#cape malays
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astrayinasuit · 9 months ago
Sufism and forms of it
I have noted there are not much information about cape malays on this app so i will be giving a fair share of information for people who want to learn more of their culture. I am trying to spread more information of the culture as an asian as respectful as i can. If i have stated anything wrong or depicted it in an off way you may correct me i am going off of what i have seen and information i have gathered >^<
I also took photos in which you can see the website aswell incase you want to know where i got the information from.
I was scrolling through pinterest, usually i add books i find interesting to a pinterestboard i saved and i saw a book about 'Sufism'. It reminded me of my Brothers name and it sounded like i had heard it before. I still have the picture
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Posted by Scribd on pinterest
Now about Sufism. You could talk to some Sufis yourself (through quora) etc. Afterall i am not one so i might not be able to catch their perspective well or how sufism is construction or rules to it there are.
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There is debate on what is sufism. Some might say it is just a way to follow a religion or that it is a form of islam that some muslims practice. Giving up nafs to devote yourself to Allah. Some people refer to them as 'True believers' others as 'Delusional' or intertwining themselves with the jinn.
Jinn is a different being other than muslims youll need to look into the quran for that. You have different types of jinns. Sometimes even muslim jinns.
And for 'Nafs'
Nafs (نَفْس) is an Arabic word occurring in the Quran, literally meaning "self", and has been translated as "psyche", "ego" or "soul". The term is cognate ... read more into it i couldnt load the website myself.
( from en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nafs )
It is quite the mystic belief. And to add some muslims do not see it as valid due to the music & dance aswell or because they are puttiing too much effort.
(I am not sure since some say music is when lyrics and instruments are used. This is also a debate within the muslim community aswell)
Nafs is desires in my words.
I have observed my fair share of extreme muslims and things related to it. Many muslims debate on this type of religousness and form islam. The practice being foreign to alot of non-muslims.
Some see it as detached from islam due to it being seen as 'bid'ah'
Bid'ah - In Islamic law, when used without qualification, bid'ah denotes any newly invented matter that is without precedent and is in opposition to the Quran and Sunnah. Scholars generally have divided bid'ah into two types: innovations in worldly matters and that of in religious matters.
(Got from wikipedia)
I have seen a form of sufism when attending a function with family members to a family friend. My grandpa (2) was friends with this person and they invited our family over.
Have you ever heard of Ratiep? Ratiep is a practice of sufism performed by cape malays. It is an art form rooted in sufi muslim traditions, looked at as 'taboo' by some people.
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The scenario that i saw played out, drums were playing im not sure but it was a very intense thing. They drew out their swords and slammed it on their wrists/forearm while reciting something. I say something because i do not know much about the practice. I do not know what they were reciting. Not a drop of blood was seen. It is a spiritual trance state, it is said
'Pure, clean and clear. Their minds need to be free of sin and focused. Pure, clean and clear, if not the sword would cut their arm off. They go for training too.'
- My mothers words. I tried to interview her on the topic but she wasnt brought up like that so she didnt know much besides this one time we were invited. She didnt know anything besides that sufism exists and that they need to be 'pure' and go for training. Any other muslim would be able to tell you that aswell.
It is seen as very interesting to me, it shows how many forms and practices there are in religion. Islam is truly very diverse.
There were children running around the stage the men were on while the men were hitting the swords on their wrists, they did not falter not even for a second. It truly showed how concentrated and absorbed they were.
Afterwards maybe hours later im not sure i was a kid then, i remember talking to one of the men, a short greeting. A simple selamat. He seemed quite normal. (That sounds off but its because people assume these people have psychosis or things related to that. 'out of their minds' kind of.)
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It certainly sparks up a conversation, is this kind of devotion to a religion normal or should it be accepted? Though many followers of religion dont strive to be the absorbed followers, there are people who do.
This is a simple piece of writing i made due to being interested on the subject. I do not accept the demonization of these people or romanticization either.
I do think it could have bad effects if not done correctly but thats a personal opinion. I do like it if it is done genuinely. It seems quite enchanting aswell.
Very interesting!
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chermetro · 2 years ago
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South African Yellow Rice This is a traditional South African recipe, which comes from the great culinary tradition of the Cape Malays -- originally brought in as slaves in the 17th century. It's easy and plain, but great with meats like venison, corned beef tongue or any meat with gravy. Also usually served with Bobotie: There is a good recipe by Caryn on this site.
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morethansalad · 10 months ago
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Easy Cape Malay Curry with Tofu (Vegan)
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antheaspice · 3 months ago
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eggbagelz · 6 months ago
Oh yeah theres slavic in here. I can feel the slavic activating
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scienceofkissing · 1 year ago
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Cape Malay Pickled Fish Recipe Pan-fried cod is pickled in a sweet, spicy, and aromatic pickling liquid for 24 hours, then served with hot bread in this traditional Cape Town meal.
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council-of-beetroot · 4 months ago
Miku Index
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I swear this is the last list i spend too much time doing this aaaaghhh
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Word List: Animals
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for your next poem/story
Aardwolf - a maned striped nocturnal mammal (Proteles cristatus) of southern and eastern Africa that resembles the related hyenas and feeds chiefly on insects and especially termites
Bittern - any of various small or medium-sized, short-necked, usually secretive herons
Chevrotain - (also called mouse deer) any of several very small hornless deerlike ruminant mammals of tropical Asia, the Malay archipelago, and West Africa superficially resembling the musk deer, the male having short tusks, and being among the smallest known ruminants, standing only about a foot high
Douroucouli - (also called owl monkey) any of several small nocturnal monkeys (genus Aotus) of Central and South American tropical forests that have round heads, large eyes, and densely furred bodies
Eland - either of two large African antelopes (Taurotragus oryx and Taurotragus derbianus) bovine in form with short spirally twisted horns in both sexes
Falconet - any of several very small falcons
Gemsbok - a large and strikingly marked oryx (Oryx gazella) formerly abundant in southern Africa
Hoatzin - a crested large South American bird (Opisthocomos hoazin) with blue facial skin, red eyes, brown plumage marked with white above, and claws on the first and second digits of the wing when young
Ichneumon - a mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) of Africa, southern Europe, and southwestern Asia
Jacana - any of a family (Jacanidae) of long-legged and long-toed tropical wading birds that frequent coastal freshwater marshes and ponds
Klipspringer - a small antelope (Oreotragus oreotragus) that is somewhat like the chamois in habits and is found from Cape Colony to Somaliland
Lammergeier - a large Old World vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) that occurs in mountainous regions, has long black bristles at the base of the bill, and in flight resembles a very large falcon; bearded vulture
Muntjac - any of a genus (Muntiacus) of small deer of southeastern Asia with an alarm call similar to the bark of a dog and having in the male elongated, downward-pointing upper canine teeth which protrude from the lip and short, usually unbranched, pointed antlers; barking deer
Nightjar - any of a family (Caprimulgidae) of medium-sized long-winged crepuscular or nocturnal birds (such as the whip-poor-wills and nighthawks) having a short bill, short legs, and soft mottled plumage and feeding on insects which they catch on the wing
Ouzel - blackbird
Palfrey - archaic: a saddle horse other than a warhorse; especially: a lady's light easy-gaited horse
Quetzal - a Central American trogon (Pharomachrus mocinno) that has brilliant green plumage above, a red breast, and in the male long upper tail coverts
Rosella - an Australian parakeet (Platycercus eximius) often kept as a cage bird having the head and back of the neck scarlet and the cheeks white, the back dark green varied with lighter green, and the breast red and yellow
Springhare - jumping hare i.e., a sciuromorph rodent (Pedetes cafer) of southern and eastern Africa that resembles a kangaroo in form, that is about two feet long, and that is tawny brown in color and of nocturnal and social habits
Thylacine - Tasmanian tiger i.e., a somewhat doglike carnivorous marsupial (Thylacinus cynocephalus) that formerly inhabited Tasmania but is now considered extinct
Uintatherium - a genus (the type of the family Uintatheriidae) of large herbivorous ungulate mammals of the order Dinocerata from the Eocene of Wyoming resembling elephants in size and in the conformation of their limbs and having three pairs of bony protuberances respectively on the parietal, maxillary, and nasal bones of the skill, a pair of canine tusks guarded by downwardly directed processes of the lower jaw but no upper incisors, and a proportionately very small brain
Vaquita - a small, highly endangered porpoise (Phocoena sinus) of the Gulf of California having a dark ring around the eyes and reaching only four to five feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) in length
Whitecoat - a very young hair seal and especially a harp seal
Xiphias - a genus (the type of the family Xiphiidae) of large scombroid fishes comprising the common swordfish
Zho - (also called dzo) a hybrid between the yak and the domestic cow
More: Word Lists
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dream-world-universe · 11 months ago
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Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, South Africa: The Bo-Kaap is an area of Cape Town, South Africa formerly known as the Malay Quarter. It is a former racially segregated area, situated on the slopes of Signal Hill above the city centre and is a historical centre of Cape Malay culture in Cape Town. The Nurul Islam Mosque, established in 1844, is located in the area. Wikipedia
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nishnormp · 5 months ago
Slightly new version of my interp of cmedic
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His dad is Nigerian (ignore the 1960s flag in this 1930s setting) and his mother is Cape Malay! Inherited his dad's sass, and can sniff out backtalk like a bloodhound; otherwise nice when he feels like people respect him, though. Due to his competence on the job, no one immediately questions why he made it all the way to America; and he hopes it stays that way.
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His long rant partially echos a pet peeve of mine kekw. Idc what type of artstyle you have, calling [vaguely fluffy swooping clumps of hair] 'locs' isn't doing an accurate portrayal of what locs actually are. I draw the swooping hair stuff too, but I would call them "curls" or smth rather than a cultural hairstyle with a specific appearance. "Locks" of hair are different from "locs", I hope ppl actually look at irl references for stuff they're talking ab next time, there are many ways to stylize locs without being inaccurate so theres no excuse,,,
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ifreakingloveroyals · 11 days ago
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23 September 2019 | Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex leave after their visit to District 6 Museum in Cape Town, South Africa. District 6 is a former inner-city residential area in Cape Town, where freed slaves, artisans, immigrants, merchants and the Cape Malay community lived. For over a hundred years, different communities and races lived side by side, and the District became known for its vibrant culture, music and food. In 1966, the government declared District 6 a whites-only area, and over 60,000 residents were forcibly removed and relocated to the Cape Flats Township. (c) Facundo Arrizabalaga - Pool/Getty Images
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spoogie-2 · 5 months ago
There's this trend going around of drawing Miku in your culture, and I really wanna join, but I have no idea how to execute it. My first instinct was to draw coloured/Cape Malay Miku, but even then, that label is so varied that I can't even really conceptualise one design that would fairly encompass all of it. I'm pretty sure I wanna draw her in a gatsby shop because that's a local food ... as for what she specifically looks like? I'm lost lol.
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Simple + Tasty Cape Malay Chicken Curry (Vegan)
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lost-lycaon · 5 months ago
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The menu, an embarrasment of riches.
No cocktail is boring. My son loved the dry ice effect, a non alcoholic martini with raspberry.
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Followed by truffled cherry parfait, sweet potato bread, Malay style snoek (common fish found on the Western Cape), and beetroot tartare. Paired with Klein Constantia Sauvignon Blanc.
End of post 2
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culmaer · 2 years ago
hello! im a french person whose mother is a white afrikaner, and i was just in south africa and visited the western cape. i do not speak afrikaans but visited the taal afrikaans monument and museum, which had a lot of interesting stuff about muslim slaves in the cape and their influence on afrikaans' development as a language, as well as the fact that the first written afrikaans texts were in fact in arabic script. if it doesnt bother you too much, do you know of any good english-language books or articles on the subject? im now really interested in learning more. thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
I actually have an unfinished post about this very topic, which has been in my drafts since 2019. which is a bit embarrassing
research into the rôle of brown people (the slaves, Cape Malays, as well as the Khoekhoe and San/Bushmen) in the history of Afrikaans has only really taken off since the 1990s, which is pretty recent, so there's not a lot published yet (there was some work done before the 90s, but as it didn't conform to the apartheid regime's narrative it wasn't mainstream or widely published). and of course, unsurprisingly, most of the research being done is in Afrikaans
luckily, perhaps The Best source on the topic is in English ! "The Afrikaans of the Cape Muslims from 1815 to 1915" by Achmat Davids (eds. Hein Willemse & Suleman E Dangor) published posthumously by Protea in 2011. this is a fantastic book. it focuses specifically on the Afrikaans of the Cape Malays (descendants of the slaves brought to the Cape) and on Afrikaans written in (a modified) Arabic script, a practice also called Jawi. It also gives an overview of like all the research which had been done up to that point which is great. this is absolutely the first text to read if you're doing research on this subject
the trouble is, this book is out of print and I've been unable to source a copy for the last 8 years. my uni library had a copy so I have read the book and can recommend it, but just note that a library is probably your best bet to find it
the book is based on Davids' 1991 MA thesis, which is archived on the University of the Western Cape website. the thesis is like 300 pages long, so full of information and definitely worth consulting if you can't find the book. I'd then suggest looking for any English citations in his bibliography if you still want to read more
Davids also wrote a couple of shorter articles and essays, which you should be able to find online or through google scholar/jstor etc. if you can't, lmk I may still have them downloaded on an old harddrive somewhere.
there is also a more recent collection of articles which focuses on the contributions of brown folks in general to the development of Afrikaans, and also includes sociological discussion, not just linguistic. I was so certain that there was an English translation. but I can only find reference to the Afrikaans edition online. I've decided to mention it anyway in case other folks who can read Afrikaans find this post. the books is "Ons kom van vêr: Bydraes oor bruin Afrikaanssprekendes se rol in die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans" edited by WAM Carstens & Michael le Cordeur, published by Naledi in 2016.
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sumiandwaynetozimzamza · 7 months ago
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6/5/2024 - We spent much of today in the very old (established 1760) and colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood (Malay Quarter). We signed up for a walking tour and cooking class with one of the neighborhood’s original families. We have gone on a bunch of food tours in our travels, but this one was special. We met up with the son of a somewhat famous local chef (Zainie Misbach). His family also owned the first Cape Malay restaurant in Cape Town. He gave us a tour of the area, including the most amazing spice store we have ever encountered. Afterwards he took us into his family home, where his sister took over and taught us how to cook Cape Malay samosas, rooti (naan-like), dhaaltjies (like hush puppies) and chicken curry. Lunch was INCREDIBLE. Afterwards we went to the District Six Museum, which catalogues the history of the apartheid led displacement of 60,000 non-white South Africans in the 1960s/70s. Our stomachs, hearts and minds were filled to the top today.
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