#capcom let me IN
sapphickitii · 2 months
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do yall ever think abt thalassa giving trucy her bracelet. because i think abt thalassa giving trucy her bracelet
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mouseshift · 8 months
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grandiosenowhere · 1 year
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nortsauce · 3 months
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Happy Narumitsu day! Featuring Toon Phoenix Wright and my attempt at Fly’s style of Miles Edgeworth 💀 It’s literally almost like a “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” dealie ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
@flygutzz and i are working on a collab for it! BUT WE’RE BOTH WORKING THIS WEEK 😭💀
So here’s a sneak peak!
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refiwrites · 1 year
is HIS song
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine Luis surviving his knife wound and you patch him up.
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“¡Joder! That hurts, you know?”
“Don’t have anesthesia, I told you. Stop moving.”
“Right, sorry- ¡Ay, Dios! Are you stitching with a knitting needle or something?”
You had to hide your laugh under a scoff, thankful he couldn’t see your amused smile at his attitude.
Luis was leaning against a crate when you finally caught up to him and Leon. The latter informed you of their encounter with Krauser, the Spaniard’s injuries confirmed by pain-filled groans. Not wanting to waste anymore time, you had Luis moved to one of the metal tables near the mine’s exit and stripped him of his shirt and jacket. He weakly made a teasing comment about you using his injury to get him out of his clothes, but you ceased his attempts at jest by gently making him lay on his stomach and dove right into the task of treating the gushing wound.
Thanks to your meticulous efforts and the medicinal herbs that Leon keeps around in his case, Luis was stable in no time. Able to breathe a little easier, he instructed Leon to fetch the key from his jacket pocket, saying that the agent will need it to gain access to his laboratory on the island where he and Ashley will then use the surgical equipment to remove the parasites from their bodies. After assuring him that the both of you will be fine and will catch up after Luis is completely patched up and ready to go, Leon made his swift exit, leaving the both of you alone. Which brings you to this point in time- you suturing him.
“Should consider yourself lucky. Any deeper and the blade would have struck your heart. Then… well, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“You call it “luck”, my friend, but I like to look at it as divine blessing.” Here we go, this you have to hear.
Curiously you ask, “Oh, yeah? And how do you figure that?”
“Es obvio, ¿no?” he gestures with a wave of one of his hands that he was using to rest his head on. “An angel is healing me.”
You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling, but there was no denying the warm flutter in your heart at his suave words. “Sweet talker.”
Luis doesn’t respond, but you can tell the man was grinning ear to ear from your remark. Aside from a few more Spanish curses and colorful complaints about the pain, the rest of the procedure went smoothly. Once the final stitch was made, you gently applied antibiotics over the freshly closed wound before covering it with a clean bandage. You notice the man shiver under your touch when you placed a hand upon his broad back to keep him steady.
“There. Now try to sit up. Slowly,” you sternly advised. “Don’t want you opening that up doing something insane.”
Luis mutters under his breath, “Supongo que no debería saltar sobre más gigantes…”
“What was that?”
“¡Nada!” He jolts upright into a seated position, wincing at the sudden move that surely aggravated his injury. You would have been incensed if you weren’t so concerned for his wellbeing. After a careful reassessment to ensure that the stitches didn’t tear under the cloth, you proceeded to secure them by rolling more bandages around his torso. Your hands glided against the firm muscles of his defined chest and back as you did this.
You stood within the cage of his legs as you worked and can feel the heavy weight of his eyes on you. There was a concentrated look you tried to maintain to quell the nervous energy beating inside at your close proximity to him, but it was a losing battle. Luis’ body was radiating with an inviting warmth and a musky spice that delightfully filled your senses. You want nothing more than to drown in him, but willed yourself to keep your distance, internally conceding to give him space to recover from his near-death experience.
“This is nice,” Luis comments, breaking the comfortable silence.
You meet his eyes with an inquisitive look. “You find receiving treatment from an almost fatal stab wound to be pleasant?”
“I was not stabbed, the knife was thrown. There is a difference.” the man corrected with snark grin and you would have returned the witty remark had he not continued with his line of thought aloud. “Just thinking that it’s been awhile since it was only the two of us. Leon is good company, mind you. Pero, uh, he lacks your appeal.”
A snort escapes you, secretly giddy from his praise. “Think you’re so charming, huh?”
Mild amusement glints his grey eyes. “Have I not been this entire time?”
You shrug playfully, “Your game could use a little work.”
He returns your jest with an exaggerated pout, “¡Ay, mi orgullo! Your words cut deeper than the knife that struck me.”
Your chest heaves in hearty laughter. You shouldn’t have found it hilarious, but Luis had this innate ability to make a grave situation something to poke fun about. It’s what makes him so endearing. While you try to catch your breath, you missed the look of pure adoration he wore as he took in the sight of your smiling face. His usual coy smirk gently curving into something softer. Eventually you finish patching him up and help him back into his shirt and jacket. The man grumbles that the fine leather was now ruined, earning you another heartfelt chuckle.
Once he was presentable, he beholds you , “Gracias. Guess, uh, I owe you one, ¿si?”
“Your life, I’d say.” you nod, tone cheeky and good-natured.
It was his turn to laugh under his breath. He takes your hand in his, relishing in the feeling of touching you again. Soft determination flashes in his gaze as he mentally mulled over your words with newfound hope.
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“Take it then,” Luis says. “It’s yours.”
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desired-misery · 2 months
Krauser's Behaviors towards Leon in RE4R | First Fight Cutscene
(disclaimer: not a fighter/literally just some gal that loves to do some research; also relatively new to the fandom)
I am absolutely fascinated by how Krauser talks to, treats, and fights Leon in RE4R, so here's a gathering of all the things I have noticed and what I think about them:
TLDR: Krauser is constantly trying to put Leon in a lower position than him (in terms of rank/experience/power but also physically), taunts Leon over his insecurities, fights in a way that focuses more on harming/punishing Leon over outright killing him, and is weirdly possessive of Leon (his skills, experience, and even his attention). [Other Parts to be written/linked] **Please watch Scenic Fight's breakdown of this scene (and the scene in the OG), but especially here in this clip where Logan (the man on the left) is showing how the way Krauser is holding his knife is actually limiting how far he can reach. Hearing the knife fighting expert say "the best I can do is wound you" when talking about Krauser's strange decisions in this fight was a big part of why I decided to write this] Contents below the cut: - Krauser's ambush and reveal - Krauser's seemingly subpar knife fighting techniques (and what that could mean in-character for Krauser) - Their "fight" starts but it feels like a drill - What prompts Krauser to say "not bad" - Why Krauser injures Leon when Leon "disappoints" him, sending them into a real fight
How their meeting starts: There is no way Krauser hasn't been stalking Luis (and therefor Leon) for at least a little while now. The control and power Krauser felt while following Leon throughout the castle and underground was too good to rush along (he probably drew that out longer than he needed to, he has a line in the island fight scene about how he "loves a good hunt"). It is a huge aspect of tactical/positional superiority (that Krauser repeats later on the island) in a cat-and-mouse game that Leon has NO IDEA he is even participating in yet.
Krauser has this need to prove himself to be better than Leon. He is constantly taunting Leon from the beginning, from the way he wiggles the amber when he shows it off to Leon (no need to do that, at this point Leon has no idea what the amber is, so why reveal something so important?) and both the word choice and the way he says "rats" when referring to Luis in the line "killing a few rats along the way" is 100% meant to aggravate Leon. And then to immediately follow that line with saying killing Luis as "easy work", it is so mocking.
Leon has been fighting for his life, he's been separated from Ashley, lost contact with the government/Hunnigan (and thus all support), and doing his damnest to get the hell out of there before the parasite in him takes control (I don't think Krauser knows that Leon is infected, based on later dialogue). Leon has got to be exhausted both physically and emotionally. This entire mission has been going from bad to worse to absolute hell for hours, and then Krauser comes along and 'takes care of business' so quickly, Leon isn't able to do anything but react way after the fact.
Krauser wants to prove that Leon isn't capable of protecting anyone or completing his mission. Based on their assumed history, Krauser KNOWS how much losing people hurts Leon, which is why the way he kills Luis is so painful. It happens so suddenly, so out of the blue, with a literal knife in the back as Leon and Luis are actively having a conversation. Leon never gets the chance to try and protect him-- Luis is fatally wounded before Leon even knows something is wrong. Krauser wanted Leon to be helpless to do anything in that moment. Leon doesn't even see who did the attacking (or reacts to the danger, his sole concern is Luis when he runs up to his side).
The time it takes Leon to physically respond to Krauser is so slow and speaks to how shocked Leon is. He isn't thinking much about the threat in front of him, he is clearly frantically trying to figure out why the hell Jack Krauser is here of all places-- and is putting together the whole 'Ashley, it was you' conspiracy in the meantime. Leon backs up two tiny steps, but that is all he does as Krauser approaches in a very hostile (but telegraphed) manner with his knife out. Leon doesn't grab for his knife, he doesn't even start to move for his gun like he does in the very beginning of the game in the Hunter's Lodge when startled by the man inside the house.
Krauser was hoping Leon would draw his knife, not his gun, which is why he closes the distance with the knife on Leon's neck with the whole "didn't I teach you?" bit when Leon defaults to reaching for his gun. (In the OG, Leon draws his knife because he senses something is wrong/Krauser is lurking in the room so Krauser doesn't have to prompt Leon there). Krauser is also deliberately showing off his newfound power and speed to Leon. The way Leon then turns into the knife (that isn't actually touching his throat, although it is very close) as he turns his head to look more squarely into Krauser's face is telling. They both know Krauser could have killed Leon right there, but because he didn't (that, combined with the obvious "draw your knife" command), Leon is puzzling out what Krauser wants from him. Leon knows Krauser plays mind games (Leon says as much in the fight on the island). But in this instance, Leon plays along because the insinuation is that Krauser could kill Leon before Leon has a chance to finish drawing his gun. Krauser is all but begging Leon for a knife fight-- and Krauser has set it up so that Leon has to agree. Krauser lets Leon have the time to draw his knife and push off the knife from his neck so that the two of them will start the fight on a more even footing.
Starting Fight Scene: Krauser is holding the knife in what is called an "ice pick grip", which is better for close quarters [here is another clip talking about the benefits of an ice pick grip] (for even closer quarters than if he were holding the knife out in front to extend the reach of the tip of the blade).
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[^ Blue line is showing the length of the knife in the ice pick grip (which shows how little it reaches forward when Krauser pushes his fist foward like that, the knife is actually perpendicular to Krauser's arm instead of acting as an extension of it). The red line is showing what addition reach Krauser could gain if he switched his grip (and how easy it would be for him to cut Leon with it if he flicked his wrist out).]
But the way Krauser is attacking is deliberately limiting his reach. While this is probably just research oversight/"rule of cool" by Capcom, I am going take it as Krauser wanting to bait Leon into staying in a knife fight (instead of creating space and drawing his gun again, which is the safer option for Leon). Krauser is taller than Leon, which means he already has a longer reach, and then on top of that his knife is longer than Leon's [takes up 4 squares of inventory space while Leon's takes up 3]. If Krauser was fighting in a manner to eliminate the most amount of risk to himself, he would have either A) switched to a different grip so that the blade was extended towards Leon instead of perpendicular to to Krauser's forearm or B) immediately pulled Leon in much closer (which would have been smarter to do against an opponent like Leon, who is smaller and not as strong-- especially since Krauser is quicker/stronger now with Las Plagas-- and Leon wouldn't have the space to do his kicks as easily).
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[^ example of Krauser's greater reach (and height). The white line is showing the front of Leon's neck, which Krauser could still reach even while holding his knife the way he is.]
There are multiple points where Krauser could have sliced Leon's neck open (again, we are going to ignore the fact that this is probably just fight scene choreography/safety for the actors) but he doesn't.
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[^ red line showing the positioning of Krauser's knife (handle included) in the ice pick grip.]
Krauser could have extended his arm and touched (and sliced) Leon's neck with his knife but he doesn't, he backs off. Notice how Leon's arm is more extended than Krauser's (in this frame, Leon is still rotating his wrist to flick the knife out) and Leon STILL can barely reach Krauser's neck in the same distance.
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[Scenic Fights Demonstration: Logan (left, holding it the way Krauser does) and Chad (right, holding a knife the way Leon does), who are very similar in height and using the same knives, shows the difference in which just the manner of holding a knife can affect how easily they can reach each other. Chad/Leon doesn't have to extend his arm all the way to reach Logan/Krauser's neck, but Logan/Krauser has his arm extended and wrist rotated and he still can't get to Chad/Leon's neck. Now take this, but extrapolate to the height difference between Leon and Krauser (thank you @highball66 for your work in this fandom, iconic), and then add the length difference of their two knives.]
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[Another instance of Krauser missing Leon's throat-- and so clearly short of it. Krauser has to know he won't reach it but he does it anyway. The circle in the first frame is showing the tip of Krauser's knife as it passes in front of Leon harmlessly]
My theory is that Krauser is testing Leon, feeling him out. Leon has picked up that this isn't a "real" fight based on the way Krauser is not actually harming him in any of the instances he could have. Thus, Leon also isn't going for any attempts to injure Krauser. (I like this post by @highball66 who mentioned this looks like a drill until it escalates). Krauser is the one who initiated this "fight" but despite that, he isn't actually trying to hurt Leon yet, but settles into a drill. Leon copies him, so Leon doesn't try to harm Krauser at this point, either.
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[Krauser looks like he is going for a tap/punch on Leon's shoulder without any attempt to use his knife. It reads like they are doing parrying drills or something where Leon's goal is to keep Krauser from touching him, which is done all the time in fighting training to work on speed and blocking/parrying].
The fight was just this back and forth drill-like exchange until Leon suddenly switches things up.
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Leon changes the grip on his knife to an ice pick grip and then closes the distance between them to push forward on the offensive.
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Krauser blocks, which results in them both at a standstill for a moment. Not a real one, as neither of them are actually trapped/unable to get out. This is is when Krauser says "not bad" and then shoves Leon off him (I fully believe Krauser is praising Leon for switching tactics on him). As Leon disengaged, he swipes at Krauser's arm. That would have resulted in a nasty cut if Leon was holding his knife with the slicing side in as he should be for that grip. I think Leon was taking his cues from Krauser and has his knife positioned so that the edge that is less suited to slashing is facing inwards. Leon's knife has a sawback, which is literally what it sounds like (those big teeth aren't going to glide and slide into skin, they are designed to saw through tough material). The sawback side is the one that make contact with Krauser's arm (and probably doesn't do any damage because Leon wasn't trying to get those teeth to bite into Krauser's arm) This is when the fight turns more serious. I think Krauser was waiting for Leon to kick things off and break that pattern they had of parrying and feinting slashes at each other's throats. In this section of the fight, two other things happen that also break from the previous pattern they had: their knives collide with more force (more dramatically-- that's just "rule of cool" grinding and sparks) and then Leon actually doesn't attack back after one of Krauser's slashes when before they were exchanging attacks very evenly.
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[Krauser attacks but notice Leon isn't blocking him, he isn't in a good position to defend compared to what he was doing earlier. Look at where Leon's knife is in relation to both himself and to Krauser. Krauser completes this fake slash without Leon ever touching him or showing that he is trying to prevent the knife from making contact.]
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[Leon still doesn't try to slash at Krauser when Krauser is resetting his stance for another slash, which is when Leon had been trying to attack prior to this point. Leon actually lowers both of his hands closer to his side. At this point, I think Leon is wondering why the hell they are sparring and is trying to figure out if Krauser is willing to stop this little match between them]
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[Again, Krauser comes in for a slash. And look at how Leon's arms are positioned! He doesn't seem to be taking this seriously, he is not even prepared to knock Krauser's elbow or forearm away like he had been doing earlier. ]
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[I think this pisses Krauser off because he thought Leon was actually going to try something, but Leon is backing off in terms of aggression. Krauser's next slash at Leon's chest isn't blocked or parried by Leon either, because Leon (accurately) believes Krauser isn't trying to make contact with him-- which is true until this moment because Krauser suddenly doubles back on his swing and cuts into Leon's thigh.]
I think the thigh slash was to punish Leon for hesitating and not attacking when it was 'his turn', and then the kick was to send Leon to the area where Krauser really wanted to fight. I added to this post here where I talked about Krauser going for Leon's thigh, both as an intimidation tactic but also as a means to limit Leon's ability to maneuver and kick, which is what Krauser knows Leon does when he fights. I believe that Krauser wants "to see if Leon will take advantage of the technical mistakes Krauser is making," but more on that in a later post when I talk about the actual player controlled fight (focusing on the QTEs and the lines Krauser says).
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berryliciousjam · 2 months
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🕷Spiderman x Morrigan🦇
*crawls out of a portal* Hey...Hey...How yall doing...? *offers the artwork* So...Marvel vs. Capcom...my childhood! *flops*
I'm back! A lot of things have happened since I last posted. From a typhoon hitting our country(I'm safe, don't worry!) to the inevitable doom of second year college. Despite all of that, I'm able to finish an artwork! Shoutout to my partner for reintroducing me to the game AND showing me the ship! 💕✨️ (Peter deserves better after what happened in the comics + I headcanon Morri & MJ to be in a relationship with Peter because everyone deserves to be happy (^^)d )
Hope you all love it, and thank you once again! ( ・∇・)💖💗
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magical-girl-trucy · 2 months
Apollo is a cat that imprinted on Trucy and that's why he cries over her well-being after only knowing her for a day
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otiksimr · 1 year
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brutalitybunny · 7 months
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i completely forgot abt datz's laughing sprite that isnt :joy: lmfao ... but i was like woahh it looks so similar to dhurke's! i should put them side by side to compare
anyway They are literally partners...
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ryanthel0ser · 8 months
Nero doesn't just drink "i love my wife" juice, he is chugging it on the daily
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yeetushaitus · 28 days
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misc aa sketches
been playing dgs and omg i love gina and hosonaga so much theyre literally everything to me
MAJOR spoilers for aai1 under the cut
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i havent touched aai1 in like 2+ years so i dont rlly remember what happens but omg. yew is literally perfect i love her so much
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spiralingemptyness · 4 months
love myself for stalking tags and shit
saw a death island luis one shot and idea
I don’t write fanfic (half tempted to, considering the ideas I have but ao3 writers have it rouuugh)
so take this instead
Luis: where would my squire be without his knight
Leon: I got no clue but I’m glad I don’t have to find out
Chris: you seeing this shit…
Claire: ya, it’s love dipshit, get with the program
Chris: I know that you ass. I’m talking about the fact that someone can touch Leon without him scratching them like a feral cat-
Rebecca: they’re actually quite sweet together, Leon often brings Luis lunch if he gets caught up with work
Chris: who the fuck are you and what have you done with the Leon I know…
realistically speaking if Luis was to live, he’d probably be stuck with Ada, not that that’s a bad thing 🤔🤔
also side note Chris is the only one who gets ‘scratched like a cat’ by Leon, and he’s pissy about it
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epicgaymer96024 · 3 months
I truly hope that with the Investigations Collection release we’ll see the Investigations characters, like Kay and Shi-Long Lang, in Ace Attorney 7.
This may not happen, but a person can dream.
Also, I think it would be neat if Juniper Woods and Justine Courtney/Verity Gàvelle met in a future installment. I personally think Courtney could be a great mentor to Juniper.
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nyarumitsu · 3 months
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