couple of territorial tomcats, and at first Marvel is throwing punches and lighting but then the demon bites him and Marvel just… bites back.
And then he like… sprouts claws?! And then it really is like a cat fight, with these two just hissing and growling and clawing and biting until Marvel does something and the demon breaks away and flees, whimpering like a kicked dog. Superman has to snag Marvels cape and dodge some claws to keep the guy from chasing after it.
He’s covered in claw marks and scratches and there’s blood like everywhere but once they drag/convince/bully him into going back to the Watchtowers medbay, there’s nothing. The wounds are gone, the blood is fading away, and the suit is repairing itself. Marvel just shrugs and says magic, which, fair enough.
But then they have to have a talk about what the hell that was, and all Marvel can say for his feral-cat behavior is “I just heard him growl and had the uncontrollable urge to bite him. Like, he’s in my territory, and he’s gonna challenge me like that? Heck-no.”
…Territory? Territory?! What does that- does this possibly-immortal being consider all of Earth his territory? Is he secretly a Fae? An eldritch being in less terrifying form? Part demon himself? A cat transformed into a person?
Marvel shrugs.
“I never met my parents, so honestly any of those have a chance of being true.”
Oh No. Oh F*ck. Those were rhetorical!
Meanwhile, Danny is back on Earth and finds out from Tucker that Mary had a kid. They discover this because he was reported missing after he ran away and the cops tried to find out if there was any more family, and do a better job looking this time. Danny is ‘dead’ so they called the Drs Fenton, who told Jazz, who told Tucker, who dug around and realized oh sh*t, Danny has a son.
But they can’t tell Danny this, because some a-hole in a different dimension is trying to invade the Infinite Realms, so Danny has to go kick a**. The time in the other dimension is weird too, so several years pass on Earth by the time he stops the threat, locks away the demon Trigon, and finds a nice home in the Realms for the demon’s half-human orphaned daughter Raven, who fits in very well with the ghosts.
So, Danny’s back and between Tucker and Danny they figure out what city Billy is in, and Danny spends days flying around invisible feeling for any ectoplasm. He finds it, finds Billy facing down some wanna-be teenage gangsters, and watches with growing pride as his son hisses at them with his widdle baby fangs oh my Ancients!
So after the other kids flee from the ‘crazy demon kid’, Danny invisibly follows Billy back to his current hideout in the basement of an abandoned warehouse (only someone Billy-sized or smaller would be able to fit through the window, and then they’d have to do it again to get into his little blocked-off closet. Smart. Very smart. I have such a smart kid, the family will Love him!)
Danny doesn’t want to freak his kid out— strange man+small space=bad no-no— so he just settles himself in front of the exit and starts chirping. Calling.
Billy, who has never heard the sound before, still knows what it means. Can’t resist following it out of his hidey-hole. Sees the man, cross-legged on the ground, sees his blue eyes flash green-green-green and knows.
“Hi, Billy. Is so good to meet you!”
2015: Danny=25
2016: Billy born
2027: Billy=11, Danny=27
Hope you guys like this!
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pod-together · 23 days
Pod-Together Day 1 Reveals 2024
Light up This Old Soul (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Dark Disciple - Christie Golden) written by EustaciaVye, performed by AsterRoc Summary: As Obi-Wan heals, he learns more about the Nightsisters' approach to the Force, while Asajj learns more about her heritage.
Both a Blessing and a Curse [text, audio] (Star Wars: Rebels) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by flowerparrish Summary: His memory was both a blessing and a curse. Alexsandr Kallus had known this for many years. The date he’d first seen the name The Ghost cross his desk was forever burned into Kallus’ memory. And that date was getting closer.
View from a Pavilion (镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 绅探 | Detective L (TV), 叛逆者 | The Rebel (TV 2021)) written by Martha, performed by SEF_podfic Summary: During the dark days of the occupied French Concession, Luo Fei helps an injured young captain of the Republican Military Intelligence. [text and podfic]
dream symphony (The Magnus Archives (Podcast)) written by Lua, performed by gracicah Summary: Simon Fairchild loves the sky, and, through his surprisingly long life, he feels loved back by it. It isn’t all that surprising that he has a good time as an avatar of his patron. After all, he is a man in love.
A Case of Identity Fraud (Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)) written by DayenuRose, performed by Nymphie_Wolf Summary: After spending years of putting in the hard work and re-building his life and his relationship with his family, Jason Todd is not amused when he falls over a decade into the past. The Red Hood is in the middle of his vengence on his family, Tim's life is falling apart at the seems, and his family is in shambles. Jason misses his home, his family, and the ability to have a decent meal. After two months of (mostly) observing from the sidelines, Jason can't stand by anymore. If no one else will step in and help Tim, then he will. Can Jason help past!Tim without messing up the future for everyone?
Tenderly (Original Work) written by Hagar, performed by wilfriede0815 (with additional voices by stargateinmybasement, ChaosKiro, Juulna, Tipsy_Kitty, horchata, and flowerparrish) Summary: My name is Amalie Madsen. I’m a schoolteacher teaching sixth grade. Since I became a teacher, I’ve been told many times that my sense of wonder may fade with time but, in fact, just last year I ran into the greatest wonder I have encountered to date. Or, should I say, wonders.
Truth Comes Out Of His Well (Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types) written by TsarinaTorment, performed by stereden Summary: Lee Fletcher had a secret. Luke knew it, and anything Luke knew, Kronos knew. This had consequences, which started with Lee not meeting his end at the business end of a giant's club after all.
Letters to Jiejie [text & podfic] (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) written by FlutterFyre, performed by pezzax Summary: Jiang Cheng doesn't know what has gotten into Wei Wuxian and to be honest, he doesn't care. He just wants things to go back to normal. Stuck at the Cloud Recesses guest lectures, he vents to his elder sister as he alsways has, hoping against hope that she will have a solution that might bring some semblance of sense back to his foster brother.
Like a Hozier Song [text, audio] (Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), Punisher (Comics), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe) written by BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose, performed by 42donotpanic Summary: Matt never expected for Frank Castle to end up on his couch for months on end. He’d never expected to make a home with him, but nothing is as he’d planned. Life isn’t neat like that and his friend gets that more than anyone else ever has. It’s the reason he’s a little sweet on his friend… like the Hozier songs the guy likes to sing.
Phantom Friends (Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)) written by Litra, performed by itallcomesbacktoandreil Summary: Five times someone in the bat family died and met Danny, and the one time no death was needed.
Room 505 (The Hotel (Podcast)) written by zombified_queer, performed by MistbornHero Summary: The Lobby Boy gets to flex his creative muscles. The Hotel Herself observes with a pang of surprise.
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Herr is the next installment of my character studies for Billy’s patrons. This week is Hercules!
Summary: Heroes were not born, they were forged
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