#captain keeli imagine
vodika-vibes · 4 months
This isn’t a request (you probably have enough of those already lol)! This is just a silly thought I wanted to share.
Imagine somewhere down the line, the clones gain a guardian Angel. When bad shit (well, maybe worse than usual, this is war after all) is about to happen, it gets circumvented in some way or form. The clones have just accepted this as a part of their lives, meanwhile the Jedi, Kaminoans, Sith, and Separatists are just so confused and flabbergasted. Palpatine falls down the stairs everyday until the damage finally sticks. Echo is found a lot earlier. Tup is miraculously healed. And this idea is my favorite:
Fives: “You might wanna point that lightsaber away from me, General. The Guardian doesn’t like it when we get threatened unjustly.”
Krell: “The Guardian? Please, you clones and your made up deities-”
Krell screams as one of his arms gets cut off by an invisible force and the lightsaber he was holding smashed into pieces. He learns, in fact, that the Guardian IS real and does not like him.
Lol, this is hilarious.
The Guardian Angels who are in charge of the Corries (because they all deserve their own) have, like, a vendetta against the Senate and Palpatine specifically.
They have a war room and plans and backup plans, and their angelic brothers are like, "This seems very...unangelic of you." Those naysayers are very nicely told to shove off.
Oh, but but but
Captain Keeli's Jedi General essentially order Keeli and his men to die, and their collective Guardian Angels screech incoherantly...and audibly...and wipe out the seppies.
Their Jedi late goes to speak to Keeli, and is taken aback by the barely visible curly haired woman hovering over his captains shoulder, radiating death.
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sixtysixproblems · 3 months
(kicks down door) hey. hey guys. keeli & ponds have the same rusty colored armor, in i think the exact same shade. keeli was a captain and not a commander, so logically it's possible he served under one. so keeli was one of ponds's captains and i will die on this hill. considering how talented he seemed to be in the little screen time he had (and considering he was trusted highly enough to serve directly with a jedi), he could have been Ponds's second-in-command even. ya'll. ya'll what the FUCK am i supposed to do with this at 12 fucking am.
have some semi-organized/semi-incoherent thoughts:
this battalion seems to have really shitty luck with Clone COs getting fucking twc is a tragedy'd because YEOWCH. like can you imagine, your captain and all the clones with him die in a self-sacrifice last stand, and then your commander + command crew of a cruiser dies to bounty hunters. like i bet it's not THAT uncommon, and the 501st had a lot of plot armor in a way, but still?? that relatively early on in the war both times too?????? and can you imagine being Mace (and possibly Neyo) and having to navigate that morale disaster on top of your own probably messy feelings on both situations? like yikes oh my god.
well now i'm drawing parallels between their deaths, gee thanks. and now im wondering that after keeli died in that way, that was a big part of why Ponds chose to go down with the ship? like, from what we gathered of him, it seemed to be in character regardless...but if Keeli and a bunch of other men had died under his command, i bet it didn't even feel like an option to abandon the command crew/admiral-- even if it seemed implied (or at least in my interpretation) that ponds wasn't obligated or even expected to stay on the cruiser.
both deaths are written to make the audience feel shitty despite not really knowing these characters, but for different reasons. keeli's feels very "classic tragedy" aka it sort of echoes some greek/roman myths and tragedies for me. like it's very honorable, brave, and it's a heroic sacrifice, and because twc is twc it's a brutal fight pretty damn clear (to my recollection at least) no one got out of that fight alive. you root for the characters because they're pretty fucking likable instantly because of what they're willing to do to protect the twi'leks, even if you can tell they're doomed from the start or you're on a rewatch. you know why it has to happen, you just cant help but hope it won't. filoni seems to like this trick a lot cough cough fives
Ponds's death by contrast, was intended to feel pointless, and that's where the sense of tragedy/audience's sadness comes from at least in part. keeli's death was sad because even if these characters could have lived, they were too good to take that road and instead picked the greater good, and it was just...fucking sad, man (its 12 dont come here for good analysis). By contrast, despite ponds having a pretty impressive handle on the situation actually (he seems to get under Sing's skin a little, and it's my opinion/headcanon that the CT number he gave was a lie), it's not like he's actually in control of the situation/has any agency at all. It's cruel and it's unfair and feels pointless, especially considering he survived the ship crash and survived the bounty hunter's attack on the survivors-- and especially contrasted with most other named character TWC deaths, which are almost always in battle/a heroic sacrifice/etc.
so yeah, moral of the story, while the deaths have some parallels to me, they're also very different. filoni used different writing tricks to make me you cry over another barely mentioned copy paste man. again.
very unhappy considering the HCs of Rex both being close to Keeli (often as batchmates), and being stolen adopted by Cody & CC batch. i'm also very unhappy about all of this in general.
one thing that's interesting, is that clearly keeli's death can be pulled off without any previous screentime (sobs). but i dont think ponds's death would have worked as well if it wasn't for his (albiet brief) screentime in the ryloth arc. like, in hindsight, oh boy-- there is no reason (I can parse out, at least) to give precious screentime Mace Windu's random clone commander primarily to make him more likable-- via a good report with Windu, and wanting to pass on rations to the civilian/sad about ensuing warcrimes-- if you weren't, oh i dont know, trying to get the audience a little attached or at least remember his name for when you fucking kill him. like yeah, those scenes served dual purpose, but the other plot-y goals (like "here's the horror of fucking war again in our pg7 show") could have been pulled off other ways with characters that get more focus/the audience already knows (Cham, who would have a more emotional reaction, and Mace, who the audience already has a rapport with). maybe im thinking too far into this, but Perhaps Not.
my "first" (probably not, but first watch since i was ten) of That Scene involved "oh fuck that isn't the nice commander from ryloth right" (checks wookipedia) "fuuuuuuuuuck--", so. it still would have been sad, but it's a lot more sad if you remember (even vaguely) who he is and have your (anakin sad boy voice) "that was ponds" moment.
yeah idk how to end this. suffer as i have, i guess?
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frostbitebakery · 10 months
I have a question. A while ago you drew a picture of Captain Keeli (which I love so so very much) and there's hint of tattoos on his arms, and I was wondering if you had sketches of the full tattoo because it's killing me to know.
Is is symmetrical? Does he have the same tattoo on his other arm? Is it only the one are? How big is it?
These thoughts harass me at all hours. But please don't feel like you have to answer if you don't want to, or if you don't have an answer to give, lol.
Heeeeeeh thank you! Drawing Keeli had been a blast! His paint is quite intricate and I wanted it on his skin.
There are opaque rings around his fingers and forearms, with ram horns starting from his elbows and curling around his biceps. Those are from his helmet. I like the symmetrical look and wanted that for his arms. There is a tiny bit visible on his other arm.
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I imagine he’s got more tattoos on the rest of his body. All very precise and parts of the whole picture of his body art. I don’t think he’s adding stuff whimsically but rather whenever he has the opportunity he gets another piece done.
I think he adds rings of varying thickness to one calf after a campaign, with left out vertical lines for every loss. Not visible to too many other people but more for himself and in a way that’s like, the loss hurts but the sacrifice helps him move forward.
I think he’s got a huge back piece in the planning but doesn’t exactly know what yet so no ink there at all yet.
You’re not alone, thoughts on clone tattoos plague me through the night lol
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vytels · 1 year
Reposting this with grammar and spelling fixed because it was bothering me. For context, this was posted based on an incorrect quote post. The original post is linked here.
Just needed to write a little something based on this that made my brain go wirrr
TW: self-depreciation, thoughts about death/suicide, overall general horrible feelings…. Basically, Fox NOT having a good time… Also, typos, cause I’m writing this at the ass crack of night and I’m supposed to be SLEEPING
Sloshes of cocktails and condensation fell to the floor, beers clinked together in toasts and cheers, but yet, it wasn’t as busy at 79’s as it usually was. Parties of clones crowded together in respected booths, a few stragglers slipping onto the dance floor to get a feel for a pretty lady or man. The music buzzed between them and the lights clung brightly to the walls, unimpeded by bodies or howling voices.
Fox didn’t care for 79’s much anyway. Besides the rapid amount of headaches and groans that it brought him, he found himself seeing it as only a small connection to his brothers on the frontlines. It provided him a face-to-face that holocalls couldn’t achieve, although only once every few months.
“Are your boys treating you well, Rex?” Ponds’ elbow shoved into Fox’s side as the man craned his head forward.
The blond trooper turned to them and a smile appeared at the edge of his lips, his shoulders slumping toward the table as he leaned in. “They weren’t too bad this time around, I think they might be settling down.”
“Don’t jinx it, vod’ika,” Cody warned, “Your men don’t know the meaning of settling. You told me they tried to make a water slide in the docking hangar of the Resolute a month ago.”
“Eh, they’re just bored,” Wolffe said, “the 501st moves around more than anyone else does, they have more time between missions to get stuck in their heads.”
“They do deal with it interestingly then,” Rex grumbled.
Fox couldn’t help but agree, though his eyes lingered across his vod’ika’s form. There was a mirth in the man’s eyes, a fondness in his smile, and a softening in his brows. The Captain cared deeply for his men, for his own vod’ika, despite the trouble they put him through. There was always a story on his mind about Fives and Echo, or a joke that heard from Jesse, or an incident from Hardcase.
There was something there that struck Fox, something that clung deep at his chest, in a way that almost made him gasp. Somehow, it was overwhelming.
“Well,” Fox said, “Have the Terrible Torrents come up with anything more recently to deal with this boredom?”
A smile widened across Rex’s face. “They came up with a game, based on a natborn game.”
“Oh, this ought to be good.” Bly leaned in. “What is it?”
“It’s based on kiss, marry, kill,” Rex explained, “which is a game where you name three people and then choose who you’d kiss, marry, or kill from the three.”
Cody nodded, raising an eyebrow. “How’d they change that then?”
Rex snickered. “They ran out of people they knew until it was only vod that they knew… so you know, they just changed the wording. Turned it into keldabe, vod pile partner, and kill.”
“Not as easy to say,” Ponds muttered with a look of disdain, “But I can’t imagine marrying or kissing a vod.”
Bly gave him a look. “Isn’t a keldabe a kiss?”
“It can be familial and you know it,” Ponds retorted, “You literally shove your forehead against any of ours the moment you get the chance!”
“Guilty,” Bly conceded.
Wolffe hummed. “Well, are we going to play it?”
“I’m interested,” Cody added, “It sounds like fun.”
Rex smirked as his ori’vode turned to him and let them throw him through the rounds of the game, pulling on all vod they knew from across the Galaxy. Putting Neyo against Gree, pushing Thorn against Keeli and Kix, throwing Crys with Waxer and Boil, laughing as he offered up Hardcase, Wrecker, and Fives, and smirking when he mentioned Alpha-17, Colt, and Fordo.
“You know that’s not fair,” Cody said immediately. “All of us would snatch up 17 for a pile partner before the others.”
“Then who are you killing?” Rex challenged. “Colt or Fordo?”
“Colt, at least I’d have a chance at winning.” Bly took a swig of his drink.
Wolffe shook his head. “I bet I could take out Fordo, besides he hates me.”
“That’s because you bit him.”
“So did Fox!”
Fox smirked. “He deserved it. I’m going with Fordo too.”
“You two are horrible.” Cody frowned. “I’ll kill Colt.”
“Agreed,” Ponds said.
“Alright, alright… last one?” Rex asked.
“Hit us with your best shot,” Wolffe growled at him.
Rex looked over them for a moment, thoughts whirling behind his eyes before a smirk covered his face. He leaned closer as he spoke, his voice punctuating the names.
“Me, Wolffe, Fox. The vod’ike.”
“Oh, well, I’m killing Fox.” Bly leaned back immediately.
Fox’s head snapped to his ori’vod, a glare pulling at his eyes but he kept his face level as Ponds snorted next to him.
“I think I have to agree with that,” Ponds said, “But I’m vod piling with Rex.”
“Not me?” Wolffe growled immediately.
But Fox didn’t hear the rest of the argument, not as his eyes slid to the orange-colored commander next to him. Cody stroked his chin, a horrible habit he had gained from his general, and stared toward the ceiling. Gears seemed to come to life in his head as he thought before his hand dropped away and slapped against the table.
Everyone’s heads snapped to him, the argument between Wolffe and Ponds fading to the side as the oldest of their batch smirked.
“I figured it out.” Cody nodded. “Kill Fox, keldabe Wolffe, and vod pile with Rex.”
Despite the sting in his chest, the tightening at the back of his throat, Fox slipped under his mask. A smirk played across his lips and he leaned back against the booth, eyes flickering across all his brothers.
“Yeah, I’d kill me too.” Fox waved a hand, ignoring the churning in his stomach. “I’ll vod pile with you, Wolffe.”
Wolffe smirked, before immediately turning to Ponds. “See? Even Fox wants to vod pile with me!”
The argument between them grew again, but it felt like a buzzing at Fox’s ears as he reached back to grab his drink. He knocked back, trying to get rid of the pain pounding in his ribs and gut, trying to loosen the tightening of his throat.
His batchmates had pointed to kill him off, not even bothering to argue against it in any form. It flipped his stomach, even if it was just a game. A meaningless game, but yet it drove a stake through his heart.
But he understood it too, he really did.
Fox wasn’t like his batchmates. He didn’t fight on the front lines, he didn’t put his life on the line for his brothers staring down a battlefield filled with droids, and he certainly didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve like they did.
But more than that, he didn’t really deserve to be the one receiving a keldabe, or being trusted as a pile partner. He wasn’t as good of a commander as he should be, he didn’t save the lives of his men as much as his batchmates did, and he most certainly couldn’t explain the blood that he’d find on his hands when he woke up in the morning.
His batchmates were good men, and he knew he wasn’t.
It seemed like they knew it too.
The night ended shortly after that. His batchmates huddled together as they wobbled back to the GAR barracks, doing their best to make themselves look like a cohesive group of competent men. And they pulled it off well too, despite the tiredness that dragged at them and the drunken tilts of their vision.
But Fox walked another way, back to the headquarters of the Coruscant Guard, back to his tiny office with a desk overflowing with datapads and flimsiwork.
He sat at his desk, thought of the way his vode had pointed at him, and wondered if the pills stashed in the back of his drawer were worth it.
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sergeantgoggles · 1 year
Title: Magentic Ship: Huntech [Hunter/Tech] Rated: Explicit Summary: The beat of the music at 79s thrums like the beat of Hunter's heart, and the one banging the drum is none other than the man holding his heart in the first place. They're drawn to each other like magnets in the crowd. Warnings: NSFW, Nightclub, Grinding, Dry Humping, Public Sex, Bathroom Sex, Implied Crosshair/Mayday, Implied Bly/Keeli, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Cumming, Dirty Talk, Established Relationship, Top/Bottom Switch Dynamic, Alcohol, Drunk and Horny Word Count: 2400
For @eelfuneral
One shot. Two, three, four, fi…?
Hunter had lost count of how many tiny glasses of dune agave had slid smoothly down his throat, but it was enough to make his mind pleasantly fuzzy, and with nowhere to be tomorrow, he was going to take full advantage of the situation he found himself in. It wasn’t often that Clone Force 99 found themselves in a position to take some time off. They were special ops, used to save the skins of other battalions that were in over their heads. As luck would have it, however, they found themselves on Coruscant on a busy night where several squads have the whole night ahead of them. What better way to spend a night than forgetting about the war and getting lost in something else entirely?
He'd lost track of Wrecker and Crosshair some time ago, but he imagined they were chatting up some of the boys in sunshine gold from the 212th. Hunter himself found himself catching up with Captain Grey, but his eyes kept falling back to someone else across the bar. A lopsided grin turned his lips up as he watched his second-in-command. Tech wasn’t the type anyone would expect to be killer on the dancefloor, especially since most regs were too stiff to dance, but any way that he was able to express himself without words was easy for him, like coming into a second skin.
So, Hunter watched, and Hunter wanted. His eyes followed Tech’s hips as they hit every beat, swayed to the vibrating rhythm, rolled with the thick twi’lek accent from the bass heavy song that was booming through the speakers. It would normally bother Hunter and make his skin itch, but seven…eight…shots of dune agave was making it hard for him to feel anything but the desire to get his hands on those hips.
“Helloooo? Earth to Hunter!”
Fingers snapped in front of his face and Hunter was jolted back to the conversation. Grey smirked and laughed as he took a swig of whatever was cheap tonight.
“You’re down bad for him, vod,” Grey teased.
Hunter and Tech’s relationship wasn’t a new thing, but it wasn’t often that Hunter got to openly watch his partner let go. It was captivating.
“He makes a compelling argument,” Hunter joked in reference to the way Tech was moving to the music.
“Hard to say no when they look that good, right?” Grey followed his gaze and watched Tech as well, but Hunter nudged him with a friendly warning.
“You regs might be into sharing, but that one belongs to me.” Hunter took another shot, and now the world was blurry. He was going to have a hell of a time in the morning, but that was for Future Hunter to deal with. Present Hunter was about to go get his boy.
Grey laughed outright at that and saluted him. “Seems to me like you’re the one that belongs to him.”
The statement gave Hunter pause as he mulled it over, and yeah, he most certainly did belong to Tech. He would bend the galaxy in half if it was within his power to give Tech what he wanted, and there was nothing that he intended to change about that. Was it dangerous considering their line of work? Sure, but they all knew the risks of having a deep, intimate relationship during a seemingly endless war, and it was one they were willing to take. A sliver of something that belonged to them at the end of the day when there were times of dark hopelessness was exactly what they needed. Hunter and Tech were no exception.
“And that’s not something I’m gonna take for granted,” came Hunter’s reply finally. He slammed down his shot glass and threw a substantial number of credits on the bar next to it. “See you around, Captain.”
As Hunter clapped Grey on the shoulder he fixed his eyes on his prize – the man with the tantalizing hips and the sweet smile. He moved through the crowd like a man hypnotized, drawn in by the back and forth motion of Tech’s body as he danced to the rhythm like the beat of his own heart. One falsely confident step after another Hunter followed the trail of the scent Tech was giving off. There was a mix of his own aroma, electricity and something spicy, and a hint of something Hunter knew as arousal. 
Others seemed to part for him now, sensing that he had a specific destination. Music raced through his veins like the high of spice and his boots fell in time with the bass as he crossed the dancefloor. Tech’s gaze fell on him and a thrill raced up Hunter’s spine when he was beckoned closer still with the crook of his finger. 
Like a magnet they came together, Hunter’s hands latching onto Tech’s hips as Tech pressed his palms to Hunter’s chest. Hunter wouldn’t ever consider himself a dancer. It wasn’t something that spoke to him the way that it spoke to his partner, but he did consider himself fluent in Tech’s body. That was a language he knew by heart, so falling into place with him and into the synths and snares was as easy as falling into bed with him. 
Instantly, Hunter was glued to him, mesmerized by the way their legs slotted together and they slid together to each rise and fall of the beat. Already Hunter was thinking about what he was going to do with this man’s body. Take him back to the Marauder and get him naked? Take him in the pilot’s seat? Spring for a hotel for the night and make him scream his name all night long? Put him against the wall right in that back corner…?
Hunter moaned as he felt Tech thread his fingers through his hair and draw him into an easy, heated kiss. A different taste of alcohol hit his taste buds as their tongues clashed teasingly, something sweet and sticky, and he wondered briefly if Tech himself would taste so delectable. He filed that away for later. For now, however, Tech was grinding on his thigh and Hunter could feel the hard line of his erection desperate for attention. Groaning low in his throat, he pulled back from their kiss and rumbled against the shell of his ear. 
“How long have you been hard, baby?” He asked and slid his hands lower to dig his fingertips into the plush cheeks of Tech’s ass. 
For the first time that night Hunter noticed that perhaps the flush on Tech’s cheekbones was from arousal as opposed to the dancing. More than likely it was both, but from the way Tech arched, he concluded that his arousal had started taking the forefront a while ago. 
“Approximately forty-eight minutes and twenty-seven seconds,” Tech answered, “and I do not think I will make it back to the ship without some kind of relief.” 
Maybe it was the haze of alcohol buzzing through his veins, or maybe Hunter’s own horny brain took over. Whatever the answer, he had a solution. In hindsight, it wasn’t ideal, but it was going to take the edge off and hopefully get them back to the ship to properly fuck. He moved and took Tech’s hand in his own. “With me.” 
Tech followed without hesitation, giving his complete trust and faith in his sergeant. They passed Grey again, who gave them a knowing smirk, and Hunter caught Crosshair’s eyes from the other side of the bar. Silent communication passed between them as Crosshair nodded. He’d keep an eye on things while Hunter and Tech took care of business. He looked to be engrossed in conversation with Waxer while Wrecker, Boil, and Wooley were playing some drinking game that involved rings and hooks. 
As they cut through the crowd Hunter could feel Tech on his heels, could smell the need wafting from his skin, could still taste the sweet drink from their kiss on his tongue. Everything was driving him wild in the best ways. Unceremoniously, he pushed the door to the fresher open, coming face-to-face with a few vod who seemed to have a similar idea as him. They exchanged knowing smirks, and the one with yellow tattoos on his cheeks had his partner begging for more as Hunter at least had the decency to slide into a stall, tugging Tech in with him. 
“This is hardly sanitary,” Tech commented with a tipsy giggle when Hunter crowded back against the door and latched onto his neck, lips quick to make a mark into his salty skin. 
“Do you want sanitary, or do you want to cum?” Hunter questioned as he rucked Tech’s shirt up his chest, not taking it off, but enough for him to run his fingers over the taut abs that were now exposed. 
Tech moaned and dug his fingers back into Hunter’s hair with one hand. The other trailed pulled at Hunter’s belt, clumsily loosening it and fumbling with the button and zipper of tight jeans until finally reaching what he wanted. 
“Shit, Tech!” Hunter jerked and pressed his own erection into Tech’s grasp. Desperation pushed through the pleasant alcohol haze and he mimicked Tech’s motions, pulling him free to get both hands on him. His lips curled upwards as he chuckled into his neck. “You have been hard for a while. Surprised you haven’t leaked all over your pants yet with how damp your cock is for me.” 
Whatever retort had been on Tech’s tongue died with the moan that rang from his throat as Hunter pumped him steadily, smearing the gathered fluid over his shaft. He arched and gasped into every tiny movement, clearly oversensitive. Hunter understood. This was going to be quick, and that was fine with him. As long as it took off the edge they could make it wherever Tech wanted to go. He’d do anything, go anywhere, give him the galaxy…
“Gonna kriff you so hard when we get to the Marauder,” Hunter purred and sucked another mark into Tech’s neck. 
A soft, confident chuckle vibrated against his ear, and Hunter shivered as the hand Tech had in his hair pulled, tugging him from his neck before he gripped his chin. “You are so very sure that you are going to be the one in a position of dominance tonight.”
Hunter gasped, and Tech took the opportunity to press the pad of his thumb against his tongue. Instinctively, Hunter closed his lips around the digit and sucked. Saliva coated Tech’s thumb as Hunter treated it as he would his cock with lewd, messy slurping. 
“Perhaps,” Tech continued, “I will be the one in charge. I could bend you over the console, bounce you on my cock, or you could ride me in the pilot seat for anyone passing by to see.” 
The mental images that Tech was painting had Hunter purring around his thumb. Yes, he wanted that, all of it, whatever Tech wanted as long as they were together. 
“You would be so good for me, would you not?” Tech hummed. 
A loud, needy moan fell from Hunter’s lips then as Tech twisted his wrist and jerked his cock faster. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be so good for you, Ace.” 
Another chuckle tacked onto a moan before Tech claimed Hunter’s kiss-swollen lips. “I know you will. You are always such a good boy for me.” 
“Teeeeccchhh!” Hunter whined and fucked into Tech’s tightened hand. “Kriff, I need you.” 
“Soon,” Tech promised into another kiss. “Cum with me, Hunter. I am close.” 
Hunter nodded and panted against Tech’s lips as he worked both of his hands up and down Tech’s length, feeling him draw and and go rigid the closer to the edge he got. On the other side of the door, Hunter could make out the sound of the other two clones they had barged in on coming undone for one another as presumably the one with yellow tattoos finishes inside of his vod, skin halting on skin. 
“H-Hunter…!” Tech cried out as cum splashed between them. His jaw dropped and his thighs quivered as he chased his orgasm. Within seconds, Hunter followed, Tech’s name dancing on his tongue the same way this man had managed to dance his way into his heart. They held fast to one another as their highs washed over them. The bass from the music on the other side of the wall pounded like the beating of their hearts, syncopated. 
After a few moments, they hear the other two vods clean up and leave, and Hunter shakily reaches for a towel to wipe the splatter from the clothes. There was no way they would be able to really hide what they had been up to, but that was fine with him. Let their clothes advertise what they were leaving to do after this. Hunter was happy to display that Tech was the one that got him so worked up to cum all over himself. 
“Alright?” Tech asked, combing his clean hand through Hunter’s hair. 
“I’m good,” Hunter chuckled, and he leaned heavily into Tech’s chest. They jumped when the fresher door opened again and another pair of drunk vod came in with again the same idea as them. Hunter was beginning to realize that his brilliant idea was just standard for the Regs. Go figure. 
“Shall we head back? We should probably clear the stall so others can…” As Tech trailed off the heard one of the other clones moan, and it was distinctly a voice they both recognized. Quietly, Hunter opened the stall door and peeked, and he immediately closed it again. 
“Is that Crosshair?” Tech questioned incredulously. Crosshair had been known to hookup with others from time to time, but almost never with a Reg. 
“Looks like Commander Mayday,” Hunter replied as he zipped himself back up and got Tech straightened up. “Let’s get going before we hear more than we intend to.” 
“Agreed.” Tech took Hunter’s hand in his own and led him this time, through the bathroom door and just fast enough that they only saw what looked to be Crosshair on his knees. As they tumbled out of the fresher they laughed as they fell into one another. “Let us go back to the ship. I believe I owe you a ride.” 
Hunter couldn’t be more happy to follow orders. 
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request: may I request some fluff that turns into soft smut with captain Keeli then? 😇 ~ @rex-meshla
summary: After Captain Keeli returns from a very long mission, his beloved girlfriend shows him that he deserves all the love she can give him.
pairing: Captain Keeli x Reader
warnings: angsty beginning, flufff, smut - oral, fingering, unprotected sex, riding, cockwarming
words: 1332
a/n: I hope you like it because I‘m unsure about it 👉🏻👈🏻
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One month. One whole month without her beloved Captain. Every day is the same and nothing makes her happy anymore. Worry is the only emotion filling (Y/n)s heart. Is Keeli alright? Is he injured? Is he safe?
So like every other day (Y/n) is sitting on her couch, holding a book in her hands but not actually reading it. The tea on the table in front of her is long forgotten and cold. The blanket around her shoulders does nothing to calm her raging thoughts.
Then there is a knock at her door which makes (Y/n) jump from her couch and run to it. Keeli told her to always check who is awaiting her outside but one month without her beloved clone made (Y/n) slightly careless.
Relief fills (Y/n)s mind the moment she opens the door and Captain Keeli stands in front of her, with his helmet under one arm and a huge smile on his lips. Not one second passes before (Y/n) throws herself happily against her lover - her arms as well as legs wrapped around his strong body.
“Kee“, she breathes his nickname over and over again. The Captain takes a few steps inside her apartment and closes the door behind them with his boot. (Y/n) moves her face from the clones neck to look him in the beautiful golden eyes.
“I missed you very much“, (Y/n) admits with tearful eyes and places a hand on Keelis cheek, caressing it with her thumb.
“And I missed you“, Keeli returns with a smile and kisses his lovers palm. He sets down his painted helmet on the table where (Y/n)s book lays forgotten. Now he can place both his hands on his girlfriend and hold her closer.
“How are you? Are you injured? How was the mission? Is everyone alright? Why did it take so long?“, (Y/n) starts to ask every single questions she had for the last month. She knows Keeli might get overwhelmed by them so she covers her mouth with one of her hands and places her feet back on the floor.
“It‘s okay, cyar‘ika! I can tell you everything you need to know tomorrow. Now I just want to be with you“, Keeli assures his love and removes a strand of hair out of her face. The Captain places a lovely kiss on (Y/n)s forehead, before pushing her back on the couch.
Slowly, the clone starts to take off his armor and places each part next to his helmet. After some time he is only in his blacks and kneels in front of his beloved (Y/n).
“I need you, Kee.“
That’s what makes the clone press his lips against hers. Then he moves his arms under her armpits and lifts his love from the couch to carry her to their shared bedroom - all of that without breaking their kiss.
In there Keeli sits (Y/n) on their bed and reluctantly parts from her, his lips already longing for hers. The Captain takes off the top of his blacks. The sweetest giggle he ever heard, reaches Keelis ears as he throws the shirt away and climbs on the bed to continue showing (Y/n) how much he loves her.
They meet in the middle of the bed and kiss like two lovers that finally reunited. (Y/n) leans forward and takes a seat on her Captains lap, crossing her arms behind his neck and deepening their kiss.
Keelis hands wander all over his lovers body and pull at the oversized shirt she is wearing. At last they find their way under the shirt, brush over the soft flesh of (Y/n)s stomach and then massage her breasts. All of that makes (Y/n) shiver.
“Oh how I missed those“, Keeli sighs happily as (Y/n) is kissing along his neck and nibbling at his earlobe. She stops the moment her lover speaks.
“Should I leave you three alone?“, she asks with an unimpressed expression but the next second both Keeli and (Y/n) start laughing. The Captain watches his lover in full happiness and kisses her once again - but much hungrier this time.
(Y/n) starts grinding her lower part against Keelis already hard groin, still covered with his black. He can feel her warmth against his skin.
And then (Y/n) takes off her shirt and shows her naked body to her lover. Keelis smile gets wider and he almost jumps forward to worship her whole body. Thereby (Y/n) falls backwards and her face gets caged inbetween her lovers strong arms. The Captain presses a short kiss to her lips and then kisses all over her body to her thighs. There he takes off her panties with his teeth.
A loud moan comes over (Y/n)s lips as her beloved clone kisses her clit and his skilled fingers caress her pussy. His beard scratches the sides of her thighs but that means only more pleasure. (Y/n) is already wet because of Keelis lovely touches. So it‘s easy for the clone to insert a finger and he immediately knows that she is ready for him.
Keeli removes his finger carefully and makes (Y/n) whine from the loss. With one last kiss to her pussy, Keeli crawls back over his love and places a hand under (Y/n)s chin. His thumb strokes over lower lip.
“Ready?“ After all this time Keeli asks (Y/n) for an affirmation because the last he wants is to hurt her in some kind of way.
(Y/n) pushes Keeli into a kneeling position and frees him from his pants. His hard cock slaps against his defined stomach. Right away she reaches for his length and starts stroking it but Keeli stops her with a hand around her wrist.
“I want to be inside you, cyar‘ika“, he admits silently and (Y/n) quickly straddles his lap. Their naked crotches meet and both moan in pleasure. Keelis cock brushes against her folds and then (Y/n) sits fully down, pushing Keelis hard member inside her pussy.
For some time they stay just like this, Keeli deep inside his love and (Y/n) shaking of desire. For one moment the only thing that matters is that they are back together and as close as possible.
Keelis hands wander to (Y/n)s ass and he helps her move up and down on his cock. Their hips slap against each other with obscene sounds. The females fingers scratch at the clones back which will probably lead to red marks tomorrow. They fall into a passionate rhythm.
There is a coil forming inside (Y/n)s stomach and Keeli feels she is close because her pussy is clamping around his cock. So he starts playing with her clit. And when he meets one certain spot inside her, he can feel her orgasm.
(Y/n) moans and even bites Keelis shoulder in pleasure. Her orgasm triggers his own and the clone feels himself coming inside her. There is no risk in that because (Y/n) has an implant.
Afterwards the only sound echoing through the room is heavy breathing. Their heads are laying on the others shoulder. Keeli caresses (Y/n)s back making her shiver and that reminds her how cold it is inside their bedroom. She wants to get a blanket but her clone boyfriend stops her.
“C-Can I stay inside you?“, Keeli stutters and a blush forms on his bearded cheeks. He lowers his gaze but (Y/n) makes him look up by placing a hand on his cheek.
“Sure, Kee“, she whispers and together they lay down - with (Y/n) laying on top of the Captain. He covers them with the blanket he can reach and wraps his arms around his lover. This position is nothing new because after almost every mission Keeli wants to stay as close as possible, but nevertheless he seems to be ashamed of wanting this deep physical affection.
“I love you so much“, (Y/n) breathes before she falls asleep in the presence of her beloved Captain and with very happy thoughts. Keeli looks down at his love and smiles.
He is home.
star wars taglist: @shadowfoxey @luvzoria​ @remmyswritings@periwinklehoney @maximumcoffeeme
clone wars taglist: @skippyhopperwisdom
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
(Clone Wars) Captain Keeli x Reader: Suprise
(OG Request: Captain Keeli from TCW, yes haha
Warnings: FLUFF
Lemme just say that Captain Keeli is PRECIOUS.  One episode this man got, but it’s amazing.)
   Darkness surrounded you in the hallway as you pulled out the datapad that held your apartment keycode.  You stole a few glances over your shoulder warily.  The apartment did not quite feel like home yet.  You knew that on the other side of the door there were still boxes scattered about.  One of your goals was to get more unpacking done to help along the process of getting settled.  All that aside, Coruscant was not the safest place either.  Even the upper levels had its dangers as it was a hotspot for politics.  Time would tell if you could truly feel at home in your new place.
   Something that sounded a lot like glass crashed, and you jumped.  Had that come from inside the apartment or your neighbor’s?  You pressed your ear to the door, but didn’t hear anything else.  Just in case, you grabbed a handheld can of pepper spray to ward off attackers from your bag.  It was a gift from someone in particular to help keep you safe when he was away.  Even in the situation, you felt a jolt of sorrow as you held it in your hand.  You wished he was there…  He was the reason you had moved to your new place after all.  His battalion spent time in the area fairly often.
   But he wasn’t there.  Seeing that your blaster was kept tucked away in a case in your bedroom, the pepper spray would have to do at the moment.  Besides, you hadn’t heard anything else, so you began to think that maybe it was the neighbors.  Nonetheless, you entered the apartment with pepper spray aimed straight ahead after you typed in the keycode. 
   “_________?” Keeli was kneeled down sweeping up a pile of shattered glass off the floor.  He was in a t-shirt and sweats that he usually wore on downtime or training in the gym.  You were in disbelief as he set the dustpan down and rose to stand.
   “Keeli?” you cried, throwing the pepper spray into your bag.  He was really there.  “I thought you were an intruder!  I almost pepper-sprayed you!”  You threw yourself against his armored chest and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
   “Well, I suppose I would’ve deserved it,” he chuckled and locked you in the embrace, resting his forehead against your neck.  “I didn’t announce my presence, and I broke one of your bowls.”
   You pulled away slightly, vision blurring from the tears that sat precariously behind your lids.  “What happened?”
   He ran his thumb along your jaw affectionately, gazing into your eyes as if he was memorizing every detail all over again.  “General Di was summoned back by the Jedi Council, so the boys are getting a little time off on Coruscant.  I wanted to surprise you by having dinner ready when you got home, but...I’m already off to a rough start.”  He nodded to the pile of shards that remained glittering on the floor.  “Sorry about that.  I’ll get you a new one.”
   “I don’t care about the bowl,” you shook your head.  “I’m just- I’m so happy you’re here.”  You leaned in to kiss him tenderly, almost shy because of how long it’d been.  His lips were warm and featherly light, mirroring your tenderness at first, as he tugged you closer.  Your hands ran over his cropped hair, tracing the design briefly as he sighed.  Before long you separated, both breathless and smiling.
   “Missed you,” he said.
   “Missed you,” you echoed, kissing his cheek.  Both of you looked down at the broken remains of what once was a cooking bowl.  He pulled away and finished sweeping them.
   “I’d still like to make you dinner,” he told you as he deposited the mess into the trash bin.
   “How about we make it together?  It’ll be fun.”
   He smiled.  “Alright.”
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Telling His Story
99 had seen a lot of weird stuff on maintenance.
The gaggles of lost cadets, the messes of questionable origin, the problems that the Kaminoans hid but had to call him to fix. He’d seen everything from tears to bodily fluids to towers of ration bars built by enterprising vod’ike to blaster marks on the training droids that formed symbols he preferred not to think about.
And every day, he woke with a smile, cataloguing the day’s oddities like a mental journal. Idiosyncrasies crossed the pristine hallways, if you knew them well enough - if you cared well enough - to look.
99 liked to think that he did. He was used to seeing variation where others found only uniformity. Everything had an identity, and every identity deserved to be respected.
That was why, he thought, his scores and scores of vod’ike gravitated towards him. Even if they strove to be the exact opposite of what he was, he was rarely the object of anyone’s derision. Sometimes they came for comfort, sometimes for a solution, sometimes for something they couldn’t seem to name. But maybe, maybe, it meant that he had something to teach them after all.
The young cadets certainly seemed to think so; as long as he could remember, they had asked him for stories, begging with the same pleading glint in their eyes and bounce through their toes. At first, he would tell them that he didn’t have any. Not that they wanted to hear, anyway - he wasn’t a warrior, didn’t storm battlefields or charge through grand adventures. And that was what they were looking for, wasn’t it?
“But you know everyone,” one frustrated vod’ika had complained.
And he did. 99 never forgot the names of his brothers, not those who traveled to faraway systems, not those who walked on faraway stars. Driven, self-sacrificing Rex, analytical, thoughtful Cody, hard-shelled Wolffe, brisk Fox. He remembered the faces of the Generation Ones who never came back from Geonosis. He remembered the brave, the questioning, those who knew themselves and those who were still trying to find their own minds.
“Have I told you about Captain Keeli yet? No? Well. He is one of the gentlest of us all, courageous and kind. Now, when he was a cadet….”
“Captain Howzer. He’s noble. Empathetic. But you should have seen him with his batchmates, now that was a spirited unit….”
“His name is Waxer. You remember when I talked about Boil, well, you should see how well those two understand each other. I remember when they came back before they went to ARF training….”
99 was made of memories, of the stories in each of his brothers’ eyes.
And one day, one day that had been unusually normal so far, 99 sat down with the Squall Squad, pulling one of the yet-unnamed vod’ike into his lap.
A pair of deep brown eyes peeked around the corner, capped off by a blond mop of hair.
99 remembered all of his brothers. He remembered their smiles, their mannerisms, the disasters that trailed in their wakes and the innocent, gleaming, stupid-happy joy they carried with them. He remembered all of them, thousands piling on thousands, each one with something of their own that identified them to the world.
And then he had a sister, too.
Happy Clonetober day 4! Today's prompt was Commander Gree/Maintenance (guess which one I chose). Please pop over to @clonetober for the full list of prompts and additional info.
(The clones weren't exactly a mature group, so poor 99 definitely found ~inappropriate~ symbols blasted into the training droids and assorted surfaces. It's the truth.)
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libradusk · 4 years
What about something about Keeli? Smut, fluff whatever...i feel the need of something about my loyal and sweet boy. (If u choose for smut maybe...making him a bit of a sub?)
Let’s get this party started baby.
Keeli smut under the cut, let’s spoil him.
“Good boy.”
The words slip salaciously past your lips as you detach them from his pulse point, cocked into a smirk and swollen with intent.
“My good, obedient Captain.”
Beneath you, the length of Keeli’s neck glistens with the evidence of your affections, jugular christened and blooming with the beginning of a newly-born bruise - the sight of it reminds you of a hot, freshly pressed wax seal on a love letter’s envelope.
But there's still so much more that you long to write across his skin before you can allow him to fold beneath your fingers.
You run them down his chest now as you pull back to loom over him, the heat rising from
between your bodies in such thick ribbons that you’re positive you could reach out and chase it through your digits like vapour. His abdomen flexes as you finally graze across it, and ever so slightly, his torso lifts to chase the warmth of your touch as though the reaction comes as naturally to him as breathing.
But still, he behaves himself, slumping backwards on the tail of his next breath, knuckles kissing the headboard of your bed as his hands lay compliantly still atop the pillows. You hadn’t even had a chance to properly restrain him yet - but his body had fallen into a familiar dance the same moment you’d both stumbled into bed together.
The trust in his heavy gaze has your head spinning just as much as the unfiltered desire that smoulders alongside it.
He’s so good that you can’t help but want to spoil him, just a little more.
The captain’s burning eyes follow your path as you come to a rest upon his thighs. Despite the moments of weakness that occasionally crack his disciplined resolve, he always appears so at peace beneath you. Tonight is no different, with the fire licking at his expression cooling slightly to an intimate simmer as you reach out to gently stroke your fingers across his stubbled jaw in a gesture that drips with pure affection.
Maker do you adore this man with every fibre of your being.
He’s at once the sharpest, but softest being you have ever touched - like gravel layered with velvet - so sharply focused at all times, that initially you feared simply brushing past him would cut you to ribbons. How glad you were to be proved wrong time and time again, as gradually, fate wound you closer together until you were finally able to crack into that gilded core of his.
Those dark eyes plead with you now. Whether it's for you to move and put him out of his misery, or begging you not to stop twisting his heart further around your finger, you’re unsure. But still, you smile all the same as you begin to slowly, tortuously, grind down against him.
He’s hot, heavy and slick between your thighs as you tease him against the heat of your entrance. The head of his cock dripping onto the defined stretch of his stomach with how desperately his body calls out to you.
But still, his voice remains silent. Trained, steady breaths the only thing to leave his throat despite the evident throb that pulses through the entirety of him - one that threatens to tie his heart in knots in its wake. You can practically feel it humming across each cord of muscle as he struggles to hold himself together.
He’s just so good - and you tell him so again, gasping it out now against the fresh love bites painting his neck as you finally sink down on him until your hips sit plush together.
Keeli cries out for you at last, the sound of his voice deliciously broken as he keens into your open mouth.
You can taste the beat of his heart on your tongue. 
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captainrexisboo · 4 years
Oh, to be pinned against the wall wearing nothing but his helmet, as his still gloved hands keeping your legs spread open for him. His mouth makes bruising marks all over the top of your chest and collarbone, your hands gripping hard as they can on the ridges of his battle worn armor without actually taking it off. After all, you don’t want to disobey direct orders just yet.
I swear he could make a mess out of me without removing anything properly.
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
You know, I told myself I wasn't going to send you more prompts for a while, to give you a break from me, but then you reblogged those "I'll keep you safe" prompts and I caved 😮‍💨 They make me feral.
I'm keeping these simple, though, just a clone and a prompt, and I'll let your imagination do the rest.
To start us off, let's go with...
Keeli and, "I can stay the night, y'know? If it'd make you feel better."
Please and thank you (and I'll be back)
Summary: When news of Palpatine's plot for the clones and the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy is revealed live, you, understandable, break down. Fortunately, you have a doting boyfriend.
Pairing: Captain Keeli x Reader
Word Count: 747
Warnings: Reader is not having a good day
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: It's so nice to know that my evil plan to make people interact with me worked, lol
Divider by Saradika
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You press a shaking hand over your mouth, your gaze locked on the holo. You watch, in horrified silence, as Palpatine confesses all of his crimes to Generals Kenobi and Windu. 
Tears fill your eyes as Palpatine tells the galaxy about the chips that were installed in the clones' heads, chips that would strip them of their free will. Chips that he planned to use to force the clones to murder the jedi. 
The tears roll down your face as you listen to him boast about how he’s pulling the strings on both sides of the war.
It’s almost a relief when the holofeed cuts out. And you wonder if it was the news channel who cut the feed, or if it was the Jedi who didn’t want the galaxy to watch as they gave Palpatine what he deserves.
At the same time, you don’t care.
Your heart hurts, and you can’t seem to stop the sobs from slipping from your lips. 
You start when you hear the garage door open, and you scramble to your feet when you hear the family heavy footsteps of Keeli. You press your hand over your mouth to stifle your sobs, not wanting to worry him, but you’re unable to stop the tears from falling. 
You listen to the sound of his armor getting set on the floor, because he hates wearing his armor in your house, and then Keeli turns the corner and steps into the kitchen. And he stops as soon as he sees you.
And you see a bandage on his temple and a fresh wave of tears washes over you. “Keel-” You’re unable to finish his name as a sob falls from you.
Something rueful crosses Keeli’s face, and he crosses the room and several large steps, “Oh, my cyare.” He whispers as he pulls you into his arms, and presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I take it you heard then?”
You press your face against him, and nod, “News.”
He very gently pushes you back, and he reaches up to cup your cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe the tears off your face, “Hey, I’m okay.” Keeli whispers.
“He…” You choke down a sob, “He was going to take you from me.” 
“He was. But he failed, cyare.” Keeli keeps his voice soft, “He failed and no one will ever be able to take me from you now.” He reaches down and takes one of your hands, and presses it, very lightly, against the bacta patch on the side of his head, “My chip was removed. I insisted on it before I came here.”
You shake your head, “Can’t stop crying.” You say through your tears.
And Keeli smiles, “That’s okay. Come here,” He folds his arms around you and lays his cheek on the top of your head, “Go ahead and cry, cyare.”
And, as if that was all the permission you needed, you dissolve into a fresh wave of tears. Your hands curl into fists against his chest as you cling to Keeli as though he’s your only lifeline. 
You feel Keeli kiss the top of your head, his grip around you tight and comforting. And, as you hear his heartbeat, strong and steady, you slowly start to calm down. “There we go,” Keeli’s voice is low and soothing, “Are you feeling better?”
You sniff, “Little bit.”
“Would you like me to order pizza so we can just cuddle and watch something cute?” He asks.
You nod, once, but you refuse to let him go.
Keeli looks down at the top of your head for a moment, “Cyare,” He pauses, and then he smiles, “I can stay the night, y’know? If it’d make you feel better.”
You blink and look up at him, surprised. He’s never agreed to stay the night before, preferring to take your relationship slow. And you love that about him. “You don’t have to,” You whisper.
“Would you feel better if I did?” Keeli asks.
You slowly, and hesitantly, nod. “Always want you to stay.” You admit.
He smiles at you, “Honestly, I always want to stay.”
You stand on your toes and brush your lips against his, “Then stay.” You whisper. 
“Gladly,” He replies, and then his lips are pressed against yours in a deep kiss, and his arms are tightening around you, as though he never wants to let you go.
Which is fine with you. You never want him to let go either.
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the-lady-of-stars · 4 years
I’m gonna do some lil drabbles to get motivated to write bigger stuff so please send em in through the ask box!!! Just stuff like ‘what do you think captain Rex would be like as a dad’ etc.. also I would not be mad about some angsty ones as that seems to be my specialty so... send in some fluff or angst 😎😎
Characters I write for are...
💜 Rex 💜 Keeli 💜 Fives 💜 Jesse 💜 Echo 💜 Kix 💜 Tup 💜 Dogma 💜 Hardcase 💜 Wolffe 💜 Boost 💜 Sinker 💜 Boil 💜 Waxer 💜 Cody 💜 Fox 💜 Thire 💜 Hound 💜 Gregor 💜 Hunter 💜 Wrecker 💜 Tech 💜 Crosshair 💜 Plo Koon 💜 Kit Fisto 💜 Obi-Wan Kenobi 💜 Darth Maul 💜 Savage Opress 💜
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
hey guess who’s gonna start writing for captain keeli? this bitch
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kriffingunlucky · 5 years
Alright! For your valentine special can I please have captain keeli. And the phrase "do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I have to walk by again?" Please and thank you!
Yes of course! It’s perfect! :D and sorry it’s late, life has a way of getting busy at the worst times. This got s o long and I totally messed up your concept but- yeah I have no excuses. It’s bad but was fun. :’)
Adjusting your soft brown Jedi robes, as you stroll onto the bridge of the ship. Where your Master and Captain were waiting. Smiling at some technicians and giving a soft wave, they grin back. Some of them greeting you by name, some, just nodding.
Stepping beside the Captain you glance towards him, eyes grazing over his handsome features you swallow down the lump that formed in your throat. The starlight making his eyes sparkle more than they usually do, somehow, he was so much more beautiful in this lighting. His skin radiating soft colors, his sharp features softened, his expression calm and if you dare say, soft.
Keeli looks over to you, giving you a firm nod of acknowledgement.
“Good morning, Captain Kiwi.” You grin and lean towards him, tilting your head. Keeping the eye contact that you’d gained, your (e/c) orbs never leaving his deep amber ones. Your face falters slightly, awe sneaking it’s way into your expression, but you quickly push that away.
“Commander, (L/n).” He sighs, shaking his head slightly as he tears his eyes from yours. You’d learned to read his expressions very well, so you knew he was entertained by your nickname. Staring back out of the glass panel. The soft purples and blue from the atmosphere of the planet shining in his eyes.
That warm feeling begins to burst in your chest again, making a sweet smile of admiration spread across your face, unknowingly. You look back out of the window, deep in thought.
These feelings had been chasing you for weeks, nipping at the back of your mind every time you see him. But when he’s close. When he’s close or you two are alone your heart beats so fast, slamming against your rib cage, you knew you shouldn’t feel thrilled when you’re alone but you couldn’t help it. Your eyes always seemed to linger on him longer, trail across him without limits, your thoughts would stray to things that the Jedi council would ban.
He was just so beautiful though.
You couldn’t help but imagine the love you wished to give him. Your lips against his, how warm that would be. Would his scruff, that he seemed to neglect to shave, tickle your face? Would it be soft? How would his hands feel roaming your body? How much you’d adore to have his body against yours. And not just in a sexual way. To keep him close, to keep him safe. How could you not imagine yourself with him?
He makes you happy.
It was something that you didn’t truly feel often.
“(Y/n)?” Ima-Gun addresses you, looking at you from the other side of your beloved Captain. His eyes curiously noting your look of surprise.
“Oh.” You blink a couple times, chuckling and rubbing the back of your neck. Hoping your face hadn’t gained color from the mistake you made, you swallow nervously. “Yes, Master?”
“You had zoned out and missed what our Captain had said to you.” He laughs lightheartedly, “You must pay more attention to the present, my padawan.”
“Sorry, Master.” You lower your head, mentally beginning to scold yourself. You could usually keep those thoughts at bay until at least the end of the day.
“It is okay.” The alien man shakes his head with a smile, letting out a breath through his nose as he turns and walks away. “I will be heading to the mess hall to eat. Join me when you can.”
Silence fell between the two of you once your Master left.
Still distracted by your own scolding, you huff. Shoulders dropping as you look at your feet. I need to shake these feelings, or, just confront him. How the hell am I supposed to do that though?? I can’t do anything seriously around him.
“Care to go eat?” Keeli looks at you, curiosity pricking his mind at your quiet behavior. That is nothing like how you usually act.
Looking up to him quickly, your face is back to it’s usual grin. You skip a little as you two begin walking to get breakfast. “Sure, sorry for zoning out like that!”
“It’s alright, (N/n).”
Keeli only got this comfortable, to where he could call you by the nickname he’d made up, without Ima-Gun Di around. Not that he didn’t trust him, but it’s more that neither of you wanted to get in trouble for some unknown reason. Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments, and as much as you knew that your Master had gotten attached to the clones as well, he’d still scold you for it. He would also scold Keeli, you had no doubts about it. He has suspected your feelings towards the Captain since that one time where you and him had fallen..
“Something wrong?” The burgundy armored clone furrows his brows.
Realizing that your face flared up in a bright red color you groan and shake your head. “No, no nothing wrong.” You smile. “Thanks for asking though.”
He just hums and you both continue walking in silence, you starting to think again. Determination setting in. You saw the opportunity and bound forward to take it. You run towards the metal door that led to the large eating room, opening it and grinning. “Sir.”
Keeli walking by with a smile on his lips. “Thank-”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, Captain? Or must you walk by again?” You smile mischievously at him, your (e/c) sparkling with a flicker of hope.
His heart stops and so do his feet, mind blank and mouth opened partially. He couldn’t force much out at this point. Did she seriously just do that? He swallows hard. How could he respond, really? When such a beautiful woman as yourself flirts with him in such a major way. But that look in those gorgeous eyes of yours, that confirmed his thoughts. He knew what he was going to do.
He shouldn’t do this.
But kriffing hells, he’s sure going to anyway.
A smile graces his features, pushing himself forward quickly he takes your face with both of his hands and smashes his lips against yours. Kissing you lovingly.
You were surprised by this, but it wasn’t unwelcome at all. You accept the kiss hungrily. His lips moving in time with yours, his large hands moving to your hips as you run yours up his broad chest. Lovingly taking his face then moving to the back of his head, trailing your fingers over his buzzcut. Backing yourselves against the wall, the door to the mess hall closes.
You two moving was the last thing that the people inside of the hall saw, before hearing this and your laughter getting quieter as he carried you away. “You’ve known me for three karking years, that was such a stupid pickup line.”
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Ok, just imagine this... Clone simps in the Star Wars universe.
It starts out small, just someone making a comment on Space-tagram, wondering what the troopers look like without helmets.
This is followed up by the op with a picture of one of the Corrie Guards without his helmet on, and a comment reading "oh no he's hot!"
(Yes star wars has their version of sponge bob.)
The picture floats around the internet and soon there's a few fan accounts dedicated to finding out more about this mysterious, and good-looking army of men, who showed up basically out of nowhere. (You know, for the fans people)
Months go by, and people start to figure out their names and numbers.
Commanders and commandos are usually the favorites, but Captains Rex, Howzer, and Keeli have become quite popular, as well as some of the arc troopers.
The Jedi council and senate are aware of what's going on but they see it as harmless.
In fact its the only positive publicity that the clones get thats not from the government.
-and then shit gets crazy.
Someone manages to get a picture of Aayla and Bly standing a little to close to one another.
"R they dating?!" "No! Bly is mine!😠" & "They make such a cute couple" are just a few of the comments.
Another person gets a photo of Plo Koon talking to the wolf pack and posts it with the following caption-
"Oh my force! He's such a good dad. Go Wolf Pack🐺"
There's also a five second video of Cody handing Obi-Wan his lightsaber.
The clone simps loose their minds over this. You'd think that he handed him a wedding ring from the way they go on about it.
Part 2 cause I couldn't resist.
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ariadnes-red-thread · 2 years
Shadows of Ryloth
Summary: As the end nears, Master Di reflects and confronts his Captain about secrets poorly kept
Pairing: Keeli x Fem!OC (unnamed)
Warnings/Tags: Angst, Canon Character Deaths (implied)... otherwise none. I controlled myself this time.
Word Count: 785
A/N: Trying to fix my writer’s block with a little one-shot/drabble AU if Master Di had a padawan and she and the prettiest clone fell in love. NO Master/Padawan. All love between Di and the reader is familial. 
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Master Di had feigned ignorance for months now. He pretended he didn’t see the first moment that they had locked eyes and he just kept pretending after that. Maybe he should have intervened right away but the war pulled his attention from his Padawan. After all, she was nearly ready for her trials and had proved herself time and time again. He assumed the diliances of youth would fade as time went on. So he ignored it. Now though, he couldn’t pretend anymore. His Padawan and his commanding officer were embracing right in front of him. 
They were pressed against the shadows of the rocky terrain, oblivious to any eyes watching from the darkness of the night. It was a well hidden spot. Only someone who hadn’t been able to sleep and walked far from camp, perhaps to ease his own troubled mind, would have stumbled upon them. Unfortunately, that meant that Master Di watched as his padawan wept and Keeli pulled her into his arms.
“I don’t want to go.” She let out a small sob into his chest. “Not without you.”
“I know.” He ran a hand through her hair, tilting her face up to his. “But you have to. These are our orders.”
“But you and Master Di…” She stuttered.
“I will protect him and he will look after me. We’ll see you again soon but we need you to lead Cham and the resistance to safety.”
“You swear you’ll be okay?”
Master Di could hear what Keeli didn’t say, that as long as he knows that she is safe, he will be okay. He knew those unspoken words because he felt the same. He envied the Jedi who didn’t grow attached to their padawans. He couldn’t imagine feeling anything but a deep fatherly love for her and, when he thought about it, that had a lot to do about why he ignored the obvious, budding relationship between her and Keeli. He wanted her to be happy and he wanted her to be loved. He slipped back to his tent, leaving the couple alone in the dark.
She left with the first wave of refugees in the early morning light. In the chaos of the retreat, there was no time for goodbyes or soft words. Instead, Master Di and Keeli stood side-by-side, watching her retreat. She glanced over her shoulder, sending them a small wave. Keeli saluted her, letting his eyes linger just for a moment as she turned on the blurrg and began to lead the families over the mountain.
Now, they wait at the base of the ravine. Tension ripples through the men and small clicks echo off the walls like raindrops on stone as they check and recheck their weapons. Master Di stands next to his captain, the only one of the men who isn’t fidgeting. 
“Captain, I must confess. I saw you last night.” Master Di’s words are light but meaning is deeply intertwined with every syllable.
Keeli’s face reveals nothing. He isn’t going to flinch unless he is given no choice. So Master Di changes his course and meets him head on.
“With my Padawan.”
“Ah.” When Keeli finally flinches, it is no more than the slightest twitch of his jaw. Di smiles just a bit as he admires his Captain’s courage.
“Keeli,” He starts before the clone quickly speaks.
“If you’re looking for someone to blame, the fault is mine.”
“Right now?” Master Di guides Keeli’s eyes to the army of droids about to descend on them, marching down the middle of the ravine. “That is not my concern.”
Keeli gives him a small smile. Master Di finds himself wishing that they had more time. While that thought consumes him for a moment, Keeli speaks up.
“I know my role, General. I know where my focus needs to be.” Keeli chooses his words carefully. “But I can’t deny how I feel, especially when I feel it with all that I am. I live for her and I would die for her.”
“We’re not supposed to have attachments.” Master Di frowns as he turns his eyes towards the thankfully empty west ridge. She is safe, along with Cham and the twi’lek resistance. There is no time left for being precious. No time for worrying about what the Council would think. They are not here and they aren’t coming. “But she’s been like a daughter to me and I confess I feel the same.”
Keeli nods before he slides his helmet over his head.
“Well then…” His voice trails off as he focuses on the swell of B2s about to consume them.
The drone of the droids almost drowns out Di’s next words.
Master Di ignites his lightsaber.
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