#keeli x y/n
uneditedidiot · 1 year
this love is ours - jamie tartt x reader
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jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary: after officially starting to date Jamie, the media figures out who you are. Judgment comes in from all places - news outlets, social media, family members - but Jamie puts all that doubt out of your mind. based off the song ours by taylor swift. features appearances from Keeley and Roy.
word count: 2.5k
Warnings: language, angst, fluff social media bullying & hate, reassurance and comfort from Jamie
A/N: This could technically be part two to gold rush but you don’t need to have read that one to understand what’s going on in this imagine. Hope you enjoy!
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you
Even on a beautiful Saturday afternoon out on the Richmond Green, you and Jamie somehow attracted the attention of a few invasive paparazzi.
“I thought the hat would be enough,” said Jamie, pulling the brim of his ‘icon’ hat further down his forehead.
The two of you walked off quickly down the path, keeping the photographers and their bright flashes at your backs.
You couldn’t help but giggle, tugging at his hand in yours. “Jamie, you wear that hat everywhere. People recognize it pretty easily.”
“I’m not the only person in the world with this hat.”
“Maybe not, but you made it popular.”
He sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.” He smiled at you. “Well now that we’ve left those annoying arseholes behind, what do you want for dinner?”
“Keeley invited us over for a couples night with her and Roy,” you reminded him. “Remember? We talked about it with Roy this morning after your training.”
“Nah, the granddad has a tendency to ramble on with ya about random stuff so I just thought ya were chattin’ with him.”
“Yeah, I was chatting with him about dinner with him and Keeley, which you agreed to, by the way, even in your post-workout haze.”
Jamie grumbled like a little kid. “Ugh, but I’d rather just stay home with you, get pizza or some takeout, and make out on the couch.”
You lifted your head up to his cheek to kiss it. “And we can do that – tomorrow night. Which is a night we didn’t agree to have dinner with Roy and Keeley.”
That seemed to satisfy him for the moment and the two of you made your way back home to your shared house.
“I’m going to go shower, babe!” he called as he headed upstairs.
“I’ll be here!” you called back.
You kicked off your shoes by the front mat and strode into the kitchen to grab some water. As you filled a glass from the filtered pitcher from the fridge, you scrolled through your instagram.
After making it official with Jamie, the two of you had decided to keep it quiet in terms of posting on social media. You’d told close friends and everyone at Richmond. Jamie’s mom and stepfather obviously knew, since it had been at their house that you’d made things official. But your family hadn’t taken it quite as well.
Being from the States, your family’s only impression of Jamie was the Richmond matches they streamed and his arc on Lust Conquers All, which hadn’t painted him in a flattering light. Of course, Jamie freely admitted that he was an all-out prick on the show and had publicly and privately apologized to those he had hurt while filming. But your family couldn’t exactly see past it. They were protective of you and worried about what Jamie might do in the relationship.
Thankfully, Ted and Beard, who knew your parents quite well, had reassured them that Jamie was not the person the media portrayed him as. This had seemed to quell their anxieties about their kid dating a superstar footballer with a notorious reputation for being a (as your mother so kindly put it) “man-whore.” But you, as well as everyone around you, knew that Jamie had changed.
Now the instagram comments you saw as you scrolled on your latest post of you and Jamie getting brunch together were of similar nature. 
There were a few comments from your friends at Richmond – Keeley had commented, “I love you both so much and you are too cute together!” Sam had said, “the queen and king of Richmond;” while Rebecca put it plainly, “you are the best people and these photos are my new favorite of you both.”
Despite the many loving and supportive comments from friends and now people who had deemed themselves ‘fans’ of you (which felt quite strange, as you were merely the head physical therapist for the team and didn’t do anything that warranted ‘fans’), there were a good handful that were not quite as kind.
One person had written, “Jamie’s back in his pretending to be monogamous era - wonder how long that will last.”
You shook your head. You knew who Jamie had become and this wasn’t a phase for him. You scrolled on.
Another comment caught your eye. “Ew who are they? Jamie is way out of their league.”
And then more continued to pop up.
“Fuck them.”
“Why do they even bother? Jamie is going to dump them in like a week bet.”
“What are they wearing?”
“Jamie and Keeley will forever be endgame.”
“I liked it better when he was with Keeley.”
“Whatever happened to celebrities dating out of their league? This person is clearly a big step down for him.”
It was a rabbit hole of discouragement and darkness. And even after you exited out of Instagram trying to shake off the hate, more seemed to appear as you opened twitter. You’d been tagged in numerous disgusting tweets from multiple accounts.
“Go die no one likes u.”
“Why is your face like that and why does Jamie like it.”
“I bet he thinks of Keeley when they fuck. Lol I would.”
“You’re literally nobody and the fact that Jamie Tartt of all people is dating you is really pathetic.”
You shook your head, exiting out of twitter with a huff. You tossed your phone on the other couch cushion. It was difficult seeing so many people who thought they had a right to comment on your relationship saying such things on the internet. You knew coming into this that dating Jamie would be difficult in terms of hate on social media, but your fears were resurfacing.
Jamie wouldn’t actually believe all that stuff said about you. You knew that. But what if other people you knew saw it and agreed with it? What if you had to start dealing with people in real life saying that? Were you not good enough to be dating someone like Jamie?
The self-doubt began to creep in, like a mist slowly dragging itself over a hill. Your thoughts began to spiral.
You recognized the anxiety beginning to escalate and decided to watch something to distract yourself. You turned on the TV and tried to tune out the online ruckus.
About a half-hour later, Jamie came barreling down the stairs.
“Babe, Keeley just texted - I think we’re late for dinner,” he said, rushing to put on his shoes.
“Shit!” you cried, slamming the TV power button and quickly going back over to do the same as Jamie.
You both grabbed what you needed and quite literally ran out the door to Jamie’s car which was right next to the gates of your home.
As you sprinted to the passenger side door, a white light suddenly blinded you from beside the front gates. 
It was like they appeared out of nowhere – two photographers with large lenses. And they were yelling your name.
“Hey, what’s it like to be with someone who clearly can’t commit?” one laughed.
“Getting tired of this one already, Tartt?” the other bellowed.
“Just fuck off!” exclaimed Jamie, waving his hand at them. “This is private property! Fuck off!”
You jumped into the car, shutting the door as fast as possible. You watched as Jamie flipped off the photographers, who took the last few pictures they wanted, and trudged away.
Jamie closed his door with more force than necessary and buckled his seatbelt. “Arseholes.” He turned to you, putting his hand on your leg gently. “Are ya okay?”
No. No, you weren’t okay. After reading through all those hateful comments and then being berated by paparazzi not just for pictures, but also with hurtful questions didn’t help your self-doubt. It seemed to be bubbling up from below into your heart.
But you didn’t want to ruin the mood more by admitting you were not okay, so all you could do was nod.
“Don’t let them get to you, alright? I love you and nothing’s gonna change that,” confirmed Jamie tenderly. His hand slid into yours.
Neither of you let go all the way to Keeley and Roy’s. 
“Heya!” greeted Keeley from the front door as you and Jamie exited the car.
You forced a smile. “Hi, Keeley.”
“How ya doing, Keeley?” grinned Jamie. He gave her a big hug, and then you gave her one, too.
“Just peachy,” she replied, holding the door open for the both of you. “Roy’s inside getting the chicken all prepped. I think he’s trying something fancy tonight - chicken cordon bleu!”
“That is fancy,” you agreed. “He’s really upping his chef skills.”
“I’m not buyin’ that,”Jamie joked. “He’s making beans on toast.”
“Have some faith,” you nudged him playfully.
“I’ll put my faith in nothing until that chicken cordon bleu is sitting on my dinner plate.”
“You two are so cute,” awed Keeley as the three of you made your way to the kitchen.
You swallowed the lump in your throat at the comment, feeling sweat on your palms.
“Ey, if it isn’t the granddad himself!” cheered Jamie. “Making us something fancy, are ya?”
Roy was bent over the kitchen counter, slamming a meat tenderizer into pieces of flattened chicken. He turned with a scowl on his face and gestured at the younger man with the meat tenderizer.
“I’ll be flattening more than this fucking chicken if you keep that up, Tartt,” he growled.
“Aw, I’m terrified,” mocked Jamie.
“Stop it, you two,” ordered Keely good-naturedly as she kissed his cheek. “No one is flattening anything else ‘round here — especially body parts. Right, Roy?”
“I certainly wouldn’t be happy about it and neither would they,” Jamie chuckled, nodding his head at you.
Your smile was tight. You tried to make things light hearted as you wrapped an arm around Jamie’s bicep. “Yep. That’d be…tragic.”
Jamie peered down at you with a questioning glance. He knew something was up, but didn’t want to push it in front of Roy and Keeley.
Keeley gave you both drinks and you all went to sit outside on the patio as Roy finished up cooking in the kitchen.
Jamie and Keeley launched into immediate conversation and you tried your best to keep up and add things in here and there, but you were unusually quiet. Your mind kept drifting back to what you’d read online and what the paparazzi had screamed at you.
It was an endless circle of disappointment in yourself, anxiety, and self-consciousness. This infinite loop of darkness continued to crowd your mind, taking up all the space inside. A storm seemed have come into your psyche and it was doing a number on you.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as Jamie and Keeley chatted about the towels in the locker room at Nelson Road.
Puzzled, you checked your texts. It was from your mom with a link to an article from a tabloid website.
“This doesn’t seem like a good thing, honey. What are you doing with a celebrity like that?”
That was the message your own mother had sent you about Jamie. You internally groaned. Then you clicked on the article. The headline was atrocious: HOW LONG WILL TARTT’S NEWEST FLING REALLY LAST? The pictures associated with it were from that very day on Richmond Green with you and Jamie walking hand-in-hand, clearly trying to outrun whoever was taking the photos. And then the worse ones – the paparazzi from outside your house had sold the pictures to this tabloid. They were grainy and ill-lit and had been very obviously edited. They had added weird width to your arms and even your head. The caption was “Tartt’s Partner has Gained some Weight!”
That was it for you. The dam had broken. 
Tears were already spilling over by the time you’d suddenly stood from your chair and raced to the bathroom.
Both Jamie and Keeley called your name after you, and Roy had said it, surprised, from the kitchen as you rushed past.
You closed the door quietly, but didn’t have the willpower to sit anywhere else but on the floor next to the sink. You sobbed into your hands as silently as possible, but that didn’t work for long.
“Babe?” came Jamie’s voice through the door. “Babe, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
The desire to be alone was rapidly replaced by the need for Jamie.
You opened the door slowly, still seated by the sink. You kept your blood-shot gaze away from his for a moment as he stood there in silence. 
When you looked up a moment later, your heart broke at his worried expression. His hands were shaking slightly.
“I’m just…overwhelmed,” you admitted hoarsely.
Jamie got down on the floor next to you, patting the space between his legs and reaching for you. You shuffled over to sit in his lap, your legs swung over one of his, arms going around his body and face sliding to nestle in his neck.
His arms wound around you protectively, rubbing your back and rocking back and forth slightly.
“Why are ya feeling overwhelmed, love?” he wondered gently.
You inhaled shakily, your face still buried in him. “I just…I’ve been getting a lot of hate comments and mean tweets lately. And then those paparazzi incidents today were awful and then my mom just texted me saying things like ‘why are you with him’ and ‘you shouldn’t be with someone like that.’ Then there was a link to this article that had pictures from today and they’d edited me to look horrible.”
Jamie sighed, his voice soft. “I’m so sorry, love. I’m truly so sorry. People are arseholes.”
“Why do they hate me so much?”
“They hate what they don’t have. They see us happy and they’re miserable, so they want to make us miserable. People throw rocks at things that shine.”
You moved your head off his neck so you could look him in the face. You smiled through your tears. “Did you just quote Taylor Swift at me?”
“I did,” he smiled. “But I’m not kidding. Media is fucked up. People on the internet are fucked up. They’re bored and feel the need to stick their stupid opinions where they’re not wanted.”
“It’s just so frustrating.”
“I know. But what matters is you and me. That’s it.”
“You’re right. You and me. That’s it.”
Jamie smirked mischievously. “Besides, they’re probably jealous you get to sleep with a hot footballer and they don’t.”
You laughed. “Jamie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m not sleeping with Roy.”
Jamie laughed in return. “Oi! Ya don’t need to be an arsehole about it.”
You gazed happily at him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. And I promise, forget all that shit. If you’re ever feeling this way again, just talk to me. I’ll make sure to let you know that all I need is you and you alone. This love is ours. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You pressed your lips to his for a sweet kiss, feeling much more reassured.
“Now come on,” Jamie encouraged when he pulled away, “I’ve gotta see if Roy actually can cook.”
“I think he can, Jamie.”
“We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”
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writtenbymoonflower · 2 months
Hello!! I literally finished Ted Lasso and am IN LOVE with Jamie Tartt (this may or may not have to do with the amount of fics I’ve read recently). Would you be up for writing a Jamie x reader where they’ve been secretly dating for a while and the team finds out, perhaps with a reader that works for AFC Richmond as like they’re photographer or something?
Omg babe I need more Jamie fics in my life. Jamie Tartt x fem!reader
cw: swearing, hickey, jamie tartt being a smug asshole
776 words
You can't stop subconsciously rubbing your neck, likely from the anxiety of wondering if your makeup is doing an adequate job covering the smattering of love-bites on your neck. When your fingers came away with a chalky coating of powder, you kept your hand frozen by your side, your free hand jotting down notes as your boss kept rambling, careful to filter the necessary information from the side tangents. 
“You get all that, babe?” Keely looked up from her computer, half apologetic. “I’m so sorry my brain has been all over the place lately.” 
“You’re okay Miss.” You looked up, eyes catching on the man winking at you from across the room. He was looking nearly sinful with a towel slung over his bulky shoulder, skin gleaming with sweat. You stiffened, handing the clipboard to your boss. “Does this all look right?” 
She mumbled as her eyes scanned the page. “Perfect! Thank you so much, Y/N. I'm serious when I say I would be a complete shitstorm without you.” She glanced at the clock. “Oh, bugger! It’s gone 1. Why don’t you take your lunch, I’ll figure the rest of this mess out.” Her perfectly manicured hand shooed you from the office. 
“Thank you Miss.” You contained your smile, glancing at Jamie. He was still looking at you, brown eyes burning into your form. You scampered off, closing the door to Keely’s office on the way out. 
The hallway was oddly barren of players and staff, excepting the boy leant casually against the doorframe of the gym bearing lazy smile on his face. You walked up to him timidly, looking around the room to make sure there were no suspicious eyes. 
“Hey cutie.” He said, running a hand through his blonde hair. Your legs felt like jelly, only made worse from the pinching heels on your feet.
“Hey Jamie. Are you okay? Why aren’t you in practice??” You looked over him for injuries, expecting to find some blooming bruise or irritated scratches. He smiled at you. You could tell he wanted to reach for you but didn’t want to risk the exposure. 
You were the main reason the relationship between you two was a secret. Jamie would shout it from the rooftop if he could, but you were still unsure. You weren’t ashamed by any means, but you couldn’t help but feel pressure. You were dating one of the most well-known Richmond players. (one who was also on a dating show made entirely up of very attractive people). Nevertheless, Jamie treated you like a rare diamond. 
“You can stop checking me out, babe. I’m alright. Coach is just havin’ us run laps. I finished first.” He was sickly sweet, if not a little boastful, looking you up and down, smirking like a cat who got the cream. “How long do you have on your break?” 
“Just under an hour.” You subconsciously glanced at a watch that wasn’t there. His grin grew as he pulled you towards the locker room. “Jamie, what if someone walks in?” Even as you protested you couldn’t help your own smile from spreading over your face. 
“Trust me, love. The lads are slackin' today. The only one who is going to finish in the next hour is Dani, and that chipper prick will stay and chat the Coaches to death.” 
You sighed, letting James tug you into his arms. He smelled like grass, rain, sweat, and himself. It was intoxicating. “I missed you.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“Missed you too, lovely girl.” He chucked, pulling you up for a kiss. No sooner did he deepen it than you heard a crash behind you. You tried to jump away from Jamie but he held onto you. You turned around to find a sheepish-looking Sam slowly backing away from the door. 
“I- I am so sorry.” Sam looked like he was trying to shrink down to bug-size. “I’ll just, I don’t want to interrupt.” 
“You’re ok-” 
“God, Sam, mind your fuckin' business.” Jamie faux-scolded. Sam slightly smiled. 
“I am.” He put his hands up in a ‘don’t shoot’ gesture. “And don’t worry, your secret is safe with-” 
Right when he said that, a crowd of about ten players scrambled into the locker room, all pausing when they took in the spectacle in front of them. You could see them looking between Sam, you, and Jamie who still had his arm wrapped around your waist. The room was dead silent, until someone spoke up from the back of the group.
“Well now we know why Y/N comes to practice so much.” 
“Shut the fuck up Jan Maas!” Upwards of five people shouted.
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Sunshine and Flowers
Logan Howlett x plus size reader
Logan has had a great many loves in his long life and he’s over it. He doesn’t want to lose anyone else yet somehow, the annoying and very much younger art teacher at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, wormed her way into his heart.
Warnings: grumpy and sunshine, jealousy, Logan is a dick but we been knew, reader is kind of oblivious and touch starved, age-gap (reader is mid 20s and Logan is old as shit), Logan POV, bit of a slow burn, reader and Logan are Keely and Roy coded
WC: 3.8k
Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Yo Logan!” The seemingly ever present pounding in the older mutant’s temples suddenly got worse, the band around his forehead tightening as the young woman cheerfully skipped up to him without a care in the world. Her arm looped through his own, tucking herself into his side, like she always did. 
“What d’ya want?” He grumbled. It was easier to just ask her outright than stay silent and her chatter away at him for an hour before she finally got to her point. Y/N beamed up at him, her e/c eyes sparkling. “Wellllll… I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on a little field trip with the kids! I was thinking of bringing them to the MET, you know because art.” She waved her right hand around as if to emphasise her point. 
“No.” Logan said firmly. 
“Aw please! Please Logan! Please! Please! Please!” He could practically feel his blood pressure rising as Y/N pleaded with him, pulling on his arm, acting like a complete child. Dear god, what had he done to deserve this?
With the huge throngs of students constantly being enrolled in the school, Charles had come up with the bright idea to introduce an art program to the children as a way of “expressing their creativity”. But what that actually meant was hiring a new teacher specifically for this class since no adult in the school had even an ounce of artistic talent.
And so six months ago, Y/N Y/L/N, a recent college graduate, strolled into the mansion and never left. Her gift to generate small stars gave her the remarkable ability to light her classroom in any way she wished, allowing her students the perfect lighting to create absolute masterpieces. And like her gift, she herself was a big ball of endless energy that constantly bounced around, latching onto whoever she came across, and more often than not, that person was Logan.
For some inexplicable reason, she gravitated to him, always seeking his approval, trying to get him to engage in activities with their students, among many many other things that made the older man truly resent when the final bell of the school day rang and she would float into his classroom, ranting about something or another. The only way he could get her to stop was by distracting her, usually by shoving her in the general direction of her best friend, Alex Summers.
But Havok was on a road trip with Sean and Peter for the next month, so he had been abandoned. Logan sighed as her grating voice made his sensitive ears ring, and the overpowering smell of her flowery perfume was a downright assault on his senses. “Logan, come on! It’ll be soooooo much fun! I’ll even buy you lunch after!” 
While the temptation of free food was great, Logan knew it wouldn’t be worth spending the entire day with Y/N glued to his side, forcing him to do whatever she wanted. Taking a deep breath, prepared to let her down as gently as he could, given that his patience was hanging on by a thread, he would probably be more rude than he wanted to be, when he paused, really taking in the young woman.
“Is that my shirt?” He drawled, his dark eyes flicking over her plump body. She was wearing one of her typical outfits, white converse splashed with paint, shorts that very well could be called Daisy dukes, they were that short, with little flowers embroidered on them. Her chubby thighs almost entirely on view with one of his favourite red plaids on top of a black tank top instead of her usual blouse, making her sizeable cleavage pop. Y/N looked away bashfully. 
“Yeah, I um found it in the movie room and it looked so warm so I took it and it’s super comfy like seriously how do you get your shirts so soft it’s really weird but they always smell like cigars so I guess that’s the downside. That’s not to say you smell bad! I’m just saying that it’s like your trademark-“
There she went again. “It’s fine kid, just wash it before you give it back.” 
“What about the MET!” She called after him.
“Maybe.” He grumbled and with that he walked away, be-lining for the kitchen where he stashed his Vodka, losing her in the sea of students just getting out of class.
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“Now, for today’s class, we’re going to go over some art history!” A collective groan resonated through the room but Y/N’s bright smile never faltered, it actually got bigger as she looked over her small group of students sitting around the art-filled room. “I know, I know but this stuff is important! Art plays such a big role in human evolution. Actually, the argument can be made that our ability to create art is what truly sets us apart from other animal species-“
There was no denying that Miss Y/L/N’s class was a favourite among the young mutants. Her rants not only served to brighten up their day but they also prevented her from giving out any actual work. It especially helped when most of them came from Logan’s class the period before. He was quite well known to be, well there’s no delicate way to put this, a hard ass. 
So when, during this spring afternoon, with just a month left before summer break, Logan strode into the art class, his heavy boots thundering loudly against the hardwood floors, everyone was shocked. Y/N was pacing the room now, well and truly absorbed in her own thoughts, which became an impassioned speech as soon as the words formed in her mind. Logan cleared his throat as he leaned against the door jam, his jaw cleaned tightly when she didn’t answer or look at him.
The collection of children were now starting to get nervous as the seconds ticked by, Logan’s eyes getting steadily darker with anger, the muscle in his lower jaw working over under his mutton chops. They could all see his famous tempter growing and none of them wanted to be on the receiving end. “Um Miss?” A young girl spoke up, trying to break her train of thought. But nope, that couldn’t stop her.
Logan was getting fed up now. How in the hell did these kids even learn anything with the way she was carrying on? “Kid.” He growled, immediately making the entire class freeze, including the young teacher. 
“Oh Logan! Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She laughed nervously, pulling on the edge of her sheer pink sleeve. He noted she was wearing a dress today, it was frilly and absolutely drowning in flower print, with translucent sleeves that went all the way down to her wrists.
“Right, Wheels needs us in his office. Now.” He pressed as she opened her mouth to point out she was in the middle of a lecture. Y/N nodded then addressed the class. “All right, students. I guess you’re getting out early today. No homework!” She was quick to jog out of the room before the kids were able to leave their seats, effectively avoiding the clambering mass of them trying to practically sprint out. 
Her smaller hand easily slipped into Logan’s bigger one, intertwining their fingers as her left hand came up to rest on his exposed forearm. He felt the cool of her metal rings against his skin. Unconsciously, he noted that he had never seen her wear any kind of jewellery before. “Did Charles say what he wanted?” Her eyes caught his brown ones, falling into step with the older mutant through the quiet halls. Logan just shrugged, fishing a half used cigar from his breast pocket and sticking the thoroughly chewed end in his mouth, a sharp canine slicing into it.
“Hmm.” She hummed, her gaze shifting down to her feet, trusting Logan to guide them to the headmaster’s office. “Do you think it’s a mission?” 
“He doesn’t send you on missions.” Logan said firmly. 
“Yeah I know but it could be! Stranger things have happened.” 
“Like what?” He humoured her.  
“How about Peter actually scoring a date~” She teased, making the Wolverine’s lip turn up briefly in a smile then dropped again into a frown before she could see. 
“You do have a point.” He conceded. They rounded the last corner and came to a stop outside the solid door of Charles’ office. Logan went to knock, a muffled ‘please come in’ sounded before his permanently bruised knuckles could meet the stained wood.
Charles sat behind his grand desk, glasses perched on the end of his nose as he looked over a mountain of paperwork that gave Y/N a headache just from looking at it. She pulled her hand from Logan’s and bounced over to one of the two chairs in front of the headmaster, immediately making herself comfortable. 
Clasping her hands on her lap with her back up straight, Y/N focused on the older mutant as he took off his reading glasses and laid them on what looked to be his grade book. Logan himself leaned against the doorjamb, much like he did in the young woman’s classroom, crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest. 
Charles sighed deeply as he looked at his teachers. “There really is no way to say this delicately so I suppose I’ll just say it: Erik’s come home.” Logan’s entire body seized with an emotion akin to fear.
“Fuck.” He snarled. But Y/N had an entirely different reaction. Her face visibly lit up but not with excitement but instead with the joy of someone who didn’t have to lie anymore. Charles raised an eyebrow at the young woman, prompting her to explain herself.
“He slept in my room last night, there was no other free space.” She said casually as if she hadn’t just dropped the bomb that she spent the night with a dangerous mutant who hadn’t hesitated to kill before. “Don’t worry! I was being safe. He slept on my couch.”
“Like that makes this whole thing any better.” Logan muttered under his breath but only Charles heard him. The telepath gave him a strange but knowing look before turning back to the young art teacher.
Her smile wavered only for a moment before returning with full force. “He was super nice to me! He even picked out my jewellery today.” She flashed her hands towards the headmaster, showing off the various silver rings that adorned her fingers. Logan huffed at her naivety but Charles had an entirely different reaction. He took her hands into his own, delicately tracing the metal with a soft touch.
“Erik did a good job, they look wonderful. But Y/N, I still want you to be wary. Erik can be very volatile and unpredictable and his abilities far outmatch your own. Just be careful.” She gave a firm nod. “Although, I believe you could do him some kind of good to be around someone who finds him tolerable.” Charles gave a not so subtle glance toward the Wolverine who scoffed and rolled his eyes.
An awkward and tense silence fell over the trio. Y/N cleared her throat, tugging on the hem of her dress which lay only an inch above her knees. “Is that all you wanted to tell us?”
“Well, I do need to speak to you about this art trip you have planned. Logan, you’re welcome to stay, you might find this information useful.” 
“Fuck no, I have better things to do with my time.” He regretted the words as soon as they left his lips. She visibly flinched at his words and her smile became so fake it made him ache. Charles’s own expression fell as he sat back in his high-back chair.
“Then if you’ll please excuse us, we have some things to discuss.” He said sternly, quite obviously not pleased with Logan’s rudeness. “Close the door on your way out.” 
As the door swung shut behind him, Logan caught the smallest whimper escaping her lips and the muffled words of his old friend consoling her.
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The manor was almost dead silent as Logan emerged from the cave that was his room. There were no sounds of footsteps (save for his own), or screaming or chatter, there wasn’t even the ever present clatter of utensils from the kitchen. 
Curiously, he wandered through the empty halls, occasionally glancing into the empty rooms he passed. Just as his dark brows began to furrow with concern, Ororo turned the corner, nose buried in a book. “Hey Storm.” Her dark eyes met his own.
“Logan?” She replied with a curious head tilt before returning to her book. Logan huffed through his nose.
“Where is everyone?” She gave him a strange look and glanced over her shoulder as if the answer to his question was just behind her. The young mutant snapped her book shut.
“At the MET? You know the big field trip that Y/N organised. I thought you were going with them. She has been talking about it for weeks.”  Logan’s frown deepened. That was today? Storm seemed to pause as she took in his stormy expression. “Oh, I guess you forgot. No wonder she was so upset when they left. I guess it’s a good thing Erik went with her then.”
Just then, noise exploded through the halls once more as dozens of feet stomped on the expensive hardwood. Ororo sighed heavily through her nose, upset at not being able to have a little more quiet to finish off her chapter. But Logan remained frozen in place, his veins filled with icy terror. “Repeat that last part?”
She glanced at him with a devastating side eye. “Evidently, Erik saw how upset she was this morning when you didn’t get on the bus so he decided to go with her to take care of the kids.”  She shrugged and tucked the leather-bound volume under her arm. “She looked like she was going to cry before he stepped up.”
Poison curled in his gut but he quickly stamped it down. Just then, kids and teens stampeded around the corner, hyped up on what Logan guessed to be sugar and excitement. And right smack dab in the middle was Magneto, his head thrown back in laughter, the corded muscles in his neck and shoulders rippling with the movement. His right arm was bent allowing for the soft hand of the younger woman to rest on his forearm. Y/N was smiling shyly at him, not used to the undivided attention he was giving her.
As they passed him, Logan caught her eye. She barely even gave him a glance but he saw the sadness deep within those e/cs and he knew it was because of him. She quickly looked away, drawing her gaze back to the dangerous mutant who was speaking once more, his laughter fading. But Logan couldn’t hear what he was saying over the roaring in his ears. 
He watched them until they disappeared into one of the many living rooms of the manor. “At least he got her smiling again.” He barely registered Ororo’s words before she too left him.
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This went on for weeks. It seemed that everywhere he turned, Logan would see the unlikely pair together. Whether that be baking in the middle of the night, reading quietly in the library, working on lesson plans, he even saw them training together! 
He watched them from afar as they grew closer and her pull away from himself until one day he was walking out of his classroom after a long day. “Wait up!” Unconsciously, Logan slowed his pace , a smile crawling upon his face. He expected the familiar weight of her touch against his arm, the smell of her floral perfume and the bright sound of her laughter but when a blur raced by him, his heart dropped.
Y/N flung herself at Erik who was just a few paces in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug too tight to be just friendly. He caught her easily, his arms winding around her thick waist and tugged her closer. 
Logan forced himself to turn away, missing the sad look she cast him, heartbreak clear in her eyes.
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The end-of-school party was alive with laughter and music. Lights floated over the small dance floor that had been assembled in the gardens. Professors mingled on the wooden stage, swaying to the smooth acoustic guitar Kurt was strumming. But Logan’s attention was trapped on the centre of the crowd where a small circle of space had been formed and trying as hard as he might, he couldn’t look away. 
Y/N twirled in time with the music, her eyes shut as she let it wash over her. Her skin glowed in the golden sunset, the sweat along her brow sparkled like glitter as she moved. Pale green tulle embroidered with dozens of sunflowers floated around her, her dress fluttering in the light breeze. She was absolutely breath-taking. No weight rested on her shoulders nor anxiety in her face. She was serene, she was like a goddess in human form, dancing and delighting with mere mortals. 
How badly he wanted to stride across the gardens and take her into his arms, to feel her curves beneath his palms as they moved together. Logan shook himself from those thoughts and took another sip of whiskey. The alcohol burned as it slid down his throat but that was nothing compared to the burning rage in his stomach as another man approached her.
Erik, dressed in a matching dark green suit, caught her mid-twirl, his left hand holding her hips in place as he captured her left hand in his right. She fell easily into step with him, her once fluid movements becoming a slow waltz. 
Logan was so consumed in his anger that he hadn’t noticed another person walking to his side until they were right next to him.
“Why are you so worked up about this? You’ve made it very clear that you can barely even tolerate her.” Logan’s scowl deepened, his eyes growing even darker with rage as Hank spoke to him. “I mean even I’ve heard about the things you’ve said to her and I barely leave the lab.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Beast.” He didn’t bother to hide the way he was glaring at the pair. Almost as if in slow motion, Erik pressed his lips to her ear, speaking in a whisper so quiet, even Logan’s powerful hearing couldn’t pick it up. She pulled away from him for just a moment and hope bloomed in his chest. But it quickly died as she nodded in response.
Erik took her hand, their fingers intertwining as he led her away. Logan slammed his now empty glass down on the temporary bar behind him and stormed off towards the couple. The music faded away as he ran. 
Her laugh carried on the breeze, the skirt of her dress fluttering behind her. Logan ran faster, now regretting the tight suit pants and button-up he donned for the evening as they got steadily further and further away.
Without thinking, he made a sharp left, launching himself over the perfectly pruned flower beds Charles loved so much and tore through the gardens. Then suddenly, she was within sight. One heeled foot was over the threshold but he still had a chance.
With a final burst of speed he grabbed Y/N’s wrist before she could enter the manor, forcing her to let go of the other man. “Don’t go with him. Please.” 
“Logan, what are you doing?”
“I can’t let you go with him. Y/N, I-“ He swallowed harshly, his grip tightening ever-so-slightly. Y/N looked over her shoulder to the other mutant only to find him gone. “Fuck why can’t I just say it.”
Her body was fully turned to him now. “Say what?”
Taking in a deep breath, he looked into her eyes. “I love you.” The slap came out of nowhere, knocking the breath from his lungs. Y/N’s jaw was dropped in shock as if she didn’t see it coming either even though it was her hand that now burned with the sting of meeting his unshaven cheek.
“Let me go, who-who put you up to this?” She attempted to pull away from his hold but he wouldn’t let her go. 
“Y/N-“ He started but was quickly interrupted when she spoke again, tears spilling down her full cheeks and voice wavering.
“No. You can’t feel that towards me, you barely even like me. You’ve made that very clear over the past couple weeks, no the past year! You brush me off! You make me feel like an idiot! You ignored my blatantly obvious feelings for months and now you say something?!” 
“You feel the same?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Of course I do! That’s why I asked you to go to the MET with me. I was gonna bring you to the American wing where all the native art was because I know you love it so much and then I was going to tell you. But then you were just so awful to me when Erik got here and you forgot about the trip!” Once again, she tried to break his grip but Logan instead tugged her back and right into his broad chest.
With a massive paw, he cupped her soft jaw, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Can you just let me explain?” Her bottom lip popped out in a pout but she didn’t object. “I have lost so much, too much. Every woman I have ever loved has died because I loved them. And you, you are so young and so beautiful and way too kind for your own good. I love you more than anyone else and I guess that scared me. I pushed you away. But I can’t do it anymore, I can’t watch you fall for someone else.” 
“Goddamnit.” She growled before her arms shot out and wrapped around the back of his neck so she could yank his face down to her level, and then she kissed him.
Stars burst around them like little fireworks as he pulled her closer by the small of her back. Her hands travelled from his neck downwards so her fingers could curl into his shirt like she was terrified that this was all just some dream. 
“You do anything even remotely close to that whole fiasco again and I will let Erik do whatever he wants to you.” She murmured against his lips.
“Just kiss me again, sunshine.” And she did.
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Logan Howlette
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calzone-d · 2 years
Unplanned Sleepovers
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pairing: mom!reader x Henry Lasso & Ted Lasso x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: crying 
summary: Henry finds you crying and insists on spending the night with you, while also finding a new nickname for you. Ted comes home and joins the action. 
a/n: hi guys, I wrote this really quick after work so it is def not proofread. can you guys tell im a crier?? also I LOVE DAD!TED. DAD!TED SUPERIOIRTY
It had been a long week. Work was stressful, the time had changed so it was colder and darker earlier, and the holidays were coming up. This was a stressful time of year for you, and more often than not you found yourself feeling “down”. Your life was great; you had a stable job that fulfilled you, a wonderful fiance, a great step-son that you had a very close relationship with. Still, some days you found that it took everything in you to get out of bed. When you were on your own, that didn’t really affect anyone but you. When you lived with Ted, he was gentle, kind, and so understanding. But now, Henry had moved in with the two of you, and you didn’t want him to think any less of you for any reason at all.
Ted was gone at an away match, they ended up having to stay two extra nights due to snow and icy roads. You thoroughly embraced this quality time with Henry. After you picked him up from school, you two went by the shops to get groceries for the next few things, and the young Lasso boy was extremely enthusiastic to help you cook dinner. 
With Christmas music playing softly in the background, you and Henry cooked together while he told you all about his week at school. The two of you shared many laughs, but after a few slower, more melancholic Christmas songs you felt that familiar feeling again. Like something was sitting on your chest. You thought you’d done a decent job playing it off. It was Henry’s night to pick the movie, so the two of you ate on the couch while laughing over his choice. Ted typically insisted on eating at the table together, so the nights the two of you shared dinner on the couch held a special place in Henry’s heart.
You’d successfully tucked Henry in and gotten yourself ready for bed. Ted and the team had walked to a nearby pub for a night out, so you hadn’t heard much from him. Although, you trusted the team to keep him safe, and knew that if something went sideways you’d be a;erted by Rebecca, Keely, or any one of the numerous friends you’d made of Ted’s coworkers. Typically when you felt this way, you would open up to Ted about your feelings. Not only was he your partner, he was your best friend, and more often than not he was there when you felt like this. 
After crawling in bed and sending Ted a quick goodnight text, you turned on your favorite sitcom. Usually you’d be laughing yourself to tears over this show, but tonight you found yourself staring off into space, unable to concentrate. Your mind was running with unrealistic thoughts. 
Will Henry be happy with his Christmas with you and Ted?
If he isn’t, will he want to move home?
Would he wish Ted found someone else?
Is Ted happy with your Christmas as a new family?
Would he leave you if this Christmas wasn’t everything he was hoping for?
Your spiraling thoughts quickly brought tears to your eyes, and your heart clenched as a soft sob left your mouth. All you’d wanted was a family, and that was what you’d found with Ted and Henry. They were your boys, and the thought of a holiday season after this one without them broke your heart. No matter how fast you wiped your tears, they wouldn’t stop coming. A part of you felt silly, but you knew sometimes it was best to cry it out. 
Before you crying had ceased, the handle to you and Ted’s bedroom turned, and the door slowly crept open to reveal Henry in his pajamas, eyes wide, and brow furrowed. He looked exactly like his father, something you loved beyond words. 
“Mama Y/N? What’s wrong?”, the nickname made you smile softly. Embarrassed, you quickly wiped your tears away and willed them to finally stop. 
“I’m okay, Henry Bug.”
“But you’re crying”, He came to stand on the side of the bed beside where you were sitting, and immediately crawled up beside you without a second thought. 
Deciding the best route was honesty, you responded, “Yeah, I was, buddy.”
“Did something happen? Are you okay?”, again, Ted’s mini-me. Always worried about your safety and well-being.
“No no, Hen. Just a long day, that’s all. Feelin’ a little extra tired tonight.”, you did your best to muster up a smile, but you could tell the boy wasn’t completely sold. 
“Hmm”, he pondered your answer for a moment. “I feel like that too sometimes, especially if I don’t sleep good the night before”.
You knew the feelings he was talking about were different, but you knew it wasn’t the time, place, or situation to try and explain your adult feelings to him.
“Yeah, Hen. Maybe we can both get some good sleep tonight, yeah? I think your dad should be home in the morning.”, he nodded and smiled wide at the mention of the mustached-man you both loved.
“Maybe we can all make some waffles tomorrow for lunch? Have a lil’ brunch situation?”
Henry nodded even faster at this suggestion, and his cuteness made you smile. By now, you had stopped crying. Although you hadn’t truly explained your adult feelings to Henry, you felt comforted by his presence and were so happy to have him there. 
“Can I stay in here tonight, Y/N? Your bed is soooo comfy”, Henry let out the cutest giggle. 
You smiled widely at his question and let out a fake sigh, “Fine, I guess I can make room for my Henry Bug.”
Your sarcasm made him laugh and as you held up the duvet for him, he settled in on Ted’s side of the bed. As you lied down on your back, he snuggled into your side, and you wrapped a protective arm around him. You had begun to close your eyes and were on the verge of sleep when Henry whispered, “Can we watch Shrek please?”
His request made you laugh and he mirrored your laughter before questioning, “What?” through a fit of giggles. 
“Nothing, Hen. Just happy you’re here. I love you, buddy.”
“I love you too, Y/N. You’re basically like my mom now. Can I just call you mom?”, the recent disputes with Michelle made you wonder if this was coming. Although nothing could’ve prepared you for the love you’d feel in the moment. With tear-filled eyes you chuckled, “Absolutely, Henry. I’d love that.”. You squeezed him close in a warm hug while putting “Shrek” on the TV.
Henry settled back into your side and the two of you slowly drifted off. Before you completely fell asleep you pressed a soft kiss to the top of Henry’s head and whispered, “Sleep good, sweetheart. I love you.”
And tears pricked your eyes again when he whispered, “Love you too, mom. G’night.”
Ted’s heart constricted at the sight as he walked in the next morning. You were asleep on your side, hair a mess and lips slightly parted with your arm stretched out to his side. Henry had stayed by your side all night, and had tucked himself into the bend of your arm. 
His face mirrored yours as the two of you finally caught up on some sleep. There was enough room for him to crawl in beside Henry, so after slipping off his jacket and shoes, he did. The movement woke you up, “Ted?”
“Shhh, go back to sleep, darlin’. Didn’t mean to wake you.”
You closed your eyes again, fully intent on falling back asleep, “S’okay”
Henry stirred at the noise and snuggled closer to you. Unbeknownst to the two of you, Ted’s eyes were filled with all the love in the world as he watched his two favorite people sleep. He draped a strong arm over Henry, and rested his hand against you as he joined the two of you in sleep. With the two of you in bed, he felt the most in love as he’d ever had before.
And later, while you three made waffles, he couldn’t even find words as Henry asked, “Can you hand me a paper towel, Mom? I spilled some”. He couldn’t even join you two in laughter as Henry looked at you with a sheepish smile and sent you both in a fit of laughter. All he could manage was a warm, loving, teary smile while he watched his two favorite people make breakfast together.
Thanks for reading!
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willalove75 · 1 year
Rebecca x employee/coach/player reader. The player realizes Rebecca wants them and decides to tease them until she jumps their bones. (Loved the angry Rebecca request btw)
Hehe yes I love this!
And thank you so much!! If you/anyone else has any other requests please feel free to send them my way!💕
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI
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"How does this one look?" You ask Keely, looking at yourself in the mirror, unsure of the dress you're wearing.
"Hm," she says as she crinkles her nose. "It's nice, but I don't think I love it."
"Right? Me too."
"Here! Try this one!" She rummages through your closet and pulls out one of your more form-fitting dresses.
"Oh god, I haven't worn that dress since uni, I don't even know if it fits anymore!" You say taking the dress from her hands. The dress brings back a bunch of fun memories of you and your friends going out at university.
"Jut try it!" She says.
You go into the bathroom and put it on, you're a little relieved that it still fits. You walk out and stand in front of the mirror, a little surprised, it doesn't look bad.
"Huh," you say looking into the mirror. You definitely fill out the dress differently than you did back at uni, but to your surprise, it actually looks good.
"Holy shit you look fit as fuck in that!!" Keeley exclaims running towards you.
"You think so?" You say with a laugh.
"Yes! You look hot! Damn!! You have to wear this one!"
"Okay, if you say so, it isn't too, 'clubby' right? I mean we are going to dinner with our boss."
"No it's perfect! And Rebecca is chill, think of it less as 'dinner with your boss' and more like 'going out to have fun with work friends'!"
"Okay." You say with a laugh.
You both finish getting ready and head to the restaurant. The hostess brings you to the table and you see Rebecca and another woman you don't recognize.
"SASSYYYY!" Keeley screams, running up to the woman past Rebecca.
"KEELEYY!!" She yells back.
You laugh as you walk over and Rebecca gets up and looks over at you. She pauses for a minute, looking a little surprised as she stares at you, looking you up and down. You're terrified that this dress isn't appropriate until Rebecca speaks.
"Wow y/n, you look fantastic!" She says pulling you into a hug.
It's definitely weird hugging your boss, but her strong arms give you a sense of security as they wrap around you.
"Y/n, this is my best friend Flo, but you can call her Sassy. Sas, this is y/n!"
"Wow you look amazing!" Sassy says as she gives you a hug.
You chuckle and thank her.
The four of you sit at the table, Rebecca sitting across from you. You notice that the neckline of her dress is just low enough to show off her amazing boobs, especially when she leans in. You try and avert your eyes, not wanting to get caught staring at them. You look up and meet Rebecca's eyes, she smiles and quickly looks away, as if you caught her checking you out.
You order your meals as your drinks arrive. The four of you laughing, talking and having a good time with one another. You and Rebecca catch each others gazes throughout the night, you catch her looking at you, and she catches you. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but as the night progresses, it almost becomes a game that only the two of you know you're playing.
Your meals arrive with the second round of drinks, the table falls quiet as you all dig into your plates. You look up at Rebecca and make eye contact again as you both gently smile and look away. You look over to Keeley who noticed the subtle interaction and gives you a look. You quickly look down at your plate and keep eating. You don't notice it, but Sassy gives Rebecca a similar look and Rebecca rolls her eyes at her. Sassy and Keely exchange looks, both silently confirming what the other one saw and they go back to eating.
Once you finish your meals, Sassy gets up to go for a smoke and asks Rebecca to join her. Rebecca says she doesn't smoke anymore but will keep her company. You watch her get up and walk away, once they're out of ear shot Keeley swats you on the arm.
"What was that for?!"
"You didn't tell me you and Rebecca have a thing going on!"
Embarrassed and surprised you blurt out
"No we don't!"
Keeley gives you a look.
"We don't! I mean, I don't think so."
"You two have basically been eye fucking each other all night! You can't tell me this is the first time that's ever happened between the two of you."
"It is! I swear!"
"What do you mean?!"
"I mean that tonight is the first time that's ever happened between us. I don't know why-" You say as you take a sip of your drink.
"Its because you look hot as fuck in that dress!"
You laugh and look over at her.
"I'm serious! That dress is magical! Also why did you never tell me you had the hots for Rebecca?!" She says swatting your arm again. "I could have been wingmanning you for months!"
"Will you stop that!" You laugh. "And because she's my boss, I would never hit on my boss-"
"Not before tonight!" Keeley interjects and winks at you.
You roll your eyes at her and laugh.
"She's hot as fuck! You have to go for it!" She says.
With the cat totally out of the bag, you give in.
"She really is," you say as Keeley squeals. "But she's my boss! I can't do that."
"You totally can! And should! I've been friends with her for a long time and I've never seen her eye fuck someone like that before."
"Will you stop saying that?!" You ask.
"Just promise me you'll think about it." She says with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." You say rolling your eyes. You look over and see them walking back.
"Okay now shut up they're coming back, DON'T say anything about this." You say looking at her.
Keeley imitates zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Rebecca and Sassy get to the table and sit back down. Sassy gives Rebecca a look and Rebecca glares back at her. Rebecca looks over at you and looks down and smooths out her dress, a little flustered. You smile and look away, she's even cute when she's flustered.
You all continue to chat and order dessert. Sassy looks over at you and asks
"So, y/n, are you seeing anyone?"
"Sass," Rebecca hisses at her as you see her cheeks turn a little pink in the dimly lit restaurant.
You chuckle at her.
"No, I'm not seeing anyone." You say and take a sip of your drink.
"Y/n is a ranging bisexual," Keeley says as you choke on your wine.
"Thank you." You say glaring over at her as you clear your throat.
"Well it's true!"
"I'm not a 'ranging' bisexual, Jesus." You feel your cheeks heat up.
"But you are bi!"
"Yes, I am."
You scan the table and see Rebecca smiling and Sass looks like she's never been more entertained in her whole life.
"So Sass," Keeley says. "If you know any single men, or lady friends, hook a girl up! I've been trying to get her laid for months now."
"Jesus Christ Keeley!" You say.
Mortified, you bury your face in your hands and shake your head. You look over at Keeley, your hands still on your face and she looks more than pleased with herself as you hear Sassy and Rebecca laughing.
"You are an asshole." You say quietly to Keeley with a laugh.
The night continues and you finish dessert and Rebecca sneaks away to pay the bill. You all head outside and say your goodbyes. You give Sassy a hug while Keeley hugs Rebecca. Keeley hugs Sassy goodbye and they giggle to each other. Rebecca rolls her eyes at them and gives you a hug. Your heartbeat increases yet you feel yourself relax a little in her arms, you think you feel her do the same. The hug is a little tighter and longer than usual but very welcomed.
The four of you go your separate ways and the night ends, Keeley teasing you the whole way home.
The weekend flies by and Monday comes, deciding to see if what happened between you and Rebecca was just a one night thing, you put on a dress that shows off your figure and shows just enough cleavage to be tasteful for the office. You're walking down the halls of AFC Richmond, your head down in your notebook scribbling some thoughts down. You hear heels walking in your direction and you look up to see Rebecca. You both smile and stop to talk to each other, you having to look up at her and her having to look down at you since she towers over you.
"Hey!" You say.
"Good afternoon!" She says with a smile. "Did you have a good time Friday night?" Her eyes sparkle a little when she asks.
"I did, I had a great time." You gently push a piece of hair behind your ear and you notice a slight shift in her eyes. "It was great meeting Sassy, she's a lot of fun."
"Oh yeah," she says with a laugh. "She's something all right."
Someone walks by and says hi and you both respond. They ask you a quick question and you give them an answer. You turn back to Rebecca and catch her looking down at your cleavage. She meets your eyes and quickly looks away, blushing just a little.
"Well I should get going, see you around y/n." She says with a smile.
"See you around!"
Pleased with how well that went, you walk away with a little more confidence.
As the week trails on, you and Rebecca steal glances at each other when you see one another around the building. You've been trying to up your work wardrobe, to give her just enough to look at, but still appropriate for an office. The next week comes and goes and the intensity in her eyes grows each time she sees you. You're dangling yourself in front of her like a toy, and you both know it.
You're walking around the building when you see Rebecca talking to a few people in the hall, she sees you over one of their shoulders and she smiles. You smile back at her as someone stops you in the hall. You turn your back to Rebecca purposefully, so she can get a good look at your ass in your skirt, because it does look great. You quickly speak to the person and you drop your pen as they walk away, you turn to see Rebecca out of the corner of your eye staring at you. You're not even sure if she's listening to the people she's been talking to.
You slowly squat down to pick up your pen, grab it, and slowly stand back up. You turn to look at Rebecca, you can tell she's turned on, you smile at her and walk away, her eyes following you down the hall. You feel a little guilty about teasing her so much like this, she is your boss after all, but she's been doing the same thing to you. Leaning over your desk with her chest nearly in your face, giving you looks in the hall, wearing outfits that show off her incredible figure, you two have been teasing the hell out of each other for weeks. Now it's turned into a game of who will break down first.
The week comes to and end as Friday arrives. You're talking to Higgins about the upcoming match and you ask a question you know he won't be able to answer and will defer to Rebecca. He suggests walking up to her office to find out and you agree.
You both walk in, you have your cardigan pulled around your body, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal the new shirt you bought that has a deep V neck that dances on the borderline of being inappropriate for work. Rebecca gets up from her desk and walks around to the font and leans against it. She's making sure you get to see her from head to toe, you gently bite at your lip when you scan her up and down. Your eyes meet and she gives you a little smirk.
She answers the question for Higgins and as you go to write down what she says, you let your cardigan open to reveal your cleavage. You slowly look up at her and she looks like her knees are about to give out. You bite your lip and smirk at her as you turn back to your notebook.
"Is that all?" She asks Higgins.
"Yes I believe so! Thank you so much Rebecca, y/n, lets go-" Higgins says.
"Actually," Rebecca interrupts. "If you don't mind Higgins, I'd like to steal y/n for a moment to speak with her."
"Of course!" He says and walks out of the office.
Now it's just you and Rebecca standing in her office, you look over your shoulder at the door and ask
"Do you want me to-" before you even finish your question she says
You turn around and close the door and lock it. You turn back around and see she's already walking towards you. You meet her halfway and she immediately grabs you and pulls you into her. She puts one hand on the back of your head and grabs hold of your hair and puts the other on your waist. You hold onto her hips as your lips smash together, your tongues immediately connecting, you feel sparks coming off of her lips as she kisses you. She grabs you tighter and you pull her hips into you. Soft moans escape from the both of you as the kiss becomes more passionate. It slows and your lips part, just barely brushing against each other. You bring your hand up to her face as she looks down into your eyes.
"Fuck," she says breathlessly.
You just smile back at her while you look deep into her eyes.
"God I've been waiting for weeks to do that." She says.
"Me too." You reply.
"I thought I was crazy, thinking you were flirting with me at dinner, but once Keeley mentioned trying to get you laid, I knew what both her and Sass were doing."
"I still want to kill her for that." You say with a light chuckle.
You kiss again and you feel the passion radiating off of her lips, you slide your hand down and squeeze her breast over her shirt. She moans into your mouth and breaks off the kiss.
She pulls you to the couch and sits, she guides you on top of her and pulls you in for another kiss. You feel your heart racing and realize just how wet your panties are. She pulls your shirt out from your skirt, pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. She kisses down your jaw and down your neck as she grabs at your breasts over your bra. You reach behind your back and unclip it, she pulls it away from you and puts one nipple in her mouth as she rolls the other one between her fingers. You let out moans as she sucks and nibbles on you, she moves to the other one and does the same.
You pull her shirt off and reach your hand between her legs under her skirt. You make contact with her soaked panties and she lets out a moan. You rub your fingers around her throbbing clit, she lets out another moan and grinds her hips into your hand. You pull away and she lets out a little whine and looks up at you, desperate for more. You lean in and kiss her again as you fumble with the zipper on the side of her skirt. She unzips it and you kneel on the floor between her legs and pull it off. You debate for a second if you should tease her, but you've been doing that for almost a month, so you pull her soaked panties off of her and immediately wrap your lips around her clit.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she lets out a moan and grabs the back of your head. You lick and suck on her as you feel her clit pulse between your lips, she was so desperate for it. She rests one of her legs on your back as you go down on her. She looks down at you and throws her head back.
"Fuuuuckkkk" she groans as she tightens her grip on your hair.
Her breathing increases and you can tell she's close. You slide two fingers into her dripping pussy and curl them into her sweet spot. She tries to muffle the moan that escapes from her lips as she rocks her hips to your rhythm.
"Oh fuck!" She moans.
You look up and you can tell she's close. You pick up the pace with your fingers and flick your tongue across her clit more. Her breathing becomes labored and you feel her clench down onto you. She tightens her grip on your hair even more and arches her back. She grabs a pillow and covers her face with it and screams into it as she cums on your fingers. You slow your pace and pull your fingers out of her, dripping in her juices.
"FUCK." She yells trying to catch her breath.
You lick your fingers clean and you go to stand up.
"No, no." She says leaning forward. She slides off of the couch and onto the floor on top of you and kisses you. She holds your head as she gently slides you up and lays you down, not once breaking the kiss. She sits up and unzips your skirt and pulls it off with your panties. She wiggles herself between your legs and leans over you. She gently kisses you as her fingers slide between your lips and push deep into you. You furrow your brows and moan into her mouth and kiss her harder. She works her fingers in and out of you, curing into you, her thumb caressing your clit, your lips separate and she looks into your eyes as you climb higher and higher. Her eyes are filled with passion, aching to make you soar. She quickens her pace, curing her fingers into you each time, you grab the back of her head and grab hold of her hair as you try and keep your moans quiet.
"Oh my god, I'm-"
You say as your eyes roll to the back of your head. She rubs your clit harder with her thumb and puts her other hand on your cheek, wanting you to look her in the eyes. Your hips buck with her movements, inching closer and closer to the release you're both craving. You stare into her eager eyes as you feel yourself clenching down on her.
"I'm gonna-" You begin to let out a moan and she presses her lips against your to muffle it as your back arches and your body shakes against her fingers. She slows down her pace and slides her fingers out of you. She pulls her face away from yours and runs her fingers through your hair as you lay underneath her, gently tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Holy shit," You say, trying to catch your breath. "That was amazing."
You both sit up and she licks her fingers clean.
"You're telling me, that was the best sex I've had in a long time." She says smirking at you. "We both know that's the best sex you've had in months." She says teasing you.
You open your mouth in shock as the corners of your mouth curve into a smile.
"Now that's fucked up." You say laughing.
She laughs and leans in to kiss you and guides you back down onto the floor. You cuddle into her, your legs intertwined, and slowly kiss her. You both lay there staring into each others eyes, smiling. You run your fingers through her soft blond hair and rest you hand on her face, stroking her cheek with your thumb.
"I think I can lay here forever." You say quietly.
"So can I."
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Hi, I really liked your work and I'm so glad to be with you now...
Are the requests still open?
Oh, if so, then I'd like to read something about Keely×reader(girl)It should probably be clarified...I can't say exactly what this track of creatures is called, but I would like the reader to be something like a half-human half-bird (only wings, maybe sharp teeth)Something in the likeness of a previously unknown species of inhabitants of Middle-earth.
Some cute, maybe even funny courtship moments from Keely (the reader is still with wings).Something sweet, funny and in love.
Sorry, I hope everything was clear. I'm a little nervous because English is not my native language...🥺
Feathers ~ Kili x Harpy!Reader
A/N: I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed my stories so far :) And yes Requests are still open!! Don't worry, I understood your request just fine and I hope you will enjoy this little story with Kili and the harpy reader :)(I imagine her to be kinda like Hawks? So just a pair of wings and fangs)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff (not proof read!!) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.5k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋAmrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋGaihith ~ Little Dove ࿐ྂ
Summary: Joining the company on their quest, you knew to expect possible danger on the way. What you did not expect are the feelings between you and the prince.
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Flying through the air, you looked at the ground below you, in search of a certain wizard. You were on your way to Gandalf to report important matters back to him, but finding him is not quite easy. He always disappears without a trace and the only lead he left you is to watch out for dwarves. Around 13 dwarves to be precise. Spotting travellers on horses, you flew down a bit in order to take a look at these people. A smile graced your lips, as you counted exactly 13 dwarves and one hobbit. Even Gandalf was within the group. You lowered yourself onto the ground, a few feet away from them. Emerging from the trees, you waved at the wizard with a smile on your face. His face brightened up, as he watched you approach them.
“Gandalf, I have a message for you from Radagast. And they are not very good it seems.” His face fell at the news you just told him. “Thorin, I think we should set up camp around here.” Gandalf said to the king, before stepping off of his horse and approaching you. Putting a hand on your shoulder, careful to not brush against your wings, he led you a bit off of the path. “Please share the news with me (Y/N).” “Well, Radagast told me that dark magic is taking it’s place in the forest. He told me you should meet him at his wooden cabin as soon as possible.”
The wizard in front of you nodded at that, his eyes focused on the ground in thought. “Very well.” Looking up at you, he gave your shoulder a squeeze. “(Y/N) could you do me a favour and continue to travel with Thorin and the company? Just to ensure that the dark magic of the forest does not reach them.” A smile painted your lips, as you nodded enthusiastically. Gandalf has mentioned the travels of the dwarves once to you and you wished you could have joined from the start. However, you were busy at the time being, helping Radagast with other things revolving the forest.
“Of course, Gandalf! I know the nature of middle earth as well as Radagast, so this would be the perfect job for me.” The wizard gave you a nod at your acceptance of his proposal, told Thorin about the change of plan, settled back onto his horse and left you alone with the company. Carefully you walked over to them. Your wings were pressing tightly onto your back, in order to try to hide them more. Most habitants of middle earth are weary upon first meeting you. It is not common to meet or see a Harpy, even though you look almost like a human. Except for the wings and your small fangs.
“Hello, I am (Y/N). I will accompany you on your journey until Gandalf is back.” You said, gently smiling at the dwarves. They all welcomed you with their gruff voices, before continuing to set up camp. Taking a seat at one of the logs around the fire, you looked around the company once more. A sudden jolt beside you made you look at the person beside you. His warm brown eyes were glistening under the sunlight, as he brightly smiled up at you. “Your wings look so beautiful.” He suddenly said, making you blink at him dumbfoundedly. A smile of your own graced your lips, as you registered his kind words.
“Thank you.” You say, letting your wings relax further on your back, slightly expanding them. “Ah I forgot to introduce myself!” Suddenly the dwarf jumped up from his spot beside you and stood in front of you. “Kili, at your service.” He slightly bowed down in front of you. “It is very nice to meet you, Kili.” The dwarf sat down once more, this time a little closer.
“What does it feel like to fly?” You ponder a moment at his question. “It feels like freedom. Like nothing in this world could take you down or harm you in any way.” Your wings flutter against your back, urging you to take off and take a leap through the sky. “I wish I could experience it once.” He says, his eyes looking up at the darkening sky. “Maybe I can take you on a short flying session sometime during our travels?” You carefully say, not used to someone being so curious and interested about your talent. His eyes brighten up at your proposition, before taking your hands in his. They were warm, but rough to the touch. “Is this really possible? Can you really take me up into the sky?” Squeezing his hands, you brightly smile at him while nodding. “There should definitely be a way. Maybe I can’t lift you up too high, because I never carried another person through the sky, but it should be possible.” Warmth spread from your heart through your body at his enthusiasm.
You have never met someone who was so keen on getting to know you. Especially because most people tend to turn around when they spot your wings. But now you are sitting beside a dwarf, who would like to know everything about you. Who even asked, if he could fly with you through the sky. Maybe this journey holds more to it then it seems.
The weeks passed and you never in your life had so much fun before. Thorin, as well as his company really grew on you and they started to see you as a part of their family. As part of their own kin almost. But the one person who you really grew fond of was Kili. The warmth and love that emits from him makes your heart skip faster. You once even took him on a short trip into the sky, which resulted in him now constantly begging you to take him up again. But you knew your time to leave has come after Gandalf returned, telling you that Radagast has asked for your presence once more. You didn’t want to leave all of them yet, especially not Kili. But you had tasks of your own you needed to tend to.
Sitting by the fire, you picked at your wings to try and suppress the thoughts. You hadn’t even told Kili yet, but you knew he probably already figured it out on his own. A soft hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. Kili took his place beside you, a frown on his face. “Gandalf returned, so I guess you have to leave us again?” He asked, playing with a small bead in his hand. A sigh left your lips. “Yes, I do. But believe me when I say, that I wish I could stay.” His hand moved to grab your hand gently, making you look from the fire in front of you to him.
“I would like to ask you something Gaihith.” Your heart leaped at his gentle voice. “Do you remember the time I told you about the customs we have?” A gentle blush dusted your cheeks at his question. After Kili told you all about the dwarven customs, only one really seemed to stick to your mind. “Of course, why do you ask?” “Well, I would really like to braid your hair (Y/N). Would you let me?” You were stunned. You never expected him to ask you to court him. Especially because this will be the last night you get to spend with each other. “I- yes!”
He smiled at you, before gathering a few strands of your hair. “I wanted to wait until a more… romantic moment to ask you.” He confessed, his fingers brushing against the side of your face. “But this could also be seen as a reminder now. That we will meet each other again.” He finished the braid off with the bead. Taking your face in his hand, you leaned into his warm touch. “I will miss you Amrâlimé.” “I will miss you too Kili.” Giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead, you smiled at him. “I also wanted to give you something.” You rummaged through your bag, until you found one of your feathers.
“I know it is not much, but I hope this will bring you luck and maybe ease the pain until we will reunite once more.” You gave him the soft object. His fingers gently brushed through the soft hairs of the feather. A smile graced his lips, as he looked back at you. “It is the best gift I have ever received Gaihith.” You wrapped your arms around him, as he pulled your face closer to his. His lips were softly placed upon your own in a short kiss. “We will meet again Amrâlimé. In Erebor, where we will braid each other’s hair over and over again and you take me up into the sky whenever we wish to fly.” Blushing at his words, you placed your forehead on his, basking in the warmth of your newfound love. “This is not a goodbye. This is a promise to find each other once more, after the journey has ended.”
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csigeoblue · 1 year
Double Date Part 1 - Roy Kent x Platonic!Reader (Ted Lasso Fic)
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A/N: Roy Kent is your sour bestie and hates your mean boyfriend.
"Oh come on Roy! Y/N has been asking us to double date with their boyfriend for a month now. They're gonna think you don't like them anymore if you keep dodging 'em babe." As much as it pissed Roy off that Keeley was right, he knew he had to make an appearance especially since Luke is letting you show your face in public for the first time in a while. He'd always been skeptical of the guy when you first started dating but he didn't want to get in the way of your happiness as you'd been so helpful in getting him off his ass to win Keeley back.
"Oi! Fine. We'll fucking go on this stupid double date to check on Y/N." Keely squealed in excitement. She knew you'd be so happy to see your best friend. Roy looked down at his phone to text you back in your chat with Keeley.
RK: Let's meet at your favorite restaurant, Y/N/N.
YN: Luke made reservations for us at Pearl's. xD
RK: But you fucking hate that place.
YN: It's grown on me :3 ... Besides you and Keels love going there!
RK: If you're sure.
Only a fucking arsehole would take their partner to a place they absolutely hate. Roy tried to shrug off the weirdness of your texts and focus on the Tesco trip he had planned with Keeley. ___________________
At dinner, Roy's concern only grew. You came at him like you normally would for an overly aggressive hug but the look in Luke's eyes as he witnessed it was not at all jokingly annoyed even though his words were meant to be. Keeley hugged you with the same energy - having missed you the last few weeks.
"C'mon Darling, don't make a show with me right here."
"Sorry love, you know Roy's my best mate from my time at Chelsea."
"Why don't we get our table then? Thanks for making the rezzie Luke!" Keeley, bless her heart, attempted to diffuse the situation by deflecting attention towards the restaurant you all were meeting at.
You tried to get Luke and Roy to engage in conversation but it seemed Luke only cared about Keeley today.
"Honey, why don't you tell Roy about your new promotion at work?"
"Yes Luke, tell me about fucking work." Keeley rolled her eyes at Roy's sarcasm before hopping in. "Congratulations Luke! What is it you're doing nowadays?"
"Well Keeley, I am now a senior financial analyst at a big firm in London. Taking on more responsibilities and training new idiots."
"They're not idiots babe - they just need your guidance to know what to do. It's not easy being the new kid on the job." The wicked smile Luke gave you at your response made you freeze. Keeley might have missed it because she piped up adding onto your stance but Roy's all knowing gaze caught the slight tremor in your hand as you reached for your wine.
Luke chose that same moment to make a big gesture with his arms pushing back on Keeley a bit and happened to bump your wine allover your shirt as you went to sip. Roy stood up in fury as you did in shock. Luke had the audacity to laugh.
"Oi! Fucking hell, what was that?" Roy breathed heavily as Keeley put a hand on his arm to let him know she was there.
"Sorry Darling, guess you should be more careful of what's happening around you." You took a deep breathe to calm your nerves although now you were full on shaking. You nodded along mumbling an apology to the group.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Hey Y/N/N, it's not your fucking fault. It's this twat sitting next to you's fault."
Luke threw his napkin on the table as Roy sat down and you were wiping your top. "Alright that's it. Y/N, we are leaving. I'm sick of his shit."
Keeley spoke up concerned at how you've completely shut down.
"Y/N/N, babe, you can stay with us for dinner if you want. I've got a spare top you can borrow in the car. It'll only take a second." You shook your head while gathering your things. Luke had already started walking away from your group.
"No that's okay Keeley. I don't want to make things any worse than I have. You both have a good meal. Roy, you be better be good to this one." You pointed to Keeley with a small smile on your face.
Part 2
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sturniolos-blog · 8 months
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Street Racer - Matt x Y/n Story
warnings: angst/slight arguing, blah blah the end.
I arrived back to our loft after dropping Madi’s car off. Taking a deep breath as i stepped out of my regular car.
I soon arrive at our front door and grab my keely’s, unlocking the door and walking in, kicking off my shoes, looking up as i see Matt with his head in his hands, his knee bouncing anxiously.
“Matt?” I call out softly, walking closer to him.
His head shoots up and he stands up, “Sit down.” He says as he looks at me.
“W-what? No.” I stutter out.
“Y/n, i wasn’t asking,” He grits out as he put his hands on his hips, looking at the ground. He was really really mad.
I let out a breath and nod, sitting on the couch as he stands in front of me, looking like a disappointed dad who caught his daughter sneaking out with a boy.
“Okay, first of all where the hell have you been, huh? I told you to drop off the car and come straight home, it takes almost an hour to do that?” He scoffs.
I take a breath as i try to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Matt, i understand you’re upset but-”
“I’m not just fucking upset, y/n!” He snaps, taking a step back as he puts his hand over his face, stressing out.
I see Matt take a breath. Sitting down on the coffee table in front of me as he grabs my hand.
“Y-you’re the love of my life, y/n.” Matt whispers.
“I can’t lose you. A-and when you put your life out on the line- like that, like the way you did-!” Matt’s voice got a little louder again.
“It was really fucking scary. Please don’t do something as stupid and reckless again. I’ll do whatever it takes just please don’t do that.” Matt practically begged.
“You’ll quit racing?” I ask hopefully.
Matt takes a breath.
“Whatever it takes.” Matt says.
That’s a wrap! Did you like it? and my asks are always open so please send in requests
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Lost on Ryloth
Captain Keeli x Reader
Summary: Are you sure Captain Keeli died on Ryloth? Because I heard...when they went to collect the bodies of General Di and his fallen men, the captain was no where to be found...
No Minors Allowed
Word Count: 2, 300 (on the button and I love it)
POV: 2nd. No use of (name), (y/n), or blank spaces
Warnings: Reader is Twi'lek as I'm pretty sure there's no humans natively living on Ryloth, mentions canon deaths, mentions battle and healing, reader has a sassy grandmother, kinda a fix-it story.
"ma sareen" means "my sweet" and is a term of endearment
For the lovely @dystopicjumpsuit ! I tried my best to create something awesome for you, it might be a bit wonky and I apologize if it reads as such. (p.s. I hightlighted the thingys in red as it was the closest to Keeli's armour colour available)
You weren't supposed to be out here... and as blaster fire rained down in the valley before you, you became blindingly aware of the fact.
You should have been with the others of your kind...but instead of being holled up within one of the controlled settlements, you had somehow managed to slip by all of the seperatist sentries to hide in the caves nearby. It was just you and your grandmother.
You covered your ears as the battle went on. Blaster fire being tossed back and forth, a bright blue beam of light slashing about and grenades exploding, not only sending dirt everywhere - but men with it.
The Republic troopers were losing, you could see that clear as day, as the Jedi was quickly becoming the only one still standing. You watched, waiting on baited breath in fear.
The jedi, was all alone now...you watched in horror as the droids just kept coming.
This was it for him, you supposed...
Just as you thought the sentiment, your peripheral caught movement. Your eyes darted to the side to witness one solider stand back up, you gaze taking in his beaten form.
How in the stars could he even move after all that...?!
You instantly were in awe with the man, but your amazement lasted only a short time as you watched the two desperately fighting on with all their might.
The droids began to surround them in earnest, and you couldn't bear to watch on... There had to be something you could do...!
Your eyes caught sight of some rocks on the ledge, they looked precariously settled. Maybe you could...
You ears pricked as you heard the jedi call out, the trooper must have fallen, at least that is what you suspected. If you were quick...just maybe you could save them.
Summoning not only your courage, but your strength...you pushed against the rocks with all your might!!!
You caught yourself just in time, as the cliff came apart and tumbled down toward the droids and republic men - only to watch the other ledge get...taller...?
Your heart fell to your stomach as you screamed, scrambling for a foot or hand hold onto SOMETHING.
Your eyes darted to your destination, watching the droids shoot down the jedi. You were too late, and your attempt of rescue was going to end you as well - what a way to go.
If only you'd been smarter.
If only you hadn't tried to help.
But as the rocks tumbled down and smashed into droids, they somehow managed to narrowly avoid the bodies of the two men. And just as you thought all was lost for you...your heels caught onto a lower ledge. Mere feet from the ground, but it was something.
Panic coursed through your veins, you panted for a moment to catch your breath, but found yourself hurriedly climbing down. Your feet and fingers already lowering you down the cliffside until your feet touched the ground. Without so much of a thought, you ran to the bodies, first dropping to your knees beside the jedi.
Your fingers frantically moved about the exposed flesh of his neck - but no pulse was to be found. You swallowed thickly and maneuvered to the trooper and ducking down to him. Your trembling fingers fumbled around his armour to access his skin, and-
You gasped, quickly leaning your face to his own. Barely. Just barely, you could feel his breath. Hardly a whisp of life remained in him.
You started ripping at the plastoid, it was beat up anyways and it was stopping you from getting to his body. You had a chance - and you were taking it.
No matter the consequence.
Brown eyes stared up at the rock-ceiling but hadn't bothered to move. Keeli's eyes darted about as he tried to make sense of everything.
Hadn't he been shot down? Wasn't he dead...?
The very next question bubbled from his hoarse throat and through his chapped lips
"W-where am I...?!"
He gasped as he tried to sit up, pain blooming across his body, and was met with a gentle hand. His eyes darted to the assertive yet gentle touch, gaze following it to meet your concerned eyes.
His mind raced. So not dead. On Ryloth still - or at least he had a Twi'lek caring for him.
"Don't move so fast" you urged in a hush voice "you'll open all your wounds. Grandma spent a long time putting you back together"
Already, his brow was caked in sweat from exertion. And despite his mind urging him to hurry and get up and back to his men - to his general, he allowed you to push him back into the mattress.
Brown eyes locked onto your form, watching you with the close study of a trapped and wounded animal.
You smiled kindly and reached to the side, settling the cool cloth against his forehead then gliding it gingerly along his face.
"I'm sorry about your troops..." you began softly as you swept the cloth across his jaw.
You then took it away to dip it back in the bowl and wring it out. You glanced back to him, eyes flickering to his bare collar then back to his eyes in a silent plea for his permission. You had to forgo before due to him being unconscious...but you'd hate to impose your wants now - even if they were in his best interest.
The man let out a huff but relented, eyes closing and gifting you the tiniest of nods.
You brought the cloth back, wiping at his neck and his collar and shoulders silently, then set the cloth back.
You turned to leave, but your body lingered. Turning back to the man, you patted his hand with the gentility of touching thin and cracked glass.
"I was too late to save your jedi companion...but I was able to get you out. I wish I had been braver and stronger, if I had...perhaps things could have been different." you confessed quietly "But I am neither. So you will have to forgive me for that."
The clone only glanced his eyes towards you, not bothering to move his face to fully give his attention.
"Grandma said you would hopefully recover soon." you offered as you slowly stood "Until then, you'll be stuck with us. If you need anything, just call."
You then gave him your name and excused yourself from the room
Captain Keeli, as he'd later introduced himself as, had been cautious and unsure of you and your grandmother at first. It must've seemed weird, two Twi'leks living out in the middle of nowhere on their own...but he never stopped either of you from helping him in the healing process.
As the days wore on, he slowly relaxed and was willing to chat with you - until you seemed to spend more time chatting at his bedside than you did anything else. Keeli spent his time within your bed fiddling with his equipment or trying to barter you for small chores. The aimlessness of bedrest was not something that sat well with him, so it seemed, as he was more than happy to peel root vegetables while sitting in bed.
"Keeli, dear..." Your grandma began slowly with a smile "these wounds are healing nicely...soon you won't be stuck in this bed" she patted his arm affectionately
"Thank you ma'a-"
"G-Grandma" he fumbled
"Much better" she beamed proudly to herself as she pulled her body to its feet "Now...if I could just get that grandchild of mine to listen as well as you do..."
Keeli chuckled softly as he pulled the robe-like top closed. You and your grandmother were quite the pair, and a duo he had grown not only accustomed to, but attached to.
It had been weeks since he and General Di had made that stand for Cham and his soliders. Weeks since he'd most likely been presumed dead. The captain wasn't sure what he was going to do with himself.
His commlink had been dammaged heavily during the battle, although you probably left some further damage to it when you had frantically been ripping his armour from him back then... so he'd been unable to get word to the Republic. And despite your ventures out and about...you'd yet to find a way to get a hold of Cham or his people.
"You know...one of these days..." your grandmother mused as she returned with a sweet roll for the captain "I won't be here"
"You shouldn't talk like that ma- ...uh... Grandma" Keeli urged softly, taking the delightful pastry
Your grandmother waved her magenta hand with a dramatic flair
"Nonsense, I am far too old to be told what to do-" she argued humoursly "but that's not the point. What is, is that my dear sweet grandchild will be left all on their own. I worry...that sweet little one has been tottling after me since their first breath. " she sighed as she rested back into the chair
"They love you a great deal m...Grandma" he pointed out in a gentle tone, his eyes watching the elderly Twi'lek as she seemed to drift away into her memories
"There's nobody here for them...and they will not leave this old bat behind" she frowned "If...if you decide you are unable to return to the fight, I would like for you to entertain the idea of staying."
"Ah..." his eyes darted about as he shifted uncomfortably in the bed
"I understand it's a touchy topic, and I am not telling you to give up on your life. I only ask that you think it over. That is all that I wish." she hummed as she began to stand "That is all that thanks I need for bringing you back to health. Though, if you do leave...I would hope you remember us fondly"
With that, Keeli was left to his thoughts and his feelings.
The weeks bled into months, now it had been 4 months' time since you'd rescued the clone. Keeli has long since been up and about, helping you and your grandmother around your home, yet...the captain never left. Never ventured out to find his brethern like he probably should've. Instead...he stayed close to you.
Over the time you'd spent with the captain, the two of you had developed into quite the team. And it soon became apparent, to you, that your feelings were not just infatuation or awe. You cared deeply for the once Captain and it pained you anytime you thought of him walking out of your life forever.
You turned at the sound of your name, your gaze finding those warm chocolate hues you adored.
"It's getting late, we better head in" he nodded towards the entrance of your home, holding a hand out to you "Don't want to worry Grandma"
You smiled, gratefully grasped his hand and let him lead you back to the home.
His hand was warm, as it enveloped your own...snugly...safely.
Your cheeks warmed at the cozy feeling settled deep inside your breast.
"You're awfully spacey...something bothering you?" he paused to watch your expressions
"...Keeli...? Are you happy?" you asked hesitantly, your gaze turning away from him and to the land beyond you both
"I think I'm as happy as one can expect to be" he mused, squeezing your hand "Don't tell me you're all upset over my happiness or lack thereof"
You didn't reply right away, instead your gaze shifted to the holster he kept on his hips. One of the few pieces of his armour he continued to wear.
"Hey...I'm not going anywhere" he spoke softly, pulling you to him and gently taking your other hand "Unless, of course, you want me to leave."
"N-no, I-"
"Good, because if I'm being honest...I don't want to leave. I don't want to go back" he confessed with a smile "Actually, I...I'm not sure how to put this..."
"I've never really felt like this before, this calm and just...content. And you. You- well, I feel a lot for you too" he smiled bashfully his gaze searching for any sort of tell to give way to your feelings on the subject
You stared at him with surprise then pleased embaressment
"I care for you as well" you smiled back
Enboldened by your words, he crept closer to you. The two of you sharing the same space as his hand glided up to cup your cheek
"Then..." his gaze shifted from holding your own to your lips "would it be acceptable for me to stay? With you...?"
Your breath hitched as his face neared, his breath ghosting across your face
"Ma Sareen, there is nowhere else I'd rather be" he whispered
You gasped softly at the phrase in your native tongue
"Grandma may have taught me how to say it properly"
"Just tell him you love him back!" Your grandma yelled impatiently
The spell momentarily broken, you both let out your own breathy laughs
She huffed at you and headed back inside.
"I'm so, so-"
Just as you turned back to Keeli, you found his lips upon your own. Your heart pounded in your ears as you melted against him, your fingers gathering the fabric of his shirt to ground you. The sweet and earnest display of affection was rapidly moving to something more sensual as your lips moved together.
All too soon, he pulled back and pulled you in for a tight embrace. He cheek resting against your own as he held you, although you could feel his heart hammering in his chest just as much as yours was in your own.
"I'm never leaving...I promise. We'll have all the time in the world" he pledged tenderly
You nodded softly, lekku twirling around each other in a silent show of your feelings, as you agreed happily
"All the time in the world"
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jamietarttdoooodooooo · 8 months
Back Together Again l Chapter 2 l Getting to Love
Pairing : Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Word count: 882
Warnings: Language 
Summary: You are Ted Lassos' daughter. You have known Jamie seen ten years olds. One day you come to see your dad but inside you could because you miss Jamie. You join the AFC Richmond team and realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend.
A/N: This one was a fun one to write!
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Jamie fucking Tarrt was driving you to his house. You were finally back with your best friend. It had been a week of him doing this and he didn’t have a room for you yet until today. Don’t worry you have been sleeping on your dad’s couch.
You got to his house. “There is a bedroom just around the corner and there is a bathroom in there. You can call me if you need anything.” 
“Thank you again Jamie” He smiles at you. “Hey, I want to watch a reality tv show before we go to bed.” Jamie asks. “Sure, anything to spend time with my best friend.” 
You fell asleep in Jamie’s arms on the couch in the living room. You must have fallen asleep when watching the tv show.
You must have started to lay down as your eyes were closing falling into Jamie’s arms. Jamie must have fallen asleep a few minutes after you were cuddling.
You hear a knock on the door that wakes you up. You knew Jamie was a deep sleeper and you didn’t want to get out of his arms. So you tried to go back to sleep.
Then the door opened with people talking. You sat up finally and realized it was Roy and Keeley. You didn’t know they were coming and Jamie didn’t tell you they were coming.
Keeley yelled “Jamie we’re here!” Jamie’s eyes flew straight open and realized you were in his arms.
He let you go and stood right up. “Hi sorry I was just sleeping” he said. Roy and Keeley started to come over to him. “Stop right there”
“Why?” Keely asked. “Because Y/n is on the couch just where he was” Roy says before Jamie could say anything. 
You sat up right away after Roy said that. “Hi” you say while trying to smile at them.
“So are you together or something?” Keeley asks. Jamie tries to talk but you say something first. “Oh that will never happen. I am his best friend and I just needed a place to stay since I came here without telling anyone. We watched a tv show last night and we fell asleep.” 
Jamie just nodded his head at what you said. “Well you two are going to be late for practice. Me and Keely stopped by here because I heard Jamie Tarrt wasn’t there yet and Jamie is always early for practice.” Roy says
“Well we should get ready to go then” Jamie says as kicking them out of his house. You and Jamie get ready to go practice.
You guys get to Nelson road and head into the locker room together. No one was in the locker room because in fact you were late to practice.
You guys go out on the pitch. “There is the prince and his princess,” Colin says. “Oi shut the fuck up Colin” Jamie says. “Hey, hey be nice just because they were late doesn’t mean you have to call them names” my dad says.
It was bad that you were late because the game was tomorrow. You weren’t able to play yet but with Jamie as the star player it was bad for him.
People won’t know you joined the tem till you actually played in a game. After practice was the same until the team texted if you wanted to get a drink with them.
Of course you said yes but you weren’t going to get a drink. Maybe some food for dinner that was about it.
You got to the pub. “Hey royalty is here” Sam said. Yes, they found out your nickname from Jamie, it was princess. Yet Jamie’s nickname you gave him was lover boy and not prince. But the boys still called him prince.
Jamie did have a few drinks even though the game was tomorrow probably the worst thing the boys could have though.
You got to know the boys more and they got to know you more. You had to drive Jamie home and get him straight to bed. 
You knew in the morning the boys would regret drinking. And when Jamie woke up he did.
You both quickly got to AFC Richmond. He got dressed to play when we got there. I didn’t have to play today because I am not on the team yet. I wear my jeans and kit today with the Tarrt name on the back.
“That’s cute wearing lover boy's name instead of the best captain in the world.” Isaac says with a frown. “Yeah, yeah. I would say that you are the best captain.”
After seeing the boys I ran up to go sit with Rebecca. They did win 2-1.
I went right now to the locker room. The whole room was full of joy and Jamie hugged me like he would never hug me again.
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request: may I request some fluff that turns into soft smut with captain Keeli then? 😇 ~ @rex-meshla
summary: After Captain Keeli returns from a very long mission, his beloved girlfriend shows him that he deserves all the love she can give him.
pairing: Captain Keeli x Reader
warnings: angsty beginning, flufff, smut - oral, fingering, unprotected sex, riding, cockwarming
words: 1332
a/n: I hope you like it because I‘m unsure about it 👉🏻👈🏻
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One month. One whole month without her beloved Captain. Every day is the same and nothing makes her happy anymore. Worry is the only emotion filling (Y/n)s heart. Is Keeli alright? Is he injured? Is he safe?
So like every other day (Y/n) is sitting on her couch, holding a book in her hands but not actually reading it. The tea on the table in front of her is long forgotten and cold. The blanket around her shoulders does nothing to calm her raging thoughts.
Then there is a knock at her door which makes (Y/n) jump from her couch and run to it. Keeli told her to always check who is awaiting her outside but one month without her beloved clone made (Y/n) slightly careless.
Relief fills (Y/n)s mind the moment she opens the door and Captain Keeli stands in front of her, with his helmet under one arm and a huge smile on his lips. Not one second passes before (Y/n) throws herself happily against her lover - her arms as well as legs wrapped around his strong body.
“Kee“, she breathes his nickname over and over again. The Captain takes a few steps inside her apartment and closes the door behind them with his boot. (Y/n) moves her face from the clones neck to look him in the beautiful golden eyes.
“I missed you very much“, (Y/n) admits with tearful eyes and places a hand on Keelis cheek, caressing it with her thumb.
“And I missed you“, Keeli returns with a smile and kisses his lovers palm. He sets down his painted helmet on the table where (Y/n)s book lays forgotten. Now he can place both his hands on his girlfriend and hold her closer.
“How are you? Are you injured? How was the mission? Is everyone alright? Why did it take so long?“, (Y/n) starts to ask every single questions she had for the last month. She knows Keeli might get overwhelmed by them so she covers her mouth with one of her hands and places her feet back on the floor.
“It‘s okay, cyar‘ika! I can tell you everything you need to know tomorrow. Now I just want to be with you“, Keeli assures his love and removes a strand of hair out of her face. The Captain places a lovely kiss on (Y/n)s forehead, before pushing her back on the couch.
Slowly, the clone starts to take off his armor and places each part next to his helmet. After some time he is only in his blacks and kneels in front of his beloved (Y/n).
“I need you, Kee.“
That’s what makes the clone press his lips against hers. Then he moves his arms under her armpits and lifts his love from the couch to carry her to their shared bedroom - all of that without breaking their kiss.
In there Keeli sits (Y/n) on their bed and reluctantly parts from her, his lips already longing for hers. The Captain takes off the top of his blacks. The sweetest giggle he ever heard, reaches Keelis ears as he throws the shirt away and climbs on the bed to continue showing (Y/n) how much he loves her.
They meet in the middle of the bed and kiss like two lovers that finally reunited. (Y/n) leans forward and takes a seat on her Captains lap, crossing her arms behind his neck and deepening their kiss.
Keelis hands wander all over his lovers body and pull at the oversized shirt she is wearing. At last they find their way under the shirt, brush over the soft flesh of (Y/n)s stomach and then massage her breasts. All of that makes (Y/n) shiver.
“Oh how I missed those“, Keeli sighs happily as (Y/n) is kissing along his neck and nibbling at his earlobe. She stops the moment her lover speaks.
“Should I leave you three alone?“, she asks with an unimpressed expression but the next second both Keeli and (Y/n) start laughing. The Captain watches his lover in full happiness and kisses her once again - but much hungrier this time.
(Y/n) starts grinding her lower part against Keelis already hard groin, still covered with his black. He can feel her warmth against his skin.
And then (Y/n) takes off her shirt and shows her naked body to her lover. Keelis smile gets wider and he almost jumps forward to worship her whole body. Thereby (Y/n) falls backwards and her face gets caged inbetween her lovers strong arms. The Captain presses a short kiss to her lips and then kisses all over her body to her thighs. There he takes off her panties with his teeth.
A loud moan comes over (Y/n)s lips as her beloved clone kisses her clit and his skilled fingers caress her pussy. His beard scratches the sides of her thighs but that means only more pleasure. (Y/n) is already wet because of Keelis lovely touches. So it‘s easy for the clone to insert a finger and he immediately knows that she is ready for him.
Keeli removes his finger carefully and makes (Y/n) whine from the loss. With one last kiss to her pussy, Keeli crawls back over his love and places a hand under (Y/n)s chin. His thumb strokes over lower lip.
“Ready?“ After all this time Keeli asks (Y/n) for an affirmation because the last he wants is to hurt her in some kind of way.
(Y/n) pushes Keeli into a kneeling position and frees him from his pants. His hard cock slaps against his defined stomach. Right away she reaches for his length and starts stroking it but Keeli stops her with a hand around her wrist.
“I want to be inside you, cyar‘ika“, he admits silently and (Y/n) quickly straddles his lap. Their naked crotches meet and both moan in pleasure. Keelis cock brushes against her folds and then (Y/n) sits fully down, pushing Keelis hard member inside her pussy.
For some time they stay just like this, Keeli deep inside his love and (Y/n) shaking of desire. For one moment the only thing that matters is that they are back together and as close as possible.
Keelis hands wander to (Y/n)s ass and he helps her move up and down on his cock. Their hips slap against each other with obscene sounds. The females fingers scratch at the clones back which will probably lead to red marks tomorrow. They fall into a passionate rhythm.
There is a coil forming inside (Y/n)s stomach and Keeli feels she is close because her pussy is clamping around his cock. So he starts playing with her clit. And when he meets one certain spot inside her, he can feel her orgasm.
(Y/n) moans and even bites Keelis shoulder in pleasure. Her orgasm triggers his own and the clone feels himself coming inside her. There is no risk in that because (Y/n) has an implant.
Afterwards the only sound echoing through the room is heavy breathing. Their heads are laying on the others shoulder. Keeli caresses (Y/n)s back making her shiver and that reminds her how cold it is inside their bedroom. She wants to get a blanket but her clone boyfriend stops her.
“C-Can I stay inside you?“, Keeli stutters and a blush forms on his bearded cheeks. He lowers his gaze but (Y/n) makes him look up by placing a hand on his cheek.
“Sure, Kee“, she whispers and together they lay down - with (Y/n) laying on top of the Captain. He covers them with the blanket he can reach and wraps his arms around his lover. This position is nothing new because after almost every mission Keeli wants to stay as close as possible, but nevertheless he seems to be ashamed of wanting this deep physical affection.
“I love you so much“, (Y/n) breathes before she falls asleep in the presence of her beloved Captain and with very happy thoughts. Keeli looks down at his love and smiles.
He is home.
star wars taglist: @shadowfoxey @luvzoria​ @remmyswritings@periwinklehoney @maximumcoffeeme
clone wars taglist: @skippyhopperwisdom
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jenstar1992-2 · 4 years
A Love Destined
Pairing: Rex x Jedi! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of canon typical violence, feels (it gets a teensy bit sad)
Word Count: 2,651
Taglist: @callme-eds​ / @sgarrett49​
*If you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know*
Previous Chapter -> Next Chapter
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*Not my gif* 
Chapter 2
The war had officially begun after the battle on Geonosis, and along with it came many changes to your life. It seemed that instead of simply living your life by the ways of the jedi and becoming the peacekeeper you were trained to be, you now had to also learn to be a soldier as well. This was never said outright, but it’s what you learned was the new way of things through your own experiences with this war so far. You had voiced this concerning fact to your master, asking how all this violence was “keeping the peace”, and his answer didn’t entirely help to ease your mind.
“It is simple young one, if we do not aid in this war, it is more than likely the Separatists will win, and if that happens, there will no longer be any semblance of peace in the galaxy. They wish to rule, not live together in harmony. We cannot let them prevail, our victory at the end of this war will mean a victory for the galaxy, it will mean peace”, he had told you.
You had given him a somber look at this explanation. “So, what you’re saying is, sometimes in order to have peace, we must get our hands dirty.” It wasn’t a question.
“Not the words I would’ve used, but yes, I guess you could say that”, he’d said.
You had understood this line of thinking and agreed that the Separatists could not win this war, or it would mean a perpetual unrest for the entire galaxy, but that didn’t mean you had to be happy about it. You hated all the constant fighting, always having to be on your guard when you were sent on a mission, never knowing if you or your comrades would make it out alive. It was a never-ending feeling of worry and fear, but you’d be lying if you said it was all bad.
Thanks to your many years of training and the additional training your new comrades provided you, you had become an excellent fighter, saving your company’s hides more than once. Your priority during every mission, besides getting the job done of course, was to get everyone home safely. Other than your master, your men were the most important people in your life, and over the course of the last half year, you had become quite close with all of them. You had started to think that the only truly good thing to come out of this war was the clone army. Yes, they were raised to be fighters, soldiers first and foremost, but after getting to know them, you realized they were so much more than what they were bred for. In fact, you could say with confidence that the clones were the kindest and most honorable men you had ever known, all the ones you had met at least. Some of them had more honor and humility in their little finger than some jedi had in their whole body.
No one fit this description better than your captain, and best friend, Keeli. You two had become very close over these many months, and you considered him your closest companion. He had been the one to initially suggest your extra training after you saying one day that you wished the jedi taught their pupils how to shoot a blaster, as well as swing a lightsaber, because it would’ve proven helpful in situations like the ones you found yourself in these days.
This line of thinking was conjured after a mission where you had been knocked on your back, and although you were spared from the deadly fall over the nearby cliff, your saber was not as lucky. Admittedly, you felt a bit powerless without your weapon, not sure if you could take on the dozens of battle droids quickly approaching your position with just the force alone. Luckily for you, your captain was quick to your side and fired at the droids while you used the force to throw as many over the cliff as you could.
After this mission, he had agreed to train you as best he could, and the other men in your company had been quick to volunteer their services as well. They taught you how to shoot, as well as some forms of hand-to-hand combat. You had been so grateful and felt much more confident out in the field with these extra tricks up your sleeve.
Other than being an excellent teacher, Keeli was a truly amazing friend. He was always there for you; when you needed a confidant to vent all your woes to, when you needed a shoulder to cry on after a particularly dreadful mission, when you needed reassurance to dissipate the self-doubt that always seemed to rear its ugly head, even acting as your support system throughout your trials, and was the first to congratulate you when you passed them and became a jedi knight in your own right. He was all of these, and you tried to be the same for him.
You tried to be there for all your men, they were your comrades, your friends, your family. These men were like the brothers you never had, and they had made it clear that they felt the same.
Perhaps it was this close relationship with your company that caused a worry in the councils’ eyes. Attachment was forbidden for a jedi and could lead one down a path that was hard to come back from, and they were worried you were doing just that, getting attached, to your master and to your men.
This is what brought you to Coruscant now. The council had requested you be the one to report to them on your last mission, only you. To say you had been nervous was an understatement, you could tell something was up, you were getting one of your feelings again, and that was never a good sign. They had all been more silent than usual as you’d given your report, only speaking after you had nothing left to say. They then informed you of their worry and even though you denied this and tried to reassure them that there was no reason for concern, they said they had already made the decision before your arrival. You would be reassigned to a new unit, which one they hadn’t figured out yet, but promised that decision would be made as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you were being sent to Kamino to assist Master Shaak Ti in overseeing the training of new cadets, a decision you were sure was made to immediately distance you from your company, who were currently back on Coruscant on a short leave.
You had accepted this change with as much composure as you could muster, while feeling as if you were falling apart on the inside. The hardest part was telling your men.
“What, they can’t do that… can they”, Treun asked out loud when you’d given the news.
You sighed. “I’m a jedi, I serve the council, so technically, they can do whatever they want with me and place me wherever they see fit”, you told him.
Another trooper chimed in, “You know I’ll never understand all these rules you jedi have. I mean what is so wrong about having friends, we’re the ones who always have your back, keep you breathing, or do they not even care about the safety of their own knights?”
“That’s not what this is about, Fuse”, you said somberly. “They think I’m getting too attached, and to the jedi attachment can be very dangerous, they don’t want me letting my emotions drive my actions, impede on my duties as a jedi.”
Thrash met your gaze with eyes that made your heart hurt from the amount of sadness that filled them. “And General Di is okay with this”, he asked.
You looked to your feet before responding, “He doesn’t really have a say, but he did agree that it might be good for me to get some distance, take a good look inward and figure myself out, which means a lot of meditation on my end.”
There was a light chuckle. “Sounds fun”, Quip said sarcastically, and you sent him a small smile, appreciative of his efforts to lighten the mood with a little joke, as he always did. However, it didn’t exactly do the trick this time.
They all went silent, not knowing what they could say to make this situation less depressing, nothing could do that. They felt this was all very unfair, as did you, even if you understood why it was happening.
“I’m going to miss you guys”, you said, trying to keep the tears at bay.
They all looked to you with sad expressions. “We’re gonna miss you too (Y/N)”, Treun said, his brothers all slowly nodding in agreement.
You made sure to give each and every one of them a tight hug before leaving and making your way to the hangar, where a ship was waiting to take you to Kamino.
As you walked you let your mind wander to your captain. Where was he, you hadn’t seen him since before your meeting with the council the day before, and he hadn’t been there when you gave the bad news to the boys. Was he avoiding you, did he blame you for this sudden turn of events, or worse, did he think you chose this? No, you told yourself, don’t be stupid, he knows you better than that, he knows you’d never willingly leave your men, leave him. So where was he?
You began to worry, not wanting to leave, for who knows how long, without first saying goodbye to your best friend.
Your worry quickly dissipated when your ship came into view and you saw Keeli standing near the entry ramp, clearly waiting for you. Your feet were moving before your mind could catch up, and you were running toward him, halting abruptly once you reached him. Breathing heavily, you beamed up at him.
“Keeli, am I glad to see you, I was worried I wouldn’t get to before I left”, you said, slowly catching your breath.
He smiled down at you, the kindness in his gaze so potent it made your smile widen even more.
“You really thought I’d let you leave without a proper goodbye? (Y/N), I thought you knew me better than that”, he said.
You shook your head. “You’re right, I’m sorry, it’s just that, when you weren’t in the barracks with the others and I couldn’t find you, I got worried”, you admitted.
His smile widened at this. “You were worried for me”, he asked. It was rhetorical.
“Well yeah, you are my best friend ya know. You’re important to me, so yeah, I worry about you”, you say, crossing your arms over your chest and jutting a hip to the side.
He loved when you acted a bit sassy, it was endearing, and admittedly, kind of adorable.
“Well, your concern is greatly appreciated, and I’m sorry for worrying you, I just needed some time to do some thinking is all”, he told you, and you gave him a look, which he was quick to respond to. “Nothing to be concerned about, I promise.” This seemed to ease your worry, your face relaxing into a soft smile. “Besides, I wanted to be the one to give you a proper send off. Seeing as I’m your best friend, I’d like to think I’m just a bit more special than the rest”, he said with a light humored tone.
You chuckled. “Of course your special Captain, the most special in fact”, you replied with the same energy.
He laughed at your comment before slowly letting his expression fall, his face now holding a despondent smile. Yours now looking very similar.
“I’m gonna miss you”, he said sadly.
“I’m going to miss you too”, you replied in kind.
You both stood there for a minute just looking at each other, sharing a somber gaze, before a voice was heard from the top of the ramp ahead of you. “General, we must be on our way”, one of your escort troopers announced.
“Yes, I’ll be along in a moment, thank you”, you responded, sending the trooper a reassuring wave over Keeli’s shoulder. You then look back to your captain, smiling softly. “So, I guess this is goodbye”, you said.
“For now”, he said with a smile of his own.
You nodded once, sharing in his hopeful demeaner for the time being. “For now”, you agreed.
Keeli then extended a hand to you. You looked at it with a bit of confusion, but took it anyway, accepting the rather formal gesture.
“Goodbye General.”
“Goodbye Captain.”
You released his hand and made your way past him to the ramp. You’d made it half-way up before stopping, fists clenched and tears slowly filling your eyes. You then turned suddenly, seeing your friend walking away, almost dragging his feet as he did. “Keeli”, you shouted to him.
He turned to see you running to him, and, as if on instinct, he held out his arms to catch you in a tight embrace, dropping the helmet he’d been holding to the ground in the process. You let a few tears escape and fall down your cheeks as you held him, arms wrapped around his neck and holding on firmly, as if easing it just a bit would cause him to disappear before your eyes. He held you with the same intensity, and you stayed like that for a long moment.
“Stay safe okay”, you finally spoke, trying to keep your voice from wavering too much.
“You too”, he said into your hair before you felt a light pressure from the swift kiss he’d left there. This caused a few more tears to fall before you pulled away, wiping them away with the back of your hand.
You made your way back to the ramp, stopping at the top to send one last glance to your friend. He smiled and raised a hand in a final farewell. You returned the gesture before the ramp retreated into the vessel and the giant door closed, cutting off your view completely.
Once the ship had made it far enough out of the planet’s orbit and you entered hyperspace, you’d excused yourself to the private quarters they had provided you for the short trip, saying you needed to meditate. This was accepted and you were left alone for the next few hours. After you entered the small room and sat on the bed, however, you released all the emotions you’d been trying so desperately to hold in the whole day, and let the silent tears flow freely, light sobs accompanying them.
You knew, ultimately, you would be okay, but for now, you needed to let this out, lest it build up and come out at a less convenient time. So, you did, you let all the sadness, all the hurt, and all the worry out, so that after, you might be able to focus on what was next for you.
Perhaps being stationed on Kamino wouldn’t be so bad. You liked Master Shaak Ti, she was a kind woman, and you’d get to see where your men got their start, learned all those skills they’d been kind enough to share with you. You were upset sure, but you decided to not let it consume you, and you allowed your natural curiosity to take over and pique your interest in visiting the planet again, and therefore brightening your spirits just a bit.
Yeah, this won’t be so bad, and I’ll simply take things as they come, that’s all I can do. You mentally reassured yourself before crisscrossing your legs on the bed, placing your hands atop your knees, and closing your eyes, falling into a calming meditation.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
The keeli section in the master list is looking a little bear I think it's time for more keeli content. So have any head cannons?
Captain Keeli relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
We all know Keeli is an absolute sweetheart 
He’s caring as hell and he’s very observant 
So it didn’t take him long to fall for you when you fell for him
Keeli would bring you flowers and take you out to some cute dinner
Once you two begin dating Keeli starts coming over 
He can’t afford to take you anywhere really, so he tries to have wonderful dates with you at your place
Keeli can cook and bake!! He’s amazing in the kitchen 
He always wears some frilly apron with some funny words on it just to make you laugh 
Keeli loves making you meals and sweets! 
Your date nights are mostly just both of you in soft pajama pants and t-shirts while watching movies or TV 
Nothing is better than cuddling with your favorite captain!
You are not allowed to watch any new episodes of your favorite TV show without Keeli 
One time he came back from a mission and saw you watching the show, he was very dramatically hurt by it
Keeli is kind of a goofball sometimes, he just loves seeing you smile and laugh 
Keeli will take you out on dates sometimes, and when he does he always holds your hand 
He doesn’t care about PDA, he’s happy with you and that’s all that matters 
He won’t take you to a bar though. Keeli hates drinking, but he doesn’t mind if you do. 
Keeli says he gets angry and weird when he drinks and he doesn’t like that 
Every second with you matters to him because he misses you so much when he’s away 
When he’s away on missions he always tries to comm you so you can know that he’s alright 
He always makes up for being away by bringing you beautiful flowers or a trinket he found on the mission 
Keeli loves his hair and beard almost as much as he loves you 
His hairstyle is very high maintenance, and he loves it when you help him
He’s puddy in your hands when you help him with his hair 
(I wrote a fic on this, find it here!)
Keeli also loves his tattoos, which he’ll show off often 
He has two tattoo sleeves that are filled with the same patterns he has shaved into his hair 
He has two ram horns, like the ones from his helmet, tattooed over his heart
He also shows off his earrings, which are just simple studs 
Once you introduce Keeli to a bubble bath there is no going back 
His new favorite thing is taking a nice relaxing bath with you 
Keeli loves to cuddle, but he is HOT. He’s a living space heater 
You start keeping your place colder just so you can cuddle him and not sweat 
Sometimes Keeli has nightmares or has trouble sleeping 
It helps him a lot if you hold his head against your chest, letting him hear your heartbeat 
Once he’s relaxed he’ll talk about what’s troubling him
He loves talking to you about his issues! He loves and trusts you. He has no need to keep secrets 
Keeli is a better listener though, he loves listening to you and helping where he can 
Keeli likes to talk about the possibilities of a future with you 
You both begin to plan your life out for when the war is over 
Keeli just loves you with all of his heart and he makes sure to say it as often as he can
You how Keeli has high maintenance hair? Well the carpet matches the drapes. 
He takes pride in it. 
Keeli isn’t the most experienced guy, but after a time or two he knows what he’s doing 
Like all clones, he’s a quick learner with an amazing memory 
So he knows just how to get you to scream with pleasure 
Keeli is a huge tease in bed 
His favorite teasings are to edge you and to overstimulate you 
He always makes sure you cum a few times, he’s too caring to leave you hot and bothered 
Keeli enjoys hearing your beg, but he won’t ask for it a lot 
He’s a switch. 
Please top Keeli, he’s a good boy 
He is very vocal as well, he never holds back his noises of pleasure 
When he’s being pegged/dicked down or ridden he moans like a bitch in heat 
He loves it when you tease him and edge him, he’s good at whimpering and begging
He’s very patient though and has great control, so getting him to beg may be a challenge 
Keeli is pretty kinky and is really down for anything that doesn’t require hurting you 
He’ll totally talk about your kinks and what you two want to try 
He won’t hurt you in a hitting way, that doesn’t mean he won’t go rough 
Sometimes when he’s stressed he rails you so hard that you can’t walk the next day 
Keeli loves using you as stress relief 
He loves the slow and soft intimate nights the best though 
Keeli always makes sure to make the best of the night 
You know how I mentioned Keeli likes bubble baths with you?
Well that almost always leads to bathtub sex 
Keeli is a huge tease whenever he can be, so his hands are never to himself 
Especially in public, he loves making you flustered 
Keeli will fuck you in public sometimes, it depends on how desprate he is 
He’ll do quickies, but he doesn’t prefer them. He feels like you don’t get enough pleasure from them
He is amazing at oral!! If he eats you out his beard kind of tickles, but it just adds to the sensation 
Keeli loves receiving oral, your hot tongue and warm lips are his weakness 
He’ll cum wherever. Your mouth? His pants? Between your legs? On your chest? He doesn’t care
He has a breeding kink like all clones, but he knows that’s something for your future together 
Like I said, he’s a patient boy. 
Keeli is amazing at aftercare!! He always makes sure to clean you both up with a warm damp towel
Once you’re both relaxed he’ll ask if you want to take a hot shower with him, where he washes you and makes sure to help you feel refreshed. 
You always fall asleep in the warm embrace of your favorite Captain 
Tags: @royalhandmaidens @hounding-around
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
for better or for worse (1)
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - when the people they love the most are kidnapped and ripped out of their hands, the bau does everything they can to get them back before it turns dire
warnings - mentions of case, angst
series masterlist
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“please head home and get some rest! we’ve had a long couple of weeks and you all deserve a night off,” emily called from the catwalk.
it was one of the rare days the bau team worked an actual 9 to 5. they would be able to go home at night to their respective families at a fairly normal hour instead of the messed up ones due to traveling.
the bullpen was a rush, everyone packing up quickly so they could leave as soon as possible.
“j.j.! any plans for tonight?” coverstion between the agents bounced around easily.
“homework duty and just sitting back and relaxing with my boys,” the blonde agent replied, “how about you rossi?”
“cooking lesson,” the italian man spoke.
the team all looked towards the senior agent. “and we weren’t invited?”
rossi threw his hands up in defense. “hey, there’s always a spot open at my table,” he offered. luke huffed, the thought of italian food already making him hungry.
“alright luke. since you seem to be complaining a lot, what are you doing?”
luke grinned, leaning into garcia slightly. “just relaxing with my two favorite girls,” he answered.
“aw luke! we’re not going to be there tonight,” tara grinned. “sorry ladies, penelope and roxy are all i’ll be with tonight.”
“well leslie and i are just going to watch reruns of jeopardy and nurse a bottle of wine,” tara announced.
“same with me and kristy,” matt agreed.
“date night,” the genius smiled. matt made mock kissy faces towards spencer. “have fun with y/n,” emily quickly butted in.
“how about you em? you’ve been working extra hard recently. how are you unwinding?”
the unit chief laughed. “i’m taking keely shopping. i promised we would go and tonight just happens to work.”
garcia scoffed, “ugh i’m so jealous.” luke huffed at that. “what? me and roxy aren’t good enough?”
laughter echoed through the room. the team bid their final goodbyes to each other, all eager to head home before they would have to be back again early the next morning. it was incredibly relieving to have the night off for once.
you looked up from your desk to see spencer walk in, suit jacket tossed over his shoulder and bag in hand. his sleeves were rolled up to his elbow too, curls falling on his forehead. “hi sweetheart,” he mused.
“oh my god you’re actually home,” you exclaimed, jumping up to greet him with a kiss to the cheek.
the two of you didn’t pull away, his hands holding your middle while yours rested in the crook of his arm. “i made you a promise didn’t i? i was going to be home so we could actually have a night to ourselves and i promised to follow through.”
“yeah you did,” you replied with a grin. “i was just afraid you were going to get an emergency case and have to leave immediately.”
“i’m guessing that explains why you aren’t ready yet,” spencer commented, motioning down to your outfit of leggings and a sweatshirt. “hey last time i got dolled up you were called out to tennessee. can you blame me for not wanting to waste an hour getting ready?” spencer chuckled at that. “well tonight we can actually go out, no interruptions.”
with one final kiss to your lips, spencer pushed you towards your room to get ready for your date.
you were ready pretty soon if that, clothes were already layed out and hair and makeup didn’t take long. spencer remained in his work clothes as they were formal enough.
“well let me just say it was worth the wait,” spencer spoke when you appeared once again in the living room, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. you scrunched your nose at the compliment, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “thank you.”
“i’m ready to go when you are,” you announced. spencer finished slipping the final things, just his wallet and phone, into his pockets before taking your hand in his. “let’s head out, i really don’t want to miss our reservations.”
at the restaurant, you were shown to your table almost immediately. after ordering drinks, you decided what to order on the menu before setting it down.
conversation eased easily between the two of you. thankfully, you kept the topic off of work. spencer’s phone buzzed on the able and for a split second, you panicked thinking it was work. thankfully, it was just the team in their groupchat.
“hey look, the team is all sending pictures of their night off,” spencer spoke, handing you his phone. you, in turn, scrolled through the messages.
there was garcia and roxy, all curled up on the couch in comfy clothes ready to watch a movie. leslie was in front of the tv, holding a glass of wine. kristy’s photo was almost the same, though the show was different. there was keely in front of a store, shopping bags in hand. will was next, michael situatiated on his lap as they worked through some homework. and finally was krystall who was cooking over the stove.
“alright now it’s your turn,” spencer held your his phone to take a picture. you smiled at the camera, the restaurant as your background. “and sent, no more distractions for the rest of the night.”
you took a sip out of your wine glass before raising it up. “amen to that,” you said as the two of you clinked glasses.
dinner was perfect, the restaurant never disappointing as it was one of your favorites. you took your time heading home, savoring the time you were together. but finally, you did arrive back at your apartment.
you kissed him goodnight, letting your lips linger for a little longer. “i love you,” you spoke.
spencer leaned down to kiss you once more. “i love you too,” he confirmed.
he went home with a smile on his face.
the following morning at work, the mood was a lot different.
“hey have any of you seen penelope?” luke asked. “i brought her lunch but i can’t find her anywhere. she’s not in her office either.”
“aw lukie! look at you being a good boyfriend,” j.j. mused, ruffling luke’s hair. a grin found its way to the agents face. “but no, i haven’t seen her yet. weren’t you two together last night?”
“yeah but she went back to her place,” luke explained.
emily’s phone was the first to ring.
the unit chief didn’t bother looking at the caller i.d. and instead hit answer right away. “hello?”
“emily? do you know where my dad is? he’s supposed to drive me to school today but isn’t in the house. i’ve tried his cell and he hasn’t answered but i don’t know if he had to go into work early and was just going to leave and get me,” keely rushed out.
all the blood seemed to rush out of emily’s face. first penelope and now andrew. it couldn’t be a coincidence that both of them weren’t where they should be.
“hey, i’m going to call you out of the school today. i’ll send an agent down to pick you up and bring you to the bau. can you pack a bag?” emily asked. keely replied with a simple, “yes” before the two hang up.
“anderson!” emily called.
as the agent was briefed on his mission, matt and j.j.’s phone rang at almost the exact same time, both from their individual schools. j.j. bit her knuckle, a sign that the news was less then good.
“will was supposed to drop the kids off at school today. neither of them showed up,” the blonde agent announced. matt ran his hand through his hair, similar results on his end as well. kristy was supposed to do the same as will, though she didn’t show up either.
emily stopped anderson from leaving, adding on new orders to stop by the jareau and simmons homes after getting keeli. anderson agreed, leaving with matt to go get the kids.
“leslie isn’t answering her phone,” tara stayed. rossi quickly added on, “‘neither is krystall.”
spencer desperately hoped that his own phone wouldn’t ring. but it did, the obnoxious ringtone blaring in his pocket. “hello?” he answered weakly.
your friend/boss was on the other line. he was down as your emergence contact, hence why she had his number. “hey spencer, y/n didn’t call out sick from work today and hasn’t showed up. do you know anything?”
“yeah y/n’s sick,” he lied, not quite sure what to say other then that. “i’m not quiet sure when she’ll be better though.”
“alright send her my best. she’s got a lot of sick days so just don’t rush her return. thanks again.”
spencer remained silent, trying to process that fact that your fate was matching the others.
“everyone go to their apartments or homes. there’s no way all seven of them just disappeared. j.j., you and i will stay here. anderson will let us know if anything is missing,” emily commanded. “we’ll regroup in thirty minutes.”
the team all left in a rush. a record could have been set for the number of traffic laws broken on their individual drives.
spencer parked his car as quickly as possible. he yanked the keys out of ignition, fumbling with them until your apartment key was in his hand.
inside your apartment was as clean as it was yesterday. the only thing out of place was your coffee mug in the sink, already finished and just waiting to be washed. other than that, almost nothing was different.
the table was what captivated spencer’s attention. a present was sitting in the center, looking extremely out of place in contrast to the rest of your home. spencer didn’t have time to investigate, needing to alert emily.
with the box in hand, he left the apartment once more to drive back to the bau.
anderson and matt arrived just minutes after the rest of the team. henry and keely were walking in the own, the older girl keeping an eye on him. michael was situated on anderson’s back, looking more then joyed to be getting a piggyback ride. matt has rosemary tucked firmly in his arms, baby carrier by his side while david, jake, chloe, and lily all followed.
rossi releaved the younger agent by taking the youngest out of his hands. “i’ll take the carrier and put her down in my office,” he offered. matt thanked him quietly, keeping his eyes in the other kids while the senior agent headed up to the catwalk.
emily and j.j. went up to her own office, letting keely and the two boys sit in there. “we’re going to find your dad,” emily reassured the young girl. keely managed to muster a smile, relaxing further into the plush chair behind the desk.
while anderson took matt’s kids down to morgan’s old office, the team headed up to the conference room.
“alright,” emily started. “did any of you find anything?”
the room was quiet as everyone dug through their individual bags. seven identical boxes were pulled out, white squares with red ribbon.
“i haven’t opened it yet,” spencer revealed. the others agreed, all to nervous to see what was inside. emily and j.j. frowned, anderson had given them the same two items upon return.
with shaky hands, spencer was the first one to tug at the string. the four sides fell back with ease, only the top remained. the genius pulled the top off, eyes brows immediately furrowing with confusion.
inside was a phone, more specifically your own cell phone. the screen was cracked, making the screen almost impossible to see. the greatest concern was the blood on the back.
spencer held down the power button for a moment, the white apple start up screen flashing back at him. your usual background, a photo of you and him at one of rossi’s dinner parties, was replaced with a black screen. upon further inspection, the word ‘love’ was in dark letters.
“mine says love,” luke announced, holding up penelope’s usual sparkly iphone. “mine too,” tara agreed. everyone else pushed the phones towards the center, all cracked, all with a bit of blood, and all with the word ‘love’ on the lock screen.
it was like you had all vanished.
you were gone. and the team had absolutely no idea where any of you went.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @zozoleesi @emilyxprentiss @spencerreidfanatic00 @mrs-dr-reid @irjuejjsaa @ogmilkis @sageellesworth05 @mortallythoughtfulgurl @brainyreid @ah-blossom @kissessforharryyy @ssareidbby @spencersglasses @spenciepoo338
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
It’s a “No” for Dinner
Pairing: Tommy x Black!Reader
Summary: Tommy Shelby is trouble, but can he charm you into a date?
Length: 892 words (allegedly)
Warnings: None!
A/N: Finding all these hidden gems from the archives! 
 You helped your last customer before sighing and giving in.   
"Good evening, Mr. Shelby."  
"Good evening," said Thomas Shelby as he pushed off the wall he'd been so casually leaning against with his hands in his pockets. He'd been lingering since a quarter 'til closing,  trying to catch your eye so you'd give in to him having a cigarette in your shop though it was the one rule you'd made for him. You busied yourself with cleaning off your countertop as he approached the other side. "I need 100 ties. Black, silk, whatever you suggest for a nice look."  
"100? Trying to wear a new tie each day," you teased.  
"Just some new men coming on." He was vague in his answer as he looked you over. Your haberdashery was one of the few quality places Tommy trusted. It was only a coincidence he was drawn in by your brown eyes and curly hair, you were sure. He moved as though his mind was flooded with thoughts, and he was wading through them. 
"How was your day," you appeased his cry for attention while writing his order. When you received a detached hum in response, you walked around the counter and held up the notepad for his review. However, you slyly moved it behind your back, leaving the gangster close and peering down at you when he tried to reach for it. "What was that about your day? I didn't quite hear." 
He shook his head. You were so assured, and it made him smile, sometimes. 
"Heard something interesting," Tommy told you, leaning against the counter. "That blighter Patrick Keely asked you to dinner."  
"Where could you have possibly heard that?" You were always surprised by his bandwidth. Though your shop was in Small Health, the industrial city was quite new to you. You were only coming up on a year of having your place. It was in moments like this that you finally began to understand the deep Shelby and Peaky Blinder influence.
"Yes, Patrick Keely asked me to dinner. And what about it?" You raised an eyebrow.  
"What did you say?" 
"You already know." 
"Fine, you said no. Why?" 
"I wasn't interested." 
"Because I have things to do," you said this in a whisper. Tommy had gotten closer with each question, and each answer until he was leaning into you. Close enough that, if he liked, he could touch your nose with his, or kiss you softly. But only if he'd like. 
"Such as?"  
"You're worse than the children." 
"Y/n," Tommy began but was hindered by you choosing the ladder option for him. Soft, full lips pressed against his, and he had no complaints in the slightest. 
"Things like making tea," you continued to answer his questions when you parted. "Would you like some?"  
"Will more of this be available as well?" Tommy motioned between you. 
"Upon request," you nodded and locked up quickly. The tea making process was prolonged by brief breaks needed to revisit where you'd left off. The lid was on the kettle, and you were immediately pulled to Tommy. Your hands on his neck, his on your waist- pulling you impossible close. You were sat on the edge of the small kitchen table, your legs parting for him to stand between and your breath shallow. You knew this song and dance so well and were glad to be saved by the whistling kettle. 
What was it to end up in bed, once again with Tommy Shelby of all people? You were beginning to not even believe yourself when you said you didn't want to properly see him. In a world where it was hard enough to be a woman, a brown-skinned one at that, trouble was unavoidable, but you tried to make it feel unwelcome. 
"How do you like it," you asked, already pouring. 
"Black is fine." He nodded and took a seat. You poured yours and sat. Tommy noted your inclusion of milk and sugar, announcing that he would remember this for next time. Next time. Always charming and always so sure. 
"Why did you turn down that dinner?"
"Tommy, you know why."
"Do I?" He leaned forward and looked into your eyes. "Fine. Why don't you let me take you out?" You couldn't help but turn your gaze to the steaming cup in your hand. "I know I may not seem like I have much to give."
"I know, alright? But all of this business with the Peaky Blinders, we'll have it ironed out soon enough." Tommy reached over and grasped your hand. "I'm gonna do it. We're going to be legitimate." 
This wasn't what you were expecting if you were honest. Whenever he wanted something, Tommy just made it happen. You didn't think he was in the business of making promises. It was what you needed to hear, though. And you leaned forward as well, once again closing the distance between you.
"Tommy, I'll say this just once," you began. You could see the way he braced himself in his eyes, ready for the final rejection. "I don't like it when you're late, it makes me nervous. So when you pick me up for our date this weekend, please be on time." 
"Fucking hell," he swore, letting out a breath of relief. "Already giving me a hard time, eh?"
"Of course." 
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 5 years
Captain Keeli x Reader (Naughty Jedi)
This was a request that I received from @waosa. They had stated that there isn’t a whole lot or any Captain Keeli smut so I shall indulge you all with some. Let’s all be honest he is HOT! Lets all pretend Captain Keeli managed to survive with his General on Ryloth. I do not own Star Wars or any characters. WARNING: Minor depression, SMUT AHEAD and mentions of Pregnancy
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The sources were all flying into the command center that your old master General Ima-Gun Di, and Captain Keeli had been cut down by the sepratist army. You were absolutely devastated, and you felt like the whole Galaxy was collapsing in on you. ‘Why did it have to be them?’, you asked yourself over and over. The panic must have been clear on your face because one of the clones you had befriended came up to you. “(Y/N) come with me”, he told you, taking your hand in his, leading you away from the bridge.
He brought you to your quarters, and told you to lay back on your bed. You were barely there not even hearing him leave. You sat there on your bed just staring at the wall trying to comprehend what you were hearing on the comm channels. He couldn’t be dead he had promised you that he would come back safe. Your hand absentmindedly played with the ring that hung from the necklace you had on. 
Keeli had given you the ring saying he was going to marry you, and be a deserter if it meant being with you. He had promised that you would both live on a farm, and maybe raise a couple of kids. Now all those hopes and dreams came crashing down. You were still in your own world when a clone medic came into your room. “Miss (Y/N) can you hear me?”, he questioned, but you hadn’t heard him. It wasn’t until someone shook you a little that you focused on what was going on around you. 
“She is in shock. I would like to move her to the med bay where I can give her a sedative to calm her down. She needs to be monitored”, the medic told the other clone. They both helped you to the med bay, and that's when it all hit you at once. You screamed out causing the clones in the medbay to jump as you began to wail and the force started to shake things around you. “He’s gone”, you sobbed. You continued crying even when the medic administered something into your arm. You noticed you were slowly losing consciousness. 
Keeli couldn’t believe that him and General Ima-Gun Di had survived the onslaught of droids, but alas they were making their way to a friendly encampment. The comms had been relaying that they both had died in the attack, and he worried about (Y/N). He knew that he could die at any moment he was a clone and expendable. He chuckled now because every time he told her he was expendable she would pout and tell him he was wrong. What he would give to be with her right now to let her know he was safe.
The encampment came into view, and he had just dragged his wounded General there. He yelled for a medic, and they had one attend the General. Once they were sure the General was stable they moved them onto a transport to take them back to the main ship. Ima-Gun Di would need several days in a bacta tank. The medic took over from the hangar bay, and Captain Keeli made his way to give report after convincing the medic that he was fine. The debriefing was very long, and Keeli wanted nothing more than to get to (Y/N) to let her know that he was okay. 
He didn’t even have time to hit the refresher because he needed to get to you. You had just made it in your room, and put down some tranquilizers that the medic had given you in case you needed them when your door swished open. “I don’t want any visitors right now”, you stated. Keeli’s heart broke when he heard how defeated you sounded. “Not even my company cyare”, he spoke.You froze and prayed this wasn’t a dream as you turned around. 
You ran into his arms as fast as you could, almost knocking the Captain over. “They said you were dead”, you sobbed into his chest. “Nah, I couldn’t leave you here all alone now could I”, he soothed petting your head. You only let him go so he could strip out of his armor, and when he turned back around you shoved him into the wall with the force. He tried to fight being pinned to the wall, but it was useless. 
“Captain Keeli I love you”, you told him and stood on your toes to kiss him. He was desperately trying to touch you, but you held him in place. You kissed him harder and bit his bottom lip tugging on it. He groaned when you let go of it and kissed down his stubbled jaw to his ear. You licked the shell of his ear, and grazed your teeth lightly on his earlobe. Keeli shuddered and begged for you to release him. 
He was hard and wanted nothing more than to fuck you in this moment, but you kept him pinned by the force. You scratched along his chest as you slowly knelt in front of him. Tracing the outline of his cock on his blacks. It twitched madly as he grunted and threw his head back. “Please (Y/N) let me have you. I need to feel you stretch around me, and take me all the way into your pussy”, he growled. He wanted to touch you so badly.
“I think you need to hit the refresher with me because you're filthy, and not in the good way”, you chuckled. You didn’t release him until you were already sprinting down the hall to the refreshers. He was hot on your tail when you turned the water on in one of the showers. You had stripped quickly and stood under the stream of water when he came in. You crooked a finger beckoning him to come get you after he shed his blacks. He stalked toward you after closing the curtain, and pressed you against the wall to capture your mouth.
The kiss was all tongue and teeth as you both fought for dominance. He brought his hand up to your breast and squeezed roughly. You faltered with a whine as he took total control. “I want to be inside you please tell me your ready”, he pleaded. “Yes! Force yes I’m ready Captain”, you panted. With that confirmation he picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist. You clung to him as he pushed you back up against the wall. 
Finding your entrance he slowly let you sink down onto him. “Oh moons (Y/N) you’re so kriffin’ tight”, he praised. He started a slow rhythm as the water cascaded down. He was wanting to take this slow, but you wanted to get on with it. You used the force to gently put pressure on his prostate. He gasped at the pressure, and looked at you with a devilish smile. “I see how you want to play this”, he chuckled. You didn’t have time to respond as he pounded you like he never had before. 
Little cries of his name left your lips whenever he hit that spot inside you just right. It didn’t take long for you to orgasm. Keeli thrust a couple more times then seated himself as he came. You thought you both were done so you started to wriggle. “Not so fast I want you to stay full of me understand, and I have plenty more where that came from”, he purred in your ear. He had gripped your hips firmly so you wouldn’t spill any of his cum. 
You felt full already and with his plan of filling you more tonight your body was already gearing up to go again. He let your feet touch the floor then quickly pulled out of you. He turned you and pressed your chest against the wall and took you from behind in one solid stroke. “Keeli”, you gasped. “What’s the matter?”, he asked. “Nothing I just wasn’t expecting you to be this vigorous”, you admitted. 
“I’m going to cum inside you as many times as you and I can take. We’ll go get married and have a couple kids. You can leave the Order and I can leave the Republic army”, he stated. “Oh Keeli I would love it”, you responded. After that confirmation he started a brutal pace, and holding you hips in a bruising grip. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was the only sounds other than the occasional grunt, moan or praise. 
“Captain I’m getting close”, you announced. You could feel him twitching madly, and knew he was waiting for you to orgasm again. “Go ahead I’m right behind you”, he said jokingly. You let out a small laugh as you reached down circling your clit. Seven swipes and you came onto his cock for the second time. He pulled your hips flush with his and filled you yet again. He let you breathe for about two minutes and commanded you to bring your leg up.
You complied with his command and he put his arm under your knee bringing it up to your side. Keeli didn’t even ask if you were ready as he started pounding into you again. This new angle was heaven and too much at the same time. You felt as though you were drowning in pleasure as he toyed with your nipple. You orgasmed quickly and this one felt like small little shockwaves roll through your body. He kept going until you came again this time pulling you flush to him again, and filling you. 
The water had turned cold, and he shut the water off still fully sheathed inside you. He sat there for a few moments then pulled out of you slowly. “Let's take this back to your room, and let's try to keep that cum from leaking out”, he said, wrapping a towel around him and picking up both your discarded clothes. You had just got the towel around yourself when he bent down and flung you over his shoulder. He was showing off his superior strength to you, and it made you moan. 
He made it back to your room in a flash putting both of your clothing in a pile on the floor. Keeli swatted your ass, “You better not have spilled any cum cyare”, he warned. He sat you on the bed, and waited for the next move. “On your hands and knees. Head down and ass up”, Keeli barked. “Yes sir”, you fake saluted. “I should punish you for being sassy”, he played along. He watched as you got farther up the bed on your hands, and knees. You had stopped to look over your shoulder before you dropped your head down.
Keeli was transfixed as you were basically presenting yourself for him on your bed. You wiggled your hips a little, and that's when he noticed that you had managed to not spill a single drop of cum. You felt the bed dip under his weight as he came up behind you on his knees. He took his cock and tapped it on your pussy. “Cyare remember how you used the force earlier?”, he questioned. “Yes”, you breathed. “I want to spend everything I have left deep inside you”, Keeli shuddered.
Oh my stars he was asking you to drain his balls into your already full pussy, and kriff were you ready. “Ok Keeli I’m ready whenever you are”, you confirmed. He entered you with ease, and he could feel you clench down on him. “Your so hungry for the rest of my cum aren’t you (Y/N). I know you are because of the way you clenched down on me. I’m going to make you feel so full”, he groaned. He started a slow rhythm this time building up the pace slowly. 
“You're doing so well (Y/N). Taking my cock and keeping my cum in without spilling any”, he praised tracing your spine with a finger. “I think you deserve a reward”, he told you. He stopped for a moment to lean over you. He opened your night stand to pull out your small vibrator. He turned it on, and circled your clit with it as he started back up to a fast pace. He was getting closer, and he stuck the vibrator on your clit.
You screamed at the sensation, and he was almost there. You had begun sobbing and chanting his name over and over. “(Y/N) now start now”, he told you. You used the force to put an almost vibrating pressure on his prostate again. He was bucking his hips wildly from the ministrations. “(Y/N)! Ooooh Cyare I can’t hold off”, he warned. “Then cum Captain. Cum Keeli”, you sobbed. He pushed all the way as far as he could go, and even that didn’t feel like it was far enough inside you. 
His cock was snuggly against your cervix as he came. The sensation from the vibrator, and spurt after spurt of warm cum hitting your walls you came hard. You were still continuing the ministrations as he dropped the vibrator to the bed to glue himself to your back. “(Y/N) it’s too much. Stop, please stop”, Keeli sobbed. You let it last a few more seconds then stopped. It took you both ten solid minutes before you came back to your senses. 
“That was amazing”, you grunted. You were about to pull forward until he gripped your hips. “Oh no your gonna stay full of me tonight until I soften”, he told you. He nudged you forward with his hips to lay you on your stomach staying snugly inside you. He lay over you letting some of his weight fall on you. It was a primal feeling of him staying sheathed inside you. Keeping his cum in by just his cock alone. You were so full and extremely satisfied. One could say you were dick drunk.
“I meant what I said about wanting children”, he said. “Well after tonight I would be surprised if I don’t end up pregnant”, you preened. He rolled you both onto your sides and didn’t pull out until he started to soften. “We are going to leave the ship tomorrow, and start our life on the farm okay”, he told her. The near death experience had woken him up to the reality that life is short, and he wanted to keep his promise to the one he loved most in the entire Galaxy. You both fell asleep with Keeli holding you protectively to his chest.
Kriff guys this was so long, but Captain Keeli deserved more. He is handsome and just ugggg. Hope you liked this @waosa!
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