#caper fic
waywardwizzard · 1 year
Mal had to admit that his steed wasn't the most conventional.
The horse's armor squeaked as he shifted and Mal shushed it, desperately trying to stay on the horse. What did Sanxing have against him?
A creak that didn't come from him or the horse made Mal freeze. Quickly, Mal shut the helmet visor with a clang and he tried to act like he belonged on the horse dressed in knight armor and that he wasn't planning on using it for a getaway.
"Mick?" a voice asked from near the back of the dressing room. "Tha' you? Stop horsin' around and get movin'! The show's 'bout to start!"
The Captain gulped and nodded, anxiously wondering how he'd get out of this.
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knifeforkspooncup · 4 days
South Downs retirement Crowley but instead of tending his garden like a well-adjusted cottagecore gnome he prowls the vegetable patch revving a weed whacker and threatening to pave over the yard if the pears and dill don't grow well.
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Live and Let Spy - Chapter Two
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Two | ao3
“I think Tommy’s cheating on me.”
There. He’d done it. Voiced the terrifying thought that had been spinning around in his brain for the last twelve hours, twenty-four minutes, and seventeen seconds. Eighteen seconds. Nineteen.
Buck held his breath, waiting for the voice of reason to weigh in.
“What?” Eddie laughed as he took a sip of his coffee. When Buck didn’t even crack a smile, he stared at him over the rim of his mug, face scrunched up in disbelief. “Tommy. Your Tommy?”
[ALTERNATE CHAPTER TITLE: HOW THE TURN TABLES - in which Buck and Tommy decide to do some espionage of their own...]
(continue reading on ao3)
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cingulata · 3 months
I didn't want to let Pride month go by without an update to my fic, so here's chapter 3! Featuring some Zoot backstory. And breaking into the Mallory Gallery... again.
This chapter's song:
If you've been following along and enjoying the fic, comments are super helpful so that I know people are out there reading!
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tommystummy · 4 months
Me in the middle of writing nastee smut: wait but what would Buck put in a five course meal?
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night-heron-writes · 13 days
Big Bang Fic Reveal
I’m excited to finally be able to share the fic I’ve been working on for the @zkbigbang : The Caldera City Caper
It’s a high-stakes heist oneshot loosely inspired by Leverage and similar shows/movies. For this oneshot, I had the privilege of working with a fabulous team. @waiting-for-nobody was a wonderful beta reader and truly helped make the fic a story I can be proud of. @neva-borne and @panda-p3 each made gorgeous arts that really bring the story to life. It was a privilege and an honor working with y’all.
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juliaswickcrs · 5 months
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BOOK COVER :: PHANTOMS ( fallout s1 - ?? )
Cassandra MacLean refused to believe the world ended 200 years ago. She'd heard the stories of course, they all had. Her father had told them endlessly about the nuclear bombs which decimated America, forcing people to flee into the Vaults for protection. But despite living her entire life underground, Cassie remembers the feel of the sun on her skin, the wind against her cheek, and flowers in her hair. She dreams of her mother surrounded by sunlight, and another figure she doesn't recognize. Her father tells her they're just dreams, visions for the world her and Lucy and Norm's children will create when it's safe to walk the earth once more. And so Cassie plays the perfect daughter, right alongside her sister and brother, patiently waiting for the moment she can step outside and feel the sun on her face again. She gets her chance sooner rather than later, as the Triennial trade between Vaults 32 and 33 goes south. Now, Lucy and Cassie are left with no choice but to brave the radiation soaked land in the hopes of finding their father. But the road to hell is paved with secrets, and debts, and monsters beyond comprehension. If she hopes to survive long enough to see this new world, Cassandra MacLean must become someone and something else entirely.
ag list: @bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr​ @thatmagickjuju @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur @starcrossedjedis​ @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney @stanshollaand @kingsmakers @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse @misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
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sleekervae · 4 months
So Good [0.7]
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pairing: KNJ x rockstar!oc
summary: Kimberly calls Namjoon after her breakup
word count: 4,213
Purple text is Korean
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Kimberly woke from an unexpected nap to find the light outside her apartment had faded into a deep indigo, the Los Angeles sky nearly starless. The bedside lamp still glowed faintly, its yellow light now too bright for her eyes. Her arm tingled, having fallen asleep beneath her, and strands of hair tangled in her lashes. She didn’t have the energy to move, so she stayed curled on her side, staring at the opposite wall through the curtain of her hair, her expression blank and a bitter taste lingering in her mouth. She hadn’t bothered to make her bed earlier, so her bare feet felt cold against the sheets, and she tucked them under the rumpled covers.
She couldn't remember when she'd fallen asleep, all she knew was the girls had come over with a bottle of wine to keep her company earlier that evening and that they'd dreamed it whilst old Billy Holiday records played, changed the sheets and threw out the things he'd left behind and didn't want. The girls offered to stay with Kimberly, and despite her insistence that she was fine, they made out a little sleeping area in her living room and curled up together, Chloe and Charlotte on the air mattress and Maria shared the bed with Kimberly.
Kimberly inhaled shakily, turning and see Maria still fast sleep behind her. She was sleeping in his spot, probably unaware of the hint of cologne that she didn't think would realistically wash out for a few months. Her head pounded in the conventional way that followed crying, though it could've been the alcohol too and she reached for the glass of water she'd placed on her bedside table, only dismayed to find she'd already drained it.
The clock beside her bed read a little past 2 a.m. Everything was quiet—too quiet. It felt like the entire city was holding its breath for her. Kimberly hated the silence, didn’t know what to do with it. For the first time, she realized there were no new thoughts left to think, and she felt a strange peace sitting on the edge of her bed, more accustomed to the emptiness than she could comprehend.
But despite the void, one thought kept circling back to her, probing at her mind over the past week. It always jolted her awake. She sighed and stood from the bed, careful not to wake Maria.
She had put it off for over a week, thinking it was the sensible thing to do, but now Kimberly couldn’t come up with a single excuse to delay it any longer. She knew she’d feel more at peace once it was over, so she picked up her phone and holed up in her bathroom. The brightness of the lights made her squint as she latched the door behind her, opened her contacts, and dialed the number. The phone’s shrill ringing made her anxious about waking the girls, her hands trembling, but Namjoon picked up after only two rings. She waited a second, hearing muffled conversation and the clearing of a throat she wasn’t sure was his at first.
“Namjoon?” she whispered, her voice scratchier and quieter than she’d realized. “Are you there?”
As soon as he heard her, Namjoon stood from the sofa he was slouched against in the shared living room. There was a hint of discomfort in her tone, and he felt the tension immediately in his shoulders, his jaw tightening. He and the guys were in between bouts of filming for another Run BTS segment, and nobody would mind if he stepped out for a few minutes to make sure everything was okay.
"You alright, Kim?" he mumbled, "One sec,"
He pushed through the film crew, motioning that he'd be right back, and migrated to the large backyard. The clouds were thick under the skies and the crisp air nipped at his nose. He hadn't been expecting her call, didn't have long until he'd have to come back for filming again but at her next words and the slight crack in her voice, he couldn't deny her, couldn't leave her.
"I'm alone now..." he mumbled.
“I, erm… I need to talk to you…” she murmured, raking her hands through her hair, trying to calm herself as she settled on the floor beside her shower. The deep tone of his voice was comforting, and it hit her just how much she needed him right now. She craved his presence, the sheer brilliance of his mind, the calm he always instilled in her. She had put off calling him because she didn’t think she could explain and didn’t want him to worry.
"I'm here," Namjoon assured her, "I'm here, but I don't got a lot of time, I'm afraid. We're doing some filming..." he lifted the phone down to check the time before holding it to his ear again, "What time is it over there?"
Kimberly pushed her lips together to stop herself from crying. Hearing him speak was overwhelming, it felt like a tight hug around the waist which squeezed too hard and winded her, filled her with rippling nostalgia, "It's just after 2am," she told him, "I'm in my bathroom,"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. The girls are asleep in the next room, I didn't want to wake them,"
Namjoon leant back against the wall, staring up at the greying sky over his head. He wondered if she was drunk, if she'd called him to tell something or just fancied a chat and he expected her to speak in the silence as she usually did, fill the gaps with a story or tell him something which would make him laugh but the other end of the line remained relatively quiet despite some shuffling. The silence knotted in his stomach, filled him with unease. With a shaky inhale, he couldn't wait any longer and he knew he didn't have much time to waste, "Kimberly, what's wrong?" he mumbled, scratching at the back of his neck, "Talk to me,"
There was a beat, a pause in which she closed her eyes tightly and swallowed the lump I her throat over and over, but it wouldn't disappear no matter how hard she tried.
"I broke up with Darius..."
The faint whimpered and sniffled cut through the quiet and shattered Namjoon's heart into tiny pieces, rendering him speechless, the vulnerability and shake in her voice knocking the air from his lungs. Namjoon rubbed at his forehead with the back of his hand in distress before he could find some words to offer as a response, "Oh. Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, Kimberly..." he swallowed, then he lowered his voice slightly, "Did he... what happened?"
She exhaled shakily, swallowing back her cries, He found someone else,"
Namjoon froze, though she couldn’t see his deepening scowl, the way his nose wrinkled in disdain. Anger surged through him. He had heard her cry once before, on a particularly hard day when she had planned to call him but forgot, worn out from the roughness of tour life. He had soothed her then, assuring her everything was alright, understanding firsthand how strenuous touring could be on someone’s psyche. Now, knowing she was sitting alone in her suffering, with no power to ease her pain, clouded his mind with immediate panic. He couldn’t shut out the mental image of tears rolling down her flushed cheeks, soaking into her pajamas, her delicate features scrunched in distress. The thought made him squirm. Taking a deep breath, he licked his lips, knowing he had to guide her through the conversation. He couldn’t sit back and listen to her muffled whimpers any longer.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Just breathe. When did this happen?" he asked.
Kimberly took a deep breath, though another sobbing gasp fell from her lips. The sound made Namjoon's jaw clench and his free hand formed into a first. He opened his mouth to comfort her though somehow she found it within herself to speak again.
"I... I needed food for my fridge. So did Maria so we agreed to go shopping together..."
... Spring in Los Angeles always brought great promise, a hope for more prosperity, success, happiness and beauty that coexisted with the continual bustling of city life. Catch the Caper were back in the US just for a couple weeks before they'd take off for Asia, they were grateful for the bit of time they got to spend with their friends and family.
One downside Kimberly faced was her fridge being empty -- almost constantly. She usually cleared it out before leaving, God forbidding she came home to something that went bad and she certainly wouldn't be in the mood to clean that up. So she called up Maria and they decided to hit the supermarket.
Kimberly's fridge had a perpetual emptiness that mirrored her hectic lifestyle. She always cleared it out before leaving, fearing the inevitable stench of spoiled food upon her return—a mess she had no patience for. So, she called Maria, and they decided to venture to the supermarket together.
As they wandered through the brightly lit aisles, Kimberly's eyes widened at the inflated prices. The once affordable treats of her teenage years now felt like exclusive luxuries.
Maria sighed dramatically, holding up a small container of strawberries. "These better serenade me for what they cost now," she muttered, shaking her head.
Kimberly laughed at her friend’s theatrics, "Maybe we should start a garden and grow our own. We could sell the extras and make a fortune," she joked.
Maria rolled her eyes. "Oh sure, that'll be our next mercy launch. Catch The Caper Jarred Capers! Or... something. There's a better pun in there somewhere,"
They continued down the aisle, filling their cart with essentials and a few indulgences. Reaching for a box of her favorite cereal on the top shelf, Kimberly froze. At the end of the aisle stood Darius, his back turned, but she recognized the jacket she had gifted him. Her heart plummeted, a stone sinking in a sea of emotion.
“What’s up, Kimmy?” Maria’s voice broke through her thoughts. She followed Kimberly's gaze and saw him. Anger flashed across Maria's face as she clenched her fists, ready to march over. "Oh no. Absolutely not!” But Kimberly’s hand shot out, gripping Maria’s arm.
Kimberly couldn’t move. She was rooted to the spot, eyes locked on Darius, who was laughing at something the woman beside him said. His eyes crinkled at the corners—an expression that used to make Kimberly melt. Now, it filled her with a bitter mix of betrayal and heartache. A lump formed in her throat, threatening to choke her as they walked closer, oblivious to her presence.
Maria’s anger softened into empathy as she saw the devastation in Kimberly’s eyes. She wrapped an arm around Kimberly's shoulders, offering silent support as they stood there, watching the man who had once held Kimberly's heart so tenderly.
As Darius and the woman passed by, he looked up and locked eyes with Kimberly. For a moment, time stood still. They stared at each other, a silent conversation in that fleeting instant.
Then, without a word, Darius tore his gaze away, continuing to walk. The woman beside him glanced curiously back at Kimberly and Maria. Kimberly felt a rush of conflicting emotions—hurt, anger, sadness—swirling inside her like a storm. But amidst the chaos, a spark of determination flickered to life.
As Darius and the woman disappeared around the corner, Kimberly found her voice, though it was hoarse and shaky. "Let's go," she whispered, her tone final and resolute.
Maria nodded, understanding the silent command. She gently yet firmly took Kimberly's hand, guiding her away from the aisle where past and present had collided.
Outside, under the fluorescent lights, Kimberly stopped. She turned to Maria, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears but also with newfound strength. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice steadier now.
Maria enveloped her in a tight hug, offering unwavering support without needing to say a word...
"... I put all his stuff into boxes and I told him to come and get it, and that I never wanted to see him again," she chuckled pitifully, "I don't know how I could've been so stupid. He wasn't calling me as often, he was so distant, the signs were right in front of me..."
"You're not stupid," Namjoon assured, "You have every right to be upset, he broke your trust,"
Namjoon remembered calling her the day before the break up, he couldn't remember what they were chatting about but he could still hear the sound of her delightful laugh in his ears. The contrast now, the absolute devastation in her voice was such a heartbreaking realization. How long had she noticed Darius' distance, how long was she keeping it bottled to herself? And why was it so unfair that they were on opposite sides of the world, so far he couldn't hold her and assure her that she was going to be alright.
"And then you know... while I was packing his stuff up I started thinking about my future. And it hit me that I never could picture our life together -- ever. Marriage, owning a house, doing chores together and raising kids. That never crossed my mind with him. I don't know if it makes sense, but I think I knew deep down that he wasn't the once,"
"Oh, Kim... don't worry, I understand what you mean," Namjoon sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I'm just so sorry. I had no idea any of this was happening,"
"How could you?" she croaked back.
Three more weeks, Namjoon had three more weeks before he could see her in person, hold her properly. He knew she was even more excited than he was, just as enthused from the demos he'd played for her, had already hinted at his favorite songs he'd hear at her band's show. They talked practically every day together, via voice or just by text, and yet Namjoon realized he still didn't know everything about her, didn't have access to her the way her friends did. He never could've know how she was suffering.
"It's all gonna' work out. You're gonna be just fine," he drawled, conscious of how much of a cliché he sounded like, "I know it's not easy right now, Kim, and you're going through fucking hell but I know how tough you are. You're gonna be alright,"
"It's just..." Kimberly sniffled, pushing her hair out from her eyes again, her fingers tangled in the tight curls. Her mind was working in overdrive now that she was someone new to unload it onto, suddenly every repressed thought and question resurfaced, bubbling from her lips like mad, "I can't even believe how a person can be so callous, how you can spend a year with someone and suddenly look right through them. Like they don't even know you. I don't know how anybody could do that,"
"No sane, rational, normal human being would," he told her, "You deserve so much better,"
"I know I've made the right decision," she said, pulling her knees to her chest, "I just feel so lost, Joon,"
"Kimberly, please believe me, you have every fucking right to feel like shit. You have every right to let grief do its thing. But you can't let it consume you," he said, "And you might feel this way for a while, but I'm telling you one day soon it's all gonna' be bright again. You're going to go back to being your incredible self, and you'll be a little wiser, a little more gracious for yourself,"
Kimberly tittered, cradling her phone to her ear with a little laugh while made Namjoon's heart momentarily stop, "Joon --"
"You trust me, don't you?" he asked, hoping she didn't mind his interruption.
"More than anything," she whispered back, listening to the rhythm of his heavy breathing to ease hers. She pictured his face, that sweet, uncontrollable smirk that pulled into his lips, the twitch at the corners of his mouth.
"Then trust me now," he drawled into the phone, his voice confident, "Sometimes your life has to fall apart so you can move forward --"
Before he could finish, Namjoon was cut off by a producer banging on the window behind him, waving at him to come back inside. Namjoon gave him a thumbs up back, sighing in exasperation as he brought his lips close to the phone speaker again.
"Kimberly... I've got to go... I'm sorry," he sighed, raking a hand through his preened hair, "I wish I didn't have to, I'd love to stay with you and talk more --"
"It's okay, Namjoon," she assured him, "I don't want you to be in trouble because of me,"
"Even if you could get me in trouble, it would all be worth it," he assured her, sauntering back towards the door.
Her breathing was more even now and she was no longer crying so he figured he'd achieved something at least. He hadn't made it worse, but it didn't make leaving her any easier, didn't make the thought of her sitting alone seem less detrimental. He knew for a fact he would struggle to focus on the shoot, would worry about her, overthinking the situation beyond any logic.
"Thank you for talking to me," she whispered, her chest warming as he spoke back to her. She shuffled to stand up, taking a glance at herself in the mirror quickly. Her eyes were still so puffy from crying, her skin felt so dry from lack of care.
"Despite the circumstance... it's always a pleasure talking to you," he mumbled, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He swallowed hard then lowered his voice, speaking softly, "You know I care about you, Kimberly..."
"I do,"
“I’ll see you in three weeks, and I’ll show you the best time,” he promised. “We’re going to go to all the best spots in Seoul.” He heard Kimberly hum appreciatively, wondering if she was tired now, if he’d settled her enough that she’d crawl under the covers and fall asleep. He thought it best not to ask, knowing it would stay with him if he knew she was still awake and distressed. “Let’s talk tomorrow, okay? Just give me a call and I’ll pick up, no matter what time it is.”
"I'm looking forward to it already," she smiled. Her eyes felt heavy, aware that once the tone of the call ended she'd fall fast asleep.
She'd known the moment after she kicked Darius out, Namjoon had been the first person she wanted to speak to. Before her friends, before her mom, Namjoon had been her first thought to gather some rationality and now with the wave of drowsiness that hit her, she knew why. He calmed her down so well, she was shocked considering how she was crying only moments ago. It had taken only his voice, the endearing nature of his loyalty to her to relax her enough.
"Get some rest, please," he told her.
"I will. Have a good shoot, Joon..."
"Take care of yourself, Kim. Goodnight,"
"Goodnight," he waited for her to hang up the call before pocketing his phone, couldn't bring himself to leave first and the nose made him jump despite her wishing him well.
Namjoon could see in his own reflection that he felt crushed, sucked in his cheekbones and ran his hand over his face to snap him out of the daze. Hearing and knowing Kimberly was so hurt pained him, had made his entire body rigid with tension and he rolled his shoulders back to ease the build up, consciously tried to unlock his jaw but he was still on edge. He was painfully aware that he wagons the opposite side of the world and that he had so many commitments to meet, but more than anything he wanted to be there for her. She was a priority to him whether she liked it or not.
Stepping back into the house, his next revelation dawned on him. He hadn't thought about it when she was with Darius, would have never admitted it to anyone who asked him, let alone himself, but he now realized that he'd always been subconsciously waiting for her on some level. Now, he couldn't swallow back that pinch of excitement and hope, felt selfish for it but couldn't ignore that despite the fact he was miles away from her, there was a crack of possibility in what was once an overwhelmingly impenetrable wall, one he didn't know that he'd been waiting for appear.
Now, if only he could get past his management...
The boys were cloistered in the living room still, talking amongst themselves while waiting for the film crew to get set up again. Namjoon couldn't even think twice, he approached Jin from behind and tugged on his sleeve.
"I need to talk to you," he drawled quickly.
Jin glanced him, figuring he was joking at first as he looked around the room, "We're gonna' film again, can it wait?"
"No," he pulled on his shoulder this time, "C'mere,"
Despite his reservations and the time constraints they were under, Jin got up and followed Namjoon out to the next room. The other boys watched curiously, but Namjoon waved them off with a reassuring smile. Jin hesitated at the threshold, the air inside heavy with a sense of foreboding. As he stepped into the room, his curiosity grew as Namjoon immediately slammed and locked the door behind them.
"What's the matter with you?" Jin asked, "Who were you on the phone with?"
"Kimberly," Namjoon replied simply.
Jin rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "Oh, this ought to be good,"
"Kimberly and Darius broke up," Namjoon snapped, worried Jin wasn't taking him seriously, "They're done,"
Jin raised his eyebrows, "Wow. What happened? Is she okay?"
Namjoon began to pace up and down the room, "She's devastated, he's been cheating on her while she was away. Fucking prick..."
Jin cleared his throat, his own inhibitions and worries settling in for his friend, "And... how do you feel?"
"Why does that even matter?" Namjoon huffed.
"Because you dragged me into the office out of the blue and you're pacing like a mad man," Jin pointed out, "Would you calm down, please?"
"Well... I feel terrible for her!" he replied, turning on his heel and pacing to the opposite end of the room, "What kind of selfish bastard... and it's Kimberly! She's the kindest person in the world! Even if I wanted to swoop in and help her, even on the level of friendship, I'm a million fucking miles away --"
"Hey! You could write a great song about that..." Jin smirked.
"I'm being serious, Jin," Namjoon took a deep breath, "I just... I need some advice right now..."
"The way I see it..." Jin began, "You've got a shot. That is until you're able to wait until 2023," he pointed out.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Oh, fuck,"
"You know the rules!" Jin pointed out.
"Of course I know the rules!" Namjoon replied.
"Then you shouldn't even be bothered about this!" Jin sat down in the rolly chair, swinging his legs back and forth to drawl over the floor, "That being said -- you've got three weeks until the girls come. You could shoot your shot, but again three weeks isn't a long time. You don't want to come on too strong, it's disrespectful. And unless you're fucking magical and somehow can convince our bosses to let us date within that time span, then you're only going to hurt her more. Do you want to do that to her?"
Namjoon understood where Jin was coming from; he had told himself the same thing countless times, playing out scenarios in his head. The extent to which he had overthought the news was almost embarrassing, but Kimberly’s happiness was what mattered most. If a year from now she was still single and didn’t want him, he’d have to force himself to accept it.
But there was an undeniable elation bubbling inside him, a frenzy of flash-forwards of what could be if the chance ever came about. If his management became just a little more lenient. He hadn’t anticipated the opportunity that now presented itself, but he couldn’t help the optimism that filled him.
"Jin," Namjoon mumbled, rubbing his temple, "I still feel something for her... I don't think it's going to go away,"
There was suddenly a pounding on the door behind him, "Guys!" Taehyung called, "Production manager's threatening to bust down the door unless you guys come out!"
"We're coming! We're coming!" Namjoon called back, then he turned back to Jin, "We can keep this between us for now, right?"
"Do I even have a choice?" Jin scoffed back, "You're clearly besotted with her, you have been since you found out she had your flower tattooed on her," he continued, "But I'm warning you -- if you want to protect yourself and her, you gotta' be smart about how you go about this. And you gotta' ask yourself if Kimberly is worth your career..."
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kmomof4 · 1 year
Cave Cruises, Cabin Capers, & Cracked Craniums A fic collaboration between @kmomof4, @jrob64, @snowbellewells, and @whimsicallyenchantedrose
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What happens when four fanfiction writer fandom friends go on vacation together? A fic collaboration, of course! We knew from the start we wanted to have a collab sprint involved in our vacay, but it wasn’t until we were in the thick of it that we decided we wanted our story to essentially be a fanfic version of our trip itself. Sadly we did not meet any hot pirates, but it was a lot of fun all the same. All of the pictures in the post were taken by one of us on the trip and the cabin in the picset above is where we stayed.
Shoutout to @motherkatereloyshipper​ for her manip of the Lost Boys Cave sign at the beginning of the fic! You’re the best, babe!
This is a long one y’all, over 16k, so be sure you have snacks and drinks to enjoy while you read!
Summary: When Emma Swan and her friends go on their annual girls’ vacation, they meet a group of guys who seem to keep turning up in the same places. Pranks, yearning looks and romance ensue.
Rating: T for some strong language and a suggestive hot tub scene.
On ao3
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
A collaborative story by @snowbellewells​, @whimsicallyenchantedrose​, @kmomof4​ and @jrob64​, based on our very own girls’ trip (without the guys, sadly)
Emma Swan and her girlfriends–Mary Margaret Blanchard, Ruby Lucas, Regina Mills, Belle French, and Elsa Arendelle–were on the first day of their yearly, week-long girls trip. The friends had been vacationing together since they’d graduated college three years before and all went their separate ways–some to graduate school, others to their chosen career fields. Regina had just graduated from Harvard Law School at the top of her class, and she had job offers in Chicago and Knoxville, so the friends made plans to help her decide on a location by booking this year's trip to Kentucky and eastern Tennessee. The group met in Bowling Green, Kentucky for the Lost Boys Cave tour, and later that day, they would drive to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee to the cabin they’d rented for the week. Not only was it near one of Regina’s possible job locations, but Ruby’s grandmother – “Granny” to them all – ran a diner and lived in Pigeon Forge as well.
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Regina had been born and raised in New York City and was already complaining that the fresh pine smell in the air was getting to her.
“How much farther is it to this cave that we apparently have to see?” she groused. “My feet hurt already. I didn’t sign up for blisters.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “If you’d taken my suggestion to actually break in your new tennis shoes beforehand, you wouldn’t have that problem.”
Regina was on the verge of what Emma was sure would be an excessive amount of snark, when they heard footsteps approaching them on the walking path.
“Good morning, ladies,” an accented voice said from behind them. Emma turned around and nearly lost her breath at the handsome man who had spoken to them.
His deep blue eyes sparkled in the morning light, and the slight smirk and raised eyebrow on his face sent her heart racing. He had artfully tousled black hair and trimmed scruff the same color, with just a hint of ginger peeking through that became noticeable when the sun filtered through the leaf canopy over the path where they all walked.
A chorus of good morning resounded in response to Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome’s cheerful greeting, but Emma couldn’t find it within herself to speak to him. His good looks left her completely speechless.
“Are you ladies joining the 11 o’clock tour?” he asked.
Emma nodded– still completely tongue tied– while Mary Margaret answered in the affirmative for all of them.
“Wonderful!” he exclaimed exuberantly. “You’re with me then.”
He was walking beside Emma by this time and turned toward her, waggling his eyebrows. “Cat got your tongue, Lass?”
Emma could feel the blush spreading down to her neck as she tried once more to force her mouth to work properly. She wet her lips and took a deep breath, determined to say something.
“Lass?” she asked saucily. “You fall through a time portal or something? What century are you from anyway?” She cocked her head at him challengingly as she lobbed the verbal ball back into his court. She was a bit surprised to find herself anxiously awaiting his reply.
That blatantly expressive eyebrow of his practically leapt into his hairline, and a smirk slid over his mouth at her sassy response. “Let me assure you, Love, though there is nothing wrong with speaking as a proper, dashing gentleman of old, I’m from the same time as yourself, and as you can clearly see, I have quite the youthful glow.”
Someone should register those blue eyes of his as deadly weapons, Emma thought to herself. She was suddenly aware that all of her friends were beginning to take much too curious an interest in their verbal jousting match, so she moved away from him with a rather dry, “Not your love, Buddy.”
He chuckled knowingly but did back up a step. “As you wish then, Darling. Perhaps you will grant me your name instead, so I shall know what I may call you?”
“Her name’s Emma, Handsome,” Ruby interjected, a bit too eagerly in Emma’s opinion. “I’m Ruby. This is Regina, Mary Margaret, Elsa, and Belle.” She gestured to herself and each of her other friends in turn. “And what may we call you? And when? Oh, and how often?”
The man in front of them grinned before answering, “Killian Jones, at your service, ladies.” He gave a small bow and directed a wink at Emma.
Ruby saw it, but she was pleasantly distracted when a tall, curly-headed guy with scruff defining his strong jawline joined them on the path. His eyes quickly took her in as well, before turning his attention to Killian with the message he had come to deliver, “Liam and I’ve got the other boat.”
“Thanks, Graham,” Killian said to the newcomer.
“The other boat?” Ruby asked. “There are two boats?”
“It depends on the size of the group,” Graham answered, a soft smile touching his lips as his eyes lingered on hers.
“How big does the group have to be?” she asked, propping her hand on her hip. “Because I can go flag down some cars on the road, if necessary.”
“Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem, Love,” Killian said as they crossed the footbridge and reached the assigned meeting place, noting the large group of people waiting for them.
Emma leaned back against a large rock and enjoyed the view as Killian greeted the gathered groups–people hailing from Florida, Michigan, Colorado and even California–and began his spiel about the caves, the local ecosystem, and legends and lore of the area. He was good at his job, and it was clear he loved it.
“Be sure to stop me with any questions you have,” he finished.
Ruby groaned. “You have no idea what you’re asking, Killian. Mary Margaret is a school teacher and will definitely take you up on that.”
He gave her a good-natured smile, before turning his charm back to Emma as they began walking toward the cave. “And what about you, Love? Do you have any questions for me?”
“Depends,” she answered with a smirk, “do they have to be about caves?”
He leaned in and gave her a saucy wink. “You may ask me as many questions as you like…perhaps over a few libations after the tour.”
Emma wished very much she had a witty comeback for that, but his low drawling voice, combined with the flirtatious wink left her not only speechless, but unable to remember what words even were.
He gave her a knowing grin, before turning back to the group as a whole.
“To your left, here, you’ll see what we call the Blue Hole,” he said, gesturing toward a small, round body of dark blue water. “Legend has it that if you dive too deeply within its depths, Peter Pan will grab you and drag you to Neverland. It was deterrent enough to keep the locals from exploring it.”
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Elsa scoffed. “Neverland? Isn’t that supposed to be a place of wonder and magic? Why would anyone be afraid of someone like Peter Pan?”
“The child is a bloody demon,” Killian answered, completely serious. “I wouldn’t test him.”
After passing beside the Lost River–called such, because no one knew where it began–they finally reached the cave itself. Two other men waited for them, and Killian promptly introduced them as his older brother Liam, and Will Scarlet.
“Some of you will have the honor of riding with Graham Humbert and myself,” Liam explained, “while the rest will be in the nearly-as-capable hands of Will and my little brother.”
“I think you mean ‘younger’ brother,” Killian muttered under his breath.
Mary Margaret turned to those in their group. “Any preferences about which boat we take?”
Ruby grinned broadly. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I know which one I’m choosing. Graham’s hot, and I certainly wouldn’t mind spending a little extra time with him.” She tossed the woman next to her a knowing look. “And from the way Elsa’s eyeing that new guy, Liam, I’m guessing she wants to join me.”
The woman in question blushed a pretty pink, but didn’t contradict her.
“I’ll stick with Killian,” Belle said. “He seems quite knowledgeable, not to mention more than a little smitten with our Emma.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shrugged. “He’s a shameless flirk,” she asserted, her countenance turning confused the moment the word was out of her mouth.
“A what?” Elsa asked.
Emma waved her hands around aimlessly. “Oh, I meant to say a flirty jerk,” she explained, “but what’s the harm in having a little fun? After all, this is a vacation.”
Regina groaned, stepping next to Ruby and Elsa. “No thanks. If I have to spend a twenty minute boat ride with Captain Guyliner, with his yearning looks and doe-y eyes, I may vomit.”
Mary Margaret, for her part, took her place beside Emma for no real reason other than balancing out their group.
With the seating arrangements made, it was time to step into the boats docked side by side at the entrance of the cave. Emma took Killian’s hand as he helped her in. The moment her hand touched his, it was as if sparks went up between them. Emma gasped, pulling her hand back and meeting his equally startled eyes. For a moment neither moved, eyes locked, chemistry sizzling between them.
“Oi! What’s the hold up?” Killian’s co-guide, Will, complained.
It broke the spell, and Killian stepped back, scratching at a spot behind his ear. “Right, if you will, please take your seat.”
After Killian and Will helped the rest of the passengers onto their boat, Killian leaned over to tie the rope mooring back to the dock and Emma blatantly stared at his backside. The man was entirely too hot for anyone’s good. He glanced back as he finished and caught her staring.
“Like what you see, Love?” he asked with a saucy grin.
“You better believe it,” she tossed right back at him.
Killian laughed heartily as he hopped up onto the raised platform between the two rows of seats in the boat. “If you liked that, you’ll love this. Here is the part where I practice for my next job–as a runway model.”
Emma snorted a laugh as he walked, exaggerating his movements as though he were modeling the latest in haute couture, complete with sound effects.
“If you’ll look to the ceiling directly behind me,” Killian said, a moment later as the boat began to slowly glide through the cloudy water, “you will find our first attraction, the Wishing Stone.”
“Oh, that sounds mysterious and magical!” Mary Margaret said. “Why is it called that?”
Killian gave her a grin, having expected the question. As Ruby had warned, she had, indeed peppered him with a steady stream of questions throughout the entirety of the tour to that point. “Because if you don’t duck your head, you’ll wish you had.”
Emma groaned at the corny joke, but obediently ducked her head, turning it toward the back of the boat, where Will seemed to be so intent on something he was saying to Belle that he’d missed his co-guide’s warning. One second he was talking, and gesturing animatedly, and then, with a crack, his head came in contact with the low hanging cave ceiling.
“Bloody hell,” the man exclaimed, as he tumbled backwards and landed with a tremendous splash in the shallow water behind them.
“Oh, for the love of…” Killian said, shaking his head in disgust. “Would someone in the back kindly give my git of a co-guide a hand up?”
Always eager to help no matter the circumstances, Belle offered a very soggy Will assistance as he climbed back in the vessel. The man gave her a grateful smile. Belle returned it hesitantly before turning determinedly away from him. Emma gave her a sympathetic smile. Belle had only recently gone through a very painful breakup, and feelings or flirtations of any kind were the last things she wanted right now.
The boat tour lasted around a quarter of an hour, Killian and Will each pointing out structures of interest.
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“If you notice,” Will said at one point, directing his flashlight to the ceiling, “the occasional floods that pass through this area tend to leave the ceilings smooth, but we’ve got a few baby stalagmites forming up ahead.”
“I think you mean stalactites,” Belle answered. “Stalactites hold tight to the ceiling, while you might trip over a stalagmite at your feet.”
Will tossed her a delighted smile. “Right you are, my sweet! When I cracked my cranium I must have lost my good sense.”
Emma saw Killian roll his eyes and mutter. “Said as though he ever had any to begin with.”
When the tour came to an end, Will and Killian hopped onto the docks, secured the boat, and began helping their passengers out. First on, Emma was the last off, and when she took Killian’s hand, it was like before, but this time even more. It was as though an electric current ran through her at the touch and she audibly gasped, her eyes fixed on his. She couldn’t look away, not as she stepped up onto the edge of the boat, nor when she stepped toward the dock. Her foot landed on a rope, and with a pop, it twisted to the side and she fell on the ground with a quick curse.
He was at her side in a moment.
“Emma. Love, are you okay?” he asked, reaching to steady her.
“I’m fine,” she bit out, feeling the intense embarrassment of her tumble far more than the pain of the sprain. “Just…don’t hover,” she said, waving her arms about. “Let me up!”
“Nonsense, Emma, you must let me attend to your injury,” he said, hand on her shoulder holding her still. “Allow me to wrap it for you.” He called for Will to bring him the first aid kit from the boat.
Emma shivered at the thought of his hands on her, even for something as innocuous as wrapping a sprained ankle. She should refuse; she really should, but it was, after all, a bit of a hike back to her car, and she knew her twisted joint could use the extra support.
“Fine, just hurry up with it,” she grumbled. “Mary Margaret has our vacation planned out to the minute, and she’d give me hell for messing with her precious itinerary.”
He laughed. “I think you'll find my ministrations to be both quick and efficient.”
Quick and efficient they might have been, but Emma felt every second of it with a swoop of her stomach as Killian gently cradled her foot on his lap, carefully removing her sock and shoe, and then expertly wound a long bandage around her foot and ankle, before restoring her footwear.
The swoop intensified as he offered to fetch a golf cart and drive her back to the car. These were dangerous waters she was treading in, and she’d best put a stop to it. The flirtatious rogue, she could deal with. The sweet, genuine man, she couldn’t.“Thanks for the offer, but it’s just a little sprain,” she said, a bit more harshly than she’d intended. “I can hobble back to the car on my own.”
He looked as though he wanted to protest further, but the expression on her face must have deterred him. He took a quick step back and glanced aside. “As you wish.”
“Thanks though,” she said, not wishing to give him the impression she was upset with him. “You know, for the tour and everything.”
He sketched an exaggerated courtly bow, “It was my very great pleasure, Love. And should you ever find yourself in the area again, feel free to look me up.”
While she couldn’t say the idea wasn’t tempting, Emma merely gave him a quick smile and then limped over to her friends who were waiting for her. No point in getting her hopes up. After all, once she left the park, she’d never see Killian Jones again.
Once they arrived at the cabin and unpacked all their belongings, the ladies made a trip into town to buy groceries they’d need for the week. Emma’s ankle was still very tender, but she wasn’t willing to be left behind, just to sit and be bored while the rest of them were gone. So she promised Mary Margaret and Elsa, the designated moms of the friend group, she’d use a motorized scooter to do her part of the shopping.
When they pulled into a parking space at the local market, Belle ran in to collect a scooter for Emma, who felt herself both blushing and scowling despite being touched by Belle’s thoughtfulness. She knew that the way she was beginning to hobble unsteadily to deal with the pain in her ankle would require her to use the scooter, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. It made her feel either ancient or like she was blowing a minor sprain completely out of proportion. “Thanks,” she muttered dryly, with a sidelong glance at Belle’s smiling face. “This is so embarrassing.”
“Now, enough of that,” Elsa broke in matter-of-factly, taking Emma by the elbow with little ceremony and guiding her right up to the scooter and into its seat. “You just sit yourself down and stop worrying over how it might look. The sooner we get what we need, the sooner we can be back and you can get off that ankle to elevate and ice it.”
There was no comeback to offer for such sensible reasoning, so Emma nodded, zipped her lips, and steered toward the door, the rest of the ladies following in her wake. They paused only briefly in the chilled grocery air to organize who would grab what and where they would reconvene in twenty minutes. Once each had their short list, they split up to complete their mission.
Emma grabbed most of the dairy essentials she had been assigned quite easily, then motored over to the ice cream freezer to finish up. She could nearly taste the creamy, chocolatey Rocky Road melting on her tongue already, and she was leaning in the case to grab the last carton of it off the shelf before she even noticed there was anyone else nearby. In fact, she wouldn’t have noticed at all if the carton hadn’t been taken from her grasp by another hand grabbing it at exactly the same moment she’d intended to lift it herself.
“Hey, that was mine!” she accused, darting a withering glare to the left at the interloper, only to find their unfairly sexy tour guide from earlier in the day.
Wearing an all-too-smug expression, Killian Jones nodded in greeting with a lazy, crooked grin that Emma wanted to punch - or kiss - off of his face. “Are you sure about that, Lass? It would appear that the Rocky Road is in my possession.”
“Only because you took it out of my hands!” she argued. “And what are you even doing here, anyway? Are you following me now? Crippling me at the start of my vacation wasn’t enough?!?”
Tilting his head to look at her, Killian kept his mouth shut. Even if her assessment was completely unfair, he rarely got himself in trouble for things he didn’t say. Instead, he waited a moment, thinking she might calm down and take back her accusation. When Emma crossed her arms over her chest in a huff and instead looked as though she might happily run him over with the scooter she rode, he realized that was not about to happen. Perhaps a bit of well-placed smolder would be in order?
“Come now, Darling,” he soothed, lowering his voice and purposefully allowing the lilt in his words to become more pronounced. “You know as well as I that your unfortunate fall at the cave was no fault of mine. And I did patch you up as best I could, did I not?”
“Don’t you bat those pretty eyes at me,” she warned in a defensive snarl. “I’m not about to fall for that. And I believe I’ve already told you that I’m hardly your anything - lass, love, darling or otherwise.”
“Very well, Emma,” he enunciated the name ridiculously. “And to answer your earlier query, no, I am not following you. We’re on our way to a vacation rental, and are picking up groceries before we get there. And if I’d known how much you abhor my company, and that you were such a vexatious lass, I wouldn’t have even flirted with you.”
“Well, if I had known you were such a self-righteous prick, I wouldn’t have flirted back,” she snarked, unable to help the little flare of regret that curled in her gut at Killian’s statement of finding her so difficult he would not have even engaged with her had he known. It was the one chink in her armor, ever since she was a child - too guarded, too prickly, too much. It had always been the same when she found herself alone again. Quickly, she shook that regret away and focused back on the current challenge standing before her.
“You want to talk about a self-righteous prick, that would be my brother.”
“Huh?” Emma asked dumbly, not quite following his logic.
Killian gestured down the row nearest them to where the tall, curly-haired captain of the other tour boat–Jones’ older brother, she remembered now–was reaching up to the very highest shelf in the cereal aisle, where Elsa had been trying to grasp a box of her favorite cereal that had toppled over and fallen hopelessly out of her reach. The little tableau took only seconds, but was unarguably sweet, and the bright adoration that lit up Elsa’s face as she turned to thank the elder Jones brother, gave her aspect a stunning beauty the likes of which Emma had never seen from her friend before. When Liam offered what almost looked like the smallest of formal bows to Elsa before continuing on his way, Emma looked back to Killian with a grin, and added, “What, you’re both stuffy and old-fashioned beyond belief?”
He seemed to sense that the mood had shifted and allowed a gentler smile to cross his lips as well. “Aye, something like that, I suppose.”
They had begun to move back toward the front of the store side-by-side, almost without consciously realizing what they were doing. Emma was more than a bit flabbergasted when they reached the front of the market and Killian easily plunked the ice cream into the basket of her cart.
She looked up at him from her seat, surprised and ready to argue again, only to find him looking back at her with a softness that warmed her, even as it discomforted her at the same time. “While it can hardly be deemed my fault that I am so devilishly handsome you couldn’t keep your eyes off me and tripped out of your tour boat, I am always a gentleman. The Rocky Road is yours, Emma.”
Floundering for a moment, and out of her depth, Emma finally settled on a simple, Thank you, before coyly adding, “Maybe you would enjoy something like Rum Raisin more anyway.”
“Think nothing of it,” Killian offered gallantly, and moved to saunter back toward his brother and his group of friends. However, just before he turned away, the more proper facade slipped once more as he teased, “And as a matter of fact, I prefer my rum undiluted…and shared with you, if you’d allow it.” Then, with a wink and a waggle of his eyebrows, he was walking away.
By the time Emma, Mary Margaret, Elsa, and Regina were loading their purchases into the back of Mary Margaret’s Traverse, Emma was getting worried about the state her ice cream would be in when they got back to the cabin. She wondered how Ruby and Belle could have both gotten held up in their shopping when Ruby emerged through the doors of the grocery into the parking lot, walking close enough to Killian’s friend Graham for her arm to brush against his with each step.
The lean muscles of his forearms were on full display as he carried both his own purchases and Ruby’s, and she looked up at him with her red-painted lips curved into a satisfied smile. She clearly appreciated his chivalric efforts as Graham placed the meats and cheeses Ruby had been assigned to gather in the back with the girls’ other shopping bags and stood back to his full height. His eyes already gazed at her with puppy-dog devotion as Ruby allowed her fingernails to trace over his shoulder and down his bicep. What most might not see beyond the overt flirtatiousness – they hadn’t known her as long or as well as Emma had – was just how over the moon the striking brunette already was for this scruffy gentleman as well.
They finally heard Belle coming to join them even before they saw her come through the exit. She was carrying a plastic bag with the condiments and spices she’d had on her list, but she was also brandishing a jar of Polaner All Fruit in her free hand and ranting with her intense librarian’s dedication to facts about just why she had indeed needed to purchase the pricier topping.
“...and it’s all natural, lower sugar, and has a purer taste,” she was saying. Will nodded along with utmost attention, even as the mischievous gleam in his eye could only remind their audience of a junior high boy on the playground who lived to tug on the ponytail of the girl he liked. “Not to mention the fact that the company grows and harvests their berries organically, and that the glass jar is recyclable and more environmentally friendly than plastic.”
“Oi, right ya are,” Will exclaimed, clearly not about to set her off any further. “I only asked if ya needed to buy the ritziest jelly on the shelf. Clearly ya do, so I’ll not say anymore about it.”
Belle startled visibly when they arrived at the Traverse, their friends’chuckles finally registering through her lecture of Will. “Oh, hey guys,” she added almost dazedly with a flattering pink staining the apples of her cheeks.
“Hey yourself,” Ruby simpered with a wolfish grin, “looks like you might have found a rather large extra during your shopping.”
Will’s burst of guffawing laughter set them all off again, and Belle couldn’t help but join in, even at her own expense, before they were all finally on their way to the cabin at last.
Emma was out on the deck enjoying the cool night breeze. She sat in a two person glider, ice on her ankle, after returning to the cabin following the grocery run. It was so quiet and peaceful, Emma could feel her eyelids drooping. It had been a very long day, after all.
Suddenly, the pleasant silence was broken by the slamming of a car door and a familiar voice reaching her ears from the parking area of the cabin next door.
No. Way. She thought, rising from the glider and hobbling to the railing. Looking down, she saw the unmistakable backside of Killian Jones as he reached into the back of a black SUV for a suitcase. As soon as he set it on the ground, Emma backed away from the railing, hoping against hope it was dark enough that if he were to turn around and look up, he wouldn’t see her.
He reached back in, and Emma returned to the railing just to get another glimpse of him. She’d deny it to her dying breath to anyone who asked, but she wasn’t enough of a self deluding fool to lie to herself. The man was breathtakingly handsome and the thought of living right next door to him for an entire week was enough to send her pulse into overdrive.
She hobbled back into the house, drawing everyone’s attention as soon as she came in the door.
“Killian Jones is next door!” she exclaimed. There was a chorus of Whats, but Emma didn’t miss the way Ruby, Elsa, and Belle all either lit up or blushed furiously, realizing immediately that their respective guys were probably going to be at the same cabin. Mary Margaret was just suggesting they go next door and say hi, when she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Regina was closest, so she opened the door to find a tall, huskily built man with light brown hair and a mustache and closely trimmed scruff on his jawline. Regina’s heart rate picked up, but she quickly schooled her features. It wouldn’t do to swoon at the feet of a stranger.
“May I help you?” she asked. His smile lit up his face when his eyes landed on her. Yep, it was a good thing she could slip into her queen persona-–an affectionate nickname the girls had given her back in college and that she’d continued to hone during law school–at the drop of a hat.
The man stepped into the room with his hand held out in front of him. Regina looked down her nose at the offering, her eyebrows raised nearly to her hairline. He cleared his throat and dropped his hand, his gaze going around the room.
“Good evening, ladies,” he said, congenially. “I’m Robin Locksley, owner of Sherwood Forest Resort and I just wanted to say welcome and to see if everything was in order for you.”
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“Oh, yes, Mr. Locksley,” Mary Margaret said enthusiastically.
“Please, please,” he interrupted. “Call me Robin.”
“Of course, Robin,” she replied. “I’m Mary Margaret.” She then continued introductions around the room, motioning to each of the ladies in turn.
Robin nodded to each one before coming forward and shaking their hands. He greeted Regina last, and with a mischievous smirk on his face, he lifted her hand to his lips. “Milady,” he murmured before brushing them across her knuckles.
Regina couldn’t help the way her heart thundered in her chest at his boldness, but she’d be damned if she let him see it. She lifted her chin slightly and raised a single eyebrow at him, a move that would have lesser men shaking in their boots, but didn’t seem to phase him at all, his smirk widening just a bit.
“If I can help you with anything,” he said, his gaze still firmly on Regina, “please don’t hesitate to ask. My cabin is the one on the other side of your neighbors.” He pointed to where they knew the guys were staying.
“Thank you so much, Robin,” Mary Margaret replied. “We certainly will. We were just going to go next door and say hi. We met the guys staying there this morning at the Lost Boys Cave Tour in Bowling Green before driving here this afternoon.”
“Did you really?” Robin asked, his eyebrows rising in surprise. “What a small world. They’re all friends of mine. Liam and I were college roommates, so I’ve known Killian since he was a teenager. Graham and Will work with them at the cave and so a few years back, they started joining Liam and Killian when they’d come here for a visit a couple of times a year.”
“Wow!” Ruby exclaimed. “A small world, indeed. Tell me, Robin,” she continued, glancing at Belle and Elsa before she spoke, “Are all the guys single?”
Robin smirked again and his eyes twinkled. “I am unaware of any romantic attachments for any of them.”
Ruby’s grin was brighter than the sun at his words. He bowed his head slightly and gave a small two fingered salute as he wished them a good evening and departed.
As soon as he was gone, Mary Margaret shot Regina a serious look.
“There’s that wall again, Regina,” she said, shaking her head slightly.
Regina’s head whipped around so quickly, she was surprised her neck didn’t crack.
“What are you talking about?”
Mary Margaret came over to her friend and put an arm around her shoulders. Regina stiffened but didn’t pull away.
“That wall you put up to keep out pain,” Mary Margaret continued, “can also keep out possibilities.” Regina scoffed. “He was very handsome and obviously interested in you.”
“He smells like forest,” Regina said. “If you think he’s so handsome, why don’t you go after him?”
“Because he didn’t look twice at me,” she replied, exasperation coloring her words. “Just keep it in mind, please, Regina,” she urged her friend. “I know you have a wonderful future ahead of you no matter where you decide to go, but love is a part of all happiness, and Pigeon Forge is less than an hour from Knoxville.”
Regina rolled her eyes. “That would probably be a strike in the Knoxville column instead of a plus, just so you know.”
Mary Margaret squeezed her shoulder. “Promise me you won’t rule it out altogether, Regina. Just see what happens.” Their friends around the room were nodding and voicing their own agreement to Mary Margaret’s words. “But for now, let’s go next door and say hi.”
She let Regina go and led the way out the door and across to the cabin next door. Once they were all on the porch, Emma being helped by Belle and Elsa, Mary Margaret knocked firmly on the door.
It was opened by a tall, well-built blonde man who immediately stole Mary Margaret’s breath.
“Uh… I’m so sorry…” she stammered, looking around at her friends, her eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. “We were… ah…”
“What she means to say,” Ruby interjected, when it became clear Mary Margaret was at a complete loss for words, “is we were looking for Killian and Graham.”
The man smiled and Mary Margaret was afraid her knees would buckle. He opened the door wider, inviting them all in. “Of course,” he said. “I’m David Nolan and I don’t believe we’ve met…” he trailed away, his eyes never leaving Mary Margaret’s as he offered her his hand.
“Mary Margaret Blanchard,” she breathed, putting her hand in his to shake it.
“Lovely to meet you, Mary Margaret.” He turned to the other ladies still standing on the porch. “Please come in.”
The ladies filed in to see all the other men they’d already met around the room. Liam was in the kitchen and when he turned toward the door, his blue eyes immediately softened when they landed on Elsa. Graham and Robin rose from their seats in the living room at the entrance of the ladies, with Will remaining in his seat and looking at the others with a confused look on his face. Graham smacked him on the side of the head, jerking his own head toward the women at the door. Will scrambled to his feet as Killian came down the stairs to a much fuller room than what he’d left a few minutes before.
Everyone squirmed a bit in the awkward silence, until Ruby sauntered over to Graham and looped her arm through his.
“Is this a small world or what?” she asked. Her question broke the ice and all the men invited the ladies to take a seat. Regina remembered Mary Margaret’s words but wouldn’t meet Robin’s eyes when she moved to sit down at the bar separating the kitchen area from the rest of the room. Killian couldn’t take his eyes off of Emma as he approached her.
“Here, Emma,” he said, his hand hovering by her elbow, “let me help you to a chair.”
“I don’t need help,” she insisted, hobbling toward the nearest armchair. Once she was seated, she couldn’t suppress the sigh of relief from being off of her ankle.
“May I bring you an ice pack to put on your ankle?” he asked.
Emma sighed resignedly. She knew she was being short with him, but she just couldn’t get past the embarrassment of the accident in the first place, and then his conciliatory actions at the grocery store earlier. She knew she needed to try a little harder with him, even if it was annoying her in the extreme to have to do so.
“That would be great. Thank you, Killian.”
Once everyone was settled, conversation flowed naturally among the friends. The connection between the men was more fully explained and when David told them he was the booking manager for Sherwood Forest Resort, Mary Margaret exclaimed excitedly, “I thought your voice sounded familiar! You’re the one I talked to when I booked the cabin!” David grinned.
“Where’s Roland tonight, Robin?” Liam asked. “That’s Robin’s five year old son,” he explained to the ladies.
“He spent the day swimming and nearly fell asleep in his spaghetti tonight,” Robin explained, glancing at Regina to gauge her reaction. “I put him to bed before coming over to meet and welcome the ladies to Sherwood Forest.”
“So will we get a chance to meet him and your wife sometime this week?” Regina asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
The light dimmed a bit in Robin’s eyes. “Actually, I’ve been a widower since Roland was just a few months old.”
The girls murmured words of sympathy, but Belle couldn’t mask her shock. “You left a small child asleep in the house all by himself?”
“This is a gated community, my dear,” he assured her, “if you’ll remember from when you arrived this evening. He is also a very heavy sleeper. A tornado siren a mile away won’t wake him.” He pulled out his phone, tapped an app and displayed the screen, which showed a grainy picture of a room with a dark-haired boy sleeping in the bed. “But just in case, I use this app if I’m called away at night for some reason. He can talk to me and he can hear me through it, too.” He looked across the room at the clock hanging on the wall. “But it has been about twenty minutes since I put him to bed, so I’d better be heading back,” he said, rising from his seat.
Everyone took that as the signal that the evening was drawing to an end. The ladies all rose and bid the men goodnight. Emma couldn’t hide her smirk at the longing looks between Ruby and Graham, Elsa and Liam, Mary Margaret and David, and even Belle and Will, though she was a little more circumspect than him. She had a feeling this was going to be a fun week.
“Good morning, Granny,” Ruby greeted, giving her grandmother a tight squeeze upon entering her diner.
“ ‘Bout time you graced me with your presence,” the old woman grumbled, though they could clearly hear the affection in her voice. “Couldn’t bother to come see me when you got into town yesterday?”
“We were otherwise occupied,” Ruby replied, glancing around at her companions, who looked a bit sheepish at the admonishment from their beloved matriarch.
Mary Margaret hugged Granny. “We’re sorry. We were busy unpacking, deciding on sleeping arrangements, and getting groceries,” she apologized.
“And meeting our annoying neighbors,” Emma added, limping over to take her turn for a hug.
“What did you do to yourself?” Granny asked, concern coloring her normally stern exterior.
Emma shrugged. “Just twisted my ankle on the cave tour. It’s nothing.”
The rest of the girls shared a hug with Ruby’s grandmother and settled in at a table close to Granny’s famous breakfast buffet. They were just placing their drink orders, when they heard several boisterous and familiar voices coming from the entryway of the restaurant.
Emma looked over her shoulder to check out the commotion. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me,” she groaned.
The others turned to see the group of men and a little boy they assumed to be Roland waiting at the hostess stand. Ruby gave a squeal of happiness, while Elsa and Mary Margaret sported soft smiles.
Regina rolled her eyes. “Are they stalking us? There are literally dozens of restaurants that serve breakfast around here.”
“None as good as Granny’s, though,” Ruby said, her eyes lighting up as Graham looked up and noticed her.
As the ladies watched, Granny greeted each man with a hug and picked Roland up for an affectionate squeeze, kissing him on his dimpled cheek.
“Wait a minute,” Belle said, a puzzled tone to her voice. “How does Granny know them?”
“Liam did say they come here a couple of times a year to visit Robin,” Elsa said. “Maybe they make a habit of eating at Granny’s.”
David approached their table, his eyes trained on Mary Margaret. “Good morning, ladies. Mind if I join you?” he asked, reaching for a nearby chair.
As Mary Margaret gave her approval, Ruby jumped up. “You can have my seat. I’ll sit with Graham. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“As if he has a choice,” Emma muttered.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Will grinned, stepping to the end of the table to scan the occupants, his eyes settling on Belle.
“Granny is Ruby’s grandmother,” she explained.
Will’s thick brows shot up. “As in Granny of Granny’s Diner?”
“Can’t put anything past you, can we?” Regina snarked. “Why are you here?”
“Robin discovered this place when he inherited the resort from his parents many years ago, and he recommends it to all of his guests. We eat here every time we visit. Granny loves us,” Will proclaimed.
“I honestly thought she had better judgment than that,” Emma said.
“Hello, Love,” Killian greeted her, as the rest of the men said their hellos. “Excuse me. I meant, hello, Emma.”
Despite her admonishments to the contrary, Emma found she really didn’t mind him calling her his love, but she wasn’t quite ready to admit it to him. “Hi, Killian. Sleep well?” she asked, mentally facepalming over such a trite question.
He smirked, seeming to read her mind. “Aye, in spite of sleeping alone, and having to listen to Will’s snores coming through the wall.”
She covered her giggle with her hand, then pushed her chair away from the table. “I’m going to the buffet before all of you get there and demolish it.”
He stepped aside to let her pass, brushing the small of her back with his hand as she did. Trying not to shiver at his touch, she threw him a small smile and proceeded to the buffet.
When everyone’s plates were full and they were eating, Granny busied herself keeping everyone’s drinks filled and directing the busboys to clear the tables of dirty plates. Carefully watching the people at both tables over the top of her glasses, she made several observations. She had known Robin’s friends for nearly a decade, and Ruby’s group of friends for almost as long, so she was good at reading all of them. What she saw made her heart swell with happiness. Some of them may be fighting it, but she could see some interesting developments going on.
Ruby sat as close to Graham as possible without actually being in his lap. Granny had witnessed her granddaughter’s interest in many boys and young men as she raised her, but she was confident that she had never seen a more smitten look on the brunette’s face before. Ruby looked at Graham as though he’d hung every celestial body in the Heavenly realms, and Granny was very pleased to see it. The sandy haired Irishman was always such a gentleman and made Granny’s own heart speed up a bit when he looked at her with those deep blue eyes and curled his accent smoothly around every word he spoke.
The old woman smiled, sensing the bubble of mutual attraction surrounding David and Mary Margaret. Ever since he came to work for Robin three years ago, Granny had been trying to set him up with her favorite waitresses, to no avail. Now, she could see why. If he had been waiting for his soulmate, he seemed to have found her in Mary Margaret, whose sparkling green eyes looked adoringly at the handsome man beside her.
Granny saw much the same look on the faces of Liam and Elsa. Both of them were the oldest sibling in their family and tended to be quite serious and responsible, allowing little time for romance. Judging by their side-eye glances and shared smiles, Granny was sure they would be able to find the time now.
Something whizzed by her line of sight and Granny looked over to see Will getting ready to throw another chunk of potato in Belle’s direction. Marching over to him, Granny whacked him on the back of the head. “Go pick it up and find a better way to flirt,” she demanded.
“Me poor head,” he groaned, rubbing it as he stood up to do as he was told.
Granny shook her head fondly, taking in the shy smile Belle gave Will when he bent to pick up the potato which had landed behind her chair. They chatted for a while and Granny was pleased to hear Belle’s genuine laugh again. Granny never liked the man who previously dated the auburn-haired beauty. He treated her shabbily, and Granny wasn’t at all unhappy when she finally broke it off with him, although she knew Belle was heartbroken. Perhaps Will, in his own clumsy but endearing way, could help mend her heart.
When she was refilling Regina’s mug of coffee, Granny caught the glance she was slyly sending Robin’s way. “He’s a good man, that one,” she said quietly.
Regina quickly averted her eyes and straightened in her seat. “I’m sure he is, but he’s not my type. I’m not into mountain men.”
“Scoff all you like, Miss Priss, but you’re not gonna meet a better man than Robin Locksley, I can guarantee you that. He’s a hard worker and a good father, and I don’t think I’m stepping out of line by saying that he seems more than a little interested in you.”
Regina folded her hands on the placemat in front of her, her expression giving away nothing, but her cheeks reddening. “I don’t even know where I’m going to end up living.”
“Well, I’d say Robin would be in the pros column for taking the job in Knoxville,” Granny said, then moved on to refill Emma’s coffee. “And what about you, young lady?” she asked.
“What about me?” Emma questioned, her brows drawing together quizzically.
“Don’t think I haven’t seen those looks you’ve been giving Killian Jones, and that he’s giving back to you. It’s a wonder this place hasn’t gone up in flames from the heat of ‘em.”
Emma blushed furiously. “There’s nothing between me and Killian.”
“Huh, never known ya to lie to me before,” Granny harrumphed. “You wanna look me in the eye and try that again?”
Slumping in her seat, Emma chewed on her bottom lip, before quietly admitting, “Maybe I am just…a little attracted to him.”
“If that’s a little, I’m interested to see what’s a lot,” the old woman chuckled.
Leaving the ladies’ table, she passed by the men’s, ruffling Roland’s curls along the way.
The little boy turned to grin at her, then popped up out of his seat. “I’m gonna get another pancake, Papa,” he declared. Robin started to rise from his seat to help him. “I can get it, I’m five now,” Roland told him proudly.
Robin kept a protective eye on his son, even though there were few patrons in the diner besides the two tables of cabin neighbors. Roland was just tall enough to reach the tongs in the tray of pancakes, standing on his tiptoes to grab one and put it on his plate. His father held his breath as Roland dipped the ladle into the syrup and dripped it across the edge of the buffet to pour it on his pancake, turning to give Robin a gap toothed grin when he succeeded.
After breathing a sigh of relief, Robin’s eyes drifted to the other side of the buffet to see Regina filling a plate with apple slices. She returned the tongs and started to walk back to her seat, when she stopped in her tracks. Roland was peeking around the end of the buffet at her and Robin felt a lump in his throat when the lovely, raven-haired woman smiled sweetly at his son and bent down to say something to him. Then she stood up and looked his way, giving him a demure smile before walking past him.
Roland carefully carried his plate back to the table, dimples flashing. “Guess what that pretty lady just said to me,” he beamed.
“What did she say?” Robin asked.
The little boy puffed out his chest proudly. “She said I must be a very big boy to be able to get my own food, and I am, right, Papa?”
Robin put his arm around his son’s shoulder and kissed the top of his head. “Yes, you are and you’re growing up far too fast.”
“That’s right, Rolly Polly,” Will said, reaching across the table to pinch his cheek. “Yer practically ready to start datin’!”
Roland’s giggle drew Belle’s attention and she smiled softly at the exchange between the flirty Brit and the adorable little boy.
From her spot by the drink counter, Granny’s gaze swept over the group of people seated at the two tables and she folded her arms across her chest, a smug smile on her face.
Later that same afternoon, just about the time to begin fixing dinner, David called the rest of the guys into their shared kitchen, where he and Robin stood waiting until all of them had gathered. When the other five men were scattered around the room and listening, David began earnestly, his eagerness all too clear, to explain their plan.
“Guys, I know this is a retreat where we plan to spend time together and reconnect each year. Life isn’t easy, and real friendships are few and far between. I’m not denying the importance of that at all, but Rob and I, well,” he said, glancing at his friend and boss, “we’re more than a bit anxious to see if the lovely ladies next door might fit into our lives beyond this week… and….well, I guess we’re trying to see how the rest of you feel about including them in our cookout tonight for instance.”
“Or if they might be game for taking a stab at the escape room on the Island when we go at the end of the week,” Robin added helpfully.
Graham didn’t immediately speak, but he flushed from the top of his head to where his skin was hidden by the collar of his shirt. Killian realized from where he stood to Graham’s right that the other man appeared to have a rather interesting bruise just nearly, but not quite, hidden by the material where his neck met his shoulder. Shaking his head in defeat, he knew that was one definite vote for Dave and Rob’s suggestion.
Will’s cheeky grin and enthusiastic agreement with their proposal was no surprise either. “Sounds great, lads! Wish I’d thought of it meself!”
Even Liam, who could be standoffish and whom Killian had thought would be at least one other person in his corner, seemed uncharacteristically in favor of the idea. “That does seem like a good and neighborly suggestion. In fact, it’s about late enough to get the fire started, and then I’ll go next door and see if they’re interested in joining us for hot dogs and s’mores.”
All of them, except Killian, were in agreement, and their short meeting was adjourned. It wasn’t that he disliked any of the ladies in the adjacent cabin, and his heart thrilled at the prospect of seeing–and flirting with–Emma again, but he wasn’t at all sure his attentions were welcomed. He wasn’t the sort to force himself on a lady, not when she clearly had her reasons for remaining aloof. However, he was grossly outvoted and it seemed this joining of their groups was happening, whether he climbed onboard or not.
Some minutes later, Elsa wandered across the grass behind her and her friends’ cabin as it sloped into the adjoining space occupied by the men they kept running into. She could see the broad-shouldered elder Jones brother just starting preparation for a bonfire, and though she wasn’t at all sure it was wise, Elsa quickened her step to reach him and offer him a hand. Though she could never be as outspoken or as wildly enthusiastic as Ruby, there couldn’t be anything wrong with offering her assistance. That was what she told herself anyway as she drew near enough to capture the intriguing man’s attention.
“Why, hello, Lass,” Liam greeted heartily, straightening to swipe his forearm across his damp brow and offer her a twinkling smile. “Pleasant surprise seeing you here.”
Elsa felt the grin that stretched across her lips in return, surprised by how easy he was to speak to, despite his powerful manner and imposing stature. None of the usual tongue-tied uncertainty seemed to trouble her in Liam’s company, and it was a genuine relief to experience. “I was enjoying the view out here and taking in the evening air when I saw you. Can I help?”
Undoubtedly he would have been just fine on his own, but Liam happily showed her how he was making a domed bed of the small kindling to start the fire effectively, and as Elsa carried on from where he left off, Liam made three trips back and forth up the gentle rise to the back of their cabin, where already cut firewood was stacked, bringing enough back to keep what would hopefully be a cozy blaze for roasting hot dogs and marshmallows going all evening.
Once the fire was truly started, Elsa found herself hesitating five minutes, then fifteen, and eventually half an hour, before going to tell the rest of the girls that they were welcome to join the guys’ cookout if they wished. She was entirely too comfortable there on the log beside Liam, feeling his leg and hip pressed against hers, and enjoying the rise and fall of his voice as he spoke about his and Killian’s upbringing, how they had both come to live in America, how he’d met and ended up rooming with Robin in college, and hilarious stories from his time working the cave boating tours.
It was only once the other guys began to make their way out to the now-crackling bonfire with roasting sticks, hot dogs, buns, and fixings, that she finally stood and went to see if she could find her own cabin mates. She could almost envision how that would go anyway–Ruby would be there before she could get the invitation out, Mary Margaret practically skipping after her with her besotted heart eyes glowing, Belle would join readily enough as well, surely anxious to educate Will Scarlet on some aspect of camping, outdoor cooking, or hot dog manufacturing of which he was unaware. Emma and Regina would trail along, trying stubbornly not to seem overeager. Regina would probably try to claim she didn’t want her clothes to smell of woodsmoke, and Emma would swear she was only joining in because she wasn’t about to turn down melty chocolate and marshmallow sandwiched in cinnamon-y goodness.
Finishing the evening some hours later, Elsa looked around the fire in the starlight at the relaxed and happy faces of her dearest friends, and the attentive gazes each of them was drawing from a handsome and worthy man, and she couldn’t feel anything but gratitude. She would never have thought that two days into their annual girls’ trip she would be leaning her head on the shoulder of a handsome tour guide whose voice was tickling the fine hairs near her ear as he whispered added commentary to the rousing ghost story Will was regaling the group with. That sensation combined with his arm going round her sent shivers skittering all the way down to her toes in the most pleasant of ways. If this was what being a bit more forward got her, she would have to make more of a habit of it.
On their third day of the trip, various members of their groups paired off to accomplish different things they had hoped to see and do. Liam, Killian, and David helped Robin with some simple cabin maintenance jobs against his protests, as a sort of thank you for his providing them such a perfect place to stay virtually free of charge. Graham had been willingly pulled along with Ruby as she went shopping for clothes and souvenirs along the main drag of the tourist town, and Will had just as happily tagged along with Belle as she set out to fully explore the “Original” Book Warehouse.
Mary Margaret and Regina were upstairs on the cabin’s second story deck, taking in the fresh air and the view as they caught up with each other. Emma was the only one essentially stuck inside as she didn’t really feel like limping along and slowing down any of the others as they made their excursions. She was sitting in a chair in the main living room of the cabin, ankle propped up on a footstool, distractedly perusing the same magazine page repeatedly. They had left the door open between the room and the deck so that she could call out to Mary Margaret and Regina occasionally, and they to her, and so that she could at least enjoy the mountain breeze and feel part of the conversation, but it had been fairly quiet from her friends for several minutes, and Emma could admit that she was feeling bored and sorry for herself.
Just then there was a startling sound of wings beating, and Emma ducked instinctively even as she felt the sensation of something swooping wildly over her head. To her dismayed surprise, a frantic bird had flown in from outside and was now sailing from one corner of the room to another in a confused effort to find its way back to freedom. Emma almost jumped up and made for another room, before remembering the swollen ankle hampering her and screeching in alarm as the bird sailed right over her head once more.
“Out! Get Out!” she yelled, flailing, trying to steer the winged creature back the way it had come.
By the time Mary Margaret and Regina came in from outdoors, Emma had managed to stand and was hopping on one foot as she tried to reach for the broom propped in the corner to swipe at their uninvited guest. Moments later, they heard the front door below fly open and heavy footsteps came pounding up the stairs as David barrelled into sight, having heard Emma’s cries from down on the drive between their houses.
He grasped the situation more quickly than the rest of them had, taking in Mary Margaret’s pleading, “Oh Emma, don’t hurt it! It’s confused and it’s only a baby!” Regina standing in one corner, slightly behind the coat rack and out of the bird’s range, watching the mayhem with a bemused expression, and Emma swiping a broom around ineffectually as off-balance as she was, trying to herd a terrified warbler toward the open door while yelling at her friend, “Enough! I don’t want it taking a crap on my head!”
Thankfully, the jostled songbird finally lit on a bear figurine atop the mantle. With it no longer fluttering over their heads, the ladies calmed down significantly, and David stepped over Emma’s dropped magazine and displaced chair cushion to carefully snatch the bird with practiced stealth, pinning its wings to its sides without harming them, before it could take off again. It wasn’t the first misguided creature he’d removed from someone’s rental in the time he’d worked with Robin, and it wouldn’t be the last, he thought wryly as he opened his hands outside the door, letting the bird make its escape.
He’d never received such a pleasant reward for his efforts though, he thought, as he turned back around to see Mary Margaret Blanchard gazing up at him as if he had given her the stars from the sky. Emma offered him a sheepish thanks and flopped back into the chair she had vacated with a winded thump, while Regina brought the pillow to her and helped her resituate her foot, but David really only had eyes for the tiny pixie haired beauty before him, her sweet smile wrapping him all up in knots and ever more tightly around her little finger.
“Thank you,” she murmured, coming to stand so close in front of him that she had to tilt her head up to look him in the face, the tips of her cute little canvas flats touching the toes of his scuffed work boots. “My hero, as well as that poor little bird’s.”
Just then, with her twinkling green eyes drinking him in like that, David really did feel like he could take on the world.
The following morning was pretty quiet. Both guys’ and gals’ groups were cooking their own breakfasts and lunches that day and staying around their cabins; there was plenty to see right within the Sherwood Forest Resort. Graham had gotten Robin’s advice on the best scenic hiking trails, which he was anxious to show Ruby. Robin was taking Roland down to the pool on their premises, and David, Mary Margaret, and even Regina, were tagging along with them to take a dip and do some sunbathing.
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Belle, meanwhile, was having a bit of quiet time to herself. She loved her friends and looked forward to the time they spent together each year, but she was also dying to make use of the gorgeous view of the Smokies outside the huge window in her room to curl up for just an hour or two with a good book. She had thrown so much of herself into her failed relationship, that when it fell apart, it felt like her whole world went with it.
She set her book down unopened, suddenly realizing that she hadn’t thought about Robert once this week. Maybe, just maybe, she was finally starting to heal…and a lot of it was courtesy of Will Scarlet. There was no doubt he could try her patience with the best of them, but he was honest and funny and there was a genuinely sweet side to him. She never would have thought it when they first met at the beginning of the week, but she honestly thought he was a man who could be depended upon.
Her musings were interrupted by the sound of rustling leaves and something that sounded like a grunt of exertion. Belle froze. Someone or something was climbing the tall tree that stood just outside her second story bedroom window. What should she do? Should she call for help? Should she hide?
No. She had always read stories of heroes facing their fears to defeat the villains. It was about time she did the same. Looking around, she grabbed the first weapon-like item she could find–a large, bronze candlestick that sat on the mantle above her room’s fireplace.
“Alright, Lumiere,” she muttered, “let’s put the fear of God into whoever is trying to break into our room.”
Taking one more deep breath, she opened the blinds and took a look outside. She was greeted with none other than Will Scarlet smiling like an idiot as he dangled…something from his outstretched hand.
Belle looked closer and saw what appeared to be the wriggling body of a big, hairy spider, just before he dropped it on her window sill. Screaming bloody murder, she jumped back, feeling as though she was about to faint. If there was one thing in the entire world she could not stand, it was a spider. With their eight legs and multiple eyes, their affinity for biting and trapping their prey in their webs, they were more than scary. They were terrifying.
“Hey, Belle,” Will said from the other side of the window. “I didn’t mean anything by it; it was just a harmless prank. I’m sorry I scared you! I’m sorry I–AAAAGH!”
Belle rushed to the window, her heart nearly stopping for an entirely different reason as she saw Will lose his grip on the tree branch and go plummeting to the ground, landing with a thud.
Belle screamed again.
“What? What is it? What happened?” Emma demanded rushing into the room, looking around as though she was expecting an intruder.
“It’s…it’s Will!” Belle said, gesturing to the window.
“It’s…what?” Emma asked.
Belle looked out the window again and breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Will groan and get to his feet, rubbing the back of his head. Immediate crisis averted, Belle’s heart rate went back to normal, and her senses returned. In a few short sentences, she told Emma the entire story–from hearing the noise, to seeing Will dangling the spider (which she could now see was just a very convincing fake), to Will plummeting from his perch.
Emma’s face darkened as she heard the tale, and when it was at an end, she scooped the fake spider into her hands and marched out of the room muttering something under her breath about shoving it down Will’s throat.
Belle watched as Emma confronted the prankster. “What the hell were you thinking?” she asked. “She’s terrified of spiders. Like, hyperventilating, fainting terrified. I get that you like her, but stop acting like a fifth grader!”
She growled once more, and then slapped him upside the head.
“Ow!” he complained. “Lay off the noggin!”
“Why?” she retorted. “From the way you act, I’d swear there’s nothing in it anyway!”
Belle grinned, as Will stalked back to his cabin, muttering under his breath all the way and Emma shook her head and went back inside.
An hour later, there was a knock at the girls’ cabin door. Belle opened it to find a single, thornless, red rose accompanied by a small note card that said simply ‘Belle, I’m sorry I’m an idiot. Will’
On the fourth day of their vacation, Emma ventured out onto the front walk about midmorning, finally feeling her ankle was strong enough to take a short stroll and enjoy the gorgeous weather they’d been having all week. She could still feel a twinge of the sprain, but she was tired of being cooped up, and she wanted to enjoy at least a little of the trip before it was over.
Before she could get started, Regina came out.
“Where are you going?”
“I thought I’d take a short walk. You want to join me?” she asked.
Regina looked torn, and it wasn’t hard for Emma to guess what she was thinking. It was clear to all the ladies in their group that Regina really liked Robin, but she’d been essentially raised by a series of nannies and sitters because her rich parents couldn’t be bothered to actually be parents for their only child, or to spend any amount of time with her, and so she’d learned early in her life to keep her heart well protected from those who could hurt her. It had taken years for Emma and the others to get behind that formidable exterior she showed most of the world, to really get to know and love the woman underneath. And now, not knowing where she was going to end up beginning her career, she didn’t want to open herself up to possible heartbreak with the handsome owner of the resort.
Emma smiled, looped her arm through Regina’s, and pulled her along.
“Come on,” she cajoled. “Getting outside will do you some good, too.”
Regina rolled her eyes and acquiesced. They started walking down the hill toward the resort pool until they could see Robin’s cabin. As they got closer, they could see him around the corner on his knees, his hands buried in the dirt of a flower bed. Regina stopped and Emma stopped with her, her heart hurting at the anxiety on the face of her friend.
Emma took her hand. “Regina,” she said quietly, “I know you’re apprehensive, and don’t want to get attached, but we’ve gotten to know him a little bit this week and you have Granny’s endorsement as well. You should spend some time with him and just see. Even if you don’t end up in Knoxville, you can keep in touch with him and take things slow, just to see where it might lead. Life is unpredictable, and you have so many years ahead of you, you shouldn’t close the door on an opportunity like this when it could lead to something truly wonderful.”
Emma watched her friend and could see the indecision in her eyes. But then her gaze turned cunning and a slow smile lifted the corner of her lips.
“Alright,” she said. “I’ll go say hi and see about spending some time with him, but only if you promise to do the same with Killian.”
Emma pressed her lips together in a thin line. She’d walked right into that one and no mistake. There was nothing for it though, so Emma nodded.
“Fine,” she said.
Regina nodded with a self-satisfied smile and walked over to where Robin still dug in the dirt. As she got closer, she noticed Roland on the other side of him copying everything he was doing.
Regina’s smile turned genuine when Roland looked up and saw her.
“Hi, Miss Gina!” he exclaimed excitedly.
“Hi there,” she replied. “What are you guys doing?”
“We’re planting begonias,” Roland said proudly. “Want to help us?” Robin sat back on his haunches and beamed up at her.
Regina’s cheeks heated. “Oh, I really shouldn’t…” she began.
“But, why not?” Roland asked at the same time as his father said “You’d be more than welcome.”
Regina cut her eyes to Robin and smiled shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Are you sure? I don’t know anything about plants.”
Robin’s grin softened a bit and he patted the ground next to him. “There’s nothing to it. Here, let me show you.”
Regina knelt next to Robin and thought about Emma’s and Mary Margaret’s words at the beginning of the week. Growing things took time and effort and at the end, you had a lovely flowering plant that brought beauty, happiness, and joy. Perhaps she was ready to invest some time and effort into a relationship. She had nothing to lose and everything to gain–perhaps love and true happiness with someone who wouldn’t leave her. Regina turned to Robin and gave him a real and happy smile as she joined them in their gardening.
Emma watched as Regina knelt next to Robin and smiled to herself. She had a really good feeling about them, and the job opportunity in Knoxville. She only hoped that Regina would follow where her heart was clearly leading.
Emma turned around and pondered whether she wanted to continue walking down to where the pool and playgrounds were located at the resort entrance, or if she wanted to meander up the drive a ways and see if there were any different views further up the road, when she caught a glimpse of a figure sitting alone in one of the Adirondack chairs which lined the guys’ front porch. It was Killian, looking pensive as he cradled a coffee mug and stared out at the hilltop and sky panorama before him.
Emma nearly turned in the other direction, not wanting to disturb him if he wished to be alone, but then reconsidered. First of all, she’d just made a promise to Regina. Secondly, she’d given Jones an awfully hard time this whole week. And now he looked rather lonely and as though he might welcome some company. Tentatively, she moved toward the boys’ cabin, greeting him quietly when she reached the first step. “Morning, neighbor.”
With a little start, Killian turned away from his perusal of the sky, to meet her gaze and return her smile with one of his own. The crooked curve of it sent ribbons of awareness curling inside her, all the more disarming because he seemed less aware of its power in the stark morning light. “Permission to join you?” she asked playfully, as if asking a captain to board his ship.
The jest seemed to work as she had hoped, the blue of Killian’s eyes twinkling as he nodded and gestured to the seat next to him, “Permission granted.”
Settling in next to him, they both enjoyed the comfortable quiet for a few moments more. However, Emma couldn’t stay that way for long; she was too aware of his presence beside her, his very nearness feeling as though it tingled along her nerve endings deliciously. If her physical reaction to him wasn’t quite so visceral, she wouldn’t have been fighting so hard to shut down all the attempts at genuine friendship he had offered her these last few days. Finally, she drew in a deep breath and gave voice to her swirling thoughts. “Hey, Killian? You’ve probably figured out by now that I’m not exactly very trusting, or even especially welcoming to people I don’t know all that well. I know you didn’t intend for me to get hurt at the end of the boat tour, and you were only trying to help me as much as I would let you afterwards. I was enjoying the flirtation we had going, and I was embarrassed–badly.” She sighed, looking down at her fingers twisted together in her lap. “I didn’t handle it very well, needless to say. But that wasn’t your fault. I think I’ve been taking my disappointment out on you, and I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”
A moment later, Killian’s hand reached over to cover her own warmly, giving it a gentle squeeze as she looked up only to be captured in his overwhelming gaze. “Emma,” he said her name as though savoring each letter of it on his tongue, “no apologies are necessary. We all have our stories and scars, and the beginnings that have made us who we are. Perhaps, if you’ll allow me, I may know more of yours in time.” He paused briefly, eyebrow quirking as if asking permission to go on, not wanting to push too far against the barriers of their newfound truce. “I’m only glad to know I haven’t turned your opinion against me permanently.”
Emma’s grin spread across her face of its own accord, her happiness suddenly infectious and spreading out to engulf her completely. Returning the pressure of his hand on hers, she replied. “I think we understand each other perfectly.”
That evening the two groups gathered at the gentlemen’s cabin for a loudly competitive game night. The next day would see them exploring the shops and attractions of The Island before their planned attempt at the escape room. Several pleasant hours flew by before Elsa found that as much as she was enjoying the company, she could hardly keep her eyes open any longer.
Bidding those still playing a ‘good night’ and telling the rest of her cabinmates she would see them in the morning, Elsa stood and gathered her things to head across the lawn and to her own bed. She didn’t mind at all, however, when Liam stood as well and followed her to the door. “Are you sure you don’t need an escort in the dark, Milady?” he murmured slightly, pressing a close mouthed kiss to her temple.
Elsa savored the press of his lips and the cozy glow of comfort that came with them, but she couldn’t help snickering at his question all the same. “I think I should be alright,” she returned, wrapping her arms around his solid torso for a moment in a parting embrace. “It can’t be more than 15 feet over to our cabin.”
“All the same, flick the porch light once you’re safely in the door, and I’ll flick the light over here in return.” The protective elder brother was showing through again, but she found his concern endearing all the same, and it warmed her heart knowing her safety and well-being were at the forefront of his mind.
Once she had reached the porch, signaled Liam, and gone inside, Elsa made her way slowly across the main room, tidying up things which had gathered on the table and counter, and moving over to the door onto their deck to be sure it was locked. Before she could do so, she heard a noise that caught her attention. She also thought she saw a flicker of light, though she didn’t know who would be out there. She didn’t remember who had left the other cabin before her; she’d really been too sleepy to take much note. But now she was grumpy, tired, and just wanted to make sure things were secure for the night, so when she heard a sort of low groan followed by a breathy giggle, things finally clicked into place in her mind, and she wasn’t feeling a lot of patience for the couple she now realized must be out there making use of the cabin’s hot tub.
Swinging the door open, Elsa stepped out onto the deck, thankfully very barely lit by the moonlight and a single candle, with a stern look and her other hand on her hip. Sure enough, there was a wet and entangled Ruby and Graham in the tub, Graham’s eyes darting around everywhere to avoid meeting hers and Ruby grinning back at her unapologetically. Elsa wasn’t sure if Graham was flushed from the heat of the tub, their activities, or embarrassment at being caught, but the poor guy looked mortified by her presence. Ruby just looked like she wanted to devour him whole. Elsa found herself relieved more than anything, that though it wasn’t much, she could still see the vibrant red ties of her friend’s string bikini showing beneath the dark hair streaming down her back.
“Look, I’m too exhausted for this,” Elsa admonished, slicing her hand through the air to halt the words when Ruby started to interrupt. “You need to take that somewhere else, because others would still like to use this hot tub–for less amorous purposes.”
Ruby just grinned at her shamelessly before quipping, “That’s what the filter’s for. We’ll be done in a little while. Now go away.”
Growling in consternation, Elsa threw up her hands and left them to it. She was not about to lose sleep, or the pleasant buzz she’d been feeling after her goodnight from Liam, over those two and their shenanigans. Ruby was a big girl and could take care of herself. Elsa just hoped Graham would survive.
The day for the escape room had finally arrived. Everyone was up early to eat breakfast before going to The Island on the Pigeon Forge strip. The large entertainment venue was home to amusement park rides, hotels, shopping–lots of shopping–food, and The Escape Game–an escape room that Ruby had found online during the planning phase of the trip. Although the girls hadn’t made definite plans to go, when the guys had mentioned their plans earlier in the week, it was an easy decision to team up.
Instead of all the ladies in one car and all the men in another, Ruby and Mary Margaret suggested that the couples pair off–three in one car and three in the other. Belle and Elsa agreed, so when they all got outside to the vehicles, David, Ruby and Graham, and Robin and Regina all rode in Mary Margaret’s SUV and Elsa, Emma and Killian, and Will and Belle rode in Liam’s Expedition.
The cabins were quite a ways up the side of a mountain and the grade going down into town was steep enough and had enough blind curves that they both followed the 25 mph speed limit and kept a safe distance between them. After Mary Margaret, leading the way, went around a sharp curve and disappeared from sight, a wild turkey suddenly took off flying, only about ten feet away from Liam’s vehicle. Elsa and Emma both screamed at the bird’s proximity, but Liam kept his head and the SUV under control.
It was only a few seconds later that he caught up to Mary Margaret who had stopped in the middle of the road.
“What’s going on?” he asked, turning and looking at Elsa riding shotgun.
“That’s a bear!” exclaimed Will, pointing in between the front seats excitedly.
Sure enough, from where he sat, Liam could just see a black bear climbing up the embankment on the side of the road and into the trees. It took a moment for him to close his mouth and start following Mary Margaret again, who’d started moving as soon as the bear was safely off the road.
Once they all met up in The Island’s parking area and started making their way to the escape room, everyone was talking over each other trying to discuss the bear and wild turkey sighting.
“You must have been driving too fast, Mary Margaret,” Elsa scolded lightly. “The turkey took off and almost hit us after you’d already passed it.” She looked up at Liam next to her and the adoring gaze on the face of her friend made Emma’s heart happy. “But Liam didn’t startle at all; he kept the Expedition completely under control.” Liam preened under her praise.
“I never would have expected to see a live bear,” Mary Margaret said excitedly.
“I didn’t expect to see any bear asses on this trip,” Regina snarked.
David waved his hand around in a dismissive gesture. “You get used to them when you live up here. Not that we see them often, but that’s why we keep locks on the outdoor trash bins to keep the bears out of them.”
By this time, they were at the escape room. They entered the rather nondescript lobby and were welcomed by the attendant.
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“What’s the name, please?”
“Jones,” Liam said, stepping up to the counter. “Party of twelve for ‘The Heist’, please.”
“I have you right here, Mr. Jones,” the attendant said.
Once the entire group had signed their waivers, they were ushered to the back and into a decently sized room lined with replicas of famous paintings.
Ruby’s eyes widened comically as she took in the decor. Her background in art had her immediately recognizing every painting in the room. “This is gonna be so great,” she whispered to Graham.
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With everyone now gathered in the room, they all turned back to the door. The attendant explained what would happen next and the rules of the escape room. Belle was relieved that if they got stuck, they could ask for help as many times as necessary with no penalty. Will waggled his eyebrows flirtatiously at her.
“We’ll be out of here in no time, me lass,” he declared. “As brilliant as you are, we’ll set the record for the shortest escape time ever.” Belle rolled her eyes at him but could still feel the heat on her cheeks at his praise and belief in her, something that had been in very short supply in her previous relationship.
The attendant left them and they all turned their attention to the screen above the door.
“Hello, Team!” The screen was filled with the face of a man with wire frame glasses and curly red hair. He looked around anxiously for a moment before staring back at the screen at them again. “I only have a few moments to brief you on your assignment. The bypass signal we’re using to speak to you is only good for ninety seconds.” He took a breath and looked around before speaking again. “You’re in the outer office of Dr. George Spencer. Known to most of the world as an art historian and philanthropist, we know the truth. He is nothing more than a black market art thief. He has stolen a priceless Monet from the Louvre. He is out of his office at the moment speaking at a nearby college and will return in exactly one hour. You must be out of his office when he arrives back. Collect the clues and solve the riddles to find the priceless painting. Good luck, Team.”
The screen faded to black and everyone looked at each other. Liam and Elsa, Graham and Ruby immediately moved to the paintings lining the walls of the room looking for clues.
Killian noticed the door they needed to get through had two small cutout doors in it near the top and bottom. They were both locked. The top door had a padlock on it, while the bottom had a combination lock. Suddenly he heard a clattering sound near the entry door. Emma stood in front of a marble bust in the corner, staring down at the floor dumbly.
“What happened, Emma?” he asked, as everyone else’s attention also turned to her.
She bent down and picked up a small, gold metal box from the floor, holding it up for them all to see. “I turned the bust and this fell out,” she explained, popping off the lid to find a key inside.
He took the key from her and moved to the padlocked door. It was a perfect fit and the lock popped right open.
“Well done, Love,” he praised, his smile lighting up his blue eyes as he opened the small door. Emma felt a surge of satisfaction inside and smiled back. From where she was standing, she could see something hanging down in front of the small door they’d just opened, inside the second room, but she ignored it for the moment.
Meanwhile, Mary Margaret was busy checking the frames of the paintings for clues when she gave a little squeak. “It opens!” she exclaimed, swinging the framed painting away from the wall.
“OW!” Will shouted, as the painting connected with his head. Everyone in the room burst into laughter, while Belle tried to soothe him.
“Your head certainly has taken a beating this week,” she said, trying to suppress a laugh herself.
“Look, there’s a numbered keypad here,” David said, “to open this safe.” He pointed to the spot on the wall revealed when the painting was moved.
“Try these numbers,” Graham called out. “7-1-4-3.”
David punched them in and a green light flashed. Mary Margaret twisted a black knob and pulled open the door of the safe. “A mirror!” she cried, holding the object aloft.
Emma took the mirror from her and put her hand through the small upper door to see if she could see anything obviously important in the other room.
“How did you figure out the numbers?” Belle asked Graham.
“We followed the clues on the description of the paintings,” Ruby explained, “and we were able to find hidden numbers in them.”
“There’s more numbers on the back of this door,” Emma cried out.
“Let’s hear them, Love,” Killian called from where he knelt below her, ready to put the numbers into the combination lock on the other small locked door.
While Emma and Killian were working on the combination lock, Will was crawling around on the floor, his nose nearly touching the baseboard.
“What the hell are you doing?” Regina asked, after stepping backwards and almost falling over him, only Robin’s quick reflexes and strong arms keeping her from hitting the floor.
“I’m looking for clues, what do you think I’m doing?”
“I think you’re being an idiot. Now get up before you make someone else crack their cranium.”
Emma was adjusting the mirror to see the numbers better. “8-3-6-4.” Killian entered the combination and the lock opened. He reached up and took the mirror from Emma. Angling it toward the door, he could see arrows on the backside of it pointing up toward some sort of button near the door jam.
“The cane inside the upper door, will it reach the button?” Killian asked.
“I’m not sure,” Emma answered.
“Try it,” he suggested.
“I can’t see what I’m doing,” she said. Everyone’s eyes were on her and she was beginning to get frustrated.
“Would you like for me to try, Lass?” Liam asked.
“Yeah,” she said, “your arms are longer.” She stepped aside and let Liam reach through the door.
“Hold that mirror still for me, Emma,” he said, trying to maneuver the cane to hit the button. He finally did and the way he was leaning against the door caused it to open suddenly, nearly making him fall to the floor.
Everyone cheered and rushed into the other room. It was a little bit larger with a huge bookshelf opposite the door. On it were various knick knacks in addition to books stacked artfully on the various shelves. On the wall now behind the open door, hung a terribly faded world map. To the right of the door they’d just entered was a work table with an in-progress Scrabble game board on it. Over the game board on the wall hung a wooden elephant head.
As soon as they had a good look around the room, Belle glanced up at the video screen over the door and announced, “We have forty-two minutes left.” The couples split up to begin scouring the room for clues, calling out directions to one another as they found them.
Robin lifted a scarf out of a bowl, revealing two puzzle pieces, which he held up. “Anyone else find more pieces to the puzzle?”
Soon, Robin and Regina were busy trying to assemble the numerous pieces handed to them. Meanwhile the other couples split off and began gathering different clues from around the room — from elephant tusks, to stone tablets, books, and keys. They solved several puzzles, but it seemed each answered riddle revealed another question to unravel.
Time was ticking away when they got a small fountain on the bookcase flowing which caused the bookcase to slide to the side, revealing a much smaller room containing the Monet painting. A loud cheer went up from the group until the bars in front of the painting deflated their exuberance a bit.
With only fifteen minutes left on the clock, they were getting desperate. Regina noticed there were lasers near the bars and started tracing where they landed within the office. Belle and Will had found a makeup mirror on a pedestal earlier in their searches, so she took the mirror and set it down on a ledge angling it to another mirror hanging on the wall, which directed the laser back to the painting. The word FAKE was emblazoned in the corner of the painting behind the bars.
Regina huffed out an exasperated exhale. “Are we ever going to get out of here?”
She felt Robin grab her arm and spin her toward him, planting a firm kiss on her lips that was completely unexpected. It only lasted a moment, but that moment was enough to thoroughly steal her breath away. He pulled back and stared into her eyes before he spoke.
“That was a stroke of brilliance, Darling,” he said. “Of course we’re going to get out of here, and we’re one step closer thanks to you.”
Regina felt her cheeks heat at his praise. The friends in this room were the only ones who’d ever believed in her like that and she could hardly believe this man that she’d met only five days ago thought that highly of her, too. She didn’t know what to say in the face of such affirmation, so she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her for a passionate kiss, much longer than the first.
“Oi,” called Will, “stop with the smoochin’. We have a Monet to find. The real one!”
Elsa suddenly noticed a small drawer on the book shelf that popped out slightly with the angling of the mirrors. She pulled the drawer open and found a small and very heavy magnet. She held it up with a questioning look on her face.
“Anyone have an idea of what to do with this?” she asked.
“Here!” Will called. He was crouched down next to the bookcase, fingering a small indentation that looked like it was just big enough to hold the magnet. Elsa handed it to him and he put it in the opening. He could feel the magnetic attraction take hold, so he grabbed the end of the magnet and pulled. A full panel opened on the side of the bookcase revealing a hole just big enough for a hand to reach in.
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Will knelt on the floor and reached inside, his face scrunched up in concentration. “Don’t get your arm stuck,” Belle advised.
“Aha!” he shouted triumphantly, pulling out a rolled canvas. “It’s the real Monet!”
“Or rather, a replica of the real Monet,” Mary Margaret corrected.
“What do we do with it?” Elsa asked, watching as Will handed it to Belle, who unrolled it and held it up.
“Hey, there are numbers on it!” David shouted, drawing attention to the four bold, black numbers written on the back.
“There’s only one keypad we haven’t used yet,” Emma pointed out. “In the other room.”
They all quickly made their way back to the first room and Emma punched the numbers into the keypad. As soon as she did, the original entry door swung open and the clock on the screen came to a stop with 8 minutes and 15 seconds left.
As the group celebrated with high fives and hugs, Killian turned toward Emma, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. “I don’t mean to upset you, Emma, but I think we make quite the team.”
“With some help from our friends,” she grinned, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.
“And one hard-headed git,” he added.
She giggled and leaned in closer until they were nose-to-nose. “And by the way, I’m not upset at all, but…” She paused, her tongue darting out to lick her lips.
“But what, Love?” he asked, searching her eyes.
“But I really want you to kiss me right now.”
His smile lit up his face, before he whispered, “As you wish,” and pressed his lips to hers.
Granny wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand and blew out a tired sigh as the last of the breakfast rush crowd finally left. It had been a long day already, and it wasn’t even noon yet.
The bell above the door chimed again, and Granny bit back a curse–until she saw who it was filing into her diner two-by-two and looking extremely happy together.
Ruby led the way, her arm around Graham’s waist and so close to him it was almost obscene. They were followed by Mary Margaret and David, holding hands and looking as though they didn’t realize there was anyone else in the world. Elsa and Liam followed along, shooting each other shy, smitten glances. Will spoke animatedly about something outrageous, judging by the way Belle rolled her eyes and playfully smacked him in the back of the head. Granny noted the librarian couldn’t keep the smile from her face. Granny’s smile grew yet wider when she saw Regina and Robin walking together, little Roland holding Regina’s other hand, his dimples in full view as he smiled happily. Last of all came Emma and Killian, her head on his shoulder, his arm around her waist.
“Table for twelve,” Ruby said with a broad smile.
“Thirteen!” Roland piped up.
“Coming right up!” Granny said, grabbing a stack of menus and waving the group to follow her. The urge to say I knew it! was strong, but Granny was wise enough to refrain from saying it. It was satisfaction enough just to see how happy everyone was.
The future looked bright for Ruby and her friends, and Granny couldn’t wait to watch that future unfold.
The End!
Notes: You made it!!!! We hope you enjoyed reading our not-so-little story!! Below are the real-life adventures on which our story was built.
–Our first stop was in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The park in question was called Lost River Cave rather than Lost Boys Cave. And yes, we met our tour guide (not hard on the eyes, but no Killian!) as we were making our way to our meeting place for the tour.
--Krystal, rather than Mary Margaret, was the one who became known for asking all the questions.
–The Blue Hole was a real thing–only the legend was that it was bottomless rather than that it led to Neverland.
–Yes, our female tour guide really did a runway walk down the center of our boat.
–The Wishing Stone was real, and we had to duck when going under it, but Will’s mishap was entirely fictionalized.
–The guide in our boat did point out the difference between stalactites and stalagmites, although she didn’t mix them up.
–Jen was the one who made an itinerary–although it wasn’t scheduled to the minute and it did end up being rather flexible.
–No twisted ankles, cracked craniums, or any other injury occurred on our vacation, thankfully.
–Our venture to the supermarket was completely ordinary. Maybe if we’d purchased ice cream, it would have gotten more exciting.
–Yes, our cabin truly was in a place called Sherwood Forest Resort. There were no sightings of Robin Hood, though.
–We never met our neighbors, although we certainly HEARD them on the last night we were there. They chose to pretend the resort’s nightly noise ordinance wasn’t a thing.
–‘Granny's’ was based on a pancake house we visited on our first full day in Pigeon Forge. The potato flinging incident was real–although completely accidental on Marta’s part. And an adorable little boy did peek at Joni around the end of the buffet, although it was his freckles and not his dimples which were so cute!
–No birds flew in through our open door–although the bird landing on the bear figurine’s head was an homage to a storefront we saw on the main strip. Three large bear statues, one with a bird atop its head, stood over a “Jesus saves!” sign. It was so random and ridiculous that it became a running joke all week. Likely Marta is still giggling about it!
-The wild turkey and black bear incident really happened, but as we were all in the same vehicle, we all got a front row seat to the resident wildlife.
–Our free day at the cabin was spent entirely in writing this story. We had no Will character show up to play pranks.
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–We did, indeed, have a hot tub, but no one made any use of it, and certainly not the kind of use Ruby and Graham did, lol.
–Finally, the escape room scene was based on our own experience on the first full day of our time in Pigeon Forge, and it was indeed called ‘The Heist’. The clues, descriptions and puzzles are accurate to what we did in our own escape room (which Joni found to be the best part of the vacation). We made it out with 6:05 to spare! 
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Can you figure out why the group in our story had 8 minutes, 15 seconds left?
–There might be more to come in this universe. Some of the other attractions we enjoyed in Pigeon Forge we know would also be enjoyed by these characters, so they might get written sometime in the future.
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r0b0tb0y · 2 years
The Size of the Fight in the Dog: Chapter One
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North London, 1998. Brasso is a bareknuckle boxer and Cassian is his manager. When Cassian gets into trouble he can't talk his way out of, there may not be a chance for Brasso to confess his long-guarded feelings. He's busy trying to finish the week with the same number of teeth as when he started.
Chapter One: Soaking Wet
If they’d been illuminated by anything more than the exit lights, Brasso would have seen the blood. As it was, he had to ask: ‘What happened, Cass?’
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myths-of-fantasy · 7 months
"Three years, huh?" Kitu said thoughtfully, nodding slowly to herself. That was plenty of time - they had a team now, Julia already had the beginnings of a crush on Carmen and Shadowsan finally got his head out of his ass enough to be a proper father figure. Good. She put the red rose she coughed up an hour ago into a vase. If she coughs up one every day, she could make a bouquet. Then she wipes her search history and the meta-data, closes her laptop, and starts planning the caper.
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Live and Let Spy - Chapter Three
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Three | ao3
Sal had been out of the game for years. Of course it was friggin’ Tommy who pulled him back in. Somehow, losing track of who had saved the other’s life more times over the years had added up to Tommy calling in an actual lifetime’s worth of favors.
One big headache of a favor that was probably gonna get Sal killed.
Total asshole move.
And yet, Sal still answered his call.
Probably because he was an asshole too.
He was going to help, sure, but he was going to make Tommy work for said help. You don’t call a guy up out of the blue, ask him to risk his life, and get away without answering a few questions. And Sal had more than a few questions. The first and most important one being:
“Who’s the guy?”
(continue reading on ao3)
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
Another idea for one difference fics
One Difference: Donna Dates A Burkhart (D/J)
One Difference: Eric Doesn’t Date A Cheerleader (E/B)
(One difference is coined by @those70scomics)
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pherryt · 2 years
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The Great Treasure Caper
Fandoms: Witcher/One Piece/OFMD/PotC Rating: G Words: 3169 Ships: Not really - mostly implied Summary: Jaskier finds a treasure map. Unfortunately, it seems he's not the only one.
Two of these fandoms are brand new for me to write, and the fic is a little bonkers, but I think it's fun, even if you don't know all the characters.
Fic is from a Witcher's POV
Written for Witcher Flash Fic - Top picture is the Actual WFF prompt, second picture was what it immediately made me think of and is from one of the One Piece opens
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signofthestriking · 2 years
Lore infodump pt.2 (Saiyan lore edition)
Cringe incoming go away if you no like it || Part 1
Continuing my insane ramblings about my over-complicated dbz au. This time focusing on what I've done with the Saiyans. And their equivalent of Frieza in this AU
TLDR: The low-class Saiyans rebel against their emperor, as well as against the elite Saiyans. Nobody wins, Planet Sadala is damaged, the empire collapses, and North Galaxy falls into chaos.
Parts of North Galaxy are taken over by an emperor known as Lord Kelvin. He attempts to ally with the Tuffles, but after they openly object to his empire, he wipes them out and overtakes their planet. He catches wind of the Saiyans shortly after, and offers them a place in his empire as allies. Kelvin tends to be manipulative, and wants more control than he initially lets on.
Distrustful of Kelvin, the Saiyan king only allows some of his low-class warriors to be conscripted into Kelvin's army. Kelvin learns that the elite Saiyans consist of a small handful of families, each of whom controls a section of the planet and the population in the name of the king. He gains the loyalty of these families by promising them positions in his empire, and gets them to overthrow the king. After all, they obeyed the Saiyan king under the assumption that he would kill all of them if they usurped him. However, they manage to kill him instead, and now only take orders from Kelvin himself.
So instead of answering to a king that might be able to kill them, they answer to an emperor who absolutely could kill them. And all Kelvin had to do was manipulate their lust for battle, and the pride that comes with it. He pieces together that the Saiyans, especially the elites, hold tight to their traditions about battle. So he convinces them that conquering planets and committing mass genocide is the same as true battle.
Fast forward in time, to when the Saiyans are used to their place in Kelvin's empire. Planet Sadala has flourished, at least as far as the elite Saiyans are concerned. For the low-blood, life hasn't improved much, even when all of their able-bodied warriors are conscripted into Kelvin's military. Huh. Weird.
Let's focus in on two Saiyans. An elite named Caper, who's dream is to become the head of Kelvin's royal guard. While he won't see the most active combat, it would let him work directly with the emperor himself. And Ninjin, a low-blood who can't even use ki without hurting herself. The two meet as kids, and become friends. And they keep this friendship going over the years, which eventually turns into romantic yearning.
Caper agrees to train Ninjin, even if she can't use ki. Turns out, Ninjin's power is just extremely volatile, which is why it damages her when she tries to use it.
As they grow into adults, Caper begins working towards his dream of becoming a captain, which gives him less time to be with Ninjin. During this time, Ninjin starts to have misgivings about Kelvin, and the Saiyan way of life. She turns these misgivings into rebellion, and forms a low-blood resistance with those who feel the same as her. They begin picking off members of the elite, one by one. All the while, they encourage other low-bloods to resist conscription. The elite Saiyans begin fighting back, and the conflict escalates into civil war.
Other planets under Kelvin's control catch wind of this, and start uprisings of their own now that they don't have to worry about the Saiyans. Kelvin turns to Caper, promising him the position of Captain if he takes down Ninjin's rebellion. Caper agrees, torn between his love for Ninjin and his loyalties to Kelvin.
Cue a 2-year stalemate between the elites and the lower class. Despite the assumptions that the low-blood warriors would be overpowered, they find a way to hold on. Caper and Ninjin never meet until the very end of the war.
At the end, Caper and the remaining elites plan an ambush, which would likely lead to Ninjin's death. Caper ends up betraying the empire, turning against his fellow elites and killing them. He buys time for Ninjin and her followers to escape, which leads to his capture.
The following day, Lord Kelvin shows up to execute Caper, as he's decided that enough is enough. He didn't want to step in himself, given the other uprisings going on, but he wants to put a stop to the Saiyan rebellion once and for all. After witnessing Caper's execution, Ninjin transforms into a Super Saiyan, something all but forgotten to these Saiyans. In her brief burst of unheard-of power, she and Kelvin killed each other.
The fight caused almost irreparable damage to Sadala, but it remained intact. Most of the Saiyans managed to escape, but some were stranded. The remaining elites tried to section off the empire for themselves, but soon turned on each other instead. The empire slowly collapsed.
Will infodump about this collapse at another time. Anyway Ninjin and Caper reincarnate into two of the main characters in my Earth-based OCs: Konnie Sai and Maize Onigiri, and both of them deal with what rises from the aftermath of Kelvin's failed empire.
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sleekervae · 8 months
So Good [0.6]
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pairing: KNJ x rockstar!oc
A/N: Hi everyone, sorry I've been away for a while. School is bogging me down and life had been wild, in both good and bad ways. I want to continue writing and despite my chronic writers' block, I ain't giving up too easily. Thank you all for your patience and trust that I will be updating more stories as I go!
word count: 2016
Purple text is Korean
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Kimberly jumped when her phone suddenly rang beside her, disturbing the small nap she was trying to squeeze in her bunk. She grumbled as she turned over in the small enclosure, feeling around in the sheet while being rocked over and over in the tour bus.
"Kimberly! Your phone's ringing!" Maria suddenly shouted.
Kimberly rolled her eyes, "Gee! Thanks Maria!" finally she was able to fish it out, her heart leapt when Namjoon's name flashed across her screen. It would've been close to midnight in Seoul, and he hardly ever called her this late.
Pulling her bunk curtain tighter to its hook, she answered the call, "Hello?"
A voice cleared from the other end, unfamiliar to her, "H-Hey, Kimberly! How are you?" the voice was slurred, too light to be Namjoon but the twinge of his accent was slightly eerie.
"Um... who is this?" she asked, a pit of anxiousness bubbling in her gut. From what Chloe had told her, Korean idols had their contacts guarded mercilessly, and if Namjoon got in trouble for talking to her...
"Eh? It's Namjoon, what're you talking about?" the voice tittered, a faint song playing in the background. She relaxed only a little, her curiosity growing.
"... what tattoo do I have on my left forearm?" she asked.
The voice paused momentarily, grumbling to himself for a quick answer when she suddenly heard a more familiar exclamation.
" -- Dangsin-eun mwo haeyo? Nae jeonhwagileul jwo!"
The voice on the speaker suddenly changed in pitch, half-laughing-half-crying as he shouted, "Joesonghabnida! Joesonghabnida! Dowajuseyo!" and a scuffle ensued.
Kimberly was partly amused, partly concerned, waiting curiously until she heard Namjoon panting into the speaker, "I saekkiya! -- Kimberly? Kim?"
"H-Hi! Namjoon?"
"Hi," he panted, giving a short sigh, "I am so sorry about that,"
"No, no, that's okay," she chuckled, "Are you okay?"
"I'm good, I'm good. My friend's being an idiot," he replied. Kimberly could still hear laughter in the background, she found his startle quite endearing.
"It's okay, I promise," she replied, "Who was that, anyway?"
"Jackson. He's a friend of mine -- if not more of a shit disturber," he replied.
"It's nice to meet you, Kimberly!" he called out. Namjoon grumbled back in Korean, a cuss word she figured.
She laughed merrily, "Aw, tell him I say 'hi',"
"And boost his ego even more? Nah," he simpered back, "I hope we didn't disrupt anything,"
"You're all good," she assured him, "We're on our way to Krakow right now so we have an off day,"
"Oh, fantastic. Are you resting up?"
"As much as I can in a moving casket," her attention diverted to a furious hissing from the common area.
"Shit! I need help!" Chloe suddenly shouted, followed by the pattering of socked feet.
"Fucking shit, Chlo! We agreed not to heat up Alfredo sauce in the microwave!" Charlotte scolded.
Namjoon laughed, hearing the commotion from the end of his speaker, "Everything okay over there?" he asked.
Kimberly sighed heavily, shaking her head, "Oh, everything's fine. If I'm quiet enough they may believe I've gone back to sleep and won't bother me," she chuckled quietly.
Maria called from outside the bunk, "You know we can hear you, Kim!" she scolded, "... Hi Namjoon!"
"Hi Namjoon!" Charlotte echoed a moment later.
"Hi RM!" shouted Chloe.
Kimberly tittered, "The girls say 'hi',"
"Tell 'em I say 'hi' back -- what?" his voice drifted off, "Of course she is! Yeogiseo naga!" and there was another short scuffle over the speaker.
"What is going on over there?" Kimberly asked, her curiosity peeking, just imagining what bafoonery was taking place in Seoul.
Namjoon sighed, clearly dejected as muffled sniggers slipped out beside him, "Jackson wants to know if you're pretty. I'm so sorry,"
Kimberly had to press her lips to keep herself from laughing, her cheeks burning with the red smile curling across her face. She choked back a giggle as she answered, "I mean -- I think I am," she shrugged bashfully.
"Then what the hell are you doing with a guy like Namjoon?" Jackson suddenly called, laughing then as Kimberly could imagine the glare Namjoon was throwing his way.
"Ib damul-eo," Namjoon grumbled.
"Dangsin-eun nae sangsaga aniya," Jackson scolded back.
Meanwhile out in the common area, Charlotte and Chloe couldn't help but overhear Kimberly's conversation, all the while Charlotte was mopping up sauce on the counter and Chloe was cleaning sauce off of the floor.
"I think she talks to him more than talks to any of us," Chloe noted.
Charlotte simpered, "They talk maybe once or twice a week, Chloe,"
"Over voice, at least," Chloe replied, "... You think Darius knows that they talk that much?"
"I'm not even gonna go there," Charlotte replied, hoping that Kimberly couldn't hear them, "I told her to be careful from the get,"
Chloe shrugged back, "I'm just saying -- if Luke was away and you found out he was talking to a super famous pop star a few times a week, wouldn't you be worried?"
Charlotte held pause, staring down at the greasy countertop as Chloe's words sent a shiver through her. She knew exactly how she would feel if she was in a similar situation. Nevertheless, she turned back to Chloe, mustering as much confidence as she could.
"As far as I know, Kim's not doing anything wrong -- so I'm not gonna' lambast her for what we think could be happening,"
Chloe knew Charlotte didn't like confrontation, she never had and was extremely uncomfortable if she had to confront one of their friends. But Chloe wasn't stupid either; she was fearful that Kimberly was falling down a hole she nor the girls couldn't dig her out from.
Kimberly meanwhile was none the wiser to her friends' conversation, "What're you guys doing?"
"We're just sitting around, having a couple beers," he replied.
"With the other guys?" she asked.
"Nah, they're out doing their own thing tonight. Believe it or not, we don't always spend all our time together," he chuckled, hoping on the off chance he didn't sound condescending.
"Fair. Spend too much time with someone, some heads are gonna roll," Kimberly replied, then she brought her voice to a whisper, "Hence I'm hiding in my bunk so I don't have to deal with the Alfredo sauce from hell,"
Chloe suddenly hollered out, "I heard that Kimberly! Stop flirting with Namjoon and come help me!"
Kimberly rolled her eyes, pulling back the curtain and sticking her head out of her bunk, "We're not flirting!" she called back.
Charlotte sighed after, crouched down over a messy spill on the floor. A zesty, garlicky smell was beginning to fill the bus, "We just need a mop," she muttered, "Maria! Open the window in the back!"
"Already on it!" and Maria hopped out of her bunk.
Kimberly huffed, though Namjoon chuckled from the other end, "I take it you gotta go?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry," she replied.
"Don't be sorry. It's Jackson's fault, anyway," she could hear Jackson snap something back in Korean, much to her amusement.
"It's always a pleasure talking to you, don't be silly," she simpered, "I'll talk to you later, go have fun!"
Namjoon said his goodbyes and hung up the phone, his eyes lingering at his lock screen a moment more. Jackson meanwhile continued to sit and smirk up at his friend, much to Namjoon's annoyance.
"What are you smirking at?" he asked as he sat down, "And how did you know my passcode?"
"Don't be mad because I know your mom's birthday," he replied, "How long have you been talking to Kimberly?"
"A few months. She's nice," Namjoon muttered quickly.
Jackson scoffed, "So was Lim Ju-eun, she seemed very nice in your old posters,"
"Oh, leave me alone," Namjoon elbowed him softly, "She's my friend, nothing more,"
"I believe you," Jackson nodded, "I also believe that if you had the opportunity to date, you would snap her up in a minute,"
"She has a boyfriend, anyway," Namjoon pointed out.
Jackson sighed, "But none of that's not stopping her from rattling around in your brain all the time,"
Namjoon rolled his eyes, deciding to reach for another beer off the table, "Jackson, whatever you're about to say, just leave it alone,"
"I'm not trying to tease you, Joon," he said, his demeanour shifting to a serious undertone, "I'm worried for you,"
"Why are you worried for me?"
"Because you're falling for somebody you clearly can't have, and if that affects your performance --"
"It's not going to affect my performance, or my duties," Namjoon assured, "I told Jin and the others; Kimberly is my friend and any affection I have for her -- or for anyone -- isn't a priority. You would do the same if it was you,"
Jackson shrugged back, his gaze averting off, "I used to think that way..." he muttered.
Namjoon cocked a brow, staring long and hard at Jackson, "Hold on -- did you meet somebody?" he asked curiously.
Jackson nodded slowly, "You can't tell the other guys,"
"I won't," Namjoon assured him.
"Haneul -- or Hannah, I guess. I met her last year, she's a student at Yonsei, and we both went to the same restaurant for lunch," he explained.
"-- Have you spoken to her?" Namjoon asked.
"A couple of times. She's a little mean at first, she absolutely hates k-pop music" he chuckled, "But the more I got to know her, the more I really came to like her. And I think she came to like me, too," the way he spoke was so wistful, words grasping for the moment as though it had just happened. Namjoon had never seen Jackson so sentimental before, he hardly ever discussed his personal life like. They were both a lot alike in that rhetoric.
"So, what happened?" Namjoon asked, feeling the 'but' of his story creeping like a stark chill.
Jackson shrugged listlessly, "I had to let her go. I knew I couldn't have her, and it wasn't fair to make her wait for God knows how long until I could renegotiate my contract," he replied, "She said she understood, but I think I fuelled her hatred of this industry even more. She hasn't replied when I tried to check in with her, I know she probably needs so space to heal but... it sucks,"
Namjoon nodded slowly, "But you still think about her?"
"More than I would like," Jackson admitted, "I had a lapse in judgement; and I know I did the right thing in the long term, but I can't help but feel I wasted her time. I never should've gotten involved with her in the first place," he turned back to Namjoon, "My point is that I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. As much as it paints me to admit, BTS is quickly becoming a global sensation and you can't afford to have your heart broken over someone you know you can't have. Don't get attached, you have to keep your focus,"
"I am focused," Namjoon assured him, "Kimberly is just my friend, and I am gonna make sure we do what we need to do to keep us all on track," he then placed his hand on Jackson's shoulder, giving him a small squeeze, "... That doesn't mean I can't feel for your situation,"
Jackson simpered, popping the beer can open and taking a swig, "It's better this way for us. Maybe one day it'll be different, but for now..." he shook his head, "We're stuck with each other,"
Namjoon took his own can and clinked with Jackson's, "I'll cheers to that," and he took a swig. His gaze shifted again to his forearm, remembering the pressure of the pen, the swift and sharp markings when Kimberly scribbled her number on his skin. He wasn't sure why he was so full of hope back then, blinded momentarily for what could have been though he knew fully well he could never have her. Jackson was right, he had to detach himself before she consumed him, or worse he consumed her and broke her heart.
After all, April was right around the corner...
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