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effieotto · 3 months ago
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The Capiton, Star edition (2286)
i saw someone doing the Capitol Magazine once and i thought it was brilliant, so i did my version. We all agree that Effie was a junior model since a very young age, right? A real real Diva since childhood -the capitol darling, the newest golden apple of Panem
credits of the idea: @sunsets12
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oscarcito · 1 year ago
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bambolesgonfiabili · 1 year ago
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eldritchanchovy · 2 years ago
We watched Father of the Bride (2022) on HBO Max shortly after it came out, with subtitles. This is a Father of the Bride remake where the bride and her family are Cuban-American and the groom and his family are Mexican
So, while the movie is primarily in English, there are a *lot* of snippets of Spanish throughout
And practically every time anyone spoke Spanish, the captions said “[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]”. This happened at *least* 25 times. We counted.
I’m both hard of hearing *and* English/Spanish bilingual, as are multiple other people in my family, so I am surly about this on a very personal level
I, a hearing person who likes subtitles just as a preference, shouldn't have to read a subtitle that's obvious nonsense, go back a couple seconds, and listen again in order to figure out what's going on. An accessibility feature should not be the most half-assed part of a professionally made production. Scripted media has absolutely no excuse for not having subtitles or having subtitles that aren't perfectly verbatim. Professional captioning services should be ashamed of the shoddy work that they put out. Captions should be treated as a part of the production, just like filming, editing, audio balancing, etc - and anything that releases with missing or bad captions should be seen as unfinished
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lucasamandi · 2 months ago
Otto ministri in cerca d'untore...
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daimonclub · 1 year ago
Odio il Natale
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Ragioni per odiare il Natale Il Natale serve a ricordare a quelli che sono soli che sono soli, a quelli che non hanno soldi che non hanno soldi, e a quelli che hanno una famiglia del cazzo che hanno una famiglia del cazzo! Charles Bukowski Pensiero natalizio farcito con un aforisma biblico. Polvere eravate, e polvere ritornerete. Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris. Per adesso accontentatevi della merda, e del panettone! Carl William Brown E’ vero che a Natale tutti diventano più buoni? La risposta la troverete nel vostro albero di Natale: tutte palle! Walter Di Gemma Vari motivi per odiare il Natale 1. E’ inverno. Fa freddo. 2. Ti rendi conto che anche quest’anno sta per finire e tu non hai minimamente rispettato i propositi che ti eri prefissato 12 mesi prima. 3. Il 24 dicembre ti ritroverai smarrito per i centri commerciali pensando ancora agli ultimi inutili regali da fare per alleggerire il portafoglio e pentirtene poco dopo. 4. Sarai costretto a rivedere parenti lontani, abbracciarli e baciarli mostrando un falso sorriso a 32 denti, fingendo di ricordarti benissimo di loro. 5. Ti ingozzerai di schifezze e sarai costretto a digiunare per 1 mese, sapendo benissimo che comunque quei chili di troppo sui fianchi non se ne andranno mai. 6. Tutti cominceranno a chiederti: “Che cosa fai per capodanno?”. E tu non saprai rispondere perché come sempre ti organizzerai 16 ore prima del countdown. 7. Troverai ovunque babbi natali appesi per le terrazze, alberi agghindati come trans, lucine psichedeliche e canzoncine natalizie in quantità che ti faranno credere di aver assunto la peggio pasticca di Ecstasy in circolazione. 8. Non hai più 5 anni e non credi più a Babbo Natale. Anzi, molto probabilmente ti sei già scelto il tuo regalo 20 giorni prima mandando a puttane pure l’effetto sorpresa. 9. Nel pomeriggio, dopo il pranzo di Natale, non saprai che cosa fare perchè fondamentalmente è la giornata più noiosa dell’anno. E’ più divertente prepararsi al Natale che viverlo. 10. Riceverai messaggi di auguri anche da persone di cui non te ne frega niente. O peggio, da persone di cui non hai neanche il numero in rubrica e sarai costretto a liquidarli con un banale “Grazie, tantissimi auguri anche a te”. 11. Tutti ridono felici e contenti. Ma che cazzo ve ridete a fa’? Io fra pochi giorni ho l’inizio della sessione invernale degli esami. Cristo. Nate Myler Odio il Natale Babbo Natale è un impotente: viene solo una volta l'anno. Ecco... mancano solo sei giorni al Natale... e se a questi 6 aggiungete altri 6 ke separano il 27 da capodanno... e se a questo aggiungete anke ke l'epifania viene il 6 gennaio... cosa otterrete? Un bel 666 ^_____^ No... noooo nn sono eretica o cose del genere... non odio la natività... odio solo il Natale... festa consumistica ed egoista... ognuno fa il co ke vuole... sei costretto a stare con parenti ke nn vedi e nn senti mai... (e ci sarà il suo motivo se è cosi)... devi subirti pranzi elaborati e lunghi... e alla fine ti ritrovi a cercare di skivare la LINGUA di maiale ke la nonna ha opportunamente messo nel sugo "xkè è tradizione!!"... Certo... è confortante entrare in cucina e vedere le zie ke tengono fermo il capitone x tagliarlo a pezzi mentre si dimena e si contorce nelle pose ed espressioni + strane... e il panettone?? 10 € minimo e ci trovi + uvetta di mrda ke pane...bah!!!... E poi ke altro?? Shopping sfrenato... tutti ke si affollano per le strade... ti spintonano... fanno a gara ad entrare in negozi superaffollati ed anke super PUZZOLENTI... troppa gente porta a mancanza d'aria... e troppi bagordi natalizi portano a FLATULENZA... (alla Alcott ad un certo punto, in fila, si sentii una puzza ke durò per QUATTRO stanze e ho detto poco -_-)... e tutto xkè?? x cosa?? Per comprare regali inutili ke nemmeno voi sapete a ke servono!! Si cerca il regalo ke costi poco ma ke sembri + costoso di quello ke in realtà è... per poi andare a finire al 24 notte ad aprire regali ke NON desideriamo e scoprire ke, anke quest'anno abbiamo speso sempre di + NOI di quanto abbiano speso gli altri per farci regali... e prenderlo x l'ennesima volta nel .... MA... ma... c'è pur sempre un MA....zzo tanto ke ci facciamo ogni volta per cercare di "essere felici... essere + buoni... d'altronde è Natale... è tempo di gioia... di serenità... di amore e di fratellanza".... certo. E mi vengono a parlare di ste cose quando accendo il televisore e ci trovo Costanzo -_- ... oppure quel travestito della De Filippi???!!!... -_- ma no... dai... suvvia... è bello camminare per strada con gente idiota ke va in giro coi cappellini natalizi come se fossero deficienti a cui è andata male la lobotomia... accecarsi gli okki con le luci intermittenti mentre vostra madre canta e BALLA (Dio, fammi morire dopo quella vista) Jingle Bells mentre addobba l'albero -_- ... qualcuno di voi ha un pò di Malox?!?... Uno Xanax... qualsiasi cosa mi atterri... o mi mandi in letargo... e continua a PIOVERE ciao!!! Cavalla Golosa 19 dicembre 2004
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Natale a Napoli Addio, Babbo crudele!! EHEHHEHE E tra TRE giorni è il DSCD-Day... ovvero Deficient Stupid Dependency (on) Christmas-Day... e allora vedrò cenoni partire da mezza cotoletta di pollo per poi andare a finire a braciole grosse quanto una mentina... contorni a base di patatine fritte nell'olio del baccalà stufato e tenuto in caldo da Pasqua scorsa... pane congelato messo "sotto al forno" per l'occasione e, udite udite, cocacola e fanta scadute dal 2000!! YUHUUUUUUU!!!... Eh, si... i miei nonni sono dei "risparmiatori"... ma questo, un pò in tutto... Vedete, il pensionato odierno arriva a Natale ke è quasi prosciugato... ma nn sto parlando del suo conto in banca (o alla posta ke fa + nonno)... sto parlando proprio del suo stato di salute!! Li vedete tutti sudati... in cerca di un pandoro o panettone conveniente da regalare... assillati da rikieste assurde di regali dai propri nipoti... vestirsi pure da Babbo Natale per l'occasione prima di ritornare nel loro solito letargo... beh, poveri stolti... nessuno vive il Natale (ma credo tutta la vita) come MIO NONNO. Questi, è un uomo fortunato... eh si xkè può vantarsi di essere andato in pensione quando le pensioni erano ancora, diciamo così..."copiose" e "consistenti"... dunque non si può certo dire ke se la passi male... (nn credete, col cambio in euro nn ha perso dindini )... xò mio nonno ha una cosa ke nessuno potrà mai levargli: il gusto di comprare la prima cosa ke gli capita tra le mani....^^ ke sia scaduta o magari scartata...(nel senso di confezioni aperte) a lui poco importa...."costa poco... quindi è buona!"... Ora io non so come abbia resistito tutti questi anni senza, pardonez-moi il francesismo, skiattare o prendersi qualke malattia dalle porcate con cui si ritirava a casa... e a questo proposito sottolineo il suo smodato amore x le merendine ^^... Quante volte avrete pensato: "ma xkè a quel deficiente di Babbo Natale nn gli sparano un colpo in testa???!!!" oppure pensate a quei poveracci... quei derelitti ke si riducono a vestirsi da Babbo Natale x racimolare qualke dindino... con orde di bambini assatanati ke gli si buttano addosso urlando, sbraitando, sputando e piangendo... cn le mani tutte appiccicaticce di skifezze varie, alcuni con pannolini puzzolenti... altri ke lasciano dietro di loro una scia di puzzette della stessa "ampiezza" di una puzzola in amore... quei tapini... hanno + tempra loro ke mio nonno ke ha fatto due guerre... ma vi rendete conto di cosa possa significare tutto ciò anke se fatto solo una volta l'anno??!!!... Beh... e poi dicono ke il Natale porta gioia e felicità a tutti... Cavalla Golosa 01 gennaio 2005 ok... nuovo anno... e poi? Eccoci... 1 gennaio... lo so, magari pensavate ke fossi morta dato ke è dal 24 dicembre ke nn scrivo e avevo promesso di tenervi compagnia in questa assurda ascesa verso il Natale... ma dato ke a nessuno frega niente se scrivo su sto blog o se mi gratto la pancia... ho preferito scegliere quest'ultima opzione... anke xkè sono successe delle cose in questi giorni talmente patetike e prive di qualsiasi rilievo ke nn sono nemmeno degne di essere nominate su sto pezzo di carta virtuale... Innanzitutto... il pranzo a Natale è stato un disastro come volevasi dimostrare... ma almeno si è evitato di parlare di me e del mio fidanzato x una volta... (l'attenzione si è concentrata sulla pirlaggine di mio cugino ke ha regalato nn so quante rose ad una tipa ke nn lo caga nemmeno di striscio -pisello-)... poi tutti appestati... mio nonno… peggio degli altri anni non mi ha nemmeno dato gli auguri… si è limitato a darci quei poki nonnari e a lamentarsi xkè ce li aveva dati... Non vedo il mio ragazzo ormai da millenni e ci sto malissimo... mi sono dimenticata persino di cosa signifiki sentirsi abbracciata... dare un bacio... sto proprio per scoppiare... non posso kiamarlo se non x due minuti scarsi ogni volta x paura ke arrivi la gestapo a rompermi il caxxo e a fare la faccia storta xkè nn sto parlando col figlio di un avvocato, di un arkitetto o di un dottore… ma ho avuto il coraggio di presentargli a casa (maledetto il giorno in cui l'ho fatto) il figlio di un "commerciante"... classe bassa... non sono degni... non vanno bene... assolutamente NO. L'osservazione pedissequa è passata alla critica incessante e reiterata di tutti i suoi modi di agire e di fare... a cominciare dal modo in cui tiene la forketta in mano al modo in cui muove la bocca per parlare... da come cammina... x poi finire a discutere di quante volte mi tiene la mano... xkè lo fa e COME lo fa... ma questa è un'altra storia... potrei parlare per ore ed ore dell'odio dei miei nei confronti del mio ragazzo... ma nn so nemmeno se a qualcuno possa fregare qcosa... I giorni seguenti... mah... in casa... come oggi... come tutti questi giorni... rinkiusa tra quattro mura... a sentire continuamente le stesse cose... a parlare dei morti dello tzunami... ma i vivi?... Le persone ke sono ancora in vita? Quelle ke hanno voglia di vivere e hanno la sfortuna di abitare sotto questo tetto di ipocrisie e false pretese?... Quelle persone... ke fine fanno... ke vita fanno? Non sono insensibile alla tragedia... no, mai... ma credo semplicemente ke curarsi di + dei propri cari sia alla base della natura umana... o quantomeno di quella animale... E invece no... a casa mia si vedono telegiornali a tutte le ore del giorno... non ci si cura di nient'altro... e se qualcuno osa fare un commento sulla realtà quotidiana è tacciato di insensibilità e menefreghismo... e addirittura di egoismo... Pensate sia egoista xkè nn mi sento in colpa per essere viva... xkè vorrei vivere come le persone comuni e non nel 1930 sotto il III Reich??!!... Xkè semplicemente non penso ke uno tzunami in Asia possa compromettere la mia vita dall'altra parte del mondo?? Xkè nn ho paura di uscire... delle intemperie... della vita stessa??!!!... I riski sono ovunque... potrei morire anke stando comodamente seduta a casa mia ad ammuffire su quel divano ben rifoderato da 1.500€... e allora di ki sarebbe la colpa??... Lo vedo lì... quel divano... verde come il colore dei soldi... come il colore della bile.... come l'acido ke li rovina dall'interno... come la speranza?? No. Come l'invidia... come la grettezza... come tutte quelle qualità ke hanno fatto dei miei una famiglia piccolo borghese arrogante e sprezzante di tutto e di tutti... mi fate skifo... mi fanno skifo... e mi faccio skifo per non poter ancora sfuggire a tutto ciò... ma datemi tempo... Ah, dimenticavo... buon anno! Cavalla Golosa Se amate il Natale, le feste e la letteratura potete anche leggere i seguenti articoli: Aforismi e citazioni sul Natale Aforismi divertenti sul Natale Barzellette sul Natale La fiaba del pupazzo di neve Aforismi di C.W. Brown sul Natale Pensieri e riflessioni sul Natale Un buon libro per Natale Numeri sul Natale Odio il natale (Umorismo) A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Other books by Charles Dickens Fairy tales and other stories by Hans Christian Andersen Best Christmas songs videos and karaoke Christmas markets in England Christmas markets in America Christmas markets in Italy and Germany Christmas quotes 60 great Christmas quotes Christmas tree origin and quotes Christmas jokes Christmas cracker jokes Funny Christmas Stories Amusing Christmas stories Christmas food Christmas thoughts Christmas story Christmas in Italy Christmas holidays Christmas songs Christmas poems An Essay on Christmas by Chesterton Read the full article
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casafacilefelice · 1 year ago
Capitone alla siciliana
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xreaderanonaccount · 1 year ago
So Warm and Fluffy
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Synopsis: Harbinger men (minus Pucinella) with an S/O who wears their Fatui coat.
Characters: Pierro, Capitone, Dottore, Pantalone, Childe
Tags; Suggestive on Childe
A/N: Gawd, I need more lore on all the harbingers. I need MORE. I also lowkey didn't know what to write for Panatalone, which sucks cause I absolutely love this man.
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The party was a bore, you couldn’t help but let out a bored sigh. Pierro seemed to immediately notice this and placed a gentle hand on the bottom of your back.
“Is everything okay my dear?” Pierro whispered into your ear, you leaned against his shoulder and sighed.
“This place is a bore and there’s nothing fun.” Pierro hummed in agreement as he stared distantly towards the crowd. There was a small crowd of aristocrats huddled around you two hoping to earn a favor from the Tsaritsa. You just sighed again before looking at the giant door that beckoned you toward them.
“Dear, I’m going to walk around a bit. Is that okay?” You asked, tilting your head towards him. Pierro closed his eyes and gave a soft nod.
“Make sure you bring a scout.” Pierro sighed as he turned back to a conversation an aristocrat was trying to make. You smiled to yourself before beckoning a nearby scout to follow you. You were very lucky that the party was hosted in one of the many Fatui’s castles, even more lucky that this just so happens to be Pierro’s. You and the scout silently walked down the empty hall, your shoes echoed around before stopping by a familiar door. You smiled as you fished in your pockets, pulling out a small key. You gently placed the key inside the keyhole before turning it. With a soft click the door opened revealing a huge office. You knew this office quite well as this was Pierro’s main office. You walked towards the giant desk smiling as you picked up a small picture of you and Pierro. You gently placed the picture back down before walking around the office. Staring out the window you sighed happily staring down the garden that Pierro planted for you. You were so lost in thought, staring at the snowflakes that slowly drifted down, that you didn’t feel the soft click of the door open. You smiled to yourself thinking about the nice stroll you and Pierro took earlier in the morning. You suddenly felt warm, when you felt a soft coat gently placed on your shoulder. 
“You’ll get cold if you stay still like that.” Pierro murmured against your ear, planting a soft kiss against your cheek. His mask slightly biting your skin. You giggled as you turned to face Pierro. 
“Well if I do get cold you’ll somehow keep me warm right?” You smiled as you placed your hand right where his heart lay. Pierro deeply chuckled as he cupped your hand as you planted a soft kiss on your wrist.
“Of course, my dear.” 
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Capitano grunted as he attacked the dummies with his giant claymore. You stared unapologetically at Capitano’s abs, muscle, anything your eyes looked around. You sighed dreamily as Capitano's muscles moved and contracted with each swing. You two were in the lobby of Goth Grand Hotel which Lord Regrator generously booked… forever. Capitano swung his claymore, slicing the dummies in half. Capitano huffed and puffed as he circled his shoulders. Loosening the tension in his shoulder. You clapped at Capitano’s display,
“You look so good Darling.” You smiled as you slouched against the plush lobby couch. Capitano gave out a hearty laugh before walking over to get a drink from his cup. 
“Thank you my love.” He laughed as he lifted his helmet slightly for him to wipe his sweat. You hummed as you looked around the lobby of the Goth Grand Hotel. It was quite fancy, true to Mondstadt architecture the arcs curved beautifully with etched designs watching over you two. The soft light emitting from the crystal chandelier shone upon you. Your eyes drift before you spot Capitano’s Harbinger coat. He didn’t wear it as Mondstadt’s weather didn’t deemed it cold enough for him to wear it. You traced your hand over the details of the Harbingers coat. Whoever designed it clearly had a good sense of fashion. You smiled as you pulled the heavy coat towards you. Capitano’s smell filled your senses as you took in a deep breath, allowing his scent to fill your lungs. You couldn’t help but sigh as you got comfortable on the lobby couch. You watched Capitano continue his training, his sleeveless turtleneck hug his muscles so well. Capitano swung his claymore making eye contact with you who was snug underneath his harbinger coat.
“Comfortable?” Capitano asked, hoisting his claymore over his shoulder. You nodded as you pulled the black fur close to your face.
“Your jacket is very comfortable.”  You smiled as you adjusted your position, Capitano laughed as he turned back to his dummies.
“Well then I'll ask Pantalone about getting you a custom one." You can hear Capitano smile as he slashed at the nearest dummy. You couldn't help but laugh,
"That would be nice wouldn't it?"
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You shivered inside Dottore’s lab. Your lover is a mad man so of course he loves to have his lab ac on in an already really cold nation. You are already wearing thick layers but the cold keeps biting your skin. 
“Can we please turn the heater on?” You asked, but it seemed the question fell on deaf ears. As none of the segments seemed to hear you, they were too busy arguing with something that you couldn’t understand. You frowned slightly as the cold got to you. You got up and started to pace around the lab trying to warm yourself up. It was slightly working if it wasn’t for the fact that every other step you were taking you were bumping into one of the many segments. You always apologize and move out of the way. You did a couple more laps before you were stopped by Omega who just gave a small smile.
“Darling dearest, I believe you’re getting in the way. How about staying in Prime’s office till he returns?” He asked, not even waiting for your answer before guiding you towards Dottore’s office. You tried to protest but it seemed that protest didn’t reach Omega who just opened the office door and gently pushed you in.
“I’ll ask Delta to bring you something to eat, just stay put okay?” Omega gave you a smile before closing the door with a soft click. You sighed in frustration as you waltz around Dottore’s office. It looked off putting for some people, but you thought it was just his weird hobby. The assortment of body parts in jars, taxidermy animals, different types of ruin guards splattered around. It was a mess but a weird organized mess. You walked around his desk sitting down on his plush chair. Still freezing cold, you looked around the office spotting a small closet in the corner. Smiling, you got up and walked towards the door. Maybe Dottore at least will have a lab coat or something for you to wear. Opening the wooden doors, they gave a soft groan as you peered inside. The closet was mainly empty except for one item, his Fatui harbinger coat. You smiled to yourself as you ran your hand through the fabric. It was so soft under your hand, the soft metal clanked against each other as you cupped the teal crystal. You admired the crystal in your hands as it sparkled in the light. You gently took the coat off the hanger and put it on. The warmth instantly engulfs you, along with his scent. You smiled to yourself as you walked back towards his desk chair. You plopped down back on the plush chair, wiggling a bit, getting yourself comfortable on the plush chair. Finally comfortable in the severe cold lab you nuzzled your head against the black fur. The thick winter coat made you instantly feel warm. As you enjoy the deserved warmth you feel your eyes becoming droopy. Sleep lures you in as you close your eyes, the warmth, dottore’s cologne, and the comfort of being close to the segments. It seemed that you lost the battle as sleep took over slouching against the desk chair.
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Dottore walked into the lab to the buzzing sounds and movements. He rolled his shoulder as he put on his white lab jacket. Before he could get to his experiment table he was stopped by Delta who handed him a report.
“Here is that report you wanted,” Delta nodded as Dottore took it out of his hands. He flipped through the pages pleased by the results.
“Good, get back to work.” Dottore threw the report back to Delta’s arms, who just nodded. But before he was able to get back to work Delta told him about your state and how cold you were. Dottore rolled his eyes as he knew you would be cold and asked what they did about it. Delta mentioned that you paced around a bit before being put into his office. Dottore was curious about what you had gotten up to in his office. Dismissing Delta, Dottore headed to his office giving soft raps against his own office door. He thought this was silly but he rather you not throw something at him then be startled for a bit. When he didn’t hear a response he opened the door, only to be greeted by you snuggled up in his fatui harbinger coat sleeping on his office chair. Dottore smirked as he walked over to you, watching your sleeping form. Oh how naive you are to let your guard down, if you were anyone else he would have stuck so many different types of needles into you. Draw some blood samples, screw it, why not inject you with a mind altering drug? But lucky for you, you were his darling dearest, and he could never hurt you. He smiled to himself before tilting his mask up just enough for him to plant a kiss on top of your head without it poking your head. With a very rare and out of character soft smile Dottore turned back and headed to work. At least he doesn’t have to hear you complain about the cold.
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You and Pantalone walked down Snezhnaya’s greenhouse, a greenhouse that was owned by the Fatui for the public to see ecosystems from different regions. Hand in hand you walked down as you listened to a guide explain each plant from different regions. You smile as you listen to the guide, you would glance back at Pantalone who would always smile at you but you knew for a fact that he was bored out of his mind. He got particularly bored during the Liyue region, you didn’t care, you were just happy to see so much green. Snezhnaya is always cold and has deep shades of blue, so seeing this much green always makes you feel better. You two concluded your tour and were ready to head out, but as soon as you stepped outside the bitter wind blew against your face. You shivered against your already thick jacket, it seemed that the Snezhnaya weather had dipped way below freezing. You breathe into your hands to keep yourself warm, but alas it didn’t work. You stared out on the snow covered streets. Pantalone said that a vehicle should be coming soon but you couldn’t see crap. You felt yourself being pulled gently back inside the greenhouse before having a thick outer layer gently placed on your shoulder. You looked behind to see Pantalone smiling at you, he was wearing his purple inner jacket which seemed to do little to hide Pantalone’s shiver. 
“Pantalone, you’re shivering here.” You tried to protest by removing his Fatui coat off your shoulder but you were stopped as Pantalone placed it back on your shoulders.
“I’ll be fine my lily, your comfort is my utmost priority.” Pantalone smiled as he then turned to one of the workers ``kindly” asking them to bring a heater. Kindly is putting it nicely, more like he was demanding it with a nice tone. You giggled a bit before settling down on a nearby seat. Pantalone turned back to you giving you a rare soft smile that he only gives when you two were completely alone. 
“You look ravenous in my coat dear, I should have the tailor make one to your size.” He smiled as he adjusted the collar. 
“That would be nice,” you smiled as you saw a light shine through the greenhouse's door.
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You were rummaging through Childe’s closet, as Teucer wrote a letter missing Childe. So in return you thought it would be really cute to send one of Childe’s dress shirts over, hoping it would keep the young lad at bay. As you rummage through you feel something soft and fluffy brush against your hand. You paused for sec, Childe doesn’t own anything fluffy. He’s normally wearing something semi-fancy or an outfit fit for a warrior. Letting your thoughts get you, you pulled the fluffy object out of the closet. You gave a soft smile as you pulled his formal overcoat out. You brushed against the fabric, you normally only get to see him wearing this during special events. And when those special events happen you normally can’t see him because you’re so far away from the stage to see the harbingers so close. But when you do get a glimpse you understand the girls in Snezhnaya who fawn over the harbingers. Childe looks so handsome in the coat, and looks very warm. 
An idea popped into your head as you walked out of the walk-in closet. You pranced towards the giant mirror that sat in your shared bedroom. Gently putting the outer coat on you were overwhelmed by Childe’s cologne. You smiled as you hugged the coat closer to you. Looking at yourself in the mirror you were engulfed by his coat. The metal charms softly clanked against each other as you gave yourself a little twirl. Smiling to yourself you cuddled yourself into the black fur. It was so soft and warm and reminded you so much of Childe. As you were lost in your thoughts you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You yelped in surprise before you heard a familiar chuckle. 
“You look so cute Zolotse.” You hear Childe mumble against the fur.
“Ajax! You’re home early.” You looked at him in surprise. He smiled as he stared loving at you.
“Yeah, I was able to finish work early and was just too excited to come home.” He laughed a bit before burying his head back into the fur coat. You leaned into Childe’s lean body as you two stayed in that position for a moment. 
“Maybe I’ll ask Pantalone to make a custom jacket for you.” Childe smiled as he picked you up in ease and twirled you around. You two laughed before Childe dropped you two on your soft bed. He was on top of you while you were sprawled against the bed. The Coat slightly hanging on you.
“Ha, you look so cute wearing my clothes. I wonder…” Childe gave a devious smile before you playfully hit his shoulder.
“Take me to dinner first Mr.Fatui Harbinger.” You two laughed as Childe fell on top of you engulfing you in a hug. 
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umbriasud · 2 years ago
Narni, 25 aprile: omaggio alle vittime di Calvi e di Capitone
Il Comune di Narni ha reso noto il programma per le celebrazioni del 25 aprile. L’inizio sarà alle 9,00 con la donazione da parte di un cittadino narnese di alcuni documenti sulla resistenza. I documenti verranno sistemati in un locale del museo di Palazzo Eroli che ospita già la bandiera italiana con impresse le firme di alcuni superstiti anglo scozzesi dell’8° Armata Britannica del 2° Lothians…
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ultrart-blog · 2 years ago
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effieotto · 3 months ago
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The Capiton, gossip section (2299)
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mikkolas · 25 days ago
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there are about 69ish (I'm serious) different designs put onto this shirt. all just for the panthers. very specifically the cup win. here are some of my other favorites. would nico hischier kill himself if he saw these yes or yes
doing my weekly curious search for the cats snoopy plush that I missed out on but surely SOME fucking person has to resell it one of these days, right. and still shit out of luck on that end but I have found a. website. selling a snoopy & woodstock florida panthers stanley cup champions design. which is cute, y'know. but the model. so. okay. so the model you see,
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romegreeceart · 2 months ago
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Roman empresses: Valeria Messalina
* Born : 25 January 17 or 20 CE, Rome
* Died: 48 CE, Rome (Gardens of Lucullus)
* Tenure: 24 January 41- 48 CE
* great-granddaughter of Octavia the Younger and Marcus Antonius
* great-grandniece of Augustus
* cousin of emperor Nero
* second cousin of emperor Caligula
* Minted in Knossos
* Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Provenance/Rights: Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Lutz-Jürgen Lübke (Lübke und Wiedemann) (Public Domain Mark)
Copyright Notice : CC BY-SA @ Münzkabinett
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butterfly-azeneth · 5 months ago
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That jawline Capiton Ryan has tho-
Traditional drawing for today for trying something new,sorry to disappoint
Leo the silly weirdo (affectionately)
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pinkgoeswellwithgreen · 22 hours ago
Capiton this!
Let me know your funniest things you said was said here
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casafacilefelice · 2 years ago
Capitone alla gradese
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